path: root/utils/genapply
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /utils/genapply
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genapply')
2 files changed, 794 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs b/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdde66fa78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/genapply/GenApply.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
+module Main(main) where
+#include "../../includes/ghcconfig.h"
+#include "../../includes/MachRegs.h"
+#include "../../includes/Constants.h"
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504
+import Text.PrettyPrint
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.List ( intersperse )
+import System.Exit
+import System.Environment
+import System.IO
+import System
+import IO
+import Bits
+import Word
+import Pretty
+import List ( intersperse )
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Argument kinds (rougly equivalent to PrimRep)
+data ArgRep
+ = N -- non-ptr
+ | P -- ptr
+ | V -- void
+ | F -- float
+ | D -- double
+ | L -- long (64-bit)
+-- size of a value in *words*
+argSize :: ArgRep -> Int
+argSize N = 1
+argSize P = 1
+argSize V = 0
+argSize F = 1
+argSize D = (SIZEOF_DOUBLE `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
+argSize L = (8 `quot` SIZEOF_VOID_P :: Int)
+showArg :: ArgRep -> Char
+showArg N = 'n'
+showArg P = 'p'
+showArg V = 'v'
+showArg F = 'f'
+showArg D = 'd'
+showArg L = 'l'
+-- is a value a pointer?
+isPtr :: ArgRep -> Bool
+isPtr P = True
+isPtr _ = False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Registers
+data RegStatus = Registerised | Unregisterised
+type Reg = String
+availableRegs :: RegStatus -> ([Reg],[Reg],[Reg],[Reg])
+availableRegs Unregisterised = ([],[],[],[])
+availableRegs Registerised =
+ ( vanillaRegs MAX_REAL_VANILLA_REG,
+ )
+vanillaRegs, floatRegs, doubleRegs, longRegs :: Int -> [Reg]
+vanillaRegs n = [ "R" ++ show m | m <- [2..n] ] -- never use R1
+floatRegs n = [ "F" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
+doubleRegs n = [ "D" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
+longRegs n = [ "L" ++ show m | m <- [1..n] ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Loading/saving register arguments to the stack
+loadRegArgs :: RegStatus -> Int -> [ArgRep] -> (Doc,Int)
+loadRegArgs regstatus sp args
+ = (loadRegOffs reg_locs, sp')
+ where (reg_locs, _, sp') = assignRegs regstatus sp args
+loadRegOffs :: [(Reg,Int)] -> Doc
+loadRegOffs = vcat . map (uncurry assign_stk_to_reg)
+saveRegOffs :: [(Reg,Int)] -> Doc
+saveRegOffs = vcat . map (uncurry assign_reg_to_stk)
+-- a bit like assignRegs in CgRetConv.lhs
+ :: RegStatus -- are we registerised?
+ -> Int -- Sp of first arg
+ -> [ArgRep] -- args
+ -> ([(Reg,Int)], -- regs and offsets to load
+ [ArgRep], -- left-over args
+ Int) -- Sp of left-over args
+assignRegs regstatus sp args = assign sp args (availableRegs regstatus) []
+assign sp [] regs doc = (doc, [], sp)
+assign sp (V : args) regs doc = assign sp args regs doc
+assign sp (arg : args) regs doc
+ = case findAvailableReg arg regs of
+ Just (reg, regs') -> assign (sp + argSize arg) args regs'
+ ((reg, sp) : doc)
+ Nothing -> (doc, (arg:args), sp)
+findAvailableReg N (vreg:vregs, fregs, dregs, lregs) =
+ Just (vreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
+findAvailableReg P (vreg:vregs, fregs, dregs, lregs) =
+ Just (vreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
+findAvailableReg F (vregs, freg:fregs, dregs, lregs) =
+ Just (freg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
+findAvailableReg D (vregs, fregs, dreg:dregs, lregs) =
+ Just (dreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
+findAvailableReg L (vregs, fregs, dregs, lreg:lregs) =
+ Just (lreg, (vregs,fregs,dregs,lregs))
+findAvailableReg _ _ = Nothing
+assign_reg_to_stk reg sp
+ = loadSpWordOff (regRep reg) sp <> text " = " <> text reg <> semi
+assign_stk_to_reg reg sp
+ = text reg <> text " = " <> loadSpWordOff (regRep reg) sp <> semi
+regRep ('F':_) = "F_"
+regRep ('D':_) = "D_"
+regRep ('L':_) = "L_"
+regRep _ = "W_"
+loadSpWordOff :: String -> Int -> Doc
+loadSpWordOff rep off = text rep <> text "[Sp+WDS(" <> int off <> text ")]"
+-- make a ptr/non-ptr bitmap from a list of argument types
+mkBitmap :: [ArgRep] -> Word32
+mkBitmap args = foldr f 0 args
+ where f arg bm | isPtr arg = bm `shiftL` 1
+ | otherwise = (bm `shiftL` size) .|. ((1 `shiftL` size) - 1)
+ where size = argSize arg
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Generating the application functions
+-- A SUBTLE POINT about stg_ap functions (can't think of a better
+-- place to put this comment --SDM):
+-- The entry convention to an stg_ap_ function is as follows: all the
+-- arguments are on the stack (we might revisit this at some point,
+-- but it doesn't make any difference on x86), and THERE IS AN EXTRA
+-- EMPTY STACK SLOT at the top of the stack.
+-- Why? Because in several cases, stg_ap_* will need an extra stack
+-- slot, eg. to push a return address in the THUNK case, and this is a
+-- way of pushing the stack check up into the caller which is probably
+-- doing one anyway. Allocating the extra stack slot in the caller is
+-- also probably free, because it will be adjusting Sp after pushing
+-- the args anyway (this might not be true of register-rich machines
+-- when we start passing args to stg_ap_* in regs).
+mkApplyName args
+ = text "stg_ap_" <> text (map showArg args)
+mkApplyRetName args
+ = mkApplyName args <> text "_ret"
+mkApplyFastName args
+ = mkApplyName args <> text "_fast"
+mkApplyInfoName args
+ = mkApplyName args <> text "_info"
+genMkPAP regstatus macro jump ticker disamb
+ no_load_regs -- don't load argumnet regs before jumping
+ args_in_regs -- arguments are already in regs
+ is_pap args all_args_size fun_info_label
+ = smaller_arity_cases
+ $$ exact_arity_case
+ $$ larger_arity_case
+ where
+ n_args = length args
+ -- offset of arguments on the stack at slow apply calls.
+ stk_args_slow_offset = 1
+ stk_args_offset
+ | args_in_regs = 0
+ | otherwise = stk_args_slow_offset
+-- The SMALLER ARITY cases:
+-- if (arity == 1) {
+-- Sp[0] = Sp[1];
+-- Sp[1] = (W_)&stg_ap_1_info;
+ smaller_arity_cases = vcat [ smaller_arity i | i <- [1..n_args-1] ]
+ smaller_arity arity
+ = text "if (arity == " <> int arity <> text ") {" $$
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_TOO_MANY();",
+ -- load up regs for the call, if necessary
+ load_regs,
+ -- If we have more args in registers than are required
+ -- for the call, then we must save some on the stack,
+ -- and set up the stack for the follow-up call.
+ -- If the extra arguments are on the stack, then we must
+ -- instead shuffle them down to make room for the info
+ -- table for the follow-on call.
+ if overflow_regs
+ then save_extra_regs
+ else shuffle_extra_args,
+ -- for a PAP, we have to arrange that the stack contains a
+ -- return address in the even that stg_PAP_entry fails its
+ -- heap check. See stg_PAP_entry in Apply.hc for details.
+ if is_pap
+ then text "R2 = " <> mkApplyInfoName this_call_args <> semi
+ else empty,
+ text "jump " <> text jump <> semi
+ ]) $$
+ text "}"
+ where
+ -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
+ (reg_locs, _, _)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset args
+ -- register assignment for *this function call*
+ (reg_locs', reg_call_leftovers, reg_call_sp_stk_args)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_offset (take arity args)
+ load_regs
+ | no_load_regs || args_in_regs = empty
+ | otherwise = loadRegOffs reg_locs'
+ (this_call_args, rest_args) = splitAt arity args
+ -- the offset of the stack args from initial Sp
+ sp_stk_args
+ | args_in_regs = stk_args_offset
+ | no_load_regs = stk_args_offset
+ | otherwise = reg_call_sp_stk_args
+ -- the stack args themselves
+ this_call_stack_args
+ | args_in_regs = reg_call_leftovers -- sp offsets are wrong
+ | no_load_regs = this_call_args
+ | otherwise = reg_call_leftovers
+ stack_args_size = sum (map argSize this_call_stack_args)
+ overflow_regs = args_in_regs && length reg_locs > length reg_locs'
+ save_extra_regs
+ = -- we have extra arguments in registers to save
+ let
+ extra_reg_locs = drop (length reg_locs') (reverse reg_locs)
+ adj_reg_locs = [ (reg, off - adj + 1) |
+ (reg,off) <- extra_reg_locs ]
+ adj = case extra_reg_locs of
+ (reg, fst_off):_ -> fst_off
+ size = snd (last adj_reg_locs)
+ in
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-size - 1) <> text ");" $$
+ saveRegOffs adj_reg_locs $$
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" 0 <> text " = " <>
+ mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi
+ shuffle_extra_args
+ = vcat (map shuffle_down
+ [sp_stk_args .. sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1]) $$
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (sp_stk_args+stack_args_size-1)
+ <> text " = "
+ <> mkApplyInfoName rest_args <> semi $$
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int (sp_stk_args - 1) <> text ");"
+ shuffle_down i =
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" (i-1) <> text " = " <>
+ loadSpWordOff "W_" i <> semi
+-- The EXACT ARITY case
+-- if (arity == 1) {
+-- Sp++;
+ exact_arity_case
+ = text "if (arity == " <> int n_args <> text ") {" $$
+ let
+ (reg_doc, sp')
+ | no_load_regs || args_in_regs = (empty, stk_args_offset)
+ | otherwise = loadRegArgs regstatus stk_args_offset args
+ in
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_CORRECT();",
+ reg_doc,
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int sp' <> text ");",
+ if is_pap
+ then text "R2 = " <> fun_info_label <> semi
+ else empty,
+ text "jump " <> text jump <> semi
+ ])
+-- The LARGER ARITY cases:
+-- } else /* arity > 1 */ {
+-- BUILD_PAP(1,0,(W_)&stg_ap_v_info);
+-- }
+ larger_arity_case =
+ text "} else {" $$
+ let
+ save_regs
+ | args_in_regs =
+ text "Sp_adj(" <> int (-sp_offset) <> text ");" $$
+ saveRegOffs reg_locs
+ | otherwise =
+ empty
+ in
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_" <> text ticker <> text "_TOO_FEW();",
+ save_regs,
+ text macro <> char '(' <> int n_args <> comma <>
+ int all_args_size <>
+ text "," <> fun_info_label <>
+ text "," <> text disamb <>
+ text ");"
+ ]) $$
+ char '}'
+ where
+ -- offsets in case we need to save regs:
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset)
+ = assignRegs regstatus stk_args_slow_offset args
+ -- BUILD_PAP assumes args start at offset 1
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- generate an apply function
+-- args is a list of 'p', 'n', 'f', 'd' or 'l'
+genApply regstatus args =
+ let
+ fun_ret_label = mkApplyRetName args
+ fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
+ all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
+ in
+ vcat [
+ text "INFO_TABLE_RET(" <> mkApplyName args <> text ", " <>
+ int all_args_size <> text "/*framsize*/," <>
+ int (fromIntegral (mkBitmap args)) <> text "/*bitmap*/, " <>
+ text "RET_SMALL)\n{",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "W_ info;",
+ text "W_ arity;",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print "static void *lbls[] ="
+-- print " { [FUN] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_1_0] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_0_1] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_2_0] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_1_1] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_0_2] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [FUN_STATIC] &&fun_lbl,"
+-- print " [PAP] &&pap_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_1_0] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_0_1] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_2_0] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_1_1] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_0_2] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_STATIC] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [THUNK_SELECTOR] &&thunk_lbl,"
+-- print " [IND] &&ind_lbl,"
+-- print " [IND_OLDGEN] &&ind_lbl,"
+-- print " [IND_STATIC] &&ind_lbl,"
+-- print " [IND_PERM] &&ind_lbl,"
+-- print " [IND_OLDGEN_PERM] &&ind_lbl"
+-- print " };"
+ text "",
+ text "IF_DEBUG(apply,foreign \"C\" debugBelch(\"" <> fun_ret_label <>
+ text "... \"); foreign \"C\" printClosure(R1 \"ptr\"));",
+ text "IF_DEBUG(sanity,foreign \"C\" checkStackFrame(Sp+WDS(" <> int (1 + all_args_size)
+ <> text ")\"ptr\"));",
+-- text "IF_DEBUG(sanity,checkStackChunk(Sp+" <> int (1 + all_args_size) <>
+-- text ", CurrentTSO->stack + CurrentTSO->stack_size));",
+ text "TICK_SLOW_CALL(" <> int (length args) <> text ");",
+ let do_assert [] _ = []
+ do_assert (arg:args) offset
+ | isPtr arg = this : rest
+ | otherwise = rest
+ where this = text "ASSERT(LOOKS_LIKE_CLOSURE_PTR(Sp("
+ <> int offset <> text ")));"
+ rest = do_assert args (offset + argSize arg)
+ in
+ vcat (do_assert args 1),
+ text "again:",
+ text "info = %INFO_PTR(R1);",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " goto *lbls[info->type];";
+-- else:
+ text "switch [INVALID_OBJECT .. N_CLOSURE_TYPES] (%INFO_TYPE(%STD_INFO(info))) {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " bco_lbl:"
+-- else:
+ text "case BCO: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "arity = TO_W_(StgBCO_arity(R1));",
+ text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "ENTRY_LBL(stg_BCO)" "FUN" "BCO"
+ True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label
+ ]),
+ text "}",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " fun_lbl:"
+-- else:
+ text "case FUN,",
+ text " FUN_1_0,",
+ text " FUN_0_1,",
+ text " FUN_2_0,",
+ text " FUN_1_1,",
+ text " FUN_0_2,",
+ text " FUN_STATIC: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%FUN_INFO(info)));",
+ text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(R1)" "FUN" "FUN"
+ False{-reg apply-} False{-args on stack-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label
+ ]),
+ text "}",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " pap_lbl:"
+-- else:
+ text "case PAP: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "arity = TO_W_(StgPAP_arity(R1));",
+ text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
+ genMkPAP regstatus "NEW_PAP" "stg_PAP_apply" "PAP" "PAP"
+ True{-stack apply-} False{-args on stack-} True{-is a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label
+ ]),
+ text "}",
+ text "",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " thunk_lbl:"
+-- else:
+ text "case AP,",
+ text " AP_STACK,",
+ text " CAF_BLACKHOLE,",
+ text " BLACKHOLE,",
+ text " SE_BLACKHOLE,",
+ text " SE_CAF_BLACKHOLE,",
+ text " THUNK,",
+ text " THUNK_1_0,",
+ text " THUNK_0_1,",
+ text " THUNK_2_0,",
+ text " THUNK_1_1,",
+ text " THUNK_0_2,",
+ text " THUNK_STATIC,",
+ text " THUNK_SELECTOR: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "TICK_SLOW_CALL_UNEVALD(" <> int (length args) <> text ");",
+ text "Sp(0) = " <> fun_info_label <> text ";",
+ -- CAREFUL! in SMP mode, the info table may already have been
+ -- overwritten by an indirection, so we must enter the original
+ -- info pointer we read, don't read it again, because it might
+ -- not be enterable any more.
+ text "jump %ENTRY_CODE(info);",
+ text ""
+ ]),
+ text "}",
+-- if fast == 1:
+-- print " ind_lbl:"
+-- else:
+ text "case IND,",
+ text " IND_OLDGEN,",
+ text " IND_STATIC,",
+ text " IND_PERM,",
+ text " IND_OLDGEN_PERM: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "R1 = StgInd_indirectee(R1);",
+ text "goto again;"
+ ]),
+ text "}",
+ text "",
+-- if fast == 0:
+ text "default: {",
+ nest 4 (
+ text "foreign \"C\" barf(\"" <> fun_ret_label <> text "\");"
+ ),
+ text "}"
+ ]),
+ text "}"
+ ]),
+ text "}"
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Making a fast unknown application, args are in regs
+genApplyFast regstatus args =
+ let
+ fun_fast_label = mkApplyFastName args
+ fun_ret_label = text "RET_LBL" <> parens (mkApplyName args)
+ fun_info_label = mkApplyInfoName args
+ all_args_size = sum (map argSize args)
+ in
+ vcat [
+ fun_fast_label,
+ char '{',
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "W_ info;",
+ text "W_ arity;",
+ text "info = %GET_STD_INFO(R1);",
+ text "switch [INVALID_OBJECT .. N_CLOSURE_TYPES] (%INFO_TYPE(info)) {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "case FUN,",
+ text " FUN_1_0,",
+ text " FUN_0_1,",
+ text " FUN_2_0,",
+ text " FUN_1_1,",
+ text " FUN_0_2,",
+ text " FUN_STATIC: {",
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "arity = TO_W_(StgFunInfoExtra_arity(%GET_FUN_INFO(R1)));",
+ text "ASSERT(arity > 0);",
+ genMkPAP regstatus "BUILD_PAP" "%GET_ENTRY(R1)" "FUN" "FUN"
+ False{-reg apply-} True{-args in regs-} False{-not a PAP-}
+ args all_args_size fun_info_label
+ ]),
+ char '}',
+ text "default: {",
+ let
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus 1 args
+ -- leave a one-word space on the top of the stack when
+ -- calling the slow version
+ in
+ nest 4 (vcat [
+ text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi,
+ saveRegOffs reg_locs,
+ text "jump" <+> fun_ret_label <> semi
+ ]),
+ char '}'
+ ]),
+ char '}'
+ ]),
+ char '}'
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Making a stack apply
+-- These little functions are like slow entry points. They provide
+-- the layer between the PAP entry code and the function's fast entry
+-- point: namely they load arguments off the stack into registers (if
+-- available) and jump to the function's entry code.
+-- On entry: R1 points to the function closure
+-- arguments are on the stack starting at Sp
+-- Invariant: the list of arguments never contains void. Since we're only
+-- interested in loading arguments off the stack here, we can ignore
+-- void arguments.
+mkStackApplyEntryLabel:: [ArgRep] -> Doc
+mkStackApplyEntryLabel args = text "stg_ap_stk_" <> text (map showArg args)
+genStackApply :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
+genStackApply regstatus args =
+ let fn_entry_label = mkStackApplyEntryLabel args in
+ vcat [
+ fn_entry_label,
+ text "{", nest 4 body, text "}"
+ ]
+ where
+ (assign_regs, sp') = loadRegArgs regstatus 0 args
+ body = vcat [assign_regs,
+ text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int sp') <> semi,
+ text "jump %GET_ENTRY(R1);"
+ ]
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Stack save entry points.
+-- These code fragments are used to save registers on the stack at a heap
+-- check failure in the entry code for a function. We also have to save R1
+-- and the return address (stg_gc_fun_info) on the stack. See stg_gc_fun_gen
+-- in HeapStackCheck.hc for more details.
+mkStackSaveEntryLabel :: [ArgRep] -> Doc
+mkStackSaveEntryLabel args = text "stg_stk_save_" <> text (map showArg args)
+genStackSave :: RegStatus -> [ArgRep] -> Doc
+genStackSave regstatus args =
+ let fn_entry_label= mkStackSaveEntryLabel args in
+ vcat [
+ fn_entry_label,
+ text "{", nest 4 body, text "}"
+ ]
+ where
+ body = vcat [text "Sp_adj" <> parens (int (-sp_offset)) <> semi,
+ saveRegOffs reg_locs,
+ text "Sp(2) = R1;",
+ text "Sp(1) =" <+> int stk_args <> semi,
+ text "Sp(0) = stg_gc_fun_info;",
+ text "jump stg_gc_noregs;"
+ ]
+ std_frame_size = 3 -- the std bits of the frame. See StgRetFun in Closures.h,
+ -- and the comment on stg_fun_gc_gen in HeapStackCheck.hc.
+ (reg_locs, leftovers, sp_offset) = assignRegs regstatus std_frame_size args
+ -- number of words of arguments on the stack.
+ stk_args = sum (map argSize leftovers) + sp_offset - std_frame_size
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The prologue...
+main = do
+ args <- getArgs
+ regstatus <- case args of
+ [] -> return Registerised
+ ["-u"] -> return Unregisterised
+ _other -> do hPutStrLn stderr "syntax: genapply [-u]"
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+ let the_code = vcat [
+ text "// DO NOT EDIT!",
+ text "// Automatically generated by GenApply.hs",
+ text "",
+ text "#include \"Cmm.h\"",
+ text "#include \"AutoApply.h\"",
+ text "",
+ vcat (intersperse (text "") $
+ map (genApply regstatus) applyTypes),
+ vcat (intersperse (text "") $
+ map (genStackFns regstatus) stackApplyTypes),
+ vcat (intersperse (text "") $
+ map (genApplyFast regstatus) applyTypes),
+ genStackApplyArray stackApplyTypes,
+ genStackSaveArray stackApplyTypes,
+ genBitmapArray stackApplyTypes,
+ text "" -- add a newline at the end of the file
+ ]
+ -- in
+ putStr (render the_code)
+-- These have been shown to cover about 99% of cases in practice...
+applyTypes = [
+ [V],
+ [F],
+ [D],
+ [L],
+ [N],
+ [P],
+ [P,V],
+ [P,P],
+ [P,P,V],
+ [P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,V],
+ [P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P,P]
+ ]
+-- No need for V args in the stack apply cases.
+-- ToDo: the stack apply and stack save code doesn't make a distinction
+-- between N and P (they both live in the same register), only the bitmap
+-- changes, so we could share the apply/save code between lots of cases.
+stackApplyTypes = [
+ [],
+ [N],
+ [P],
+ [F],
+ [D],
+ [L],
+ [N,N],
+ [N,P],
+ [P,N],
+ [P,P],
+ [N,N,N],
+ [N,N,P],
+ [N,P,N],
+ [N,P,P],
+ [P,N,N],
+ [P,N,P],
+ [P,P,N],
+ [P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P,P,P],
+ [P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P]
+ ]
+genStackFns regstatus args
+ = genStackApply regstatus args
+ $$ genStackSave regstatus args
+genStackApplyArray types =
+ vcat [
+ text "section \"rodata\" {",
+ text "stg_ap_stack_entries:",
+ text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
+ vcat (map arr_ent types),
+ text "}"
+ ]
+ where
+ arr_ent ty = text "W_" <+> mkStackApplyEntryLabel ty <> semi
+genStackSaveArray types =
+ vcat [
+ text "section \"rodata\" {",
+ text "stg_stack_save_entries:",
+ text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
+ vcat (map arr_ent types),
+ text "}"
+ ]
+ where
+ arr_ent ty = text "W_" <+> mkStackSaveEntryLabel ty <> semi
+genBitmapArray :: [[ArgRep]] -> Doc
+genBitmapArray types =
+ vcat [
+ text "section \"rodata\" {",
+ text "stg_arg_bitmaps:",
+ text "W_ 0; W_ 0; W_ 0;", -- ARG_GEN, ARG_GEN_BIG, ARG_BCO
+ vcat (map gen_bitmap types),
+ text "}"
+ ]
+ where
+ gen_bitmap ty = text "W_" <+> int bitmap_val <> semi
+ where bitmap_val =
+ (fromIntegral (mkBitmap ty) `shiftL` BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT)
+ .|. sum (map argSize ty)
diff --git a/utils/genapply/Makefile b/utils/genapply/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9a10a22de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/genapply/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+# genapply is needed to boot in rts/...
+ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES"
+boot :: all
+ifeq "$(ghc_ge_504)" "NO"
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -package lang -package util -package text
+ifeq "$(GhcUnregisterised)" "YES"
+# Try to get dependencies right...
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -no-recomp
+GenApply.o : $(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR)/ghcconfig.h
+GenApply.o : $(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR)/MachRegs.h
+GenApply.o : $(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR)/Constants.h
+include $(TOP)/mk/