diff options
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
index 8c12e29b1a..dc54378ccc 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
@@ -43,29 +43,27 @@ import Outputable (panic, PlatformOutputable)
import Data.Word
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH && darwin_TARGET_OS
import Data.Bits
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Printing this stuff out
pprNatCmmDecl :: Platform -> NatCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) Instr -> Doc
pprNatCmmDecl platform (CmmData section dats) =
- pprSectionHeader section $$ pprDatas platform dats
+ pprSectionHeader platform section $$ pprDatas platform dats
-- special case for split markers:
pprNatCmmDecl platform (CmmProc Nothing lbl (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel platform lbl
-- special case for code without info table:
pprNatCmmDecl platform (CmmProc Nothing lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
- pprSectionHeader Text $$
+ pprSectionHeader platform Text $$
pprLabel platform lbl $$ -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
vcat (map (pprBasicBlock platform) blocks) $$
pprSizeDecl platform lbl
pprNatCmmDecl platform (CmmProc (Just (Statics info_lbl info)) _entry_lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
- pprSectionHeader Text $$
+ pprSectionHeader platform Text $$
pprCLabel_asm (mkDeadStripPreventer info_lbl)
@@ -117,7 +115,7 @@ pprData platform (CmmUninitialised bytes)
| platformOS platform == OSDarwin = ptext (sLit ".space ") <> int bytes
| otherwise = ptext (sLit ".skip ") <> int bytes
-pprData _ (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem lit
+pprData platform (CmmStaticLit lit) = pprDataItem platform lit
pprGloblDecl :: CLabel -> Doc
pprGloblDecl lbl
@@ -167,9 +165,11 @@ instance PlatformOutputable Instr where
pprReg :: Platform -> Size -> Reg -> Doc
-pprReg _ s r
+pprReg platform s r
= case r of
- RegReal (RealRegSingle i) -> ppr_reg_no s i
+ RegReal (RealRegSingle i) ->
+ if target32Bit platform then ppr32_reg_no s i
+ else ppr64_reg_no s i
RegReal (RealRegPair _ _) -> panic "X86.Ppr: no reg pairs on this arch"
RegVirtual (VirtualRegI u) -> text "%vI_" <> asmSDoc (pprUnique u)
RegVirtual (VirtualRegHi u) -> text "%vHi_" <> asmSDoc (pprUnique u)
@@ -177,20 +177,19 @@ pprReg _ s r
RegVirtual (VirtualRegD u) -> text "%vD_" <> asmSDoc (pprUnique u)
RegVirtual (VirtualRegSSE u) -> text "%vSSE_" <> asmSDoc (pprUnique u)
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
- ppr_reg_no :: Size -> Int -> Doc
- ppr_reg_no II8 = ppr_reg_byte
- ppr_reg_no II16 = ppr_reg_word
- ppr_reg_no _ = ppr_reg_long
+ ppr32_reg_no :: Size -> Int -> Doc
+ ppr32_reg_no II8 = ppr32_reg_byte
+ ppr32_reg_no II16 = ppr32_reg_word
+ ppr32_reg_no _ = ppr32_reg_long
- ppr_reg_byte i = ptext
+ ppr32_reg_byte i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%al"; 1 -> sLit "%bl";
2 -> sLit "%cl"; 3 -> sLit "%dl";
_ -> sLit "very naughty I386 byte register"
- ppr_reg_word i = ptext
+ ppr32_reg_word i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%ax"; 1 -> sLit "%bx";
2 -> sLit "%cx"; 3 -> sLit "%dx";
@@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ pprReg _ s r
_ -> sLit "very naughty I386 word register"
- ppr_reg_long i = ptext
+ ppr32_reg_long i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%eax"; 1 -> sLit "%ebx";
2 -> sLit "%ecx"; 3 -> sLit "%edx";
@@ -207,14 +206,14 @@ pprReg _ s r
6 -> sLit "%ebp"; 7 -> sLit "%esp";
_ -> ppr_reg_float i
-#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
- ppr_reg_no :: Size -> Int -> Doc
- ppr_reg_no II8 = ppr_reg_byte
- ppr_reg_no II16 = ppr_reg_word
- ppr_reg_no II32 = ppr_reg_long
- ppr_reg_no _ = ppr_reg_quad
- ppr_reg_byte i = ptext
+ ppr64_reg_no :: Size -> Int -> Doc
+ ppr64_reg_no II8 = ppr64_reg_byte
+ ppr64_reg_no II16 = ppr64_reg_word
+ ppr64_reg_no II32 = ppr64_reg_long
+ ppr64_reg_no _ = ppr64_reg_quad
+ ppr64_reg_byte i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%al"; 1 -> sLit "%bl";
2 -> sLit "%cl"; 3 -> sLit "%dl";
@@ -227,7 +226,7 @@ pprReg _ s r
_ -> sLit "very naughty x86_64 byte register"
- ppr_reg_word i = ptext
+ ppr64_reg_word i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%ax"; 1 -> sLit "%bx";
2 -> sLit "%cx"; 3 -> sLit "%dx";
@@ -240,7 +239,7 @@ pprReg _ s r
_ -> sLit "very naughty x86_64 word register"
- ppr_reg_long i = ptext
+ ppr64_reg_long i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%eax"; 1 -> sLit "%ebx";
2 -> sLit "%ecx"; 3 -> sLit "%edx";
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ pprReg _ s r
_ -> sLit "very naughty x86_64 register"
- ppr_reg_quad i = ptext
+ ppr64_reg_quad i = ptext
(case i of {
0 -> sLit "%rax"; 1 -> sLit "%rbx";
2 -> sLit "%rcx"; 3 -> sLit "%rdx";
@@ -265,11 +264,7 @@ pprReg _ s r
14 -> sLit "%r14"; 15 -> sLit "%r15";
_ -> ppr_reg_float i
- ppr_reg_no _ = panic "X86.Ppr.ppr_reg_no: no match"
-#if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
ppr_reg_float :: Int -> LitString
ppr_reg_float i = case i of
16 -> sLit "%fake0"; 17 -> sLit "%fake1"
@@ -284,7 +279,6 @@ ppr_reg_float i = case i of
36 -> sLit "%xmm12"; 37 -> sLit "%xmm13"
38 -> sLit "%xmm14"; 39 -> sLit "%xmm15"
_ -> sLit "very naughty x86 register"
pprSize :: Size -> Doc
pprSize x
@@ -367,74 +361,60 @@ pprAddr platform (AddrBaseIndex base index displacement)
ppr_disp imm = pprImm imm
-pprSectionHeader :: Section -> Doc
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
-# if darwin_TARGET_OS
-pprSectionHeader seg
- = case seg of
- Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 2")
- Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 2")
- ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 2")
- RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const_data\n.align 2")
- UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 2")
- ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 4")
- OtherSection _ -> panic "X86.Ppr.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
-# else
-pprSectionHeader seg
- = case seg of
- Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 4,0x90")
- Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 4")
- ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 4")
- RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .data\n\t.align 4")
- UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".section .bss\n\t.align 4")
- ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 16")
- OtherSection _ -> panic "X86.Ppr.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
-# endif
-#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
-# if darwin_TARGET_OS
-pprSectionHeader seg
- = case seg of
- Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n.align 3")
- Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n.align 3")
- ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 3")
- RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const_data\n.align 3")
- UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 3")
- ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 4")
- OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
-# else
-pprSectionHeader seg
- = case seg of
- Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 8")
- Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 8")
- ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 8")
- RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .data\n\t.align 8")
- UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".section .bss\n\t.align 8")
- ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata.cst16\n\t.align 16")
- OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
-# endif
-pprSectionHeader _ = panic "X86.Ppr.pprSectionHeader: not defined for this architecture"
-pprDataItem :: CmmLit -> Doc
-pprDataItem lit
+pprSectionHeader :: Platform -> Section -> Doc
+pprSectionHeader platform seg
+ = case platformOS platform of
+ OSDarwin
+ | target32Bit platform ->
+ case seg of
+ Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 2")
+ Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 2")
+ ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 2")
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const_data\n.align 2")
+ UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 2")
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 4")
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "X86.Ppr.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
+ | otherwise ->
+ case seg of
+ Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n.align 3")
+ Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n.align 3")
+ ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 3")
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".const_data\n.align 3")
+ UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 3")
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".const\n.align 4")
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
+ _
+ | target32Bit platform ->
+ case seg of
+ Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 4,0x90")
+ Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 4")
+ ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 4")
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .data\n\t.align 4")
+ UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".section .bss\n\t.align 4")
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 16")
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "X86.Ppr.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
+ | otherwise ->
+ case seg of
+ Text -> ptext (sLit ".text\n\t.align 8")
+ Data -> ptext (sLit ".data\n\t.align 8")
+ ReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata\n\t.align 8")
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData -> ptext (sLit ".section .data\n\t.align 8")
+ UninitialisedData -> ptext (sLit ".section .bss\n\t.align 8")
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> ptext (sLit ".section .rodata.cst16\n\t.align 16")
+ OtherSection _ -> panic "PprMach.pprSectionHeader: unknown section"
+pprDataItem :: Platform -> CmmLit -> Doc
+pprDataItem platform lit
= vcat (ppr_item (cmmTypeSize $ cmmLitType lit) lit)
imm = litToImm lit
-- These seem to be common:
ppr_item II8 _ = [ptext (sLit "\t.byte\t") <> pprImm imm]
+ ppr_item II16 _ = [ptext (sLit "\t.word\t") <> pprImm imm]
ppr_item II32 _ = [ptext (sLit "\t.long\t") <> pprImm imm]
ppr_item FF32 (CmmFloat r _)
@@ -445,39 +425,41 @@ pprDataItem lit
= let bs = doubleToBytes (fromRational r)
in map (\b -> ptext (sLit "\t.byte\t") <> pprImm (ImmInt b)) bs
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH || x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
- ppr_item II16 _ = [ptext (sLit "\t.word\t") <> pprImm imm]
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH && darwin_TARGET_OS
- ppr_item II64 (CmmInt x _) =
- [ptext (sLit "\t.long\t")
- <> int (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)),
- ptext (sLit "\t.long\t")
- <> int (fromIntegral
- (fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 32) :: Word32))]
-#if i386_TARGET_ARCH || (darwin_TARGET_OS && x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
- ppr_item II64 _ = [ptext (sLit "\t.quad\t") <> pprImm imm]
-#if x86_64_TARGET_ARCH && !darwin_TARGET_OS
- -- x86_64: binutils can't handle the R_X86_64_PC64 relocation
- -- type, which means we can't do pc-relative 64-bit addresses.
- -- Fortunately we're assuming the small memory model, in which
- -- all such offsets will fit into 32 bits, so we have to stick
- -- to 32-bit offset fields and modify the RTS appropriately
- --
- -- See Note [x86-64-relative] in includes/rts/storage/InfoTables.h
- --
- ppr_item II64 x
- | isRelativeReloc x =
- [ptext (sLit "\t.long\t") <> pprImm imm,
- ptext (sLit "\t.long\t0")]
- | otherwise =
- [ptext (sLit "\t.quad\t") <> pprImm imm]
- where
- isRelativeReloc (CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ _) = True
- isRelativeReloc _ = False
+ ppr_item II64 _
+ = case platformOS platform of
+ OSDarwin
+ | target32Bit platform ->
+ case lit of
+ CmmInt x _ ->
+ [ptext (sLit "\t.long\t")
+ <> int (fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)),
+ ptext (sLit "\t.long\t")
+ <> int (fromIntegral
+ (fromIntegral (x `shiftR` 32) :: Word32))]
+ _ -> panic "X86.Ppr.ppr_item: no match for II64"
+ | otherwise ->
+ [ptext (sLit "\t.quad\t") <> pprImm imm]
+ _
+ | target32Bit platform ->
+ [ptext (sLit "\t.quad\t") <> pprImm imm]
+ | otherwise ->
+ -- x86_64: binutils can't handle the R_X86_64_PC64
+ -- relocation type, which means we can't do
+ -- pc-relative 64-bit addresses. Fortunately we're
+ -- assuming the small memory model, in which all such
+ -- offsets will fit into 32 bits, so we have to stick
+ -- to 32-bit offset fields and modify the RTS
+ -- appropriately
+ --
+ -- See Note [x86-64-relative] in includes/rts/storage/InfoTables.h
+ --
+ case lit of
+ -- A relative relocation:
+ CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ _ ->
+ [ptext (sLit "\t.long\t") <> pprImm imm,
+ ptext (sLit "\t.long\t0")]
+ _ ->
+ [ptext (sLit "\t.quad\t") <> pprImm imm]
ppr_item _ _
= panic "X86.Ppr.ppr_item: no match"