diff options
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index 1476f95add..b41c2db45a 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -455,13 +455,18 @@ runGHCi paths maybe_exprs = do
canonicalizePath' fp = liftM Just (canonicalizePath fp)
`catchIO` \_ -> return Nothing
- sourceConfigFile :: FilePath -> GHCi ()
- sourceConfigFile file = do
+ sourceConfigFile :: (FilePath, Bool) -> GHCi ()
+ sourceConfigFile (file, check_perms) = do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
when exists $ do
- dir_ok <- liftIO $ checkPerms (getDirectory file)
- file_ok <- liftIO $ checkPerms file
- when (dir_ok && file_ok) $ do
+ perms_ok <-
+ if not check_perms
+ then return True
+ else do
+ dir_ok <- liftIO $ checkPerms (getDirectory file)
+ file_ok <- liftIO $ checkPerms file
+ return (dir_ok && file_ok)
+ when perms_ok $ do
either_hdl <- liftIO $ tryIO (openFile file ReadMode)
case either_hdl of
Left _e -> return ()
@@ -479,9 +484,14 @@ runGHCi paths maybe_exprs = do
when (read_dot_files) $ do
- mcfgs0 <- sequence $ [ current_dir, app_user_dir, home_dir ] ++ map (return . Just ) (ghciScripts dflags)
- mcfgs <- liftIO $ mapM canonicalizePath' (catMaybes mcfgs0)
- mapM_ sourceConfigFile $ nub $ catMaybes mcfgs
+ mcfgs0 <- catMaybes <$> sequence [ current_dir, app_user_dir, home_dir ]
+ let mcfgs1 = zip mcfgs0 (repeat True)
+ ++ zip (ghciScripts dflags) (repeat False)
+ -- False says "don't check permissions". We don't
+ -- require that a script explicitly added by
+ -- -ghci-script is owned by the current user. (#6017)
+ mcfgs <- liftIO $ mapM (\(f, b) -> (,b) <$> canonicalizePath' f) mcfgs1
+ mapM_ sourceConfigFile $ nub $ [ (f,b) | (Just f, b) <- mcfgs ]
-- nub, because we don't want to read .ghci twice if the
-- CWD is $HOME.
diff --git a/ghc/ b/ghc/
index 561c55cb7d..68338f37f7 100644
--- a/ghc/
+++ b/ghc/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Executable ghc
Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface,
+ TupleSections,
Extensions: CPP, PatternGuards, NondecreasingIndentation