path: root/utils/genprimopcode
diff options
authorGeoffrey Mainland <>2012-10-19 09:06:17 +0100
committerGeoffrey Mainland <>2013-02-01 22:00:24 +0000
commit4af62075bbe9e96a3678fc90288496e0c4c7c17d (patch)
tree3df4fa03089310cd66678681a4ce78dd39bea25f /utils/genprimopcode
parent6480a35c15717025c169980b1cc763a7e6f36056 (diff)
Add the Float32X4# primitive type and associated primops.
This patch lays the groundwork needed for primop support for SIMD vectors. In addition to the groundwork, we add support for the FloatX4# primitive type and associated primops. * Add the FloatX4# primitive type and associated primops. * Add CodeGen support for Float vectors. * Compile vector operations to LLVM vector operations in the LLVM code generator. * Make the x86 native backend fail gracefully when encountering vector primops. * Only generate primop wrappers for vector primops when using LLVM.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/genprimopcode')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index debdd27102..27368f3ae7 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -502,20 +502,27 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
gen_wrappers :: Info -> String
gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
- = "{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnboxedTuples #-}\n"
+ = "{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude, UnboxedTuples #-}\n"
-- Dependencies on Prelude must be explicit in libraries/base, but we
-- don't need the Prelude here so we add NoImplicitPrelude.
++ "module GHC.PrimopWrappers where\n"
++ "import qualified GHC.Prim\n"
++ "import GHC.Types (Bool)\n"
++ "import GHC.Tuple ()\n"
- ++ "import GHC.Prim (" ++ types ++ ")\n"
- ++ unlines (concatMap f specs)
+ ++ "import GHC.Prim (" ++ concat (intersperse ", " othertycons) ++ ")\n"
+ ++ "#if defined (__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__)\n"
+ ++ "import GHC.Prim (" ++ concat (intersperse ", " vectycons) ++ ")\n"
+ ++ "#endif /* defined (__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__) */\n"
+ ++ unlines (concatMap f otherspecs)
+ ++ "#if defined (__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__)\n"
+ ++ unlines (concatMap f vecspecs)
+ ++ "#endif /* defined (__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__) */\n"
specs = filter (not.dodgy) (filter is_primop entries)
+ (vecspecs, otherspecs) = partition (llvmOnlyTy . ty) specs
tycons = foldr union [] $ map (tyconsIn . ty) specs
- tycons' = filter (`notElem` ["()", "Bool"]) tycons
- types = concat $ intersperse ", " tycons'
+ (vectycons, othertycons) =
+ (partition llvmOnlyTyCon . filter (`notElem` ["()", "Bool"])) tycons
f spec = let args = map (\n -> "a" ++ show n) [1 .. arity (ty spec)]
src_name = wrap (name spec)
lhs = src_name ++ " " ++ unwords args
@@ -536,6 +543,16 @@ gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
"parAtAbs#", "parAtRel#", "parAtForNow#"
+ llvmOnlyTy :: Ty -> Bool
+ llvmOnlyTy (TyF ty1 ty2) = llvmOnlyTy ty1 || llvmOnlyTy ty2
+ llvmOnlyTy (TyApp tycon tys) = llvmOnlyTyCon tycon || any llvmOnlyTy tys
+ llvmOnlyTy (TyVar _) = False
+ llvmOnlyTy (TyUTup tys) = any llvmOnlyTy tys
+ llvmOnlyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
+ llvmOnlyTyCon "FloatX4#" = True
+ llvmOnlyTyCon _ = False
gen_primop_list :: Info -> String
gen_primop_list (Info _ entries)
= unlines (
@@ -653,6 +670,7 @@ ppType (TyApp "Word64#" []) = "word64PrimTy"
ppType (TyApp "Addr#" []) = "addrPrimTy"
ppType (TyApp "Float#" []) = "floatPrimTy"
ppType (TyApp "Double#" []) = "doublePrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "FloatX4#" []) = "floatX4PrimTy"
ppType (TyApp "ByteArray#" []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
ppType (TyApp "RealWorld" []) = "realWorldTy"
ppType (TyApp "ThreadId#" []) = "threadIdPrimTy"