diff options
7 files changed, 161 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
index f5525a794e..903853489f 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
@@ -115,11 +115,17 @@ data CmmInfo
ClosureTypeTag -- Int
| CmmNonInfo -- Procedure doesn't need an info table
+ (Maybe BlockId) -- But we still need a GC target for it
+-- TODO: The GC target shouldn't really be part of CmmInfo
+-- as it doesn't appear in the resulting info table.
+-- It should be factored out.
data ClosureTypeInfo
= ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription
| FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunType FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry
| ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT
+ | ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT
| ContInfo
[Maybe LocalReg] -- Forced stack parameters
@@ -129,10 +135,11 @@ data ProfilingInfo = ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit -- closure_type, closure_desc
type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord
type ClosureLayout = (StgHalfWord, StgHalfWord) -- pts, nptrs
type ConstrTag = StgHalfWord
-type ConstrDescription = CLabel
+type ConstrDescription = CmmLit
type FunType = StgHalfWord
type FunArity = StgHalfWord
type SlowEntry = CLabel
+type SelectorOffset = StgWord
-- CmmStmt
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
index f26e55f835..be9f474cbe 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
@@ -69,6 +69,34 @@ cmmCPS dflags abstractC = do
return continuationC
+stg_gc_gen = mkRtsApFastLabel SLIT("gen_cg_TODO") --panic "Need the label for gc"
+make_gc_block block_id fun_label formals srt = BasicBlock block_id stmts
+ where
+ stmts = [CmmCall stg_gc_gen_target [] [] srt,
+ CmmJump fun_expr actuals]
+ stg_gc_gen_target =
+ CmmForeignCall (CmmLit (CmmLabel stg_gc_gen)) CmmCallConv
+ actuals = map (\x -> (CmmReg (CmmLocal x), NoHint)) formals
+ fun_expr = CmmLit (CmmLabel fun_label)
+force_gc_block old_info block_id fun_label formals blocks =
+ case old_info of
+ CmmNonInfo (Just _) -> (old_info, [])
+ CmmInfo _ (Just _) _ _ -> (old_info, [])
+ CmmNonInfo Nothing
+ -> (CmmNonInfo (Just block_id),
+ [make_gc_block block_id fun_label formals NoC_SRT])
+ CmmInfo prof Nothing type_tag type_info
+ -> (CmmInfo prof (Just block_id) type_tag type_info,
+ [make_gc_block block_id fun_label formals srt])
+ where
+ srt = case type_info of
+ ConstrInfo _ _ _ -> NoC_SRT
+ FunInfo _ srt' _ _ _ _ -> srt'
+ ThunkInfo _ srt' -> srt'
+ ThunkSelectorInfo _ srt' -> srt'
+ ContInfo _ srt' -> srt'
-- |CPS a single CmmTop (proceedure)
-- Only 'CmmProc' are transformed 'CmmData' will be left alone.
@@ -82,14 +110,24 @@ cpsProc uniqSupply (CmmProc info ident params blocks) = info_procs
uniques :: [[Unique]]
uniques = map uniqsFromSupply $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply
- info_uniques:block_uniques = uniques
+ (gc_unique:info_uniques):block_uniques = uniques
+ -- Ensure that
+ forced_gc :: (CmmInfo, [CmmBasicBlock])
+ forced_gc = force_gc_block info (BlockId gc_unique) ident params blocks
+ forced_info = fst forced_gc
+ forced_blocks = blocks ++ snd forced_gc
+ forced_gc_id = case forced_info of
+ CmmNonInfo (Just x) -> x
+ CmmInfo _ (Just x) _ _ -> x
-- Break the block at each function call.
-- The part after the function call will have to become a continuation.
broken_blocks :: [BrokenBlock]
broken_blocks =
- concat $ zipWith3 breakBlock block_uniques blocks
- (FunctionEntry info ident params:repeat ControlEntry)
+ concat $ zipWith3 breakBlock block_uniques forced_blocks
+ (FunctionEntry forced_info ident params:repeat ControlEntry)
-- Calculate live variables for each broken block.
@@ -109,8 +147,10 @@ cpsProc uniqSupply (CmmProc info ident params blocks) = info_procs
-- Group the blocks into continuations based on the set of proc-points.
continuations :: [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
- continuations = map (gatherBlocksIntoContinuation proc_points block_env)
- (uniqSetToList proc_points)
+ continuations = zipWith
+ (gatherBlocksIntoContinuation proc_points block_env)
+ (uniqSetToList proc_points)
+ (Just forced_gc_id : repeat Nothing)
-- Select the stack format on entry to each continuation.
-- Return the max stack offset and an association list
@@ -191,18 +231,22 @@ data StackFormat
collectNonProcPointTargets ::
UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- -> UniqSet BlockId -> BlockId -> UniqSet BlockId
-collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets block =
+ -> UniqSet BlockId -> [BlockId] -> UniqSet BlockId
+collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets new_blocks =
if sizeUniqSet current_targets == sizeUniqSet new_targets
then current_targets
- else foldl (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks) new_targets targets
+ else foldl
+ (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks)
+ new_targets
+ (map (:[]) targets)
- block' = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO") block
+ blocks' = map (lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO")) new_blocks
targets =
-- Note the subtlety that since the extra branch after a call
-- will always be to a block that is a proc-point,
-- this subtraction will always remove that case
- uniqSetToList $ (mkUniqSet $ brokenBlockTargets block') `minusUniqSet` proc_points
+ uniqSetToList $ (unionManyUniqSets $ map (mkUniqSet . brokenBlockTargets) blocks')
+ `minusUniqSet` proc_points
-- TODO: remove redundant uniqSetToList
new_targets = current_targets `unionUniqSets` (mkUniqSet targets)
@@ -213,14 +257,16 @@ collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets block =
gatherBlocksIntoContinuation ::
UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- -> BlockId -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
-gatherBlocksIntoContinuation proc_points blocks start =
+ -> BlockId -> Maybe BlockId -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
+gatherBlocksIntoContinuation proc_points blocks start gc =
Continuation info_table clabel params body
- children = (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks (unitUniqSet start) start) `delOneFromUniqSet` start
+ start_and_gc = start : maybeToList gc
+ children = (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks (mkUniqSet start_and_gc) start_and_gc) `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet start_and_gc)
start_block = lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO") start
+ gc_block = map (lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO)")) (maybeToList gc)
children_blocks = map (lookupWithDefaultUFM blocks (panic "TODO")) (uniqSetToList children)
- body = start_block : children_blocks
+ body = start_block : gc_block ++ children_blocks
-- We can't properly annotate the continuation's stack parameters
-- at this point because this is before stack selection
@@ -228,7 +274,7 @@ gatherBlocksIntoContinuation proc_points blocks start =
info_table = case start_block_entry of
FunctionEntry info _ _ -> Right info
ContinuationEntry _ srt -> Left srt
- ControlEntry -> Right CmmNonInfo
+ ControlEntry -> Right (CmmNonInfo Nothing)
start_block_entry = brokenBlockEntry start_block
clabel = case start_block_entry of
@@ -342,11 +388,12 @@ continuationToProc (max_stack, formats)
gc_stack_check gc_block max_stack ++
function_entry formals curr_format
FunctionEntry (CmmInfo _ Nothing _ _) _ formals ->
- panic "continuationToProc: TODO generate GC block" ++
- function_entry formals curr_format
- FunctionEntry CmmNonInfo _ formals ->
- panic "TODO: gc_stack_check gc_block max_stack" ++
+ panic "continuationToProc: missing GC block"
+ FunctionEntry (CmmNonInfo (Just gc_block)) _ formals ->
+ gc_stack_check gc_block max_stack ++
function_entry formals curr_format
+ FunctionEntry (CmmNonInfo Nothing) _ formals ->
+ panic "continuationToProc: missing non-info GC block"
ContinuationEntry formals _ ->
function_entry formals curr_format
postfix = case exit of
@@ -395,10 +442,12 @@ gc_stack_check gc_block max_frame_size
check_stack_limit = [
(CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt $ cmmRegRep spReg)
- [CmmRegOff spReg max_frame_size, CmmReg spLimReg])
+ [CmmRegOff spReg (-max_frame_size*wORD_SIZE),
+ CmmReg spLimReg])
--- TODO: fix branches to proc point (we have to insert a new block to marshel the continuation)
+-- TODO: fix branches to proc point
+-- (we have to insert a new block to marshel the continuation)
pack_continuation :: StackFormat -> StackFormat -> [CmmStmt]
pack_continuation (StackFormat curr_id curr_frame_size _)
(StackFormat cont_id cont_frame_size live_regs)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
index 80c892f96a..ab46f1e58d 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ mkInfoTable :: Unique -> CmmTop -> [RawCmmTop]
mkInfoTable uniq (CmmData sec dat) = [CmmData sec dat]
mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc info entry_label arguments blocks) =
case info of
- CmmNonInfo -> [CmmProc [] entry_label arguments blocks]
+ CmmNonInfo _ -> [CmmProc [] entry_label arguments blocks]
CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo ty_prof cl_prof) _ type_tag
(FunInfo (ptrs, nptrs) srt fun_type fun_arity pap_bitmap slow_entry) ->
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info fun_extra_bits entry_label arguments blocks
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc info entry_label arguments blocks) =
std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof cl_prof type_tag con_tag layout
info_label = entryLblToInfoLbl entry_label
- con_name = makeRelativeRefTo info_label (CmmLabel descr)
+ con_name = makeRelativeRefTo info_label descr
layout = packHalfWordsCLit ptrs nptrs
CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo ty_prof cl_prof) _ type_tag
@@ -72,6 +72,19 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc info entry_label arguments blocks) =
layout = packHalfWordsCLit ptrs nptrs
+ CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo ty_prof cl_prof) _ type_tag
+ (ThunkSelectorInfo offset srt) ->
+ mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info srt_label entry_label arguments blocks
+ where
+ std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof cl_prof type_tag srt_bitmap (mkWordCLit offset)
+ info_label = entryLblToInfoLbl entry_label
+ (srt_label, srt_bitmap) =
+ case srt of
+ NoC_SRT -> ([], 0)
+ (C_SRT lbl off bitmap) ->
+ ([makeRelativeRefTo info_label (cmmLabelOffW lbl off)],
+ bitmap)
CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo ty_prof cl_prof) _ type_tag (ContInfo stack_layout srt) ->
liveness_data ++
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info srt_label entry_label arguments blocks
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
index ab50799df7..7fc4c430f9 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -200,44 +200,70 @@ lits :: { [ExtFCode CmmExpr] }
cmmproc :: { ExtCode }
-- TODO: add real SRT/info tables to parsed Cmm
--- : info maybe_formals '{' body '}'
--- { do (info_lbl, info1, info2) <- $1;
--- formals <- sequence $2;
--- stmts <- getCgStmtsEC (loopDecls $4)
--- blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts)
--- code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info1 info2 formals blks) }
--- | info maybe_formals ';'
--- { do (info_lbl, info1, info2) <- $1;
--- formals <- sequence $2;
--- code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info1 info2 formals []) }
- : NAME maybe_formals '{' body '}'
+ : info maybe_formals '{' body '}'
+ { do (info_lbl, info) <- $1;
+ formals <- sequence $2;
+ stmts <- getCgStmtsEC (loopDecls $4)
+ blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts)
+ code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info formals blks) }
+ | info maybe_formals ';'
+ { do (info_lbl, info) <- $1;
+ formals <- sequence $2;
+ code (emitInfoTableAndCode info_lbl info formals []) }
+ | NAME maybe_formals '{' body '}'
{ do formals <- sequence $2;
stmts <- getCgStmtsEC (loopDecls $4);
blks <- code (cgStmtsToBlocks stmts);
- code (emitProc CmmNonInfo (mkRtsCodeLabelFS $1) formals blks) }
+ code (emitProc (CmmNonInfo Nothing) (mkRtsCodeLabelFS $1) formals blks) }
-info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, [CmmLit],[CmmLit]) }
+info :: { ExtFCode (CLabel, CmmInfo) }
: 'INFO_TABLE' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type
- { stdInfo $3 $5 $7 0 $9 $11 $13 }
+ { do prof <- profilingInfo $11 $13
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo prof Nothing (fromIntegral $9)
+ (ThunkInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) NoC_SRT)) }
| 'INFO_TABLE_FUN' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ',' INT ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, closure type, description, type, fun type
- { funInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 }
+ { do prof <- profilingInfo $11 $13
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo prof Nothing (fromIntegral $9)
+ (FunInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) NoC_SRT (fromIntegral $15) 0 (panic "INFO_TABLE_FUN:ArgDesr") (panic "INFO_TABLE_FUN:SlowEntry"))) }
+ -- we leave most of the fields zero here. This is only used
+ -- to generate the BCO info table in the RTS at the moment.
| 'INFO_TABLE_CONSTR' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ',' STRING ',' STRING ')'
-- ptrs, nptrs, tag, closure type, description, type
- { conInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 }
+ { do prof <- profilingInfo $13 $15
+ -- If profiling is on, this string gets duplicated,
+ -- but that's the way the old code did it we can fix it some other time.
+ desc_lit <- code $ mkStringCLit $13
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo prof Nothing (fromIntegral $11)
+ (ConstrInfo (fromIntegral $5, fromIntegral $7) (fromIntegral $9) desc_lit)) }
-- selector, closure type, description, type
- { basicInfo $3 (mkIntCLit (fromIntegral $5)) 0 $7 $9 $11 }
- | 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' INT ',' INT ')'
- -- size, live bits, closure type
- { retInfo $3 $5 $7 $9 }
+ { do prof <- profilingInfo $9 $11
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo prof Nothing (fromIntegral $7)
+ (ThunkSelectorInfo (fromIntegral $5) NoC_SRT)) }
+ | 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ')'
+ -- closure type (no live regs)
+ { return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit) Nothing (fromIntegral $5)
+ (ContInfo [] NoC_SRT)) }
+ | 'INFO_TABLE_RET' '(' NAME ',' INT ',' formals ')'
+ -- closure type, live regs
+ { do live <- sequence (map (liftM Just) $7)
+ return (mkRtsInfoLabelFS $3,
+ CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit) Nothing (fromIntegral $5)
+ (ContInfo live NoC_SRT)) }
body :: { ExtCode }
: {- empty -} { return () }
@@ -809,6 +835,15 @@ funInfo name ptrs nptrs cl_type desc_str ty_str fun_type = do
zero = mkIntCLit 0
+profilingInfo desc_str ty_str = do
+ lit1 <- if opt_SccProfilingOn
+ then code $ mkStringCLit desc_str
+ else return (mkIntCLit 0)
+ lit2 <- if opt_SccProfilingOn
+ then code $ mkStringCLit ty_str
+ else return (mkIntCLit 0)
+ return (ProfilingInfo lit1 lit2)
staticClosure :: FastString -> FastString -> [CmmLit] -> ExtCode
staticClosure cl_label info payload
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
index 2d48f76d9d..15a723af52 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ calculateOwnership blocks_ufm proc_points blocks =
unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in selectStackFormat"
calculateProcPoints :: [BrokenBlock] -> UniqSet BlockId
-calculateProcPoints blocks = calculateProcPoints' init_proc_points blocks
+calculateProcPoints blocks =
+ calculateProcPoints' init_proc_points blocks
init_proc_points = mkUniqSet $
map brokenBlockId $
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
index 55a8014b46..97170a1c33 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ pprTop (CmmData section ds) =
-- For ideas on how to refine it, they used to be printed in the
-- style of C--'s 'stackdata' declaration, just inside the proc body,
-- and were labelled with the procedure name ++ "_info".
-pprInfo CmmNonInfo = empty
+pprInfo (CmmNonInfo gc_target) =
+ ptext SLIT("gc_target: ") <>
+ maybe (ptext SLIT("<none>")) pprBlockId gc_target
pprInfo (CmmInfo (ProfilingInfo closure_type closure_desc)
gc_target tag info) =
vcat [ptext SLIT("type: ") <> pprLit closure_type,
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ pprTypeInfo (ConstrInfo layout constr descr) =
vcat [ptext SLIT("ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
ptext SLIT("nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
ptext SLIT("constructor: ") <> integer (toInteger constr),
- ppr descr]
+ pprLit descr]
pprTypeInfo (FunInfo layout srt fun_type arity args slow_entry) =
vcat [ptext SLIT("ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
ptext SLIT("nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
@@ -154,6 +156,9 @@ pprTypeInfo (ThunkInfo layout srt) =
vcat [ptext SLIT("ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
ptext SLIT("nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
ptext SLIT("srt: ") <> ppr srt]
+pprTypeInfo (ThunkSelectorInfo offset srt) =
+ vcat [ptext SLIT("ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger offset),
+ ptext SLIT("srt: ") <> ppr srt]
pprTypeInfo (ContInfo stack srt) =
vcat [ptext SLIT("stack: ") <> ppr stack,
ptext SLIT("srt: ") <> ppr srt]
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
index e3c8a77d58..d40c511327 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ emitSimpleProc :: CLabel -> Code -> Code
emitSimpleProc lbl code
= do { stmts <- getCgStmts code
; blks <- cgStmtsToBlocks stmts
- ; emitProc CmmNonInfo lbl [] blks }
+ ; emitProc (CmmNonInfo Nothing) lbl [] blks }
getCmm :: Code -> FCode Cmm
-- Get all the CmmTops (there should be no stmts)