path: root/utils/ghc-cabal
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2009-04-26 11:42:15 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2009-04-26 11:42:15 +0000
commit34cc75e1a62638f2833815746ebce0a9114dc26b (patch)
treeef21e8fd7af1356beea9cce7d6efb8a65374e24c /utils/ghc-cabal
parent74e1368d4688ee16f6decdf2cd3ebe27506b26ba (diff)
GHC new build system megapatch
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-cabal')
2 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/ghc-cabal.hs b/utils/ghc-cabal/ghc-cabal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c806d3cf16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/ghc-cabal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
+import Distribution.PackageDescription
+import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
+import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
+import Distribution.Simple
+import Distribution.Simple.Configure
+import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
+import Distribution.Simple.Program
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc)
+import Distribution.Simple.Build (writeAutogenFiles)
+import Distribution.Simple.Register (writeInstalledConfig)
+import Distribution.Text
+import Distribution.Verbosity
+import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
+ ( InstalledPackageInfo_(..) )
+import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
+ ( topologicalOrder, lookupPackageName, insert )
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import System.IO
+import System.Directory
+import System.Environment
+import System.Exit
+import System.FilePath
+main :: IO ()
+main = do args <- getArgs
+ case args of
+ "haddock" : distDir : dir : args' ->
+ runHaddock distDir dir args'
+ "install" : ghcpkg : ghcpkgconfig : directory : distDir
+ : myDestDir : myPrefix : myLibdir : myDocdir : args' ->
+ doInstall ghcpkg ghcpkgconfig directory distDir
+ myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir args'
+ "configure" : args' -> case break (== "--") args' of
+ (config_args, "--" : distdir : directories) ->
+ mapM_ (generate config_args distdir) directories
+ _ -> die syntax_error
+ _ -> die syntax_error
+syntax_error :: [String]
+syntax_error =
+ ["syntax: ghc-cabal configure <configure-args> -- <distdir> <directory>...",
+ " ghc-cabal install <ghc-pkg> <directory> <distdir> <destdir> <prefix> <args>...",
+ " ghc-cabal haddock <distdir> <directory> <args>..."]
+die :: [String] -> IO ()
+die errs = do mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errs
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
+-- XXX Should use bracket
+withCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
+withCurrentDirectory directory io
+ = do curDirectory <- getCurrentDirectory
+ setCurrentDirectory directory
+ r <- io
+ setCurrentDirectory curDirectory
+ return r
+-- We need to use the autoconfUserHooks, as the packages that use
+-- configure can create a .buildinfo file, and we need any info that
+-- ends up in it.
+userHooks :: UserHooks
+userHooks = autoconfUserHooks
+runHaddock :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+runHaddock distdir directory args
+ = withCurrentDirectory directory
+ $ defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks ("haddock" : "--builddir" : distdir : args)
+ where
+ hooks = userHooks {
+ haddockHook = modHook (haddockHook userHooks)
+ }
+ modHook f pd lbi us flags
+ | packageName pd == PackageName "ghc-prim"
+ = let pd' = case library pd of
+ Just lib ->
+ let ghcPrim = fromJust (simpleParse "GHC.Prim")
+ ems = filter (ghcPrim /=)
+ (exposedModules lib)
+ lib' = lib { exposedModules = ems }
+ in pd { library = Just lib' }
+ Nothing ->
+ error "Expected a library, but none found"
+ pc = withPrograms lbi
+ pc' = userSpecifyArgs "haddock"
+ ["dist-install/build/autogen/GHC/Prim.hs"] pc
+ lbi' = lbi { withPrograms = pc' }
+ in f pd' lbi' us flags
+ | otherwise
+ = f pd lbi us flags
+doInstall :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+ -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+doInstall ghcpkg ghcpkgconf directory distDir myDestDir myPrefix myLibdir myDocdir args
+ = withCurrentDirectory directory $ do
+ defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks (["copy", "--builddir", distDir]
+ ++ (if null myDestDir then []
+ else ["--destdir", myDestDir])
+ ++ args)
+ defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks ("register" : "--builddir" : distDir : args)
+ where
+ hooks = userHooks {
+ copyHook = modHook (copyHook userHooks),
+ regHook = modHook (regHook userHooks)
+ }
+ modHook f pd lbi us flags
+ = let
+ pd'
+ | packageName pd == PackageName "ghc-prim" =
+ case library pd of
+ Just lib ->
+ let ghcPrim = fromJust (simpleParse "GHC.Prim")
+ ems = filter (ghcPrim /=) (exposedModules lib)
+ lib' = lib { exposedModules = ems }
+ in pd { library = Just lib' }
+ Nothing ->
+ error "Expected a library, but none found"
+ | otherwise = pd
+ idts = installDirTemplates lbi
+ idts' = idts { prefix = toPathTemplate myPrefix,
+ libdir = toPathTemplate myLibdir,
+ libsubdir = toPathTemplate "$pkgid",
+ docdir = toPathTemplate (myDocdir </> "$pkgid"),
+ htmldir = toPathTemplate "$docdir" }
+ progs = withPrograms lbi
+ prog = ConfiguredProgram {
+ programId = programName ghcPkgProgram,
+ programVersion = Nothing,
+ programArgs = ["--global-conf", ghcpkgconf]
+ ++ if not (null myDestDir)
+ then ["--force"]
+ else [],
+ programLocation = UserSpecified ghcpkg
+ }
+ progs' = updateProgram prog progs
+ lbi' = lbi {
+ installDirTemplates = idts',
+ withPrograms = progs'
+ }
+ in f pd' lbi' us flags
+generate :: [String] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+generate config_args distdir directory
+ = withCurrentDirectory directory
+ $ do let verbosity = verbose
+ gpdFile <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
+ gpd <- readPackageDescription verbosity gpdFile
+ -- XXX We shouldn't just configure with the default flags
+ -- XXX And this, and thus the "getPersistBuildConfig distdir" below,
+ -- aren't going to work when the deps aren't built yet
+ withArgs (["configure", "--distdir", distdir] ++ config_args)
+ (case buildType (flattenPackageDescription gpd) of
+ Just Configure -> defaultMainWithHooks autoconfUserHooks
+ _other -> defaultMain)
+ -- not quite right, but good enough for us
+ lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig distdir
+ let pd0 = localPkgDescr lbi
+ hooked_bi <-
+ if (buildType pd0 == Just Configure)
+ then do
+ maybe_infoFile <- defaultHookedPackageDesc
+ case maybe_infoFile of
+ Nothing -> return emptyHookedBuildInfo
+ Just infoFile -> readHookedBuildInfo verbosity infoFile
+ else
+ return emptyHookedBuildInfo
+ let pd = updatePackageDescription hooked_bi pd0
+ -- generate Paths_<pkg>.hs and cabal-macros.h
+ writeAutogenFiles verbosity pd lbi
+ -- generate inplace-pkg-config
+ when (isJust $ library pd) $
+ writeInstalledConfig distdir pd lbi True Nothing
+ let
+ libBiModules lib = (libBuildInfo lib, libModules pd)
+ exeBiModules exe = (buildInfo exe, ModuleName.main : exeModules pd)
+ biModuless = (maybeToList $ fmap libBiModules $ library pd)
+ ++ (map exeBiModules $ executables pd)
+ buildableBiModuless = filter isBuildable biModuless
+ where isBuildable (bi', _) = buildable bi'
+ (bi, modules) = case buildableBiModuless of
+ [] -> error "No buildable component found"
+ [biModules] -> biModules
+ _ -> error ("XXX ghc-cabal can't handle " ++
+ "more than one buildinfo yet")
+ -- XXX Another Just...
+ Just ghcProg = lookupProgram ghcProgram (withPrograms lbi)
+ dep_pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (packageHacks (installedPkgs lbi))
+ forDeps f = concatMap f dep_pkgs
+ -- copied from Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.ppHsc2Hs
+ packageHacks = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
+ GHC -> hackRtsPackage
+ _ -> id
+ -- We don't link in the actual Haskell libraries of our
+ -- dependencies, so the -u flags in the ldOptions of the rts
+ -- package mean linking fails on OS X (it's ld is a tad
+ -- stricter than gnu ld). Thus we remove the ldOptions for
+ -- GHC's rts package:
+ hackRtsPackage index =
+ case PackageIndex.lookupPackageName index (PackageName "rts") of
+ [rts] -> PackageIndex.insert rts { Installed.ldOptions = [] } index
+ _ -> error "No (or multiple) ghc rts package is registered!!"
+ let variablePrefix = directory ++ '_':distdir
+ let xs = [variablePrefix ++ "_VERSION = " ++ display (pkgVersion (package pd)),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_MODULES = " ++ unwords (map display modules),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_HS_SRC_DIRS = " ++ unwords (hsSourceDirs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEPS = " ++ unwords (map display (packageDeps lbi)),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_NAMES = " ++ unwords (map (display . packageName) (packageDeps lbi)),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (includeDirs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (includes bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_INSTALL_INCLUDES = " ++ unwords (installIncludes bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBRARIES = " ++ unwords (extraLibs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_EXTRA_LIBDIRS = " ++ unwords (extraLibDirs bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_C_SRCS = " ++ unwords (cSources bi),
+ -- XXX This includes things it shouldn't, like:
+ -- -odir dist-bootstrapping/build
+ variablePrefix ++ "_HC_OPTS = " ++ escape (unwords
+ (programArgs ghcProg
+ ++ hcOptions GHC bi
+ ++ extensionsToFlags (compiler lbi) (extensions bi))),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_CC_OPTS = " ++ unwords (ccOptions bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_CPP_OPTS = " ++ unwords (cppOptions bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_LD_OPTS = " ++ unwords (ldOptions bi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_INCLUDE_DIRS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.includeDirs),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_CC_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ccOptions),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LIB_DIRS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.libraryDirs),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_EXTRA_LIBS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.extraLibraries),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_DEP_LD_OPTS = " ++ unwords (forDeps Installed.ldOptions)]
+ writeFile (distdir ++ "/") $ unlines xs
+ where
+ escape = foldr (\c xs -> if c == '#' then '\\':'#':xs else c:xs) []
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/ b/utils/ghc-cabal/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0fd0f336d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Bootstrapping ghc-cabal
+# Euch, hideous hack:
+# XXX This should be in a different Makefile
+CABAL_DOTTED_VERSION := $(shell grep "^Version:" libraries/Cabal/Cabal.cabal | sed "s/^Version: //")
+CABAL_VERSION := $(subst .,$(comma),$(CABAL_DOTTED_VERSION))
+CABAL_CONSTRAINT := --constraint="Cabal == $(CABAL_DOTTED_VERSION)"
+$(GHC_CABAL_INPLACE) : $(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/dist/build/tmp/ghc-cabal$(exeext)
+ $(MKDIRHIER) $(dir $@)
+ $(CP) $< $@
+$(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/dist/build/tmp/ghc-cabal$(exeext): $(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/ghc-cabal.hs $(MKDIRHIER)
+ $(MKDIRHIER) bootstrapping
+ $(MKDIRHIER) $(dir $@)
+ $(GHC) --make $(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/ghc-cabal.hs -o $@ \
+ -Wall $(WERROR) \
+ -odir bootstrapping \
+ -hidir bootstrapping \
+ -ilibraries/Cabal \
+ -ilibraries/filepath \
+ -ilibraries/hpc
+ touch $@
+# touch is required, because otherwise if mkdirhier is newer, we
+# repeatedly rebuild ghc-cabal.
+$(eval $(call clean-target,$(GHC_CABAL_DIR),dist,\
+ $(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/dist bootstrapping))
+$(eval $(call all-target,$(GHC_CABAL_DIR),$(GHC_CABAL_INPLACE)))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# dummy-ghc
+# This is a tiny program to fool Cabal's configure that we have a
+# stage1 GHC, which lets us configure all the packages before we've
+# build stage1.
+$(GHC_CABAL_DIR)_dist-dummy-ghc_MODULES = dummy-ghc
+$(GHC_CABAL_DIR)_dist-dummy-ghc_PROG = dummy-ghc$(exeext)
+$(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/dist-dummy-ghc/build/dummy-ghc.hs : $(GHC_CABAL_DIR)/ $(MKDIRHIER)
+ $(MKDIRHIER) $(dir $@)
+ echo "import System.Environment; import System.Cmd; import System.Exit" >$@
+ echo "main = do args <- getArgs; if args == [\"--numeric-version\"] then putStrLn \"$(ProjectVersion)\" else do e <- rawSystem \"$(GHC_STAGE0)\" args; exitWith e" >>$@
+# We don't build dummy-ghc with Cabal, so we need to pass -package
+# flags manually
+utils/ghc-cabal_dist-dummy-ghc_HC_OPTS = -package process
+$(eval $(call build-prog,utils/ghc-cabal,dist-dummy-ghc,0))