path: root/utils
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2009-04-28 12:45:05 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2009-04-28 12:45:05 +0000
commitbd15be885462a30763c92a3613c630d8c0a3f0cc (patch)
tree7263c4509a50dbc73a1b84f036be660d549eb575 /utils
parentc9ad23b0b5be6d0767e490cc55b00c169a5ec226 (diff)
move runstdtest into nofib
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 589 deletions
diff --git a/utils/runstdtest/Makefile b/utils/runstdtest/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e9cb75119d..0000000000
--- a/utils/runstdtest/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOP)/mk/
- $(RM) -f $(PROG)
- echo '#!$(PERL)' >> $(PROG)
- echo '$$RM = "$(RM)";' >> $(PROG)
- echo '$$CONTEXT_DIFF = "$(CONTEXT_DIFF)";' >> $(PROG)
- cat $(PROG).prl >> $(PROG)
- @:
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/utils/runstdtest/runstdtest.prl b/utils/runstdtest/runstdtest.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index 039c2534e4..0000000000
--- a/utils/runstdtest/runstdtest.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-# The perl script requires the following variables to be bound
-# to something meaningful before it will operate correctly:
-# RM
-# Given:
-# * a program to run (1st arg)
-# * some "command-line opts" ( -O<opt1> -O<opt2> ... )
-# [default: anything on the cmd line this script doesn't recognise ]
-# the first opt not starting w/ "-" is taken to be an input
-# file and (if it exists) is grepped for "what's going on here"
-# comments (^-- !!!).
-# * a file to feed to stdin ( -i<file> ) [default: /dev/null ]
-# * a "time" command to use (-t <cmd>).
-# * alternatively, a "-script <script>" argument says: run the
-# named Bourne-shell script to do the test. It's passed the
-# pgm-to-run as the one-and-only arg.
-# Run the program with those options and that input, and check:
-# if we get...
-# * an expected exit status ( -x <val> ) [ default 0 ]
-# * expected output on stdout ( -o1 <file> ) [ default /dev/null ]
-# ( we'll accept one of several...)
-# * expected output on stderr ( -o2 <file> ) [ default /dev/null ]
-# ( we'll accept one of several...)
-# (if the expected-output files' names end in .Z, then
-# they are uncompressed before doing the comparison)
-# (This is supposed to be a "prettier" replacement for runstdtest.)
-# Flags
-# ~~~~~
-# -accept-output replace output files with the ones actually generated by running
-# the program
-($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
-$Verbose = 0;
-$SaveStderr = 0;
-$SaveStdout = 0;
-$StdoutBinary = 0;
-$StderrBinary = 0;
-$Status = 0;
-@PgmArgs = ();
-$PgmExitStatus = 0;
-$PgmStdinFile = '/dev/null';
-if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
- $TmpPrefix = $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
-} else {
- $TmpPrefix ="$DEFAULT_TMPDIR";
- $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = "$DEFAULT_TMPDIR"; # set the env var as well
-# If this is Cygwin, ignore eol and CR characters.
-# Perhaps required for MSYS too, although the cygpath
-# bit is hopefully unnecessary.
-if ( `uname | grep CYGWIN` ) {
- $CONTEXT_DIFF=$CONTEXT_DIFF . " --strip-trailing-cr" ;
- $TmpPrefix = `cygpath -m $TmpPrefix | tr -d \\\\n`;
-$ScriptFile = "$TmpPrefix/run_me$$";
-$DefaultStdoutFile = "$TmpPrefix/no_stdout$$"; # can't use /dev/null (e.g. Alphas)
-$DefaultStderrFile = "$TmpPrefix/no_stderr$$";
-@PgmStdoutFile = ();
-@PgmStderrFile = ();
-$PreScript = '';
-$PostScript = '';
-$TimeCmd = 'time';
-$StatsFile = "$TmpPrefix/stats$$";
-$CachegrindStats = "cachegrind.out.summary";
-$SysSpecificTiming = '';
-$SysCPUCounting = 0; # Use CPU counters
-$Cachegrind = 'no';
-$Counters = "";
-die "$Pgm: program to run not given as first argument\n" if $#ARGV < 0;
-$ToRun = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
-# avoid picking up same-named thing from somewhere else on $PATH...
-$ToRun = "./$ToRun" if -e "./$ToRun";
-arg: while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
- shift(@ARGV);
- /^--$/ && do { # let anything past after --
- push(@PgmArgs, @ARGV);
- last arg; };
- /^-v$/ && do { $Verbose = 1; next arg; };
- /^-accept-output-stderr$/ && do { $SaveStderr = 1; next arg; };
- /^-accept-output-stdout$/ && do { $SaveStdout = 1; next arg; };
- /^-accept-output$/ && do { $SaveStdout = 1; $SaveStderr = 1; next arg; };
- /^-stdout-binary/ && do { $StdoutBinary=1; next arg; };
- /^-stderr-binary/ && do { $StderrBinary=1; next arg; };
- /^-O(.*)/ && do { push(@PgmArgs, &grab_arg_arg('-O',$1)); next arg; };
- /^-i(.*)/ && do { $PgmStdinFile = &grab_arg_arg('-i',$1);
- $Status++,
- print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -i input file: $PgmStdinFile\n"
- if $PgmStdinFile !~ /^\/dev\/.*$/ && ! -f $PgmStdinFile;
- next arg; };
- /^-fail/ && do { $PgmFail=1; next arg; };
- /^-x(.*)/ && do { $PgmExitStatus = &grab_arg_arg('-x',$1);
- $Status++ ,
- print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -x expected exit status: $PgmExitStatus\n"
- if $PgmExitStatus !~ /^\d+$/;
- next arg; };
- /^-o1(.*)/ && do { $out_file = &grab_arg_arg('-o1',$1);
- push(@PgmStdoutFile, $out_file);
- next arg; };
- /^-o2(.*)/ && do { $out_file = &grab_arg_arg('-o2',$1);
- push(@PgmStderrFile, $out_file);
- next arg; };
- /^-prescript(.*)/ && do { $PreScript = &grab_arg_arg('-prescript',$1);
- next arg; };
- /^-postscript(.*)/ && do { $PostScript = &grab_arg_arg('-postscript',$1);
- next arg; };
- /^-script/ && do { print STDERR "$Pgm: -script argument is obsolete;\nUse -prescript and -postscript instead.\n";
- $Status++;
- next arg; };
- /^-(ghc|hbc)-timing$/ && do { $SysSpecificTiming = $1;
- next arg; };
- /^-cpu-counting-(.)$/ && do { $SysCPUCounting = "$1";
- next arg; };
- /^-cachegrind$/ && do { $SysSpecificTiming = 'ghc-instrs';
- $Cachegrind = 'yes';
- next arg };
- /^-t(.*)/ && do { $TimeCmd = &grab_arg_arg('-t', $1); next arg; };
- # anything else is taken to be a pgm arg
- push(@PgmArgs, $_);
-foreach $out_file ( @PgmStdoutFile ) {
- if ( ! -f $out_file && !$SaveStdout ) {
- print STDERR "$Pgm: warning: expected-stdout file missing: $out_file\n";
- pop(@PgmStdoutFile);
- }
-foreach $out_file ( @PgmStderrFile ) {
- if ( ! -f $out_file && !$SaveStderr ) {
- print STDERR "$Pgm: warning: expected-stderr file missing: $out_file\n";
- pop(@PgmStderrFile);
- }
-exit 1 if $Status;
-# add on defaults if none specified
-@PgmStdoutFile = ( $DefaultStdoutFile ) if $#PgmStdoutFile < 0;
-@PgmStderrFile = ( $DefaultStderrFile ) if $#PgmStderrFile < 0;
-# tidy up the pgm args:
-# (1) look for the "first input file"
-# and grep it for "interesting" comments (-- !!! )
-# (2) quote any args w/ whitespace in them.
-$grep_done = 0;
-foreach $a ( @PgmArgs ) {
- if (! $grep_done && $a !~ /^-/ && -f $a) {
- print `egrep "^--[ ]?!!!" $a`;
- $grep_done = 1;
- }
- if ($a =~ /\s/ || $a =~ /'/) {
- $a =~ s/'/\\'/g; # backslash the quotes;
- $a = "\"$a\""; # quote the arg
- }
-# deal with system-specific timing options
-$TimingMagic = '';
-if ( $SysSpecificTiming =~ /^ghc/ ) {
- if ($SysCPUCounting) {
- # Count specified CPU events
- $cpu_counting_ghc = "-a$SysCPUCounting";
- } else {
- $cpu_counting_ghc = "";
- }
- $TimingMagic = "+RTS -S$StatsFile $cpu_counting_ghc -RTS"
-} elsif ( $SysSpecificTiming eq 'hbc' ) {
- $TimingMagic = "-S$StatsFile";
-if ($PreScript ne '') {
- local($to_do);
- $PreScriptLines = `cat $PreScript`;
- $PreScriptLines =~ s/\r//g;
-} else {
- $PreScriptLines = '';
-if ($PostScript ne '') {
- local($to_do);
- $PostScriptLines = `cat $PostScript`;
- $PostScriptLines =~ s/\r//g;
- $PostScriptLines =~ s#\$o1#$TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1#gm;
- $PostScriptLines =~ s#\$o2#$TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2#gm;
-# The postfix 'm' deals with recent versions of
-# Perl that removed the $* feature
-} else {
- $PostScriptLines = '';
-# OK, so we're gonna do the normal thing...
-if ($Cachegrind eq 'yes') {
- $CachegrindPrefix = "valgrind --tool=cachegrind --log-fd=9 9>$CachegrindStats";
-} else {
- $CachegrindPrefix = '';
-$Script = <<EOSCRIPT;
-#! /bin/sh
-rm -f $DefaultStdoutFile $DefaultStderrFile
-cat /dev/null > $DefaultStdoutFile
-cat /dev/null > $DefaultStderrFile
-$TimeCmd /bin/sh -c \'$CachegrindPrefix $ToRun $TimingMagic @PgmArgs < $PgmStdinFile 1> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1.raw 2> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2.raw 3> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3.raw\'
-if [ "$StdoutBinary" = "0" ]; then
- dos2unix < $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1.raw > $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1
- cp $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1.raw $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1
-if [ "$StderrBinary" = "0" ]; then
- dos2unix < $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2.raw > $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2
- cp $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2.raw $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2
-dos2unix < $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3.raw > $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3
-if [ \$progexit -eq 0 ] && [ $PgmFail -ne 0 ]; then
- echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
- echo "****" expected a failure, but was successful
- myexit=1
-if [ \$progexit -ne $PgmExitStatus ] && [ $PgmFail -eq 0 ]; then
- echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
- echo "****" expected exit status $PgmExitStatus not seen \\; got \$progexit
- myexit=1
- $PostScriptLines
- hit='NO'
- for out_file in @PgmStdoutFile ; do
- if sed "s/ \$//" $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 | cmp -s \$out_file - ; then
- hit='YES'
- fi
- done
- if [ \$hit = 'NO' ] ; then
- echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
- echo expected stdout not matched by reality
- orig_file="$PgmStdoutFile[0]";
- [ ! -f \$orig_file ] && orig_file="/dev/null"
- ${CONTEXT_DIFF} \$orig_file $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1
- myexit=\$?
- diffsShown=1
- fi
- if [ $SaveStdout = 1 ] &&
- [ $PgmStdoutFile[0] != $DefaultStdoutFile ] && [ -s $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 ]; then
- echo Saving away stdout output in $PgmStdoutFile[0] ...
- if [ -f $PgmStdoutFile[0] ]; then
- rm -f $PgmStdoutFile[0].bak
- cp $PgmStdoutFile[0] $PgmStdoutFile[0].bak
- fi;
- cp $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 $PgmStdoutFile[0]
- fi
-for out_file in @PgmStderrFile ; do
- if sed "s/ \$//" $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 | cmp -s \$out_file - ; then
- hit='YES'
- fi
-if [ \$hit = 'NO' ] ; then
- echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
- echo expected stderr not matched by reality
- orig_file="$PgmStderrFile[0]"
- [ ! -f \$orig_file ] && orig_file="/dev/null"
- ${CONTEXT_DIFF} \$orig_file $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2
- myexit=\$?
- diffsShown=1
-if [ $SaveStderr = 1 ] &&
- [ $PgmStderrFile[0] != $DefaultStderrFile ] && [ -s $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 ]; then
- echo Saving away stderr output in $PgmStderrFile[0] ...
- if [ -f $PgmStderrFile[0] ]; then
- rm -f $PgmStderrFile[0].bak
- cp $PgmStderrFile[0] $PgmStderrFile[0].bak
- fi;
- cp $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 $PgmStderrFile[0]
-${RM} core $ToRunOrig.spix $DefaultStdoutFile $DefaultStderrFile $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3 $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1.raw $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2.raw $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3.raw
-exit \$myexit
-# bung script into a file
-open(SCR, "> $ScriptFile") || die "Failed opening script file $ScriptFile!\n";
-print SCR $Script;
-close(SCR) || die "Failed closing script file!\n";
-chmod 0755, $ScriptFile;
-print STDERR $Script if $Verbose;
-if ( $SysSpecificTiming eq '' ) {
- unlink $StatsFile;
- unlink $ScriptFile;
- exit 0;
-&process_cachegrind_files() if $Cachegrind eq 'yes';
-# print out what we found
-print STDERR "<<$SysSpecificTiming: ";
-if ( $Cachegrind ne 'yes') {
- print STDERR "$BytesAlloc bytes, $GCs GCs, $AvgResidency/$MaxResidency avg/max bytes residency ($ResidencySamples samples), $GCWork bytes GC work, ${TotMem}M in use, $InitTime INIT ($InitElapsed elapsed), $MutTime MUT ($MutElapsed elapsed), $GcTime GC ($GcElapsed elapsed), $Gc0Time GC(0) ($Gc0Elapsed elapsed), $Gc1Time GC(1) ($Gc1Elapsed elapsed), $Balance balance$Counters";
-} else {
- print STDERR "$BytesAlloc bytes, $GCs GCs, $AvgResidency/$MaxResidency avg/max bytes residency ($ResidencySamples samples), $GCWork bytes GC work, ${TotMem}M in use, $InitTime INIT ($InitElapsed elapsed), $MutTime MUT ($MutElapsed elapsed), $GcTime GC ($GcElapsed elapsed), $Gc0Time GC(0) ($Gc0Elapsed elapsed), $Gc1Time GC(1) ($Gc1Elapsed elapsed), $Balance balance, $TotInstrs instructions, $TotReads memory reads, $TotWrites memory writes, $TotMisses L2 cache misses";
-print STDERR " :$SysSpecificTiming>>\n";
-# OK, party over
-unlink $StatsFile;
-unlink $ScriptFile;
-exit 0;
-sub grab_arg_arg {
- local($option, $rest_of_arg) = @_;
- if ($rest_of_arg ne "") {
- return($rest_of_arg);
- } elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
- local($temp) = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
- return($temp);
- } else {
- print STDERR "$Pgm: no argument following $option option\n";
- $Status++;
- }
-sub run_something {
- local($str_to_do) = @_;
-# print STDERR "$str_to_do\n" if $Verbose;
- local($return_val) = 0;
- system($str_to_do);
- $return_val = $?;
- if ($return_val != 0) {
-#ToDo: this return-value mangling is wrong
-# local($die_msg) = "$Pgm: execution of the $tidy_name had trouble";
-# $die_msg .= " (program not found)" if $return_val == 255;
-# $die_msg .= " ($!)" if $Verbose && $! != 0;
-# $die_msg .= "\n";
- unlink $ScriptFile;
- unlink $StatsFile;
- exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1);
- }
-sub process_stats_file {
- # OK, process system-specific stats file
- if ( $SysSpecificTiming =~ /^ghc/ ) {
- #NB: nearly the same as in GHC driver's -ghc-timing stuff
- open(STATS, $StatsFile) || die "Failed when opening $StatsFile\n";
- local($max_live) = 0;
- local($tot_live) = 0; # for calculating residency stuff
- local($tot_samples) = 0;
- local($into_gc_counters) = 0; # once we reach into the GC counters part
- local($counters) = "";
- local($counter) = "";
- local($count) = 0;
- $GCWork = 0;
- $GCs = 0;
- $Balance = 1;
- while (<STATS>) {
- if (! /Gen:\s+0/ && /^\s*\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\.\d+/ ) {
- $max_live = $1 if $max_live < $1;
- $tot_live += $1;
- $tot_samples += 1;
- }
- $BytesAlloc = $1 if /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes allocated in the heap/;
- if (/^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes copied during GC/) {
- $tmp = $1;
- $tmp =~ s/,//g;
- $GCWork += $tmp;
- }
-# if ( /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes maximum residency .* (\d+) sample/ ) {
-# $MaxResidency = $1; $ResidencySamples = $2;
-# }
- $GCs += $1 if /^\s*Generation\s*\d+:\s*([0-9,]+) collections/;
- if ( /^\s+([0-9]+)\s+M[Bb] total memory/ ) {
- $TotMem = $1;
- }
- if ( /^\s*INIT\s+time\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
- $InitTime = $1; $InitElapsed = $2;
- } elsif ( /^\s*MUT\s+time\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
- $MutTime = $1; $MutElapsed = $2;
- } elsif ( /^\s*GC\s+time\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
- $GcTime = $1; $GcElapsed = $2;
- }
- if (/Generation (\d+):\s*\d+ collections,\s*\d+ parallel,\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s\s*,\s*(-*\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed/) {
- if ($1 == 0) {
- $Gc0Time = $2; $Gc0Elapsed = $3;
- } elsif ($1 == 1) {
- $Gc1Time = $2; $Gc1Elapsed = $3;
- }
- }
- if (/work balance: ([0-9.]+)/) {
- $Balance = $1;
- }
- if ( /CPU GC counters/ ) {
- # Counters that follow correspond to GC
- $into_gc_counters = 1;
- }
- if ( /^\s+\(([A-Z_0-9]+)\)\s+:\s+([0-9,]+)/ ) {
- $counter = $1;
- $count = $2;
- $count =~ s/,//g; # Remove commas in numbers
- # Pretty printing elements of a list with type [(String,[Float])]
- # It's a bit lame for passing values but it works.
- if($into_gc_counters) {
- $counters = "$counters(\"GC:$counter\",[$count]),";
- } else {
- $counters = "$counters(\"$counter\",[$count]),";
- }
- }
- if ( /^\s+\(([A-Z_0-9]+)\)\s+\%\s+of\s+\(([A-Z_0-9]+)\)\s+:\s+([0-9.]+)/ ) {
- $counter = "$1/$2"; # Relative quantity
- $count = $3;
- # Pretty printing elements of a list with type [(String,[Float])]
- # It's a bit lame for passing values but it works.
- if($into_gc_counters) {
- $counters = "$counters(\"GC:$counter\",[$count]),";
- } else {
- $counters = "$counters(\"$counter\",[$count]),";
- }
- }
- }
- close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $StatsFile\n";
- if ( $tot_samples > 0 ) {
- $ResidencySamples = $tot_samples;
- $MaxResidency = $max_live;
- $AvgResidency = int ($tot_live / $tot_samples) ;
- }
- if ( length($counters) == 0 ) {
- $Counters = "";
- } else {
- chop($counters); # remove trailing comma from the last entry
- $Counters = " [$counters]";
- }
- } elsif ( $SysSpecificTiming eq 'hbc' ) {
- open(STATS, $StatsFile) || die "Failed when opening $StatsFile\n";
- while (<STATS>) {
- $BytesAlloc = $1 if /^\s*([0-9]+) bytes allocated from the heap/;
- $GCs = $1 if /^\s*([0-9]+) GCs?,$/;
- if ( /^\s*(\d+\.\d\d) \((\d+\.\d)\) seconds total time,$/ ) {
- $MutTime = $1; $MutElapsed = $2; # will fix up later
- $InitTime = 0; $InitElapsed = 0; # hbc doesn't report these
- } elsif ( /^\s*(\d+\.\d\d) \((\d+\.\d)\) seconds GC time/ ) {
- $GcTime = $1; $GcElapsed = $2;
- # fix up mutator time now
- $MutTime = sprintf("%.2f", ($MutTime - $GcTime));
- $MutElapsed = sprintf("%.1f", ($MutElapsed - $GcElapsed));
- }
- }
- close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $StatsFile\n";
- }
- # warn about what we didn't find
- print STDERR "Warning: BytesAlloc not found in stats file\n" unless defined($BytesAlloc);
- print STDERR "Warning: GCs not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GCs);
- print STDERR "Warning: InitTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitTime);
- print STDERR "Warning: InitElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitElapsed);
- print STDERR "Warning: MutTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutTime);
- print STDERR "Warning: MutElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutElapsed);
- print STDERR "Warning: GcTime inot found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcTime);
- print STDERR "Warning: GcElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcElapsed);
- print STDERR "Warning: total memory not found in stats file\n" unless defined($TotMem);
- print STDERR "Warning: GC work not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GCWork);
- print STDERR "Warning: Gc0Time not found in stats file\n" unless defined($Gc0Time);
- print STDERR "Warning: Gc0Elapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($Gc0Elapsed);
- print STDERR "Warning: Gc1Time not found in stats file\n" unless defined($Gc1Time);
- print STDERR "Warning: Gc1Elapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($Gc1Elapsed);
- print STDERR "Warning: Balance not found in stats file\n" unless defined($Gc1Elapsed);
- # things we didn't necessarily expect to find
- $MaxResidency = 0 unless defined($MaxResidency);
- $AvgResidency = 0 unless defined($AvgResidency);
- $ResidencySamples = 0 unless defined($ResidencySamples);
- $Gc0Time = 0.0 unless defined($Gc0Time);
- $Gc0Elapsed = 0.0 unless defined($Gc0Elapsed);
- $Gc1Time = 0.0 unless defined($Gc1Time);
- $Gc1Elapsed = 0.0 unless defined($Gc1Elapsed);
- # a bit of tidying
- $BytesAlloc =~ s/,//g;
- $MaxResidency =~ s/,//g;
- $GCs =~ s/,//g;
- $InitTime =~ s/,//g;
- $InitElapsed =~ s/,//g;
- $MutTime =~ s/,//g;
- $MutElapsed =~ s/,//g;
- $GcTime =~ s/,//g;
- $GcElapsed =~ s/,//g;
-sub process_cachegrind_files {
- open(STATS, "< $CachegrindStats") || die("Can't open $CachegrindStats\n");
- while (<STATS>) {
- /^==\d+==\s+I\s+refs:\s+([0-9,]*)/ && do {
- $TotInstrs = $1;
- $TotInstrs =~ s/,//g;
- };
- /^==\d+==\s+D\s+refs:\s+[0-9,]+\s+\(([0-9,]+)\s+rd\s+\+\s+([0-9,]+)\s+wr/ && do {
- $TotReads = $1;
- $TotWrites = $2;
- $TotReads =~ s/,//g;
- $TotWrites =~ s/,//g;
- };
- /^==\d+==\s+L2d\s+misses:\s+([0-9,]+)/ && do {
- $TotMisses = $1;
- $TotMisses =~ s/,//g;
- };
- }
- close(STATS);