path: root/utils
diff options
authorRichard Eisenberg <>2016-02-04 10:42:56 -0500
committerRichard Eisenberg <>2016-02-24 13:31:30 -0500
commitd8c64e86361f6766ebe26a262bb229fb8301a42a (patch)
tree94d68ebcb1cc6e9eabff08d3cd1d7e61dd99c01e /utils
parentce36115b369510c51f402073174d82d0d1244589 (diff)
Address #11471 by putting RuntimeRep in kinds.wip/runtime-rep
See Note [TYPE] in TysPrim. There are still some outstanding pieces in #11471 though, so this doesn't actually nail the bug. This commit also contains a few performance improvements: * Short-cut equality checking of nullary type syns * Compare types before kinds in eqType * INLINE coreViewOneStarKind * Store tycon binders separately from kinds. This resulted in a ~10% performance improvement in compiling the Cabal package. No change in functionality other than performance. (This affects the interface file format, though.) This commit updates the haddock submodule.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
2 files changed, 57 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index e6af0f200e..294591444d 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ desugarVectorSpec i = case vecOptions i of
| drop len s == suf = Just (take len s)
| otherwise = Nothing
- len = length s - length suf
+ len = length s - length suf
lowerHead s = toLower (head s) : tail s
@@ -121,37 +121,37 @@ main = getArgs >>= \args ->
-> seq (sanityTop p_o_specs) (
case head args of
- "--data-decl"
+ "--data-decl"
-> putStr (gen_data_decl p_o_specs)
- "--has-side-effects"
- -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
- "has_side_effects"
+ "--has-side-effects"
+ -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
+ "has_side_effects"
"primOpHasSideEffects" p_o_specs)
- "--out-of-line"
- -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
- "out_of_line"
+ "--out-of-line"
+ -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
+ "out_of_line"
"primOpOutOfLine" p_o_specs)
- "--commutable"
- -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
- "commutable"
+ "--commutable"
+ -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
+ "commutable"
"commutableOp" p_o_specs)
- -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
+ -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
"primOpCodeSize" p_o_specs)
-> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
- "can_fail"
+ "can_fail"
"primOpCanFail" p_o_specs)
- "--strictness"
- -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
- "strictness"
+ "--strictness"
+ -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs
+ "strictness"
"primOpStrictness" p_o_specs)
@@ -159,31 +159,31 @@ main = getArgs >>= \args ->
"primOpFixity" p_o_specs)
- "--primop-primop-info"
+ "--primop-primop-info"
-> putStr (gen_primop_info p_o_specs)
- "--primop-tag"
+ "--primop-tag"
-> putStr (gen_primop_tag p_o_specs)
- "--primop-list"
+ "--primop-list"
-> putStr (gen_primop_list p_o_specs)
- "--primop-vector-uniques"
+ "--primop-vector-uniques"
-> putStr (gen_primop_vector_uniques p_o_specs)
- "--primop-vector-tys"
+ "--primop-vector-tys"
-> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys p_o_specs)
- "--primop-vector-tys-exports"
+ "--primop-vector-tys-exports"
-> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys_exports p_o_specs)
- "--primop-vector-tycons"
+ "--primop-vector-tycons"
-> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tycons p_o_specs)
- "--make-haskell-wrappers"
+ "--make-haskell-wrappers"
-> putStr (gen_wrappers p_o_specs)
- "--make-haskell-source"
+ "--make-haskell-source"
-> putStr (gen_hs_source p_o_specs)
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ main = getArgs >>= \args ->
known_args :: [String]
= [ "--data-decl",
@@ -391,12 +391,12 @@ pprTy = pty
gen_latex_doc :: Info -> String
gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
- = "\\primopdefaults{"
+ = "\\primopdefaults{"
++ mk_options defaults
++ "}\n"
++ (concat (map mk_entry entries))
where mk_entry (PrimOpSpec {cons=constr,name=n,ty=t,cat=c,desc=d,opts=o}) =
- "\\primopdesc{"
+ "\\primopdesc{"
++ latex_encode constr ++ "}{"
++ latex_encode n ++ "}{"
++ latex_encode (zencode n) ++ "}{"
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
mk_entry (PrimVecOpSpec {}) =
mk_entry (Section {title=ti,desc=d}) =
- "\\primopsection{"
+ "\\primopsection{"
++ latex_encode ti ++ "}{"
++ d ++ "}\n"
mk_entry (PrimTypeSpec {ty=t,desc=d,opts=o}) =
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
pbty t = paty t
paty (TyVar tv) = tv
paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
mk_core_ty typ = foralls ++ (pty typ)
where pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
utuplenm n = "(#" ++ (replicate (n-1) ',') ++ "#)"
foralls = if tvars == [] then "" else "%forall " ++ (tbinds tvars)
tvars = tvars_of typ
- tbinds [] = ". "
+ tbinds [] = ". "
tbinds ("o":tbs) = "(o::?) " ++ (tbinds tbs)
tbinds (tv:tbs) = tv ++ " " ++ (tbinds tbs)
tvars_of (TyF t1 t2) = tvars_of t1 `union` tvars_of t2
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
tvars_of (TyApp _ ts) = foldl union [] (map tvars_of ts)
tvars_of (TyUTup ts) = foldr union [] (map tvars_of ts)
tvars_of (TyVar tv) = [tv]
mk_options o =
++ mk_has_side_effects o ++ "}{"
@@ -488,12 +488,12 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
Just (OptionFixity _) -> error "Fixity value for boolean option"
Just (OptionVector _) -> error "vector template for boolean option"
Nothing -> ""
- mk_strictness o =
+ mk_strictness o =
case lookup_attrib "strictness" o of
Just (OptionString _ s) -> s -- for now
Just _ -> error "Wrong value for strictness"
- Nothing -> ""
+ Nothing -> ""
mk_fixity o = case lookup_attrib "fixity" o of
Just (OptionFixity (Just (Fixity _ i d)))
@@ -514,19 +514,19 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
(n, ')' : _) -> Just ('Z' : shows (n+1) "T")
_ -> Nothing
maybe_tuple _ = Nothing
count_commas :: Int -> String -> (Int, String)
count_commas n (',' : cs) = count_commas (n+1) cs
count_commas n cs = (n,cs)
unencodedChar :: Char -> Bool -- True for chars that don't need encoding
unencodedChar 'Z' = False
unencodedChar 'z' = False
unencodedChar c = isAlphaNum c
encode_ch :: Char -> String
encode_ch c | unencodedChar c = [c] -- Common case first
-- Constructors
encode_ch '(' = "ZL" -- Needed for things like (,), and (->)
encode_ch ')' = "ZR" -- For symmetry with (
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
encode_ch ']' = "ZN"
encode_ch ':' = "ZC"
encode_ch 'Z' = "ZZ"
-- Variables
encode_ch 'z' = "zz"
encode_ch '&' = "za"
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
encode_ch '_' = "zu"
encode_ch '%' = "zv"
encode_ch c = 'z' : shows (ord c) "U"
latex_encode [] = []
latex_encode (c:cs) | c `elem` "#$%&_^{}" = "\\" ++ c:(latex_encode cs)
latex_encode ('~':cs) = "\\verb!~!" ++ (latex_encode cs)
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
= "{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, NoImplicitPrelude, UnboxedTuples #-}\n"
-- Dependencies on Prelude must be explicit in libraries/base, but we
-- don't need the Prelude here so we add NoImplicitPrelude.
- ++ "module GHC.PrimopWrappers where\n"
- ++ "import qualified GHC.Prim\n"
+ ++ "module GHC.PrimopWrappers where\n"
+ ++ "import qualified GHC.Prim\n"
++ "import GHC.Tuple ()\n"
++ "import GHC.Prim (" ++ types ++ ")\n"
++ unlines (concatMap f specs)
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
| otherwise = "(" ++ nm ++ ")"
dodgy spec
- = name spec `elem`
+ = name spec `elem`
[-- tagToEnum# is really magical, and can't have
-- a wrapper since its implementation depends on
-- the type of its result
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ gen_primop_list (Info _ entries)
[ " [" ++ cons first ]
map (\p -> " , " ++ cons p) rest
- ++
+ ++
[ " ]" ]
) where (first:rest) = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_primop entries)
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ gen_data_decl (Info _ entries) =
++ unlines (map (" | "++) (tail conss))
conss = map genCons (filter is_primop entries)
genCons :: Entry -> String
genCons entry =
case vecOptions entry of
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
case defv of
Nothing -> error ("gen_switch_from: " ++ attrib_name)
- Just xx
+ Just xx
-> unlines alternatives
++ fn_name ++ " _ = " ++ getAltRhs xx ++ "\n"
@@ -750,9 +750,9 @@ mkPOI_LHS_text i
mkPOI_RHS_text :: Entry -> String
mkPOI_RHS_text i
= case cat i of
- Compare
+ Compare
-> case ty i of
- TyF t1 (TyF _ _)
+ TyF t1 (TyF _ _)
-> "mkCompare " ++ sl_name i ++ ppType t1
_ -> error "Type error in comparison op"
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ mkPOI_RHS_text i
-> let (argTys, resTy) = flatTys (ty i)
tvs = nub (tvsIn (ty i))
- "mkGenPrimOp " ++ sl_name i ++ " "
+ "mkGenPrimOp " ++ sl_name i ++ " "
++ listify (map ppTyVar tvs) ++ " "
++ listify (map ppType argTys) ++ " "
++ "(" ++ ppType resTy ++ ")"
@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ ppTyVar "a" = "alphaTyVar"
ppTyVar "b" = "betaTyVar"
ppTyVar "c" = "gammaTyVar"
ppTyVar "s" = "deltaTyVar"
-ppTyVar "o" = "levity1TyVar, openAlphaTyVar"
+ppTyVar "o" = "runtimeRep1TyVar, openAlphaTyVar"
ppTyVar _ = error "Unknown type var"
ppType :: Ty -> String
@@ -813,14 +813,14 @@ ppType (TyVar "s") = "deltaTy"
ppType (TyVar "o") = "openAlphaTy"
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "State#") [x]) = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArray#") [x,y]) = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArrayArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "SmallMutableArray#") [x,y]) = "mkSmallMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableByteArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableByteArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
++ ppType x
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Array#") [x]) = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ArrayArray#") []) = "mkArrayArrayPrimTy"
@@ -831,14 +831,14 @@ ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Weak#") [x]) = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StablePtr#") [x]) = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StableName#") [x]) = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp (TyCon "TVar#") [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "TVar#") [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
ppType (TyApp (VecTyCon _ pptc) []) = pptc
-ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy Unboxed "
+ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy Unboxed "
++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
ppType (TyF s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject 23f1420c64899fff2fe45a8b797e0d7e8c931c7
+Subproject ab954263a793d8ced734459d6194a5d89214b66