path: root/utils/ext-core
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authorTim Chevalier <>2008-09-12 02:15:35 +0000
committerTim Chevalier <>2008-09-12 02:15:35 +0000
commit78c209010058cd7669781de92068b64dd32caaea (patch)
treee3bea8886e424bbb244f0217cdf3bf933af2d6cc /utils/ext-core
parent9f076a02084843d54bcb6d8c63c443e9af820b67 (diff)
ext-core library: Add code for merging multiple Core modules into a single module
I added a new module, Merge, to the ext-core library that combines a list of ext-core modules into a new, uniquely renamed module. See comments in Merge.hs for more details.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ext-core')
4 files changed, 310 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/CoreUtils.hs b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/CoreUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afe4039c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+module Language.Core.CoreUtils where
+import Language.Core.Core
+import Language.Core.Utils
+import Data.Generics
+import Data.List
+splitDataConApp_maybe :: Exp -> Maybe (Qual Dcon, [Ty], [Exp])
+splitDataConApp_maybe (Dcon d) = Just (d, [], [])
+splitDataConApp_maybe (Appt rator t) =
+ case splitDataConApp_maybe rator of
+ Just (r, ts, rs) -> Just (r, ts ++ [t], rs)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+splitDataConApp_maybe (App rator rand) =
+ case splitDataConApp_maybe rator of
+ Just (r, ts, rs) -> Just (r, ts, rs++[rand])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+splitDataConApp_maybe _ = Nothing
+splitApp :: Exp -> (Exp, [Exp])
+splitApp (Appt rator _) = splitApp rator
+splitApp (App rator rand) =
+ case splitApp rator of
+ (r, rs) -> (r, rs++[rand])
+splitApp e = (e, [])
+splitAppIgnoreCasts :: Exp -> (Exp, [Exp])
+splitAppIgnoreCasts (Appt rator _) = splitApp rator
+splitAppIgnoreCasts (App (Cast rator _) rand) = splitApp (App rator rand)
+splitAppIgnoreCasts (App rator rand) =
+ case splitApp rator of
+ (r, rs) -> (r, rs++[rand])
+splitAppIgnoreCasts e = (e, [])
+splitFunTy_maybe :: Ty -> Maybe ([Ty], Ty)
+splitFunTy_maybe (Tforall _ t) = splitFunTy_maybe t
+splitFunTy_maybe t =
+ case splitFunTy2_maybe t of
+ Just (rator, rand) -> case splitFunTy_maybe rand of
+ Just (r,s) -> Just (rator:r, s)
+ Nothing -> Just ([rator], rand)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+splitFunTy2_maybe :: Ty -> Maybe (Ty,Ty)
+splitFunTy2_maybe (Tapp (Tapp (Tcon c) t) u) | c == tcArrow = Just (t, u)
+splitFunTy2_maybe _ = Nothing
+vdefNamesQ :: [Vdef] -> [Qual Var]
+vdefNamesQ = map (\ (Vdef (v,_,_)) -> v)
+vdefNames :: [Vdef] -> [Var]
+vdefNames = snd . unzip . vdefNamesQ
+vdefTys :: [Vdef] -> [Ty]
+vdefTys = map (\ (Vdef (_,t,_)) -> t)
+vdefgNames :: Vdefg -> [Var]
+vdefgNames (Rec vds) = map (\ (Vdef ((_,v),_,_)) -> v) vds
+vdefgNames (Nonrec (Vdef ((_,v),_,_))) = [v]
+vdefgTys :: Vdefg -> [Ty]
+vdefgTys (Rec vds) = map (\ (Vdef (_,t,_)) -> t) vds
+vdefgTys (Nonrec (Vdef (_,t,_))) = [t]
+vbNames :: [Vbind] -> [Var]
+vbNames = fst . unzip
+-- assumes v is not bound in e
+substIn :: Data a => Var -> Var -> a -> a
+substIn v newV = everywhereExcept (mkT frob)
+ where frob (Var (Nothing,v1)) | v == v1 = Var (Nothing,newV)
+ frob e = e
+substVars :: Data a => [Var] -> [Var] -> a -> a
+substVars oldVars newVars e = foldl' (\ e1 (old,new) -> substIn old new e1)
+ e (zip oldVars newVars)
+tdefNames :: [Tdef] -> [Qual Var]
+tdefNames = concatMap doOne
+ where doOne (Data qtc _ cds) = qtc:(concatMap doCdef cds)
+ doOne (Newtype qtc qtc1 _ _) = [qtc, qtc1]
+ doCdef (Constr qdc _ _) = [qdc]
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Merge.hs b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Merge.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5ffd05cf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Merge.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ This module combines multiple External Core modules into
+ a single module, including both datatype and value definitions.
+module Language.Core.Merge(merge) where
+import Language.Core.Core
+import Language.Core.CoreUtils
+import Language.Core.Utils
+import Data.Char
+import Data.Generics
+import Data.List
+ merge turns a group of (possibly mutually recursive) modules
+ into a single module, which should be called main:Main.
+ This doesn't handle dependency-finding; you have to hand it all
+ the modules that your main module depends on (transitively).
+ Language.Core.Dependencies does automatic dependency-finding,
+ but that code is a bit moldy.
+ merge takes an extra argument that is a variable substitution.
+ This is because you may want to treat some defined names specially
+ rather than dumping their definitions into the Main module. For
+ example, if my back-end tool defines a new primop that has
+ the type IO (), it's easiest for me if I can consider IO and () as
+ primitive type constructors, though they are not. Thus, I pass in
+ a substitution that says to replace GHC.IOBase.IO with GHC.Prim.IO,
+ and GHC.Base.() with GHC.Prim.(). Of course, I am responsible for
+ providing a type environment defining those names if I want to be
+ able to type the resulting program.
+ You can pass in the empty list if you don't understand what the
+ purpose of the substitution is.
+merge :: [(Qual Var, Qual Var)] -> [Module] -> Module
+merge subst ms =
+ zapNames subst topNames (Module mainMname newTdefs [Rec topBinds])
+ where -- note: dead code elimination will later remove any names
+ -- that were in the domain of the substitution
+ newTdefs = finishTdefs deadIds $ concat allTdefs
+ (allTdefs, allVdefgs) = unzip $ map (\ (Module _ tds vdefgs)
+ -> (tds, vdefgs)) ms
+ (deadIds,_) = unzip subst
+ topNames = uniqueNamesIn topBinds (concat allTdefs)
+ topBinds = finishVdefs deadIds $ flattenBinds (concat allVdefgs)
+ This function finds all of the names in the given group of vdefs and
+ tdefs that are only defined by one module. This is because if function
+ quux is only defined in module foo:Bar.Blat, we want to call it
+ main:Main.quux in the final module, and not main:Main.foo_Bar_Blat_quux,
+ for file size and readability's sake.
+ Possible improvements:
+ * take into account that tcons/dcons are separate namespaces
+ * restructure the whole thing to shorten names *after* dead code elim.
+ (Both of those would allow for more names to be shortened, but aren't
+ strictly necessary.)
+uniqueNamesIn :: [Vdef] -> [Tdef] -> [Qual Var]
+uniqueNamesIn topBinds allTdefs = res
+ where allNames = vdefNamesQ topBinds ++ tdefNames allTdefs
+ dups = dupsUnqual allNames
+ res = allNames \\ dups
+-- This takes each top-level name of the form Foo.Bar.blah and
+-- renames it to FoozuBarzublah (note we *don't* make it exported!
+-- This is so we know which names were in the original program and
+-- which were dumped in from other modules, and thus can eliminate
+-- dead code.)
+zapNames :: Data a => [(Qual Var, Qual Var)] -> [Qual Var] -> a -> a
+zapNames subst qvs = everywhereBut (mkQ False (\ (_::String) -> True))
+ (mkT (fixupName subst qvs))
+-- also need version for type and data constructors
+-- don't forget to *not* zap if something has the primitive module name
+-- We hope and pray there are no top-level unqualified names that are used in
+-- more than one module. (Can we assume this?) (I think so, b/c -fext-core
+-- attaches uniques to things. But could still perhaps go wrong if we fed
+-- in .hcr files that were generated in diff. compilation sessions...)
+-- (This wouldn't be too hard to fix, but should state the assumption,
+-- and how to remove it.)
+fixupName :: [(Qual Var, Qual Var)] -> [Qual Var] -> Qual Var -> Qual Var
+-- For a variable in the domain of the substitution, just
+-- apply the substitution.
+fixupName subst _ oldVar | Just newVar <- lookup oldVar subst = newVar
+-- We don't alter unqualified names, since we just need to make sure
+-- everything can go in the Main module.
+fixupName _ _ vr@(Nothing,_) = vr
+-- Nor do we alter anything defined in the Main module
+-- or in the primitive or Bool modules
+-- (because we basically treat the Bool type as primitive.)
+fixupName _ _ vr@(Just mn, _) | mn == mainMname || mn == wrapperMainMname ||
+ mn == primMname || mn == boolMname = vr
+-- For a variable that is defined by only one module in scope, we
+-- give it a name that is just its unqualified name, without the original
+-- module and package names.
+fixupName _ uniqueNames (_, v) | okay =
+ (mkMname v, v)
+ where okay = any (\ (_,v1) -> v == v1) uniqueNames
+-- This is the case for a name that is defined in more than one
+-- module. In this case, we have to give it a unique name to disambiguate
+-- it from other definitions of the same name. We combine the package and
+-- module name to give a unique prefix.
+fixupName _ _ (Just (M (P pname, hierNames, leafName)), varName) =
+ (mkMname varName, -- see comment for zapNames
+ (if isUpperStr varName then capitalize else id) $
+ intercalate "zu" (pname:(hierNames ++ [leafName, varName])))
+ where capitalize (ch:rest) = (toUpper ch):rest
+ capitalize "" = ""
+mkMname :: Var -> Mname
+-- icky hack :-(
+-- necessary b/c tycons and datacons have to be qualified,
+-- but we want to write fixupName as a generic transformation on vars.
+mkMname v = if isUpperStr v then Just mainMname else Nothing
+isUpperStr :: String -> Bool
+isUpperStr (c:_) = isUpper c
+isUpperStr [] = False
+dupsUnqual :: [Qual Var] -> [Qual Var]
+dupsUnqual = dupsBy (\ (_,v1) (_,v2) -> v1 == v2)
+-- We remove any declarations for tcons/dcons that are in
+-- the domain of the substitution. Why? Because we assume that
+-- the substitution maps anything in its domain onto something
+-- with a different module name from the main one. If you want
+-- to substitute Main-module-defined things for Main-module-defined
+-- things, you can do that before merging modules.
+finishTdefs :: [Qual Var] -> [Tdef] -> [Tdef]
+finishTdefs namesToDrop = filter isOkay
+ where isOkay (Newtype qtc qtc1 _ _) =
+ qtc `notElem` namesToDrop
+ && qtc1 `notElem` namesToDrop
+ isOkay (Data qtc _ cdefs) =
+ qtc `notElem` namesToDrop
+ && cdefsOkay cdefs
+ cdefsOkay = all cdefOkay
+ cdefOkay (Constr qdc _ _) = qdc `notElem` namesToDrop
+finishVdefs :: [Qual Var] -> [Vdef] -> [Vdef]
+finishVdefs namesToDrop = filter (\ (Vdef (qv,_,_)) -> qv `notElem` namesToDrop)
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Utils.hs b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ffabf287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+module Language.Core.Utils
+ (everywhereExcept, everywhereExceptM, noNames, notNull,
+ expectJust, fixedPointBy, applyPasses, varsIn, dupsBy,
+ everywhere'Except, everywhere'But, wordsBy) where
+import Data.Generics
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+everywhereExcept :: Data a => GenericT -> a -> a
+everywhereExcept = everywhereBut (mkQ False (\ (_::String) -> True))
+everywhere'Except :: Data a => GenericT -> a -> a
+everywhere'Except = everywhere'But (mkQ False (\ (_::String) -> True))
+everywhereExceptM :: (Data a, Monad m) => GenericM m -> a -> m a
+everywhereExceptM = everywhereButM (mkQ False (\ (_::String) -> True))
+noNames :: Data a => r -> (r -> r -> r) -> GenericQ r -> a -> r
+noNames e c = everythingBut e c (mkQ False (\ (_::String) -> True))
+everythingBut :: r -> (r -> r -> r) -> GenericQ Bool
+ -> GenericQ r -> GenericQ r
+everythingBut empty combine q q1 x
+ | q x = empty
+ | otherwise = q1 x `combine`
+ (foldl' combine empty
+ (gmapQ (everythingBut empty combine q q1) x))
+everywhere'But :: GenericQ Bool -> GenericT -> GenericT
+-- Guarded to let traversal cease if predicate q holds for x
+everywhere'But q f x
+ | q x = x
+ | otherwise = let top = gmapT f x in
+ top `seq` (gmapT (everywhere'But q f) top)
+everywhereButM :: Monad m => GenericQ Bool -> GenericM m -> GenericM m
+everywhereButM q f x
+ | q x = return x
+ | otherwise = (gmapM (everywhereButM q f) x) >>= f
+notNull :: [a] -> Bool
+notNull = not . null
+expectJust :: String -> Maybe a -> a
+expectJust s = fromMaybe (error s)
+fixedPointBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
+fixedPointBy done trans start = go start
+ where go v =
+ let next = trans v in
+ if done v next then
+ next
+ else
+ go next
+applyPasses :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
+applyPasses passes p = -- trace ("p = " ++ show p) $
+ foldl' (\ p' nextF -> nextF p') p passes
+varsIn :: (Ord b, Typeable b, Data a) => a -> S.Set b
+varsIn = noNames S.empty S.union
+ (mkQ S.empty (\ v -> S.singleton v))
+dupsBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+dupsBy (~=) xs = filter (\ x -> length (filter (~= x) xs) > 1) xs
+wordsBy :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
+wordsBy _ [] = [[]]
+wordsBy y (x:xs) | y == x = [x]:(wordsBy y xs)
+wordsBy y (x:xs) =
+ case wordsBy y xs of
+ (z:zs) -> (x:z):zs
+ [] -> [[y]]
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/extcore.cabal b/utils/ext-core/extcore.cabal
index fd1e2df0ff..ee8f45edc4 100644
--- a/utils/ext-core/extcore.cabal
+++ b/utils/ext-core/extcore.cabal
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ author: Andrew Tolmach, Tim Chevalier, The GHC Team
stability: alpha
build-depends: base, containers, directory, filepath, mtl, parsec, pretty
-exposed-modules: Language.Core.Check, Language.Core.Dependencies, Language.Core.Core, Language.Core.Interp, Language.Core.Overrides, Language.Core.ParsecParser, Language.Core.Prep, Language.Core.Prims, Language.Core.Printer
-other-modules: Language.Core.Encoding, Language.Core.Env,Language.Core.PrimCoercions, Language.Core.PrimEnv
-extensions: DeriveDataTypeable PatternGuards
+exposed-modules: Language.Core.Check, Language.Core.Dependencies, Language.Core.Core, Language.Core.Interp, Language.Core.Overrides, Language.Core.ParsecParser, Language.Core.Prep, Language.Core.Prims, Language.Core.Printer, Language.Core.Merge
+other-modules: Language.Core.Encoding, Language.Core.Env,Language.Core.PrimCoercions, Language.Core.PrimEnv, Language.Core.Utils, Language.Core.CoreUtils
+extensions: DeriveDataTypeable PatternGuards PatternSignatures
ghc-options: -Wall -O2
tested-with: GHC ==6.8.2
data-files: README