path: root/utils/hsc2hs
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2008-07-22 20:36:46 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2008-07-22 20:36:46 +0000
commit3e7f0e7001f6506ca9e9dc8f77a5626bd7a47e11 (patch)
treef58294dd9de8c3d9a9ecc35ab6d81bd4894be2ed /utils/hsc2hs
parent6dfb9daffd929f33b84a25ddadbf82d2c21686ea (diff)
Sync hsc2hs's Main.hs with the Cabal repo
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/hsc2hs')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs b/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
index b422986967..4a899c7aea 100644
--- a/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/hsc2hs/Main.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
@@ -13,27 +14,21 @@
#include "../../includes/ghcconfig.h"
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504 || __NHC__ >= 114
+import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus(..), liftM, liftM2, when )
+import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isSpace, isDigit,
+ toUpper, intToDigit, ord )
+import Data.List ( intersperse, isSuffixOf )
+import System.Cmd ( system, rawSystem )
import System.Console.GetOpt
-import GetOpt
-import System (getProgName, getArgs, ExitCode(..), exitWith)
-import Directory (removeFile,doesFileExist)
-import Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM, liftM2, when)
-import Char (isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isSpace, isDigit, toUpper, intToDigit, ord)
-import List (intersperse, isSuffixOf)
-import IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn, stderr, bracket_)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Foreign
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 504 || __NHC__ >= 114
import Foreign.C.String
-import CString
+import System.Directory ( removeFile, doesFileExist, findExecutable )
+import System.Environment ( getProgName, getArgs )
+import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
+import System.IO ( hPutStr, hPutStrLn, stderr )
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604
import System.Process ( runProcess, waitForProcess )
@@ -41,28 +36,28 @@ import System.IO ( openFile, IOMode(..), hClose )
#define HAVE_runProcess
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && !defined(BUILD_NHC)
-import System.Cmd ( rawSystem )
-#define HAVE_rawSystem
-#elif __NHC__ >= 117
-import System.Cmd ( rawSystem )
-#define HAVE_rawSystem
+import IO ( bracket_ )
+import Distribution.Text
-#if !defined(HAVE_runProcess) || !defined(HAVE_rawSystem)
--- we need system
-#if __NHC__ >= 117 || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 600
-import System.Cmd ( system )
+#if ! BUILD_NHC
+import Paths_hsc2hs ( getDataFileName, version )
+import Data.Version ( showVersion )
-import System ( system )
+import System.Directory ( getCurrentDirectory )
+getDataFileName s = do here <- getCurrentDirectory
+ return (here++"/"++s)
+version = "0.67" -- TODO!!!
+showVersion = id
-import Distribution.Text
-import qualified Paths_hsc2hs
+default_compiler = "ghc"
+default_compiler = "gcc"
-version :: String
-version = "hsc2hs version 0.66\n"
+versionString :: String
+versionString = "hsc2hs version " ++ showVersion version ++ "\n"
data Flag
= Help
@@ -128,27 +123,38 @@ main = do
args <- getArgs
let (flags, files, errs) = getOpt Permute options args
- -- If there is no Template flag explicitly specified, try
- -- to find one by looking near the executable. This only
- -- works on Win32 or Hugs (getExecDir). On Unix, there's a wrapper
- -- script which specifies an explicit template flag.
- flags_w_tpl0 <- if any template_flag flags then
- return flags
- else
- do mb_path <- getExecDir "/bin/hsc2hs.exe"
- add_opt <-
- case mb_path of
- Nothing -> return id
- Just path -> do
- -- Euch, this is horrible. Unfortunately
- -- Paths_hsc2hs isn't too useful for a
- -- relocatable binary, though.
- let templ = path ++ "/hsc2hs-" ++ display Paths_hsc2hs.version ++ "/template-hsc.h"
- flg <- doesFileExist templ
- if flg
- then return ((Template templ):)
- else return id
- return (add_opt flags)
+ -- If there is no Template flag explicitly specified, try
+ -- to find one. We first look near the executable. This only
+ -- works on Win32 or Hugs (getExecDir). If this finds a template
+ -- file then it's certainly the one we want, even if hsc2hs isn't
+ -- installed where we told Cabal it would be installed.
+ --
+ -- Next we try the location we told Cabal about.
+ --
+ -- If neither of the above work, then hopefully we're on Unix and
+ -- there's a wrapper script which specifies an explicit template flag.
+ flags_w_tpl0 <-
+ if any template_flag flags then return flags
+ else do mb_path <- getExecDir "/bin/hsc2hs.exe"
+ mb_templ1 <-
+ case mb_path of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just path -> do
+ -- Euch, this is horrible. Unfortunately
+ -- Paths_hsc2hs isn't too useful for a
+ -- relocatable binary, though.
+ let templ1 = path ++ "/hsc2hs-" ++ display Paths_hsc2hs.version ++ "/template-hsc.h"
+ exists1 <- doesFileExist templ1
+ if exists1
+ then return (Just templ1)
+ else return Nothing
+ case mb_templ1 of
+ Just templ1 -> return (Template templ1 : flags)
+ Nothing -> do
+ templ2 <- getDataFileName "template-hsc.h"
+ exists2 <- doesFileExist templ2
+ if exists2 then return (Template templ2 : flags)
+ else return flags
-- take only the last --template flag on the cmd line
@@ -158,7 +164,7 @@ main = do
case (files, errs) of
(_, _)
| any isHelp flags_w_tpl -> bye (usageInfo header options)
- | any isVersion flags_w_tpl -> bye version
+ | any isVersion flags_w_tpl -> bye versionString
isHelp Help = True; isHelp _ = False
isVersion Version = True; isVersion _ = False
@@ -556,35 +562,16 @@ output flags name toks = do
fixChar c | isAlphaNum c = toUpper c
| otherwise = '_'
- -- Try locating GHC..on Win32, look in the vicinity of hsc2hs.
- -- Returns a native-format path
- locateGhc def = do
- mb <- getExecDir "bin/hsc2hs.exe"
- case mb of
- Nothing -> return def
- Just x -> do
- let ghc_path = dosifyPath (x ++ "bin/ghc.exe")
- flg <- doesFileExist ghc_path
- if flg
- then return ghc_path
- else return def
- -- On a Win32 installation we execute the hsc2hs binary directly,
- -- with no --cc flags, so we'll call locateGhc here, which will
- -- succeed, via getExecDir.
- --
- -- On a Unix installation, we'll run the wrapper script
- -- (called plain hsc2hs in the installed tree), which will pass
- -- a suitable C compiler via --cc
- --
- -- The in-place installation always uses the wrapper script,
- -- (called hsc2hs-inplace, generated from
compiler <- case [c | Compiler c <- flags] of
- [] -> locateGhc "ghc"
+ [] -> do
+ mb_path <- findExecutable default_compiler
+ case mb_path of
+ Nothing -> die ("Can't find "++default_compiler++"\n")
+ Just path -> return path
cs -> return (last cs)
linker <- case [l | Linker l <- flags] of
- [] -> locateGhc compiler
+ [] -> return compiler
ls -> return (last ls)
writeFile cProgName $
@@ -644,11 +631,7 @@ rawSystemL :: String -> Bool -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
rawSystemL action flg prog args = do
let cmdLine = prog++" "++unwords args
when flg $ hPutStrLn stderr ("Executing: " ++ cmdLine)
-#ifndef HAVE_rawSystem
- exitStatus <- system cmdLine
exitStatus <- rawSystem prog args
case exitStatus of
ExitFailure _ -> die $ action ++ " failed\ncommand was: " ++ cmdLine ++ "\n"
_ -> return ()
@@ -669,12 +652,11 @@ rawSystemWithStdOutL action flg prog args outFile = do
ExitFailure _ -> die $ action ++ " failed\ncommand was: " ++ cmdLine ++ "\n"
_ -> return ()
-- delay the cleanup of generated files until the end; attempts to
-- get around intermittent failure to delete files which has
-- just been exec'ed by a sub-process (Win32 only.)
finallyRemove :: FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
-finallyRemove fp act =
+finallyRemove fp act =
bracket_ (return fp)
(const $ noisyRemove fp)
@@ -682,6 +664,7 @@ finallyRemove fp act =
noisyRemove fpath =
catch (removeFile fpath)
(\ e -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Failed to remove file " ++ fpath ++ "; error= " ++ show e))
onlyOne :: String -> IO a
onlyOne what = die ("Only one "++what++" may be specified\n")
@@ -905,7 +888,7 @@ dosifyPath :: String -> String
dosifyPath = subst '/' '\\'
-- (getExecDir cmd) returns the directory in which the current
--- executable, which should be called 'cmd', is running
+-- executable, which should be called 'cmd', is running
-- So if the full path is /a/b/c/d/e, and you pass "d/e" as cmd,
-- you'll get "/a/b/c" back as the result
getExecDir :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
@@ -929,3 +912,4 @@ foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetModuleFileNameA"
getExecPath = return Nothing