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diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
index 493e742058..ee8b201bcc 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.hs
@@ -242,67 +242,95 @@ emitSuperclasses _ = panic "emit_superclasses of non-class!"
Note [Adding superclasses]
-Since dictionaries are canonicalized only once in their lifetime, the
-place to add their superclasses is canonicalisation (The alternative
-would be to do it during constraint solving, but we'd have to be
-extremely careful to not repeatedly introduced the same superclass in
-our worklist). Here is what we do:
-For Givens:
- We add all their superclasses as Givens.
-For Wanteds:
- Generally speaking we want to be able to add superclasses of
- wanteds for two reasons:
- (1) Oportunities for improvement. Example:
- class (a ~ b) => C a b
- Wanted constraint is: C alpha beta
- We'd like to simply have C alpha alpha. Similar
- situations arise in relation to functional dependencies.
- (2) To have minimal constraints to quantify over:
- For instance, if our wanted constraint is (Eq a, Ord a)
- we'd only like to quantify over Ord a.
- To deal with (1) above we only add the superclasses of wanteds
- which may lead to improvement, that is: equality superclasses or
- superclasses with functional dependencies.
- We deal with (2) completely independently in TcSimplify. See
- Note [Minimize by SuperClasses] in TcSimplify.
- Moreover, in all cases the extra improvement constraints are
- Derived. Derived constraints have an identity (for now), but
- we don't do anything with their evidence. For instance they
- are never used to rewrite other constraints.
- See also [New Wanted Superclass Work] in TcInteract.
-For Deriveds:
- We do nothing.
+Since dictionaries are canonicalized only once in their lifetime, the
+place to add their superclasses is canonicalisation. See Note [Add
+superclasses only during canonicalisation]. Here is what we do:
+ Deriveds: Do nothing.
+ Givens: Add all their superclasses as Givens.
+ Wanteds: Add all their superclasses as Derived.
+ Not as Wanted: we don't need a proof.
+ Nor as Given: that leads to superclass loops.
+We also want to ensure minimal constraints to quantify over. For
+instance, if our wanted constraint is (Eq a, Ord a) we'd only like to
+quantify over Ord a. But we deal with that completely independently
+in TcSimplify. See Note [Minimize by SuperClasses] in TcSimplify.
+Examples of how adding superclasses as Derived is useful
+ --- Example 1
+ class C a b | a -> b
+ Suppose we want to solve
+ [G] C a b
+ [W] C a beta
+ Then adding [D] beta~b will let us solve it.
+ -- Example 2 (similar but using a type-equality superclass)
+ class (F a ~ b) => C a b
+ And try to sllve:
+ [G] C a b
+ [W] C a beta
+ Follow the superclass rules to add
+ [G] F a ~ b
+ [D] F a ~ beta
+ Now we we get [D] beta ~ b, and can solve that.
+Example of why adding superclass of a Wanted as a Given would
+be terrible, see Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
+in TcSMonad, which has this example:
+ class Ord a => C a where
+ instance Ord [a] => C [a] where ...
+Suppose we are trying to solve
+ [G] d1 : Ord a
+ [W] d2 : C [a]
+If we (bogusly) added the superclass of d2 as Gievn we'd have
+ [G] d1 : Ord a
+ [W] d2 : C [a]
+ [G] d3 : Ord [a] -- Superclass of d2, bogus
+Then we'll use the instance decl to give
+ [G] d1 : Ord a Solved: d2 : C [a] = $dfCList d4
+ [G] d3 : Ord [a] -- Superclass of d2, bogus
+ [W] d4: Ord [a]
+ANd now we could bogusly solve d4 from d3.
+Note [Add superclasses only during canonicalisation]
+We add superclasses only during canonicalisation, on the passage
+from CNonCanonical to CDictCan. A class constraint can be repeatedly
+rewritten, and there's no point in repeatedly adding its superclasses.
-Here's an example that demonstrates why we chose to NOT add
-superclasses during simplification: [Comes from ticket #4497]
+Here's a serious, but now out-dated example, from Trac #4497:
class Num (RealOf t) => Normed t
type family RealOf x
Assume the generated wanted constraint is:
- RealOf e ~ e, Normed e
+ [W] RealOf e ~ e
+ [W] Normed e
If we were to be adding the superclasses during simplification we'd get:
- Num uf, Normed e, RealOf e ~ e, RealOf e ~ uf
+ [W] RealOf e ~ e
+ [W] Normed e
+ [D] RealOf e ~ fuv
+ [D] Num fuv
- e ~ uf, Num uf, Normed e, RealOf e ~ e
-==> [Spontaneous solve]
- Num uf, Normed uf, RealOf uf ~ uf
+ e := fuv, Num fuv, Normed fuv, RealOf fuv ~ fuv
-While looks exactly like our original constraint. If we add the superclass again we'd loop.
-By adding superclasses definitely only once, during canonicalisation, this situation can't
+While looks exactly like our original constraint. If we add the
+superclass of (Normed fuv) again we'd loop. By adding superclasses
+definitely only once, during canonicalisation, this situation can't
+Mind you, now that Wanteds cannot rewrite Derived, I think this particular
+situation can't happen.
+ -}
newSCWorkFromFlavored :: CtEvidence -> Class -> [Xi] -> TcS ()
-- Returns superclasses, see Note [Adding superclasses]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
index 1955c1f218..c8746ff00e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.hs
@@ -1105,6 +1105,9 @@ See Trac #3731, #4809, #5751, #5913, #6117, #6161, which all
describe somewhat more complicated situations, but ones
encountered in practice.
+See also tests tcrun020, tcrun021, tcrun033
----- THE PROBLEM --------
The problem is that it is all too easy to create a class whose
superclass is bottom when it should not be.
@@ -1190,8 +1193,6 @@ that is *not* smaller than the target so we can't take *its*
superclasses. As a result the program is rightly rejected, unless you
add (Super (Fam a)) to the context of (i3).
Note [Silent superclass arguments] (historical interest)
NB1: this note describes our *old* solution to the
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
index 41f508daef..8b85a712e9 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.hs
@@ -901,8 +901,6 @@ solveByUnification :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS ()
-- Precondition: kind(xi) is a sub-kind of kind(tv)
-- Precondition: CtEvidence is Wanted or Derived
-- Precondition: CtEvidence is nominal
--- See [New Wanted Superclass Work] to see why solveByUnification
--- must work for Derived as well as Wanted
-- Returns: workItem where
-- workItem = the new Given constraint
@@ -1100,342 +1098,6 @@ double unifications is the main reason we disallow touchable
unification variables as RHS of type family equations: F xis ~ alpha.
-Note [Superclasses and recursive dictionaries]
- Overlaps with Note [SUPERCLASS-LOOP 1]
- Note [Recursive instances and superclases]
- ToDo: check overlap and delete redundant stuff
-Right before adding a given into the inert set, we must
-produce some more work, that will bring the superclasses
-of the given into scope. The superclass constraints go into
-our worklist.
-When we simplify a wanted constraint, if we first see a matching
-instance, we may produce new wanted work. To (1) avoid doing this work
-twice in the future and (2) to handle recursive dictionaries we may ``cache''
-this item as given into our inert set WITHOUT adding its superclass constraints,
-otherwise we'd be in danger of creating a loop [In fact this was the exact reason
-for doing the isGoodRecEv check in an older version of the type checker].
-But now we have added partially solved constraints to the worklist which may
-interact with other wanteds. Consider the example:
-Example 1:
- class Eq b => Foo a b --- 0-th selector
- instance Eq a => Foo [a] a --- fooDFun
-and wanted (Foo [t] t). We are first going to see that the instance matches
-and create an inert set that includes the solved (Foo [t] t) but not its superclasses:
- d1 :_g Foo [t] t d1 := EvDFunApp fooDFun d3
-Our work list is going to contain a new *wanted* goal
- d3 :_w Eq t
-Ok, so how do we get recursive dictionaries, at all:
-Example 2:
- data D r = ZeroD | SuccD (r (D r));
- instance (Eq (r (D r))) => Eq (D r) where
- ZeroD == ZeroD = True
- (SuccD a) == (SuccD b) = a == b
- _ == _ = False;
- equalDC :: D [] -> D [] -> Bool;
- equalDC = (==);
-We need to prove (Eq (D [])). Here's how we go:
- d1 :_w Eq (D [])
-by instance decl, holds if
- d2 :_w Eq [D []]
- where d1 = dfEqD d2
-*BUT* we have an inert set which gives us (no superclasses):
- d1 :_g Eq (D [])
-By the instance declaration of Eq we can show the 'd2' goal if
- d3 :_w Eq (D [])
- where d2 = dfEqList d3
- d1 = dfEqD d2
-Now, however this wanted can interact with our inert d1 to set:
- d3 := d1
-and solve the goal. Why was this interaction OK? Because, if we chase the
-evidence of d1 ~~> dfEqD d2 ~~-> dfEqList d3, so by setting d3 := d1 we
-are really setting
- d3 := dfEqD2 (dfEqList d3)
-which is FINE because the use of d3 is protected by the instance function
-So, our strategy is to try to put solved wanted dictionaries into the
-inert set along with their superclasses (when this is meaningful,
-i.e. when new wanted goals are generated) but solve a wanted dictionary
-from a given only in the case where the evidence variable of the
-wanted is mentioned in the evidence of the given (recursively through
-the evidence binds) in a protected way: more instance function applications
-than superclass selectors.
-Here are some more examples from GHC's previous type checker
-Example 3:
-This code arises in the context of "Scrap Your Boilerplate with Class"
- class Sat a
- class Data ctx a
- instance Sat (ctx Char) => Data ctx Char -- dfunData1
- instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a] -- dfunData2
- class Data Maybe a => Foo a
- instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t) -- dfunSat
- instance Data Maybe a => Foo a -- dfunFoo1
- instance Foo a => Foo [a] -- dfunFoo2
- instance Foo [Char] -- dfunFoo3
-Consider generating the superclasses of the instance declaration
- instance Foo a => Foo [a]
-So our problem is this
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t] -- Desired superclass
-We may add the given in the inert set, along with its superclasses
-[assuming we don't fail because there is a matching instance, see
- topReactionsStage, given case ]
- Inert:
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
- WorkList
- [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t]
-Solve d1 using instance dfunData2; d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
- Inert:
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
- Solved:
- d1 : Data Maybe [t]
- WorkList
- [W] d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
- [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
-Now, we may simplify d2 using dfunSat; d2 := dfunSat d4
- Inert:
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
- Solved:
- d1 : Data Maybe [t]
- d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
- WorkList:
- [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
- [W] d4 : Foo [t]
-Now, we can just solve d3 from d01; d3 := d01
- Inert
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
- Solved:
- d1 : Data Maybe [t]
- d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
- WorkList
- [W] d4 : Foo [t]
-Now, solve d4 using dfunFoo2; d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
- Inert
- [G] d0 : Foo t
- [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
- Solved:
- d1 : Data Maybe [t]
- d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
- d4 : Foo [t]
- WorkList:
- [W] d5 : Foo t
-Now, d5 can be solved! d5 := d0
- d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
- d2 := dfunSat d4
- d3 := d01
- d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
- d5 := d0
- d0 :_g Foo t
- d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
- d2 :_g Sat (Maybe [t]) d2 := dfunSat d4
- d4 :_g Foo [t] d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
- d5 :_g Foo t d5 := dfunFoo1 d7
- WorkList:
- d7 :_w Data Maybe t
- d6 :_g Data Maybe [t]
- d8 :_g Data Maybe t d8 := EvDictSuperClass d5 0
- d01 :_g Data Maybe t
-Now, two problems:
- [1] Suppose we pick d8 and we react him with d01. Which of the two givens should
- we keep? Well, we *MUST NOT* drop d01 because d8 contains recursive evidence
- that must not be used (look at case interactInert where both inert and workitem
- are givens). So we have several options:
- - Drop the workitem always (this will drop d8)
- This feels very unsafe -- what if the work item was the "good" one
- that should be used later to solve another wanted?
- - Don't drop anyone: the inert set may contain multiple givens!
- [This is currently implemented]
-The "don't drop anyone" seems the most safe thing to do, so now we come to problem 2:
- [2] We have added both d6 and d01 in the inert set, and we are interacting our wanted
- d7. Now the [isRecDictEv] function in the ineration solver
- [case inert-given workitem-wanted] will prevent us from interacting d7 := d8
- precisely because chasing the evidence of d8 leads us to an unguarded use of d7.
- So, no interaction happens there. Then we meet d01 and there is no recursion
- problem there [isRectDictEv] gives us the OK to interact and we do solve d7 := d01!
-We have to be very, very careful when generating superclasses, lest we
-accidentally build a loop. Here's an example:
- class S a
- class S a => C a where { opc :: a -> a }
- class S b => D b where { opd :: b -> b }
- instance C Int where
- opc = opd
- instance D Int where
- opd = opc
-From (instance C Int) we get the constraint set {ds1:S Int, dd:D Int}
-Simplifying, we may well get:
- $dfCInt = :C ds1 (opd dd)
- dd = $dfDInt
- ds1 = $p1 dd
-Notice that we spot that we can extract ds1 from dd.
-Alas! Alack! We can do the same for (instance D Int):
- $dfDInt = :D ds2 (opc dc)
- dc = $dfCInt
- ds2 = $p1 dc
-And now we've defined the superclass in terms of itself.
-Two more nasty cases are in
- tcrun021
- tcrun033
- - Satisfy the superclass context *all by itself*
- (tcSimplifySuperClasses)
- - And do so completely; i.e. no left-over constraints
- to mix with the constraints arising from method declarations
-We need to be careful when adding "the constaint we are trying to prove".
-Suppose we are *given* d1:Ord a, and want to deduce (d2:C [a]) where
- class Ord a => C a where
- instance Ord [a] => C [a] where ...
-Then we'll use the instance decl to deduce C [a] from Ord [a], and then add the
-superclasses of C [a] to avails. But we must not overwrite the binding
-for Ord [a] (which is obtained from Ord a) with a superclass selection or we'll just
-build a loop!
-Here's another variant, immortalised in tcrun020
- class Monad m => C1 m
- class C1 m => C2 m x
- instance C2 Maybe Bool
-For the instance decl we need to build (C1 Maybe), and it's no good if
-we run around and add (C2 Maybe Bool) and its superclasses to the avails
-before we search for C1 Maybe.
-Here's another example
- class Eq b => Foo a b
- instance Eq a => Foo [a] a
-If we are reducing
- (Foo [t] t)
-we'll first deduce that it holds (via the instance decl). We must not
-then overwrite the Eq t constraint with a superclass selection!
-At first I had a gross hack, whereby I simply did not add superclass constraints
-in addWanted, though I did for addGiven and addIrred. This was sub-optimal,
-because it lost legitimate superclass sharing, and it still didn't do the job:
-I found a very obscure program (now tcrun021) in which improvement meant the
-simplifier got two bites a the cherry... so something seemed to be an Stop
-first time, but reducible next time.
-Now we implement the Right Solution, which is to check for loops directly
-when adding superclasses. It's a bit like the occurs check in unification.
-Note [Recursive instances and superclases]
-Consider this code, which arises in the context of "Scrap Your
-Boilerplate with Class".
- class Sat a
- class Data ctx a
- instance Sat (ctx Char) => Data ctx Char
- instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a]
- class Data Maybe a => Foo a
- instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t)
- instance Data Maybe a => Foo a
- instance Foo a => Foo [a]
- instance Foo [Char]
-In the instance for Foo [a], when generating evidence for the superclasses
-(ie in tcSimplifySuperClasses) we need a superclass (Data Maybe [a]).
-Using the instance for Data, we therefore need
- (Sat (Maybe [a], Data Maybe a)
-But we are given (Foo a), and hence its superclass (Data Maybe a).
-So that leaves (Sat (Maybe [a])). Using the instance for Sat means
-we need (Foo [a]). And that is the very dictionary we are bulding
-an instance for! So we must put that in the "givens". So in this
-case we have
- Given: Foo a, Foo [a]
- Wanted: Data Maybe [a]
-BUT we must *not not not* put the *superclasses* of (Foo [a]) in
-the givens, which is what 'addGiven' would normally do. Why? Because
-(Data Maybe [a]) is the superclass, so we'd "satisfy" the wanted
-by selecting a superclass from Foo [a], which simply makes a loop.
-On the other hand we *must* put the superclasses of (Foo a) in
-the givens, as you can see from the derivation described above.
-Conclusion: in the very special case of tcSimplifySuperClasses
-we have one 'given' (namely the "this" dictionary) whose superclasses
-must not be added to 'givens' by addGiven.
-There is a complication though. Suppose there are equalities
- instance (Eq a, a~b) => Num (a,b)
-Then we normalise the 'givens' wrt the equalities, so the original
-given "this" dictionary is cast to one of a different type. So it's a
-bit trickier than before to identify the "special" dictionary whose
-superclasses must not be added. See test
- indexed-types/should_run/EqInInstance
-We need a persistent property of the dictionary to record this
-special-ness. Current I'm using the InstLocOrigin (a bit of a hack,
-but cool), which is maintained by dictionary normalisation.
-Specifically, the InstLocOrigin is
- NoScOrigin
-then the no-superclass thing kicks in. WATCH OUT if you fiddle
-with InstLocOrigin!
* *
* Functional dependencies, instantiation of equations
@@ -1498,9 +1160,6 @@ doTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS (StopOrContinue Ct)
-- (a) The place to add superclasses in not here in doTopReact stage.
-- Instead superclasses are added in the worklist as part of the
-- canonicalization process. See Note [Adding superclasses].
--- (b) See Note [Given constraint that matches an instance declaration]
--- for some design decisions for given dictionaries.
doTopReact inerts work_item
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact" (ppr work_item)
@@ -1834,113 +1493,6 @@ This should probably be well typed, with
So the inner binding for ?x::Bool *overrides* the outer one.
Hence a work-item Given overrides an inert-item Given.
-Note [Given constraint that matches an instance declaration]
-What should we do when we discover that one (or more) top-level
-instances match a given (or solved) class constraint? We have
-two possibilities:
- 1. Reject the program. The reason is that there may not be a unique
- best strategy for the solver. Example, from the OutsideIn(X) paper:
- instance P x => Q [x]
- instance (x ~ y) => R [x] y
- wob :: forall a b. (Q [b], R b a) => a -> Int
- g :: forall a. Q [a] => [a] -> Int
- g x = wob x
- will generate the impliation constraint:
- Q [a] => (Q [beta], R beta [a])
- If we react (Q [beta]) with its top-level axiom, we end up with a
- (P beta), which we have no way of discharging. On the other hand,
- if we react R beta [a] with the top-level we get (beta ~ a), which
- is solvable and can help us rewrite (Q [beta]) to (Q [a]) which is
- now solvable by the given Q [a].
- However, this option is restrictive, for instance [Example 3] from
- Note [Recursive instances and superclases] will fail to work.
- 2. Ignore the problem, hoping that the situations where there exist indeed
- such multiple strategies are rare: Indeed the cause of the previous
- problem is that (R [x] y) yields the new work (x ~ y) which can be
- *spontaneously* solved, not using the givens.
-We are choosing option 2 below but we might consider having a flag as well.
-Note [New Wanted Superclass Work]
-Even in the case of wanted constraints, we may add some superclasses
-as new given work. The reason is:
- To allow FD-like improvement for type families. Assume that
- we have a class
- class C a b | a -> b
- and we have to solve the implication constraint:
- C a b => C a beta
- Then, FD improvement can help us to produce a new wanted (beta ~ b)
- We want to have the same effect with the type family encoding of
- functional dependencies. Namely, consider:
- class (F a ~ b) => C a b
- Now suppose that we have:
- given: C a b
- wanted: C a beta
- By interacting the given we will get given (F a ~ b) which is not
- enough by itself to make us discharge (C a beta). However, we
- may create a new derived equality from the super-class of the
- wanted constraint (C a beta), namely derived (F a ~ beta).
- Now we may interact this with given (F a ~ b) to get:
- derived : beta ~ b
- But 'beta' is a touchable unification variable, and hence OK to
- unify it with 'b', replacing the derived evidence with the identity.
- This requires trySpontaneousSolve to solve *derived*
- equalities that have a touchable in their RHS, *in addition*
- to solving wanted equalities.
-We also need to somehow use the superclasses to quantify over a minimal,
-constraint see note [Minimize by Superclasses] in TcSimplify.
-Finally, here is another example where this is useful.
-Example 1:
- class (F a ~ b) => C a b
-And we are given the wanteds:
- w1 : C a b
- w2 : C a c
- w3 : b ~ c
-We surely do *not* want to quantify over (b ~ c), since if someone provides
-dictionaries for (C a b) and (C a c), these dictionaries can provide a proof
-of (b ~ c), hence no extra evidence is necessary. Here is what will happen:
- Step 1: We will get new *given* superclass work,
- provisionally to our solving of w1 and w2
- g1: F a ~ b, g2 : F a ~ c,
- w1 : C a b, w2 : C a c, w3 : b ~ c
- The evidence for g1 and g2 is a superclass evidence term:
- g1 := sc w1, g2 := sc w2
- Step 2: The givens will solve the wanted w3, so that
- w3 := sym (sc w1) ; sc w2
- Step 3: Now, one may naively assume that then w2 can be solve from w1
- after rewriting with the (now solved equality) (b ~ c).
- But this rewriting is ruled out by the isGoodRectDict!
-Conclusion, we will (correctly) end up with the unsolved goals
- (C a b, C a c)
-NB: The desugarer needs be more clever to deal with equalities
- that participate in recursive dictionary bindings.
data LookupInstResult
@@ -2068,22 +1620,27 @@ matchClassInst inerts clas tys loc
Note [Instance and Given overlap]
-Assume that we have an inert set that looks as follows:
- [Given] D [Int]
-And an instance declaration:
- instance C a => D [a]
-A new wanted comes along of the form:
- [Wanted] D [alpha]
-One possibility is to apply the instance declaration which will leave us
-with an unsolvable goal (C alpha). However, later on a new constraint may
-arise (for instance due to a functional dependency between two later dictionaries),
-that will add the equality (alpha ~ Int), in which case our ([Wanted] D [alpha])
-will be transformed to [Wanted] D [Int], which could have been discharged by the given.
-The solution is that in matchClassInst and eventually in topReact, we get back with
-a matching instance, only when there is no Given in the inerts which is unifiable to
-this particular dictionary.
+Example, from the OutsideIn(X) paper:
+ instance P x => Q [x]
+ instance (x ~ y) => R y [x]
+ wob :: forall a b. (Q [b], R b a) => a -> Int
+ g :: forall a. Q [a] => [a] -> Int
+ g x = wob x
+This will generate the impliation constraint:
+ Q [a] => (Q [beta], R beta [a])
+If we react (Q [beta]) with its top-level axiom, we end up with a
+(P beta), which we have no way of discharging. On the other hand,
+if we react R beta [a] with the top-level we get (beta ~ a), which
+is solvable and can help us rewrite (Q [beta]) to (Q [a]) which is
+now solvable by the given Q [a].
+The solution is that:
+ In matchClassInst (and thus in topReact), we return a matching
+ instance only when there is no Given in the inerts which is
+ unifiable to this particular dictionary.
The end effect is that, much as we do for overlapping instances, we delay choosing a
class instance if there is a possibility of another instance OR a given to match our
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
index a04bf9f43c..56c8a9ab2f 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
@@ -378,6 +378,165 @@ Type-family equations, of form (ev : F tys ~ ty), live in three places
using w3 itself!
* The inert_funeqs are un-solved but fully processed and in the InertCans.
+Note [Solved dictionaries]
+When we apply a top-level instance declararation, we add the "solved"
+dictionary to the inert_solved_dicts. In general, we use it to avoid
+creating a new EvVar when we have a new goal that we have solved in
+the past.
+But in particular, we can use it to create *recursive* dicationaries.
+The simplest, degnerate case is
+ instance C [a] => C [a] where ...
+If we have
+ [W] d1 :: C [x]
+then we can apply the instance to get
+ d1 = $dfCList d
+ [W] d2 :: C [x]
+Now 'd1' goes in inert_solved_dicts, and we can solve d2 directly from d1.
+ d1 = $dfCList d
+ d2 = d1
+See Note [Example of recursive dictionaries]
+Other notes about solved dictionaries
+* See also Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
+* The inert_solved_dicts field is not rewritten by equalities, so it may
+ get out of date.
+Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
+Every member of inert_solved_dicts is the result of applying a dictionary
+function, NOT of applying superclass selection to anything.
+ class Ord a => C a where
+ instance Ord [a] => C [a] where ...
+Suppose we are trying to solve
+ [G] d1 : Ord a
+ [W] d2 : C [a]
+Then we'll use the instance decl to give
+ [G] d1 : Ord a Solved: d2 : C [a] = $dfCList d3
+ [W] d3 : Ord [a]
+We must not add d4 : Ord [a] to the 'solved' set (by taking the
+superclass of d2), otherwise we'll use it to solve d3, without ever
+using d1, which would be a catastrophe.
+Solution: when extending the solved dictionaries, do not add superclasses.
+That's why each element of the inert_solved_dicts is the result of applying
+a dictionary function.
+Note [Example of recursive dictionaries]
+--- Example 1
+ data D r = ZeroD | SuccD (r (D r));
+ instance (Eq (r (D r))) => Eq (D r) where
+ ZeroD == ZeroD = True
+ (SuccD a) == (SuccD b) = a == b
+ _ == _ = False;
+ equalDC :: D [] -> D [] -> Bool;
+ equalDC = (==);
+We need to prove (Eq (D [])). Here's how we go:
+ [W] d1 : Eq (D [])
+By instance decl of Eq (D r):
+ [W] d2 : Eq [D []] where d1 = dfEqD d2
+By instance decl of Eq [a]:
+ [W] d3 : Eq (D []) where d2 = dfEqList d3
+ d1 = dfEqD d2
+Now this wanted can interact with our "solved" d1 to get:
+ d3 = d1
+-- Example 2:
+This code arises in the context of "Scrap Your Boilerplate with Class"
+ class Sat a
+ class Data ctx a
+ instance Sat (ctx Char) => Data ctx Char -- dfunData1
+ instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a] -- dfunData2
+ class Data Maybe a => Foo a
+ instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t) -- dfunSat
+ instance Data Maybe a => Foo a -- dfunFoo1
+ instance Foo a => Foo [a] -- dfunFoo2
+ instance Foo [Char] -- dfunFoo3
+Consider generating the superclasses of the instance declaration
+ instance Foo a => Foo [a]
+So our problem is this
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t] -- Desired superclass
+We may add the given in the inert set, along with its superclasses
+ Inert:
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
+ WorkList
+ [W] d1 : Data Maybe [t]
+Solve d1 using instance dfunData2; d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
+ Inert:
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
+ Solved:
+ d1 : Data Maybe [t]
+ WorkList:
+ [W] d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
+ [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
+Now, we may simplify d2 using dfunSat; d2 := dfunSat d4
+ Inert:
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
+ Solved:
+ d1 : Data Maybe [t]
+ d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
+ WorkList:
+ [W] d3 : Data Maybe t
+ [W] d4 : Foo [t]
+Now, we can just solve d3 from d01; d3 := d01
+ Inert
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
+ Solved:
+ d1 : Data Maybe [t]
+ d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
+ WorkList
+ [W] d4 : Foo [t]
+Now, solve d4 using dfunFoo2; d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
+ Inert
+ [G] d0 : Foo t
+ [G] d01 : Data Maybe t -- Superclass of d0
+ Solved:
+ d1 : Data Maybe [t]
+ d2 : Sat (Maybe [t])
+ d4 : Foo [t]
+ WorkList:
+ [W] d5 : Foo t
+Now, d5 can be solved! d5 := d0
+ d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
+ d2 := dfunSat d4
+ d3 := d01
+ d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
+ d5 := d0
-- All Given (fully known) or Wanted or Derived
@@ -435,11 +594,8 @@ data InertSet
, inert_solved_dicts :: DictMap CtEvidence
-- Of form ev :: C t1 .. tn
- -- Always the result of using a top-level instance declaration
- -- - Used to avoid creating a new EvVar when we have a new goal
- -- that we have solved in the past
- -- - Stored not necessarily as fully rewritten
- -- (ToDo: rewrite lazily when we lookup)
+ -- See Note [Solved dictionaries]
+ -- and Note [Do not add superclasses of solved dictionaries]
instance Outputable InertCans where
@@ -514,6 +670,7 @@ insertInertItemTcS item
addSolvedDict :: CtEvidence -> Class -> [Type] -> TcS ()
-- Add a new item in the solved set of the monad
+-- See Note [Solved dictionaries]
addSolvedDict item cls tys
| isIPPred (ctEvPred item) -- Never cache "solved" implicit parameters (not sure why!)
= return ()