path: root/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2007-04-10 22:00:15 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2007-04-10 22:00:15 +0000
commit03ffa2bfa6c31dc6bcdcacecc2bdb3bbabd800a9 (patch)
tree6ff10cf39db4e52906fde2582c6898d8981db737 /utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
parent6c53f40f3dd84cc91a8e6850dbfb271cb24db89a (diff)
Replace genprimopcode's parsec parser with an alex+happy parser
This use was the only thing keeping parsec in core-packages, and we already have a dependency on alex+happy anyway.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y b/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a949765526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+module Parser (parse) where
+import Lexer (lex_tok)
+import ParserM (Token(..), ParserM, run_parser, get_pos, show_pos,
+ happyError)
+import Syntax
+%name parsex
+%tokentype { Token }
+%monad { ParserM }
+%lexer { lex_tok } { TEOF }
+ '->' { TArrow }
+ '=' { TEquals }
+ ',' { TComma }
+ '(' { TOpenParen }
+ ')' { TCloseParen }
+ '(#' { TOpenParenHash }
+ '#)' { THashCloseParen }
+ '{' { TOpenBrace }
+ '}' { TCloseBrace }
+ section { TSection }
+ primop { TPrimop }
+ pseudoop { TPseudoop }
+ primtype { TPrimtype }
+ with { TWith }
+ defaults { TDefaults }
+ true { TTrue }
+ false { TFalse }
+ dyadic { TDyadic }
+ monadic { TMonadic }
+ compare { TCompare }
+ genprimop { TGenPrimOp }
+ thats_all_folks { TThatsAllFolks }
+ lowerName { TLowerName $$ }
+ upperName { TUpperName $$ }
+ string { TString $$ }
+ noBraces { TNoBraces $$ }
+info :: { Info }
+info : pDefaults pEntries thats_all_folks { Info $1 $2 }
+pDefaults :: { [Option] }
+pDefaults : defaults pOptions { $2 }
+pOptions :: { [Option] }
+pOptions : pOption pOptions { $1 : $2 }
+ | {- empty -} { [] }
+pOption :: { Option }
+pOption : lowerName '=' false { OptionFalse $1 }
+ | lowerName '=' true { OptionTrue $1 }
+ | lowerName '=' pStuffBetweenBraces { OptionString $1 $3 }
+pEntries :: { [Entry] }
+pEntries : pEntry pEntries { $1 : $2 }
+ | {- empty -} { [] }
+pEntry :: { Entry }
+pEntry : pPrimOpSpec { $1 }
+ | pPrimTypeSpec { $1 }
+ | pPseudoOpSpec { $1 }
+ | pSection { $1 }
+pPrimOpSpec :: { Entry }
+pPrimOpSpec : primop upperName string pCategory pType
+ pDesc pWithOptions
+ { PrimOpSpec {
+ cons = $2,
+ name = $3,
+ cat = $4,
+ ty = $5,
+ desc = $6,
+ opts = $7
+ }
+ }
+pPrimTypeSpec :: { Entry }
+pPrimTypeSpec : primtype pType pDesc pWithOptions
+ { PrimTypeSpec { ty = $2, desc = $3, opts = $4 } }
+pPseudoOpSpec :: { Entry }
+pPseudoOpSpec : pseudoop string pType pDesc pWithOptions
+ { PseudoOpSpec { name = $2, ty = $3, desc = $4, opts = $5 } }
+pSection :: { Entry }
+pSection : section string pDesc { Section { title = $2, desc = $3 } }
+pWithOptions :: { [Option] }
+pWithOptions : with pOptions { $2 }
+ | {- empty -} { [] }
+pCategory :: { Category }
+pCategory : dyadic { Dyadic }
+ | monadic { Monadic }
+ | compare { Compare }
+ | genprimop { GenPrimOp }
+pDesc :: { String }
+pDesc : pStuffBetweenBraces { $1 }
+ | {- empty -} { "" }
+pStuffBetweenBraces :: { String }
+pStuffBetweenBraces : '{' pInsides '}' { $2 }
+pInsides :: { String }
+pInsides : pInside pInsides { $1 ++ $2 }
+ | {- empty -} { "" }
+pInside :: { String }
+pInside : '{' pInsides '}' { "{" ++ $2 ++ "}" }
+ | noBraces { $1 }
+pType :: { Ty }
+pType : paT '->' pType { TyF $1 $3 }
+ | paT { $1 }
+-- Atomic types
+paT :: { Ty }
+paT : pTycon ppTs { TyApp $1 $2 }
+ | pUnboxedTupleTy { $1 }
+ | '(' pType ')' { $2 }
+ | lowerName { TyVar $1 }
+pUnboxedTupleTy :: { Ty }
+pUnboxedTupleTy : '(#' pCommaTypes '#)' { TyUTup $2 }
+pCommaTypes :: { [Ty] }
+pCommaTypes : pType ',' pCommaTypes { $1 : $3 }
+ | pType { [$1] }
+ppTs :: { [Ty] }
+ppTs : ppT ppTs { $1 : $2 }
+ | {- empty -} { [] }
+-- Primitive types
+ppT :: { Ty }
+ppT : lowerName { TyVar $1 }
+ | pTycon { TyApp $1 [] }
+pTycon :: { String }
+pTycon : upperName { $1 }
+ | '(' ')' { "()" }
+parse :: String -> Either String Info
+parse = run_parser parsex