path: root/utils
diff options
authorEdward Z. Yang <>2016-01-18 17:32:27 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2016-01-19 00:07:33 +0100
commit240ddd7c39536776e955e881d709bbb039b48513 (patch)
treeb9686cb0e771a268b514a57dc8bec7e31601351c /utils
parentb8abd852d3674cb485490d2b2e94906c06ee6e8f (diff)
Switch from -this-package-key to -this-unit-id.
A small cosmetic change, but we have to do a bit of work to actually support it: - Cabal submodule update, so that Cabal passes us -this-unit-id when we ask for it. This includes a Cabal renaming to be consistent with Unit ID, which makes ghc-pkg a bit more scrutable. - Build system is updated to use -this-unit-id rather than -this-package-key, to avoid deprecation warnings. Needs a version test so I resurrected the old test we had (sorry rwbarton!) - I've *undeprecated* -package-name, so that we are in the same state as GHC 7.10, since the "correct" flag will have only entered circulation in GHC 8.0. - I removed -package-key. Since we didn't deprecate -package-id I think this should not cause any problems for users; they can just change their code to use -package-id. - The package database is indexed by UNIT IDs, not component IDs. I updated the naming here. - I dropped the signatures field from ExposedModule; nothing was using it, and instantiatedWith from the package database field. - ghc-pkg was updated to use unit ID nomenclature, I removed the -package-key flags but I decided not to add any new flags for now. Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <> Test Plan: validate Reviewers: austin, hvr, bgamari Reviewed By: bgamari Subscribers: 23Skidoo, thomie, erikd Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
3 files changed, 53 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
index 2c05da83a7..575f8f341a 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
@@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
-- generate inplace-pkg-config
withLibLBI pd lbi $ \lib clbi ->
do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
- let ipid = ComponentId (display (packageId pd))
+ let ipid = mkUnitId (display (packageId pd))
let installedPkgInfo = inplaceInstalledPackageInfo cwd distdir
- pd (Installed.AbiHash "") lib lbi clbi
+ pd (AbiHash "") lib lbi clbi
final_ipi = mangleIPI directory distdir lbi $ installedPkgInfo {
- Installed.installedComponentId = ipid,
- Installed.compatPackageKey = ipid,
+ Installed.installedUnitId = ipid,
+ Installed.compatPackageKey = display (packageId pd),
Installed.haddockHTMLs = []
content = Installed.showInstalledPackageInfo final_ipi ++ "\n"
@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
dep_ids = map snd (externalPackageDeps lbi)
deps = map display dep_ids
dep_direct = map (fromMaybe (error "ghc-cabal: dep_keys failed")
- . PackageIndex.lookupComponentId
+ . PackageIndex.lookupUnitId
(installedPkgs lbi)
. fst)
. externalPackageDeps
$ lbi
- dep_ipids = map (display . Installed.installedComponentId) dep_direct
+ dep_ipids = map (display . Installed.installedUnitId) dep_direct
| packageKeySupported comp = dep_ipids
| otherwise = deps
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ generate directory distdir dll0Modules config_args
allMods = mods ++ otherMods
let xs = [variablePrefix ++ "_VERSION = " ++ display (pkgVersion (package pd)),
-- TODO: move inside withLibLBI
- variablePrefix ++ "_COMPONENT_ID = " ++ display (localCompatPackageKey lbi),
+ variablePrefix ++ "_COMPONENT_ID = " ++ localCompatPackageKey lbi,
variablePrefix ++ "_MODULES = " ++ unwords mods,
variablePrefix ++ "_HIDDEN_MODULES = " ++ unwords otherMods,
variablePrefix ++ "_SYNOPSIS =" ++ (unwords $ lines $ synopsis pd),
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index 4a3fbdb294..0845792198 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Cabal
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP hiding (get)
import Distribution.ParseUtils
-import Distribution.Package hiding (installedComponentId)
+import Distribution.Package hiding (installedUnitId)
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (fromUTF8, toUTF8, writeUTF8File, readUTF8File)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ data Flag
| FlagIgnoreCase
| FlagNoUserDb
| FlagVerbosity (Maybe String)
- | FlagComponentId
+ | FlagUnitId
deriving Eq
flags :: [OptDescr Flag]
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ flags = [
"only print package names, not versions; can only be used with list --simple-output",
Option [] ["ignore-case"] (NoArg FlagIgnoreCase)
"ignore case for substring matching",
- Option [] ["ipid", "package-key"] (NoArg FlagComponentId)
- "interpret package arguments as installed package IDs",
+ Option [] ["ipid", "unit-id"] (NoArg FlagUnitId)
+ "interpret package arguments as unit IDs (e.g. installed package IDs)",
Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (OptArg FlagVerbosity "Verbosity")
"verbosity level (0-2, default 1)"
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ data Force = NoForce | ForceFiles | ForceAll | CannotForce
-- | Enum flag representing argument type
data AsPackageArg
- = AsComponentId
+ = AsUnitId
| AsDefault
-- | Represents how a package may be specified by a user on the command line.
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ data PackageArg
= Id PackageIdentifier
-- | An installed package ID foo-0.1-HASH. This is guaranteed to uniquely
-- match a single entry in the package database.
- | ICId ComponentId
+ | IUId UnitId
-- | A glob against the package name. The first string is the literal
-- glob, the second is a function which returns @True@ if the argument
-- matches.
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ runit verbosity cli nonopts = do
| FlagForce `elem` cli = ForceAll
| FlagForceFiles `elem` cli = ForceFiles
| otherwise = NoForce
- as_arg | FlagComponentId `elem` cli = AsComponentId
- | otherwise = AsDefault
+ as_arg | FlagUnitId `elem` cli = AsUnitId
+ | otherwise = AsDefault
multi_instance = FlagMultiInstance `elem` cli
expand_env_vars= FlagExpandEnvVars `elem` cli
mexpand_pkgroot= foldl' accumExpandPkgroot Nothing cli
@@ -494,8 +494,8 @@ parseGlobPackageId =
return (PackageIdentifier{ pkgName = n, pkgVersion = globVersion }))
readPackageArg :: AsPackageArg -> String -> IO PackageArg
-readPackageArg AsComponentId str =
- parseCheck (ICId `fmap` parse) str "installed package id"
+readPackageArg AsUnitId str =
+ parseCheck (IUId `fmap` parse) str "installed package id"
readPackageArg AsDefault str = Id `fmap` readGlobPkgId str
-- globVersion means "all versions"
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ updateInternalDB :: PackageDB -> [DBOp] -> PackageDB
updateInternalDB db cmds = db{ packages = foldl do_cmd (packages db) cmds }
do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p) =
- filter ((/= installedComponentId p) . installedComponentId) pkgs
+ filter ((/= installedUnitId p) . installedUnitId) pkgs
do_cmd pkgs (AddPackage p) = p : pkgs
do_cmd pkgs (ModifyPackage p) =
do_cmd (do_cmd pkgs (RemovePackage p)) (AddPackage p)
@@ -1033,11 +1033,11 @@ changeDBDir verbosity cmds db = do
updateDBCache verbosity db
do_cmd (RemovePackage p) = do
- let file = location db </> display (installedComponentId p) <.> "conf"
+ let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("removing " ++ file)
removeFileSafe file
do_cmd (AddPackage p) = do
- let file = location db </> display (installedComponentId p) <.> "conf"
+ let file = location db </> display (installedUnitId p) <.> "conf"
when (verbosity > Normal) $ infoLn ("writing " ++ file)
writeUTF8File file (showInstalledPackageInfo p)
do_cmd (ModifyPackage p) =
@@ -1071,7 +1071,6 @@ updateDBCache verbosity db = do
hPutChar handle c
type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo
- String -- installed package id
String -- src package id
String -- package name
String -- unit id
@@ -1080,11 +1079,10 @@ type PackageCacheFormat = GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo
convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageCacheFormat
convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg =
GhcPkg.InstalledPackageInfo {
- GhcPkg.componentId = display (installedComponentId pkg),
+ GhcPkg.unitId = display (installedUnitId pkg),
GhcPkg.sourcePackageId = display (sourcePackageId pkg),
GhcPkg.packageName = display (packageName pkg),
GhcPkg.packageVersion = packageVersion pkg,
- GhcPkg.unitId = display (installedComponentId pkg),
GhcPkg.depends = map display (depends pkg),
GhcPkg.abiHash = let AbiHash abi = abiHash pkg
in abi,
@@ -1103,16 +1101,13 @@ convertPackageInfoToCacheFormat pkg =
GhcPkg.haddockHTMLs = haddockHTMLs pkg,
GhcPkg.exposedModules = map convertExposed (exposedModules pkg),
GhcPkg.hiddenModules = hiddenModules pkg,
- GhcPkg.instantiatedWith = map convertInst (instantiatedWith pkg), = exposed pkg,
GhcPkg.trusted = trusted pkg
- where convertExposed (ExposedModule n reexport sig) =
+ where convertExposed (ExposedModule n reexport) =
GhcPkg.ExposedModule n (fmap convertOriginal reexport)
- (fmap convertOriginal sig)
convertOriginal (OriginalModule ipid m) =
GhcPkg.OriginalModule (display ipid) m
- convertInst (m, o) = (m, convertOriginal o)
instance GhcPkg.BinaryStringRep ModuleName where
fromStringRep = ModuleName.fromString . fromUTF8 . BS.unpack
@@ -1159,9 +1154,9 @@ modifyPackage fn pkgarg verbosity my_flags force = do
db_name = location db
pkgs = packages db
- pks = map installedComponentId ps
+ pks = map installedUnitId ps
- cmds = [ fn pkg | pkg <- pkgs, installedComponentId pkg `elem` pks ]
+ cmds = [ fn pkg | pkg <- pkgs, installedUnitId pkg `elem` pks ]
new_db = updateInternalDB db cmds
-- ...but do consistency checks with regards to the full stack
@@ -1169,14 +1164,14 @@ modifyPackage fn pkgarg verbosity my_flags force = do
rest_of_stack = filter ((/= db_name) . location) db_stack
new_stack = new_db : rest_of_stack
new_broken = brokenPackages (allPackagesInStack new_stack)
- newly_broken = filter ((`notElem` map installedComponentId old_broken)
- . installedComponentId) new_broken
+ newly_broken = filter ((`notElem` map installedUnitId old_broken)
+ . installedUnitId) new_broken
let displayQualPkgId pkg
| [_] <- filter ((== pkgid) . sourcePackageId)
(allPackagesInStack db_stack)
= display pkgid
- | otherwise = display pkgid ++ "@" ++ display (installedComponentId pkg)
+ | otherwise = display pkgid ++ "@" ++ display (installedUnitId pkg)
where pkgid = sourcePackageId pkg
when (not (null newly_broken)) $
dieOrForceAll force ("unregistering would break the following packages: "
@@ -1227,7 +1222,7 @@ listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
EQ -> case pkgVersion p1 `compare` pkgVersion p2 of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
- EQ -> installedComponentId pkg1 `compare` installedComponentId pkg2
+ EQ -> installedUnitId pkg1 `compare` installedUnitId pkg2
where (p1,p2) = (sourcePackageId pkg1, sourcePackageId pkg2)
stack = reverse db_stack_sorted
@@ -1235,7 +1230,7 @@ listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
match `exposedInPkg` pkg = any match (map display $ exposedModules pkg)
pkg_map = allPackagesInStack db_stack
- broken = map installedComponentId (brokenPackages pkg_map)
+ broken = map installedUnitId (brokenPackages pkg_map)
show_normal PackageDB{ location = db_name, packages = pkg_confs } =
do hPutStrLn stdout db_name
@@ -1244,13 +1239,12 @@ listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
else hPutStrLn stdout $ unlines (map (" " ++) (map pp_pkg pkg_confs))
pp_pkg p
- | installedComponentId p `elem` broken = printf "{%s}" doc
+ | installedUnitId p `elem` broken = printf "{%s}" doc
| exposed p = doc
| otherwise = printf "(%s)" doc
- where doc | verbosity >= Verbose = printf "%s (%s)" pkg pk
+ where doc | verbosity >= Verbose = printf "%s (%s)" pkg (display (installedUnitId p))
| otherwise = pkg
- ComponentId pk = installedComponentId p
pkg = display (sourcePackageId p)
show_simple = simplePackageList my_flags . allPackagesInStack
@@ -1274,15 +1268,14 @@ listPackages verbosity my_flags mPackageName mModuleName = do
: map (termText " " <#>) (map pp_pkg pkg_confs))
pp_pkg p
- | installedComponentId p `elem` broken = withF Red doc
+ | installedUnitId p `elem` broken = withF Red doc
| exposed p = doc
| otherwise = withF Blue doc
where doc | verbosity >= Verbose
- = termText (printf "%s (%s)" pkg pk)
+ = termText (printf "%s (%s)" pkg (display (installedUnitId p)))
| otherwise
= termText pkg
- ComponentId pk = installedComponentId p
pkg = display (sourcePackageId p)
is_tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
@@ -1318,7 +1311,7 @@ showPackageDot verbosity myflags = do
| p <- all_pkgs,
let from = display (sourcePackageId p),
key <- depends p,
- Just dep <- [PackageIndex.lookupComponentId ipix key],
+ Just dep <- [PackageIndex.lookupUnitId ipix key],
let to = display (sourcePackageId dep)
putStrLn "}"
@@ -1390,7 +1383,7 @@ findPackagesByDB db_stack pkgarg
ps -> return ps
pkg_msg (Id pkgid) = display pkgid
- pkg_msg (ICId ipid) = display ipid
+ pkg_msg (IUId ipid) = display ipid
pkg_msg (Substring pkgpat _) = "matching " ++ pkgpat
matches :: PackageIdentifier -> PackageIdentifier -> Bool
@@ -1404,7 +1397,7 @@ realVersion pkgid = versionBranch (pkgVersion pkgid) /= []
matchesPkg :: PackageArg -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Bool
(Id pid) `matchesPkg` pkg = pid `matches` sourcePackageId pkg
-(ICId ipid) `matchesPkg` pkg = ipid == installedComponentId pkg
+(IUId ipid) `matchesPkg` pkg = ipid == installedUnitId pkg
(Substring _ m) `matchesPkg` pkg = m (display (sourcePackageId pkg))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1492,7 +1485,7 @@ closure pkgs db_stack = go pkgs db_stack
-> Bool
depsAvailable pkgs_ok pkg = null dangling
where dangling = filter (`notElem` pids) (depends pkg)
- pids = map installedComponentId pkgs_ok
+ pids = map installedUnitId pkgs_ok
-- we want mutually recursive groups of package to show up
-- as broken. (#1750)
@@ -1580,7 +1573,7 @@ checkPackageConfig :: InstalledPackageInfo
checkPackageConfig pkg verbosity db_stack
multi_instance update = do
checkPackageId pkg
- checkComponentId pkg db_stack update
+ checkUnitId pkg db_stack update
checkDuplicates db_stack pkg multi_instance update
mapM_ (checkDep db_stack) (depends pkg)
checkDuplicateDepends (depends pkg)
@@ -1610,17 +1603,17 @@ checkPackageId ipi =
[] -> verror CannotForce ("invalid package identifier: " ++ str)
_ -> verror CannotForce ("ambiguous package identifier: " ++ str)
-checkComponentId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageDBStack -> Bool
+checkUnitId :: InstalledPackageInfo -> PackageDBStack -> Bool
-> Validate ()
-checkComponentId ipi db_stack update = do
- let pk@(ComponentId str) = installedComponentId ipi
- when (null str) $ verror CannotForce "missing id field"
+checkUnitId ipi db_stack update = do
+ let uid = installedUnitId ipi
+ when (null (display uid)) $ verror CannotForce "missing id field"
let dups = [ p | p <- allPackagesInStack db_stack,
- installedComponentId p == pk ]
+ installedUnitId p == uid ]
when (not update && not (null dups)) $
verror CannotForce $
"package(s) with this id already exist: " ++
- unwords (map (display.installedComponentId) dups)
+ unwords (map (display.installedUnitId) dups)
checkDuplicates :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo
-> Bool -> Bool-> Validate ()
@@ -1679,16 +1672,16 @@ checkPath url_ok is_dir warn_only thisfield d
then vwarn msg
else verror ForceFiles msg
-checkDep :: PackageDBStack -> ComponentId -> Validate ()
+checkDep :: PackageDBStack -> UnitId -> Validate ()
checkDep db_stack pkgid
| pkgid `elem` pkgids = return ()
| otherwise = verror ForceAll ("dependency \"" ++ display pkgid
++ "\" doesn't exist")
all_pkgs = allPackagesInStack db_stack
- pkgids = map installedComponentId all_pkgs
+ pkgids = map installedUnitId all_pkgs
-checkDuplicateDepends :: [ComponentId] -> Validate ()
+checkDuplicateDepends :: [UnitId] -> Validate ()
checkDuplicateDepends deps
| null dups = return ()
| otherwise = verror ForceAll ("package has duplicate dependencies: " ++
@@ -1725,7 +1718,7 @@ checkExposedModules :: PackageDBStack -> InstalledPackageInfo -> Validate ()
checkExposedModules db_stack pkg =
mapM_ checkExposedModule (exposedModules pkg)
- checkExposedModule (ExposedModule modl reexport _sig) = do
+ checkExposedModule (ExposedModule modl reexport) = do
let checkOriginal = checkModuleFile pkg modl
checkReexport = checkOriginalModule "module reexport" db_stack pkg
maybe checkOriginal checkReexport reexport
@@ -1772,9 +1765,9 @@ checkOriginalModule :: String
-> Validate ()
checkOriginalModule field_name db_stack pkg
(OriginalModule definingPkgId definingModule) =
- let mpkg = if definingPkgId == installedComponentId pkg
+ let mpkg = if definingPkgId == installedUnitId pkg
then Just pkg
- else PackageIndex.lookupComponentId ipix definingPkgId
+ else PackageIndex.lookupUnitId ipix definingPkgId
in case mpkg of
-> verror ForceAll (field_name ++ " refers to a non-existent " ++
@@ -1808,7 +1801,7 @@ checkOriginalModule field_name db_stack pkg
ipix = PackageIndex.fromList all_pkgs
isIndirectDependency pkgid = fromMaybe False $ do
- thispkg <- graphVertex (installedComponentId pkg)
+ thispkg <- graphVertex (installedUnitId pkg)
otherpkg <- graphVertex pkgid
return (Graph.path depgraph thispkg otherpkg)
(depgraph, _, graphVertex) =
diff --git a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs
index c6dfa0b86f..36a7b4898c 100644
--- a/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs
+++ b/utils/mkUserGuidePart/Options/Packages.hs
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import Types
packagesOptions :: [Flag]
packagesOptions =
- [ flag { flagName = "-this-package-key⟨P⟩"
- , flagDescription = "Compile to be part of package ⟨P⟩"
+ [ flag { flagName = "-this-unit-id⟨P⟩"
+ , flagDescription = "Compile to be part of unit (i.e. package) ⟨P⟩"
, flagType = DynamicFlag
, flag { flagName = "-package⟨P⟩"