path: root/utils
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2009-12-15 20:26:36 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2009-12-15 20:26:36 +0000
commit028b79fe599d8129b6212b0efb601a6cfc55c1ef (patch)
treea4895fb24a9873d672a5e3bc6ded94f8f2775fd8 /utils
parent6f859910070556a0cf07fef17632ec6f18a39984 (diff)
Add a size-comparison util
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/compare_sizes/compareSizes.hs b/utils/compare_sizes/compareSizes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a1671eb207
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/compare_sizes/compareSizes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Numeric
+import Prelude hiding (catch)
+import System.Directory
+import System.Environment
+import System.FilePath
+import System.IO
+main :: IO ()
+main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
+ args <- getArgs
+ case args of
+ ["--hi", dir1, dir2] -> doit isHiFile dir1 dir2
+ ["--o", dir1, dir2] -> doit isOFile dir1 dir2
+ [dir1, dir2] -> doit isHiFile dir1 dir2
+ _ -> error "Bad arguments"
+isHiFile :: FilePath -> Bool
+isHiFile = (".hi" `isSuffixOf`)
+isOFile :: FilePath -> Bool
+isOFile = (".o" `isSuffixOf`)
+doit :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+doit isFileInteresting dir1 dir2
+ = do when verbose $ putStrLn "Reading tree 1"
+ tree1 <- getTree isFileInteresting dir1 "." "."
+ when verbose $ putStrLn "Reading tree 2"
+ tree2 <- getTree isFileInteresting dir2 "." "."
+ when verbose $ putStrLn "Comparing trees"
+ let ds = compareTree tree1 tree2
+ ds' = sortBy comparingPercentage ds
+ total = mkTotalDifference ds'
+ mapM_ putStrLn $ showDifferences (ds' ++ [total])
+verbose :: Bool
+verbose = False
+-- Reading the trees
+data Tree = Directory { nodeName :: FilePath, _subTrees :: [Tree] }
+ | File { nodeName :: FilePath, _filePath :: FilePath,
+ _size :: Size }
+ deriving Show
+type Size = Integer
+type Percentage = Double
+getTree :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO Tree
+getTree isFileInteresting root dir subdir
+ = do entries <- getDirectoryContents (root </> dir </> subdir)
+ mSubtrees <- mapM doEntry $ sort $ filter interesting entries
+ return $ Directory subdir $ catMaybes mSubtrees
+ where interesting "." = False
+ interesting ".." = False
+ -- We don't want to descend into object-splitting directories,
+ -- and compare the hundreds of split object files. Instead we
+ -- just compare the combined object file outside of the _split
+ -- directory.
+ interesting d = not ("_split" `isSuffixOf` d)
+ dir' = dir <//> subdir
+ doEntry :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Tree)
+ doEntry e = liftM Just (getTree isFileInteresting root dir' e)
+ `catch` \_ -> -- XXX Do this better
+ if isFileInteresting e
+ then do let fn = dir' <//> e
+ h <- openFile (root </> fn) ReadMode
+ size <- hFileSize h
+ hClose h
+ return $ Just $ File e fn size
+ else return Nothing
+-- Comparing the trees
+data Difference = Difference FilePath Size Size Percentage
+ deriving Show
+compareTree :: Tree -> Tree -> [Difference]
+compareTree (Directory _ ts1) (Directory _ ts2) = compareTrees ts1 ts2
+compareTree (File _ fn s1) (File _ _ s2)
+ = [Difference fn s1 s2 (mkPercentage s1 s2)]
+compareTree _ _ = []
+mkPercentage :: Size -> Size -> Percentage
+mkPercentage s1 s2 = fromIntegral (s2 - s1) / fromIntegral s1
+compareTrees :: [Tree] -> [Tree] -> [Difference]
+compareTrees t1s@(t1 : t1s') t2s@(t2 : t2s')
+ = case nodeName t1 `compare` nodeName t2 of
+ LT -> compareTrees t1s' t2s
+ EQ -> compareTree t1 t2 ++ compareTrees t1s' t2s'
+ GT -> compareTrees t1s t2s'
+compareTrees _ _ = []
+showDifferences :: [Difference] -> [String]
+showDifferences ds = showTable [lpad, lpad, rpad]
+ (["Size", "Change", "Filename"] :
+ map showDifference ds)
+showDifference :: Difference -> [String]
+showDifference (Difference fp s1 _ percentage)
+ = [show s1, showFFloat (Just 2) percentage "%", shorten fp]
+shorten :: FilePath -> FilePath
+shorten fp = let xs = map joinPath $ tails $ splitDirectories fp
+ in case xs of
+ x : _
+ | length x <= allowed ->
+ x
+ _ -> case dropWhile ((> allowed - 4) . length) xs of
+ x : _ ->
+ "..." </> x
+ [] ->
+ take (allowed - 3) (takeFileName fp) ++ "..."
+ where allowed = 50
+comparingPercentage :: Difference -> Difference -> Ordering
+comparingPercentage (Difference _ _ _ p1) (Difference _ _ _ p2)
+ = compare p1 p2
+mkTotalDifference :: [Difference] -> Difference
+mkTotalDifference ds = let s1 = sum [ x | Difference _ x _ _ <- ds ]
+ s2 = sum [ x | Difference _ _ x _ <- ds ]
+ percentage = mkPercentage s1 s2
+ in Difference "TOTAL" s1 s2 percentage
+-- Utils
+(<//>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+"." <//> fp = fp
+dir <//> fn = dir </> fn
+showTable :: [Int -> String -> String] -> [[String]] -> [String]
+showTable padders xss
+ = let lengths = map (maximum . map length) $ transpose xss
+ in map (concat . intersperse " | " . zipWith3 id padders lengths) xss
+lpad :: Int -> String -> String
+lpad n s = replicate (n - length s) ' ' ++ s
+rpad :: Int -> String -> String
+rpad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '