path: root/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2006-04-07 02:05:11 +0000
commit0065d5ab628975892cea1ec7303f968c3338cbe1 (patch)
tree8e2afe0ab48ee33cf95009809d67c9649573ef92 /utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
parent28a464a75e14cece5db40f2765a29348273ff2d2 (diff)
Reorganisation of the source tree
Most of the other users of the fptools build system have migrated to Cabal, and with the move to darcs we can now flatten the source tree without losing history, so here goes. The main change is that the ghc/ subdir is gone, and most of what it contained is now at the top level. The build system now makes no pretense at being multi-project, it is just the GHC build system. No doubt this will break many things, and there will be a period of instability while we fix the dependencies. A straightforward build should work, but I haven't yet fixed binary/source distributions. Changes to the Building Guide will follow, too.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c')
1 files changed, 760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c b/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a59d1c89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/prof/cgprof/daVinci.c
@@ -0,0 +1,760 @@
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * $Id: daVinci.c,v 1.5 2006/01/09 14:38:01 simonmar Exp $
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2000 University of Oxford
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software,
+ * and to incorporate it, in whole or in part, into other software,
+ * is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * (1) the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+ * all copies of the source code, and the above copyright notice
+ * appear in clearly visible form on all supporting documentation
+ * and distribution media;
+ * (2) modified versions of this software be accompanied by a complete
+ * change history describing author, date, and modifications made;
+ * and
+ * (3) any redistribution of the software, in original or modified
+ * form, be without fee and subject to these same conditions.
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "daVinci.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+static char* extra_space(int);
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci(int,Matrix *, Matrix *,char*,int);
+static char *parse_word(char**);
+static char *parse_quoted(char**);
+static char *dup_str(char*);
+double this_total_time,
+ this_total_comp_max, this_total_comp_avg,
+ this_total_comm_max, this_total_comm_avg,
+ this_total_comp_idle_max, this_total_comp_idle_avg;
+long int this_hrel_max, this_hrel_avg;
+int this_syncs;
+char *lastDavinciCmd;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Send a command with ok return value daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void cmdDaVinci(char* format,...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, format);
+ vfprintf(stdout, format, args);
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+ va_end(args);
+ fflush(stdout);
+ lastDavinciCmd = format;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Initialise daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void initDaVinci() {
+ cmdDaVinci("window(title(\"GHC profiler: cost-centre-stack view\"))\n");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(font_size(8))");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(animation_speed(0))");
+ cmdDaVinci("set(scrolling_on_selection(false))");
+ /* SAJ */
+ /* cmdDaVinci("set(no_cache(true)))"); */
+ cmdDaVinci("app_menu(create_icons(["
+ "icon_entry(\"delete\","
+ "\"delete.xbm\","
+ "\"Delete node and its children\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"undo\","
+ "\"undo.xbm\","
+ "\"Undo delete\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"time\","
+ "\"time.xbm\","
+ "\"Cost metric view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"percent\","
+ "\"percent.xbm\","
+ "\"Percentage view\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"compress\","
+ "\"compress.xbm\","
+ "\"Compressed node view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"uncompress\","
+ "\"uncompress.xbm\","
+ "\"Uncompressed node view\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"absolute\","
+ "\"absolute.xbm\","
+ "\"Display inherited profile results\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"absdelta\","
+ "\"absdelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Display flat profile results\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"reldelta\","
+ "\"reldelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Trim zero-cost sub-trees\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"weightdelta\","
+ "\"weightdelta.xbm\","
+ "\"Trim zero-cost nodes\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"sync\","
+ "\"sync.xbm\","
+ "\"Graph view\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"comp\","
+ "\"comp.xbm\","
+ "\"SCCs critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"comm\","
+ "\"comm.xbm\","
+ "\"Computation time critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"wait\","
+ "\"wait.xbm\","
+ "\"Heap usage critical path\"),"
+ "icon_entry(\"hrel\","
+ "\"hrel.xbm\","
+ "\"Node spy\"),"
+ "blank,"
+ "icon_entry(\"help\","
+ "\"help.xbm\","
+ "\"Help\"),"
+ "]))");
+ activateDaVinciMenu("default");
+ cmdDaVinci("app_menu(create_menus([menu_entry_mne(\"jump\",\"Goto a node\",\"G\",control,\"G\")]))\n");
+ /* SAJ */
+ // cmdDaVinci("app_menu(activate_menus([\"jump\"]))");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Menu FSM
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void activateDaVinciMenu(char *pressed) {
+ static int compress=1,time=1,critical_type=0,critical=0,undo=1,delete=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"absolute")==0) critical_type=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"absdelta")==0) critical_type=1;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"reldelta")==0) critical_type=2;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"weightdelta")==0) critical_type=3;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"sync")==0) critical=0;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"comp")==0) critical=1;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"comm")==0) critical=2;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"wait")==0) critical=3;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"hrel")==0) critical=4;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"compress")==0 || strcmp(pressed,"uncompress")==0)
+ compress=!compress;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"time")==0 || strcmp(pressed,"percent")==0)
+ time=!time;
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"undo")==0) {undo=!undo;}
+ if (strcmp(pressed,"delete")==0) {delete=!delete;}
+ printf("app_menu(activate_icons([");
+ if (critical_type!=0) printf("\"absolute\",");
+ if (critical_type!=1) printf("\"absdelta\",");
+ if (critical_type!=2) printf("\"reldelta\",");
+ if (critical_type!=3) printf("\"weightdelta\",");
+ if (critical!=0) printf("\"sync\",");
+ if (critical!=1) printf("\"comp\",");
+ if (critical!=2) printf("\"comm\",");
+ if (critical!=3) printf("\"wait\",");
+ if (critical!=4) printf("\"hrel\",");
+ if (!compress) printf("\"compress\",");
+ if (compress) printf("\"uncompress\",");
+ if (!time) printf("\"time\",");
+ if (time) printf("\"percent\",");
+ if (!delete) printf("\"delete\",");
+ if (!undo) printf("\"undo\",");
+ cmdDaVinci("\"help\"]))");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Graph to daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void graphToDaVinci(int root,Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs, int removezerocosts) {
+ int i,j;
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ char zeronodes[MAX_PROFILE_LINE_LENGTH*2]; // is this a sen. MAX
+ char TEMPzeronodes[MAX_PROFILE_LINE_LENGTH*2];
+ char* p_zeronodes = zeronodes;
+ char* TEMPp_zeronodes = TEMPzeronodes;
+ printf("graph(new([");
+ if (PrintLogo) {
+ /* I have implemented some name changes here. They are purely for output and */
+ /* following the relation (comp = scc, comm = ticks, wait = bytes */
+ printf("l(\"info\",n(\"\",["
+ "a(\"COLOR\",\"gold\"),"
+ "a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),"
+ //"a(\"_GO\",\"icon\"),"
+ //"a(\"ICONFILE\",\"oxpara.xbm\"),"
+ "a(\"OBJECT\",\""
+ "Program statistics\\n\\n"
+ "Time elapsed = %6.2f ticks\\n"
+ "Heap usage = %6.2f bytes\\n"
+ "Total scc count = %6.2f (scc)\\n"
+ "\")],[])),",
+ TotalComm,TotalCompIdle,
+ TotalComp
+ );
+ }
+ if (root==-1) {
+ printf("]))\n");
+ } else {
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,root,0);
+ this_total_comp_max = ptr->comp_max;
+ this_total_comp_avg = ptr->comp_avg;
+ this_total_comm_max = ptr->comm_max;
+ this_total_comm_avg = ptr->comm_avg;
+ this_total_comp_idle_max= ptr->comp_idle_max;
+ this_total_comp_idle_avg= ptr->comp_idle_avg;
+ this_total_time = 0.00001 +
+ this_total_comp_max+ this_total_comm_max;
+ this_hrel_max = ptr->hrel_max;
+ this_hrel_avg = ptr->hrel_avg;
+ this_syncs = ptr->syncs;
+ recur_graphToDaVinci(root,graph,costs,p_zeronodes,removezerocosts);
+ printf("]))\n");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ cmdDaVinci("special(focus_node(\"%d\"))\n",root);
+ /* graph will have been altered so that visted elements are marked
+ by a negative value. These are reset */
+ for(i=0;i<graph->rows;i++) {
+ for(j=0;j<graph->cols;j++) {
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,i,j))
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,i,j)<0) Mat(int,*graph,i,j)=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (removezerocosts==1)
+ {
+ if (strlen(p_zeronodes)>0)
+ { strncpy(TEMPp_zeronodes,p_zeronodes,strlen(p_zeronodes)-1);
+ printf("select_nodes_labels([%s])\n",TEMPp_zeronodes);
+ }
+ strcpy(TEMPp_zeronodes,"");
+ strcpy(p_zeronodes,"");
+ }
+ }
+static char *printCompressNode(int node, object_cost *ptr) {
+ char name[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char comp[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char comm[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ static char res[(MAX_FUNNAME+20)*4];
+ char tempstring[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char *padding;
+ int x;
+ char delimiter[] = "&";
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ sprintf(name,"%d %s",
+ symbol_table[node].lineno,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(tempstring,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ sprintf(name,"%s",strtok(tempstring,delimiter));
+ }
+ if (NodeviewTime) {
+ /* changed this for GHC stats */
+ sprintf(comp,"\\nTime %6.2fticks\\n",ptr->comm_max);
+ sprintf(comm,"Bytes %6.2funits",ptr->comp_idle_max);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(comp,"\\nTime %6.2f%%\\n",(ptr->comm_max/TotalComm)*100.0);
+ sprintf(comm,"Bytes %6.2f%%",(ptr->comp_idle_max/TotalCompIdle)*100.0);
+ }
+ /* Slightly arbitrary choice for max display length of CC string */
+ /* If it is larger than this the display nodes look bad */
+ if (strlen(name)>20) name[20]='\0';
+ x=strlen(name);
+ if (((20-(strlen(name)+3))/2)>19)
+ padding = extra_space(0);
+ else
+ padding = extra_space((20-(strlen(name)+3))/2); /* includes \\n */
+ strcpy(res,padding);
+ strcat(res,name);
+ strcat(res,comp);
+ strcat(res,comm);
+ return res;
+static char *printUncompressNode(int node, object_cost *ptr) {
+ char name [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char module [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char group [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char head [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char comp [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char comm [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char wait [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char hrel [MAX_FUNNAME+40];
+ char tempstring[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char tempstring2[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char *tempstring3;
+ char *tempstring5;
+ char tempstring4[MAX_FUNNAME+20];
+ char delimiter[] = "&";
+ static char res[(MAX_FUNNAME+40)*7];
+ char *padding;
+ int width=0,x;
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ sprintf(name,"%s line %d\\n",
+ symbol_table[node].filename,symbol_table[node].lineno);
+ else
+ {
+ strcpy(tempstring,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ strcpy(tempstring2,symbol_table[node].filename);
+ sprintf(name,"%s",strtok(tempstring,delimiter));
+ strcpy(tempstring4,tempstring2);
+ tempstring5 = strpbrk(tempstring4,delimiter);
+ sprintf(module,"%s",strtok(tempstring5+1,delimiter));
+ tempstring3 = strrchr(tempstring2,'&');
+ sprintf(group,"%s",tempstring3+1);
+ }
+ if (NodeviewTime) {
+ sprintf(head, "Metric Total \\n");
+ sprintf(comp, " Time %6.2ft \\n",ptr->comm_max);
+ sprintf(comm, " Bytes %6.2fu \\n",ptr->comp_idle_max);
+ sprintf(wait, " SCC %6.2fc \\n",ptr->comp_max);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(head, "Metric Total \\n");
+ sprintf(comp, " Time %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comm_max,TotalComm));
+ sprintf(comm, " Bytes %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comp_idle_max,TotalCompIdle));
+ sprintf(wait, " SCC %5.1f%% \\n",100.0*SAFEDIV(ptr->comp_max,TotalComp));
+ }
+ if ((x=strlen(name))>width) width=x;
+ if ((x=strlen(hrel))>width) width=x;
+ padding = extra_space((width-strlen(name)+3)/2); /* includes \\n */
+ /* strcpy(res,padding); */
+ strcpy(res,"Cost centre: ");
+ strcat(res,name);
+ strcat(res,"\\n");
+ strcat(res,"Module : ");
+ strcat(res,module);
+ strcat(res,"\\n");
+ strcat(res,"Group : ");
+ strcat(res,group);
+ strcat(res,"\\n\\n");
+ strcat(res,head);
+ strcat(res,comp);
+ strcat(res,comm);
+ strcat(res,wait);
+ /* strcat(res,hrel); */
+ return res;
+double nodeColour(object_cost *cost) {
+ switch (CriticalPath + CriticalType) {
+ return SAFEDIV(((double)cost->syncs),((double)this_syncs));
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,this_total_comp_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,this_total_comm_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,this_total_comp_idle_max);
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) cost->hrel_max),((double)this_hrel_max));
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,TotalComp);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,TotalComm);
+ return SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,TotalCompIdle);
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (this_hrel_max-this_hrel_avg)));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comp_max-cost->comp_avg),
+ (cost->comp_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comm_max-cost->comm_avg),
+ (cost->comm_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV((cost->comp_idle_max-cost->comp_idle_avg),
+ (cost->comp_idle_avg*DeltaNormalise));
+ return SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (cost->hrel_avg*DeltaNormalise)));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comp_max-cost->comp_avg),
+ (cost->comp_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comp_max,this_total_comp_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comm_max-cost->comm_avg),
+ (cost->comm_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comm_max,this_total_comm_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV((cost->comp_idle_max-cost->comp_idle_avg),
+ (cost->comp_idle_avg*DeltaNormalise))*
+ SAFEDIV(cost->comp_idle_max,this_total_comp_idle_max));
+ return (SAFEDIV(((double) (cost->hrel_max - cost->hrel_avg)),
+ ((double) (cost->hrel_avg*DeltaNormalise)))*
+ SAFEDIV(((double) cost->hrel_max),((double)this_hrel_max)));
+ }
+ return 0.0;
+int percentToColour(double colour) {
+ int range=255,base=0;
+ if (!Colour) {
+ base =100;
+ range=155;
+ }
+ if (colour>1.0) return (base+range);
+ else if (colour<0.0) return base;
+ else return (((int) (((double)range)*colour))+base);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Recursively draw the graph
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci(int node,Matrix *graph,Matrix *costs,char* p_zeronodes, int mode){
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ int i,j,no_children=0,*children=NULL,colour;
+ char *node_str;
+ char tempnode[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,node,node)<0) {
+ printf("r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ } else {
+ for(i=0;i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) no_children++;
+ if (no_children>0) {
+ children = calloc(no_children,sizeof(int));
+ if (children==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{printDaVinci} unable to allocate %d ",no_children);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for((i=0,j=0);i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) children[j++]=i;
+ qsort(children,no_children,sizeof(int),
+ (int (*)(const void *,const void *)) cmp_symbol_entry);
+ }
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,node,0);
+ node_str=(NodeviewCompress)?
+ printCompressNode(node,ptr):
+ printUncompressNode(node,ptr);
+ printf("l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ printf("a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ // hide the CAF:REPOSITORY as default
+ if (!strncmp(node_str,"Cost centre: CAF:REPOSITORY",26))
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),"); // when uncompressed
+ if (!strncmp(node_str," CAF:REPOSITORY",12))
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),"); // when compressed
+ if (mode==2)
+ {
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) <= 0.0)
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),");
+ }
+ //for pruning all zero-cost nodes
+ if (mode==1)
+ {
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) <= 0.0)
+ { fprintf(logFile,"Node %d %s is a candidate for deletion\n",node, node_str);
+ sprintf(tempnode,"\"%d\",",node);
+ strcat(p_zeronodes,tempnode);
+ }
+ }
+ colour=percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(ptr));
+ printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ printf("],[");
+ Mat(int,*graph,node,node)=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<no_children;i++) {
+ printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ recur_graphToDaVinci(children[i],graph,costs,p_zeronodes,mode);
+ printf(")");
+ if (i<(no_children-1)) {printf(",");}
+ }
+ printf("]))");
+ }
+static void recur_graphToDaVinci_old(int node,Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs) {
+ object_cost *ptr;
+ int i,j,no_children=0,*children=NULL,colour;
+ char *node_str;
+ if (Mat(int,*graph,node,node)<0) {
+ fprintf(logFile,"r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ printf("r(\"%d\") ",node);
+ } else {
+ for(i=0;i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) no_children++;
+ if (no_children>0) {
+ children = calloc(no_children,sizeof(int));
+ if (children==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{printDaVinci} unable to allocate %d ",no_children);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for((i=0,j=0);i<graph->cols;i++)
+ if (node!=i && Mat_dense(*graph,node,i)) children[j++]=i;
+ qsort(children,no_children,sizeof(int),
+ (int (*)(const void *,const void *)) cmp_symbol_entry);
+ }
+ ptr = &Mat(object_cost,*costs,node,0);
+ node_str=(NodeviewCompress)?
+ printCompressNode(node,ptr):
+ printUncompressNode(node,ptr);
+ fprintf(logFile,"l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ printf("l(\"%d\",n(\"\",[a(\"OBJECT\",\"%s\"),",node,node_str);
+ fprintf(logFile,"a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ printf("a(\"FONTFAMILY\",\"courier\"),");
+ if (symbol_table[node].type==CG_SSTEP)
+ printf("a(\"BORDER\",\"double\"),");
+ else
+ //if (prune subgraphs of zero cost node)
+ // minNodeSize hardwired
+ if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) < minNodeSize)
+ printf("a(\"HIDDEN\",\"true\"),");
+ //if ((ptr->comm_max+ptr->comp_idle_max+ptr->comp_max) < 0.01)
+ // small=1;
+ //else small=0;
+ colour=percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(ptr));
+ //if (!small)
+ fprintf(logFile,"a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")",colour,colour);
+ //else
+ // printf("a(\"COLOR\",\"yellow\"),");
+ fprintf(logFile,"],[");
+ printf("],[");
+ Mat(int,*graph,node,node)=-1;
+ for(i=0;i<no_children;i++) {
+ //if (!small)
+ fprintf(logFile,"e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[],",node,children[i]);
+ //else
+ // printf("e(\"%d->%d\",[a(\"EDGECOLOR\",\"yellow\")],",node,children[i]);
+ recur_graphToDaVinci_old(children[i],graph,costs);
+ fprintf(logFile,")");
+ printf(")");
+ if (i<(no_children-1)) {fprintf(logFile,","); printf(",");}
+ }
+ fprintf(logFile,"]))");
+ printf("]))");
+ }
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Update colour
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void updateColours(int root, Matrix *graph, Matrix *costs) {
+ int i,colour,last;
+ printf("graph(change_attr([");
+ for(last=costs->rows-1;last>=0;last--)
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,last,last)) break;
+ for(i=0;i<costs->rows;i++) {
+ if (Mat_dense(*graph,i,i)) {
+ colour = percentToColour(1.0-nodeColour(&Mat(object_cost,*costs,i,0)));
+ printf("node(\"%d\",[a(\"COLOR\",\"#ff%.2x%.2x\")])",
+ i,colour,colour);
+ if (i<last) printf(",");
+ }
+ }
+ printf("]))\n");
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Parse answer from daVinci
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+davinciCmd parseDaVinciCmd(char *input) {
+ davinciCmd result;
+ char *crp;
+ char *word;
+ int i;
+ result.size=1;
+ result.list=NULL;
+ for(crp=input;*crp;crp++)
+ if (*crp==',') result.size++;
+ crp=input;
+ word = parse_word(&crp);
+ if (Verbose) fprintf(logFile,"{parseDaVinciCmd}=%s size=%d\n",word,result.size);
+ if (strcmp(word,"node_selections_labels")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_NODE;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp+=2;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ while (*crp++==',') {
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"icon_selection")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_ICON;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"tcl_answer")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_TCL;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"menu_selection")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_MENU;
+ result.list =calloc(result.size,sizeof(char*));
+ if (result.list==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{parseDaVinciCmd} failed to allocate storage");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ crp++;
+ i=0;
+ word = parse_quoted(&crp);
+ result.list[i++] = dup_str(word);
+ }else if (strcmp(word,"node_double_click")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"edge_selection_labels")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"ok")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_OK;
+ } else if (strcmp(word,"quit")==0) {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_QUIT;
+ } else {
+ result.type=DAVINCI_ERROR;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Misc.
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Function that returns a string containing \texttt{x} spaces. */
+static char* extra_space(int x) {
+ static char space[MAX_FUNNAME+1];
+ int i;
+ if (Verbose) fprintf(logFile,"Padding is %d\n",x);
+ for(i=0;(i<x)&&(i<MAX_FUNNAME);i++) space[i]=' ';
+ space[i]='\0';
+ return space;
+static char *parse_word(char **crp) {
+ static char result[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ int i=0;
+ while(islower(**crp) || **crp=='_') {
+ result[i++]=**crp;
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ result[i]='\0';
+ return result;
+static char *parse_quoted(char **crp) {
+ static char result[MAX_FUNNAME];
+ int i=0;
+ if (**crp=='\"') {
+ (*crp)++;
+ while (**crp != '\"') {
+ result[i++]=**crp;
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ (*crp)++;
+ }
+ result[i]='\0';
+ return result;
+static char *dup_str(char *xs) {
+ char *result;
+ if (xs==NULL) return NULL;
+ else {
+ result = malloc(strlen(xs)+1);
+ if (result==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"{dup_str}: unable to allocate bytes");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ strcpy(result,xs);
+ return result;
+ }