diff options
21 files changed, 800 insertions, 1551 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/cg008.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/cg008.hs
index 10099c1b48..dcfc0389e3 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/cg008.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_compile/cg008.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Control.Exception
hashStr :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int
hashStr (Ptr a#) (I# len#) = loop 0# 0#
- loop h n | n GHC.Exts.==# len# = I# h
+ loop h n | isTrue# (n GHC.Exts.==# len#) = I# h
| otherwise = loop h2 (n GHC.Exts.+# 1#)
where !c = ord# (indexCharOffAddr# a# n)
!h2 = (c GHC.Exts.+# (h GHC.Exts.*# 128#)) `remInt#` 4091#
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T2080.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T2080.hs
index a1baf757f5..13a932a2a7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T2080.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/T2080.hs
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import GHC.Ptr (Ptr(..))
utf8DecodeChar# :: Addr# -> Bool -> Bool
{-# NOINLINE utf8DecodeChar# #-}
utf8DecodeChar# a# fred =
- case () of
- _ | word2Int# (indexWord8OffAddr# a# 0#) <=# 0x7F# -> True
+ case () of
+ _ | isTrue# (word2Int# (indexWord8OffAddr# a# 0#) <=# 0x7F#) -> True
-- Omitting the next line gives an ASSERT error:
-- ghc-6.9: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun015.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun015.hs
index eba3b8ab30..4263c4b1b6 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun015.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun015.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import GHC.Exts
data CList = CNil | CCons Int# CList
mk :: Int# -> CList
-mk n = if (n ==# 0#)
+mk n = if isTrue# (n ==# 0#)
then CNil
else CCons 1# (mk (n -# 1#))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
index 20b02f5587..a9dd570759 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun026.hs
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ test_chars
fill_in :: STUArray s Int Char -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# first# last#
- = if (first# ># last#)
+ = if isTrue# (first# ># last#)
then return ()
else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) ((chr (I# first#))) >>
fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
lookup_range :: UArray Int Char -> Int# -> Int# -> [Char]
lookup_range arr from# to#
- = if (from# ># to#)
+ = if isTrue# (from# ># to#)
then []
else (arr ! (I# from#))
: (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ test_ints
fill_in :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# first# last#
- = if (first# ># last#)
+ = if isTrue# (first# ># last#)
then return ()
else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) (I# (first# *# first#)) >>
fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
lookup_range :: UArray Int Int -> Int# -> Int# -> [Int]
lookup_range arr from# to#
- = if (from# ># to#)
+ = if isTrue# (from# ># to#)
then []
else (arr ! (I# from#))
: (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ test_addrs
fill_in :: STUArray s Int (Ptr ()) -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# first# last#
- = if (first# ># last#)
+ = if isTrue# (first# ># last#)
then return ()
else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#)
(Ptr (int2Addr# (first# *# first#))) >>
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ test_addrs
= let
a2i (Ptr a#) = I# (addr2Int# a#)
- if (from# ># to#)
+ if isTrue# (from# ># to#)
then []
else (a2i (arr ! (I# from#)))
: (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ test_floats
fill_in :: STUArray s Int Float -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# first# last#
- = if (first# ># last#)
+ = if isTrue# (first# ># last#)
then return ()
{- else let e = ((fromIntegral (I# first#)) * pi)
in trace (show e) $ writeFloatArray arr_in# (I# first#) e >>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ test_floats
lookup_range :: UArray Int Float -> Int# -> Int# -> [Float]
lookup_range arr from# to#
- = if (from# ># to#)
+ = if isTrue# (from# ># to#)
then []
else (arr ! (I# from#))
: (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ test_doubles
fill_in :: STUArray s Int Double -> Int# -> Int# -> ST s ()
fill_in arr_in# first# last#
- = if (first# ># last#)
+ = if isTrue# (first# ># last#)
then return ()
else writeArray arr_in# (I# first#) ((fromIntegral (I# first#)) * pi) >>
fill_in arr_in# (first# +# 1#) last#
lookup_range :: UArray Int Double -> Int# -> Int# -> [Double]
lookup_range arr from# to#
- = if (from# ># to#)
+ = if isTrue# (from# ># to#)
then []
else (arr ! (I# from#))
: (lookup_range arr (from# +# 1#) to#)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun066.hs b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun066.hs
index 0d53120976..c8bfec47c4 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun066.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/codeGen/should_run/cgrun066.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Control.Exception
hashStr :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Int
hashStr (Ptr a#) (I# len#) = loop 0# 0#
- loop h n | n GHC.Exts.==# len# = I# h
+ loop h n | isTrue# (n GHC.Exts.==# len#) = I# h
| otherwise = loop h2 (n GHC.Exts.+# 1#)
where !c = ord# (indexCharOffAddr# a# n)
!h2 = (c GHC.Exts.+# (h GHC.Exts.*# 128#)) `remInt#` 4091#
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/ds035.hs b/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/ds035.hs
index b3d8568a14..1cf6d80b5b 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/ds035.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/deSugar/should_compile/ds035.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import GHC.Exts
data CList = CNil | CCons Int# CList
mk :: Int# -> CList
-mk n = case (n ==# 0#) of
+mk n = case isTrue# (n ==# 0#) of
False -> CNil
_ -> CCons 1# (mk (n -# 1#))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.hs b/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.hs
index f16556cb3f..339d629dd9 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module ShouldFail where
import GHC.Exts
foreign export ccall foo :: Int# -> IO ()
-foo i | i ==# 0# = return ()
+foo i | isTrue# (i ==# 0#) = return ()
foreign export ccall bar :: Int -> Int#
bar _ = 42#
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.stderr b/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.stderr
index 7933b8c48e..4ce9db572d 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ffi/should_fail/ccfail003.stderr
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
Unacceptable argument type in foreign declaration: Int#
- When checking declaration: foreign export ccall "foo" foo :: Int# -> IO ()
+ When checking declaration:
+ foreign export ccall "foo" foo :: Int# -> IO ()
Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: Int#
- When checking declaration: foreign export ccall "bar" bar :: Int -> Int#
+ When checking declaration:
+ foreign export ccall "bar" bar :: Int -> Int#
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/HappyTest.hs b/testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/HappyTest.hs
index 5fdbe7f66d..62b055fad7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/HappyTest.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/HappyTest.hs
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ happyDoAction i tk st
happyFail i tk st
-1# -> (happyTrace ("accept.\n")) $
happyAccept i tk st
- n | (n <# (0# :: Int#)) -> (happyTrace ("reduce (rule " ++ show rule ++ ")")) $
+ n | isTrue# (n <# (0# :: Int#)) -> (happyTrace ("reduce (rule " ++ show rule ++ ")")) $
(happyReduceArr ! rule) i tk st
where rule = (I# ((negateInt# ((n +# (1# :: Int#))))))
@@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ happyDoAction i tk st
where new_state = (n -# (1# :: Int#))
where off = indexShortOffAddr happyActOffsets st
off_i = (off +# i)
- check = if (off_i >=# (0# :: Int#))
- then (indexShortOffAddr happyCheck off_i ==# i)
+ check = if isTrue# (off_i >=# (0# :: Int#))
+ then isTrue# (indexShortOffAddr happyCheck off_i ==# i)
else False
action | check = indexShortOffAddr happyTable off_i
| otherwise = indexShortOffAddr happyDefActions st
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith016.hs b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith016.hs
index 1437b8799d..a219b5575e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith016.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/arith016.hs
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@
module Main where
-import GHC.Exts ( Float(F#),
- eqFloat#, neFloat#, ltFloat#,
- leFloat#, gtFloat#, geFloat#
+import GHC.Exts ( Float(F#),
+ eqFloat#, neFloat#, ltFloat#,
+ leFloat#, gtFloat#, geFloat#,
+ isTrue#
fcmp_eq, fcmp_ne, fcmp_lt, fcmp_le, fcmp_gt, fcmp_ge :: (String, Float -> Float -> Bool)
-fcmp_eq = ("==", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b)
-fcmp_ne = ("/=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b)
-fcmp_lt = ("< ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b)
-fcmp_le = ("<=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b)
-fcmp_gt = ("> ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b)
-fcmp_ge = (">=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b)
+fcmp_eq = ("==", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `eqFloat#` b))
+fcmp_ne = ("/=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `neFloat#` b))
+fcmp_lt = ("< ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `ltFloat#` b))
+fcmp_le = ("<=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `leFloat#` b))
+fcmp_gt = ("> ", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `gtFloat#` b))
+fcmp_ge = (">=", \ (F# a) (F# b) -> isTrue# (a `geFloat#` b))
float_fns = [fcmp_eq, fcmp_ne, fcmp_lt, fcmp_le, fcmp_gt, fcmp_ge]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T4007.stdout b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T4007.stdout
index 6319c450e9..9b825fd518 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T4007.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T4007.stdout
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Rule fired: unpack
Rule fired: Class op >>
Rule fired: Class op return
-Rule fired: <=$#
-Rule fired: tagToEnum#
+Rule fired: <=#
Rule fired: fold/build
Rule fired: unpack-list
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_compile/T6135_should_compile.hs b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_compile/T6135_should_compile.hs
index b27c6cd8d3..64c04e79ca 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_compile/T6135_should_compile.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_compile/T6135_should_compile.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ main = do
print 3.14159
h :: Double# -> String
-h n = if (n ==## 3.0##) || (n ==## 4.0##)
+h n = if tagToEnum# (n ==## 3.0##) || tagToEnum# (n ==## 4.0##)
then "First branch"
else "Second branch"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.hs b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.hs
index e93bb08618..390f343e56 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.hs
@@ -8,796 +8,401 @@ import GHC.Exts
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- PrimOps for comparing Char#
- putStrLn "=== testing gtCharI# ==="
- test "gtCharI#" (a# `gtCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "gtCharI#" (b# `gtCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "gtCharI#" (a# `gtCharI#` b# ) -- False
- test "gtCharI#" (minC# `gtCharI#` minC#) -- False
- test "gtCharI#" (maxC# `gtCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "gtCharI#" (minC# `gtCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "gtCharI#" (maxC# `gtCharI#` minC#) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing geCharI# ==="
- test "geCharI#" (a# `geCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "geCharI#" (b# `geCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "geCharI#" (a# `geCharI#` b# ) -- False
- test "geCharI#" (minC# `geCharI#` minC#) -- True
- test "geCharI#" (maxC# `geCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "geCharI#" (minC# `geCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "geCharI#" (maxC# `geCharI#` minC#) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing ltCharI# ==="
- test "ltCharI#" (a# `ltCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "ltCharI#" (b# `ltCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "ltCharI#" (a# `ltCharI#` b# ) -- True
- test "ltCharI#" (minC# `ltCharI#` minC#) -- False
- test "ltCharI#" (maxC# `ltCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "ltCharI#" (minC# `ltCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "ltCharI#" (maxC# `ltCharI#` minC#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing leCharI# ==="
- test "leCharI#" (a# `leCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "leCharI#" (b# `leCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "leCharI#" (a# `leCharI#` b# ) -- True
- test "leCharI#" (minC# `leCharI#` minC#) -- True
- test "leCharI#" (maxC# `leCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "leCharI#" (minC# `leCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "leCharI#" (maxC# `leCharI#` minC#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing eqCharI# ==="
- test "eqCharI#" (a# `eqCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "eqCharI#" (b# `eqCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "eqCharI#" (a# `eqCharI#` b# ) -- False
- test "eqCharI#" (minC# `eqCharI#` minC#) -- True
- test "eqCharI#" (maxC# `eqCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "eqCharI#" (minC# `eqCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "eqCharI#" (maxC# `eqCharI#` minC#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing neCharI# ==="
- test "neCharI#" (a# `neCharI#` a# ) -- False
- test "neCharI#" (b# `neCharI#` a# ) -- True
- test "neCharI#" (a# `neCharI#` b# ) -- True
- test "neCharI#" (minC# `neCharI#` minC#) -- False
- test "neCharI#" (maxC# `neCharI#` maxC#) -- False
- test "neCharI#" (minC# `neCharI#` maxC#) -- True
- test "neCharI#" (maxC# `neCharI#` minC#) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing gtChar# ==="
+ test "gtChar#" (a# `gtChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "gtChar#" (b# `gtChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "gtChar#" (a# `gtChar#` b# ) -- False
+ test "gtChar#" (minC# `gtChar#` minC#) -- False
+ test "gtChar#" (maxC# `gtChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "gtChar#" (minC# `gtChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "gtChar#" (maxC# `gtChar#` minC#) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing geChar# ==="
+ test "geChar#" (a# `geChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "geChar#" (b# `geChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "geChar#" (a# `geChar#` b# ) -- False
+ test "geChar#" (minC# `geChar#` minC#) -- True
+ test "geChar#" (maxC# `geChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "geChar#" (minC# `geChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "geChar#" (maxC# `geChar#` minC#) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing ltChar# ==="
+ test "ltChar#" (a# `ltChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "ltChar#" (b# `ltChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "ltChar#" (a# `ltChar#` b# ) -- True
+ test "ltChar#" (minC# `ltChar#` minC#) -- False
+ test "ltChar#" (maxC# `ltChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "ltChar#" (minC# `ltChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "ltChar#" (maxC# `ltChar#` minC#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing leChar# ==="
+ test "leChar#" (a# `leChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "leChar#" (b# `leChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "leChar#" (a# `leChar#` b# ) -- True
+ test "leChar#" (minC# `leChar#` minC#) -- True
+ test "leChar#" (maxC# `leChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "leChar#" (minC# `leChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "leChar#" (maxC# `leChar#` minC#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing eqChar# ==="
+ test "eqChar#" (a# `eqChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "eqChar#" (b# `eqChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "eqChar#" (a# `eqChar#` b# ) -- False
+ test "eqChar#" (minC# `eqChar#` minC#) -- True
+ test "eqChar#" (maxC# `eqChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "eqChar#" (minC# `eqChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "eqChar#" (maxC# `eqChar#` minC#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing neChar# ==="
+ test "neChar#" (a# `neChar#` a# ) -- False
+ test "neChar#" (b# `neChar#` a# ) -- True
+ test "neChar#" (a# `neChar#` b# ) -- True
+ test "neChar#" (minC# `neChar#` minC#) -- False
+ test "neChar#" (maxC# `neChar#` maxC#) -- False
+ test "neChar#" (minC# `neChar#` maxC#) -- True
+ test "neChar#" (maxC# `neChar#` minC#) -- True
-- PrimOps for comparing Int#
- putStrLn "=== testing >$# ==="
- test ">$#" (0# >$# 0# ) -- False
- test ">$#" (1# >$# 0# ) -- True
- test ">$#" (0# >$# 1# ) -- False
- test ">$#" (minI# >$# minI# ) -- False
- test ">$#" (maxI# >$# maxI# ) -- False
- test ">$#" (minI# +# 1# >$# minI# ) -- True
- test ">$#" (minI# >$# minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test ">$#" (maxI# +# 1# >$# maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
- test ">$#" (maxI# >$# maxI# -# 1#) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing <$# ==="
- test "<$#" (0# <$# 0# ) -- False
- test "<$#" (1# <$# 0# ) -- False
- test "<$#" (0# <$# 1# ) -- True
- test "<$#" (minI# <$# minI# ) -- False
- test "<$#" (maxI# <$# maxI# ) -- False
- test "<$#" (minI# <$# minI# +# 1#) -- True
- test "<$#" (minI# -# 1# <$# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "<$#" (maxI# <$# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test "<$#" (maxI# -# 1# <$# maxI# ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing >=$# ==="
- test ">=$#" (0# >=$# 0# ) -- True
- test ">=$#" (1# >=$# 0# ) -- True
- test ">=$#" (0# >=$# 1# ) -- False
- test ">=$#" (minI# >=$# minI# ) -- True
- test ">=$#" (maxI# >=$# maxI# ) -- True
- test ">=$#" (minI# +# 1# >=$# minI# ) -- True
- test ">=$#" (minI# >=$# minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test ">=$#" (maxI# +# 1# >=$# maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
- test ">=$#" (maxI# >=$# maxI# -# 1#) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing <=$# ==="
- test "<=$#" (0# <=$# 0# ) -- True
- test "<=$#" (1# <=$# 0# ) -- False
- test "<=$#" (0# <=$# 1# ) -- True
- test "<=$#" (minI# <=$# minI# ) -- True
- test "<=$#" (maxI# <=$# maxI# ) -- True
- test "<=$#" (minI# <=$# minI# +# 1#) -- True
- test "<=$#" (minI# -# 1# <=$# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "<=$#" (maxI# <=$# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test "<=$#" (maxI# -# 1# <=$# maxI# ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing ==$# ==="
- test "==$#" (0# ==$# 0# ) -- True
- test "==$#" (1# ==$# 0# ) -- False
- test "==$#" (0# ==$# 1# ) -- False
- test "==$#" (maxI# ==$# maxI# ) -- True
- test "==$#" (maxI# -# 1# ==$# maxI# ) -- False
- test "==$#" (minI# ==$# minI# ) -- True
- test "==$#" (minI# ==$# minI# +# 1#) -- False
- test "==$#" (minI# ==$# maxI# +# 1#) -- True (overflow)
- test "==$#" (maxI# +# 1# ==$# minI# ) -- True (overflow)
- test "==$#" (maxI# ==$# minI# -# 1#) -- True (overflow)
- test "==$#" (minI# -# 1# ==$# maxI# ) -- True (overflow)
- putStrLn "=== testing /=$# ==="
- test "/=$#" (0# /=$# 0# ) -- False
- test "/=$#" (1# /=$# 0# ) -- True
- test "/=$#" (0# /=$# 1# ) -- True
- test "/=$#" (maxI# /=$# maxI# ) -- False
- test "/=$#" (maxI# -# 1# /=$# maxI# ) -- True
- test "/=$#" (minI# /=$# minI# ) -- False
- test "/=$#" (minI# /=$# minI# +# 1#) -- True
- test "/=$#" (minI# /=$# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test "/=$#" (maxI# +# 1# /=$# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "/=$#" (maxI# /=$# minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
- test "/=$#" (minI# -# 1# /=$# maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ putStrLn "=== testing ># ==="
+ test ">#" (0# ># 0# ) -- False
+ test ">#" (1# ># 0# ) -- True
+ test ">#" (0# ># 1# ) -- False
+ test ">#" (minI# ># minI# ) -- False
+ test ">#" (maxI# ># maxI# ) -- False
+ test ">#" (minI# +# 1# ># minI# ) -- True
+ test ">#" (minI# ># minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test ">#" (maxI# +# 1# ># maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test ">#" (maxI# ># maxI# -# 1#) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing <# ==="
+ test "<#" (0# <# 0# ) -- False
+ test "<#" (1# <# 0# ) -- False
+ test "<#" (0# <# 1# ) -- True
+ test "<#" (minI# <# minI# ) -- False
+ test "<#" (maxI# <# maxI# ) -- False
+ test "<#" (minI# <# minI# +# 1#) -- True
+ test "<#" (minI# -# 1# <# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "<#" (maxI# <# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test "<#" (maxI# -# 1# <# maxI# ) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing >=# ==="
+ test ">=#" (0# >=# 0# ) -- True
+ test ">=#" (1# >=# 0# ) -- True
+ test ">=#" (0# >=# 1# ) -- False
+ test ">=#" (minI# >=# minI# ) -- True
+ test ">=#" (maxI# >=# maxI# ) -- True
+ test ">=#" (minI# +# 1# >=# minI# ) -- True
+ test ">=#" (minI# >=# minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test ">=#" (maxI# +# 1# >=# maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test ">=#" (maxI# >=# maxI# -# 1#) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing <=# ==="
+ test "<=#" (0# <=# 0# ) -- True
+ test "<=#" (1# <=# 0# ) -- False
+ test "<=#" (0# <=# 1# ) -- True
+ test "<=#" (minI# <=# minI# ) -- True
+ test "<=#" (maxI# <=# maxI# ) -- True
+ test "<=#" (minI# <=# minI# +# 1#) -- True
+ test "<=#" (minI# -# 1# <=# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "<=#" (maxI# <=# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test "<=#" (maxI# -# 1# <=# maxI# ) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing ==# ==="
+ test "==#" (0# ==# 0# ) -- True
+ test "==#" (1# ==# 0# ) -- False
+ test "==#" (0# ==# 1# ) -- False
+ test "==#" (maxI# ==# maxI# ) -- True
+ test "==#" (maxI# -# 1# ==# maxI# ) -- False
+ test "==#" (minI# ==# minI# ) -- True
+ test "==#" (minI# ==# minI# +# 1#) -- False
+ test "==#" (minI# ==# maxI# +# 1#) -- True (overflow)
+ test "==#" (maxI# +# 1# ==# minI# ) -- True (overflow)
+ test "==#" (maxI# ==# minI# -# 1#) -- True (overflow)
+ test "==#" (minI# -# 1# ==# maxI# ) -- True (overflow)
+ putStrLn "=== testing /=# ==="
+ test "/=#" (0# /=# 0# ) -- False
+ test "/=#" (1# /=# 0# ) -- True
+ test "/=#" (0# /=# 1# ) -- True
+ test "/=#" (maxI# /=# maxI# ) -- False
+ test "/=#" (maxI# -# 1# /=# maxI# ) -- True
+ test "/=#" (minI# /=# minI# ) -- False
+ test "/=#" (minI# /=# minI# +# 1#) -- True
+ test "/=#" (minI# /=# maxI# +# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test "/=#" (maxI# +# 1# /=# minI# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "/=#" (maxI# /=# minI# -# 1#) -- False (overflow)
+ test "/=#" (minI# -# 1# /=# maxI# ) -- False (overflow)
-- PrimOps for comparing Word#
- putStrLn "=== testing gtWordI# ==="
- test "gtWordI#" (zeroW# `gtWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "gtWordI#" (oneW# `gtWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "gtWordI#" (zeroW# `gtWordI#` oneW# ) -- False
- test "gtWordI#" (minW# `gtWordI#` minW# ) -- False
- test "gtWordI#" (maxW# `gtWordI#` maxW# ) -- False
- test "gtWordI#" ((minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `gtWordI#` minW# ) -- True
- test "gtWordI#" (minW# `gtWordI#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
- test "gtWordI#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `gtWordI#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "gtWordI#" (maxW# `gtWordI#` (maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing ltWordI# ==="
- test "ltWordI#" (zeroW# `ltWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "ltWordI#" (oneW# `ltWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "ltWordI#" (zeroW# `ltWordI#` oneW# ) -- True
- test "ltWordI#" (minW# `ltWordI#` minW# ) -- False
- test "ltWordI#" (maxW# `ltWordI#` maxW# ) -- False
- test "ltWordI#" (minW# `ltWordI#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
- test "ltWordI#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `ltWordI#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "ltWordI#" (maxW# `ltWordI#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
- test "ltWordI#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `ltWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing geWordI# ==="
- test "geWordI#" (zeroW# `geWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "geWordI#" (oneW# `geWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "geWordI#" (zeroW# `geWordI#` oneW# ) -- False
- test "geWordI#" (minW# `geWordI#` minW# ) -- True
- test "geWordI#" (maxW# `geWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- test "geWordI#" ((minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `geWordI#` minW# ) -- True
- test "geWordI#" (minW# `geWordI#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
- test "geWordI#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `geWordI#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "geWordI#" (maxW# `geWordI#` (maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing leWordI# ==="
- test "leWordI#" (zeroW# `leWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "leWordI#" (oneW# `leWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "leWordI#" (zeroW# `leWordI#` oneW# ) -- True
- test "leWordI#" (minW# `leWordI#` minW# ) -- True
- test "leWordI#" (maxW# `leWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- test "leWordI#" (minW# `leWordI#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
- test "leWordI#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `leWordI#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "leWordI#" (maxW# `leWordI#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
- test "leWordI#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `leWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing eqWordI# ==="
- test "eqWordI#" (zeroW# `eqWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "eqWordI#" (oneW# `eqWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "eqWordI#" (zeroW# `eqWordI#` oneW# ) -- False
- test "eqWordI#" (maxW# `eqWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- test "eqWordI#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `eqWordI#` maxW# ) -- False
- test "eqWordI#" (minW# `eqWordI#` minW# ) -- True
- test "eqWordI#" (minW# `eqWordI#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- False
- test "eqWordI#" (minW# `eqWordI#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- True (overflow)
- test "eqWordI#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `eqWordI#` minW# ) -- True (overflow)
- test "eqWordI#" (maxW# `eqWordI#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True (overflow)
- test "eqWordI#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `eqWordI#` maxW# ) -- True (overflow)
- putStrLn "=== testing neWordI# ==="
- test "neWordI#" (zeroW# `neWordI#` zeroW# ) -- False
- test "neWordI#" (oneW# `neWordI#` zeroW# ) -- True
- test "neWordI#" (zeroW# `neWordI#` oneW# ) -- True
- test "neWordI#" (maxW# `neWordI#` maxW# ) -- False
- test "neWordI#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `neWordI#` maxW# ) -- True
- test "neWordI#" (minW# `neWordI#` minW# ) -- False
- test "neWordI#" (minW# `neWordI#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- True
- test "neWordI#" (minW# `neWordI#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- False (overflow)
- test "neWordI#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `neWordI#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
- test "neWordI#" (maxW# `neWordI#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
- test "neWordI#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `neWordI#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ putStrLn "=== testing gtWord# ==="
+ test "gtWord#" (zeroW# `gtWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "gtWord#" (oneW# `gtWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "gtWord#" (zeroW# `gtWord#` oneW# ) -- False
+ test "gtWord#" (minW# `gtWord#` minW# ) -- False
+ test "gtWord#" (maxW# `gtWord#` maxW# ) -- False
+ test "gtWord#" ((minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `gtWord#` minW# ) -- True
+ test "gtWord#" (minW# `gtWord#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
+ test "gtWord#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `gtWord#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "gtWord#" (maxW# `gtWord#` (maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing ltWord# ==="
+ test "ltWord#" (zeroW# `ltWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "ltWord#" (oneW# `ltWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "ltWord#" (zeroW# `ltWord#` oneW# ) -- True
+ test "ltWord#" (minW# `ltWord#` minW# ) -- False
+ test "ltWord#" (maxW# `ltWord#` maxW# ) -- False
+ test "ltWord#" (minW# `ltWord#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
+ test "ltWord#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `ltWord#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "ltWord#" (maxW# `ltWord#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
+ test "ltWord#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `ltWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing geWord# ==="
+ test "geWord#" (zeroW# `geWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "geWord#" (oneW# `geWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "geWord#" (zeroW# `geWord#` oneW# ) -- False
+ test "geWord#" (minW# `geWord#` minW# ) -- True
+ test "geWord#" (maxW# `geWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ test "geWord#" ((minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `geWord#` minW# ) -- True
+ test "geWord#" (minW# `geWord#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
+ test "geWord#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `geWord#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "geWord#" (maxW# `geWord#` (maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing leWord# ==="
+ test "leWord#" (zeroW# `leWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "leWord#" (oneW# `leWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "leWord#" (zeroW# `leWord#` oneW# ) -- True
+ test "leWord#" (minW# `leWord#` minW# ) -- True
+ test "leWord#" (maxW# `leWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ test "leWord#" (minW# `leWord#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- True
+ test "leWord#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `leWord#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "leWord#" (maxW# `leWord#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
+ test "leWord#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `leWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing eqWord# ==="
+ test "eqWord#" (zeroW# `eqWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "eqWord#" (oneW# `eqWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "eqWord#" (zeroW# `eqWord#` oneW# ) -- False
+ test "eqWord#" (maxW# `eqWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ test "eqWord#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `eqWord#` maxW# ) -- False
+ test "eqWord#" (minW# `eqWord#` minW# ) -- True
+ test "eqWord#" (minW# `eqWord#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- False
+ test "eqWord#" (minW# `eqWord#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- True (overflow)
+ test "eqWord#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `eqWord#` minW# ) -- True (overflow)
+ test "eqWord#" (maxW# `eqWord#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- True (overflow)
+ test "eqWord#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `eqWord#` maxW# ) -- True (overflow)
+ putStrLn "=== testing neWord# ==="
+ test "neWord#" (zeroW# `neWord#` zeroW# ) -- False
+ test "neWord#" (oneW# `neWord#` zeroW# ) -- True
+ test "neWord#" (zeroW# `neWord#` oneW# ) -- True
+ test "neWord#" (maxW# `neWord#` maxW# ) -- False
+ test "neWord#" ((maxW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `neWord#` maxW# ) -- True
+ test "neWord#" (minW# `neWord#` minW# ) -- False
+ test "neWord#" (minW# `neWord#` (minW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- True
+ test "neWord#" (minW# `neWord#` (maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "neWord#" ((maxW# `plusWord#` oneW#) `neWord#` minW# ) -- False (overflow)
+ test "neWord#" (maxW# `neWord#` (minW# `minusWord#` oneW#)) -- False (overflow)
+ test "neWord#" ((minW# `minusWord#` oneW#) `neWord#` maxW# ) -- False (overflow)
-- PrimOps for comparing Double#
- putStrLn "=== testing >$## ==="
- test ">$##" (0.0## >$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (1.0## >$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test ">$##" (0.0## >$## 1.0## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (0.0## >$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (nan## >$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (nan## >$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (infp## >$## infp##) -- False
- test ">$##" (infn## >$## infn##) -- False
- test ">$##" (infp## >$## infn##) -- True
- test ">$##" (infn## >$## infp##) -- False
- test ">$##" (infp## >$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (infn## >$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">$##" (nan## >$## infp##) -- False
- test ">$##" (nan## >$## infn##) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing <$## ==="
- test "<$##" (0.0## <$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (1.0## <$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (0.0## <$## 1.0## ) -- True
- test "<$##" (0.0## <$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (nan## <$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (nan## <$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (infp## <$## infp##) -- False
- test "<$##" (infn## <$## infn##) -- False
- test "<$##" (infp## <$## infn##) -- False
- test "<$##" (infn## <$## infp##) -- True
- test "<$##" (infp## <$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (infn## <$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<$##" (nan## <$## infp##) -- False
- test "<$##" (nan## <$## infn##) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing >=$## ==="
- test ">=$##" (0.0## >=$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test ">=$##" (1.0## >=$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test ">=$##" (0.0## >=$## 1.0## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (0.0## >=$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (nan## >=$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (nan## >=$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (infp## >=$## infp##) -- True
- test ">=$##" (infn## >=$## infn##) -- True
- test ">=$##" (infp## >=$## infn##) -- True
- test ">=$##" (infn## >=$## infp##) -- False
- test ">=$##" (infp## >=$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (infn## >=$## nan## ) -- False
- test ">=$##" (nan## >=$## infp##) -- False
- test ">=$##" (nan## >=$## infn##) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing <=$## ==="
- test "<=$##" (0.0## <=$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test "<=$##" (1.0## <=$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (0.0## <=$## 1.0## ) -- True
- test "<=$##" (0.0## <=$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (nan## <=$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (nan## <=$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (infp## <=$## infp##) -- True
- test "<=$##" (infn## <=$## infn##) -- True
- test "<=$##" (infp## <=$## infn##) -- False
- test "<=$##" (infn## <=$## infp##) -- True
- test "<=$##" (infp## <=$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (infn## <=$## nan## ) -- False
- test "<=$##" (nan## <=$## infp##) -- False
- test "<=$##" (nan## <=$## infn##) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing ==$## ==="
- test "==$##" (0.0## ==$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test "==$##" (1.0## ==$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (0.0## ==$## 1.0## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (0.0## ==$## nan## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (nan## ==$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (nan## ==$## nan## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (infp## ==$## infp##) -- True
- test "==$##" (infn## ==$## infn##) -- True
- test "==$##" (infp## ==$## infn##) -- False
- test "==$##" (infn## ==$## infp##) -- False
- test "==$##" (infp## ==$## nan## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (infn## ==$## nan## ) -- False
- test "==$##" (nan## ==$## infp##) -- False
- test "==$##" (nan## ==$## infn##) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing /=$## ==="
- test "/=$##" (0.0## /=$## 0.0## ) -- False
- test "/=$##" (1.0## /=$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (0.0## /=$## 1.0## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (0.0## /=$## nan## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (nan## /=$## 0.0## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (nan## /=$## nan## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (infp## /=$## infp##) -- False
- test "/=$##" (infn## /=$## infn##) -- False
- test "/=$##" (infp## /=$## infn##) -- True
- test "/=$##" (infn## /=$## infp##) -- True
- test "/=$##" (infp## /=$## nan## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (infn## /=$## nan## ) -- True
- test "/=$##" (nan## /=$## infp##) -- True
- test "/=$##" (nan## /=$## infn##) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing >## ==="
+ test ">##" (0.0## >## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (1.0## >## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test ">##" (0.0## >## 1.0## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (0.0## >## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (nan## >## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (nan## >## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (infp## >## infp##) -- False
+ test ">##" (infn## >## infn##) -- False
+ test ">##" (infp## >## infn##) -- True
+ test ">##" (infn## >## infp##) -- False
+ test ">##" (infp## >## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (infn## >## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">##" (nan## >## infp##) -- False
+ test ">##" (nan## >## infn##) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing <## ==="
+ test "<##" (0.0## <## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (1.0## <## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (0.0## <## 1.0## ) -- True
+ test "<##" (0.0## <## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (nan## <## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (nan## <## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (infp## <## infp##) -- False
+ test "<##" (infn## <## infn##) -- False
+ test "<##" (infp## <## infn##) -- False
+ test "<##" (infn## <## infp##) -- True
+ test "<##" (infp## <## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (infn## <## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<##" (nan## <## infp##) -- False
+ test "<##" (nan## <## infn##) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing >=## ==="
+ test ">=##" (0.0## >=## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test ">=##" (1.0## >=## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test ">=##" (0.0## >=## 1.0## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (0.0## >=## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (nan## >=## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (nan## >=## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (infp## >=## infp##) -- True
+ test ">=##" (infn## >=## infn##) -- True
+ test ">=##" (infp## >=## infn##) -- True
+ test ">=##" (infn## >=## infp##) -- False
+ test ">=##" (infp## >=## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (infn## >=## nan## ) -- False
+ test ">=##" (nan## >=## infp##) -- False
+ test ">=##" (nan## >=## infn##) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing <=## ==="
+ test "<=##" (0.0## <=## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test "<=##" (1.0## <=## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (0.0## <=## 1.0## ) -- True
+ test "<=##" (0.0## <=## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (nan## <=## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (nan## <=## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (infp## <=## infp##) -- True
+ test "<=##" (infn## <=## infn##) -- True
+ test "<=##" (infp## <=## infn##) -- False
+ test "<=##" (infn## <=## infp##) -- True
+ test "<=##" (infp## <=## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (infn## <=## nan## ) -- False
+ test "<=##" (nan## <=## infp##) -- False
+ test "<=##" (nan## <=## infn##) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing ==## ==="
+ test "==##" (0.0## ==## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test "==##" (1.0## ==## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (0.0## ==## 1.0## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (0.0## ==## nan## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (nan## ==## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (nan## ==## nan## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (infp## ==## infp##) -- True
+ test "==##" (infn## ==## infn##) -- True
+ test "==##" (infp## ==## infn##) -- False
+ test "==##" (infn## ==## infp##) -- False
+ test "==##" (infp## ==## nan## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (infn## ==## nan## ) -- False
+ test "==##" (nan## ==## infp##) -- False
+ test "==##" (nan## ==## infn##) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing /=## ==="
+ test "/=##" (0.0## /=## 0.0## ) -- False
+ test "/=##" (1.0## /=## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (0.0## /=## 1.0## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (0.0## /=## nan## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (nan## /=## 0.0## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (nan## /=## nan## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (infp## /=## infp##) -- False
+ test "/=##" (infn## /=## infn##) -- False
+ test "/=##" (infp## /=## infn##) -- True
+ test "/=##" (infn## /=## infp##) -- True
+ test "/=##" (infp## /=## nan## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (infn## /=## nan## ) -- True
+ test "/=##" (nan## /=## infp##) -- True
+ test "/=##" (nan## /=## infn##) -- True
-- PrimOps for comparing Float#
- putStrLn "=== testing gtFloatI# ==="
- test "gtFloatI#" (zeroF# `gtFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (oneF# `gtFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "gtFloatI#" (zeroF# `gtFloatI#` oneF# ) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (zeroF# `gtFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (nanF# `gtFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (nanF# `gtFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (infpF# `gtFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (infnF# `gtFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (infpF# `gtFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "gtFloatI#" (infnF# `gtFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (infpF# `gtFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (infnF# `gtFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (nanF# `gtFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "gtFloatI#" (nanF# `gtFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing ltFloatI# ==="
- test "ltFloatI#" (zeroF# `ltFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (oneF# `ltFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (zeroF# `ltFloatI#` oneF# ) -- True
- test "ltFloatI#" (zeroF# `ltFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (nanF# `ltFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (nanF# `ltFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (infpF# `ltFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (infnF# `ltFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (infpF# `ltFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (infnF# `ltFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "ltFloatI#" (infpF# `ltFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (infnF# `ltFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (nanF# `ltFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "ltFloatI#" (nanF# `ltFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing geFloatI# ==="
- test "geFloatI#" (zeroF# `geFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "geFloatI#" (oneF# `geFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "geFloatI#" (zeroF# `geFloatI#` oneF# ) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (zeroF# `geFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (nanF# `geFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (nanF# `geFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (infpF# `geFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "geFloatI#" (infnF# `geFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "geFloatI#" (infpF# `geFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "geFloatI#" (infnF# `geFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (infpF# `geFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (infnF# `geFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (nanF# `geFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "geFloatI#" (nanF# `geFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing leFloatI# ==="
- test "leFloatI#" (zeroF# `leFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "leFloatI#" (oneF# `leFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (zeroF# `leFloatI#` oneF# ) -- True
- test "leFloatI#" (zeroF# `leFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (nanF# `leFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (nanF# `leFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (infpF# `leFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "leFloatI#" (infnF# `leFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "leFloatI#" (infpF# `leFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (infnF# `leFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "leFloatI#" (infpF# `leFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (infnF# `leFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (nanF# `leFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "leFloatI#" (nanF# `leFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing eqFloatI# ==="
- test "eqFloatI#" (zeroF# `eqFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "eqFloatI#" (oneF# `eqFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (zeroF# `eqFloatI#` oneF# ) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (zeroF# `eqFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (nanF# `eqFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (nanF# `eqFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (infpF# `eqFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "eqFloatI#" (infnF# `eqFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "eqFloatI#" (infpF# `eqFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (infnF# `eqFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (infpF# `eqFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (infnF# `eqFloatI#` nanF# ) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (nanF# `eqFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "eqFloatI#" (nanF# `eqFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing neFloatI# ==="
- test "neFloatI#" (zeroF# `neFloatI#` zeroF#) -- False
- test "neFloatI#" (oneF# `neFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (zeroF# `neFloatI#` oneF# ) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (zeroF# `neFloatI#` nanF# ) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (nanF# `neFloatI#` zeroF#) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (nanF# `neFloatI#` nanF# ) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (infpF# `neFloatI#` infpF#) -- False
- test "neFloatI#" (infnF# `neFloatI#` infnF#) -- False
- test "neFloatI#" (infpF# `neFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (infnF# `neFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (infpF# `neFloatI#` nanF# ) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (infnF# `neFloatI#` nanF# ) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (nanF# `neFloatI#` infpF#) -- True
- test "neFloatI#" (nanF# `neFloatI#` infnF#) -- True
- --- Now all the above tests are repeated for primop wrappers
- putStrLn "=== TESTING WRAPPERS ==="
- -- Wrappers for comparing Char
- putStrLn "=== testing Char > ==="
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) a a ) -- False
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) b a ) -- True
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) a b ) -- False
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) minC minC) -- False
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char >" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `gtChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Char >= ==="
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) a a ) -- True
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) b a ) -- True
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) a b ) -- False
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) minC minC) -- True
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char >=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `geChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Char < ==="
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) a a ) -- False
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) b a ) -- False
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) a b ) -- True
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) minC minC) -- False
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char <" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `ltChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Char <= ==="
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) a a ) -- True
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) b a ) -- False
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) a b ) -- True
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) minC minC) -- True
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char <=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `leChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Char == ==="
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) a a ) -- True
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) b a ) -- False
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) a b ) -- False
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) minC minC) -- True
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char ==" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `eqChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Char /= ==="
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) a a ) -- False
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) b a ) -- True
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) a b ) -- True
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) minC minC) -- False
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) maxC maxC) -- False
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) minC maxC) -- True
- testw "Char /=" ((\(C# a#) (C# b#) -> a# `neChar#` b#) maxC minC) -- True
- -- Wrappers for comparing Int
- putStrLn "=== testing Int > ==="
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) 0 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) 1 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) 0 1 ) -- False
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) minI minI ) -- False
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) maxI maxI ) -- False
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) (minI+1) minI ) -- True
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) minI (minI-1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) (maxI+1) maxI ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int >" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ># b#) maxI (maxI-1)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Int < ==="
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) 0 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) 1 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) 0 1 ) -- True
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) minI minI ) -- False
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) maxI maxI ) -- False
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) minI (minI+1)) -- True
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) (minI-1) minI ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) maxI (maxI+1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int <" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <# b#) (maxI-1) maxI ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Int >= ==="
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) 0 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) 1 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) 0 1 ) -- False
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) minI minI ) -- True
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) maxI maxI ) -- True
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) (minI+1) minI ) -- True
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) minI (minI-1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) (maxI+1) maxI ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int >=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# >=# b#) maxI (maxI-1)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Int <= ==="
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) 0 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) 1 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) 0 1 ) -- True
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) minI minI ) -- True
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) maxI maxI ) -- True
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) minI (minI+1)) -- True
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) (minI-1) minI ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) maxI (maxI+1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int <=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# <=# b#) (maxI-1) maxI ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Int == ==="
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) 0 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) 1 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) 0 1 ) -- False
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) maxI maxI ) -- True
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) (maxI-1) maxI ) -- False
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) minI minI ) -- True
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) minI (minI+1)) -- False
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) minI (maxI+1)) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) (maxI+1) minI ) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) maxI (minI-1)) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Int ==" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# ==# b#) (minI-1) maxI ) -- True (overflow)
- putStrLn "=== testing Int /= ==="
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) 0 0 ) -- False
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) 1 0 ) -- True
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) 0 1 ) -- True
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) maxI maxI ) -- False
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) (maxI-1) maxI ) -- True
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) minI minI ) -- False
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) minI (minI+1)) -- True
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) minI (maxI+1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) (maxI+1) minI ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) maxI (minI-1)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Int /=" ((\(I# a#) (I# b#) -> a# /=# b#) (minI-1) maxI ) -- False (overflow)
- -- Wrappers for comparing Word
- putStrLn "=== testing Word > ==="
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- False
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- False
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- False
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) (minW+oneW) minW ) -- True
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) minW (minW-oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) (maxW+oneW) maxW ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word >" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `gtWord#` b#) maxW (maxW-oneW)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Word < ==="
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- True
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- False
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- False
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) minW (minW+oneW)) -- True
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) (minW-oneW) minW ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) maxW (maxW+oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word <" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `ltWord#` b#) (maxW-oneW) maxW ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Word >= ==="
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- False
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- True
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- True
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) (minW+oneW) minW ) -- True
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) minW (minW-oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) (maxW+oneW) maxW ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word >=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `geWord#` b#) maxW (maxW-oneW)) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Word <= ==="
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- True
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- True
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- True
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) minW (minW+oneW)) -- True
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) (minW-oneW) minW ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) maxW (maxW+oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word <=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `leWord#` b#) (maxW-oneW) maxW ) -- True
- putStrLn "=== testing Word == ==="
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- False
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- True
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) (maxW-oneW) maxW ) -- False
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- True
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) minW (minW+oneW)) -- False
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) minW (maxW+oneW)) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) (maxW+oneW) minW ) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) maxW (minW-oneW)) -- True (overflow)
- testw "Word ==" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `eqWord#` b#) (minW-oneW) maxW ) -- True (overflow)
- putStrLn "=== testing Word /= ==="
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) zeroW zeroW ) -- False
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) oneW zeroW ) -- True
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) zeroW oneW ) -- True
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) maxW maxW ) -- False
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) (maxW-oneW) maxW ) -- True
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) minW minW ) -- False
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) minW (minW+oneW)) -- True
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) minW (maxW+oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) (maxW+oneW) minW ) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) maxW (minW-oneW)) -- False (overflow)
- testw "Word /=" ((\(W# a#) (W# b#) -> a# `neWord#` b#) (minW-oneW) maxW ) -- False (overflow)
- -- Wrappers for comparing Double
- putStrLn "=== testing Double > ==="
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) 0.0 nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) nan 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) nan nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infp infp) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infn infn) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infp infn) -- True
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infn infp) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infp nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) infn nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) nan infp) -- False
- testw "Double >" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >## b) nan infn) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Double < ==="
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) 0.0 nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) nan 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) nan nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infp infp) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infn infn) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infp infn) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infn infp) -- True
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infp nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) infn nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) nan infp) -- False
- testw "Double <" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <## b) nan infn) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Double >= ==="
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) 0.0 nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) nan 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) nan nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infp infp) -- True
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infn infn) -- True
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infp infn) -- True
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infn infp) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infp nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) infn nan ) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) nan infp) -- False
- testw "Double >=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a >=## b) nan infn) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Double <= ==="
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) 0.0 nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) nan 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) nan nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infp infp) -- True
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infn infn) -- True
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infp infn) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infn infp) -- True
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infp nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) infn nan ) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) nan infp) -- False
- testw "Double <=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a <=## b) nan infn) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Double == ==="
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) 0.0 nan ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) nan 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) nan nan ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infp infp) -- True
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infn infn) -- True
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infp infn) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infn infp) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infp nan ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) infn nan ) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) nan infp) -- False
- testw "Double ==" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a ==## b) nan infn) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Double /= ==="
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) 0.0 0.0 ) -- False
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) 1.0 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) 0.0 1.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) 0.0 nan ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) nan 0.0 ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) nan nan ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infp infp) -- False
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infn infn) -- False
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infp infn) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infn infp) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infp nan ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) infn nan ) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) nan infp) -- True
- testw "Double /=" ((\(D# a) (D# b) -> a /=## b) nan infn) -- True
- -- Wrappers for comparing Float
- putStrLn "=== testing Float > ==="
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float >" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `gtFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Float < ==="
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- True
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float <" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `ltFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Float >= ==="
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float >=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `geFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Float <= ==="
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- True
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float <=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `leFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Float == ==="
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float ==" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `eqFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- False
- putStrLn "=== testing Float /= ==="
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) zeroF zeroF) -- False
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) oneF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) zeroF oneF ) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) zeroF nanF ) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) nanF zeroF) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) nanF nanF ) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infpF infpF) -- False
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infnF infnF) -- False
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infpF infnF) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infnF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infpF nanF ) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) infnF nanF ) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) nanF infpF) -- True
- testw "Float /=" ((\(F# a) (F# b) -> a `neFloat#` b) nanF infnF) -- True
+ putStrLn "=== testing gtFloat# ==="
+ test "gtFloat#" (zeroF# `gtFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (oneF# `gtFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "gtFloat#" (zeroF# `gtFloat#` oneF# ) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (zeroF# `gtFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (nanF# `gtFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (nanF# `gtFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (infpF# `gtFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (infnF# `gtFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (infpF# `gtFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "gtFloat#" (infnF# `gtFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (infpF# `gtFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (infnF# `gtFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (nanF# `gtFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "gtFloat#" (nanF# `gtFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing ltFloat# ==="
+ test "ltFloat#" (zeroF# `ltFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (oneF# `ltFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (zeroF# `ltFloat#` oneF# ) -- True
+ test "ltFloat#" (zeroF# `ltFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (nanF# `ltFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (nanF# `ltFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (infpF# `ltFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (infnF# `ltFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (infpF# `ltFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (infnF# `ltFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "ltFloat#" (infpF# `ltFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (infnF# `ltFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (nanF# `ltFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "ltFloat#" (nanF# `ltFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing geFloat# ==="
+ test "geFloat#" (zeroF# `geFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "geFloat#" (oneF# `geFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "geFloat#" (zeroF# `geFloat#` oneF# ) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (zeroF# `geFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (nanF# `geFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (nanF# `geFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (infpF# `geFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "geFloat#" (infnF# `geFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "geFloat#" (infpF# `geFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "geFloat#" (infnF# `geFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (infpF# `geFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (infnF# `geFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (nanF# `geFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "geFloat#" (nanF# `geFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing leFloat# ==="
+ test "leFloat#" (zeroF# `leFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "leFloat#" (oneF# `leFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (zeroF# `leFloat#` oneF# ) -- True
+ test "leFloat#" (zeroF# `leFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (nanF# `leFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (nanF# `leFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (infpF# `leFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "leFloat#" (infnF# `leFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "leFloat#" (infpF# `leFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (infnF# `leFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "leFloat#" (infpF# `leFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (infnF# `leFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (nanF# `leFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "leFloat#" (nanF# `leFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing eqFloat# ==="
+ test "eqFloat#" (zeroF# `eqFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "eqFloat#" (oneF# `eqFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (zeroF# `eqFloat#` oneF# ) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (zeroF# `eqFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (nanF# `eqFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (nanF# `eqFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (infpF# `eqFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "eqFloat#" (infnF# `eqFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "eqFloat#" (infpF# `eqFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (infnF# `eqFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (infpF# `eqFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (infnF# `eqFloat#` nanF# ) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (nanF# `eqFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "eqFloat#" (nanF# `eqFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ putStrLn "=== testing neFloat# ==="
+ test "neFloat#" (zeroF# `neFloat#` zeroF#) -- False
+ test "neFloat#" (oneF# `neFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (zeroF# `neFloat#` oneF# ) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (zeroF# `neFloat#` nanF# ) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (nanF# `neFloat#` zeroF#) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (nanF# `neFloat#` nanF# ) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (infpF# `neFloat#` infpF#) -- False
+ test "neFloat#" (infnF# `neFloat#` infnF#) -- False
+ test "neFloat#" (infpF# `neFloat#` infnF#) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (infnF# `neFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (infpF# `neFloat#` nanF# ) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (infnF# `neFloat#` nanF# ) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (nanF# `neFloat#` infpF#) -- True
+ test "neFloat#" (nanF# `neFloat#` infnF#) -- True
-- every integer is compared to 1 representing True. This
-- results in printing "True" when the primop should return True
-- and printing "False" when it should return False
test :: String -> Int# -> IO ()
test str x = putStrLn $ str ++ " " ++ (show (I# x == 1))
- testw :: String -> Bool -> IO ()
- testw str x = putStrLn $ str ++ " " ++ (show x)
a = 'a'
b = 'b'
!(C# a#) = a
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.stdout b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.stdout
index 3b1e22b0b5..a16c2dd8ad 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/primops/should_run/T6135.stdout
@@ -1,713 +1,356 @@
-=== testing gtCharI# ===
-gtCharI# False
-gtCharI# True
-gtCharI# False
-gtCharI# False
-gtCharI# False
-gtCharI# False
-gtCharI# True
-=== testing geCharI# ===
-geCharI# True
-geCharI# True
-geCharI# False
-geCharI# True
-geCharI# True
-geCharI# False
-geCharI# True
-=== testing ltCharI# ===
-ltCharI# False
-ltCharI# False
-ltCharI# True
-ltCharI# False
-ltCharI# False
-ltCharI# True
-ltCharI# False
-=== testing leCharI# ===
-leCharI# True
-leCharI# False
-leCharI# True
-leCharI# True
-leCharI# True
-leCharI# True
-leCharI# False
-=== testing eqCharI# ===
-eqCharI# True
-eqCharI# False
-eqCharI# False
-eqCharI# True
-eqCharI# True
-eqCharI# False
-eqCharI# False
-=== testing neCharI# ===
-neCharI# False
-neCharI# True
-neCharI# True
-neCharI# False
-neCharI# False
-neCharI# True
-neCharI# True
-=== testing >$# ===
->$# False
->$# True
->$# False
->$# False
->$# False
->$# True
->$# False
->$# False
->$# True
-=== testing <$# ===
-<$# False
-<$# False
-<$# True
-<$# False
-<$# False
-<$# True
-<$# False
-<$# False
-<$# True
-=== testing >=$# ===
->=$# True
->=$# True
->=$# False
->=$# True
->=$# True
->=$# True
->=$# False
->=$# False
->=$# True
-=== testing <=$# ===
-<=$# True
-<=$# False
-<=$# True
-<=$# True
-<=$# True
-<=$# True
-<=$# False
-<=$# False
-<=$# True
-=== testing ==$# ===
-==$# True
-==$# False
-==$# False
-==$# True
-==$# False
-==$# True
-==$# False
-==$# True
-==$# True
-==$# True
-==$# True
-=== testing /=$# ===
-/=$# False
-/=$# True
-/=$# True
-/=$# False
-/=$# True
-/=$# False
-/=$# True
-/=$# False
-/=$# False
-/=$# False
-/=$# False
-=== testing gtWordI# ===
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# True
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# True
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# False
-gtWordI# True
-=== testing ltWordI# ===
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# True
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# True
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# False
-ltWordI# True
-=== testing geWordI# ===
-geWordI# True
-geWordI# True
-geWordI# False
-geWordI# True
-geWordI# True
-geWordI# True
-geWordI# False
-geWordI# False
-geWordI# True
-=== testing leWordI# ===
-leWordI# True
-leWordI# False
-leWordI# True
-leWordI# True
-leWordI# True
-leWordI# True
-leWordI# False
-leWordI# False
-leWordI# True
-=== testing eqWordI# ===
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# False
-eqWordI# False
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# False
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# False
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# True
-eqWordI# True
-=== testing neWordI# ===
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# True
-neWordI# True
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# True
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# True
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# False
-neWordI# False
-=== testing >$## ===
->$## False
->$## True
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## True
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
->$## False
-=== testing <$## ===
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## True
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## True
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-<$## False
-=== testing >=$## ===
->=$## True
->=$## True
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## True
->=$## True
->=$## True
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## False
->=$## False
-=== testing <=$## ===
-<=$## True
-<=$## False
-<=$## True
-<=$## False
-<=$## False
-<=$## False
-<=$## True
-<=$## True
-<=$## False
-<=$## True
-<=$## False
-<=$## False
-<=$## False
-<=$## False
-=== testing ==$## ===
-==$## True
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## True
-==$## True
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-==$## False
-=== testing /=$## ===
-/=$## False
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## False
-/=$## False
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-/=$## True
-=== testing gtFloatI# ===
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# True
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# True
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-gtFloatI# False
-=== testing ltFloatI# ===
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# True
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# True
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-ltFloatI# False
-=== testing geFloatI# ===
-geFloatI# True
-geFloatI# True
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# True
-geFloatI# True
-geFloatI# True
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-geFloatI# False
-=== testing leFloatI# ===
-leFloatI# True
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# True
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# True
-leFloatI# True
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# True
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# False
-leFloatI# False
-=== testing eqFloatI# ===
-eqFloatI# True
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# True
-eqFloatI# True
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-eqFloatI# False
-=== testing neFloatI# ===
-neFloatI# False
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# False
-neFloatI# False
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-neFloatI# True
-=== testing Char > ===
-Char > False
-Char > True
-Char > False
-Char > False
-Char > False
-Char > False
-Char > True
-=== testing Char >= ===
-Char >= True
-Char >= True
-Char >= False
-Char >= True
-Char >= True
-Char >= False
-Char >= True
-=== testing Char < ===
-Char < False
-Char < False
-Char < True
-Char < False
-Char < False
-Char < True
-Char < False
-=== testing Char <= ===
-Char <= True
-Char <= False
-Char <= True
-Char <= True
-Char <= True
-Char <= True
-Char <= False
-=== testing Char == ===
-Char == True
-Char == False
-Char == False
-Char == True
-Char == True
-Char == False
-Char == False
-=== testing Char /= ===
-Char /= False
-Char /= True
-Char /= True
-Char /= False
-Char /= False
-Char /= True
-Char /= True
-=== testing Int > ===
-Int > False
-Int > True
-Int > False
-Int > False
-Int > False
-Int > True
-Int > False
-Int > False
-Int > True
-=== testing Int < ===
-Int < False
-Int < False
-Int < True
-Int < False
-Int < False
-Int < True
-Int < False
-Int < False
-Int < True
-=== testing Int >= ===
-Int >= True
-Int >= True
-Int >= False
-Int >= True
-Int >= True
-Int >= True
-Int >= False
-Int >= False
-Int >= True
-=== testing Int <= ===
-Int <= True
-Int <= False
-Int <= True
-Int <= True
-Int <= True
-Int <= True
-Int <= False
-Int <= False
-Int <= True
-=== testing Int == ===
-Int == True
-Int == False
-Int == False
-Int == True
-Int == False
-Int == True
-Int == False
-Int == True
-Int == True
-Int == True
-Int == True
-=== testing Int /= ===
-Int /= False
-Int /= True
-Int /= True
-Int /= False
-Int /= True
-Int /= False
-Int /= True
-Int /= False
-Int /= False
-Int /= False
-Int /= False
-=== testing Word > ===
-Word > False
-Word > True
-Word > False
-Word > False
-Word > False
-Word > True
-Word > False
-Word > False
-Word > True
-=== testing Word < ===
-Word < False
-Word < False
-Word < True
-Word < False
-Word < False
-Word < True
-Word < False
-Word < False
-Word < True
-=== testing Word >= ===
-Word >= True
-Word >= True
-Word >= False
-Word >= True
-Word >= True
-Word >= True
-Word >= False
-Word >= False
-Word >= True
-=== testing Word <= ===
-Word <= True
-Word <= False
-Word <= True
-Word <= True
-Word <= True
-Word <= True
-Word <= False
-Word <= False
-Word <= True
-=== testing Word == ===
-Word == True
-Word == False
-Word == False
-Word == True
-Word == False
-Word == True
-Word == False
-Word == True
-Word == True
-Word == True
-Word == True
-=== testing Word /= ===
-Word /= False
-Word /= True
-Word /= True
-Word /= False
-Word /= True
-Word /= False
-Word /= True
-Word /= False
-Word /= False
-Word /= False
-Word /= False
-=== testing Double > ===
-Double > False
-Double > True
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > True
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-Double > False
-=== testing Double < ===
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < True
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < True
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-Double < False
-=== testing Double >= ===
-Double >= True
-Double >= True
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= True
-Double >= True
-Double >= True
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-Double >= False
-=== testing Double <= ===
-Double <= True
-Double <= False
-Double <= True
-Double <= False
-Double <= False
-Double <= False
-Double <= True
-Double <= True
-Double <= False
-Double <= True
-Double <= False
-Double <= False
-Double <= False
-Double <= False
-=== testing Double == ===
-Double == True
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == True
-Double == True
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-Double == False
-=== testing Double /= ===
-Double /= False
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= False
-Double /= False
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-Double /= True
-=== testing Float > ===
-Float > False
-Float > True
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > True
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-Float > False
-=== testing Float < ===
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < True
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < True
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-Float < False
-=== testing Float >= ===
-Float >= True
-Float >= True
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= True
-Float >= True
-Float >= True
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-Float >= False
-=== testing Float <= ===
-Float <= True
-Float <= False
-Float <= True
-Float <= False
-Float <= False
-Float <= False
-Float <= True
-Float <= True
-Float <= False
-Float <= True
-Float <= False
-Float <= False
-Float <= False
-Float <= False
-=== testing Float == ===
-Float == True
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == True
-Float == True
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-Float == False
-=== testing Float /= ===
-Float /= False
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= False
-Float /= False
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
-Float /= True
+=== testing gtChar# ===
+gtChar# False
+gtChar# True
+gtChar# False
+gtChar# False
+gtChar# False
+gtChar# False
+gtChar# True
+=== testing geChar# ===
+geChar# True
+geChar# True
+geChar# False
+geChar# True
+geChar# True
+geChar# False
+geChar# True
+=== testing ltChar# ===
+ltChar# False
+ltChar# False
+ltChar# True
+ltChar# False
+ltChar# False
+ltChar# True
+ltChar# False
+=== testing leChar# ===
+leChar# True
+leChar# False
+leChar# True
+leChar# True
+leChar# True
+leChar# True
+leChar# False
+=== testing eqChar# ===
+eqChar# True
+eqChar# False
+eqChar# False
+eqChar# True
+eqChar# True
+eqChar# False
+eqChar# False
+=== testing neChar# ===
+neChar# False
+neChar# True
+neChar# True
+neChar# False
+neChar# False
+neChar# True
+neChar# True
+=== testing ># ===
+># False
+># True
+># False
+># False
+># False
+># True
+># False
+># False
+># True
+=== testing <# ===
+<# False
+<# False
+<# True
+<# False
+<# False
+<# True
+<# False
+<# False
+<# True
+=== testing >=# ===
+>=# True
+>=# True
+>=# False
+>=# True
+>=# True
+>=# True
+>=# False
+>=# False
+>=# True
+=== testing <=# ===
+<=# True
+<=# False
+<=# True
+<=# True
+<=# True
+<=# True
+<=# False
+<=# False
+<=# True
+=== testing ==# ===
+==# True
+==# False
+==# False
+==# True
+==# False
+==# True
+==# False
+==# True
+==# True
+==# True
+==# True
+=== testing /=# ===
+/=# False
+/=# True
+/=# True
+/=# False
+/=# True
+/=# False
+/=# True
+/=# False
+/=# False
+/=# False
+/=# False
+=== testing gtWord# ===
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# True
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# True
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# False
+gtWord# True
+=== testing ltWord# ===
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# True
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# True
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# False
+ltWord# True
+=== testing geWord# ===
+geWord# True
+geWord# True
+geWord# False
+geWord# True
+geWord# True
+geWord# True
+geWord# False
+geWord# False
+geWord# True
+=== testing leWord# ===
+leWord# True
+leWord# False
+leWord# True
+leWord# True
+leWord# True
+leWord# True
+leWord# False
+leWord# False
+leWord# True
+=== testing eqWord# ===
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# False
+eqWord# False
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# False
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# False
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# True
+eqWord# True
+=== testing neWord# ===
+neWord# False
+neWord# True
+neWord# True
+neWord# False
+neWord# True
+neWord# False
+neWord# True
+neWord# False
+neWord# False
+neWord# False
+neWord# False
+=== testing >## ===
+>## False
+>## True
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## True
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+>## False
+=== testing <## ===
+<## False
+<## False
+<## True
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+<## True
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+<## False
+=== testing >=## ===
+>=## True
+>=## True
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## True
+>=## True
+>=## True
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## False
+>=## False
+=== testing <=## ===
+<=## True
+<=## False
+<=## True
+<=## False
+<=## False
+<=## False
+<=## True
+<=## True
+<=## False
+<=## True
+<=## False
+<=## False
+<=## False
+<=## False
+=== testing ==## ===
+==## True
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## True
+==## True
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+==## False
+=== testing /=## ===
+/=## False
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## False
+/=## False
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+/=## True
+=== testing gtFloat# ===
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# True
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# True
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+gtFloat# False
+=== testing ltFloat# ===
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# True
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# True
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+ltFloat# False
+=== testing geFloat# ===
+geFloat# True
+geFloat# True
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# True
+geFloat# True
+geFloat# True
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+geFloat# False
+=== testing leFloat# ===
+leFloat# True
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# True
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# True
+leFloat# True
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# True
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# False
+leFloat# False
+=== testing eqFloat# ===
+eqFloat# True
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# True
+eqFloat# True
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+eqFloat# False
+=== testing neFloat# ===
+neFloat# False
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# False
+neFloat# False
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
+neFloat# True
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/Makefile
index c68c135934..f656e4e197 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/Makefile
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ simpl021:
.PHONY: T5327
$(RM) -f T5327.hi T5327.o
- '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T5327.hs -O -ddump-simpl | grep -c 'GHC.Prim.>$$# 34 '
+ '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -c T5327.hs -O -ddump-simpl | grep -c 'GHC.Prim.># 34 '
.PHONY: T5623
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
index e42c76e073..b955e5f8c7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T3772.stdout
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ xs :: GHC.Prim.Int# -> ()
[GblId, Arity=1, Caf=NoCafRefs, Str=DmdType <L,U>]
xs =
\ (m :: GHC.Prim.Int#) ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=$# m 1)
- of _ {
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=# m 1) of _ {
GHC.Types.False -> xs (GHC.Prim.-# m 1);
GHC.Types.True -> GHC.Tuple.()
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ [InlPrag=NOINLINE] :: GHC.Types.Int -> () =
\ (n :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
case n of _ { GHC.Types.I# n# ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=$# n# 0)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=# n# 0)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False -> xs n#;
GHC.Types.True -> GHC.Tuple.()
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
index fcc1d1c32f..54529900a6 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T4930.stderr
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int
Tmpl= \ (n [Occ=Once!] :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
case n of _ { GHC.Types.I# x ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# x 5) of _ {
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# x 5) of _ {
GHC.Types.False -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# x 5);
GHC.Types.True -> T4930.foo1
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ :: GHC.Types.Int -> GHC.Types.Int =
\ (n :: GHC.Types.Int) ->
case n of _ { GHC.Types.I# x ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# x 5) of _ {
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# x 5) of _ {
GHC.Types.False -> GHC.Types.I# (GHC.Prim.+# x 5);
GHC.Types.True -> T4930.foo1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5658b.hs b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5658b.hs
index 61454a1339..baaea86640 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5658b.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/T5658b.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, BangPatterns #-}
module T5658b where
import GHC.Prim
-import GHC.PrimWrappers
+import GHC.Exts ( isTrue# )
foo :: ByteArray# -> ByteArray# -> Int# -> Int# -> Bool
foo xs ys m n = go 0# 0#
- go i j = case i >=# m of
+ go i j = case isTrue# (i >=# m) of
False -> let !x = indexIntArray# xs i in
- case j >=# n of
- False -> case x ==# indexIntArray# ys j of
+ case isTrue# (j >=# n) of
+ False -> case isTrue# (x ==# indexIntArray# ys j) of
False -> False
True -> go (i +# 1#) (j +# 1#)
True -> False
- True -> case j >=# n of
+ True -> case isTrue# (j >=# n) of
False -> let !y = indexIntArray# ys i in False
True -> True
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
index a910c041ef..2b6f79616d 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_compile/spec-inline.stderr
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ Roman.foo_$s$wgo =
(GHC.Prim.+# (GHC.Prim.+# (GHC.Prim.+# sc1 sc1) sc1) sc1) sc1)
sc1 } in
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=$# sc 0)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=# sc 0)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# sc 100)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# sc 100)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# sc 500)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# sc 500)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
Roman.foo_$s$wgo (GHC.Prim.-# sc 1) (GHC.Prim.+# a a);
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ Roman.$wgo =
Data.Maybe.Nothing -> Roman.foo_$s$wgo 10 a;
Data.Maybe.Just n ->
case n of _ { GHC.Types.I# x2 ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=$# x2 0)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<=# x2 0)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# x2 100)
- of _ {
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# x2 100)
+ of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
- case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<$# x2 500)
+ case GHC.Prim.tagToEnum# @ GHC.Types.Bool (GHC.Prim.<# x2 500)
of _ {
GHC.Types.False ->
Roman.foo_$s$wgo (GHC.Prim.-# x2 1) (GHC.Prim.+# a a);
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T5453.hs b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T5453.hs
index 3ea727fc1d..19a3a3ca86 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T5453.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/simplCore/should_run/T5453.hs
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ data Var = TyVar !Int Bool Bool
scrut :: Var -> (Bool, String)
scrut v = (True, case v of
TcTyVar {} -> "OK"
- _ -> show v ++ show (case (case v of
- TyVar b _ _ -> b
- Var _ _ b -> b) of
- I# x# -> if x# ==# 7#
- then show (I# (x# +# 1#))
+ _ -> show v ++ show (case (case v of
+ TyVar b _ _ -> b
+ Var _ _ b -> b) of
+ I# x# -> if isTrue# (x# ==# 7#)
+ then show (I# (x# +# 1#))
else show (I# (x# +# 2#))))
main = putStrLn $ snd (scrut (TcTyVar True 1 False))
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail075.hs b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail075.hs
index c14f276b2d..d9189bf18c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail075.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail075.hs
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ x = 1#
y :: Int#
y = x +# 1#
-main = let
- z = x -# y
- in
- if z ># 3# then putStrLn "Yes"
- else putStrLn "No"
+main = let
+ z = x -# y
+ in
+ if isTrue# (z ># 3#) then putStrLn "Yes"
+ else putStrLn "No"