diff options
9 files changed, 555 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 2f1f813ab0..63276b34db 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@ Library
+ HsDumpAst
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDumpAst.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDumpAst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f735488957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDumpAst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Contains a debug function to dump parts of the hsSyn AST. It uses a syb
+-- traversal which falls back to displaying based on the constructor name, so
+-- can be used to dump anything having a @Data.Data@ instance.
+module HsDumpAst (
+ -- * Dumping ASTs
+ showAstData,
+ BlankSrcSpan(..),
+ ) where
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
+import Data.List
+import Bag
+import FastString
+import NameSet
+import Name
+import RdrName
+import DataCon
+import SrcLoc
+import HsSyn
+import OccName hiding (occName)
+import Var
+import Module
+import DynFlags
+import Outputable hiding (space)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+data BlankSrcSpan = BlankSrcSpan | NoBlankSrcSpan
+ deriving (Eq,Show)
+-- | Show a GHC syntax tree. This parameterised because it is also used for
+-- comparing ASTs in ppr roundtripping tests, where the SrcSpan's are blanked
+-- out, to avoid comparing locations, only structure
+showAstData :: Data a => BlankSrcSpan -> a -> String
+showAstData b = showAstData' 0
+ where
+ showAstData' :: Data a => Int -> a -> String
+ showAstData' n =
+ generic
+ `ext1Q` list
+ `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan
+ `extQ` bytestring
+ `extQ` name `extQ` occName `extQ` moduleName `extQ` var
+ `extQ` dataCon
+ `extQ` bagName `extQ` bagRdrName `extQ` bagVar `extQ` nameSet
+ `extQ` fixity
+ `ext2Q` located
+ where generic :: Data a => a -> String
+ generic t = indent n ++ "(" ++ showConstr (toConstr t)
+ ++ space (unwords (gmapQ (showAstData' (n+1)) t)) ++ ")"
+ space "" = ""
+ space s = ' ':s
+ indent i = "\n" ++ replicate i ' '
+ string :: String -> String
+ string = normalize_newlines . show
+ fastString :: FastString -> String
+ fastString = ("{FastString: "++) . (++"}") . normalize_newlines
+ . show
+ bytestring :: B.ByteString -> String
+ bytestring = normalize_newlines . show
+ list l = indent n ++ "["
+ ++ intercalate "," (map (showAstData' (n+1)) l)
+ ++ "]"
+ name :: Name -> String
+ name = ("{Name: "++) . (++"}") . showSDocDebug_ . ppr
+ occName = ("{OccName: "++) . (++"}") . OccName.occNameString
+ moduleName :: ModuleName -> String
+ moduleName = ("{ModuleName: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
+ srcSpan :: SrcSpan -> String
+ srcSpan ss = case b of
+ BlankSrcSpan -> "{ "++ "ss" ++"}"
+ NoBlankSrcSpan ->
+ "{ "++ showSDoc_ (hang (ppr ss) (n+2)
+ -- TODO: show annotations here
+ (text "")
+ )
+ ++"}"
+ var :: Var -> String
+ var = ("{Var: "++) . (++"}") . showSDocDebug_ . ppr
+ dataCon :: DataCon -> String
+ dataCon = ("{DataCon: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
+ bagRdrName:: Bag (Located (HsBind RdrName)) -> String
+ bagRdrName = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)): "++) . (++"}")
+ . list . bagToList
+ bagName :: Bag (Located (HsBind Name)) -> String
+ bagName = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Name)): "++) . (++"}")
+ . list . bagToList
+ bagVar :: Bag (Located (HsBind Var)) -> String
+ bagVar = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): "++) . (++"}")
+ . list . bagToList
+ nameSet = ("{NameSet: "++) . (++"}") . list . nameSetElemsStable
+ fixity :: Fixity -> String
+ fixity = ("{Fixity: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
+ located :: (Data b,Data loc) => GenLocated loc b -> String
+ located (L ss a) =
+ indent n ++ "("
+ ++ case cast ss of
+ Just (s :: SrcSpan) ->
+ srcSpan s
+ Nothing -> "nnnnnnnn"
+ ++ showAstData' (n+1) a
+ ++ ")"
+normalize_newlines :: String -> String
+normalize_newlines ('\\':'r':'\\':'n':xs) = '\\':'n':normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines (x:xs) = x:normalize_newlines xs
+normalize_newlines [] = []
+showSDoc_ :: SDoc -> String
+showSDoc_ = normalize_newlines . showSDoc unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+showSDocDebug_ :: SDoc -> String
+showSDocDebug_ = normalize_newlines . showSDocDebug unsafeGlobalDynFlags
+* *
+* Copied from syb
+* *
+-- | The type constructor for queries
+newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }
+-- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case
+extQ :: ( Typeable a
+ , Typeable b
+ )
+ => (a -> q)
+ -> (b -> q)
+ -> a
+ -> q
+extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a)
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext1Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall e. Data e => t e -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext1Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext1` (Q ext))
+-- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
+ext2Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
+ => (d -> q)
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
+ -> d -> q
+ext2Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2` (Q ext))
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext1 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d. Data d => c (t d))
+ -> c a
+ext1 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast1 ext)
+-- | Flexible type extension
+ext2 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
+ => c a
+ -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
+ -> c a
+ext2 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index c8f6e1ed43..41f7235ea3 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ data DumpFlag
| Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace
| Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
| Opt_D_dump_parsed
+ | Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast
| Opt_D_dump_rn
| Opt_D_dump_shape
| Opt_D_dump_simpl
@@ -2780,6 +2781,8 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
(setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_occur_anal)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-parsed"
(setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-parsed-ast"
+ (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-rn"
(setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-simpl"
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index eb56a54209..b163cbbe21 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ module HscMain
, showModuleIndex
) where
+import Data.Data hiding (Fixity, TyCon)
import Id
import GHCi.RemoteTypes ( ForeignHValue )
import ByteCodeGen ( byteCodeGen, coreExprToBCOs )
@@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ import Module
import Packages
import RdrName
import HsSyn
+import HsDumpAst
import CoreSyn
import StringBuffer
import Parser
@@ -330,6 +332,8 @@ hscParse' mod_summary
logWarningsReportErrors (getMessages pst dflags)
liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" $
ppr rdr_module
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast "Parser AST" $
+ text (showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan rdr_module)
liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_source_stats "Source Statistics" $
ppSourceStats False rdr_module
@@ -1662,10 +1666,11 @@ hscParseIdentifier :: HscEnv -> String -> IO (Located RdrName)
hscParseIdentifier hsc_env str =
runInteractiveHsc hsc_env $ hscParseThing parseIdentifier str
-hscParseThing :: (Outputable thing) => Lexer.P thing -> String -> Hsc thing
+hscParseThing :: (Outputable thing, Data thing)
+ => Lexer.P thing -> String -> Hsc thing
hscParseThing = hscParseThingWithLocation "<interactive>" 1
-hscParseThingWithLocation :: (Outputable thing) => String -> Int
+hscParseThingWithLocation :: (Outputable thing, Data thing) => String -> Int
-> Lexer.P thing -> String -> Hsc thing
hscParseThingWithLocation source linenumber parser str
= withTiming getDynFlags
@@ -1684,6 +1689,8 @@ hscParseThingWithLocation source linenumber parser str
POk pst thing -> do
logWarningsReportErrors (getMessages pst dflags)
liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed "Parser" (ppr thing)
+ liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast "Parser AST" $
+ text $ showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan thing
return thing
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/debugging.rst b/docs/users_guide/debugging.rst
index ba44e60074..b4c20eb8b9 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/debugging.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/debugging.rst
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ Dumping out compiler intermediate structures
Dump parser output
+ .. ghc-flag:: -ddump-parsed-ast
+ Dump parser output as a syntax tree
.. ghc-flag:: -ddump-rn
Dump renamer output
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.hs b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0d65ad8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies #-}
+module DumpParsedAst where
+data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano
+type family Length (as :: [k]) :: Peano where
+ Length (a : as) = Succ (Length as)
+ Length '[] = Zero
+type family Length' (as :: [k]) :: Peano where
+ Length' ((:) a as) = Succ (Length' as)
+ Length' '[] = Zero
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.stderr b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c08b3e7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/DumpParsedAst.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+==================== Parser AST ====================
+({ DumpParsedAst.hs:1:1 }
+ (HsModule
+ (Just
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:3:8-20 }{ModuleName: DumpParsedAst}))
+ (Nothing)
+ []
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:1-30 }
+ (TyClD
+ (DataDecl
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:6-10 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Peano}))
+ (HsQTvs
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ []
+ (PlaceHolder))
+ (Prefix)
+ (HsDataDefn
+ (DataType)
+ ({ <no location info> }
+ [])
+ (Nothing)
+ (Nothing)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:14-17 }
+ (ConDeclH98
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:14-17 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Zero}))
+ (Nothing)
+ (Just
+ ({ <no location info> }
+ []))
+ (PrefixCon
+ [])
+ (Nothing))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:21-30 }
+ (ConDeclH98
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:21-24 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Succ}))
+ (Nothing)
+ (Just
+ ({ <no location info> }
+ []))
+ (PrefixCon
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:26-30 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:5:26-30 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Peano}))))])
+ (Nothing)))]
+ ({ <no location info> }
+ []))
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ (PlaceHolder)))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:1-39 }
+ (TyClD
+ (FamDecl
+ (FamilyDecl
+ (ClosedTypeFamily
+ (Just
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:3-36 }
+ (TyFamEqn
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:3-8 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length}))
+ (HsIB
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:10-17 }
+ (HsParTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:11-16 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:11 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:11 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:11 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: a})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:13 }
+ (HsAppInfix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:13 }
+ (Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Types.:{(w) d 66}})))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:15-16 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:15-16 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:15-16 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))))))]))))])
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:21-36 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:21-24 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:21-24 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:21-24 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Succ})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:26-36 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:26-36 }
+ (HsParTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:27-35 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:27-32 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:27-32 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:27-32 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:34-35 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:34-35 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:8:34-35 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))))))]))))))])))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:3-24 }
+ (TyFamEqn
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:3-8 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length}))
+ (HsIB
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:10-12 }
+ (HsExplicitListTy
+ (Promoted)
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ []))])
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:21-24 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:21-24 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:21-24 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:9:21-24 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Zero}))))))]))))]))
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:13-18 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length}))
+ (HsQTvs
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:20-30 }
+ (KindedTyVar
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:21-22 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:27-29 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:27-29 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:27-29 }
+ (HsListTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:28 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:28 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:28 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:28 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: k}))))))]))))))]))))]
+ (PlaceHolder))
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:32-39 }
+ (KindSig
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:35-39 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:35-39 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:35-39 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:7:35-39 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Peano}))))))]))))
+ (Nothing))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:1-40 }
+ (TyClD
+ (FamDecl
+ (FamilyDecl
+ (ClosedTypeFamily
+ (Just
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:3-40 }
+ (TyFamEqn
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:3-9 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length'}))
+ (HsIB
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:11-20 }
+ (HsParTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:12-19 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:12-14 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:12-14 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:12-14 }
+ (Exact {Name: ghc-prim:GHC.Types.:{(w) d 66}})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:16 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:16 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:16 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: a})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:18-19 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:18-19 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:18-19 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))))))]))))])
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:24-40 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:24-27 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:24-27 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:24-27 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Succ})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:29-40 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:29-40 }
+ (HsParTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:30-39 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:30-36 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:30-36 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:30-36 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length'})))))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:38-39 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:38-39 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:12:38-39 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))))))]))))))])))),
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:3-27 }
+ (TyFamEqn
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:3-9 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length'}))
+ (HsIB
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:11-13 }
+ (HsExplicitListTy
+ (Promoted)
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ []))])
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:24-27 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:24-27 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:24-27 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:13:24-27 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Zero}))))))]))))]))
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:13-19 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Length'}))
+ (HsQTvs
+ (PlaceHolder)
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:21-31 }
+ (KindedTyVar
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:22-23 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: as}))
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:28-30 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:28-30 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:28-30 }
+ (HsListTy
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:29 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:29 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:29 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:29 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: k}))))))]))))))]))))]
+ (PlaceHolder))
+ (Prefix)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:33-40 }
+ (KindSig
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:36-40 }
+ (HsAppsTy
+ [
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:36-40 }
+ (HsAppPrefix
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:36-40 }
+ (HsTyVar
+ (NotPromoted)
+ ({ DumpParsedAst.hs:11:36-40 }
+ (Unqual {OccName: Peano}))))))]))))
+ (Nothing)))))]
+ (Nothing)
+ (Nothing)))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/all.T
index 24c562e555..22a952474e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/parser/should_compile/all.T
@@ -105,3 +105,4 @@ test('VtaParse', normal, compile, [''])
test('T10196', normal, compile, [''])
test('T10379', normal, compile, [''])
test('T10582', expect_broken(10582), compile, [''])
+test('DumpParsedAst', normal, compile, ['-ddump-parsed-ast'])
diff --git a/utils/check-ppr/Main.hs b/utils/check-ppr/Main.hs
index c968b837b1..47a95659ff 100644
--- a/utils/check-ppr/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/check-ppr/Main.hs
@@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-import Data.Data hiding (Fixity)
import Data.List
-import Bag
-import FastString
-import NameSet
import SrcLoc
-import HsSyn
-import OccName hiding (occName)
import GHC hiding (moduleName)
-import Var
+import HsDumpAst
import DynFlags
import Outputable hiding (space)
import System.Environment( getArgs )
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
usage :: String
@@ -39,7 +31,7 @@ testOneFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
testOneFile libdir fileName = do
p <- parseOneFile libdir fileName
- origAst = showAstData 0 (pm_parsed_source p)
+ origAst = showAstData BlankSrcSpan (pm_parsed_source p)
pped = pragmas ++ "\n" ++ pp (pm_parsed_source p)
anns = pm_annotations p
pragmas = getPragmas anns
@@ -53,7 +45,7 @@ testOneFile libdir fileName = do
p' <- parseOneFile libdir newFile
- let newAstStr = showAstData 0 (pm_parsed_source p')
+ let newAstStr = showAstData BlankSrcSpan (pm_parsed_source p')
writeFile newAstFile newAstStr
if origAst == newAstStr
@@ -108,127 +100,3 @@ pp :: (Outputable a) => a -> String
pp a = showPpr unsafeGlobalDynFlags a
--- | Show a GHC AST with SrcSpan's blanked out, to avoid comparing locations,
--- only structure
-showAstData :: Data a => Int -> a -> String
-showAstData n =
- generic
- `ext1Q` list
- `extQ` string `extQ` fastString `extQ` srcSpan
- `extQ` bytestring
- `extQ` name `extQ` occName `extQ` moduleName `extQ` var `extQ` dataCon
- `extQ` bagName `extQ` bagRdrName `extQ` bagVar `extQ` nameSet
- `extQ` fixity
- `ext2Q` located
- where generic :: Data a => a -> String
- generic t = indent n ++ "(" ++ showConstr (toConstr t)
- ++ space (unwords (gmapQ (showAstData (n+1)) t)) ++ ")"
- space "" = ""
- space s = ' ':s
- indent i = "\n" ++ replicate i ' '
- string = normalize_newlines . show :: String -> String
- fastString = ("{FastString: "++) . (++"}") . normalize_newlines . show
- :: FastString -> String
- bytestring = normalize_newlines . show :: B.ByteString -> String
- list l = indent n ++ "["
- ++ intercalate "," (map (showAstData (n+1)) l)
- ++ "]"
- name = ("{Name: "++) . (++"}") . showSDocDebug_ . ppr
- :: Name -> String
- occName = ("{OccName: "++) . (++"}") . OccName.occNameString
- moduleName = ("{ModuleName: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
- :: ModuleName -> String
- srcSpan :: SrcSpan -> String
- srcSpan _ss = "{ "++ "ss" ++"}"
- var = ("{Var: "++) . (++"}") . showSDocDebug_ . ppr
- :: Var -> String
- dataCon = ("{DataCon: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
- :: DataCon -> String
- bagRdrName:: Bag (Located (HsBind RdrName)) -> String
- bagRdrName = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind RdrName)): "++) . (++"}")
- . list . bagToList
- bagName :: Bag (Located (HsBind Name)) -> String
- bagName = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Name)): "++) . (++"}")
- . list . bagToList
- bagVar :: Bag (Located (HsBind Var)) -> String
- bagVar = ("{Bag(Located (HsBind Var)): "++) . (++"}")
- . list . bagToList
- nameSet = ("{NameSet: "++) . (++"}") . list . nameSetElemsStable
- fixity = ("{Fixity: "++) . (++"}") . showSDoc_ . ppr
- :: Fixity -> String
- located :: (Data b,Data loc) => GenLocated loc b -> String
- located (L ss a) =
- indent n ++ "("
- ++ case cast ss of
- Just (s :: SrcSpan) ->
- srcSpan s
- Nothing -> "nnnnnnnn"
- ++ showAstData (n+1) a
- ++ ")"
-normalize_newlines :: String -> String
-normalize_newlines ('\\':'r':'\\':'n':xs) = '\\':'n':normalize_newlines xs
-normalize_newlines (x:xs) = x:normalize_newlines xs
-normalize_newlines [] = []
-showSDoc_ :: SDoc -> String
-showSDoc_ = normalize_newlines . showSDoc unsafeGlobalDynFlags
-showSDocDebug_ :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDebug_ = normalize_newlines . showSDocDebug unsafeGlobalDynFlags
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Copied from syb for the test
--- | The type constructor for queries
-newtype Q q x = Q { unQ :: x -> q }
--- | Extend a generic query by a type-specific case
-extQ :: ( Typeable a
- , Typeable b
- )
- => (a -> q)
- -> (b -> q)
- -> a
- -> q
-extQ f g a = maybe (f a) g (cast a)
--- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
-ext1Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
- => (d -> q)
- -> (forall e. Data e => t e -> q)
- -> d -> q
-ext1Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext1` (Q ext))
--- | Type extension of queries for type constructors
-ext2Q :: (Data d, Typeable t)
- => (d -> q)
- -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => t d1 d2 -> q)
- -> d -> q
-ext2Q def ext = unQ ((Q def) `ext2` (Q ext))
--- | Flexible type extension
-ext1 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
- => c a
- -> (forall d. Data d => c (t d))
- -> c a
-ext1 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast1 ext)
--- | Flexible type extension
-ext2 :: (Data a, Typeable t)
- => c a
- -> (forall d1 d2. (Data d1, Data d2) => c (t d1 d2))
- -> c a
-ext2 def ext = maybe def id (dataCast2 ext)