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4 files changed, 163 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck.hs
index 1b98f1afbb..a7845de8bd 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck.hs
@@ -310,7 +310,6 @@ checkMatches dflags ctxt vars matches = do
-- This must be an -XEmptyCase. See Note [Checking EmptyCase]
[] | [var] <- vars -> addPmCtDeltas init_deltas (PmNotBotCt var)
_ -> pure init_deltas
- tracePm "checkMatches: missing" (ppr missing)
fam_insts <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
grd_tree <- mkGrdTreeMany [] <$> mapM (translateMatch fam_insts vars) matches
res <- checkGrdTree grd_tree missing
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
index 9843de18b0..a8fc154765 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
@@ -599,19 +599,19 @@ oracle) contradictory. This implies a few invariants:
detect this, but we could just compare whole COMPLETE sets to vi_neg every
time, if it weren't for performance.
-Maintaining these invariants in 'addVarVarCt' (the core of the term oracle) and
-'addRefutableAltCon' is subtle.
+Maintaining these invariants in 'addVarCt' (the core of the term oracle) and
+'addNotConCt' is subtle.
* Merging VarInfos. Example: Add the fact @x ~ y@ (see 'equate').
- (COMPLETE) If we had @x /~ True@ and @y /~ False@, then we get
@x /~ [True,False]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the built-in
COMPLETE set, so should refute.
- (Pos/Neg) If we had @x /~ True@ and @y ~ True@, we have to refute.
-* Adding positive information. Example: Add the fact @x ~ K ys@ (see 'addVarConCt')
+* Adding positive information. Example: Add the fact @x ~ K ys@ (see 'addConCt')
- (Neg) If we had @x /~ K@, refute.
- (Pos) If we had @x ~ K2@, and that contradicts the new solution according to
'eqPmAltCon' (ex. K2 is [] and K is (:)), then refute.
- (Refine) If we had @x /~ K zs@, unify each y with each z in turn.
-* Adding negative information. Example: Add the fact @x /~ Nothing@ (see 'addRefutableAltCon')
+* Adding negative information. Example: Add the fact @x /~ Nothing@ (see 'addNotConCt')
- (Refut) If we have @x ~ K ys@, refute.
- (Redundant) If we have @x ~ K2@ and @eqPmAltCon K K2 == Disjoint@
(ex. Just and Nothing), the info is redundant and can be
@@ -620,8 +620,8 @@ Maintaining these invariants in 'addVarVarCt' (the core of the term oracle) and
@x /~ [Just,Nothing]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the built-in
COMPLETE set, so should refute.
-Note that merging VarInfo in equate can be done by calling out to 'addVarConCt' and
-'addRefutableAltCon' for each of the facts individually.
+Note that merging VarInfo in equate can be done by calling out to 'addConCt' and
+'addNotConCt' for each of the facts individually.
Note [Representation of Strings in TmState]
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ merging different COMPLETE sets after the fact is very complicated and possibly
So in fact, we just *drop* the coercion arising from the CoPat when handling
-handling the constraint @y ~ x |> co@ in addVarCoreCt, just equating @y ~ x@.
+handling the constraint @y ~ x |> co@ in addCoreCt, just equating @y ~ x@.
We then handle the fallout in initPossibleMatches, which has to get a hand at
both the representation TyCon tc_rep and the parent data family TyCon tc_fam.
It considers three cases after having established that the Type is a TyConApp:
@@ -890,26 +890,42 @@ partitionTyTmCts = partitionEithers . map to_either . toList
-- | Adds a single term constraint by dispatching to the various term oracle
-- functions.
addTmCt :: Delta -> TmCt -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addTmCt delta (TmVarCt x y) = addVarVarCt delta (x, y)
-addTmCt delta (TmCoreCt x e) = addVarCoreCt delta x e
-addTmCt delta (TmConCt x con tvs args) = addVarConCt delta x con tvs args
-addTmCt delta (TmNotConCt x con) = addRefutableAltCon delta x con
-addTmCt delta (TmBotCt x) = addVarBotCt delta x
-addTmCt delta (TmNotBotCt x) = addVarNonVoidCt delta x
--- | In some future this will actually add a constraint to 'Delta' that we plan
--- to preserve. But for now, we just check if we can add the constraint to the
--- current 'Delta'. If so, we return the original 'Delta', if not, we fail.
-addVarBotCt :: Delta -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addVarBotCt delta x
+addTmCt delta (TmVarCt x y) = addVarCt delta x y
+addTmCt delta (TmCoreCt x e) = addCoreCt delta x e
+addTmCt delta (TmConCt x con tvs args) = addConCt delta x con tvs args
+addTmCt delta (TmNotConCt x con) = addNotConCt delta x con
+addTmCt delta (TmBotCt x) = addBotCt delta x
+addTmCt delta (TmNotBotCt x) = addNotBotCt delta x
+-- | Adds the constraint @x ~ ⊥@, e.g. that evaluation of a particular 'Id' @x@
+-- surely diverges.
+-- Only that's a lie, because we don't currently preserve the fact in 'Delta'
+-- after we checked compatibility. See Note [Preserving TmBotCt]
+addBotCt :: Delta -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addBotCt delta x
| canDiverge delta x = pure delta
| otherwise = mzero
--- | Record that a particular 'Id' can't take the shape of a 'PmAltCon' in the
--- 'Delta' and return @Nothing@ if that leads to a contradiction.
+{- Note [Preserving TmBotCt]
+Whenever we add a new constraint to 'Delta' via 'addTmCt', we want to check it
+for compatibility with existing constraints in the modeled indert set and then
+add it the constraint itself to the inert set.
+For a 'TmBotCt' @x ~ ⊥@ we don't actually add it to the inert set after checking
+it for compatibility with 'Delta'.
+And that is fine in the context of the patter-match checking algorithm!
+Whenever we add a 'TmBotCt' (we only do so for checking divergence of bang
+patterns and strict constructor matches), we don't add any more constraints to
+the inert set afterwards, so we don't need to preserve it.
+-- | Record a @x ~/ K@ constraint, e.g. that a particular 'Id' @x@ can't
+-- take the shape of a 'PmAltCon' @K@ in the 'Delta' and return @Nothing@ if
+-- that leads to a contradiction.
-- See Note [TmState invariants].
-addRefutableAltCon :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addRefutableAltCon delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x nalt = do
+addNotConCt :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addNotConCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x nalt = do
vi@(VI _ pos neg pm) <- lift (initLookupVarInfo delta x)
-- 1. Bail out quickly when nalt contradicts a solution
let contradicts nalt (cl, _tvs, _args) = eqPmAltCon cl nalt == Equal
@@ -953,7 +969,7 @@ deemed redundant? The answer is, of course, No! The required theta is like a
hidden parameter which must be supplied at the pattern match site, so PRead
is much more like a view pattern (where behavior depends on the particular value
passed in).
-The simple solution here is to forget in 'addRefutableAltCon' that we matched
+The simple solution here is to forget in 'addNotConCt' that we matched
on synonyms with a required Theta like @PRead@, so that subsequent matches on
the same constructor are never flagged as redundant. The consequence is that
we no longer detect the actually redundant match in
@@ -991,11 +1007,13 @@ guessConLikeUnivTyArgsFromResTy _ res_ty (PatSynCon ps) = do
subst <- tcMatchTy con_res_ty res_ty
traverse (lookupTyVar subst) univ_tvs
--- | Kind of tries to add a non-void constraint to 'Delta', but doesn't really
--- commit to upholding that constraint in the future. This will be rectified
--- in a follow-up patch. The status quo should work good enough for now.
-addVarNonVoidCt :: Delta -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addVarNonVoidCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x = do
+-- | Adds the constraint @x ~/ ⊥@ to 'Delta'.
+-- But doesn't really commit to upholding that constraint in the future. This
+-- will be rectified in a follow-up patch. The status quo should work good
+-- enough for now.
+addNotBotCt :: Delta -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addNotBotCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x = do
vi <- lift $ initLookupVarInfo delta x
vi' <- MaybeT $ ensureInhabited delta vi
-- vi' has probably constructed and then thinned out some PossibleMatches.
@@ -1066,15 +1084,16 @@ ensureAllPossibleMatchesInhabited delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps }
-- * Term oracle unification procedure
--- | Try to unify two 'Id's and record the gained knowledge in 'Delta'.
+-- | Adds a @x ~ y@ constraint by trying to unify two 'Id's and record the
+-- gained knowledge in 'Delta'.
-- Returns @Nothing@ when there's a contradiction. Returns @Just delta@
-- when the constraint was compatible with prior facts, in which case @delta@
-- has integrated the knowledge from the equality constraint.
-- See Note [TmState invariants].
-addVarVarCt :: Delta -> (Id, Id) -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addVarVarCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env _ } (x, y)
+addVarCt :: Delta -> Id -> Id -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addVarCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env _ } x y
-- It's important that we never @equate@ two variables of the same equivalence
-- class, otherwise we might get cyclic substitutions.
-- Cf. 'extendSubstAndSolve' and
@@ -1106,22 +1125,23 @@ equate delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x y
let env_refs = setEntrySDIE env_ind y vi_y
let delta_refs = delta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env_refs reps }
-- and then gradually merge every positive fact we have on x into y
- let add_fact delta (cl, tvs, args) = addVarConCt delta y cl tvs args
+ let add_fact delta (cl, tvs, args) = addConCt delta y cl tvs args
delta_pos <- foldlM add_fact delta_refs (vi_pos vi_x)
-- Do the same for negative info
- let add_refut delta nalt = addRefutableAltCon delta y nalt
+ let add_refut delta nalt = addNotConCt delta y nalt
delta_neg <- foldlM add_refut delta_pos (vi_neg vi_x)
- -- vi_cache will be updated in addRefutableAltCon, so we are good to
+ -- vi_cache will be updated in addNotConCt, so we are good to
-- go!
pure delta_neg
--- | @addVarConCt x alt args ts@ extends the substitution with a solution
--- @x :-> (alt, args)@ if compatible with refutable shapes of @x@ and its
--- other solutions, reject (@Nothing@) otherwise.
+-- | Add a @x ~ K tvs args ts@ constraint.
+-- @addConCt x K tvs args ts@ extends the substitution with a solution
+-- @x :-> (K, tvs, args)@ if compatible with the negative and positive info we
+-- have on @x@, reject (@Nothing@) otherwise.
-- See Note [TmState invariants].
-addVarConCt :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addVarConCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x alt tvs args = do
+addConCt :: Delta -> Id -> PmAltCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addConCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x alt tvs args = do
VI ty pos neg cache <- lift (initLookupVarInfo delta x)
-- First try to refute with a negative fact
guard (all ((/= Equal) . eqPmAltCon alt) neg)
@@ -1134,10 +1154,10 @@ addVarConCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x alt tvs args = do
case find ((== Equal) . eqPmAltCon alt . fstOf3) pos of
Just (_con, other_tvs, other_args) -> do
-- We must unify existentially bound ty vars and arguments!
- let ty_cts = equateTyVarsCts tvs other_tvs
+ let ty_cts = equateTys (map mkTyVarTy tvs) (map mkTyVarTy other_tvs)
when (length args /= length other_args) $
lift $ tracePm "error" (ppr x <+> ppr alt <+> ppr args <+> ppr other_args)
- let tm_cts = zipWithEqual "addVarConCt" PmVarCt args other_args
+ let tm_cts = zipWithEqual "addConCt" PmVarCt args other_args
MaybeT $ addPmCts delta (listToBag ty_cts `unionBags` listToBag tm_cts)
Nothing -> do
-- Filter out redundant negative facts (those that compare Just False to
@@ -1146,13 +1166,14 @@ addVarConCt delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt env reps } x alt tvs args = do
let pos' = (alt, tvs, args):pos
pure delta{ delta_tm_st = TmSt (setEntrySDIE env x (VI ty pos' neg' cache)) reps}
-equateTyVarsCts :: [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [PmCt]
-equateTyVarsCts as bs
- = map (\(a, b) -> PmTyCt $ mkPrimEqPred (mkTyVarTy a) (mkTyVarTy b))
+equateTys :: [Type] -> [Type] -> [PmCt]
+equateTys ts us =
+ [ PmTyCt (mkPrimEqPred t u)
+ | (t, u) <- zipEqual "equateTys" ts us
-- The following line filters out trivial Refl constraints, so that we don't
-- need to initialise the type oracle that often
- $ filter (uncurry (/=))
- $ zipEqual "equateTyVarsCts" as bs
+ , not (eqType t u)
+ ]
-- * Enumerating inhabitation candidates
@@ -1547,7 +1568,7 @@ provideEvidence = go
y <- lift $ mkPmId arg_ty
-- Newtypes don't have existentials (yet?!), so passing an empty
-- list as ex_tvs.
- delta' <- addVarConCt delta x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) [] [y]
+ delta' <- addConCt delta x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) [] [y]
pure (y, delta')
runMaybeT (foldlM build_newtype (x, delta) dcs) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
@@ -1606,8 +1627,10 @@ pickMinimalCompleteSet _ (PM clss) = do
tracePm "pickMinimalCompleteSet" (ppr $ NonEmpty.toList clss)
pure (Just (minimumBy (comparing sizeUniqDSet) clss))
--- | See if we already encountered a semantically equivalent expression and
--- return its representative.
+-- | Finds a representant of the semantic equality class of the given @e@.
+-- Which is the @x@ of a @let x = e'@ constraint (with @e@ semantically
+-- equivalent to @e'@) we encountered earlier, or a fresh identifier if
+-- there weren't any such constraints.
representCoreExpr :: Delta -> CoreExpr -> DsM (Delta, Id)
representCoreExpr delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = ts@TmSt{ ts_reps = reps } } e
| Just rep <- lookupCoreMap reps e = pure (delta, rep)
@@ -1617,16 +1640,23 @@ representCoreExpr delta@MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = ts@TmSt{ ts_reps = reps } } e
let delta' = delta{ delta_tm_st = ts{ ts_reps = reps' } }
pure (delta', rep)
--- Most of our actions thread around a delta from one computation to the next,
--- thereby potentially failing. This is expressed in the following Monad:
--- type PmM a = StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) a
--- | Records that a variable @x@ is equal to a 'CoreExpr' @e@.
-addVarCoreCt :: Delta -> Id -> CoreExpr -> MaybeT DsM Delta
-addVarCoreCt delta x e = do
+-- | Inspects a 'PmCoreCt' @let x = e@ by recording constraints for @x@ based
+-- on the shape of the 'CoreExpr' @e@. Examples:
+-- * For @let x = Just (42, 'z')@ we want to record the
+-- constraints @x ~ Just a, a ~ (b, c), b ~ 42, c ~ 'z'@.
+-- See 'data_con_app'.
+-- * For @let x = unpackCString# "tmp"@ we want to record the literal
+-- constraint @x ~ "tmp"@.
+-- * For @let x = I# 42@ we want the literal constraint @x ~ 42@. Similar
+-- for other literals. See 'coreExprAsPmLit'.
+-- * Finally, if we have @let x = e@ and we already have seen @let y = e@, we
+-- want to record @x ~ y@.
+addCoreCt :: Delta -> Id -> CoreExpr -> MaybeT DsM Delta
+addCoreCt delta x e = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let e' = simpleOptExpr dflags e
- lift $ tracePm "addVarCoreCt" (ppr x $$ ppr e $$ ppr e')
+ lift $ tracePm "addCoreCt" (ppr x $$ ppr e $$ ppr e')
execStateT (core_expr x e') delta
-- | Takes apart a 'CoreExpr' and tries to extract as much information about
@@ -1646,30 +1676,21 @@ addVarCoreCt delta x e = do
= case unpackFS s of
-- We need this special case to break a loop with coreExprAsPmLit
-- Otherwise we alternate endlessly between [] and ""
- [] -> data_con_app x nilDataCon [] []
+ [] -> data_con_app x emptyInScopeSet nilDataCon []
s' -> core_expr x (mkListExpr charTy (map mkCharExpr s'))
| Just lit <- coreExprAsPmLit e
= pm_lit x lit
| Just (in_scope, _empty_floats@[], dc, _arg_tys, args)
<- exprIsConApp_maybe in_scope_env e
- = do { let dc_ex_tvs = dataConExTyCoVars dc
- arty = dataConSourceArity dc
- (_ex_ty_args, val_args) = splitAtList dc_ex_tvs args
- vis_args = reverse $ take arty $ reverse val_args
- ; uniq_supply <- lift $ lift $ getUniqueSupplyM
- ; let (_, ex_tvs) = cloneTyVarBndrs (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) dc_ex_tvs uniq_supply
- -- See Note [Why we don't record existential type constraints]
- ; arg_ids <- traverse bind_expr vis_args
- ; data_con_app x dc ex_tvs arg_ids }
+ = data_con_app x in_scope dc args
-- See Note [Detecting pattern synonym applications in expressions]
| Var y <- e, Nothing <- isDataConId_maybe x
-- We don't consider DataCons flexible variables
- = modifyT (\delta -> addVarVarCt delta (x, y))
+ = modifyT (\delta -> addVarCt delta x y)
| otherwise
-- Any other expression. Try to find other uses of a semantically
-- equivalent expression and represent them by the same variable!
- = do { rep <- represent_expr e
- ; modifyT (\delta -> addVarVarCt delta (x, rep)) }
+ = equate_with_similar_expr x e
expr_ty = exprType e
expr_in_scope = mkInScopeSet (exprFreeVars e)
@@ -1679,50 +1700,58 @@ addVarCoreCt delta x e = do
-- up substituting inside a forall or lambda (i.e. seldom)
-- so using exprFreeVars seems fine. See MR !1647.
- bind_expr :: CoreExpr -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) Id
- bind_expr e = do
- x <- lift (lift (mkPmId (exprType e)))
- core_expr x e
- pure x
- -- See if we already encountered a semantically equivalent expression
- -- and return its representative
- represent_expr :: CoreExpr -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) Id
- represent_expr e = StateT $ \delta ->
- swap <$> lift (representCoreExpr delta e)
- data_con_app :: Id -> DataCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
- data_con_app x dc tvs args = pm_alt_con_app x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) tvs args
+ -- | The @e@ in @let x = e@ had no familiar form. But we can still see if
+ -- see if we already encountered a constraint @let y = e'@ with @e'@
+ -- semantically equivalent to @e@, in which case we may add the constraint
+ -- @x ~ y@.
+ equate_with_similar_expr :: Id -> CoreExpr -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
+ equate_with_similar_expr x e = do
+ rep <- StateT $ \delta -> swap <$> lift (representCoreExpr delta e)
+ -- Note that @rep == x@ if we encountered @e@ for the first time.
+ modifyT (\delta -> addVarCt delta x rep)
+ bind_expr :: CoreExpr -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) Id
+ bind_expr e = do
+ x <- lift (lift (mkPmId (exprType e)))
+ core_expr x e
+ pure x
+ -- | Look at @let x = K taus theta es@ and generate the following
+ -- constraints (assuming universals were dropped from @taus@ before):
+ -- 1. @a_1 ~ tau_1, ..., a_n ~ tau_n@ for fresh @a_i@
+ -- 2. @y_1 ~ e_1, ..., y_m ~ e_m@ for fresh @y_i@
+ -- 3. @x ~ K as ys@
+ data_con_app :: Id -> InScopeSet -> DataCon -> [CoreExpr] -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
+ data_con_app x in_scope dc args = do
+ let dc_ex_tvs = dataConExTyCoVars dc
+ arty = dataConSourceArity dc
+ (ex_ty_args, val_args) = splitAtList dc_ex_tvs args
+ ex_tys = map exprToType ex_ty_args
+ vis_args = reverse $ take arty $ reverse val_args
+ uniq_supply <- lift $ lift $ getUniqueSupplyM
+ let (_, ex_tvs) = cloneTyVarBndrs (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) dc_ex_tvs uniq_supply
+ ty_cts = equateTys (map mkTyVarTy ex_tvs) ex_tys
+ -- 1. @a_1 ~ tau_1, ..., a_n ~ tau_n@ for fresh @a_i@. See also #17703
+ modifyT $ \delta -> MaybeT $ addPmCts delta (listToBag ty_cts)
+ -- 2. @y_1 ~ e_1, ..., y_m ~ e_m@ for fresh @y_i@
+ arg_ids <- traverse bind_expr vis_args
+ -- 3. @x ~ K as ys@
+ pm_alt_con_app x (PmAltConLike (RealDataCon dc)) ex_tvs arg_ids
+ -- | Adds a literal constraint, i.e. @x ~ 42@.
pm_lit :: Id -> PmLit -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
pm_lit x lit = pm_alt_con_app x (PmAltLit lit) [] []
-- | Adds the given constructor application as a solution for @x@.
pm_alt_con_app :: Id -> PmAltCon -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
- pm_alt_con_app x con tvs args = modifyT $ \delta -> addVarConCt delta x con tvs args
+ pm_alt_con_app x con tvs args = modifyT $ \delta -> addConCt delta x con tvs args
-- | Like 'modify', but with an effectful modifier action
modifyT :: Monad m => (s -> m s) -> StateT s m ()
modifyT f = StateT $ fmap ((,) ()) . f
-{- Note [Why we don't record existential type constraints]
-When we have
- data Ex where Ex :: a -> Ex
- f _ | let x = Ex @Int 15 = case x of Ex -> ...
-we see that `Ex`'s existential in the `Ex` application in the RHS of `x` is
-bound to `Int`. Eventually this application will run by `addVarCoreCt`,
-which freshens `a` to `a'` and adds the constraint `x ~ Ex @a' 15`.
-Now, we *could* add the constraint @a' ~ Int@, but that is never useful, because
-types are irrelevant. And in fact, if the programmer assumed that @a' ~ Int@
-in the case alt, it would be rejected as a type error. So we simply don't
-include the constraint.
-Note [Detecting pattern synonym applications in expressions]
+{- Note [Detecting pattern synonym applications in expressions]
At the moment we fail to detect pattern synonyms in scrutinees and RHS of
guards. This could be alleviated with considerable effort and complexity, but
the returns are meager. Consider:
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T17703.hs b/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T17703.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4ac6dfd72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/T17703.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Lib where
+data S a where
+ S1 :: S Int
+ S2 :: S Bool
+data T where
+ K :: S a -> a -> T
+f1 :: S Int -> ()
+f1 s = case K @Int s 3 of K S1 _ -> ()
+f2 :: S Int -> ()
+f2 s = case K @Int s 3 of K s' _ -> case s' of S1 -> ()
+data T2 where
+ K2 :: (a -> S a) -> a -> T2
+g1 :: (Int -> S Int) -> ()
+g1 h = case K2 @Int h 3 of K2 h' (h' -> S1) -> ()
+g2 :: (Int -> S Int) -> ()
+g2 h = case K2 @Int h 3 of K2 h' i' -> case h' i' of S1 -> ()
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/all.T
index 47aa073c66..9d37f36fe5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/pmcheck/should_compile/all.T
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ test('T17465', normal, compile,
['-fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-overlapping-patterns'])
test('T17646', normal, compile,
['-fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-overlapping-patterns'])
+test('T17703', normal, compile,
+ ['-fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-overlapping-patterns'])
# Other tests
test('pmc001', [], compile,