path: root/utils
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authorDr. ERDI Gergo <>2014-01-13 20:12:34 +0800
committerAustin Seipp <>2014-01-20 11:30:22 -0600
commit4f8369bf47d27b11415db251e816ef1a2e1eb3d8 (patch)
tree61437b3b947951aace16f66379c462f2374fc709 /utils
parent59cb44a3ee4b25fce6dc19816e9647e92e5ff743 (diff)
Implement pattern synonyms
This patch implements Pattern Synonyms (enabled by -XPatternSynonyms), allowing y ou to assign names to a pattern and abstract over it. The rundown is this: * Named patterns are introduced by the new 'pattern' keyword, and can be either *unidirectional* or *bidirectional*. A unidirectional pattern is, in the simplest sense, simply an 'alias' for a pattern, where the LHS may mention variables to occur in the RHS. A bidirectional pattern synonym occurs when a pattern may also be used in expression context. * Unidirectional patterns are declared like thus: pattern P x <- x:_ The synonym 'P' may only occur in a pattern context: foo :: [Int] -> Maybe Int foo (P x) = Just x foo _ = Nothing * Bidirectional patterns are declared like thus: pattern P x y = [x, y] Here, P may not only occur as a pattern, but also as an expression when given values for 'x' and 'y', i.e. bar :: Int -> [Int] bar x = P x 10 * Patterns can't yet have their own type signatures; signatures are inferred. * Pattern synonyms may not be recursive, c.f. type synonyms. * Pattern synonyms are also exported/imported using the 'pattern' keyword in an import/export decl, i.e. module Foo (pattern Bar) where ... Note that pattern synonyms share the namespace of constructors, so this disambiguation is required as a there may also be a 'Bar' type in scope as well as the 'Bar' pattern. * The semantics of a pattern synonym differ slightly from a typical pattern: when using a synonym, the pattern itself is matched, followed by all the arguments. This means that the strictness differs slightly: pattern P x y <- [x, y] f (P True True) = True f _ = False g [True, True] = True g _ = False In the example, while `g (False:undefined)` evaluates to False, `f (False:undefined)` results in undefined as both `x` and `y` arguments are matched to `True`. For more information, see the wiki: Reviewed-by: Simon Peyton Jones <> Signed-off-by: Austin Seipp <>
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ghctags/Main.hs b/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
index 0f9886fc14..9fffd52464 100644
--- a/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ boundValues mod group =
let vals = case hs_valds group of
ValBindsOut nest _sigs ->
[ x | (_rec, binds) <- nest
- , bind <- bagToList binds
+ , (_, bind) <- bagToList binds
, x <- boundThings mod bind ]
_other -> error "boundValues"
tys = [ n | ns <- map hsLTyClDeclBinders (tyClGroupConcat (hs_tyclds group))
@@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ boundThings modname lbinding =
PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs } -> patThings lhs []
VarBind { var_id = id } -> [FoundThing modname (getOccString id) (startOfLocated lbinding)]
AbsBinds { } -> [] -- nothing interesting in a type abstraction
+ PatSynBind { patsyn_id = id } -> [thing id]
where thing = foundOfLName modname
patThings lpat tl =
let loc = startOfLocated lpat
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ boundThings modname lbinding =
TuplePat ps _ _ -> foldr patThings tl ps
PArrPat ps _ -> foldr patThings tl ps
ConPatIn _ conargs -> conArgs conargs tl
- ConPatOut _ _ _ _ conargs _ -> conArgs conargs tl
+ ConPatOut{ pat_args = conargs } -> conArgs conargs tl
LitPat _ -> tl
NPat _ _ _ -> tl -- form of literal pattern?
NPlusKPat id _ _ _ -> thing id : tl