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5 files changed, 60 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 76b845114a..149633ffd0 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -939,8 +939,7 @@ findPtrTyss i tys = foldM step (i, []) tys
-- The types can contain skolem type variables, which need to be treated as normal vars.
-- In particular, we want them to unify with things.
improveRTTIType :: HscEnv -> RttiType -> RttiType -> Maybe TvSubst
-improveRTTIType _ base_ty new_ty
- = U.tcUnifyTys (const U.BindMe) [base_ty] [new_ty]
+improveRTTIType _ base_ty new_ty = U.tcUnifyTy base_ty new_ty
getDataConArgTys :: DataCon -> Type -> TR [Type]
-- Given the result type ty of a constructor application (D a b c :: ty)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 02c0c09805..03004c994a 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import RnSource ( addTcgDUs )
import HscTypes
import Avail
-import Unify( tcMatchTy )
+import Unify( tcUnifyTy )
import Id( idType )
import Class
import Type
@@ -676,29 +676,30 @@ deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
; let cls_tyvars = classTyVars cls
; checkTc (not (null cls_tyvars)) derivingNullaryErr
- ; let kind = tyVarKind (last cls_tyvars)
- (arg_kinds, _) = splitKindFunTys kind
+ ; let cls_arg_kind = tyVarKind (last cls_tyvars)
+ (arg_kinds, _) = splitKindFunTys cls_arg_kind
n_args_to_drop = length arg_kinds
n_args_to_keep = tyConArity tc - n_args_to_drop
args_to_drop = drop n_args_to_keep tc_args
tc_args_to_keep = take n_args_to_keep tc_args
inst_ty_kind = typeKind (mkTyConApp tc tc_args_to_keep)
dropped_tvs = tyVarsOfTypes args_to_drop
- tv_set = mkVarSet tvs
- mb_match = tcMatchTy tv_set inst_ty_kind kind
- Just subst = mb_match -- See Note [Match kinds in deriving]
+ mb_match = tcUnifyTy inst_ty_kind cls_arg_kind
+ Just subst = mb_match -- See Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
+ -- We are assuming the tycon tyvars and the class tyvars are distinct
final_tc_args = substTys subst tc_args_to_keep
+ final_cls_tys = substTys subst cls_tys
univ_tvs = mkVarSet deriv_tvs `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes final_tc_args
; traceTc "derivTyData1" (vcat [ pprTvBndrs tvs, ppr tc, ppr tc_args
, pprTvBndrs (varSetElems $ tyVarsOfTypes tc_args)
, ppr n_args_to_keep, ppr n_args_to_drop
- , ppr inst_ty_kind, ppr kind, ppr mb_match ])
+ , ppr inst_ty_kind, ppr cls_arg_kind, ppr mb_match ])
-- Check that the result really is well-kinded
; checkTc (n_args_to_keep >= 0 && isJust mb_match)
- (derivingKindErr tc cls cls_tys kind)
+ (derivingKindErr tc cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind)
; traceTc "derivTyData2" (vcat [ ppr univ_tvs ])
@@ -717,7 +718,7 @@ deriveTyData tvs tc tc_args (L loc deriv_pred)
-- newtype K a a = ... deriving( Monad )
; mkEqnHelp (varSetElemsKvsFirst univ_tvs)
- cls cls_tys tc final_tc_args Nothing } }
+ cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args Nothing } }
derivePolyKindedTypeable :: Class -> [Type]
-> [TyVar] -> TyCon -> [Type]
@@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ derivePolyKindedTypeable cls cls_tys _tvs tc tc_args
| otherwise = kindVarsOnly ts
-Note [Match kinds in deriving]
+Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
Consider (Trac #8534)
data T a b = MkT a deriving( Functor )
@@ -755,13 +756,27 @@ So T :: forall k. * -> k -> *. We want to get
instance Functor (T * (a:*)) where ...
Notice the '*' argument to T.
-So we need to (a) drop arguments from (T a b) to match the number of
-arrows in the (last argument of the) class; and then match kind of the
-remaining type against the expected kind, to figur out how to
-instantiate T's kind arguments. Hence we match
- kind( T k (a:k) ) ~ (* -> *)
-to find k:=*. Tricky stuff.
+Moreover, as well as instantiating T's kind arguments, we may need to instantiate
+C's kind args. Consider (Trac #8865):
+ newtype T a b = MkT (Either a b) deriving( Category )
+ Category :: forall k. (k -> k -> *) -> Constraint
+We need to generate the instance
+ insatnce Category * (Either a) where ...
+Notice the '*' argument to Cagegory.
+So we need to
+ * drop arguments from (T a b) to match the number of
+ arrows in the (last argument of the) class;
+ * and then *unify* kind of the remaining type against the
+ expected kind, to figure out how to instantiate C's and T's
+ kind arguments.
+In the two examples,
+ * we unify ( T k (a:k) ) ~ (* -> *) to find k:=*.
+ * we unify ( Either ~ (k -> k -> k) ) to find k:=*.
+Tricky stuff.
mkEqnHelp :: [TyVar]
diff --git a/compiler/types/Unify.lhs b/compiler/types/Unify.lhs
index 8d1beb6b1d..d56a3f65fc 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Unify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Unify.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Unify (
-- Side-effect free unification
- tcUnifyTys, BindFlag(..),
+ tcUnifyTy, tcUnifyTys, BindFlag(..),
niFixTvSubst, niSubstTvSet,
UnifyResultM(..), UnifyResult, tcUnifyTysFG
@@ -417,17 +417,24 @@ may later be instantiated with a unifyable type. So, we return maybeApart
in these cases.
+tcUnifyTy :: Type -> Type -- All tyvars are bindable
+ -> Maybe TvSubst -- A regular one-shot (idempotent) substitution
+-- Simple unification of two types; all type variables are bindable
+tcUnifyTy ty1 ty2
+ = case initUM (const BindMe) (unify emptyTvSubstEnv ty1 ty2) of
+ Unifiable subst_env -> Just (niFixTvSubst subst_env)
+ _other -> Nothing
tcUnifyTys :: (TyVar -> BindFlag)
-> [Type] -> [Type]
-> Maybe TvSubst -- A regular one-shot (idempotent) substitution
-- The two types may have common type variables, and indeed do so in the
-- second call to tcUnifyTys in FunDeps.checkClsFD
tcUnifyTys bind_fn tys1 tys2
- | Unifiable subst <- tcUnifyTysFG bind_fn tys1 tys2
- = Just subst
- | otherwise
- = Nothing
+ = case tcUnifyTysFG bind_fn tys1 tys2 of
+ Unifiable subst -> Just subst
+ _ -> Nothing
-- This type does double-duty. It is used in the UM (unifier monad) and to
-- return the final result. See Note [Fine-grained unification]
@@ -670,9 +677,9 @@ instance Monad UM where
other -> other
SurelyApart -> SurelyApart)
-initUM :: (TyVar -> BindFlag) -> UM TvSubst -> UnifyResult
+initUM :: (TyVar -> BindFlag) -> UM a -> UnifyResultM a
initUM badtvs um = unUM um badtvs
tvBindFlag :: TyVar -> UM BindFlag
tvBindFlag tv = UM (\tv_fn -> Unifiable (tv_fn tv))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T8865.hs b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T8865.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec6c26a22a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/T8865.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+module T8865 where
+import Control.Category
+instance Category Either where
+ id = error "urk1"
+ (.) = error "urk2"
+newtype T a b = MkT (Either a b) deriving( Category )
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
index 5d9c7337f1..b34290f2c4 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deriving/should_compile/all.T
@@ -46,3 +46,4 @@ test('T8631', normal, compile, [''])
test('T8758', extra_clean(['T8758a.o', 'T8758a.hi']), multimod_compile, ['T8758a', '-v0'])
test('T8851', expect_broken(8851), compile, [''])
test('T8678', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T8865', normal, compile, [''])