diff options
5 files changed, 135 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 8e5ba6a925..0c1facc3ad 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
-- Package state
-- NB. do not modify this field, it is calculated by
-- Packages.initPackages
- pkgDatabase :: Maybe [PackageConfig],
+ pkgDatabase :: Maybe [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])],
pkgState :: PackageState,
-- Temporary files
diff --git a/compiler/main/Packages.hs b/compiler/main/Packages.hs
index 9f60c1cc28..fdf96708fb 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Packages.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/Packages.hs
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Data.Char ( toUpper )
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Set (Set)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
@@ -319,9 +320,11 @@ listPackageConfigMap dflags = eltsUFM (pkgIdMap (pkgState dflags))
-- link in.
initPackages :: DynFlags -> IO (DynFlags, [UnitId])
initPackages dflags = do
- pkg_db <- case pkgDatabase dflags of
- Nothing -> readPackageConfigs dflags
- Just db -> return $ setBatchPackageFlags dflags db
+ pkg_db <-
+ case pkgDatabase dflags of
+ Nothing -> readPackageConfigs dflags
+ Just db -> return $ map (\(p, pkgs)
+ -> (p, setBatchPackageFlags dflags pkgs)) db
(pkg_state, preload, this_pkg)
<- mkPackageState dflags pkg_db []
return (dflags{ pkgDatabase = Just pkg_db,
@@ -332,11 +335,12 @@ initPackages dflags = do
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reading the package database(s)
-readPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO [PackageConfig]
+readPackageConfigs :: DynFlags -> IO [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])]
readPackageConfigs dflags = do
conf_refs <- getPackageConfRefs dflags
confs <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM (resolvePackageConfig dflags) conf_refs
- liftM concat $ mapM (readPackageConfig dflags) confs
+ mapM (readPackageConfig dflags) confs
getPackageConfRefs :: DynFlags -> IO [PkgConfRef]
getPackageConfRefs dflags = do
@@ -365,7 +369,7 @@ resolvePackageConfig dflags UserPkgConf = handleIO (\_ -> return Nothing) $ do
return $ if exist then Just pkgconf else Nothing
resolvePackageConfig _ (PkgConfFile name) = return $ Just name
-readPackageConfig :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO [PackageConfig]
+readPackageConfig :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> IO (FilePath, [PackageConfig])
readPackageConfig dflags conf_file = do
isdir <- doesDirectoryExist conf_file
@@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ readPackageConfig dflags conf_file = do
pkg_configs1 = map (mungePackagePaths top_dir pkgroot) proto_pkg_configs
pkg_configs2 = setBatchPackageFlags dflags pkg_configs1
- return pkg_configs2
+ return (conf_file, pkg_configs2)
readDirStylePackageConfig conf_dir = do
let filename = conf_dir </> "package.cache"
@@ -589,7 +593,6 @@ packageFlagErr dflags flag reasons
where err = text "cannot satisfy " <> pprFlag flag <>
(if null reasons then Outputable.empty else text ": ") $$
nest 4 (ppr_reasons $$
- -- ToDo: this admonition seems a bit dodgy
text "(use -v for more information)")
ppr_reasons = vcat (map ppr_reason reasons)
ppr_reason (p, reason) =
@@ -735,9 +738,10 @@ findWiredInPackages dflags pkgs vis_map = do
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+type IsShadowed = Bool
data UnusablePackageReason
= IgnoredWithFlag
- | MissingDependencies [UnitId]
+ | MissingDependencies IsShadowed [UnitId]
type UnusablePackages = Map UnitId
(PackageConfig, UnusablePackageReason)
@@ -746,9 +750,11 @@ pprReason :: SDoc -> UnusablePackageReason -> SDoc
pprReason pref reason = case reason of
IgnoredWithFlag ->
pref <+> ptext (sLit "ignored due to an -ignore-package flag")
- MissingDependencies deps ->
- pref <+>
- ptext (sLit "unusable due to missing or recursive dependencies:") $$
+ MissingDependencies is_shadowed deps ->
+ pref <+> text "unusable due to"
+ <+> (if is_shadowed then text "shadowed"
+ else text "missing or recursive")
+ <+> text "dependencies:" $$
nest 2 (hsep (map ppr deps))
reportUnusable :: DynFlags -> UnusablePackages -> IO ()
@@ -757,8 +763,7 @@ reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
report (ipid, (_, reason)) =
debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
- (ptext (sLit "package") <+>
- ppr ipid <+> text "is") reason
+ (ptext (sLit "package") <+> ppr ipid <+> text "is") reason
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -768,27 +773,30 @@ reportUnusable dflags pkgs = mapM_ report (Map.toList pkgs)
-- dependency graph, repeatedly adding packages whose dependencies are
-- satisfied until no more can be added.
-findBroken :: [PackageConfig] -> UnusablePackages
-findBroken pkgs = go [] Map.empty pkgs
+findBroken :: IsShadowed
+ -> [PackageConfig]
+ -> Map UnitId PackageConfig
+ -> UnusablePackages
+findBroken is_shadowed pkgs pkg_map0 = go [] pkg_map0 pkgs
- go avail ipids not_avail =
- case partitionWith (depsAvailable ipids) not_avail of
+ go avail pkg_map not_avail =
+ case partitionWith (depsAvailable pkg_map) not_avail of
([], not_avail) ->
- Map.fromList [ (unitId p, (p, MissingDependencies deps))
+ Map.fromList [ (unitId p, (p, MissingDependencies is_shadowed deps))
| (p,deps) <- not_avail ]
(new_avail, not_avail) ->
- go (new_avail ++ avail) new_ipids (map fst not_avail)
- where new_ipids = Map.insertList
- [ (unitId p, p) | p <- new_avail ]
- ipids
+ go (new_avail ++ avail) pkg_map' (map fst not_avail)
+ where pkg_map' = Map.insertList
+ [ (unitId p, p) | p <- new_avail ]
+ pkg_map
depsAvailable :: InstalledPackageIndex
-> PackageConfig
-> Either PackageConfig (PackageConfig, [UnitId])
- depsAvailable ipids pkg
+ depsAvailable pkg_map pkg
| null dangling = Left pkg
| otherwise = Right (pkg, dangling)
- where dangling = filter (not . (`Map.member` ipids)) (depends pkg)
+ where dangling = filter (not . (`Map.member` pkg_map)) (depends pkg)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ignore packages
@@ -811,14 +819,14 @@ ignorePackages flags pkgs = Map.fromList (concatMap doit flags)
:: DynFlags
- -> [PackageConfig] -- initial database
+ -> [(FilePath, [PackageConfig])] -- initial databases
-> [UnitId] -- preloaded packages
-> IO (PackageState,
[UnitId], -- new packages to preload
UnitId) -- this package, might be modified if the current
-- package is a wired-in package.
-mkPackageState dflags0 pkgs0 preload0 = do
+mkPackageState dflags0 dbs preload0 = do
dflags <- interpretPackageEnv dflags0
-- Compute the unit id
@@ -827,68 +835,104 @@ mkPackageState dflags0 pkgs0 preload0 = do
- 1. When there are multiple packages with the same
- installed package ID, if they have the same ABI hash, use the one
- highest in the package stack. Otherwise, error.
+ The goal is to build a single, unified package database based
+ on all of the input databases, which upholds the invariant that
+ there is only one package per any UnitId, and that there are no
+ dangling dependencies. We'll do this by successively merging
+ each input database into this unified database:
+ 1. if an input database defines unit ID that is already in
+ the unified database, that package SHADOWS the existing
+ package in the unit database
+ * for every such shadowed package, we remove it and any
+ packages which transitively depend on it from the
+ unified datbase
+ 2. remove packages selected by -ignore-package from input database
- 2. remove packages selected by -ignore-package
+ 3. remove any packages with missing dependencies or mutually recursive
+ dependencies from the input database
- 3. remove any packages with missing dependencies, or mutually recursive
- dependencies.
+ 4. report (with -v) any packages that were removed by steps 1-3
- 4. report (with -v) any packages that were removed by steps 2-4
+ 5. merge the input database into the unified database
- 5. apply flags to set exposed/hidden on the resulting packages
- - if any flag refers to a package which was removed by 2-4, then
+ Once this is all done, on the final unified database we:
+ 1. apply flags to set exposed/hidden on the resulting packages
+ - if any flag refers to a package which was removed by 1-5, then
we can give an error message explaining why
- 6. hide any packages which are superseded by later exposed packages
+ 2. hide any packages which are superseded by later exposed packages
- let
- -- pkgs0 with duplicate packages filtered out. This is
- -- important: it is possible for a package in the global package
- -- DB to have the same key as a package in the user DB, and
- -- we want the latter to take precedence.
- --
- -- NB: We have to check that the ABIs of the old and new packages
- -- are equal; if they are not that's a fatal error.
- --
- -- TODO: might be useful to report when this shadowing occurs
- (_, pkgs0_unique, abis) = foldr del (Set.empty,[],Map.empty) pkgs0
- where del p (s,ps,a)
- | key `Set.member` s = (s,ps,a')
- | otherwise = (Set.insert key s, p:ps, a')
- where key = unitId p
- a' = Map.insertWith Set.union key
- (Set.singleton (abiHash p)) a
- failed_abis = [ (key, Set.toList as)
- | (key, as) <- Map.toList abis
- , Set.size as > 1 ]
- unless (null failed_abis) $ do
- throwGhcException (CmdLineError (showSDoc dflags
- (text "package db: duplicate packages with incompatible ABIs:" $$
- nest 4 (vcat [ ppr key <+> text "has ABIs" <> colon <+>
- hsep (punctuate comma (map text as))
- | (key, as) <- failed_abis]))))
let flags = reverse (packageFlags dflags)
(ignore_flags, other_flags) = partition is_ignore flags
is_ignore IgnorePackage{} = True
is_ignore _ = False
- ignored = ignorePackages ignore_flags pkgs0_unique
- isBroken = (`Map.member` ignored) . unitId
- pkgs0' = filter (not . isBroken) pkgs0_unique
- broken = findBroken pkgs0'
- unusable = ignored `Map.union` broken
- pkgs1 = filter (not . (`Map.member` unusable) . unitId) pkgs0'
- reportUnusable dflags unusable
+ let merge (pkg_map, prev_unusable) (db_path, db) = do
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "loading package database" <+> text db_path
+ forM_ (Set.toList shadow_set) $ \pkg ->
+ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 $
+ text "package" <+> ppr pkg <+>
+ text "shadows a previously defined package"
+ reportUnusable dflags unusable
+ -- NB: an unusable unit ID can become usable again
+ -- if it's validly specified in a later package stack.
+ -- Keep unusable up-to-date!
+ return (pkg_map', (prev_unusable `Map.difference` pkg_map')
+ `Map.union` unusable)
+ where -- The set of UnitIds which appear in both
+ -- db and pkgs (to be shadowed from pkgs)
+ shadow_set :: Set UnitId
+ shadow_set = foldr ins Set.empty db
+ where ins pkg s
+ -- If the package from the upper database is
+ -- in the lower database, and the ABIs don't
+ -- match...
+ | Just old_pkg <- Map.lookup (unitId pkg) pkg_map
+ , abiHash old_pkg /= abiHash pkg
+ -- ...add this unit ID to the set of unit IDs
+ -- which (transitively) should be shadowed from
+ -- the lower database.
+ = Set.insert (unitId pkg) s
+ | otherwise
+ = s
+ -- Remove shadow_set from pkg_map...
+ shadowed_pkgs0 :: [PackageConfig]
+ shadowed_pkgs0 = filter (not . (`Set.member` shadow_set) . unitId)
+ (Map.elems pkg_map)
+ -- ...and then remove anything transitively broken
+ -- this way.
+ shadowed = findBroken True shadowed_pkgs0 Map.empty
+ shadowed_pkgs :: [PackageConfig]
+ shadowed_pkgs = filter (not . (`Map.member` shadowed) . unitId)
+ shadowed_pkgs0
+ -- Apply ignore flags to db (TODO: could extend command line
+ -- flag format to support per-database ignore now! More useful
+ -- than what we have now.)
+ ignored = ignorePackages ignore_flags db
+ db2 = filter (not . (`Map.member` ignored) . unitId) db
+ -- Look for broken packages (either from ignore, or possibly
+ -- because the db was broken to begin with)
+ mk_pkg_map = Map.fromList . map (\p -> (unitId p, p))
+ broken = findBroken False db2 (mk_pkg_map shadowed_pkgs)
+ db3 = filter (not . (`Map.member` broken) . unitId) db2
+ unusable = shadowed `Map.union` ignored
+ `Map.union` broken
+ -- Now merge the sets together (NB: later overrides
+ -- earlier!)
+ pkg_map' :: Map UnitId PackageConfig
+ pkg_map' = mk_pkg_map (shadowed_pkgs ++ db3)
+ (pkg_map1, unusable) <- foldM merge (Map.empty, Map.empty) dbs
+ let pkgs1 = Map.elems pkg_map1
-- Calculate the initial set of packages, prior to any package flags.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cabal/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/cabal/Makefile
index 635a94b0ea..cbf8cbb7ed 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/cabal/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cabal/Makefile
@@ -156,19 +156,21 @@ shadow:
@echo "databases 1 and 3:"
echo "main = return ()" >shadow.hs
-# In this test, shadow-1-XXX with ABI hash aaa conflicts with shadow-1-XXX with
-# ABI hash bbb, so GHC errors
+# In this test, the later database defines a new shadow-1-XXX which
+# shadows the old one, making shadowdep unsatisfiable.
@echo "should FAIL:"
if '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW1) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW2) -package shadowdep -c shadow.hs -fno-code; then false; else true; fi
-# Reversing the orders of the configs does not fix the problem
+# Reversing the orders of the configs fixes the problem, because now
+# the shadow-1-XXX defined in the same DB as shadowdep shadows
+# shadow-1-XXX in localshadow2.package.conf
- @echo "should FAIL:"
- if '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW2) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW1) -package shadowdep -c shadow.hs -fno-code; then false; else true; fi
+ @echo "should SUCCEED:"
+ '$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW2) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW1) -package shadowdep -c shadow.hs -fno-code
-# When the ABIs are the same, there is no problem
+# When the ABIs are the same, dependencies don't break, we just swap it in
@echo "should SUCCEED:"
'$(TEST_HC)' $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW3) -package-db $(PKGCONFSHADOW1) -package shadowdep -c shadow.hs -fno-code
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stderr b/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stderr
index 3825896e85..601e33714f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stderr
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<command line>: package db: duplicate packages with incompatible ABIs:
- shadow-1-XXX has ABIs: aaa, bbb
-<command line>: package db: duplicate packages with incompatible ABIs:
- shadow-1-XXX has ABIs: aaa, bbb
+<command line>: cannot satisfy -package shadowdep:
+ shadowdep-1-XXX is unusable due to shadowed dependencies:
+ shadow-1-XXX
+ (use -v for more information)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stdout b/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stdout
index f4b783aa7d..bdd2459f73 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stdout
+++ b/testsuite/tests/cabal/shadow.stdout
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ localshadow3.package.conf:
should FAIL:
-should FAIL:
+should SUCCEED:
should SUCCEED: