path: root/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
diff options
authorDuncan Coutts <>2011-05-25 13:06:14 +0100
committerDuncan Coutts <>2011-05-25 15:11:11 +0100
commitf35a3d247e023b6c1b0abe677549b29398933b50 (patch)
tree25fa366068c230d536f5dd3a1122899650a76157 /utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
parent4063e1d8501b38b5ed8d620dcd8e27adee0e7091 (diff)
Provide the pkgroot value in ghc-pkg dump & describe when necessary
Tools handling installed packages need to be able to interpret the paths which are relative to the ${pkgroot} which means they need to know the value of ${pkgroot}. With ghc-pkg this is not always obvious since ghc-pkg does not currently have any way machine interface for reporting the location of its package dbs (global, user). The solution we have arrived at is simply to emit the pkgroot as an extra field when it is needed. There are two cases: * --no-expand-pkgroot: ghc-pkg dump/describe will not expand the ${pkgroot} var, so it will appear literally in the output and the pkgroot field will be generated so that tools know what value to use for the ${pkgroot}. * --expand-pkgroot: ghc-pkg dump/describe will expand the ${pkgroot} and ${pkgrooturl} vars and will not generate the pkgroot field. The defaults are: * ghc-pkg dump/describe --no-expand-pkgroot * ghc-pkg field --expand-pkgroot
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index cc4d1835a0..05a19c9946 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ data Flag
| FlagForceFiles
| FlagAutoGHCiLibs
| FlagExpandEnvVars
+ | FlagExpandPkgroot
+ | FlagNoExpandPkgroot
| FlagSimpleOutput
| FlagNamesOnly
| FlagIgnoreCase
@@ -131,6 +133,10 @@ flags = [
"automatically build libs for GHCi (with register)",
Option [] ["expand-env-vars"] (NoArg FlagExpandEnvVars)
"expand environment variables (${name}-style) in input package descriptions",
+ Option [] ["expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagExpandPkgroot)
+ "expand ${pkgroot}-relative paths to absolute in output package descriptions",
+ Option [] ["no-expand-pkgroot"] (NoArg FlagNoExpandPkgroot)
+ "preserve ${pkgroot}-relative paths in output package descriptions",
Option ['?'] ["help"] (NoArg FlagHelp)
"display this help and exit",
Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg FlagVersion)
@@ -280,6 +286,11 @@ runit verbosity cli nonopts = do
| otherwise = NoForce
auto_ghci_libs = FlagAutoGHCiLibs `elem` cli
expand_env_vars= FlagExpandEnvVars `elem` cli
+ mexpand_pkgroot= foldl' accumExpandPkgroot Nothing cli
+ where accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagExpandPkgroot = Just True
+ accumExpandPkgroot _ FlagNoExpandPkgroot = Just False
+ accumExpandPkgroot x _ = x
splitFields fields = unfoldr splitComma (',':fields)
where splitComma "" = Nothing
splitComma fs = Just $ break (==',') (tail fs)
@@ -348,23 +359,24 @@ runit verbosity cli nonopts = do
["latest", pkgid_str] -> do
pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
latestPackage verbosity cli pkgid
- ["describe", pkgid_str] ->
- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
- Nothing -> do pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
- describePackage verbosity cli (Id pkgid)
- Just m -> describePackage verbosity cli (Substring pkgid_str m)
- ["field", pkgid_str, fields] ->
- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
- Nothing -> do pkgid <- readGlobPkgId pkgid_str
- describeField verbosity cli (Id pkgid)
- (splitFields fields)
- Just m -> describeField verbosity cli (Substring pkgid_str m)
- (splitFields fields)
+ ["describe", pkgid_str] -> do
+ pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
+ Nothing -> liftM Id (readGlobPkgId pkgid_str)
+ Just m -> return (Substring pkgid_str m)
+ describePackage verbosity cli pkgarg (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot)
+ ["field", pkgid_str, fields] -> do
+ pkgarg <- case substringCheck pkgid_str of
+ Nothing -> liftM Id (readGlobPkgId pkgid_str)
+ Just m -> return (Substring pkgid_str m)
+ describeField verbosity cli pkgarg
+ (splitFields fields) (fromMaybe True mexpand_pkgroot)
["check"] -> do
checkConsistency verbosity cli
["dump"] -> do
- dumpPackages verbosity cli
+ dumpPackages verbosity cli (fromMaybe False mexpand_pkgroot)
["recache"] -> do
recache verbosity cli
@@ -410,8 +422,16 @@ globVersion = Version{ versionBranch=[], versionTags=["*"] }
-- list, describe, field
data PackageDB
- = PackageDB { location :: FilePath,
- packages :: [InstalledPackageInfo] }
+ = PackageDB {
+ location, locationAbsolute :: !FilePath,
+ -- We need both possibly-relative and definately-absolute package
+ -- db locations. This is because the relative location is used as
+ -- an identifier for the db, so it is important we do not modify it.
+ -- On the other hand we need the absolute path in a few places
+ -- particularly in relation to the ${pkgroot} stuff.
+ packages :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
+ }
type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB]
-- A stack of package databases. Convention: head is the topmost
@@ -530,7 +550,8 @@ getPkgDatabases verbosity modify use_cache expand_vars my_flags = do
db_stack <- sequence
[ do db <- readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf use_cache db_path
- if expand_vars then mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db else return db
+ if expand_vars then return (mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db)
+ else return db
| db_path <- final_stack ]
let flag_db_stack = [ db | db_name <- flag_db_names,
@@ -557,13 +578,13 @@ readParseDatabase :: Verbosity
readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf use_cache path
-- the user database (only) is allowed to be non-existent
| Just (user_conf,False) <- mb_user_conf, path == user_conf
- = return PackageDB { location = path, packages = [] }
+ = mkPackageDB []
| otherwise
= do e <- tryIO $ getDirectoryContents path
case e of
Left _ -> do
pkgs <- parseMultiPackageConf verbosity path
- return PackageDB{ location = path, packages = pkgs }
+ mkPackageDB pkgs
Right fs
| not use_cache -> ignore_cache
| otherwise -> do
@@ -581,7 +602,7 @@ readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf use_cache path
putStrLn ("using cache: " ++ cache)
pkgs <- myReadBinPackageDB cache
let pkgs' = map convertPackageInfoIn pkgs
- return PackageDB { location = path, packages = pkgs' }
+ mkPackageDB pkgs'
| otherwise -> do
when (verbosity >= Normal) $ do
warn ("WARNING: cache is out of date: " ++ cache)
@@ -592,7 +613,15 @@ readParseDatabase verbosity mb_user_conf use_cache path
let confs = filter (".conf" `isSuffixOf`) fs
pkgs <- mapM (parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity) $
map (path </>) confs
- return PackageDB { location = path, packages = pkgs }
+ mkPackageDB pkgs
+ where
+ mkPackageDB pkgs = do
+ path_abs <- absolutePath path
+ return PackageDB {
+ location = path,
+ locationAbsolute = path_abs,
+ packages = pkgs
+ }
-- read the package.cache file strictly, to work around a problem with
-- bytestring 0.9.0.x (fixed in 0.9.1.x) where the file wasn't closed
@@ -623,13 +652,14 @@ parseSingletonPackageConf verbosity file = do
cachefilename :: FilePath
cachefilename = "package.cache"
-mungePackageDBPaths :: FilePath -> PackageDB -> IO PackageDB
-mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db@PackageDB { packages = pkgs } = do
+mungePackageDBPaths :: FilePath -> PackageDB -> PackageDB
+mungePackageDBPaths top_dir db@PackageDB { packages = pkgs } =
+ db { packages = map (mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot) pkgs }
+ where
+ pkgroot = takeDirectory (locationAbsolute db)
-- It so happens that for both styles of package db ("package.conf"
-- files and "package.conf.d" dirs) the pkgroot is the parent directory
-- ${pkgroot}/package.conf or ${pkgroot}/package.conf.d/
- pkgroot <- absolutePath (takeDirectory (location db))
- return db { packages = map (mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot) pkgs }
mungePackagePaths :: FilePath -> FilePath
-> InstalledPackageInfo -> InstalledPackageInfo
@@ -690,7 +720,11 @@ initPackageDB filename verbosity _flags = do
when b1 eexist
b2 <- doesDirectoryExist filename
when b2 eexist
- changeDB verbosity [] PackageDB{ location = filename, packages = [] }
+ filename_abs <- absolutePath filename
+ changeDB verbosity [] PackageDB {
+ location = filename, locationAbsolute = filename_abs,
+ packages = []
+ }
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Registering
@@ -1005,24 +1039,33 @@ latestPackage verbosity my_flags pkgid = do
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Describe
-describePackage :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> IO ()
-describePackage verbosity my_flags pkgarg = do
+describePackage :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> Bool -> IO ()
+describePackage verbosity my_flags pkgarg expand_pkgroot = do
(_, _, flag_db_stack) <-
- getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} True{-expand vars-} my_flags
- ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack pkgarg
- doDump ps
+ getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
+ dbs <- findPackagesByDB flag_db_stack pkgarg
+ doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db)
+ | (db, pkgs) <- dbs, pkg <- pkgs ]
-dumpPackages :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
-dumpPackages verbosity my_flags = do
+dumpPackages :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> Bool -> IO ()
+dumpPackages verbosity my_flags expand_pkgroot = do
(_, _, flag_db_stack) <-
- getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
- doDump (allPackagesInStack flag_db_stack)
+ getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
+ doDump expand_pkgroot [ (pkg, locationAbsolute db)
+ | db <- flag_db_stack, pkg <- packages db ]
-doDump :: [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO ()
-doDump pkgs = do
+doDump :: Bool -> [(InstalledPackageInfo, FilePath)] -> IO ()
+doDump expand_pkgroot pkgs = do
-- fix the encoding to UTF-8, since this is an interchange format
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
- mapM_ putStrLn . intersperse "---" . map showInstalledPackageInfo $ pkgs
+ putStrLn $
+ intercalate "---\n"
+ [ if expand_pkgroot
+ then showInstalledPackageInfo pkg
+ else showInstalledPackageInfo pkg ++ pkgrootField
+ | (pkg, pkgloc) <- pkgs
+ , let pkgroot = takeDirectory pkgloc
+ pkgrootField = "pkgroot: " ++ pkgroot ++ "\n" ]
-- PackageId is can have globVersion for the version
findPackages :: PackageDBStack -> PackageArg -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
@@ -1061,10 +1104,10 @@ compPkgIdVer p1 p2 = pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Field
-describeField :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> [String] -> IO ()
-describeField verbosity my_flags pkgarg fields = do
+describeField :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> PackageArg -> [String] -> Bool -> IO ()
+describeField verbosity my_flags pkgarg fields expand_pkgroot = do
(_, _, flag_db_stack) <-
- getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} True{-expand vars-} my_flags
+ getPkgDatabases verbosity False True{-use cache-} expand_pkgroot my_flags
fns <- toFields fields
ps <- findPackages flag_db_stack pkgarg
mapM_ (selectFields fns) ps
@@ -1274,6 +1317,7 @@ checkPackageConfig pkg db_stack auto_ghci_libs update = do
mapM_ (checkDir False "import-dirs") (importDirs pkg)
mapM_ (checkDir True "library-dirs") (libraryDirs pkg)
mapM_ (checkDir True "include-dirs") (includeDirs pkg)
+ mapM_ (checkDir True "framework-dirs") (frameworkDirs pkg)
mapM_ (checkFile True "haddock-interfaces") (haddockInterfaces pkg)
mapM_ (checkDirURL True "haddock-html") (haddockHTMLs pkg)
checkModules pkg