path: root/utils
diff options
authorGeoffrey Mainland <>2013-08-21 16:18:24 +0100
committerGeoffrey Mainland <>2013-09-22 22:33:59 -0400
commit16b350a4227c96e09533c6f165895f50003d3801 (patch)
treef2fbf6f0f4b5ea2a406cd6a078fc1cb7cce31ad5 /utils
parentda5a647c0c49fee7531ef4c076b1c9e6a9d0fe6d (diff)
SIMD primops are now generated using schemas that are polymorphic in
width and element type. SIMD primops are now polymorphic in vector size and element type, but only internally to the compiler. More specifically, utils/genprimopcode has been extended so that it "knows" about SIMD vectors. This allows us to, for example, write a single definition for the "add two vectors" primop in primops.txt.pp and have it instantiated at many vector types. This generates a primop in GHC.Prim for each vector type at which "add two vectors" is instantiated, but only one data constructor for the PrimOp data type, so the code generator is much, much simpler.
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
5 files changed, 372 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Lexer.x b/utils/genprimopcode/Lexer.x
index ff18e17373..d29d8a17f0 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Lexer.x
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Lexer.x
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ words :-
<0> ")" { mkT TCloseParen }
<0> "(#" { mkT TOpenParenHash }
<0> "#)" { mkT THashCloseParen }
+ <0> "[" { mkT TOpenBracket }
+ <0> "]" { mkT TCloseBracket }
+ <0> "<" { mkT TOpenAngle }
+ <0> ">" { mkT TCloseAngle }
<0> "section" { mkT TSection }
<0> "primop" { mkT TPrimop }
<0> "pseudoop" { mkT TPseudoop }
@@ -58,7 +62,11 @@ words :-
<0> "infixl" { mkT TInfixL }
<0> "infixr" { mkT TInfixR }
<0> "Nothing" { mkT TNothing }
+ <0> "vector" { mkT TVector }
<0> "thats_all_folks" { mkT TThatsAllFolks }
+ <0> "SCALAR" { mkT TSCALAR }
+ <0> "VECTOR" { mkT TVECTOR }
<0> [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9\#_]* { mkTv TLowerName }
<0> [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\#_]* { mkTv TUpperName }
<0> [0-9][0-9]* { mkTv (TInteger . read) }
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
index a9f6a2a5fd..8b97ca169c 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,100 @@ import Data.List
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import System.Environment ( getArgs )
+vecOptions :: Entry -> [(String,String,Int)]
+vecOptions i =
+ concat [vecs | OptionVector vecs <- opts i]
+desugarVectorSpec :: Entry -> [Entry]
+desugarVectorSpec i@(Section {}) = [i]
+desugarVectorSpec i = case vecOptions i of
+ [] -> [i]
+ vos -> map genVecEntry vos
+ where
+ genVecEntry :: (String,String,Int) -> Entry
+ genVecEntry (con,repCon,n) =
+ case i of
+ PrimOpSpec {} ->
+ PrimVecOpSpec { cons = "(" ++ concat (intersperse " " [cons i, vecCat, show n, vecWidth]) ++ ")"
+ , name = name'
+ , prefix = pfx
+ , veclen = n
+ , elemrep = con ++ "ElemRep"
+ , ty = desugarTy (ty i)
+ , cat = cat i
+ , desc = desc i
+ , opts = opts i
+ }
+ PrimTypeSpec {} ->
+ PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = desugarTy (ty i)
+ , prefix = pfx
+ , veclen = n
+ , elemrep = con ++ "ElemRep"
+ , desc = desc i
+ , opts = opts i
+ }
+ _ ->
+ error "vector options can only be given for primops and primtypes"
+ where
+ vecCons = con++"X"++show n++"#"
+ vecCat = conCat con
+ vecWidth = conWidth con
+ pfx = lowerHead con++"X"++show n
+ vecTyName = pfx++"PrimTy"
+ name' | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "Array#" = pre++vec++"Array#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "OffAddr#" = pre++vec++"OffAddr#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "ArrayAs#" = pre++con++"ArrayAs"++vec++"#"
+ | Just pre <- splitSuffix (name i) "OffAddrAs#" = pre++con++"OffAddrAs"++vec++"#"
+ | otherwise = init (name i)++vec ++"#"
+ where
+ vec = con++"X"++show n
+ splitSuffix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
+ splitSuffix s suf
+ | drop len s == suf = Just (take len s)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ len = length s - length suf
+ lowerHead s = toLower (head s) : tail s
+ desugarTy :: Ty -> Ty
+ desugarTy (TyF s d) = TyF (desugarTy s) (desugarTy d)
+ desugarTy (TyC s d) = TyC (desugarTy s) (desugarTy d)
+ desugarTy (TyApp SCALAR []) = TyApp (TyCon repCon) []
+ desugarTy (TyApp VECTOR []) = TyApp (VecTyCon vecCons vecTyName) []
+ desugarTy (TyApp VECTUPLE []) = TyUTup (replicate n (TyApp (TyCon repCon) []))
+ desugarTy (TyApp tycon ts) = TyApp tycon (map desugarTy ts)
+ desugarTy t@(TyVar {}) = t
+ desugarTy (TyUTup ts) = TyUTup (map desugarTy ts)
+ conCat :: String -> String
+ conCat "Int8" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int16" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int32" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Int64" = "IntVec"
+ conCat "Word8" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word16" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word32" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Word64" = "WordVec"
+ conCat "Float" = "FloatVec"
+ conCat "Double" = "FloatVec"
+ conCat con = error $ "conCat: unknown type constructor " ++ con ++ "\n"
+ conWidth :: String -> String
+ conWidth "Int8" = "W8"
+ conWidth "Int16" = "W16"
+ conWidth "Int32" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Int64" = "W64"
+ conWidth "Word8" = "W8"
+ conWidth "Word16" = "W16"
+ conWidth "Word32" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Word64" = "W64"
+ conWidth "Float" = "W32"
+ conWidth "Double" = "W64"
+ conWidth con = error $ "conWidth: unknown type constructor " ++ con ++ "\n"
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= \args ->
if length args /= 1 || head args `notElem` known_args
@@ -75,6 +169,18 @@ main = getArgs >>= \args ->
-> putStr (gen_primop_list p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-uniques"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_uniques p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tys"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tys-exports"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tys_exports p_o_specs)
+ "--primop-vector-tycons"
+ -> putStr (gen_primop_vector_tycons p_o_specs)
-> putStr (gen_wrappers p_o_specs)
@@ -103,6 +209,10 @@ known_args
+ "--primop-vector-uniques",
+ "--primop-vector-tys",
+ "--primop-vector-tys-exports",
+ "--primop-vector-tycons",
@@ -136,32 +246,40 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
++ "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
++ "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}\n"
++ "module GHC.Prim (\n"
- ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries)
+ ++ unlines (map (("\t" ++) . hdr) entries')
++ ") where\n"
++ "\n"
++ "{-\n"
++ unlines (map opt defaults)
++ "-}\n"
- ++ unlines (concatMap ent entries) ++ "\n\n\n"
- where opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
+ ++ unlines (concatMap ent entries') ++ "\n\n\n"
+ where entries' = concatMap desugarVectorSpec entries
+ opt (OptionFalse n) = n ++ " = False"
opt (OptionTrue n) = n ++ " = True"
opt (OptionString n v) = n ++ " = { " ++ v ++ "}"
opt (OptionInteger n v) = n ++ " = " ++ show v
+ opt (OptionVector _) = ""
opt (OptionFixity mf) = "fixity" ++ " = " ++ show mf
- hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
- hdr (PrimOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
- hdr (PseudoOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimTypeSpec { ty = TyApp n _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimTypeSpec {}) = error "Illegal type spec"
- hdr (PrimClassSpec { cls = TyApp n _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
- hdr (PrimClassSpec {}) = error "Illegal class spec"
- ent (Section {}) = []
- ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PrimTypeSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PrimClassSpec {}) = spec o
- ent o@(PseudoOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ hdr s@(Section {}) = sec s
+ hdr (PrimOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimVecOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PseudoOpSpec { name = n }) = wrapOp n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimTypeSpec { ty = TyApp (TyCon n) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimTypeSpec {}) = error $ "Illegal type spec"
+ hdr (PrimClassSpec { cls = TyApp (TyCon n) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimClassSpec {}) = error "Illegal class spec"
+ hdr (PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = TyApp (VecTyCon n _) _ }) = wrapTy n ++ ","
+ hdr (PrimVecTypeSpec {}) = error $ "Illegal type spec"
+ ent (Section {}) = []
+ ent o@(PrimOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimVecOpSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimTypeSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimClassSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PrimVecTypeSpec {}) = spec o
+ ent o@(PseudoOpSpec {}) = spec o
sec s = "\n-- * " ++ escape (title s) ++ "\n"
++ (unlines $ map ("-- " ++ ) $ lines $ unlatex $ escape $ "|" ++ desc s) ++ "\n"
@@ -173,6 +291,11 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
[ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
+ PrimVecOpSpec { name = n, ty = t, opts = options } ->
+ [ pprFixity fixity n | OptionFixity (Just fixity) <- options ]
+ ++
+ [ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
+ wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
PseudoOpSpec { name = n, ty = t } ->
[ wrapOp n ++ " :: " ++ pprTy t,
wrapOp n ++ " = let x = x in x" ]
@@ -180,6 +303,8 @@ gen_hs_source (Info defaults entries) =
[ "data " ++ pprTy t ]
PrimClassSpec { cls = t } ->
[ "class " ++ pprTy t ]
+ PrimVecTypeSpec { ty = t } ->
+ [ "data " ++ pprTy t ]
Section { } -> []
comm = case (desc o) of
@@ -212,7 +337,7 @@ pprTy = pty
pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = tc ++ concat (map (' ' :) (map paty ts))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = show tc ++ concat (map (' ' :) (map paty ts))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# "
++ concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))
++ " #)"
@@ -259,7 +384,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
where printList f = concat . intersperse ",\n" . filter (not . null) . map f
tcEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=t}) =
case t of
- TyApp tc args -> parens tc (tcKind tc args)
+ TyApp tc args -> parens (show tc) (tcKind tc args)
_ -> error ("tcEnt: type in PrimTypeSpec is not a type"
++ " constructor: " ++ show t)
tcEnt _ = ""
@@ -270,12 +395,12 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
-- alternative would be to refer to things indirectly and hard-wire
-- certain things (e.g., the kind of the Any constructor, here) into
-- ext-core's Prims module again.
- tcKind "Any" _ = "Klifted"
- tcKind tc [] | last tc == '#' = "Kunlifted"
- tcKind _ [] | otherwise = "Klifted"
+ tcKind (TyCon "Any") _ = "Klifted"
+ tcKind tc [] | last (show tc) == '#' = "Kunlifted"
+ tcKind _ [] | otherwise = "Klifted"
-- assumes that all type arguments are lifted (are they?)
- tcKind tc (_v:as) = "(Karrow Klifted " ++ tcKind tc as
- ++ ")"
+ tcKind tc (_v:as) = "(Karrow Klifted " ++ tcKind tc as
+ ++ ")"
valEnt (PseudoOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
valEnt (PrimOpSpec {name=n, ty=t}) = valEntry n t
valEnt _ = ""
@@ -290,7 +415,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
++ " " ++ paren s1))
++ " " ++ paren s2
mkTconApp tc args = foldl tapp tc args
- mkTcon tc = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify True tc)
+ mkTcon tc = paren $ "Tcon " ++ paren (qualify True (show tc))
mkUtupleTy args = foldl tapp (tcUTuple (length args)) args
mkForallTy [] t = t
mkForallTy vs t = foldr
@@ -314,7 +439,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
++ show n ++ "H")
tyEnt (PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) = " " ++ paren ("Tcon " ++
- (paren (qualify True tc)))
+ (paren (qualify True (show tc))))
tyEnt _ = ""
-- more hacks. might be better to do this on the ext-core side,
@@ -334,7 +459,7 @@ gen_ext_core_source entries =
prefixes ps = filter (\ t ->
case t of
(PrimTypeSpec {ty=(TyApp tc _args)}) ->
- any (\ p -> p `isPrefixOf` tc) ps
+ any (\ p -> p `isPrefixOf` show tc) ps
_ -> False)
parens n ty' = " (zEncodeString \"" ++ n ++ "\", " ++ ty' ++ ")"
@@ -358,6 +483,8 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
++ d ++ "}{"
++ mk_options o
++ "}\n"
+ mk_entry (PrimVecOpSpec {}) =
+ ""
mk_entry (Section {title=ti,desc=d}) =
++ latex_encode ti ++ "}{"
@@ -376,6 +503,8 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
++ d ++ "}{"
++ mk_options o
++ "}\n"
+ mk_entry (PrimVecTypeSpec {}) =
+ ""
mk_entry (PseudoOpSpec {name=n,ty=t,desc=d,opts=o}) =
++ latex_encode (zencode n) ++ "}{"
@@ -388,7 +517,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
where pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = tc ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = show tc ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = "(# " ++ (concat (intersperse "," (map pty ts))) ++ " #)"
pbty t = paty t
paty (TyVar tv) = tv
@@ -398,11 +527,11 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
where pty (TyF t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " -> " ++ pty t2
pty (TyC t1 t2) = pbty t1 ++ " => " ++ pty t2
pty t = pbty t
- pbty (TyApp tc ts) = (zencode tc) ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
+ pbty (TyApp tc ts) = (zencode (show tc)) ++ (concat (map (' ':) (map paty ts)))
pbty (TyUTup ts) = (zencode (utuplenm (length ts))) ++ (concat ((map (' ':) (map paty ts))))
pbty t = paty t
paty (TyVar tv) = zencode tv
- paty (TyApp tc []) = zencode tc
+ paty (TyApp tc []) = zencode (show tc)
paty t = "(" ++ pty t ++ ")"
utuplenm 1 = "(# #)"
utuplenm n = "(#" ++ (replicate (n-1) ',') ++ "#)"
@@ -441,6 +570,7 @@ gen_latex_doc (Info defaults entries)
Just (OptionString _ _) -> error "String value for boolean option"
Just (OptionInteger _ _) -> error "Integer value for boolean option"
Just (OptionFixity _) -> error "Fixity value for boolean option"
+ Just (OptionVector _) -> error "vector template for boolean option"
Nothing -> ""
mk_strictness o =
@@ -532,8 +662,8 @@ gen_wrappers (Info _ entries)
filter (not.is_llvm_only) $
filter is_primop entries
tycons = foldr union [] $ map (tyconsIn . ty) specs
- tycons' = filter (`notElem` ["()", "Bool"]) tycons
- types = concat $ intersperse ", " tycons'
+ tycons' = filter (`notElem` [TyCon "()", TyCon "Bool"]) tycons
+ types = concat $ intersperse ", " $ map show tycons'
f spec = let args = map (\n -> "a" ++ show n) [1 .. arity (ty spec)]
src_name = wrap (name spec)
lhs = src_name ++ " " ++ unwords args
@@ -568,24 +698,99 @@ gen_primop_list (Info _ entries)
map (\p -> " , " ++ cons p) rest
[ " ]" ]
- ) where (first:rest) = filter is_primop entries
+ ) where (first:rest) = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_primop entries)
+gen_primop_vector_uniques :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_uniques (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ concatMap mkVecUnique (specs `zip` [mIN_VECTOR_UNIQUE..])
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecUnique :: (Entry, Int) -> [String]
+ mkVecUnique (i, unique) =
+ [ key_id ++ " :: Unique"
+ , key_id ++ " = mkPreludeTyConUnique " ++ show unique
+ ]
+ where
+ key_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConKey"
+gen_primop_vector_tys :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tys (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ concatMap mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> [String]
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ [ name_id ++ " :: Name"
+ , name_id ++ " = mkPrimTc (fsLit \"" ++ pprTy (ty i) ++ "\") " ++ key_id ++ " " ++ tycon_id
+ , ty_id ++ " :: Type"
+ , ty_id ++ " = mkTyConTy " ++ tycon_id
+ , tycon_id ++ " :: TyCon"
+ , tycon_id ++ " = pcPrimTyCon0 " ++ name_id ++
+ " (VecRep " ++ show (veclen i) ++ " " ++ elemrep i ++ ")"
+ ]
+ where
+ key_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConKey"
+ name_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyConName"
+ ty_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTy"
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
+gen_primop_vector_tys_exports :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tys_exports (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ map mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> String
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ "\t" ++ ty_id ++ ", " ++ tycon_id ++ ","
+ where
+ ty_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTy"
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
+gen_primop_vector_tycons :: Info -> String
+gen_primop_vector_tycons (Info _ entries)
+ = unlines $
+ map mkVecTypes specs
+ where
+ specs = concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_vector (filter is_primtype entries))
+ mkVecTypes :: Entry -> String
+ mkVecTypes i =
+ " , " ++ tycon_id
+ where
+ tycon_id = prefix i ++ "PrimTyCon"
gen_primop_tag :: Info -> String
gen_primop_tag (Info _ entries)
= unlines (max_def_type : max_def :
tagOf_type : zipWith f primop_entries [1 :: Int ..])
- primop_entries = filter is_primop entries
+ primop_entries = concatMap desugarVectorSpec $ filter is_primop entries
tagOf_type = "tagOf_PrimOp :: PrimOp -> FastInt"
f i n = "tagOf_PrimOp " ++ cons i ++ " = _ILIT(" ++ show n ++ ")"
max_def_type = "maxPrimOpTag :: Int"
max_def = "maxPrimOpTag = " ++ show (length primop_entries)
gen_data_decl :: Info -> String
-gen_data_decl (Info _ entries)
- = let conss = map cons (filter is_primop entries)
- in "data PrimOp\n = " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
- ++ unlines (map (" | "++) (tail conss))
+gen_data_decl (Info _ entries) =
+ "data PrimOp\n = " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
+ ++ unlines (map (" | "++) (tail conss))
+ where
+ conss = map genCons (filter is_primop entries)
+ genCons :: Entry -> String
+ genCons entry =
+ case vecOptions entry of
+ [] -> cons entry
+ _ -> cons entry ++ " PrimOpVecCat Length Width"
gen_switch_from_attribs :: String -> String -> Info -> String
gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
@@ -596,12 +801,15 @@ gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
getAltRhs (OptionTrue _) = "True"
getAltRhs (OptionInteger _ i) = show i
getAltRhs (OptionString _ s) = s
+ getAltRhs (OptionVector _) = "True"
getAltRhs (OptionFixity mf) = show mf
mkAlt po
= case lookup_attrib attrib_name (opts po) of
Nothing -> Nothing
- Just xx -> Just (fn_name ++ " " ++ cons po ++ " = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
+ Just xx -> case vecOptions po of
+ [] -> Just (fn_name ++ " " ++ cons po ++ " = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
+ _ -> Just (fn_name ++ " (" ++ cons po ++ " _ _ _) = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
case defv of
@@ -616,7 +824,7 @@ gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults entries)
gen_primop_info :: Info -> String
gen_primop_info (Info _ entries)
- = unlines (map mkPOItext (filter is_primop entries))
+ = unlines (map mkPOItext (concatMap desugarVectorSpec (filter is_primop entries)))
mkPOItext :: Entry -> String
mkPOItext i = mkPOI_LHS_text i ++ mkPOI_RHS_text i
@@ -664,29 +872,25 @@ ppTyVar "o" = "openAlphaTyVar"
ppTyVar _ = error "Unknown type var"
ppType :: Ty -> String
-ppType (TyApp "Any" []) = "anyTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Bool" []) = "boolTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int#" []) = "intPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int32#" []) = "int32PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int64#" []) = "int64PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Char#" []) = "charPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word#" []) = "wordPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word32#" []) = "word32PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Word64#" []) = "word64PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Addr#" []) = "addrPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Float#" []) = "floatPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Double#" []) = "doublePrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "FloatX4#" []) = "floatX4PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "DoubleX2#" []) = "doubleX2PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int32X4#" []) = "int32X4PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Int64X2#" []) = "int64X2PrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ByteArray#" []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "RealWorld" []) = "realWorldTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ThreadId#" []) = "threadIdPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "ForeignObj#" []) = "foreignObjPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "BCO#" []) = "bcoPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "()" []) = "unitTy" -- unitTy is TysWiredIn's name for ()
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Any") []) = "anyTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Bool") []) = "boolTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int#") []) = "intPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int32#") []) = "int32PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Int64#") []) = "int64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Char#") []) = "charPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word#") []) = "wordPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word32#") []) = "word32PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Word64#") []) = "word64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Addr#") []) = "addrPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Float#") []) = "floatPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Double#") []) = "doublePrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ByteArray#") []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "RealWorld") []) = "realWorldTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ThreadId#") []) = "threadIdPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ForeignObj#") []) = "foreignObjPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "BCO#") []) = "bcoPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "()") []) = "unitTy" -- unitTy is TysWiredIn's name for ()
ppType (TyVar "a") = "alphaTy"
ppType (TyVar "b") = "betaTy"
@@ -694,28 +898,31 @@ ppType (TyVar "c") = "gammaTy"
ppType (TyVar "s") = "deltaTy"
ppType (TyVar "o") = "openAlphaTy"
-ppType (TyApp "State#" [x]) = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MutVar#" [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "MutableArray#" [x,y]) = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "State#") [x]) = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArray#") [x,y]) = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableArrayArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MutableByteArray#") [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
+ ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Array#") [x]) = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "ArrayArray#") []) = "mkArrayArrayPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "Weak#") [x]) = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StablePtr#") [x]) = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "StableName#") [x]) = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "MVar#") [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp (TyCon "TVar#") [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "MutableArrayArray#" [x]) = "mkMutableArrayArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MutableByteArray#" [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy "
- ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "Array#" [x]) = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "ArrayArray#" []) = "mkArrayArrayPrimTy"
-ppType (TyApp "Weak#" [x]) = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "StablePtr#" [x]) = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "StableName#" [x]) = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
-ppType (TyApp "MVar#" [x,y]) = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyApp "TVar#" [x,y]) = "mkTVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x
- ++ " " ++ ppType y
-ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy UnboxedTuple "
- ++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
+ppType (TyApp (VecTyCon _ pptc) []) = pptc
+ppType (TyUTup ts) = "(mkTupleTy UnboxedTuple "
+ ++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
ppType (TyF s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"
ppType (TyC s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y b/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
index eb76cb0407..07ef03b986 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Parser.y
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ import Syntax
'#)' { THashCloseParen }
'{' { TOpenBrace }
'}' { TCloseBrace }
+ '[' { TOpenBracket }
+ ']' { TCloseBracket }
+ '<' { TOpenAngle }
+ '>' { TCloseAngle }
section { TSection }
primop { TPrimop }
pseudoop { TPseudoop }
@@ -50,6 +54,10 @@ import Syntax
infixl { TInfixL }
infixr { TInfixR }
nothing { TNothing }
+ vector { TVector }
thats_all_folks { TThatsAllFolks }
lowerName { TLowerName $$ }
upperName { TUpperName $$ }
@@ -74,6 +82,7 @@ pOption : lowerName '=' false { OptionFalse $1 }
| lowerName '=' true { OptionTrue $1 }
| lowerName '=' pStuffBetweenBraces { OptionString $1 $3 }
| lowerName '=' integer { OptionInteger $1 $3 }
+ | vector '=' pVectorTemplate { OptionVector $3 }
| fixity '=' pInfix { OptionFixity $3 }
pInfix :: { Maybe Fixity }
@@ -147,6 +156,17 @@ pInside :: { String }
pInside : '{' pInsides '}' { "{" ++ $2 ++ "}" }
| noBraces { $1 }
+pVectorTemplate :: { [(String, String, Int)] }
+pVectorTemplate : '[' pVectors ']' { $2 }
+pVectors :: { [(String, String, Int)] }
+pVectors : pVector ',' pVectors { [$1] ++ $3 }
+ | pVector { [$1] }
+ | {- empty -} { [] }
+pVector :: { (String, String, Int) }
+pVector : '<' upperName ',' upperName ',' integer '>' { ($2, $4, $6) }
pType :: { Ty }
pType : paT '->' pType { TyF $1 $3 }
| paT '=>' pType { TyC $1 $3 }
@@ -175,9 +195,12 @@ ppT :: { Ty }
ppT : lowerName { TyVar $1 }
| pTycon { TyApp $1 [] }
-pTycon :: { String }
-pTycon : upperName { $1 }
- | '(' ')' { "()" }
+pTycon :: { TyCon }
+pTycon : upperName { TyCon $1 }
+ | '(' ')' { TyCon "()" }
parse :: String -> Either String Info
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
index 8093675651..aaaf6ac66f 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/ParserM.hs
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ data Token = TEOF
| THashCloseParen
| TOpenBrace
| TCloseBrace
+ | TOpenBracket
+ | TCloseBracket
+ | TOpenAngle
+ | TCloseAngle
| TSection
| TPrimop
| TPseudoop
@@ -91,6 +95,10 @@ data Token = TEOF
| TInfixL
| TInfixR
| TNothing
+ | TVector
deriving Show
-- Actions
diff --git a/utils/genprimopcode/Syntax.hs b/utils/genprimopcode/Syntax.hs
index 333ea2c4c7..d0c380cf59 100644
--- a/utils/genprimopcode/Syntax.hs
+++ b/utils/genprimopcode/Syntax.hs
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ data Entry
cat :: Category, -- category
desc :: String, -- description
opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
+ | PrimVecOpSpec { cons :: String, -- PrimOp name
+ name :: String, -- name in prog text
+ prefix :: String, -- prefix for generated names
+ veclen :: Int, -- vector length
+ elemrep :: String, -- vector ElemRep
+ ty :: Ty, -- type
+ cat :: Category, -- category
+ desc :: String, -- description
+ opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
| PseudoOpSpec { name :: String, -- name in prog text
ty :: Ty, -- type
desc :: String, -- description
@@ -29,6 +38,12 @@ data Entry
| PrimClassSpec { cls :: Ty, -- name in prog text
desc :: String, -- description
opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
+ | PrimVecTypeSpec { ty :: Ty, -- name in prog text
+ prefix :: String, -- prefix for generated names
+ veclen :: Int, -- vector length
+ elemrep :: String, -- vector ElemRep
+ desc :: String, -- description
+ opts :: [Option] } -- default overrides
| Section { title :: String, -- section title
desc :: String } -- description
deriving Show
@@ -37,12 +52,17 @@ is_primop :: Entry -> Bool
is_primop (PrimOpSpec _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
is_primop _ = False
+is_primtype :: Entry -> Bool
+is_primtype (PrimTypeSpec {}) = True
+is_primtype _ = False
-- a binding of property to value
data Option
= OptionFalse String -- name = False
| OptionTrue String -- name = True
| OptionString String String -- name = { ... unparsed stuff ... }
| OptionInteger String Int -- name = <int>
+ | OptionVector [(String,String,Int)] -- name = [(,...),...]
| OptionFixity (Maybe Fixity) -- fixity = infix{,l,r} <int> | Nothing
deriving Show
@@ -62,7 +82,20 @@ data Ty
deriving (Eq,Show)
type TyVar = String
-type TyCon = String
+data TyCon = TyCon String
+ | VecTyCon String String
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Show TyCon where
+ show (TyCon tc) = tc
+ show SCALAR = "SCALAR"
+ show VECTOR = "VECTOR"
+ show (VecTyCon tc _) = tc
-- Follow definitions of Fixity and FixityDirection in GHC
@@ -118,7 +151,7 @@ sanityPrimOp def_names p
sane_ty :: Category -> Ty -> Bool
sane_ty Compare (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td))
- | t1 == t2 && td == TyApp "Int#" [] = True
+ | t1 == t2 && td == TyApp (TyCon "Int#") [] = True
sane_ty Monadic (TyF t1 td)
| t1 == td = True
sane_ty Dyadic (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td))
@@ -133,6 +166,7 @@ get_attrib_name (OptionFalse nm) = nm
get_attrib_name (OptionTrue nm) = nm
get_attrib_name (OptionString nm _) = nm
get_attrib_name (OptionInteger nm _) = nm
+get_attrib_name (OptionVector _) = "vector"
get_attrib_name (OptionFixity _) = "fixity"
lookup_attrib :: String -> [Option] -> Maybe Option
@@ -140,3 +174,7 @@ lookup_attrib _ [] = Nothing
lookup_attrib nm (a:as)
= if get_attrib_name a == nm then Just a else lookup_attrib nm as
+is_vector :: Entry -> Bool
+is_vector i = case lookup_attrib "vector" (opts i) of
+ Nothing -> False
+ _ -> True