path: root/utils/hsc2hs
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2008-07-05 13:42:08 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2008-07-05 13:42:08 +0000
commit98a18944251a82e0e2e8b6c25893eae0fd6811bb (patch)
treee8609f9dbaf423b0148ea8cea890cc5c706204fe /utils/hsc2hs
parent7025dc693281254624b9cbbf84fd44b73c58eff5 (diff)
Build hsc2hs with Cabal
This is very rough around teh edges at the moment.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/hsc2hs')
3 files changed, 45 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs b/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
index e541e21d14..b291fd2abb 100644
--- a/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
@@ -579,8 +579,7 @@ output flags name toks = do
linker <- case [l | Linker l <- flags] of
[] -> locateGhc compiler
- [l] -> return l
- _ -> onlyOne "linker"
+ ls -> return (last ls)
writeFile cProgName $
concatMap outFlagHeaderCProg flags++
diff --git a/utils/hsc2hs/Makefile b/utils/hsc2hs/Makefile
index 7763183c8b..46041716fd 100644
--- a/utils/hsc2hs/Makefile
+++ b/utils/hsc2hs/Makefile
@@ -1,124 +1,44 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# To compile with nhc98 on unix:
-# nhc98 -cpp -package base -o hsc2hs-bin Main.hs
include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
-# Beyond stage 1, honour any Mac OS X depolyment target options. If we use
-# these options in stage 1 we get a linker error if the bootstrap compiler is
-# for a more recent OS version
-ifeq "$(stage)" "2"
-SRC_HC_OPTS += $(addprefix -optc, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_CC_OPTS))
-SRC_LD_OPTS += $(addprefix -optl, $(MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_LD_OPTS))
-ifeq "$(ghc_ge_605)" "NO"
-SRC_HC_OPTS += -cpp
-# This causes libghccompat.a to be used:
-include $(GHC_COMPAT_DIR)/
-# This is required because libghccompat.a must be built with
-# $(GhcHcOpts) because it is linked to the compiler, and hence
-# we must also build with $(GhcHcOpts) here:
-SRC_HC_OPTS += $(GhcHcOpts) $(GhcStage1HcOpts)
-# We have two version: the inplace version compiled by the bootstrap compiler
-# and the install version compiled by the stage 1 compiler
-ifeq "$(stage)" "2"
-HS_PROG = hsc2hs.bin
-HS_PROG = hsc2hs-inplace.bin
-ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-HS_PROG = hsc2hs$(exeext)
-ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-cygwinw32"
-HS_PROG = hsc2hs$(exeext)
-# Note: Somehow we should pass $(exeext) here, but the history of changes used
-# for calling the C preprocessor via GHC has changed a few times, making a
-# clean solution impossible. So we revert to a hack in Main.hs...
SRC_HC_OPTS += -Wall
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# hsc2hs script
+CABAL = $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/libraries/cabal-bin \
+ $(GHC) $(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/libraries/bootstrapping.conf
ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-extra_flags=$(addprefix --cflag=,$(filter-out -O,$(SRC_CC_OPTS)))
+INSTALL_FLAGS = --enable-shell-wrappers
-space=$(nothing) $(nothing)
-# Given
-# foo bar
-# make
-# :\"-Ifoo\":\"-Ibar\"
-GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS_STRINGS = $(subst $(space),,$(foreach d,$(GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS),:\"-I$(d)\"))
-$(INPLACE_HS): Makefile $(FPTOOLS_TOP)/mk/
- echo "import System.Cmd; import System.Environment; import System.Exit" > $@
- echo "main = do args <- getArgs; rawSystem \"$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/$(GHC_HSC2HS_DIR_REL)/$(HS_PROG)\" (\"--template=$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/$(GHC_HSC2HS_DIR_REL)/template-hsc.h\":\"--cc=$(CC)\":\"--ld=$(CC)\"$(patsubst %,:\"%\",$(extra_flags)):\"--cflag=-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$(ProjectVersionInt)\":\"-I$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR_REL)\":\"-I$(FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS)/gmp/gmpbuild\"$(GMP_INCLUDE_DIRS_STRINGS):args) >>= exitWith" >> $@
- $(HC) --make $< -o $@
-all :: $(INPLACE_PROG)
-ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
-LINK = hsc2hs-ghc
-LINK_TARGET = $(LINK)-$(ProjectVersion)
- echo "#!$(SHELL)" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
- echo "HSC2HS_BINDIR=$(libexecdir)" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
- echo "HSC2HS_DIR=$(libdir)" >> $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT)
+ $(CABAL) configure --distpref dist-inplace $(INPLACE_CONFIGURE_FLAGS)
+ $(CABAL) build --distpref dist-inplace $(BUILD_FLAGS)
+ $(CABAL) install --distpref dist-inplace $(INSTALL_FLAGS)
ifneq "$(NO_INSTALL_HSC2HS)" "YES"
- $(CP) $(INSTALLED_SCRIPT) $(DESTDIR)/$(bindir)/hsc2hs
+# XXX
+# $(CABAL) configure --distpref dist-install $(INSTALL_CONFIGURE_FLAGS)
+# $(CABAL) build --distpref dist-install $(BUILD_FLAGS)
-# hsc2hs-inplace is needed to 'make boot' in compiler.
-# Do a recursive 'make all' after generating dependencies, because this
-# will work with 'make -j'.
-ifneq "$(BootingFromHc)" "YES"
-boot :: depend
- $(MAKE) all
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+clean: distclean
-override datadir=$(libdir)
-INSTALL_DATAS += template-hsc.h
+ -$(CABAL) clean --distpref dist-inplace
+ -$(CABAL) clean --distpref dist-install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs
- $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefile $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(HS_PROG) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
+# XXX fix:
+# $(INSTALL_DIR) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs
+# $(INSTALL_DATA) Makefile $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
+# $(INSTALL_DATA) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
+# $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(HS_PROG) $(BIN_DIST_DIR)/utils/hsc2hs/
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs.cabal b/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs.cabal
index ec7f80848b..1e84ff3d11 100644
--- a/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs.cabal
+++ b/utils/hsc2hs/hsc2hs.cabal
@@ -20,9 +20,23 @@ Description:
Category: Development
Data-Files: template-hsc.h
+build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >=1.2
+Flag base3
+ Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package.
+Executable hsc2hs
+ Main-Is: Main.hs
+ -- needed for ReadP (used by Data.Version)
+ Hugs-Options: -98
+ Extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface
+ if flag(base3)
+ Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 4,
+ directory >= 1 && < 1.1,
+ process >= 1 && < 1.1,
+ haskell98
+ else
+ Build-Depends: base < 3,
+ haskell98
-Executable: hsc2hs
-Main-Is: Main.hs
--- needed for ReadP (used by Data.Version)
-Hugs-Options: -98
-Extensions: CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface