path: root/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
diff options
authorThomas Miedema <>2015-02-17 08:39:43 -0600
committerAustin Seipp <>2015-02-17 09:06:11 -0600
commit08102b3dcffb715938cf197b455f873e615d2bc2 (patch)
tree603cc096c5c49bb223851e39bc50c74ad3931013 /utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
parente7fab334b31dc516d2e8f2285630cbffe9825b76 (diff)
Delete vestigial external core code (#9402)
Test Plan: harbormaster Reviewers: austin Reviewed By: austin Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #9402
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index ed4871c5b4..7ade0b1cae 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -363,126 +363,6 @@ pprTy = pty
paty (TyVar tv) = tv
paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
--- Generates the type environment that the stand-alone External Core tools use.
-gen_ext_core_source :: [Entry] -> String
-gen_ext_core_source entries =
- "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- ++ "-- This module is automatically generated by the GHC utility\n"
- ++ "-- \"genprimopcode\". Do not edit!\n"
- ++ "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- ++ "module Language.Core.PrimEnv(primTcs, primVals, intLitTypes, ratLitTypes,"
- ++ "\n charLitTypes, stringLitTypes) where\nimport Language.Core.Core"
- ++ "\nimport Language.Core.Encoding\n\n"
- ++ "primTcs :: [(Tcon, Kind)]\n"
- ++ "primTcs = [\n"
- ++ printList tcEnt entries
- ++ " ]\n"
- ++ "primVals :: [(Var, Ty)]\n"
- ++ "primVals = [\n"
- ++ printList valEnt entries
- ++ "]\n"
- ++ "intLitTypes :: [Ty]\n"
- ++ "intLitTypes = [\n"
- ++ printList tyEnt (intLitTys entries)
- ++ "]\n"
- ++ "ratLitTypes :: [Ty]\n"
- ++ "ratLitTypes = [\n"
- ++ printList tyEnt (ratLitTys entries)
- ++ "]\n"
- ++ "charLitTypes :: [Ty]\n"
- ++ "charLitTypes = [\n"
- ++ printList tyEnt (charLitTys entries)
- ++ "]\n"
- ++ "stringLitTypes :: [Ty]\n"
- ++ "stringLitTypes = [\n"
- ++ printList tyEnt (stringLitTys entries)
- ++ "]\n\n"
- where printList f = concat . intersperse ",\n" . filter (not . null) . map f
- tcEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=t}) =
- case t of
- TyApp tc args -> parens (show tc) (tcKind tc args)
- _ -> error ("tcEnt: type in PrimTypeSpec is not a type"
- ++ " constructor: " ++ show t)
- tcEnt _ = ""
- -- hack alert!
- -- The primops.txt.pp format doesn't have enough information in it to
- -- print out some of the information that ext-core needs (like kinds,
- -- and later on in this code, module names) so we special-case. An
- -- alternative would be to refer to things indirectly and hard-wire
- -- certain things (e.g., the kind of the Any constructor, here) into
- -- ext-core's Prims module again.
- tcKind (TyCon "Any") _ = "Klifted"
- tcKind tc [] | last (show tc) == '#' = "Kunlifted"
- tcKind _ [] | otherwise = "Klifted"
- -- assumes that all type arguments are lifted (are they?)
- tcKind tc (_v:as) = "(Karrow Klifted " ++ tcKind tc as
- ++ ")"
- valEnt (PseudoOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
- valEnt (PrimOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
- valEnt _ = ""
- valEntry name' ty' = parens name' (mkForallTy (freeTvars ty') (pty ty'))
- where pty (TyF t1 t2) = mkFunTy (pty t1) (pty t2)
- pty (TyC t1 t2) = mkFunTy (pty t1) (pty t2)
- pty (TyApp tc ts) = mkTconApp (mkTcon tc) (map pty ts)
- pty (TyUTup ts) = mkUtupleTy (map pty ts)
- pty (TyVar tv) = paren $ "Tvar \"" ++ tv ++ "\""
- mkFunTy s1 s2 = "Tapp " ++ (paren ("Tapp (Tcon tcArrow)"
- ++ " " ++ paren s1))
- ++ " " ++ paren s2
- mkTconApp tc args = foldl tapp tc args
- mkTcon tc = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify True (show tc))
- mkUtupleTy args = foldl tapp (tcUTuple (length args)) args
- mkForallTy [] t = t
- mkForallTy vs t = foldr
- (\ v s -> "Tforall " ++
- (paren (quote v ++ ", " ++ vKind v)) ++ " "
- ++ paren s) t vs
- -- hack alert!
- vKind "o" = "Kopen"
- vKind _ = "Klifted"
- freeTvars (TyF t1 t2) = freeTvars t1 `union` freeTvars t2
- freeTvars (TyC t1 t2) = freeTvars t1 `union` freeTvars t2
- freeTvars (TyApp _ tys) = freeTvarss tys
- freeTvars (TyVar v) = [v]
- freeTvars (TyUTup tys) = freeTvarss tys
- freeTvarss = nub . concatMap freeTvars
- tapp s nextArg = paren $ "Tapp " ++ s ++ " " ++ paren nextArg
- tcUTuple n = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify False $ "Z"
- ++ show n ++ "H")
- tyEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) = " " ++ paren ("Tcon " ++
- (paren (qualify True (show tc))))
- tyEnt _ = ""
- -- more hacks. might be better to do this on the ext-core side,
- -- as per earlier comment
- qualify _ tc | tc == "Bool" = "Just boolMname" ++ ", "
- ++ ze True tc
- qualify _ tc | tc == "()" = "Just baseMname" ++ ", "
- ++ ze True tc
- qualify enc tc = "Just primMname" ++ ", " ++ (ze enc tc)
- ze enc tc = (if enc then "zEncodeString " else "")
- ++ "\"" ++ tc ++ "\""
- intLitTys = prefixes ["Int", "Word", "Addr", "Char"]
- ratLitTys = prefixes ["Float", "Double"]
- charLitTys = prefixes ["Char"]
- stringLitTys = prefixes ["Addr"]
- prefixes ps = filter (\ t ->
- case t of
- (PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) ->
- any (\ p -> p `isPrefixOf` show tc) ps
- _ -> False)
- parens n ty' = " (zEncodeString \"" ++ n ++ "\", " ++ ty' ++ ")"
- paren s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
- quote s = "\"" ++ s ++ "\""
gen_latex_doc :: Info -> String
gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)