path: root/utils
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-11-13 16:20:17 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-11-13 16:20:17 +0000
commit53e9916fb7908e79754f0f5c65008439bf53227e (patch)
tree94ebe2e2e34b2f67b918b327ec104248c64e8d55 /utils
parent4aa921e72d716ddeeb3ddf8d833996980395a77e (diff)
Fix the OFFSET macro
When offsetof is defined, we use that. This avoids "variably modified at file scope" warnings/errors with recent gccs.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
index 7cb979e688..75f17ceb14 100644
--- a/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ main = do opts <- parseArgs
do tmpdir <- getOption "tmpdir" o_tmpdir
gccProg <- getOption "gcc program" o_gccProg
nmProg <- getOption "nm program" o_nmProg
- rs <- getWanted tmpdir gccProg (o_gccFlags opts) nmProg
+ let verbose = o_verbose opts
+ gccFlags = o_gccFlags opts
+ rs <- getWanted verbose tmpdir gccProg gccFlags nmProg
let haskellRs = [ what
| (wh, what) <- rs
, wh `elem` [Haskell, Both] ]
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ main = do opts <- parseArgs
wh `elem` [Haskell, Both] ]
data Options = Options {
+ o_verbose :: Bool,
o_mode :: Maybe Mode,
o_tmpdir :: Maybe FilePath,
o_outputFilename :: Maybe FilePath,
@@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ parseArgs = do args <- getArgs
opts <- f emptyOptions args
return (opts {o_gccFlags = reverse (o_gccFlags opts)})
where emptyOptions = Options {
+ o_verbose = False,
o_mode = Nothing,
o_tmpdir = Nothing,
o_outputFilename = Nothing,
@@ -75,6 +79,8 @@ parseArgs = do args <- getArgs
o_nmProg = Nothing
f opts [] = return opts
+ f opts ("-v" : args')
+ = f (opts {o_verbose = True}) args'
f opts ("--gen-haskell-type" : args')
= f (opts {o_mode = Just Gen_Haskell_Type}) args'
f opts ("--gen-haskell-value" : args')
@@ -598,13 +604,13 @@ wanteds = concat
,constantNatural Haskell "ILDV_STATE_USE" "LDV_STATE_USE"
-getWanted :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Results
-getWanted tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram
+getWanted :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Results
+getWanted verbose tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram
= do let cStuff = unlines (headers ++ concatMap (doWanted . snd) wanteds)
cFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.c"
oFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.o"
writeFile cFile cStuff
- execute gccProgram (gccFlags ++ ["-c", cFile, "-o", oFile])
+ execute verbose gccProgram (gccFlags ++ ["-c", cFile, "-o", oFile])
xs <- readProcess nmProgram [oFile] ""
let ls = lines xs
ms = map parseNmLine ls
@@ -631,7 +637,11 @@ getWanted tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram
"#include <stdio.h>",
"#include <string.h>",
+ "#if defined(offsetof)",
+ "#define OFFSET(s_type, field) offsetof(s_type, field)",
+ "#else",
"#define OFFSET(s_type, field) ((size_t)&(((s_type*)0)->field))",
+ "#endif",
"#define FIELD_SIZE(s_type, field) ((size_t)sizeof(((s_type*)0)->field))",
"#define TYPE_SIZE(type) (sizeof(type))",
"#define FUN_OFFSET(sym) (OFFSET(Capability,f.sym) - OFFSET(Capability,r))",
@@ -851,8 +861,10 @@ die :: String -> IO a
die err = do hPutStrLn stderr err
-execute :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
-execute prog args = do ec <- rawSystem prog args
- unless (ec == ExitSuccess) $
- die ("Executing " ++ show prog ++ " failed")
+execute :: Bool -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
+execute verbose prog args
+ = do when verbose $ putStrLn $ showCommandForUser prog args
+ ec <- rawSystem prog args
+ unless (ec == ExitSuccess) $
+ die ("Executing " ++ show prog ++ " failed")