diff options
26 files changed, 270 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
index 92c1d1315b..20533a8516 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/BasicTypes.hs
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module BasicTypes(
defaultFixity, maxPrecedence, minPrecedence,
negateFixity, funTyFixity,
+ LexicalFixity(..),
RecFlag(..), isRec, isNonRec, boolToRecFlag,
Origin(..), isGenerated,
@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ import FastString
import Outputable
import SrcLoc ( Located,unLoc )
import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
-import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity, Prefix, Infix)
import Data.Function (on)
@@ -433,6 +434,15 @@ compareFixity (Fixity _ prec1 dir1) (Fixity _ prec2 dir2)
left = (False, False)
error_please = (True, False)
+-- |Captures the fixity of declarations as they are parsed. This is not
+-- necessarily the same as the fixity declaration, as the normal fixity may be
+-- overridden using parens or backticks.
+data LexicalFixity = Prefix | Infix deriving (Typeable,Data,Eq)
+instance Outputable LexicalFixity where
+ ppr Prefix = text "Prefix"
+ ppr Infix = text "Infix"
* *
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
index 2409db856a..efd04283ab 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.hs
@@ -182,8 +182,9 @@ cvtDec (TySynD tc tvs rhs)
= do { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
; returnJustL $ TyClD $
- SynDecl { tcdLName = tc'
- , tcdTyVars = tvs', tcdFVs = placeHolderNames
+ SynDecl { tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
+ , tcdFVs = placeHolderNames
, tcdRhs = rhs' } }
cvtDec (DataD ctxt tc tvs ksig constrs derivs)
@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ cvtDec (DataD ctxt tc tvs ksig constrs derivs)
, dd_kindSig = ksig'
, dd_cons = cons', dd_derivs = derivs' }
; returnJustL $ TyClD (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
, tcdDataDefn = defn
, tcdDataCusk = PlaceHolder
, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames }) }
@@ -222,6 +224,7 @@ cvtDec (NewtypeD ctxt tc tvs ksig constr derivs)
, dd_cons = [con']
, dd_derivs = derivs' }
; returnJustL $ TyClD (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
, tcdDataDefn = defn
, tcdDataCusk = PlaceHolder
, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames }) }
@@ -237,6 +240,7 @@ cvtDec (ClassD ctxt cl tvs fds decs)
; at_defs <- mapM cvt_at_def ats'
; returnJustL $ TyClD $
ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt', tcdLName = tc', tcdTyVars = tvs'
+ , tcdFixity = Prefix
, tcdFDs = fds', tcdSigs = Hs.mkClassOpSigs sigs'
, tcdMeths = binds'
, tcdATs = fams', tcdATDefs = at_defs, tcdDocs = []
@@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ cvtDec (DataFamilyD tc tvs kind)
= do { (_, tc', tvs') <- cvt_tycl_hdr [] tc tvs
; result <- cvtMaybeKindToFamilyResultSig kind
; returnJustL $ TyClD $ FamDecl $
- FamilyDecl DataFamily tc' tvs' result Nothing }
+ FamilyDecl DataFamily tc' tvs' Prefix result Nothing }
cvtDec (DataInstD ctxt tc tys ksig constrs derivs)
= do { (ctxt', tc', typats') <- cvt_tyinst_hdr ctxt tc tys
@@ -297,6 +301,7 @@ cvtDec (DataInstD ctxt tc tys ksig constrs derivs)
; returnJustL $ InstD $ DataFamInstD
{ dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc', dfid_pats = typats'
, dfid_defn = defn
+ , dfid_fixity = Prefix
, dfid_fvs = placeHolderNames } }}
cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt tc tys ksig constr derivs)
@@ -311,6 +316,7 @@ cvtDec (NewtypeInstD ctxt tc tys ksig constr derivs)
; returnJustL $ InstD $ DataFamInstD
{ dfid_inst = DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc', dfid_pats = typats'
, dfid_defn = defn
+ , dfid_fixity = Prefix
, dfid_fvs = placeHolderNames } }}
cvtDec (TySynInstD tc eqn)
@@ -323,13 +329,13 @@ cvtDec (TySynInstD tc eqn)
cvtDec (OpenTypeFamilyD head)
= do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
; returnJustL $ TyClD $ FamDecl $
- FamilyDecl OpenTypeFamily tc' tyvars' result' injectivity' }
+ FamilyDecl OpenTypeFamily tc' tyvars' Prefix result' injectivity' }
cvtDec (ClosedTypeFamilyD head eqns)
= do { (tc', tyvars', result', injectivity') <- cvt_tyfam_head head
; eqns' <- mapM (cvtTySynEqn tc') eqns
; returnJustL $ TyClD $ FamDecl $
- FamilyDecl (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns')) tc' tyvars' result'
+ FamilyDecl (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns')) tc' tyvars' Prefix result'
injectivity' }
cvtDec (TH.RoleAnnotD tc roles)
@@ -384,6 +390,7 @@ cvtTySynEqn tc (TySynEqn lhs rhs)
; rhs' <- cvtType rhs
; returnL $ TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc
, tfe_pats = mkHsImplicitBndrs lhs'
+ , tfe_fixity = Prefix
, tfe_rhs = rhs' } }
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.hs
index eeb446e838..1f58bbfc11 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} HsExpr ( pprExpr, LHsExpr,
GRHSs, pprPatBind )
import {-# SOURCE #-} HsPat ( LPat )
-import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,OutputableBndrId,HasOccNameId )
+import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,OutputableBndrId )
import HsTypes
import PprCore ()
import CoreSyn
@@ -437,15 +437,13 @@ Specifically,
it's just an error thunk
-instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> Outputable (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR) where
ppr (HsValBinds bs) = ppr bs
ppr (HsIPBinds bs) = ppr bs
ppr EmptyLocalBinds = empty
-instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> Outputable (HsValBindsLR idL idR) where
ppr (ValBindsIn binds sigs)
= pprDeclList (pprLHsBindsForUser binds sigs)
@@ -461,16 +459,14 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
pp_rec Recursive = text "rec"
pp_rec NonRecursive = text "nonrec"
-pprLHsBinds :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+pprLHsBinds :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> LHsBindsLR idL idR -> SDoc
pprLHsBinds binds
| isEmptyLHsBinds binds = empty
| otherwise = pprDeclList (map ppr (bagToList binds))
pprLHsBindsForUser :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- OutputableBndrId id2, HasOccNameId id2,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+ OutputableBndrId id2)
=> LHsBindsLR idL idR -> [LSig id2] -> [SDoc]
-- pprLHsBindsForUser is different to pprLHsBinds because
-- a) No braces: 'let' and 'where' include a list of HsBindGroups
@@ -561,13 +557,11 @@ So the desugarer tries to do a better job:
in (fm,gm)
-instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> Outputable (HsBindLR idL idR) where
ppr mbind = ppr_monobind mbind
-ppr_monobind :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+ppr_monobind :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> HsBindLR idL idR -> SDoc
ppr_monobind (PatBind { pat_lhs = pat, pat_rhs = grhss })
@@ -623,7 +617,7 @@ instance (OutputableBndr id) => Outputable (ABExport id) where
, nest 2 (pprTcSpecPrags prags)
, nest 2 (text "wrap:" <+> ppr wrap)]
-instance (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR)
+instance (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> Outputable (PatSynBind idL idR) where
ppr (PSB{ psb_id = (L _ psyn), psb_args = details, psb_def = pat,
psb_dir = dir })
@@ -695,12 +689,11 @@ data IPBind id
= IPBind (Either (Located HsIPName) id) (LHsExpr id)
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (IPBind name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsIPBinds id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id ) => Outputable (HsIPBinds id) where
ppr (IPBinds bs ds) = pprDeeperList vcat (map ppr bs)
$$ ifPprDebug (ppr ds)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => Outputable (IPBind id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id ) => Outputable (IPBind id) where
ppr (IPBind lr rhs) = name <+> equals <+> pprExpr (unLoc rhs)
where name = case lr of
Left (L _ ip) -> pprBndr LetBind ip
@@ -957,11 +950,10 @@ signatures. Since some of the signatures contain a list of names, testing for
equality is not enough -- we have to check if they overlap.
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (Sig name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name ) => Outputable (Sig name) where
ppr sig = ppr_sig sig
-ppr_sig :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name) => Sig name -> SDoc
+ppr_sig :: (OutputableBndrId name ) => Sig name -> SDoc
ppr_sig (TypeSig vars ty) = pprVarSig (map unLoc vars) (ppr ty)
ppr_sig (ClassOpSig is_deflt vars ty)
| is_deflt = text "default" <+> pprVarSig (map unLoc vars) (ppr ty)
@@ -1021,7 +1013,7 @@ instance Outputable TcSpecPrag where
ppr (SpecPrag var _ inl)
= text "SPECIALIZE" <+> pprSpec var (text "<type>") inl
-pprMinimalSig :: (OutputableBndr name, HasOccName name)
+pprMinimalSig :: (OutputableBndr name)
=> LBooleanFormula (Located name) -> SDoc
pprMinimalSig (L _ bf) = text "MINIMAL" <+> ppr (fmap unLoc bf)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
index c82cd8b0f2..e3029a23f5 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ import Name
import BasicTypes
import Coercion
import ForeignCall
-import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,PlaceHolder(..),DataId, OutputableBndrId,
- HasOccNameId )
+import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,PlaceHolder(..),DataId, OutputableBndrId )
import NameSet
-- others:
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import Bag
import Maybes
-import Data.Data hiding (TyCon,Fixity)
+import Data.Data hiding (TyCon,Fixity, Infix)
@@ -252,8 +251,7 @@ appendGroups
hs_vects = vects1 ++ vects2,
hs_docs = docs1 ++ docs2 }
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsDecl name) where
ppr (TyClD dcl) = ppr dcl
ppr (ValD binds) = ppr binds
ppr (DefD def) = ppr def
@@ -269,8 +267,7 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
ppr (DocD doc) = ppr doc
ppr (RoleAnnotD ra) = ppr ra
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsGroup name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsGroup name) where
ppr (HsGroup { hs_valds = val_decls,
hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
hs_derivds = deriv_decls,
@@ -314,8 +311,7 @@ data SpliceDecl id
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (SpliceDecl id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (SpliceDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (SpliceDecl name) where
ppr (SpliceDecl (L _ e) f) = pprSpliceDecl e f
@@ -484,6 +480,7 @@ data TyClDecl name
SynDecl { tcdLName :: Located name -- ^ Type constructor
, tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars name -- ^ Type variables; for an associated type
-- these include outer binders
+ , tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
, tcdRhs :: LHsType name -- ^ RHS of type declaration
, tcdFVs :: PostRn name NameSet }
@@ -504,6 +501,7 @@ data TyClDecl name
-- type F a = a -> a
-- Here the type decl for 'f' includes 'a'
-- in its tcdTyVars
+ , tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
, tcdDataDefn :: HsDataDefn name
, tcdDataCusk :: PostRn name Bool -- ^ does this have a CUSK?
, tcdFVs :: PostRn name NameSet }
@@ -511,6 +509,7 @@ data TyClDecl name
| ClassDecl { tcdCtxt :: LHsContext name, -- ^ Context...
tcdLName :: Located name, -- ^ Name of the class
tcdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars name, -- ^ Class type variables
+ tcdFixity :: LexicalFixity, -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
tcdFDs :: [Located (FunDep (Located name))],
-- ^ Functional deps
tcdSigs :: [LSig name], -- ^ Methods' signatures
@@ -633,19 +632,21 @@ hsDeclHasCusk (ClassDecl { tcdTyVars = tyvars }) = hsTvbAllKinded tyvars
-- Pretty-printing TyClDecl
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (TyClDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (TyClDecl name) where
ppr (FamDecl { tcdFam = decl }) = ppr decl
- ppr (SynDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdRhs = rhs })
+ ppr (SynDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdRhs = rhs })
= hang (text "type" <+>
- pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars [] <+> equals)
+ pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity [] <+> equals)
4 (ppr rhs)
- ppr (DataDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdDataDefn = defn })
- = pp_data_defn (pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars) defn
+ ppr (DataDecl { tcdLName = ltycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity
+ , tcdDataDefn = defn })
+ = pp_data_defn (pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity) defn
ppr (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lclas, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity,
tcdFDs = fds,
tcdSigs = sigs, tcdMeths = methods,
tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs})
@@ -659,11 +660,10 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
pprLHsBindsForUser methods sigs) ]
top_matter = text "class"
- <+> pp_vanilla_decl_head lclas tyvars (unLoc context)
- <+> pprFundeps (map unLoc fds)
+ <+> pp_vanilla_decl_head lclas tyvars fixity (unLoc context)
+ <+> pprFundeps (map unLoc fds)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (TyClGroup name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (TyClGroup name) where
ppr (TyClGroup { group_tyclds = tyclds
, group_roles = roles
, group_instds = instds
@@ -673,16 +673,16 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
ppr roles $$
ppr instds
-pp_vanilla_decl_head :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Located name
+pp_vanilla_decl_head :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Located name
-> LHsQTyVars name
+ -> LexicalFixity
-> HsContext name
-> SDoc
-pp_vanilla_decl_head thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) context
+pp_vanilla_decl_head thing (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tyvars }) fixity context
= hsep [pprHsContext context, pp_tyvars tyvars]
pp_tyvars (varl:varsr)
- | isSymOcc $ occName (unLoc thing)
+ | fixity == Infix
= hsep [ppr (unLoc varl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
, hsep (map (ppr.unLoc) varsr)]
| otherwise = hsep [ pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
@@ -892,6 +892,7 @@ data FamilyDecl name = FamilyDecl
{ fdInfo :: FamilyInfo name -- type/data, closed/open
, fdLName :: Located name -- type constructor
, fdTyVars :: LHsQTyVars name -- type variables
+ , fdFixity :: LexicalFixity -- Fixity used in the declaration
, fdResultSig :: LFamilyResultSig name -- result signature
, fdInjectivityAnn :: Maybe (LInjectivityAnn name) -- optional injectivity ann
@@ -955,18 +956,18 @@ resultVariableName :: FamilyResultSig a -> Maybe a
resultVariableName (TyVarSig sig) = Just $ hsLTyVarName sig
resultVariableName _ = Nothing
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (FamilyDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (FamilyDecl name) where
ppr = pprFamilyDecl TopLevel
-pprFamilyDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pprFamilyDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> TopLevelFlag -> FamilyDecl name -> SDoc
pprFamilyDecl top_level (FamilyDecl { fdInfo = info, fdLName = ltycon
, fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdFixity = fixity
, fdResultSig = L _ result
, fdInjectivityAnn = mb_inj })
= vcat [ pprFlavour info <+> pp_top_level <+>
- pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars [] <+>
+ pp_vanilla_decl_head ltycon tyvars fixity [] <+>
pp_kind <+> pp_inj <+> pp_where
, nest 2 $ pp_eqns ]
@@ -1076,7 +1077,7 @@ data HsDerivingClause name
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (HsDerivingClause id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+instance (OutputableBndrId name)
=> Outputable (HsDerivingClause name) where
ppr (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
, deriv_clause_tys = L _ dct })
@@ -1193,7 +1194,7 @@ hsConDeclArgTys (PrefixCon tys) = tys
hsConDeclArgTys (InfixCon ty1 ty2) = [ty1,ty2]
hsConDeclArgTys (RecCon flds) = map (cd_fld_type . unLoc) (unLoc flds)
-pp_data_defn :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pp_data_defn :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> (HsContext name -> SDoc) -- Printing the header
-> HsDataDefn name
-> SDoc
@@ -1217,27 +1218,23 @@ pp_data_defn pp_hdr (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = new_or_data, dd_ctxt = L _ context
Just kind -> dcolon <+> ppr kind
pp_derivings (L _ ds) = vcat (map ppr ds)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsDataDefn name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsDataDefn name) where
ppr d = pp_data_defn (\_ -> text "Naked HsDataDefn") d
instance Outputable NewOrData where
ppr NewType = text "newtype"
ppr DataType = text "data"
-pp_condecls :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => [LConDecl name] -> SDoc
+pp_condecls :: (OutputableBndrId name) => [LConDecl name] -> SDoc
pp_condecls cs@(L _ ConDeclGADT{} : _) -- In GADT syntax
= hang (text "where") 2 (vcat (map ppr cs))
pp_condecls cs -- In H98 syntax
= equals <+> sep (punctuate (text " |") (map ppr cs))
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (ConDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (ConDecl name) where
ppr = pprConDecl
-pprConDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => ConDecl name -> SDoc
+pprConDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name) => ConDecl name -> SDoc
pprConDecl (ConDeclH98 { con_name = L _ con
, con_qvars = mtvs
, con_cxt = mcxt
@@ -1348,9 +1345,10 @@ type TyFamDefltEqn name = TyFamEqn name (LHsQTyVars name)
-- See Note [Type family instance declarations in HsSyn]
data TyFamEqn name pats
= TyFamEqn
- { tfe_tycon :: Located name
- , tfe_pats :: pats
- , tfe_rhs :: LHsType name }
+ { tfe_tycon :: Located name
+ , tfe_pats :: pats
+ , tfe_fixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
+ , tfe_rhs :: LHsType name }
-- ^
-- - 'ApiAnnotation.AnnKeywordId' : 'ApiAnnotation.AnnEqual'
@@ -1382,6 +1380,7 @@ data DataFamInstDecl name
= DataFamInstDecl
{ dfid_tycon :: Located name
, dfid_pats :: HsTyPats name -- LHS
+ , dfid_fixity :: LexicalFixity -- ^ Fixity used in the declaration
, dfid_defn :: HsDataDefn name -- RHS
, dfid_fvs :: PostRn name NameSet } -- Free vars for dependency analysis
-- ^
@@ -1440,11 +1439,10 @@ data InstDecl name -- Both class and family instances
{ tfid_inst :: TyFamInstDecl name }
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (InstDecl id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (TyFamInstDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (TyFamInstDecl name) where
ppr = pprTyFamInstDecl TopLevel
-pprTyFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pprTyFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> TopLevelFlag -> TyFamInstDecl name -> SDoc
pprTyFamInstDecl top_lvl (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = eqn })
= text "type" <+> ppr_instance_keyword top_lvl <+> ppr_fam_inst_eqn eqn
@@ -1453,56 +1451,57 @@ ppr_instance_keyword :: TopLevelFlag -> SDoc
ppr_instance_keyword TopLevel = text "instance"
ppr_instance_keyword NotTopLevel = empty
-ppr_fam_inst_eqn :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => LTyFamInstEqn name -> SDoc
+ppr_fam_inst_eqn :: (OutputableBndrId name) => LTyFamInstEqn name -> SDoc
ppr_fam_inst_eqn (L _ (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
, tfe_pats = pats
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs }))
- = pp_fam_inst_lhs tycon pats [] <+> equals <+> ppr rhs
+ = pp_fam_inst_lhs tycon pats fixity [] <+> equals <+> ppr rhs
-ppr_fam_deflt_eqn :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => LTyFamDefltEqn name -> SDoc
+ppr_fam_deflt_eqn :: (OutputableBndrId name) => LTyFamDefltEqn name -> SDoc
ppr_fam_deflt_eqn (L _ (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
, tfe_pats = tvs
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs }))
- = text "type" <+> pp_vanilla_decl_head tycon tvs [] <+> equals <+> ppr rhs
+ = text "type" <+> pp_vanilla_decl_head tycon tvs fixity []
+ <+> equals <+> ppr rhs
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (DataFamInstDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (DataFamInstDecl name) where
ppr = pprDataFamInstDecl TopLevel
-pprDataFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pprDataFamInstDecl :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> TopLevelFlag -> DataFamInstDecl name -> SDoc
pprDataFamInstDecl top_lvl (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tycon
, dfid_pats = pats
+ , dfid_fixity = fixity
, dfid_defn = defn })
= pp_data_defn pp_hdr defn
- pp_hdr ctxt = ppr_instance_keyword top_lvl <+> pp_fam_inst_lhs tycon pats ctxt
+ pp_hdr ctxt = ppr_instance_keyword top_lvl
+ <+> pp_fam_inst_lhs tycon pats fixity ctxt
pprDataFamInstFlavour :: DataFamInstDecl name -> SDoc
pprDataFamInstFlavour (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_defn = (HsDataDefn { dd_ND = nd }) })
= ppr nd
-pp_fam_inst_lhs :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Located name
+pp_fam_inst_lhs :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Located name
-> HsTyPats name
+ -> LexicalFixity
-> HsContext name
-> SDoc
-pp_fam_inst_lhs thing (HsIB { hsib_body = typats }) context
+pp_fam_inst_lhs thing (HsIB { hsib_body = typats }) fixity context
-- explicit type patterns
= hsep [ pprHsContext context, pp_pats typats]
pp_pats (patl:patsr)
- | isSymOcc $ occName (unLoc thing)
+ | fixity == Infix
= hsep [pprParendHsType (unLoc patl), pprInfixOcc (unLoc thing)
, hsep (map (pprParendHsType.unLoc) patsr)]
| otherwise = hsep [ pprPrefixOcc (unLoc thing)
, hsep (map (pprParendHsType.unLoc) (patl:patsr))]
pp_pats [] = empty
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (ClsInstDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (ClsInstDecl name) where
ppr (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = inst_ty, cid_binds = binds
, cid_sigs = sigs, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_overlap_mode = mbOverlap
@@ -1540,8 +1539,7 @@ ppOverlapPragma mb =
maybe_stext (SourceText src) _ = text src <+> text "#-}"
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (InstDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (InstDecl name) where
ppr (ClsInstD { cid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
ppr (TyFamInstD { tfid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
ppr (DataFamInstD { dfid_inst = decl }) = ppr decl
@@ -1582,8 +1580,7 @@ data DerivDecl name = DerivDecl
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (DerivDecl name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (DerivDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (DerivDecl name) where
ppr (DerivDecl { deriv_type = ty
, deriv_strategy = ds
, deriv_overlap_mode = o })
@@ -1617,8 +1614,7 @@ data DefaultDecl name
-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (DefaultDecl name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (DefaultDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (DefaultDecl name) where
ppr (DefaultDecl tys)
= text "default" <+> parens (interpp'SP tys)
@@ -1721,8 +1717,7 @@ data ForeignExport = CExport (Located CExportSpec) -- contains the calling
-- pretty printing of foreign declarations
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (ForeignDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (ForeignDecl name) where
ppr (ForeignImport { fd_name = n, fd_sig_ty = ty, fd_fi = fimport })
= hang (text "foreign import" <+> ppr fimport <+> ppr n)
2 (dcolon <+> ppr ty)
@@ -1828,14 +1823,12 @@ collectRuleBndrSigTys bndrs = [ty | RuleBndrSig _ ty <- bndrs]
pprFullRuleName :: Located (SourceText, RuleName) -> SDoc
pprFullRuleName (L _ (st, n)) = pprWithSourceText st (doubleQuotes $ ftext n)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (RuleDecls name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (RuleDecls name) where
ppr (HsRules st rules)
= pprWithSourceText st (text "{-# RULES")
<+> vcat (punctuate semi (map ppr rules)) <+> text "#-}"
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (RuleDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (RuleDecl name) where
ppr (HsRule name act ns lhs _fv_lhs rhs _fv_rhs)
= sep [pprFullRuleName name <+> ppr act,
nest 4 (pp_forall <+> pprExpr (unLoc lhs)),
@@ -1844,8 +1837,7 @@ instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
pp_forall | null ns = empty
| otherwise = forAllLit <+> fsep (map ppr ns) <> dot
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (RuleBndr name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (RuleBndr name) where
ppr (RuleBndr name) = ppr name
ppr (RuleBndrSig name ty) = parens (ppr name <> dcolon <> ppr ty)
@@ -1932,8 +1924,7 @@ lvectInstDecl (L _ (HsVectInstIn _)) = True
lvectInstDecl (L _ (HsVectInstOut _)) = True
lvectInstDecl _ = False
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (VectDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (VectDecl name) where
ppr (HsVect _ v rhs)
= sep [text "{-# VECTORISE" <+> ppr v,
nest 4 $
@@ -2054,8 +2045,7 @@ data AnnDecl name = HsAnnotation
-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (AnnDecl name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (AnnDecl name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (AnnDecl name) where
ppr (HsAnnotation _ provenance expr)
= hsep [text "{-#", pprAnnProvenance provenance, pprExpr (unLoc expr), text "#-}"]
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
index 78ee4e05a0..8cead39c68 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import HsDecls
import HsPat
import HsLit
import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,DataIdPost,
- NameOrRdrName,OutputableBndrId, HasOccNameId )
+ NameOrRdrName,OutputableBndrId )
import HsTypes
import HsBinds
@@ -134,8 +134,7 @@ mkRnSyntaxExpr name = SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = HsVar $ noLoc name
-- don't care about filling in syn_arg_wraps because we're clearly
-- not past the typechecker
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (SyntaxExpr id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (SyntaxExpr id) where
ppr (SyntaxExpr { syn_expr = expr
, syn_arg_wraps = arg_wraps
, syn_res_wrap = res_wrap })
@@ -771,17 +770,16 @@ RenamedSource that the API Annotations cannot be used directly with
RenamedSource, so this allows a simple mapping to be used based on the location.
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsExpr id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsExpr id) where
ppr expr = pprExpr expr
-- pprExpr, pprLExpr, pprBinds call pprDeeper;
-- the underscore versions do not
-pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprLExpr (L _ e) = pprExpr e
-pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id,HasOccNameId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
pprExpr e | isAtomicHsExpr e || isQuietHsExpr e = ppr_expr e
| otherwise = pprDeeper (ppr_expr e)
@@ -797,17 +795,15 @@ isQuietHsExpr (HsAppTypeOut _ _) = True
isQuietHsExpr (OpApp _ _ _ _) = True
isQuietHsExpr _ = False
-pprBinds :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR)
+pprBinds :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR)
=> HsLocalBindsLR idL idR -> SDoc
pprBinds b = pprDeeper (ppr b)
-ppr_lexpr :: (OutputableBndrId id,HasOccNameId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+ppr_lexpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
ppr_lexpr e = ppr_expr (unLoc e)
-ppr_expr :: forall id. (OutputableBndrId id,HasOccNameId id)
- => HsExpr id -> SDoc
+ppr_expr :: forall id. (OutputableBndrId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
ppr_expr (HsVar (L _ v)) = pprPrefixOcc v
ppr_expr (HsUnboundVar uv)= pprPrefixOcc (unboundVarOcc uv)
ppr_expr (HsIPVar v) = ppr v
@@ -1010,11 +1006,9 @@ ppr_expr (HsRecFld f) = ppr f
-- We must tiresomely make the "id" parameter to the LHsWcType existential
-- because it's different in the HsAppType case and the HsAppTypeOut case
-- | Located Haskell Wildcard Type Expression
-data LHsWcTypeX = forall id. (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => LHsWcTypeX (LHsWcType id)
+data LHsWcTypeX = forall id. (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsWcTypeX (LHsWcType id)
-ppr_apps :: (OutputableBndrId id,HasOccNameId id)
- => HsExpr id
+ppr_apps :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsExpr id
-> [Either (LHsExpr id) LHsWcTypeX]
-> SDoc
ppr_apps (HsApp (L _ fun) arg) args
@@ -1045,17 +1039,16 @@ fixities should do the job, except in debug mode (-dppr-debug) so we
can see the structure of the parse tree.
-pprDebugParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprDebugParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprDebugParendExpr expr
= getPprStyle (\sty ->
if debugStyle sty then pprParendLExpr expr
else pprLExpr expr)
-pprParendLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprParendLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprParendLExpr (L _ e) = pprParendExpr e
-pprParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprParendExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
pprParendExpr expr
| hsExprNeedsParens expr = parens (pprExpr expr)
| otherwise = pprExpr expr
@@ -1139,7 +1132,7 @@ data HsCmd id
(LHsExpr id) -- The operator.
-- After type-checking, a type abstraction to be
-- applied to the type of the local environment tuple
- FunctionFixity -- Whether the operator appeared prefix or infix when
+ LexicalFixity -- Whether the operator appeared prefix or infix when
-- parsed.
(Maybe Fixity) -- fixity (filled in by the renamer), for forms that
-- were converted from OpApp's by the renamer
@@ -1223,17 +1216,16 @@ data HsCmdTop id
(CmdSyntaxTable id) -- See Note [CmdSyntaxTable]
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (HsCmdTop id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => Outputable (HsCmd id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsCmd id) where
ppr cmd = pprCmd cmd
-- pprCmd and pprLCmd call pprDeeper;
-- the underscore versions do not
-pprLCmd :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccName id, HasOccName (NameOrRdrName id))
- => LHsCmd id -> SDoc
+pprLCmd :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsCmd id -> SDoc
pprLCmd (L _ c) = pprCmd c
-pprCmd :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => HsCmd id -> SDoc
+pprCmd :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsCmd id -> SDoc
pprCmd c | isQuietHsCmd c = ppr_cmd c
| otherwise = pprDeeper (ppr_cmd c)
@@ -1247,11 +1239,10 @@ isQuietHsCmd (HsCmdApp _ _) = True
isQuietHsCmd _ = False
-ppr_lcmd :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => LHsCmd id -> SDoc
+ppr_lcmd :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsCmd id -> SDoc
ppr_lcmd c = ppr_cmd (unLoc c)
-ppr_cmd :: forall id. (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => HsCmd id -> SDoc
+ppr_cmd :: forall id. (OutputableBndrId id) => HsCmd id -> SDoc
ppr_cmd (HsCmdPar c) = parens (ppr_lcmd c)
ppr_cmd (HsCmdApp c e)
@@ -1306,12 +1297,11 @@ ppr_cmd (HsCmdArrForm op _ _ args)
= hang (text "(|" <> ppr_lexpr op)
4 (sep (map (pprCmdArg.unLoc) args) <> text "|)")
-pprCmdArg :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => HsCmdTop id -> SDoc
+pprCmdArg :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsCmdTop id -> SDoc
pprCmdArg (HsCmdTop cmd _ _ _)
= ppr_lcmd cmd
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsCmdTop id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsCmdTop id) where
ppr = pprCmdArg
@@ -1376,7 +1366,7 @@ data Match id body
deriving instance (Data body,DataId id) => Data (Match id body)
-instance (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+instance (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> Outputable (Match idR body) where
ppr = pprMatch
@@ -1471,29 +1461,26 @@ deriving instance (Data body,DataId id) => Data (GRHS id body)
-- We know the list must have at least one @Match@ in it.
-pprMatches :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+pprMatches :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> MatchGroup idR body -> SDoc
pprMatches MG { mg_alts = matches }
= vcat (map pprMatch (map unLoc (unLoc matches)))
-- Don't print the type; it's only a place-holder before typechecking
-- Exported to HsBinds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
-pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> MatchGroup idR body -> SDoc
pprFunBind matches = pprMatches matches
-- Exported to HsBinds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
pprPatBind :: forall bndr id body. (OutputableBndrId bndr,
OutputableBndrId id,
- HasOccNameId id,
- HasOccNameId bndr,
Outputable body)
=> LPat bndr -> GRHSs id body -> SDoc
pprPatBind pat (grhss)
= sep [ppr pat, nest 2 (pprGRHSs (PatBindRhs :: HsMatchContext id) grhss)]
-pprMatch :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
- => Match idR body -> SDoc
+pprMatch :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body) => Match idR body -> SDoc
pprMatch match
= sep [ sep (herald : map (nest 2 . pprParendLPat) other_pats)
, nest 2 ppr_maybe_ty
@@ -1528,7 +1515,7 @@ pprMatch match
Nothing -> empty
-pprGRHSs :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+pprGRHSs :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> HsMatchContext idL -> GRHSs idR body -> SDoc
pprGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs grhss (L _ binds))
= vcat (map (pprGRHS ctxt . unLoc) grhss)
@@ -1537,7 +1524,7 @@ pprGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs grhss (L _ binds))
$$ ppUnless (eqEmptyLocalBinds binds)
(text "where" $$ nest 4 (pprBinds binds))
-pprGRHS :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+pprGRHS :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> HsMatchContext idL -> GRHS idR body -> SDoc
pprGRHS ctxt (GRHS [] body)
= pp_rhs ctxt body
@@ -1883,17 +1870,14 @@ In any other context than 'MonadComp', the fields for most of these
'SyntaxExpr's stay bottom.
-instance (OutputableBndrId idL, HasOccNameId idL)
- => Outputable (ParStmtBlock idL idR) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId idL) => Outputable (ParStmtBlock idL idR) where
ppr (ParStmtBlock stmts _ _) = interpp'SP stmts
-instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+instance (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> Outputable (StmtLR idL idR body) where
ppr stmt = pprStmt stmt
pprStmt :: forall idL idR body . (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR,
Outputable body)
=> (StmtLR idL idR body) -> SDoc
pprStmt (LastStmt expr ret_stripped _)
@@ -1957,7 +1941,7 @@ pprStmt (ApplicativeStmt args mb_join _)
(stmts ++ [noLoc (LastStmt (noLoc return) False noSyntaxExpr)]))
(error "pprStmt"))
-pprTransformStmt :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+pprTransformStmt :: (OutputableBndrId id)
=> [id] -> LHsExpr id -> Maybe (LHsExpr id) -> SDoc
pprTransformStmt bndrs using by
= sep [ text "then" <+> ifPprDebug (braces (ppr bndrs))
@@ -1974,7 +1958,7 @@ pprBy :: Outputable body => Maybe body -> SDoc
pprBy Nothing = empty
pprBy (Just e) = text "by" <+> ppr e
-pprDo :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id, Outputable body)
+pprDo :: (OutputableBndrId id, Outputable body)
=> HsStmtContext any -> [LStmt id body] -> SDoc
pprDo DoExpr stmts = text "do" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
pprDo GhciStmtCtxt stmts = text "do" <+> ppr_do_stmts stmts
@@ -1985,14 +1969,12 @@ pprDo PArrComp stmts = paBrackets $ pprComp stmts
pprDo MonadComp stmts = brackets $ pprComp stmts
pprDo _ _ = panic "pprDo" -- PatGuard, ParStmtCxt
-ppr_do_stmts :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+ppr_do_stmts :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> [LStmtLR idL idR body] -> SDoc
-- Print a bunch of do stmts
ppr_do_stmts stmts = pprDeeperList vcat (map ppr stmts)
-pprComp :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id, Outputable body)
- => [LStmt id body] -> SDoc
+pprComp :: (OutputableBndrId id, Outputable body) => [LStmt id body] -> SDoc
pprComp quals -- Prints: body | qual1, ..., qualn
| Just (initStmts, L _ (LastStmt body _ _)) <- snocView quals
= if null initStmts
@@ -2006,8 +1988,7 @@ pprComp quals -- Prints: body | qual1, ..., qualn
| otherwise
= pprPanic "pprComp" (pprQuals quals)
-pprQuals :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id, Outputable body)
- => [LStmt id body] -> SDoc
+pprQuals :: (OutputableBndrId id, Outputable body) => [LStmt id body] -> SDoc
-- Show list comprehension qualifiers separated by commas
pprQuals quals = interpp'SP quals
@@ -2181,33 +2162,29 @@ splices. In contrast, when pretty printing the output of the type checker, we
sense, although I hate to add another constructor to HsExpr.
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsSplicedThing id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsSplicedThing id) where
ppr (HsSplicedExpr e) = ppr_expr e
ppr (HsSplicedTy t) = ppr t
ppr (HsSplicedPat p) = ppr p
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsSplice id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsSplice id) where
ppr s = pprSplice s
-pprPendingSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+pprPendingSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id)
=> SplicePointName -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprPendingSplice n e = angleBrackets (ppr n <> comma <+> ppr e)
-pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId id)
=> HsSplice id -> SpliceExplicitFlag -> SDoc
pprSpliceDecl e@HsQuasiQuote{} _ = pprSplice e
pprSpliceDecl e ExplicitSplice = text "$(" <> ppr_splice_decl e <> text ")"
pprSpliceDecl e ImplicitSplice = ppr_splice_decl e
-ppr_splice_decl :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => HsSplice id -> SDoc
+ppr_splice_decl :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsSplice id -> SDoc
ppr_splice_decl (HsUntypedSplice _ n e) = ppr_splice empty n e empty
ppr_splice_decl e = pprSplice e
-pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => HsSplice id -> SDoc
+pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsSplice id -> SDoc
pprSplice (HsTypedSplice HasParens n e)
= ppr_splice (text "$$(") n e (text ")")
pprSplice (HsTypedSplice NoParens n e)
@@ -2224,7 +2201,7 @@ ppr_quasi n quoter quote = ifPprDebug (brackets (ppr n)) <>
char '[' <> ppr quoter <> vbar <>
ppr quote <> text "|]"
-ppr_splice :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+ppr_splice :: (OutputableBndrId id)
=> SDoc -> id -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppr_splice herald n e trail
= herald <> ifPprDebug (brackets (ppr n)) <> ppr e <> trail
@@ -2244,21 +2221,20 @@ isTypedBracket :: HsBracket id -> Bool
isTypedBracket (TExpBr {}) = True
isTypedBracket _ = False
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsBracket id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsBracket id) where
ppr = pprHsBracket
-pprHsBracket :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => HsBracket id -> SDoc
+pprHsBracket :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsBracket id -> SDoc
pprHsBracket (ExpBr e) = thBrackets empty (ppr e)
pprHsBracket (PatBr p) = thBrackets (char 'p') (ppr p)
pprHsBracket (DecBrG gp) = thBrackets (char 'd') (ppr gp)
pprHsBracket (DecBrL ds) = thBrackets (char 'd') (vcat (map ppr ds))
pprHsBracket (TypBr t) = thBrackets (char 't') (ppr t)
pprHsBracket (VarBr True n)
- = char '\'' <> pprPrefixVar (isSymOcc $ occName n) (ppr n)
+ = char '\'' <> pprPrefixOcc n
pprHsBracket (VarBr False n)
- = text "''" <> pprPrefixVar (isSymOcc $ occName n) (ppr n)
+ = text "''" <> pprPrefixOcc n
pprHsBracket (TExpBr e) = thTyBrackets (ppr e)
thBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
@@ -2294,7 +2270,7 @@ data ArithSeqInfo id
(LHsExpr id)
deriving instance (DataId id) => Data (ArithSeqInfo id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccName id, HasOccName (NameOrRdrName id))
+instance (OutputableBndrId id)
=> Outputable (ArithSeqInfo id) where
ppr (From e1) = hcat [ppr e1, pp_dotdot]
ppr (FromThen e1 e2) = hcat [ppr e1, comma, space, ppr e2, pp_dotdot]
@@ -2313,17 +2289,11 @@ pp_dotdot = text " .. "
-data FunctionFixity = Prefix | Infix deriving (Typeable,Data,Eq)
-instance Outputable FunctionFixity where
- ppr Prefix = text "Prefix"
- ppr Infix = text "Infix"
-- | Haskell Match Context
-- Context of a Match
data HsMatchContext id
- = FunRhs (Located id) FunctionFixity -- ^Function binding for f, fixity
+ = FunRhs (Located id) LexicalFixity -- ^Function binding for f, fixity
| LambdaExpr -- ^Patterns of a lambda
| CaseAlt -- ^Patterns and guards on a case alternative
| IfAlt -- ^Guards of a multi-way if alternative
@@ -2482,7 +2452,7 @@ matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt ListComp) = text "list comprehension"
matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt MonadComp) = text "monad comprehension"
matchContextErrString (StmtCtxt PArrComp) = text "array comprehension"
-pprMatchInCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR,
+pprMatchInCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId idR,
Outputable (NameOrRdrName (NameOrRdrName idR)),
Outputable body)
=> Match idR body -> SDoc
@@ -2491,7 +2461,6 @@ pprMatchInCtxt match = hang (text "In" <+> pprMatchContext (m_ctxt match)
4 (pprMatch match)
pprStmtInCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId idL, OutputableBndrId idR,
- HasOccNameId idL, HasOccNameId idR,
Outputable body)
=> HsStmtContext idL -> StmtLR idL idR body -> SDoc
pprStmtInCtxt ctxt (LastStmt e _ _)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs-boot b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs-boot
index 070465e1cc..dad2a78185 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hs-boot
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import SrcLoc ( Located )
import Outputable ( SDoc, Outputable )
import {-# SOURCE #-} HsPat ( LPat )
import BasicTypes ( SpliceExplicitFlag(..))
-import PlaceHolder ( DataId, OutputableBndrId, HasOccNameId )
+import PlaceHolder ( DataId, OutputableBndrId )
import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
type role HsExpr nominal
@@ -34,27 +34,24 @@ instance (Data body,DataId id) => Data (MatchGroup id body)
instance (Data body,DataId id) => Data (GRHSs id body)
instance (DataId id) => Data (SyntaxExpr id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => Outputable (HsExpr id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => Outputable (HsCmd id)
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsExpr id)
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsCmd id)
type LHsExpr a = Located (HsExpr a)
-pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprLExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
-pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id,HasOccNameId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
+pprExpr :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsExpr id -> SDoc
-pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => HsSplice id -> SDoc
+pprSplice :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsSplice id -> SDoc
-pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+pprSpliceDecl :: (OutputableBndrId id)
=> HsSplice id -> SpliceExplicitFlag -> SDoc
pprPatBind :: (OutputableBndrId bndr,
OutputableBndrId id,
- HasOccNameId id,
- HasOccNameId bndr,
Outputable body)
=> LPat bndr -> GRHSs id body -> SDoc
-pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId idR, HasOccNameId idR, Outputable body)
+pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndrId idR, Outputable body)
=> MatchGroup idR body -> SDoc
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
index e513fe9e00..fe60748602 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import BasicTypes ( FractionalLit(..),SourceText(..),pprWithSourceText )
import Type ( Type )
import Outputable
import FastString
-import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,OutputableBndrId, HasOccNameId )
+import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,OutputableBndrId )
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
@@ -185,8 +185,7 @@ pp_st_suffix NoSourceText _ doc = doc
pp_st_suffix (SourceText st) suffix _ = text st <> suffix
-- in debug mode, print the expression that it's resolved to, too
-instance (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => Outputable (HsOverLit id) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId id) => Outputable (HsOverLit id) where
ppr (OverLit {ol_val=val, ol_witness=witness})
= ppr val <+> (ifPprDebug (parens (pprExpr witness)))
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
index 853e8cb70d..c29f0c25be 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs
@@ -409,8 +409,7 @@ hsRecUpdFieldOcc = fmap unambiguousFieldOcc . hsRecFieldLbl
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (Pat name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (Pat name) where
ppr = pprPat
pprPatBndr :: OutputableBndr name => name -> SDoc
@@ -422,11 +421,10 @@ pprPatBndr var -- Print with type info if -dppr-debug is on
pprPrefixOcc var
-pprParendLPat :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => LPat name -> SDoc
+pprParendLPat :: (OutputableBndrId name) => LPat name -> SDoc
pprParendLPat (L _ p) = pprParendPat p
-pprParendPat :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name) => Pat name -> SDoc
+pprParendPat :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> SDoc
pprParendPat p = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
if need_parens dflags p
then parens (pprPat p)
@@ -440,7 +438,7 @@ pprParendPat p = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
-- But otherwise the CoPat is discarded, so it
-- is the pattern inside that matters. Sigh.
-pprPat :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name) => Pat name -> SDoc
+pprPat :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> SDoc
pprPat (VarPat (L _ var)) = pprPatBndr var
pprPat (WildPat _) = char '_'
pprPat (LazyPat pat) = char '~' <> pprParendLPat pat
@@ -477,13 +475,12 @@ pprPat (ConPatOut { pat_con = con, pat_tvs = tvs, pat_dicts = dicts,
else pprUserCon (unLoc con) details
-pprUserCon :: (OutputableBndr con, OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
+pprUserCon :: (OutputableBndr con, OutputableBndrId id)
=> con -> HsConPatDetails id -> SDoc
pprUserCon c (InfixCon p1 p2) = ppr p1 <+> pprInfixOcc c <+> ppr p2
pprUserCon c details = pprPrefixOcc c <+> pprConArgs details
-pprConArgs :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id)
- => HsConPatDetails id -> SDoc
+pprConArgs :: (OutputableBndrId id) => HsConPatDetails id -> SDoc
pprConArgs (PrefixCon pats) = sep (map pprParendLPat pats)
pprConArgs (InfixCon p1 p2) = sep [pprParendLPat p1, pprParendLPat p2]
pprConArgs (RecCon rpats) = ppr rpats
@@ -598,7 +595,7 @@ looksLazyLPat (L _ (VarPat {})) = False
looksLazyLPat (L _ (WildPat {})) = False
looksLazyLPat _ = True
-isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => LPat id -> Bool
+isIrrefutableHsPat :: (OutputableBndrId id) => LPat id -> Bool
-- (isIrrefutableHsPat p) is true if matching against p cannot fail,
-- in the sense of falling through to the next pattern.
-- (NB: this is not quite the same as the (silly) defn
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
index 8bcaa5a1e0..aba5686085 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.hs-boot
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import SrcLoc( Located )
import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
import Outputable
-import PlaceHolder ( DataId, OutputableBndrId,HasOccNameId )
+import PlaceHolder ( DataId, OutputableBndrId )
type role Pat nominal
data Pat (i :: *)
type LPat i = Located (Pat i)
instance (DataId id) => Data (Pat id)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name) => Outputable (Pat name)
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (Pat name)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.hs
index 93e43546a9..e7cae91572 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.hs
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import HsTypes
import BasicTypes ( Fixity, WarningTxt )
import HsUtils
import HsDoc
+import OccName ( HasOccName(..) )
-- others:
import Outputable
@@ -108,8 +109,8 @@ data HsModule name
-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (HsModule name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsModule name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccName name)
+ => Outputable (HsModule name) where
ppr (HsModule Nothing _ imports decls _ mbDoc)
= pp_mb mbDoc $$ pp_nonnull imports
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
index e3e5246f4b..53f200fab4 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.hs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ module HsTypes (
import {-# SOURCE #-} HsExpr ( HsSplice, pprSplice )
import PlaceHolder ( PostTc,PostRn,DataId,PlaceHolder(..),
- OutputableBndrId, HasOccNameId )
+ OutputableBndrId )
import Id ( Id )
import Name( Name )
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ import Outputable
import FastString
import Maybes( isJust )
-import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity )
+import Data.Data hiding ( Fixity, Prefix, Infix )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Control.Monad ( unless )
@@ -610,8 +610,7 @@ data HsAppType name
| HsAppPrefix (LHsType name) -- anything else, including things like (+)
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (HsAppType name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsAppType name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsAppType name) where
ppr = ppr_app_ty TopPrec
@@ -755,8 +754,7 @@ data ConDeclField name -- Record fields have Haddoc docs on them
-- For details on above see note [Api annotations] in ApiAnnotation
deriving instance (DataId name) => Data (ConDeclField name)
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (ConDeclField name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (ConDeclField name) where
ppr (ConDeclField fld_n fld_ty _) = ppr fld_n <+> dcolon <+> ppr fld_ty
-- HsConDetails is used for patterns/expressions *and* for data type
@@ -969,13 +967,14 @@ splitHsFunType other = ([], other)
-- | Retrieves the head of an HsAppsTy, if this can be done unambiguously,
-- without consulting fixities.
-getAppsTyHead_maybe :: [LHsAppType name] -> Maybe (LHsType name, [LHsType name])
+getAppsTyHead_maybe :: [LHsAppType name]
+ -> Maybe (LHsType name, [LHsType name], LexicalFixity)
getAppsTyHead_maybe tys = case splitHsAppsTy tys of
([app1:apps], []) -> -- no symbols, some normal types
- Just (mkHsAppTys app1 apps, [])
+ Just (mkHsAppTys app1 apps, [], Prefix)
([app1l:appsl, app1r:appsr], [L loc op]) -> -- one operator
Just ( L loc (HsTyVar NotPromoted (L loc op))
- , [mkHsAppTys app1l appsl, mkHsAppTys app1r appsr])
+ , [mkHsAppTys app1l appsl, mkHsAppTys app1r appsr], Infix)
_ -> -- can't figure it out
@@ -1003,7 +1002,7 @@ hsTyGetAppHead_maybe = go []
go tys (L _ (HsTyVar _ ln)) = Just (ln, tys)
go tys (L _ (HsAppsTy apps))
- | Just (head, args) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe apps
+ | Just (head, args, _) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe apps
= go (args ++ tys) head
go tys (L _ (HsAppTy l r)) = go (r : tys) l
go tys (L _ (HsOpTy l (L loc n) r)) = Just (L loc n, l : r : tys)
@@ -1152,19 +1151,16 @@ ambiguousFieldOcc (FieldOcc rdr sel) = Unambiguous rdr sel
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsType name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsType name) where
ppr ty = pprHsType ty
instance Outputable HsTyLit where
ppr = ppr_tylit
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (LHsQTyVars name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (LHsQTyVars name) where
ppr (HsQTvs { hsq_explicit = tvs }) = interppSP tvs
-instance (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Outputable (HsTyVarBndr name) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId name) => Outputable (HsTyVarBndr name) where
ppr (UserTyVar n) = ppr n
ppr (KindedTyVar n k) = parens $ hsep [ppr n, dcolon, ppr k]
@@ -1177,7 +1173,7 @@ instance (Outputable thing) => Outputable (HsWildCardBndrs name thing) where
instance Outputable (HsWildCardInfo name) where
ppr (AnonWildCard _) = char '_'
-pprHsForAll :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pprHsForAll :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> LHsContext name -> SDoc
pprHsForAll = pprHsForAllExtra Nothing
@@ -1188,7 +1184,7 @@ pprHsForAll = pprHsForAllExtra Nothing
-- function for this is needed, as the extra-constraints wildcard is removed
-- from the actual context and type, and stored in a separate field, thus just
-- printing the type will not print the extra-constraints wildcard.
-pprHsForAllExtra :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+pprHsForAllExtra :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> Maybe SrcSpan -> [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> LHsContext name
-> SDoc
pprHsForAllExtra extra qtvs cxt
@@ -1196,38 +1192,32 @@ pprHsForAllExtra extra qtvs cxt
show_extra = isJust extra
-pprHsForAllTvs :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> SDoc
+pprHsForAllTvs :: (OutputableBndrId name) => [LHsTyVarBndr name] -> SDoc
pprHsForAllTvs qtvs
| show_forall = forAllLit <+> interppSP qtvs <> dot
| otherwise = empty
show_forall = opt_PprStyle_Debug || not (null qtvs)
-pprHsContext :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => HsContext name -> SDoc
+pprHsContext :: (OutputableBndrId name) => HsContext name -> SDoc
pprHsContext = maybe empty (<+> darrow) . pprHsContextMaybe
-pprHsContextNoArrow :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => HsContext name -> SDoc
+pprHsContextNoArrow :: (OutputableBndrId name) => HsContext name -> SDoc
pprHsContextNoArrow = fromMaybe empty . pprHsContextMaybe
-pprHsContextMaybe :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => HsContext name -> Maybe SDoc
+pprHsContextMaybe :: (OutputableBndrId name) => HsContext name -> Maybe SDoc
pprHsContextMaybe [] = Nothing
pprHsContextMaybe [L _ pred] = Just $ ppr_mono_ty FunPrec pred
pprHsContextMaybe cxt = Just $ parens (interpp'SP cxt)
-- For use in a HsQualTy, which always gets printed if it exists.
-pprHsContextAlways :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => HsContext name -> SDoc
+pprHsContextAlways :: (OutputableBndrId name) => HsContext name -> SDoc
pprHsContextAlways [] = parens empty <+> darrow
pprHsContextAlways [L _ ty] = ppr_mono_ty FunPrec ty <+> darrow
pprHsContextAlways cxt = parens (interpp'SP cxt) <+> darrow
-- True <=> print an extra-constraints wildcard, e.g. @(Show a, _) =>@
-pprHsContextExtra :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Bool -> HsContext name -> SDoc
+pprHsContextExtra :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Bool -> HsContext name -> SDoc
pprHsContextExtra show_extra ctxt
| not show_extra
= pprHsContext ctxt
@@ -1238,8 +1228,7 @@ pprHsContextExtra show_extra ctxt
ctxt' = map ppr ctxt ++ [char '_']
-pprConDeclFields :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => [LConDeclField name] -> SDoc
+pprConDeclFields :: (OutputableBndrId name) => [LConDeclField name] -> SDoc
pprConDeclFields fields = braces (sep (punctuate comma (map ppr_fld fields)))
ppr_fld (L _ (ConDeclField { cd_fld_names = ns, cd_fld_type = ty,
@@ -1263,18 +1252,15 @@ seems like the Right Thing anyway.)
-- Printing works more-or-less as for Types
-pprHsType, pprParendHsType :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => HsType name -> SDoc
+pprHsType, pprParendHsType :: (OutputableBndrId name) => HsType name -> SDoc
pprHsType ty = ppr_mono_ty TopPrec ty
pprParendHsType ty = ppr_mono_ty TyConPrec ty
-ppr_mono_lty :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => TyPrec -> LHsType name -> SDoc
+ppr_mono_lty :: (OutputableBndrId name) => TyPrec -> LHsType name -> SDoc
ppr_mono_lty ctxt_prec ty = ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (unLoc ty)
-ppr_mono_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => TyPrec -> HsType name -> SDoc
+ppr_mono_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name) => TyPrec -> HsType name -> SDoc
ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsForAllTy { hst_bndrs = tvs, hst_body = ty })
= maybeParen ctxt_prec FunPrec $
sep [pprHsForAllTvs tvs, ppr_mono_lty TopPrec ty]
@@ -1337,7 +1323,7 @@ ppr_mono_ty ctxt_prec (HsDocTy ty doc)
-- postfix operators
-ppr_fun_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
+ppr_fun_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name)
=> TyPrec -> LHsType name -> LHsType name -> SDoc
ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2
= let p1 = ppr_mono_lty FunPrec ty1
@@ -1347,8 +1333,7 @@ ppr_fun_ty ctxt_prec ty1 ty2
sep [p1, text "->" <+> p2]
-ppr_app_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => TyPrec -> HsAppType name -> SDoc
+ppr_app_ty :: (OutputableBndrId name) => TyPrec -> HsAppType name -> SDoc
ppr_app_ty _ (HsAppInfix (L _ n)) = pprInfixOcc n
ppr_app_ty _ (HsAppPrefix (L _ (HsTyVar NotPromoted (L _ n))))
= pprPrefixOcc n
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/PlaceHolder.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/PlaceHolder.hs
index c29e8f9cb4..2e195df799 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/PlaceHolder.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/PlaceHolder.hs
@@ -142,10 +142,3 @@ type OutputableBndrId id =
( OutputableBndr id
, OutputableBndr (NameOrRdrName id)
--- |Constraint type to bundle up the requirement for 'HasOccName' on both
--- the @id@ and the 'NameOrRdrName' type for it
-type HasOccNameId id =
- ( HasOccName id
- , HasOccName (NameOrRdrName id)
- )
diff --git a/compiler/main/GHC.hs b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
index 3345ddfe22..cf066d0ea7 100644
--- a/compiler/main/GHC.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/GHC.hs
@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ module GHC (
defaultFixity, maxPrecedence,
+ LexicalFixity(..),
-- ** Source locations
SrcLoc(..), RealSrcLoc,
diff --git a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
index d964cc2469..2c9600427c 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.hs
@@ -137,11 +137,12 @@ mkClassDecl :: SrcSpan
mkClassDecl loc (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) fds where_cls
= do { (binds, sigs, ats, at_insts, _, docs) <- cvBindsAndSigs where_cls
; let cxt = fromMaybe (noLoc []) mcxt
- ; (cls, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr True tycl_hdr
+ ; (cls, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr True tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "class") whereDots cls tparams
; at_defs <- mapM (eitherToP . mkATDefault) at_insts
; return (L loc (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = cxt, tcdLName = cls, tcdTyVars = tyvars
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
, tcdFDs = snd (unLoc fds)
, tcdSigs = mkClassOpSigs sigs
, tcdMeths = binds
@@ -157,10 +158,12 @@ mkATDefault :: LTyFamInstDecl RdrName
-- We use the Either monad because this also called
-- from Convert.hs
mkATDefault (L loc (TyFamInstDecl { tfid_eqn = L _ e }))
- | TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc, tfe_pats = pats, tfe_rhs = rhs } <- e
+ | TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc, tfe_pats = pats, tfe_fixity = fixity
+ , tfe_rhs = rhs } <- e
= do { tvs <- checkTyVars (text "default") equalsDots tc (hsib_body pats)
; return (L loc (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc
, tfe_pats = tvs
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs })) }
mkTyData :: SrcSpan
@@ -172,11 +175,12 @@ mkTyData :: SrcSpan
-> HsDeriving RdrName
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkTyData loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
- = do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
+ = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr new_or_data) equalsDots tc tparams
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
; return (L loc (DataDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity,
tcdDataDefn = defn,
tcdDataCusk = PlaceHolder,
tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })) }
@@ -203,19 +207,21 @@ mkTySynonym :: SrcSpan
-> LHsType RdrName -- RHS
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkTySynonym loc lhs rhs
- = do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
+ = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (text "type") equalsDots tc tparams
; return (L loc (SynDecl { tcdLName = tc, tcdTyVars = tyvars
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
, tcdRhs = rhs, tcdFVs = placeHolderNames })) }
mkTyFamInstEqn :: LHsType RdrName
-> LHsType RdrName
-> P (TyFamInstEqn RdrName,[AddAnn])
mkTyFamInstEqn lhs rhs
- = do { (tc, tparams, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
+ = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; return (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tc
, tfe_pats = mkHsImplicitBndrs tparams
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs },
ann) }
@@ -228,12 +234,13 @@ mkDataFamInst :: SrcSpan
-> HsDeriving RdrName
-> P (LInstDecl RdrName)
mkDataFamInst loc new_or_data cType (L _ (mcxt, tycl_hdr)) ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
- = do { (tc, tparams,ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
+ = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False tycl_hdr
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; defn <- mkDataDefn new_or_data cType mcxt ksig data_cons maybe_deriv
; return (L loc (DataFamInstD (
DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tc
, dfid_pats = mkHsImplicitBndrs tparams
+ , dfid_fixity = fixity
, dfid_defn = defn, dfid_fvs = placeHolderNames }))) }
mkTyFamInst :: SrcSpan
@@ -250,11 +257,12 @@ mkFamDecl :: SrcSpan
-> Maybe (LInjectivityAnn RdrName) -- Injectivity annotation
-> P (LTyClDecl RdrName)
mkFamDecl loc info lhs ksig injAnn
- = do { (tc, tparams, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
+ = do { (tc, tparams, fixity, ann) <- checkTyClHdr False lhs
; mapM_ (\a -> a loc) ann -- Add any API Annotations to the top SrcSpan
; tyvars <- checkTyVarsP (ppr info) equals_or_where tc tparams
; return (L loc (FamDecl (FamilyDecl{ fdInfo = info, fdLName = tc
, fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdFixity = fixity
, fdResultSig = ksig
, fdInjectivityAnn = injAnn }))) }
@@ -722,39 +730,41 @@ checkTyClHdr :: Bool -- True <=> class header
-> LHsType RdrName
-> P (Located RdrName, -- the head symbol (type or class name)
[LHsType RdrName], -- parameters of head symbol
+ LexicalFixity, -- the declaration is in infix format
[AddAnn]) -- API Annotation for HsParTy when stripping parens
-- Well-formedness check and decomposition of type and class heads.
-- Decomposes T ty1 .. tyn into (T, [ty1, ..., tyn])
-- Int :*: Bool into (:*:, [Int, Bool])
-- returning the pieces
checkTyClHdr is_cls ty
- = goL ty [] []
+ = goL ty [] [] Prefix
- goL (L l ty) acc ann = go l ty acc ann
- go l (HsTyVar _ (L _ tc)) acc ann
- | isRdrTc tc = return (L l tc, acc, ann)
- go _ (HsOpTy t1 ltc@(L _ tc) t2) acc ann
- | isRdrTc tc = return (ltc, t1:t2:acc, ann)
- go l (HsParTy ty) acc ann = goL ty acc (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l)
- go _ (HsAppTy t1 t2) acc ann = goL t1 (t2:acc) ann
- go _ (HsAppsTy ts) acc ann
- | Just (head, args) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe ts = goL head (args ++ acc) ann
- go _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppInfix (L loc star))]) [] ann
+ goL (L l ty) acc ann fix = go l ty acc ann fix
+ go l (HsTyVar _ (L _ tc)) acc ann fix
+ | isRdrTc tc = return (L l tc, acc, fix, ann)
+ go _ (HsOpTy t1 ltc@(L _ tc) t2) acc ann _fix
+ | isRdrTc tc = return (ltc, t1:t2:acc, Infix, ann)
+ go l (HsParTy ty) acc ann fix = goL ty acc (ann ++ mkParensApiAnn l) fix
+ go _ (HsAppTy t1 t2) acc ann fix = goL t1 (t2:acc) ann fix
+ go _ (HsAppsTy ts) acc ann _fix
+ | Just (head, args, fixity) <- getAppsTyHead_maybe ts
+ = goL head (args ++ acc) ann fixity
+ go _ (HsAppsTy [L _ (HsAppInfix (L loc star))]) [] ann fix
| occNameFS (rdrNameOcc star) == fsLit "*"
- = return (L loc (nameRdrName starKindTyConName), [], ann)
+ = return (L loc (nameRdrName starKindTyConName), [], fix, ann)
| occNameFS (rdrNameOcc star) == fsLit "★"
- = return (L loc (nameRdrName unicodeStarKindTyConName), [], ann)
+ = return (L loc (nameRdrName unicodeStarKindTyConName), [], fix, ann)
- go l (HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts) [] ann
- = return (L l (nameRdrName tup_name), ts, ann)
+ go l (HsTupleTy HsBoxedOrConstraintTuple ts) [] ann fix
+ = return (L l (nameRdrName tup_name), ts, fix, ann)
arity = length ts
tup_name | is_cls = cTupleTyConName arity
| otherwise = getName (tupleTyCon Boxed arity)
-- See Note [Unit tuples] in HsTypes (TODO: is this still relevant?)
- go l _ _ _
+ go l _ _ _ _
= parseErrorSDoc l (text "Malformed head of type or class declaration:"
<+> ppr ty)
@@ -926,7 +936,7 @@ checkFunBind :: SDoc
-> [AddAnn]
-> SrcSpan
-> Located RdrName
- -> FunctionFixity
+ -> LexicalFixity
-> [LHsExpr RdrName]
-> Maybe (LHsType RdrName)
-> Located (GRHSs RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName))
@@ -1031,7 +1041,7 @@ splitBang (L _ (OpApp l_arg bang@(L _ (HsVar (L _ op))) _ r_arg))
splitBang _ = Nothing
isFunLhs :: LHsExpr RdrName
- -> P (Maybe (Located RdrName, FunctionFixity, [LHsExpr RdrName],[AddAnn]))
+ -> P (Maybe (Located RdrName, LexicalFixity, [LHsExpr RdrName],[AddAnn]))
-- A variable binding is parsed as a FunBind.
-- Just (fun, is_infix, arg_pats) if e is a function LHS
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
index 56830861d2..c232e76ea0 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import NameSet
import RdrName ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc )
import SrcLoc
import ListSetOps ( findDupsEq )
-import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..) )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..), LexicalFixity(..) )
import Digraph ( SCC(..) )
import Bag
import Util
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
index 4d0f926b83..65acf808ab 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
@@ -798,11 +798,13 @@ rnTyFamInstEqn :: Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> RnM (TyFamInstEqn Name, FreeVars)
rnTyFamInstEqn mb_cls (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
, tfe_pats = pats
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs })
= do { (tycon', pats', rhs', fvs) <-
rnFamInstDecl (TySynCtx tycon) mb_cls tycon pats rhs rnTySyn
; return (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon'
, tfe_pats = pats'
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs' }, fvs) }
rnTyFamDefltEqn :: Name
@@ -810,12 +812,14 @@ rnTyFamDefltEqn :: Name
-> RnM (TyFamDefltEqn Name, FreeVars)
rnTyFamDefltEqn cls (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon
, tfe_pats = tyvars
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs })
= bindHsQTyVars ctx Nothing (Just cls) [] tyvars $ \ tyvars' _ ->
do { tycon' <- lookupFamInstName (Just cls) tycon
; (rhs', fvs) <- rnLHsType ctx rhs
; return (TyFamEqn { tfe_tycon = tycon'
, tfe_pats = tyvars'
+ , tfe_fixity = fixity
, tfe_rhs = rhs' }, fvs) }
ctx = TyFamilyCtx tycon
@@ -825,11 +829,13 @@ rnDataFamInstDecl :: Maybe (Name, [Name])
-> RnM (DataFamInstDecl Name, FreeVars)
rnDataFamInstDecl mb_cls (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tycon
, dfid_pats = pats
+ , dfid_fixity = fixity
, dfid_defn = defn })
= do { (tycon', pats', (defn', _), fvs) <-
rnFamInstDecl (TyDataCtx tycon) mb_cls tycon pats defn rnDataDefn
; return (DataFamInstDecl { dfid_tycon = tycon'
, dfid_pats = pats'
+ , dfid_fixity = fixity
, dfid_defn = defn'
, dfid_fvs = fvs }, fvs) }
@@ -1632,7 +1638,8 @@ rnTyClDecl (FamDecl { tcdFam = decl })
= do { (decl', fvs) <- rnFamDecl Nothing decl
; return (FamDecl decl', fvs) }
-rnTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdRhs = rhs })
+rnTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity, tcdRhs = rhs })
= do { tycon' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn tycon
; kvs <- freeKiTyVarsKindVars <$> extractHsTyRdrTyVars rhs
; let doc = TySynCtx tycon
@@ -1642,11 +1649,13 @@ rnTyClDecl (SynDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdRhs = rhs })
do { (rhs', fvs) <- rnTySyn doc rhs
; return ((tyvars', rhs'), fvs) }
; return (SynDecl { tcdLName = tycon', tcdTyVars = tyvars'
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
, tcdRhs = rhs', tcdFVs = fvs }, fvs) }
-- "data", "newtype" declarations
-- both top level and (for an associated type) in an instance decl
-rnTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdDataDefn = defn })
+rnTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars,
+ tcdFixity = fixity, tcdDataDefn = defn })
= do { tycon' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn tycon
; kvs <- extractDataDefnKindVars defn
; let doc = TyDataCtx tycon
@@ -1662,11 +1671,13 @@ rnTyClDecl (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon, tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdDataDefn = defn
; let cusk = hsTvbAllKinded tyvars' &&
(not typeintype || no_kvs)
; return (DataDecl { tcdLName = tycon', tcdTyVars = tyvars'
+ , tcdFixity = fixity
, tcdDataDefn = defn', tcdDataCusk = cusk
, tcdFVs = fvs }, fvs) }
rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
- tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs,
+ tcdTyVars = tyvars, tcdFixity = fixity,
+ tcdFDs = fds, tcdSigs = sigs,
tcdMeths = mbinds, tcdATs = ats, tcdATDefs = at_defs,
tcdDocs = docs})
= do { lcls' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn lcls
@@ -1720,7 +1731,8 @@ rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = lcls,
; let all_fvs = meth_fvs `plusFV` stuff_fvs `plusFV` fv_at_defs
; return (ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context', tcdLName = lcls',
- tcdTyVars = tyvars', tcdFDs = fds', tcdSigs = sigs',
+ tcdTyVars = tyvars', tcdFixity = fixity,
+ tcdFDs = fds', tcdSigs = sigs',
tcdMeths = mbinds', tcdATs = ats', tcdATDefs = at_defs',
tcdDocs = docs', tcdFVs = all_fvs },
all_fvs ) }
@@ -1811,6 +1823,7 @@ rnFamDecl :: Maybe Name -- Just cls => this FamilyDecl is nested
-> FamilyDecl RdrName
-> RnM (FamilyDecl Name, FreeVars)
rnFamDecl mb_cls (FamilyDecl { fdLName = tycon, fdTyVars = tyvars
+ , fdFixity = fixity
, fdInfo = info, fdResultSig = res_sig
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity })
= do { tycon' <- lookupLocatedTopBndrRn tycon
@@ -1825,6 +1838,7 @@ rnFamDecl mb_cls (FamilyDecl { fdLName = tycon, fdTyVars = tyvars
; return ( (tyvars', res_sig', injectivity') , fv_kind ) }
; (info', fv2) <- rn_info info
; return (FamilyDecl { fdLName = tycon', fdTyVars = tyvars'
+ , fdFixity = fixity
, fdInfo = info', fdResultSig = res_sig'
, fdInjectivityAnn = injectivity' }
, fv1 `plusFV` fv2) }
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
index 00e27152de..f3fcf88ade 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import FieldLabel
import Util
import BasicTypes ( compareFixity, funTyFixity, negateFixity,
- Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..) )
+ Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), LexicalFixity(..) )
import Outputable
import FastString
import Maybes
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcAnnotations.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcAnnotations.hs
index ddd29b13ed..33eb83b401 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcAnnotations.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcAnnotations.hs
@@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ annProvenanceToTarget _ (TypeAnnProvenance (L _ name)) = NamedTarget name
annProvenanceToTarget mod ModuleAnnProvenance = ModuleTarget mod
-annCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id) => AnnDecl id -> SDoc
+annCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId id) => AnnDecl id -> SDoc
annCtxt ann
= hang (text "In the annotation:") 2 (ppr ann)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
index 31d650d6dc..2206480585 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.hs
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ the common case.) -}
-- This one is called on LHS, when pat and grhss are both Name
-- and on RHS, when pat is TcId and grhss is still Name
-patMonoBindsCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId id, HasOccNameId id, Outputable body)
+patMonoBindsCtxt :: (OutputableBndrId id, Outputable body)
=> LPat id -> GRHSs Name body -> SDoc
patMonoBindsCtxt pat grhss
= hang (text "In a pattern binding:") 2 (pprPatBind pat grhss)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
index 0d4b8f5609..6135800752 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.hs
@@ -827,11 +827,10 @@ data InstBindings a
-- Used only to improve error messages
-instance (OutputableBndrId a, HasOccNameId a) => Outputable (InstInfo a) where
+instance (OutputableBndrId a) => Outputable (InstInfo a) where
ppr = pprInstInfoDetails
-pprInstInfoDetails :: (OutputableBndrId a, HasOccNameId a)
- => InstInfo a -> SDoc
+pprInstInfoDetails :: (OutputableBndrId a) => InstInfo a -> SDoc
pprInstInfoDetails info
= hang (pprInstanceHdr (iSpec info) <+> text "where")
2 (details (iBinds info))
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
index 96dfd4cb61..1f0df61770 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module TcGenFunctor (
gen_Functor_binds, gen_Foldable_binds, gen_Traversable_binds
) where
+import BasicTypes ( LexicalFixity(..) )
import Bag
import DataCon
import FastString
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
index 01586c0230..fcb48ce512 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module TcMatches ( tcMatchesFun, tcGRHS, tcGRHSsPat, tcMatchesCase, tcMatchLambd
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcExpr( tcSyntaxOp, tcInferSigmaNC, tcInferSigma
, tcCheckId, tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC, tcPolyExpr )
+import BasicTypes ( LexicalFixity(..) )
import HsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
index 10e50d40ae..b1d444aee5 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.hs
@@ -1186,8 +1186,7 @@ polyPatSig sig_ty
= hang (text "Illegal polymorphic type signature in pattern:")
2 (ppr sig_ty)
-lazyUnliftedPatErr :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Pat name -> TcM ()
+lazyUnliftedPatErr :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> TcM ()
lazyUnliftedPatErr pat
= failWithTc $
hang (text "A lazy (~) pattern cannot contain unlifted types:")
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
index 3e6897117b..47a27b3853 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.hs
@@ -764,22 +764,19 @@ tcCheckPatSynPat = go
go1 SigPatOut{} = panic "SigPatOut in output of renamer"
go1 CoPat{} = panic "CoPat in output of renamer"
-asPatInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Pat name -> TcM a
+asPatInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> TcM a
asPatInPatSynErr pat
= failWithTc $
hang (text "Pattern synonym definition cannot contain as-patterns (@):")
2 (ppr pat)
-thInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Pat name -> TcM a
+thInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> TcM a
thInPatSynErr pat
= failWithTc $
hang (text "Pattern synonym definition cannot contain Template Haskell:")
2 (ppr pat)
-nPlusKPatInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name, HasOccNameId name)
- => Pat name -> TcM a
+nPlusKPatInPatSynErr :: (OutputableBndrId name) => Pat name -> TcM a
nPlusKPatInPatSynErr pat
= failWithTc $
hang (text "Pattern synonym definition cannot contain n+k-pattern:")
diff --git a/compiler/utils/BooleanFormula.hs b/compiler/utils/BooleanFormula.hs
index ec9a8892c6..13f6e21f31 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/BooleanFormula.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/BooleanFormula.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import MonadUtils
import Outputable
import Binary
import SrcLoc
-import OccName ( HasOccName(..), isSymOcc )
-- Boolean formula type and smart constructors
@@ -201,14 +200,14 @@ pprBooleanFormulaNice = pprBooleanFormula' pprVar pprAnd pprOr 0
pprAnd' xs@(_:_) = fsep (punctuate comma (init xs)) <> text ", and" <+> last xs
pprOr p xs = cparen (p > 1) $ text "either" <+> sep (intersperse (text "or") xs)
-instance (Outputable a, HasOccName a) => Outputable (BooleanFormula a) where
+instance (OutputableBndr a) => Outputable (BooleanFormula a) where
ppr = pprBooleanFormulaNormal
-pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: (Outputable a, HasOccName a)
+pprBooleanFormulaNormal :: (OutputableBndr a)
=> BooleanFormula a -> SDoc
pprBooleanFormulaNormal = go
- go (Var x) = pprPrefixVar (isSymOcc (occName x)) (ppr x)
+ go (Var x) = pprPrefixOcc x
go (And xs) = fsep $ punctuate comma (map (go . unLoc) xs)
go (Or []) = keyword $ text "FALSE"
go (Or xs) = fsep $ intersperse vbar (map (go . unLoc) xs)
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject a5946c015e372750fd8d2054bb8a7e975149c9c
+Subproject f951caf888eabd8742059f26e516e3392658fc8