diff options
16 files changed, 245 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4
index 09a122c296..6a3fe14e4d 100644
--- a/aclocal.m4
+++ b/aclocal.m4
@@ -602,6 +602,18 @@ AC_DEFUN([FP_SETTINGS],
+ if test -z "$OtoolCmd"
+ then
+ SettingsOtoolCommand="otool"
+ else
+ SettingsOtoolCommand="$OtoolCmd"
+ fi
+ if test -z "$InstallNameToolCmd"
+ then
+ SettingsInstallNameToolCommand="install_name_tool"
+ else
+ SettingsInstallNameToolCommand="$InstallNameToolCmd"
+ fi
@@ -621,6 +633,8 @@ AC_DEFUN([FP_SETTINGS],
+ AC_SUBST(SettingsOtoolCommand)
+ AC_SUBST(SettingsInstallNameToolCommand)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
index 8386dd9c7e..7276762f0f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -394,7 +394,56 @@ compileEmptyStub dflags hsc_env basename location mod_name = do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Link
+-- Note [Dynamic linking on macOS]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Since macOS Sierra (10.14), the dynamic system linker enforces
+-- a limit on the Load Commands. Specifically the Load Command Size
+-- Limit is at 32K (32768). The Load Commands contain the install
+-- name, dependencies, runpaths, and a few other commands. We however
+-- only have control over the install name, dependencies and runpaths.
+-- The install name is the name by which this library will be
+-- referenced. This is such that we do not need to bake in the full
+-- absolute location of the library, and can move the library around.
+-- The dependency commands contain the install names from of referenced
+-- libraries. Thus if a libraries install name is @rpath/libHS...dylib,
+-- that will end up as the dependency.
+-- Finally we have the runpaths, which informs the linker about the
+-- directories to search for the referenced dependencies.
+-- The system linker can do recursive linking, however using only the
+-- direct dependencies conflicts with ghc's ability to inline across
+-- packages, and as such would end up with unresolved symbols.
+-- Thus we will pass the full dependency closure to the linker, and then
+-- ask the linker to remove any unused dynamic libraries (-dead_strip_dylibs).
+-- We still need to add the relevant runpaths, for the dynamic linker to
+-- lookup the referenced libraries though. The linker (ld64) does not
+-- have any option to dead strip runpaths; which makes sense as runpaths
+-- can be used for dependencies of dependencies as well.
+-- The solution we then take in GHC is to not pass any runpaths to the
+-- linker at link time, but inject them after the linking. For this to
+-- work we'll need to ask the linker to create enough space in the header
+-- to add more runpaths after the linking (-headerpad 8000).
+-- After the library has been linked by $LD (usually ld64), we will use
+-- otool to inspect the libraries left over after dead stripping, compute
+-- the relevant runpaths, and inject them into the linked product using
+-- the install_name_tool command.
+-- This strategy should produce the smallest possible set of load commands
+-- while still retaining some form of relocatability via runpaths.
+-- The only way I can see to reduce the load command size further would be
+-- by shortening the library names, or start putting libraries into the same
+-- folders, such that one runpath would be sufficient for multiple/all
+-- libraries.
link :: GhcLink -- interactive or batch
-> DynFlags -- dynamic flags
-> Bool -- attempt linking in batch mode?
@@ -1787,9 +1836,12 @@ linkBinary' staticLink dflags o_files dep_units = do
rc_objs <- maybeCreateManifest dflags output_fn
- let link = if staticLink
- then GHC.SysTools.runLibtool
- else GHC.SysTools.runLink
+ let link dflags args | staticLink = GHC.SysTools.runLibtool dflags args
+ | platformOS platform == OSDarwin
+ = GHC.SysTools.runLink dflags args >> GHC.SysTools.runInjectRPaths dflags pkg_lib_paths output_fn
+ | otherwise
+ = GHC.SysTools.runLink dflags args
link dflags (
map GHC.SysTools.Option verbFlags
++ [ GHC.SysTools.Option "-o"
@@ -1856,7 +1908,13 @@ linkBinary' staticLink dflags o_files dep_units = do
++ pkg_link_opts
++ pkg_framework_opts
++ (if platformOS platform == OSDarwin
- then [ "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs" ]
+ -- dead_strip_dylibs, will remove unused dylibs, and thus save
+ -- space in the load commands. The -headerpad is necessary so
+ -- that we can inject more @rpath's later for the left over
+ -- libraries during runInjectRpaths phase.
+ --
+ -- See Note [Dynamic linking on macOS].
+ then [ "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs", "-Wl,-headerpad,8000" ]
else [])
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
index 041c7bc418..a0c2331d53 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ module GHC.Driver.Session (
versionedAppDir, versionedFilePath,
extraGccViaCFlags, globalPackageDatabasePath,
pgm_L, pgm_P, pgm_F, pgm_c, pgm_a, pgm_l, pgm_lm, pgm_dll, pgm_T,
- pgm_windres, pgm_libtool, pgm_ar, pgm_ranlib, pgm_lo, pgm_lc,
- pgm_lcc, pgm_i,
+ pgm_windres, pgm_libtool, pgm_ar, pgm_otool, pgm_install_name_tool,
+ pgm_ranlib, pgm_lo, pgm_lc, pgm_lcc, pgm_i,
opt_L, opt_P, opt_F, opt_c, opt_cxx, opt_a, opt_l, opt_lm, opt_i,
opt_windres, opt_lo, opt_lc, opt_lcc,
@@ -885,6 +885,10 @@ pgm_lcc :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
pgm_lcc dflags = toolSettings_pgm_lcc $ toolSettings dflags
pgm_ar :: DynFlags -> String
pgm_ar dflags = toolSettings_pgm_ar $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_otool :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_otool dflags = toolSettings_pgm_otool $ toolSettings dflags
+pgm_install_name_tool :: DynFlags -> String
+pgm_install_name_tool dflags = toolSettings_pgm_install_name_tool $ toolSettings dflags
pgm_ranlib :: DynFlags -> String
pgm_ranlib dflags = toolSettings_pgm_ranlib $ toolSettings dflags
pgm_lo :: DynFlags -> (String,[Option])
@@ -2267,6 +2271,10 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
$ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_libtool = f }
, make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmar"
$ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_ar = f }
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmotool"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_otool = f}
+ , make_ord_flag defFlag "pgminstall_name_tool"
+ $ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_install_name_tool = f}
, make_ord_flag defFlag "pgmranlib"
$ hasArg $ \f -> alterToolSettings $ \s -> s { toolSettings_pgm_ranlib = f }
@@ -3780,7 +3788,6 @@ defaultFlags settings
- Opt_RPath,
@@ -3791,6 +3798,8 @@ defaultFlags settings
++ default_PIC platform
+ ++ default_RPath platform
++ concatMap (wayGeneralFlags platform) (defaultWays settings)
++ validHoleFitDefaults
@@ -3831,6 +3840,29 @@ default_PIC platform =
-- information.
_ -> []
+-- We usually want to use RPath, except on macOS (OSDarwin). On recent macOS
+-- versions the number of load commands we can embed in a dynamic library is
+-- restricted. Hence since b592bd98ff2 we rely on -dead_strip_dylib to only
+-- link the needed dylibs instead of linking the full dependency closure.
+-- If we split the library linking into injecting -rpath and -l @rpath/...
+-- components, we will reduce the number of libraries we link, however we will
+-- still inject one -rpath entry for each library, independent of their use.
+-- That is, we even inject -rpath values for libraries that we dead_strip in
+-- the end. As such we can run afoul of the load command size limit simply
+-- by polluting the load commands with RPATH entries.
+-- Thus, we disable Opt_RPath by default on OSDarwin. The savvy user can always
+-- enable it with -use-rpath if they so wish.
+-- See Note [Dynamic linking on macOS]
+default_RPath :: Platform -> [GeneralFlag]
+default_RPath platform | platformOS platform == OSDarwin = []
+default_RPath _ = [Opt_RPath]
-- General flags that are switched on/off when other general flags are switched
-- on
impliedGFlags :: [(GeneralFlag, TurnOnFlag, GeneralFlag)]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Linker.hs b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Linker.hs
index 6e0663b029..9ab708e13d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Linker.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Linker.hs
@@ -929,20 +929,22 @@ dynLoadObjs hsc_env pls@PersistentLinkerState{..} objs = do
ldInputs =
concatMap (\l -> [ Option ("-l" ++ l) ])
(nub $ snd <$> temp_sos)
- ++ concatMap (\lp -> [ Option ("-L" ++ lp)
- , Option "-Xlinker"
- , Option "-rpath"
- , Option "-Xlinker"
- , Option lp ])
+ ++ concatMap (\lp -> Option ("-L" ++ lp)
+ : if gopt Opt_RPath dflags
+ then [ Option "-Xlinker"
+ , Option "-rpath"
+ , Option "-Xlinker"
+ , Option lp ]
+ else [])
(nub $ fst <$> temp_sos)
++ concatMap
- (\lp ->
- [ Option ("-L" ++ lp)
- , Option "-Xlinker"
- , Option "-rpath"
- , Option "-Xlinker"
- , Option lp
- ])
+ (\lp -> Option ("-L" ++ lp)
+ : if gopt Opt_RPath dflags
+ then [ Option "-Xlinker"
+ , Option "-rpath"
+ , Option "-Xlinker"
+ , Option lp ]
+ else [])
-- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
++ map (\l -> Option ("-l" ++ l)) minus_ls,
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Settings.hs b/compiler/GHC/Settings.hs
index e698f47dea..8258cb1d72 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Settings.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Settings.hs
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ module GHC.Settings
, sPgm_windres
, sPgm_libtool
, sPgm_ar
+ , sPgm_otool
+ , sPgm_install_name_tool
, sPgm_ranlib
, sPgm_lo
, sPgm_lc
@@ -107,6 +109,8 @@ data ToolSettings = ToolSettings
, toolSettings_pgm_windres :: String
, toolSettings_pgm_libtool :: String
, toolSettings_pgm_ar :: String
+ , toolSettings_pgm_otool :: String
+ , toolSettings_pgm_install_name_tool :: String
, toolSettings_pgm_ranlib :: String
, -- | LLVM: opt llvm optimiser
toolSettings_pgm_lo :: (String, [Option])
@@ -216,6 +220,10 @@ sPgm_libtool :: Settings -> String
sPgm_libtool = toolSettings_pgm_libtool . sToolSettings
sPgm_ar :: Settings -> String
sPgm_ar = toolSettings_pgm_ar . sToolSettings
+sPgm_otool :: Settings -> String
+sPgm_otool = toolSettings_pgm_otool . sToolSettings
+sPgm_install_name_tool :: Settings -> String
+sPgm_install_name_tool = toolSettings_pgm_install_name_tool . sToolSettings
sPgm_ranlib :: Settings -> String
sPgm_ranlib = toolSettings_pgm_ranlib . sToolSettings
sPgm_lo :: Settings -> (String, [Option])
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs b/compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs
index 82f0b6b2d9..792937bd19 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Settings/IO.hs
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ initSettings top_dir = do
windres_path <- getToolSetting "windres command"
libtool_path <- getToolSetting "libtool command"
ar_path <- getToolSetting "ar command"
+ otool_path <- getToolSetting "otool command"
+ install_name_tool_path <- getToolSetting "install_name_tool command"
ranlib_path <- getToolSetting "ranlib command"
-- TODO this side-effect doesn't belong here. Reading and parsing the settings
@@ -191,6 +193,8 @@ initSettings top_dir = do
, toolSettings_pgm_windres = windres_path
, toolSettings_pgm_libtool = libtool_path
, toolSettings_pgm_ar = ar_path
+ , toolSettings_pgm_otool = otool_path
+ , toolSettings_pgm_install_name_tool = install_name_tool_path
, toolSettings_pgm_ranlib = ranlib_path
, toolSettings_pgm_lo = (lo_prog,[])
, toolSettings_pgm_lc = (lc_prog,[])
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/SysTools.hs b/compiler/GHC/SysTools.hs
index 57d1757fe9..938f8de110 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/SysTools.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/SysTools.hs
@@ -261,7 +261,10 @@ linkDynLib dflags0 o_files dep_packages
| ( osElfTarget (platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)) ||
osMachOTarget (platformOS (targetPlatform dflags)) ) &&
dynLibLoader dflags == SystemDependent &&
- WayDyn `Set.member` ways dflags
+ -- Only if we want dynamic libraries
+ WayDyn `Set.member` ways dflags &&
+ -- Only use RPath if we explicitly asked for it
+ gopt Opt_RPath dflags
= ["-L" ++ l, "-Xlinker", "-rpath", "-Xlinker", l]
-- See Note [-Xlinker -rpath vs -Wl,-rpath]
| otherwise = ["-L" ++ l]
@@ -386,8 +389,15 @@ linkDynLib dflags0 o_files dep_packages
++ map Option pkg_lib_path_opts
++ map Option pkg_link_opts
++ map Option pkg_framework_opts
- ++ [ Option "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs" ]
+ -- dead_strip_dylibs, will remove unused dylibs, and thus save
+ -- space in the load commands. The -headerpad is necessary so
+ -- that we can inject more @rpath's later for the leftover
+ -- libraries in the runInjectRpaths phase below.
+ --
+ -- See Note [Dynamic linking on macOS]
+ ++ [ Option "-Wl,-dead_strip_dylibs", Option "-Wl,-headerpad,8000" ]
+ runInjectRPaths dflags pkg_lib_paths output_fn
_ -> do
-- Making a DSO
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
index f9962284f9..7dc40cef04 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base (LlvmVersion, llvmVersionStr, supportedLlvmVersion, pa
import GHC.SysTools.Process
import GHC.SysTools.Info
+import Control.Monad (join, forM, filterM)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.FilePath ((</>))
* *
@@ -237,6 +241,41 @@ figureLlvmVersion dflags = traceToolCommand dflags "llc" $ do
return Nothing)
+-- | On macOS we rely on the linkers @-dead_strip_dylibs@ flag to remove unused
+-- libraries from the dynamic library. We do this to reduce the number of load
+-- commands that end up in the dylib, and has been limited to 32K (32768) since
+-- macOS Sierra (10.14).
+-- @-dead_strip_dylibs@ does not dead strip @-rpath@ entries, as such passing
+-- @-l@ and @-rpath@ to the linker will result in the unnecesasry libraries not
+-- being included in the load commands, however the @-rpath@ entries are all
+-- forced to be included. This can lead to 100s of @-rpath@ entries being
+-- included when only a handful of libraries end up being truely linked.
+-- Thus after building the library, we run a fixup phase where we inject the
+-- @-rpath@ for each found library (in the given library search paths) into the
+-- dynamic library through @-add_rpath@.
+-- See Note [Dynamic linking on macOS]
+runInjectRPaths :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
+runInjectRPaths dflags lib_paths dylib = do
+ info <- lines <$> askOtool dflags Nothing [Option "-L", Option dylib]
+ -- filter the output for only the libraries. And then drop the @rpath prefix.
+ let libs = fmap (drop 7) $ filter (isPrefixOf "@rpath") $ fmap (head.words) $ info
+ -- find any pre-existing LC_PATH items
+ info <- fmap words.lines <$> askOtool dflags Nothing [Option "-l", Option dylib]
+ let paths = concatMap f info
+ where f ("path":p:_) = [p]
+ f _ = []
+ lib_paths' = [ p | p <- lib_paths, not (p `elem` paths) ]
+ -- only find those rpaths, that aren't already in the library.
+ rpaths <- nub.sort.join <$> forM libs (\f -> filterM (\l -> doesFileExist (l </> f)) lib_paths')
+ -- inject the rpaths
+ case rpaths of
+ [] -> return ()
+ _ -> runInstallNameTool dflags $ map Option $ "-add_rpath":(intersperse "-add_rpath" rpaths) ++ [dylib]
runLink :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runLink dflags args = traceToolCommand dflags "linker" $ do
-- See Note [Run-time linker info]
@@ -329,6 +368,17 @@ runAr dflags cwd args = traceToolCommand dflags "ar" $ do
let ar = pgm_ar dflags
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Ar" ar args cwd Nothing
+askOtool :: DynFlags -> Maybe FilePath -> [Option] -> IO String
+askOtool dflags mb_cwd args = do
+ let otool = pgm_otool dflags
+ runSomethingWith dflags "otool" otool args $ \real_args ->
+ readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (proc otool real_args){ cwd = mb_cwd }
+runInstallNameTool :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
+runInstallNameTool dflags args = do
+ let tool = pgm_install_name_tool dflags
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Install Name Tool" tool args Nothing Nothing
runRanlib :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runRanlib dflags args = traceToolCommand dflags "ranlib" $ do
let ranlib = pgm_ranlib dflags
diff --git a/ b/
index f080b296bf..d92f863f6f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -699,6 +699,18 @@ else
+dnl ** Which otool to use on macOS
+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl ** Which install_name_tool to use on macOS
+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------
# Here is where we re-target which specific version of the LLVM
# tools we are looking for. In the past, GHC supported a number of
# versions of LLVM simultaneously, but that stopped working around
@@ -1522,6 +1534,8 @@ echo "\
libtool : $LibtoolCmd
objdump : $ObjdumpCmd
ranlib : $RanlibCmd
+ otool : $OtoolCmd
+ install_name_tool : $InstallNameToolCmd
windres : $WindresCmd
dllwrap : $DllWrapCmd
genlib : $GenlibCmd
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/phases.rst b/docs/users_guide/phases.rst
index 582b79bc9f..c1ddbe55bc 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/phases.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/phases.rst
@@ -95,6 +95,24 @@ given compilation phase:
Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the pre-processor (with :ghc-flag:`-F` only).
+.. ghc-flag:: -pgmotool ⟨cmd⟩
+ :shortdesc: Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program to inspect mach-o dylibs on macOS
+ :type: dynamic
+ :category: phase-programs
+ Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program to inspect mach-o dynamic libraries and
+ executables to read the dynamic library dependencies. We will compute
+ the necessary ``runpath``s to embed for the dependencies based on the
+ result of the ``otool`` call.
+.. ghc-flag:: -pgminstall_name_tool ⟨cmd⟩
+ :shortdesc: Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program to inject ``runpath`` into mach-o dylibs on macOS
+ :type: dynamic
+ :category: phase-programs
+ Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program to inject ``runpath``s into mach-o dynamic
+ libraries and executables. As detected by the ``otool`` call.
.. ghc-flag:: -pgmwindres ⟨cmd⟩
:shortdesc: Use ⟨cmd⟩ as the program for embedding manifests on Windows.
:type: dynamic
diff --git a/hadrian/cfg/ b/hadrian/cfg/
index adc244fa7d..1297a2c1cc 100644
--- a/hadrian/cfg/
+++ b/hadrian/cfg/
@@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ settings-merge-objects-command = @SettingsMergeObjectsCommand@
settings-merge-objects-flags = @SettingsMergeObjectsFlags@
settings-ar-command = @SettingsArCommand@
settings-ranlib-command = @SettingsRanlibCommand@
+settings-otool-command = @SettingsOtoolCommand@
+settings-install_name_tool-command = @SettingsInstallNameToolCommand@
settings-dll-wrap-command = @SettingsDllWrapCommand@
settings-windres-command = @SettingsWindresCommand@
settings-libtool-command = @SettingsLibtoolCommand@
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs b/hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs
index 06ea13d3f8..4331317b68 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Oracles/Setting.hs
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ data SettingsFileSetting
| SettingsFileSetting_MergeObjectsFlags
| SettingsFileSetting_ArCommand
| SettingsFileSetting_RanlibCommand
+ | SettingsFileSetting_OtoolCommand
+ | SettingsFileSetting_InstallNameToolCommand
| SettingsFileSetting_DllWrapCommand
| SettingsFileSetting_WindresCommand
| SettingsFileSetting_LibtoolCommand
@@ -200,6 +202,8 @@ settingsFileSetting key = lookupValueOrError configFile $ case key of
SettingsFileSetting_MergeObjectsFlags -> "settings-merge-objects-flags"
SettingsFileSetting_ArCommand -> "settings-ar-command"
SettingsFileSetting_RanlibCommand -> "settings-ranlib-command"
+ SettingsFileSetting_OtoolCommand -> "settings-otool-command"
+ SettingsFileSetting_InstallNameToolCommand -> "settings-install_name_tool-command"
SettingsFileSetting_DllWrapCommand -> "settings-dll-wrap-command"
SettingsFileSetting_WindresCommand -> "settings-windres-command"
SettingsFileSetting_LibtoolCommand -> "settings-libtool-command"
diff --git a/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs b/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
index 430946020c..f429a8a9d2 100644
--- a/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
+++ b/hadrian/src/Rules/Generate.hs
@@ -308,6 +308,8 @@ generateSettings = do
, ("ar flags", expr $ lookupValueOrError configFile "ar-args")
, ("ar supports at file", expr $ yesNo <$> flag ArSupportsAtFile)
, ("ranlib command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_RanlibCommand)
+ , ("otool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_OtoolCommand)
+ , ("install_name_tool command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_InstallNameToolCommand)
, ("touch command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_TouchCommand)
, ("dllwrap command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_DllWrapCommand)
, ("windres command", expr $ settingsFileSetting SettingsFileSetting_WindresCommand)
diff --git a/includes/ b/includes/
index f4b85d4e2f..08e865b926 100644
--- a/includes/
+++ b/includes/
@@ -233,6 +233,8 @@ $(includes_SETTINGS) : includes/Makefile | $$(dir $$@)/.
@echo ',("ar flags", "$(ArArgs)")' >> $@
@echo ',("ar supports at file", "$(ArSupportsAtFile)")' >> $@
@echo ',("ranlib command", "$(SettingsRanlibCommand)")' >> $@
+ @echo ',("otool command", "$(SettingsOtoolCommand)")' >> $@
+ @echo ',("install_name_tool command", "$(SettingsInstallNameToolCommand)")' >> $@
@echo ',("touch command", "$(SettingsTouchCommand)")' >> $@
@echo ',("dllwrap command", "$(SettingsDllWrapCommand)")' >> $@
@echo ',("windres command", "$(SettingsWindresCommand)")' >> $@
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 2c30a7f501..e2c1591860 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -504,6 +504,8 @@ SettingsLdFlags = @SettingsLdFlags@
SettingsMergeObjectsCommand = @SettingsMergeObjectsCommand@
SettingsMergeObjectsFlags = @SettingsMergeObjectsFlags@
SettingsArCommand = @SettingsArCommand@
+SettingsOtoolCommand = @SettingsOtoolCommand@
+SettingsInstallNameToolCommand = @SettingsInstallNameToolCommand@
SettingsRanlibCommand = @SettingsRanlibCommand@
SettingsDllWrapCommand = @SettingsDllWrapCommand@
SettingsWindresCommand = @SettingsWindresCommand@
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/rts/all.T b/testsuite/tests/rts/all.T
index 61e525b938..e469783e80 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/rts/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/rts/all.T
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ test('T16514', unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip), compile_and_run, ['T16514_c.cpp -
test('test-zeroongc', extra_run_opts('-DZ'), compile_and_run, ['-debug'])
- [when(opsys('darwin') or opsys('mingw32'), expect_broken(17447)),
+ [when(opsys('mingw32'), expect_broken(17447)),
ghci_script, ['T13676.script'])