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2 files changed, 38 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CprAnal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CprAnal.hs
index c5b204d445..3828f15863 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CprAnal.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/CprAnal.hs
@@ -301,6 +301,10 @@ data TermFlag -- Better than using a Bool
= Terminates
| MightDiverge
+instance Outputable TermFlag where
+ ppr Terminates = text "Terminates"
+ ppr MightDiverge = text "MightDiverge"
-- See Note [Nested CPR]
exprTerminates :: CoreExpr -> TermFlag
exprTerminates e
@@ -384,13 +388,21 @@ cprTransformDataConWork env con args
, wkr_arity <= mAX_CPR_SIZE -- See Note [Trimming to mAX_CPR_SIZE]
, args `lengthIs` wkr_arity
-- Don't do CPR when it duplicates work
- , (ae_rec_dc env con /= DefinitelyRecursive) -- See Note [CPR for recursive data constructors]
- || args_dependent
- -- , pprTrace "cprTransformDataConWork.1" (ppr con <+> ppr wkr_arity <+> ppr args
- -- $$ ppr args_dependent
- -- $$ text "dep-vars:" <> ppr dependent_vars
- -- ) True
- = CprType 0 (ConCpr (dataConTag con) (strictZipWith extract_nested_cpr args wkr_str_marks))
+ , rec_con <- (ae_rec_dc env con /= DefinitelyRecursive) -- See Note [CPR for recursive data constructors]
+ , rec_con || args_dependent
+ =
+ -- pprTrace "cprTransformDataConWork.1" (ppr con <+> ppr wkr_arity <+> ppr args
+ -- $$ ppr args_dependent
+ -- $$ text "dep-vars:" <> ppr dependent_vars
+ -- ) $
+ let
+ !tag = (dataConTag con)
+ !nested_cpr = (strictZipWith extract_nested_cpr args wkr_str_marks)
+ in
+ if rec_con
+ then CprType 0 (ConCpr tag nested_cpr )
+ else CprType 0 (ConCpr tag $ map (trimCprToDepth 3) nested_cpr )
| otherwise
-- pprTrace "cprTransformDataConWork.2" (ppr con <+> ppr wkr_arity $$
@@ -401,16 +413,22 @@ cprTransformDataConWork env con args
-- text "dep-vars:" <> ppr dependent_vars )
- arg_fvs = exprsFreeVars $ map snd args
- dependent_vars = intersectVarSet arg_fvs (ae_loop_args env)
+ dependent_vars = exprsSomeFreeVars (\var -> elemVarSet var (ae_loop_args env))
+ $ map snd args
+ -- dependent_vars = intersectVarSet arg_fvs
args_dependent = not $ isEmptyVarSet dependent_vars
wkr_arity = dataConRepArity con
wkr_str_marks = dataConRepStrictness con
-- See Note [Nested CPR]
+ extract_nested_cpr :: (CprType, CoreExpr) -> StrictnessMark -> Cpr
extract_nested_cpr (CprType 0 cpr, arg) str
| MarkedStrict <- str = cpr
- | Terminates <- exprTerminates arg = cpr
+ | Terminates <- exprTerminates arg =
+ -- pprTrace "exprTerms"
+ -- (ppr arg $$
+ -- ppr (exprTerminates arg))
+ cpr
extract_nested_cpr _ _ = topCpr -- intervening lambda or doesn't terminate
-- | See Note [Trimming to mAX_CPR_SIZE].
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Cpr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Cpr.hs
index ce00665276..b6b8d19861 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Cpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Cpr.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Cpr (
lubCprType, applyCprTy, abstractCprTy, trimCprTy,
UnpackConFieldsResult (..), unpackConFieldsCpr,
CprSig (..), topCprSig, isTopCprSig, mkCprSigForArity, mkCprSig,
- seqCprSig, prependArgsCprSig
+ seqCprSig, prependArgsCprSig, trimCprToDepth
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ trimCpr :: Cpr -> Cpr
trimCpr BotCpr = botCpr
trimCpr _ = topCpr
+trimCprToDepth :: Int -> Cpr -> Cpr
+trimCprToDepth 0 !cpr = trimCpr cpr
+trimCprToDepth !n !cpr =
+ case cpr of
+ BotCpr -> cpr
+ FlatConCpr{} -> cpr
+ TopCpr -> cpr
+ ConCpr_ tag nested -> ConCpr_ tag $ map (trimCprToDepth (n-1)) nested
asConCpr :: Cpr -> Maybe (ConTag, [Cpr])
asConCpr (ConCpr t cs) = Just (t, cs)
asConCpr (FlatConCpr t) = Just (t, [])