diff options
59 files changed, 2478 insertions, 1950 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
index d9eacd9af6..445606dc69 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- |
-- #name_types#
@@ -202,6 +205,12 @@ nameOccName name = n_occ name
nameSrcLoc name = srcSpanStart (n_loc name)
nameSrcSpan name = n_loc name
+type instance SrcSpanLess Name = Name
+instance HasSrcSpan Name where
+ composeSrcSpan (L sp n) = n {n_loc = sp}
+ decomposeSrcSpan n = L (n_loc n) n
* *
@@ -668,7 +677,7 @@ class NamedThing a where
getOccName n = nameOccName (getName n) -- Default method
-instance NamedThing e => NamedThing (GenLocated l e) where
+instance NamedThing e => NamedThing (Located e) where
getName = getName . unLoc
getSrcLoc :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.hs
index 3276f41f14..696395f82f 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- | This module contains types that relate to the positions of things
-- in source files, and allow tagging of those things with locations
@@ -70,11 +75,16 @@ module SrcLoc (
-- ** Deconstructing Located
getLoc, unLoc,
+ unRealSrcSpan, getRealSrcSpan,
-- ** Combining and comparing Located values
eqLocated, cmpLocated, combineLocs, addCLoc,
leftmost_smallest, leftmost_largest, rightmost,
- spans, isSubspanOf, sortLocated
+ spans, isSubspanOf, sortLocated,
+ -- ** HasSrcSpan
+ HasSrcSpan(..), SrcSpanLess, dL, cL,
+ pattern LL, onHasSrcSpan, liftL
) where
import GhcPrelude
@@ -169,7 +179,7 @@ advanceSrcLoc (SrcLoc f l c) _ = SrcLoc f l (c + 1)
-sortLocated :: [Located a] -> [Located a]
+sortLocated :: HasSrcSpan a => [a] -> [a]
sortLocated things = sortBy (comparing getLoc) things
instance Outputable RealSrcLoc where
@@ -517,35 +527,36 @@ data GenLocated l e = L l e
type Located = GenLocated SrcSpan
type RealLocated = GenLocated RealSrcSpan
-unLoc :: GenLocated l e -> e
-unLoc (L _ e) = e
+unLoc :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> SrcSpanLess a
+unLoc (dL->L _ e) = e
-getLoc :: GenLocated l e -> l
-getLoc (L l _) = l
+getLoc :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> SrcSpan
+getLoc (dL->L l _) = l
-noLoc :: e -> Located e
-noLoc e = L noSrcSpan e
+noLoc :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> a
+noLoc e = cL noSrcSpan e
-mkGeneralLocated :: String -> e -> Located e
-mkGeneralLocated s e = L (mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit s)) e
+mkGeneralLocated :: HasSrcSpan e => String -> SrcSpanLess e -> e
+mkGeneralLocated s e = cL (mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit s)) e
-combineLocs :: Located a -> Located b -> SrcSpan
+combineLocs :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) => a -> b -> SrcSpan
combineLocs a b = combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (getLoc b)
-- | Combine locations from two 'Located' things and add them to a third thing
-addCLoc :: Located a -> Located b -> c -> Located c
-addCLoc a b c = L (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (getLoc b)) c
+addCLoc :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b , HasSrcSpan c) =>
+ a -> b -> SrcSpanLess c -> c
+addCLoc a b c = cL (combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (getLoc b)) c
-- not clear whether to add a general Eq instance, but this is useful sometimes:
-- | Tests whether the two located things are equal
-eqLocated :: Eq a => Located a -> Located a -> Bool
+eqLocated :: (HasSrcSpan a , Eq (SrcSpanLess a)) => a -> a -> Bool
eqLocated a b = unLoc a == unLoc b
-- not clear whether to add a general Ord instance, but this is useful sometimes:
-- | Tests the ordering of the two located things
-cmpLocated :: Ord a => Located a -> Located a -> Ordering
+cmpLocated :: (HasSrcSpan a , Ord (SrcSpanLess a)) => a -> a -> Ordering
cmpLocated a b = unLoc a `compare` unLoc b
instance (Outputable l, Outputable e) => Outputable (GenLocated l e) where
@@ -586,3 +597,94 @@ isSubspanOf src parent
| srcSpanFileName_maybe parent /= srcSpanFileName_maybe src = False
| otherwise = srcSpanStart parent <= srcSpanStart src &&
srcSpanEnd parent >= srcSpanEnd src
+* *
+\subsection{HasSrcSpan Typeclass to Set/Get Source Location Spans}
+* *
+Note [HasSrcSpan Typeclass]
+To be able to uniformly set/get source location spans (of `SrcSpan`) in
+syntactic entities (`HsSyn`), we use the typeclass `HasSrcSpan`.
+More details can be found at the following wiki page
+ ImplementingTreesThatGrow/HandlingSourceLocations
+For most syntactic entities, the source location spans are stored in
+a syntactic entity by a wapper constuctor (introduced by TTG's
+new constructor extension), e.g., by `NewPat (WrapperPat sp pat)`
+for a source location span `sp` and a pattern `pat`.
+-- | Determines the type of undecorated syntactic entities
+-- For most syntactic entities `E`, where source location spans are
+-- introduced by a wrapper construtor of the same syntactic entity,
+-- we have `SrcSpanLess E = E`.
+-- However, some syntactic entities have a different type compared to
+-- a syntactic entity `e :: E` may have the type `Located E` when
+-- decorated by wrapping it with `L sp e` for a source span `sp`.
+type family SrcSpanLess a
+-- | A typeclass to set/get SrcSpans
+class HasSrcSpan a where
+ -- | Composes a `SrcSpan` decoration with an undecorated syntactic
+ -- entity to form its decorated variant
+ composeSrcSpan :: Located (SrcSpanLess a) -> a
+ -- | Decomposes a decorated syntactic entity into its `SrcSpan`
+ -- decoration and its undecorated variant
+ decomposeSrcSpan :: a -> Located (SrcSpanLess a)
+ {- laws:
+ composeSrcSpan . decomposeSrcSpan = id
+ decomposeSrcSpan . composeSrcSpan = id
+ in other words, `HasSrcSpan` defines an iso relation between
+ a `SrcSpan`-decorated syntactic entity and its undecorated variant
+ (together with the `SrcSpan`).
+ -}
+type instance SrcSpanLess (GenLocated l e) = e
+instance HasSrcSpan (Located a) where
+ composeSrcSpan = id
+ decomposeSrcSpan = id
+-- | An abbreviated form of decomposeSrcSpan,
+-- mainly to be used in ViewPatterns
+dL :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> Located (SrcSpanLess a)
+dL = decomposeSrcSpan
+-- | An abbreviated form of composeSrcSpan,
+-- mainly to replace the hardcoded `L`
+cL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpan -> SrcSpanLess a -> a
+cL sp e = composeSrcSpan (L sp e)
+-- | A Pattern Synonym to Set/Get SrcSpans
+pattern LL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpan -> SrcSpanLess a -> a
+pattern LL sp e <- (dL->L sp e)
+ where
+ LL sp e = cL sp e
+-- | Lifts a function of undecorated entities to one of decorated ones
+onHasSrcSpan :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> SrcSpanLess b) -> a -> b
+onHasSrcSpan f (dL->L l e) = cL l (f e)
+liftL :: (HasSrcSpan a, HasSrcSpan b, Monad m) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> m (SrcSpanLess b)) -> a -> m b
+liftL f (dL->L loc a) = do
+ a' <- f a
+ return $ cL loc a'
+getRealSrcSpan :: RealLocated a -> RealSrcSpan
+getRealSrcSpan (L l _) = l
+unRealSrcSpan :: RealLocated a -> a
+unRealSrcSpan (L _ e) = e
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index cba86dfe4d..c1c260d0c8 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Pattern Matching Coverage Checking.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Check (
-- Checking and printing
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ checkSingle' locn var p = do
(Covered, _ ) -> PmResult prov [] us' [] -- useful
(NotCovered, NotDiverged) -> PmResult prov m us' [] -- redundant
(NotCovered, Diverged ) -> PmResult prov [] us' m -- inaccessible rhs
- where m = [L locn [L locn p]]
+ where m = [cL locn [cL locn p]]
-- | Exhaustive for guard matches, is used for guards in pattern bindings and
-- in @MultiIf@ expressions.
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ checkGuardMatches hs_ctx guards@(GRHSs _ grhss _) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let combinedLoc = foldl1 combineSrcSpans (map getLoc grhss)
dsMatchContext = DsMatchContext hs_ctx combinedLoc
- match = L combinedLoc $
+ match = cL combinedLoc $
Match { m_ext = noExt
, m_ctxt = hs_ctx
, m_pats = []
@@ -419,8 +420,8 @@ checkMatches' vars matches
(NotCovered, Diverged ) -> (final_prov, rs, final_u, m:is)
hsLMatchToLPats :: LMatch id body -> Located [LPat id]
- hsLMatchToLPats (L l (Match { m_pats = pats })) = L l pats
- hsLMatchToLPats (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "checMatches'"
+ hsLMatchToLPats (dL->L l (Match { m_pats = pats })) = cL l pats
+ hsLMatchToLPats _ = panic "checMatches'"
-- | Check an empty case expression. Since there are no clauses to process, we
-- only compute the uncovered set. See Note [Checking EmptyCase Expressions]
@@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
return [xp,g]
-- (n + k) ===> x (True <- x >= k) (n <- x-k)
- NPlusKPat ty (L _ _n) _k1 _k2 _ge _minus -> mkCanFailPmPat ty
+ NPlusKPat ty (dL->L _ _n) _k1 _k2 _ge _minus -> mkCanFailPmPat ty
-- (fun -> pat) ===> x (pat <- fun x)
ViewPat arg_ty lexpr lpat -> do
@@ -1031,7 +1032,7 @@ translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
-- pattern and do further translation as an optimization, for the reason,
-- see Note [Guards and Approximation].
- ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ con
+ ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ con)
, pat_arg_tys = arg_tys
, pat_tvs = ex_tvs
, pat_dicts = dicts
@@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ translatePat fam_insts pat = case pat of
, pm_con_args = args }]
-- See Note [Translate Overloaded Literal for Exhaustiveness Checking]
- NPat _ (L _ olit) mb_neg _
+ NPat _ (dL->L _ olit) mb_neg _
| OverLit (OverLitTc False ty) (HsIsString src s) _ <- olit
, isStringTy ty ->
foldr (mkListPatVec charTy) [nilPattern charTy] <$>
@@ -1216,7 +1217,7 @@ translateConPatVec fam_insts univ_tys ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
-- Some label information
orig_lbls = map flSelector $ conLikeFieldLabels c
matched_pats = [ (getName (unLoc (hsRecFieldId x)), unLoc (hsRecFieldArg x))
- | L _ x <- fs]
+ | (dL->L _ x) <- fs]
matched_lbls = [ name | (name, _pat) <- matched_pats ]
subsetOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
@@ -1229,18 +1230,19 @@ translateConPatVec fam_insts univ_tys ex_tvs c (RecCon (HsRecFields fs _))
-- Translate a single match
translateMatch :: FamInstEnvs -> LMatch GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> DsM (PatVec,[PatVec])
-translateMatch fam_insts (L _ (Match { m_pats = lpats, m_grhss = grhss })) = do
+translateMatch fam_insts (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = lpats, m_grhss = grhss })) =
+ do
pats' <- concat <$> translatePatVec fam_insts pats
guards' <- mapM (translateGuards fam_insts) guards
return (pats', guards')
extractGuards :: LGRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc) -> [GuardStmt GhcTc]
- extractGuards (L _ (GRHS _ gs _)) = map unLoc gs
- extractGuards (L _ (XGRHS _)) = panic "translateMatch"
+ extractGuards (dL->L _ (GRHS _ gs _)) = map unLoc gs
+ extractGuards _ = panic "translateMatch"
pats = map unLoc lpats
guards = map extractGuards (grhssGRHSs grhss)
-translateMatch _ (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "translateMatch"
+translateMatch _ _ = panic "translateMatch"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Transform source guards (GuardStmt Id) to PmPats (Pattern)
@@ -1304,7 +1306,7 @@ translateLet _binds = return []
-- | Translate a pattern guard
translateBind :: FamInstEnvs -> LPat GhcTc -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM PatVec
-translateBind fam_insts (L _ p) e = do
+translateBind fam_insts (dL->L _ p) e = do
ps <- translatePat fam_insts p
return [mkGuard ps (unLoc e)]
@@ -2457,10 +2459,10 @@ dsPmWarn dflags ctx@(DsMatchContext kind loc) pm_result
TypeOfUncovered _ -> True
UncoveredPatterns u -> notNull u)
- when exists_r $ forM_ redundant $ \(L l q) -> do
+ when exists_r $ forM_ redundant $ \(dL->L l q) -> do
putSrcSpanDs l (warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns)
(pprEqn q "is redundant"))
- when exists_i $ forM_ inaccessible $ \(L l q) -> do
+ when exists_i $ forM_ inaccessible $ \(dL->L l q) -> do
putSrcSpanDs l (warnDs (Reason Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns)
(pprEqn q "has inaccessible right hand side"))
when exists_u $ putSrcSpanDs loc $ warnDs flag_u_reason $
@@ -2583,7 +2585,7 @@ pp_context singular (DsMatchContext kind _loc) msg rest_of_msg_fun
(ppr_match, pref)
= case kind of
- FunRhs { mc_fun = L _ fun }
+ FunRhs { mc_fun = (dL->L _ fun) }
-> (pprMatchContext kind, \ pp -> ppr fun <+> pp)
_ -> (pprMatchContext kind, \ pp -> pp)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
index 7ca18c7d2e..1dbacfc47f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation, RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Coverage (addTicksToBinds, hpcInitCode) where
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ guessSourceFile :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> FilePath -> FilePath
guessSourceFile binds orig_file =
-- Try look for a file generated from a .hsc file to a
-- .hs file, by peeking ahead.
- let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldrBag (\ (L pos _) rest ->
+ let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldrBag (\ (dL->L pos _) rest ->
srcSpanFileName_maybe pos : rest) [] binds
case top_pos of
@@ -253,12 +255,12 @@ addTickLHsBinds :: LHsBinds GhcTc -> TM (LHsBinds GhcTc)
addTickLHsBinds = mapBagM addTickLHsBind
addTickLHsBind :: LHsBind GhcTc -> TM (LHsBind GhcTc)
-addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds,
+addTickLHsBind (dL->L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds,
abs_exports = abs_exports })) = do
withEnv add_exports $ do
withEnv add_inlines $ do
binds' <- addTickLHsBinds binds
- return $ L pos $ bind { abs_binds = binds' }
+ return $ cL pos $ bind { abs_binds = binds' }
-- in AbsBinds, the Id on each binding is not the actual top-level
-- Id that we are defining, they are related by the abs_exports
@@ -278,7 +280,7 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds,
| ABE{ abe_poly = pid, abe_mono = mid } <- abs_exports
, isInlinePragma (idInlinePragma pid) ] }
-addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
+addTickLHsBind (dL->L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ id) }))) = do
let name = getOccString id
decl_path <- getPathEntry
density <- getDensity
@@ -290,7 +292,7 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
-- See Note [inline sccs]
tickish <- tickishType `liftM` getEnv
- if inline && tickish == ProfNotes then return (L pos funBind) else do
+ if inline && tickish == ProfNotes then return (cL pos funBind) else do
(fvs, mg) <-
getFreeVars $
@@ -319,8 +321,8 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
return Nothing
let mbCons = maybe (:)
- return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = mg
- , fun_tick = tick `mbCons` fun_tick funBind }
+ return $ cL pos $ funBind { fun_matches = mg
+ , fun_tick = tick `mbCons` fun_tick funBind }
-- a binding is a simple pattern binding if it is a funbind with
@@ -329,7 +331,8 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
isSimplePatBind funBind = matchGroupArity (fun_matches funBind) == 0
-- TODO: Revisit this
-addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
+addTickLHsBind (dL->L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs
+ , pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
let name = "(...)"
(fvs, rhs') <- getFreeVars $ addPathEntry name $ addTickGRHSs False False rhs
let pat' = pat { pat_rhs = rhs'}
@@ -338,7 +341,9 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
density <- getDensity
decl_path <- getPathEntry
let top_lev = null decl_path
- if not (shouldTickPatBind density top_lev) then return (L pos pat') else do
+ if not (shouldTickPatBind density top_lev)
+ then return (cL pos pat')
+ else do
-- Allocate the ticks
rhs_tick <- bindTick density name pos fvs
@@ -350,12 +355,14 @@ addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
rhs_ticks = rhs_tick `mbCons` fst (pat_ticks pat')
patvar_tickss = zipWith mbCons patvar_ticks
(snd (pat_ticks pat') ++ repeat [])
- return $ L pos $ pat' { pat_ticks = (rhs_ticks, patvar_tickss) }
+ return $ cL pos $ pat' { pat_ticks = (rhs_ticks, patvar_tickss) }
-- Only internal stuff, not from source, uses VarBind, so we ignore it.
-addTickLHsBind var_bind@(L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind
-addTickLHsBind patsyn_bind@(L _ (PatSynBind {})) = return patsyn_bind
-addTickLHsBind bind@(L _ (XHsBindsLR {})) = return bind
+addTickLHsBind var_bind@(dL->L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind
+addTickLHsBind patsyn_bind@(dL->L _ (PatSynBind {})) = return patsyn_bind
+addTickLHsBind bind@(dL->L _ (XHsBindsLR {})) = return bind
+addTickLHsBind _ = panic "addTickLHsBind: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
@@ -390,7 +397,7 @@ bindTick density name pos fvs = do
-- selectively add ticks to interesting expressions
addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickLHsExpr e@(L pos e0) = do
+addTickLHsExpr e@(dL->L pos e0) = do
d <- getDensity
case d of
TickForBreakPoints | isGoodBreakExpr e0 -> tick_it
@@ -406,7 +413,7 @@ addTickLHsExpr e@(L pos e0) = do
-- (because the body will definitely have a tick somewhere). ToDo: perhaps
-- we should treat 'case' and 'if' the same way?
addTickLHsExprRHS :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickLHsExprRHS e@(L pos e0) = do
+addTickLHsExprRHS e@(dL->L pos e0) = do
d <- getDensity
case d of
TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it
@@ -435,7 +442,7 @@ addTickLHsExprEvalInner e = do
-- break012. This gives the user the opportunity to inspect the
-- values of the let-bound variables.
addTickLHsExprLetBody :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickLHsExprLetBody e@(L pos e0) = do
+addTickLHsExprLetBody e@(dL->L pos e0) = do
d <- getDensity
case d of
TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it
@@ -449,9 +456,9 @@ addTickLHsExprLetBody e@(L pos e0) = do
-- because the scope of this tick is completely subsumed by
-- another.
addTickLHsExprNever :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0) = do
+addTickLHsExprNever (dL->L pos e0) = do
e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
- return $ L pos e1
+ return $ cL pos e1
-- general heuristic: expressions which do not denote values are good
-- break points
@@ -468,16 +475,16 @@ isCallSite OpApp{} = True
isCallSite _ = False
addTickLHsExprOptAlt :: Bool -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (L pos e0)
+addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (dL->L pos e0)
= ifDensity TickForCoverage
(allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
- (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
+ (addTickLHsExpr (cL pos e0))
addBinTickLHsExpr :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0)
+addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (dL->L pos e0)
= ifDensity TickForCoverage
(allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $ addTickHsExpr e0)
- (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0))
+ (addTickLHsExpr (cL pos e0))
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -486,7 +493,7 @@ addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0)
-- in the addTickLHsExpr family of functions.)
addTickHsExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> TM (HsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar _ (L _ id)) = do freeVar id; return e
+addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar _ (dL->L _ id)) = do freeVar id; return e
addTickHsExpr (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "addTickHsExpr.HsUnboundVar"
addTickHsExpr e@(HsConLikeOut _ con)
| Just id <- conLikeWrapId_maybe con = do freeVar id; return e
@@ -545,14 +552,14 @@ addTickHsExpr (HsMultiIf ty alts)
= do { let isOneOfMany = case alts of [_] -> False; _ -> True
; alts' <- mapM (liftL $ addTickGRHS isOneOfMany False) alts
; return $ HsMultiIf ty alts' }
-addTickHsExpr (HsLet x (L l binds) e) =
+addTickHsExpr (HsLet x (dL->L l binds) e) =
bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
- liftM2 (HsLet x . L l)
+ liftM2 (HsLet x . cL l)
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
(addTickLHsExprLetBody e)
-addTickHsExpr (HsDo srcloc cxt (L l stmts))
+addTickHsExpr (HsDo srcloc cxt (dL->L l stmts))
= do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLStmts' forQual stmts (return ())
- ; return (HsDo srcloc cxt (L l stmts')) }
+ ; return (HsDo srcloc cxt (cL l stmts')) }
forQual = case cxt of
ListComp -> Just $ BinBox QualBinBox
@@ -599,7 +606,7 @@ addTickHsExpr (HsTick x t e) =
addTickHsExpr (HsBinTick x t0 t1 e) =
liftM (HsBinTick x t0 t1) (addTickLHsExprNever e)
-addTickHsExpr (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ (L pos e0)) = do
+addTickHsExpr (HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ (dL->L pos e0)) = do
e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $
addTickHsExpr e0
return $ unLoc e2
@@ -630,22 +637,25 @@ addTickHsExpr (HsWrap x w e) =
addTickHsExpr e = pprPanic "addTickHsExpr" (ppr e)
addTickTupArg :: LHsTupArg GhcTc -> TM (LHsTupArg GhcTc)
-addTickTupArg (L l (Present x e)) = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e
- ; return (L l (Present x e')) }
-addTickTupArg (L l (Missing ty)) = return (L l (Missing ty))
-addTickTupArg (L _ (XTupArg _)) = panic "addTickTupArg"
+addTickTupArg (dL->L l (Present x e)) = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e
+ ; return (cL l (Present x e')) }
+addTickTupArg (dL->L l (Missing ty)) = return (cL l (Missing ty))
+addTickTupArg (dL->L _ (XTupArg _)) = panic "addTickTupArg"
+addTickTupArg _ = panic "addTickTupArg: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
addTickMatchGroup :: Bool{-is lambda-} -> MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> TM (MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
-addTickMatchGroup is_lam mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l matches }) = do
+addTickMatchGroup is_lam mg@(MG { mg_alts = dL->L l matches }) = do
let isOneOfMany = matchesOneOfMany matches
matches' <- mapM (liftL (addTickMatch isOneOfMany is_lam)) matches
- return $ mg { mg_alts = L l matches' }
+ return $ mg { mg_alts = cL l matches' }
addTickMatchGroup _ (XMatchGroup _) = panic "addTickMatchGroup"
addTickMatch :: Bool -> Bool -> Match GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> TM (Match GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
-addTickMatch isOneOfMany isLambda match@(Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = gRHSs }) =
+addTickMatch isOneOfMany isLambda match@(Match { m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = gRHSs }) =
bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
gRHSs' <- addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda gRHSs
return $ match { m_grhss = gRHSs' }
@@ -653,11 +663,11 @@ addTickMatch _ _ (XMatch _) = panic "addTickMatch"
addTickGRHSs :: Bool -> Bool -> GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> TM (GRHSs GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc))
-addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHSs x guarded (L l local_binds)) = do
+addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHSs x guarded (dL->L l local_binds)) = do
bindLocals binders $ do
local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda)) guarded
- return $ GRHSs x guarded' (L l local_binds')
+ return $ GRHSs x guarded' (cL l local_binds')
binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
addTickGRHSs _ _ (XGRHSs _) = panic "addTickGRHSs"
@@ -671,7 +681,7 @@ addTickGRHS isOneOfMany isLambda (GRHS x stmts expr) = do
addTickGRHS _ _ (XGRHS _) = panic "addTickGRHS"
addTickGRHSBody :: Bool -> Bool -> LHsExpr GhcTc -> TM (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr@(L pos e0) = do
+addTickGRHSBody isOneOfMany isLambda expr@(dL->L pos e0) = do
d <- getDensity
case d of
TickForCoverage -> addTickLHsExprOptAlt isOneOfMany expr
@@ -714,13 +724,13 @@ addTickStmt isGuard (BodyStmt x e bind' guard') = do
(addTick isGuard e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
-addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt x (L l binds)) = do
- liftM (LetStmt x . L l)
+addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt x (dL->L l binds)) = do
+ liftM (LetStmt x . cL l)
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt x pairs mzipExpr bindExpr) = do
liftM3 (ParStmt x)
(mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
- (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr))
+ (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (cL hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr))
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr)
addTickStmt isGuard (ApplicativeStmt body_ty args mb_join) = do
args' <- mapM (addTickApplicativeArg isGuard) args
@@ -735,7 +745,7 @@ addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts
t_u <- addTickLHsExprRHS using
t_f <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr
t_b <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr
- L _ t_m <- addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr)
+ t_m <- fmap unLoc (addTickLHsExpr (cL hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr))
return $ stmt { trS_stmts = t_s, trS_by = t_y, trS_using = t_u
, trS_ret = t_f, trS_bind = t_b, trS_fmap = t_m }
@@ -767,7 +777,7 @@ addTickApplicativeArg isGuard (op, arg) =
addTickArg (ApplicativeArgMany x stmts ret pat) =
(ApplicativeArgMany x)
<$> addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
- <*> (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (L hpcSrcSpan ret))
+ <*> (unLoc <$> addTickLHsExpr (cL hpcSrcSpan ret))
<*> addTickLPat pat
addTickArg (XApplicativeArg _) = panic "addTickApplicativeArg"
@@ -820,7 +830,7 @@ addTickIPBind (XIPBind x) = return (XIPBind x)
-- There is no location here, so we might need to use a context location??
addTickSyntaxExpr :: SrcSpan -> SyntaxExpr GhcTc -> TM (SyntaxExpr GhcTc)
addTickSyntaxExpr pos syn@(SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = x }) = do
- L _ x' <- addTickLHsExpr (L pos x)
+ x' <- fmap unLoc (addTickLHsExpr (cL pos x))
return $ syn { syn_expr = x' }
-- we do not walk into patterns.
addTickLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> TM (LPat GhcTc)
@@ -834,9 +844,9 @@ addTickHsCmdTop (HsCmdTop x cmd) =
addTickHsCmdTop (XCmdTop{}) = panic "addTickHsCmdTop"
addTickLHsCmd :: LHsCmd GhcTc -> TM (LHsCmd GhcTc)
-addTickLHsCmd (L pos c0) = do
+addTickLHsCmd (dL->L pos c0) = do
c1 <- addTickHsCmd c0
- return $ L pos c1
+ return $ cL pos c1
addTickHsCmd :: HsCmd GhcTc -> TM (HsCmd GhcTc)
addTickHsCmd (HsCmdLam x matchgroup) =
@@ -861,14 +871,14 @@ addTickHsCmd (HsCmdIf x cnd e1 c2 c3) =
(addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
(addTickLHsCmd c2)
(addTickLHsCmd c3)
-addTickHsCmd (HsCmdLet x (L l binds) c) =
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdLet x (dL->L l binds) c) =
bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
- liftM2 (HsCmdLet x . L l)
+ liftM2 (HsCmdLet x . cL l)
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns.
(addTickLHsCmd c)
-addTickHsCmd (HsCmdDo srcloc (L l stmts))
+addTickHsCmd (HsCmdDo srcloc (dL->L l stmts))
= do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLCmdStmts' stmts (return ())
- ; return (HsCmdDo srcloc (L l stmts')) }
+ ; return (HsCmdDo srcloc (cL l stmts')) }
addTickHsCmd (HsCmdArrApp arr_ty e1 e2 ty1 lr) =
liftM5 HsCmdArrApp
@@ -894,9 +904,9 @@ addTickHsCmd e@(XCmd {}) = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr e)
addTickCmdMatchGroup :: MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc)
-> TM (MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
-addTickCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l matches }) = do
+addTickCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = (dL->L l matches) }) = do
matches' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdMatch) matches
- return $ mg { mg_alts = L l matches' }
+ return $ mg { mg_alts = cL l matches' }
addTickCmdMatchGroup (XMatchGroup _) = panic "addTickCmdMatchGroup"
addTickCmdMatch :: Match GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (Match GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
@@ -907,11 +917,11 @@ addTickCmdMatch match@(Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = gRHSs }) =
addTickCmdMatch (XMatch _) = panic "addTickCmdMatch"
addTickCmdGRHSs :: GRHSs GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc) -> TM (GRHSs GhcTc (LHsCmd GhcTc))
-addTickCmdGRHSs (GRHSs x guarded (L l local_binds)) = do
+addTickCmdGRHSs (GRHSs x guarded (dL->L l local_binds)) = do
bindLocals binders $ do
local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
guarded' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdGRHS) guarded
- return $ GRHSs x guarded' (L l local_binds')
+ return $ GRHSs x guarded' (cL l local_binds')
binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
addTickCmdGRHSs (XGRHSs _) = panic "addTickCmdGRHSs"
@@ -958,8 +968,8 @@ addTickCmdStmt (BodyStmt x c bind' guard') = do
(addTickLHsCmd c)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
-addTickCmdStmt (LetStmt x (L l binds)) = do
- liftM (LetStmt x . L l)
+addTickCmdStmt (LetStmt x (dL->L l binds)) = do
+ liftM (LetStmt x . cL l)
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
addTickCmdStmt stmt@(RecStmt {})
= do { stmts' <- addTickLCmdStmts (recS_stmts stmt)
@@ -983,9 +993,9 @@ addTickHsRecordBinds (HsRecFields fields dd)
addTickHsRecField :: LHsRecField' id (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> TM (LHsRecField' id (LHsExpr GhcTc))
-addTickHsRecField (L l (HsRecField id expr pun))
+addTickHsRecField (dL->L l (HsRecField id expr pun))
= do { expr' <- addTickLHsExpr expr
- ; return (L l (HsRecField id expr' pun)) }
+ ; return (cL l (HsRecField id expr' pun)) }
addTickArithSeqInfo :: ArithSeqInfo GhcTc -> TM (ArithSeqInfo GhcTc)
@@ -1006,11 +1016,6 @@ addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) =
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
(addTickLHsExpr e3)
-liftL :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> Located a -> m (Located a)
-liftL f (L loc a) = do
- a' <- f a
- return $ L loc a'
data TickTransState = TT { tickBoxCount:: Int
, mixEntries :: [MixEntry_]
, ccIndices :: CostCentreState
@@ -1172,10 +1177,10 @@ allocTickBox boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos m =
(fvs, e) <- getFreeVars m
env <- getEnv
tickish <- mkTickish boxLabel countEntries topOnly pos fvs (declPath env)
- return (L pos (HsTick noExt tickish (L pos e)))
+ return (cL pos (HsTick noExt tickish (cL pos e)))
) (do
e <- m
- return (L pos e)
+ return (cL pos e)
-- the tick application inherits the source position of its
@@ -1243,7 +1248,7 @@ allocBinTickBox :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr GhcTc)
allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos m = do
env <- getEnv
case tickishType env of
- HpcTicks -> do e <- liftM (L pos) m
+ HpcTicks -> do e <- liftM (cL pos) m
ifGoodTickSrcSpan pos
(mkBinTickBoxHpc boxLabel pos e)
(return e)
@@ -1259,8 +1264,8 @@ mkBinTickBoxHpc boxLabel pos e =
c = tickBoxCount st
mes = mixEntries st
- ( L pos $ HsTick noExt (HpcTick (this_mod env) c)
- $ L pos $ HsBinTick noExt (c+1) (c+2) e
+ ( cL pos $ HsTick noExt (HpcTick (this_mod env) c)
+ $ cL pos $ HsBinTick noExt (c+1) (c+2) e
-- notice that F and T are reversed,
-- because we are building the list in
-- reverse...
@@ -1287,10 +1292,12 @@ hpcSrcSpan = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "Haskell Program Coverage internals")
matchesOneOfMany :: [LMatch GhcTc body] -> Bool
matchesOneOfMany lmatches = sum (map matchCount lmatches) > 1
- matchCount (L _ (Match { m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss _ })) = length grhss
- matchCount (L _ (Match { m_grhss = XGRHSs _ }))
+ matchCount (dL->L _ (Match { m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss _ }))
+ = length grhss
+ matchCount (dL->L _ (Match { m_grhss = XGRHSs _ }))
= panic "matchesOneOfMany"
- matchCount (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "matchesOneOfMany"
+ matchCount (dL->L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "matchesOneOfMany"
+ matchCount _ = panic "matchCount: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
type MixEntry_ = (SrcSpan, [String], [OccName], BoxLabel)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.hs
index c7973ca4f3..0ed35f2d4c 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The Desugarer: turning HsSyn into Core.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Desugar (
-- * Desugaring operations
@@ -379,13 +380,13 @@ Reason
dsRule :: LRuleDecl GhcTc -> DsM (Maybe CoreRule)
-dsRule (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = name
- , rd_act = rule_act
- , rd_tmvs = vars
- , rd_lhs = lhs
- , rd_rhs = rhs }))
+dsRule (dL->L loc (HsRule { rd_name = name
+ , rd_act = rule_act
+ , rd_tmvs = vars
+ , rd_lhs = lhs
+ , rd_rhs = rhs }))
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
- do { let bndrs' = [var | L _ (RuleBndr _ (L _ var)) <- vars]
+ do { let bndrs' = [var | (dL->L _ (RuleBndr _ (dL->L _ var))) <- vars]
; lhs' <- unsetGOptM Opt_EnableRewriteRules $
unsetWOptM Opt_WarnIdentities $
@@ -422,8 +423,8 @@ dsRule (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = name
; return (Just rule)
} } }
-dsRule (L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = panic "dsRule"
+dsRule (dL->L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = panic "dsRule"
+dsRule _ = panic "dsRule: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
warnRuleShadowing :: RuleName -> Activation -> Id -> [Id] -> DsM ()
-- See Note [Rules and inlining/other rules]
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.hs
index 5bafcbf001..f86f364cb2 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Desugaring arrow commands
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsArrows ( dsProcExpr ) where
@@ -19,7 +20,9 @@ import Match
import DsUtils
import DsMonad
-import HsSyn hiding (collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders, collectLStmtsBinders, collectLStmtBinders, collectStmtBinders )
+import HsSyn hiding (collectPatBinders, collectPatsBinders,
+ collectLStmtsBinders, collectLStmtBinders,
+ collectStmtBinders )
import TcHsSyn
import qualified HsUtils
@@ -28,7 +31,8 @@ import qualified HsUtils
-- So WATCH OUT; check each use of split*Ty functions.
-- Sigh. This is a pain.
-import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr ( dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsLExprNoLP, dsLocalBinds, dsSyntaxExpr )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr ( dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsLExprNoLP, dsLocalBinds,
+ dsSyntaxExpr )
import TcType
import Type ( splitPiTy )
@@ -103,7 +107,8 @@ mkCmdEnv tc_meths
mk_bind (std_name, expr)
= do { rhs <- dsExpr expr
- ; id <- newSysLocalDs (exprType rhs) -- no check needed; these are functions
+ ; id <- newSysLocalDs (exprType rhs)
+ -- no check needed; these are functions
; return (NonRec id rhs, (std_name, id)) }
unmaybe Nothing name = pprPanic "mkCmdEnv" (text "Not found:" <+> ppr name)
@@ -312,10 +317,11 @@ dsProcExpr
:: LPat GhcTc
-> LHsCmdTop GhcTc
-> DsM CoreExpr
-dsProcExpr pat (L _ (HsCmdTop (CmdTopTc _unitTy cmd_ty ids) cmd)) = do
+dsProcExpr pat (dL->L _ (HsCmdTop (CmdTopTc _unitTy cmd_ty ids) cmd)) = do
(meth_binds, meth_ids) <- mkCmdEnv ids
let locals = mkVarSet (collectPatBinders pat)
- (core_cmd, _free_vars, env_ids) <- dsfixCmd meth_ids locals unitTy cmd_ty cmd
+ (core_cmd, _free_vars, env_ids)
+ <- dsfixCmd meth_ids locals unitTy cmd_ty cmd
let env_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy env_ids
let env_stk_ty = mkCorePairTy env_ty unitTy
let env_stk_expr = mkCorePairExpr (mkBigCoreVarTup env_ids) mkCoreUnitExpr
@@ -327,7 +333,7 @@ dsProcExpr pat (L _ (HsCmdTop (CmdTopTc _unitTy cmd_ty ids) cmd)) = do
(Lam var match_code)
return (mkLets meth_binds proc_code)
-dsProcExpr _ (L _ XCmdTop{}) = panic "dsProcExpr"
+dsProcExpr _ _ = panic "dsProcExpr"
Translation of a command judgement of the form
@@ -450,14 +456,15 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdApp _ cmd arg) env_ids = do
dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
(HsCmdLam _ (MG { mg_alts
- = L _ [L _ (Match { m_pats = pats
- , m_grhss = GRHSs _ [L _ (GRHS _ [] body)] _ })] }))
+ = (dL->L _ [dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ [dL->L _ (GRHS _ [] body)] _ })]) }))
env_ids = do
let pat_vars = mkVarSet (collectPatsBinders pats)
local_vars' = pat_vars `unionVarSet` local_vars
(pat_tys, stack_ty') = splitTypeAt (length pats) stack_ty
- (core_body, free_vars, env_ids') <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars' stack_ty' res_ty body
+ (core_body, free_vars, env_ids')
+ <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars' stack_ty' res_ty body
param_ids <- mapM newSysLocalDsNoLP pat_tys
stack_id' <- newSysLocalDs stack_ty'
@@ -472,7 +479,8 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
fail_expr <- mkFailExpr LambdaExpr in_ty'
-- match the patterns against the parameters
- match_code <- matchSimplys (map Var param_ids) LambdaExpr pats core_expr fail_expr
+ match_code <- matchSimplys (map Var param_ids) LambdaExpr pats core_expr
+ fail_expr
-- match the parameters against the top of the old stack
(stack_id, param_code) <- matchVarStack param_ids stack_id' match_code
-- match the old environment and stack against the input
@@ -496,27 +504,33 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdPar _ cmd) env_ids
dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdIf _ mb_fun cond then_cmd else_cmd)
env_ids = do
core_cond <- dsLExpr cond
- (core_then, fvs_then, then_ids) <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty then_cmd
- (core_else, fvs_else, else_ids) <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty else_cmd
+ (core_then, fvs_then, then_ids)
+ <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty then_cmd
+ (core_else, fvs_else, else_ids)
+ <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty else_cmd
stack_id <- newSysLocalDs stack_ty
either_con <- dsLookupTyCon eitherTyConName
left_con <- dsLookupDataCon leftDataConName
right_con <- dsLookupDataCon rightDataConName
- let mk_left_expr ty1 ty2 e = mkCoreConApps left_con [Type ty1, Type ty2, e]
- mk_right_expr ty1 ty2 e = mkCoreConApps right_con [Type ty1, Type ty2, e]
+ let mk_left_expr ty1 ty2 e = mkCoreConApps left_con [Type ty1,Type ty2, e]
+ mk_right_expr ty1 ty2 e = mkCoreConApps right_con [Type ty1,Type ty2, e]
in_ty = envStackType env_ids stack_ty
then_ty = envStackType then_ids stack_ty
else_ty = envStackType else_ids stack_ty
sum_ty = mkTyConApp either_con [then_ty, else_ty]
- fvs_cond = exprFreeIdsDSet core_cond `uniqDSetIntersectUniqSet` local_vars
+ fvs_cond = exprFreeIdsDSet core_cond
+ `uniqDSetIntersectUniqSet` local_vars
- core_left = mk_left_expr then_ty else_ty (buildEnvStack then_ids stack_id)
- core_right = mk_right_expr then_ty else_ty (buildEnvStack else_ids stack_id)
+ core_left = mk_left_expr then_ty else_ty
+ (buildEnvStack then_ids stack_id)
+ core_right = mk_right_expr then_ty else_ty
+ (buildEnvStack else_ids stack_id)
core_if <- case mb_fun of
- Just fun -> do { fun_apps <- dsSyntaxExpr fun [core_cond, core_left, core_right]
+ Just fun -> do { fun_apps <- dsSyntaxExpr fun
+ [core_cond, core_left, core_right]
; matchEnvStack env_ids stack_id fun_apps }
Nothing -> matchEnvStack env_ids stack_id $
mkIfThenElse core_cond core_left core_right
@@ -554,7 +568,7 @@ case bodies, containing the following fields:
dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
- (HsCmdCase _ exp (MG { mg_alts = L l matches
+ (HsCmdCase _ exp (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L l matches)
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys _
, mg_origin = origin }))
env_ids = do
@@ -566,8 +580,9 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
leaves = concatMap leavesMatch matches
make_branch (leaf, bound_vars) = do
- (core_leaf, _fvs, leaf_ids) <-
- dsfixCmd ids (bound_vars `unionVarSet` local_vars) stack_ty res_ty leaf
+ (core_leaf, _fvs, leaf_ids)
+ <- dsfixCmd ids (bound_vars `unionVarSet` local_vars) stack_ty
+ res_ty leaf
return ([mkHsEnvStackExpr leaf_ids stack_id],
envStackType leaf_ids stack_ty,
@@ -602,7 +617,7 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
in_ty = envStackType env_ids stack_ty
core_body <- dsExpr (HsCase noExt exp
- (MG { mg_alts = L l matches'
+ (MG { mg_alts = cL l matches'
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys sum_ty
, mg_origin = origin }))
-- Note that we replace the HsCase result type by sum_ty,
@@ -618,13 +633,14 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty
-- ---> premap (\ ((xs),stk) -> let binds in ((ys),stk)) c
-dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdLet _ lbinds@(L _ binds) body)
+dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdLet _ lbinds@(dL->L _ binds) body)
env_ids = do
defined_vars = mkVarSet (collectLocalBinders binds)
local_vars' = defined_vars `unionVarSet` local_vars
- (core_body, _free_vars, env_ids') <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars' stack_ty res_ty body
+ (core_body, _free_vars, env_ids')
+ <- dsfixCmd ids local_vars' stack_ty res_ty body
stack_id <- newSysLocalDs stack_ty
-- build a new environment, plus the stack, using the let bindings
core_binds <- dsLocalBinds lbinds (buildEnvStack env_ids' stack_id)
@@ -644,7 +660,8 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty (HsCmdLet _ lbinds@(L _ binds) body)
-- ---> premap (\ (env,stk) -> env) c
-dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty do_block@(HsCmdDo stmts_ty (L loc stmts))
+dsCmd ids local_vars stack_ty res_ty do_block@(HsCmdDo stmts_ty
+ (dL->L loc stmts))
env_ids = do
putSrcSpanDs loc $
dsNoLevPoly stmts_ty
@@ -690,18 +707,21 @@ dsTrimCmdArg
-> DsM (CoreExpr, -- desugared expression
DIdSet) -- subset of local vars that occur free
dsTrimCmdArg local_vars env_ids
- (L _ (HsCmdTop (CmdTopTc stack_ty cmd_ty ids) cmd )) = do
+ (dL->L _ (HsCmdTop
+ (CmdTopTc stack_ty cmd_ty ids) cmd )) = do
(meth_binds, meth_ids) <- mkCmdEnv ids
- (core_cmd, free_vars, env_ids') <- dsfixCmd meth_ids local_vars stack_ty cmd_ty cmd
+ (core_cmd, free_vars, env_ids')
+ <- dsfixCmd meth_ids local_vars stack_ty cmd_ty cmd
stack_id <- newSysLocalDs stack_ty
- trim_code <- matchEnvStack env_ids stack_id (buildEnvStack env_ids' stack_id)
+ trim_code
+ <- matchEnvStack env_ids stack_id (buildEnvStack env_ids' stack_id)
in_ty = envStackType env_ids stack_ty
in_ty' = envStackType env_ids' stack_ty
arg_code = if env_ids' == env_ids then core_cmd else
do_premap meth_ids in_ty in_ty' cmd_ty trim_code core_cmd
return (mkLets meth_binds arg_code, free_vars)
-dsTrimCmdArg _ _ (L _ XCmdTop{}) = panic "dsTrimCmdArg"
+dsTrimCmdArg _ _ _ = panic "dsTrimCmdArg"
-- Given D; xs |-a c : stk --> t, builds c with xs fed back.
-- Typically needs to be prefixed with arr (\(p, stk) -> ((xs),stk))
@@ -759,7 +779,7 @@ dsCmdDo _ _ _ [] _ = panic "dsCmdDo"
-- ---> premap (\ (xs) -> ((xs), ())) c
-dsCmdDo ids local_vars res_ty [L loc (LastStmt _ body _ _)] env_ids = do
+dsCmdDo ids local_vars res_ty [dL->L loc (LastStmt _ body _ _)] env_ids = do
putSrcSpanDs loc $ dsNoLevPoly res_ty
(text "In the command:" <+> ppr body)
(core_body, env_ids') <- dsLCmd ids local_vars unitTy res_ty body env_ids
@@ -870,13 +890,14 @@ dsCmdStmt ids local_vars out_ids (BindStmt _ pat cmd _ _) env_ids = do
env_id <- newSysLocalDs env_ty2
uniqs <- newUniqueSupply
- after_c_ty = mkCorePairTy pat_ty env_ty2
- out_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy out_ids
- body_expr = coreCaseTuple uniqs env_id env_ids2 (mkBigCoreVarTup out_ids)
+ after_c_ty = mkCorePairTy pat_ty env_ty2
+ out_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy out_ids
+ body_expr = coreCaseTuple uniqs env_id env_ids2 (mkBigCoreVarTup out_ids)
fail_expr <- mkFailExpr (StmtCtxt DoExpr) out_ty
pat_id <- selectSimpleMatchVarL pat
- match_code <- matchSimply (Var pat_id) (StmtCtxt DoExpr) pat body_expr fail_expr
+ match_code
+ <- matchSimply (Var pat_id) (StmtCtxt DoExpr) pat body_expr fail_expr
pair_id <- newSysLocalDs after_c_ty
proj_expr = Lam pair_id (coreCasePair pair_id pat_id env_id match_code)
@@ -891,7 +912,8 @@ dsCmdStmt ids local_vars out_ids (BindStmt _ pat cmd _ _) env_ids = do
do_compose ids before_c_ty after_c_ty out_ty
(do_first ids in_ty1 pat_ty in_ty2 core_cmd) $
do_arr ids after_c_ty out_ty proj_expr,
- fv_cmd `unionDVarSet` (mkDVarSet out_ids `uniqDSetMinusUniqSet` pat_vars))
+ fv_cmd `unionDVarSet` (mkDVarSet out_ids
+ `uniqDSetMinusUniqSet` pat_vars))
-- D; xs' |-a do { ss } : t
-- --------------------------------------
@@ -1118,7 +1140,8 @@ matchSimplys _ _ _ _ _ = panic "matchSimplys"
leavesMatch :: LMatch GhcTc (Located (body GhcTc))
-> [(Located (body GhcTc), IdSet)]
-leavesMatch (L _ (Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss (L _ binds) }))
+leavesMatch (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss (dL->L _ binds) }))
= let
defined_vars = mkVarSet (collectPatsBinders pats)
@@ -1127,9 +1150,8 @@ leavesMatch (L _ (Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = GRHSs _ grhss (L _ binds) }))
mkVarSet (collectLStmtsBinders stmts)
`unionVarSet` defined_vars)
- | L _ (GRHS _ stmts body) <- grhss]
-leavesMatch (L _ (Match _ _ _ (XGRHSs _))) = panic "leavesMatch"
-leavesMatch (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "leavesMatch"
+ | (dL->L _ (GRHS _ stmts body)) <- grhss]
+leavesMatch _ = panic "leavesMatch"
-- Replace the leaf commands in a match
@@ -1140,24 +1162,23 @@ replaceLeavesMatch
-> ([Located (body' GhcTc)], -- remaining leaf expressions
LMatch GhcTc (Located (body' GhcTc))) -- updated match
replaceLeavesMatch _res_ty leaves
- (L loc match@(Match { m_grhss = GRHSs x grhss binds }))
+ (dL->L loc
+ match@(Match { m_grhss = GRHSs x grhss binds }))
= let
(leaves', grhss') = mapAccumL replaceLeavesGRHS leaves grhss
- (leaves', L loc (match { m_ext = noExt, m_grhss = GRHSs x grhss' binds }))
-replaceLeavesMatch _ _ (L _ (Match _ _ _ (XGRHSs _)))
- = panic "replaceLeavesMatch"
-replaceLeavesMatch _ _ (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "replaceLeavesMatch"
+ (leaves', cL loc (match { m_ext = noExt, m_grhss = GRHSs x grhss' binds }))
+replaceLeavesMatch _ _ _ = panic "replaceLeavesMatch"
:: [Located (body' GhcTc)] -- replacement leaf expressions of that type
-> LGRHS GhcTc (Located (body GhcTc)) -- rhss of a case command
-> ([Located (body' GhcTc)], -- remaining leaf expressions
LGRHS GhcTc (Located (body' GhcTc))) -- updated GRHS
-replaceLeavesGRHS (leaf:leaves) (L loc (GRHS x stmts _))
- = (leaves, L loc (GRHS x stmts leaf))
-replaceLeavesGRHS _ (L _ (XGRHS _)) = panic "replaceLeavesGRHS"
+replaceLeavesGRHS (leaf:leaves) (dL->L loc (GRHS x stmts _))
+ = (leaves, cL loc (GRHS x stmts leaf))
replaceLeavesGRHS [] _ = panic "replaceLeavesGRHS []"
+replaceLeavesGRHS _ _ = panic "replaceLeavesGRHS"
-- Balanced fold of a non-empty list.
@@ -1201,14 +1222,14 @@ collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collectl [] pats
collectl :: LPat GhcTc -> [Id] -> [Id]
-- See Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
-collectl (L _ pat) bndrs
+collectl (dL->L _ pat) bndrs
= go pat
- go (VarPat _ (L _ var)) = var : bndrs
+ go (VarPat _ (dL->L _ var)) = var : bndrs
go (WildPat _) = bndrs
go (LazyPat _ pat) = collectl pat bndrs
go (BangPat _ pat) = collectl pat bndrs
- go (AsPat _ (L _ a) pat) = a : collectl pat bndrs
+ go (AsPat _ (dL->L _ a) pat) = a : collectl pat bndrs
go (ParPat _ pat) = collectl pat bndrs
go (ListPat _ pats) = foldr collectl bndrs pats
@@ -1221,7 +1242,7 @@ collectl (L _ pat) bndrs
++ foldr collectl bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
go (LitPat _ _) = bndrs
go (NPat {}) = bndrs
- go (NPlusKPat _ (L _ n) _ _ _ _) = n : bndrs
+ go (NPlusKPat _ (dL->L _ n) _ _ _ _) = n : bndrs
go (SigPat _ pat _) = collectl pat bndrs
go (CoPat _ _ pat _) = collectl (noLoc pat) bndrs
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
index f322e1457c..d62706ef00 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ lower levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module DsBinds ( dsTopLHsBinds, dsLHsBinds, decomposeRuleLhs, dsSpec,
dsHsWrapper, dsTcEvBinds, dsTcEvBinds_s, dsEvBinds, dsMkUserRule
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ dsTopLHsBinds binds
unlifted_binds = filterBag (isUnliftedHsBind . unLoc) binds
bang_binds = filterBag (isBangedHsBind . unLoc) binds
- top_level_err desc (L loc bind)
+ top_level_err desc (dL->L loc bind)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
errDs (hang (text "Top-level" <+> text desc <+> text "aren't allowed:")
2 (ppr bind))
@@ -115,8 +117,8 @@ dsLHsBinds binds
dsLHsBind :: LHsBind GhcTc
-> DsM ([Id], [(Id,CoreExpr)])
-dsLHsBind (L loc bind) = do dflags <- getDynFlags
- putSrcSpanDs loc $ dsHsBind dflags bind
+dsLHsBind (dL->L loc bind) = do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ putSrcSpanDs loc $ dsHsBind dflags bind
-- | Desugar a single binding (or group of recursive binds).
dsHsBind :: DynFlags
@@ -140,8 +142,10 @@ dsHsBind dflags (VarBind { var_id = var
else []
; return (force_var, [core_bind]) }
-dsHsBind dflags b@(FunBind { fun_id = L _ fun, fun_matches = matches
- , fun_co_fn = co_fn, fun_tick = tick })
+dsHsBind dflags b@(FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ fun)
+ , fun_matches = matches
+ , fun_co_fn = co_fn
+ , fun_tick = tick })
= do { (args, body) <- matchWrapper
(mkPrefixFunRhs (noLoc $ idName fun))
Nothing matches
@@ -648,7 +652,7 @@ dsSpec :: Maybe CoreExpr -- Just rhs => RULE is for a local binding
-- rhs is in the Id's unfolding
-> Located TcSpecPrag
-> DsM (Maybe (OrdList (Id,CoreExpr), CoreRule))
-dsSpec mb_poly_rhs (L loc (SpecPrag poly_id spec_co spec_inl))
+dsSpec mb_poly_rhs (dL->L loc (SpecPrag poly_id spec_co spec_inl))
| isJust (isClassOpId_maybe poly_id)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
do { warnDs NoReason (text "Ignoring useless SPECIALISE pragma for class method selector"
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
index bdba4e06eb..08822df60b 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Desugaring exporessions.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsExpr ( dsExpr, dsLExpr, dsLExprNoLP, dsLocalBinds
, dsValBinds, dsLit, dsSyntaxExpr ) where
@@ -71,11 +72,11 @@ import Control.Monad
dsLocalBinds :: LHsLocalBinds GhcTc -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsLocalBinds (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) body = return body
-dsLocalBinds (L loc (HsValBinds _ binds)) body = putSrcSpanDs loc $
+dsLocalBinds (dL->L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) body = return body
+dsLocalBinds (dL->L loc (HsValBinds _ binds)) body = putSrcSpanDs loc $
dsValBinds binds body
-dsLocalBinds (L _ (HsIPBinds _ binds)) body = dsIPBinds binds body
-dsLocalBinds (L _ (XHsLocalBindsLR _)) _ = panic "dsLocalBinds"
+dsLocalBinds (dL->L _ (HsIPBinds _ binds)) body = dsIPBinds binds body
+dsLocalBinds _ _ = panic "dsLocalBinds"
-- caller sets location
@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ dsIPBinds (IPBinds ev_binds ip_binds) body
-- dependency order; hence Rec
; foldrM ds_ip_bind inner ip_binds }
- ds_ip_bind (L _ (IPBind _ ~(Right n) e)) body
+ ds_ip_bind (dL->L _ (IPBind _ ~(Right n) e)) body
= do e' <- dsLExpr e
return (Let (NonRec n e') body)
- ds_ip_bind (L _ (XIPBind _)) _ = panic "dsIPBinds"
+ ds_ip_bind _ _ = panic "dsIPBinds"
dsIPBinds (XHsIPBinds _) _ = panic "dsIPBinds"
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ ds_val_bind :: (RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcTc) -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
-- a tuple and doing selections.
-- Silently ignore INLINE and SPECIALISE pragmas...
ds_val_bind (NonRecursive, hsbinds) body
- | [L loc bind] <- bagToList hsbinds
+ | [dL->L loc bind] <- bagToList hsbinds
-- Non-recursive, non-overloaded bindings only come in ones
-- ToDo: in some bizarre case it's conceivable that there
-- could be dict binds in the 'binds'. (See the notes
@@ -191,13 +192,13 @@ dsUnliftedBind (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = [], abs_ev_vars = []
; ds_binds <- dsTcEvBinds_s ev_binds
; return (mkCoreLets ds_binds body2) }
-dsUnliftedBind (FunBind { fun_id = L l fun
+dsUnliftedBind (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L l fun)
, fun_matches = matches
, fun_co_fn = co_fn
, fun_tick = tick }) body
-- Can't be a bang pattern (that looks like a PatBind)
-- so must be simply unboxed
- = do { (args, rhs) <- matchWrapper (mkPrefixFunRhs (L l $ idName fun))
+ = do { (args, rhs) <- matchWrapper (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL l $ idName fun))
Nothing matches
; MASSERT( null args ) -- Functions aren't lifted
; MASSERT( isIdHsWrapper co_fn )
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ dsUnliftedBind bind body = pprPanic "dsLet: unlifted" (ppr bind $$ ppr body)
dsLExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsLExpr (L loc e)
+dsLExpr (dL->L loc e)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
do { core_expr <- dsExpr e
-- uncomment this check to test the hsExprType function in TcHsSyn
@@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ dsLExpr (L loc e)
-- See Note [Levity polymorphism checking] in DsMonad
-- See Note [Levity polymorphism invariants] in CoreSyn
dsLExprNoLP :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsLExprNoLP (L loc e)
+dsLExprNoLP (dL->L loc e)
= putSrcSpanDs loc $
do { e' <- dsExpr e
; dsNoLevPolyExpr e' (text "In the type of expression:" <+> ppr e)
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ ds_expr :: Bool -- are we directly inside an HsWrap?
-> HsExpr GhcTc -> DsM CoreExpr
ds_expr _ (HsPar _ e) = dsLExpr e
ds_expr _ (ExprWithTySig _ e _) = dsLExpr e
-ds_expr w (HsVar _ (L _ var)) = dsHsVar w var
+ds_expr w (HsVar _ (dL->L _ var)) = dsHsVar w var
ds_expr _ (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsUnboundVar" -- Typechecker eliminates them
ds_expr w (HsConLikeOut _ con) = dsConLike w con
ds_expr _ (HsIPVar {}) = panic "dsExpr: HsIPVar"
@@ -277,7 +278,8 @@ ds_expr _ (HsWrap _ co_fn e)
; warnAboutIdentities dflags e' wrapped_ty
; return wrapped_e }
-ds_expr _ (NegApp _ (L loc (HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i})))
+ds_expr _ (NegApp _ (dL->L loc
+ (HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit { ol_val = HsIntegral i})))
= do { expr' <- putSrcSpanDs loc $ do
{ dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -369,17 +371,17 @@ ds_expr _ e@(SectionR _ op expr) = do
core_op [Var x_id, Var y_id]))
ds_expr _ (ExplicitTuple _ tup_args boxity)
- = do { let go (lam_vars, args) (L _ (Missing ty))
+ = do { let go (lam_vars, args) (dL->L _ (Missing ty))
-- For every missing expression, we need
-- another lambda in the desugaring.
= do { lam_var <- newSysLocalDsNoLP ty
; return (lam_var : lam_vars, Var lam_var : args) }
- go (lam_vars, args) (L _ (Present _ expr))
+ go (lam_vars, args) (dL->L _ (Present _ expr))
-- Expressions that are present don't generate
-- lambdas, just arguments.
= do { core_expr <- dsLExprNoLP expr
; return (lam_vars, core_expr : args) }
- go _ (L _ (XTupArg {})) = panic "ds_expr"
+ go _ _ = panic "ds_expr"
; dsWhenNoErrs (foldM go ([], []) (reverse tup_args))
-- The reverse is because foldM goes left-to-right
@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ ds_expr _ (ExplicitSum types alt arity expr)
map Type types ++
[core_expr]) ) }
-ds_expr _ (HsSCC _ _ cc expr@(L loc _)) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsSCC _ _ cc expr@(dL->L loc _)) = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
if gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags
then do
@@ -422,11 +424,11 @@ ds_expr _ (HsLet _ binds body) = do
-- We need the `ListComp' form to use `deListComp' (rather than the "do" form)
-- because the interpretation of `stmts' depends on what sort of thing it is.
-ds_expr _ (HsDo res_ty ListComp (L _ stmts)) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
-ds_expr _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo _ GhciStmtCtxt (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MDoExpr (L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
-ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MonadComp (L _ stmts)) = dsMonadComp stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo res_ty ListComp (dL->L _ stmts)) = dsListComp stmts res_ty
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (dL->L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ GhciStmtCtxt (dL->L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MDoExpr (dL->L _ stmts)) = dsDo stmts
+ds_expr _ (HsDo _ MonadComp (dL->L _ stmts)) = dsMonadComp stmts
ds_expr _ (HsIf _ mb_fun guard_expr then_expr else_expr)
= do { pred <- dsLExpr guard_expr
@@ -476,7 +478,7 @@ See Note [Grand plan for static forms] in StaticPtrTable for an overview.
g = ... makeStatic loc f ...
-ds_expr _ (HsStatic _ expr@(L loc _)) = do
+ds_expr _ (HsStatic _ expr@(dL->L loc _)) = do
expr_ds <- dsLExprNoLP expr
let ty = exprType expr_ds
makeStaticId <- dsLookupGlobalId makeStaticName
@@ -615,10 +617,11 @@ ds_expr _ expr@(RecordUpd { rupd_expr = record_expr, rupd_flds = fields
-- of the record selector, and we must not make that a local binder
-- else we shadow other uses of the record selector
-- Hence 'lcl_id'. Cf Trac #2735
- ds_field (L _ rec_field) = do { rhs <- dsLExpr (hsRecFieldArg rec_field)
- ; let fld_id = unLoc (hsRecUpdFieldId rec_field)
- ; lcl_id <- newSysLocalDs (idType fld_id)
- ; return (idName fld_id, lcl_id, rhs) }
+ ds_field (dL->L _ rec_field)
+ = do { rhs <- dsLExpr (hsRecFieldArg rec_field)
+ ; let fld_id = unLoc (hsRecUpdFieldId rec_field)
+ ; lcl_id <- newSysLocalDs (idType fld_id)
+ ; return (idName fld_id, lcl_id, rhs) }
add_field_binds [] expr = expr
add_field_binds ((_,b,r):bs) expr = bindNonRec b r (add_field_binds bs expr)
@@ -771,7 +774,7 @@ dsSyntaxExpr (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = expr
findField :: [LHsRecField GhcTc arg] -> Name -> [arg]
findField rbinds sel
- = [hsRecFieldArg fld | L _ fld <- rbinds
+ = [hsRecFieldArg fld | (dL->L _ fld) <- rbinds
, sel == idName (unLoc $ hsRecFieldId fld) ]
@@ -890,7 +893,7 @@ dsDo stmts
= goL stmts
goL [] = panic "dsDo"
- goL (L loc stmt:lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (go loc stmt lstmts)
+ goL ((dL->L loc stmt):lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (go loc stmt lstmts)
go _ (LastStmt _ body _ _) stmts
= ASSERT( null stmts ) dsLExpr body
@@ -932,7 +935,7 @@ dsDo stmts
; let body' = noLoc $ HsDo body_ty DoExpr (noLoc stmts)
- ; let fun = L noSrcSpan $ HsLam noExt $
+ ; let fun = cL noSrcSpan $ HsLam noExt $
MG { mg_alts = noLoc [mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys body_ty
@@ -954,7 +957,7 @@ dsDo stmts
, recS_ret_ty = body_ty} }) stmts
= goL (new_bind_stmt : stmts) -- rec_ids can be empty; eg rec { print 'x' }
- new_bind_stmt = L loc $ BindStmt bind_ty (mkBigLHsPatTupId later_pats)
+ new_bind_stmt = cL loc $ BindStmt bind_ty (mkBigLHsPatTupId later_pats)
mfix_app bind_op
noSyntaxExpr -- Tuple cannot fail
@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ handle_failure pat match fail_op
| otherwise
= extractMatchResult match (error "It can't fail")
-mk_fail_msg :: DynFlags -> Located e -> String
+mk_fail_msg :: HasSrcSpan e => DynFlags -> e -> String
mk_fail_msg dflags pat = "Pattern match failure in do expression at " ++
showPpr dflags (getLoc pat)
@@ -1135,7 +1138,7 @@ we're not directly in an HsWrap, reject.
checkForcedEtaExpansion :: HsExpr GhcTc -> Type -> DsM ()
checkForcedEtaExpansion expr ty
| Just var <- case expr of
- HsVar _ (L _ var) -> Just var
+ HsVar _ (dL->L _ var) -> Just var
HsConLikeOut _ (RealDataCon dc) -> Just (dataConWrapId dc)
_ -> Nothing
, let bad_tys = badUseOfLevPolyPrimop var ty
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.hs
index 2e20cc7f35..d34c3a791a 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Desugaring foreign declarations (see also DsCCall).
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsForeign ( dsForeigns ) where
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ dsForeigns' fos = do
(vcat cs $$ vcat fe_init_code),
foldr (appOL . toOL) nilOL bindss)
- do_ldecl (L loc decl) = putSrcSpanDs loc (do_decl decl)
+ do_ldecl (dL->L loc decl) = putSrcSpanDs loc (do_decl decl)
do_decl (ForeignImport { fd_name = id, fd_i_ext = co, fd_fi = spec }) = do
traceIf (text "fi start" <+> ppr id)
@@ -106,8 +107,10 @@ dsForeigns' fos = do
traceIf (text "fi end" <+> ppr id)
return (h, c, [], bs)
- do_decl (ForeignExport { fd_name = L _ id, fd_e_ext = co
- , fd_fe = CExport (L _ (CExportStatic _ ext_nm cconv)) _ }) = do
+ do_decl (ForeignExport { fd_name = (dL->L _ id)
+ , fd_e_ext = co
+ , fd_fe = CExport
+ (dL->L _ (CExportStatic _ ext_nm cconv)) _ }) = do
(h, c, _, _) <- dsFExport id co ext_nm cconv False
return (h, c, [id], [])
do_decl (XForeignDecl _) = panic "dsForeigns'"
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.hs
index 00658539d3..277ea00044 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Matching guarded right-hand-sides (GRHSs)
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsGRHSs ( dsGuarded, dsGRHSs, dsGRHS, isTrueLHsExpr ) where
@@ -67,9 +68,10 @@ dsGRHSs _ (XGRHSs _) _ = panic "dsGRHSs"
dsGRHS :: HsMatchContext Name -> Type -> LGRHS GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
-> DsM MatchResult
-dsGRHS hs_ctx rhs_ty (L _ (GRHS _ guards rhs))
+dsGRHS hs_ctx rhs_ty (dL->L _ (GRHS _ guards rhs))
= matchGuards (map unLoc guards) (PatGuard hs_ctx) rhs rhs_ty
-dsGRHS _ _ (L _ (XGRHS _)) = panic "dsGRHS"
+dsGRHS _ _ (dL->L _ (XGRHS _)) = panic "dsGRHS"
+dsGRHS _ _ _ = panic "dsGRHS: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.hs
index f325b5672d..def390c6c7 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Desugaring list comprehensions, monad comprehensions and array comprehensions
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsListComp ( dsListComp, dsMonadComp ) where
@@ -483,8 +484,8 @@ dsMonadComp :: [ExprLStmt GhcTc] -> DsM CoreExpr
dsMonadComp stmts = dsMcStmts stmts
dsMcStmts :: [ExprLStmt GhcTc] -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsMcStmts [] = panic "dsMcStmts"
-dsMcStmts (L loc stmt : lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (dsMcStmt stmt lstmts)
+dsMcStmts [] = panic "dsMcStmts"
+dsMcStmts ((dL->L loc stmt) : lstmts) = putSrcSpanDs loc (dsMcStmt stmt lstmts)
dsMcStmt :: ExprStmt GhcTc -> [ExprLStmt GhcTc] -> DsM CoreExpr
@@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ dsMcBindStmt pat rhs' bind_op fail_op res1_ty stmts
| otherwise
= extractMatchResult match (error "It can't fail")
- mk_fail_msg :: DynFlags -> Located e -> String
+ mk_fail_msg :: HasSrcSpan e => DynFlags -> e -> String
mk_fail_msg dflags pat
= "Pattern match failure in monad comprehension at " ++
showPpr dflags (getLoc pat)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
index dfcfc3d9d6..9b2256e913 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsMeta.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ dsBracket :: HsBracket GhcRn -> [PendingTcSplice] -> DsM CoreExpr
dsBracket brack splices
= dsExtendMetaEnv new_bit (do_brack brack)
- new_bit = mkNameEnv [(n, DsSplice (unLoc e)) | PendingTcSplice n e <- splices]
+ new_bit = mkNameEnv [(n, DsSplice (unLoc e))
+ | PendingTcSplice n e <- splices]
do_brack (VarBr _ _ n) = do { MkC e1 <- lookupOcc n ; return e1 }
do_brack (ExpBr _ e) = do { MkC e1 <- repLE e ; return e1 }
@@ -167,15 +169,15 @@ repTopDs group@(HsGroup { hs_valds = valds
wrapGenSyms ss q_decs
- no_splice (L loc _)
+ no_splice (dL->L loc _)
= notHandledL loc "Splices within declaration brackets" empty
- no_default_decl (L loc decl)
+ no_default_decl (dL->L loc decl)
= notHandledL loc "Default declarations" (ppr decl)
- no_warn (L loc (Warning _ thing _))
+ no_warn (dL->L loc (Warning _ thing _))
= notHandledL loc "WARNING and DEPRECATION pragmas" $
text "Pragma for declaration of" <+> ppr thing
- no_warn (L _ (XWarnDecl _)) = panic "repTopDs"
- no_doc (L loc _)
+ no_warn _ = panic "repTopDs"
+ no_doc (dL->L loc _)
= notHandledL loc "Haddock documentation" empty
repTopDs (XHsGroup _) = panic "repTopDs"
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ hsScopedTvBinders binds
XValBindsLR (NValBinds _ sigs) -> sigs
get_scoped_tvs :: LSig GhcRn -> [Name]
-get_scoped_tvs (L _ signature)
+get_scoped_tvs (dL->L _ signature)
| TypeSig _ _ sig <- signature
= get_scoped_tvs_from_sig (hswc_body sig)
| ClassOpSig _ _ _ sig <- signature
@@ -299,28 +301,31 @@ them into a `ForallT` or `ForallC`. Doing so caused #13018 and #13123.
repTyClD :: LTyClDecl GhcRn -> DsM (Maybe (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ))
-repTyClD (L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = fam })) = liftM Just $ repFamilyDecl (L loc fam)
+repTyClD (dL->L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = fam })) = liftM Just $
+ repFamilyDecl (L loc fam)
-repTyClD (L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdRhs = rhs }))
+repTyClD (dL->L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdRhs = rhs }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; dec <- addTyClTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
repSynDecl tc1 bndrs rhs
; return (Just (loc, dec)) }
-repTyClD (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdDataDefn = defn }))
+repTyClD (dL->L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc
+ , tcdTyVars = tvs
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; dec <- addTyClTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
repDataDefn tc1 (Left bndrs) defn
; return (Just (loc, dec)) }
-repTyClD (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls,
+repTyClD (dL->L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls,
tcdTyVars = tvs, tcdFDs = fds,
tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = meth_binds,
tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = atds }))
= do { cls1 <- lookupLOcc cls -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; dec <- addTyVarBinds tvs $ \bndrs ->
do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
- -- See Note [Scoped type variables in class and instance declarations]
+ -- See Note [Scoped type variables in class and instance declarations]
; (ss, sigs_binds) <- rep_sigs_binds sigs meth_binds
; fds1 <- repLFunDeps fds
; ats1 <- repFamilyDecls ats
@@ -331,17 +336,17 @@ repTyClD (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls,
; return $ Just (loc, dec)
-repTyClD (L _ (XTyClDecl _)) = panic "repTyClD"
+repTyClD _ = panic "repTyClD"
repRoleD :: LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repRoleD (L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon roles))
+repRoleD (dL->L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon roles))
= do { tycon1 <- lookupLOcc tycon
; roles1 <- mapM repRole roles
; roles2 <- coreList roleTyConName roles1
; dec <- repRoleAnnotD tycon1 roles2
; return (loc, dec) }
-repRoleD (L _ (XRoleAnnotDecl _)) = panic "repRoleD"
+repRoleD _ = panic "repRoleD"
repDataDefn :: Core TH.Name
@@ -380,11 +385,11 @@ repSynDecl tc bndrs ty
; repTySyn tc bndrs ty1 }
repFamilyDecl :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repFamilyDecl decl@(L loc (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info,
- fdLName = tc,
- fdTyVars = tvs,
- fdResultSig = L _ resultSig,
- fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity }))
+repFamilyDecl decl@(dL->L loc (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info
+ , fdLName = tc
+ , fdTyVars = tvs
+ , fdResultSig = dL->L _ resultSig
+ , fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity }))
= do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; let mkHsQTvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn] -> LHsQTyVars GhcRn
mkHsQTvs tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn
@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@ repFamilyDecl decl@(L loc (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info,
; repDataFamilyD tc1 bndrs kind }
; return (loc, dec)
-repFamilyDecl (L _ (XFamilyDecl _)) = panic "repFamilyDecl"
+repFamilyDecl _ = panic "repFamilyDecl"
-- | Represent result signature of a type family
repFamilyResultSig :: FamilyResultSig GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.FamilyResultSigQ)
@@ -442,7 +447,7 @@ repInjectivityAnn :: Maybe (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
-> DsM (Core (Maybe TH.InjectivityAnn))
repInjectivityAnn Nothing =
do { coreNothing injAnnTyConName }
-repInjectivityAnn (Just (L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs))) =
+repInjectivityAnn (Just (dL->L _ (InjectivityAnn lhs rhs))) =
do { lhs' <- lookupBinder (unLoc lhs)
; rhs1 <- mapM (lookupBinder . unLoc) rhs
; rhs2 <- coreList nameTyConName rhs1
@@ -457,10 +462,10 @@ repAssocTyFamDefaults = mapM rep_deflt
-- very like repTyFamEqn, but different in the details
rep_deflt :: LTyFamDefltEqn GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
- rep_deflt (L _ (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc
- , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
- , feqn_pats = tys
- , feqn_rhs = rhs }))
+ rep_deflt (dL->L _ (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc
+ , feqn_bndrs = bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = tys
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs }))
= addTyClTyVarBinds tys $ \ _ ->
do { tc1 <- lookupLOcc tc
; no_bndrs <- ASSERT( isNothing bndrs )
@@ -470,7 +475,7 @@ repAssocTyFamDefaults = mapM rep_deflt
; rhs1 <- repLTy rhs
; eqn1 <- repTySynEqn no_bndrs tys2 rhs1
; repTySynInst tc1 eqn1 }
- rep_deflt (L _ (XFamEqn _)) = panic "repAssocTyFamDefaults"
+ rep_deflt _ = panic "repAssocTyFamDefaults"
-- represent fundeps
@@ -479,7 +484,7 @@ repLFunDeps :: [LHsFunDep GhcRn] -> DsM (Core [TH.FunDep])
repLFunDeps fds = repList funDepTyConName repLFunDep fds
repLFunDep :: LHsFunDep GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.FunDep)
-repLFunDep (L _ (xs, ys))
+repLFunDep (dL->L _ (xs, ys))
= do xs' <- repList nameTyConName (lookupBinder . unLoc) xs
ys' <- repList nameTyConName (lookupBinder . unLoc) ys
repFunDep xs' ys'
@@ -487,16 +492,16 @@ repLFunDep (L _ (xs, ys))
-- Represent instance declarations
repInstD :: LInstDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repInstD (L loc (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = fi_decl }))
+repInstD (dL->L loc (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = fi_decl }))
= do { dec <- repTyFamInstD fi_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
-repInstD (L loc (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi_decl }))
+repInstD (dL->L loc (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi_decl }))
= do { dec <- repDataFamInstD fi_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
-repInstD (L loc (ClsInstD { cid_inst = cls_decl }))
+repInstD (dL->L loc (ClsInstD { cid_inst = cls_decl }))
= do { dec <- repClsInstD cls_decl
; return (loc, dec) }
-repInstD (L _ (XInstDecl _)) = panic "repInstD"
+repInstD _ = panic "repInstD"
repClsInstD :: ClsInstDecl GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
@@ -516,7 +521,7 @@ repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
do { cxt1 <- repLContext cxt
; inst_ty1 <- repLTy inst_ty
- -- See Note [Scoped type variables in class and instance declarations]
+ -- See Note [Scoped type variables in class and instance declarations]
; (ss, sigs_binds) <- rep_sigs_binds sigs binds
; ats1 <- mapM (repTyFamInstD . unLoc) ats
; adts1 <- mapM (repDataFamInstD . unLoc) adts
@@ -529,8 +534,8 @@ repClsInstD (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty, cid_binds = binds
repClsInstD (XClsInstDecl _) = panic "repClsInstD"
repStandaloneDerivD :: LDerivDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repStandaloneDerivD (L loc (DerivDecl { deriv_strategy = strat
- , deriv_type = ty }))
+repStandaloneDerivD (dL->L loc (DerivDecl { deriv_strategy = strat
+ , deriv_type = ty }))
= do { dec <- addSimpleTyVarBinds tvs $
do { cxt' <- repLContext cxt
; strat' <- repDerivStrategy strat
@@ -539,12 +544,12 @@ repStandaloneDerivD (L loc (DerivDecl { deriv_strategy = strat
; return (loc, dec) }
(tvs, cxt, inst_ty) = splitLHsInstDeclTy (dropWildCards ty)
-repStandaloneDerivD (L _ (XDerivDecl _)) = panic "repStandaloneDerivD"
+repStandaloneDerivD _ = panic "repStandaloneDerivD"
repTyFamInstD :: TyFamInstDecl GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.DecQ)
repTyFamInstD decl@(TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
= do { let tc_name = tyFamInstDeclLName decl
- ; tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
+ ; tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; eqn1 <- repTyFamEqn eqn
; repTySynInst tc eqn1 }
@@ -575,7 +580,7 @@ repDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn =
, feqn_bndrs = mb_bndrs
, feqn_pats = tys
, feqn_rhs = defn }})})
- = do { tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
+ = do { tc <- lookupLOcc tc_name -- See note [Binders and occurrences]
; let hs_tvs = HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn
{ hsq_implicit = var_names
, hsq_dependent = emptyNameSet } -- Yuk
@@ -592,8 +597,9 @@ repDataFamInstD (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _)))
= panic "repDataFamInstD"
repForD :: Located (ForeignDecl GhcRn) -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repForD (L loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = typ
- , fd_fi = CImport (L _ cc) (L _ s) mch cis _ }))
+repForD (dL->L loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = typ
+ , fd_fi = CImport (dL->L _ cc)
+ (dL->L _ s) mch cis _ }))
= do MkC name' <- lookupLOcc name
MkC typ' <- repHsSigType typ
MkC cc' <- repCCallConv cc
@@ -603,7 +609,8 @@ repForD (L loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = typ
dec <- rep2 forImpDName [cc', s', str, name', typ']
return (loc, dec)
- conv_cimportspec (CLabel cls) = notHandled "Foreign label" (doubleQuotes (ppr cls))
+ conv_cimportspec (CLabel cls)
+ = notHandled "Foreign label" (doubleQuotes (ppr cls))
conv_cimportspec (CFunction DynamicTarget) = return "dynamic"
conv_cimportspec (CFunction (StaticTarget _ fs _ True))
= return (unpackFS fs)
@@ -633,7 +640,7 @@ repSafety PlayInterruptible = rep2 interruptibleName []
repSafety PlaySafe = rep2 safeName []
repFixD :: LFixitySig GhcRn -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
-repFixD (L loc (FixitySig _ names (Fixity _ prec dir)))
+repFixD (dL->L loc (FixitySig _ names (Fixity _ prec dir)))
= do { MkC prec' <- coreIntLit prec
; let rep_fn = case dir of
InfixL -> infixLDName
@@ -644,22 +651,23 @@ repFixD (L loc (FixitySig _ names (Fixity _ prec dir)))
; dec <- rep2 rep_fn [prec', name']
; return (loc,dec) }
; mapM do_one names }
-repFixD (L _ (XFixitySig _)) = panic "repFixD"
+repFixD _ = panic "repFixD"
repRuleD :: LRuleDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repRuleD (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
- , rd_act = act
- , rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs
- , rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs
- , rd_lhs = lhs
- , rd_rhs = rhs }))
+repRuleD (dL->L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
+ , rd_act = act
+ , rd_tyvs = ty_bndrs
+ , rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs
+ , rd_lhs = lhs
+ , rd_rhs = rhs }))
= do { rule <- addHsTyVarBinds (fromMaybe [] ty_bndrs) $ \ ex_bndrs ->
do { let tm_bndr_names = concatMap ruleBndrNames tm_bndrs
; ss <- mkGenSyms tm_bndr_names
; rule <- addBinds ss $
do { ty_bndrs' <- case ty_bndrs of
Nothing -> coreNothingList tyVarBndrQTyConName
- Just _ -> coreJustList tyVarBndrQTyConName ex_bndrs
+ Just _ -> coreJustList tyVarBndrQTyConName
+ ex_bndrs
; tm_bndrs' <- repList ruleBndrQTyConName
@@ -670,42 +678,43 @@ repRuleD (L loc (HsRule { rd_name = n
; repPragRule n' ty_bndrs' tm_bndrs' lhs' rhs' act' }
; wrapGenSyms ss rule }
; return (loc, rule) }
-repRuleD (L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = panic "repRuleD"
+repRuleD _ = panic "repRuleD"
ruleBndrNames :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> [Name]
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndr _ n)) = [unLoc n]
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
+ruleBndrNames (dL->L _ (RuleBndr _ n)) = [unLoc n]
+ruleBndrNames (dL->L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
| HsWC { hswc_body = HsIB { hsib_ext = vars }} <- sig
= unLoc n : vars
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ _ (HsWC _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _))))
+ruleBndrNames (dL->L _ (RuleBndrSig _ _ (HsWC _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _))))
= panic "ruleBndrNames"
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _)))
+ruleBndrNames (dL->L _ (RuleBndrSig _ _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _)))
= panic "ruleBndrNames"
-ruleBndrNames (L _ (XRuleBndr _)) = panic "ruleBndrNames"
+ruleBndrNames (dL->L _ (XRuleBndr _)) = panic "ruleBndrNames"
+ruleBndrNames _ = panic "ruleBndrNames: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
repRuleBndr :: LRuleBndr GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.RuleBndrQ)
-repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndr _ n))
+repRuleBndr (dL->L _ (RuleBndr _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
; rep2 ruleVarName [n'] }
-repRuleBndr (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
+repRuleBndr (dL->L _ (RuleBndrSig _ n sig))
= do { MkC n' <- lookupLBinder n
; MkC ty' <- repLTy (hsSigWcType sig)
; rep2 typedRuleVarName [n', ty'] }
-repRuleBndr (L _ (XRuleBndr _)) = panic "repRuleBndr"
+repRuleBndr _ = panic "repRuleBndr"
repAnnD :: LAnnDecl GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-repAnnD (L loc (HsAnnotation _ _ ann_prov (L _ exp)))
+repAnnD (dL->L loc (HsAnnotation _ _ ann_prov (dL->L _ exp)))
= do { target <- repAnnProv ann_prov
; exp' <- repE exp
; dec <- repPragAnn target exp'
; return (loc, dec) }
-repAnnD (L _ (XAnnDecl _)) = panic "repAnnD"
+repAnnD _ = panic "repAnnD"
repAnnProv :: AnnProvenance Name -> DsM (Core TH.AnnTarget)
-repAnnProv (ValueAnnProvenance (L _ n))
+repAnnProv (ValueAnnProvenance (dL->L _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- globalVar n -- ANNs are allowed only at top-level
; rep2 valueAnnotationName [ n' ] }
-repAnnProv (TypeAnnProvenance (L _ n))
+repAnnProv (TypeAnnProvenance (dL->L _ n))
= do { MkC n' <- globalVar n
; rep2 typeAnnotationName [ n' ] }
repAnnProv ModuleAnnProvenance
@@ -716,17 +725,17 @@ repAnnProv ModuleAnnProvenance
repC :: LConDecl GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.ConQ)
-repC (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
- , con_forall = L _ False
- , con_mb_cxt = Nothing
- , con_args = args }))
+repC (dL->L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
+ , con_forall = (dL->L _ False)
+ , con_mb_cxt = Nothing
+ , con_args = args }))
= repDataCon con args
-repC (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
- , con_forall = L _ is_existential
- , con_ex_tvs = con_tvs
- , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
- , con_args = args }))
+repC (dL->L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
+ , con_forall = (dL->L _ is_existential)
+ , con_ex_tvs = con_tvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
+ , con_args = args }))
= do { addHsTyVarBinds con_tvs $ \ ex_bndrs ->
do { c' <- repDataCon con args
; ctxt' <- repMbContext mcxt
@@ -736,9 +745,11 @@ repC (L _ (ConDeclH98 { con_name = con
-repC (L _ (ConDeclGADT { con_names = cons
- , con_qvars = qtvs, con_mb_cxt = mcxt
- , con_args = args, con_res_ty = res_ty }))
+repC (dL->L _ (ConDeclGADT { con_names = cons
+ , con_qvars = qtvs
+ , con_mb_cxt = mcxt
+ , con_args = args
+ , con_res_ty = res_ty }))
| isEmptyLHsQTvs qtvs -- No implicit or explicit variables
, Nothing <- mcxt -- No context
-- ==> no need for a forall
@@ -753,12 +764,12 @@ repC (L _ (ConDeclGADT { con_names = cons
then return c'
else rep2 forallCName ([unC ex_bndrs, unC ctxt', unC c']) }
-repC (L _ (XConDecl _)) = panic "repC"
+repC _ = panic "repC"
repMbContext :: Maybe (LHsContext GhcRn) -> DsM (Core TH.CxtQ)
repMbContext Nothing = repContext []
-repMbContext (Just (L _ cxt)) = repContext cxt
+repMbContext (Just (dL->L _ cxt)) = repContext cxt
repSrcUnpackedness :: SrcUnpackedness -> DsM (Core TH.SourceUnpackednessQ)
repSrcUnpackedness SrcUnpack = rep2 sourceUnpackName []
@@ -778,8 +789,8 @@ repBangTy ty = do
MkC t <- repLTy ty'
rep2 bangTypeName [b, t]
- (su', ss', ty') = case ty of
- L _ (HsBangTy _ (HsSrcBang _ su ss) ty) -> (su, ss, ty)
+ (su', ss', ty') = case unLoc ty of
+ HsBangTy _ (HsSrcBang _ su ss) ty -> (su, ss, ty)
_ -> (NoSrcUnpack, NoSrcStrict, ty)
@@ -787,19 +798,21 @@ repBangTy ty = do
repDerivs :: HsDeriving GhcRn -> DsM (Core [TH.DerivClauseQ])
-repDerivs (L _ clauses) = repList derivClauseQTyConName repDerivClause clauses
+repDerivs (dL->L _ clauses)
+ = repList derivClauseQTyConName repDerivClause clauses
repDerivClause :: LHsDerivingClause GhcRn
-> DsM (Core TH.DerivClauseQ)
-repDerivClause (L _ (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
- , deriv_clause_tys = L _ dct }))
+repDerivClause (dL->L _ (HsDerivingClause
+ { deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
+ , deriv_clause_tys = (dL->L _ dct) }))
= do MkC dcs' <- repDerivStrategy dcs
MkC dct' <- repList typeQTyConName (rep_deriv_ty . hsSigType) dct
rep2 derivClauseName [dcs',dct']
rep_deriv_ty :: LHsType GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
- rep_deriv_ty (L _ ty) = repTy ty
-repDerivClause (L _ (XHsDerivingClause _)) = panic "repDerivClause"
+ rep_deriv_ty ty = repLTy ty
+repDerivClause _ = panic "repDerivClause"
rep_sigs_binds :: [LSig GhcRn] -> LHsBinds GhcRn
-> DsM ([GenSymBind], [Core TH.DecQ])
@@ -826,21 +839,24 @@ rep_sigs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
rep_sigs = concatMapM rep_sig
rep_sig :: LSig GhcRn -> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
-rep_sig (L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty)) = mapM (rep_wc_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
-rep_sig (L loc (PatSynSig _ nms ty)) = mapM (rep_patsyn_ty_sig loc ty) nms
-rep_sig (L loc (ClassOpSig _ is_deflt nms ty))
- | is_deflt = mapM (rep_ty_sig defaultSigDName loc ty) nms
- | otherwise = mapM (rep_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
-rep_sig d@(L _ (IdSig {})) = pprPanic "rep_sig IdSig" (ppr d)
-rep_sig (L _ (FixSig {})) = return [] -- fixity sigs at top level
-rep_sig (L loc (InlineSig _ nm ispec))= rep_inline nm ispec loc
-rep_sig (L loc (SpecSig _ nm tys ispec))
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
+ = mapM (rep_wc_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (PatSynSig _ nms ty))
+ = mapM (rep_patsyn_ty_sig loc ty) nms
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (ClassOpSig _ is_deflt nms ty))
+ | is_deflt = mapM (rep_ty_sig defaultSigDName loc ty) nms
+ | otherwise = mapM (rep_ty_sig sigDName loc ty) nms
+rep_sig d@(dL->L _ (IdSig {})) = pprPanic "rep_sig IdSig" (ppr d)
+rep_sig (dL->L _ (FixSig {})) = return [] -- fixity sigs at top level
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (InlineSig _ nm ispec))= rep_inline nm ispec loc
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (SpecSig _ nm tys ispec))
= concatMapM (\t -> rep_specialise nm t ispec loc) tys
-rep_sig (L loc (SpecInstSig _ _ ty)) = rep_specialiseInst ty loc
-rep_sig (L _ (MinimalSig {})) = notHandled "MINIMAL pragmas" empty
-rep_sig (L _ (SCCFunSig {})) = notHandled "SCC pragmas" empty
-rep_sig (L loc (CompleteMatchSig _ _st cls mty)) = rep_complete_sig cls mty loc
-rep_sig (L _ (XSig _)) = panic "rep_sig"
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (SpecInstSig _ _ ty)) = rep_specialiseInst ty loc
+rep_sig (dL->L _ (MinimalSig {})) = notHandled "MINIMAL pragmas" empty
+rep_sig (dL->L _ (SCCFunSig {})) = notHandled "SCC pragmas" empty
+rep_sig (dL->L loc (CompleteMatchSig _ _st cls mty))
+ = rep_complete_sig cls mty loc
+rep_sig _ = panic "rep_sig"
rep_ty_sig :: Name -> SrcSpan -> LHsSigType GhcRn -> Located Name
-> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
@@ -960,7 +976,7 @@ rep_complete_sig :: Located [Located Name]
-> Maybe (Located Name)
-> SrcSpan
-> DsM [(SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)]
-rep_complete_sig (L _ cls) mty loc
+rep_complete_sig (dL->L _ cls) mty loc
= do { mty' <- repMaybe nameTyConName lookupLOcc mty
; cls' <- repList nameTyConName lookupLOcc cls
; sig <- repPragComplete cls' mty'
@@ -1036,25 +1052,27 @@ addTyClTyVarBinds tvs m
repTyVarBndrWithKind :: LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn
-> Core TH.Name -> DsM (Core TH.TyVarBndrQ)
-repTyVarBndrWithKind (L _ (UserTyVar _ _)) nm
+repTyVarBndrWithKind (dL->L _ (UserTyVar _ _)) nm
= repPlainTV nm
-repTyVarBndrWithKind (L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ ki)) nm
+repTyVarBndrWithKind (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ ki)) nm
= repLTy ki >>= repKindedTV nm
-repTyVarBndrWithKind (L _ (XTyVarBndr{})) _ = panic "repTyVarBndrWithKind"
+repTyVarBndrWithKind _ _ = panic "repTyVarBndrWithKind"
-- | Represent a type variable binder
repTyVarBndr :: LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.TyVarBndrQ)
-repTyVarBndr (L _ (UserTyVar _ (L _ nm)) )= do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
- ; repPlainTV nm' }
-repTyVarBndr (L _ (KindedTyVar _ (L _ nm) ki)) = do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
- ; ki' <- repLTy ki
- ; repKindedTV nm' ki' }
-repTyVarBndr (L _ (XTyVarBndr{})) = panic "repTyVarBndr"
+repTyVarBndr (dL->L _ (UserTyVar _ (dL->L _ nm)) )
+ = do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
+ ; repPlainTV nm' }
+repTyVarBndr (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ (dL->L _ nm) ki))
+ = do { nm' <- lookupBinder nm
+ ; ki' <- repLTy ki
+ ; repKindedTV nm' ki' }
+repTyVarBndr _ = panic "repTyVarBndr"
-- represent a type context
repLContext :: LHsContext GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.CxtQ)
-repLContext (L _ ctxt) = repContext ctxt
+repLContext ctxt = repContext (unLoc ctxt)
repContext :: HsContext GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.CxtQ)
repContext ctxt = do preds <- repList typeQTyConName repLTy ctxt
@@ -1085,7 +1103,7 @@ repLTys tys = mapM repLTy tys
-- represent a type
repLTy :: LHsType GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
-repLTy (L _ ty) = repTy ty
+repLTy ty = repTy (unLoc ty)
repForall :: HsType GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
-- Arg of repForall is always HsForAllTy or HsQualTy
@@ -1100,7 +1118,7 @@ repTy :: HsType GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.TypeQ)
repTy ty@(HsForAllTy {}) = repForall ty
repTy ty@(HsQualTy {}) = repForall ty
-repTy (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ n))
+repTy (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ n))
| isLiftedTypeKindTyConName n = repTStar
| n `hasKey` constraintKindTyConKey = repTConstraint
| n `hasKey` funTyConKey = repArrowTyCon
@@ -1177,10 +1195,11 @@ repMaybeLTy :: Maybe (LHsKind GhcRn)
repMaybeLTy = repMaybe kindQTyConName repLTy
repRole :: Located (Maybe Role) -> DsM (Core TH.Role)
-repRole (L _ (Just Nominal)) = rep2 nominalRName []
-repRole (L _ (Just Representational)) = rep2 representationalRName []
-repRole (L _ (Just Phantom)) = rep2 phantomRName []
-repRole (L _ Nothing) = rep2 inferRName []
+repRole (dL->L _ (Just Nominal)) = rep2 nominalRName []
+repRole (dL->L _ (Just Representational)) = rep2 representationalRName []
+repRole (dL->L _ (Just Phantom)) = rep2 phantomRName []
+repRole (dL->L _ Nothing) = rep2 inferRName []
+repRole _ = panic "repRole: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
-- Splices
@@ -1215,10 +1234,10 @@ repLEs es = repList expQTyConName repLE es
-- unless we can make sure that constructs, which are plainly not
-- supported in TH already lead to error messages at an earlier stage
repLE :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.ExpQ)
-repLE (L loc e) = putSrcSpanDs loc (repE e)
+repLE (dL->L loc e) = putSrcSpanDs loc (repE e)
repE :: HsExpr GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.ExpQ)
-repE (HsVar _ (L _ x)) =
+repE (HsVar _ (dL->L _ x)) =
do { mb_val <- dsLookupMetaEnv x
; case mb_val of
Nothing -> do { str <- globalVar x
@@ -1238,8 +1257,8 @@ repE e@(HsRecFld _ f) = case f of
-- HsOverlit can definitely occur
repE (HsOverLit _ l) = do { a <- repOverloadedLiteral l; repLit a }
repE (HsLit _ l) = do { a <- repLiteral l; repLit a }
-repE (HsLam _ (MG { mg_alts = L _ [m] })) = repLambda m
-repE (HsLamCase _ (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms }))
+repE (HsLam _ (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ [m]) })) = repLambda m
+repE (HsLamCase _ (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ ms) }))
= do { ms' <- mapM repMatchTup ms
; core_ms <- coreList matchQTyConName ms'
; repLamCase core_ms }
@@ -1260,7 +1279,7 @@ repE (NegApp _ x _) = do
repE (HsPar _ x) = repLE x
repE (SectionL _ x y) = do { a <- repLE x; b <- repLE y; repSectionL a b }
repE (SectionR _ x y) = do { a <- repLE x; b <- repLE y; repSectionR a b }
-repE (HsCase _ e (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms }))
+repE (HsCase _ e (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ ms) }))
= do { arg <- repLE e
; ms2 <- mapM repMatchTup ms
; core_ms2 <- coreList matchQTyConName ms2
@@ -1274,13 +1293,13 @@ repE (HsMultiIf _ alts)
= do { (binds, alts') <- liftM unzip $ mapM repLGRHS alts
; expr' <- repMultiIf (nonEmptyCoreList alts')
; wrapGenSyms (concat binds) expr' }
-repE (HsLet _ (L _ bs) e) = do { (ss,ds) <- repBinds bs
+repE (HsLet _ (dL->L _ bs) e) = do { (ss,ds) <- repBinds bs
; e2 <- addBinds ss (repLE e)
; z <- repLetE ds e2
; wrapGenSyms ss z }
-- FIXME: I haven't got the types here right yet
-repE e@(HsDo _ ctxt (L _ sts))
+repE e@(HsDo _ ctxt (dL->L _ sts))
| case ctxt of { DoExpr -> True; GhciStmtCtxt -> True; _ -> False }
= do { (ss,zs) <- repLSts sts;
e' <- repDoE (nonEmptyCoreList zs);
@@ -1302,8 +1321,9 @@ repE e@(HsDo _ ctxt (L _ sts))
repE (ExplicitList _ _ es) = do { xs <- repLEs es; repListExp xs }
repE e@(ExplicitTuple _ es boxed)
| not (all tupArgPresent es) = notHandled "Tuple sections" (ppr e)
- | isBoxed boxed = do { xs <- repLEs [e | L _ (Present _ e) <- es]; repTup xs }
- | otherwise = do { xs <- repLEs [e | L _ (Present _ e) <- es]
+ | isBoxed boxed = do { xs <- repLEs [e | (dL->L _ (Present _ e)) <- es]
+ ; repTup xs }
+ | otherwise = do { xs <- repLEs [e | (dL->L _ (Present _ e)) <- es]
; repUnboxedTup xs }
repE (ExplicitSum _ alt arity e)
@@ -1357,8 +1377,8 @@ repE e = notHandled "Expression form" (ppr e)
-- Building representations of auxillary structures like Match, Clause, Stmt,
repMatchTup :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> DsM (Core TH.MatchQ)
-repMatchTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = [p]
- , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) })) =
+repMatchTup (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = [p]
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (dL->L _ wheres) })) =
do { ss1 <- mkGenSyms (collectPatBinders p)
; addBinds ss1 $ do {
; p1 <- repLP p
@@ -1370,8 +1390,8 @@ repMatchTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = [p]
repMatchTup _ = panic "repMatchTup: case alt with more than one arg"
repClauseTup :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> DsM (Core TH.ClauseQ)
-repClauseTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
- , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) })) =
+repClauseTup (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (dL->L _ wheres) })) =
do { ss1 <- mkGenSyms (collectPatsBinders ps)
; addBinds ss1 $ do {
ps1 <- repLPs ps
@@ -1380,11 +1400,11 @@ repClauseTup (L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
gs <- repGuards guards
; clause <- repClause ps1 gs ds
; wrapGenSyms (ss1++ss2) clause }}}
-repClauseTup (L _ (Match _ _ _ (XGRHSs _))) = panic "repClauseTup"
-repClauseTup (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "repClauseTup"
+repClauseTup (dL->L _ (Match _ _ _ (XGRHSs _))) = panic "repClauseTup"
+repClauseTup _ = panic "repClauseTup"
repGuards :: [LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)] -> DsM (Core TH.BodyQ)
-repGuards [L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
+repGuards [dL->L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
= do {a <- repLE e; repNormal a }
repGuards other
= do { zs <- mapM repLGRHS other
@@ -1394,15 +1414,15 @@ repGuards other
repLGRHS :: LGRHS GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> DsM ([GenSymBind], (Core (TH.Q (TH.Guard, TH.Exp))))
-repLGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ [L _ (BodyStmt _ e1 _ _)] e2))
+repLGRHS (dL->L _ (GRHS _ [dL->L _ (BodyStmt _ e1 _ _)] e2))
= do { guarded <- repLNormalGE e1 e2
; return ([], guarded) }
-repLGRHS (L _ (GRHS _ ss rhs))
+repLGRHS (dL->L _ (GRHS _ ss rhs))
= do { (gs, ss') <- repLSts ss
; rhs' <- addBinds gs $ repLE rhs
; guarded <- repPatGE (nonEmptyCoreList ss') rhs'
; return (gs, guarded) }
-repLGRHS (L _ (XGRHS _)) = panic "repLGRHS"
+repLGRHS _ = panic "repLGRHS"
repFields :: HsRecordBinds GhcRn -> DsM (Core [TH.Q TH.FieldExp])
repFields (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds })
@@ -1410,16 +1430,16 @@ repFields (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds })
rep_fld :: LHsRecField GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> DsM (Core (TH.Q TH.FieldExp))
- rep_fld (L _ fld) = do { fn <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
- ; e <- repLE (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- ; repFieldExp fn e }
+ rep_fld (dL->L _ fld) = do { fn <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
+ ; e <- repLE (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ ; repFieldExp fn e }
repUpdFields :: [LHsRecUpdField GhcRn] -> DsM (Core [TH.Q TH.FieldExp])
repUpdFields = repList fieldExpQTyConName rep_fld
rep_fld :: LHsRecUpdField GhcRn -> DsM (Core (TH.Q TH.FieldExp))
- rep_fld (L l fld) = case unLoc (hsRecFieldLbl fld) of
- Unambiguous sel_name _ -> do { fn <- lookupLOcc (L l sel_name)
+ rep_fld (dL->L l fld) = case unLoc (hsRecFieldLbl fld) of
+ Unambiguous sel_name _ -> do { fn <- lookupLOcc (cL l sel_name)
; e <- repLE (hsRecFieldArg fld)
; repFieldExp fn e }
_ -> notHandled "Ambiguous record updates" (ppr fld)
@@ -1463,7 +1483,7 @@ repSts (BindStmt _ p e _ _ : ss) =
; (ss2,zs) <- repSts ss
; z <- repBindSt p1 e2
; return (ss1++ss2, z : zs) }}
-repSts (LetStmt _ (L _ bs) : ss) =
+repSts (LetStmt _ (dL->L _ bs) : ss) =
do { (ss1,ds) <- repBinds bs
; z <- repLetSt ds
; (ss2,zs) <- addBinds ss1 (repSts ss)
@@ -1540,16 +1560,18 @@ repBinds (HsValBinds _ decs)
repBinds b@(XHsLocalBindsLR {}) = notHandled "Local binds extensions" (ppr b)
rep_implicit_param_bind :: LIPBind GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-rep_implicit_param_bind (L loc (IPBind _ ename (L _ rhs)))
+rep_implicit_param_bind (dL->L loc (IPBind _ ename (dL->L _ rhs)))
= do { name <- case ename of
- Left (L _ n) -> rep_implicit_param_name n
+ Left (dL->L _ n) -> rep_implicit_param_name n
Right _ ->
panic "rep_implicit_param_bind: post typechecking"
; rhs' <- repE rhs
; ipb <- repImplicitParamBind name rhs'
; return (loc, ipb) }
-rep_implicit_param_bind (L _ b@(XIPBind _))
+rep_implicit_param_bind (dL->L _ b@(XIPBind _))
= notHandled "Implicit parameter bind extension" (ppr b)
+rep_implicit_param_bind _ = panic "rep_implicit_param_bind: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
rep_implicit_param_name :: HsIPName -> DsM (Core String)
rep_implicit_param_name (HsIPName name) = coreStringLit (unpackFS name)
@@ -1572,13 +1594,14 @@ rep_bind :: LHsBind GhcRn -> DsM (SrcSpan, Core TH.DecQ)
-- Note GHC treats declarations of a variable (not a pattern)
-- e.g. x = g 5 as a Fun MonoBinds. This is indicated by a single match
-- with an empty list of patterns
-rep_bind (L loc (FunBind
+rep_bind (dL->L loc (FunBind
{ fun_id = fn,
fun_matches = MG { mg_alts
- = L _ [L _ (Match
+ = (dL->L _ [dL->L _ (Match
{ m_pats = []
- , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) }
- )] } }))
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ guards
+ (dL->L _ wheres) }
+ )]) } }))
= do { (ss,wherecore) <- repBinds wheres
; guardcore <- addBinds ss (repGuards guards)
; fn' <- lookupLBinder fn
@@ -1587,26 +1610,26 @@ rep_bind (L loc (FunBind
; ans' <- wrapGenSyms ss ans
; return (loc, ans') }
-rep_bind (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = fn
- , fun_matches = MG { mg_alts = L _ ms } }))
+rep_bind (dL->L loc (FunBind { fun_id = fn
+ , fun_matches = MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ ms) } }))
= do { ms1 <- mapM repClauseTup ms
; fn' <- lookupLBinder fn
; ans <- repFun fn' (nonEmptyCoreList ms1)
; return (loc, ans) }
-rep_bind (L _ (FunBind { fun_matches = XMatchGroup _ })) = panic "rep_bind"
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (FunBind { fun_matches = XMatchGroup _ })) = panic "rep_bind"
-rep_bind (L loc (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat
- , pat_rhs = GRHSs _ guards (L _ wheres) }))
+rep_bind (dL->L loc (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat
+ , pat_rhs = GRHSs _ guards (dL->L _ wheres) }))
= do { patcore <- repLP pat
; (ss,wherecore) <- repBinds wheres
; guardcore <- addBinds ss (repGuards guards)
; ans <- repVal patcore guardcore wherecore
; ans' <- wrapGenSyms ss ans
; return (loc, ans') }
-rep_bind (L _ (PatBind _ _ (XGRHSs _) _)) = panic "rep_bind"
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (PatBind _ _ (XGRHSs _) _)) = panic "rep_bind"
-rep_bind (L _ (VarBind { var_id = v, var_rhs = e}))
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (VarBind { var_id = v, var_rhs = e}))
= do { v' <- lookupBinder v
; e2 <- repLE e
; x <- repNormal e2
@@ -1615,11 +1638,11 @@ rep_bind (L _ (VarBind { var_id = v, var_rhs = e}))
; ans <- repVal patcore x empty_decls
; return (srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc v), ans) }
-rep_bind (L _ (AbsBinds {})) = panic "rep_bind: AbsBinds"
-rep_bind (L loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = syn
- , psb_args = args
- , psb_def = pat
- , psb_dir = dir })))
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (AbsBinds {})) = panic "rep_bind: AbsBinds"
+rep_bind (dL->L loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = syn
+ , psb_args = args
+ , psb_def = pat
+ , psb_dir = dir })))
= do { syn' <- lookupLBinder syn
; dir' <- repPatSynDir dir
; ss <- mkGenArgSyms args
@@ -1654,8 +1677,11 @@ rep_bind (L loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = syn
wrapGenArgSyms (RecCon _) _ dec = return dec
wrapGenArgSyms _ ss dec = wrapGenSyms ss dec
-rep_bind (L _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _))) = panic "rep_bind: XPatSynBind"
-rep_bind (L _ (XHsBindsLR {})) = panic "rep_bind: XHsBindsLR"
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _)))
+ = panic "rep_bind: XPatSynBind"
+rep_bind (dL->L _ (XHsBindsLR {})) = panic "rep_bind: XHsBindsLR"
+rep_bind _ = panic "rep_bind: Impossible match!"
+ -- due to #15884
repPatSynD :: Core TH.Name
-> Core TH.PatSynArgsQ
@@ -1691,7 +1717,7 @@ repRecordPatSynArgs (MkC sels) = rep2 recordPatSynName [sels]
repPatSynDir :: HsPatSynDir GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.PatSynDirQ)
repPatSynDir Unidirectional = rep2 unidirPatSynName []
repPatSynDir ImplicitBidirectional = rep2 implBidirPatSynName []
-repPatSynDir (ExplicitBidirectional (MG { mg_alts = L _ clauses }))
+repPatSynDir (ExplicitBidirectional (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ clauses) }))
= do { clauses' <- mapM repClauseTup clauses
; repExplBidirPatSynDir (nonEmptyCoreList clauses') }
repPatSynDir (ExplicitBidirectional (XMatchGroup _)) = panic "repPatSynDir"
@@ -1725,16 +1751,16 @@ repExplBidirPatSynDir (MkC cls) = rep2 explBidirPatSynName [cls]
-- (\ p1 .. pn -> exp) by causing an error.
repLambda :: LMatch GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> DsM (Core TH.ExpQ)
-repLambda (L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
- , m_grhss = GRHSs _ [L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
- (L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) } ))
+repLambda (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = ps
+ , m_grhss = GRHSs _ [dL->L _ (GRHS _ [] e)]
+ (dL->L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _)) } ))
= do { let bndrs = collectPatsBinders ps ;
; ss <- mkGenSyms bndrs
; lam <- addBinds ss (
do { xs <- repLPs ps; body <- repLE e; repLam xs body })
; wrapGenSyms ss lam }
-repLambda (L _ m) = notHandled "Guarded labmdas" (pprMatch m)
+repLambda (dL->L _ m) = notHandled "Guarded labmdas" (pprMatch m)
@@ -1749,12 +1775,12 @@ repLPs :: [LPat GhcRn] -> DsM (Core [TH.PatQ])
repLPs ps = repList patQTyConName repLP ps
repLP :: LPat GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.PatQ)
-repLP (L _ p) = repP p
+repLP p = repP (unLoc p)
repP :: Pat GhcRn -> DsM (Core TH.PatQ)
repP (WildPat _) = repPwild
repP (LitPat _ l) = do { l2 <- repLiteral l; repPlit l2 }
-repP (VarPat _ (L _ x)) = do { x' <- lookupBinder x; repPvar x' }
+repP (VarPat _ x) = do { x' <- lookupBinder (unLoc x); repPvar x' }
repP (LazyPat _ p) = do { p1 <- repLP p; repPtilde p1 }
repP (BangPat _ p) = do { p1 <- repLP p; repPbang p1 }
repP (AsPat _ x p) = do { x' <- lookupLBinder x; p1 <- repLP p
@@ -1781,11 +1807,12 @@ repP (ConPatIn dc details)
rep_fld :: LHsRecField GhcRn (LPat GhcRn) -> DsM (Core (TH.Name,TH.PatQ))
- rep_fld (L _ fld) = do { MkC v <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
- ; MkC p <- repLP (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- ; rep2 fieldPatName [v,p] }
+ rep_fld (dL->L _ fld) = do { MkC v <- lookupLOcc (hsRecFieldSel fld)
+ ; MkC p <- repLP (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ ; rep2 fieldPatName [v,p] }
-repP (NPat _ (L _ l) Nothing _) = do { a <- repOverloadedLiteral l; repPlit a }
+repP (NPat _ (dL->L _ l) Nothing _) = do { a <- repOverloadedLiteral l
+ ; repPlit a }
repP (ViewPat _ e p) = do { e' <- repLE e; p' <- repLP p; repPview e' p' }
repP p@(NPat _ _ (Just _) _) = notHandled "Negative overloaded patterns" (ppr p)
repP (SigPat _ p t) = do { p' <- repLP p
@@ -1839,7 +1866,7 @@ addBinds bs m = dsExtendMetaEnv (mkNameEnv [(n,DsBound id) | (n,id) <- bs]) m
-- Look up a locally bound name
lookupLBinder :: Located Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
-lookupLBinder (L _ n) = lookupBinder n
+lookupLBinder n = lookupBinder (unLoc n)
lookupBinder :: Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
lookupBinder = lookupOcc
@@ -1856,7 +1883,7 @@ lookupBinder = lookupOcc
lookupLOcc :: Located Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
-- Lookup an occurrence; it can't be a splice.
-- Use the in-scope bindings if they exist
-lookupLOcc (L _ n) = lookupOcc n
+lookupLOcc n = lookupOcc (unLoc n)
lookupOcc :: Name -> DsM (Core TH.Name)
lookupOcc n
@@ -2200,8 +2227,8 @@ repDerivStrategy :: Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcRn)
repDerivStrategy mds =
case mds of
Nothing -> nothing
- Just (L _ ds) ->
- case ds of
+ Just ds ->
+ case unLoc ds of
StockStrategy -> just =<< repStockStrategy
AnyclassStrategy -> just =<< repAnyclassStrategy
NewtypeStrategy -> just =<< repNewtypeStrategy
@@ -2356,18 +2383,18 @@ repConstr (PrefixCon ps) Nothing [con]
= do arg_tys <- repList bangTypeQTyConName repBangTy ps
rep2 normalCName [unC con, unC arg_tys]
-repConstr (PrefixCon ps) (Just (L _ res_ty)) cons
+repConstr (PrefixCon ps) (Just res_ty) cons
= do arg_tys <- repList bangTypeQTyConName repBangTy ps
- res_ty' <- repTy res_ty
+ res_ty' <- repLTy res_ty
rep2 gadtCName [ unC (nonEmptyCoreList cons), unC arg_tys, unC res_ty']
-repConstr (RecCon (L _ ips)) resTy cons
- = do args <- concatMapM rep_ip ips
+repConstr (RecCon ips) resTy cons
+ = do args <- concatMapM rep_ip (unLoc ips)
arg_vtys <- coreList varBangTypeQTyConName args
case resTy of
Nothing -> rep2 recCName [unC (head cons), unC arg_vtys]
- Just (L _ res_ty) -> do
- res_ty' <- repTy res_ty
+ Just res_ty -> do
+ res_ty' <- repLTy res_ty
rep2 recGadtCName [unC (nonEmptyCoreList cons), unC arg_vtys,
unC res_ty']
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.hs
index e93b2c30d6..5d597912e5 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- instance MonadThings is necessarily an orphan
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsMonad (
DsM, mapM, mapAndUnzipM,
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsUsage.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsUsage.hs
index 39b4855edc..a6b94c98a0 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsUsage.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsUsage.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module DsUsage (
-- * Dependency/fingerprinting code (used by MkIface)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.hs b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.hs
index ca22387b59..b78eef4c37 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ This module exports some utility functions of no great interest.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Utility functions for constructing Core syntax, principally for desugaring
module DsUtils (
@@ -668,7 +669,7 @@ mkSelectorBinds :: [[Tickish Id]] -- ^ ticks to add, possibly
-- and all the desugared binds
mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
- | L _ (VarPat _ (L _ v)) <- pat' -- Special case (A)
+ | (dL->L _ (VarPat _ (dL->L _ v))) <- pat' -- Special case (A)
= return (v, [(v, val_expr)])
| is_flat_prod_lpat pat' -- Special case (B)
@@ -713,28 +714,29 @@ mkSelectorBinds ticks pat val_expr
local_tuple = mkBigCoreVarTup1 binders
tuple_ty = exprType local_tuple
-strip_bangs :: LPat a -> LPat a
+strip_bangs :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
-- Remove outermost bangs and parens
-strip_bangs (L _ (ParPat _ p)) = strip_bangs p
-strip_bangs (L _ (BangPat _ p)) = strip_bangs p
-strip_bangs lp = lp
+strip_bangs (dL->L _ (ParPat _ p)) = strip_bangs p
+strip_bangs (dL->L _ (BangPat _ p)) = strip_bangs p
+strip_bangs lp = lp
-is_flat_prod_lpat :: LPat a -> Bool
-is_flat_prod_lpat p = is_flat_prod_pat (unLoc p)
+is_flat_prod_lpat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+is_flat_prod_lpat = is_flat_prod_pat . unLoc
-is_flat_prod_pat :: Pat a -> Bool
+is_flat_prod_pat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
is_flat_prod_pat (ParPat _ p) = is_flat_prod_lpat p
is_flat_prod_pat (TuplePat _ ps Boxed) = all is_triv_lpat ps
-is_flat_prod_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ pcon, pat_args = ps})
+is_flat_prod_pat (ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ pcon)
+ , pat_args = ps})
| RealDataCon con <- pcon
, isProductTyCon (dataConTyCon con)
= all is_triv_lpat (hsConPatArgs ps)
is_flat_prod_pat _ = False
-is_triv_lpat :: LPat a -> Bool
-is_triv_lpat p = is_triv_pat (unLoc p)
+is_triv_lpat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+is_triv_lpat = is_triv_pat . unLoc
-is_triv_pat :: Pat a -> Bool
+is_triv_pat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
is_triv_pat (VarPat {}) = True
is_triv_pat (WildPat{}) = True
is_triv_pat (ParPat _ p) = is_triv_lpat p
@@ -752,7 +754,7 @@ is_triv_pat _ = False
mkLHsPatTup :: [LPat GhcTc] -> LPat GhcTc
mkLHsPatTup [] = noLoc $ mkVanillaTuplePat [] Boxed
mkLHsPatTup [lpat] = lpat
-mkLHsPatTup lpats = L (getLoc (head lpats)) $
+mkLHsPatTup lpats = cL (getLoc (head lpats)) $
mkVanillaTuplePat lpats Boxed
mkLHsVarPatTup :: [Id] -> LPat GhcTc
@@ -948,25 +950,25 @@ decideBangHood dflags lpat
| otherwise -- -XStrict
= go lpat
- go lp@(L l p)
+ go lp@(dL->L l p)
= case p of
- ParPat x p -> L l (ParPat x (go p))
+ ParPat x p -> cL l (ParPat x (go p))
LazyPat _ lp' -> lp'
BangPat _ _ -> lp
- _ -> L l (BangPat noExt lp)
+ _ -> cL l (BangPat noExt lp)
-- | Unconditionally make a 'Pat' strict.
addBang :: LPat GhcTc -- ^ Original pattern
-> LPat GhcTc -- ^ Banged pattern
addBang = go
- go lp@(L l p)
+ go lp@(dL->L l p)
= case p of
- ParPat x p -> L l (ParPat x (go p))
- LazyPat _ lp' -> L l (BangPat noExt lp')
+ ParPat x p -> cL l (ParPat x (go p))
+ LazyPat _ lp' -> cL l (BangPat noExt lp')
-- Should we bring the extension value over?
BangPat _ _ -> lp
- _ -> L l (BangPat noExt lp)
+ _ -> cL l (BangPat noExt lp)
isTrueLHsExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> Maybe (CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr)
@@ -976,23 +978,24 @@ isTrueLHsExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> Maybe (CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr)
-- * Trivial wappings of these
-- The arguments to Just are any HsTicks that we have found,
-- because we still want to tick then, even it they are always evaluated.
-isTrueLHsExpr (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ v))) | v `hasKey` otherwiseIdKey
- || v `hasKey` getUnique trueDataConId
+isTrueLHsExpr (dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ v)))
+ | v `hasKey` otherwiseIdKey
+ || v `hasKey` getUnique trueDataConId
= Just return
-- trueDataConId doesn't have the same unique as trueDataCon
-isTrueLHsExpr (L _ (HsConLikeOut _ con))
+isTrueLHsExpr (dL->L _ (HsConLikeOut _ con))
| con `hasKey` getUnique trueDataCon = Just return
-isTrueLHsExpr (L _ (HsTick _ tickish e))
+isTrueLHsExpr (dL->L _ (HsTick _ tickish e))
| Just ticks <- isTrueLHsExpr e
= Just (\x -> do wrapped <- ticks x
return (Tick tickish wrapped))
-- This encodes that the result is constant True for Hpc tick purposes;
-- which is specifically what isTrueLHsExpr is trying to find out.
-isTrueLHsExpr (L _ (HsBinTick _ ixT _ e))
+isTrueLHsExpr (dL->L _ (HsBinTick _ ixT _ e))
| Just ticks <- isTrueLHsExpr e
= Just (\x -> do e <- ticks x
this_mod <- getModule
return (Tick (HpcTick this_mod ixT) e))
-isTrueLHsExpr (L _ (HsPar _ e)) = isTrueLHsExpr e
+isTrueLHsExpr (dL->L _ (HsPar _ e)) = isTrueLHsExpr e
isTrueLHsExpr _ = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/ExtractDocs.hs b/compiler/deSugar/ExtractDocs.hs
index fc57f98569..4a5e890553 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/ExtractDocs.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/ExtractDocs.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-- | Extract docs from the renamer output so they can be be serialized.
-{-# language LambdaCase #-}
-{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module ExtractDocs (extractDocs) where
import GhcPrelude
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ user-written. This lets us relate Names (from ClsInsts) to comments
(associated with InstDecls and DerivDecls).
-getMainDeclBinder :: HsDecl pass -> [IdP pass]
+getMainDeclBinder :: HsDecl (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
getMainDeclBinder (TyClD _ d) = [tcdName d]
getMainDeclBinder (ValD _ d) =
case collectHsBindBinders d of
@@ -137,13 +140,13 @@ getInstLoc :: InstDecl name -> SrcSpan
getInstLoc = \case
ClsInstD _ (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = ty }) -> getLoc (hsSigType ty)
DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl
- { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _ }}}) -> l
+ { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = (dL->L l _) }}}) -> l
TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl
-- Since CoAxioms' Names refer to the whole line for type family instances
-- in particular, we need to dig a bit deeper to pull out the entire
-- equation. This does not happen for data family instances, for some
-- reason.
- { tfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_rhs = L l _ }}}) -> l
+ { tfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_rhs = (dL->L l _) }}}) -> l
ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl _) -> error "getInstLoc"
DataFamInstD _ (DataFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) -> error "getInstLoc"
TyFamInstD _ (TyFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) -> error "getInstLoc"
@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ subordinates :: Map SrcSpan Name
subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
InstD _ (ClsInstD _ d) -> do
DataFamInstDecl { dfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body =
- FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L l _
+ FamEqn { feqn_tycon = (dL->L l _)
, feqn_rhs = defn }}} <- unLoc <$> cid_datafam_insts d
[ (n, [], M.empty) | Just n <- [M.lookup l instMap] ] ++ dataSubs defn
@@ -170,7 +173,8 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
| isDataDecl d -> dataSubs (tcdDataDefn d)
_ -> []
- classSubs dd = [ (name, doc, declTypeDocs d) | (L _ d, doc) <- classDecls dd
+ classSubs dd = [ (name, doc, declTypeDocs d)
+ | (dL->L _ d, doc) <- classDecls dd
, name <- getMainDeclBinder d, not (isValD d)
dataSubs :: HsDataDefn GhcRn
@@ -184,10 +188,10 @@ subordinates instMap decl = case decl of
| c <- cons, cname <- getConNames c ]
fields = [ (extFieldOcc n, maybeToList $ fmap unLoc doc, M.empty)
| RecCon flds <- map getConArgs cons
- , L _ (ConDeclField _ ns _ doc) <- (unLoc flds)
- , L _ n <- ns ]
+ , (dL->L _ (ConDeclField _ ns _ doc)) <- (unLoc flds)
+ , (dL->L _ n) <- ns ]
derivs = [ (instName, [unLoc doc], M.empty)
- | HsIB { hsib_body = L l (HsDocTy _ _ doc) }
+ | HsIB { hsib_body = (dL->L l (HsDocTy _ _ doc)) }
<- concatMap (unLoc . deriv_clause_tys . unLoc) $
unLoc $ dd_derivs dd
, Just instName <- [M.lookup l instMap] ]
@@ -199,7 +203,7 @@ conArgDocs con = case getConArgs con of
InfixCon arg1 arg2 -> go 0 ([unLoc arg1, unLoc arg2] ++ ret)
RecCon _ -> go 1 ret
- go n (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ ds) : tys) = M.insert n ds $ go (n+1) tys
+ go n (HsDocTy _ _ (dL->L _ ds) : tys) = M.insert n ds $ go (n+1) tys
go n (_ : tys) = go (n+1) tys
go _ [] = M.empty
@@ -249,10 +253,11 @@ typeDocs = go 0
go n (HsForAllTy { hst_body = ty }) = go n (unLoc ty)
go n (HsQualTy { hst_body = ty }) = go n (unLoc ty)
- go n (HsFunTy _ (L _ (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ x))) (L _ ty)) =
+ go n (HsFunTy _ (dL->L _
+ (HsDocTy _ _ (dL->L _ x))) (dL->L _ ty)) =
M.insert n x $ go (n+1) ty
go n (HsFunTy _ _ ty) = go (n+1) (unLoc ty)
- go n (HsDocTy _ _ (L _ doc)) = M.singleton n doc
+ go n (HsDocTy _ _ (dL->L _ doc)) = M.singleton n doc
go _ _ = M.empty
-- | The top-level declarations of a module that we care about,
@@ -292,10 +297,10 @@ collectDocs = go Nothing []
go Nothing _ [] = []
go (Just prev) docs [] = finished prev docs []
- go prev docs (L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentNext str)) : ds)
+ go prev docs ((dL->L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentNext str))) : ds)
| Nothing <- prev = go Nothing (str:docs) ds
| Just decl <- prev = finished decl docs (go Nothing [str] ds)
- go prev docs (L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentPrev str)) : ds) =
+ go prev docs ((dL->L _ (DocD _ (DocCommentPrev str))) : ds) =
go prev (str:docs) ds
go Nothing docs (d:ds) = go (Just d) docs ds
go (Just prev) docs (d:ds) = finished prev docs (go (Just d) [] ds)
@@ -319,8 +324,8 @@ filterDecls = filter (isHandled . unLoc . fst)
-- | Go through all class declarations and filter their sub-declarations
filterClasses :: [(LHsDecl a, doc)] -> [(LHsDecl a, doc)]
-filterClasses decls = [ if isClassD d then (L loc (filterClass d), doc) else x
- | x@(L loc d, doc) <- decls ]
+filterClasses decls = [ if isClassD d then (cL loc (filterClass d), doc) else x
+ | x@(dL->L loc d, doc) <- decls ]
filterClass (TyClD x c) =
TyClD x $ c { tcdSigs =
@@ -341,4 +346,5 @@ isClassD _ = False
-- | Take a field of declarations from a data structure and create HsDecls
-- using the given constructor
mkDecls :: (a -> [Located b]) -> (b -> c) -> a -> [Located c]
-mkDecls field con struct = [ L loc (con decl) | L loc decl <- field struct ]
+mkDecls field con struct = [ cL loc (con decl)
+ | (dL->L loc decl) <- field struct ]
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
index f207d6039d..11fcbf20b6 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Match.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The @match@ function
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Match ( match, matchEquations, matchWrapper, matchSimply
, matchSinglePat, matchSinglePatVar ) where
@@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ matchView (var:vars) ty (eqns@(eqn1:_))
= do { -- we could pass in the expr from the PgView,
-- but this needs to extract the pat anyway
-- to figure out the type of the fresh variable
- let ViewPat _ viewExpr (L _ pat) = firstPat eqn1
+ let ViewPat _ viewExpr (dL->L _ pat) = firstPat eqn1
-- do the rest of the compilation
; let pat_ty' = hsPatType pat
; var' <- newUniqueId var pat_ty'
@@ -401,19 +402,19 @@ tidy1 :: Id -- The Id being scrutinised
-- It eliminates many pattern forms (as-patterns, variable patterns,
-- list patterns, etc) and returns any created bindings in the wrapper.
-tidy1 v (ParPat _ pat) = tidy1 v (unLoc pat)
-tidy1 v (SigPat _ pat _) = tidy1 v (unLoc pat)
-tidy1 _ (WildPat ty) = return (idDsWrapper, WildPat ty)
-tidy1 v (BangPat _ (L l p)) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
+tidy1 v (ParPat _ pat) = tidy1 v (unLoc pat)
+tidy1 v (SigPat _ pat _) = tidy1 v (unLoc pat)
+tidy1 _ (WildPat ty) = return (idDsWrapper, WildPat ty)
+tidy1 v (BangPat _ (dL->L l p)) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
-- case v of { x -> mr[] }
-- = case v of { _ -> let x=v in mr[] }
-tidy1 v (VarPat _ (L _ var))
+tidy1 v (VarPat _ (dL->L _ var))
= return (wrapBind var v, WildPat (idType var))
-- case v of { x@p -> mr[] }
-- = case v of { p -> let x=v in mr[] }
-tidy1 v (AsPat _ (L _ var) pat)
+tidy1 v (AsPat _ (dL->L _ var) pat)
= do { (wrap, pat') <- tidy1 v (unLoc pat)
; return (wrapBind var v . wrap, pat') }
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ tidy1 _ (LitPat _ lit)
= return (idDsWrapper, tidyLitPat lit)
-- NPats: we *might* be able to replace these w/ a simpler form
-tidy1 _ (NPat ty (L _ lit) mb_neg eq)
+tidy1 _ (NPat ty (dL->L _ lit) mb_neg eq)
= return (idDsWrapper, tidyNPat lit mb_neg eq ty)
-- Everything else goes through unchanged...
@@ -479,14 +480,14 @@ tidy1 _ non_interesting_pat
tidy_bang_pat :: Id -> SrcSpan -> Pat GhcTc -> DsM (DsWrapper, Pat GhcTc)
-- Discard par/sig under a bang
-tidy_bang_pat v _ (ParPat _ (L l p)) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
-tidy_bang_pat v _ (SigPat _ (L l p) _) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
+tidy_bang_pat v _ (ParPat _ (dL->L l p)) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
+tidy_bang_pat v _ (SigPat _ (dL->L l p) _) = tidy_bang_pat v l p
-- Push the bang-pattern inwards, in the hope that
-- it may disappear next time
-tidy_bang_pat v l (AsPat x v' p) = tidy1 v (AsPat x v' (L l (BangPat noExt p)))
+tidy_bang_pat v l (AsPat x v' p) = tidy1 v (AsPat x v' (cL l (BangPat noExt p)))
tidy_bang_pat v l (CoPat x w p t)
- = tidy1 v (CoPat x w (BangPat noExt (L l p)) t)
+ = tidy1 v (CoPat x w (BangPat noExt (cL l p)) t)
-- Discard bang around strict pattern
tidy_bang_pat v _ p@(LitPat {}) = tidy1 v p
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ tidy_bang_pat v _ p@(TuplePat {}) = tidy1 v p
tidy_bang_pat v _ p@(SumPat {}) = tidy1 v p
-- Data/newtype constructors
-tidy_bang_pat v l p@(ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon dc)
+tidy_bang_pat v l p@(ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ (RealDataCon dc))
, pat_args = args
, pat_arg_tys = arg_tys })
-- Newtypes: push bang inwards (Trac #9844)
@@ -521,7 +522,7 @@ tidy_bang_pat v l p@(ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon dc)
-- NB: SigPatIn, ConPatIn should not happen
-tidy_bang_pat _ l p = return (idDsWrapper, BangPat noExt (L l p))
+tidy_bang_pat _ l p = return (idDsWrapper, BangPat noExt (cL l p))
push_bang_into_newtype_arg :: SrcSpan
@@ -532,16 +533,16 @@ push_bang_into_newtype_arg :: SrcSpan
-- We are transforming !(N p) into (N !p)
push_bang_into_newtype_arg l _ty (PrefixCon (arg:args))
= ASSERT( null args)
- PrefixCon [L l (BangPat noExt arg)]
+ PrefixCon [cL l (BangPat noExt arg)]
push_bang_into_newtype_arg l _ty (RecCon rf)
- | HsRecFields { rec_flds = L lf fld : flds } <- rf
+ | HsRecFields { rec_flds = (dL->L lf fld) : flds } <- rf
, HsRecField { hsRecFieldArg = arg } <- fld
= ASSERT( null flds)
- RecCon (rf { rec_flds = [L lf (fld { hsRecFieldArg
- = L l (BangPat noExt arg) })] })
+ RecCon (rf { rec_flds = [cL lf (fld { hsRecFieldArg
+ = cL l (BangPat noExt arg) })] })
push_bang_into_newtype_arg l ty (RecCon rf) -- If a user writes !(T {})
| HsRecFields { rec_flds = [] } <- rf
- = PrefixCon [L l (BangPat noExt (noLoc (WildPat ty)))]
+ = PrefixCon [cL l (BangPat noExt (noLoc (WildPat ty)))]
push_bang_into_newtype_arg _ _ cd
= pprPanic "push_bang_into_newtype_arg" (pprConArgs cd)
@@ -700,7 +701,7 @@ one pattern, and match simply only accepts one pattern.
JJQC 30-Nov-1997
-matchWrapper ctxt mb_scr (MG { mg_alts = L _ matches
+matchWrapper ctxt mb_scr (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ matches)
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys rhs_ty
, mg_origin = origin })
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -723,7 +724,7 @@ matchWrapper ctxt mb_scr (MG { mg_alts = L _ matches
matchEquations ctxt new_vars eqns_info rhs_ty
; return (new_vars, result_expr) }
- mk_eqn_info vars (L _ (Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss }))
+ mk_eqn_info vars (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss }))
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; let upats = map (unLoc . decideBangHood dflags) pats
dicts = collectEvVarsPats upats
@@ -732,7 +733,8 @@ matchWrapper ctxt mb_scr (MG { mg_alts = L _ matches
addTmCsDs tm_cs $ -- See Note [Type and Term Equality Propagation]
dsGRHSs ctxt grhss rhs_ty
; return (EqnInfo { eqn_pats = upats, eqn_rhs = match_result}) }
- mk_eqn_info _ (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "matchWrapper"
+ mk_eqn_info _ (dL->L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "matchWrapper"
+ mk_eqn_info _ _ = panic "mk_eqn_info: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
handleWarnings = if isGenerated origin
then discardWarningsDs
@@ -971,8 +973,8 @@ viewLExprEq (e1,_) (e2,_) = lexp e1 e2
exp :: HsExpr GhcTc -> HsExpr GhcTc -> Bool
-- real comparison is on HsExpr's
-- strip parens
- exp (HsPar _ (L _ e)) e' = exp e e'
- exp e (HsPar _ (L _ e')) = exp e e'
+ exp (HsPar _ (dL->L _ e)) e' = exp e e'
+ exp e (HsPar _ (dL->L _ e')) = exp e e'
-- because the expressions do not necessarily have the same type,
-- we have to compare the wrappers
exp (HsWrap _ h e) (HsWrap _ h' e') = wrap h h' && exp e e'
@@ -1025,8 +1027,8 @@ viewLExprEq (e1,_) (e2,_) = lexp e1 e2
wrap res_wrap1 res_wrap2
- tup_arg (L _ (Present _ e1)) (L _ (Present _ e2)) = lexp e1 e2
- tup_arg (L _ (Missing t1)) (L _ (Missing t2)) = eqType t1 t2
+ tup_arg (dL->L _ (Present _ e1)) (dL->L _ (Present _ e2)) = lexp e1 e2
+ tup_arg (dL->L _ (Missing t1)) (dL->L _ (Missing t2)) = eqType t1 t2
tup_arg _ _ = False
@@ -1061,13 +1063,13 @@ viewLExprEq (e1,_) (e2,_) = lexp e1 e2
eq_list eq (x:xs) (y:ys) = eq x y && eq_list eq xs ys
patGroup :: DynFlags -> Pat GhcTc -> PatGroup
-patGroup _ (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ con
+patGroup _ (ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ con)
, pat_arg_tys = tys })
| RealDataCon dcon <- con = PgCon dcon
| PatSynCon psyn <- con = PgSyn psyn tys
patGroup _ (WildPat {}) = PgAny
patGroup _ (BangPat {}) = PgBang
-patGroup _ (NPat _ (L _ OverLit {ol_val=oval}) mb_neg _) =
+patGroup _ (NPat _ (dL->L _ (OverLit {ol_val=oval})) mb_neg _) =
case (oval, isJust mb_neg) of
(HsIntegral i, False) -> PgN (fromInteger (il_value i))
(HsIntegral i, True ) -> PgN (-fromInteger (il_value i))
@@ -1075,7 +1077,7 @@ patGroup _ (NPat _ (L _ OverLit {ol_val=oval}) mb_neg _) =
(HsFractional r, True ) -> PgN (-fl_value r)
(HsIsString _ s, _) -> ASSERT(isNothing mb_neg)
PgOverS s
-patGroup _ (NPlusKPat _ _ (L _ OverLit {ol_val=oval}) _ _ _) =
+patGroup _ (NPlusKPat _ _ (dL->L _ (OverLit {ol_val=oval})) _ _ _) =
case oval of
HsIntegral i -> PgNpK (il_value i)
_ -> pprPanic "patGroup NPlusKPat" (ppr oval)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.hs b/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.hs
index af542340fa..ddb8000442 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Pattern-matching constructors
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module MatchCon ( matchConFamily, matchPatSyn ) where
@@ -167,7 +168,8 @@ matchOneConLike vars ty (eqn1 : eqns) -- All eqns for a single constructor
alt_wrapper = wrapper1,
alt_result = foldr1 combineMatchResults match_results } }
- ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ con1, pat_arg_tys = arg_tys, pat_wrap = wrapper1,
+ ConPatOut { pat_con = (dL->L _ con1)
+ , pat_arg_tys = arg_tys, pat_wrap = wrapper1,
pat_tvs = tvs1, pat_dicts = dicts1, pat_args = args1 }
= firstPat eqn1
fields1 = map flSelector (conLikeFieldLabels con1)
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ matchOneConLike vars ty (eqn1 : eqns) -- All eqns for a single constructor
= arg_vars
fld_var_env = mkNameEnv $ zipEqual "get_arg_vars" fields1 arg_vars
- lookup_fld (L _ rpat) = lookupNameEnv_NF fld_var_env
+ lookup_fld (dL->L _ rpat) = lookupNameEnv_NF fld_var_env
(idName (unLoc (hsRecFieldId rpat)))
select_arg_vars _ [] = panic "matchOneCon/select_arg_vars []"
matchOneConLike _ _ [] = panic "matchOneCon []"
@@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ compatible_pats _ _ = True -- Prefix or infix co
same_fields :: HsRecFields GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> HsRecFields GhcTc (LPat GhcTc)
-> Bool
same_fields flds1 flds2
- = all2 (\(L _ f1) (L _ f2)
+ = all2 (\(dL->L _ f1) (dL->L _ f2)
-> unLoc (hsRecFieldId f1) == unLoc (hsRecFieldId f2))
(rec_flds flds1) (rec_flds flds2)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs b/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
index b91f44de26..94ffe81781 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Pattern-matching literal patterns
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module MatchLit ( dsLit, dsOverLit, dsOverLit', hsLitKey
, tidyLitPat, tidyNPat
@@ -251,10 +252,10 @@ warnAboutEmptyEnumerations dflags fromExpr mThnExpr toExpr
getLHsIntegralLit :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> Maybe (Integer, Name)
-- See if the expression is an Integral literal
-- Remember to look through automatically-added tick-boxes! (Trac #8384)
-getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsPar _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
-getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsTick _ _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
-getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsBinTick _ _ _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
-getLHsIntegralLit (L _ (HsOverLit _ over_lit)) = getIntegralLit over_lit
+getLHsIntegralLit (dL->L _ (HsPar _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (dL->L _ (HsTick _ _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (dL->L _ (HsBinTick _ _ _ e)) = getLHsIntegralLit e
+getLHsIntegralLit (dL->L _ (HsOverLit _ over_lit)) = getIntegralLit over_lit
getLHsIntegralLit _ = Nothing
getIntegralLit :: HsOverLit GhcTc -> Maybe (Integer, Name)
@@ -417,7 +418,7 @@ hsLitKey _ l = pprPanic "hsLitKey" (ppr l)
matchNPats :: [Id] -> Type -> [EquationInfo] -> DsM MatchResult
matchNPats (var:vars) ty (eqn1:eqns) -- All for the same literal
- = do { let NPat _ (L _ lit) mb_neg eq_chk = firstPat eqn1
+ = do { let NPat _ (dL->L _ lit) mb_neg eq_chk = firstPat eqn1
; lit_expr <- dsOverLit lit
; neg_lit <- case mb_neg of
Nothing -> return lit_expr
@@ -448,7 +449,8 @@ We generate:
matchNPlusKPats :: [Id] -> Type -> [EquationInfo] -> DsM MatchResult
-- All NPlusKPats, for the *same* literal k
matchNPlusKPats (var:vars) ty (eqn1:eqns)
- = do { let NPlusKPat _ (L _ n1) (L _ lit1) lit2 ge minus = firstPat eqn1
+ = do { let NPlusKPat _ (dL->L _ n1) (dL->L _ lit1) lit2 ge minus
+ = firstPat eqn1
; lit1_expr <- dsOverLit lit1
; lit2_expr <- dsOverLit lit2
; pred_expr <- dsSyntaxExpr ge [Var var, lit1_expr]
@@ -460,7 +462,7 @@ matchNPlusKPats (var:vars) ty (eqn1:eqns)
adjustMatchResult (foldr1 (.) wraps) $
match_result) }
- shift n1 eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = NPlusKPat _ (L _ n) _ _ _ _ : pats })
+ shift n1 eqn@(EqnInfo { eqn_pats = NPlusKPat _ (dL->L _ n) _ _ _ _ : pats })
= (wrapBind n n1, eqn { eqn_pats = pats })
-- The wrapBind is a no-op for the first equation
shift _ e = pprPanic "matchNPlusKPats/shift" (ppr e)
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs b/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
index 7fa941add1..bd0e12e850 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Haskell expressions (as used by the pattern matching checker) and utilities.
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module PmExpr (
PmExpr(..), PmLit(..), SimpleEq, ComplexEq, toComplex, eqPmLit,
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ substComplexEq x e (ex, ey)
-- ** Lift source expressions (HsExpr Id) to PmExpr
lhsExprToPmExpr :: LHsExpr GhcTc -> PmExpr
-lhsExprToPmExpr (L _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
+lhsExprToPmExpr (dL->L _ e) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr :: HsExpr GhcTc -> PmExpr
@@ -255,21 +256,21 @@ hsExprToPmExpr (HsLit _ lit)
= stringExprToList src s
| otherwise = PmExprLit (PmSLit lit)
-hsExprToPmExpr e@(NegApp _ (L _ neg_expr) _)
+hsExprToPmExpr e@(NegApp _ (dL->L _ neg_expr) _)
| PmExprLit (PmOLit False olit) <- hsExprToPmExpr neg_expr
-- NB: DON'T simply @(NegApp (NegApp olit))@ as @x@. when extension
-- @RebindableSyntax@ enabled, (-(-x)) may not equals to x.
= PmExprLit (PmOLit True olit)
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
-hsExprToPmExpr (HsPar _ (L _ e)) = hsExprToPmExpr e
+hsExprToPmExpr (HsPar _ (dL->L _ e)) = hsExprToPmExpr e
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitTuple _ ps boxity)
| all tupArgPresent ps = mkPmExprData tuple_con tuple_args
| otherwise = PmExprOther e
tuple_con = tupleDataCon boxity (length ps)
- tuple_args = [ lhsExprToPmExpr e | L _ (Present _ e) <- ps ]
+ tuple_args = [ lhsExprToPmExpr e | (dL->L _ (Present _ e)) <- ps ]
hsExprToPmExpr e@(ExplicitList _ mb_ol elems)
| Nothing <- mb_ol = foldr cons nil (map lhsExprToPmExpr elems)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
index 92fc77ed6c..3c78a4c3d8 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ This module converts Template Haskell syntax into HsSyn
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Convert( convertToHsExpr, convertToPat, convertToHsDecls,
@@ -106,14 +107,15 @@ getL = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc,loc))
setL :: SrcSpan -> CvtM ()
setL loc = CvtM (\_ -> Right (loc, ()))
-returnL :: a -> CvtM (Located a)
-returnL x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, L loc x))
+returnL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM a
+returnL x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, cL loc x))
-returnJustL :: a -> CvtM (Maybe (Located a))
+returnJustL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (Maybe a)
returnJustL = fmap Just . returnL
-wrapParL :: (Located a -> a) -> a -> CvtM a
-wrapParL add_par x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, add_par (L loc x)))
+wrapParL :: HasSrcSpan a =>
+ (a -> SrcSpanLess a) -> SrcSpanLess a -> CvtM (SrcSpanLess a)
+wrapParL add_par x = CvtM (\loc -> Right (loc, add_par (cL loc x)))
wrapMsg :: (Show a, TH.Ppr a) => String -> a -> CvtM b -> CvtM b
-- E.g wrapMsg "declaration" dec thing
@@ -129,10 +131,10 @@ wrapMsg what item (CvtM m)
then text (show item)
else text (pprint item))
-wrapL :: CvtM a -> CvtM (Located a)
+wrapL :: HasSrcSpan a => CvtM (SrcSpanLess a) -> CvtM a
wrapL (CvtM m) = CvtM (\loc -> case m loc of
Left err -> Left err
- Right (loc',v) -> Right (loc',L loc v))
+ Right (loc',v) -> Right (loc',cL loc v))
cvtDecs :: [TH.Dec] -> CvtM [LHsDecl GhcPs]
@@ -150,7 +152,8 @@ cvtDec (TH.ValD pat body ds)
; body' <- cvtGuard body
; ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") ds
; returnJustL $ Hs.ValD noExt $
- PatBind { pat_lhs = pat', pat_rhs = GRHSs noExt body' (noLoc ds')
+ PatBind { pat_lhs = pat'
+ , pat_rhs = GRHSs noExt body' (noLoc ds')
, pat_ext = noExt
, pat_ticks = ([],[]) } }
@@ -264,14 +267,14 @@ cvtDec (InstanceD o ctxt ty decs)
; (binds', sigs', fams', ats', adts') <- cvt_ci_decs doc decs
; unless (null fams') (failWith (mkBadDecMsg doc fams'))
; ctxt' <- cvtContext ctxt
- ; L loc ty' <- cvtType ty
- ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' $ L loc ty'
+ ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
+ ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' $ cL loc ty'
; returnJustL $ InstD noExt $ ClsInstD noExt $
ClsInstDecl { cid_ext = noExt, cid_poly_ty = mkLHsSigType inst_ty'
, cid_binds = binds'
, cid_sigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
, cid_tyfam_insts = ats', cid_datafam_insts = adts'
- , cid_overlap_mode = fmap (L loc . overlap) o } }
+ , cid_overlap_mode = fmap (cL loc . overlap) o } }
overlap pragma =
case pragma of
@@ -336,7 +339,7 @@ cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt tc bndrs tys ksig constr derivs)
cvtDec (TySynInstD tc eqn)
= do { tc' <- tconNameL tc
- ; L _ eqn' <- cvtTySynEqn tc' eqn
+ ; (dL->L _ eqn') <- cvtTySynEqn tc' eqn
; returnJustL $ InstD noExt $ TyFamInstD
{ tfid_ext = noExt
, tfid_inst = TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn' } } }
@@ -362,8 +365,8 @@ cvtDec (TH.RoleAnnotD tc roles)
cvtDec (TH.StandaloneDerivD ds cxt ty)
= do { cxt' <- cvtContext cxt
; ds' <- traverse cvtDerivStrategy ds
- ; L loc ty' <- cvtType ty
- ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' $ L loc ty'
+ ; (dL->L loc ty') <- cvtType ty
+ ; let inst_ty' = mkHsQualTy cxt loc cxt' $ cL loc ty'
; returnJustL $ DerivD noExt $
DerivDecl { deriv_ext =noExt
, deriv_strategy = ds'
@@ -485,29 +488,29 @@ cvt_tyfam_head (TypeFamilyHead tc tyvars result injectivity)
is_fam_decl :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LFamilyDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-is_fam_decl (L loc (TyClD _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = d }))) = Left (L loc d)
+is_fam_decl (dL->L loc (TyClD _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = d }))) = Left (cL loc d)
is_fam_decl decl = Right decl
is_tyfam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-is_tyfam_inst (L loc (Hs.InstD _ (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d })))
- = Left (L loc d)
+is_tyfam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD _ (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = d })))
+ = Left (cL loc d)
is_tyfam_inst decl
= Right decl
is_datafam_inst :: LHsDecl GhcPs
-> Either (LDataFamInstDecl GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-is_datafam_inst (L loc (Hs.InstD _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d })))
- = Left (L loc d)
+is_datafam_inst (dL->L loc (Hs.InstD _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = d })))
+ = Left (cL loc d)
is_datafam_inst decl
= Right decl
is_sig :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LSig GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-is_sig (L loc (Hs.SigD _ sig)) = Left (L loc sig)
-is_sig decl = Right decl
+is_sig (dL->L loc (Hs.SigD _ sig)) = Left (cL loc sig)
+is_sig decl = Right decl
is_bind :: LHsDecl GhcPs -> Either (LHsBind GhcPs) (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-is_bind (L loc (Hs.ValD _ bind)) = Left (L loc bind)
-is_bind decl = Right decl
+is_bind (dL->L loc (Hs.ValD _ bind)) = Left (cL loc bind)
+is_bind decl = Right decl
is_ip_bind :: TH.Dec -> Either (String, TH.Exp) TH.Dec
is_ip_bind (TH.ImplicitParamBindD n e) = Left (n, e)
@@ -544,11 +547,12 @@ cvtConstr (InfixC st1 c st2)
cvtConstr (ForallC tvs ctxt con)
= do { tvs' <- cvtTvs tvs
; ctxt' <- cvtContext ctxt
- ; L _ con' <- cvtConstr con
+ ; (dL->L _ con') <- cvtConstr con
; returnL $ add_forall tvs' ctxt' con' }
add_cxt lcxt Nothing = Just lcxt
- add_cxt (L loc cxt1) (Just (L _ cxt2)) = Just (L loc (cxt1 ++ cxt2))
+ add_cxt (dL->L loc cxt1) (Just (dL->L _ cxt2))
+ = Just (cL loc (cxt1 ++ cxt2))
add_forall tvs' cxt' con@(ConDeclGADT { con_qvars = qvars, con_mb_cxt = cxt })
= con { con_forall = noLoc $ not (null all_tvs)
@@ -569,7 +573,7 @@ cvtConstr (ForallC tvs ctxt con)
cvtConstr (GadtC c strtys ty)
= do { c' <- mapM cNameL c
; args <- mapM cvt_arg strtys
- ; L _ ty' <- cvtType ty
+ ; (dL->L _ ty') <- cvtType ty
; c_ty <- mk_arr_apps args ty'
; returnL $ fst $ mkGadtDecl c' c_ty}
@@ -601,12 +605,12 @@ cvt_arg (Bang su ss, ty)
cvt_id_arg :: (TH.Name, TH.Bang, TH.Type) -> CvtM (LConDeclField GhcPs)
cvt_id_arg (i, str, ty)
- = do { L li i' <- vNameL i
+ = do { (dL->L li i') <- vNameL i
; ty' <- cvt_arg (str,ty)
; return $ noLoc (ConDeclField
{ cd_fld_ext = noExt
, cd_fld_names
- = [L li $ FieldOcc noExt (L li i')]
+ = [cL li $ FieldOcc noExt (cL li i')]
, cd_fld_type = ty'
, cd_fld_doc = Nothing}) }
@@ -908,15 +912,18 @@ cvtl e = wrapL (cvt e)
-- Infix expressions
- cvt (InfixE (Just x) s (Just y)) = do { x' <- cvtl x; s' <- cvtl s; y' <- cvtl y
- ; let px = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec x'
- py = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec y'
- ; wrapParL (HsPar noExt) $
- OpApp noExt px s' py }
- -- Parenthesise both arguments and result,
- -- to ensure this operator application does
- -- does not get re-associated
- -- See Note [Operator association]
+ cvt (InfixE (Just x) s (Just y)) =
+ do { x' <- cvtl x
+ ; s' <- cvtl s
+ ; y' <- cvtl y
+ ; let px = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec x'
+ py = parenthesizeHsExpr opPrec y'
+ ; wrapParL (HsPar noExt)
+ $ OpApp noExt px s' py }
+ -- Parenthesise both arguments and result,
+ -- to ensure this operator application does
+ -- does not get re-associated
+ -- See Note [Operator association]
cvt (InfixE Nothing s (Just y)) = do { s' <- cvtl s; y' <- cvtl y
; wrapParL (HsPar noExt) $
SectionR noExt s' y' }
@@ -931,8 +938,8 @@ cvtl e = wrapL (cvt e)
-- Note [Dropping constructors]
cvt (UInfixE x s y) = do { x' <- cvtl x
- ; let x'' = case x' of
- L _ (OpApp {}) -> x'
+ ; let x'' = case unLoc x' of
+ OpApp {} -> x'
_ -> mkLHsPar x'
; cvtOpApp x'' s y } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
@@ -1060,8 +1067,8 @@ cvtHsDo do_or_lc stmts
; let Just (stmts'', last') = snocView stmts'
; last'' <- case last' of
- L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _)
- -> return (L loc (mkLastStmt body))
+ (dL->L loc (BodyStmt _ body _ _))
+ -> return (cL loc (mkLastStmt body))
_ -> failWith (bad_last last')
; return $ HsDo noExt do_or_lc (noLoc (stmts'' ++ [last''])) }
@@ -1090,8 +1097,8 @@ cvtMatch :: HsMatchContext RdrName
cvtMatch ctxt (TH.Match p body decs)
= do { p' <- cvtPat p
; let lp = case p' of
- L loc SigPat{} -> L loc (ParPat NoExt p') -- #14875
- _ -> p'
+ (dL->L loc SigPat{}) -> cL loc (ParPat NoExt p') -- #14875
+ _ -> p'
; g' <- cvtGuard body
; decs' <- cvtLocalDecs (text "a where clause") decs
; returnL $ Hs.Match noExt ctxt [lp] (GRHSs noExt g' (noLoc decs')) }
@@ -1202,9 +1209,9 @@ cvtp (InfixP p1 s p2) = do { s' <- cNameL s; p1' <- cvtPat p1; p2' <- cvtPat p2
-- See Note [Operator association]
cvtp (UInfixP p1 s p2) = do { p1' <- cvtPat p1; cvtOpAppP p1' s p2 } -- Note [Converting UInfix]
cvtp (ParensP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p;
- ; case p' of -- may be wrapped ConPatIn
- (L _ (ParPat {})) -> return $ unLoc p'
- _ -> return $ ParPat noExt p' }
+ ; case unLoc p' of -- may be wrapped ConPatIn
+ ParPat {} -> return $ unLoc p'
+ _ -> return $ ParPat noExt p' }
cvtp (TildeP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ LazyPat noExt p' }
cvtp (BangP p) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; return $ BangPat noExt p' }
cvtp (TH.AsP s p) = do { s' <- vNameL s; p' <- cvtPat p
@@ -1223,9 +1230,10 @@ cvtp (ViewP e p) = do { e' <- cvtl e; p' <- cvtPat p
cvtPatFld :: (TH.Name, TH.Pat) -> CvtM (LHsRecField GhcPs (LPat GhcPs))
cvtPatFld (s,p)
- = do { L ls s' <- vNameL s; p' <- cvtPat p
+ = do { (dL->L ls s') <- vNameL s
+ ; p' <- cvtPat p
; return (noLoc $ HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl
- = L ls $ mkFieldOcc (L ls s')
+ = cL ls $ mkFieldOcc (cL ls s')
, hsRecFieldArg = p'
, hsRecPun = False}) }
@@ -1323,13 +1331,11 @@ cvtTypeKind ty_str ty
| [x',y'] <- tys' -> do
- x'' <- case x' of
- L _ HsFunTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x')
- L _ HsForAllTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x')
- -- #14646
- L _ HsQualTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x')
- -- #15324
- _ -> return x'
+ x'' <- case unLoc x' of
+ HsFunTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x')
+ HsForAllTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x') -- #14646
+ HsQualTy{} -> returnL (HsParTy noExt x') -- #15324
+ _ -> return x'
returnL (HsFunTy noExt x'' y')
| otherwise ->
mk_apps (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted
@@ -1417,7 +1423,7 @@ cvtTypeKind ty_str ty
PromotedConsT -- See Note [Representing concrete syntax in types]
-- in Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
- | [ty1, L _ (HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys2)] <- tys'
+ | [ty1, dL->L _ (HsExplicitListTy _ ip tys2)] <- tys'
-> returnL (HsExplicitListTy noExt ip (ty1:tys2))
| otherwise
-> mk_apps (HsTyVar noExt IsPromoted
@@ -1464,13 +1470,13 @@ mk_apps head_ty (ty:tys) =
; mk_apps (HsAppTy noExt head_ty' p_ty) tys }
-- See Note [Adding parens for splices]
- add_parens lt@(L _ t)
+ add_parens lt@(dL->L _ t)
| hsTypeNeedsParens appPrec t = returnL (HsParTy noExt lt)
| otherwise = return lt
wrap_apps :: LHsType GhcPs -> CvtM (LHsType GhcPs)
-wrap_apps t@(L _ HsAppTy {}) = returnL (HsParTy noExt t)
-wrap_apps t = return t
+wrap_apps t@(dL->L _ HsAppTy {}) = returnL (HsParTy noExt t)
+wrap_apps t = return t
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Note [Adding parens for splices]
@@ -1564,19 +1570,20 @@ cvtPatSynSigTy (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
| null exis, null provs = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs ty)
| null univs, null reqs = do { l <- getL
; ty' <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
- ; return $ L l (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = L l []
- , hst_xqual = noExt
- , hst_body = ty' }) }
+ ; return $ cL l (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
+ , hst_xqual = noExt
+ , hst_body = ty' }) }
| null reqs = do { l <- getL
; univs' <- hsQTvExplicit <$> cvtTvs univs
; ty' <- cvtType (ForallT exis provs ty)
- ; let forTy = HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = univs'
- , hst_xforall = noExt
- , hst_body = L l cxtTy }
- cxtTy = HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = L l []
+ ; let forTy = HsForAllTy
+ { hst_bndrs = univs'
+ , hst_xforall = noExt
+ , hst_body = cL l cxtTy }
+ cxtTy = HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cL l []
, hst_xqual = noExt
, hst_body = ty' }
- ; return $ L l forTy }
+ ; return $ cL l forTy }
| otherwise = cvtType (ForallT univs reqs (ForallT exis provs ty))
cvtPatSynSigTy ty = cvtType ty
@@ -1632,9 +1639,9 @@ mkHsForAllTy :: [TH.TyVarBndr]
-- ^ The complete type, quantified with a forall if necessary
mkHsForAllTy tvs loc tvs' rho_ty
| null tvs = rho_ty
- | otherwise = L loc $ HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit tvs'
- , hst_xforall = noExt
- , hst_body = rho_ty }
+ | otherwise = cL loc $ HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit tvs'
+ , hst_xforall = noExt
+ , hst_body = rho_ty }
-- | If passed an empty 'TH.Cxt', this simply returns the third argument
-- (an 'LHsType'). Otherwise, return an 'HsQualTy' using the provided
@@ -1656,8 +1663,9 @@ mkHsQualTy :: TH.Cxt
-- ^ The complete type, qualified with a context if necessary
mkHsQualTy ctxt loc ctxt' ty
| null ctxt = ty
- | otherwise = L loc $ HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt, hst_ctxt = ctxt'
- , hst_body = ty }
+ | otherwise = cL loc $ HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt
+ , hst_ctxt = ctxt'
+ , hst_body = ty }
-- Turning Name back into RdrName
@@ -1769,8 +1777,9 @@ thRdrNameGuesses (TH.Name occ flavour)
| gns <- guessed_nss]
-- guessed_ns are the name spaces guessed from looking at the TH name
- guessed_nss | isLexCon (mkFastString occ_str) = [OccName.tcName, OccName.dataName]
- | otherwise = [OccName.varName, OccName.tvName]
+ guessed_nss
+ | isLexCon (mkFastString occ_str) = [OccName.tcName, OccName.dataName]
+ | otherwise = [OccName.varName, OccName.tvName]
occ_str = TH.occString occ
-- The packing and unpacking is rather turgid :-(
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
index 5c7a6f1b81..8ec39bc1f5 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
-- in module PlaceHolder
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module HsPat (
Pat(..), InPat, OutPat, LPat,
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ import Data.Data hiding (TyCon,Fixity)
type InPat p = LPat p -- No 'Out' constructors
type OutPat p = LPat p -- No 'In' constructors
-type LPat p = Located (Pat p)
+type LPat p = Pat p
-- | Pattern
@@ -324,7 +326,34 @@ type instance XSigPat GhcRn = NoExt
type instance XSigPat GhcTc = Type
type instance XCoPat (GhcPass _) = NoExt
-type instance XXPat (GhcPass _) = NoExt
+type instance XXPat (GhcPass p) = Located (Pat (GhcPass p))
+* *
+* HasSrcSpan Instance
+* *
+type instance SrcSpanLess (LPat (GhcPass p)) = Pat (GhcPass p)
+instance HasSrcSpan (LPat (GhcPass p)) where
+ -- NB: The following chooses the behaviour of the outer location
+ -- wrapper replacing the inner ones.
+ composeSrcSpan (L sp p) = if sp == noSrcSpan
+ then p
+ else XPat (L sp (stripSrcSpanPat p))
+ -- NB: The following only returns the top-level location, if any.
+ decomposeSrcSpan (XPat (L sp p)) = L sp (stripSrcSpanPat p)
+ decomposeSrcSpan p = L noSrcSpan p
+stripSrcSpanPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Pat (GhcPass p)
+stripSrcSpanPat (XPat (L _ p)) = stripSrcSpanPat p
+stripSrcSpanPat p = p
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -489,7 +518,7 @@ pprPatBndr var -- Print with type info if -dppr-debug is on
pprParendLPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
=> PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
-pprParendLPat p (L _ pat) = pprParendPat p pat
+pprParendLPat p = pprParendPat p . unLoc
pprParendPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p))
=> PprPrec -> Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
@@ -507,7 +536,7 @@ pprParendPat p pat = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
-- is the pattern inside that matters. Sigh.
pprPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => Pat (GhcPass p) -> SDoc
-pprPat (VarPat _ (L _ var)) = pprPatBndr var
+pprPat (VarPat _ lvar) = pprPatBndr (unLoc lvar)
pprPat (WildPat _) = char '_'
pprPat (LazyPat _ pat) = char '~' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat
pprPat (BangPat _ pat) = char '!' <> pprParendLPat appPrec pat
@@ -530,8 +559,11 @@ pprPat (TuplePat _ pats bx) = tupleParens (boxityTupleSort bx)
(pprWithCommas ppr pats)
pprPat (SumPat _ pat alt arity) = sumParens (pprAlternative ppr pat alt arity)
pprPat (ConPatIn con details) = pprUserCon (unLoc con) details
-pprPat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con, pat_tvs = tvs, pat_dicts = dicts,
- pat_binds = binds, pat_args = details })
+pprPat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con
+ , pat_tvs = tvs
+ , pat_dicts = dicts
+ , pat_binds = binds
+ , pat_args = details })
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
-- Tiresome; in TcBinds.tcRhs we print out a
-- typechecked Pat in an error message,
@@ -581,14 +613,19 @@ instance (Outputable p, Outputable arg)
-mkPrefixConPat :: DataCon -> [OutPat p] -> [Type] -> OutPat p
+mkPrefixConPat :: DataCon ->
+ [OutPat (GhcPass p)] -> [Type] -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
-- Make a vanilla Prefix constructor pattern
mkPrefixConPat dc pats tys
- = noLoc $ ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc (RealDataCon dc), pat_tvs = [], pat_dicts = [],
- pat_binds = emptyTcEvBinds, pat_args = PrefixCon pats,
- pat_arg_tys = tys, pat_wrap = idHsWrapper }
-mkNilPat :: Type -> OutPat p
+ = noLoc $ ConPatOut { pat_con = noLoc (RealDataCon dc)
+ , pat_tvs = []
+ , pat_dicts = []
+ , pat_binds = emptyTcEvBinds
+ , pat_args = PrefixCon pats
+ , pat_arg_tys = tys
+ , pat_wrap = idHsWrapper }
+mkNilPat :: Type -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
mkNilPat ty = mkPrefixConPat nilDataCon [] [ty]
mkCharLitPat :: SourceText -> Char -> OutPat (GhcPass p)
@@ -627,12 +664,15 @@ patterns are treated specially, of course.
The 1.3 report defines what ``irrefutable'' and ``failure-free'' patterns are.
-isBangedLPat :: LPat p -> Bool
-isBangedLPat (L _ (ParPat _ p)) = isBangedLPat p
-isBangedLPat (L _ (BangPat {})) = True
-isBangedLPat _ = False
+isBangedLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isBangedLPat = isBangedPat . unLoc
-looksLazyPatBind :: HsBind p -> Bool
+isBangedPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isBangedPat (ParPat _ p) = isBangedLPat p
+isBangedPat (BangPat {}) = True
+isBangedPat _ = False
+looksLazyPatBind :: HsBind (GhcPass p) -> Bool
-- Returns True of anything *except*
-- a StrictHsBind (as above) or
-- a VarPat
@@ -645,15 +685,18 @@ looksLazyPatBind (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
looksLazyPatBind _
= False
-looksLazyLPat :: LPat p -> Bool
-looksLazyLPat (L _ (ParPat _ p)) = looksLazyLPat p
-looksLazyLPat (L _ (AsPat _ _ p)) = looksLazyLPat p
-looksLazyLPat (L _ (BangPat {})) = False
-looksLazyLPat (L _ (VarPat {})) = False
-looksLazyLPat (L _ (WildPat {})) = False
-looksLazyLPat _ = True
+looksLazyLPat :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+looksLazyLPat = looksLazyPat . unLoc
+looksLazyPat :: Pat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+looksLazyPat (ParPat _ p) = looksLazyLPat p
+looksLazyPat (AsPat _ _ p) = looksLazyLPat p
+looksLazyPat (BangPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat (VarPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat (WildPat {}) = False
+looksLazyPat _ = True
-isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId p) => LPat p -> Bool
+isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p)) => LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
-- (isIrrefutableHsPat p) is true if matching against p cannot fail,
-- in the sense of falling through to the next pattern.
-- (NB: this is not quite the same as the (silly) defn
@@ -666,43 +709,47 @@ isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId p) => LPat p -> Bool
-- tuple patterns are considered irrefuable at the renamer stage.
-- But if it returns True, the pattern is definitely irrefutable
-isIrrefutableHsPat pat
- = go pat
+ = goL
- go (L _ pat) = go1 pat
- go1 (WildPat {}) = True
- go1 (VarPat {}) = True
- go1 (LazyPat {}) = True
- go1 (BangPat _ pat) = go pat
- go1 (CoPat _ _ pat _) = go1 pat
- go1 (ParPat _ pat) = go pat
- go1 (AsPat _ _ pat) = go pat
- go1 (ViewPat _ _ pat) = go pat
- go1 (SigPat _ pat _) = go pat
- go1 (TuplePat _ pats _) = all go pats
- go1 (SumPat {}) = False
+ goL = go . unLoc
+ go (WildPat {}) = True
+ go (VarPat {}) = True
+ go (LazyPat {}) = True
+ go (BangPat _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (CoPat _ _ pat _) = go pat
+ go (ParPat _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (AsPat _ _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (ViewPat _ _ pat) = goL pat
+ go (SigPat _ pat _) = goL pat
+ go (TuplePat _ pats _) = all goL pats
+ go (SumPat {}) = False
-- See Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable]
- go1 (ListPat {}) = False
- go1 (ConPatIn {}) = False -- Conservative
- go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (RealDataCon con), pat_args = details })
- = isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (dataConTyCon con))
- -- NB: tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, *not* isProductTyCon, because
- -- the latter is false of existentials. See Trac #4439
- && all go (hsConPatArgs details)
- go1 (ConPatOut{ pat_con = L _ (PatSynCon _pat) })
- = False -- Conservative
- go1 (LitPat {}) = False
- go1 (NPat {}) = False
- go1 (NPlusKPat {}) = False
+ go (ListPat {}) = False
+ go (ConPatIn {}) = False -- Conservative
+ go (ConPatOut
+ { pat_con = (dL->L _ (RealDataCon con))
+ , pat_args = details })
+ =
+ isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (dataConTyCon con))
+ -- NB: tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, *not* isProductTyCon, because
+ -- the latter is false of existentials. See Trac #4439
+ && all goL (hsConPatArgs details)
+ go (ConPatOut
+ { pat_con = (dL->L _ (PatSynCon _pat)) })
+ = False -- Conservative
+ go (ConPatOut{}) = panic "ConPatOut:Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
+ go (LitPat {}) = False
+ go (NPat {}) = False
+ go (NPlusKPat {}) = False
-- We conservatively assume that no TH splices are irrefutable
-- since we cannot know until the splice is evaluated.
- go1 (SplicePat {}) = False
+ go (SplicePat {}) = False
- go1 (XPat {}) = False
+ go (XPat {}) = False
{- Note [Unboxed sum patterns aren't irrefutable]
@@ -731,25 +778,25 @@ is the only thing that could possibly be matched!
patNeedsParens :: PprPrec -> Pat p -> Bool
patNeedsParens p = go
- go (NPlusKPat {}) = p > opPrec
- go (SplicePat {}) = False
- go (ConPatIn _ ds) = conPatNeedsParens p ds
- go cp@(ConPatOut {}) = conPatNeedsParens p (pat_args cp)
- go (SigPat {}) = p >= sigPrec
- go (ViewPat {}) = True
- go (CoPat _ _ p _) = go p
- go (WildPat {}) = False
- go (VarPat {}) = False
- go (LazyPat {}) = False
- go (BangPat {}) = False
- go (ParPat {}) = False
- go (AsPat {}) = False
- go (TuplePat {}) = False
- go (SumPat {}) = False
- go (ListPat {}) = False
- go (LitPat _ l) = hsLitNeedsParens p l
- go (NPat _ (L _ ol) _ _) = hsOverLitNeedsParens p ol
- go (XPat {}) = True -- conservative default
+ go (NPlusKPat {}) = p > opPrec
+ go (SplicePat {}) = False
+ go (ConPatIn _ ds) = conPatNeedsParens p ds
+ go cp@(ConPatOut {}) = conPatNeedsParens p (pat_args cp)
+ go (SigPat {}) = p >= sigPrec
+ go (ViewPat {}) = True
+ go (CoPat _ _ p _) = go p
+ go (WildPat {}) = False
+ go (VarPat {}) = False
+ go (LazyPat {}) = False
+ go (BangPat {}) = False
+ go (ParPat {}) = False
+ go (AsPat {}) = False
+ go (TuplePat {}) = False
+ go (SumPat {}) = False
+ go (ListPat {}) = False
+ go (LitPat _ l) = hsLitNeedsParens p l
+ go (NPat _ lol _ _) = hsOverLitNeedsParens p (unLoc lol)
+ go (XPat {}) = True -- conservative default
-- | @'conPatNeedsParens' p cp@ returns 'True' if the constructor patterns @cp@
-- needs parentheses under precedence @p@.
@@ -763,8 +810,8 @@ conPatNeedsParens p = go
-- | @'parenthesizePat' p pat@ checks if @'patNeedsParens' p pat@ is true, and
-- if so, surrounds @pat@ with a 'ParPat'. Otherwise, it simply returns @pat@.
parenthesizePat :: PprPrec -> LPat (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
-parenthesizePat p lpat@(L loc pat)
- | patNeedsParens p pat = L loc (ParPat NoExt lpat)
+parenthesizePat p lpat@(dL->L loc pat)
+ | patNeedsParens p pat = cL loc (ParPat NoExt lpat)
| otherwise = lpat
@@ -776,7 +823,7 @@ collectEvVarsPats :: [Pat GhcTc] -> Bag EvVar
collectEvVarsPats = unionManyBags . map collectEvVarsPat
collectEvVarsLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar
-collectEvVarsLPat (L _ pat) = collectEvVarsPat pat
+collectEvVarsLPat = collectEvVarsPat . unLoc
collectEvVarsPat :: Pat GhcTc -> Bag EvVar
collectEvVarsPat pat =
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
index b7efb1c28c..a1067d5dc5 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
@@ -7,13 +7,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module HsPat where
-import SrcLoc( Located )
import Outputable
import HsExtension ( OutputableBndrId, GhcPass )
type role Pat nominal
data Pat (i :: *)
-type LPat i = Located (Pat i)
+type LPat i = Pat i
instance (p ~ GhcPass pass, OutputableBndrId p) => Outputable (Pat p)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
index 1d44bffa2f..bc909cfe90 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
@@ -982,14 +982,14 @@ hsAllLTyVarNames (HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn { hsq_implicit = kvs }
hsAllLTyVarNames (XLHsQTyVars _) = panic "hsAllLTyVarNames"
hsLTyVarLocName :: LHsTyVarBndr pass -> Located (IdP pass)
-hsLTyVarLocName = fmap hsTyVarName
+hsLTyVarLocName = onHasSrcSpan hsTyVarName
hsLTyVarLocNames :: LHsQTyVars pass -> [Located (IdP pass)]
hsLTyVarLocNames qtvs = map hsLTyVarLocName (hsQTvExplicit qtvs)
-- | Convert a LHsTyVarBndr to an equivalent LHsType.
hsLTyVarBndrToType :: LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p) -> LHsType (GhcPass p)
-hsLTyVarBndrToType = fmap cvt
+hsLTyVarBndrToType = onHasSrcSpan cvt
where cvt (UserTyVar _ n) = HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted n
cvt (KindedTyVar _ (L name_loc n) kind)
= HsKindSig noExt
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
index e5e4ba66e6..ac046683c2 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ which deal with the instantiated versions are located elsewhere:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module HsUtils(
-- Terms
@@ -139,13 +140,13 @@ just attach noSrcSpan to everything.
mkHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkHsPar e = L (getLoc e) (HsPar noExt e)
+mkHsPar e = cL (getLoc e) (HsPar noExt e)
mkSimpleMatch :: HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP (GhcPass p)))
-> [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> LMatch (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
- = L loc $
+ = cL loc $
Match { m_ext = noExt, m_ctxt = ctxt, m_pats = pats
, m_grhss = unguardedGRHSs rhs }
@@ -155,12 +156,12 @@ mkSimpleMatch ctxt pats rhs
unguardedGRHSs :: Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> GRHSs (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))
-unguardedGRHSs rhs@(L loc _)
+unguardedGRHSs rhs@(dL->L loc _)
= GRHSs noExt (unguardedRHS loc rhs) (noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
unguardedRHS :: SrcSpan -> Located (body (GhcPass p))
-> [LGRHS (GhcPass p) (Located (body (GhcPass p)))]
-unguardedRHS loc rhs = [L loc (GRHS noExt [] rhs)]
+unguardedRHS loc rhs = [cL loc (GRHS noExt [] rhs)]
mkMatchGroup :: (XMG name (Located (body name)) ~ NoExt)
=> Origin -> [LMatch name (Located (body name))]
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ mkMatchGroup origin matches = MG { mg_ext = noExt
mkLocatedList :: [Located a] -> Located [Located a]
mkLocatedList [] = noLoc []
-mkLocatedList ms = L (combineLocs (head ms) (last ms)) ms
+mkLocatedList ms = cL (combineLocs (head ms) (last ms)) ms
mkHsApp :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
mkHsApp e1 e2 = addCLoc e1 e2 (HsApp noExt e1 e2)
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ mkHsAppTypes :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> [LHsWcType GhcRn] -> LHsExpr GhcRn
mkHsAppTypes = foldl' mkHsAppType
mkHsLam :: [LPat GhcPs] -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsExpr GhcPs
-mkHsLam pats body = mkHsPar (L (getLoc body) (HsLam noExt matches))
+mkHsLam pats body = mkHsPar (cL (getLoc body) (HsLam noExt matches))
matches = mkMatchGroup Generated
[mkSimpleMatch LambdaExpr pats' body]
@@ -216,12 +217,14 @@ nlHsTyApps fun_id tys xs = foldl' nlHsApp (nlHsTyApp fun_id tys) xs
mkLHsPar :: LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-- Wrap in parens if (hsExprNeedsParens appPrec) says it needs them
-- So 'f x' becomes '(f x)', but '3' stays as '3'
-mkLHsPar le@(L loc e) | hsExprNeedsParens appPrec e = L loc (HsPar noExt le)
- | otherwise = le
+mkLHsPar le@(dL->L loc e)
+ | hsExprNeedsParens appPrec e = cL loc (HsPar noExt le)
+ | otherwise = le
mkParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
-mkParPat lp@(L loc p) | patNeedsParens appPrec p = L loc (ParPat noExt lp)
- | otherwise = lp
+mkParPat lp@(dL->L loc p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL loc (ParPat noExt lp)
+ | otherwise = lp
nlParPat :: LPat (GhcPass name) -> LPat (GhcPass name)
nlParPat p = noLoc (ParPat noExt p)
@@ -266,7 +269,7 @@ mkHsIsString src s = OverLit noExt (HsIsString src s) noExpr
mkHsDo ctxt stmts = HsDo noExt ctxt (mkLocatedList stmts)
mkHsComp ctxt stmts expr = mkHsDo ctxt (stmts ++ [last_stmt])
- last_stmt = L (getLoc expr) $ mkLastStmt expr
+ last_stmt = cL (getLoc expr) $ mkLastStmt expr
mkHsIf :: LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p)
-> HsExpr (GhcPass p)
@@ -373,11 +376,11 @@ mkHsStringPrimLit fs
userHsLTyVarBndrs :: SrcSpan -> [Located (IdP (GhcPass p))]
-> [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)]
-- Caller sets location
-userHsLTyVarBndrs loc bndrs = [ L loc (UserTyVar noExt v) | v <- bndrs ]
+userHsLTyVarBndrs loc bndrs = [ cL loc (UserTyVar noExt v) | v <- bndrs ]
userHsTyVarBndrs :: SrcSpan -> [IdP (GhcPass p)] -> [LHsTyVarBndr (GhcPass p)]
-- Caller sets location
-userHsTyVarBndrs loc bndrs = [ L loc (UserTyVar noExt (L loc v))
+userHsTyVarBndrs loc bndrs = [ cL loc (UserTyVar noExt (cL loc v))
| v <- bndrs ]
@@ -452,7 +455,7 @@ nlConPatName :: Name -> [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
nlConPatName con pats =
noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con) (PrefixCon (map (parenthesizePat appPrec) pats)))
-nlNullaryConPat :: IdP id -> LPat id
+nlNullaryConPat :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LPat (GhcPass p)
nlNullaryConPat con = noLoc (ConPatIn (noLoc con) (PrefixCon []))
nlWildConPat :: DataCon -> LPat GhcPs
@@ -503,8 +506,8 @@ nlHsTyVar x = noLoc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (noLoc x))
nlHsFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy noExt (parenthesizeHsType funPrec a)
(parenthesize_fun_tail b))
- parenthesize_fun_tail (L loc (HsFunTy ext ty1 ty2))
- = L loc (HsFunTy ext (parenthesizeHsType funPrec ty1)
+ parenthesize_fun_tail (dL->L loc (HsFunTy ext ty1 ty2))
+ = cL loc (HsFunTy ext (parenthesizeHsType funPrec ty1)
(parenthesize_fun_tail ty2))
parenthesize_fun_tail lty = lty
nlHsParTy t = noLoc (HsParTy noExt t)
@@ -535,7 +538,7 @@ missingTupArg = Missing noExt
mkLHsPatTup :: [LPat GhcRn] -> LPat GhcRn
mkLHsPatTup [] = noLoc $ TuplePat noExt [] Boxed
mkLHsPatTup [lpat] = lpat
-mkLHsPatTup lpats = L (getLoc (head lpats)) $ TuplePat noExt lpats Boxed
+mkLHsPatTup lpats = cL (getLoc (head lpats)) $ TuplePat noExt lpats Boxed
-- The Big equivalents for the source tuple expressions
mkBigLHsVarTup :: [IdP (GhcPass id)] -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
@@ -624,12 +627,12 @@ mkHsSigEnv get_info sigs
-- of which use this function
(gen_dm_sigs, ordinary_sigs) = partition is_gen_dm_sig sigs
- is_gen_dm_sig (L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
- is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
+ is_gen_dm_sig (dL->L _ (ClassOpSig _ True _ _)) = True
+ is_gen_dm_sig _ = False
mk_pairs :: [LSig GhcRn] -> [(Name, a)]
mk_pairs sigs = [ (n,a) | Just (ns,a) <- map get_info sigs
- , L _ n <- ns ]
+ , (dL->L _ n) <- ns ]
mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
-- Convert TypeSig to ClassOpSig
@@ -638,8 +641,8 @@ mkClassOpSigs :: [LSig GhcPs] -> [LSig GhcPs]
mkClassOpSigs sigs
= map fiddle sigs
- fiddle (L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
- = L loc (ClassOpSig noExt False nms (dropWildCards ty))
+ fiddle (dL->L loc (TypeSig _ nms ty))
+ = cL loc (ClassOpSig noExt False nms (dropWildCards ty))
fiddle sig = sig
typeToLHsType :: Type -> LHsType GhcPs
@@ -746,7 +749,7 @@ to make those work.
********************************************************************* -}
mkLHsWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkLHsWrap co_fn (L loc e) = L loc (mkHsWrap co_fn e)
+mkLHsWrap co_fn (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrap co_fn e)
-- Avoid (HsWrap co (HsWrap co' _)).
-- See Note [Detecting forced eta expansion] in DsExpr
@@ -764,14 +767,14 @@ mkHsWrapCoR :: TcCoercionR -- A Representational coercion a ~R b
mkHsWrapCoR co e = mkHsWrap (mkWpCastR co) e
mkLHsWrapCo :: TcCoercionN -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass id)
-mkLHsWrapCo co (L loc e) = L loc (mkHsWrapCo co e)
+mkLHsWrapCo co (dL->L loc e) = cL loc (mkHsWrapCo co e)
mkHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> HsCmd (GhcPass p) -> HsCmd (GhcPass p)
mkHsCmdWrap w cmd | isIdHsWrapper w = cmd
| otherwise = HsCmdWrap noExt w cmd
mkLHsCmdWrap :: HsWrapper -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p) -> LHsCmd (GhcPass p)
-mkLHsCmdWrap w (L loc c) = L loc (mkHsCmdWrap w c)
+mkLHsCmdWrap w (dL->L loc c) = cL loc (mkHsCmdWrap w c)
mkHsWrapPat :: HsWrapper -> Pat (GhcPass id) -> Type -> Pat (GhcPass id)
mkHsWrapPat co_fn p ty | isIdHsWrapper co_fn = p
@@ -816,7 +819,7 @@ mkHsVarBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
mkHsVarBind loc var rhs = mk_easy_FunBind loc var [] rhs
mkVarBind :: IdP (GhcPass p) -> LHsExpr (GhcPass p) -> LHsBind (GhcPass p)
-mkVarBind var rhs = L (getLoc rhs) $
+mkVarBind var rhs = cL (getLoc rhs) $
VarBind { var_ext = noExt,
var_id = var, var_rhs = rhs, var_inline = False }
@@ -842,8 +845,8 @@ isInfixFunBind _ = False
mk_easy_FunBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> [LPat GhcPs]
-> LHsExpr GhcPs -> LHsBind GhcPs
mk_easy_FunBind loc fun pats expr
- = L loc $ mkFunBind (L loc fun)
- [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fun)) pats expr
+ = cL loc $ mkFunBind (cL loc fun)
+ [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc fun)) pats expr
(noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
-- | Make a prefix, non-strict function 'HsMatchContext'
@@ -863,8 +866,9 @@ mkMatch ctxt pats expr lbinds
, m_pats = map paren pats
, m_grhss = GRHSs noExt (unguardedRHS noSrcSpan expr) lbinds })
- paren lp@(L l p) | patNeedsParens appPrec p = L l (ParPat noExt lp)
- | otherwise = lp
+ paren lp@(dL->L l p)
+ | patNeedsParens appPrec p = cL l (ParPat noExt lp)
+ | otherwise = lp
@@ -943,7 +947,7 @@ isBangedHsBind :: HsBind GhcTc -> Bool
isBangedHsBind (AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })
= anyBag (isBangedHsBind . unLoc) binds
isBangedHsBind (FunBind {fun_matches = matches})
- | [L _ match] <- unLoc $ mg_alts matches
+ | [dL->L _ match] <- unLoc $ mg_alts matches
, FunRhs{mc_strictness = SrcStrict} <- m_ctxt match
= True
isBangedHsBind (PatBind {pat_lhs = pat})
@@ -965,14 +969,15 @@ collectHsIdBinders, collectHsValBinders
collectHsIdBinders = collect_hs_val_binders True
collectHsValBinders = collect_hs_val_binders False
-collectHsBindBinders :: HsBindLR idL idR -> [IdP idL]
+collectHsBindBinders :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p, HasSrcSpan (LPat p))=>
+ HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p]
-- Collect both Ids and pattern-synonym binders
collectHsBindBinders b = collect_bind False b []
-collectHsBindsBinders :: LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [IdP idL]
+collectHsBindsBinders :: LHsBindsLR (GhcPass p) idR -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
collectHsBindsBinders binds = collect_binds False binds []
-collectHsBindListBinders :: [LHsBindLR idL idR] -> [IdP idL]
+collectHsBindListBinders :: [LHsBindLR (GhcPass p) idR] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
-- Same as collectHsBindsBinders, but works over a list of bindings
collectHsBindListBinders = foldr (collect_bind False . unLoc) []
@@ -982,22 +987,25 @@ collect_hs_val_binders ps (ValBinds _ binds _) = collect_binds ps binds []
collect_hs_val_binders ps (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
= collect_out_binds ps binds
-collect_out_binds :: Bool -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds p)] -> [IdP p]
+collect_out_binds :: Bool -> [(RecFlag, LHsBinds (GhcPass p))] ->
+ [IdP (GhcPass p)]
collect_out_binds ps = foldr (collect_binds ps . snd) []
-collect_binds :: Bool -> LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [IdP idL] -> [IdP idL]
+collect_binds :: Bool -> LHsBindsLR (GhcPass p) idR ->
+ [IdP (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
-- Collect Ids, or Ids + pattern synonyms, depending on boolean flag
collect_binds ps binds acc = foldrBag (collect_bind ps . unLoc) acc binds
-collect_bind :: Bool -> HsBindLR idL idR -> [IdP idL] -> [IdP idL]
+collect_bind :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
+ Bool -> HsBindLR p idR -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
collect_bind _ (PatBind { pat_lhs = p }) acc = collect_lpat p acc
-collect_bind _ (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f }) acc = f : acc
+collect_bind _ (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ f) }) acc = f : acc
collect_bind _ (VarBind { var_id = f }) acc = f : acc
collect_bind _ (AbsBinds { abs_exports = dbinds }) acc = map abe_poly dbinds ++ acc
-- I don't think we want the binders from the abe_binds
-- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
-collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ ps })) acc
+collect_bind omitPatSyn (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ ps) })) acc
| omitPatSyn = acc
| otherwise = ps : acc
collect_bind _ (PatSynBind _ (XPatSynBind _)) acc = acc
@@ -1028,7 +1036,7 @@ collectStmtBinders :: StmtLR (GhcPass idL) (GhcPass idR) body
-> [IdP (GhcPass idL)]
-- Id Binders for a Stmt... [but what about pattern-sig type vars]?
collectStmtBinders (BindStmt _ pat _ _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
-collectStmtBinders (LetStmt _ (L _ binds)) = collectLocalBinders binds
+collectStmtBinders (LetStmt _ binds) = collectLocalBinders (unLoc binds)
collectStmtBinders (BodyStmt {}) = []
collectStmtBinders (LastStmt {}) = []
collectStmtBinders (ParStmt _ xs _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
@@ -1044,22 +1052,23 @@ collectStmtBinders XStmtLR{} = panic "collectStmtBinders"
----------------- Patterns --------------------------
-collectPatBinders :: LPat a -> [IdP a]
+collectPatBinders :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
collectPatBinders pat = collect_lpat pat []
-collectPatsBinders :: [LPat a] -> [IdP a]
+collectPatsBinders :: [LPat (GhcPass p)] -> [IdP (GhcPass p)]
collectPatsBinders pats = foldr collect_lpat [] pats
-collect_lpat :: LPat pass -> [IdP pass] -> [IdP pass]
-collect_lpat (L _ pat) bndrs
- = go pat
+collect_lpat :: (SrcSpanLess (LPat p) ~ Pat p , HasSrcSpan (LPat p)) =>
+ LPat p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
+collect_lpat p bndrs
+ = go (unLoc p)
- go (VarPat _ (L _ var)) = var : bndrs
+ go (VarPat _ var) = unLoc var : bndrs
go (WildPat _) = bndrs
go (LazyPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
go (BangPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
- go (AsPat _ (L _ a) pat) = a : collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (AsPat _ a pat) = unLoc a : collect_lpat pat bndrs
go (ViewPat _ _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
go (ParPat _ pat) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
@@ -1070,11 +1079,11 @@ collect_lpat (L _ pat) bndrs
go (ConPatIn _ ps) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
go (ConPatOut {pat_args=ps}) = foldr collect_lpat bndrs (hsConPatArgs ps)
-- See Note [Dictionary binders in ConPatOut]
- go (LitPat _ _) = bndrs
- go (NPat {}) = bndrs
- go (NPlusKPat _ (L _ n) _ _ _ _)= n : bndrs
+ go (LitPat _ _) = bndrs
+ go (NPat {}) = bndrs
+ go (NPlusKPat _ n _ _ _ _) = unLoc n : bndrs
- go (SigPat _ pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
+ go (SigPat _ pat _) = collect_lpat pat bndrs
go (SplicePat _ (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedPat pat)))
= go pat
@@ -1144,28 +1153,40 @@ hsLTyClDeclBinders :: Located (TyClDecl pass)
-- Each returned (Located name) has a SrcSpan for the /whole/ declaration.
-- See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ name } }))
- = ([L loc name], [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl _ }))
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (FamDecl { tcdFam = FamilyDecl
+ { fdLName = (dL->L _ name) } }))
+ = ([cL loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (FamDecl { tcdFam = XFamilyDecl _ }))
= panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders"
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name })) = ([L loc name], [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ cls_name
- , tcdSigs = sigs, tcdATs = ats }))
- = (L loc cls_name :
- [ L fam_loc fam_name | L fam_loc (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ fam_name }) <- ats ] ++
- [ L mem_loc mem_name | L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _) <- sigs
- , L _ mem_name <- ns ]
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (SynDecl
+ { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name) }))
+ = ([cL loc name], [])
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (ClassDecl
+ { tcdLName = (dL->L _ cls_name)
+ , tcdSigs = sigs
+ , tcdATs = ats }))
+ = (cL loc cls_name :
+ [ cL fam_loc fam_name | (dL->L fam_loc (FamilyDecl
+ { fdLName = L _ fam_name })) <- ats ]
+ ++
+ [ cL mem_loc mem_name | (dL->L mem_loc (ClassOpSig _ False ns _)) <- sigs
+ , (dL->L _ mem_name) <- ns ]
, [])
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdDataDefn = defn }))
- = (\ (xs, ys) -> (L loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
-hsLTyClDeclBinders (L _ (XTyClDecl _)) = panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders"
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn }))
+ = (\ (xs, ys) -> (cL loc name : xs, ys)) $ hsDataDefnBinders defn
+hsLTyClDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XTyClDecl _)) = panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders"
+hsLTyClDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLTyClDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
hsForeignDeclsBinders :: [LForeignDecl pass] -> [Located (IdP pass)]
-- See Note [SrcSpan for binders]
hsForeignDeclsBinders foreign_decls
- = [ L decl_loc n
- | L decl_loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = L _ n }) <- foreign_decls]
+ = [ cL decl_loc n
+ | (dL->L decl_loc (ForeignImport { fd_name = (dL->L _ n) }))
+ <- foreign_decls]
@@ -1178,27 +1199,31 @@ hsPatSynSelectors (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds _))
addPatSynSelector:: LHsBind p -> [IdP p] -> [IdP p]
addPatSynSelector bind sels
- | L _ (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_args = RecCon as })) <- bind
+ | PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_args = RecCon as }) <- unLoc bind
= map (unLoc . recordPatSynSelectorId) as ++ sels
| otherwise = sels
getPatSynBinds :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds id)] -> [PatSynBind id id]
getPatSynBinds binds
= [ psb | (_, lbinds) <- binds
- , L _ (PatSynBind _ psb) <- bagToList lbinds ]
+ , (dL->L _ (PatSynBind _ psb)) <- bagToList lbinds ]
hsLInstDeclBinders :: LInstDecl (GhcPass p)
-> ([Located (IdP (GhcPass p))], [LFieldOcc (GhcPass p)])
-hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (ClsInstD { cid_inst = ClsInstDecl { cid_datafam_insts = dfis } }))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD
+ { cid_inst = ClsInstDecl
+ { cid_datafam_insts = dfis }}))
= foldMap (hsDataFamInstBinders . unLoc) dfis
-hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi }))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = fi }))
= hsDataFamInstBinders fi
-hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = mempty
-hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl {})))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (TyFamInstD {})) = mempty
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (ClsInstD _ (XClsInstDecl {})))
= panic "hsLInstDeclBinders"
-hsLInstDeclBinders (L _ (XInstDecl _))
+hsLInstDeclBinders (dL->L _ (XInstDecl _))
= panic "hsLInstDeclBinders"
+hsLInstDeclBinders _ = panic "hsLInstDeclBinders: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
-- the SrcLoc returned are for the whole declarations, not just the names
@@ -1239,22 +1264,23 @@ hsConDeclsBinders cons
go remSeen (r:rs)
-- Don't re-mangle the location of field names, because we don't
-- have a record of the full location of the field declaration anyway
- = case r of
+ = let loc = getLoc r
+ in case unLoc r of
-- remove only the first occurrence of any seen field in order to
-- avoid circumventing detection of duplicate fields (#9156)
- L loc (ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_args = args })
- -> (map (L loc . unLoc) names ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_args = args }
+ -> (map (cL loc . unLoc) names ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
(remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
(ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs
- L loc (ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_args = args })
- -> ([L loc (unLoc name)] ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
+ ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_args = args }
+ -> ([cL loc (unLoc name)] ++ ns, flds ++ fs)
(remSeen', flds) = get_flds remSeen args
(ns, fs) = go remSeen' rs
- L _ (XConDecl _) -> panic "hsConDeclsBinders"
+ XConDecl _ -> panic "hsConDeclsBinders"
get_flds :: Seen pass -> HsConDeclDetails pass
-> (Seen pass, [LFieldOcc pass])
@@ -1344,7 +1370,7 @@ lhsBindsImplicits = foldBag unionNameSet (lhs_bind . unLoc) emptyNameSet
lPatImplicits :: LPat GhcRn -> NameSet
lPatImplicits = hs_lpat
- hs_lpat (L _ pat) = hs_pat pat
+ hs_lpat lpat = hs_pat (unLoc lpat)
hs_lpats = foldr (\pat rest -> hs_lpat pat `unionNameSet` rest) emptyNameSet
diff --git a/compiler/main/GHC.hs b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
index da5ef8ba2d..8817b41c8a 100644
--- a/compiler/main/GHC.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NondecreasingIndentation, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -250,6 +252,10 @@ module GHC (
-- *** Deconstructing Located
getLoc, unLoc,
+ getRealSrcSpan, unRealSrcSpan,
+ -- ** HasSrcSpan
+ HasSrcSpan(..), SrcSpanLess, dL, cL,
-- *** Combining and comparing Located values
eqLocated, cmpLocated, combineLocs, addCLoc,
@@ -1380,7 +1386,7 @@ getRichTokenStream mod = do
addSourceToTokens :: RealSrcLoc -> StringBuffer -> [Located Token]
-> [(Located Token, String)]
addSourceToTokens _ _ [] = []
-addSourceToTokens loc buf (t@(L span _) : ts)
+addSourceToTokens loc buf (t@(dL->L span _) : ts)
= case span of
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> (t,"") : addSourceToTokens loc buf ts
RealSrcSpan s -> (t,str) : addSourceToTokens newLoc newBuf ts
@@ -1406,7 +1412,7 @@ showRichTokenStream ts = go startLoc ts ""
getFile (RealSrcSpan s : _) = srcSpanFile s
startLoc = mkRealSrcLoc sourceFile 1 1
go _ [] = id
- go loc ((L span _, str):ts)
+ go loc ((dL->L span _, str):ts)
= case span of
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> go loc ts
RealSrcSpan s
diff --git a/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs b/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
index 127cc6d911..3fd510bb86 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HeaderInfo.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@@ -76,23 +78,24 @@ getImports dflags buf filename source_filename = do
if errorsFound dflags ms
then throwIO $ mkSrcErr errs
- case rdr_module of
- L _ hsmod ->
- let
+ let hsmod = unLoc rdr_module
mb_mod = hsmodName hsmod
imps = hsmodImports hsmod
- main_loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString source_filename) 1 1)
- mod = mb_mod `orElse` L main_loc mAIN_NAME
+ main_loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString source_filename)
+ 1 1)
+ mod = mb_mod `orElse` cL main_loc mAIN_NAME
(src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition (ideclSource.unLoc) imps
- -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
- ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc . ideclName . unLoc)
+ -- GHC.Prim doesn't exist physically, so don't go looking for it.
+ ordinary_imps = filter ((/= moduleName gHC_PRIM) . unLoc
+ . ideclName . unLoc)
implicit_prelude = xopt LangExt.ImplicitPrelude dflags
implicit_imports = mkPrelImports (unLoc mod) main_loc
implicit_prelude imps
- convImport (L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i), ideclName i)
+ convImport (dL->L _ i) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual i)
+ , ideclName i)
return (map convImport src_idecls,
map convImport (implicit_imports ++ ordinary_imps),
@@ -115,23 +118,23 @@ mkPrelImports this_mod loc implicit_prelude import_decls
| otherwise = [preludeImportDecl]
- = notNull [ () | L _ (ImportDecl { ideclName = mod
- , ideclPkgQual = Nothing })
+ = notNull [ () | (dL->L _ (ImportDecl { ideclName = mod
+ , ideclPkgQual = Nothing }))
<- import_decls
, unLoc mod == pRELUDE_NAME ]
preludeImportDecl :: LImportDecl GhcPs
- = L loc $ ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExt,
- ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText,
- ideclName = L loc pRELUDE_NAME,
- ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
- ideclSource = False,
- ideclSafe = False, -- Not a safe import
- ideclQualified = False,
- ideclImplicit = True, -- Implicit!
- ideclAs = Nothing,
- ideclHiding = Nothing }
+ = cL loc $ ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExt,
+ ideclSourceSrc = NoSourceText,
+ ideclName = cL loc pRELUDE_NAME,
+ ideclPkgQual = Nothing,
+ ideclSource = False,
+ ideclSafe = False, -- Not a safe import
+ ideclQualified = False,
+ ideclImplicit = True, -- Implicit!
+ ideclAs = Nothing,
+ ideclHiding = Nothing }
parseError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> MsgDoc -> IO a
parseError dflags span err = throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg dflags span err
@@ -185,12 +188,12 @@ lazyGetToks dflags filename handle = do
-- necessarily read up to the end of the file, then the token might
-- be truncated, so read some more of the file and lex it again.
then getMore handle state size
- else case t of
- L _ ITeof -> return [t]
- _other -> do rest <- lazyLexBuf handle state' eof size
- return (t : rest)
+ else case unLoc t of
+ ITeof -> return [t]
+ _other -> do rest <- lazyLexBuf handle state' eof size
+ return (t : rest)
_ | not eof -> getMore handle state size
- | otherwise -> return [L (RealSrcSpan (last_loc state)) ITeof]
+ | otherwise -> return [cL (RealSrcSpan (last_loc state)) ITeof]
-- parser assumes an ITeof sentinel at the end
getMore :: Handle -> PState -> Int -> IO [Located Token]
@@ -212,9 +215,9 @@ getToks dflags filename buf = lexAll (pragState dflags buf loc)
loc = mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString filename) 1 1
lexAll state = case unP (lexer False return) state of
- POk _ t@(L _ ITeof) -> [t]
+ POk _ t@(dL->L _ ITeof) -> [t]
POk state' t -> t : lexAll state'
- _ -> [L (RealSrcSpan (last_loc state)) ITeof]
+ _ -> [cL (RealSrcSpan (last_loc state)) ITeof]
-- | Parse OPTIONS and LANGUAGE pragmas of the source file.
@@ -237,39 +240,36 @@ getOptions' :: DynFlags
getOptions' dflags toks
= parseToks toks
- getToken (L _loc tok) = tok
- getLoc (L loc _tok) = loc
parseToks (open:close:xs)
- | IToptions_prag str <- getToken open
- , ITclose_prag <- getToken close
+ | IToptions_prag str <- unLoc open
+ , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close
= case toArgs str of
Left _err -> optionsParseError str dflags $ -- #15053
combineSrcSpans (getLoc open) (getLoc close)
- Right args -> map (L (getLoc open)) args ++ parseToks xs
+ Right args -> map (cL (getLoc open)) args ++ parseToks xs
parseToks (open:close:xs)
- | ITinclude_prag str <- getToken open
- , ITclose_prag <- getToken close
- = map (L (getLoc open)) ["-#include",removeSpaces str] ++
+ | ITinclude_prag str <- unLoc open
+ , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close
+ = map (cL (getLoc open)) ["-#include",removeSpaces str] ++
parseToks xs
parseToks (open:close:xs)
- | ITdocOptions str <- getToken open
- , ITclose_prag <- getToken close
- = map (L (getLoc open)) ["-haddock-opts", removeSpaces str]
+ | ITdocOptions str <- unLoc open
+ , ITclose_prag <- unLoc close
+ = map (cL (getLoc open)) ["-haddock-opts", removeSpaces str]
++ parseToks xs
parseToks (open:xs)
- | ITlanguage_prag <- getToken open
+ | ITlanguage_prag <- unLoc open
= parseLanguage xs
parseToks (comment:xs) -- Skip over comments
- | isComment (getToken comment)
+ | isComment (unLoc comment)
= parseToks xs
parseToks _ = []
- parseLanguage (L loc (ITconid fs):rest)
- = checkExtension dflags (L loc fs) :
+ parseLanguage ((dL->L loc (ITconid fs)):rest)
+ = checkExtension dflags (cL loc fs) :
case rest of
- (L _loc ITcomma):more -> parseLanguage more
- (L _loc ITclose_prag):more -> parseToks more
- (L loc _):_ -> languagePragParseError dflags loc
+ (dL->L _loc ITcomma):more -> parseLanguage more
+ (dL->L _loc ITclose_prag):more -> parseToks more
+ (dL->L loc _):_ -> languagePragParseError dflags loc
[] -> panic "getOptions'.parseLanguage(1) went past eof token"
parseLanguage (tok:_)
= languagePragParseError dflags (getLoc tok)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ checkProcessArgsResult :: MonadIO m => DynFlags -> [Located String] -> m ()
checkProcessArgsResult dflags flags
= when (notNull flags) $
liftIO $ throwIO $ mkSrcErr $ listToBag $ map mkMsg flags
- where mkMsg (L loc flag)
+ where mkMsg (dL->L loc flag)
= mkPlainErrMsg dflags loc $
(text "unknown flag in {-# OPTIONS_GHC #-} pragma:" <+>
text flag)
@@ -305,12 +305,12 @@ checkProcessArgsResult dflags flags
checkExtension :: DynFlags -> Located FastString -> Located String
-checkExtension dflags (L l ext)
+checkExtension dflags (dL->L l ext)
-- Checks if a given extension is valid, and if so returns
-- its corresponding flag. Otherwise it throws an exception.
= let ext' = unpackFS ext in
if ext' `elem` supportedLanguagesAndExtensions
- then L l ("-X"++ext')
+ then cL l ("-X"++ext')
else unsupportedExtnError dflags l ext'
languagePragParseError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> a
@@ -333,9 +333,12 @@ unsupportedExtnError dflags loc unsup =
optionsErrorMsgs :: DynFlags -> [String] -> [Located String] -> FilePath -> Messages
optionsErrorMsgs dflags unhandled_flags flags_lines _filename
= (emptyBag, listToBag (map mkMsg unhandled_flags_lines))
- where unhandled_flags_lines = [ L l f | f <- unhandled_flags,
- L l f' <- flags_lines, f == f' ]
- mkMsg (L flagSpan flag) =
+ where unhandled_flags_lines :: [Located String]
+ unhandled_flags_lines = [ cL l f
+ | f <- unhandled_flags
+ , (dL->L l f') <- flags_lines
+ , f == f' ]
+ mkMsg (dL->L flagSpan flag) =
ErrUtils.mkPlainErrMsg dflags flagSpan $
text "unknown flag in {-# OPTIONS_GHC #-} pragma:" <+> text flag
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscStats.hs b/compiler/main/HscStats.hs
index 72f45346d1..44edb82c5e 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscStats.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscStats.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
-- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module HscStats ( ppSourceStats ) where
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ import Data.Char
-- | Source Statistics
ppSourceStats :: Bool -> Located (HsModule GhcPs) -> SDoc
-ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
+ppSourceStats short (dL->L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
= (if short then hcat else vcat)
(map pp_val
[("ExportAll ", export_all), -- 1 if no export list
@@ -82,9 +84,10 @@ ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
default_ds = count (\ x -> case x of { DefD{} -> True; _ -> False}) decls
val_decls = [d | ValD _ d <- decls]
- real_exports = case exports of { Nothing -> []; Just (L _ es) -> es }
+ real_exports = case exports of { Nothing -> []; Just (dL->L _ es) -> es }
n_exports = length real_exports
- export_ms = count (\ e -> case unLoc e of { IEModuleContents{} -> True;_ -> False})
+ export_ms = count (\ e -> case unLoc e of { IEModuleContents{} -> True
+ ; _ -> False})
export_ds = n_exports - export_ms
export_all = case exports of { Nothing -> 1; _ -> 0 }
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
(inst_method_ds, method_specs, method_inlines, inst_type_ds, inst_data_ds)
= sum5 (map inst_info inst_decls)
- count_bind (PatBind { pat_lhs = L _ (VarPat{}) }) = (1,0,0)
+ count_bind (PatBind { pat_lhs = (dL->L _ (VarPat{})) }) = (1,0,0)
count_bind (PatBind {}) = (0,1,0)
count_bind (FunBind {}) = (0,1,0)
count_bind (PatSynBind {}) = (0,0,1)
@@ -116,10 +119,13 @@ ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
sig_info (ClassOpSig {}) = (0,0,0,0,1)
sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0,0)
- import_info (L _ (ImportDecl { ideclSafe = safe, ideclQualified = qual
- , ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = spec }))
+ import_info (dL->L _ (ImportDecl { ideclSafe = safe, ideclQualified = qual
+ , ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = spec }))
= add7 (1, safe_info safe, qual_info qual, as_info as, 0,0,0) (spec_info spec)
- import_info (L _ (XImportDecl _)) = panic "import_info"
+ import_info (dL->L _ (XImportDecl _)) = panic "import_info"
+ import_info _ = panic " import_info: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
safe_info = qual_info
qual_info False = 0
qual_info True = 1
@@ -129,8 +135,9 @@ ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _ _))
spec_info (Just (False, _)) = (0,0,0,0,0,1,0)
spec_info (Just (True, _)) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
- data_info (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cs
- , dd_derivs = L _ derivs}})
+ data_info (DataDecl { tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn
+ { dd_cons = cs
+ , dd_derivs = (dL->L _ derivs)}})
= ( length cs
, foldl' (\s dc -> length (deriv_clause_tys $ unLoc dc) + s)
0 derivs )
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
index bb89c58344..d57d69bda6 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Types for the per-module compiler
module HscTypes (
@@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ handleFlagWarnings dflags warns = do
-- It would be nicer if warns :: [Located MsgDoc], but that
-- has circular import problems.
bag = listToBag [ mkPlainWarnMsg dflags loc (text warn)
- | Warn _ (L loc warn) <- warns' ]
+ | Warn _ (dL->L loc warn) <- warns' ]
printOrThrowWarnings dflags bag
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Lexer.x b/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
index 9597f10b0a..a75566ea39 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
+++ b/compiler/parser/Lexer.x
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
module Lexer (
Token(..), lexer, pragState, mkPState, mkPStatePure, PState(..),
- P(..), ParseResult(..), mkParserFlags, ParserFlags(..), getSrcLoc,
+ P(..), ParseResult(..), mkParserFlags, ParserFlags(..), getRealSrcLoc,
getPState, extopt, withThisPackage,
failLocMsgP, failSpanMsgP, srcParseFail,
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ parseNestedPragma input@(AI _ buf) = do
setExts (.&. complement (xbit InNestedCommentBit))
postInput@(AI _ postBuf) <- getInput
setInput origInput
- case unLoc lt of
+ case unRealSrcSpan lt of
ITcomment_line_prag -> do
let bytes = byteDiff buf postBuf
diff = lexemeToString buf bytes
@@ -1570,9 +1570,9 @@ alrInitialLoc file = mkRealSrcSpan loc loc
lex_string_prag :: (String -> Token) -> Action
lex_string_prag mkTok span _buf _len
= do input <- getInput
- start <- getSrcLoc
+ start <- getRealSrcLoc
tok <- go [] input
- end <- getSrcLoc
+ end <- getRealSrcLoc
return (L (mkRealSrcSpan start end) tok)
where go acc input
= if isString input "#-}"
@@ -1844,9 +1844,9 @@ getCharOrFail i = do
lex_qquasiquote_tok :: Action
lex_qquasiquote_tok span buf len = do
let (qual, quoter) = splitQualName (stepOn buf) (len - 2) False
- quoteStart <- getSrcLoc
+ quoteStart <- getRealSrcLoc
quote <- lex_quasiquote quoteStart ""
- end <- getSrcLoc
+ end <- getRealSrcLoc
return (L (mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart span) end)
(ITqQuasiQuote (qual,
@@ -1858,9 +1858,9 @@ lex_quasiquote_tok span buf len = do
let quoter = tail (lexemeToString buf (len - 1))
-- 'tail' drops the initial '[',
-- while the -1 drops the trailing '|'
- quoteStart <- getSrcLoc
+ quoteStart <- getRealSrcLoc
quote <- lex_quasiquote quoteStart ""
- end <- getSrcLoc
+ end <- getRealSrcLoc
return (L (mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart span) end)
(ITquasiQuote (mkFastString quoter,
mkFastString (reverse quote),
@@ -2074,8 +2074,8 @@ setExts f = P $ \s -> POk s {
setSrcLoc :: RealSrcLoc -> P ()
setSrcLoc new_loc = P $ \s -> POk s{loc=new_loc} ()
-getSrcLoc :: P RealSrcLoc
-getSrcLoc = P $ \s@(PState{ loc=loc }) -> POk s loc
+getRealSrcLoc :: P RealSrcLoc
+getRealSrcLoc = P $ \s@(PState{ loc=loc }) -> POk s loc
addSrcFile :: FastString -> P ()
addSrcFile f = P $ \s -> POk s{ srcfiles = f : srcfiles s } ()
@@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ srcParseFail = P $ \s@PState{ buffer = buf, options = o, last_len = len,
-- not over a token range.
lexError :: String -> P a
lexError str = do
- loc <- getSrcLoc
+ loc <- getRealSrcLoc
(AI end buf) <- getInput
reportLexError loc end buf str
@@ -2664,8 +2664,8 @@ lexTokenAlr = do mPending <- popPendingImplicitToken
alternativeLayoutRuleToken t
Just t ->
return t
- setAlrLastLoc (getLoc t)
- case unLoc t of
+ setAlrLastLoc (getRealSrcSpan t)
+ case unRealSrcSpan t of
ITwhere -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutWhere)
ITlet -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutLet)
ITof -> setAlrExpectingOCurly (Just ALRLayoutOf)
@@ -2684,10 +2684,10 @@ alternativeLayoutRuleToken t
transitional <- getALRTransitional
justClosedExplicitLetBlock <- getJustClosedExplicitLetBlock
setJustClosedExplicitLetBlock False
- let thisLoc = getLoc t
+ let thisLoc = getRealSrcSpan t
thisCol = srcSpanStartCol thisLoc
newLine = srcSpanStartLine thisLoc > srcSpanEndLine lastLoc
- case (unLoc t, context, mExpectingOCurly) of
+ case (unRealSrcSpan t, context, mExpectingOCurly) of
-- This case handles a GHC extension to the original H98
-- layout rule...
(ITocurly, _, Just alrLayout) ->
@@ -2895,7 +2895,7 @@ lexToken = do
let bytes = byteDiff buf buf2
span `seq` setLastToken span bytes
lt <- t span buf bytes
- case unLoc lt of
+ case unRealSrcSpan lt of
ITlineComment _ -> return lt
ITblockComment _ -> return lt
lt' -> do
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Parser.y b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
index f5082174ab..cd41da53eb 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/parser/Parser.y
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | This module provides the generated Happy parser for Haskell. It exports
-- a number of parsers which may be used in any library that uses the GHC API.
-- A common usage pattern is to initialize the parser state with a given string
@@ -747,7 +750,7 @@ unitdecl :: { LHsUnitDecl PackageName }
signature :: { Located (HsModule GhcPs) }
: maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
+ ams (cL loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
(snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)
([mj AnnSignature $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) }
@@ -755,13 +758,13 @@ signature :: { Located (HsModule GhcPs) }
module :: { Located (HsModule GhcPs) }
: maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' body
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
+ ams (cL loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 (fst $ snd $7)
(snd $ snd $7) $4 $1)
([mj AnnModule $2, mj AnnWhere $6] ++ fst $7) }
| body2
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- ams (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing
+ ams (cL loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing
(fst $ snd $1) (snd $ snd $1) Nothing Nothing))
(fst $1) }
@@ -812,15 +815,15 @@ top1 :: { ([LImportDecl GhcPs], [LHsDecl GhcPs]) }
header :: { Located (HsModule GhcPs) }
: maybedocheader 'module' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
+ ams (cL loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
)) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] }
| maybedocheader 'signature' modid maybemodwarning maybeexports 'where' header_body
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- ams (L loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
+ ams (cL loc (HsModule (Just $3) $5 $7 [] $4 $1
)) [mj AnnModule $2,mj AnnWhere $6] }
| header_body2
{% fileSrcSpan >>= \ loc ->
- return (L loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing $1 [] Nothing
+ return (cL loc (HsModule Nothing Nothing $1 [] Nothing
Nothing)) }
header_body :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
@@ -842,7 +845,7 @@ header_top_importdecls :: { [LImportDecl GhcPs] }
-- The Export List
maybeexports :: { (Maybe (Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
- : '(' exportlist ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> ()) [mop $1,mcp $3] >>
+ : '(' exportlist ')' {% amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mop $1,mcp $3] >>
return (Just (sLL $1 $> (fromOL $2))) }
| {- empty -} { Nothing }
@@ -892,7 +895,7 @@ qcnames :: { ([AddAnn], [Located ImpExpQcSpec]) }
qcnames1 :: { ([AddAnn], [Located ImpExpQcSpec]) } -- A reversed list
: qcnames1 ',' qcname_ext_w_wildcard {% case (head (snd $1)) of
- l@(L _ ImpExpQcWildcard) ->
+ l@(dL->L _ ImpExpQcWildcard) ->
return ([mj AnnComma $2, mj AnnDotdot l]
,(snd (unLoc $3) : snd $1))
l -> (ams (head (snd $1)) [mj AnnComma $2] >>
@@ -952,7 +955,7 @@ importdecls_semi
importdecl :: { LImportDecl GhcPs }
: 'import' maybe_src maybe_safe optqualified maybe_pkg modid maybeas maybeimpspec
- {% ams (L (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $7) $8) $
+ {% ams (cL (comb4 $1 $6 (snd $7) $8) $
ImportDecl { ideclExt = noExt
, ideclSourceSrc = snd $ fst $2
, ideclName = $6, ideclPkgQual = snd $5
@@ -995,7 +998,7 @@ maybeimpspec :: { Located (Maybe (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs])) }
: impspec {% let (b, ie) = unLoc $1 in
checkImportSpec ie
>>= \checkedIe ->
- return (L (gl $1) (Just (b, checkedIe))) }
+ return (cL (gl $1) (Just (b, checkedIe))) }
| {- empty -} { noLoc Nothing }
impspec :: { Located (Bool, Located [LIE GhcPs]) }
@@ -1129,7 +1132,7 @@ inst_decl :: { LInstDecl GhcPs }
, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_overlap_mode = $2
, cid_datafam_insts = adts }
- ; ams (L (comb3 $1 (hsSigType $3) $4) (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExt, cid_inst = cid }))
+ ; ams (cL (comb3 $1 (hsSigType $3) $4) (ClsInstD { cid_d_ext = noExt, cid_inst = cid }))
(mj AnnInstance $1 : (fst $ unLoc $4)) } }
-- type instance declarations
@@ -1216,24 +1219,24 @@ where_type_family :: { Located ([AddAnn],FamilyInfo GhcPs) }
ty_fam_inst_eqn_list :: { Located ([AddAnn],Maybe [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs]) }
: '{' ty_fam_inst_eqns '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $3]
,Just (unLoc $2)) }
- | vocurly ty_fam_inst_eqns close { let L loc _ = $2 in
- L loc ([],Just (unLoc $2)) }
+ | vocurly ty_fam_inst_eqns close { let (dL->L loc _) = $2 in
+ cL loc ([],Just (unLoc $2)) }
| '{' '..' '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mj AnnDotdot $2
,mcc $3],Nothing) }
- | vocurly '..' close { let L loc _ = $2 in
- L loc ([mj AnnDotdot $2],Nothing) }
+ | vocurly '..' close { let (dL->L loc _) = $2 in
+ cL loc ([mj AnnDotdot $2],Nothing) }
ty_fam_inst_eqns :: { Located [LTyFamInstEqn GhcPs] }
: ty_fam_inst_eqns ';' ty_fam_inst_eqn
- {% let L loc (anns, eqn) = $3 in
- asl (unLoc $1) $2 (L loc eqn)
+ {% let (dL->L loc (anns, eqn)) = $3 in
+ asl (unLoc $1) $2 (cL loc eqn)
>> ams $3 anns
- >> return (sLL $1 $> (L loc eqn : unLoc $1)) }
+ >> return (sLL $1 $> (cL loc eqn : unLoc $1)) }
| ty_fam_inst_eqns ';' {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnSemi (gl $2)
>> return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1)) }
- | ty_fam_inst_eqn {% let L loc (anns, eqn) = $1 in
+ | ty_fam_inst_eqn {% let (dL->L loc (anns, eqn)) = $1 in
ams $1 anns
- >> return (sLL $1 $> [L loc eqn]) }
+ >> return (sLL $1 $> [cL loc eqn]) }
| {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
ty_fam_inst_eqn :: { Located ([AddAnn],TyFamInstEqn GhcPs) }
@@ -1485,7 +1488,7 @@ where_decls :: { Located ([AddAnn]
, Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))) }
: 'where' '{' decls '}' { sLL $1 $> ((mj AnnWhere $1:moc $2
:mcc $4:(fst $ unLoc $3)),sL1 $3 (snd $ unLoc $3)) }
- | 'where' vocurly decls close { L (comb2 $1 $3) ((mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $3))
+ | 'where' vocurly decls close { cL (comb2 $1 $3) ((mj AnnWhere $1:(fst $ unLoc $3))
,sL1 $3 (snd $ unLoc $3)) }
pattern_synonym_sig :: { LSig GhcPs }
@@ -1568,7 +1571,7 @@ decllist_inst
:: { Located ([AddAnn]
, OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) } -- Reversed
: '{' decls_inst '}' { sLL $1 $> (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2),snd $ unLoc $2) }
- | vocurly decls_inst close { L (gl $2) (unLoc $2) }
+ | vocurly decls_inst close { cL (gl $2) (unLoc $2) }
-- Instance body
@@ -1604,7 +1607,7 @@ decls :: { Located ([AddAnn],OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)) }
decllist :: { Located ([AddAnn],Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))) }
: '{' decls '}' { sLL $1 $> (moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2)
,sL1 $2 $ snd $ unLoc $2) }
- | vocurly decls close { L (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2,sL1 $2 $ snd $ unLoc $2) }
+ | vocurly decls close { cL (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2,sL1 $2 $ snd $ unLoc $2) }
-- Binding groups other than those of class and instance declarations
@@ -1618,7 +1621,7 @@ binds :: { Located ([AddAnn],Located (HsLocalBinds GhcPs)) }
| '{' dbinds '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $3]
,sL1 $2 $ HsIPBinds noExt (IPBinds noExt (reverse $ unLoc $2))) }
- | vocurly dbinds close { L (getLoc $2) ([]
+ | vocurly dbinds close { cL (getLoc $2) ([]
,sL1 $2 $ HsIPBinds noExt (IPBinds noExt (reverse $ unLoc $2))) }
@@ -1644,7 +1647,7 @@ rules :: { OrdList (LRuleDecl GhcPs) }
rule :: { LRuleDecl GhcPs }
: STRING rule_activation rule_foralls infixexp '=' exp
{%ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsRule { rd_ext = noExt
- , rd_name = L (gl $1) (getSTRINGs $1, getSTRING $1)
+ , rd_name = cL (gl $1) (getSTRINGs $1, getSTRING $1)
, rd_act = (snd $2) `orElse` AlwaysActive
, rd_tyvs = sndOf3 $3, rd_tmvs = thdOf3 $3
, rd_lhs = $4, rd_rhs = $6 })
@@ -1739,14 +1742,14 @@ deprecation :: { OrdList (LWarnDecl GhcPs) }
(fst $ unLoc $2) }
strings :: { Located ([AddAnn],[Located StringLiteral]) }
- : STRING { sL1 $1 ([],[L (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1)]) }
+ : STRING { sL1 $1 ([],[cL (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1)]) }
| '[' stringlist ']' { sLL $1 $> $ ([mos $1,mcs $3],fromOL (unLoc $2)) }
stringlist :: { Located (OrdList (Located StringLiteral)) }
: stringlist ',' STRING {% addAnnotation (oll $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
return (sLL $1 $> (unLoc $1 `snocOL`
- (L (gl $3) (getStringLiteral $3)))) }
- | STRING { sLL $1 $> (unitOL (L (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1))) }
+ (cL (gl $3) (getStringLiteral $3)))) }
+ | STRING { sLL $1 $> (unitOL (cL (gl $1) (getStringLiteral $1))) }
| {- empty -} { noLoc nilOL }
@@ -1797,7 +1800,7 @@ safety :: { Located Safety }
fspec :: { Located ([AddAnn]
,(Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)) }
: STRING var '::' sigtypedoc { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $3]
- ,(L (getLoc $1)
+ ,(cL (getLoc $1)
(getStringLiteral $1), $2, mkLHsSigType $4)) }
| var '::' sigtypedoc { sLL $1 $> ([mu AnnDcolon $2]
,(noLoc (StringLiteral NoSourceText nilFS), $1, mkLHsSigType $3)) }
@@ -1953,13 +1956,13 @@ typedoc :: { LHsType GhcPs }
[mu AnnRarrow $2] }
| btype docprev '->' ctypedoc {% ams $1 [mu AnnRarrow $3] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations]
>> ams (sLL $1 $> $
- HsFunTy noExt (L (comb2 $1 $2)
+ HsFunTy noExt (cL (comb2 $1 $2)
(HsDocTy noExt $1 $2))
[mu AnnRarrow $3] }
| docnext btype '->' ctypedoc {% ams $2 [mu AnnRarrow $3] -- See note [GADT decl discards annotations]
>> ams (sLL $1 $> $
- HsFunTy noExt (L (comb2 $1 $2)
+ HsFunTy noExt (cL (comb2 $1 $2)
(HsDocTy noExt $2 $1))
[mu AnnRarrow $3] }
@@ -2102,7 +2105,7 @@ fds1 :: { Located [Located (FunDep (Located RdrName))] }
| fd { sL1 $1 [$1] }
fd :: { Located (FunDep (Located RdrName)) }
- : varids0 '->' varids0 {% ams (L (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
+ : varids0 '->' varids0 {% ams (cL (comb3 $1 $2 $3)
(reverse (unLoc $1), reverse (unLoc $3)))
[mu AnnRarrow $2] }
@@ -2145,13 +2148,13 @@ gadt_constrlist :: { Located ([AddAnn]
,[LConDecl GhcPs]) } -- Returned in order
: 'where' '{' gadt_constrs '}' {% checkEmptyGADTs $
- L (comb2 $1 $3)
+ cL (comb2 $1 $3)
([mj AnnWhere $1
,moc $2
,mcc $4]
, unLoc $3) }
| 'where' vocurly gadt_constrs close {% checkEmptyGADTs $
- L (comb2 $1 $3)
+ cL (comb2 $1 $3)
([mj AnnWhere $1]
, unLoc $3) }
| {- empty -} { noLoc ([],[]) }
@@ -2159,8 +2162,8 @@ gadt_constrlist :: { Located ([AddAnn]
gadt_constrs :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] }
: gadt_constr_with_doc ';' gadt_constrs
{% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnSemi (gl $2)
- >> return (L (comb2 $1 $3) ($1 : unLoc $3)) }
- | gadt_constr_with_doc { L (gl $1) [$1] }
+ >> return (cL (comb2 $1 $3) ($1 : unLoc $3)) }
+ | gadt_constr_with_doc { cL (gl $1) [$1] }
| {- empty -} { noLoc [] }
-- We allow the following forms:
@@ -2197,7 +2200,7 @@ allowed in usual data constructors, but not in GADTs).
constrs :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LConDecl GhcPs]) }
- : maybe_docnext '=' constrs1 { L (comb2 $2 $3) ([mj AnnEqual $2]
+ : maybe_docnext '=' constrs1 { cL (comb2 $2 $3) ([mj AnnEqual $2]
,addConDocs (unLoc $3) $1)}
constrs1 :: { Located [LConDecl GhcPs] }
@@ -2261,7 +2264,7 @@ They must be kept identical except for their treatment of 'docprev'.
constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs }
: maybe_docnext forall constr_context '=>' constr_stuff
{% ams (let (con,details,doc_prev) = unLoc $5 in
- addConDoc (L (comb4 $2 $3 $4 $5) (mkConDeclH98 con
+ addConDoc (cL (comb4 $2 $3 $4 $5) (mkConDeclH98 con
(snd $ unLoc $2)
(Just $3)
@@ -2269,7 +2272,7 @@ constr :: { LConDecl GhcPs }
(mu AnnDarrow $4:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
| maybe_docnext forall constr_stuff
{% ams ( let (con,details,doc_prev) = unLoc $3 in
- addConDoc (L (comb2 $2 $3) (mkConDeclH98 con
+ addConDoc (cL (comb2 $2 $3) (mkConDeclH98 con
(snd $ unLoc $2)
Nothing -- No context
@@ -2297,8 +2300,8 @@ fielddecls1 :: { [LConDeclField GhcPs] }
fielddecl :: { LConDeclField GhcPs }
-- A list because of f,g :: Int
: maybe_docnext sig_vars '::' ctype maybe_docprev
- {% ams (L (comb2 $2 $4)
- (ConDeclField noExt (reverse (map (\ln@(L l n) -> L l $ FieldOcc noExt ln) (unLoc $2))) $4 ($1 `mplus` $5)))
+ {% ams (cL (comb2 $2 $4)
+ (ConDeclField noExt (reverse (map (\ln@(dL->L l n) -> cL l $ FieldOcc noExt ln) (unLoc $2))) $4 ($1 `mplus` $5)))
[mu AnnDcolon $3] }
-- Reversed!
@@ -2316,17 +2319,17 @@ derivings :: { HsDeriving GhcPs }
deriving :: { LHsDerivingClause GhcPs }
: 'deriving' deriv_clause_types
{% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
- in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt Nothing $2)
+ in ams (cL full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt Nothing $2)
[mj AnnDeriving $1] }
| 'deriving' deriv_strategy_no_via deriv_clause_types
{% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
- in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt (Just $2) $3)
+ in ams (cL full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt (Just $2) $3)
[mj AnnDeriving $1] }
| 'deriving' deriv_clause_types deriv_strategy_via
{% let { full_loc = comb2 $1 $> }
- in ams (L full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt (Just $3) $2)
+ in ams (cL full_loc $ HsDerivingClause noExt (Just $3) $2)
[mj AnnDeriving $1] }
deriv_clause_types :: { Located [LHsSigType GhcPs] }
@@ -2384,11 +2387,11 @@ decl_no_th :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
-- [FunBind vs PatBind]
case r of {
(FunBind _ n _ _ _) ->
- ams (L l ()) [mj AnnFunId n] >> return () ;
- (PatBind _ (L lh _lhs) _rhs _) ->
- ams (L lh ()) [] >> return () } ;
+ amsL l [mj AnnFunId n] >> return () ;
+ (PatBind _ (dL->L l _) _rhs _) ->
+ amsL l [] >> return () } ;
- _ <- ams (L l ()) (ann ++ fst (unLoc $3) ++ [mj AnnBang $1]) ;
+ _ <- amsL l (ann ++ fst (unLoc $3) ++ [mj AnnBang $1]) ;
return $! (sL l $ ValD noExt r) } }
| infixexp_top opt_sig rhs {% do { (ann,r) <- checkValDef empty NoSrcStrict $1 (snd $2) $3;
@@ -2398,10 +2401,10 @@ decl_no_th :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
-- [FunBind vs PatBind]
case r of {
(FunBind _ n _ _ _) ->
- ams (L l ()) (mj AnnFunId n:(fst $2)) >> return () ;
- (PatBind _ (L lh _lhs) _rhs _) ->
- ams (L lh ()) (fst $2) >> return () } ;
- _ <- ams (L l ()) (ann ++ (fst $ unLoc $3));
+ amsL l (mj AnnFunId n:(fst $2)) >> return () ;
+ (PatBind _ (dL->L lh _lhs) _rhs _) ->
+ amsL lh (fst $2) >> return () } ;
+ _ <- amsL l (ann ++ (fst $ unLoc $3));
return $! (sL l $ ValD noExt r) } }
| pattern_synonym_decl { $1 }
| docdecl { $1 }
@@ -2435,10 +2438,10 @@ sigdecl :: { LHsDecl GhcPs }
-- See Note [Declaration/signature overlap] for why we need infixexp here
infixexp_top '::' sigtypedoc
- {% do v <- checkValSigLhs $1
- ; _ <- ams (sLL $1 $> ()) [mu AnnDcolon $2]
- ; return (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExt $
- TypeSig noExt [v] (mkLHsSigWcType $3)) }
+ {% do { v <- checkValSigLhs $1
+ ; _ <- amsL (comb2 $1 $>) [mu AnnDcolon $2]
+ ; return (sLL $1 $> $ SigD noExt $
+ TypeSig noExt [v] (mkLHsSigWcType $3))} }
| var ',' sig_vars '::' sigtypedoc
{% do { let sig = TypeSig noExt ($1 : reverse (unLoc $3))
@@ -2664,15 +2667,15 @@ aexp :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
ams (sLL $1 $> $ HsMultiIf noExt
(reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2))
(mj AnnIf $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
- | 'case' exp 'of' altslist {% ams (L (comb3 $1 $3 $4) $
+ | 'case' exp 'of' altslist {% ams (cL (comb3 $1 $3 $4) $
HsCase noExt $2 (mkMatchGroup
FromSource (snd $ unLoc $4)))
(mj AnnCase $1:mj AnnOf $3
:(fst $ unLoc $4)) }
- | 'do' stmtlist {% ams (L (comb2 $1 $2)
+ | 'do' stmtlist {% ams (cL (comb2 $1 $2)
(mkHsDo DoExpr (snd $ unLoc $2)))
(mj AnnDo $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
- | 'mdo' stmtlist {% ams (L (comb2 $1 $2)
+ | 'mdo' stmtlist {% ams (cL (comb2 $1 $2)
(mkHsDo MDoExpr (snd $ unLoc $2)))
(mj AnnMdo $1:(fst $ unLoc $2)) }
| 'proc' aexp '->' exp
@@ -2687,7 +2690,7 @@ aexp :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
aexp1 :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
: aexp1 '{' fbinds '}' {% do { r <- mkRecConstrOrUpdate $1 (comb2 $2 $4)
(snd $3)
- ; _ <- ams (sLL $1 $> ()) (moc $2:mcc $4:(fst $3))
+ ; _ <- amsL (comb2 $1 $>) (moc $2:mcc $4:(fst $3))
; checkRecordSyntax (sLL $1 $> r) }}
| aexp2 { $1 }
@@ -2712,7 +2715,7 @@ aexp2 :: { LHsExpr GhcPs }
| '(' tup_exprs ')' {% do { e <- mkSumOrTuple Boxed (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $2)
; ams (sLL $1 $> e) ((mop $1:fst $2) ++ [mcp $3]) } }
- | '(#' texp '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (ExplicitTuple noExt [L (gl $2)
+ | '(#' texp '#)' {% ams (sLL $1 $> (ExplicitTuple noExt [cL (gl $2)
(Present noExt $2)] Unboxed))
[mo $1,mc $3] }
| '(#' tup_exprs '#)' {% do { e <- mkSumOrTuple Unboxed (comb2 $1 $3) (snd $2)
@@ -2815,7 +2818,7 @@ tup_exprs :: { ([AddAnn],SumOrTuple) }
| commas tup_tail
{% do { mapM_ (\ll -> addAnnotation ll AnnComma ll) (fst $1)
; return
- ([],Tuple (map (\l -> L l missingTupArg) (fst $1) ++ $2)) } }
+ ([],Tuple (map (\l -> cL l missingTupArg) (fst $1) ++ $2)) } }
| bars texp bars0
{ (mvbars (fst $1) ++ mvbars (fst $3), Sum (snd $1 + 1) (snd $1 + snd $3 + 1) $2) }
@@ -2826,13 +2829,13 @@ commas_tup_tail : commas tup_tail
{% do { mapM_ (\ll -> addAnnotation ll AnnComma ll) (tail $ fst $1)
; return (
(head $ fst $1
- ,(map (\l -> L l missingTupArg) (tail $ fst $1)) ++ $2)) } }
+ ,(map (\l -> cL l missingTupArg) (tail $ fst $1)) ++ $2)) } }
-- Always follows a comma
tup_tail :: { [LHsTupArg GhcPs] }
: texp commas_tup_tail {% addAnnotation (gl $1) AnnComma (fst $2) >>
- return ((L (gl $1) (Present noExt $1)) : snd $2) }
- | texp { [L (gl $1) (Present noExt $1)] }
+ return ((cL (gl $1) (Present noExt $1)) : snd $2) }
+ | texp { [cL (gl $1) (Present noExt $1)] }
| {- empty -} { [noLoc missingTupArg] }
@@ -2886,19 +2889,19 @@ pquals :: { Located [[LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]] }
: squals '|' pquals
{% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnVbar (gl $2) >>
return (sLL $1 $> (reverse (unLoc $1) : unLoc $3)) }
- | squals { L (getLoc $1) [reverse (unLoc $1)] }
+ | squals { cL (getLoc $1) [reverse (unLoc $1)] }
squals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] } -- In reverse order, because the last
-- one can "grab" the earlier ones
: squals ',' transformqual
{% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
- ams (sLL $1 $> ()) (fst $ unLoc $3) >>
+ amsL (comb2 $1 $>) (fst $ unLoc $3) >>
return (sLL $1 $> [sLL $1 $> ((snd $ unLoc $3) (reverse (unLoc $1)))]) }
| squals ',' qual
{% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma (gl $2) >>
return (sLL $1 $> ($3 : unLoc $1)) }
| transformqual {% ams $1 (fst $ unLoc $1) >>
- return (sLL $1 $> [L (getLoc $1) ((snd $ unLoc $1) [])]) }
+ return (sLL $1 $> [cL (getLoc $1) ((snd $ unLoc $1) [])]) }
| qual { sL1 $1 [$1] }
-- | transformquals1 ',' '{|' pquals '|}' { sLL $1 $> ($4 : unLoc $1) }
-- | '{|' pquals '|}' { sL1 $1 [$2] }
@@ -2927,7 +2930,7 @@ transformqual :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> Stmt GhcPs
-- Guards
guardquals :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }
- : guardquals1 { L (getLoc $1) (reverse (unLoc $1)) }
+ : guardquals1 { cL (getLoc $1) (reverse (unLoc $1)) }
guardquals1 :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }
: guardquals1 ',' qual {% addAnnotation (gl $ head $ unLoc $1) AnnComma
@@ -2941,7 +2944,7 @@ guardquals1 :: { Located [LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] }
altslist :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]) }
: '{' alts '}' { sLL $1 $> ((moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2))
,(reverse (snd $ unLoc $2))) }
- | vocurly alts close { L (getLoc $2) (fst $ unLoc $2
+ | vocurly alts close { cL (getLoc $2) (fst $ unLoc $2
,(reverse (snd $ unLoc $2))) }
| '{' '}' { sLL $1 $> ([moc $1,mcc $2],[]) }
| vocurly close { noLoc ([],[]) }
@@ -3033,7 +3036,7 @@ apats :: { [LPat GhcPs] }
stmtlist :: { Located ([AddAnn],[LStmt GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)]) }
: '{' stmts '}' { sLL $1 $> ((moc $1:mcc $3:(fst $ unLoc $2))
,(reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2)) } -- AZ:performance of reverse?
- | vocurly stmts close { L (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2
+ | vocurly stmts close { cL (gl $2) (fst $ unLoc $2
,reverse $ snd $ unLoc $2) }
-- do { ;; s ; s ; ; s ;; }
@@ -3254,11 +3257,14 @@ oqtycon_no_varcon :: { Located RdrName } -- Type constructor which cannot be mi
-- for variable constructor in export lists
-- see Note [Type constructors in export list]
: qtycon { $1 }
- | '(' QCONSYM ')' {% let name = sL1 $2 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONSYM $2)
+ | '(' QCONSYM ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName
+ ; name = sL1 $2 $! mkQual tcClsName (getQCONSYM $2) }
in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] }
- | '(' CONSYM ')' {% let name = sL1 $2 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $2)
+ | '(' CONSYM ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName
+ ; name = sL1 $2 $! mkUnqual tcClsName (getCONSYM $2) }
in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] }
- | '(' ':' ')' {% let name = sL1 $2 $! consDataCon_RDR
+ | '(' ':' ')' {% let { name :: Located RdrName
+ ; name = sL1 $2 $! consDataCon_RDR }
in ams (sLL $1 $> (unLoc name)) [mop $1,mj AnnVal name,mcp $3] }
| '(' '~' ')' {% ams (sLL $1 $> $ eqTyCon_RDR) [mop $1,mj AnnTilde $2,mcp $3] }
@@ -3572,89 +3578,89 @@ maybe_docnext :: { Maybe LHsDocString }
happyError :: P a
happyError = srcParseFail
-getVARID (L _ (ITvarid x)) = x
-getCONID (L _ (ITconid x)) = x
-getVARSYM (L _ (ITvarsym x)) = x
-getCONSYM (L _ (ITconsym x)) = x
-getQVARID (L _ (ITqvarid x)) = x
-getQCONID (L _ (ITqconid x)) = x
-getQVARSYM (L _ (ITqvarsym x)) = x
-getQCONSYM (L _ (ITqconsym x)) = x
-getIPDUPVARID (L _ (ITdupipvarid x)) = x
-getLABELVARID (L _ (ITlabelvarid x)) = x
-getCHAR (L _ (ITchar _ x)) = x
-getSTRING (L _ (ITstring _ x)) = x
-getINTEGER (L _ (ITinteger x)) = x
-getRATIONAL (L _ (ITrational x)) = x
-getPRIMCHAR (L _ (ITprimchar _ x)) = x
-getPRIMSTRING (L _ (ITprimstring _ x)) = x
-getPRIMINTEGER (L _ (ITprimint _ x)) = x
-getPRIMWORD (L _ (ITprimword _ x)) = x
-getPRIMFLOAT (L _ (ITprimfloat x)) = x
-getPRIMDOUBLE (L _ (ITprimdouble x)) = x
-getTH_ID_SPLICE (L _ (ITidEscape x)) = x
-getTH_ID_TY_SPLICE (L _ (ITidTyEscape x)) = x
-getINLINE (L _ (ITinline_prag _ inl conl)) = (inl,conl)
-getSPEC_INLINE (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ True)) = (Inline, FunLike)
-getSPEC_INLINE (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ False)) = (NoInline,FunLike)
-getCOMPLETE_PRAGs (L _ (ITcomplete_prag x)) = x
-getDOCNEXT (L _ (ITdocCommentNext x)) = x
-getDOCPREV (L _ (ITdocCommentPrev x)) = x
-getDOCNAMED (L _ (ITdocCommentNamed x)) = x
-getDOCSECTION (L _ (ITdocSection n x)) = (n, x)
-getINTEGERs (L _ (ITinteger (IL src _ _))) = src
-getCHARs (L _ (ITchar src _)) = src
-getSTRINGs (L _ (ITstring src _)) = src
-getPRIMCHARs (L _ (ITprimchar src _)) = src
-getPRIMSTRINGs (L _ (ITprimstring src _)) = src
-getPRIMINTEGERs (L _ (ITprimint src _)) = src
-getPRIMWORDs (L _ (ITprimword src _)) = src
+getVARID (dL->L _ (ITvarid x)) = x
+getCONID (dL->L _ (ITconid x)) = x
+getVARSYM (dL->L _ (ITvarsym x)) = x
+getCONSYM (dL->L _ (ITconsym x)) = x
+getQVARID (dL->L _ (ITqvarid x)) = x
+getQCONID (dL->L _ (ITqconid x)) = x
+getQVARSYM (dL->L _ (ITqvarsym x)) = x
+getQCONSYM (dL->L _ (ITqconsym x)) = x
+getIPDUPVARID (dL->L _ (ITdupipvarid x)) = x
+getLABELVARID (dL->L _ (ITlabelvarid x)) = x
+getCHAR (dL->L _ (ITchar _ x)) = x
+getSTRING (dL->L _ (ITstring _ x)) = x
+getINTEGER (dL->L _ (ITinteger x)) = x
+getRATIONAL (dL->L _ (ITrational x)) = x
+getPRIMCHAR (dL->L _ (ITprimchar _ x)) = x
+getPRIMSTRING (dL->L _ (ITprimstring _ x)) = x
+getPRIMINTEGER (dL->L _ (ITprimint _ x)) = x
+getPRIMWORD (dL->L _ (ITprimword _ x)) = x
+getPRIMFLOAT (dL->L _ (ITprimfloat x)) = x
+getPRIMDOUBLE (dL->L _ (ITprimdouble x)) = x
+getTH_ID_SPLICE (dL->L _ (ITidEscape x)) = x
+getTH_ID_TY_SPLICE (dL->L _ (ITidTyEscape x)) = x
+getINLINE (dL->L _ (ITinline_prag _ inl conl)) = (inl,conl)
+getSPEC_INLINE (dL->L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ True)) = (Inline, FunLike)
+getSPEC_INLINE (dL->L _ (ITspec_inline_prag _ False)) = (NoInline,FunLike)
+getCOMPLETE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITcomplete_prag x)) = x
+getDOCNEXT (dL->L _ (ITdocCommentNext x)) = x
+getDOCPREV (dL->L _ (ITdocCommentPrev x)) = x
+getDOCNAMED (dL->L _ (ITdocCommentNamed x)) = x
+getDOCSECTION (dL->L _ (ITdocSection n x)) = (n, x)
+getINTEGERs (dL->L _ (ITinteger (IL src _ _))) = src
+getCHARs (dL->L _ (ITchar src _)) = src
+getSTRINGs (dL->L _ (ITstring src _)) = src
+getPRIMCHARs (dL->L _ (ITprimchar src _)) = src
+getPRIMSTRINGs (dL->L _ (ITprimstring src _)) = src
+getPRIMINTEGERs (dL->L _ (ITprimint src _)) = src
+getPRIMWORDs (dL->L _ (ITprimword src _)) = src
-- See Note [Pragma source text] in BasicTypes for the following
-getINLINE_PRAGs (L _ (ITinline_prag src _ _)) = src
-getSPEC_PRAGs (L _ (ITspec_prag src)) = src
-getSPEC_INLINE_PRAGs (L _ (ITspec_inline_prag src _)) = src
-getSOURCE_PRAGs (L _ (ITsource_prag src)) = src
-getRULES_PRAGs (L _ (ITrules_prag src)) = src
-getWARNING_PRAGs (L _ (ITwarning_prag src)) = src
-getDEPRECATED_PRAGs (L _ (ITdeprecated_prag src)) = src
-getSCC_PRAGs (L _ (ITscc_prag src)) = src
-getGENERATED_PRAGs (L _ (ITgenerated_prag src)) = src
-getCORE_PRAGs (L _ (ITcore_prag src)) = src
-getUNPACK_PRAGs (L _ (ITunpack_prag src)) = src
-getNOUNPACK_PRAGs (L _ (ITnounpack_prag src)) = src
-getANN_PRAGs (L _ (ITann_prag src)) = src
-getMINIMAL_PRAGs (L _ (ITminimal_prag src)) = src
-getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlappable_prag src)) = src
-getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlapping_prag src)) = src
-getOVERLAPS_PRAGs (L _ (IToverlaps_prag src)) = src
-getINCOHERENT_PRAGs (L _ (ITincoherent_prag src)) = src
-getCTYPEs (L _ (ITctype src)) = src
+getINLINE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITinline_prag src _ _)) = src
+getSPEC_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITspec_prag src)) = src
+getSPEC_INLINE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITspec_inline_prag src _)) = src
+getSOURCE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITsource_prag src)) = src
+getRULES_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITrules_prag src)) = src
+getWARNING_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITwarning_prag src)) = src
+getDEPRECATED_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITdeprecated_prag src)) = src
+getSCC_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITscc_prag src)) = src
+getGENERATED_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITgenerated_prag src)) = src
+getCORE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITcore_prag src)) = src
+getUNPACK_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITunpack_prag src)) = src
+getNOUNPACK_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITnounpack_prag src)) = src
+getANN_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITann_prag src)) = src
+getMINIMAL_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITminimal_prag src)) = src
+getOVERLAPPABLE_PRAGs (dL->L _ (IToverlappable_prag src)) = src
+getOVERLAPPING_PRAGs (dL->L _ (IToverlapping_prag src)) = src
+getOVERLAPS_PRAGs (dL->L _ (IToverlaps_prag src)) = src
+getINCOHERENT_PRAGs (dL->L _ (ITincoherent_prag src)) = src
+getCTYPEs (dL->L _ (ITctype src)) = src
getStringLiteral l = StringLiteral (getSTRINGs l) (getSTRING l)
isUnicode :: Located Token -> Bool
-isUnicode (L _ (ITforall iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITdarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITdcolon iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITlarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITrarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITlarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITrarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITLarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITRarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (IToparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITcparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITopenExpQuote _ iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITcloseQuote iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
-isUnicode (L _ (ITstar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITforall iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITdarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITdcolon iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITlarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITrarrow iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITlarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITrarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITLarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITRarrowtail iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (IToparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITcparenbar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITopenExpQuote _ iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITcloseQuote iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
+isUnicode (dL->L _ (ITstar iu)) = iu == UnicodeSyntax
isUnicode _ = False
hasE :: Located Token -> Bool
-hasE (L _ (ITopenExpQuote HasE _)) = True
-hasE (L _ (ITopenTExpQuote HasE)) = True
+hasE (dL->L _ (ITopenExpQuote HasE _)) = True
+hasE (dL->L _ (ITopenTExpQuote HasE)) = True
hasE _ = False
getSCC :: Located Token -> P FastString
@@ -3666,36 +3672,39 @@ getSCC lt = do let s = getSTRING lt
else return s
-- Utilities for combining source spans
-comb2 :: Located a -> Located b -> SrcSpan
+comb2 :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) => a -> b -> SrcSpan
comb2 a b = a `seq` b `seq` combineLocs a b
-comb3 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> SrcSpan
+comb3 :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b , HasSrcSpan c) =>
+ a -> b -> c -> SrcSpan
comb3 a b c = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq`
combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) (combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) (getLoc c))
-comb4 :: Located a -> Located b -> Located c -> Located d -> SrcSpan
+comb4 :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b , HasSrcSpan c , HasSrcSpan d) =>
+ a -> b -> c -> d -> SrcSpan
comb4 a b c d = a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq`
(combineSrcSpans (getLoc a) $ combineSrcSpans (getLoc b) $
combineSrcSpans (getLoc c) (getLoc d))
-- strict constructor version:
{-# INLINE sL #-}
-sL :: SrcSpan -> a -> Located a
-sL span a = span `seq` a `seq` L span a
+sL :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpan -> SrcSpanLess a -> a
+sL span a = span `seq` a `seq` cL span a
-- See Note [Adding location info] for how these utility functions are used
-- replaced last 3 CPP macros in this file
{-# INLINE sL0 #-}
-sL0 :: a -> Located a
-sL0 = L noSrcSpan -- #define L0 L noSrcSpan
+sL0 :: HasSrcSpan a => SrcSpanLess a -> a
+sL0 = cL noSrcSpan -- #define L0 L noSrcSpan
{-# INLINE sL1 #-}
-sL1 :: Located a -> b -> Located b
+sL1 :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) => a -> SrcSpanLess b -> b
sL1 x = sL (getLoc x) -- #define sL1 sL (getLoc $1)
{-# INLINE sLL #-}
-sLL :: Located a -> Located b -> c -> Located c
+sLL :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b , HasSrcSpan c) =>
+ a -> b -> SrcSpanLess c -> c
sLL x y = sL (comb2 x y) -- #define LL sL (comb2 $1 $>)
{- Note [Adding location info]
@@ -3739,7 +3748,7 @@ incorrect.
-- try to find the span of the whole file (ToDo).
fileSrcSpan :: P SrcSpan
fileSrcSpan = do
- l <- getSrcLoc;
+ l <- getRealSrcLoc;
let loc = mkSrcLoc (srcLocFile l) 1 1;
return (mkSrcSpan loc loc)
@@ -3770,7 +3779,7 @@ hintExplicitForall span = do
-- Hint about explicit-forall, assuming UnicodeSyntax is off
-hintExplicitForall' :: SrcSpan -> P (GenLocated SrcSpan RdrName)
+hintExplicitForall' :: SrcSpan -> P (Located RdrName)
hintExplicitForall' span = do
forall <- extension explicitForallEnabled
let illegalDot = "Illegal symbol '.' in type"
@@ -3786,7 +3795,7 @@ hintExplicitForall' span = do
checkIfBang :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> Bool
-checkIfBang (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ op))) = op == bang_RDR
+checkIfBang (dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ op))) = op == bang_RDR
checkIfBang _ = False
-- | Warn about missing space after bang
@@ -3803,7 +3812,7 @@ warnSpaceAfterBang span = do
-- When two single quotes don't followed by tyvar or gtycon, we report the
-- error as empty character literal, or TH quote that missing proper type
-- variable or constructor. See Trac #13450.
-reportEmptyDoubleQuotes :: SrcSpan -> P (GenLocated SrcSpan (HsExpr GhcPs))
+reportEmptyDoubleQuotes :: SrcSpan -> P (Located (HsExpr GhcPs))
reportEmptyDoubleQuotes span = do
thEnabled <- liftM ((LangExt.TemplateHaskellQuotes `extopt`) . options) getPState
if thEnabled
@@ -3832,31 +3841,37 @@ in ApiAnnotation.hs
-- |Construct an AddAnn from the annotation keyword and the location
-- of the keyword itself
-mj :: AnnKeywordId -> Located e -> AddAnn
+mj :: HasSrcSpan e => AnnKeywordId -> e -> AddAnn
mj a l s = addAnnotation s a (gl l)
+mjL :: AnnKeywordId -> SrcSpan -> AddAnn
+mjL a l s = addAnnotation s a l
-- |Construct an AddAnn from the annotation keyword and the Located Token. If
-- the token has a unicode equivalent and this has been used, provide the
-- unicode variant of the annotation.
mu :: AnnKeywordId -> Located Token -> AddAnn
-mu a lt@(L l t) = (\s -> addAnnotation s (toUnicodeAnn a lt) l)
+mu a lt@(dL->L l t) = (\s -> addAnnotation s (toUnicodeAnn a lt) l)
-- | If the 'Token' is using its unicode variant return the unicode variant of
-- the annotation
toUnicodeAnn :: AnnKeywordId -> Located Token -> AnnKeywordId
toUnicodeAnn a t = if isUnicode t then unicodeAnn a else a
+gl :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> SrcSpan
gl = getLoc
-- |Add an annotation to the located element, and return the located
-- element as a pass through
-aa :: Located a -> (AnnKeywordId,Located c) -> P (Located a)
-aa a@(L l _) (b,s) = addAnnotation l b (gl s) >> return a
+aa :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan c) => a -> (AnnKeywordId, c) -> P a
+aa a@(dL->L l _) (b,s) = addAnnotation l b (gl s) >> return a
-- |Add an annotation to a located element resulting from a monadic action
-am :: P (Located a) -> (AnnKeywordId, Located b) -> P (Located a)
+am :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) => P a -> (AnnKeywordId, b) -> P a
am a (b,s) = do
- av@(L l _) <- a
+ av@(dL->L l _) <- a
addAnnotation l b (gl s)
return av
@@ -3874,26 +3889,25 @@ am a (b,s) = do
-- and closing braces if they are used to delimit the let expressions.
ams :: Located a -> [AddAnn] -> P (Located a)
-ams a@(L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a
+ams a@(dL->L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a
--- |Add all [AddAnn] to an AST element wrapped in a Just
-aljs :: Located (Maybe a) -> [AddAnn] -> P (Located (Maybe a))
-aljs a@(L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a
+amsL :: SrcSpan -> [AddAnn] -> P ()
+amsL sp bs = addAnnsAt sp bs >> return ()
-- |Add all [AddAnn] to an AST element wrapped in a Just
-ajs a@(Just (L l _)) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a
+ajs a@(Just (dL->L l _)) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return a
-- |Add a list of AddAnns to the given AST element, where the AST element is the
-- result of a monadic action
-amms :: P (Located a) -> [AddAnn] -> P (Located a)
-amms a bs = do { av@(L l _) <- a
+amms :: HasSrcSpan a => P a -> [AddAnn] -> P a
+amms a bs = do { av@(dL->L l _) <- a
; addAnnsAt l bs
; return av }
-- |Add a list of AddAnns to the AST element, and return the element as a
-- OrdList
-amsu :: Located a -> [AddAnn] -> P (OrdList (Located a))
-amsu a@(L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return (unitOL a)
+amsu :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> [AddAnn] -> P (OrdList a)
+amsu a@(dL->L l _) bs = addAnnsAt l bs >> return (unitOL a)
-- |Synonyms for AddAnn versions of AnnOpen and AnnClose
mo,mc :: Located Token -> AddAnn
@@ -3915,22 +3929,22 @@ mcs ll = mj AnnCloseS ll
-- |Given a list of the locations of commas, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnComma
-- entry for each SrcSpan
mcommas :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn]
-mcommas ss = map (\s -> mj AnnCommaTuple (L s ())) ss
+mcommas ss = map (mjL AnnCommaTuple) ss
-- |Given a list of the locations of '|'s, provide a [AddAnn] with an AnnVbar
-- entry for each SrcSpan
mvbars :: [SrcSpan] -> [AddAnn]
-mvbars ss = map (\s -> mj AnnVbar (L s ())) ss
+mvbars ss = map (mjL AnnVbar) ss
-- |Get the location of the last element of a OrdList, or noSrcSpan
-oll :: OrdList (Located a) -> SrcSpan
+oll :: HasSrcSpan a => OrdList a -> SrcSpan
oll l =
if isNilOL l then noSrcSpan
else getLoc (lastOL l)
-- |Add a semicolon annotation in the right place in a list. If the
-- leading list is empty, add it to the tail
-asl :: [Located a] -> Located b -> Located a -> P()
-asl [] (L ls _) (L l _) = addAnnotation l AnnSemi ls
-asl (x:_xs) (L ls _) _x = addAnnotation (getLoc x) AnnSemi ls
+asl :: (HasSrcSpan a , HasSrcSpan b) => [a] -> b -> a -> P()
+asl [] (dL->L ls _) (dL->L l _) = addAnnotation l AnnSemi ls
+asl (x:_xs) (dL->L ls _) _x = addAnnotation (getLoc x) AnnSemi ls
diff --git a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
index 1ac21c6c2d..8c78fb5a0e 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RdrHsSyn (
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ module RdrHsSyn (
- mkExtName, -- RdrName -> CLabelString
- mkGadtDecl, -- [Located RdrName] -> LHsType RdrName -> ConDecl RdrName
+ mkExtName, -- RdrName -> CLabelString
+ mkGadtDecl, -- [Located RdrName] -> LHsType RdrName -> ConDecl RdrName
@@ -136,10 +137,10 @@ import Data.Data ( dataTypeOf, fromConstr, dataTypeConstrs )
-- *** See Note [The Naming story] in HsDecls ****
mkTyClD :: LTyClDecl (GhcPass p) -> LHsDecl (GhcPass p)
-mkTyClD (L loc d) = L loc (TyClD noExt d)
+mkTyClD (dL->L loc d) = cL loc (TyClD noExt d)
mkInstD :: LInstDecl (GhcPass p) -> LHsDecl (GhcPass p)
-mkInstD (L loc d) = L loc (InstD noExt d)
+mkInstD (dL->L loc d) = cL loc (InstD noExt d)
mkClassDecl :: SrcSpan
-> Located (Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), LHsType GhcPs)
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ mkClassDecl :: SrcSpan
-> OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)
-> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
-mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls
+mkClassDecl loc (dL->L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls
= do { (binds, sigs, ats, at_insts, _, docs) <- cvBindsAndSigs where_cls
; let cxt = fromMaybe (noLoc []) mcxt
; (cls, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr True tycl_hdr
@@ -155,14 +156,14 @@ mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "class") whereDots cls tparams
; (at_defs, anns) <- fmap unzip $ mapM (eitherToP . mkATDefault) at_insts
; sequence_ anns
- ; return (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCExt = noExt, tcdCtxt = cxt
- , tcdLName = cls, tcdTyVars = tyvars
- , tcdFixity = fixity
- , tcdFDs = snd (unLoc fds)
- , tcdSigs = mkClassOpSigs sigs
- , tcdMeths = binds
- , tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs
- , tcdDocs = docs })) }
+ ; return (cL loc (ClassDecl { tcdCExt = noExt, tcdCtxt = cxt
+ , tcdLName = cls, tcdTyVars = tyvars
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdFDs = snd (unLoc fds)
+ , tcdSigs = mkClassOpSigs sigs
+ , tcdMeths = binds
+ , tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs
+ , tcdDocs = docs })) }
mkATDefault :: LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs
-> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LTyFamDefltEqn GhcPs, P ())
@@ -175,20 +176,22 @@ mkATDefault :: LTyFamInstDecl GhcPs
-- The @P ()@ we return corresponds represents an action which will add
-- some necessary paren annotations to the parsing context. Naturally, this
-- is not something that the "Convert" use cares about.
-mkATDefault (L loc (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = e }}))
+mkATDefault (dL->L loc (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = HsIB { hsib_body = e }}))
| FamEqn { feqn_tycon = tc, feqn_bndrs = bndrs, feqn_pats = pats
, feqn_fixity = fixity, feqn_rhs = rhs } <- e
= do { (tvs, anns) <- checkTyVars (text "default") equalsDots tc pats
- ; let f = L loc (FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExt
- , feqn_tycon = tc
- , feqn_bndrs = ASSERT( isNothing bndrs )
- Nothing
- , feqn_pats = tvs
- , feqn_fixity = fixity
- , feqn_rhs = rhs })
+ ; let f = cL loc (FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExt
+ , feqn_tycon = tc
+ , feqn_bndrs = ASSERT( isNothing bndrs )
+ Nothing
+ , feqn_pats = tvs
+ , feqn_fixity = fixity
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs })
; pure (f, anns) }
-mkATDefault (L _ (TyFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _)))) = panic "mkATDefault"
-mkATDefault (L _ (TyFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs _))) = panic "mkATDefault"
+mkATDefault (dL->L _ (TyFamInstDecl (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _)))) = panic "mkATDefault"
+mkATDefault (dL->L _ (TyFamInstDecl (XHsImplicitBndrs _))) = panic "mkATDefault"
+mkATDefault _ = panic "mkATDefault: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
mkTyData :: SrcSpan
-> NewOrData
@@ -198,15 +201,16 @@ mkTyData :: SrcSpan
-> [LConDecl GhcPs]
-> HsDeriving GhcPs
-> P (LTyClDecl GhcPs)
-mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
+mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (dL->L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr))
+ ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
= do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr new_or_data) equalsDots tc tparams
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
- ; return (L loc (DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExt,
- tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
- tcdFixity = fixity,
- tcdDataDefn = defn })) }
+ ; return (cL loc (DataDecl { tcdDExt = noExt,
+ tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity,
+ tcdDataDefn = defn })) }
mkDataDefn :: NewOrData
-> Maybe (Located CType)
@@ -234,10 +238,10 @@ mkTySynonym loc lhs rhs
= do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "type") equalsDots tc tparams
- ; return (L loc (SynDecl { tcdSExt = noExt
- , tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars
- , tcdFixity = fixity
- , tcdRhs = rhs })) }
+ ; return (cL loc (SynDecl { tcdSExt = noExt
+ , tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdRhs = rhs })) }
mkTyFamInstEqn :: Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
-> LHsType GhcPs
@@ -257,16 +261,18 @@ mkTyFamInstEqn bndrs lhs rhs
mkDataFamInst :: SrcSpan
-> NewOrData
-> Maybe (Located CType)
- -> Located (Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs], LHsType GhcPs)
+ -> Located ( Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs), Maybe [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
+ , LHsType GhcPs)
-> Maybe (LHsKind GhcPs)
-> [LConDecl GhcPs]
-> HsDeriving GhcPs
-> P (LInstDecl GhcPs)
-mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, bndrs, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
+mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (dL->L _ (mcxt, bndrs, tycl_hdr))
+ ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
= do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
- ; return (L loc (DataFamInstD noExt (DataFamInstDecl (mkHsImplicitBndrs
+ ; return (cL loc (DataFamInstD noExt (DataFamInstDecl (mkHsImplicitBndrs
(FamEqn { feqn_ext = noExt
, feqn_tycon = tc
, feqn_bndrs = bndrs
@@ -278,7 +284,7 @@ mkTyFamInst :: SrcSpan
-> TyFamInstEqn GhcPs
-> P (LInstDecl GhcPs)
mkTyFamInst loc eqn
- = return (L loc (TyFamInstD noExt (TyFamInstDecl eqn)))
+ = return (cL loc (TyFamInstD noExt (TyFamInstDecl eqn)))
mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
-> FamilyInfo GhcPs
@@ -290,7 +296,7 @@ mkFamDecl loc info lhs ksig injAnn
= do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr info) equals_or_where tc tparams
- ; return (L loc (FamDecl noExt (FamilyDecl
+ ; return (cL loc (FamDecl noExt (FamilyDecl
{ fdExt = noExt
, fdInfo = info, fdLName = tc
, fdTyVars = tyvars
@@ -313,15 +319,15 @@ mkSpliceDecl :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> HsDecl GhcPs
-- Typed splices are not allowed at the top level, thus we do not represent them
-- as spliced declaration. See #10945
-mkSpliceDecl lexpr@(L loc expr)
+mkSpliceDecl lexpr@(dL->L loc expr)
| HsSpliceE _ splice@(HsUntypedSplice {}) <- expr
- = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (L loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
+ = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (cL loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
| HsSpliceE _ splice@(HsQuasiQuote {}) <- expr
- = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (L loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
+ = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (cL loc splice) ExplicitSplice)
| otherwise
- = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (L loc (mkUntypedSplice NoParens lexpr))
+ = SpliceD noExt (SpliceDecl noExt (cL loc (mkUntypedSplice NoParens lexpr))
mkRoleAnnotDecl :: SrcSpan
@@ -330,21 +336,25 @@ mkRoleAnnotDecl :: SrcSpan
-> P (LRoleAnnotDecl GhcPs)
mkRoleAnnotDecl loc tycon roles
= do { roles' <- mapM parse_role roles
- ; return $ L loc $ RoleAnnotDecl noExt tycon roles' }
+ ; return $ cL loc $ RoleAnnotDecl noExt tycon roles' }
role_data_type = dataTypeOf (undefined :: Role)
all_roles = map fromConstr $ dataTypeConstrs role_data_type
possible_roles = [(fsFromRole role, role) | role <- all_roles]
- parse_role (L loc_role Nothing) = return $ L loc_role Nothing
- parse_role (L loc_role (Just role))
+ parse_role (dL->L loc_role Nothing) = return $ cL loc_role Nothing
+ parse_role (dL->L loc_role (Just role))
= case lookup role possible_roles of
- Just found_role -> return $ L loc_role $ Just found_role
+ Just found_role -> return $ cL loc_role $ Just found_role
Nothing ->
- let nearby = fuzzyLookup (unpackFS role) (mapFst unpackFS possible_roles) in
+ let nearby = fuzzyLookup (unpackFS role)
+ (mapFst unpackFS possible_roles)
+ in
parseErrorSDoc loc_role
(text "Illegal role name" <+> quotes (ppr role) $$
suggestions nearby)
+ parse_role _ = panic "parse_role: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
suggestions [] = empty
suggestions [r] = text "Perhaps you meant" <+> quotes (ppr r)
@@ -369,14 +379,16 @@ cvTopDecls decls = go (fromOL decls)
go :: [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
go [] = []
- go (L l (ValD x b) : ds) = L l' (ValD x b') : go ds'
- where (L l' b', ds') = getMonoBind (L l b) ds
- go (d : ds) = d : go ds
+ go ((dL->L l (ValD x b)) : ds)
+ = cL l' (ValD x b') : go ds'
+ where (dL->L l' b', ds') = getMonoBind (cL l b) ds
+ go (d : ds) = d : go ds
-- Declaration list may only contain value bindings and signatures.
cvBindGroup :: OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs) -> P (HsValBinds GhcPs)
cvBindGroup binding
- = do { (mbs, sigs, fam_ds, tfam_insts, dfam_insts, _) <- cvBindsAndSigs binding
+ = do { (mbs, sigs, fam_ds, tfam_insts
+ , dfam_insts, _) <- cvBindsAndSigs binding
; ASSERT( null fam_ds && null tfam_insts && null dfam_insts)
return $ ValBinds noExt mbs sigs }
@@ -389,24 +401,24 @@ cvBindsAndSigs :: OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs)
cvBindsAndSigs fb = go (fromOL fb)
go [] = return (emptyBag, [], [], [], [], [])
- go (L l (ValD _ b) : ds)
+ go ((dL->L l (ValD _ b)) : ds)
= do { (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) <- go ds'
; return (b' `consBag` bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) }
- (b', ds') = getMonoBind (L l b) ds
- go (L l decl : ds)
+ (b', ds') = getMonoBind (cL l b) ds
+ go ((dL->L l decl) : ds)
= do { (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs) <- go ds
; case decl of
SigD _ s
- -> return (bs, L l s : ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
+ -> return (bs, cL l s : ss, ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
TyClD _ (FamDecl _ t)
- -> return (bs, ss, L l t : ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
+ -> return (bs, ss, cL l t : ts, tfis, dfis, docs)
InstD _ (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = tfi })
- -> return (bs, ss, ts, L l tfi : tfis, dfis, docs)
+ -> return (bs, ss, ts, cL l tfi : tfis, dfis, docs)
InstD _ (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = dfi })
- -> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, L l dfi : dfis, docs)
+ -> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, cL l dfi : dfis, docs)
DocD _ d
- -> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, L l d : docs)
+ -> return (bs, ss, ts, tfis, dfis, cL l d : docs)
SpliceD _ d
-> parseErrorSDoc l $
hang (text "Declaration splices are allowed only" <+>
@@ -432,23 +444,25 @@ getMonoBind :: LHsBind GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
-- No AndMonoBinds or EmptyMonoBinds here; just single equations
-getMonoBind (L loc1 (FunBind { fun_id = fun_id1@(L _ f1),
- fun_matches
- = MG { mg_alts = L _ mtchs1 } })) binds
+getMonoBind (dL->L loc1 (FunBind { fun_id = fun_id1@(dL->L _ f1)
+ , fun_matches =
+ MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ mtchs1) } }))
+ binds
| has_args mtchs1
= go mtchs1 loc1 binds []
go mtchs loc
- (L loc2 (ValD _ (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f2,
- fun_matches
- = MG { mg_alts = L _ mtchs2 } })) : binds) _
+ ((dL->L loc2 (ValD _ (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ f2)
+ , fun_matches =
+ MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ mtchs2) } })))
+ : binds) _
| f1 == f2 = go (mtchs2 ++ mtchs)
(combineSrcSpans loc loc2) binds []
- go mtchs loc (doc_decl@(L loc2 (DocD {})) : binds) doc_decls
+ go mtchs loc (doc_decl@(dL->L loc2 (DocD {})) : binds) doc_decls
= let doc_decls' = doc_decl : doc_decls
in go mtchs (combineSrcSpans loc loc2) binds doc_decls'
go mtchs loc binds doc_decls
- = ( L loc (makeFunBind fun_id1 (reverse mtchs))
+ = ( cL loc (makeFunBind fun_id1 (reverse mtchs))
, (reverse doc_decls) ++ binds)
-- Reverse the final matches, to get it back in the right order
-- Do the same thing with the trailing doc comments
@@ -457,12 +471,13 @@ getMonoBind bind binds = (bind, binds)
has_args :: [LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)] -> Bool
has_args [] = panic "RdrHsSyn:has_args"
-has_args ((L _ (Match { m_pats = args })) : _) = not (null args)
+has_args ((dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = args })) : _) = not (null args)
-- Don't group together FunBinds if they have
-- no arguments. This is necessary now that variable bindings
-- with no arguments are now treated as FunBinds rather
-- than pattern bindings (tests/rename/should_fail/rnfail002).
-has_args ((L _ (XMatch _)) : _) = panic "has_args"
+has_args ((dL->L _ (XMatch _)) : _) = panic "has_args"
+has_args (_ : _) = panic "has_args:Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
{- **********************************************************************
@@ -554,7 +569,7 @@ tyConToDataCon :: SrcSpan -> RdrName -> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (Located RdrName)
tyConToDataCon loc tc
| isTcOcc occ || isDataOcc occ
, isLexCon (occNameFS occ)
- = return (L loc (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName))
+ = return (cL loc (setRdrNameSpace tc srcDataName))
| otherwise
= Left (loc, msg $$ extra)
@@ -569,13 +584,13 @@ tyConToDataCon loc tc
mkPatSynMatchGroup :: Located RdrName
-> Located (OrdList (LHsDecl GhcPs))
-> P (MatchGroup GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
-mkPatSynMatchGroup (L loc patsyn_name) (L _ decls) =
+mkPatSynMatchGroup (dL->L loc patsyn_name) (dL->L _ decls) =
do { matches <- mapM fromDecl (fromOL decls)
; when (null matches) (wrongNumberErr loc)
; return $ mkMatchGroup FromSource matches }
- fromDecl (L loc decl@(ValD _ (PatBind _
- pat@(L _ (ConPatIn ln@(L _ name) details))
+ fromDecl (dL->L loc decl@(ValD _ (PatBind _
+ pat@(dL->L _ (ConPatIn ln@(dL->L _ name) details))
rhs _))) =
do { unless (name == patsyn_name) $
wrongNameBindingErr loc decl
@@ -584,18 +599,22 @@ mkPatSynMatchGroup (L loc patsyn_name) (L _ decls) =
, m_ctxt = ctxt, m_pats = pats
, m_grhss = rhs }
- ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun = ln, mc_fixity = Prefix, mc_strictness = NoSrcStrict }
+ ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun = ln
+ , mc_fixity = Prefix
+ , mc_strictness = NoSrcStrict }
InfixCon p1 p2 -> return $ Match { m_ext = noExt
, m_ctxt = ctxt
, m_pats = [p1, p2]
, m_grhss = rhs }
- ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun = ln, mc_fixity = Infix, mc_strictness = NoSrcStrict }
+ ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun = ln
+ , mc_fixity = Infix
+ , mc_strictness = NoSrcStrict }
RecCon{} -> recordPatSynErr loc pat
- ; return $ L loc match }
- fromDecl (L loc decl) = extraDeclErr loc decl
+ ; return $ cL loc match }
+ fromDecl (dL->L loc decl) = extraDeclErr loc decl
extraDeclErr loc decl =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
@@ -603,9 +622,9 @@ mkPatSynMatchGroup (L loc patsyn_name) (L _ decls) =
ppr decl
wrongNameBindingErr loc decl =
- parseErrorSDoc loc $
- text "pattern synonym 'where' clause must bind the pattern synonym's name" <+>
- quotes (ppr patsyn_name) $$ ppr decl
+ parseErrorSDoc loc $
+ text "pattern synonym 'where' clause must bind the pattern synonym's name"
+ <+> quotes (ppr patsyn_name) $$ ppr decl
wrongNumberErr loc =
parseErrorSDoc loc $
@@ -639,7 +658,7 @@ mkGadtDecl :: [Located RdrName]
mkGadtDecl names ty
= (ConDeclGADT { con_g_ext = noExt
, con_names = names
- , con_forall = L l $ isLHsForAllTy ty'
+ , con_forall = cL l $ isLHsForAllTy ty'
, con_qvars = mkHsQTvs tvs
, con_mb_cxt = mcxt
, con_args = args'
@@ -647,24 +666,27 @@ mkGadtDecl names ty
, con_doc = Nothing }
, anns1 ++ anns2)
- (ty'@(L l _),anns1) = peel_parens ty []
+ (ty'@(dL->L l _),anns1) = peel_parens ty []
(tvs, rho) = splitLHsForAllTy ty'
(mcxt, tau, anns2) = split_rho rho []
- split_rho (L _ (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cxt, hst_body = tau })) ann
- = (Just cxt, tau, ann)
- split_rho (L l (HsParTy _ ty)) ann = split_rho ty (ann++mkParensApiAnn l)
- split_rho tau ann = (Nothing, tau, ann)
+ split_rho (dL->L _ (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = cxt, hst_body = tau })) ann
+ = (Just cxt, tau, ann)
+ split_rho (dL->L l (HsParTy _ ty)) ann
+ = split_rho ty (ann++mkParensApiAnn l)
+ split_rho tau ann
+ = (Nothing, tau, ann)
(args, res_ty) = split_tau tau
args' = nudgeHsSrcBangs args
-- See Note [GADT abstract syntax] in HsDecls
- split_tau (L _ (HsFunTy _ (L loc (HsRecTy _ rf)) res_ty))
- = (RecCon (L loc rf), res_ty)
- split_tau tau = (PrefixCon [], tau)
+ split_tau (dL->L _ (HsFunTy _ (dL->L loc (HsRecTy _ rf)) res_ty))
+ = (RecCon (cL loc rf), res_ty)
+ split_tau tau
+ = (PrefixCon [], tau)
- peel_parens (L l (HsParTy _ ty)) ann = peel_parens ty
+ peel_parens (dL->L l (HsParTy _ ty)) ann = peel_parens ty
(ann++mkParensApiAnn l)
peel_parens ty ann = (ty, ann)
@@ -685,8 +707,8 @@ nudgeHsSrcBangs details
RecCon r -> RecCon r
InfixCon a1 a2 -> InfixCon (go a1) (go a2)
- go (L l (HsDocTy _ (L _ (HsBangTy _ s lty)) lds)) =
- L l (HsBangTy noExt s (addCLoc lty lds (HsDocTy noExt lty lds)))
+ go (dL->L l (HsDocTy _ (dL->L _ (HsBangTy _ s lty)) lds)) =
+ cL l (HsBangTy noExt s (addCLoc lty lds (HsDocTy noExt lty lds)))
go lty = lty
@@ -811,24 +833,29 @@ checkTyVars pp_what equals_or_where tc tparms
-- Keep around an action for adjusting the annotations of extra parens
chkParens :: [AddAnn] -> LHsType GhcPs
-> Either (SrcSpan, SDoc) (LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs, P ())
- chkParens acc (L l (HsParTy _ ty)) = chkParens (mkParensApiAnn l ++ acc) ty
+ chkParens acc (dL->L l (HsParTy _ ty)) = chkParens (mkParensApiAnn l
+ ++ acc) ty
chkParens acc ty = case chk ty of
Left err -> Left err
- Right tv@(L l _) -> Right (tv, addAnnsAt l (reverse acc))
+ Right tv@(dL->L l _) -> Right (tv, addAnnsAt l (reverse acc))
-- Check that the name space is correct!
- chk (L l (HsKindSig _ (L lv (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tv))) k))
- | isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (KindedTyVar noExt (L lv tv) k))
- chk (L l (HsTyVar _ _ (L ltv tv)))
- | isRdrTyVar tv = return (L l (UserTyVar noExt (L ltv tv)))
- chk t@(L loc _)
+ chk (dL->L l (HsKindSig _ (dL->L lv (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ tv))) k))
+ | isRdrTyVar tv = return (cL l (KindedTyVar noExt (cL lv tv) k))
+ chk (dL->L l (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L ltv tv)))
+ | isRdrTyVar tv = return (cL l (UserTyVar noExt (cL ltv tv)))
+ chk t@(dL->L loc _)
= Left (loc,
vcat [ text "Unexpected type" <+> quotes (ppr t)
- , text "In the" <+> pp_what <+> ptext (sLit "declaration for") <+> quotes tc'
- , vcat[ (text "A" <+> pp_what <+> ptext (sLit "declaration should have form"))
- , nest 2 (pp_what <+> tc'
- <+> hsep (map text (takeList tparms allNameStrings))
- <+> equals_or_where) ] ])
+ , text "In the" <+> pp_what
+ <+> ptext (sLit "declaration for") <+> quotes tc'
+ , vcat[ (text "A" <+> pp_what
+ <+> ptext (sLit "declaration should have form"))
+ , nest 2
+ (pp_what
+ <+> tc'
+ <+> hsep (map text (takeList tparms allNameStrings))
+ <+> equals_or_where) ] ])
-- Avoid printing a constraint tuple in the error message. Print
-- a plain old tuple instead (since that's what the user probably
@@ -844,7 +871,7 @@ equalsDots = text "= ..."
checkDatatypeContext :: Maybe (LHsContext GhcPs) -> P ()
checkDatatypeContext Nothing = return ()
-checkDatatypeContext (Just (L loc c))
+checkDatatypeContext (Just (dL->L loc c))
= do allowed <- extension datatypeContextsEnabled
unless allowed $
parseErrorSDoc loc
@@ -859,39 +886,42 @@ data RuleTyTmVar = RuleTyTmVar (Located RdrName) (Maybe (LHsType GhcPs))
mkRuleBndrs :: [LRuleTyTmVar] -> [LRuleBndr GhcPs]
mkRuleBndrs = fmap (fmap cvt_one)
where cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v Nothing) = RuleBndr noExt v
- cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v (Just sig)) = RuleBndrSig noExt v (mkLHsSigWcType sig)
+ cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v (Just sig)) =
+ RuleBndrSig noExt v (mkLHsSigWcType sig)
-- turns RuleTyTmVars into HsTyVarBndrs - this is more interesting
mkRuleTyVarBndrs :: [LRuleTyTmVar] -> [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs]
mkRuleTyVarBndrs = fmap (fmap cvt_one)
where cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v Nothing) = UserTyVar noExt (fmap tm_to_ty v)
- cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v (Just sig)) = KindedTyVar noExt (fmap tm_to_ty v) sig
- -- takes something in namespace 'varName' to something in namespace 'tvName'
+ cvt_one (RuleTyTmVar v (Just sig))
+ = KindedTyVar noExt (fmap tm_to_ty v) sig
+ -- takes something in namespace 'varName' to something in namespace 'tvName'
tm_to_ty (Unqual occ) = Unqual (setOccNameSpace tvName occ)
tm_to_ty _ = panic "mkRuleTyVarBndrs"
-- See note [Parsing explicit foralls in Rules] in Parser.y
checkRuleTyVarBndrNames :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> P ()
checkRuleTyVarBndrNames = mapM_ (check . fmap hsTyVarName)
- where check (L loc (Unqual occ)) = do
+ where check (dL->L loc (Unqual occ)) = do
when ((occNameString occ ==) `any` ["forall","family","role"])
- (parseErrorSDoc loc (text $ "parse error on input " ++ occNameString occ))
+ (parseErrorSDoc loc (text $ "parse error on input "
+ ++ occNameString occ))
check _ = panic "checkRuleTyVarBndrNames"
checkRecordSyntax :: Outputable a => Located a -> P (Located a)
-checkRecordSyntax lr@(L loc r)
+checkRecordSyntax lr@(dL->L loc r)
= do allowed <- extension traditionalRecordSyntaxEnabled
if allowed
then return lr
else parseErrorSDoc loc
- (text "Illegal record syntax (use TraditionalRecordSyntax):" <+>
- ppr r)
+ (text "Illegal record syntax (use TraditionalRecordSyntax):"
+ <+> ppr r)
-- | Check if the gadt_constrlist is empty. Only raise parse error for
-- `data T where` to avoid affecting existing error message, see #8258.
checkEmptyGADTs :: Located ([AddAnn], [LConDecl GhcPs])
-> P (Located ([AddAnn], [LConDecl GhcPs]))
-checkEmptyGADTs gadts@(L span (_, [])) -- Empty GADT declaration.
+checkEmptyGADTs gadts@(dL->L span (_, [])) -- Empty GADT declaration.
= do opts <- fmap options getPState
if LangExt.GADTSyntax `extopt` opts -- GADTs implies GADTSyntax
then return gadts
@@ -916,28 +946,28 @@ checkTyClHdr :: Bool -- True <=> class header
checkTyClHdr is_cls ty
= goL ty [] [] Prefix
- goL (L l ty) acc ann fix = go l ty acc ann fix
+ goL (dL->L l ty) acc ann fix = go l ty acc ann fix
-- workaround to define '*' despite StarIsType
- go _ (HsParTy _ (L l (HsStarTy _ isUni))) acc ann fix
+ go _ (HsParTy _ (dL->L l (HsStarTy _ isUni))) acc ann fix
= do { warnStarBndr l
; let name = mkOccName tcClsName (if isUni then "★" else "*")
- ; return (L l (Unqual name), acc, fix, ann) }
+ ; return (cL l (Unqual name), acc, fix, ann) }
- go l (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc)) acc ann fix
- | isRdrTc tc = return (L l tc, acc, fix, ann)
- go _ (HsOpTy _ t1 ltc@(L _ tc) t2) acc ann _fix
+ go l (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ tc)) acc ann fix
+ | isRdrTc tc = return (cL l tc, acc, fix, ann)
+ go _ (HsOpTy _ t1 ltc@(dL->L _ tc) t2) acc ann _fix
| isRdrTc tc = return (ltc, t1:t2:acc, Infix, ann)
go l (HsParTy _ ty) acc ann fix = goL ty acc (ann ++mkParensApiAnn l) fix
go _ (HsAppTy _ t1 t2) acc ann fix = goL t1 (t2:acc) ann fix
go l (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts) [] ann fix
- = return (L l (nameRdrName tup_name), ts, fix, ann)
+ = return (cL l (nameRdrName tup_name), ts, fix, ann)
arity = length ts
tup_name | is_cls = cTupleTyConName arity
| otherwise = getName (tupleTyCon Boxed arity)
- -- See Note [Unit tuples] in HsTypes (TODO: is this still relevant?)
+ -- See Note [Unit tuples] in HsTypes (TODO: is this still relevant?)
go l _ _ _ _
= parseErrorSDoc l (text "Malformed head of type or class declaration:"
<+> ppr ty)
@@ -975,22 +1005,22 @@ checkBlockArguments expr = case unLoc expr of
-- (((Eq a))) --> [Eq a]
-- @
checkContext :: LHsType GhcPs -> P ([AddAnn],LHsContext GhcPs)
-checkContext (L l orig_t)
- = check [] (L l orig_t)
+checkContext (dL->L l orig_t)
+ = check [] (cL l orig_t)
- check anns (L lp (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts))
+ check anns (dL->L lp (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts))
-- (Eq a, Ord b) shows up as a tuple type. Only boxed tuples can
-- be used as context constraints.
- = return (anns ++ mkParensApiAnn lp,L l ts) -- Ditto ()
+ = return (anns ++ mkParensApiAnn lp,cL l ts) -- Ditto ()
- check anns (L lp1 (HsParTy _ ty))
+ check anns (dL->L lp1 (HsParTy _ ty))
-- to be sure HsParTy doesn't get into the way
= check anns' ty
where anns' = if l == lp1 then anns
else (anns ++ mkParensApiAnn lp1)
-- no need for anns, returning original
- check _anns t = checkNoDocs msg t *> return ([],L l [L l orig_t])
+ check _anns t = checkNoDocs msg t *> return ([],cL l [cL l orig_t])
msg = text "data constructor context"
@@ -999,8 +1029,8 @@ checkContext (L l orig_t)
checkNoDocs :: SDoc -> LHsType GhcPs -> P ()
checkNoDocs msg ty = go ty
- go (L _ (HsAppTy _ t1 t2)) = go t1 *> go t2
- go (L l (HsDocTy _ t ds)) = parseErrorSDoc l $ hsep
+ go (dL->L _ (HsAppTy _ t1 t2)) = go t1 *> go t2
+ go (dL->L l (HsDocTy _ t ds)) = parseErrorSDoc l $ hsep
[ text "Unexpected haddock", quotes (ppr ds)
, text "on", msg, quotes (ppr t) ]
go _ = pure ()
@@ -1018,12 +1048,12 @@ checkPatterns :: SDoc -> [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> P [LPat GhcPs]
checkPatterns msg es = mapM (checkPattern msg) es
checkLPat :: SDoc -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> P (LPat GhcPs)
-checkLPat msg e@(L l _) = checkPat msg l e []
+checkLPat msg e@(dL->L l _) = checkPat msg l e []
checkPat :: SDoc -> SrcSpan -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> [LPat GhcPs]
-> P (LPat GhcPs)
-checkPat _ loc (L l e@(HsVar _ (L _ c))) args
- | isRdrDataCon c = return (L loc (ConPatIn (L l c) (PrefixCon args)))
+checkPat _ loc (dL->L l e@(HsVar _ (dL->L _ c))) args
+ | isRdrDataCon c = return (cL loc (ConPatIn (cL l c) (PrefixCon args)))
| not (null args) && patIsRec c =
patFail (text "Perhaps you intended to use RecursiveDo") l e
checkPat msg loc e args -- OK to let this happen even if bang-patterns
@@ -1032,12 +1062,12 @@ checkPat msg loc e args -- OK to let this happen even if bang-patterns
| Just (e', args') <- splitBang e
= do { args'' <- checkPatterns msg args'
; checkPat msg loc e' (args'' ++ args) }
-checkPat msg loc (L _ (HsApp _ f e)) args
+checkPat msg loc (dL->L _ (HsApp _ f e)) args
= do p <- checkLPat msg e
checkPat msg loc f (p : args)
-checkPat msg loc (L _ e) []
+checkPat msg loc (dL->L _ e) []
= do p <- checkAPat msg loc e
- return (L loc p)
+ return (cL loc p)
checkPat msg loc e _
= patFail msg loc (unLoc e)
@@ -1049,18 +1079,19 @@ checkAPat msg loc e0 = do
EWildPat _ -> return (WildPat noExt)
HsVar _ x -> return (VarPat noExt x)
HsLit _ (HsStringPrim _ _) -- (#13260)
- -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal unboxed string literal in pattern:" $$ ppr e0)
+ -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal unboxed string literal in pattern:"
+ $$ ppr e0)
HsLit _ l -> return (LitPat noExt l)
-- Overloaded numeric patterns (e.g. f 0 x = x)
-- Negation is recorded separately, so that the literal is zero or +ve
-- NB. Negative *primitive* literals are already handled by the lexer
- HsOverLit _ pos_lit -> return (mkNPat (L loc pos_lit) Nothing)
- NegApp _ (L l (HsOverLit _ pos_lit)) _
- -> return (mkNPat (L l pos_lit) (Just noSyntaxExpr))
+ HsOverLit _ pos_lit -> return (mkNPat (cL loc pos_lit) Nothing)
+ NegApp _ (dL->L l (HsOverLit _ pos_lit)) _
+ -> return (mkNPat (cL l pos_lit) (Just noSyntaxExpr))
- SectionR _ (L lb (HsVar _ (L _ bang))) e -- (! x)
+ SectionR _ (dL->L lb (HsVar _ (dL->L _ bang))) e -- (! x)
| bang == bang_RDR
-> do { hintBangPat loc e0
; e' <- checkLPat msg e
@@ -1076,16 +1107,16 @@ checkAPat msg loc e0 = do
return (SigPat noExt e t)
-- n+k patterns
- OpApp _ (L nloc (HsVar _ (L _ n))) (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ plus)))
- (L lloc (HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit {ol_val = HsIntegral {}})))
+ OpApp _ (dL->L nloc (HsVar _ (dL->L _ n)))
+ (dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ plus)))
+ (dL->L lloc (HsOverLit _ lit@(OverLit {ol_val = HsIntegral {}})))
| extopt LangExt.NPlusKPatterns opts && (plus == plus_RDR)
- -> return (mkNPlusKPat (L nloc n) (L lloc lit))
- OpApp _ l (L cl (HsVar _ (L _ c))) r
+ -> return (mkNPlusKPat (cL nloc n) (cL lloc lit))
+ OpApp _ l (dL->L cl (HsVar _ (dL->L _ c))) r
| isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc c) -> do
l <- checkLPat msg l
r <- checkLPat msg r
- return (ConPatIn (L cl c) (InfixCon l r))
+ return (ConPatIn (cL cl c) (InfixCon l r))
OpApp {} -> patFail msg loc e0
@@ -1096,9 +1127,10 @@ checkAPat msg loc e0 = do
ExplicitTuple _ es b
| all tupArgPresent es -> do ps <- mapM (checkLPat msg)
- [e | L _ (Present _ e) <- es]
+ [e | (dL->L _ (Present _ e)) <- es]
return (TuplePat noExt ps b)
- | otherwise -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal tuple section in pattern:" $$ ppr e0)
+ | otherwise -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Illegal tuple section in pattern:"
+ $$ ppr e0)
ExplicitSum _ alt arity expr -> do
p <- checkLPat msg expr
@@ -1113,7 +1145,8 @@ checkAPat msg loc e0 = do
placeHolderPunRhs :: LHsExpr GhcPs
-- The RHS of a punned record field will be filled in by the renamer
--- It's better not to make it an error, in case we want to print it when debugging
+-- It's better not to make it an error, in case we want to print it when
+-- debugging
placeHolderPunRhs = noLoc (HsVar noExt (noLoc pun_RDR))
plus_RDR, bang_RDR, pun_RDR :: RdrName
@@ -1123,8 +1156,8 @@ pun_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "pun-right-hand-side")
checkPatField :: SDoc -> LHsRecField GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-> P (LHsRecField GhcPs (LPat GhcPs))
-checkPatField msg (L l fld) = do p <- checkLPat msg (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = p }))
+checkPatField msg (dL->L l fld) = do p <- checkLPat msg (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ return (cL l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = p }))
patFail :: SDoc -> SrcSpan -> HsExpr GhcPs -> P a
patFail msg loc e = parseErrorSDoc loc err
@@ -1147,15 +1180,15 @@ checkValDef :: SDoc
checkValDef msg _strictness lhs (Just sig) grhss
-- x :: ty = rhs parses as a *pattern* binding
- = checkPatBind msg (L (combineLocs lhs sig)
+ = checkPatBind msg (cL (combineLocs lhs sig)
(ExprWithTySig noExt lhs (mkLHsSigWcType sig))) grhss
-checkValDef msg strictness lhs Nothing g@(L l (_,grhss))
+checkValDef msg strictness lhs Nothing g@(dL->L l (_,grhss))
= do { mb_fun <- isFunLhs lhs
; case mb_fun of
Just (fun, is_infix, pats, ann) ->
checkFunBind msg strictness ann (getLoc lhs)
- fun is_infix pats (L l grhss)
+ fun is_infix pats (cL l grhss)
Nothing -> checkPatBind msg lhs g }
checkFunBind :: SDoc
@@ -1167,18 +1200,19 @@ checkFunBind :: SDoc
-> [LHsExpr GhcPs]
-> Located (GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
-> P ([AddAnn],HsBind GhcPs)
-checkFunBind msg strictness ann lhs_loc fun is_infix pats (L rhs_span grhss)
+checkFunBind msg strictness ann lhs_loc fun is_infix pats (dL->L rhs_span grhss)
= do ps <- checkPatterns msg pats
let match_span = combineSrcSpans lhs_loc rhs_span
-- Add back the annotations stripped from any HsPar values in the lhs
-- mapM_ (\a -> a match_span) ann
return (ann, makeFunBind fun
- [L match_span (Match { m_ext = noExt
- , m_ctxt = FunRhs { mc_fun = fun
- , mc_fixity = is_infix
- , mc_strictness = strictness }
- , m_pats = ps
- , m_grhss = grhss })])
+ [cL match_span (Match { m_ext = noExt
+ , m_ctxt = FunRhs
+ { mc_fun = fun
+ , mc_fixity = is_infix
+ , mc_strictness = strictness }
+ , m_pats = ps
+ , m_grhss = grhss })])
-- The span of the match covers the entire equation.
-- That isn't quite right, but it'll do for now.
@@ -1196,18 +1230,18 @@ checkPatBind :: SDoc
-> LHsExpr GhcPs
-> Located (a,GRHSs GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
-> P ([AddAnn],HsBind GhcPs)
-checkPatBind msg lhs (L _ (_,grhss))
+checkPatBind msg lhs (dL->L _ (_,grhss))
= do { lhs <- checkPattern msg lhs
; return ([],PatBind noExt lhs grhss
([],[])) }
checkValSigLhs :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> P (Located RdrName)
-checkValSigLhs (L _ (HsVar _ lrdr@(L _ v)))
+checkValSigLhs (dL->L _ (HsVar _ lrdr@(dL->L _ v)))
| isUnqual v
, not (isDataOcc (rdrNameOcc v))
= return lrdr
-checkValSigLhs lhs@(L l _)
+checkValSigLhs lhs@(dL->L l _)
= parseErrorSDoc l ((text "Invalid type signature:" <+>
ppr lhs <+> text ":: ...")
$$ text hint)
@@ -1223,9 +1257,10 @@ checkValSigLhs lhs@(L l _)
-- A common error is to forget the ForeignFunctionInterface flag
-- so check for that, and suggest. cf Trac #3805
- -- Sadly 'foreign import' still barfs 'parse error' because 'import' is a keyword
- looks_like s (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ v))) = v == s
- looks_like s (L _ (HsApp _ lhs _)) = looks_like s lhs
+ -- Sadly 'foreign import' still barfs 'parse error' because
+ -- 'import' is a keyword
+ looks_like s (dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ v))) = v == s
+ looks_like s (dL->L _ (HsApp _ lhs _)) = looks_like s lhs
looks_like _ _ = False
foreign_RDR = mkUnqual varName (fsLit "foreign")
@@ -1259,13 +1294,13 @@ checkDoAndIfThenElse guardExpr semiThen thenExpr semiElse elseExpr
-- not be any OpApps inside the e's
splitBang :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs, [LHsExpr GhcPs])
-- Splits (f ! g a b) into (f, [(! g), a, b])
-splitBang (L _ (OpApp _ l_arg bang@(L _ (HsVar _ (L _ op))) r_arg))
- | op == bang_RDR = Just (l_arg, L l' (SectionR noExt bang arg1) : argns)
+splitBang (dL->L _ (OpApp _ l_arg bang@(dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ op))) r_arg))
+ | op == bang_RDR = Just (l_arg, cL l' (SectionR noExt bang arg1) : argns)
l' = combineLocs bang arg1
(arg1,argns) = split_bang r_arg []
- split_bang (L _ (HsApp _ f e)) es = split_bang f (e:es)
- split_bang e es = (e,es)
+ split_bang (dL->L _ (HsApp _ f e)) es = split_bang f (e:es)
+ split_bang e es = (e,es)
splitBang _ = Nothing
-- See Note [isFunLhs vs mergeDataCon]
@@ -1285,47 +1320,47 @@ isFunLhs :: LHsExpr GhcPs
isFunLhs e = go e [] []
- go (L loc (HsVar _ (L _ f))) es ann
- | not (isRdrDataCon f) = return (Just (L loc f, Prefix, es, ann))
- go (L _ (HsApp _ f e)) es ann = go f (e:es) ann
- go (L l (HsPar _ e)) es@(_:_) ann = go e es (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l)
+ go (dL->L loc (HsVar _ (dL->L _ f))) es ann
+ | not (isRdrDataCon f) = return (Just (cL loc f, Prefix, es, ann))
+ go (dL->L _ (HsApp _ f e)) es ann = go f (e:es) ann
+ go (dL->L l (HsPar _ e)) es@(_:_) ann = go e es (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l)
-- Things of the form `!x` are also FunBinds
-- See Note [FunBind vs PatBind]
- go (L _ (SectionR _ (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ bang))) (L l (HsVar _ (L _ var)))))
- [] ann
+ go (dL->L _ (SectionR _ (dL->L _ (HsVar _ (dL->L _ bang)))
+ (dL->L l (HsVar _ (L _ var))))) [] ann
| bang == bang_RDR
- , not (isRdrDataCon var) = return (Just (L l var, Prefix, [], ann))
- -- For infix function defns, there should be only one infix *function*
- -- (though there may be infix *datacons* involved too). So we don't
- -- need fixity info to figure out which function is being defined.
- -- a `K1` b `op` c `K2` d
- -- must parse as
- -- (a `K1` b) `op` (c `K2` d)
- -- The renamer checks later that the precedences would yield such a parse.
- --
- -- There is a complication to deal with bang patterns.
- --
- -- ToDo: what about this?
- -- x + 1 `op` y = ...
- go e@(L loc (OpApp _ l (L loc' (HsVar _ (L _ op))) r)) es ann
+ , not (isRdrDataCon var) = return (Just (cL l var, Prefix, [], ann))
+ -- For infix function defns, there should be only one infix *function*
+ -- (though there may be infix *datacons* involved too). So we don't
+ -- need fixity info to figure out which function is being defined.
+ -- a `K1` b `op` c `K2` d
+ -- must parse as
+ -- (a `K1` b) `op` (c `K2` d)
+ -- The renamer checks later that the precedences would yield such a parse.
+ --
+ -- There is a complication to deal with bang patterns.
+ --
+ -- ToDo: what about this?
+ -- x + 1 `op` y = ...
+ go e@(L loc (OpApp _ l (dL->L loc' (HsVar _ (dL->L _ op))) r)) es ann
| Just (e',es') <- splitBang e
= do { bang_on <- extension bangPatEnabled
; if bang_on then go e' (es' ++ es) ann
- else return (Just (L loc' op, Infix, (l:r:es), ann)) }
+ else return (Just (cL loc' op, Infix, (l:r:es), ann)) }
-- No bangs; behave just like the next case
| not (isRdrDataCon op) -- We have found the function!
- = return (Just (L loc' op, Infix, (l:r:es), ann))
+ = return (Just (cL loc' op, Infix, (l:r:es), ann))
| otherwise -- Infix data con; keep going
= do { mb_l <- go l es ann
; case mb_l of
Just (op', Infix, j : k : es', ann')
-> return (Just (op', Infix, j : op_app : es', ann'))
- op_app = L loc (OpApp noExt k
- (L loc' (HsVar noExt (L loc' op))) r)
+ op_app = cL loc (OpApp noExt k
+ (cL loc' (HsVar noExt (cL loc' op))) r)
_ -> return Nothing }
go _ _ _ = return Nothing
@@ -1355,20 +1390,20 @@ pStrictMark
-> Maybe ( Located HsSrcBang {- a strictness/upnackedness marker -}
, [AddAnn]
, [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
-pStrictMark (L l1 x1 : L l2 x2 : xs)
+pStrictMark ((dL->L l1 x1) : (dL->L l2 x2) : xs)
| Just (strAnnId, str) <- tyElStrictness x1
, TyElUnpackedness (unpkAnns, prag, unpk) <- x2
- = Just ( L (combineSrcSpans l1 l2) (HsSrcBang prag unpk str)
+ = Just ( cL (combineSrcSpans l1 l2) (HsSrcBang prag unpk str)
, unpkAnns ++ [\s -> addAnnotation s strAnnId l1]
, xs )
-pStrictMark (L l x1 : xs)
+pStrictMark ((dL->L l x1) : xs)
| Just (strAnnId, str) <- tyElStrictness x1
- = Just ( L l (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack str)
+ = Just ( cL l (HsSrcBang NoSourceText NoSrcUnpack str)
, [\s -> addAnnotation s strAnnId l]
, xs )
-pStrictMark (L l x1 : xs)
+pStrictMark ((dL->L l x1) : xs)
| TyElUnpackedness (anns, prag, unpk) <- x1
- = Just ( L l (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict)
+ = Just ( cL l (HsSrcBang prag unpk NoSrcStrict)
, anns
, xs )
pStrictMark _ = Nothing
@@ -1380,13 +1415,13 @@ pBangTy
, LHsType GhcPs {- the resulting BangTy -}
, P () {- add annotations -}
, [Located TyEl] {- remaining TyEl -})
-pBangTy lt@(L l1 _) xs =
+pBangTy lt@(dL->L l1 _) xs =
case pStrictMark xs of
Nothing -> (False, lt, pure (), xs)
- Just (L l2 strictMark, anns, xs') ->
+ Just (dL->L l2 strictMark, anns, xs') ->
let bl = combineSrcSpans l1 l2
bt = HsBangTy noExt strictMark lt
- in (True, L bl bt, addAnnsAt bl anns, xs')
+ in (True, cL bl bt, addAnnsAt bl anns, xs')
-- | Merge a /reversed/ and /non-empty/ soup of operators and operands
-- into a type.
@@ -1401,8 +1436,8 @@ pBangTy lt@(L l1 _) xs =
-- See Note [Parsing data constructors is hard]
mergeOps :: [Located TyEl] -> P (LHsType GhcPs)
-mergeOps (L l1 (TyElOpd t) : xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l1 t) xs
+mergeOps ((dL->L l1 (TyElOpd t)) : xs)
+ | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (cL l1 t) xs
, null xs' -- We accept a BangTy only when there are no preceding TyEl.
= addAnns >> return t'
mergeOps all_xs = go (0 :: Int) [] id all_xs
@@ -1412,14 +1447,14 @@ mergeOps all_xs = go (0 :: Int) [] id all_xs
-- clause [unpk]:
-- handle (NO)UNPACK pragmas
- go k acc ops_acc (L l (TyElUnpackedness (anns, unpkSrc, unpk)):xs) =
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l (TyElUnpackedness (anns, unpkSrc, unpk))):xs) =
if not (null acc) && null xs
then do { let a = ops_acc (mergeAcc acc)
strictMark = HsSrcBang unpkSrc unpk NoSrcStrict
bl = combineSrcSpans l (getLoc a)
bt = HsBangTy noExt strictMark a
; addAnnsAt bl anns
- ; return (L bl bt) }
+ ; return (cL bl bt) }
else parseErrorSDoc l unpkError
unpkSDoc = case unpkSrc of
@@ -1434,57 +1469,63 @@ mergeOps all_xs = go (0 :: Int) [] id all_xs
-- clause [doc]:
-- we do not expect to encounter any docs
- go _ _ _ (L l (TyElDocPrev _):_) =
+ go _ _ _ ((dL->L l (TyElDocPrev _)):_) =
failOpDocPrev l
-- to improve error messages, we do a bit of guesswork to determine if the
-- user intended a '!' or a '~' as a strictness annotation
- go k acc ops_acc (L l x : xs)
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l x) : xs)
| Just (_, str) <- tyElStrictness x
, let guess [] = True
- guess (L _ (TyElOpd _):_) = False
- guess (L _ (TyElOpr _):_) = True
- guess (L _ (TyElTilde):_) = True
- guess (L _ (TyElBang):_) = True
- guess (L _ (TyElUnpackedness _):_) = True
- guess (L _ (TyElDocPrev _):xs') = guess xs'
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElOpd _)):_) = False
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElOpr _)):_) = True
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElTilde)):_) = True
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElBang)):_) = True
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElUnpackedness _)):_) = True
+ guess ((dL->L _ (TyElDocPrev _)):xs') = guess xs'
+ guess _ = panic "mergeOps.go.guess: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
in guess xs
= if not (null acc) && (k > 1 || length acc > 1)
- then failOpStrictnessCompound (L l str) (ops_acc (mergeAcc acc))
- else failOpStrictnessPosition (L l str)
+ then failOpStrictnessCompound (cL l str) (ops_acc (mergeAcc acc))
+ else failOpStrictnessPosition (cL l str)
-- clause [opr]:
-- when we encounter an operator, we must have accumulated
-- something for its rhs, and there must be something left
-- to build its lhs.
- go k acc ops_acc (L l (TyElOpr op):xs) =
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l (TyElOpr op)):xs) =
if null acc || null (filter isTyElOpd xs)
- then failOpFewArgs (L l op)
+ then failOpFewArgs (cL l op)
else do { let a = mergeAcc acc
- ; go (k + 1) [] (\c -> mkLHsOpTy c (L l op) (ops_acc a)) xs }
+ ; go (k + 1) [] (\c -> mkLHsOpTy c (cL l op) (ops_acc a)) xs }
- isTyElOpd (L _ (TyElOpd _)) = True
+ isTyElOpd (dL->L _ (TyElOpd _)) = True
isTyElOpd _ = False
-- clause [opr.1]: interpret 'TyElTilde' as an operator
- go k acc ops_acc (L l TyElTilde:xs) =
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l TyElTilde):xs) =
let op = eqTyCon_RDR
- in go k acc ops_acc (L l (TyElOpr op):xs)
+ in go k acc ops_acc (cL l (TyElOpr op):xs)
-- clause [opr.2]: interpret 'TyElBang' as an operator
- go k acc ops_acc (L l TyElBang:xs) =
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l TyElBang):xs) =
let op = mkUnqual tcClsName (fsLit "!")
- in go k acc ops_acc (L l (TyElOpr op):xs)
+ in go k acc ops_acc (cL l (TyElOpr op):xs)
-- clause [opd]:
-- whenever an operand is encountered, it is added to the accumulator
- go k acc ops_acc (L l (TyElOpd a):xs) = go k (L l a:acc) ops_acc xs
+ go k acc ops_acc ((dL->L l (TyElOpd a)):xs) = go k (cL l a:acc) ops_acc xs
-- clause [end]:
-- See Note [Non-empty 'acc' in mergeOps clause [end]]
go _ acc ops_acc [] =
return (ops_acc (mergeAcc acc))
+ go _ _ _ _ = panic "mergeOps.go: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
mergeAcc [] = panic "mergeOps.mergeAcc: empty input"
mergeAcc (x:xs) = mkHsAppTys x xs
@@ -1542,12 +1583,12 @@ Therefore, it is safe to omit a check for non-emptiness of 'acc' in clause
pInfixSide :: [Located TyEl] -> Maybe (LHsType GhcPs, P (), [Located TyEl])
-pInfixSide (L l (TyElOpd t):xs)
- | (True, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
+pInfixSide ((dL->L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
+ | (True, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (cL l t) xs
= Just (t', addAnns, xs')
-pInfixSide (L l1 (TyElOpd t1):xs1) = go [L l1 t1] xs1
+pInfixSide ((dL->L l1 (TyElOpd t1)):xs1) = go [cL l1 t1] xs1
- go acc (L l (TyElOpd t):xs) = go (L l t:acc) xs
+ go acc ((dL->L l (TyElOpd t)):xs) = go (cL l t:acc) xs
go acc xs = Just (mergeAcc acc, pure (), xs)
mergeAcc [] = panic "pInfixSide.mergeAcc: empty input"
mergeAcc (x:xs) = mkHsAppTys x xs
@@ -1556,8 +1597,8 @@ pInfixSide _ = Nothing
pDocPrev :: [Located TyEl] -> (Maybe LHsDocString, [Located TyEl])
pDocPrev = go Nothing
- go mTrailingDoc (L l (TyElDocPrev doc):xs) =
- go (mTrailingDoc `mplus` Just (L l doc)) xs
+ go mTrailingDoc ((dL->L l (TyElDocPrev doc)):xs) =
+ go (mTrailingDoc `mplus` Just (cL l doc)) xs
go mTrailingDoc xs = (mTrailingDoc, xs)
orErr :: Maybe a -> b -> Either b a
@@ -1655,7 +1696,7 @@ mergeDataCon all_xs =
-- A -- ^ Comment on A
-- B -- ^ Comment on B (singleDoc == False)
singleDoc = isJust mTrailingDoc &&
- null [ () | L _ (TyElDocPrev _) <- all_xs' ]
+ null [ () | (dL->L _ (TyElDocPrev _)) <- all_xs' ]
-- The result of merging the list of reversed TyEl into a
-- data constructor, along with [AddAnn].
@@ -1677,36 +1718,36 @@ mergeDataCon all_xs =
trailingFieldDoc | singleDoc = Nothing
| otherwise = mTrailingDoc
- goFirst [ L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ]
+ goFirst [ dL->L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ tc))) ]
= do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
; return (pure (), (data_con, PrefixCon [], mTrailingDoc)) }
- goFirst (L l (TyElOpd (HsRecTy _ fields)):xs)
+ goFirst ((dL->L l (TyElOpd (HsRecTy _ fields))):xs)
| (mConDoc, xs') <- pDocPrev xs
- , [ L l' (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ] <- xs'
+ , [ dL->L l' (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ tc))) ] <- xs'
= do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l' tc
; let mDoc = mTrailingDoc `mplus` mConDoc
- ; return (pure (), (data_con, RecCon (L l fields), mDoc)) }
- goFirst [L l (TyElOpd (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts))]
+ ; return (pure (), (data_con, RecCon (cL l fields), mDoc)) }
+ goFirst [dL->L l (TyElOpd (HsTupleTy _ HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts))]
= return ( pure ()
- , ( L l (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed (length ts)))
+ , ( cL l (getRdrName (tupleDataCon Boxed (length ts)))
, PrefixCon ts
, mTrailingDoc ) )
- goFirst (L l (TyElOpd t):xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
+ goFirst ((dL->L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
+ | (_, t', addAnns, xs') <- pBangTy (cL l t) xs
= go addAnns Nothing [mkLHsDocTyMaybe t' trailingFieldDoc] xs'
goFirst xs =
go (pure ()) mTrailingDoc [] xs
- go addAnns mLastDoc ts [ L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (L _ tc))) ]
+ go addAnns mLastDoc ts [ dL->L l (TyElOpd (HsTyVar _ _ (dL->L _ tc))) ]
= do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l tc
; return (addAnns, (data_con, PrefixCon ts, mkConDoc mLastDoc)) }
- go addAnns mLastDoc ts (L l (TyElDocPrev doc):xs) =
- go addAnns (mLastDoc `mplus` Just (L l doc)) ts xs
- go addAnns mLastDoc ts (L l (TyElOpd t):xs)
- | (_, t', addAnns', xs') <- pBangTy (L l t) xs
+ go addAnns mLastDoc ts ((dL->L l (TyElDocPrev doc)):xs) =
+ go addAnns (mLastDoc `mplus` Just (cL l doc)) ts xs
+ go addAnns mLastDoc ts ((dL->L l (TyElOpd t)):xs)
+ | (_, t', addAnns', xs') <- pBangTy (cL l t) xs
, t'' <- mkLHsDocTyMaybe t' mLastDoc
= go (addAnns >> addAnns') Nothing (t'':ts) xs'
- go _ _ _ (L _ (TyElOpr _):_) =
+ go _ _ _ ((dL->L _ (TyElOpr _)):_) =
-- Encountered an operator: backtrack to the beginning and attempt
-- to parse as an infix definition.
@@ -1723,7 +1764,7 @@ mergeDataCon all_xs =
; (rhs_t, rhs_addAnns, xs1) <- pInfixSide xs0 `orErr` malformedErr
; let (mOpDoc, xs2) = pDocPrev xs1
; (op, xs3) <- case xs2 of
- L l (TyElOpr op) : xs3 ->
+ (dL->L l (TyElOpr op)) : xs3 ->
do { data_con <- tyConToDataCon l op
; return (data_con, xs3) }
_ -> Left malformedErr
@@ -1764,7 +1805,7 @@ checkCommand :: LHsExpr GhcPs -> P (LHsCmd GhcPs)
checkCommand lc = locMap checkCmd lc
locMap :: (SrcSpan -> a -> P b) -> Located a -> P (Located b)
-locMap f (L l a) = f l a >>= (\b -> return $ L l b)
+locMap f (dL->L l a) = f l a >>= (\b -> return $ cL l b)
checkCmd :: SrcSpan -> HsExpr GhcPs -> P (HsCmd GhcPs)
checkCmd _ (HsArrApp _ e1 e2 haat b) =
@@ -1785,16 +1826,16 @@ checkCmd _ (HsIf _ cf ep et ee) = do
return $ HsCmdIf noExt cf ep pt pe
checkCmd _ (HsLet _ lb e) =
checkCommand e >>= (\c -> return $ HsCmdLet noExt lb c)
-checkCmd _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (L l stmts)) =
+checkCmd _ (HsDo _ DoExpr (dL->L l stmts)) =
mapM checkCmdLStmt stmts >>=
- (\ss -> return $ HsCmdDo noExt (L l ss) )
+ (\ss -> return $ HsCmdDo noExt (cL l ss) )
checkCmd _ (OpApp _ eLeft op eRight) = do
-- OpApp becomes a HsCmdArrForm with a (Just fixity) in it
c1 <- checkCommand eLeft
c2 <- checkCommand eRight
- let arg1 = L (getLoc c1) $ HsCmdTop noExt c1
- arg2 = L (getLoc c2) $ HsCmdTop noExt c2
+ let arg1 = cL (getLoc c1) $ HsCmdTop noExt c1
+ arg2 = cL (getLoc c2) $ HsCmdTop noExt c2
return $ HsCmdArrForm noExt op Infix Nothing [arg1, arg2]
checkCmd l e = cmdFail l e
@@ -1818,9 +1859,10 @@ checkCmdStmt l stmt = cmdStmtFail l stmt
checkCmdMatchGroup :: MatchGroup GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)
-> P (MatchGroup GhcPs (LHsCmd GhcPs))
-checkCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l ms }) = do
+checkCmdMatchGroup mg@(MG { mg_alts = (dL->L l ms) }) = do
ms' <- mapM (locMap $ const convert) ms
- return $ mg { mg_ext = noExt, mg_alts = L l ms' }
+ return $ mg { mg_ext = noExt
+ , mg_alts = cL l ms' }
where convert match@(Match { m_grhss = grhss }) = do
grhss' <- checkCmdGRHSs grhss
return $ match { m_ext = noExt, m_grhss = grhss'}
@@ -1858,7 +1900,7 @@ checkPrecP
:: Located (SourceText,Int) -- ^ precedence
-> Located (OrdList (Located RdrName)) -- ^ operators
-> P ()
-checkPrecP (L l (_,i)) (L _ ol)
+checkPrecP (dL->L l (_,i)) (dL->L _ ol)
| 0 <= i, i <= maxPrecedence = pure ()
| all specialOp ol = pure ()
| otherwise = parseErrorSDoc l (text ("Precedence out of range: " ++ show i))
@@ -1872,10 +1914,10 @@ mkRecConstrOrUpdate
-> ([LHsRecField GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs)], Bool)
-> P (HsExpr GhcPs)
-mkRecConstrOrUpdate (L l (HsVar _ (L _ c))) _ (fs,dd)
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate (dL->L l (HsVar _ (dL->L _ c))) _ (fs,dd)
| isRdrDataCon c
- = return (mkRdrRecordCon (L l c) (mk_rec_fields fs dd))
-mkRecConstrOrUpdate exp@(L l _) _ (fs,dd)
+ = return (mkRdrRecordCon (cL l c) (mk_rec_fields fs dd))
+mkRecConstrOrUpdate exp@(dL->L l _) _ (fs,dd)
| dd = parseErrorSDoc l (text "You cannot use `..' in a record update")
| otherwise = return (mkRdrRecordUpd exp (map (fmap mk_rec_upd_field) fs))
@@ -1891,13 +1933,16 @@ mkRdrRecordCon con flds
mk_rec_fields :: [LHsRecField id arg] -> Bool -> HsRecFields id arg
mk_rec_fields fs False = HsRecFields { rec_flds = fs, rec_dotdot = Nothing }
-mk_rec_fields fs True = HsRecFields { rec_flds = fs, rec_dotdot = Just (length fs) }
+mk_rec_fields fs True = HsRecFields { rec_flds = fs
+ , rec_dotdot = Just (length fs) }
mk_rec_upd_field :: HsRecField GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs) -> HsRecUpdField GhcPs
-mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField (L loc (FieldOcc _ rdr)) arg pun)
+mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField (dL->L loc (FieldOcc _ rdr)) arg pun)
= HsRecField (L loc (Unambiguous noExt rdr)) arg pun
-mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField (L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _)
+mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField (dL->L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _)
= panic "mk_rec_upd_field"
+mk_rec_upd_field (HsRecField _ _ _)
+ = panic "mk_rec_upd_field: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
mkInlinePragma :: SourceText -> (InlineSpec, RuleMatchInfo) -> Maybe Activation
-> InlinePragma
@@ -1927,12 +1972,12 @@ mkImport :: Located CCallConv
-> (Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-> P (HsDecl GhcPs)
mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
- case cconv of
- L _ CCallConv -> mkCImport
- L _ CApiConv -> mkCImport
- L _ StdCallConv -> mkCImport
- L _ PrimCallConv -> mkOtherImport
- L _ JavaScriptCallConv -> mkOtherImport
+ case unLoc cconv of
+ CCallConv -> mkCImport
+ CApiConv -> mkCImport
+ StdCallConv -> mkCImport
+ PrimCallConv -> mkOtherImport
+ JavaScriptCallConv -> mkOtherImport
-- Parse a C-like entity string of the following form:
-- "[static] [chname] [&] [cid]" | "dynamic" | "wrapper"
@@ -1940,7 +1985,7 @@ mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
-- name (cf section 8.5.1 in Haskell 2010 report).
mkCImport = do
let e = unpackFS entity
- case parseCImport cconv safety (mkExtName (unLoc v)) e (L loc esrc) of
+ case parseCImport cconv safety (mkExtName (unLoc v)) e (cL loc esrc) of
Nothing -> parseErrorSDoc loc (text "Malformed entity string")
Just importSpec -> returnSpec importSpec
@@ -1952,7 +1997,7 @@ mkImport cconv safety (L loc (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty) =
then mkExtName (unLoc v)
else entity
funcTarget = CFunction (StaticTarget esrc entity' Nothing True)
- importSpec = CImport cconv safety Nothing funcTarget (L loc esrc)
+ importSpec = CImport cconv safety Nothing funcTarget (cL loc esrc)
returnSpec spec = return $ ForD noExt $ ForeignImport
{ fd_i_ext = noExt
@@ -1997,20 +2042,21 @@ parseCImport cconv safety nm str sourceText =
mk h n = CImport cconv safety h n sourceText
- hdr_char c = not (isSpace c) -- header files are filenames, which can contain
- -- pretty much any char (depending on the platform),
- -- so just accept any non-space character
+ hdr_char c = not (isSpace c)
+ -- header files are filenames, which can contain
+ -- pretty much any char (depending on the platform),
+ -- so just accept any non-space character
id_first_char c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
id_char c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
cimp nm = (ReadP.char '&' >> skipSpaces >> CLabel <$> cid)
- +++ (do isFun <- case cconv of
- L _ CApiConv ->
+ +++ (do isFun <- case unLoc cconv of
+ CApiConv ->
option True
(do token "value"
return False)
- _ -> return True
+ _ -> return True
cid' <- cid
return (CFunction (StaticTarget NoSourceText cid'
Nothing isFun)))
@@ -2026,11 +2072,11 @@ parseCImport cconv safety nm str sourceText =
mkExport :: Located CCallConv
-> (Located StringLiteral, Located RdrName, LHsSigType GhcPs)
-> P (HsDecl GhcPs)
-mkExport (L lc cconv) (L le (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty)
+mkExport (dL->L lc cconv) (dL->L le (StringLiteral esrc entity), v, ty)
= return $ ForD noExt $
ForeignExport { fd_e_ext = noExt, fd_name = v, fd_sig_ty = ty
- , fd_fe = CExport (L lc (CExportStatic esrc entity' cconv))
- (L le esrc) }
+ , fd_fe = CExport (cL lc (CExportStatic esrc entity' cconv))
+ (cL le esrc) }
entity' | nullFS entity = mkExtName (unLoc v)
| otherwise = entity
@@ -2057,16 +2103,16 @@ data ImpExpQcSpec = ImpExpQcName (Located RdrName)
| ImpExpQcWildcard
mkModuleImpExp :: Located ImpExpQcSpec -> ImpExpSubSpec -> P (IE GhcPs)
-mkModuleImpExp (L l specname) subs =
+mkModuleImpExp (dL->L l specname) subs =
case subs of
| isVarNameSpace (rdrNameSpace name)
- -> return $ IEVar noExt (L l (ieNameFromSpec specname))
- | otherwise -> IEThingAbs noExt . L l <$> nameT
- ImpExpAll -> IEThingAll noExt . L l <$> nameT
- ImpExpList xs ->
- (\newName -> IEThingWith noExt (L l newName) NoIEWildcard (wrapped xs) [])
- <$> nameT
+ -> return $ IEVar noExt (cL l (ieNameFromSpec specname))
+ | otherwise -> IEThingAbs noExt . cL l <$> nameT
+ ImpExpAll -> IEThingAll noExt . cL l <$> nameT
+ ImpExpList xs ->
+ (\newName -> IEThingWith noExt (cL l newName)
+ NoIEWildcard (wrapped xs) []) <$> nameT
ImpExpAllWith xs ->
do allowed <- extension patternSynonymsEnabled
if allowed
@@ -2076,7 +2122,8 @@ mkModuleImpExp (L l specname) subs =
(findIndex isImpExpQcWildcard withs)
ies = wrapped $ filter (not . isImpExpQcWildcard . unLoc) xs
in (\newName
- -> IEThingWith noExt (L l newName) pos ies []) <$> nameT
+ -> IEThingWith noExt (cL l newName) pos ies [])
+ <$> nameT
else parseErrorSDoc l
(text "Illegal export form (use PatternSynonyms to enable)")
@@ -2087,8 +2134,9 @@ mkModuleImpExp (L l specname) subs =
(text "Expecting a type constructor but found a variable,"
<+> quotes (ppr name) <> text "."
$$ if isSymOcc $ rdrNameOcc name
- then text "If" <+> quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is a type constructor"
- <+> text "then enable ExplicitNamespaces and use the 'type' keyword."
+ then text "If" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ <+> text "is a type constructor"
+ <+> text "then enable ExplicitNamespaces and use the 'type' keyword."
else empty)
else return $ ieNameFromSpec specname
@@ -2100,7 +2148,7 @@ mkModuleImpExp (L l specname) subs =
ieNameFromSpec (ImpExpQcType ln) = IEType ln
ieNameFromSpec (ImpExpQcWildcard) = panic "ieName got wildcard"
- wrapped = map (\(L l x) -> L l (ieNameFromSpec x))
+ wrapped = map (onHasSrcSpan ieNameFromSpec)
mkTypeImpExp :: Located RdrName -- TcCls or Var name space
-> P (Located RdrName)
@@ -2112,8 +2160,8 @@ mkTypeImpExp name =
(text "Illegal keyword 'type' (use ExplicitNamespaces to enable)")
checkImportSpec :: Located [LIE GhcPs] -> P (Located [LIE GhcPs])
-checkImportSpec ie@(L _ specs) =
- case [l | (L l (IEThingWith _ _ (IEWildcard _) _ _)) <- specs] of
+checkImportSpec ie@(dL->L _ specs) =
+ case [l | (dL->L l (IEThingWith _ _ (IEWildcard _) _ _)) <- specs] of
[] -> return ie
(l:_) -> importSpecError l
@@ -2125,7 +2173,7 @@ checkImportSpec ie@(L _ specs) =
-- In the correct order
mkImpExpSubSpec :: [Located ImpExpQcSpec] -> P ([AddAnn], ImpExpSubSpec)
mkImpExpSubSpec [] = return ([], ImpExpList [])
-mkImpExpSubSpec [L _ ImpExpQcWildcard] =
+mkImpExpSubSpec [dL->L _ ImpExpQcWildcard] =
return ([], ImpExpAll)
mkImpExpSubSpec xs =
if (any (isImpExpQcWildcard . unLoc) xs)
@@ -2160,7 +2208,7 @@ warnStarBndr span = addWarning Opt_WarnStarBinder span msg
$$ text " including the definition module, you must qualify it."
failOpFewArgs :: Located RdrName -> P a
-failOpFewArgs (L loc op) =
+failOpFewArgs (dL->L loc op) =
do { star_is_type <- extension starIsTypeEnabled
; let msg = too_few $$ starInfo star_is_type op
; parseErrorSDoc loc msg }
@@ -2173,14 +2221,14 @@ failOpDocPrev loc = parseErrorSDoc loc msg
msg = text "Unexpected documentation comment."
failOpStrictnessCompound :: Located SrcStrictness -> LHsType GhcPs -> P a
-failOpStrictnessCompound (L _ str) (L loc ty) = parseErrorSDoc loc msg
+failOpStrictnessCompound (dL->L _ str) (dL->L loc ty) = parseErrorSDoc loc msg
msg = text "Strictness annotation applied to a compound type." $$
text "Did you mean to add parentheses?" $$
nest 2 (ppr str <> parens (ppr ty))
failOpStrictnessPosition :: Located SrcStrictness -> P a
-failOpStrictnessPosition (L loc _) = parseErrorSDoc loc msg
+failOpStrictnessPosition (dL->L loc _) = parseErrorSDoc loc msg
msg = text "Strictness annotation cannot appear in this position."
@@ -2210,24 +2258,26 @@ mkSumOrTuple boxity _ (Tuple es) = return (ExplicitTuple noExt es boxity)
-- Sum
mkSumOrTuple Unboxed _ (Sum alt arity e) =
return (ExplicitSum noExt alt arity e)
-mkSumOrTuple Boxed l (Sum alt arity (L _ e)) =
- parseErrorSDoc l (hang (text "Boxed sums not supported:") 2 (ppr_boxed_sum alt arity e))
+mkSumOrTuple Boxed l (Sum alt arity (dL->L _ e)) =
+ parseErrorSDoc l (hang (text "Boxed sums not supported:") 2
+ (ppr_boxed_sum alt arity e))
ppr_boxed_sum :: ConTag -> Arity -> HsExpr GhcPs -> SDoc
ppr_boxed_sum alt arity e =
- text "(" <+> ppr_bars (alt - 1) <+> ppr e <+> ppr_bars (arity - alt) <+> text ")"
+ text "(" <+> ppr_bars (alt - 1) <+> ppr e <+> ppr_bars (arity - alt)
+ <+> text ")"
ppr_bars n = hsep (replicate n (Outputable.char '|'))
mkLHsOpTy :: LHsType GhcPs -> Located RdrName -> LHsType GhcPs -> LHsType GhcPs
mkLHsOpTy x op y =
let loc = getLoc x `combineSrcSpans` getLoc op `combineSrcSpans` getLoc y
- in L loc (mkHsOpTy x op y)
+ in cL loc (mkHsOpTy x op y)
mkLHsDocTy :: LHsType GhcPs -> LHsDocString -> LHsType GhcPs
mkLHsDocTy t doc =
let loc = getLoc t `combineSrcSpans` getLoc doc
- in L loc (HsDocTy noExt t doc)
+ in cL loc (HsDocTy noExt t doc)
mkLHsDocTyMaybe :: LHsType GhcPs -> Maybe LHsDocString -> LHsType GhcPs
mkLHsDocTyMaybe t = maybe t (mkLHsDocTy t)
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
index 60dead089b..ade67b7a49 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
@@ -469,11 +469,11 @@ rnBind _ bind@(PatBind { pat_lhs = pat
= -- See Note [Pattern bindings that bind no variables]
- case pat of
- L _ (WildPat {}) -> True
- L _ (BangPat {}) -> True -- #9127, #13646
- L _ (SplicePat {}) -> True
- _ -> False
+ case unLoc pat of
+ WildPat {} -> True
+ BangPat {} -> True -- #9127, #13646
+ SplicePat {} -> True
+ _ -> False
-- Warn if the pattern binds no variables
-- See Note [Pattern bindings that bind no variables]
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.hs b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.hs
index 46ac6b8724..cc69e43603 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ free variables.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RnExpr (
rnLExpr, rnExpr, rnStmts
@@ -1412,7 +1413,7 @@ segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt ((defs, uses, fwds, ss) : segs) fvs_later
(later_stmts, later_uses) = segsToStmts empty_rec_stmt segs fvs_later
new_stmt | non_rec = head ss
- | otherwise = L (getLoc (head ss)) rec_stmt
+ | otherwise = cL (getLoc (head ss)) rec_stmt
rec_stmt = empty_rec_stmt { recS_stmts = ss
, recS_later_ids = nameSetElemsStable used_later
, recS_rec_ids = nameSetElemsStable fwds }
@@ -1811,9 +1812,9 @@ parallel" in an ApplicativeStmt, but doesn't otherwise affect what we
can do with the rest of the statements in the same "do" expression.
-isStrictPattern :: LPat id -> Bool
-isStrictPattern (L _ pat) =
- case pat of
+isStrictPattern :: LPat (GhcPass p) -> Bool
+isStrictPattern lpat =
+ case unLoc lpat of
WildPat{} -> False
VarPat{} -> False
LazyPat{} -> False
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnFixity.hs b/compiler/rename/RnFixity.hs
index f1bfb380a5..19d8bb4c5a 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnFixity.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnFixity.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
This module contains code which maintains and manipulates the
@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ addLocalFixities mini_fix_env names thing_inside
find_fixity name
= case lookupFsEnv mini_fix_env (occNameFS occ) of
- Just (L _ fix) -> Just (name, FixItem occ fix)
- Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just lfix -> Just (name, FixItem occ (unLoc lfix))
+ Nothing -> Nothing
occ = nameOccName name
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ lookupFixityRn_help' name occ
lookupTyFixityRn :: Located Name -> RnM Fixity
-lookupTyFixityRn (L _ n) = lookupFixityRn n
+lookupTyFixityRn = lookupFixityRn . unLoc
-- | Look up the fixity of a (possibly ambiguous) occurrence of a record field
-- selector. We use 'lookupFixityRn'' so that we can specifiy the 'OccName' as
@@ -179,9 +181,9 @@ lookupTyFixityRn (L _ n) = lookupFixityRn n
-- 'Name' if @DuplicateRecordFields@ is in use (Trac #1173). If there are
-- multiple possible selectors with different fixities, generate an error.
lookupFieldFixityRn :: AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn -> RnM Fixity
-lookupFieldFixityRn (Unambiguous n (L _ rdr))
- = lookupFixityRn' n (rdrNameOcc rdr)
-lookupFieldFixityRn (Ambiguous _ (L _ rdr)) = get_ambiguous_fixity rdr
+lookupFieldFixityRn (Unambiguous n lrdr)
+ = lookupFixityRn' n (rdrNameOcc (unLoc lrdr))
+lookupFieldFixityRn (Ambiguous _ lrdr) = get_ambiguous_fixity (unLoc lrdr)
get_ambiguous_fixity :: RdrName -> RnM Fixity
get_ambiguous_fixity rdr_name = do
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnHsDoc.hs b/compiler/rename/RnHsDoc.hs
index ac2589df4e..348f87fca5 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnHsDoc.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnHsDoc.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RnHsDoc ( rnHsDoc, rnLHsDoc, rnMbLHsDoc ) where
@@ -16,10 +17,9 @@ rnMbLHsDoc mb_doc = case mb_doc of
Nothing -> return Nothing
rnLHsDoc :: LHsDocString -> RnM LHsDocString
-rnLHsDoc (L pos doc) = do
+rnLHsDoc (dL->L pos doc) = do
doc' <- rnHsDoc doc
- return (L pos doc')
+ return (cL pos doc')
rnHsDoc :: HsDocString -> RnM HsDocString
rnHsDoc = pure
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnPat.hs b/compiler/rename/RnPat.hs
index a80a6982eb..ba19c4ebff 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnPat.hs
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of
free variables.
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RnPat (-- main entry points
rnPat, rnPats, rnBindPat, rnPatAndThen,
@@ -126,12 +129,13 @@ liftCpsFV rn_thing = CpsRn (\k -> do { (v,fvs1) <- rn_thing
; (r,fvs2) <- k v
; return (r, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) })
-wrapSrcSpanCps :: (a -> CpsRn b) -> Located a -> CpsRn (Located b)
+wrapSrcSpanCps :: (HasSrcSpan a, HasSrcSpan b) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> CpsRn (SrcSpanLess b)) -> a -> CpsRn b
-- Set the location, and also wrap it around the value returned
-wrapSrcSpanCps fn (L loc a)
+wrapSrcSpanCps fn (dL->L loc a)
= CpsRn (\k -> setSrcSpan loc $
unCpsRn (fn a) $ \v ->
- k (L loc v))
+ k (cL loc v))
lookupConCps :: Located RdrName -> CpsRn (Located Name)
lookupConCps con_rdr
@@ -216,9 +220,9 @@ rnHsSigCps :: LHsSigWcType GhcPs -> CpsRn (LHsSigWcType GhcRn)
rnHsSigCps sig = CpsRn (rnHsSigWcTypeScoped AlwaysBind PatCtx sig)
newPatLName :: NameMaker -> Located RdrName -> CpsRn (Located Name)
-newPatLName name_maker rdr_name@(L loc _)
+newPatLName name_maker rdr_name@(dL->L loc _)
= do { name <- newPatName name_maker rdr_name
- ; return (L loc name) }
+ ; return (cL loc name) }
newPatName :: NameMaker -> Located RdrName -> CpsRn Name
newPatName (LamMk report_unused) rdr_name
@@ -387,9 +391,10 @@ rnPatAndThen mk (LazyPat x pat) = do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
; return (LazyPat x pat') }
rnPatAndThen mk (BangPat x pat) = do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
; return (BangPat x pat') }
-rnPatAndThen mk (VarPat x (L l rdr)) = do { loc <- liftCps getSrcSpanM
- ; name <- newPatName mk (L loc rdr)
- ; return (VarPat x (L l name)) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (VarPat x (dL->L l rdr))
+ = do { loc <- liftCps getSrcSpanM
+ ; name <- newPatName mk (cL loc rdr)
+ ; return (VarPat x (cL l name)) }
-- we need to bind pattern variables for view pattern expressions
-- (e.g. in the pattern (x, x -> y) x needs to be bound in the rhs of the tuple)
@@ -419,7 +424,7 @@ rnPatAndThen mk (LitPat x lit)
normal_lit = do { liftCps (rnLit lit); return (LitPat x (convertLit lit)) }
-rnPatAndThen _ (NPat x (L l lit) mb_neg _eq)
+rnPatAndThen _ (NPat x (dL->L l lit) mb_neg _eq)
= do { (lit', mb_neg') <- liftCpsFV $ rnOverLit lit
; mb_neg' -- See Note [Negative zero]
<- let negative = do { (neg, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName negateName
@@ -431,9 +436,9 @@ rnPatAndThen _ (NPat x (L l lit) mb_neg _eq)
(Nothing, Nothing) -> positive
(Just _ , Just _ ) -> positive
; eq' <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName eqName
- ; return (NPat x (L l lit') mb_neg' eq') }
+ ; return (NPat x (cL l lit') mb_neg' eq') }
-rnPatAndThen mk (NPlusKPat x rdr (L l lit) _ _ _ )
+rnPatAndThen mk (NPlusKPat x rdr (dL->L l lit) _ _ _ )
= do { new_name <- newPatName mk rdr
; (lit', _) <- liftCpsFV $ rnOverLit lit -- See Note [Negative zero]
-- We skip negateName as
@@ -441,8 +446,8 @@ rnPatAndThen mk (NPlusKPat x rdr (L l lit) _ _ _ )
-- sense in n + k patterns
; minus <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName minusName
; ge <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName geName
- ; return (NPlusKPat x (L (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name)
- (L l lit') lit' ge minus) }
+ ; return (NPlusKPat x (cL (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name)
+ (cL l lit') lit' ge minus) }
-- The Report says that n+k patterns must be in Integral
rnPatAndThen mk (AsPat x rdr pat)
@@ -529,16 +534,17 @@ rnHsRecPatsAndThen :: NameMaker
-> Located Name -- Constructor
-> HsRecFields GhcPs (LPat GhcPs)
-> CpsRn (HsRecFields GhcRn (LPat GhcRn))
-rnHsRecPatsAndThen mk (L _ con) hs_rec_fields@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd })
+rnHsRecPatsAndThen mk (dL->L _ con)
+ hs_rec_fields@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd })
= do { flds <- liftCpsFV $ rnHsRecFields (HsRecFieldPat con) mkVarPat
; flds' <- mapM rn_field (flds `zip` [1..])
; return (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds', rec_dotdot = dd }) }
- mkVarPat l n = VarPat noExt (L l n)
- rn_field (L l fld, n') = do { arg' <- rnLPatAndThen (nested_mk dd mk n')
- (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- ; return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' })) }
+ mkVarPat l n = VarPat noExt (cL l n)
+ rn_field (dL->L l fld, n') =
+ do { arg' <- rnLPatAndThen (nested_mk dd mk n') (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ ; return (cL l (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' })) }
-- Suppress unused-match reporting for fields introduced by ".."
nested_mk Nothing mk _ = mk
@@ -559,12 +565,12 @@ data HsRecFieldContext
| HsRecFieldUpd
- :: forall arg.
+ :: forall arg. HasSrcSpan arg =>
- -> (SrcSpan -> RdrName -> arg)
+ -> (SrcSpan -> RdrName -> SrcSpanLess arg)
-- When punning, use this to build a new field
- -> HsRecFields GhcPs (Located arg)
- -> RnM ([LHsRecField GhcRn (Located arg)], FreeVars)
+ -> HsRecFields GhcPs arg
+ -> RnM ([LHsRecField GhcRn arg], FreeVars)
-- This surprisingly complicated pass
-- a) looks up the field name (possibly using disambiguation)
@@ -590,31 +596,37 @@ rnHsRecFields ctxt mk_arg (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = dotdot })
HsRecFieldPat con -> Just con
_ {- update -} -> Nothing
- rn_fld :: Bool -> Maybe Name -> LHsRecField GhcPs (Located arg)
- -> RnM (LHsRecField GhcRn (Located arg))
- rn_fld pun_ok parent (L l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl
- = L loc (FieldOcc _ (L ll lbl))
- , hsRecFieldArg = arg
- , hsRecPun = pun }))
+ rn_fld :: Bool -> Maybe Name -> LHsRecField GhcPs arg
+ -> RnM (LHsRecField GhcRn arg)
+ rn_fld pun_ok parent (dL->L l
+ (HsRecField
+ { hsRecFieldLbl =
+ (dL->L loc (FieldOcc _ (dL->L ll lbl)))
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg
+ , hsRecPun = pun }))
= do { sel <- setSrcSpan loc $ lookupRecFieldOcc parent lbl
; arg' <- if pun
- then do { checkErr pun_ok (badPun (L loc lbl))
+ then do { checkErr pun_ok (badPun (cL loc lbl))
-- Discard any module qualifier (#11662)
; let arg_rdr = mkRdrUnqual (rdrNameOcc lbl)
- ; return (L loc (mk_arg loc arg_rdr)) }
+ ; return (cL loc (mk_arg loc arg_rdr)) }
else return arg
- ; return (L l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl
- = L loc (FieldOcc sel (L ll lbl))
- , hsRecFieldArg = arg'
- , hsRecPun = pun })) }
- rn_fld _ _ (L _ (HsRecField (L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _))
+ ; return (cL l (HsRecField
+ { hsRecFieldLbl = (cL loc (FieldOcc
+ sel (cL ll lbl)))
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg'
+ , hsRecPun = pun })) }
+ rn_fld _ _ (dL->L _ (HsRecField (dL->L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _))
= panic "rnHsRecFields"
+ rn_fld _ _ _ = panic "rn_fld: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
rn_dotdot :: Maybe Int -- See Note [DotDot fields] in HsPat
-> Maybe Name -- The constructor (Nothing for an
-- out of scope constructor)
- -> [LHsRecField GhcRn (Located arg)] -- Explicit fields
- -> RnM [LHsRecField GhcRn (Located arg)] -- Filled in .. fields
+ -> [LHsRecField GhcRn arg] -- Explicit fields
+ -> RnM [LHsRecField GhcRn arg] -- Filled in .. fields
rn_dotdot (Just n) (Just con) flds -- ".." on record construction / pat match
| not (isUnboundName con) -- This test is because if the constructor
-- isn't in scope the constructor lookup will add
@@ -648,9 +660,9 @@ rnHsRecFields ctxt mk_arg (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = dotdot })
_other -> True ]
; addUsedGREs dot_dot_gres
- ; return [ L loc (HsRecField
- { hsRecFieldLbl = L loc (FieldOcc sel (L loc arg_rdr))
- , hsRecFieldArg = L loc (mk_arg loc arg_rdr)
+ ; return [ cL loc (HsRecField
+ { hsRecFieldLbl = cL loc (FieldOcc sel (cL loc arg_rdr))
+ , hsRecFieldArg = cL loc (mk_arg loc arg_rdr)
, hsRecPun = False })
| fl <- dot_dot_fields
, let sel = flSelector fl
@@ -695,25 +707,28 @@ rnHsRecUpdFields flds
rn_fld :: Bool -> Bool -> LHsRecUpdField GhcPs
-> RnM (LHsRecUpdField GhcRn, FreeVars)
- rn_fld pun_ok overload_ok (L l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = L loc f
- , hsRecFieldArg = arg
- , hsRecPun = pun }))
+ rn_fld pun_ok overload_ok (dL->L l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = dL->L loc f
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg
+ , hsRecPun = pun }))
= do { let lbl = rdrNameAmbiguousFieldOcc f
; sel <- setSrcSpan loc $
-- Defer renaming of overloaded fields to the typechecker
-- See Note [Disambiguating record fields] in TcExpr
if overload_ok
- then do { mb <- lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded overload_ok lbl
+ then do { mb <- lookupGlobalOccRn_overloaded
+ overload_ok lbl
; case mb of
- Nothing -> do { addErr (unknownSubordinateErr doc lbl)
- ; return (Right []) }
+ Nothing ->
+ do { addErr
+ (unknownSubordinateErr doc lbl)
+ ; return (Right []) }
Just r -> return r }
else fmap Left $ lookupGlobalOccRn lbl
; arg' <- if pun
- then do { checkErr pun_ok (badPun (L loc lbl))
+ then do { checkErr pun_ok (badPun (cL loc lbl))
-- Discard any module qualifier (#11662)
; let arg_rdr = mkRdrUnqual (rdrNameOcc lbl)
- ; return (L loc (HsVar noExt (L loc arg_rdr))) }
+ ; return (cL loc (HsVar noExt (cL loc arg_rdr))) }
else return arg
; (arg'', fvs) <- rnLExpr arg'
@@ -723,14 +738,14 @@ rnHsRecUpdFields flds
Right _ -> fvs
lbl' = case sel of
Left sel_name ->
- L loc (Unambiguous sel_name (L loc lbl))
+ cL loc (Unambiguous sel_name (cL loc lbl))
Right [sel_name] ->
- L loc (Unambiguous sel_name (L loc lbl))
- Right _ -> L loc (Ambiguous noExt (L loc lbl))
+ cL loc (Unambiguous sel_name (cL loc lbl))
+ Right _ -> cL loc (Ambiguous noExt (cL loc lbl))
- ; return (L l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = lbl'
- , hsRecFieldArg = arg''
- , hsRecPun = pun }), fvs') }
+ ; return (cL l (HsRecField { hsRecFieldLbl = lbl'
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg''
+ , hsRecPun = pun }), fvs') }
dup_flds :: [NE.NonEmpty RdrName]
-- Each list represents a RdrName that occurred more than once
@@ -797,7 +812,9 @@ rnLit _ = return ()
-- Integer-looking literal.
generalizeOverLitVal :: OverLitVal -> OverLitVal
generalizeOverLitVal (HsFractional (FL {fl_text=src,fl_neg=neg,fl_value=val}))
- | denominator val == 1 = HsIntegral (IL {il_text=src,il_neg=neg,il_value=numerator val})
+ | denominator val == 1 = HsIntegral (IL { il_text=src
+ , il_neg=neg
+ , il_value=numerator val})
generalizeOverLitVal lit = lit
isNegativeZeroOverLit :: HsOverLit t -> Bool
@@ -831,8 +848,8 @@ rnOverLit origLit
; (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = from_thing_name }, fvs1)
<- lookupSyntaxName std_name
; let rebindable = case from_thing_name of
- HsVar _ (L _ v) -> v /= std_name
- _ -> panic "rnOverLit"
+ HsVar _ lv -> (unLoc lv) /= std_name
+ _ -> panic "rnOverLit"
; let lit' = lit { ol_witness = from_thing_name
, ol_ext = rebindable }
; if isNegativeZeroOverLit lit'
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
index 5ecb1a68e7..7a205ba3b9 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@
\section[RnSource]{Main pass of renamer}
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RnSource (
rnSrcDecls, addTcgDUs, findSplice
@@ -280,13 +282,13 @@ rnSrcWarnDecls _ []
rnSrcWarnDecls bndr_set decls'
= do { -- check for duplicates
- ; mapM_ (\ dups -> let (L loc rdr :| (lrdr':_)) = dups
+ ; mapM_ (\ dups -> let ((dL->L loc rdr) :| (lrdr':_)) = dups
in addErrAt loc (dupWarnDecl lrdr' rdr))
; pairs_s <- mapM (addLocM rn_deprec) decls
; return (WarnSome ((concat pairs_s))) }
- decls = concatMap (\(L _ d) -> wd_warnings d) decls'
+ decls = concatMap (wd_warnings . unLoc) decls'
sig_ctxt = TopSigCtxt bndr_set
@@ -299,8 +301,8 @@ rnSrcWarnDecls bndr_set decls'
what = text "deprecation"
- warn_rdr_dups = findDupRdrNames $ concatMap (\(L _ (Warning _ ns _)) -> ns)
- decls
+ warn_rdr_dups = findDupRdrNames
+ $ concatMap (\(dL->L _ (Warning _ ns _)) -> ns) decls
findDupRdrNames :: [Located RdrName] -> [NonEmpty (Located RdrName)]
findDupRdrNames = findDupsEq (\ x -> \ y -> rdrNameOcc (unLoc x) == rdrNameOcc (unLoc y))
@@ -311,9 +313,9 @@ findDupRdrNames = findDupsEq (\ x -> \ y -> rdrNameOcc (unLoc x) == rdrNameOcc (
dupWarnDecl :: Located RdrName -> RdrName -> SDoc
-- Located RdrName -> DeprecDecl RdrName -> SDoc
-dupWarnDecl (L loc _) rdr_name
+dupWarnDecl d rdr_name
= vcat [text "Multiple warning declarations for" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name),
- text "also at " <+> ppr loc]
+ text "also at " <+> ppr (getLoc d)]
@@ -476,9 +478,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
| cls == applicativeClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == pureAName, isAliasMG mg == Just returnMName
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "pure" "return"
@@ -490,9 +493,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
_ -> return ()
| cls == monadClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == returnMName, isAliasMG mg /= Just pureAName
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances "return" "pure"
@@ -520,9 +524,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
| cls == monadFailClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == failMName, isAliasMG mg == Just failMName_preMFP
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadFailInstances "fail"
@@ -531,9 +536,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
_ -> return ()
| cls == monadClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == failMName_preMFP, isAliasMG mg /= Just failMName
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadFailInstances "fail"
@@ -557,9 +563,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
| cls == semigroupClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == sappendName, isAliasMG mg == Just mappendName
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod1
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances "(<>)" "mappend"
@@ -567,9 +574,10 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
_ -> return ()
| cls == monoidClassName = do
- forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ forM_ (bagToList mbinds) $ \(dL->L loc mbind) -> setSrcSpan loc $ do
case mbind of
- FunBind { fun_id = L _ name, fun_matches = mg }
+ FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , fun_matches = mg }
| name == mappendName, isAliasMG mg /= Just sappendName
-> addWarnNonCanonicalMethod2NoDefault
Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances "mappend" "(<>)"
@@ -581,10 +589,12 @@ checkCanonicalInstances cls poly_ty mbinds = do
-- | test whether MatchGroup represents a trivial \"lhsName = rhsName\"
-- binding, and return @Just rhsName@ if this is the case
isAliasMG :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn) -> Maybe Name
- isAliasMG MG {mg_alts = L _ [L _ (Match { m_pats = [], m_grhss = grhss })]}
- | GRHSs _ [L _ (GRHS _ [] body)] lbinds <- grhss
- , L _ (EmptyLocalBinds _) <- lbinds
- , L _ (HsVar _ (L _ rhsName)) <- body = Just rhsName
+ isAliasMG MG {mg_alts = (dL->L _
+ [dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = []
+ , m_grhss = grhss })])}
+ | GRHSs _ [dL->L _ (GRHS _ [] body)] lbinds <- grhss
+ , EmptyLocalBinds _ <- unLoc lbinds
+ , HsVar _ lrhsName <- unLoc body = Just (unLoc lrhsName)
isAliasMG _ = Nothing
-- got "lhs = rhs" but expected something different
@@ -641,7 +651,7 @@ rnClsInstDecl (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = mbinds
; let (ktv_names, _, head_ty') = splitLHsInstDeclTy inst_ty'
; let cls = case hsTyGetAppHead_maybe head_ty' of
Nothing -> mkUnboundName (mkTcOccFS (fsLit "<class>"))
- Just (L _ cls, _) -> cls
+ Just (dL->L _ cls, _) -> cls
-- rnLHsInstType has added an error message
-- if hsTyGetAppHead_maybe fails
@@ -1007,7 +1017,7 @@ rnHsRuleDecl (HsRule { rd_name = rule_name
, rd_tmvs = tmvs
, rd_lhs = lhs
, rd_rhs = rhs })
- = do { let rdr_names_w_loc = map get_var tmvs
+ = do { let rdr_names_w_loc = map (get_var . unLoc) tmvs
; checkDupRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
; checkShadowedRdrNames rdr_names_w_loc
; names <- newLocalBndrsRn rdr_names_w_loc
@@ -1025,9 +1035,9 @@ rnHsRuleDecl (HsRule { rd_name = rule_name
, rd_lhs = lhs'
, rd_rhs = rhs' }, fv_lhs' `plusFV` fv_rhs') } }
- get_var (L _ (RuleBndrSig _ v _)) = v
- get_var (L _ (RuleBndr _ v)) = v
- get_var (L _ (XRuleBndr _)) = panic "rnHsRuleDecl"
+ get_var (RuleBndrSig _ v _) = v
+ get_var (RuleBndr _ v) = v
+ get_var (XRuleBndr _) = panic "rnHsRuleDecl"
in_rule = text "in the rule" <+> pprFullRuleName rule_name
rnHsRuleDecl (XRuleDecl _) = panic "rnHsRuleDecl"
@@ -1039,14 +1049,15 @@ bindRuleTmVars doc tyvs vars names thing_inside
= go vars names $ \ vars' ->
bindLocalNamesFV names (thing_inside vars')
- go (L l (RuleBndr _ (L loc _)) : vars) (n : ns) thing_inside
+ go ((dL->L l (RuleBndr _ (dL->L loc _))) : vars) (n : ns) thing_inside
= go vars ns $ \ vars' ->
- thing_inside (L l (RuleBndr noExt (L loc n)) : vars')
+ thing_inside (cL l (RuleBndr noExt (cL loc n)) : vars')
- go (L l (RuleBndrSig _ (L loc _) bsig) : vars) (n : ns) thing_inside
+ go ((dL->L l (RuleBndrSig _ (dL->L loc _) bsig)) : vars)
+ (n : ns) thing_inside
= rnHsSigWcTypeScoped bind_free_tvs doc bsig $ \ bsig' ->
go vars ns $ \ vars' ->
- thing_inside (L l (RuleBndrSig noExt (L loc n) bsig') : vars')
+ thing_inside (cL l (RuleBndrSig noExt (cL loc n) bsig') : vars')
go [] [] thing_inside = thing_inside []
go vars names _ = pprPanic "bindRuleVars" (ppr vars $$ ppr names)
@@ -1094,17 +1105,19 @@ validRuleLhs :: [Name] -> LHsExpr GhcRn -> Maybe (HsExpr GhcRn)
validRuleLhs foralls lhs
= checkl lhs
- checkl (L _ e) = check e
+ checkl = check . unLoc
check (OpApp _ e1 op e2) = checkl op `mplus` checkl_e e1
`mplus` checkl_e e2
check (HsApp _ e1 e2) = checkl e1 `mplus` checkl_e e2
check (HsAppType _ e _) = checkl e
- check (HsVar _ (L _ v)) | v `notElem` foralls = Nothing
+ check (HsVar _ lv)
+ | (unLoc lv) `notElem` foralls = Nothing
check other = Just other -- Failure
-- Check an argument
- checkl_e (L _ _e) = Nothing -- Was (check_e e); see Note [Rule LHS validity checking]
+ checkl_e _ = Nothing
+ -- Was (check_e e); see Note [Rule LHS validity checking]
{- Commented out; see Note [Rule LHS validity checking] above
check_e (HsVar v) = Nothing
@@ -1389,7 +1402,7 @@ rnRoleAnnots tc_names role_annots
= do { -- Check for duplicates *before* renaming, to avoid
-- lumping together all the unboundNames
let (no_dups, dup_annots) = removeDups role_annots_cmp role_annots
- role_annots_cmp (L _ annot1) (L _ annot2)
+ role_annots_cmp (dL->L _ annot1) (dL->L _ annot2)
= roleAnnotDeclName annot1 `compare` roleAnnotDeclName annot2
; mapM_ dupRoleAnnotErr dup_annots
; mapM (wrapLocM rn_role_annot1) no_dups }
@@ -1411,15 +1424,15 @@ dupRoleAnnotErr list
2 (vcat $ map pp_role_annot $ NE.toList sorted_list)
sorted_list = NE.sortBy cmp_annot list
- (L loc first_decl :| _) = sorted_list
+ ((dL->L loc first_decl) :| _) = sorted_list
- pp_role_annot (L loc decl) = hang (ppr decl)
+ pp_role_annot (dL->L loc decl) = hang (ppr decl)
4 (text "-- written at" <+> ppr loc)
- cmp_annot (L loc1 _) (L loc2 _) = loc1 `compare` loc2
+ cmp_annot (dL->L loc1 _) (dL->L loc2 _) = loc1 `compare` loc2
orphanRoleAnnotErr :: LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn -> RnM ()
-orphanRoleAnnotErr (L loc decl)
+orphanRoleAnnotErr (dL->L loc decl)
= addErrAt loc $
hang (text "Role annotation for a type previously declared:")
2 (ppr decl) $$
@@ -1583,8 +1596,9 @@ rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
-- Check the signatures
-- First process the class op sigs (op_sigs), then the fixity sigs (non_op_sigs).
- ; let sig_rdr_names_w_locs = [op |L _ (ClassOpSig _ False ops _) <- sigs
- , op <- ops]
+ ; let sig_rdr_names_w_locs =
+ [op | (dL->L _ (ClassOpSig _ False ops _)) <- sigs
+ , op <- ops]
; checkDupRdrNames sig_rdr_names_w_locs
-- Typechecker is responsible for checking that we only
-- give default-method bindings for things in this class.
@@ -1659,39 +1673,42 @@ rnDataDefn doc (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_cType = cType
h98_style = case condecls of -- Note [Stupid theta]
- L _ (ConDeclGADT {}) : _ -> False
- _ -> True
+ (dL->L _ (ConDeclGADT {})) : _ -> False
+ _ -> True
- rn_derivs (L loc ds)
+ rn_derivs (dL->L loc ds)
= do { deriv_strats_ok <- xoptM LangExt.DerivingStrategies
; failIfTc (lengthExceeds ds 1 && not deriv_strats_ok)
; (ds', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsDerivingClause doc) ds
- ; return (L loc ds', fvs) }
+ ; return (cL loc ds', fvs) }
rnDataDefn _ (XHsDataDefn _) = panic "rnDataDefn"
rnLHsDerivingClause :: HsDocContext -> LHsDerivingClause GhcPs
-> RnM (LHsDerivingClause GhcRn, FreeVars)
rnLHsDerivingClause doc
- (L loc (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext = noExt
- , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
- , deriv_clause_tys = L loc' dct }))
+ (dL->L loc (HsDerivingClause
+ { deriv_clause_ext = noExt
+ , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
+ , deriv_clause_tys = (dL->L loc' dct) }))
= do { (dcs', dct', fvs)
<- rnLDerivStrategy doc dcs $ \strat_tvs ppr_via_ty ->
mapFvRn (rn_deriv_ty strat_tvs ppr_via_ty) dct
- ; pure ( L loc (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext = noExt
- , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs'
- , deriv_clause_tys = L loc' dct' })
+ ; pure ( cL loc (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext = noExt
+ , deriv_clause_strategy = dcs'
+ , deriv_clause_tys = cL loc' dct' })
, fvs ) }
rn_deriv_ty :: [Name] -> SDoc -> LHsSigType GhcPs
-> RnM (LHsSigType GhcRn, FreeVars)
- rn_deriv_ty strat_tvs ppr_via_ty deriv_ty@(HsIB {hsib_body = L loc _}) =
+ rn_deriv_ty strat_tvs ppr_via_ty deriv_ty@(HsIB {hsib_body = dL->L loc _}) =
rnAndReportFloatingViaTvs strat_tvs loc ppr_via_ty "class" $
rnHsSigType doc deriv_ty
rn_deriv_ty _ _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _) = panic "rn_deriv_ty"
-rnLHsDerivingClause _ (L _ (XHsDerivingClause _))
+rnLHsDerivingClause _ (dL->L _ (XHsDerivingClause _))
= panic "rnLHsDerivingClause"
+rnLHsDerivingClause _ _ = panic "rnLHsDerivingClause: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
rnLDerivStrategy :: forall a.
@@ -1709,7 +1726,7 @@ rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
rn_deriv_strat :: LDerivStrategy GhcPs
-> RnM (LDerivStrategy GhcRn, a, FreeVars)
- rn_deriv_strat (L loc ds) = do
+ rn_deriv_strat (dL->L loc ds) = do
let extNeeded :: LangExt.Extension
| ViaStrategy{} <- ds
@@ -1721,9 +1738,9 @@ rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
failWith $ illegalDerivStrategyErr ds
case ds of
- StockStrategy -> boring_case (L loc StockStrategy)
- AnyclassStrategy -> boring_case (L loc AnyclassStrategy)
- NewtypeStrategy -> boring_case (L loc NewtypeStrategy)
+ StockStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc StockStrategy)
+ AnyclassStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc AnyclassStrategy)
+ NewtypeStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc NewtypeStrategy)
ViaStrategy via_ty ->
do (via_ty', fvs1) <- rnHsSigType doc via_ty
let HsIB { hsib_ext = via_imp_tvs
@@ -1733,7 +1750,7 @@ rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
via_tvs = via_imp_tvs ++ via_exp_tvs
(thing, fvs2) <- extendTyVarEnvFVRn via_tvs $
thing_inside via_tvs (ppr via_ty')
- pure (L loc (ViaStrategy via_ty'), thing, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
+ pure (cL loc (ViaStrategy via_ty'), thing, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
boring_case :: mds
-> RnM (mds, a, FreeVars)
@@ -1924,17 +1941,17 @@ rnInjectivityAnn :: LHsQTyVars GhcRn -- ^ Type variables declared in
-> LFamilyResultSig GhcRn -- ^ Result signature
-> LInjectivityAnn GhcPs -- ^ Injectivity annotation
-> RnM (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn)
-rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig _ resTv))
- (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo))
+rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (dL->L _ (TyVarSig _ resTv))
+ (dL->L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo))
= do
- { (injDecl'@(L _ (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')), noRnErrors)
+ { (injDecl'@(dL->L _ (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')), noRnErrors)
<- askNoErrs $
bindLocalNames [hsLTyVarName resTv] $
-- The return type variable scopes over the injectivity annotation
-- e.g. type family F a = (r::*) | r -> a
do { injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
; injTo' <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
- ; return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo') }
+ ; return $ cL srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo') }
; let tvNames = Set.fromList $ hsAllLTyVarNames tvBndrs
resName = hsLTyVarName resTv
@@ -1970,12 +1987,12 @@ rnInjectivityAnn tvBndrs (L _ (TyVarSig _ resTv))
-- So we rename injectivity annotation like we normally would except that
-- this time we expect "result" to be reported not in scope by rnLTyVar.
-rnInjectivityAnn _ _ (L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo)) =
+rnInjectivityAnn _ _ (dL->L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom injTo)) =
setSrcSpan srcSpan $ do
(injDecl', _) <- askNoErrs $ do
injFrom' <- rnLTyVar injFrom
injTo' <- mapM rnLTyVar injTo
- return $ L srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')
+ return $ cL srcSpan (InjectivityAnn injFrom' injTo')
return $ injDecl'
@@ -2042,7 +2059,7 @@ rnConDecl decl@(ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_ex_tvs = ex_tvs
all_fvs) }}
rnConDecl decl@(ConDeclGADT { con_names = names
- , con_forall = L _ explicit_forall
+ , con_forall = (dL->L _ explicit_forall)
, con_qvars = qtvs
, con_mb_cxt = mcxt
, con_args = args
@@ -2120,12 +2137,12 @@ rnConDeclDetails _ doc (InfixCon ty1 ty2)
; (new_ty2, fvs2) <- rnLHsType doc ty2
; return (InfixCon new_ty1 new_ty2, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
-rnConDeclDetails con doc (RecCon (L l fields))
+rnConDeclDetails con doc (RecCon (dL->L l fields))
= do { fls <- lookupConstructorFields con
; (new_fields, fvs) <- rnConDeclFields doc fls fields
-- No need to check for duplicate fields
-- since that is done by RnNames.extendGlobalRdrEnvRn
- ; return (RecCon (L l new_fields), fvs) }
+ ; return (RecCon (cL l new_fields), fvs) }
@@ -2152,19 +2169,20 @@ extendPatSynEnv val_decls local_fix_env thing = do {
-> [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
-> TcM [(Name, [FieldLabel])]
new_ps' bind names
- | L bind_loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ n
- , psb_args = RecCon as })) <- bind
+ | (dL->L bind_loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ n)
+ , psb_args = RecCon as }))) <- bind
= do
- bnd_name <- newTopSrcBinder (L bind_loc n)
+ bnd_name <- newTopSrcBinder (cL bind_loc n)
let rnames = map recordPatSynSelectorId as
mkFieldOcc :: Located RdrName -> LFieldOcc GhcPs
- mkFieldOcc (L l name) = L l (FieldOcc noExt (L l name))
+ mkFieldOcc (dL->L l name) = cL l (FieldOcc noExt (cL l name))
field_occs = map mkFieldOcc rnames
flds <- mapM (newRecordSelector False [bnd_name]) field_occs
return ((bnd_name, flds): names)
- | L bind_loc (PatSynBind _ (PSB { psb_id = L _ n})) <- bind
+ | (dL->L bind_loc (PatSynBind _
+ (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ n)}))) <- bind
= do
- bnd_name <- newTopSrcBinder (L bind_loc n)
+ bnd_name <- newTopSrcBinder (cL bind_loc n)
return ((bnd_name, []): names)
| otherwise
= return names
@@ -2190,9 +2208,9 @@ rnHsTyVars :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM [Located Name]
rnHsTyVars tvs = mapM rnHsTyVar tvs
rnHsTyVar :: Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
-rnHsTyVar (L l tyvar) = do
+rnHsTyVar (dL->L l tyvar) = do
tyvar' <- lookupOccRn tyvar
- return (L l tyvar')
+ return (cL l tyvar')
@@ -2215,7 +2233,7 @@ addl :: HsGroup GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
-> RnM (HsGroup GhcPs, Maybe (SpliceDecl GhcPs, [LHsDecl GhcPs]))
-- This stuff reverses the declarations (again) but it doesn't matter
addl gp [] = return (gp, Nothing)
-addl gp (L l d : ds) = add gp l d ds
+addl gp ((dL->L l d) : ds) = add gp l d ds
add :: HsGroup GhcPs -> SrcSpan -> HsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
@@ -2223,7 +2241,7 @@ add :: HsGroup GhcPs -> SrcSpan -> HsDecl GhcPs -> [LHsDecl GhcPs]
-- #10047: Declaration QuasiQuoters are expanded immediately, without
-- causing a group split
-add gp _ (SpliceD _ (SpliceDecl _ (L _ qq@HsQuasiQuote{}) _)) ds
+add gp _ (SpliceD _ (SpliceDecl _ (dL->L _ qq@HsQuasiQuote{}) _)) ds
= do { (ds', _) <- rnTopSpliceDecls qq
; addl gp (ds' ++ ds)
@@ -2249,46 +2267,47 @@ add gp loc (SpliceD _ splice@(SpliceDecl _ _ flag)) ds
-- Class declarations: pull out the fixity signatures to the top
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_tyclds = ts, hs_fixds = fs}) l (TyClD _ d) ds
| isClassDecl d
- = let fsigs = [ L l f | L l (FixSig _ f) <- tcdSigs d ] in
- addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_tycld (L l d) ts, hs_fixds = fsigs ++ fs}) ds
+ = let fsigs = [ cL l f
+ | (dL->L l (FixSig _ f)) <- tcdSigs d ] in
+ addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_tycld (cL l d) ts, hs_fixds = fsigs ++ fs}) ds
| otherwise
- = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_tycld (L l d) ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_tycld (cL l d) ts }) ds
-- Signatures: fixity sigs go a different place than all others
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_fixds = ts}) l (SigD _ (FixSig _ f)) ds
- = addl (gp {hs_fixds = L l f : ts}) ds
+ = addl (gp {hs_fixds = cL l f : ts}) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_valds = ts}) l (SigD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp {hs_valds = add_sig (L l d) ts}) ds
+ = addl (gp {hs_valds = add_sig (cL l d) ts}) ds
-- Value declarations: use add_bind
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_valds = ts}) l (ValD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_valds = add_bind (L l d) ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_valds = add_bind (cL l d) ts }) ds
-- Role annotations: added to the TyClGroup
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_tyclds = ts}) l (RoleAnnotD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_role_annot (L l d) ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_role_annot (cL l d) ts }) ds
-- NB instance declarations go into TyClGroups. We throw them into the first
-- group, just as we do for the TyClD case. The renamer will go on to group
-- and order them later.
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_tyclds = ts}) l (InstD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_instd (L l d) ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_tyclds = add_instd (cL l d) ts }) ds
-- The rest are routine
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_derivds = ts}) l (DerivD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_derivds = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_derivds = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_defds = ts}) l (DefD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_defds = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_defds = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_fords = ts}) l (ForD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_fords = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_fords = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_warnds = ts}) l (WarningD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_warnds = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_warnds = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_annds = ts}) l (AnnD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_annds = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_annds = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp@(HsGroup {hs_ruleds = ts}) l (RuleD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_ruleds = L l d : ts }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_ruleds = cL l d : ts }) ds
add gp l (DocD _ d) ds
- = addl (gp { hs_docs = (L l d) : (hs_docs gp) }) ds
+ = addl (gp { hs_docs = (cL l d) : (hs_docs gp) }) ds
add (HsGroup {}) _ (SpliceD _ (XSpliceDecl _)) _ = panic "RnSource.add"
add (HsGroup {}) _ (XHsDecl _) _ = panic "RnSource.add"
add (XHsGroup _) _ _ _ = panic "RnSource.add"
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSplice.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSplice.hs
index c26d03a645..6adee1c735 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSplice.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSplice.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module RnSplice (
@@ -354,13 +355,13 @@ mkQuasiQuoteExpr :: UntypedSpliceFlavour -> Name -> SrcSpan -> FastString
-- Return the expression (quoter "...quote...")
-- which is what we must run in a quasi-quote
mkQuasiQuoteExpr flavour quoter q_span quote
- = L q_span $ HsApp noExt (L q_span $
- HsApp noExt (L q_span (HsVar noExt (L q_span quote_selector)))
+ = cL q_span $ HsApp noExt (cL q_span
+ $ HsApp noExt (cL q_span (HsVar noExt (cL q_span quote_selector)))
- quoterExpr = L q_span $! HsVar noExt $! (L q_span quoter)
- quoteExpr = L q_span $! HsLit noExt $! HsString NoSourceText quote
+ quoterExpr = cL q_span $! HsVar noExt $! (cL q_span quoter)
+ quoteExpr = cL q_span $! HsLit noExt $! HsString NoSourceText quote
quote_selector = case flavour of
UntypedExpSplice -> quoteExpName
UntypedPatSplice -> quotePatName
@@ -373,21 +374,21 @@ rnSplice :: HsSplice GhcPs -> RnM (HsSplice GhcRn, FreeVars)
rnSplice (HsTypedSplice x hasParen splice_name expr)
= do { checkTH expr "Template Haskell typed splice"
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc splice_name)
+ ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (cL loc splice_name)
; (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
; return (HsTypedSplice x hasParen n' expr', fvs) }
rnSplice (HsUntypedSplice x hasParen splice_name expr)
= do { checkTH expr "Template Haskell untyped splice"
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc splice_name)
+ ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (cL loc splice_name)
; (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
; return (HsUntypedSplice x hasParen n' expr', fvs) }
rnSplice (HsQuasiQuote x splice_name quoter q_loc quote)
= do { checkTH quoter "Template Haskell quasi-quote"
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; splice_name' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc splice_name)
+ ; splice_name' <- newLocalBndrRn (cL loc splice_name)
-- Rename the quoter; akin to the HsVar case of rnExpr
; quoter' <- lookupOccRn quoter
@@ -599,18 +600,22 @@ rnSplicePat :: HsSplice GhcPs -> RnM ( Either (Pat GhcPs) (Pat GhcRn)
rnSplicePat splice
= rnSpliceGen run_pat_splice pend_pat_splice splice
+ pend_pat_splice :: HsSplice GhcRn ->
+ (PendingRnSplice, Either b (Pat GhcRn))
pend_pat_splice rn_splice
= (makePending UntypedPatSplice rn_splice
, Right (SplicePat noExt rn_splice))
+ run_pat_splice :: HsSplice GhcRn ->
+ RnM (Either (Pat GhcPs) (Pat GhcRn), FreeVars)
run_pat_splice rn_splice
= do { traceRn "rnSplicePat: untyped pattern splice" empty
; (pat, mod_finalizers) <-
runRnSplice UntypedPatSplice runMetaP ppr rn_splice
-- See Note [Delaying modFinalizers in untyped splices].
- ; return ( Left $ ParPat noExt $ (SplicePat noExt)
+ ; return ( Left $ ParPat noExt $ ((SplicePat noExt)
. HsSpliced noExt (ThModFinalizers mod_finalizers)
- . HsSplicedPat <$>
+ . HsSplicedPat) `onHasSrcSpan`
, emptyFVs
) }
@@ -619,12 +624,12 @@ rnSplicePat splice
rnSpliceDecl :: SpliceDecl GhcPs -> RnM (SpliceDecl GhcRn, FreeVars)
-rnSpliceDecl (SpliceDecl _ (L loc splice) flg)
+rnSpliceDecl (SpliceDecl _ (dL->L loc splice) flg)
= rnSpliceGen run_decl_splice pend_decl_splice splice
pend_decl_splice rn_splice
= ( makePending UntypedDeclSplice rn_splice
- , SpliceDecl noExt (L loc rn_splice) flg)
+ , SpliceDecl noExt (cL loc rn_splice) flg)
run_decl_splice rn_splice = pprPanic "rnSpliceDecl" (ppr rn_splice)
rnSpliceDecl (XSpliceDecl _) = panic "rnSpliceDecl"
@@ -728,8 +733,8 @@ traceSplice :: SpliceInfo -> TcM ()
traceSplice (SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = sd, spliceSource = mb_src
, spliceGenerated = gen, spliceIsDecl = is_decl })
= do { loc <- case mb_src of
- Nothing -> getSrcSpanM
- Just (L loc _) -> return loc
+ Nothing -> getSrcSpanM
+ Just (dL->L loc _) -> return loc
; traceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_splices (spliceDebugDoc loc)
; when is_decl $ -- Raw material for -dth-dec-file
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
index f9ce0199c2..a3062f1d76 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module RnTypes (
-- Type related stuff
@@ -167,10 +169,10 @@ rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
; let awcs = collectAnonWildCards hs_ty'
; return (nwcs ++ awcs, hs_ty', fvs) }
- rn_lty env (L loc hs_ty)
+ rn_lty env (dL->L loc hs_ty)
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { (hs_ty', fvs) <- rn_ty env hs_ty
- ; return (L loc hs_ty', fvs) }
+ ; return (cL loc hs_ty', fvs) }
rn_ty :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsType GhcPs -> RnM (HsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
-- A lot of faff just to allow the extra-constraints wildcard to appear
@@ -180,24 +182,26 @@ rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
; return (HsForAllTy { hst_xforall = noExt, hst_bndrs = tvs'
, hst_body = hs_body' }, fvs) }
- rn_ty env (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = L cx hs_ctxt, hst_body = hs_ty })
+ rn_ty env (HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = dL->L cx hs_ctxt
+ , hst_body = hs_ty })
| Just (hs_ctxt1, hs_ctxt_last) <- snocView hs_ctxt
- , L lx (HsWildCardTy _) <- ignoreParens hs_ctxt_last
+ , (dL->L lx (HsWildCardTy _)) <- ignoreParens hs_ctxt_last
= do { (hs_ctxt1', fvs1) <- mapFvRn (rn_top_constraint env) hs_ctxt1
; wc' <- setSrcSpan lx $
do { checkExtraConstraintWildCard env hs_ctxt1
; rnAnonWildCard }
- ; let hs_ctxt' = hs_ctxt1' ++ [L lx (HsWildCardTy wc')]
+ ; let hs_ctxt' = hs_ctxt1' ++ [cL lx (HsWildCardTy wc')]
; (hs_ty', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env hs_ty
; return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt
- , hst_ctxt = L cx hs_ctxt', hst_body = hs_ty' }
+ , hst_ctxt = cL cx hs_ctxt', hst_body = hs_ty' }
, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
| otherwise
= do { (hs_ctxt', fvs1) <- mapFvRn (rn_top_constraint env) hs_ctxt
; (hs_ty', fvs2) <- rnLHsTyKi env hs_ty
; return (HsQualTy { hst_xqual = noExt
- , hst_ctxt = L cx hs_ctxt', hst_body = hs_ty' }
+ , hst_ctxt = cL cx hs_ctxt'
+ , hst_body = hs_ty' }
, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
rn_ty env hs_ty = rnHsTyKi env hs_ty
@@ -354,7 +358,7 @@ rnImplicitBndrs bind_free_tvs
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
-- NB: kinds before tvs, as mandated by
-- Note [Ordering of implicit variables]
- ; vars <- mapM (newLocalBndrRn . L loc . unLoc) (kvs ++ real_tvs)
+ ; vars <- mapM (newLocalBndrRn . cL loc . unLoc) (kvs ++ real_tvs)
; traceRn "checkMixedVars2" $
vcat [ text "kvs_with_dups" <+> ppr kvs_with_dups
@@ -489,11 +493,11 @@ rnHsKind ctxt kind = rnHsTyKi (mkTyKiEnv ctxt KindLevel RnTypeBody) kind
rnTyKiContext :: RnTyKiEnv -> LHsContext GhcPs
-> RnM (LHsContext GhcRn, FreeVars)
-rnTyKiContext env (L loc cxt)
+rnTyKiContext env (dL->L loc cxt)
= do { traceRn "rncontext" (ppr cxt)
; let env' = env { rtke_what = RnConstraint }
; (cxt', fvs) <- mapFvRn (rnLHsTyKi env') cxt
- ; return (L loc cxt', fvs) }
+ ; return (cL loc cxt', fvs) }
rnContext :: HsDocContext -> LHsContext GhcPs
-> RnM (LHsContext GhcRn, FreeVars)
@@ -501,10 +505,10 @@ rnContext doc theta = rnTyKiContext (mkTyKiEnv doc TypeLevel RnConstraint) theta
rnLHsTyKi :: RnTyKiEnv -> LHsType GhcPs -> RnM (LHsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
-rnLHsTyKi env (L loc ty)
+rnLHsTyKi env (dL->L loc ty)
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { (ty', fvs) <- rnHsTyKi env ty
- ; return (L loc ty', fvs) }
+ ; return (cL loc ty', fvs) }
rnHsTyKi :: RnTyKiEnv -> HsType GhcPs -> RnM (HsType GhcRn, FreeVars)
@@ -525,7 +529,7 @@ rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = lctxt, hst_body = tau })
, hst_body = tau' }
, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
-rnHsTyKi env (HsTyVar _ ip (L loc rdr_name))
+rnHsTyKi env (HsTyVar _ ip (dL->L loc rdr_name))
= do { when (isRnKindLevel env && isRdrTyVar rdr_name) $
unlessXOptM LangExt.PolyKinds $ addErr $
withHsDocContext (rtke_ctxt env) $
@@ -534,7 +538,7 @@ rnHsTyKi env (HsTyVar _ ip (L loc rdr_name))
-- Any type variable at the kind level is illegal without the use
-- of PolyKinds (see #14710)
; name <- rnTyVar env rdr_name
- ; return (HsTyVar noExt ip (L loc name), unitFV name) }
+ ; return (HsTyVar noExt ip (cL loc name), unitFV name) }
rnHsTyKi env ty@(HsOpTy _ ty1 l_op ty2)
= setSrcSpan (getLoc l_op) $
@@ -678,20 +682,20 @@ rnTyVar env rdr_name
rnLTyVar :: Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
-- Called externally; does not deal with wildards
-rnLTyVar (L loc rdr_name)
+rnLTyVar (dL->L loc rdr_name)
= do { tyvar <- lookupTypeOccRn rdr_name
- ; return (L loc tyvar) }
+ ; return (cL loc tyvar) }
rnHsTyOp :: Outputable a
=> RnTyKiEnv -> a -> Located RdrName
-> RnM (Located Name, FreeVars)
-rnHsTyOp env overall_ty (L loc op)
+rnHsTyOp env overall_ty (dL->L loc op)
= do { ops_ok <- xoptM LangExt.TypeOperators
; op' <- rnTyVar env op
; unless (ops_ok || op' `hasKey` eqTyConKey) $
addErr (opTyErr op overall_ty)
- ; let l_op' = L loc op'
+ ; let l_op' = cL loc op'
; return (l_op', unitFV op') }
@@ -761,7 +765,7 @@ rnAnonWildCard
= do { loc <- getSrcSpanM
; uniq <- newUnique
; let name = mkInternalName uniq (mkTyVarOcc "_") loc
- ; return (AnonWildCard (L loc name)) }
+ ; return (AnonWildCard (cL loc name)) }
-- | Ensures either that we're in a type or that -XPolyKinds is set
@@ -1018,39 +1022,43 @@ bindLHsTyVarBndr :: HsDocContext
-> LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs
-> (LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
-> RnM (b, FreeVars)
-bindLHsTyVarBndr _doc mb_assoc (L loc (UserTyVar x lrdr@(L lv _))) thing_inside
+bindLHsTyVarBndr _doc mb_assoc (dL->L loc
+ (UserTyVar x
+ lrdr@(dL->L lv _))) thing_inside
= do { nm <- newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc lrdr
; bindLocalNamesFV [nm] $
- thing_inside (L loc (UserTyVar x (L lv nm))) }
+ thing_inside (cL loc (UserTyVar x (cL lv nm))) }
-bindLHsTyVarBndr doc mb_assoc (L loc (KindedTyVar x lrdr@(L lv _) kind))
+bindLHsTyVarBndr doc mb_assoc (dL->L loc (KindedTyVar x lrdr@(dL->L lv _) kind))
= do { sig_ok <- xoptM LangExt.KindSignatures
; unless sig_ok (badKindSigErr doc kind)
; (kind', fvs1) <- rnLHsKind doc kind
; tv_nm <- newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc lrdr
- ; (b, fvs2) <- bindLocalNamesFV [tv_nm] $
- thing_inside (L loc (KindedTyVar x (L lv tv_nm) kind'))
+ ; (b, fvs2) <- bindLocalNamesFV [tv_nm]
+ $ thing_inside (cL loc (KindedTyVar x (cL lv tv_nm) kind'))
; return (b, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
-bindLHsTyVarBndr _ _ (L _ (XTyVarBndr{})) _ = panic "bindLHsTyVarBndr"
+bindLHsTyVarBndr _ _ (dL->L _ (XTyVarBndr{})) _ = panic "bindLHsTyVarBndr"
+bindLHsTyVarBndr _ _ _ _ = panic "bindLHsTyVarBndr: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
newTyVarNameRn :: Maybe a -> Located RdrName -> RnM Name
-newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc (L loc rdr)
+newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc (dL->L loc rdr)
= do { rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
; case (mb_assoc, lookupLocalRdrEnv rdr_env rdr) of
(Just _, Just n) -> return n
-- Use the same Name as the parent class decl
- _ -> newLocalBndrRn (L loc rdr) }
+ _ -> newLocalBndrRn (cL loc rdr) }
collectAnonWildCards :: LHsType GhcRn -> [Name]
-- | Extract all wild cards from a type.
collectAnonWildCards lty = go lty
- go (L _ ty) = case ty of
- HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard (L _ wc)) -> [wc]
+ go lty = case unLoc lty of
+ HsWildCardTy (AnonWildCard wc) -> [unLoc wc]
HsAppTy _ ty1 ty2 -> go ty1 `mappend` go ty2
HsFunTy _ ty1 ty2 -> go ty1 `mappend` go ty2
HsListTy _ ty -> go ty
@@ -1066,11 +1074,11 @@ collectAnonWildCards lty = go lty
HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys -> gos tys
HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys -> gos tys
HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = bndrs
- , hst_body = ty } -> collectAnonWildCardsBndrs bndrs
- `mappend` go ty
- HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = L _ ctxt
- , hst_body = ty } -> gos ctxt `mappend` go ty
- HsSpliceTy _ (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedTy ty)) -> go $ L noSrcSpan ty
+ , hst_body = ty } -> collectAnonWildCardsBndrs bndrs
+ `mappend` go ty
+ HsQualTy { hst_ctxt = ctxt
+ , hst_body = ty } -> gos (unLoc ctxt) `mappend` go ty
+ HsSpliceTy _ (HsSpliced _ _ (HsSplicedTy ty)) -> go $ cL noSrcSpan ty
HsSpliceTy{} -> mempty
HsTyLit{} -> mempty
HsTyVar{} -> mempty
@@ -1112,20 +1120,23 @@ rnConDeclFields ctxt fls fields
rnField :: FastStringEnv FieldLabel -> RnTyKiEnv -> LConDeclField GhcPs
-> RnM (LConDeclField GhcRn, FreeVars)
-rnField fl_env env (L l (ConDeclField _ names ty haddock_doc))
+rnField fl_env env (dL->L l (ConDeclField _ names ty haddock_doc))
= do { let new_names = map (fmap lookupField) names
; (new_ty, fvs) <- rnLHsTyKi env ty
; new_haddock_doc <- rnMbLHsDoc haddock_doc
- ; return (L l (ConDeclField noExt new_names new_ty new_haddock_doc)
+ ; return (cL l (ConDeclField noExt new_names new_ty new_haddock_doc)
, fvs) }
lookupField :: FieldOcc GhcPs -> FieldOcc GhcRn
- lookupField (FieldOcc _ (L lr rdr)) = FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (L lr rdr)
+ lookupField (FieldOcc _ (dL->L lr rdr)) =
+ FieldOcc (flSelector fl) (cL lr rdr)
lbl = occNameFS $ rdrNameOcc rdr
fl = expectJust "rnField" $ lookupFsEnv fl_env lbl
lookupField (XFieldOcc{}) = panic "rnField"
-rnField _ _ (L _ (XConDeclField _)) = panic "rnField"
+rnField _ _ (dL->L _ (XConDeclField _)) = panic "rnField"
+rnField _ _ _ = panic "rnField: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
@@ -1159,13 +1170,13 @@ mkHsOpTyRn :: (LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn)
-> Name -> Fixity -> LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn
-> RnM (HsType GhcRn)
-mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (L loc2 (HsOpTy noExt ty21 op2 ty22))
+mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (dL->L loc2 (HsOpTy noExt ty21 op2 ty22))
= do { fix2 <- lookupTyFixityRn op2
; mk_hs_op_ty mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1
(\t1 t2 -> HsOpTy noExt t1 op2 t2)
(unLoc op2) fix2 ty21 ty22 loc2 }
-mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (L loc2 (HsFunTy _ ty21 ty22))
+mkHsOpTyRn mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1 (dL->L loc2 (HsFunTy _ ty21 ty22))
= mk_hs_op_ty mk1 pp_op1 fix1 ty1
(HsFunTy noExt) funTyConName funTyFixity ty21 ty22 loc2
@@ -1181,8 +1192,8 @@ mk_hs_op_ty :: (LHsType GhcRn -> LHsType GhcRn -> HsType GhcRn)
mk_hs_op_ty mk1 op1 fix1 ty1
mk2 op2 fix2 ty21 ty22 loc2
| nofix_error = do { precParseErr (NormalOp op1,fix1) (NormalOp op2,fix2)
- ; return (mk1 ty1 (L loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22))) }
- | associate_right = return (mk1 ty1 (L loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22)))
+ ; return (mk1 ty1 (cL loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22))) }
+ | associate_right = return (mk1 ty1 (cL loc2 (mk2 ty21 ty22)))
| otherwise = do { -- Rearrange to ((ty1 `op1` ty21) `op2` ty22)
new_ty <- mkHsOpTyRn mk1 op1 fix1 ty1 ty21
; return (mk2 (noLoc new_ty) ty22) }
@@ -1198,36 +1209,36 @@ mkOpAppRn :: LHsExpr GhcRn -- Left operand; already rearranged
-> RnM (HsExpr GhcRn)
-- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
-mkOpAppRn e1@(L _ (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 e12)) op2 fix2 e2
+mkOpAppRn e1@(dL->L _ (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 e12)) op2 fix2 e2
| nofix_error
= do precParseErr (get_op op1,fix1) (get_op op2,fix2)
return (OpApp fix2 e1 op2 e2)
| associate_right = do
new_e <- mkOpAppRn e12 op2 fix2 e2
- return (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 (L loc' new_e))
+ return (OpApp fix1 e11 op1 (cL loc' new_e))
loc'= combineLocs e12 e2
(nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
-- (- neg_arg) `op` e2
-mkOpAppRn e1@(L _ (NegApp _ neg_arg neg_name)) op2 fix2 e2
+mkOpAppRn e1@(dL->L _ (NegApp _ neg_arg neg_name)) op2 fix2 e2
| nofix_error
= do precParseErr (NegateOp,negateFixity) (get_op op2,fix2)
return (OpApp fix2 e1 op2 e2)
| associate_right
= do new_e <- mkOpAppRn neg_arg op2 fix2 e2
- return (NegApp noExt (L loc' new_e) neg_name)
+ return (NegApp noExt (cL loc' new_e) neg_name)
loc' = combineLocs neg_arg e2
(nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity negateFixity fix2
-- e1 `op` - neg_arg
-mkOpAppRn e1 op1 fix1 e2@(L _ (NegApp {})) -- NegApp can occur on the right
- | not associate_right -- We *want* right association
+mkOpAppRn e1 op1 fix1 e2@(dL->L _ (NegApp {})) -- NegApp can occur on the right
+ | not associate_right -- We *want* right association
= do precParseErr (get_op op1, fix1) (NegateOp, negateFixity)
return (OpApp fix1 e1 op1 e2)
@@ -1259,10 +1270,10 @@ instance Outputable OpName where
get_op :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> OpName
-- An unbound name could be either HsVar or HsUnboundVar
-- See RnExpr.rnUnboundVar
-get_op (L _ (HsVar _ (L _ n))) = NormalOp n
-get_op (L _ (HsUnboundVar _ uv)) = UnboundOp uv
-get_op (L _ (HsRecFld _ fld)) = RecFldOp fld
-get_op other = pprPanic "get_op" (ppr other)
+get_op (dL->L _ (HsVar _ n)) = NormalOp (unLoc n)
+get_op (dL->L _ (HsUnboundVar _ uv)) = UnboundOp uv
+get_op (dL->L _ (HsRecFld _ fld)) = RecFldOp fld
+get_op other = pprPanic "get_op" (ppr other)
-- Parser left-associates everything, but
-- derived instances may have correctly-associated things to
@@ -1294,8 +1305,10 @@ mkOpFormRn :: LHsCmdTop GhcRn -- Left operand; already rearranged
-> RnM (HsCmd GhcRn)
-- (e11 `op1` e12) `op2` e2
-mkOpFormRn a1@(L loc (HsCmdTop _ (L _ (HsCmdArrForm x op1 f (Just fix1)
- [a11,a12]))))
+mkOpFormRn a1@(dL->L loc
+ (HsCmdTop _
+ (dL->L _ (HsCmdArrForm x op1 f (Just fix1)
+ [a11,a12]))))
op2 fix2 a2
| nofix_error
= do precParseErr (get_op op1,fix1) (get_op op2,fix2)
@@ -1304,7 +1317,7 @@ mkOpFormRn a1@(L loc (HsCmdTop _ (L _ (HsCmdArrForm x op1 f (Just fix1)
| associate_right
= do new_c <- mkOpFormRn a12 op2 fix2 a2
return (HsCmdArrForm noExt op1 f (Just fix1)
- [a11, L loc (HsCmdTop [] (L loc new_c))])
+ [a11, cL loc (HsCmdTop [] (cL loc new_c))])
-- TODO: locs are wrong
(nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
@@ -1318,7 +1331,7 @@ mkOpFormRn arg1 op fix arg2 -- Default case, no rearrangment
mkConOpPatRn :: Located Name -> Fixity -> LPat GhcRn -> LPat GhcRn
-> RnM (Pat GhcRn)
-mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p1@(L loc (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 p12))) p2
+mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p1@(dL->L loc (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 p12))) p2
= do { fix1 <- lookupFixityRn (unLoc op1)
; let (nofix_error, associate_right) = compareFixity fix1 fix2
@@ -1329,7 +1342,8 @@ mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p1@(L loc (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 p12))) p2
else if associate_right then do
{ new_p <- mkConOpPatRn op2 fix2 p12 p2
- ; return (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 (L loc new_p))) } -- XXX loc right?
+ ; return (ConPatIn op1 (InfixCon p11 (cL loc new_p))) }
+ -- XXX loc right?
else return (ConPatIn op2 (InfixCon p1 p2)) }
mkConOpPatRn op _ p1 p2 -- Default case, no rearrangment
@@ -1346,10 +1360,12 @@ checkPrecMatch :: Name -> MatchGroup GhcRn body -> RnM ()
-- eg a `op` b `C` c = ...
-- See comments with rnExpr (OpApp ...) about "deriving"
-checkPrecMatch op (MG { mg_alts = L _ ms })
+checkPrecMatch op (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L _ ms) })
= mapM_ check ms
- check (L _ (Match { m_pats = L l1 p1 : L l2 p2 :_ }))
+ check (dL->L _ (Match { m_pats = (dL->L l1 p1)
+ : (dL->L l2 p2)
+ : _ }))
= setSrcSpan (combineSrcSpans l1 l2) $
do checkPrec op p1 False
checkPrec op p2 True
@@ -1458,7 +1474,7 @@ unexpectedTypeSigErr ty
2 (text "Type signatures are only allowed in patterns with ScopedTypeVariables")
badKindSigErr :: HsDocContext -> LHsType GhcPs -> TcM ()
-badKindSigErr doc (L loc ty)
+badKindSigErr doc (dL->L loc ty)
= setSrcSpan loc $ addErr $
withHsDocContext doc $
hang (text "Illegal kind signature:" <+> quotes (ppr ty))
@@ -1476,7 +1492,7 @@ inTypeDoc :: HsType GhcPs -> SDoc
inTypeDoc ty = text "In the type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)
warnUnusedForAll :: SDoc -> LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn -> FreeVars -> TcM ()
-warnUnusedForAll in_doc (L loc tv) used_names
+warnUnusedForAll in_doc (dL->L loc tv) used_names
= whenWOptM Opt_WarnUnusedForalls $
unless (hsTyVarName tv `elemNameSet` used_names) $
addWarnAt (Reason Opt_WarnUnusedForalls) loc $
@@ -1718,10 +1734,10 @@ extractRdrKindSigVars :: LFamilyResultSig GhcPs -> [Located RdrName]
-- Returns the free kind variables in a type family result signature, returning
-- variable occurrences in left-to-right order.
-- See Note [Ordering of implicit variables].
-extractRdrKindSigVars (L _ resultSig)
- | KindSig _ k <- resultSig = kindRdrNameFromSig k
- | TyVarSig _ (L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k)) <- resultSig = kindRdrNameFromSig k
- | otherwise = []
+extractRdrKindSigVars (dL->L _ resultSig)
+ | KindSig _ k <- resultSig = kindRdrNameFromSig k
+ | TyVarSig _ (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k)) <- resultSig = kindRdrNameFromSig k
+ | otherwise = []
kindRdrNameFromSig k = freeKiTyVarsAllVars (extractHsTyRdrTyVars k)
@@ -1783,7 +1799,7 @@ extract_lkind = extract_lty KindLevel
extract_lty :: TypeOrKind -> LHsType GhcPs
-> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
-extract_lty t_or_k (L _ ty) acc
+extract_lty t_or_k (dL->L _ ty) acc
= case ty of
HsTyVar _ _ ltv -> extract_tv t_or_k ltv acc
HsBangTy _ _ ty -> extract_lty t_or_k ty acc
@@ -1867,11 +1883,11 @@ extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> [Located RdrName]
extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs tv_bndrs
= freeKiTyVarsKindVars $ -- There will /be/ no free tyvars!
foldr extract_lkind emptyFKTV
- [k | L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k) <- tv_bndrs]
+ [k | (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ k)) <- tv_bndrs]
extract_tv :: TypeOrKind -> Located RdrName
-> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups -> FreeKiTyVarsWithDups
-extract_tv t_or_k ltv@(L _ tv) acc@(FKTV kvs tvs)
+extract_tv t_or_k ltv@(dL->L _ tv) acc@(FKTV kvs tvs)
| not (isRdrTyVar tv) = acc
| isTypeLevel t_or_k = FKTV { fktv_kis = kvs, fktv_tys = ltv : tvs }
| otherwise = FKTV { fktv_kis = ltv : kvs, fktv_tys = tvs }
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnUtils.hs b/compiler/rename/RnUtils.hs
index 2f27720ee5..0201822638 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnUtils.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
This module contains miscellaneous functions related to renaming.
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module RnUtils (
checkDupRdrNames, checkShadowedRdrNames,
checkDupNames, checkDupAndShadowedNames, dupNamesErr,
@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
newLocalBndrRn :: Located RdrName -> RnM Name
-- Used for non-top-level binders. These should
-- never be qualified.
-newLocalBndrRn (L loc rdr_name)
+newLocalBndrRn (dL->L loc rdr_name)
| Just name <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
= return name -- This happens in code generated by Template Haskell
-- See Note [Binders in Template Haskell] in Convert.hs
@@ -122,7 +125,7 @@ checkShadowedRdrNames loc_rdr_names
filtered_rdrs = filterOut (isExact . unLoc) loc_rdr_names
-- See Note [Binders in Template Haskell] in Convert
- get_loc_occ (L loc rdr) = (loc,rdrNameOcc rdr)
+ get_loc_occ (dL->L loc rdr) = (loc,rdrNameOcc rdr)
checkDupAndShadowedNames :: (GlobalRdrEnv, LocalRdrEnv) -> [Name] -> RnM ()
checkDupAndShadowedNames envs names
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
index c476eb4597..11a0e20828 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcBinds ( tcLocalBinds, tcTopBinds, tcValBinds,
tcHsBootSigs, tcPolyCheck,
@@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ tcHsBootSigs binds sigs
tc_boot_sig (TypeSig _ lnames hs_ty) = mapM f lnames
- f (L _ name)
+ f (dL->L _ name)
= do { sigma_ty <- tcHsSigWcType (FunSigCtxt name False) hs_ty
; return (mkVanillaGlobal name sigma_ty) }
-- Notice that we make GlobalIds, not LocalIds
@@ -347,12 +348,12 @@ tcLocalBinds (HsIPBinds x (IPBinds _ ip_binds)) thing_inside
; return (HsIPBinds x (IPBinds ev_binds ip_binds') , result) }
- ips = [ip | L _ (IPBind _ (Left (L _ ip)) _) <- ip_binds]
+ ips = [ip | (dL->L _ (IPBind _ (Left (dL->L _ ip)) _)) <- ip_binds]
-- I wonder if we should do these one at at time
-- Consider ?x = 4
-- ?y = ?x + 1
- tc_ip_bind ipClass (IPBind _ (Left (L _ ip)) expr)
+ tc_ip_bind ipClass (IPBind _ (Left (dL->L _ ip)) expr)
= do { ty <- newOpenFlexiTyVarTy
; let p = mkStrLitTy $ hsIPNameFS ip
; ip_id <- newDict ipClass [ p, ty ]
@@ -508,22 +509,23 @@ tc_group top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn (Recursive, binds) closed thing_inside
tc_sub_group rec_tc binds =
tcPolyBinds sig_fn prag_fn Recursive rec_tc closed binds
-recursivePatSynErr :: OutputableBndrId name => LHsBinds name -> TcM a
+recursivePatSynErr :: OutputableBndrId (GhcPass p) =>
+ LHsBinds (GhcPass p) -> TcM a
recursivePatSynErr binds
= failWithTc $
hang (text "Recursive pattern synonym definition with following bindings:")
2 (vcat $ map pprLBind . bagToList $ binds)
pprLoc loc = parens (text "defined at" <+> ppr loc)
- pprLBind (L loc bind) = pprWithCommas ppr (collectHsBindBinders bind) <+>
- pprLoc loc
+ pprLBind (dL->L loc bind) = pprWithCommas ppr (collectHsBindBinders bind)
+ <+> pprLoc loc
tc_single :: forall thing.
TopLevelFlag -> TcSigFun -> TcPragEnv
-> LHsBind GhcRn -> IsGroupClosed -> TcM thing
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, thing)
tc_single _top_lvl sig_fn _prag_fn
- (L _ (PatSynBind _ psb@PSB{ psb_id = L _ name }))
+ (dL->L _ (PatSynBind _ psb@PSB{ psb_id = (dL->L _ name) }))
_ thing_inside
= do { (aux_binds, tcg_env) <- tcPatSynDecl psb (sig_fn name)
; thing <- setGblEnv tcg_env thing_inside
@@ -562,7 +564,7 @@ mkEdges sig_fn binds
keyd_binds = bagToList binds `zip` [0::BKey ..]
key_map :: NameEnv BKey -- Which binding it comes from
- key_map = mkNameEnv [(bndr, key) | (L _ bind, key) <- keyd_binds
+ key_map = mkNameEnv [(bndr, key) | (dL->L _ bind, key) <- keyd_binds
, bndr <- collectHsBindBinders bind ]
@@ -684,8 +686,8 @@ tcPolyCheck prag_fn
(CompleteSig { sig_bndr = poly_id
, sig_ctxt = ctxt
, sig_loc = sig_loc })
- (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name
- , fun_matches = matches }))
+ (dL->L loc (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L nm_loc name)
+ , fun_matches = matches }))
= setSrcSpan sig_loc $
do { traceTc "tcPolyCheck" (ppr poly_id $$ ppr sig_loc)
; (tv_prs, theta, tau) <- tcInstType tcInstSkolTyVars poly_id
@@ -702,7 +704,7 @@ tcPolyCheck prag_fn
tcExtendBinderStack [TcIdBndr mono_id NotTopLevel] $
tcExtendNameTyVarEnv tv_prs $
setSrcSpan loc $
- tcMatchesFun (L nm_loc mono_name) matches (mkCheckExpType tau)
+ tcMatchesFun (cL nm_loc mono_name) matches (mkCheckExpType tau)
; let prag_sigs = lookupPragEnv prag_fn name
; spec_prags <- tcSpecPrags poly_id prag_sigs
@@ -710,7 +712,7 @@ tcPolyCheck prag_fn
; mod <- getModule
; tick <- funBindTicks nm_loc mono_id mod prag_sigs
- ; let bind' = FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc mono_id
+ ; let bind' = FunBind { fun_id = cL nm_loc mono_id
, fun_matches = matches'
, fun_co_fn = co_fn
, fun_ext = placeHolderNamesTc
@@ -722,13 +724,13 @@ tcPolyCheck prag_fn
, abe_mono = mono_id
, abe_prags = SpecPrags spec_prags }
- abs_bind = L loc $
+ abs_bind = cL loc $
AbsBinds { abs_ext = noExt
, abs_tvs = skol_tvs
, abs_ev_vars = ev_vars
, abs_ev_binds = [ev_binds]
, abs_exports = [export]
- , abs_binds = unitBag (L loc bind')
+ , abs_binds = unitBag (cL loc bind')
, abs_sig = True }
; return (unitBag abs_bind, [poly_id]) }
@@ -739,7 +741,7 @@ tcPolyCheck _prag_fn sig bind
funBindTicks :: SrcSpan -> TcId -> Module -> [LSig GhcRn]
-> TcM [Tickish TcId]
funBindTicks loc fun_id mod sigs
- | (mb_cc_str : _) <- [ cc_name | L _ (SCCFunSig _ _ _ cc_name) <- sigs ]
+ | (mb_cc_str : _) <- [ cc_name | (dL->L _ (SCCFunSig _ _ _ cc_name)) <- sigs ]
-- this can only be a singleton list, as duplicate pragmas are rejected
-- by the renamer
, let cc_str
@@ -805,7 +807,7 @@ tcPolyInfer rec_tc prag_fn tc_sig_fn mono bind_list
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
; let poly_ids = map abe_poly exports
- abs_bind = L loc $
+ abs_bind = cL loc $
AbsBinds { abs_ext = noExt
, abs_tvs = qtvs
, abs_ev_vars = givens, abs_ev_binds = [ev_binds]
@@ -1248,8 +1250,9 @@ tcMonoBinds :: RecFlag -- Whether the binding is recursive for typechecking pur
-> [LHsBind GhcRn]
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTcId, [MonoBindInfo])
tcMonoBinds is_rec sig_fn no_gen
- [ L b_loc (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name,
- fun_matches = matches, fun_ext = fvs })]
+ [ dL->L b_loc (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L nm_loc name)
+ , fun_matches = matches
+ , fun_ext = fvs })]
-- Single function binding,
| NonRecursive <- is_rec -- ...binder isn't mentioned in RHS
, Nothing <- sig_fn name -- ...with no type signature
@@ -1269,11 +1272,11 @@ tcMonoBinds is_rec sig_fn no_gen
-- We extend the error context even for a non-recursive
-- function so that in type error messages we show the
-- type of the thing whose rhs we are type checking
- tcMatchesFun (L nm_loc name) matches exp_ty
+ tcMatchesFun (cL nm_loc name) matches exp_ty
; mono_id <- newLetBndr no_gen name rhs_ty
- ; return (unitBag $ L b_loc $
- FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc mono_id,
+ ; return (unitBag $ cL b_loc $
+ FunBind { fun_id = cL nm_loc mono_id,
fun_matches = matches', fun_ext = fvs,
fun_co_fn = co_fn, fun_tick = [] },
[MBI { mbi_poly_name = name
@@ -1330,7 +1333,8 @@ tcLhs :: TcSigFun -> LetBndrSpec -> HsBind GhcRn -> TcM TcMonoBind
-- CheckGen is used only for functions with a complete type signature,
-- and tcPolyCheck doesn't use tcMonoBinds at all
-tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (FunBind { fun_id = L nm_loc name, fun_matches = matches })
+tcLhs sig_fn no_gen (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L nm_loc name)
+ , fun_matches = matches })
| Just (TcIdSig sig) <- sig_fn name
= -- There is a type signature.
-- It must be partial; if complete we'd be in tcPolyCheck!
@@ -1417,9 +1421,9 @@ tcRhs (TcFunBind info@(MBI { mbi_sig = mb_sig, mbi_mono_id = mono_id })
= tcExtendIdBinderStackForRhs [info] $
tcExtendTyVarEnvForRhs mb_sig $
do { traceTc "tcRhs: fun bind" (ppr mono_id $$ ppr (idType mono_id))
- ; (co_fn, matches') <- tcMatchesFun (L loc (idName mono_id))
+ ; (co_fn, matches') <- tcMatchesFun (cL loc (idName mono_id))
matches (mkCheckExpType $ idType mono_id)
- ; return ( FunBind { fun_id = L loc mono_id
+ ; return ( FunBind { fun_id = cL loc mono_id
, fun_matches = matches'
, fun_co_fn = co_fn
, fun_ext = placeHolderNamesTc
@@ -1655,7 +1659,7 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
= [ null theta
| TcIdSig (PartialSig { psig_hs_ty = hs_ty })
<- mapMaybe sig_fn (collectHsBindListBinders lbinds)
- , let (_, L _ theta, _) = splitLHsSigmaTy (hsSigWcType hs_ty) ]
+ , let (_, dL->L _ theta, _) = splitLHsSigmaTy (hsSigWcType hs_ty) ]
has_partial_sigs = not (null partial_sig_mrs)
@@ -1671,7 +1675,7 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags lbinds closed sig_fn
-- With OutsideIn, all nested bindings are monomorphic
-- except a single function binding with a signature
- | [lbind@(L _ (FunBind { fun_id = v }))] <- lbinds
+ | [lbind@(dL->L _ (FunBind { fun_id = v }))] <- lbinds
, Just (TcIdSig sig) <- sig_fn (unLoc v)
= Just (lbind, sig)
| otherwise
@@ -1700,7 +1704,8 @@ isClosedBndrGroup type_env binds
fv_env = mkNameEnv $ concatMap (bindFvs . unLoc) binds
bindFvs :: HsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn -> [(Name, NameSet)]
- bindFvs (FunBind { fun_id = L _ f, fun_ext = fvs })
+ bindFvs (FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L _ f)
+ , fun_ext = fvs })
= let open_fvs = get_open_fvs fvs
in [(f, open_fvs)]
bindFvs (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_ext = fvs })
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
index 6443fbdc8a..7c3383469d 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcErrors(
reportUnsolved, reportAllUnsolved, warnAllUnsolved,
@@ -2497,7 +2499,7 @@ mk_dict_err ctxt@(CEC {cec_encl = implics}) (ct, (matches, unifiers, unsafe_over
mb_patsyn_prov :: Maybe SDoc
| not lead_with_ambig
- , ProvCtxtOrigin PSB{ psb_def = L _ pat } <- orig
+ , ProvCtxtOrigin PSB{ psb_def = (dL->L _ pat) } <- orig
= Just (vcat [ text "In other words, a successful match on the pattern"
, nest 2 $ ppr pat
, text "does not provide the constraint" <+> pprParendType pred ])
@@ -2626,7 +2628,7 @@ ctxtFixes has_ambig_tvs pred implics
discardProvCtxtGivens :: CtOrigin -> [UserGiven] -> [UserGiven]
discardProvCtxtGivens orig givens -- See Note [discardProvCtxtGivens]
- | ProvCtxtOrigin (PSB {psb_id = L _ name}) <- orig
+ | ProvCtxtOrigin (PSB {psb_id = (dL->L _ name)}) <- orig
= filterOut (discard name) givens
| otherwise
= givens
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
index c3e7372278..b194eac59a 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.hs
@@ -2148,16 +2148,26 @@ primLitOps str ty = (assoc_ty_id str litConTbl ty, \v -> boxed v)
ordOpTbl :: [(Type, (RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName, RdrName))]
- = [(charPrimTy , (ltChar_RDR , leChar_RDR , eqChar_RDR , geChar_RDR , gtChar_RDR ))
- ,(intPrimTy , (ltInt_RDR , leInt_RDR , eqInt_RDR , geInt_RDR , gtInt_RDR ))
- ,(int8PrimTy , (ltInt8_RDR , leInt8_RDR , eqInt8_RDR , geInt8_RDR , gtInt8_RDR ))
- ,(int16PrimTy , (ltInt16_RDR , leInt16_RDR , eqInt16_RDR , geInt16_RDR , gtInt16_RDR ))
- ,(wordPrimTy , (ltWord_RDR , leWord_RDR , eqWord_RDR , geWord_RDR , gtWord_RDR ))
- ,(word8PrimTy , (ltWord8_RDR , leWord8_RDR , eqWord8_RDR , geWord8_RDR , gtWord8_RDR ))
- ,(word16PrimTy, (ltWord16_RDR, leWord16_RDR, eqWord16_RDR, geWord16_RDR, gtWord16_RDR ))
- ,(addrPrimTy , (ltAddr_RDR , leAddr_RDR , eqAddr_RDR , geAddr_RDR , gtAddr_RDR ))
- ,(floatPrimTy , (ltFloat_RDR , leFloat_RDR , eqFloat_RDR , geFloat_RDR , gtFloat_RDR ))
- ,(doublePrimTy, (ltDouble_RDR, leDouble_RDR, eqDouble_RDR, geDouble_RDR, gtDouble_RDR)) ]
+ = [(charPrimTy , (ltChar_RDR , leChar_RDR
+ , eqChar_RDR , geChar_RDR , gtChar_RDR ))
+ ,(intPrimTy , (ltInt_RDR , leInt_RDR
+ , eqInt_RDR , geInt_RDR , gtInt_RDR ))
+ ,(int8PrimTy , (ltInt8_RDR , leInt8_RDR
+ , eqInt8_RDR , geInt8_RDR , gtInt8_RDR ))
+ ,(int16PrimTy , (ltInt16_RDR , leInt16_RDR
+ , eqInt16_RDR , geInt16_RDR , gtInt16_RDR ))
+ ,(wordPrimTy , (ltWord_RDR , leWord_RDR
+ , eqWord_RDR , geWord_RDR , gtWord_RDR ))
+ ,(word8PrimTy , (ltWord8_RDR , leWord8_RDR
+ , eqWord8_RDR , geWord8_RDR , gtWord8_RDR ))
+ ,(word16PrimTy, (ltWord16_RDR, leWord16_RDR
+ , eqWord16_RDR, geWord16_RDR, gtWord16_RDR ))
+ ,(addrPrimTy , (ltAddr_RDR , leAddr_RDR
+ , eqAddr_RDR , geAddr_RDR , gtAddr_RDR ))
+ ,(floatPrimTy , (ltFloat_RDR , leFloat_RDR
+ , eqFloat_RDR , geFloat_RDR , gtFloat_RDR ))
+ ,(doublePrimTy, (ltDouble_RDR, leDouble_RDR
+ , eqDouble_RDR, geDouble_RDR, gtDouble_RDR)) ]
-- A mapping from a primitive type to a function that constructs its boxed
-- version.
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
index 69f51b8758..450a7d9a86 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ checker.
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcHsSyn (
-- * Extracting types from HsSyn
@@ -93,12 +94,12 @@ import Control.Arrow ( second )
hsLPatType :: OutPat GhcTc -> Type
-hsLPatType (L _ pat) = hsPatType pat
+hsLPatType lpat = hsPatType (unLoc lpat)
hsPatType :: Pat GhcTc -> Type
hsPatType (ParPat _ pat) = hsLPatType pat
hsPatType (WildPat ty) = ty
-hsPatType (VarPat _ (L _ var)) = idType var
+hsPatType (VarPat _ lvar) = idType (unLoc lvar)
hsPatType (BangPat _ pat) = hsLPatType pat
hsPatType (LazyPat _ pat) = hsLPatType pat
hsPatType (LitPat _ lit) = hsLitType lit
@@ -108,8 +109,9 @@ hsPatType (ListPat (ListPatTc ty Nothing) _) = mkListTy ty
hsPatType (ListPat (ListPatTc _ (Just (ty,_))) _) = ty
hsPatType (TuplePat tys _ bx) = mkTupleTy bx tys
hsPatType (SumPat tys _ _ _ ) = mkSumTy tys
-hsPatType (ConPatOut { pat_con = L _ con, pat_arg_tys = tys })
- = conLikeResTy con tys
+hsPatType (ConPatOut { pat_con = lcon
+ , pat_arg_tys = tys })
+ = conLikeResTy (unLoc lcon) tys
hsPatType (SigPat ty _ _) = ty
hsPatType (NPat ty _ _ _) = ty
hsPatType (NPlusKPat ty _ _ _ _ _) = ty
@@ -328,7 +330,7 @@ zonkEnvIds (ZonkEnv { ze_id_env = id_env})
-- immediately by creating a TypeEnv
zonkLIdOcc :: ZonkEnv -> Located TcId -> Located Id
-zonkLIdOcc env (L loc id) = L loc (zonkIdOcc env id)
+zonkLIdOcc env = onHasSrcSpan (zonkIdOcc env)
zonkIdOcc :: ZonkEnv -> TcId -> Id
-- Ids defined in this module should be in the envt;
@@ -491,8 +493,8 @@ zonkLocalBinds env (HsValBinds x (XValBindsLR (NValBinds binds sigs)))
zonkLocalBinds env (HsIPBinds x (IPBinds dict_binds binds )) = do
new_binds <- mapM (wrapLocM zonk_ip_bind) binds
- env1 = extendIdZonkEnvRec env [ n
- | L _ (IPBind _ (Right n) _) <- new_binds]
+ env1 = extendIdZonkEnvRec env
+ [ n | (dL->L _ (IPBind _ (Right n) _)) <- new_binds]
(env2, new_dict_binds) <- zonkTcEvBinds env1 dict_binds
return (env2, HsIPBinds x (IPBinds new_dict_binds new_binds))
@@ -540,12 +542,14 @@ zonk_bind env (VarBind { var_ext = x
, var_rhs = new_expr
, var_inline = inl }) }
-zonk_bind env bind@(FunBind { fun_id = L loc var, fun_matches = ms
+zonk_bind env bind@(FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L loc var)
+ , fun_matches = ms
, fun_co_fn = co_fn })
= do { new_var <- zonkIdBndr env var
; (env1, new_co_fn) <- zonkCoFn env co_fn
; new_ms <- zonkMatchGroup env1 zonkLExpr ms
- ; return (bind { fun_id = L loc new_var, fun_matches = new_ms
+ ; return (bind { fun_id = cL loc new_var
+ , fun_matches = new_ms
, fun_co_fn = new_co_fn }) }
zonk_bind env (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = evs
@@ -571,16 +575,16 @@ zonk_bind env (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = evs
zonk_val_bind env lbind
| has_sig
- , L loc bind@(FunBind { fun_id = L mloc mono_id
- , fun_matches = ms
- , fun_co_fn = co_fn }) <- lbind
+ , (dL->L loc bind@(FunBind { fun_id = (dL->L mloc mono_id)
+ , fun_matches = ms
+ , fun_co_fn = co_fn })) <- lbind
= do { new_mono_id <- updateVarTypeM (zonkTcTypeToTypeX env) mono_id
-- Specifically /not/ zonkIdBndr; we do not
-- want to complain about a levity-polymorphic binder
; (env', new_co_fn) <- zonkCoFn env co_fn
; new_ms <- zonkMatchGroup env' zonkLExpr ms
- ; return $ L loc $
- bind { fun_id = L mloc new_mono_id
+ ; return $ cL loc $
+ bind { fun_id = cL mloc new_mono_id
, fun_matches = new_ms
, fun_co_fn = new_co_fn } }
| otherwise
@@ -601,7 +605,7 @@ zonk_bind env (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tyvars, abs_ev_vars = evs
, abe_prags = new_prags })
zonk_export _ (XABExport _) = panic "zonk_bind: XABExport"
-zonk_bind env (PatSynBind x bind@(PSB { psb_id = L loc id
+zonk_bind env (PatSynBind x bind@(PSB { psb_id = (dL->L loc id)
, psb_args = details
, psb_def = lpat
, psb_dir = dir }))
@@ -610,7 +614,7 @@ zonk_bind env (PatSynBind x bind@(PSB { psb_id = L loc id
; let details' = zonkPatSynDetails env1 details
; (_env2, dir') <- zonkPatSynDir env1 dir
; return $ PatSynBind x $
- bind { psb_id = L loc id'
+ bind { psb_id = cL loc id'
, psb_args = details'
, psb_def = lpat'
, psb_dir = dir' } }
@@ -645,9 +649,9 @@ zonkLTcSpecPrags :: ZonkEnv -> [LTcSpecPrag] -> TcM [LTcSpecPrag]
zonkLTcSpecPrags env ps
= mapM zonk_prag ps
- zonk_prag (L loc (SpecPrag id co_fn inl))
+ zonk_prag (dL->L loc (SpecPrag id co_fn inl))
= do { (_, co_fn') <- zonkCoFn env co_fn
- ; return (L loc (SpecPrag (zonkIdOcc env id) co_fn' inl)) }
+ ; return (cL loc (SpecPrag (zonkIdOcc env id) co_fn' inl)) }
@@ -661,13 +665,13 @@ zonkMatchGroup :: ZonkEnv
-> (ZonkEnv -> Located (body GhcTcId) -> TcM (Located (body GhcTc)))
-> MatchGroup GhcTcId (Located (body GhcTcId))
-> TcM (MatchGroup GhcTc (Located (body GhcTc)))
-zonkMatchGroup env zBody (MG { mg_alts = L l ms
+zonkMatchGroup env zBody (MG { mg_alts = (dL->L l ms)
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys res_ty
, mg_origin = origin })
= do { ms' <- mapM (zonkMatch env zBody) ms
; arg_tys' <- zonkTcTypesToTypesX env arg_tys
; res_ty' <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env res_ty
- ; return (MG { mg_alts = L l ms'
+ ; return (MG { mg_alts = cL l ms'
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc arg_tys' res_ty'
, mg_origin = origin }) }
zonkMatchGroup _ _ (XMatchGroup {}) = panic "zonkMatchGroup"
@@ -676,11 +680,14 @@ zonkMatch :: ZonkEnv
-> (ZonkEnv -> Located (body GhcTcId) -> TcM (Located (body GhcTc)))
-> LMatch GhcTcId (Located (body GhcTcId))
-> TcM (LMatch GhcTc (Located (body GhcTc)))
-zonkMatch env zBody (L loc match@(Match { m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss }))
+zonkMatch env zBody (dL->L loc match@(Match { m_pats = pats
+ , m_grhss = grhss }))
= do { (env1, new_pats) <- zonkPats env pats
; new_grhss <- zonkGRHSs env1 zBody grhss
- ; return (L loc (match { m_pats = new_pats, m_grhss = new_grhss })) }
-zonkMatch _ _ (L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "zonkMatch"
+ ; return (cL loc (match { m_pats = new_pats, m_grhss = new_grhss })) }
+zonkMatch _ _ (dL->L _ (XMatch _)) = panic "zonkMatch"
+zonkMatch _ _ _ = panic "zonkMatch: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
zonkGRHSs :: ZonkEnv
@@ -688,7 +695,7 @@ zonkGRHSs :: ZonkEnv
-> GRHSs GhcTcId (Located (body GhcTcId))
-> TcM (GRHSs GhcTc (Located (body GhcTc)))
-zonkGRHSs env zBody (GRHSs x grhss (L l binds)) = do
+zonkGRHSs env zBody (GRHSs x grhss (dL->L l binds)) = do
(new_env, new_binds) <- zonkLocalBinds env binds
zonk_grhs (GRHS xx guarded rhs)
@@ -697,7 +704,7 @@ zonkGRHSs env zBody (GRHSs x grhss (L l binds)) = do
return (GRHS xx new_guarded new_rhs)
zonk_grhs (XGRHS _) = panic "zonkGRHSs"
new_grhss <- mapM (wrapLocM zonk_grhs) grhss
- return (GRHSs x new_grhss (L l new_binds))
+ return (GRHSs x new_grhss (cL l new_binds))
zonkGRHSs _ _ (XGRHSs _) = panic "zonkGRHSs"
@@ -715,9 +722,9 @@ zonkExpr :: ZonkEnv -> HsExpr GhcTcId -> TcM (HsExpr GhcTc)
zonkLExprs env exprs = mapM (zonkLExpr env) exprs
zonkLExpr env expr = wrapLocM (zonkExpr env) expr
-zonkExpr env (HsVar x (L l id))
+zonkExpr env (HsVar x (dL->L l id))
= ASSERT2( isNothing (isDataConId_maybe id), ppr id )
- return (HsVar x (L l (zonkIdOcc env id)))
+ return (HsVar x (cL l (zonkIdOcc env id)))
zonkExpr _ e@(HsConLikeOut {}) = return e
@@ -797,11 +804,14 @@ zonkExpr env (ExplicitTuple x tup_args boxed)
= do { new_tup_args <- mapM zonk_tup_arg tup_args
; return (ExplicitTuple x new_tup_args boxed) }
- zonk_tup_arg (L l (Present x e)) = do { e' <- zonkLExpr env e
- ; return (L l (Present x e')) }
- zonk_tup_arg (L l (Missing t)) = do { t' <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env t
- ; return (L l (Missing t')) }
- zonk_tup_arg (L _ (XTupArg{})) = panic "zonkExpr.XTupArg"
+ zonk_tup_arg (dL->L l (Present x e)) = do { e' <- zonkLExpr env e
+ ; return (cL l (Present x e')) }
+ zonk_tup_arg (dL->L l (Missing t)) = do { t' <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env t
+ ; return (cL l (Missing t')) }
+ zonk_tup_arg (dL->L _ (XTupArg{})) = panic "zonkExpr.XTupArg"
+ zonk_tup_arg _ = panic "zonk_tup_arg: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
zonkExpr env (ExplicitSum args alt arity expr)
= do new_args <- mapM (zonkTcTypeToTypeX env) args
@@ -836,15 +846,15 @@ zonkExpr env (HsMultiIf ty alts)
; return $ GRHS x guard' expr' }
zonk_alt (XGRHS _) = panic "zonkExpr.HsMultiIf"
-zonkExpr env (HsLet x (L l binds) expr)
+zonkExpr env (HsLet x (dL->L l binds) expr)
= do (new_env, new_binds) <- zonkLocalBinds env binds
new_expr <- zonkLExpr new_env expr
- return (HsLet x (L l new_binds) new_expr)
+ return (HsLet x (cL l new_binds) new_expr)
-zonkExpr env (HsDo ty do_or_lc (L l stmts))
+zonkExpr env (HsDo ty do_or_lc (dL->L l stmts))
= do (_, new_stmts) <- zonkStmts env zonkLExpr stmts
new_ty <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env ty
- return (HsDo new_ty do_or_lc (L l new_stmts))
+ return (HsDo new_ty do_or_lc (cL l new_stmts))
zonkExpr env (ExplicitList ty wit exprs)
= do (env1, new_wit) <- zonkWit env wit
@@ -1004,15 +1014,15 @@ zonkCmd env (HsCmdIf x eCond ePred cThen cElse)
zonkWit env Nothing = return (env, Nothing)
zonkWit env (Just w) = second Just <$> zonkSyntaxExpr env w
-zonkCmd env (HsCmdLet x (L l binds) cmd)
+zonkCmd env (HsCmdLet x (dL->L l binds) cmd)
= do (new_env, new_binds) <- zonkLocalBinds env binds
new_cmd <- zonkLCmd new_env cmd
- return (HsCmdLet x (L l new_binds) new_cmd)
+ return (HsCmdLet x (cL l new_binds) new_cmd)
-zonkCmd env (HsCmdDo ty (L l stmts))
+zonkCmd env (HsCmdDo ty (dL->L l stmts))
= do (_, new_stmts) <- zonkStmts env zonkLCmd stmts
new_ty <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env ty
- return (HsCmdDo new_ty (L l new_stmts))
+ return (HsCmdDo new_ty (cL l new_stmts))
zonkCmd _ (XCmd{}) = panic "zonkCmd"
@@ -1195,9 +1205,9 @@ zonkStmt env _ (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_bndrs = binderMap
newBinder' <- zonkIdBndr env newBinder
return (oldBinder', newBinder')
-zonkStmt env _ (LetStmt x (L l binds))
+zonkStmt env _ (LetStmt x (dL->L l binds))
= do (env1, new_binds) <- zonkLocalBinds env binds
- return (env1, LetStmt x (L l new_binds))
+ return (env1, LetStmt x (cL l new_binds))
zonkStmt env zBody (BindStmt bind_ty pat body bind_op fail_op)
= do { (env1, new_bind) <- zonkSyntaxExpr env bind_op
@@ -1261,21 +1271,21 @@ zonkRecFields env (HsRecFields flds dd)
= do { flds' <- mapM zonk_rbind flds
; return (HsRecFields flds' dd) }
- zonk_rbind (L l fld)
+ zonk_rbind (dL->L l fld)
= do { new_id <- wrapLocM (zonkFieldOcc env) (hsRecFieldLbl fld)
; new_expr <- zonkLExpr env (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- ; return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl = new_id
+ ; return (cL l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl = new_id
, hsRecFieldArg = new_expr })) }
zonkRecUpdFields :: ZonkEnv -> [LHsRecUpdField GhcTcId]
-> TcM [LHsRecUpdField GhcTcId]
zonkRecUpdFields env = mapM zonk_rbind
- zonk_rbind (L l fld)
+ zonk_rbind (dL->L l fld)
= do { new_id <- wrapLocM (zonkFieldOcc env) (hsRecUpdFieldOcc fld)
; new_expr <- zonkLExpr env (hsRecFieldArg fld)
- ; return (L l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl = fmap ambiguousFieldOcc new_id
- , hsRecFieldArg = new_expr })) }
+ ; return (cL l (fld { hsRecFieldLbl = fmap ambiguousFieldOcc new_id
+ , hsRecFieldArg = new_expr })) }
mapIPNameTc :: (a -> TcM b) -> Either (Located HsIPName) a
@@ -1309,9 +1319,9 @@ zonk_pat env (WildPat ty)
(text "In a wildcard pattern")
; return (env, WildPat ty') }
-zonk_pat env (VarPat x (L l v))
+zonk_pat env (VarPat x (dL->L l v))
= do { v' <- zonkIdBndr env v
- ; return (extendIdZonkEnv1 env v', VarPat x (L l v')) }
+ ; return (extendIdZonkEnv1 env v', VarPat x (cL l v')) }
zonk_pat env (LazyPat x pat)
= do { (env', pat') <- zonkPat env pat
@@ -1321,10 +1331,10 @@ zonk_pat env (BangPat x pat)
= do { (env', pat') <- zonkPat env pat
; return (env', BangPat x pat') }
-zonk_pat env (AsPat x (L loc v) pat)
+zonk_pat env (AsPat x (dL->L loc v) pat)
= do { v' <- zonkIdBndr env v
; (env', pat') <- zonkPat (extendIdZonkEnv1 env v') pat
- ; return (env', AsPat x (L loc v') pat') }
+ ; return (env', AsPat x (cL loc v') pat') }
zonk_pat env (ViewPat ty expr pat)
= do { expr' <- zonkLExpr env expr
@@ -1354,10 +1364,13 @@ zonk_pat env (SumPat tys pat alt arity )
; (env', pat') <- zonkPat env pat
; return (env', SumPat tys' pat' alt arity) }
-zonk_pat env p@(ConPatOut { pat_arg_tys = tys, pat_tvs = tyvars
- , pat_dicts = evs, pat_binds = binds
- , pat_args = args, pat_wrap = wrapper
- , pat_con = L _ con })
+zonk_pat env p@(ConPatOut { pat_arg_tys = tys
+ , pat_tvs = tyvars
+ , pat_dicts = evs
+ , pat_binds = binds
+ , pat_args = args
+ , pat_wrap = wrapper
+ , pat_con = (dL->L _ con) })
= ASSERT( all isImmutableTyVar tyvars )
do { new_tys <- mapM (zonkTcTypeToTypeX env) tys
@@ -1393,7 +1406,7 @@ zonk_pat env (SigPat ty pat hs_ty)
; (env', pat') <- zonkPat env pat
; return (env', SigPat ty' pat' hs_ty) }
-zonk_pat env (NPat ty (L l lit) mb_neg eq_expr)
+zonk_pat env (NPat ty (dL->L l lit) mb_neg eq_expr)
= do { (env1, eq_expr') <- zonkSyntaxExpr env eq_expr
; (env2, mb_neg') <- case mb_neg of
Nothing -> return (env1, Nothing)
@@ -1401,9 +1414,9 @@ zonk_pat env (NPat ty (L l lit) mb_neg eq_expr)
; lit' <- zonkOverLit env2 lit
; ty' <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env2 ty
- ; return (env2, NPat ty' (L l lit') mb_neg' eq_expr') }
+ ; return (env2, NPat ty' (cL l lit') mb_neg' eq_expr') }
-zonk_pat env (NPlusKPat ty (L loc n) (L l lit1) lit2 e1 e2)
+zonk_pat env (NPlusKPat ty (dL->L loc n) (dL->L l lit1) lit2 e1 e2)
= do { (env1, e1') <- zonkSyntaxExpr env e1
; (env2, e2') <- zonkSyntaxExpr env1 e2
; n' <- zonkIdBndr env2 n
@@ -1411,7 +1424,7 @@ zonk_pat env (NPlusKPat ty (L loc n) (L l lit1) lit2 e1 e2)
; lit2' <- zonkOverLit env2 lit2
; ty' <- zonkTcTypeToTypeX env2 ty
; return (extendIdZonkEnv1 env2 n',
- NPlusKPat ty' (L loc n') (L l lit1') lit2' e1' e2') }
+ NPlusKPat ty' (cL loc n') (cL l lit1') lit2' e1' e2') }
zonk_pat env (CoPat x co_fn pat ty)
= do { (env', co_fn') <- zonkCoFn env co_fn
@@ -1437,7 +1450,8 @@ zonkConStuff env (InfixCon p1 p2)
zonkConStuff env (RecCon (HsRecFields rpats dd))
= do { (env', pats') <- zonkPats env (map (hsRecFieldArg . unLoc) rpats)
- ; let rpats' = zipWith (\(L l rp) p' -> L l (rp { hsRecFieldArg = p' }))
+ ; let rpats' = zipWith (\(dL->L l rp) p' ->
+ cL l (rp { hsRecFieldArg = p' }))
rpats pats'
; return (env', RecCon (HsRecFields rpats' dd)) }
-- Field selectors have declared types; hence no zonking
@@ -1489,11 +1503,13 @@ zonkRule env rule@(HsRule { rd_tmvs = tm_bndrs{-::[RuleBndr TcId]-}
, rd_lhs = new_lhs
, rd_rhs = new_rhs } }
- zonk_tm_bndr env (L l (RuleBndr x (L loc v)))
+ zonk_tm_bndr env (dL->L l (RuleBndr x (dL->L loc v)))
= do { (env', v') <- zonk_it env v
- ; return (env', L l (RuleBndr x (L loc v'))) }
- zonk_tm_bndr _ (L _ (RuleBndrSig {})) = panic "zonk_tm_bndr RuleBndrSig"
- zonk_tm_bndr _ (L _ (XRuleBndr {})) = panic "zonk_tm_bndr XRuleBndr"
+ ; return (env', cL l (RuleBndr x (cL loc v'))) }
+ zonk_tm_bndr _ (dL->L _ (RuleBndrSig {})) = panic "zonk_tm_bndr RuleBndrSig"
+ zonk_tm_bndr _ (dL->L _ (XRuleBndr {})) = panic "zonk_tm_bndr XRuleBndr"
+ zonk_tm_bndr _ _ = panic "zonk_tm_bndr: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
zonk_it env v
| isId v = do { v' <- zonkIdBndr env v
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
index 07c3a27668..1181f384fa 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsType.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, MultiWayIf, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module TcHsType (
-- Type signatures
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
index c8d0075bcf..7ac0dd4356 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ TcPat: Typechecking patterns
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcPat ( tcLetPat, newLetBndr, LetBndrSpec(..)
, tcPat, tcPat_O, tcPats
@@ -300,11 +301,11 @@ tc_lpat :: LPat GhcRn
-> PatEnv
-> TcM a
-> TcM (LPat GhcTcId, a)
-tc_lpat (L span pat) pat_ty penv thing_inside
+tc_lpat (dL->L span pat) pat_ty penv thing_inside
= setSrcSpan span $
do { (pat', res) <- maybeWrapPatCtxt pat (tc_pat penv pat pat_ty)
- ; return (L span pat', res) }
+ ; return (cL span pat', res) }
tc_lpats :: PatEnv
-> [LPat GhcRn] -> [ExpSigmaType]
@@ -324,11 +325,11 @@ tc_pat :: PatEnv
-> TcM (Pat GhcTcId, -- Translated pattern
a) -- Result of thing inside
-tc_pat penv (VarPat x (L l name)) pat_ty thing_inside
+tc_pat penv (VarPat x (dL->L l name)) pat_ty thing_inside
= do { (wrap, id) <- tcPatBndr penv name pat_ty
; res <- tcExtendIdEnv1 name id thing_inside
; pat_ty <- readExpType pat_ty
- ; return (mkHsWrapPat wrap (VarPat x (L l id)) pat_ty, res) }
+ ; return (mkHsWrapPat wrap (VarPat x (cL l id)) pat_ty, res) }
tc_pat penv (ParPat x pat) pat_ty thing_inside
= do { (pat', res) <- tc_lpat pat pat_ty penv thing_inside
@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ tc_pat _ (WildPat _) pat_ty thing_inside
; pat_ty <- expTypeToType pat_ty
; return (WildPat pat_ty, res) }
-tc_pat penv (AsPat x (L nm_loc name) pat) pat_ty thing_inside
+tc_pat penv (AsPat x (dL->L nm_loc name) pat) pat_ty thing_inside
= do { (wrap, bndr_id) <- setSrcSpan nm_loc (tcPatBndr penv name pat_ty)
; (pat', res) <- tcExtendIdEnv1 name bndr_id $
tc_lpat pat (mkCheckExpType $ idType bndr_id)
@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ tc_pat penv (AsPat x (L nm_loc name) pat) pat_ty thing_inside
-- If you fix it, don't forget the bindInstsOfPatIds!
; pat_ty <- readExpType pat_ty
- ; return (mkHsWrapPat wrap (AsPat x (L nm_loc bndr_id) pat') pat_ty,
+ ; return (mkHsWrapPat wrap (AsPat x (cL nm_loc bndr_id) pat') pat_ty,
res) }
tc_pat penv (ViewPat _ expr pat) overall_pat_ty thing_inside
@@ -519,7 +520,7 @@ tc_pat penv (LitPat x simple_lit) pat_ty thing_inside
-- where lit_ty is the type of the overloaded literal 5.
-- When there is no negation, neg_lit_ty and lit_ty are the same
-tc_pat _ (NPat _ (L l over_lit) mb_neg eq) pat_ty thing_inside
+tc_pat _ (NPat _ (dL->L l over_lit) mb_neg eq) pat_ty thing_inside
= do { let orig = LiteralOrigin over_lit
; ((lit', mb_neg'), eq')
<- tcSyntaxOp orig eq [SynType pat_ty, SynAny]
@@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ tc_pat _ (NPat _ (L l over_lit) mb_neg eq) pat_ty thing_inside
; res <- thing_inside
; pat_ty <- readExpType pat_ty
- ; return (NPat pat_ty (L l lit') mb_neg' eq', res) }
+ ; return (NPat pat_ty (cL l lit') mb_neg' eq', res) }
Note [NPlusK patterns]
@@ -568,7 +569,8 @@ AST is used for the subtraction operation.
-- See Note [NPlusK patterns]
-tc_pat penv (NPlusKPat _ (L nm_loc name) (L loc lit) _ ge minus) pat_ty
+tc_pat penv (NPlusKPat _ (dL->L nm_loc name)
+ (dL->L loc lit) _ ge minus) pat_ty
= do { pat_ty <- expTypeToType pat_ty
; let orig = LiteralOrigin lit
@@ -598,7 +600,7 @@ tc_pat penv (NPlusKPat _ (L nm_loc name) (L loc lit) _ ge minus) pat_ty
; let minus'' = minus' { syn_res_wrap =
minus_wrap <.> syn_res_wrap minus' }
- pat' = NPlusKPat pat_ty (L nm_loc bndr_id) (L loc lit1') lit2'
+ pat' = NPlusKPat pat_ty (cL nm_loc bndr_id) (cL loc lit1') lit2'
ge' minus''
; return (pat', res) }
@@ -707,7 +709,7 @@ tcConPat :: PatEnv -> Located Name
-> ExpSigmaType -- Type of the pattern
-> HsConPatDetails GhcRn -> TcM a
-> TcM (Pat GhcTcId, a)
-tcConPat penv con_lname@(L _ con_name) pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
+tcConPat penv con_lname@(dL->L _ con_name) pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
= do { con_like <- tcLookupConLike con_name
; case con_like of
RealDataCon data_con -> tcDataConPat penv con_lname data_con
@@ -720,12 +722,13 @@ tcDataConPat :: PatEnv -> Located Name -> DataCon
-> ExpSigmaType -- Type of the pattern
-> HsConPatDetails GhcRn -> TcM a
-> TcM (Pat GhcTcId, a)
-tcDataConPat penv (L con_span con_name) data_con pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
+tcDataConPat penv (dL->L con_span con_name) data_con pat_ty
+ arg_pats thing_inside
= do { let tycon = dataConTyCon data_con
-- For data families this is the representation tycon
(univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _)
= dataConFullSig data_con
- header = L con_span (RealDataCon data_con)
+ header = cL con_span (RealDataCon data_con)
-- Instantiate the constructor type variables [a->ty]
-- This may involve doing a family-instance coercion,
@@ -815,7 +818,7 @@ tcPatSynPat :: PatEnv -> Located Name -> PatSyn
-> ExpSigmaType -- Type of the pattern
-> HsConPatDetails GhcRn -> TcM a
-> TcM (Pat GhcTcId, a)
-tcPatSynPat penv (L con_span _) pat_syn pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
+tcPatSynPat penv (dL->L con_span _) pat_syn pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
= do { let (univ_tvs, req_theta, ex_tvs, prov_theta, arg_tys, ty) = patSynSig pat_syn
; (subst, univ_tvs') <- newMetaTyVars univ_tvs
@@ -852,7 +855,7 @@ tcPatSynPat penv (L con_span _) pat_syn pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
tcConArgs (PatSynCon pat_syn) arg_tys' arg_pats penv thing_inside
; traceTc "checkConstraints }" (ppr ev_binds)
- ; let res_pat = ConPatOut { pat_con = L con_span $ PatSynCon pat_syn,
+ ; let res_pat = ConPatOut { pat_con = cL con_span $ PatSynCon pat_syn,
pat_tvs = ex_tvs',
pat_dicts = prov_dicts',
pat_binds = ev_binds,
@@ -982,16 +985,20 @@ tcConArgs con_like arg_tys (RecCon (HsRecFields rpats dd)) penv thing_inside
tc_field :: Checker (LHsRecField GhcRn (LPat GhcRn))
(LHsRecField GhcTcId (LPat GhcTcId))
- tc_field (L l (HsRecField (L loc (FieldOcc sel (L lr rdr))) pat pun)) penv
- thing_inside
+ tc_field (dL->L l (HsRecField (dL->L loc
+ (FieldOcc sel (dL->L lr rdr))) pat pun))
+ penv thing_inside
= do { sel' <- tcLookupId sel
; pat_ty <- setSrcSpan loc $ find_field_ty sel
(occNameFS $ rdrNameOcc rdr)
; (pat', res) <- tcConArg (pat, pat_ty) penv thing_inside
- ; return (L l (HsRecField (L loc (FieldOcc sel' (L lr rdr))) pat'
+ ; return (cL l (HsRecField (cL loc (FieldOcc sel' (cL lr rdr))) pat'
pun), res) }
- tc_field (L _ (HsRecField (L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _)) _ _
+ tc_field (dL->L _ (HsRecField (dL->L _ (XFieldOcc _)) _ _)) _ _
= panic "tcConArgs"
+ tc_field _ _ _ = panic "tc_field: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
find_field_ty :: Name -> FieldLabelString -> TcM TcType
find_field_ty sel lbl
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
index 5fad219a90..eefdb97f16 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcPatSyn ( tcPatSynDecl, tcPatSynBuilderBind
, tcPatSynBuilderOcc, nonBidirectionalErr
@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@ tcPatSynDecl psb mb_sig
recoverPSB :: PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTc, TcGblEnv)
-- See Note [Pattern synonym error recovery]
-recoverPSB (PSB { psb_id = L _ name, psb_args = details })
+recoverPSB (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L _ name)
+ , psb_args = details })
= do { matcher_name <- newImplicitBinder name mkMatcherOcc
; let placeholder = AConLike $ PatSynCon $
mk_placeholder matcher_name
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ pattern.) But it'll do for now.
tcInferPatSynDecl :: PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTc, TcGblEnv)
-tcInferPatSynDecl (PSB { psb_id = lname@(L _ name), psb_args = details
+tcInferPatSynDecl (PSB { psb_id = lname@(dL->L _ name), psb_args = details
, psb_def = lpat, psb_dir = dir })
= addPatSynCtxt lname $
do { traceTc "tcInferPatSynDecl {" $ ppr name
@@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ is not very helpful, but at least we don't get a Lint error.
tcCheckPatSynDecl :: PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn
-> TcPatSynInfo
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTc, TcGblEnv)
-tcCheckPatSynDecl psb@PSB{ psb_id = lname@(L _ name), psb_args = details
+tcCheckPatSynDecl psb@PSB{ psb_id = lname@(dL->L _ name), psb_args = details
, psb_def = lpat, psb_dir = dir }
TPSI{ patsig_implicit_bndrs = implicit_tvs
, patsig_univ_bndrs = explicit_univ_tvs, patsig_prov = prov_theta
@@ -580,12 +582,13 @@ collectPatSynArgInfo details =
splitRecordPatSyn :: RecordPatSynField (Located Name)
-> (Name, Name)
- splitRecordPatSyn (RecordPatSynField { recordPatSynPatVar = L _ patVar
- , recordPatSynSelectorId = L _ selId })
+ splitRecordPatSyn (RecordPatSynField
+ { recordPatSynPatVar = (dL->L _ patVar)
+ , recordPatSynSelectorId = (dL->L _ selId) })
= (patVar, selId)
addPatSynCtxt :: Located Name -> TcM a -> TcM a
-addPatSynCtxt (L loc name) thing_inside
+addPatSynCtxt (dL->L loc name) thing_inside
= setSrcSpan loc $
addErrCtxt (text "In the declaration for pattern synonym"
<+> quotes (ppr name)) $
@@ -696,7 +699,7 @@ tcPatSynMatcher :: Located Name
-> TcType
-> TcM ((Id, Bool), LHsBinds GhcTc)
-- See Note [Matchers and builders for pattern synonyms] in PatSyn
-tcPatSynMatcher (L loc name) lpat
+tcPatSynMatcher (dL->L loc name) lpat
(univ_tvs, req_theta, req_ev_binds, req_dicts)
(ex_tvs, ex_tys, prov_theta, prov_dicts)
(args, arg_tys) pat_ty
@@ -737,9 +740,9 @@ tcPatSynMatcher (L loc name) lpat
else [mkHsCaseAlt lpat cont',
mkHsCaseAlt lwpat fail']
body = mkLHsWrap (mkWpLet req_ev_binds) $
- L (getLoc lpat) $
+ cL (getLoc lpat) $
HsCase noExt (nlHsVar scrutinee) $
- MG{ mg_alts = L (getLoc lpat) cases
+ MG{ mg_alts = cL (getLoc lpat) cases
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc [pat_ty] res_ty
, mg_origin = Generated
@@ -750,18 +753,18 @@ tcPatSynMatcher (L loc name) lpat
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc [pat_ty, cont_ty, fail_ty] res_ty
, mg_origin = Generated
- match = mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc name)) []
+ match = mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc name)) []
(mkHsLams (rr_tv:res_tv:univ_tvs)
req_dicts body')
(noLoc (EmptyLocalBinds noExt))
mg :: MatchGroup GhcTc (LHsExpr GhcTc)
- mg = MG{ mg_alts = L (getLoc match) [match]
+ mg = MG{ mg_alts = cL (getLoc match) [match]
, mg_ext = MatchGroupTc [] res_ty
, mg_origin = Generated
; let bind = FunBind{ fun_ext = emptyNameSet
- , fun_id = L loc matcher_id
+ , fun_id = cL loc matcher_id
, fun_matches = mg
, fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
, fun_tick = [] }
@@ -797,7 +800,7 @@ mkPatSynBuilderId :: HsPatSynDir a -> Located Name
-> [TyVarBinder] -> ThetaType
-> [Type] -> Type
-> TcM (Maybe (Id, Bool))
-mkPatSynBuilderId dir (L _ name)
+mkPatSynBuilderId dir (dL->L _ name)
univ_bndrs req_theta ex_bndrs prov_theta
arg_tys pat_ty
| isUnidirectional dir
@@ -823,8 +826,10 @@ mkPatSynBuilderId dir (L _ name)
tcPatSynBuilderBind :: PatSynBind GhcRn GhcRn
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcTc)
-- See Note [Matchers and builders for pattern synonyms] in PatSyn
-tcPatSynBuilderBind (PSB { psb_id = L loc name, psb_def = lpat
- , psb_dir = dir, psb_args = details })
+tcPatSynBuilderBind (PSB { psb_id = (dL->L loc name)
+ , psb_def = lpat
+ , psb_dir = dir
+ , psb_args = details })
| isUnidirectional dir
= return emptyBag
@@ -849,7 +854,7 @@ tcPatSynBuilderBind (PSB { psb_id = L loc name, psb_def = lpat
| otherwise = match_group
bind = FunBind { fun_ext = placeHolderNamesTc
- , fun_id = L loc (idName builder_id)
+ , fun_id = cL loc (idName builder_id)
, fun_matches = match_group'
, fun_co_fn = idHsWrapper
, fun_tick = [] }
@@ -873,8 +878,9 @@ tcPatSynBuilderBind (PSB { psb_id = L loc name, psb_def = lpat
mk_mg :: LHsExpr GhcRn -> MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
mk_mg body = mkMatchGroup Generated [builder_match]
- builder_args = [L loc (VarPat noExt (L loc n)) | L loc n <- args]
- builder_match = mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc name))
+ builder_args = [cL loc (VarPat noExt (cL loc n))
+ | (dL->L loc n) <- args]
+ builder_match = mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc name))
builder_args body
(noLoc (EmptyLocalBinds noExt))
@@ -885,8 +891,10 @@ tcPatSynBuilderBind (PSB { psb_id = L loc name, psb_def = lpat
add_dummy_arg :: MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
-> MatchGroup GhcRn (LHsExpr GhcRn)
- add_dummy_arg mg@(MG { mg_alts = L l [L loc match@(Match { m_pats = pats })] })
- = mg { mg_alts = L l [L loc (match { m_pats = nlWildPatName : pats })] }
+ add_dummy_arg mg@(MG { mg_alts =
+ (dL->L l [dL->L loc
+ match@(Match { m_pats = pats })]) })
+ = mg { mg_alts = cL l [cL loc (match { m_pats = nlWildPatName : pats })] }
add_dummy_arg other_mg = pprPanic "add_dummy_arg" $
pprMatches other_mg
tcPatSynBuilderBind (XPatSynBind _) = panic "tcPatSynBuilderBind"
@@ -932,9 +940,9 @@ tcPatToExpr name args pat = go pat
-- Make a prefix con for prefix and infix patterns for simplicity
mkPrefixConExpr :: Located Name -> [LPat GhcRn]
-> Either MsgDoc (HsExpr GhcRn)
- mkPrefixConExpr lcon@(L loc _) pats
+ mkPrefixConExpr lcon@(dL->L loc _) pats
= do { exprs <- mapM go pats
- ; return (foldl' (\x y -> HsApp noExt (L loc x) y)
+ ; return (foldl' (\x y -> HsApp noExt (cL loc x) y)
(HsVar noExt lcon) exprs) }
mkRecordConExpr :: Located Name -> HsRecFields GhcRn (LPat GhcRn)
@@ -944,7 +952,7 @@ tcPatToExpr name args pat = go pat
; return (RecordCon noExt con exprFields) }
go :: LPat GhcRn -> Either MsgDoc (LHsExpr GhcRn)
- go (L loc p) = L loc <$> go1 p
+ go (dL->L loc p) = cL loc <$> go1 p
go1 :: Pat GhcRn -> Either MsgDoc (HsExpr GhcRn)
go1 (ConPatIn con info)
@@ -956,9 +964,9 @@ tcPatToExpr name args pat = go pat
go1 (SigPat _ pat _) = go1 (unLoc pat)
-- See Note [Type signatures and the builder expression]
- go1 (VarPat _ (L l var))
+ go1 (VarPat _ (dL->L l var))
| var `elemNameSet` lhsVars
- = return $ HsVar noExt (L l var)
+ = return $ HsVar noExt (cL l var)
| otherwise
= Left (quotes (ppr var) <+> text "is not bound by the LHS of the pattern synonym")
go1 (ParPat _ pat) = fmap (HsPar noExt) $ go pat
@@ -975,7 +983,7 @@ tcPatToExpr name args pat = go pat
(noLoc expr)
go1 (LitPat _ lit) = return $ HsLit noExt lit
- go1 (NPat _ (L _ n) mb_neg _)
+ go1 (NPat _ (dL->L _ n) mb_neg _)
| Just neg <- mb_neg = return $ unLoc $ nlHsSyntaxApps neg
[noLoc (HsOverLit noExt n)]
| otherwise = return $ HsOverLit noExt n
@@ -1147,7 +1155,7 @@ tcCollectEx pat = go pat
= mergeMany . map goRecFd $ flds
goRecFd :: LHsRecField GhcTc (LPat GhcTc) -> ([TyVar], [EvVar])
- goRecFd (L _ HsRecField{ hsRecFieldArg = p }) = go p
+ goRecFd (dL->L _ HsRecField{ hsRecFieldArg = p }) = go p
merge (vs1, evs1) (vs2, evs2) = (vs1 ++ vs2, evs1 ++ evs2)
mergeMany = foldr merge empty
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
index 3e8d043276..c65a3b9724 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcRnDriver (
tcRnStmt, tcRnExpr, TcRnExprMode(..), tcRnType,
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ tcRnModule :: HscEnv
-> IO (Messages, Maybe TcGblEnv)
tcRnModule hsc_env mod_sum save_rn_syntax
- parsedModule@HsParsedModule {hpm_module=L loc this_module}
+ parsedModule@HsParsedModule {hpm_module= (dL->L loc this_module)}
| RealSrcSpan real_loc <- loc
= withTiming (pure dflags)
(text "Renamer/typechecker"<+>brackets (ppr this_mod))
@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ tcRnModule hsc_env mod_sum save_rn_syntax
pair :: (Module, SrcSpan)
- | Just (L mod_loc mod) <- hsmodName this_module
+ | Just (dL->L mod_loc mod) <- hsmodName this_module
= (mkModule this_pkg mod, mod_loc)
| otherwise -- 'module M where' is omitted
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM :: HscEnv
tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
(HsParsedModule {
hpm_module =
- (L loc (HsModule maybe_mod export_ies
+ (dL->L loc (HsModule maybe_mod export_ies
import_decls local_decls mod_deprec
hpm_src_files = src_files
@@ -207,97 +208,97 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
(this_mod, prel_imp_loc)
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { let { explicit_mod_hdr = isJust maybe_mod
- ; hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_sum };
- -- Load the hi-boot interface for this module, if any
- -- We do this now so that the boot_names can be passed
- -- to tcTyAndClassDecls, because the boot_names are
- -- automatically considered to be loop breakers
- tcg_env <- getGblEnv ;
- boot_info <- tcHiBootIface hsc_src this_mod ;
- setGblEnv (tcg_env { tcg_self_boot = boot_info }) $ do {
- -- Deal with imports; first add implicit prelude
- implicit_prelude <- xoptM LangExt.ImplicitPrelude;
- let { prel_imports = mkPrelImports (moduleName this_mod) prel_imp_loc
- implicit_prelude import_decls } ;
- whenWOptM Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude $
+ ; hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_sum }
+ ; -- Load the hi-boot interface for this module, if any
+ -- We do this now so that the boot_names can be passed
+ -- to tcTyAndClassDecls, because the boot_names are
+ -- automatically considered to be loop breakers
+ tcg_env <- getGblEnv
+ ; boot_info <- tcHiBootIface hsc_src this_mod
+ ; setGblEnv (tcg_env { tcg_self_boot = boot_info })
+ $ do
+ { -- Deal with imports; first add implicit prelude
+ implicit_prelude <- xoptM LangExt.ImplicitPrelude
+ ; let { prel_imports = mkPrelImports (moduleName this_mod) prel_imp_loc
+ implicit_prelude import_decls }
+ ; whenWOptM Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude $
when (notNull prel_imports) $
- addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude) (implicitPreludeWarn) ;
- -- TODO This is a little skeevy; maybe handle a bit more directly
- let { simplifyImport (L _ idecl) = (fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual idecl), ideclName idecl) } ;
- raw_sig_imports <- liftIO $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src (moduleName this_mod) ;
- raw_req_imports <- liftIO $
- implicitRequirements hsc_env (map simplifyImport (prel_imports ++ import_decls)) ;
- let { mkImport (Nothing, L _ mod_name) = noLoc $ (simpleImportDecl mod_name) {
- ideclHiding = Just (False, noLoc [])
- } ;
- mkImport _ = panic "mkImport" } ;
- let { all_imports = prel_imports ++ import_decls
- ++ map mkImport (raw_sig_imports ++ raw_req_imports) } ;
- -- OK now finally rename the imports
- tcg_env <- {-# SCC "tcRnImports" #-}
- tcRnImports hsc_env all_imports ;
- -- If the whole module is warned about or deprecated
+ addWarn (Reason Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude) (implicitPreludeWarn)
+ ; -- TODO This is a little skeevy; maybe handle a bit more directly
+ let { simplifyImport (dL->L _ idecl) =
+ ( fmap sl_fs (ideclPkgQual idecl) , ideclName idecl)
+ }
+ ; raw_sig_imports <- liftIO
+ $ findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src
+ (moduleName this_mod)
+ ; raw_req_imports <- liftIO
+ $ implicitRequirements hsc_env
+ (map simplifyImport (prel_imports
+ ++ import_decls))
+ ; let { mkImport (Nothing, dL->L _ mod_name) = noLoc
+ $ (simpleImportDecl mod_name)
+ { ideclHiding = Just (False, noLoc [])}
+ ; mkImport _ = panic "mkImport" }
+ ; let { all_imports = prel_imports ++ import_decls
+ ++ map mkImport (raw_sig_imports ++ raw_req_imports) }
+ ; -- OK now finally rename the imports
+ tcg_env <- {-# SCC "tcRnImports" #-}
+ tcRnImports hsc_env all_imports
+ ; -- If the whole module is warned about or deprecated
-- (via mod_deprec) record that in tcg_warns. If we do thereby add
-- a WarnAll, it will override any subsequent deprecations added to tcg_warns
- let { tcg_env1 = case mod_deprec of
- Just (L _ txt) -> tcg_env { tcg_warns = WarnAll txt }
- Nothing -> tcg_env
- } ;
- setGblEnv tcg_env1 $ do {
- -- Rename and type check the declarations
- traceRn "rn1a" empty ;
- tcg_env <- if isHsBootOrSig hsc_src then
- tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src local_decls
- else
- {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
- tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr local_decls ;
- setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
- -- Process the export list
- traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty;
- tcg_env <- tcRnExports explicit_mod_hdr export_ies tcg_env ;
- traceRn "rn4b: after exports" empty ;
- -- Check that main is exported (must be after tcRnExports)
- checkMainExported tcg_env ;
- -- Compare the hi-boot iface (if any) with the real thing
- -- Must be done after processing the exports
- tcg_env <- checkHiBootIface tcg_env boot_info ;
- -- The new type env is already available to stuff slurped from
- -- interface files, via TcEnv.setGlobalTypeEnv
- -- It's important that this includes the stuff in checkHiBootIface,
- -- because the latter might add new bindings for boot_dfuns,
- -- which may be mentioned in imported unfoldings
- -- Don't need to rename the Haddock documentation,
- -- it's not parsed by GHC anymore.
- tcg_env <- return (tcg_env { tcg_doc_hdr = maybe_doc_hdr }) ;
- -- Report unused names
- -- Do this /after/ type inference, so that when reporting
- -- a function with no type signature we can give the
- -- inferred type
- reportUnusedNames export_ies tcg_env ;
- -- add extra source files to tcg_dependent_files
- addDependentFiles src_files ;
- tcg_env <- runTypecheckerPlugin mod_sum hsc_env tcg_env ;
- -- Dump output and return
- tcDump tcg_env ;
- return tcg_env
- }}}}
+ let { tcg_env1 = case mod_deprec of
+ Just (dL->L _ txt) ->
+ tcg_env {tcg_warns = WarnAll txt}
+ Nothing -> tcg_env
+ }
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env1
+ $ do { -- Rename and type check the declarations
+ traceRn "rn1a" empty
+ ; tcg_env <- if isHsBootOrSig hsc_src
+ then tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src local_decls
+ else {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
+ tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr local_decls
+ ; setGblEnv tcg_env
+ $ do { -- Process the export list
+ traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty
+ ; tcg_env <- tcRnExports explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ tcg_env
+ ; traceRn "rn4b: after exports" empty
+ ; -- Check main is exported(must be after tcRnExports)
+ checkMainExported tcg_env
+ ; -- Compare hi-boot iface (if any) with the real thing
+ -- Must be done after processing the exports
+ tcg_env <- checkHiBootIface tcg_env boot_info
+ ; -- The new type env is already available to stuff
+ -- slurped from interface files, via
+ -- TcEnv.setGlobalTypeEnv. It's important that this
+ -- includes the stuff in checkHiBootIface,
+ -- because the latter might add new bindings for
+ -- boot_dfuns, which may be mentioned in imported
+ -- unfoldings.
+ -- Don't need to rename the Haddock documentation,
+ -- it's not parsed by GHC anymore.
+ tcg_env <- return (tcg_env
+ { tcg_doc_hdr = maybe_doc_hdr })
+ ; -- Report unused names
+ -- Do this /after/ typeinference, so that when reporting
+ -- a function with no type signature we can give the
+ -- inferred type
+ reportUnusedNames export_ies tcg_env
+ ; -- add extra source files to tcg_dependent_files
+ addDependentFiles src_files
+ ; tcg_env <- runTypecheckerPlugin mod_sum hsc_env tcg_env
+ ; -- Dump output and return
+ tcDump tcg_env
+ ; return tcg_env }
+ }
+ }
+ }
implicitPreludeWarn :: SDoc
@@ -515,24 +516,26 @@ tc_rn_src_decls ds
then return (tcg_env, rn_decls)
else do { (th_group, th_group_tail) <- findSplice th_ds
; case th_group_tail of
- { Nothing -> return () ;
- ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (L loc _) _, _)
- -> setSrcSpan loc $
- addErr (text "Declaration splices are not permitted inside top-level declarations added with addTopDecls")
+ { Nothing -> return ()
+ ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (dL->L loc _) _, _) ->
+ setSrcSpan loc
+ $ addErr (text
+ ("Declaration splices are not "
+ ++ "permitted inside top-level "
+ ++ "declarations added with addTopDecls"))
; Just (XSpliceDecl _, _) -> panic "tc_rn_src_decls"
- } ;
- -- Rename TH-generated top-level declarations
- ; (tcg_env, th_rn_decls) <- setGblEnv tcg_env $
- rnTopSrcDecls th_group
+ }
+ -- Rename TH-generated top-level declarations
+ ; (tcg_env, th_rn_decls) <- setGblEnv tcg_env
+ $ rnTopSrcDecls th_group
- -- Dump generated top-level declarations
+ -- Dump generated top-level declarations
; let msg = "top-level declarations added with addTopDecls"
- ; traceSplice $ SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = msg
- , spliceIsDecl = True
- , spliceSource = Nothing
- , spliceGenerated = ppr th_rn_decls }
+ ; traceSplice
+ $ SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = msg
+ , spliceIsDecl = True
+ , spliceSource = Nothing
+ , spliceGenerated = ppr th_rn_decls }
; return (tcg_env, appendGroups rn_decls th_rn_decls)
@@ -550,7 +553,7 @@ tc_rn_src_decls ds
{ Nothing -> return (tcg_env, tcl_env, lie1)
-- If there's a splice, we must carry on
- ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (L loc splice) _, rest_ds) ->
+ ; Just (SpliceDecl _ (dL->L loc splice) _, rest_ds) ->
do { recordTopLevelSpliceLoc loc
-- Rename the splice expression, and get its supporting decls
@@ -638,7 +641,7 @@ tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src decls
; traceTc "boot" (ppr lie); return gbl_env }
badBootDecl :: HscSource -> String -> Located decl -> TcM ()
-badBootDecl hsc_src what (L loc _)
+badBootDecl hsc_src what (dL->L loc _)
= addErrAt loc (char 'A' <+> text what
<+> text "declaration is not (currently) allowed in a"
<+> (case hsc_src of
@@ -1696,7 +1699,7 @@ check_main dflags tcg_env explicit_mod_hdr
; (ev_binds, main_expr)
<- checkConstraints skol_info [] [] $
addErrCtxt mainCtxt $
- tcMonoExpr (L loc (HsVar noExt (L loc main_name)))
+ tcMonoExpr (cL loc (HsVar noExt (cL loc main_name)))
(mkCheckExpType io_ty)
-- See Note [Root-main Id]
@@ -2007,52 +2010,53 @@ runPlans (p:ps) = tryTcDiscardingErrs (runPlans ps) p
tcUserStmt :: GhciLStmt GhcPs -> TcM (PlanResult, FixityEnv)
-- An expression typed at the prompt is treated very specially
-tcUserStmt (L loc (BodyStmt _ expr _ _))
+tcUserStmt (dL->L loc (BodyStmt _ expr _ _))
= do { (rn_expr, fvs) <- checkNoErrs (rnLExpr expr)
-- Don't try to typecheck if the renamer fails!
; ghciStep <- getGhciStepIO
; uniq <- newUnique
; interPrintName <- getInteractivePrintName
; let fresh_it = itName uniq loc
- matches = [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (L loc fresh_it)) [] rn_expr
+ matches = [mkMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs (cL loc fresh_it)) [] rn_expr
(noLoc emptyLocalBinds)]
-- [it = expr]
- the_bind = L loc $ (mkTopFunBind FromSource
- (L loc fresh_it) matches) { fun_ext = fvs }
- -- Care here! In GHCi the expression might have
- -- free variables, and they in turn may have free type variables
- -- (if we are at a breakpoint, say). We must put those free vars
+ the_bind = cL loc $ (mkTopFunBind FromSource
+ (cL loc fresh_it) matches)
+ { fun_ext = fvs }
+ -- Care here! In GHCi the expression might have
+ -- free variables, and they in turn may have free type variables
+ -- (if we are at a breakpoint, say). We must put those free vars
-- [let it = expr]
- let_stmt = L loc $ LetStmt noExt $ noLoc $ HsValBinds noExt
+ let_stmt = cL loc $ LetStmt noExt $ noLoc $ HsValBinds noExt
$ XValBindsLR
(NValBinds [(NonRecursive,unitBag the_bind)] [])
-- [it <- e]
- bind_stmt = L loc $ BindStmt noExt
- (L loc (VarPat noExt (L loc fresh_it)))
+ bind_stmt = cL loc $ BindStmt noExt
+ (cL loc (VarPat noExt (cL loc fresh_it)))
(nlHsApp ghciStep rn_expr)
(mkRnSyntaxExpr bindIOName)
-- [; print it]
- print_it = L loc $ BodyStmt noExt
+ print_it = cL loc $ BodyStmt noExt
(nlHsApp (nlHsVar interPrintName)
(nlHsVar fresh_it))
(mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
-- NewA
- no_it_a = L loc $ BodyStmt noExt (nlHsApps bindIOName
+ no_it_a = cL loc $ BodyStmt noExt (nlHsApps bindIOName
[rn_expr , nlHsVar interPrintName])
(mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
- no_it_b = L loc $ BodyStmt noExt (rn_expr)
+ no_it_b = cL loc $ BodyStmt noExt (rn_expr)
(mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
- no_it_c = L loc $ BodyStmt noExt
+ no_it_c = cL loc $ BodyStmt noExt
(nlHsApp (nlHsVar interPrintName) rn_expr)
(mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName)
@@ -2152,7 +2156,7 @@ But for naked expressions, you will have
In an equation for ‘x’: x = putStrLn True
-tcUserStmt rdr_stmt@(L loc _)
+tcUserStmt rdr_stmt@(dL->L loc _)
= do { (([rn_stmt], fix_env), fvs) <- checkNoErrs $
rnStmts GhciStmtCtxt rnLExpr [rdr_stmt] $ \_ -> do
fix_env <- getFixityEnv
@@ -2163,8 +2167,8 @@ tcUserStmt rdr_stmt@(L loc _)
; ghciStep <- getGhciStepIO
; let gi_stmt
- | (L loc (BindStmt ty pat expr op1 op2)) <- rn_stmt
- = L loc $ BindStmt ty pat (nlHsApp ghciStep expr) op1 op2
+ | (dL->L loc (BindStmt ty pat expr op1 op2)) <- rn_stmt
+ = cL loc $ BindStmt ty pat (nlHsApp ghciStep expr) op1 op2
| otherwise = rn_stmt
; opt_pr_flag <- goptM Opt_PrintBindResult
@@ -2186,7 +2190,7 @@ tcUserStmt rdr_stmt@(L loc _)
; when (isUnitTy v_ty || not (isTauTy v_ty)) failM
; return stuff }
- print_v = L loc $ BodyStmt noExt (nlHsApp (nlHsVar printName)
+ print_v = cL loc $ BodyStmt noExt (nlHsApp (nlHsVar printName)
(nlHsVar v))
(mkRnSyntaxExpr thenIOName) noSyntaxExpr
@@ -2533,7 +2537,7 @@ getModuleInterface hsc_env mod
tcRnLookupRdrName :: HscEnv -> Located RdrName
-> IO (Messages, Maybe [Name])
-- ^ Find all the Names that this RdrName could mean, in GHCi
-tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env (L loc rdr_name)
+tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env (dL->L loc rdr_name)
= runTcInteractive hsc_env $
setSrcSpan loc $
do { -- If the identifier is a constructor (begins with an
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
index 4d05037dfa..28c1773308 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnExports.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcRnExports (tcRnExports, exports_from_avail) where
import GhcPrelude
@@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ exports_from_avail Nothing rdr_env _imports _this_mod
fix_faminst avail = avail
-exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
+exports_from_avail (Just (dL->L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
= do ie_avails <- accumExports do_litem rdr_items
let final_exports = nubAvails (concat (map snd ie_avails)) -- Combine families
return (Just ie_avails, final_exports)
@@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
exports_from_item :: ExportAccum -> LIE GhcPs
-> RnM (Maybe (ExportAccum, (LIE GhcRn, Avails)))
exports_from_item (ExportAccum occs earlier_mods)
- (L loc ie@(IEModuleContents _ lmod@(L _ mod)))
+ (dL->L loc ie@(IEModuleContents _ lmod@(dL->L _ mod)))
| mod `elementOfUniqSet` earlier_mods -- Duplicate export of M
= do { warnIfFlag Opt_WarnDuplicateExports True
(dupModuleExport mod) ;
@@ -271,13 +273,13 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
, ppr new_exports ])
; return (Just ( ExportAccum occs' mods
- , ( L loc (IEModuleContents noExt lmod)
+ , ( cL loc (IEModuleContents noExt lmod)
, new_exports))) }
- exports_from_item acc@(ExportAccum occs mods) (L loc ie)
+ exports_from_item acc@(ExportAccum occs mods) (dL->L loc ie)
| isDoc ie
= do new_ie <- lookup_doc_ie ie
- return (Just (acc, (L loc new_ie, [])))
+ return (Just (acc, (cL loc new_ie, [])))
| otherwise
= do (new_ie, avail) <- lookup_ie ie
@@ -288,17 +290,17 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
occs' <- check_occs ie occs [avail]
return (Just ( ExportAccum occs' mods
- , (L loc new_ie, [avail])))
+ , (cL loc new_ie, [avail])))
lookup_ie :: IE GhcPs -> RnM (IE GhcRn, AvailInfo)
- lookup_ie (IEVar _ (L l rdr))
+ lookup_ie (IEVar _ (dL->L l rdr))
= do (name, avail) <- lookupGreAvailRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- return (IEVar noExt (L l (replaceWrappedName rdr name)), avail)
+ return (IEVar noExt (cL l (replaceWrappedName rdr name)), avail)
- lookup_ie (IEThingAbs _ (L l rdr))
+ lookup_ie (IEThingAbs _ (dL->L l rdr))
= do (name, avail) <- lookupGreAvailRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
- return (IEThingAbs noExt (L l (replaceWrappedName rdr name))
+ return (IEThingAbs noExt (cL l (replaceWrappedName rdr name))
, avail)
lookup_ie ie@(IEThingAll _ n')
@@ -330,18 +332,18 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
lookup_ie_with :: LIEWrappedName RdrName -> [LIEWrappedName RdrName]
-> RnM (Located Name, [LIEWrappedName Name], [Name],
[Located FieldLabel])
- lookup_ie_with (L l rdr) sub_rdrs
+ lookup_ie_with (dL->L l rdr) sub_rdrs
= do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
(non_flds, flds) <- lookupChildrenExport name sub_rdrs
if isUnboundName name
- then return (L l name, [], [name], [])
- else return (L l name, non_flds
+ then return (cL l name, [], [name], [])
+ else return (cL l name, non_flds
, map (ieWrappedName . unLoc) non_flds
, flds)
lookup_ie_all :: IE GhcPs -> LIEWrappedName RdrName
-> RnM (Located Name, [Name], [FieldLabel])
- lookup_ie_all ie (L l rdr) =
+ lookup_ie_all ie (dL->L l rdr) =
do name <- lookupGlobalOccRn $ ieWrappedName rdr
let gres = findChildren kids_env name
(non_flds, flds) = classifyGREs gres
@@ -355,7 +357,7 @@ exports_from_avail (Just (L _ rdr_items)) rdr_env imports this_mod
else -- This occurs when you export T(..), but
-- only import T abstractly, or T is a synonym.
addErr (exportItemErr ie)
- return (L l name, non_flds, flds)
+ return (cL l name, non_flds, flds)
lookup_doc_ie :: IE GhcPs -> RnM (IE GhcRn)
@@ -456,10 +458,11 @@ lookupChildrenExport spec_parent rdr_items =
case name of
NameNotFound -> do { ub <- reportUnboundName unboundName
; let l = getLoc n
- ; return (Left (L l (IEName (L l ub))))}
- FoundFL fls -> return $ Right (L (getLoc n) fls)
+ ; return (Left (cL l (IEName (cL l ub))))}
+ FoundFL fls -> return $ Right (cL (getLoc n) fls)
FoundName par name -> do { checkPatSynParent spec_parent par name
- ; return $ Left (replaceLWrappedName n name) }
+ ; return
+ $ Left (replaceLWrappedName n name) }
IncorrectParent p g td gs -> failWithDcErr p g td gs
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
index a033bc44a5..667d8664a3 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Functions for working with the typechecker environment (setters, getters...).
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ExplicitForAll, FlexibleInstances, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcRnMonad(
-- * Initalisation
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ module TcRnMonad(
-- * Error management
getSrcSpanM, setSrcSpan, addLocM,
- wrapLocM, wrapLocFstM, wrapLocSndM,
+ wrapLocM, wrapLocFstM, wrapLocSndM,wrapLocM_,
getErrsVar, setErrsVar,
failWith, failAt,
@@ -835,23 +837,31 @@ setSrcSpan (RealSrcSpan real_loc) thing_inside
-- Don't overwrite useful info with useless:
setSrcSpan (UnhelpfulSpan _) thing_inside = thing_inside
-addLocM :: (a -> TcM b) -> Located a -> TcM b
-addLocM fn (L loc a) = setSrcSpan loc $ fn a
-wrapLocM :: (a -> TcM b) -> Located a -> TcM (Located b)
-wrapLocM fn (L loc a) = setSrcSpan loc $ do b <- fn a; return (L loc b)
-wrapLocFstM :: (a -> TcM (b,c)) -> Located a -> TcM (Located b, c)
-wrapLocFstM fn (L loc a) =
+addLocM :: HasSrcSpan a => (SrcSpanLess a -> TcM b) -> a -> TcM b
+addLocM fn (dL->L loc a) = setSrcSpan loc $ fn a
+wrapLocM :: (HasSrcSpan a, HasSrcSpan b) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> TcM (SrcSpanLess b)) -> a -> TcM b
+-- wrapLocM :: (a -> TcM b) -> Located a -> TcM (Located b)
+wrapLocM fn (dL->L loc a) = setSrcSpan loc $ do { b <- fn a
+ ; return (cL loc b) }
+wrapLocFstM :: (HasSrcSpan a, HasSrcSpan b) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> TcM (SrcSpanLess b,c)) -> a -> TcM (b, c)
+wrapLocFstM fn (dL->L loc a) =
setSrcSpan loc $ do
(b,c) <- fn a
- return (L loc b, c)
+ return (cL loc b, c)
-wrapLocSndM :: (a -> TcM (b,c)) -> Located a -> TcM (b, Located c)
-wrapLocSndM fn (L loc a) =
+wrapLocSndM :: (HasSrcSpan a, HasSrcSpan c) =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> TcM (b, SrcSpanLess c)) -> a -> TcM (b, c)
+wrapLocSndM fn (dL->L loc a) =
setSrcSpan loc $ do
(b,c) <- fn a
- return (b, L loc c)
+ return (b, cL loc c)
+wrapLocM_ :: HasSrcSpan a =>
+ (SrcSpanLess a -> TcM ()) -> a -> TcM ()
+wrapLocM_ fn (dL->L loc a) = setSrcSpan loc (fn a)
-- Reporting errors
@@ -1910,7 +1920,8 @@ forkM doc thing_inside
Just r -> r) }
setImplicitEnvM :: TypeEnv -> IfL a -> IfL a
-setImplicitEnvM tenv m = updLclEnv (\lcl -> lcl { if_implicits_env = Just tenv }) m
+setImplicitEnvM tenv m = updLclEnv (\lcl -> lcl
+ { if_implicits_env = Just tenv }) m
Note [Masking exceptions in forkM_maybe]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
index 5725cfd703..8fbfc33895 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ TcTyClsDecls: Typecheck type and class declarations
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, TupleSections, MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcTyClsDecls (
@@ -484,7 +485,8 @@ kcTyClGroup :: [LTyClDecl GhcRn] -> TcM [TcTyCon]
-- the arity
kcTyClGroup decls
= do { mod <- getModule
- ; traceTc "---- kcTyClGroup ---- {" (text "module" <+> ppr mod $$ vcat (map ppr decls))
+ ; traceTc "---- kcTyClGroup ---- {"
+ (text "module" <+> ppr mod $$ vcat (map ppr decls))
-- Kind checking;
-- 1. Bind kind variables for decls
@@ -762,14 +764,15 @@ mk_prom_err_env (ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ nm, tcdATs = ats })
= unitNameEnv nm (APromotionErr ClassPE)
mkNameEnv [ (name, APromotionErr TyConPE)
- | L _ (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ name }) <- ats ]
+ | (dL->L _ (FamilyDecl { fdLName = (dL->L _ name) })) <- ats ]
-mk_prom_err_env (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
+mk_prom_err_env (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
, tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cons } })
= unitNameEnv name (APromotionErr TyConPE)
mkNameEnv [ (con, APromotionErr RecDataConPE)
- | L _ con' <- cons, L _ con <- getConNames con' ]
+ | (dL->L _ con') <- cons
+ , (dL->L _ con) <- getConNames con' ]
mk_prom_err_env decl
= unitNameEnv (tcdName decl) (APromotionErr TyConPE)
@@ -797,7 +800,9 @@ getInitialKind :: TyClDecl GhcRn -> TcM [TcTyCon]
-- No family instances are passed to getInitialKinds
-getInitialKind decl@(ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ktvs, tcdATs = ats })
+getInitialKind decl@(ClassDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
+ , tcdTyVars = ktvs
+ , tcdATs = ats })
= do { let cusk = hsDeclHasCusk decl
; tycon <- kcLHsQTyVars name ClassFlavour cusk ktvs $
return constraintKind
@@ -807,7 +812,7 @@ getInitialKind decl@(ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdTyVars = ktvs, tcdATs =
getFamDeclInitialKinds (Just tycon) ats
; return (tycon : inner_tcs) }
-getInitialKind decl@(DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
+getInitialKind decl@(DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
, tcdTyVars = ktvs
, tcdDataDefn = HsDataDefn { dd_kindSig = m_sig
, dd_ND = new_or_data } })
@@ -823,7 +828,7 @@ getInitialKind (FamDecl { tcdFam = decl })
= do { tc <- getFamDeclInitialKind Nothing decl
; return [tc] }
-getInitialKind decl@(SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
+getInitialKind decl@(SynDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
, tcdTyVars = ktvs
, tcdRhs = rhs })
= do { tycon <- kcLHsQTyVars name TypeSynonymFlavour (hsDeclHasCusk decl)
@@ -834,12 +839,12 @@ getInitialKind decl@(SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
; return [tycon] }
-- Keep this synchronized with 'hsDeclHasCusk'.
- kind_annotation (L _ ty) = case ty of
+ kind_annotation (dL->L _ ty) = case ty of
HsParTy _ lty -> kind_annotation lty
HsKindSig _ _ k -> Just k
_ -> Nothing
-getInitialKind (DataDecl _ (L _ _) _ _ (XHsDataDefn _)) = panic "getInitialKind"
+getInitialKind (DataDecl _ _ _ _ (XHsDataDefn _)) = panic "getInitialKind"
getInitialKind (XTyClDecl _) = panic "getInitialKind"
@@ -855,14 +860,14 @@ getFamDeclInitialKind
-> FamilyDecl GhcRn
-> TcM TcTyCon
getFamDeclInitialKind mb_parent_tycon
- decl@(FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ name
+ decl@(FamilyDecl { fdLName = (dL->L _ name)
, fdTyVars = ktvs
- , fdResultSig = L _ resultSig
+ , fdResultSig = (dL->L _ resultSig)
, fdInfo = info })
= kcLHsQTyVars name flav cusk ktvs $
case resultSig of
- KindSig _ ki -> tcLHsKindSig ctxt ki
- TyVarSig _ (L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ ki)) -> tcLHsKindSig ctxt ki
+ KindSig _ ki -> tcLHsKindSig ctxt ki
+ TyVarSig _ (dL->L _ (KindedTyVar _ _ ki)) -> tcLHsKindSig ctxt ki
_ -- open type families have * return kind by default
| tcFlavourIsOpen flav -> return liftedTypeKind
-- closed type families have their return kind inferred
@@ -882,7 +887,7 @@ getFamDeclInitialKind _ (XFamilyDecl _) = panic "getFamDeclInitialKind"
kcLTyClDecl :: LTyClDecl GhcRn -> TcM ()
-- See Note [Kind checking for type and class decls]
-kcLTyClDecl (L loc decl)
+kcLTyClDecl (dL->L loc decl)
| hsDeclHasCusk decl -- See Note [Skip decls with CUSKs in kcLTyClDecl]
= traceTc "kcTyClDecl skipped due to cusk:" (ppr tc_name)
@@ -901,9 +906,11 @@ kcTyClDecl :: TyClDecl GhcRn -> TcM ()
-- result kind signature have already been dealt with
-- by getInitialKind, so we can ignore them here.
-kcTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdDataDefn = defn })
- | HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cons@(L _ (ConDeclGADT {}) : _), dd_ctxt = L _ [] } <- defn
- = mapM_ (wrapLocM kcConDecl) cons
+kcTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn })
+ | HsDataDefn { dd_cons = cons@((dL->L _ (ConDeclGADT {})) : _)
+ , dd_ctxt = (dL->L _ []) } <- defn
+ = mapM_ (wrapLocM_ kcConDecl) cons
-- hs_tvs and dd_kindSig already dealt with in getInitialKind
-- This must be a GADT-style decl,
-- (see invariants of DataDefn declaration)
@@ -914,26 +921,27 @@ kcTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdDataDefn = defn })
| HsDataDefn { dd_ctxt = ctxt, dd_cons = cons } <- defn
= kcTyClTyVars name $
do { _ <- tcHsContext ctxt
- ; mapM_ (wrapLocM kcConDecl) cons }
+ ; mapM_ (wrapLocM_ kcConDecl) cons }
-kcTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name, tcdRhs = lrhs })
+kcTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
+ , tcdRhs = lrhs })
= kcTyClTyVars name $
do { syn_tc <- kcLookupTcTyCon name
-- NB: check against the result kind that we allocated
-- in getInitialKinds.
; discardResult $ tcCheckLHsType lrhs (tyConResKind syn_tc) }
-kcTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
+kcTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ name)
, tcdCtxt = ctxt, tcdSigs = sigs })
= kcTyClTyVars name $
do { _ <- tcHsContext ctxt
- ; mapM_ (wrapLocM kc_sig) sigs }
+ ; mapM_ (wrapLocM_ kc_sig) sigs }
kc_sig (ClassOpSig _ _ nms op_ty)
= kcHsSigType (TyConSkol ClassFlavour name) nms op_ty
kc_sig _ = return ()
-kcTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ fam_tc_name
+kcTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl { fdLName = (dL->L _ fam_tc_name)
, fdInfo = fd_info }))
-- closed type families look at their equations, but other families don't
-- do anything here
@@ -943,7 +951,7 @@ kcTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (FamilyDecl { fdLName = L _ fam_tc_name
; mapM_ (kcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc) eqns }
_ -> return ()
kcTyClDecl (FamDecl _ (XFamilyDecl _)) = panic "kcTyClDecl"
-kcTyClDecl (DataDecl _ (L _ _) _ _ (XHsDataDefn _)) = panic "kcTyClDecl"
+kcTyClDecl (DataDecl _ _ _ _ (XHsDataDefn _)) = panic "kcTyClDecl"
kcTyClDecl (XTyClDecl _) = panic "kcTyClDecl"
@@ -1128,7 +1136,7 @@ e.g. the need to make the data constructor worker name for
tcTyClDecl :: RolesInfo -> LTyClDecl GhcRn -> TcM TyCon
-tcTyClDecl roles_info (L loc decl)
+tcTyClDecl roles_info (dL->L loc decl)
| Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe (tcdName decl)
= case thing of -- See Note [Declarations for wired-in things]
ATyCon tc -> return tc
@@ -1148,24 +1156,28 @@ tcTyClDecl1 parent _roles_info (FamDecl { tcdFam = fd })
-- "type" synonym declaration
tcTyClDecl1 _parent roles_info
- (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ tc_name, tcdRhs = rhs })
+ (SynDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ tc_name)
+ , tcdRhs = rhs })
= ASSERT( isNothing _parent )
tcTyClTyVars tc_name $ \ binders res_kind ->
tcTySynRhs roles_info tc_name binders res_kind rhs
-- "data/newtype" declaration
tcTyClDecl1 _parent roles_info
- (DataDecl { tcdLName = L _ tc_name
+ (DataDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ tc_name)
, tcdDataDefn = defn })
= ASSERT( isNothing _parent )
tcTyClTyVars tc_name $ \ tycon_binders res_kind ->
tcDataDefn roles_info tc_name tycon_binders res_kind defn
tcTyClDecl1 _parent roles_info
- (ClassDecl { tcdLName = L _ class_name
- , tcdCtxt = hs_ctxt, tcdMeths = meths
- , tcdFDs = fundeps, tcdSigs = sigs
- , tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs })
+ (ClassDecl { tcdLName = (dL->L _ class_name)
+ , tcdCtxt = hs_ctxt
+ , tcdMeths = meths
+ , tcdFDs = fundeps
+ , tcdSigs = sigs
+ , tcdATs = ats
+ , tcdATDefs = at_defs })
= ASSERT( isNothing _parent )
do { clas <- tcClassDecl1 roles_info class_name hs_ctxt
meths fundeps sigs ats at_defs
@@ -1260,10 +1272,10 @@ tcClassATs class_name cls ats at_defs
; mapM tc_at ats }
at_def_tycon :: LTyFamDefltEqn GhcRn -> Name
- at_def_tycon (L _ eqn) = unLoc (feqn_tycon eqn)
+ at_def_tycon (dL->L _ eqn) = unLoc (feqn_tycon eqn)
at_fam_name :: LFamilyDecl GhcRn -> Name
- at_fam_name (L _ decl) = unLoc (fdLName decl)
+ at_fam_name (dL->L _ decl) = unLoc (fdLName decl)
at_names = mkNameSet (map at_fam_name ats)
@@ -1290,9 +1302,9 @@ tcDefaultAssocDecl _ (d1:_:_)
= failWithTc (text "More than one default declaration for"
<+> ppr (feqn_tycon (unLoc d1)))
-tcDefaultAssocDecl fam_tc [L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ tc_name
- , feqn_pats = hs_tvs
- , feqn_rhs = rhs })]
+tcDefaultAssocDecl fam_tc [dL->L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = (dL->L _ tc_name)
+ , feqn_pats = hs_tvs
+ , feqn_rhs = rhs })]
| HsQTvs { hsq_ext = HsQTvsRn { hsq_implicit = imp_vars}
, hsq_explicit = exp_vars } <- hs_tvs
= -- See Note [Type-checking default assoc decls]
@@ -1342,9 +1354,12 @@ tcDefaultAssocDecl fam_tc [L loc (FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ tc_name
-- We check for well-formedness and validity later,
-- in checkValidClass
-tcDefaultAssocDecl _ [L _ (XFamEqn _)] = panic "tcDefaultAssocDecl"
-tcDefaultAssocDecl _ [L _ (FamEqn _ (L _ _) _ (XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)]
+tcDefaultAssocDecl _ [dL->L _ (XFamEqn _)] = panic "tcDefaultAssocDecl"
+tcDefaultAssocDecl _ [dL->L _ (FamEqn _ _ _ (XLHsQTyVars _) _ _)]
= panic "tcDefaultAssocDecl"
+tcDefaultAssocDecl _ [_]
+ = panic "tcDefaultAssocDecl: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
{- Note [Type-checking default assoc decls]
@@ -1382,8 +1397,10 @@ but it works.
********************************************************************* -}
tcFamDecl1 :: Maybe Class -> FamilyDecl GhcRn -> TcM TyCon
-tcFamDecl1 parent (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = fam_info, fdLName = tc_lname@(L _ tc_name)
- , fdResultSig = L _ sig, fdTyVars = user_tyvars
+tcFamDecl1 parent (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = fam_info
+ , fdLName = tc_lname@(dL->L _ tc_name)
+ , fdResultSig = (dL->L _ sig)
+ , fdTyVars = user_tyvars
, fdInjectivityAnn = inj })
| DataFamily <- fam_info
= tcTyClTyVars tc_name $ \ binders res_kind -> do
@@ -1499,7 +1516,7 @@ tcInjectivity _ Nothing
-- therefore we can always infer the result kind if we know the result type.
-- But this does not seem to be useful in any way so we don't do it. (Another
-- reason is that the implementation would not be straightforward.)
-tcInjectivity tcbs (Just (L loc (InjectivityAnn _ lInjNames)))
+tcInjectivity tcbs (Just (dL->L loc (InjectivityAnn _ lInjNames)))
= setSrcSpan loc $
do { let tvs = binderVars tcbs
; dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -1597,8 +1614,9 @@ tcDataDefn _ _ _ _ (XHsDataDefn _) = panic "tcDataDefn"
kcTyFamInstEqn :: TcTyCon -> LTyFamInstEqn GhcRn -> TcM ()
kcTyFamInstEqn tc_fam_tc
- (L loc (HsIB { hsib_ext = imp_vars
- , hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ eqn_tc_name
+ (dL->L loc
+ (HsIB { hsib_ext = imp_vars
+ , hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = (dL->L _ eqn_tc_name)
, feqn_bndrs = mb_expl_bndrs
, feqn_pats = pats
, feqn_rhs = hs_ty }}))
@@ -1619,8 +1637,9 @@ kcTyFamInstEqn tc_fam_tc
fam_name = tyConName tc_fam_tc
vis_arity = length (tyConVisibleTyVars tc_fam_tc)
-kcTyFamInstEqn _ (L _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = panic "kcTyFamInstEqn"
-kcTyFamInstEqn _ (L _ (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) = panic "kcTyFamInstEqn"
+kcTyFamInstEqn _ (dL->L _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = panic "kcTyFamInstEqn"
+kcTyFamInstEqn _ (dL->L _ (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) = panic "kcTyFamInstEqn"
+kcTyFamInstEqn _ _ = panic "kcTyFamInstEqn: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
-- Infer the kind of the type on the RHS of a type family eqn. Then use
-- this kind to check the kind of the LHS of the equation. This is useful
@@ -1654,11 +1673,11 @@ tcTyFamInstEqn :: TcTyCon -> Maybe ClsInstInfo -> LTyFamInstEqn GhcRn
-- Needs to be here, not in TcInstDcls, because closed families
-- (typechecked here) have TyFamInstEqns
tcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc mb_clsinfo
- (L loc (HsIB { hsib_ext = imp_vars
- , hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = L _ eqn_tc_name
- , feqn_bndrs = mb_expl_bndrs
- , feqn_pats = pats
- , feqn_rhs = hs_ty }}))
+ (dL->L loc (HsIB { hsib_ext = imp_vars
+ , hsib_body = FamEqn { feqn_tycon = (dL->L _ eqn_tc_name)
+ , feqn_bndrs = mb_expl_bndrs
+ , feqn_pats = pats
+ , feqn_rhs = hs_ty }}))
= ASSERT( getName fam_tc == eqn_tc_name )
setSrcSpan loc $
tcFamTyPats fam_tc mb_clsinfo imp_vars mb_expl_bndrs pats
@@ -1676,8 +1695,9 @@ tcTyFamInstEqn fam_tc mb_clsinfo
; return (mkCoAxBranch tvs' [] pats' rhs_ty'
(map (const Nominal) tvs')
loc) }
-tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ (L _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn"
-tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ (L _ (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn"
+tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ (dL->L _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn"
+tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ (dL->L _ (HsIB _ (XFamEqn _))) = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn"
+tcTyFamInstEqn _ _ _ = panic "tcTyFamInstEqn: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
kcDataDefn :: Maybe (VarEnv Kind) -- ^ Possibly, instantiations for vars
-- (associated types only)
@@ -1700,7 +1720,7 @@ kcDataDefn mb_kind_env
, dd_kindSig = mb_kind } }}})
= do { _ <- tcHsContext ctxt
- ; checkNoErrs $ mapM_ (wrapLocM kcConDecl) cons
+ ; checkNoErrs $ mapM_ (wrapLocM_ kcConDecl) cons
-- See Note [Failing early in kcDataDefn]
; exp_res_kind <- case mb_kind of
Nothing -> return liftedTypeKind
@@ -1798,7 +1818,7 @@ kcFamTyPats tc_fam_tc imp_vars mb_expl_bndrs arg_pats kind_checker
kcExplicitTKBndrs (fromMaybe [] mb_expl_bndrs) $
do { let name = tyConName tc_fam_tc
loc = nameSrcSpan name
- lhs_fun = L loc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (L loc name))
+ lhs_fun = cL loc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted (cL loc name))
-- lhs_fun is for error messages only
no_fun = pprPanic "kcFamTyPats" (ppr name)
fun_kind = tyConKind tc_fam_tc
@@ -1852,8 +1872,8 @@ tcFamTyPats fam_tc mb_clsinfo
tcImplicitQTKBndrs FamInstSkol imp_vars $
tcExplicitTKBndrs FamInstSkol (fromMaybe [] mb_expl_bndrs) $
do { let loc = nameSrcSpan fam_name
- lhs_fun = L loc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted
- (L loc fam_name))
+ lhs_fun = cL loc (HsTyVar noExt NotPromoted
+ (cL loc fam_name))
fun_ty = mkTyConApp fam_tc []
fun_kind = tyConKind fam_tc
mb_kind_env = thdOf3 <$> mb_clsinfo
@@ -1862,7 +1882,9 @@ tcFamTyPats fam_tc mb_clsinfo
<- tcInferApps typeLevelMode mb_kind_env
lhs_fun fun_ty fun_kind arg_pats
- ; traceTc "tcFamTyPats 1" (vcat [ ppr fam_tc, ppr arg_pats, ppr res_kind_out ])
+ ; traceTc "tcFamTyPats 1" (vcat [ ppr fam_tc
+ , ppr arg_pats
+ , ppr res_kind_out ])
; stuff <- kind_checker res_kind_out
; return (args, stuff) }
@@ -2098,8 +2120,8 @@ dataDeclChecks tc_name new_or_data stupid_theta cons
consUseGadtSyntax :: [LConDecl a] -> Bool
-consUseGadtSyntax (L _ (ConDeclGADT { }) : _) = True
-consUseGadtSyntax _ = False
+consUseGadtSyntax ((dL->L _ (ConDeclGADT {})) : _) = True
+consUseGadtSyntax _ = False
-- All constructors have same shape
@@ -2181,7 +2203,7 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs res_tmpl
-- the universals followed by the existentials.
-- See Note [DataCon user type variable binders] in DataCon.
user_tvbs = univ_tvbs ++ ex_tvbs
- buildOneDataCon (L _ name) = do
+ buildOneDataCon (dL->L _ name) = do
{ is_infix <- tcConIsInfixH98 name hs_args
; rep_nm <- newTyConRepName name
@@ -2209,8 +2231,8 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs res_tmpl
, hsq_explicit = explicit_tkv_nms } <- qtvs
= addErrCtxt (dataConCtxtName names) $
do { traceTc "tcConDecl 1" (ppr names)
- ; let (L _ name : _) = names
- skol_info = DataConSkol name
+ ; let ((dL->L _ name) : _) = names
+ skol_info = DataConSkol name
; (imp_tvs, (exp_tvs, (ctxt, arg_tys, res_ty, field_lbls, stricts)))
<- failIfEmitsConstraints $ -- we won't get another crack, and we don't
@@ -2261,7 +2283,7 @@ tcConDecl rep_tycon tag_map tmpl_bndrs res_tmpl
-- Can't print univ_tvs, arg_tys etc, because we are inside the knot here
; traceTc "tcConDecl 2" (ppr names $$ ppr field_lbls)
; let
- buildOneDataCon (L _ name) = do
+ buildOneDataCon (dL->L _ name) = do
{ is_infix <- tcConIsInfixGADT name hs_args
; rep_nm <- newTyConRepName name
@@ -2324,7 +2346,8 @@ tcConArgs (RecCon fields)
= mapM tcConArg btys
-- We need a one-to-one mapping from field_names to btys
- combined = map (\(L _ f) -> (cd_fld_names f,cd_fld_type f)) (unLoc fields)
+ combined = map (\(dL->L _ f) -> (cd_fld_names f,cd_fld_type f))
+ (unLoc fields)
explode (ns,ty) = zip ns (repeat ty)
exploded = concatMap explode combined
(_,btys) = unzip exploded
@@ -3476,7 +3499,7 @@ checkValidRoleAnnots role_annots tc
= whenIsJust role_annot_decl_maybe $
- \decl@(L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ the_role_annots)) ->
+ \decl@(dL->L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ the_role_annots)) ->
addRoleAnnotCtxt name $
setSrcSpan loc $ do
{ role_annots_ok <- xoptM LangExt.RoleAnnotations
@@ -3500,10 +3523,11 @@ checkValidRoleAnnots role_annots tc
= whenIsJust role_annot_decl_maybe illegalRoleAnnotDecl
checkRoleAnnot :: TyVar -> Located (Maybe Role) -> Role -> TcM ()
-checkRoleAnnot _ (L _ Nothing) _ = return ()
-checkRoleAnnot tv (L _ (Just r1)) r2
+checkRoleAnnot _ (dL->L _ Nothing) _ = return ()
+checkRoleAnnot tv (dL->L _ (Just r1)) r2
= when (r1 /= r2) $
addErrTc $ badRoleAnnot (tyVarName tv) r1 r2
+checkRoleAnnot _ _ _ = panic "checkRoleAnnot: Impossible Match" -- due to #15884
-- This is a double-check on the role inference algorithm. It is only run when
-- -dcore-lint is enabled. See Note [Role inference] in TcTyDecls
@@ -3801,20 +3825,25 @@ badRoleAnnot var annot inferred
, text "is required" ])
wrongNumberOfRoles :: [a] -> LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn -> SDoc
-wrongNumberOfRoles tyvars d@(L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ annots))
+wrongNumberOfRoles tyvars d@(dL->L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ annots))
= hang (text "Wrong number of roles listed in role annotation;" $$
text "Expected" <+> (ppr $ length tyvars) <> comma <+>
text "got" <+> (ppr $ length annots) <> colon)
2 (ppr d)
-wrongNumberOfRoles _ (L _ (XRoleAnnotDecl _)) = panic "wrongNumberOfRoles"
+wrongNumberOfRoles _ (dL->L _ (XRoleAnnotDecl _)) = panic "wrongNumberOfRoles"
+wrongNumberOfRoles _ _ = panic "wrongNumberOfRoles: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
illegalRoleAnnotDecl :: LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn -> TcM ()
-illegalRoleAnnotDecl (L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon _))
+illegalRoleAnnotDecl (dL->L loc (RoleAnnotDecl _ tycon _))
= setErrCtxt [] $
setSrcSpan loc $
addErrTc (text "Illegal role annotation for" <+> ppr tycon <> char ';' $$
text "they are allowed only for datatypes and classes.")
-illegalRoleAnnotDecl (L _ (XRoleAnnotDecl _)) = panic "illegalRoleAnnotDecl"
+illegalRoleAnnotDecl (dL->L _ (XRoleAnnotDecl _)) = panic "illegalRoleAnnotDecl"
+illegalRoleAnnotDecl _ = panic "illegalRoleAnnotDecl: Impossible Match"
+ -- due to #15884
needXRoleAnnotations :: TyCon -> SDoc
needXRoleAnnotations tc
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
index f64b9f3e73..a973cafa8d 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ files for imported data types.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module TcTyDecls(
@@ -224,8 +225,9 @@ checkSynCycles this_uid tcs tyclds = do
mod = nameModule n
ppr_decl tc =
case lookupNameEnv lcl_decls n of
- Just (L loc decl) -> ppr loc <> colon <+> ppr decl
- Nothing -> ppr (getSrcSpan n) <> colon <+> ppr n <+> text "from external module"
+ Just (dL->L loc decl) -> ppr loc <> colon <+> ppr decl
+ Nothing -> ppr (getSrcSpan n) <> colon <+> ppr n
+ <+> text "from external module"
n = tyConName tc
@@ -484,7 +486,7 @@ initialRoleEnv1 hsc_src annots_env tc
-- is wrong, just ignore it. We check this in the validity check.
= case lookupRoleAnnot annots_env name of
- Just (L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ annots))
+ Just (dL->L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ _ annots))
| annots `lengthIs` num_exps -> map unLoc annots
_ -> replicate num_exps Nothing
default_roles = build_default_roles argflags role_annots
@@ -828,12 +830,12 @@ when typechecking the [d| .. |] quote, and typecheck them later.
tcRecSelBinds :: [(Id, LHsBind GhcRn)] -> TcM TcGblEnv
tcRecSelBinds sel_bind_prs
- = tcExtendGlobalValEnv [sel_id | L _ (IdSig _ sel_id) <- sigs] $
+ = tcExtendGlobalValEnv [sel_id | (dL->L _ (IdSig _ sel_id)) <- sigs] $
do { (rec_sel_binds, tcg_env) <- discardWarnings $
tcValBinds TopLevel binds sigs getGblEnv
; return (tcg_env `addTypecheckedBinds` map snd rec_sel_binds) }
- sigs = [ L loc (IdSig noExt sel_id) | (sel_id, _) <- sel_bind_prs
+ sigs = [ cL loc (IdSig noExt sel_id) | (sel_id, _) <- sel_bind_prs
, let loc = getSrcSpan sel_id ]
binds = [(NonRecursive, unitBag bind) | (_, bind) <- sel_bind_prs]
@@ -854,7 +856,7 @@ mkRecSelBind (tycon, fl)
mkOneRecordSelector :: [ConLike] -> RecSelParent -> FieldLabel
-> (Id, LHsBind GhcRn)
mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl
- = (sel_id, L loc sel_bind)
+ = (sel_id, cL loc sel_bind)
loc = getSrcSpan sel_name
lbl = flLabel fl
@@ -892,17 +894,18 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl
[] unit_rhs]
| otherwise = map mk_match cons_w_field ++ deflt
mk_match con = mkSimpleMatch (mkPrefixFunRhs sel_lname)
- [L loc (mk_sel_pat con)]
- (L loc (HsVar noExt (L loc field_var)))
- mk_sel_pat con = ConPatIn (L loc (getName con)) (RecCon rec_fields)
+ [cL loc (mk_sel_pat con)]
+ (cL loc (HsVar noExt (cL loc field_var)))
+ mk_sel_pat con = ConPatIn (cL loc (getName con)) (RecCon rec_fields)
rec_fields = HsRecFields { rec_flds = [rec_field], rec_dotdot = Nothing }
rec_field = noLoc (HsRecField
{ hsRecFieldLbl
- = L loc (FieldOcc sel_name (L loc $ mkVarUnqual lbl))
+ = cL loc (FieldOcc sel_name
+ (cL loc $ mkVarUnqual lbl))
, hsRecFieldArg
- = L loc (VarPat noExt (L loc field_var))
+ = cL loc (VarPat noExt (cL loc field_var))
, hsRecPun = False })
- sel_lname = L loc sel_name
+ sel_lname = cL loc sel_name
field_var = mkInternalName (mkBuiltinUnique 1) (getOccName sel_name) loc
-- Add catch-all default case unless the case is exhaustive
@@ -910,10 +913,10 @@ mkOneRecordSelector all_cons idDetails fl
-- mentions this particular record selector
deflt | all dealt_with all_cons = []
| otherwise = [mkSimpleMatch CaseAlt
- [L loc (WildPat noExt)]
- (mkHsApp (L loc (HsVar noExt
- (L loc (getName rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID))))
- (L loc (HsLit noExt msg_lit)))]
+ [cL loc (WildPat noExt)]
+ (mkHsApp (cL loc (HsVar noExt
+ (cL loc (getName rEC_SEL_ERROR_ID))))
+ (cL loc (HsLit noExt msg_lit)))]
-- Do not add a default case unless there are unmatched
-- constructors. We must take account of GADTs, else we
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
index 9e8133e5e8..c8b4989bf3 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ instance Binary StringLiteral where
fs <- get bh
return (StringLiteral st fs)
-instance Binary a => Binary (GenLocated SrcSpan a) where
+instance Binary a => Binary (Located a) where
put_ bh (L l x) = do
put_ bh l
put_ bh x
diff --git a/ghc/GHCi/UI/Info.hs b/ghc/GHCi/UI/Info.hs
index 0b354f93e7..d608aadb74 100644
--- a/ghc/GHCi/UI/Info.hs
+++ b/ghc/GHCi/UI/Info.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Get information on modules, expressions, and identifiers
module GHCi.UI.Info
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ processAllTypeCheckedModule tcm = do
-- | Extract 'Id', 'SrcSpan', and 'Type' for 'LHsBind's
getTypeLHsBind :: LHsBind GhcTc -> m (Maybe (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type))
- getTypeLHsBind (L _spn FunBind{fun_id = pid,fun_matches = MG _ _ _})
+ getTypeLHsBind (dL->L _spn FunBind{fun_id = pid,fun_matches = MG _ _ _})
= pure $ Just (Just (unLoc pid),getLoc pid,varType (unLoc pid))
getTypeLHsBind _ = pure Nothing
@@ -323,25 +324,25 @@ processAllTypeCheckedModule tcm = do
return $ fmap (\expr -> (mid, getLoc e, CoreUtils.exprType expr)) mbe
mid :: Maybe Id
- mid | HsVar _ (L _ i) <- unwrapVar (unLoc e) = Just i
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ mid | HsVar _ (dL->L _ i) <- unwrapVar (unLoc e) = Just i
+ | otherwise = Nothing
unwrapVar (HsWrap _ _ var) = var
unwrapVar e' = e'
-- | Extract 'Id', 'SrcSpan', and 'Type' for 'LPats's
getTypeLPat :: LPat GhcTc -> m (Maybe (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type))
- getTypeLPat (L spn pat) =
+ getTypeLPat (dL->L spn pat) =
pure (Just (getMaybeId pat,spn,hsPatType pat))
- getMaybeId (VarPat _ (L _ vid)) = Just vid
- getMaybeId _ = Nothing
+ getMaybeId (VarPat _ (dL->L _ vid)) = Just vid
+ getMaybeId _ = Nothing
-- | Get ALL source spans in the source.
- listifyAllSpans :: Typeable a => TypecheckedSource -> [Located a]
+ listifyAllSpans :: (HasSrcSpan a , Typeable a) => TypecheckedSource -> [a]
listifyAllSpans = everythingAllSpans (++) [] ([] `mkQ` (\x -> [x | p x]))
- p (L spn _) = isGoodSrcSpan spn
+ p (dL->L spn _) = isGoodSrcSpan spn
-- | Variant of @syb@'s @everything@ (which summarises all nodes
-- in top-down, left-to-right order) with a stop-condition on 'NameSet's
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T6145.hs b/testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T6145.hs
index 3f4afc449e..184070c630 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T6145.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T6145.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Main where
import System.IO
@@ -32,12 +35,12 @@ main = do
removeFile "Test.hs"
print ok
- isDataCon (L _ (AbsBinds { abs_binds = bs }))
+ isDataCon (dL->L _ (AbsBinds { abs_binds = bs }))
= not (isEmptyBag (filterBag isDataCon bs))
- isDataCon (L l (f@FunBind {}))
- | (MG _ (L _ (m:_)) _) <- fun_matches f,
- (L _ (c@ConPatOut{}):_)<-hsLMatchPats m,
- (L l _)<-pat_con c
+ isDataCon (dL->L l (f@FunBind {}))
+ | (MG _ (dL->L _ (m:_)) _) <- fun_matches f,
+ ((dL->L _ (c@ConPatOut{})):_)<-hsLMatchPats m,
+ (dL->L l _)<-pat_con c
= isGoodSrcSpan l -- Check that the source location is a good one
isDataCon _
= False
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr
index ebbec08ad5..125e88084a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/KindSigs.stderr
@@ -338,12 +338,14 @@
{OccName: qux}))
- [({ KindSigs.hs:23:5 }
+ [(XPat
+ ({ KindSigs.hs:23:5 }
- (NoExt)))
- ,({ KindSigs.hs:23:7 }
+ (NoExt))))
+ ,(XPat
+ ({ KindSigs.hs:23:7 }
- (NoExt)))]
+ (NoExt))))]
[({ KindSigs.hs:23:9-12 }
@@ -605,5 +607,3 @@
diff --git a/utils/ghctags/Main.hs b/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
index 6020f41d27..f84139fa0d 100644
--- a/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghctags/Main.hs
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ boundValues mod group =
in vals ++ tys ++ fors
where found = foundOfLName mod
-startOfLocated :: Located a -> RealSrcLoc
+startOfLocated :: HasSrcSpan a => a -> RealSrcLoc
startOfLocated lHs = case getLoc lHs of
RealSrcSpan l -> realSrcSpanStart l
UnhelpfulSpan _ -> panic "startOfLocated UnhelpfulSpan"
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject 0b379984f7898ab0656f71f05fb0163a6a2ddb2
+Subproject 6414b46e1ac8b63cad20d662311788a80e3b29b