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3 files changed, 78 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs b/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
index 0bf7c9678f..e70254243f 100644
--- a/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
@@ -319,8 +319,9 @@ rnIfaceClsInst cls_inst = do
-- really matter, since we throw it out shortly after
-- (for merging, we rename all of the DFuns so that they
-- are unique; for instantiation, the final interface never
- -- mentions DFuns since they are implicitly exported.) The
- -- important thing is that it's consistent everywhere.
+ -- mentions DFuns since they are implicitly exported. See
+ -- Note [Signature merging DFuns]) The important thing is that it's
+ -- consistent everywhere.
dfun <- rnIfaceDFun (ifDFun cls_inst)
return cls_inst { ifInstCls = n
, ifInstTys = tys
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
index afa2e50b60..ff924a7805 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBackpack.hs
@@ -384,20 +384,31 @@ mergeSignatures lcl_iface0 = do
-- STEP 5: Typecheck the interfaces
let type_env_var = tcg_type_env_var tcg_env
- -- NB: This is a bit tricky. Ordinarily, the way we would do this is
- -- use tcExtendGlobalEnv to put all of the things that we believe are
- -- going to be "the real TyThings" (type_env) into the type environment, so that
- -- when we typecheck the rest of the interfaces they get knot-tied
- -- to those. But tcExtendGlobalEnv is a bit too strict, and forces thunks
- -- before they are ready.
+ -- typecheckIfacesForMerging does two things:
+ -- 1. It merges the all of the ifaces together, and typechecks the
+ -- result to type_env.
+ -- 2. It typechecks each iface individually, but with their 'Name's
+ -- resolving to the merged type_env from (1).
+ -- See typecheckIfacesForMerging for more details.
(type_env, detailss) <- initIfaceTcRn $
typecheckIfacesForMerging inner_mod ifaces type_env_var
- -- Something very subtle but important about type_env:
- -- it contains NO dfuns. The dfuns are inside detailss,
- -- and the names are complete nonsense. We'll unwind this
- -- in the rest of this function.
let infos = zip ifaces detailss
- -- Make sure we serialize these out!
+ -- NB on type_env: it contains NO dfuns. DFuns are recorded inside
+ -- detailss, and given a Name that doesn't correspond to anything real. See
+ -- also Note [Signature merging DFuns]
+ -- Add the merged type_env to TcGblEnv, so that it gets serialized
+ -- out when we finally write out the interface.
+ --
+ -- NB: Why do we set tcg_tcs/tcg_patsyns/tcg_type_env directly,
+ -- rather than use tcExtendGlobalEnv (the normal method to add newly
+ -- defined types to TcGblEnv?) tcExtendGlobalEnv adds these
+ -- TyThings to 'tcg_type_env_var', which is consulted when
+ -- we read in interfaces to tie the knot. But *these TyThings themselves
+ -- come from interface*, so that would result in deadlock. Don't
+ -- update it!
setGblEnv tcg_env {
tcg_tcs = typeEnvTyCons type_env,
tcg_patsyns = typeEnvPatSyns type_env,
@@ -408,6 +419,10 @@ mergeSignatures lcl_iface0 = do
-- STEP 6: Check for compatibility/merge things
tcg_env <- (\x -> foldM x tcg_env infos)
$ \tcg_env (iface, details) -> do
+ -- For every TyThing in the type environment, compare it for
+ -- compatibility with the merged environment, but skip
+ -- DFunIds and implicit TyThings.
let check_ty sig_thing
-- We'll check these with the parent
| isImplicitTyThing sig_thing
@@ -422,14 +437,41 @@ mergeSignatures lcl_iface0 = do
| otherwise
= panic "mergeSignatures check_ty"
mapM_ check_ty (typeEnvElts (md_types details))
- -- DFunId
+ -- Note [Signature merging instances]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- Merge instances into the global environment. The algorithm here is
+ -- dumb and simple: if an instance has exactly the same DFun type
+ -- (tested by 'memberInstEnv') as an existing instance, we drop it;
+ -- otherwise, we add it even, even if this would cause overlap.
+ --
+ -- Why don't we deduplicate instances with identical heads? There's no
+ -- good choice if they have premises:
+ --
+ -- instance K1 a => K (T a)
+ -- instance K2 a => K (T a)
+ --
+ -- Why not eagerly error in this case? The overlapping head does not
+ -- necessarily mean that the instances are unimplementable: in fact,
+ -- they may be implemented without overlap (if, for example, the
+ -- implementing module has 'instance K (T a)'; both are implemented in
+ -- this case.) The implements test just checks that the wanteds are
+ -- derivable assuming the givens.
+ --
+ -- Still, overlapping instances with hypotheses like above are going
+ -- to be a bad deal, because instance resolution when we're typechecking
+ -- against the merged signature is going to have a bad time when
+ -- there are overlapping heads like this: we never backtrack, so it
+ -- may be difficult to see that a wanted is derivable. For now,
+ -- we hope that we get lucky / the overlapping instances never
+ -- get used, but it is not a very good situation to be in.
+ --
let merge_inst (insts, inst_env) inst
- -- TODO: It would be good if, when there IS an
- -- existing interface, we check that the types
- -- match up.
- | memberInstEnv inst_env inst
+ | memberInstEnv inst_env inst -- test DFun Type equality
= (insts, inst_env)
| otherwise
+ -- NB: is_dfun_name inst is still nonsense here,
+ -- see Note [Signature merging DFuns]
= (inst:insts, extendInstEnv inst_env inst)
(insts, inst_env) = foldl' merge_inst
(tcg_insts tcg_env, tcg_inst_env tcg_env)
@@ -447,7 +489,19 @@ mergeSignatures lcl_iface0 = do
else (mi_module iface, mi_mod_hash iface) : tcg_merged tcg_env
- -- Rename and add dfuns to type_env
+ -- Note [Signature merging DFuns]
+ -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ -- Once we know all of instances which will be defined by this merged
+ -- signature, we go through each of the DFuns and rename them with a fresh,
+ -- new, unique DFun Name, and add these DFuns to tcg_type_env (thus fixing
+ -- up the "bogus" names that were setup in 'typecheckIfacesForMerging'.
+ --
+ -- We can't do this fixup earlier, because we need a way to identify each
+ -- source DFun (from each of the signatures we are merging in) so that
+ -- when we have a ClsInst, we can pull up the correct DFun to check if
+ -- the types match.
+ --
+ -- See also Note [Bogus DFun renamings] in RnModIface
dfun_insts <- forM (tcg_insts tcg_env) $ \inst -> do
n <- newDFunName (is_cls inst) (is_tys inst) (nameSrcSpan (is_dfun_name inst))
let dfun = setVarName (is_dfun inst) n
diff --git a/compiler/types/InstEnv.hs b/compiler/types/InstEnv.hs
index d537af3e0a..61913c94e4 100644
--- a/compiler/types/InstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/InstEnv.hs
@@ -446,14 +446,13 @@ classInstances (InstEnvs { ie_global = pkg_ie, ie_local = home_ie, ie_visible =
-- | Checks for an exact match of ClsInst in the instance environment.
-- We use this when we do signature checking in TcRnDriver
--- TODO: This will report that Show [Foo] is a member of an
--- instance environment containing Show a => Show [a], even if
--- Show Foo is not in the environment. Could try to make this
--- a bit more precise.
memberInstEnv :: InstEnv -> ClsInst -> Bool
memberInstEnv inst_env ins_item@(ClsInst { is_cls_nm = cls_nm } ) =
- maybe False (\(ClsIE items) -> any (identicalClsInstHead ins_item) items)
+ maybe False (\(ClsIE items) -> any (identicalDFunType ins_item) items)
(lookupUDFM inst_env cls_nm)
+ where
+ identicalDFunType cls1 cls2 =
+ eqType (varType (is_dfun cls1)) (varType (is_dfun cls2))
extendInstEnvList :: InstEnv -> [ClsInst] -> InstEnv
extendInstEnvList inst_env ispecs = foldl extendInstEnv inst_env ispecs