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diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
index d50aa3e554..d65a0b80c6 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
@@ -449,19 +449,17 @@ is translated to
The idea is to extract the commands from the case, build a balanced tree
of choices, and replace the commands with expressions that build tagged
tuples, obtaining a case expression that can be desugared normally.
-To build all this, we use quadruples decribing segments of the list of
+To build all this, we use triples describing segments of the list of
case bodies, containing the following fields:
-1. an IdSet containing the environment variables free in the case bodies
-2. a list of expressions of the form (Left|Right)* ((xs)*ts), to be put
+ * a list of expressions of the form (Left|Right)* ((xs)*ts), to be put
into the case replacing the commands
-3. a sum type that is the common type of these expressions, and also the
+ * a sum type that is the common type of these expressions, and also the
input type of the arrow
-4. a CoreExpr for an arrow built by combining the translated command
+ * a CoreExpr for an arrow built by combining the translated command
bodies with |||.
dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches match_ty)) = do
- core_exp <- dsLExpr exp
stack_ids <- mapM newSysLocalDs stack
-- Extract and desugar the leaf commands in the case, building tuple
@@ -470,10 +468,9 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches match_
leaves = concatMap leavesMatch matches
make_branch (leaf, bound_vars) = do
- (core_leaf, fvs, leaf_ids) <-
+ (core_leaf, _fvs, leaf_ids) <-
dsfixCmd ids (local_vars `unionVarSet` bound_vars) stack res_ty leaf
- return (fvs `minusVarSet` bound_vars,
- [mkHsEnvStackExpr leaf_ids stack_ids],
+ return ([mkHsEnvStackExpr leaf_ids stack_ids],
envStackType leaf_ids stack,
@@ -490,22 +487,19 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches match_
-- Prefix each tuple with a distinct series of Left's and Right's,
-- in a balanced way, keeping track of the types.
- merge_branches (fvs1, builds1, in_ty1, core_exp1)
- (fvs2, builds2, in_ty2, core_exp2)
- = (fvs1 `unionVarSet` fvs2,
- map (left_expr in_ty1 in_ty2) builds1 ++
+ merge_branches (builds1, in_ty1, core_exp1)
+ (builds2, in_ty2, core_exp2)
+ = (map (left_expr in_ty1 in_ty2) builds1 ++
map (right_expr in_ty1 in_ty2) builds2,
mkTyConApp either_con [in_ty1, in_ty2],
do_choice ids in_ty1 in_ty2 res_ty core_exp1 core_exp2)
- (fvs_alts, leaves', sum_ty, core_choices)
- = foldb merge_branches branches
+ (leaves', sum_ty, core_choices) = foldb merge_branches branches
-- Replace the commands in the case with these tagged tuples,
-- yielding a HsExpr Id we can feed to dsExpr.
(_, matches') = mapAccumL (replaceLeavesMatch res_ty) leaves' matches
in_ty = envStackType env_ids stack
- fvs_exp = exprFreeVars core_exp `intersectVarSet` local_vars
pat_ty = funArgTy match_ty
match_ty' = mkFunTy pat_ty sum_ty
@@ -515,7 +509,7 @@ dsCmd ids local_vars env_ids stack res_ty (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches match_
core_body <- dsExpr (HsCase exp (MatchGroup matches' match_ty'))
core_matches <- matchEnvStack env_ids stack_ids core_body
return (do_map_arrow ids in_ty sum_ty res_ty core_matches core_choices,
- fvs_exp `unionVarSet` fvs_alts)
+ exprFreeVars core_body `intersectVarSet` local_vars)
-- A | ys |- c :: [ts] t
-- ----------------------------------