path: root/utils
diff options
authorCheng Shao <>2022-10-23 17:04:58 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2022-11-11 00:26:55 -0500
commit32ae62e61e811bf99def141a388a3f0abc8b7107 (patch)
tree7574a98cecdc79c108b3c3d47893f10bd6416574 /utils
parentdf7bfef8f72bb32663d3828bf096587525f09335 (diff)
deriveConstants: parse .ll output for wasm32 due to broken nm
This patch makes deriveConstants emit and parse an .ll file when targeting wasm. It's a necessary workaround for broken llvm-nm on wasm, which isn't capable of reporting correct constant values when parsing an object.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/Main.hs b/utils/deriveConstants/Main.hs
index 65c3deb3e5..b98d8979f9 100644
--- a/utils/deriveConstants/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/Main.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ needing to run the program, by inspecting the object file using 'nm'.
import Control.Monad (when, unless)
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
-import Data.List (stripPrefix, intercalate)
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import Data.List (elemIndex, stripPrefix, intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
@@ -692,15 +693,26 @@ getWanted verbose os tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram mobjdumpProgram
cFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.c"
oFile = tmpdir </> "tmp.o"
atomicWriteFile cFile cStuff
- execute verbose gccProgram (gccFlags ++ ["-c", cFile, "-o", oFile])
+ -- On wasm32-wasi, llvm-nm incorrectly reports length of
+ -- buffers defined in wasm object files as 0, see llvm ticket
+ -- #58839. Therefore we have to emit .ll file instead, and
+ -- use a very crude parser which is just enough to extract
+ -- the buffer length info we're interested in.
+ execute verbose gccProgram (gccFlags ++ (
+ case os of
+ "wasi" -> ["-emit-llvm", "-S"]
+ _ -> ["-c"]
+ ) ++ [cFile, "-o", oFile])
xs <- case os of
"openbsd" -> readProcess objdumpProgam ["--syms", oFile] ""
"aix" -> readProcess objdumpProgam ["--syms", oFile] ""
+ "wasi" -> readFile oFile
_ -> readProcess nmProgram ["-P", oFile] ""
let ls = lines xs
m = Map.fromList $ case os of
"aix" -> parseAixObjdump ls
+ "wasi" -> mapMaybe parseLLLine ls
_ -> mapMaybe parseNmLine ls
case Map.lookup "CONTROL_GROUP_CONST_291" m of
@@ -786,6 +798,13 @@ getWanted verbose os tmpdir gccProgram gccFlags nmProgram mobjdumpProgram
doWanted (ClosurePayloadMacro {}) = []
doWanted (FieldTypeGcptrMacro {}) = []
+ parseLLLine line = case words line of
+ ('@' : prefix_sym) : ts -> do
+ sym <- stripPrefix prefix prefix_sym
+ i <- elemIndex "x" ts
+ pure (sym, read (tail (ts !! (i - 1))))
+ _ -> Nothing
-- parseNmLine parses "nm -P" output that looks like
-- "derivedConstantMAX_Vanilla_REG C 0000000b 0000000b" (GNU nm)
-- "_derivedConstantMAX_Vanilla_REG C b 0" (Mac OS X)