path: root/utils
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authorTobias Dammers <>2018-06-02 21:23:21 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2018-06-02 23:21:01 -0400
commit1626fe600672d3dabcf95d11a6c16da5f5ec1068 (patch)
treef103d74ed7d584bed5e4cdc3eb19f030eeb6ef10 /utils
parent26273774661bd0780b1ae8f0755ea135a0ceaf92 (diff)
Handle abi-depends correctly in ghc-pkg
When inferring the correct abi-depends, we now look at all the package databases in the stack, up to and including the current one, because these are the ones that the current package can legally depend on. While doing so, we will issue warnings: - In verbose mode, we warn about every package that declares abi-depends:, whether we actually end up overriding them with the inferred ones or not ("possibly broken abi-depends"). - Otherwise, we only warn about packages whose declared abi-depends does not match what we inferred ("definitely broken abi-depends"). Reviewers: bgamari Reviewed By: bgamari Subscribers: rwbarton, thomie, carter GHC Trac Issues: #14381 Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index a32252139f..69137eb4e4 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -577,6 +577,15 @@ data DbModifySelector = TopOne | ContainsPkg PackageArg
allPackagesInStack :: PackageDBStack -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
allPackagesInStack = concatMap packages
+-- | Retain only the part of the stack up to and including the given package
+-- DB (where the global package DB is the bottom of the stack). The resulting
+-- package DB stack contains exactly the packages that packages from the
+-- specified package DB can depend on, since dependencies can only extend
+-- down the stack, not up (e.g. global packages cannot depend on user
+-- packages).
+stackUpTo :: FilePath -> PackageDBStack -> PackageDBStack
+stackUpTo to_modify = dropWhile ((/= to_modify) . location)
getPkgDatabases :: Verbosity
-> GhcPkg.DbOpenMode mode DbModifySelector
-> Bool -- use the user db
@@ -1077,6 +1086,10 @@ initPackageDB filename verbosity _flags = do
packageDbLock = GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite lock,
packages = []
+ -- We can get away with passing an empty stack here, because the new DB is
+ -- going to be initially empty, so no dependencies are going to be actually
+ -- looked up.
+ []
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Registering
@@ -1126,7 +1139,7 @@ registerPackage input verbosity my_flags multi_instance
let top_dir = takeDirectory (location (last db_stack))
pkg_expanded = mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot pkg
- let truncated_stack = dropWhile ((/= to_modify).location) db_stack
+ let truncated_stack = stackUpTo to_modify db_stack
-- truncate the stack for validation, because we don't allow
-- packages lower in the stack to refer to those higher up.
validatePackageConfig pkg_expanded verbosity truncated_stack
@@ -1144,7 +1157,7 @@ registerPackage input verbosity my_flags multi_instance
-- Only remove things that were instantiated the same way!
instantiatedWith p == instantiatedWith pkg ]
- changeDB verbosity (removes ++ [AddPackage pkg]) db_to_operate_on
+ changeDB verbosity (removes ++ [AddPackage pkg]) db_to_operate_on db_stack
:: String
@@ -1169,12 +1182,16 @@ data DBOp = RemovePackage InstalledPackageInfo
| AddPackage InstalledPackageInfo
| ModifyPackage InstalledPackageInfo
-changeDB :: Verbosity -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite -> IO ()
-changeDB verbosity cmds db = do
+changeDB :: Verbosity
+ -> [DBOp]
+ -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
+ -> PackageDBStack
+ -> IO ()
+changeDB verbosity cmds db db_stack = do
let db' = updateInternalDB db cmds
db'' <- adjustOldFileStylePackageDB db'
createDirectoryIfMissing True (location db'')
- changeDBDir verbosity cmds db''
+ changeDBDir verbosity cmds db'' db_stack
updateInternalDB :: PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
-> [DBOp] -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
@@ -1187,10 +1204,14 @@ updateInternalDB db cmds = db{ packages = foldl do_cmd (packages db) cmds }
do_cmd (do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p)) (AddPackage p)
-changeDBDir :: Verbosity -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite -> IO ()
-changeDBDir verbosity cmds db = do
+changeDBDir :: Verbosity
+ -> [DBOp]
+ -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
+ -> PackageDBStack
+ -> IO ()
+changeDBDir verbosity cmds db db_stack = do
mapM_ do_cmd cmds
- updateDBCache verbosity db
+ updateDBCache verbosity db db_stack
do_cmd (RemovePackage p) = do
let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
@@ -1203,20 +1224,63 @@ changeDBDir verbosity cmds db = do
do_cmd (ModifyPackage p) =
do_cmd (AddPackage p)
-updateDBCache :: Verbosity -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite -> IO ()
-updateDBCache verbosity db = do
+updateDBCache :: Verbosity
+ -> PackageDB 'GhcPkg.DbReadWrite
+ -> PackageDBStack
+ -> IO ()
+updateDBCache verbosity db db_stack = do
let filename = location db </> cachefilename
+ db_stack_below = stackUpTo (location db) db_stack
pkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
pkgsCabalFormat = packages db
- pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [PackageCacheFormat]
- pkgsGhcCacheFormat = map convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkgsCabalFormat
+ -- | All the packages we can legally depend on in this step.
+ dependablePkgsCabalFormat :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
+ dependablePkgsCabalFormat = allPackagesInStack db_stack_below
+ pkgsGhcCacheFormat :: [(PackageCacheFormat, Bool)]
+ pkgsGhcCacheFormat
+ -- See Note [Recompute abi-depends]
+ = map (recomputeValidAbiDeps dependablePkgsCabalFormat)
+ $ map convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat
+ pkgsCabalFormat
+ hasAnyAbiDepends :: InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
+ hasAnyAbiDepends x = length (abiDepends x) > 0
+ -- warn when we find any (possibly-)bogus abi-depends fields;
+ -- Note [Recompute abi-depends]
+ when (verbosity >= Normal) $ do
+ let definitelyBrokenPackages =
+ nub
+ . sort
+ . map (unPackageName . GhcPkg.packageName . fst)
+ . filter snd
+ $ pkgsGhcCacheFormat
+ when (definitelyBrokenPackages /= []) $ do
+ warn "the following packages have broken abi-depends fields:"
+ forM_ definitelyBrokenPackages $ \pkg ->
+ warn $ " " ++ pkg
+ when (verbosity > Normal) $ do
+ let possiblyBrokenPackages =
+ nub
+ . sort
+ . filter (not . (`elem` definitelyBrokenPackages))
+ . map (unPackageName . pkgName . packageId)
+ . filter hasAnyAbiDepends
+ $ pkgsCabalFormat
+ when (possiblyBrokenPackages /= []) $ do
+ warn $
+ "the following packages have correct abi-depends, " ++
+ "but may break in the future:"
+ forM_ possiblyBrokenPackages $ \pkg ->
+ warn $ " " ++ pkg
when (verbosity > Normal) $
infoLn ("writing cache " ++ filename)
- GhcPkg.writePackageDb filename pkgsGhcCacheFormat pkgsCabalFormat
+ GhcPkg.writePackageDb filename (map fst pkgsGhcCacheFormat) pkgsCabalFormat
`catchIO` \e ->
if isPermissionError e
then die $ filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file"
@@ -1234,6 +1298,54 @@ type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo
+{- Note [Recompute abi-depends]
+Like most fields, `ghc-pkg` relies on who-ever is performing package
+registration to fill in fields; this includes the `abi-depends` field present
+for the package.
+However, this was likely a mistake, and is not very robust; in certain cases,
+versions of Cabal may use bogus abi-depends fields for a package when doing
+builds. Why? Because package database information is aggressively cached; it is
+possible to work Cabal into a situation where it uses a cached version of
+`abi-depends`, rather than the one in the actual database after it has been
+However, there is an easy fix: ghc-pkg /already/ knows the `abi-depends` of a
+package, because they are the ABIs of the packages pointed at by the `depends`
+field. So it can simply look up the abi from the dependencies in the original
+database, and ignore whatever the system registering gave it.
+So, instead, we do two things here:
+ - We throw away the information for a registered package's `abi-depends` field.
+ - We recompute it: we simply look up the unit ID of the package in the original
+ database, and use *its* abi-depends.
+See Trac #14381, and Cabal issue #4728.
+Additionally, because we are throwing away the original (declared) ABI deps, we
+return a boolean that indicates whether any abi-depends were actually
+recomputeValidAbiDeps :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
+ -> PackageCacheFormat
+ -> (PackageCacheFormat, Bool)
+recomputeValidAbiDeps db pkg =
+ (pkg { GhcPkg.abiDepends = newAbiDeps }, abiDepsUpdated)
+ where
+ newAbiDeps =
+ catMaybes . flip map (GhcPkg.abiDepends pkg) $ \(k, _) ->
+ case filter (\d -> installedUnitId d == k) db of
+ [x] -> Just (k, unAbiHash (abiHash x))
+ _ -> Nothing
+ abiDepsUpdated =
+ GhcPkg.abiDepends pkg /= newAbiDeps
convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageCacheFormat
convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg =
GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo {
@@ -1371,14 +1483,14 @@ modifyPackage fn pkgarg verbosity my_flags force = do
dieOrForceAll force ("unregistering would break the following packages: "
++ unwords (map displayQualPkgId newly_broken))
- changeDB verbosity cmds db
+ changeDB verbosity cmds db db_stack
recache :: Verbosity -> [Flag] -> IO ()
recache verbosity my_flags = do
(_db_stack, GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite db_to_operate_on, _flag_dbs) <-
getPkgDatabases verbosity (GhcPkg.DbOpenReadWrite TopOne)
True{-use user-} False{-no cache-} False{-expand vars-} my_flags
- changeDB verbosity [] db_to_operate_on
+ changeDB verbosity [] db_to_operate_on _db_stack
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Listing packages