diff options
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
index 8c2498e5f8..4dc7e3214f 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -396,13 +396,15 @@ stmt :: { ExtCode }
| NAME '(' exprs0 ')' ';'
{% stmtMacro $1 $3 }
| 'switch' maybe_range expr '{' arms default '}'
- { doSwitch $2 $3 $5 $6 }
+ { do as <- sequence $5; doSwitch $2 $3 as $6 }
| 'goto' NAME ';'
{ do l <- lookupLabel $2; stmtEC (CmmBranch l) }
| 'jump' expr maybe_actuals ';'
{ do e1 <- $2; e2 <- sequence $3; stmtEC (CmmJump e1 e2) }
| 'return' maybe_actuals ';'
{ do e <- sequence $2; stmtEC (CmmReturn e) }
+ | 'if' bool_expr 'goto' NAME
+ { do l <- lookupLabel $4; cmmRawIf $2 l }
| 'if' bool_expr '{' body '}' else
{ cmmIfThenElse $2 $4 $6 }
@@ -441,12 +443,16 @@ maybe_range :: { Maybe (Int,Int) }
: '[' INT '..' INT ']' { Just (fromIntegral $2, fromIntegral $4) }
| {- empty -} { Nothing }
-arms :: { [([Int],ExtCode)] }
+arms :: { [ExtFCode ([Int],Either BlockId ExtCode)] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| arm arms { $1 : $2 }
-arm :: { ([Int],ExtCode) }
- : 'case' ints ':' '{' body '}' { ($2, $5) }
+arm :: { ExtFCode ([Int],Either BlockId ExtCode) }
+ : 'case' ints ':' arm_body { do b <- $4; return ($2, b) }
+arm_body :: { ExtFCode (Either BlockId ExtCode) }
+ : '{' body '}' { return (Right $2) }
+ | 'goto' NAME ';' { do l <- lookupLabel $2; return (Left l) }
ints :: { [Int] }
: INT { [ fromIntegral $1 ] }
@@ -458,6 +464,8 @@ default :: { Maybe ExtCode }
-- 'default' branches
| {- empty -} { Nothing }
+-- Note: OldCmm doesn't support a first class 'else' statement, though
+-- CmmNode does.
else :: { ExtCode }
: {- empty -} { nopEC }
| 'else' '{' body '}' { $3 }
@@ -952,6 +960,10 @@ cmmIfThenElse cond then_part else_part = do
-- fall through to join
code (labelC join_id)
+cmmRawIf cond then_id = do
+ c <- cond
+ emitCond c then_id
-- 'emitCond cond true_id' emits code to test whether the cond is true,
-- branching to true_id if so, and falling through otherwise.
emitCond (BoolTest e) then_id = do
@@ -991,7 +1003,7 @@ emitCond (e1 `BoolAnd` e2) then_id = do
-- optional range on the switch (eg. switch [0..7] {...}), or by
-- the minimum/maximum values from the branches.
-doSwitch :: Maybe (Int,Int) -> ExtFCode CmmExpr -> [([Int],ExtCode)]
+doSwitch :: Maybe (Int,Int) -> ExtFCode CmmExpr -> [([Int],Either BlockId ExtCode)]
-> Maybe ExtCode -> ExtCode
doSwitch mb_range scrut arms deflt
= do
@@ -1018,12 +1030,12 @@ doSwitch mb_range scrut arms deflt
-- ToDo: check for out of range and jump to default if necessary
stmtEC (CmmSwitch expr entries)
- emitArm :: ([Int],ExtCode) -> ExtFCode [(Int,BlockId)]
- emitArm (ints,code) = do
+ emitArm :: ([Int],Either BlockId ExtCode) -> ExtFCode [(Int,BlockId)]
+ emitArm (ints,Left blockid) = return [ (i,blockid) | i <- ints ]
+ emitArm (ints,Right code) = do
blockid <- forkLabelledCodeEC code
return [ (i,blockid) | i <- ints ]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Putting it all together