path: root/utils
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authorTim Chevalier <>2008-09-12 03:14:52 +0000
committerTim Chevalier <>2008-09-12 03:14:52 +0000
commit258bcdc7d2a23af148ed82accb7920b6cb12d5c5 (patch)
tree9b7990b4a7a361ca5b947aef8dea5e17a58e216d /utils
parent553df2d31fa2b211f3673e83e30a6c04687972c0 (diff)
ext-core library: Extend Core preprocessor
See comments for details.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Prep.hs b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Prep.hs
index de29bb7ab9..0f9e4f15e3 100644
--- a/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Prep.hs
+++ b/utils/ext-core/Language/Core/Prep.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
+{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
Preprocess a module to normalize it in the following ways:
(1) Saturate all constructor and primop applications.
+ (as well as external calls; this is probably already
+ guaranteed, but paranoia is good)
(2) Arrange that any non-trivial expression of unlifted kind ('#')
is turned into the scrutinee of a Case.
After these preprocessing steps, Core can be interpreted (or given an operational semantics)
@@ -13,13 +15,15 @@ module Language.Core.Prep where
import Data.Either
import Data.List
+import Data.Generics
+import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Language.Core.Prims
import Language.Core.Core
import Language.Core.Env
import Language.Core.Check
import Language.Core.Environments
import Language.Core.Encoding
+import Language.Core.Utils
prepModule :: Menv -> Module -> Module
prepModule globalEnv (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) =
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ prepModule globalEnv (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) =
prepAlt env (Alit l e) = Alit l (prepExp env e)
prepAlt env (Adefault e) = Adefault (prepExp env e)
+ ntEnv = mkNtEnv globalEnv
unwindApp env (App e1 e2) as = unwindApp env e1 (Left e2:as)
unwindApp env (Appt e t) as = unwindApp env e (Right t:as)
@@ -80,16 +85,41 @@ prepModule globalEnv (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) =
ts = [t | Right t <- as]
n = length [e | Left e <- as]
unwindApp env (op@(Var(qv@(_,p)))) as | isPrimVar qv =
- etaExpand (snd (unzip extraTbs)) (drop n atys) (rewindApp env op as)
+ k $ etaExpand (snd (unzip extraTbs)) (drop n atys) (k1 (rewindApp env op as))
where -- TODO: avoid copying code. these two cases are the same
-- etaExpand needs to add the type arguments too! Bah!
- (tbs, atys0, _) = (maybe (error "unwindApp") splitTy (elookup (venv_ primEnv) p))
+ primEnv = case elookup globalEnv primMname of
+ Just es -> venv_ es
+ _ -> error "eek"
+ (_, _, resTy') = (maybe (error "unwindApp") splitTy (elookup primEnv p))
+ (tbs, atys0, _resTy) = (maybe (error "unwindApp") (splitTy . (substNewtys ntEnv)) (elookup primEnv p))
+ -- The magic here is so we know to eta-expand applications of
+ -- primops whose return types are newtypes.
+ -- There are no actual GHC primops that have this property, but
+ -- a back-end tool writer (for example: me) might want to add
+ -- such a primop.
+ -- If this code wasn't here, and we had a primop
+ -- foo# :: Int -> IO (),
+ -- we would see (foo# 5) and think it was fully applied, when
+ -- actually we need to rewrite it as:
+ -- (\ (s::State# RealWorld#) -> foo# 5 s)
+ -- (This code may be a very good case against introducing such
+ -- primops.)
+ (k,k1) = case newtypeCoercion_maybe ntEnv resTy' of
+ Just co -> case splitTyConApp_maybe resTy' of
+ Just (_, args) -> ((\ e -> Cast e (SymCoercion (mkTapp co args))), (\ e1 -> Cast e1 (mkTapp co args)))
+ _ -> ((\ e -> Cast e (SymCoercion co)), (\ e1 -> Cast e1 co))
+ _ -> (id,id)
n_args = length ts
(appliedTbs, extraTbs) = (take n_args tbs, drop n_args tbs)
atys = map (substl (map fst appliedTbs) ts) atys0
ts = [t | Right t <- as]
n = length [e | Left e <- as]
+ unwindApp env (op@(External _ t)) as =
+ etaExpand [] (drop n atys) (rewindApp env op as)
+ where (_,atys,_) = splitTy t
+ n = length as -- assumes all args are term args
unwindApp env op as = rewindApp env op as
@@ -182,4 +212,38 @@ boundVarsAlts as = nub (concatMap boundVarsAlt as)
boundVarsAlt :: Alt -> [Var]
boundVarsAlt (Acon _ _ vbs e) = (map fst vbs) `union` (boundVars e)
boundVarsAlt (Alit _ e) = boundVars e
-boundVarsAlt (Adefault e) = boundVars e \ No newline at end of file
+boundVarsAlt (Adefault e) = boundVars e
+mkNtEnv :: Menv -> NtEnv
+mkNtEnv menv =
+ foldl M.union M.empty $
+ map (\ (mn,e) ->
+ foldr (\ (key,thing) rest ->
+ case thing of
+ Kind _ -> rest
+ Coercion (DefinedCoercion _ (lhs,rhs)) ->
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe lhs of
+ Just ((_,tc1),_) -> M.insert tc1 (rhs,Tcon (Just mn, key)) rest
+ _ -> rest) M.empty (etolist (tcenv_ e))) (etolist menv)
+substNewtys :: NtEnv -> Ty -> Ty
+substNewtys ntEnv = everywhere'Except (mkT go)
+ where go t | Just ((_,tc),_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t =
+ case M.lookup tc ntEnv of
+ Just (rhs,_) -> rhs
+ Nothing -> t
+ go t = t
+newtypeCoercion_maybe :: NtEnv -> Ty -> Maybe Ty
+newtypeCoercion_maybe ntEnv t | Just ((_,tc),_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t =
+ case M.lookup tc ntEnv of
+ Just (_, coercion) -> Just coercion
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+newtypeCoercion_maybe _ _ = Nothing
+-- first element: rep type
+-- second element: coercion tcon
+type NtEnv = M.Map Tcon (Ty, Ty)
+mkTapp :: Ty -> [Ty] -> Ty
+mkTapp = foldl Tapp