path: root/utils/genprimopcode
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2007-02-28 16:34:42 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2007-02-28 16:34:42 +0000
commit604539cd8f4577198535d30d61e3c9e4f20e2745 (patch)
tree53faa0935e48eb556a410c5213928bc63cb56a6c /utils/genprimopcode
parente07e2550074ddc7d96e2092e56add418403bd29a (diff)
Fix #839 (Generate documentation for built-in types and primitve operations)
This patch was originally by, but I re-recorded it in order to add a better log message. The effect of this patch is to add entries for primitive types in the documentation: Int#, Char#, etc. and to document the built-in identifiers (seq, lazy, inline, unsafeCoerce#).
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genprimopcode')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index f08b7d5602..16f2d44455 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -111,53 +111,75 @@ known_args
-- Code generators -----------------------------------------------
-gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries)
- = "module GHC.Prim (\n"
- ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries)
- ++ ") where\n\n{-\n"
- ++ unlines (map opt defaults) ++ "-}\n"
- ++ unlines (map ent entries) ++ "\n\n\n"
- where opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
- opt (OptionTrue n) = n ++ " = True"
+gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
+ "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ++ "-- |\n"
+ ++ "-- Module : GHC.Arr\n"
+ ++ "-- \n"
+ ++ "-- Maintainer :\n"
+ ++ "-- Stability : internal\n"
+ ++ "-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)\n"
+ ++ "--\n"
+ ++ "-- GHC\'s primitive types and operations.\n"
+ ++ "--\n"
+ ++ "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ ++ "module GHC.Prim (\n"
+ ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries)
+ ++ ") where\n\n{-\n"
+ ++ unlines (map opt defaults) ++ "-}\n"
+ ++ unlines (map ent entries) ++ "\n\n\n"
+ where opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
+ opt (OptionTrue n) = n ++ " = True"
opt (OptionString n v) = n ++ " = { " ++ v ++ "}"
- hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
- hdr o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = wrap (name o) ++ ","
+ hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
+ hdr (PrimOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PseudoOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimTypeSpec { ty = TyApp n _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
- ent s@(Section {}) = ""
- ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent s@(Section {}) = ""
+ ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimTypeSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PseudoOpSpec {}) = spec o
sec s = "\n-- * " ++ escape (title s) ++ "\n"
++ (unlines $ map ("-- " ++ ) $ lines $ unlatex $ escape $ "|" ++ desc s) ++ "\n"
spec o = comm ++ decl
- where decl = wrap (name o) ++ " :: " ++ pty (ty o)
+ where decl = case o of
+ PrimOpSpec { name = n, ty = t } -> wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pty t
+ PseudoOpSpec { name = n, ty = t } -> wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pty t
+ PrimTypeSpec { ty = t } -> "data " ++ pty t
comm = case (desc o) of
[] -> ""
d -> "\n" ++ (unlines $ map ("-- " ++ ) $ lines $ unlatex $ escape $ "|" ++ d)
pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
- pty t = pbty t
+ pty t = pbty t
pbty (TyApp tc ts) = tc ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
- pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# " ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))) ++ " #)"
- pbty t = paty t
+ pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# " ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))) ++ " #)"
+ pbty t = paty t
- paty (TyVar tv) = tv
- paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
+ paty (TyVar tv) = tv
+ paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
- wrap nm | isLower (head nm) = nm
- | otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
+ wrapOp nm | isAlpha (head nm) = nm
+ | otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
+ wrapTy nm | isAlpha (head nm) = nm
+ | otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
unlatex s = case s of
'\\':'t':'e':'x':'t':'t':'t':'{':cs -> markup "@" "@" cs
'{':'\\':'t':'t':cs -> markup "@" "@" cs
+ '{':'\\':'i':'t':cs -> markup "/" "/" cs
c : cs -> c : unlatex cs
[] -> []
markup s t cs = s ++ mk (dropWhile isSpace cs)
- where mk "" = t
+ where mk "" = t
mk ('\n':cs) = ' ' : mk cs
- mk ('}':cs) = t ++ unlatex cs
- mk (c:cs) = c : mk cs
+ mk ('}':cs) = t ++ unlatex cs
+ mk (c:cs) = c : mk cs
escape = concatMap (\c -> if c `elem` special then '\\':c:[] else c:[])
where special = "/'`\"@<"
@@ -507,6 +529,13 @@ data Entry
cat :: Category, -- category
desc :: String, -- description
opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
+ | PseudoOpSpec { name :: String, -- name in prog text
+ ty :: Ty, -- type
+ desc :: String, -- description
+ opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
+ | PrimTypeSpec { ty :: Ty, -- name in prog text
+ desc :: String, -- description
+ opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
| Section { title :: String, -- section title
desc :: String } -- description
deriving Show
@@ -605,6 +634,8 @@ lookup_attrib nm (a:as)
-- The parser ----------------------------------------------------
+keywords = [ "section", "primop", "pseudoop", "primtype", "with"]
-- Due to lack of proper lexing facilities, a hack to zap any
-- leading comments
pTop :: Parser Info
@@ -614,7 +645,7 @@ pTop = then4 (\_ ds es _ -> Info ds es)
pEntry :: Parser Entry
- = alts [pPrimOpSpec, pSection]
+ = alts [pPrimOpSpec, pPrimTypeSpec, pPseudoOpSpec, pSection]
pSection :: Parser Entry
pSection = then3 (\_ n d -> Section {title = n, desc = d})
@@ -639,6 +670,17 @@ pPrimOpSpec
(lit "primop") pConstructor stringLiteral
pCategory pType pDesc pOptions
+pPrimTypeSpec :: Parser Entry
+ = then4 (\_ t d o -> PrimTypeSpec { ty = t, desc = d, opts = o } )
+ (lit "primtype") pType pDesc pOptions
+pPseudoOpSpec :: Parser Entry
+ = then5 (\_ n t d o -> PseudoOpSpec { name = n, ty = t, desc = d,
+ opts = o } )
+ (lit "pseudoop") stringLiteral pType pDesc pOptions
pOptions :: Parser [Option]
pOptions = optdef [] (then2 sel22 (lit "with") (many pOption))
@@ -704,7 +746,7 @@ ppT = alts [apply TyVar pTyvar,
apply (\tc -> TyApp tc []) pTycon
-pTyvar = sat (`notElem` ["section","primop","with"]) pName
+pTyvar = sat (`notElem` keywords) pName
pTycon = alts [pConstructor, lexeme (string "()")]
pName = lexeme (then2 (:) lower (many isIdChar))
pConstructor = lexeme (then2 (:) upper (many isIdChar))