path: root/utils
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2008-08-13 14:37:38 +0000
committerSimon Marlow <>2008-08-13 14:37:38 +0000
commit8396eb36ed1aa4ca23b44afba163e41282e01096 (patch)
tree7dad19257872effc1ed056866de9fdef06ae251d /utils
parent6d574977031d878d5994689e4c4b5ea1159eef06 (diff)
FIX #1963: use Cabal's writeFileAtomic to write the new package.conf
This depends on #2298 also being fixed, which I'll do shortly
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
index 1605cd20bb..2296c670dc 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-pkg/Main.hs
@@ -804,46 +804,16 @@ writeNewConfig :: FilePath -> [InstalledPackageInfo] -> IO ()
writeNewConfig filename packages = do
hPutStr stdout "Writing new package config file... "
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory filename
- h <- openFile filename WriteMode `catch` \e ->
- if isPermissionError e
- then die (filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file")
- else ioError e
let shown = concat $ intersperse ",\n "
$ map (show . convertPackageInfoOut) packages
fileContents = "[" ++ shown ++ "\n]"
- hPutStrLn h fileContents
- hClose h
+ writeFileAtomic filename fileContents
+ `catch` \e ->
+ if isPermissionError e
+ then die (filename ++ ": you don't have permission to modify this file")
+ else ioError e
hPutStrLn stdout "done."
-savingOldConfig :: FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
-savingOldConfig filename io = Exception.block $ do
- hPutStr stdout "Saving old package config file... "
- -- mv rather than cp because we've already done an hGetContents
- -- on this file so we won't be able to open it for writing
- -- unless we move the old one out of the way...
- let oldFile = filename ++ ".old"
- restore_on_error <- catch (renameFile filename oldFile >> return True) $
- \err -> do
- unless (isDoesNotExistError err) $ do
- hPutStrLn stderr (unwords ["Unable to rename", show filename,
- "to", show oldFile])
- ioError err
- return False
- (do hPutStrLn stdout "done."; io)
- `onException` do
- hPutStr stdout ("WARNING: an error was encountered while writing "
- ++ "the new configuration.\n")
- -- remove any partially complete new version:
- removeFile filename `catchIO` \_ -> return ()
- -- and attempt to restore the old one, if we had one:
- when restore_on_error $ do
- hPutStr stdout "Attempting to restore the old configuration... "
- do renameFile oldFile filename
- hPutStrLn stdout "done."
- `catchIO` \err -> hPutStrLn stdout ("Failed: " ++ show err)
- -- Note the above renameFile sometimes fails on Windows with
- -- "permission denied", I have no idea why --SDM.
-- Sanity-check a new package config, and automatically build GHCi libs
-- if requested.
@@ -1147,6 +1117,13 @@ catchIO io handler = io `Exception.catch` handler'
handler' e = Exception.throw e
+throwIOIO :: Exception.IOException -> IO a
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
+throwIOIO = Exception.throwIO
+throwIOIO ioe = Exception.throwIO (Exception.IOException ioe)
catchError :: IO a -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
catchError io handler = io `Exception.catch` handler'
@@ -1165,3 +1142,35 @@ onException io what = io `Exception.catch` \e -> do what
Exception.throw e
+-- copied from Cabal's Distribution.Simple.Utils, except that we want
+-- to use text files here, rather than binary files.
+writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
+writeFileAtomic targetFile content = do
+ (tmpFile, tmpHandle) <- openTempFile targetDir template
+ do hPutStr tmpHandle content
+ hClose tmpHandle
+#if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ -- If the targetFile exists then renameFile will fail
+ `catchIO` \err -> do
+ exists <- doesFileExist targetFile
+ if exists
+ then do removeFile targetFile
+ -- Big fat hairy race condition
+ renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ -- If the removeFile succeeds and the renameFile fails
+ -- then we've lost the atomic property.
+ else throwIOIO err
+ renameFile tmpFile targetFile
+ `onException` do hClose tmpHandle
+ removeFile tmpFile
+ where
+ template = targetName <.> "tmp"
+ targetDir | null targetDir_ = "."
+ | otherwise = targetDir_
+ --TODO: remove this when takeDirectory/splitFileName is fixed
+ -- to always return a valid dir
+ (targetDir_,targetName) = splitFileName targetFile