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-rw-r--r--compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs (renamed from compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElimZ.hs)122
141 files changed, 5735 insertions, 10239 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/BlockId.hs b/compiler/cmm/BlockId.hs
index 01ddcd2b95..c28201c92b 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/BlockId.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/BlockId.hs
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
+{- BlockId module should probably go away completely, being superseded by Label -}
module BlockId
- ( BlockId(..), mkBlockId -- ToDo: BlockId should be abstract, but it isn't yet
- , BlockEnv, emptyBlockEnv, elemBlockEnv, lookupBlockEnv, extendBlockEnv
- , mkBlockEnv, mapBlockEnv
- , eltsBlockEnv, plusBlockEnv, delFromBlockEnv, blockEnvToList, lookupWithDefaultBEnv
- , isNullBEnv, sizeBEnv, foldBlockEnv, foldBlockEnv', addToBEnv_Acc
- , BlockSet, emptyBlockSet, unitBlockSet, isEmptyBlockSet
- , elemBlockSet, extendBlockSet, sizeBlockSet, unionBlockSets
- , removeBlockSet, mkBlockSet, blockSetToList, foldBlockSet
+ ( BlockId, mkBlockId -- ToDo: BlockId should be abstract, but it isn't yet
+ , BlockSet, BlockEnv
+ , IsSet(..), setInsertList, setDeleteList, setUnions
+ , IsMap(..), mapInsertList, mapDeleteList, mapUnions
+ , emptyBlockSet, emptyBlockMap
, blockLbl, infoTblLbl, retPtLbl
) where
import CLabel
import IdInfo
-import Maybes
import Name
import Outputable
-import UniqFM
import Unique
-import UniqSet
+import Compiler.Hoopl hiding (Unique)
+import Compiler.Hoopl.GHC (uniqueToInt, uniqueToLbl, lblToUnique)
--- Block Ids, their environments, and their sets
@@ -31,129 +29,40 @@ most assembly languages allow, a label is visible throughout the entire
compilation unit in which it appears.
-data BlockId = BlockId Unique
- deriving (Eq,Ord)
+type BlockId = Label
instance Uniquable BlockId where
- getUnique (BlockId id) = id
+ getUnique label = getUnique (uniqueToInt $ lblToUnique label)
mkBlockId :: Unique -> BlockId
-mkBlockId uniq = BlockId uniq
-instance Show BlockId where
- show (BlockId u) = show u
+mkBlockId unique = uniqueToLbl $ intToUnique $ getKey unique
instance Outputable BlockId where
- ppr (BlockId id) = ppr id
+ ppr label = ppr (getUnique label)
retPtLbl :: BlockId -> CLabel
-retPtLbl (BlockId id) = mkReturnPtLabel id
+retPtLbl label = mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique label
blockLbl :: BlockId -> CLabel
-blockLbl (BlockId id) = mkEntryLabel (mkFCallName id "block") NoCafRefs
+blockLbl label = mkEntryLabel (mkFCallName (getUnique label) "block") NoCafRefs
infoTblLbl :: BlockId -> CLabel
-infoTblLbl (BlockId id) = mkInfoTableLabel (mkFCallName id "block") NoCafRefs
+infoTblLbl label = mkInfoTableLabel (mkFCallName (getUnique label) "block") NoCafRefs
-- Block environments: Id blocks
-newtype BlockEnv a = BlockEnv (UniqFM {- id -} a)
+type BlockEnv a = LabelMap a
instance Outputable a => Outputable (BlockEnv a) where
- ppr (BlockEnv env) = ppr env
--- This is pretty horrid. There must be common patterns here that can be
--- abstracted into wrappers.
-emptyBlockEnv :: BlockEnv a
-emptyBlockEnv = BlockEnv emptyUFM
-isNullBEnv :: BlockEnv a -> Bool
-isNullBEnv (BlockEnv env) = isNullUFM env
-sizeBEnv :: BlockEnv a -> Int
-sizeBEnv (BlockEnv env) = sizeUFM env
-mkBlockEnv :: [(BlockId,a)] -> BlockEnv a
-mkBlockEnv = foldl (uncurry . extendBlockEnv) emptyBlockEnv
-eltsBlockEnv :: BlockEnv elt -> [elt]
-eltsBlockEnv (BlockEnv env) = eltsUFM env
-delFromBlockEnv :: BlockEnv elt -> BlockId -> BlockEnv elt
-delFromBlockEnv (BlockEnv env) (BlockId id) = BlockEnv (delFromUFM env id)
-lookupBlockEnv :: BlockEnv a -> BlockId -> Maybe a
-lookupBlockEnv (BlockEnv env) (BlockId id) = lookupUFM env id
-elemBlockEnv :: BlockEnv a -> BlockId -> Bool
-elemBlockEnv (BlockEnv env) (BlockId id) = isJust $ lookupUFM env id
-lookupWithDefaultBEnv :: BlockEnv a -> a -> BlockId -> a
-lookupWithDefaultBEnv env x id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` x
-extendBlockEnv :: BlockEnv a -> BlockId -> a -> BlockEnv a
-extendBlockEnv (BlockEnv env) (BlockId id) x = BlockEnv (addToUFM env id x)
-mapBlockEnv :: (a -> b) -> BlockEnv a -> BlockEnv b
-mapBlockEnv f (BlockEnv env) = BlockEnv (mapUFM f env)
-foldBlockEnv :: (BlockId -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> BlockEnv a -> b
-foldBlockEnv f b (BlockEnv env) =
- foldUFM_Directly (\u x y -> f (mkBlockId u) x y) b env
+ ppr = ppr . mapToList
-foldBlockEnv' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BlockEnv a -> b
-foldBlockEnv' f b (BlockEnv env) = foldUFM f b env
+emptyBlockMap :: BlockEnv a
+emptyBlockMap = mapEmpty
-plusBlockEnv :: BlockEnv elt -> BlockEnv elt -> BlockEnv elt
-plusBlockEnv (BlockEnv x) (BlockEnv y) = BlockEnv (plusUFM x y)
+-- Block sets
+type BlockSet = LabelSet
-blockEnvToList :: BlockEnv elt -> [(BlockId, elt)]
-blockEnvToList (BlockEnv env) =
- map (\ (id, elt) -> (BlockId id, elt)) $ ufmToList env
-addToBEnv_Acc :: (elt -> elts -> elts) -- Add to existing
- -> (elt -> elts) -- New element
- -> BlockEnv elts -- old
- -> BlockId -> elt -- new
- -> BlockEnv elts -- result
-addToBEnv_Acc add new (BlockEnv old) (BlockId k) v =
- BlockEnv (addToUFM_Acc add new old k v)
- -- I believe this is only used by obsolete code.
-newtype BlockSet = BlockSet (UniqSet Unique)
instance Outputable BlockSet where
- ppr (BlockSet set) = ppr set
+ ppr = ppr . setElems
emptyBlockSet :: BlockSet
-emptyBlockSet = BlockSet emptyUniqSet
-isEmptyBlockSet :: BlockSet -> Bool
-isEmptyBlockSet (BlockSet s) = isEmptyUniqSet s
-unitBlockSet :: BlockId -> BlockSet
-unitBlockSet = extendBlockSet emptyBlockSet
-elemBlockSet :: BlockId -> BlockSet -> Bool
-elemBlockSet (BlockId id) (BlockSet set) = elementOfUniqSet id set
-extendBlockSet :: BlockSet -> BlockId -> BlockSet
-extendBlockSet (BlockSet set) (BlockId id) = BlockSet (addOneToUniqSet set id)
-removeBlockSet :: BlockSet -> BlockId -> BlockSet
-removeBlockSet (BlockSet set) (BlockId id) = BlockSet (delOneFromUniqSet set id)
-mkBlockSet :: [BlockId] -> BlockSet
-mkBlockSet = foldl extendBlockSet emptyBlockSet
-unionBlockSets :: BlockSet -> BlockSet -> BlockSet
-unionBlockSets (BlockSet s) (BlockSet s') = BlockSet (unionUniqSets s s')
-sizeBlockSet :: BlockSet -> Int
-sizeBlockSet (BlockSet set) = sizeUniqSet set
-blockSetToList :: BlockSet -> [BlockId]
-blockSetToList (BlockSet set) = map BlockId $ uniqSetToList set
-foldBlockSet :: (BlockId -> b -> b) -> b -> BlockSet -> b
-foldBlockSet f z (BlockSet set) = foldUniqSet (f . BlockId) z set
+emptyBlockSet = setEmpty
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
index 4ea7f00b6a..076922e3fb 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/Cmm.hs
@@ -1,422 +1,171 @@
--- Cmm data types
--- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
-module Cmm (
- GenCmm(..), Cmm, RawCmm,
- GenCmmTop(..), CmmTop, RawCmmTop,
- ListGraph(..),
- cmmMapGraph, cmmTopMapGraph,
- cmmMapGraphM, cmmTopMapGraphM,
- CmmInfo(..), UpdateFrame(..),
- CmmInfoTable(..), HasStaticClosure, ClosureTypeInfo(..), ConstrDescription,
- ProfilingInfo(..), ClosureTypeTag,
- GenBasicBlock(..), CmmBasicBlock, blockId, blockStmts, mapBlockStmts,
- CmmReturnInfo(..),
- CmmStmt(..), CmmActual, CmmActuals, CmmFormal, CmmFormals,
- HintedCmmFormal, HintedCmmFormals, HintedCmmActual, HintedCmmActuals,
- CmmSafety(..),
- CmmCallTarget(..), CallishMachOp(..), pprCallishMachOp,
- ForeignHint(..), CmmHinted(..),
- CmmStatic(..), Section(..),
- module CmmExpr,
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- Cmm representations using Hoopl's Graph CmmNode e x.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
+module Cmm
+ ( CmmGraph(..), CmmBlock
+ , CmmStackInfo(..), CmmTopInfo(..), Cmm, CmmTop
+ , CmmReplGraph, CmmFwdRewrite, CmmBwdRewrite
+ , lastNode, replaceLastNode, insertBetween
+ , ofBlockMap, toBlockMap, insertBlock
+ , ofBlockList, toBlockList, bodyToBlockList
+ , foldGraphBlocks, mapGraphNodes, postorderDfs
+ , analFwd, analBwd, analRewFwd, analRewBwd
+ , dataflowPassFwd, dataflowPassBwd
+ , module CmmNode
+ )
import BlockId
-import CmmExpr
-import CLabel
-import ForeignCall
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmNode
+import OptimizationFuel as F
import SMRep
+import UniqSupply
-import ClosureInfo
-import Outputable
-import FastString
-import Data.Word
--- A [[BlockId]] is a local label.
--- Local labels must be unique within an entire compilation unit, not
--- just a single top-level item, because local labels map one-to-one
--- with assembly-language labels.
--- Cmm, CmmTop, CmmBasicBlock
--- A file is a list of top-level chunks. These may be arbitrarily
--- re-orderd during code generation.
--- GenCmm is abstracted over
--- d, the type of static data elements in CmmData
--- h, the static info preceding the code of a CmmProc
--- g, the control-flow graph of a CmmProc
--- We expect there to be two main instances of this type:
--- (a) C--, i.e. populated with various C-- constructs
--- (Cmm and RawCmm below)
--- (b) Native code, populated with data/instructions
--- A second family of instances based on ZipCfg is work in progress.
-newtype GenCmm d h g = Cmm [GenCmmTop d h g]
--- | A top-level chunk, abstracted over the type of the contents of
--- the basic blocks (Cmm or instructions are the likely instantiations).
-data GenCmmTop d h g
- = CmmProc -- A procedure
- h -- Extra header such as the info table
- CLabel -- Used to generate both info & entry labels
- CmmFormals -- Argument locals live on entry (C-- procedure params)
- -- XXX Odd that there are no kinds, but there you are ---NR
- g -- Control-flow graph for the procedure's code
- | CmmData -- Static data
- Section
- [d]
--- | A control-flow graph represented as a list of extended basic blocks.
-newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i]
- -- ^ Code, may be empty. The first block is the entry point. The
- -- order is otherwise initially unimportant, but at some point the
- -- code gen will fix the order.
- -- BlockIds must be unique across an entire compilation unit, since
- -- they are translated to assembly-language labels, which scope
- -- across a whole compilation unit.
--- | Cmm with the info table as a data type
-type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
-type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
--- | Cmm with the info tables converted to a list of 'CmmStatic'
-type RawCmm = GenCmm CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
-type RawCmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
--- A basic block containing a single label, at the beginning.
--- The list of basic blocks in a top-level code block may be re-ordered.
--- Fall-through is not allowed: there must be an explicit jump at the
--- end of each basic block, but the code generator might rearrange basic
--- blocks in order to turn some jumps into fallthroughs.
-data GenBasicBlock i = BasicBlock BlockId [i]
-type CmmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
-instance UserOfLocalRegs i => UserOfLocalRegs (GenBasicBlock i) where
- foldRegsUsed f set (BasicBlock _ l) = foldRegsUsed f set l
-blockId :: GenBasicBlock i -> BlockId
--- The branch block id is that of the first block in
--- the branch, which is that branch's entry point
-blockId (BasicBlock blk_id _ ) = blk_id
-blockStmts :: GenBasicBlock i -> [i]
-blockStmts (BasicBlock _ stmts) = stmts
-mapBlockStmts :: (i -> i') -> GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i'
-mapBlockStmts f (BasicBlock id bs) = BasicBlock id (map f bs)
--- graph maps
-cmmMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g'
-cmmTopMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g'
-cmmMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmm d h g -> m (GenCmm d h g')
-cmmTopMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> m (GenCmmTop d h g')
-cmmMapGraph f (Cmm tops) = Cmm $ map (cmmTopMapGraph f) tops
-cmmTopMapGraph f (CmmProc h l args g) = CmmProc h l args (f g)
-cmmTopMapGraph _ (CmmData s ds) = CmmData s ds
-cmmMapGraphM f (Cmm tops) = mapM (cmmTopMapGraphM f) tops >>= return . Cmm
-cmmTopMapGraphM f (CmmProc h l args g) =
- f (showSDoc $ ppr l) g >>= return . CmmProc h l args
-cmmTopMapGraphM _ (CmmData s ds) = return $ CmmData s ds
--- Info Tables
-data CmmInfo
- = CmmInfo
- (Maybe BlockId) -- GC target. Nothing <=> CPS won't do stack check
- (Maybe UpdateFrame) -- Update frame
- CmmInfoTable -- Info table
--- Info table as a haskell data type
-data CmmInfoTable
- = CmmInfoTable
- HasStaticClosure
- ProfilingInfo
- ClosureTypeTag -- Int
- ClosureTypeInfo
- | CmmNonInfoTable -- Procedure doesn't need an info table
-type HasStaticClosure = Bool
--- TODO: The GC target shouldn't really be part of CmmInfo
--- as it doesn't appear in the resulting info table.
--- It should be factored out.
-data ClosureTypeInfo
- = ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription
- | FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry
- | ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT
- | ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT
- | ContInfo
- [Maybe LocalReg] -- Stack layout: Just x, an item x
- -- Nothing: a 1-word gap
- -- Start of list is the *young* end
-data CmmReturnInfo = CmmMayReturn
- | CmmNeverReturns
- deriving ( Eq )
--- TODO: These types may need refinement
-data ProfilingInfo = ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit -- closure_type, closure_desc
-type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord
-type ClosureLayout = (StgHalfWord, StgHalfWord) -- ptrs, nptrs
-type ConstrTag = StgHalfWord
-type ConstrDescription = CmmLit
-type FunArity = StgHalfWord
-type SlowEntry = CmmLit
- -- We would like this to be a CLabel but
- -- for now the parser sets this to zero on an INFO_TABLE_FUN.
-type SelectorOffset = StgWord
--- | A frame that is to be pushed before entry to the function.
--- Used to handle 'update' frames.
-data UpdateFrame =
- UpdateFrame
- CmmExpr -- Frame header. Behaves like the target of a 'jump'.
- [CmmExpr] -- Frame remainder. Behaves like the arguments of a 'jump'.
--- CmmStmt
--- A "statement". Note that all branches are explicit: there are no
--- control transfers to computed addresses, except when transfering
--- control to a new function.
-data CmmStmt -- Old-style
- = CmmNop
- | CmmComment FastString
- | CmmAssign CmmReg CmmExpr -- Assign to register
- | CmmStore CmmExpr CmmExpr -- Assign to memory location. Size is
- -- given by cmmExprType of the rhs.
- | CmmCall -- A call (forign, native or primitive), with
- CmmCallTarget
- HintedCmmFormals -- zero or more results
- HintedCmmActuals -- zero or more arguments
- CmmSafety -- whether to build a continuation
- CmmReturnInfo
- | CmmBranch BlockId -- branch to another BB in this fn
- | CmmCondBranch CmmExpr BlockId -- conditional branch
- | CmmSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId] -- Table branch
- -- The scrutinee is zero-based;
- -- zero -> first block
- -- one -> second block etc
- -- Undefined outside range, and when there's a Nothing
- | CmmJump CmmExpr -- Jump to another C-- function,
- HintedCmmActuals -- with these parameters. (parameters never used)
- | CmmReturn -- Return from a native C-- function,
- HintedCmmActuals -- with these return values. (parameters never used)
-type CmmActual = CmmExpr
-type CmmFormal = LocalReg
-type CmmActuals = [CmmActual]
-type CmmFormals = [CmmFormal]
-data CmmHinted a = CmmHinted { hintlessCmm :: a, cmmHint :: ForeignHint }
- deriving( Eq )
-type HintedCmmActuals = [HintedCmmActual]
-type HintedCmmFormals = [HintedCmmFormal]
-type HintedCmmFormal = CmmHinted CmmFormal
-type HintedCmmActual = CmmHinted CmmActual
-data CmmSafety = CmmUnsafe | CmmSafe C_SRT | CmmInterruptible
--- | enable us to fold used registers over 'CmmActuals' and 'CmmFormals'
-instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmStmt where
- foldRegsUsed f (set::b) s = stmt s set
- where
- stmt :: CmmStmt -> b -> b
- stmt (CmmNop) = id
- stmt (CmmComment {}) = id
- stmt (CmmAssign _ e) = gen e
- stmt (CmmStore e1 e2) = gen e1 . gen e2
- stmt (CmmCall target _ es _ _) = gen target . gen es
- stmt (CmmBranch _) = id
- stmt (CmmCondBranch e _) = gen e
- stmt (CmmSwitch e _) = gen e
- stmt (CmmJump e es) = gen e . gen es
- stmt (CmmReturn es) = gen es
- gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> b -> b
- gen a set = foldRegsUsed f set a
-instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmCallTarget where
- foldRegsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldRegsUsed f set e
- foldRegsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set
-instance UserOfSlots CmmCallTarget where
- foldSlotsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldSlotsUsed f set e
- foldSlotsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set
-instance UserOfLocalRegs a => UserOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where
- foldRegsUsed f set a = foldRegsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a)
-instance UserOfSlots a => UserOfSlots (CmmHinted a) where
- foldSlotsUsed f set a = foldSlotsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a)
-instance DefinerOfLocalRegs a => DefinerOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where
- foldRegsDefd f set a = foldRegsDefd f set (hintlessCmm a)
-One possible problem with the above type is that the only way to do a
-non-local conditional jump is to encode it as a branch to a block that
-contains a single jump. This leads to inefficient code in the back end.
-[N.B. This problem will go away when we make the transition to the
-'zipper' form of control-flow graph, in which both targets of a
-conditional jump are explicit. ---NR]
-One possible way to fix this would be:
-data CmmStat =
- ...
- | CmmJump CmmBranchDest
- | CmmCondJump CmmExpr CmmBranchDest
- ...
-data CmmBranchDest
- = Local BlockId
- | NonLocal CmmExpr [LocalReg]
-In favour:
-+ one fewer constructors in CmmStmt
-+ allows both cond branch and switch to jump to non-local destinations
-- not strictly necessary: can already encode as branch+jump
-- not always possible to implement any better in the back end
-- could do the optimisation in the back end (but then plat-specific?)
-- C-- doesn't have it
-- back-end optimisation might be more general (jump shortcutting)
-So we'll stick with the way it is, and add the optimisation to the NCG.
--- CmmCallTarget
--- The target of a CmmCall.
-data CmmCallTarget
- = CmmCallee -- Call a function (foreign or native)
- CmmExpr -- literal label <=> static call
- -- other expression <=> dynamic call
- CCallConv -- The calling convention
- | CmmPrim -- Call a "primitive" (eg. sin, cos)
- CallishMachOp -- These might be implemented as inline
- -- code by the backend.
- deriving Eq
-data ForeignHint
- = NoHint | AddrHint | SignedHint
- deriving( Eq )
- -- Used to give extra per-argument or per-result
- -- information needed by foreign calling conventions
--- CallishMachOps tend to be implemented by foreign calls in some backends,
--- so we separate them out. In Cmm, these can only occur in a
--- statement position, in contrast to an ordinary MachOp which can occur
--- anywhere in an expression.
-data CallishMachOp
- = MO_F64_Pwr
- | MO_F64_Sin
- | MO_F64_Cos
- | MO_F64_Tan
- | MO_F64_Sinh
- | MO_F64_Cosh
- | MO_F64_Tanh
- | MO_F64_Asin
- | MO_F64_Acos
- | MO_F64_Atan
- | MO_F64_Log
- | MO_F64_Exp
- | MO_F64_Sqrt
- | MO_F32_Pwr
- | MO_F32_Sin
- | MO_F32_Cos
- | MO_F32_Tan
- | MO_F32_Sinh
- | MO_F32_Cosh
- | MO_F32_Tanh
- | MO_F32_Asin
- | MO_F32_Acos
- | MO_F32_Atan
- | MO_F32_Log
- | MO_F32_Exp
- | MO_F32_Sqrt
- | MO_WriteBarrier
- | MO_Touch -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-pprCallishMachOp :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc
-pprCallishMachOp mo = text (show mo)
--- Static Data
-data Section
- = Text
- | Data
- | ReadOnlyData
- | RelocatableReadOnlyData
- | UninitialisedData
- | ReadOnlyData16 -- .rodata.cst16 on x86_64, 16-byte aligned
- | OtherSection String
-data CmmStatic
- = CmmStaticLit CmmLit
- -- a literal value, size given by cmmLitRep of the literal.
- | CmmUninitialised Int
- -- uninitialised data, N bytes long
- | CmmAlign Int
- -- align to next N-byte boundary (N must be a power of 2).
- | CmmDataLabel CLabel
- -- label the current position in this section.
- | CmmString [Word8]
- -- string of 8-bit values only, not zero terminated.
+import Compiler.Hoopl
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import Panic
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+-- CmmBlock, CmmGraph and Cmm
+data CmmGraph = CmmGraph { g_entry :: BlockId, g_graph :: Graph CmmNode C C }
+type CmmBlock = Block CmmNode C C
+type CmmReplGraph e x = FuelUniqSM (Maybe (Graph CmmNode e x))
+type CmmFwdRewrite f = FwdRewrite FuelUniqSM CmmNode f
+type CmmBwdRewrite f = BwdRewrite FuelUniqSM CmmNode f
+data CmmStackInfo = StackInfo {arg_space :: ByteOff, updfr_space :: Maybe ByteOff}
+data CmmTopInfo = TopInfo {info_tbl :: CmmInfoTable, stack_info :: CmmStackInfo}
+type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
+type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
+-- Manipulating CmmGraphs
+toBlockMap :: CmmGraph -> LabelMap CmmBlock
+toBlockMap (CmmGraph {g_graph=GMany NothingO body NothingO}) = body
+--toBlockMap _ = panic "Cmm.toBlockMap"
+ofBlockMap :: BlockId -> LabelMap CmmBlock -> CmmGraph
+ofBlockMap entry bodyMap = CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=GMany NothingO bodyMap NothingO}
+insertBlock :: CmmBlock -> LabelMap CmmBlock -> LabelMap CmmBlock
+insertBlock block map =
+ ASSERT (isNothing $ mapLookup id map)
+ mapInsert id block map
+ where id = entryLabel block
+toBlockList :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
+toBlockList g = mapElems $ toBlockMap g
+ofBlockList :: BlockId -> [CmmBlock] -> CmmGraph
+ofBlockList entry blocks = CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=GMany NothingO body NothingO}
+ where body = foldr addBlock emptyBody blocks
+bodyToBlockList :: Body CmmNode -> [CmmBlock]
+bodyToBlockList body = mapElems body
+mapGraphNodes :: ( CmmNode C O -> CmmNode C O
+ , CmmNode O O -> CmmNode O O
+ , CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C)
+ -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+mapGraphNodes funs@(mf,_,_) g =
+ ofBlockMap (entryLabel $ mf $ CmmEntry $ g_entry g) $ mapMap (blockMapNodes3 funs) $ toBlockMap g
+foldGraphBlocks :: (CmmBlock -> a -> a) -> a -> CmmGraph -> a
+foldGraphBlocks k z g = mapFold k z $ toBlockMap g
+postorderDfs :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
+postorderDfs g = postorder_dfs_from (toBlockMap g) (g_entry g)
+-- Manipulating CmmBlocks
+lastNode :: CmmBlock -> CmmNode O C
+lastNode block = foldBlockNodesF3 (nothing, nothing, const) block ()
+ where nothing :: a -> b -> ()
+ nothing _ _ = ()
+replaceLastNode :: Block CmmNode e C -> CmmNode O C -> Block CmmNode e C
+replaceLastNode block last = blockOfNodeList (first, middle, JustC last)
+ where (first, middle, _) = blockToNodeList block
+----- Splicing between blocks
+-- Given a middle node, a block, and a successor BlockId,
+-- we can insert the middle node between the block and the successor.
+-- We return the updated block and a list of new blocks that must be added
+-- to the graph.
+-- The semantics is a bit tricky. We consider cases on the last node:
+-- o For a branch, we can just insert before the branch,
+-- but sometimes the optimizer does better if we actually insert
+-- a fresh basic block, enabling some common blockification.
+-- o For a conditional branch, switch statement, or call, we must insert
+-- a new basic block.
+-- o For a jump or return, this operation is impossible.
+insertBetween :: MonadUnique m => CmmBlock -> [CmmNode O O] -> BlockId -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
+insertBetween b ms succId = insert $ lastNode b
+ where insert :: MonadUnique m => CmmNode O C -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
+ insert (CmmBranch bid) =
+ if bid == succId then
+ do (bid', bs) <- newBlocks
+ return (replaceLastNode b (CmmBranch bid'), bs)
+ else panic "tried invalid block insertBetween"
+ insert (CmmCondBranch c t f) =
+ do (t', tbs) <- if t == succId then newBlocks else return $ (t, [])
+ (f', fbs) <- if f == succId then newBlocks else return $ (f, [])
+ return (replaceLastNode b (CmmCondBranch c t' f'), tbs ++ fbs)
+ insert (CmmSwitch e ks) =
+ do (ids, bs) <- mapAndUnzipM mbNewBlocks ks
+ return (replaceLastNode b (CmmSwitch e ids), join bs)
+ insert (CmmCall {}) =
+ panic "unimp: insertBetween after a call -- probably not a good idea"
+ insert (CmmForeignCall {}) =
+ panic "unimp: insertBetween after a foreign call -- probably not a good idea"
+ --insert _ = panic "Cmm.insertBetween.insert"
+ newBlocks :: MonadUnique m => m (BlockId, [CmmBlock])
+ newBlocks = do id <- liftM mkBlockId $ getUniqueM
+ return $ (id, [blockOfNodeList (JustC (CmmEntry id), ms, JustC (CmmBranch succId))])
+ mbNewBlocks :: MonadUnique m => Maybe BlockId -> m (Maybe BlockId, [CmmBlock])
+ mbNewBlocks (Just k) = if k == succId then liftM fstJust newBlocks
+ else return (Just k, [])
+ mbNewBlocks Nothing = return (Nothing, [])
+ fstJust (id, bs) = (Just id, bs)
+-- Running dataflow analysis and/or rewrites
+-- Constructing forward and backward analysis-only pass
+analFwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> FwdTransfer CmmNode f -> FwdPass m CmmNode f
+analBwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> BwdTransfer CmmNode f -> BwdPass m CmmNode f
+analFwd lat xfer = analRewFwd lat xfer noFwdRewrite
+analBwd lat xfer = analRewBwd lat xfer noBwdRewrite
+-- Constructing forward and backward analysis + rewrite pass
+analRewFwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> FwdTransfer CmmNode f -> FwdRewrite m CmmNode f -> FwdPass m CmmNode f
+analRewBwd :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> BwdTransfer CmmNode f -> BwdRewrite m CmmNode f -> BwdPass m CmmNode f
+analRewFwd lat xfer rew = FwdPass {fp_lattice = lat, fp_transfer = xfer, fp_rewrite = rew}
+analRewBwd lat xfer rew = BwdPass {bp_lattice = lat, bp_transfer = xfer, bp_rewrite = rew}
+-- Running forward and backward dataflow analysis + optional rewrite
+dataflowPassFwd :: CmmGraph -> [(BlockId, f)] -> FwdPass FuelUniqSM CmmNode f -> FuelUniqSM (CmmGraph, BlockEnv f)
+dataflowPassFwd (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}) facts fwd = do
+ (graph, facts, NothingO) <- analyzeAndRewriteFwd fwd (JustC [entry]) graph (mkFactBase (fp_lattice fwd) facts)
+ return (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}, facts)
+dataflowPassBwd :: CmmGraph -> [(BlockId, f)] -> BwdPass FuelUniqSM CmmNode f -> FuelUniqSM (CmmGraph, BlockEnv f)
+dataflowPassBwd (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}) facts bwd = do
+ (graph, facts, NothingO) <- analyzeAndRewriteBwd bwd (JustC [entry]) graph (mkFactBase (bp_lattice bwd) facts)
+ return (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry, g_graph=graph}, facts)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmBrokenBlock.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmBrokenBlock.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 17b81783d6..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmBrokenBlock.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-module CmmBrokenBlock (
- BrokenBlock(..),
- BlockEntryInfo(..),
- FinalStmt(..),
- breakBlock,
- cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock,
- blocksToBlockEnv,
- adaptBlockToFormat,
- selectContinuations,
- ContFormat,
- makeContinuationEntries
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
-import CLabel
-import CgUtils (callerSaveVolatileRegs)
-import ClosureInfo
-import Maybes
-import Data.List
-import Panic
-import Unique
--- This module takes a 'CmmBasicBlock' which might have 'CmmCall'
--- statements in it with 'CmmSafe' set and breaks it up at each such call.
--- It also collects information about the block for later use
--- by the CPS algorithm.
--- Data structures
--- |Similar to a 'CmmBlock' with a little extra information
--- to help the CPS analysis.
-data BrokenBlock
- = BrokenBlock {
- brokenBlockId :: BlockId, -- ^ The block's label like a 'CmmBasicBlock'
- brokenBlockEntry :: BlockEntryInfo,
- -- ^ Ways this block can be entered
- brokenBlockStmts :: [CmmStmt],
- -- ^ Body like a CmmBasicBlock
- -- (but without the last statement)
- brokenBlockTargets :: [BlockId],
- -- ^ Blocks that this block could
- -- branch to either by conditional
- -- branches or via the last statement
- brokenBlockExit :: FinalStmt
- -- ^ The final statement of the block
- }
--- | How a block could be entered
--- See Note [An example of CPS conversion]
-data BlockEntryInfo
- = FunctionEntry CmmInfo CLabel CmmFormals
- -- ^ Block is the beginning of a function, parameters are:
- -- 1. Function header info
- -- 2. The function name
- -- 3. Aguments to function
- -- Only the formal parameters are live
- | ContinuationEntry CmmFormals C_SRT Bool
- -- ^ Return point of a function call, parameters are:
- -- 1. return values (argument to continuation)
- -- 2. SRT for the continuation's info table
- -- 3. True <=> GC block so ignore stack size
- -- Live variables, other than
- -- the return values, are on the stack
- | ControlEntry
- -- ^ Any other kind of block. Only entered due to control flow.
- -- TODO: Consider adding ProcPointEntry
- -- no return values, but some live might end up as
- -- params or possibly in the frame
-{- Note [An example of CPS conversion]
-This is NR's and SLPJ's guess about how things might work;
-it may not be consistent with the actual code (particularly
-in the matter of what's in parameters and what's on the stack).
-f(x,y) {
- if x>2 then goto L
- x = x+1
-L: if x>1 then y = g(y)
- else x = x+1 ;
- return( x+y )
-f(x,y) { // FunctionEntry
- if x>2 then goto L
- x = x+1
-L: // ControlEntry
- if x>1 then push x; push f1; jump g(y)
- else x=x+1; jump f2(x, y)
-f1(y) { // ContinuationEntry
- pop x; jump f2(x, y);
-f2(x, y) { // ProcPointEntry
- return (z+y);
-data ContFormat = ContFormat HintedCmmFormals C_SRT Bool
- -- ^ Arguments
- -- 1. return values (argument to continuation)
- -- 2. SRT for the continuation's info table
- -- 3. True <=> GC block so ignore stack size
- deriving (Eq)
--- | Final statement in a 'BlokenBlock'.
--- Constructors and arguments match those in 'Cmm',
--- but are restricted to branches, returns, jumps, calls and switches
-data FinalStmt
- = FinalBranch BlockId
- -- ^ Same as 'CmmBranch'. Target must be a ControlEntry
- | FinalReturn HintedCmmActuals
- -- ^ Same as 'CmmReturn'. Parameter is the return values.
- | FinalJump CmmExpr HintedCmmActuals
- -- ^ Same as 'CmmJump'. Parameters:
- -- 1. The function to call,
- -- 2. Arguments of the call
- | FinalCall BlockId CmmCallTarget HintedCmmFormals HintedCmmActuals
- C_SRT CmmReturnInfo Bool
- -- ^ Same as 'CmmCallee' followed by 'CmmGoto'. Parameters:
- -- 1. Target of the 'CmmGoto' (must be a 'ContinuationEntry')
- -- 2. The function to call
- -- 3. Results from call (redundant with ContinuationEntry)
- -- 4. Arguments to call
- -- 5. SRT for the continuation's info table
- -- 6. Does the function return?
- -- 7. True <=> GC block so ignore stack size
- | FinalSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId]
- -- ^ Same as a 'CmmSwitch'. Paremeters:
- -- 1. Scrutinee (zero based)
- -- 2. Targets
--- Operations for broken blocks
--- Naively breaking at *every* CmmCall leads to sub-optimal code.
--- In particular, a CmmCall followed by a CmmBranch would result
--- in a continuation that has the single CmmBranch statement in it.
--- It would be better have the CmmCall directly return to the block
--- that the branch jumps to.
--- This requires the target of the branch to look like the parameter
--- format that the CmmCall is expecting. If other CmmCall/CmmBranch
--- sequences go to the same place they might not be expecting the
--- same format. So this transformation uses the following solution.
--- First the blocks are broken up but none of the blocks are marked
--- as continuations yet. This is the 'breakBlock' function.
--- Second, the blocks "vote" on what other blocks need to be continuations
--- and how they should be layed out. Plurality wins, but other selection
--- methods could be selected at a later time.
--- This is the 'selectContinuations' function.
--- Finally, the blocks are upgraded to 'ContEntry' continuations
--- based on the results with the 'makeContinuationEntries' function,
--- and the blocks that didn't get the format they wanted for their
--- targets get a small adaptor block created for them by
--- the 'adaptBlockToFormat' function.
--- could be
-UNUSED: 2008-12-29
-breakProc ::
- [BlockId] -- ^ Any GC blocks that should be special
- -> [[Unique]] -- ^ An infinite list of uniques
- -- to create names of the new blocks with
- -> CmmInfo -- ^ Info table for the procedure
- -> CLabel -- ^ Name of the procedure
- -> CmmFormals -- ^ Parameters of the procedure
- -> [CmmBasicBlock] -- ^ Blocks of the procecure
- -- (First block is the entry block)
- -> [BrokenBlock]
-breakProc gc_block_idents uniques info ident params blocks =
- let
- (adaptor_uniques : block_uniques) = uniques
- broken_blocks :: ([(BlockId, ContFormat)], [BrokenBlock])
- broken_blocks =
- let new_blocks =
- zipWith3 (breakBlock gc_block_idents)
- block_uniques
- blocks
- (FunctionEntry info ident params :
- repeat ControlEntry)
- in (concatMap fst new_blocks, concatMap snd new_blocks)
- selected = selectContinuations (fst broken_blocks)
- in map (makeContinuationEntries selected) $
- concat $
- zipWith (adaptBlockToFormat selected)
- adaptor_uniques
- (snd broken_blocks)
--- | Takes a 'CmmBasicBlock' and breaks it up into a list of 'BrokenBlock'
--- by splitting on each 'CmmCall' in the 'CmmBasicBlock'.
-breakBlock ::
- [BlockId] -- ^ Any GC blocks that should be special
- -> [Unique] -- ^ An infinite list of uniques
- -- to create names of the new blocks with
- -> CmmBasicBlock -- ^ Input block to break apart
- -> BlockEntryInfo -- ^ Info for the first created 'BrokenBlock'
- -> ([(BlockId, ContFormat)], [BrokenBlock])
-breakBlock gc_block_idents uniques (BasicBlock ident stmts) entry =
- breakBlock' uniques ident entry [] [] stmts
- where
- breakBlock' uniques current_id entry exits accum_stmts stmts =
- case stmts of
- [] -> panic "block doesn't end in jump, goto, return or switch"
- -- Last statement. Make the 'BrokenBlock'
- [CmmJump target arguments] ->
- ([],
- [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts
- exits
- (FinalJump target arguments)])
- [CmmReturn arguments] ->
- ([],
- [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts
- exits
- (FinalReturn arguments)])
- [CmmBranch target] ->
- ([],
- [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts
- (target:exits)
- (FinalBranch target)])
- [CmmSwitch expr targets] ->
- ([],
- [BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts
- (mapMaybe id targets ++ exits)
- (FinalSwitch expr targets)])
- -- These shouldn't happen in the middle of a block.
- -- They would cause dead code.
- (CmmJump _ _:_) -> panic "jump in middle of block"
- (CmmReturn _:_) -> panic "return in middle of block"
- (CmmBranch _:_) -> panic "branch in middle of block"
- (CmmSwitch _ _:_) -> panic "switch in middle of block"
- -- Detect this special case to remain an inverse of
- -- 'cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock'
- [CmmCall target results arguments (CmmSafe srt) ret,
- CmmBranch next_id] ->
- ([cont_info], [block])
- where
- cont_info = (next_id,
- ContFormat results srt
- (ident `elem` gc_block_idents))
- block = do_call current_id entry accum_stmts exits next_id
- target results arguments srt ret
- -- Break the block on safe calls (the main job of this function)
- (CmmCall target results arguments (CmmSafe srt) ret : stmts) ->
- (cont_info : cont_infos, block : blocks)
- where
- next_id = BlockId $ head uniques
- block = do_call current_id entry accum_stmts exits next_id
- target results arguments srt ret
- cont_info = (next_id, -- Entry convention for the
- -- continuation of the call
- ContFormat results srt
- (ident `elem` gc_block_idents))
- -- Break up the part after the call
- (cont_infos, blocks) = breakBlock' (tail uniques) next_id
- ControlEntry [] [] stmts
- -- Unsafe calls don't need a continuation
- -- but they do need to be expanded
- (CmmCall target results arguments CmmUnsafe ret : stmts) ->
- breakBlock' remaining_uniques current_id entry exits
- (accum_stmts ++
- arg_stmts ++
- caller_save ++
- [CmmCall target results new_args CmmUnsafe ret] ++
- caller_load)
- stmts
- where
- (remaining_uniques, arg_stmts, new_args) =
- loadArgsIntoTemps uniques arguments
- (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs (Just [])
- -- Default case. Just keep accumulating statements
- -- and branch targets.
- (s : stmts) ->
- breakBlock' uniques current_id entry
- (cond_branch_target s++exits)
- (accum_stmts++[s])
- stmts
- do_call current_id entry accum_stmts exits next_id
- target results arguments srt ret =
- BrokenBlock current_id entry accum_stmts (next_id:exits)
- (FinalCall next_id target results arguments srt ret
- (current_id `elem` gc_block_idents))
- cond_branch_target (CmmCondBranch _ target) = [target]
- cond_branch_target _ = []
-selectContinuations :: [(BlockId, ContFormat)] -> [(BlockId, ContFormat)]
-selectContinuations needed_continuations = formats
- where
- formats = map select_format format_groups
- format_groups = groupBy by_target needed_continuations
- by_target x y = fst x == fst y
- select_format formats = winner
- where
- winner = head $ head $ sortBy more_votes format_votes
- format_votes = groupBy by_format formats
- by_format x y = snd x == snd y
- more_votes x y = compare (length y) (length x)
- -- sort so the most votes goes *first*
- -- (thus the order of x and y is reversed)
-makeContinuationEntries :: [(BlockId, ContFormat)]
- -> BrokenBlock -> BrokenBlock
-makeContinuationEntries formats
- block@(BrokenBlock ident _entry stmts targets exit) =
- case lookup ident formats of
- Nothing -> block
- Just (ContFormat formals srt is_gc) ->
- BrokenBlock ident (ContinuationEntry (map hintlessCmm formals) srt is_gc)
- stmts targets exit
-adaptBlockToFormat :: [(BlockId, ContFormat)]
- -> Unique
- -> BrokenBlock
- -> [BrokenBlock]
-adaptBlockToFormat formats unique
- block@(BrokenBlock ident entry stmts targets
- (FinalCall next target formals
- actuals srt ret is_gc)) =
- if format_formals == formals &&
- format_srt == srt &&
- format_is_gc == is_gc
- then [block] -- Woohoo! This block got the continuation format it wanted
- else [adaptor_block, revised_block]
- -- This block didn't get the format it wanted for the
- -- continuation, so we have to build an adaptor.
- where
- (ContFormat format_formals format_srt format_is_gc) =
- maybe unknown_block id $ lookup next formats
- unknown_block = panic "unknown block in adaptBlockToFormat"
- revised_block = BrokenBlock ident entry stmts revised_targets revised_exit
- revised_targets = adaptor_ident : delete next targets
- revised_exit = FinalCall
- adaptor_ident -- The only part that changed
- target formals actuals srt ret is_gc
- adaptor_block = mk_adaptor_block adaptor_ident
- (ContinuationEntry (map hintlessCmm formals) srt is_gc) next
- adaptor_ident = BlockId unique
- mk_adaptor_block :: BlockId -> BlockEntryInfo -> BlockId -> BrokenBlock
- mk_adaptor_block ident entry next =
- BrokenBlock ident entry [] [next] exit
- where
- exit = FinalJump
- (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkReturnPtLabel (getUnique next))))
- (map formal_to_actual format_formals)
- formal_to_actual (CmmHinted reg hint)
- = (CmmHinted (CmmReg (CmmLocal reg)) hint)
- -- TODO: Check if NoHint is right. We're
- -- jumping to a C-- function not a foreign one
- -- so it might always be right.
-adaptBlockToFormat _ _ block = [block]
--- | Convert from a BrokenBlock back to an equivalent CmmBasicBlock
--- Needed by liveness analysis
-cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock :: BrokenBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock (BrokenBlock ident _ stmts _ exit) =
- BasicBlock ident (stmts++exit_stmt)
- where
- exit_stmt =
- case exit of
- FinalBranch target -> [CmmBranch target]
- FinalReturn arguments -> [CmmReturn arguments]
- FinalJump target arguments -> [CmmJump target arguments]
- FinalSwitch expr targets -> [CmmSwitch expr targets]
- FinalCall branch_target call_target results arguments srt ret _ ->
- [CmmCall call_target results arguments (CmmSafe srt) ret,
- CmmBranch branch_target]
--- | Build a mapping so we can lookup a 'BrokenBlock' by its 'BlockId'
-blocksToBlockEnv :: [BrokenBlock] -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
-blocksToBlockEnv blocks = mkBlockEnv $ map (\b -> (brokenBlockId b, b)) blocks
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
index 4e3879f6be..3d0d6fb426 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmBuildInfoTables.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XGADTs -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
-- Norman likes local bindings
-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
+-- Todo: remove
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
module CmmBuildInfoTables
- ( CAFSet, CAFEnv, CmmTopForInfoTables(..), cafAnal, localCAFInfo, mkTopCAFInfo
+ ( CAFSet, CAFEnv, cafAnal, localCAFInfo, mkTopCAFInfo
, setInfoTableSRT, setInfoTableStackMap
, TopSRT, emptySRT, srtToData
, bundleCAFs
- , finishInfoTables, lowerSafeForeignCalls
- , cafTransfers, liveSlotTransfers
- , extendEnvWithSafeForeignCalls, extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls )
+ , lowerSafeForeignCalls
+ , cafTransfers, liveSlotTransfers)
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -17,39 +19,34 @@ where
import Constants
import Digraph
import qualified Prelude as P
-import Prelude
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
import Util (sortLe)
import BlockId
import Bitmap
import CLabel
-import Cmm hiding (blockId)
-import CmmInfo
-import CmmProcPointZ
+import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CmmStackLayout
-import CmmTx
-import DFMonad
import Module
import FastString
import ForeignCall
import IdInfo
import Data.List
import Maybes
-import MkZipCfg
-import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmAGraph, CmmBlock, CmmTopZ, CmmZ, CmmGraph)
+import MkGraph as M
import Control.Monad
import Name
+import OptimizationFuel
import Outputable
import SMRep
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmForeign
--- import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmUtils
import UniqSupply
-import ZipCfg hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-import qualified ZipCfg as G
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import ZipDataflow
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -155,21 +152,17 @@ live_ptrs oldByte slotEnv areaMap bid =
-- pprPanic "CallAreas must not be live across function calls" (ppr bid <+> ppr c)
slots :: SubAreaSet -- The SubAreaSet for 'bid'
- slots = expectJust "live_ptrs slots" $ lookupBlockEnv slotEnv bid
+ slots = expectJust "live_ptrs slots" $ mapLookup bid slotEnv
youngByte = expectJust "live_ptrs bid_pos" $ Map.lookup (CallArea (Young bid)) areaMap
--- Construct the stack maps for the given procedure.
-setInfoTableStackMap :: SlotEnv -> AreaMap -> CmmTopForInfoTables -> CmmTopForInfoTables
-setInfoTableStackMap _ _ t@(NoInfoTable _) = t
-setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap t@(FloatingInfoTable _ bid updfr_off) =
- updInfo (const (live_ptrs updfr_off slotEnv areaMap bid)) id t
+-- Construct the stack maps for a procedure _if_ it needs an infotable.
+-- When wouldn't a procedure need an infotable? If it is a procpoint that
+-- is not the successor of a call.
+setInfoTableStackMap :: SlotEnv -> AreaMap -> CmmTop -> CmmTop
setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap
- t@(ProcInfoTable (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ _) _ _ ((_, Just updfr_off), _)) procpoints) =
- case blockSetToList procpoints of
- [bid] -> updInfo (const (live_ptrs updfr_off slotEnv areaMap bid)) id t
- _ -> panic "setInfoTableStackMap: unexpected number of procpoints"
- -- until we stop splitting the graphs at procpoints in the native path
-setInfoTableStackMap _ _ t = pprPanic "unexpected case for setInfoTableStackMap" (ppr t)
+ t@(CmmProc (TopInfo {stack_info=StackInfo {updfr_space = Just updfr_off}}) _ (CmmGraph {g_entry = eid})) =
+ updInfo (const (live_ptrs updfr_off slotEnv areaMap eid)) id t
+setInfoTableStackMap _ _ t = t
@@ -193,17 +186,15 @@ type CAFEnv = BlockEnv CAFSet
-- First, an analysis to find live CAFs.
cafLattice :: DataflowLattice CAFSet
-cafLattice = DataflowLattice "live cafs" Map.empty add False
- where add new old = if Map.size new' > Map.size old
- then aTx new'
- else noTx new'
- where new' = new `Map.union` old
-cafTransfers :: BackwardTransfers Middle Last CAFSet
-cafTransfers = BackwardTransfers first middle last
+cafLattice = DataflowLattice "live cafs" Map.empty add
+ where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = case old `Map.union` new of
+ new' -> (changeIf $ Map.size new' > Map.size old, new')
+cafTransfers :: BwdTransfer CmmNode CAFSet
+cafTransfers = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
where first _ live = live
- middle m live = foldExpDeepMiddle addCaf m live
- last l env = foldExpDeepLast addCaf l (joinOuts cafLattice env l)
+ middle m live = foldExpDeep addCaf m live
+ last l live = foldExpDeep addCaf l (joinOutFacts cafLattice l live)
addCaf e set = case e of
CmmLit (CmmLabel c) -> add c set
CmmLit (CmmLabelOff c _) -> add c set
@@ -211,11 +202,8 @@ cafTransfers = BackwardTransfers first middle last
_ -> set
add l s = if hasCAF l then Map.insert (cvtToClosureLbl l) () s else s
-type CafFix a = FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last CAFSet a)
-cafAnal :: LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad CAFEnv
-cafAnal g = liftM zdfFpFacts (res :: CafFix ())
- where res = zdfSolveFromL emptyBlockEnv "live CAF analysis" cafLattice
- cafTransfers (fact_bot cafLattice) g
+cafAnal :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CAFEnv
+cafAnal g = liftM snd $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analBwd cafLattice cafTransfers
-- Building the SRTs
@@ -249,7 +237,7 @@ addCAF caf srt =
, elt_map = Map.insert caf last (elt_map srt) }
where last = next_elt srt
-srtToData :: TopSRT -> CmmZ
+srtToData :: TopSRT -> Cmm
srtToData srt = Cmm [CmmData RelocatableReadOnlyData (CmmDataLabel (lbl srt) : tbl)]
where tbl = map (CmmStaticLit . CmmLabel) (reverse (rev_elts srt))
@@ -262,7 +250,7 @@ srtToData srt = Cmm [CmmData RelocatableReadOnlyData (CmmDataLabel (lbl srt) : t
-- we make sure they're all close enough to the bottom of the table that the
-- bitmap will be able to cover all of them.
buildSRTs :: TopSRT -> Map CLabel CAFSet -> CAFSet ->
- FuelMonad (TopSRT, Maybe CmmTopZ, C_SRT)
+ FuelUniqSM (TopSRT, Maybe CmmTop, C_SRT)
buildSRTs topSRT topCAFMap cafs =
do let liftCAF lbl () z = -- get CAFs for functions without static closures
case Map.lookup lbl topCAFMap of Just cafs -> z `Map.union` cafs
@@ -305,7 +293,7 @@ buildSRTs topSRT topCAFMap cafs =
-- Construct an SRT bitmap.
-- Adapted from simpleStg/SRT.lhs, which expects Id's.
procpointSRT :: CLabel -> Map CLabel Int -> [CLabel] ->
- FuelMonad (Maybe CmmTopZ, C_SRT)
+ FuelUniqSM (Maybe CmmTop, C_SRT)
procpointSRT _ _ [] =
return (Nothing, NoC_SRT)
procpointSRT top_srt top_table entries =
@@ -323,7 +311,7 @@ maxBmpSize :: Int
maxBmpSize = widthInBits wordWidth `div` 2
-- Adapted from codeGen/StgCmmUtils, which converts from SRT to C_SRT.
-to_SRT :: CLabel -> Int -> Int -> Bitmap -> FuelMonad (Maybe CmmTopZ, C_SRT)
+to_SRT :: CLabel -> Int -> Int -> Bitmap -> FuelUniqSM (Maybe CmmTop, C_SRT)
to_SRT top_srt off len bmp
| len > maxBmpSize || bmp == [fromIntegral srt_escape]
= do id <- getUniqueM
@@ -344,13 +332,13 @@ to_SRT top_srt off len bmp
-- keep its CAFs live.)
-- Any procedure referring to a non-static CAF c must keep live
-- any CAF that is reachable from c.
-localCAFInfo :: CAFEnv -> CmmTopZ -> Maybe (CLabel, CAFSet)
+localCAFInfo :: CAFEnv -> CmmTop -> Maybe (CLabel, CAFSet)
localCAFInfo _ (CmmData _ _) = Nothing
-localCAFInfo cafEnv (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ infoTbl) top_l _ (_, LGraph entry _)) =
- case infoTbl of
+localCAFInfo cafEnv (CmmProc top_info top_l (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry})) =
+ case info_tbl top_info of
CmmInfoTable False _ _ _ ->
Just (cvtToClosureLbl top_l,
- expectJust "maybeBindCAFs" $ lookupBlockEnv cafEnv entry)
+ expectJust "maybeBindCAFs" $ mapLookup entry cafEnv)
_ -> Nothing
-- Once we have the local CAF sets for some (possibly) mutually
@@ -383,109 +371,43 @@ mkTopCAFInfo localCAFs = foldl addToTop Map.empty g
type StackLayout = [Maybe LocalReg]
-- Bundle the CAFs used at a procpoint.
-bundleCAFs :: CAFEnv -> CmmTopForInfoTables -> (CAFSet, CmmTopForInfoTables)
-bundleCAFs cafEnv t@(ProcInfoTable _ procpoints) =
- case blockSetToList procpoints of
- [bid] -> (expectJust "bundleCAFs" (lookupBlockEnv cafEnv bid), t)
- _ -> panic "setInfoTableStackMap: unexpect number of procpoints"
- -- until we stop splitting the graphs at procpoints in the native path
-bundleCAFs cafEnv t@(FloatingInfoTable _ bid _) =
- (expectJust "bundleCAFs " (lookupBlockEnv cafEnv bid), t)
-bundleCAFs _ t@(NoInfoTable _) = (Map.empty, t)
+bundleCAFs :: CAFEnv -> CmmTop -> (CAFSet, CmmTop)
+bundleCAFs cafEnv t@(CmmProc _ _ (CmmGraph {g_entry=entry})) =
+ (expectJust "bundleCAFs" (mapLookup entry cafEnv), t)
+bundleCAFs _ t = (Map.empty, t)
-- Construct the SRTs for the given procedure.
-setInfoTableSRT :: Map CLabel CAFSet -> TopSRT -> (CAFSet, CmmTopForInfoTables) ->
- FuelMonad (TopSRT, [CmmTopForInfoTables])
-setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(ProcInfoTable _ procpoints)) =
- case blockSetToList procpoints of
- [_] -> setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t
- _ -> panic "setInfoTableStackMap: unexpect number of procpoints"
- -- until we stop splitting the graphs at procpoints in the native path
-setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t@(FloatingInfoTable _ _ _)) =
+setInfoTableSRT :: Map CLabel CAFSet -> TopSRT -> (CAFSet, CmmTop) ->
+ FuelUniqSM (TopSRT, [CmmTop])
+setInfoTableSRT topCAFMap topSRT (cafs, t) =
setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t
-setInfoTableSRT _ topSRT (_, t@(NoInfoTable _)) = return (topSRT, [t])
setSRT :: CAFSet -> Map CLabel CAFSet -> TopSRT ->
- CmmTopForInfoTables -> FuelMonad (TopSRT, [CmmTopForInfoTables])
+ CmmTop -> FuelUniqSM (TopSRT, [CmmTop])
setSRT cafs topCAFMap topSRT t =
do (topSRT, cafTable, srt) <- buildSRTs topSRT topCAFMap cafs
let t' = updInfo id (const srt) t
case cafTable of
- Just tbl -> return (topSRT, [t', NoInfoTable tbl])
+ Just tbl -> return (topSRT, [t', tbl])
Nothing -> return (topSRT, [t'])
-updInfo :: (StackLayout -> StackLayout) -> (C_SRT -> C_SRT) ->
- CmmTopForInfoTables -> CmmTopForInfoTables
-updInfo toVars toSrt (ProcInfoTable (CmmProc info top_l top_args g) procpoints) =
- ProcInfoTable (CmmProc (updInfoTbl toVars toSrt info) top_l top_args g) procpoints
-updInfo toVars toSrt (FloatingInfoTable info bid updfr_off) =
- FloatingInfoTable (updInfoTbl toVars toSrt info) bid updfr_off
-updInfo _ _ (NoInfoTable _) = panic "can't update NoInfoTable"
-updInfo _ _ _ = panic "unexpected arg to updInfo"
-updInfoTbl :: (StackLayout -> StackLayout) -> (C_SRT -> C_SRT) -> CmmInfo -> CmmInfo
-updInfoTbl toVars toSrt (CmmInfo gc upd_fr (CmmInfoTable s p t typeinfo))
- = CmmInfo gc upd_fr (CmmInfoTable s p t typeinfo')
+updInfo :: (StackLayout -> StackLayout) -> (C_SRT -> C_SRT) -> CmmTop -> CmmTop
+updInfo toVars toSrt (CmmProc top_info top_l g) =
+ CmmProc (top_info {info_tbl=updInfoTbl toVars toSrt (info_tbl top_info)}) top_l g
+updInfo _ _ t = t
+updInfoTbl :: (StackLayout -> StackLayout) -> (C_SRT -> C_SRT) -> CmmInfoTable -> CmmInfoTable
+updInfoTbl toVars toSrt (CmmInfoTable s p t typeinfo)
+ = CmmInfoTable s p t typeinfo'
where typeinfo' = case typeinfo of
t@(ConstrInfo _ _ _) -> t
(FunInfo c s a d e) -> FunInfo c (toSrt s) a d e
(ThunkInfo c s) -> ThunkInfo c (toSrt s)
(ThunkSelectorInfo x s) -> ThunkSelectorInfo x (toSrt s)
(ContInfo v s) -> ContInfo (toVars v) (toSrt s)
-updInfoTbl _ _ t@(CmmInfo _ _ CmmNonInfoTable) = t
+updInfoTbl _ _ t@CmmNonInfoTable = t
--- Lower the CmmTopForInfoTables type down to good old CmmTopZ
--- by emitting info tables as data where necessary.
-finishInfoTables :: CmmTopForInfoTables -> IO [CmmTopZ]
-finishInfoTables (NoInfoTable t) = return [t]
-finishInfoTables (ProcInfoTable p _) = return [p]
-finishInfoTables (FloatingInfoTable (CmmInfo _ _ infotbl) bid _) =
- do uniq_supply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'i'
- return $ mkBareInfoTable (retPtLbl bid) (uniqFromSupply uniq_supply) infotbl
--- Safe foreign calls:
--- Our analyses capture the dataflow facts at block boundaries, but we need
--- to extend the CAF and live-slot analyses to safe foreign calls as well,
--- which show up as middle nodes.
-extendEnvWithSafeForeignCalls ::
- BackwardTransfers Middle Last a -> BlockEnv a -> CmmGraph -> BlockEnv a
-extendEnvWithSafeForeignCalls transfers env g = fold_blocks block env g
- where block b z =
- tail (bt_last_in transfers l (lookup env)) z head
- where (head, last) = goto_end (G.unzip b)
- l = case last of LastOther l -> l
- LastExit -> panic "extendEnvs lastExit"
- tail _ z (ZFirst _) = z
- tail fact env (ZHead h m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid _ _) _ _ _)) =
- tail (mid m fact) (extendBlockEnv env bid fact) h
- tail fact env (ZHead h m) = tail (mid m fact) env h
- lookup map k = expectJust "extendEnvWithSafeFCalls" $ lookupBlockEnv map k
- mid = bt_middle_in transfers
-extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls :: CAFEnv -> SlotEnv -> CmmGraph -> (CAFEnv, SlotEnv)
-extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls cafEnv slotEnv g =
- fold_blocks block (cafEnv, slotEnv) g
- where block b z =
- tail ( bt_last_in cafTransfers l (lookupFn cafEnv)
- , bt_last_in liveSlotTransfers l (lookupFn slotEnv))
- z head
- where (head, last) = goto_end (G.unzip b)
- l = case last of LastOther l -> l
- LastExit -> panic "extendEnvs lastExit"
- tail _ z (ZFirst _) = z
- tail lives@(cafs, slots) (cafEnv, slotEnv)
- (ZHead h m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid _ _) _ _ _)) =
- let slots' = removeLiveSlotDefs slots m
- slotEnv' = extendBlockEnv slotEnv bid slots'
- cafEnv' = extendBlockEnv cafEnv bid cafs
- in tail (upd lives m) (cafEnv', slotEnv') h
- tail lives z (ZHead h m) = tail (upd lives m) z h
- lookupFn map k = expectJust "extendEnvsForSafeFCalls" $ lookupBlockEnv map k
- upd (cafs, slots) m =
- (bt_middle_in cafTransfers m cafs, bt_middle_in liveSlotTransfers m slots)
-- Safe foreign calls: We need to insert the code that suspends and resumes
-- the thread before and after a safe foreign call.
-- Why do we do this so late in the pipeline?
@@ -502,96 +424,72 @@ extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls cafEnv slotEnv g =
-- a procpoint. The following datatype captures the information
-- needed to generate the infotables along with the Cmm data and procedures.
-data CmmTopForInfoTables
- = NoInfoTable CmmTopZ -- must be CmmData
- | ProcInfoTable CmmTopZ BlockSet -- CmmProc; argument is its set of procpoints
- | FloatingInfoTable CmmInfo BlockId UpdFrameOffset
-instance Outputable CmmTopForInfoTables where
- ppr (NoInfoTable t) = text "NoInfoTable: " <+> ppr t
- ppr (ProcInfoTable t bids) = text "ProcInfoTable: " <+> ppr t <+> ppr bids
- ppr (FloatingInfoTable info bid upd) =
- text "FloatingInfoTable: " <+> ppr info <+> ppr bid <+> ppr upd
--- The `safeState' record collects the info we update while lowering the
--- safe foreign calls in the graph.
-data SafeState = State { s_blocks :: BlockEnv CmmBlock
- , s_pps :: ProcPointSet
- , s_safeCalls :: [CmmTopForInfoTables]}
- :: [[CmmTopForInfoTables]] -> CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [[CmmTopForInfoTables]]
-lowerSafeForeignCalls rst t@(CmmData _ _) = return $ [NoInfoTable t] : rst
-lowerSafeForeignCalls rst (CmmProc info l args (off, g@(LGraph entry _))) = do
- let init = return $ State emptyBlockEnv emptyBlockSet []
- let block b@(Block bid _) z = do
- state@(State {s_pps = ppset, s_blocks = blocks}) <- z
- let ppset' = if bid == entry then extendBlockSet ppset bid else ppset
- state' = state { s_pps = ppset' }
- if hasSafeForeignCall b
- then lowerSafeCallBlock state' b
- else return (state' { s_blocks = insertBlock b blocks })
- State blocks' g_procpoints safeCalls <- fold_blocks block init g
- let proc = (CmmProc info l args (off, LGraph entry blocks'))
- procTable = case off of
- (_, Just _) -> [ProcInfoTable proc g_procpoints]
- _ -> [NoInfoTable proc] -- not a successor of a call
- return $ safeCalls : procTable : rst
--- Check for foreign calls -- if none, then we can avoid copying the block.
-hasSafeForeignCall :: CmmBlock -> Bool
-hasSafeForeignCall (Block _ t) = tail t
- where tail (ZTail (MidForeignCall (Safe _ _ _) _ _ _) _) = True
- tail (ZTail _ t) = tail t
- tail (ZLast _) = False
--- Lower each safe call in the block, update the CAF and slot environments
--- to include each of those calls, and insert the new block in the blockEnv.
-lowerSafeCallBlock :: SafeState-> CmmBlock -> FuelMonad SafeState
-lowerSafeCallBlock state b = tail (return state) (ZBlock head (ZLast last))
- where (head, last) = goto_end (G.unzip b)
- tail s b@(ZBlock (ZFirst _) _) =
- do state <- s
- return $ state { s_blocks = insertBlock ( b) (s_blocks state) }
- tail s (ZBlock (ZHead h m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid updfr_off _) _ _ _)) t) =
- do state <- s
- let state' = state
- { s_safeCalls = FloatingInfoTable emptyContInfoTable bid updfr_off :
- s_safeCalls state }
- (state'', t') <- lowerSafeForeignCall state' m t
- tail (return state'') (ZBlock h t')
- tail s (ZBlock (ZHead h m) t) = tail s (ZBlock h (ZTail m t))
+-- JD: Why not do this while splitting procedures?
+lowerSafeForeignCalls :: AreaMap -> CmmTop -> FuelUniqSM CmmTop
+lowerSafeForeignCalls _ t@(CmmData _ _) = return t
+lowerSafeForeignCalls areaMap (CmmProc info l g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=entry})) = do
+ let block b mblocks = mblocks >>= lowerSafeCallBlock entry areaMap b
+ blocks <- foldGraphBlocks block (return mapEmpty) g
+ return $ CmmProc info l (ofBlockMap entry blocks)
+-- If the block ends with a safe call in the block, lower it to an unsafe
+-- call (with appropriate saves and restores before and after).
+lowerSafeCallBlock :: BlockId -> AreaMap -> CmmBlock -> BlockEnv CmmBlock
+ -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+lowerSafeCallBlock entry areaMap b blocks =
+ case blockToNodeList b of
+ (JustC (CmmEntry id), m, JustC l@(CmmForeignCall {})) -> lowerSafeForeignCall entry areaMap blocks id m l
+ _ -> return $ insertBlock b blocks
-- Late in the code generator, we want to insert the code necessary
-- to lower a safe foreign call to a sequence of unsafe calls.
-lowerSafeForeignCall ::
- SafeState -> Middle -> ZTail Middle Last -> FuelMonad (SafeState, ZTail Middle Last)
-lowerSafeForeignCall state m@(MidForeignCall (Safe infotable _ interruptible) _ _ _) tail = do
- let newTemp rep = getUniqueM >>= \u -> return (LocalReg u rep)
+lowerSafeForeignCall :: BlockId -> AreaMap -> BlockEnv CmmBlock -> BlockId -> [CmmNode O O] -> CmmNode O C
+ -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+lowerSafeForeignCall entry areaMap blocks bid m
+ (CmmForeignCall {tgt=tgt, res=rs, args=as, succ=succ, updfr = updfr_off, intrbl = intrbl}) =
+ do let newTemp rep = getUniqueM >>= \u -> return (LocalReg u rep)
-- Both 'id' and 'new_base' are KindNonPtr because they're
-- RTS-only objects and are not subject to garbage collection
id <- newTemp bWord
new_base <- newTemp (cmmRegType (CmmGlobal BaseReg))
- let (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs
+ let (caller_save, caller_load) = callerSaveVolatileRegs
load_tso <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
- let suspendThread = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "suspendThread")))
- resumeThread = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "resumeThread")))
- suspend = mkStore (CmmReg spReg) (CmmLit (CmmBlock infotable)) <*>
- saveThreadState <*>
- caller_save <*>
+ load_stack <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
+ let (<**>) = (M.<*>)
+ let suspendThread = foreignLbl "suspendThread"
+ resumeThread = foreignLbl "resumeThread"
+ foreignLbl name = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit name)))
+ suspend = saveThreadState <**>
+ caller_save <**>
mkUnsafeCall (ForeignTarget suspendThread
- (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint, NoHint] [AddrHint]))
- -- XXX Not sure if the size of the CmmInt is correct
- [id] [CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg), CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral (fromEnum interruptible)) wordWidth)]
- resume = mkUnsafeCall (ForeignTarget resumeThread
- (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint] [AddrHint]))
- [new_base] [CmmReg (CmmLocal id)] <*>
- -- Assign the result to BaseReg: we
- -- might now have a different Capability!
- mkAssign (CmmGlobal BaseReg) (CmmReg (CmmLocal new_base)) <*>
- caller_load <*>
- loadThreadState load_tso
- Graph tail' blocks' <-
- liftUniq (graphOfAGraph (suspend <*> mkMiddle m <*> resume <*> mkZTail tail))
- return (state {s_blocks = s_blocks state `plusBlockEnv` blocks'}, tail')
-lowerSafeForeignCall _ _ _ = panic "lowerSafeForeignCall was passed something else"
+ (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint, NoHint] [AddrHint]))
+ [id] [CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg), CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral (fromEnum intrbl)) wordWidth)]
+ midCall = mkUnsafeCall tgt rs as
+ resume = mkUnsafeCall (ForeignTarget resumeThread
+ (ForeignConvention CCallConv [AddrHint] [AddrHint]))
+ [new_base] [CmmReg (CmmLocal id)] <**>
+ -- Assign the result to BaseReg: we
+ -- might now have a different Capability!
+ mkAssign (CmmGlobal BaseReg) (CmmReg (CmmLocal new_base)) <**>
+ caller_load <**>
+ loadThreadState load_tso load_stack
+ -- We have to save the return value on the stack because its next use
+ -- may appear in a different procedure due to procpoint splitting...
+ saveRetVals = foldl (<**>) emptyAGraph $ map (M.mkMiddle . spill) rs
+ spill r = CmmStore (regSlot r) (CmmReg $ CmmLocal r)
+ regSlot r@(LocalReg _ _) = CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) (sp_off - offset)
+ where offset = w + expectJust "lowerForeign" (Map.lookup (RegSlot r) areaMap)
+ sp_off = wORD_SIZE + expectJust "lowerForeign" (Map.lookup (CallArea area) areaMap)
+ area = if succ == entry then Old else Young succ
+ w = widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType r
+ -- Note: The successor must be a procpoint, and we have already split,
+ -- so we use a jump, not a branch.
+ succLbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTblLbl succ))
+ jump = CmmCall { cml_target = succLbl, cml_cont = Nothing
+ , cml_args = widthInBytes wordWidth ,cml_ret_args = 0
+ , cml_ret_off = updfr_off}
+ graph' <- liftUniq $ labelAGraph bid $ catAGraphs (map M.mkMiddle m) <**>
+ suspend <**> midCall <**>
+ resume <**> saveRetVals <**> M.mkLast jump
+ return $ blocks `mapUnion` toBlockMap graph'
+lowerSafeForeignCall _ _ _ _ _ _ = panic "lowerSafeForeignCall was passed something else"
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
index 7bfdf8437e..372562cfca 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPS.hs
@@ -1,412 +1,168 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
+-- Norman likes local bindings
+-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
module CmmCPS (
-- | Converts C-- with full proceedures and parameters
-- to a CPS transformed C-- with the stack made manifest.
- cmmCPS
+ -- Well, sort of.
+ protoCmmCPS
) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BlockId
+import CLabel
import Cmm
-import CmmLint
-import PprCmm
-import CmmLive
-import CmmBrokenBlock
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmBuildInfoTables
+import CmmCommonBlockElim
import CmmProcPoint
-import CmmCallConv
-import CmmCPSGen
-import CmmUtils
-import ClosureInfo
-import CLabel
-import SMRep
-import Constants
+import CmmSpillReload
+import CmmStackLayout
+import OptimizationFuel
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
-import Maybes
-import Outputable
-import UniqSupply
-import UniqSet
-import Unique
+import HscTypes
+import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Outputable
+import StaticFlags
-- |Top level driver for the CPS pass
-cmmCPS :: DynFlags -- ^ Dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cps-cmm
- -> [Cmm] -- ^ Input C-- with Proceedures
- -> IO [Cmm] -- ^ Output CPS transformed C--
-cmmCPS dflags cmm_with_calls
- = do { when (dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $
- do showPass dflags "CmmLint"
- case firstJusts $ map cmmLint cmm_with_calls of
- Just err -> do printDump err
- ghcExit dflags 1
- Nothing -> return ()
- ; showPass dflags "CPS"
- -- TODO: more lint checking
- -- check for use of branches to non-existant blocks
- -- check for use of Sp, SpLim, R1, R2, etc.
- ; uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'p'
- ; let supplies = listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply
- ; let cpsd_cmm = zipWith doCpsProc supplies cmm_with_calls
- ; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "CPS Cmm" (pprCmms cpsd_cmm)
- -- TODO: add option to dump Cmm to file
- ; return cpsd_cmm }
--- |CPS a single CmmTop (proceedure)
--- Only 'CmmProc' are transformed 'CmmData' will be left alone.
-doCpsProc :: UniqSupply -> Cmm -> Cmm
-doCpsProc s (Cmm c)
- = Cmm $ concat $ zipWith cpsProc (listSplitUniqSupply s) c
-cpsProc :: UniqSupply
- -> CmmTop -- ^Input procedure
- -> [CmmTop] -- ^Output procedures;
- -- a single input procedure is converted to
- -- multiple output procedures
--- Data blocks don't need to be CPS transformed
-cpsProc _ proc@(CmmData _ _) = [proc]
--- Empty functions just don't work with the CPS algorithm, but
--- they don't need the transformation anyway so just output them directly
-cpsProc _ proc@(CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph []))
- = pprTrace "cpsProc: unexpected empty proc" (ppr proc) [proc]
--- CPS transform for those procs that actually need it
--- The plan is this:
--- * Introduce a stack-check block as the first block
--- * The first blocks gets a FunctionEntry; the rest are ControlEntry
--- * Now break each block into a bunch of blocks (at call sites);
--- all but the first will be ContinuationEntry
-cpsProc uniqSupply (CmmProc info ident params (ListGraph blocks)) = cps_procs
- where
- -- We need to be generating uniques for several things.
- -- We could make this function monadic to handle that
- -- but since there is no other reason to make it monadic,
- -- we instead will just split them all up right here.
- (uniqSupply1, uniqSupply2) = splitUniqSupply uniqSupply
- uniques :: [[Unique]]
- uniques = map uniqsFromSupply $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply1
- (stack_check_block_unique:stack_use_unique:adaptor_uniques) :
- block_uniques = uniques
- proc_uniques = map (map (map uniqsFromSupply . listSplitUniqSupply) . listSplitUniqSupply) $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply2
- stack_use = CmmLocal (LocalReg stack_use_unique (cmmRegType spReg))
- stack_check_block_id = BlockId stack_check_block_unique
- stack_check_block = make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use (blockId $ head blocks)
- forced_blocks = stack_check_block : blocks
- CmmInfo maybe_gc_block_id update_frame _ = info
- -- Break the block at each function call.
- -- The part after the function call will have to become a continuation.
- broken_blocks :: ([(BlockId, ContFormat)], [BrokenBlock])
- broken_blocks =
- (\x -> (concatMap fst x, concatMap snd x)) $
- zipWith3 (breakBlock (maybeToList maybe_gc_block_id))
- block_uniques
- forced_blocks
- (FunctionEntry info ident params :
- repeat ControlEntry)
- f' = selectContinuations (fst broken_blocks)
- broken_blocks' = map (makeContinuationEntries f') $
- concat $
- zipWith (adaptBlockToFormat f')
- adaptor_uniques
- (snd broken_blocks)
- -- Calculate live variables for each broken block.
- --
- -- Nothing can be live on entry to the first block
- -- so we could take the tail, but for now we wont
- -- to help future proof the code.
- live :: BlockEntryLiveness
- live = cmmLiveness $ map cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock broken_blocks'
- -- Calculate which blocks must be made into full fledged procedures.
- proc_points :: UniqSet BlockId
- proc_points = calculateProcPoints broken_blocks'
- -- Construct a map so we can lookup a broken block by its 'BlockId'.
- block_env :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- block_env = blocksToBlockEnv broken_blocks'
- -- Group the blocks into continuations based on the set of proc-points.
- continuations :: [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
- continuations = map (gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points block_env)
- (uniqSetToList proc_points)
- -- Select the stack format on entry to each continuation.
- -- Return the max stack offset and an association list
- --
- -- This is an association list instead of a UniqFM because
- -- CLabel's don't have a 'Uniqueable' instance.
- formats :: [(CLabel, -- key
- (CmmFormals, -- arguments
- Maybe CLabel, -- label in top slot
- [Maybe LocalReg]))] -- slots
- formats = selectContinuationFormat live continuations
- -- Do a little meta-processing on the stack formats such as
- -- getting the individual frame sizes and the maximum frame size
- formats' :: (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)])
- formats'@(_, _, format_list) = processFormats formats update_frame continuations
- -- Update the info table data on the continuations with
- -- the selected stack formats.
- continuations' :: [Continuation CmmInfo]
- continuations' = map (applyContinuationFormat format_list) continuations
- -- Do the actual CPS transform.
- cps_procs :: [CmmTop]
- cps_procs = zipWith (continuationToProc formats' stack_use) proc_uniques continuations'
-make_stack_check :: BlockId -> CmmInfo -> CmmReg -> BlockId
- -> GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
-make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use next_block_id =
- BasicBlock stack_check_block_id $
- check_stmts ++ [CmmBranch next_block_id]
- where
- check_stmts =
- case info of
- -- If we are given a stack check handler,
- -- then great, well check the stack.
- CmmInfo (Just gc_block) _ _
- -> [CmmCondBranch
- (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt (typeWidth (cmmRegType spReg)))
- [CmmReg stack_use, CmmReg spLimReg])
- gc_block]
- -- If we aren't given a stack check handler,
- -- then humph! we just won't check the stack for them.
- CmmInfo Nothing _ _
- -> []
-collectNonProcPointTargets ::
- UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- -> UniqSet BlockId -> [BlockId] -> UniqSet BlockId
-collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets new_blocks =
- if sizeUniqSet current_targets == sizeUniqSet new_targets
- then current_targets
- else foldl
- (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks)
- new_targets
- (map (:[]) targets)
- where
- blocks' = map (lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks (panic "TODO")) new_blocks
- targets =
- -- Note the subtlety that since the extra branch after a call
- -- will always be to a block that is a proc-point,
- -- this subtraction will always remove that case
- uniqSetToList $ (unionManyUniqSets $ map (mkUniqSet . brokenBlockTargets) blocks')
- `minusUniqSet` proc_points
- -- TODO: remove redundant uniqSetToList
- new_targets = current_targets `unionUniqSets` (mkUniqSet targets)
--- TODO: insert proc point code here
--- * Branches and switches to proc points may cause new blocks to be created
--- (or proc points could leave behind phantom blocks that just jump to them)
--- * Proc points might get some live variables passed as arguments
-gatherBlocksIntoContinuation ::
- BlockEntryLiveness -> UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- -> BlockId -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
-gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points blocks start =
- Continuation info_table clabel params is_gc_cont body
- where
- children = (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks (unitUniqSet start) [start]) `minusUniqSet` (unitUniqSet start)
- start_block = lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks unknown_block start
- children_blocks = map (lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks unknown_block) (uniqSetToList children)
- unknown_block :: a -- Used at more than one type
- unknown_block = panic "unknown block in gatherBlocksIntoContinuation"
- body = start_block : children_blocks
- -- We can't properly annotate the continuation's stack parameters
- -- at this point because this is before stack selection
- -- but we want to keep the C_SRT around so we use 'Either'.
- info_table = case start_block_entry of
- FunctionEntry info _ _ -> Right info
- ContinuationEntry _ srt _ -> Left srt
- ControlEntry -> Right (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable)
- is_gc_cont = case start_block_entry of
- FunctionEntry _ _ _ -> False
- ContinuationEntry _ _ gc_cont -> gc_cont
- ControlEntry -> False
- start_block_entry = brokenBlockEntry start_block
- clabel = case start_block_entry of
- FunctionEntry _ label _ -> label
- _ -> mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique start
- params = case start_block_entry of
- FunctionEntry _ _ args -> args
- ContinuationEntry args _ _ -> args
- ControlEntry ->
- uniqSetToList $
- lookupWithDefaultBEnv live unknown_block start
- -- it's a proc-point, pass lives in parameter registers
--- For now just select the continuation orders in the order they are in the set with no gaps
-selectContinuationFormat :: BlockEnv CmmLive
- -> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
- -> [(CLabel, (CmmFormals, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))]
-selectContinuationFormat live continuations =
- map (\c -> (continuationLabel c, selectContinuationFormat' c)) continuations
- where
- -- User written continuations
- selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation
- (Right (CmmInfo _ _ (CmmInfoTable _ _ _ (ContInfo format _))))
- label formals _ _) =
- (formals, Just label, format)
- -- Either user written non-continuation code
- -- or CPS generated proc-points
- selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Right _) _ formals _ _) =
- (formals, Nothing, [])
- -- CPS generated continuations
- selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Left _) label formals _ blocks) =
- -- TODO: assumes the first block is the entry block
- let ident = brokenBlockId $ head blocks -- TODO: CLabel isn't a uniquable, but we need a better way than this
- in (formals,
- Just label,
- map Just $ uniqSetToList $
- lookupWithDefaultBEnv live unknown_block ident)
- unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in selectContinuationFormat"
-processFormats :: [(CLabel, (CmmFormals, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))]
- -> Maybe UpdateFrame
- -> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
- -> (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)])
-processFormats formats update_frame continuations =
- (max_size + update_frame_size, update_frame_size, formats')
- where
- max_size = maximum $
- 0 : map (continuationMaxStack formats') continuations
- formats' = map make_format formats
- make_format (label, (formals, top, stack)) =
- (label,
- ContinuationFormat {
- continuation_formals = formals,
- continuation_label = top,
- continuation_frame_size = stack_size stack +
- if isJust top
- then label_size
- else 0,
- continuation_stack = stack })
- update_frame_size = case update_frame of
- Nothing -> 0
- (Just (UpdateFrame _ args))
- -> label_size + update_size args
- update_size [] = 0
- update_size (expr:exprs) = width + update_size exprs
- where
- width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType expr) `quot` wORD_SIZE
- -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth
- -- TODO: get rid of "+ 1" etc.
- label_size = 1 :: WordOff
- stack_size [] = 0
- stack_size (Nothing:formats) = 1 + stack_size formats -- one dead word
- stack_size (Just reg:formats) = width + stack_size formats
- where
- width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType reg) `quot` wORD_SIZE
- -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth
-continuationMaxStack :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]
- -> Continuation a
- -> WordOff
-continuationMaxStack _ (Continuation _ _ _ True _) = 0
-continuationMaxStack formats (Continuation _ label _ False blocks) =
- max_arg_size + continuation_frame_size stack_format
- where
- stack_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup label formats
- unknown_format = panic "Unknown format in continuationMaxStack"
- max_arg_size = maximum $ 0 : map block_max_arg_size blocks
- block_max_arg_size block =
- maximum (final_arg_size (brokenBlockExit block) :
- map stmt_arg_size (brokenBlockStmts block))
- final_arg_size (FinalReturn args) =
- argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
- final_arg_size (FinalJump _ args) =
- argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
- final_arg_size (FinalCall _ _ _ _ _ _ True) = 0
- final_arg_size (FinalCall next _ _ args _ _ False) =
- -- We have to account for the stack used when we build a frame
- -- for the *next* continuation from *this* continuation
- argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args +
- continuation_frame_size next_format
- where
- next_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup next' formats
- next' = mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next
- final_arg_size _ = 0
- stmt_arg_size (CmmJump _ args) =
- argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
- stmt_arg_size (CmmCall _ _ _ (CmmSafe _) _) =
- panic "Safe call in processFormats"
- stmt_arg_size (CmmReturn _) =
- panic "CmmReturn in processFormats"
- stmt_arg_size _ = 0
-applyContinuationFormat :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]
- -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
- -> Continuation CmmInfo
--- User written continuations
-applyContinuationFormat formats
- (Continuation (Right (CmmInfo gc update_frame
- (CmmInfoTable clos prof tag (ContInfo _ srt))))
- label formals is_gc blocks) =
- Continuation (CmmInfo gc update_frame (CmmInfoTable clos prof tag (ContInfo format srt)))
- label formals is_gc blocks
- where
- format = continuation_stack $ maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats
- unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat"
--- Either user written non-continuation code or CPS generated proc-point
-applyContinuationFormat _ (Continuation
- (Right info) label formals is_gc blocks) =
- Continuation info label formals is_gc blocks
--- CPS generated continuations
-applyContinuationFormat formats (Continuation
- (Left srt) label formals is_gc blocks) =
- Continuation (CmmInfo gc Nothing (CmmInfoTable undefined prof tag (ContInfo (continuation_stack $ format) srt)))
- label formals is_gc blocks
- where
- gc = Nothing -- Generated continuations never need a stack check
- -- TODO prof: this is the same as the current implementation
- -- but I think it could be improved
- prof = ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit
- tag = rET_SMALL -- cmmToRawCmm may convert it to rET_BIG
- format = maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats
- unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat"
+-- There are two complications here:
+-- 1. We need to compile the procedures in two stages because we need
+-- an analysis of the procedures to tell us what CAFs they use.
+-- The first stage returns a map from procedure labels to CAFs,
+-- along with a closure that will compute SRTs and attach them to
+-- the compiled procedures.
+-- The second stage is to combine the CAF information into a top-level
+-- CAF environment mapping non-static closures to the CAFs they keep live,
+-- then pass that environment to the closures returned in the first
+-- stage of compilation.
+-- 2. We need to thread the module's SRT around when the SRT tables
+-- are computed for each procedure.
+-- The SRT needs to be threaded because it is grown lazily.
+protoCmmCPS :: HscEnv -- Compilation env including
+ -- dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cps-cmm
+ -> (TopSRT, [Cmm]) -- SRT table and accumulating list of compiled procs
+ -> Cmm -- Input C-- with Procedures
+ -> IO (TopSRT, [Cmm]) -- Output CPS transformed C--
+protoCmmCPS hsc_env (topSRT, rst) (Cmm tops) =
+ do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ showPass dflags "CPSZ"
+ (cafEnvs, tops) <- liftM unzip $ mapM (cpsTop hsc_env) tops
+ let topCAFEnv = mkTopCAFInfo (concat cafEnvs)
+ (topSRT, tops) <- foldM (toTops hsc_env topCAFEnv) (topSRT, []) tops
+ let cmms = Cmm (reverse (concat tops))
+ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "Post CPS Cmm" (ppr cmms)
+ return (topSRT, cmms : rst)
+{- [Note global fuel]
+The identity and the last pass are stored in
+mutable reference cells in an 'HscEnv' and are
+global to one compiler session.
+cpsTop :: HscEnv -> CmmTop -> IO ([(CLabel, CAFSet)], [(CAFSet, CmmTop)])
+cpsTop _ p@(CmmData {}) = return ([], [(Map.empty, p)])
+cpsTop hsc_env (CmmProc h@(TopInfo {stack_info=StackInfo {arg_space=entry_off}}) l g) =
+ do
+ -- Why bother doing it this early?
+ -- g <- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "spills and reloads"
+ -- (dualLivenessWithInsertion callPPs) g
+ -- g <- run $ insertLateReloads g -- Duplicate reloads just before uses
+ -- g <- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Dead Assignment Elimination"
+ -- (removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads callPPs) g
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Pre common block elimination" g
+ g <- return $ elimCommonBlocks g
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post common block elimination" g
+ -- Any work storing block Labels must be performed _after_ elimCommonBlocks
+ ----------- Proc points -------------------
+ let callPPs = callProcPoints g
+ procPoints <- run $ minimalProcPointSet callPPs g
+ g <- run $ addProcPointProtocols callPPs procPoints g
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post Proc Points Added" g
+ ----------- Spills and reloads -------------------
+ g <-
+ -- pprTrace "pre Spills" (ppr g) $
+ dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "spills and reloads"
+ (dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints) g
+ -- Insert spills at defns; reloads at return points
+ g <-
+ -- pprTrace "pre insertLateReloads" (ppr g) $
+ run $ insertLateReloads g -- Duplicate reloads just before uses
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post late reloads" g
+ g <-
+ -- pprTrace "post insertLateReloads" (ppr g) $
+ dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Dead Assignment Elimination"
+ (removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads procPoints) g
+ -- Remove redundant reloads (and any other redundant asst)
+ ----------- Debug only: add code to put zero in dead stack slots----
+ -- Debugging: stubbing slots on death can cause crashes early
+ g <- -- trace "post dead-assign elim" $
+ if opt_StubDeadValues then run $ stubSlotsOnDeath g else return g
+ --------------- Stack layout ----------------
+ slotEnv <- run $ liveSlotAnal g
+ mbpprTrace "live slot analysis results: " (ppr slotEnv) $ return ()
+ let areaMap = layout procPoints slotEnv entry_off g
+ mbpprTrace "areaMap" (ppr areaMap) $ return ()
+ ------------ Manifest the stack pointer --------
+ g <- run $ manifestSP areaMap entry_off g
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after manifestSP" g
+ -- UGH... manifestSP can require updates to the procPointMap.
+ -- We can probably do something quicker here for the update...
+ ------------- Split into separate procedures ------------
+ procPointMap <- run $ procPointAnalysis procPoints g
+ dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "procpoint map" procPointMap
+ gs <- run $ splitAtProcPoints l callPPs procPoints procPointMap
+ (CmmProc h l g)
+ mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after splitting") gs
+ ------------- More CAFs and foreign calls ------------
+ cafEnv <- run $ cafAnal g
+ let localCAFs = catMaybes $ map (localCAFInfo cafEnv) gs
+ mbpprTrace "localCAFs" (ppr localCAFs) $ return ()
+ gs <- run $ mapM (lowerSafeForeignCalls areaMap) gs
+ mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after lowerSafeForeignCalls") gs
+ let gs' = map (setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap) gs
+ mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after setInfoTableStackMap") gs'
+ let gs'' = map (bundleCAFs cafEnv) gs'
+ mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after bundleCAFs") gs''
+ return (localCAFs, gs'')
+ where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ mbpprTrace x y z = if dopt Opt_D_dump_cmmz dflags then pprTrace x y z else z
+ dump f txt g = dumpIfSet_dyn dflags f txt (ppr g)
+ run = runFuelIO (hsc_OptFuel hsc_env)
+ dual_rewrite flag txt pass g =
+ do dump flag ("Pre " ++ txt) g
+ g <- run $ pass g
+ dump flag ("Post " ++ txt) $ g
+ return g
+-- This probably belongs in CmmBuildInfoTables?
+-- We're just finishing the job here: once we know what CAFs are defined
+-- in non-static closures, we can build the SRTs.
+toTops :: HscEnv -> Map CLabel CAFSet -> (TopSRT, [[CmmTop]])
+ -> [(CAFSet, CmmTop)] -> IO (TopSRT, [[CmmTop]])
+toTops hsc_env topCAFEnv (topSRT, tops) gs =
+ do let setSRT (topSRT, rst) g =
+ do (topSRT, gs) <- setInfoTableSRT topCAFEnv topSRT g
+ return (topSRT, gs : rst)
+ (topSRT, gs') <- runFuelIO (hsc_OptFuel hsc_env) $ foldM setSRT (topSRT, []) gs
+ return (topSRT, concat gs' : tops)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSGen.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSGen.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 45d0aebe3c..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSGen.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-module CmmCPSGen (
- -- | Converts continuations into full proceedures.
- -- The main work of the CPS transform that everything else is setting-up.
- continuationToProc,
- Continuation(..), continuationLabel,
- ContinuationFormat(..),
-) where
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import CLabel
-import CmmBrokenBlock -- Data types only
-import CmmUtils
-import CmmCallConv
-import ClosureInfo
-import CgProf
-import CgUtils
-import CgInfoTbls
-import SMRep
-import ForeignCall
-import Module
-import Constants
-import StaticFlags
-import Unique
-import Data.Maybe
-import FastString
-import Panic
--- The format for the call to a continuation
--- The fst is the arguments that must be passed to the continuation
--- by the continuation's caller.
--- The snd is the live values that must be saved on stack.
--- A Nothing indicates an ignored slot.
--- The head of each list is the stack top or the first parameter.
--- The format for live values for a particular continuation
--- All on stack for now.
--- Head element is the top of the stack (or just under the header).
--- Nothing means an empty slot.
--- Future possibilities include callee save registers (i.e. passing slots in register)
--- and heap memory (not sure if that's usefull at all though, but it may
--- be worth exploring the design space).
-continuationLabel :: Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo) -> CLabel
-continuationLabel (Continuation _ l _ _ _) = l
-data Continuation info =
- Continuation
- info -- Left <=> Continuation created by the CPS
- -- Right <=> Function or Proc point
- CLabel -- Used to generate both info & entry labels
- CmmFormals -- Argument locals live on entry (C-- procedure params)
- Bool -- True <=> GC block so ignore stack size
- [BrokenBlock] -- Code, may be empty. The first block is
- -- the entry point. The order is otherwise initially
- -- unimportant, but at some point the code gen will
- -- fix the order.
- -- the BlockId of the first block does not give rise
- -- to a label. To jump to the first block in a Proc,
- -- use the appropriate CLabel.
-data ContinuationFormat
- = ContinuationFormat {
- continuation_formals :: CmmFormals,
- continuation_label :: Maybe CLabel, -- The label occupying the top slot
- continuation_frame_size :: WordOff, -- Total frame size in words (not including arguments)
- continuation_stack :: [Maybe LocalReg] -- local reg offsets from stack top
- }
--- A block can be a continuation of a call
--- A block can be a continuation of another block (w/ or w/o joins)
--- A block can be an entry to a function
-continuationToProc :: (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)])
- -> CmmReg
- -> [[[Unique]]]
- -> Continuation CmmInfo
- -> CmmTop
-continuationToProc (max_stack, update_frame_size, formats) stack_use uniques
- (Continuation info label formals _ blocks) =
- CmmProc info label formals (ListGraph blocks')
- where
- blocks' = concat $ zipWith3 continuationToProc' uniques blocks
- (True : repeat False)
- curr_format = maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats
- unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in continuationToProc"
- curr_stack = continuation_frame_size curr_format
- arg_stack = argumentsSize localRegType formals
- param_stmts :: [CmmStmt]
- param_stmts = function_entry curr_format
- gc_stmts :: [CmmStmt]
- gc_stmts =
- assign_gc_stack_use stack_use arg_stack (max_stack - curr_stack)
- update_stmts :: [CmmStmt]
- update_stmts =
- case info of
- CmmInfo _ (Just (UpdateFrame target args)) _ ->
- pack_frame curr_stack update_frame_size (Just target) (map Just args) ++
- adjust_sp_reg (curr_stack - update_frame_size)
- CmmInfo _ Nothing _ -> []
- continuationToProc' :: [[Unique]]
- -> BrokenBlock
- -> Bool
- -> [CmmBasicBlock]
- continuationToProc' uniques (BrokenBlock ident entry stmts _ exit) is_entry =
- prefix_blocks ++ [BasicBlock ident fixed_main_stmts] ++ concat new_blocks
- where
- prefix_blocks =
- if is_entry
- then [BasicBlock
- (BlockId prefix_unique)
- (param_stmts ++ [CmmBranch ident])]
- else []
- (prefix_unique : call_uniques) : new_block_uniques = uniques
- toCLabel = mkReturnPtLabel . getUnique
- block_for_branch :: Unique -> BlockId -> (BlockId, [CmmBasicBlock])
- block_for_branch unique next
- -- branches to the current function don't have to jump
- | (mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next) == label
- = (next, [])
- -- branches to any other function have to jump
- | (Just cont_format) <- lookup (toCLabel next) formats
- = let
- new_next = BlockId unique
- cont_stack = continuation_frame_size cont_format
- arguments = map formal_to_actual (continuation_formals cont_format)
- in (new_next,
- [BasicBlock new_next $
- pack_continuation curr_format cont_format ++
- tail_call (curr_stack - cont_stack)
- (CmmLit $ CmmLabel $ toCLabel next)
- arguments])
- -- branches to blocks in the current function don't have to jump
- | otherwise
- = (next, [])
- -- Wrapper for block_for_branch for when the target
- -- is inside a 'Maybe'.
- block_for_branch' :: Unique -> Maybe BlockId -> (Maybe BlockId, [CmmBasicBlock])
- block_for_branch' _ Nothing = (Nothing, [])
- block_for_branch' unique (Just next) = (Just new_next, new_blocks)
- where (new_next, new_blocks) = block_for_branch unique next
- -- If the target of a switch, branch or cond branch becomes a proc point
- -- then we have to make a new block what will then *jump* to the original target.
- proc_point_fix unique (CmmCondBranch test target)
- = (CmmCondBranch test new_target, new_blocks)
- where (new_target, new_blocks) = block_for_branch (head unique) target
- proc_point_fix unique (CmmSwitch test targets)
- = (CmmSwitch test new_targets, concat new_blocks)
- where (new_targets, new_blocks) =
- unzip $ zipWith block_for_branch' unique targets
- proc_point_fix unique (CmmBranch target)
- = (CmmBranch new_target, new_blocks)
- where (new_target, new_blocks) = block_for_branch (head unique) target
- proc_point_fix _ other = (other, [])
- (fixed_main_stmts, new_blocks) = unzip $ zipWith proc_point_fix new_block_uniques main_stmts
- main_stmts =
- case entry of
- FunctionEntry _ _ _ ->
- -- The statements for an update frame must come /after/
- -- the GC check that was added at the beginning of the
- -- CPS pass. So we have do edit the statements a bit.
- -- This depends on the knowledge that the statements in
- -- the first block are only the GC check. That's
- -- fragile but it works for now.
- gc_stmts ++ stmts ++ update_stmts ++ postfix_stmts
- ControlEntry -> stmts ++ postfix_stmts
- ContinuationEntry _ _ _ -> stmts ++ postfix_stmts
- postfix_stmts = case exit of
- -- Branches and switches may get modified by proc_point_fix
- FinalBranch next -> [CmmBranch next]
- FinalSwitch expr targets -> [CmmSwitch expr targets]
- -- A return is a tail call to the stack top
- FinalReturn arguments ->
- tail_call curr_stack
- (entryCode (CmmLoad (CmmReg spReg) bWord))
- arguments
- -- A tail call
- FinalJump target arguments ->
- tail_call curr_stack target arguments
- -- A regular Cmm function call
- FinalCall next (CmmCallee target CmmCallConv)
- _ arguments _ _ _ ->
- pack_continuation curr_format cont_format ++
- tail_call (curr_stack - cont_stack)
- target arguments
- where
- cont_format = maybe unknown_block id $
- lookup (mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next) formats
- cont_stack = continuation_frame_size cont_format
- -- A safe foreign call
- FinalCall _ (CmmCallee target conv)
- results arguments _ _ _ ->
- target_stmts ++
- foreignCall call_uniques' (CmmCallee new_target conv)
- results arguments
- where
- (call_uniques', target_stmts, new_target) =
- maybeAssignTemp call_uniques target
- -- A safe prim call
- FinalCall _ (CmmPrim target)
- results arguments _ _ _ ->
- foreignCall call_uniques (CmmPrim target)
- results arguments
-formal_to_actual :: LocalReg -> CmmHinted CmmExpr
-formal_to_actual reg = CmmHinted (CmmReg (CmmLocal reg)) NoHint
-foreignCall :: [Unique] -> CmmCallTarget -> HintedCmmFormals -> HintedCmmActuals -> [CmmStmt]
-foreignCall uniques call results arguments =
- arg_stmts ++
- saveThreadState ++
- caller_save ++
- [CmmCall (CmmCallee suspendThread CCallConv)
- [ CmmHinted id AddrHint ]
- [ CmmHinted (CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg)) AddrHint
- -- XXX: allow for interruptible suspension
- , CmmHinted (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)) NoHint ]
- CmmUnsafe
- CmmMayReturn,
- CmmCall call results new_args CmmUnsafe CmmMayReturn,
- CmmCall (CmmCallee resumeThread CCallConv)
- [ CmmHinted new_base AddrHint ]
- [ CmmHinted (CmmReg (CmmLocal id)) AddrHint ]
- CmmUnsafe
- CmmMayReturn,
- -- Assign the result to BaseReg: we
- -- might now have a different Capability!
- CmmAssign (CmmGlobal BaseReg) (CmmReg (CmmLocal new_base))] ++
- caller_load ++
- loadThreadState tso_unique ++
- [CmmJump (CmmReg spReg) (map (formal_to_actual . hintlessCmm) results)]
- where
- (_, arg_stmts, new_args) =
- loadArgsIntoTemps argument_uniques arguments
- (caller_save, caller_load) =
- callerSaveVolatileRegs (Just [{-only system regs-}])
- new_base = LocalReg base_unique (cmmRegType (CmmGlobal BaseReg))
- id = LocalReg id_unique bWord
- tso_unique : base_unique : id_unique : argument_uniques = uniques
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Save/restore the thread state in the TSO
-suspendThread, resumeThread :: CmmExpr
-suspendThread = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "suspendThread")))
-resumeThread = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "resumeThread")))
--- This stuff can't be done in suspendThread/resumeThread, because it
--- refers to global registers which aren't available in the C world.
-saveThreadState :: [CmmStmt]
-saveThreadState =
- -- CurrentTSO->sp = Sp;
- [CmmStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_SP) stgSp,
- closeNursery] ++
- -- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
- if opt_SccProfilingOn
- then [CmmStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_CCCS) curCCS]
- else []
- -- CurrentNursery->free = Hp+1;
-closeNursery :: CmmStmt
-closeNursery = CmmStore nursery_bdescr_free (cmmOffsetW stgHp 1)
-loadThreadState :: Unique -> [CmmStmt]
-loadThreadState tso_unique =
- [
- -- tso = CurrentTSO;
- CmmAssign (CmmLocal tso) stgCurrentTSO,
- -- Sp = tso->sp;
- CmmAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_SP)
- bWord),
- -- SpLim = tso->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
- CmmAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_STACK)
- ] ++
- openNursery ++
- -- and load the current cost centre stack from the TSO when profiling:
- if opt_SccProfilingOn
- then [CmmStore curCCSAddr
- (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_CCCS) bWord)]
- else []
- where tso = LocalReg tso_unique bWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
-openNursery :: [CmmStmt]
-openNursery = [
- -- Hp = CurrentNursery->free - 1;
- CmmAssign hp (cmmOffsetW (CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_free bWord) (-1)),
- -- HpLim = CurrentNursery->start +
- -- CurrentNursery->blocks*BLOCK_SIZE_W - 1;
- CmmAssign hpLim
- (cmmOffsetExpr
- (CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_start bWord)
- (cmmOffset
- (CmmMachOp mo_wordMul [
- CmmMachOp (MO_SS_Conv W32 wordWidth)
- [CmmLoad nursery_bdescr_blocks b32],
- CmmLit (mkIntCLit bLOCK_SIZE)
- ])
- (-1)
- )
- )
- ]
-nursery_bdescr_free, nursery_bdescr_start, nursery_bdescr_blocks :: CmmExpr
-nursery_bdescr_free = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_free
-nursery_bdescr_start = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_start
-nursery_bdescr_blocks = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_blocks
-tso_SP, tso_STACK, tso_CCCS :: ByteOff
-tso_SP = tsoFieldB undefined --oFFSET_StgTSO_sp
-tso_STACK = tsoFieldB undefined --oFFSET_StgTSO_stack
-tso_CCCS = tsoProfFieldB oFFSET_StgTSO_CCCS
--- The TSO struct has a variable header, and an optional StgTSOProfInfo in
--- the middle. The fields we're interested in are after the StgTSOProfInfo.
-tsoFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-tsoFieldB off
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = off + sIZEOF_StgTSOProfInfo + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
- | otherwise = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
-tsoProfFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-tsoProfFieldB off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
-stgSp, stgHp, stgCurrentTSO, stgCurrentNursery :: CmmExpr
-stgSp = CmmReg sp
-stgHp = CmmReg hp
-stgCurrentTSO = CmmReg currentTSO
-stgCurrentNursery = CmmReg currentNursery
-sp, spLim, hp, hpLim, currentTSO, currentNursery :: CmmReg
-sp = CmmGlobal Sp
-spLim = CmmGlobal SpLim
-hp = CmmGlobal Hp
-hpLim = CmmGlobal HpLim
-currentTSO = CmmGlobal CurrentTSO
-currentNursery = CmmGlobal CurrentNursery
--- Functions that generate CmmStmt sequences
--- for packing/unpacking continuations
--- and entering/exiting functions
-tail_call :: WordOff -> CmmExpr -> HintedCmmActuals -> [CmmStmt]
-tail_call spRel target arguments
- = store_arguments ++ adjust_sp_reg spRel ++ jump where
- store_arguments =
- [stack_put spRel expr offset
- | ((CmmHinted expr _), StackParam offset) <- argument_formats] ++
- [global_put expr global
- | ((CmmHinted expr _), RegisterParam global) <- argument_formats]
- jump = [CmmJump target arguments]
- argument_formats = assignArguments (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) arguments
-adjust_sp_reg :: Int -> [CmmStmt]
-adjust_sp_reg spRel =
- if spRel == 0
- then []
- else [CmmAssign spReg (CmmRegOff spReg (spRel*wORD_SIZE))]
-assign_gc_stack_use :: CmmReg -> Int -> Int -> [CmmStmt]
-assign_gc_stack_use stack_use arg_stack max_frame_size =
- if max_frame_size > arg_stack
- then [CmmAssign stack_use (CmmRegOff spReg (-max_frame_size*wORD_SIZE))]
- else [CmmAssign stack_use (CmmReg spLimReg)]
- -- Trick the optimizer into eliminating the branch for us
-UNUSED 2008-12-29
-gc_stack_check :: BlockId -> WordOff -> [CmmStmt]
-gc_stack_check gc_block max_frame_size
- = check_stack_limit where
- check_stack_limit = [
- CmmCondBranch
- (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt (typeWidth (cmmRegType spReg)))
- [CmmRegOff spReg (-max_frame_size*wORD_SIZE),
- CmmReg spLimReg])
- gc_block]
-pack_continuation :: ContinuationFormat -- ^ The current format
- -> ContinuationFormat -- ^ The return point format
- -> [CmmStmt]
-pack_continuation (ContinuationFormat _ curr_id curr_frame_size _)
- (ContinuationFormat _ cont_id cont_frame_size live_regs)
- = pack_frame curr_frame_size cont_frame_size maybe_header continuation_args
- where
- continuation_args = map (maybe Nothing (Just . CmmReg . CmmLocal))
- live_regs
- needs_header_set =
- case (curr_id, cont_id) of
- (Just x, Just y) -> x /= y
- _ -> isJust cont_id
- maybe_header = if needs_header_set
- then maybe Nothing (Just . CmmLit . CmmLabel . entryLblToInfoLbl) cont_id
- else Nothing
-pack_frame :: WordOff -- ^ Current frame size
- -> WordOff -- ^ Next frame size
- -> Maybe CmmExpr -- ^ Next frame header if any
- -> [Maybe CmmExpr] -- ^ Next frame data
- -> [CmmStmt]
-pack_frame curr_frame_size next_frame_size next_frame_header frame_args =
- store_live_values ++ set_stack_header
- where
- -- TODO: only save variables when actually needed
- -- (may be handled by latter pass)
- store_live_values =
- [stack_put spRel expr offset
- | (expr, offset) <- cont_offsets]
- set_stack_header =
- case next_frame_header of
- Nothing -> []
- Just expr -> [stack_put spRel expr 0]
- -- TODO: factor with function_entry and CmmInfo.hs(?)
- cont_offsets = mkOffsets label_size frame_args
- label_size = 1 :: WordOff
- mkOffsets _ [] = []
- mkOffsets size (Nothing:exprs) = mkOffsets (size+1) exprs
- mkOffsets size (Just expr:exprs) = (expr, size):mkOffsets (size + width) exprs
- where
- width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType expr) `quot` wORD_SIZE
- -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth
- spRel = curr_frame_size - next_frame_size
--- Lazy adjustment of stack headers assumes all blocks
--- that could branch to eachother (i.e. control blocks)
--- have the same stack format (this causes a problem
--- only for proc-point).
-function_entry :: ContinuationFormat -> [CmmStmt]
-function_entry (ContinuationFormat formals _ _ live_regs)
- = load_live_values ++ load_args where
- -- TODO: only save variables when actually needed
- -- (may be handled by latter pass)
- load_live_values =
- [stack_get 0 reg offset
- | (reg, offset) <- curr_offsets]
- load_args =
- [stack_get 0 reg offset
- | (reg, StackParam offset) <- argument_formats] ++
- [global_get reg global
- | (reg, RegisterParam global) <- argument_formats]
- argument_formats = assignArguments (localRegType) formals
- -- TODO: eliminate copy/paste with pack_continuation
- curr_offsets = mkOffsets label_size live_regs
- label_size = 1 :: WordOff
- mkOffsets _ [] = []
- mkOffsets size (Nothing:regs) = mkOffsets (size+1) regs
- mkOffsets size (Just reg:regs) = (reg, size):mkOffsets (size + width) regs
- where
- width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType reg) `quot` wORD_SIZE
- -- TODO: it would be better if we had a machRepWordWidth
--- Section: Stack and argument register puts and gets
--- TODO: document
--- |Construct a 'CmmStmt' that will save a value on the stack
-stack_put :: WordOff -- ^ Offset from the real 'Sp' that 'offset'
- -- is relative to (added to offset)
- -> CmmExpr -- ^ What to store onto the stack
- -> WordOff -- ^ Where on the stack to store it
- -- (positive <=> higher addresses)
- -> CmmStmt
-stack_put spRel expr offset =
- CmmStore (CmmRegOff spReg (wORD_SIZE*(spRel + offset))) expr
--- |Construct a
-stack_get :: WordOff
- -> LocalReg
- -> WordOff
- -> CmmStmt
-stack_get spRel reg offset =
- CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg)
- (CmmLoad (CmmRegOff spReg (wORD_SIZE*(spRel + offset)))
- (localRegType reg))
-global_put :: CmmExpr -> GlobalReg -> CmmStmt
-global_put expr global = CmmAssign (CmmGlobal global) expr
-global_get :: LocalReg -> GlobalReg -> CmmStmt
-global_get reg global = CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmReg (CmmGlobal global))
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSZ.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e57d72b6..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCPSZ.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
--- Norman likes local bindings
--- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
-module CmmCPSZ (
- -- | Converts C-- with full proceedures and parameters
- -- to a CPS transformed C-- with the stack made manifest.
- -- Well, sort of.
- protoCmmCPSZ
-) where
-import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import CmmBuildInfoTables
-import CmmCommonBlockElimZ
-import CmmProcPointZ
-import CmmSpillReload
-import CmmStackLayout
-import DFMonad
-import PprCmmZ()
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import DynFlags
-import ErrUtils
-import HscTypes
-import Data.Maybe
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Map (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Outputable
-import StaticFlags
--- |Top level driver for the CPS pass
--- There are two complications here:
--- 1. We need to compile the procedures in two stages because we need
--- an analysis of the procedures to tell us what CAFs they use.
--- The first stage returns a map from procedure labels to CAFs,
--- along with a closure that will compute SRTs and attach them to
--- the compiled procedures.
--- The second stage is to combine the CAF information into a top-level
--- CAF environment mapping non-static closures to the CAFs they keep live,
--- then pass that environment to the closures returned in the first
--- stage of compilation.
--- 2. We need to thread the module's SRT around when the SRT tables
--- are computed for each procedure.
--- The SRT needs to be threaded because it is grown lazily.
-protoCmmCPSZ :: HscEnv -- Compilation env including
- -- dynamic flags: -dcmm-lint -ddump-cps-cmm
- -> (TopSRT, [CmmZ]) -- SRT table and accumulating list of compiled procs
- -> CmmZ -- Input C-- with Procedures
- -> IO (TopSRT, [CmmZ]) -- Output CPS transformed C--
-protoCmmCPSZ hsc_env (topSRT, rst) (Cmm tops) =
- do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- showPass dflags "CPSZ"
- (cafEnvs, tops) <- liftM unzip $ mapM (cpsTop hsc_env) tops
- let topCAFEnv = mkTopCAFInfo (concat cafEnvs)
- (topSRT, tops) <- foldM (toTops hsc_env topCAFEnv) (topSRT, []) tops
- -- (topSRT, tops) <- foldM (\ z f -> f topCAFEnv z) (topSRT, []) toTops
- let cmms = Cmm (reverse (concat tops))
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "Post CPS Cmm" (ppr cmms)
- return (topSRT, cmms : rst)
-{- [Note global fuel]
-The identity and the last pass are stored in
-mutable reference cells in an 'HscEnv' and are
-global to one compiler session.
-cpsTop :: HscEnv -> CmmTopZ ->
- IO ([(CLabel, CAFSet)],
- [(CAFSet, CmmTopForInfoTables)])
-cpsTop _ p@(CmmData {}) = return ([], [(Map.empty, NoInfoTable p)])
-cpsTop hsc_env (CmmProc h l args (stackInfo@(entry_off, _), g)) =
- do
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Pre Proc Points Added" g
- let callPPs = callProcPoints g
- -- Why bother doing it this early?
- -- g <- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "spills and reloads"
- -- (dualLivenessWithInsertion callPPs) g
- -- g <- run $ insertLateReloads g -- Duplicate reloads just before uses
- -- g <- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Dead Assignment Elimination"
- -- (removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads callPPs) g
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Pre common block elimination" g
- g <- return $ elimCommonBlocks g
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post common block elimination" g
- ----------- Proc points -------------------
- procPoints <- run $ minimalProcPointSet callPPs g
- g <- run $ addProcPointProtocols callPPs procPoints g
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post Proc Points Added" g
- ----------- Spills and reloads -------------------
- g <-
- -- pprTrace "pre Spills" (ppr g) $
- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "spills and reloads"
- (dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints) g
- -- Insert spills at defns; reloads at return points
- g <-
- -- pprTrace "pre insertLateReloads" (ppr g) $
- run $ insertLateReloads g -- Duplicate reloads just before uses
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Post late reloads" g
- g <-
- -- pprTrace "post insertLateReloads" (ppr g) $
- dual_rewrite Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Dead Assignment Elimination"
- (removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads procPoints) g
- -- Remove redundant reloads (and any other redundant asst)
- ----------- Debug only: add code to put zero in dead stack slots----
- -- Debugging: stubbing slots on death can cause crashes early
- g <-
- -- trace "post dead-assign elim" $
- if opt_StubDeadValues then run $ stubSlotsOnDeath g else return g
- --------------- Stack layout ----------------
- slotEnv <- run $ liveSlotAnal g
- mbpprTrace "live slot analysis results: " (ppr slotEnv) $ return ()
- -- cafEnv <- -- trace "post liveSlotAnal" $ run $ cafAnal g
- -- (cafEnv, slotEnv) <-
- -- -- trace "post print cafAnal" $
- -- return $ extendEnvsForSafeForeignCalls cafEnv slotEnv g
- slotEnv <- return $ extendEnvWithSafeForeignCalls liveSlotTransfers slotEnv g
- mbpprTrace "slotEnv extended for safe foreign calls: " (ppr slotEnv) $ return ()
- let areaMap = layout procPoints slotEnv entry_off g
- mbpprTrace "areaMap" (ppr areaMap) $ return ()
- ------------ Manifest the the stack pointer --------
- g <- run $ manifestSP areaMap entry_off g
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after manifestSP" g
- -- UGH... manifestSP can require updates to the procPointMap.
- -- We can probably do something quicker here for the update...
- ------------- Split into separate procedures ------------
- procPointMap <- run $ procPointAnalysis procPoints g
- dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "procpoint map" procPointMap
- gs <- run $ splitAtProcPoints l callPPs procPoints procPointMap
- (CmmProc h l args (stackInfo, g))
- mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after splitting") gs
- ------------- More CAFs and foreign calls ------------
- cafEnv <- run $ cafAnal g
- cafEnv <- return $ extendEnvWithSafeForeignCalls cafTransfers cafEnv g
- let localCAFs = catMaybes $ map (localCAFInfo cafEnv) gs
- mbpprTrace "localCAFs" (ppr localCAFs) $ return ()
- gs <- liftM concat $ run $ foldM lowerSafeForeignCalls [] gs
- mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after lowerSafeForeignCalls") gs
- let gs' = map (setInfoTableStackMap slotEnv areaMap) gs
- mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after setInfoTableStackMap") gs'
- let gs'' = map (bundleCAFs cafEnv) gs'
- mapM_ (dump Opt_D_dump_cmmz "after bundleCAFs") gs''
- return (localCAFs, gs'')
- where dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- mbpprTrace x y z = if dopt Opt_D_dump_cmmz dflags then pprTrace x y z else z
- dump f txt g = dumpIfSet_dyn dflags f txt (ppr g)
- run :: FuelMonad a -> IO a
- run = runFuelIO (hsc_OptFuel hsc_env)
- dual_rewrite flag txt pass g =
- do dump flag ("Pre " ++ txt) g
- g <- run $ pass g
- dump flag ("Post " ++ txt) $ g
- return g
--- This probably belongs in CmmBuildInfoTables?
--- We're just finishing the job here: once we know what CAFs are defined
--- in non-static closures, we can build the SRTs.
-toTops :: HscEnv -> Map CLabel CAFSet -> (TopSRT, [[CmmTopZ]])
- -> [(CAFSet, CmmTopForInfoTables)] -> IO (TopSRT, [[CmmTopZ]])
-toTops hsc_env topCAFEnv (topSRT, tops) gs =
- do let setSRT (topSRT, rst) g =
- do (topSRT, gs) <- setInfoTableSRT topCAFEnv topSRT g
- return (topSRT, gs : rst)
- (topSRT, gs') <- runFuelIO (hsc_OptFuel hsc_env) $ foldM setSRT (topSRT, []) gs
- gs' <- mapM finishInfoTables (concat gs')
- return (topSRT, concat gs' : tops)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
index 3fb347f7d2..24adb99df7 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCallConv.hs
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ module CmmCallConv (
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Cmm
+import CmmExpr
import SMRep
-import ZipCfgCmmRep (Convention(..))
+import Cmm (Convention(..))
+import PprCmm ()
import Constants
import qualified Data.List as L
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElimZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
index 90e70080f2..c0761fce6a 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElimZ.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCommonBlockElim.hs
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
-module CmmCommonBlockElimZ
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
+-- ToDo: remove
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
+module CmmCommonBlockElim
( elimCommonBlocks
import BlockId
+import Cmm
import CmmExpr
-import Prelude hiding (iterate, zip, unzip)
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
+import Prelude hiding (iterate, succ, unzip, zip)
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Word
@@ -38,8 +43,8 @@ my_trace = if False then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
elimCommonBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
elimCommonBlocks g =
upd_graph g . snd $ iterate common_block reset hashed_blocks
- (emptyUFM, emptyBlockEnv)
- where hashed_blocks = map (\b -> (hash_block b, b)) (reverse (postorder_dfs g))
+ (emptyUFM, mapEmpty)
+ where hashed_blocks = map (\b -> (hash_block b, b)) (reverse (postorderDfs g))
reset (_, subst) = (emptyUFM, subst)
-- Iterate over the blocks until convergence
@@ -57,26 +62,28 @@ common_block :: (Outputable h, Uniquable h) => State -> (h, CmmBlock) -> (Bool,
common_block (bmap, subst) (hash, b) =
case lookupUFM bmap hash of
Just bs -> case (List.find (eqBlockBodyWith (eqBid subst) b) bs,
- lookupBlockEnv subst bid) of
- (Just b', Nothing) -> addSubst b'
- (Just b', Just b'') | blockId b' /= b'' -> addSubst b'
+ mapLookup bid subst) of
+ (Just b', Nothing) -> addSubst b'
+ (Just b', Just b'') | entryLabel b' /= b'' -> addSubst b'
_ -> (False, (addToUFM bmap hash (b : bs), subst))
Nothing -> (False, (addToUFM bmap hash [b], subst))
- where bid = blockId b
- addSubst b' = my_trace "found new common block" (ppr (blockId b')) $
- (True, (bmap, extendBlockEnv subst bid (blockId b')))
+ where bid = entryLabel b
+ addSubst b' = my_trace "found new common block" (ppr (entryLabel b')) $
+ (True, (bmap, mapInsert bid (entryLabel b') subst))
-- Given the map ``subst'' from BlockId -> BlockId, we rewrite the graph.
upd_graph :: CmmGraph -> BidMap -> CmmGraph
-upd_graph g subst = map_nodes id middle last g
- where middle = mapExpDeepMiddle exp
- last l = last' (mapExpDeepLast exp l)
- last' (LastBranch bid) = LastBranch $ sub bid
- last' (LastCondBranch p t f) = cond p (sub t) (sub f)
- last' (LastCall t (Just bid) args res u) = LastCall t (Just $ sub bid) args res u
- last' l@(LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) = l
- last' (LastSwitch e bs) = LastSwitch e $ map (liftM sub) bs
- cond p t f = if t == f then LastBranch t else LastCondBranch p t f
+upd_graph g subst = mapGraphNodes (id, middle, last) g
+ where middle = mapExpDeep exp
+ last l = last' (mapExpDeep exp l)
+ last' :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
+ last' (CmmBranch bid) = CmmBranch $ sub bid
+ last' (CmmCondBranch p t f) = cond p (sub t) (sub f)
+ last' (CmmCall t (Just bid) a r o) = CmmCall t (Just $ sub bid) a r o
+ last' l@(CmmCall _ Nothing _ _ _) = l
+ last' (CmmForeignCall t r a bid u i) = CmmForeignCall t r a (sub bid) u i
+ last' (CmmSwitch e bs) = CmmSwitch e $ map (liftM sub) bs
+ cond p t f = if t == f then CmmBranch t else CmmCondBranch p t f
exp (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young id)) off) =
CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young (sub id))) off
exp (CmmLit (CmmBlock id)) = CmmLit (CmmBlock (sub id))
@@ -87,24 +94,36 @@ upd_graph g subst = map_nodes id middle last g
-- The hashing is a bit arbitrary (the numbers are completely arbitrary),
-- but it should be fast and good enough.
hash_block :: CmmBlock -> Int
-hash_block (Block _ t) =
- fromIntegral (hash_tail t (0 :: Word32) .&. (0x7fffffff :: Word32))
+hash_block block =
+ fromIntegral (foldBlockNodesB3 (hash_fst, hash_mid, hash_lst) block (0 :: Word32) .&. (0x7fffffff :: Word32))
-- UniqFM doesn't like negative Ints
- where hash_mid (MidComment (FastString u _ _ _ _)) = cvt u
- hash_mid (MidAssign r e) = hash_reg r + hash_e e
- hash_mid (MidStore e e') = hash_e e + hash_e e'
- hash_mid (MidForeignCall _ t _ as) = hash_tgt t + hash_lst hash_e as
+ where hash_fst _ h = h
+ hash_mid m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
+ hash_lst m h = hash_node m + h `shiftL` 1
+ hash_node :: CmmNode O x -> Word32
+ hash_node (CmmComment (FastString u _ _ _ _)) = cvt u
+ hash_node (CmmAssign r e) = hash_reg r + hash_e e
+ hash_node (CmmStore e e') = hash_e e + hash_e e'
+ hash_node (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) = hash_tgt t + hash_list hash_e as
+ hash_node (CmmBranch _) = 23 -- would be great to hash these properly
+ hash_node (CmmCondBranch p _ _) = hash_e p
+ hash_node (CmmCall e _ _ _ _) = hash_e e
+ hash_node (CmmForeignCall t _ _ _ _ _) = hash_tgt t
+ hash_node (CmmSwitch e _) = hash_e e
hash_reg :: CmmReg -> Word32
- hash_reg (CmmLocal l) = hash_local l
+ hash_reg (CmmLocal _) = 117
hash_reg (CmmGlobal _) = 19
- hash_local (LocalReg _ _) = 117
hash_e :: CmmExpr -> Word32
hash_e (CmmLit l) = hash_lit l
hash_e (CmmLoad e _) = 67 + hash_e e
hash_e (CmmReg r) = hash_reg r
- hash_e (CmmMachOp _ es) = hash_lst hash_e es -- pessimal - no operator check
+ hash_e (CmmMachOp _ es) = hash_list hash_e es -- pessimal - no operator check
hash_e (CmmRegOff r i) = hash_reg r + cvt i
hash_e (CmmStackSlot _ _) = 13
hash_lit :: CmmLit -> Word32
hash_lit (CmmInt i _) = fromInteger i
hash_lit (CmmFloat r _) = truncate r
@@ -113,16 +132,12 @@ hash_block (Block _ t) =
hash_lit (CmmLabelDiffOff _ _ i) = cvt $ 299 + i
hash_lit (CmmBlock _) = 191 -- ugh
hash_lit (CmmHighStackMark) = cvt 313
hash_tgt (ForeignTarget e _) = hash_e e
hash_tgt (PrimTarget _) = 31 -- lots of these
- hash_lst f = foldl (\z x -> f x + z) (0::Word32)
- hash_last (LastBranch _) = 23 -- would be great to hash these properly
- hash_last (LastCondBranch p _ _) = hash_e p
- hash_last (LastCall e _ _ _ _) = hash_e e
- hash_last (LastSwitch e _) = hash_e e
- hash_tail (ZLast LastExit) v = 29 + v `shiftL` 1
- hash_tail (ZLast (LastOther l)) v = hash_last l + (v `shiftL` 1)
- hash_tail (ZTail m t) v = hash_tail t (hash_mid m + (v `shiftL` 1))
+ hash_list f = foldl (\z x -> f x + z) (0::Word32)
cvt = fromInteger . toInteger
-- Utilities: equality and substitution on the graph.
@@ -130,33 +145,28 @@ hash_block (Block _ t) =
eqBid :: BidMap -> BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool
eqBid subst bid bid' = lookupBid subst bid == lookupBid subst bid'
lookupBid :: BidMap -> BlockId -> BlockId
-lookupBid subst bid = case lookupBlockEnv subst bid of
+lookupBid subst bid = case mapLookup bid subst of
Just bid -> lookupBid subst bid
Nothing -> bid
-- Equality on the body of a block, modulo a function mapping block IDs to block IDs.
eqBlockBodyWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmBlock -> CmmBlock -> Bool
-eqBlockBodyWith eqBid (Block _ t) (Block _ t') = eqTailWith eqBid t t'
-type CmmTail = ZTail Middle Last
-eqTailWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmTail -> CmmTail -> Bool
-eqTailWith eqBid (ZTail m t) (ZTail m' t') = m == m' && eqTailWith eqBid t t'
-eqTailWith _ (ZLast LastExit) (ZLast LastExit) = True
-eqTailWith eqBid (ZLast (LastOther l)) (ZLast (LastOther l')) = eqLastWith eqBid l l'
-eqTailWith _ _ _ = False
-eqLastWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> Last -> Last -> Bool
-eqLastWith eqBid (LastBranch bid1) (LastBranch bid2) = eqBid bid1 bid2
-eqLastWith eqBid (LastCondBranch c1 t1 f1) (LastCondBranch c2 t2 f2) =
+eqBlockBodyWith eqBid block block' = middles == middles' && eqLastWith eqBid last last'
+ where (_, middles , JustC last :: MaybeC C (CmmNode O C)) = blockToNodeList block
+ (_, middles', JustC last' :: MaybeC C (CmmNode O C)) = blockToNodeList block'
+eqLastWith :: (BlockId -> BlockId -> Bool) -> CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C -> Bool
+eqLastWith eqBid (CmmBranch bid1) (CmmBranch bid2) = eqBid bid1 bid2
+eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCondBranch c1 t1 f1) (CmmCondBranch c2 t2 f2) =
c1 == c2 && eqBid t1 t2 && eqBid f1 f2
-eqLastWith eqBid (LastCall t1 c1 a1 r1 u1) (LastCall t2 c2 a2 r2 u2) =
+eqLastWith eqBid (CmmCall t1 c1 a1 r1 u1) (CmmCall t2 c2 a2 r2 u2) =
t1 == t2 && eqMaybeWith eqBid c1 c2 && a1 == a2 && r1 == r2 && u1 == u2
-eqLastWith eqBid (LastSwitch e1 bs1) (LastSwitch e2 bs2) =
- e1 == e2 && eqLstWith (eqMaybeWith eqBid) bs1 bs2
+eqLastWith eqBid (CmmSwitch e1 bs1) (CmmSwitch e2 bs2) =
+ e1 == e2 && eqListWith (eqMaybeWith eqBid) bs1 bs2
eqLastWith _ _ _ = False
-eqLstWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Bool
-eqLstWith eltEq es es' = all (uncurry eltEq) ( es es')
+eqListWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Bool
+eqListWith eltEq es es' = all (uncurry eltEq) ( es es')
eqMaybeWith :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Bool
eqMaybeWith eltEq (Just e) (Just e') = eltEq e e'
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
index 64a23155cc..42fc239e28 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmContFlowOpt.hs
@@ -1,88 +1,84 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CmmContFlowOpt
- ( runCmmOpts, cmmCfgOpts, cmmCfgOptsZ
- , branchChainElimZ, removeUnreachableBlocksZ, predMap
- , replaceLabelsZ, replaceBranches, runCmmContFlowOptsZs
+ ( runCmmOpts, oldCmmCfgOpts, cmmCfgOpts
+ , branchChainElim, removeUnreachableBlocks, predMap
+ , replaceLabels, replaceBranches, runCmmContFlowOpts
import BlockId
import Cmm
-import CmmTx
-import qualified ZipCfg as G
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import qualified OldCmm as Old
import Maybes
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Control.Monad
import Outputable
-import Prelude hiding (unzip, zip)
+import Prelude hiding (succ, unzip, zip)
import Util
-runCmmContFlowOptsZs :: [CmmZ] -> [CmmZ]
-runCmmContFlowOptsZs prog
- = [ runTx (runCmmOpts cmmCfgOptsZ) cmm_top
- | cmm_top <- prog ]
-cmmCfgOpts :: Tx (ListGraph CmmStmt)
-cmmCfgOptsZ :: Tx (a, CmmGraph)
-cmmCfgOpts = branchChainElim -- boring, but will get more exciting later
-cmmCfgOptsZ g =
- optGraph
- (branchChainElimZ `seqTx` blockConcatZ `seqTx` removeUnreachableBlocksZ) g
+runCmmContFlowOpts :: Cmm -> Cmm
+runCmmContFlowOpts prog = runCmmOpts cmmCfgOpts prog
+oldCmmCfgOpts :: Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt
+cmmCfgOpts :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+oldCmmCfgOpts = oldBranchChainElim -- boring, but will get more exciting later
+cmmCfgOpts =
+ removeUnreachableBlocks . blockConcat . branchChainElim
-- Here branchChainElim can ultimately be replaced
-- with a more exciting combination of optimisations
-runCmmOpts :: Tx g -> Tx (GenCmm d h g)
+runCmmOpts :: (g -> g) -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g
-- Lifts a transformer on a single graph to one on the whole program
runCmmOpts opt = mapProcs (optProc opt)
-optProc :: Tx g -> Tx (GenCmmTop d h g)
-optProc _ top@(CmmData {}) = noTx top
-optProc opt (CmmProc info lbl formals g) =
- fmap (CmmProc info lbl formals) (opt g)
-optGraph :: Tx g -> Tx (a, g)
-optGraph opt (a, g) = fmap (\g' -> (a, g')) (opt g)
+optProc :: (g -> g) -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g
+optProc _ top@(CmmData {}) = top
+optProc opt (CmmProc info lbl g) = CmmProc info lbl (opt g)
-mapProcs :: Tx (GenCmmTop d h s) -> Tx (GenCmm d h s)
-mapProcs f (Cmm tops) = fmap Cmm (mapTx f tops)
+mapProcs :: (GenCmmTop d h s -> GenCmmTop d h s) -> GenCmm d h s -> GenCmm d h s
+mapProcs f (Cmm tops) = Cmm (map f tops)
-branchChainElim :: Tx (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+oldBranchChainElim :: Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt
-- If L is not captured in an instruction, we can remove any
-- basic block of the form L: goto L', and replace L with L' everywhere else.
-- How does L get captured? In a CallArea.
-branchChainElim (ListGraph blocks)
+oldBranchChainElim (Old.ListGraph blocks)
| null lone_branch_blocks -- No blocks to remove
- = noTx (ListGraph blocks)
+ = Old.ListGraph blocks
| otherwise
- = aTx (ListGraph new_blocks)
+ = Old.ListGraph new_blocks
(lone_branch_blocks, others) = partitionWith isLoneBranch blocks
new_blocks = map (replaceLabels env) others
env = mkClosureBlockEnv lone_branch_blocks
-isLoneBranch :: CmmBasicBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) CmmBasicBlock
-isLoneBranch (BasicBlock id [CmmBranch target]) | id /= target = Left (id, target)
-isLoneBranch other_block = Right other_block
- -- An infinite loop is not a link in a branch chain!
+ isLoneBranch :: Old.CmmBasicBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) Old.CmmBasicBlock
+ isLoneBranch (Old.BasicBlock id [Old.CmmBranch target]) | id /= target = Left (id, target)
+ isLoneBranch other_block = Right other_block
+ -- An infinite loop is not a link in a branch chain!
-replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-replaceLabels env (BasicBlock id stmts)
- = BasicBlock id (map replace stmts)
- where
- replace (CmmBranch id) = CmmBranch (lookup id)
- replace (CmmCondBranch e id) = CmmCondBranch e (lookup id)
- replace (CmmSwitch e tbl) = CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
- replace other_stmt = other_stmt
+ replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> Old.CmmBasicBlock -> Old.CmmBasicBlock
+ replaceLabels env (Old.BasicBlock id stmts)
+ = Old.BasicBlock id (map replace stmts)
+ where
+ replace (Old.CmmBranch id) = Old.CmmBranch (lookup id)
+ replace (Old.CmmCondBranch e id) = Old.CmmCondBranch e (lookup id)
+ replace (Old.CmmSwitch e tbl) = Old.CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
+ replace other_stmt = other_stmt
+ lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id
- lookup id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` id
-branchChainElimZ :: Tx CmmGraph
+branchChainElim :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-- Remove any basic block of the form L: goto L',
-- and replace L with L' everywhere else,
-- unless L is the successor of a call instruction and L'
@@ -94,131 +90,129 @@ branchChainElimZ :: Tx CmmGraph
-- JD isn't quite sure when it's safe to share continuations for different
-- function calls -- have to think about where the SP will be,
-- so we'll table that problem for now by leaving all call successors alone.
-branchChainElimZ g@(G.LGraph eid _)
+branchChainElim g
| null lone_branch_blocks -- No blocks to remove
- = noTx g
+ = g
| otherwise
- = aTx $ replaceLabelsZ env $ G.of_block_list eid (self_branches ++ others)
+ = replaceLabels env $ ofBlockList (g_entry g) (self_branches ++ others)
- blocks = G.to_block_list g
- (lone_branch_blocks, others) = partitionWith isLoneBranchZ blocks
- env = mkClosureBlockEnvZ lone_branch_blocks
+ blocks = toBlockList g
+ (lone_branch_blocks, others) = partitionWith isLoneBranch blocks
+ env = mkClosureBlockEnv lone_branch_blocks
self_branches =
let loop_to (id, _) =
if lookup id == id then
- Just (G.Block id (G.ZLast (G.mkBranchNode id)))
+ Just $ blockOfNodeList (JustC (CmmEntry id), [], JustC (mkBranchNode id))
in mapMaybe loop_to lone_branch_blocks
- lookup id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` id
+ lookup id = mapLookup id env `orElse` id
call_succs = foldl add emptyBlockSet blocks
- where add succs b =
- case G.last (G.unzip b) of
- LastOther (LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> extendBlockSet succs k
- _ -> succs
- isLoneBranchZ :: CmmBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) CmmBlock
- isLoneBranchZ (G.Block id (G.ZLast (G.LastOther (LastBranch target))))
- | id /= target && not (elemBlockSet id call_succs) = Left (id,target)
- isLoneBranchZ other = Right other
+ where add :: BlockSet -> CmmBlock -> BlockSet
+ add succs b =
+ case lastNode b of
+ (CmmCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> setInsert k succs
+ (CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) -> setInsert k succs
+ _ -> succs
+ isLoneBranch :: CmmBlock -> Either (BlockId, BlockId) CmmBlock
+ isLoneBranch block | (JustC (CmmEntry id), [], JustC (CmmBranch target)) <- blockToNodeList block,
+ id /= target && not (setMember id call_succs)
+ = Left (id,target)
+ isLoneBranch other = Right other
-- An infinite loop is not a link in a branch chain!
-maybeReplaceLabels :: (Last -> Bool) -> BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+maybeReplaceLabels :: (CmmNode O C -> Bool) -> BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
maybeReplaceLabels lpred env =
- replace_eid . G.map_nodes id middle last
+ replace_eid . mapGraphNodes (id, middle, last)
- replace_eid (G.LGraph eid blocks) = G.LGraph (lookup eid) blocks
- middle = mapExpDeepMiddle exp
- last l = if lpred l then mapExpDeepLast exp (last' l) else l
- last' (LastBranch bid) = LastBranch (lookup bid)
- last' (LastCondBranch p t f) = LastCondBranch p (lookup t) (lookup f)
- last' (LastSwitch e arms) = LastSwitch e (map (liftM lookup) arms)
- last' (LastCall t k a res r) = LastCall t (liftM lookup k) a res r
- exp (CmmLit (CmmBlock bid)) = CmmLit (CmmBlock (lookup bid))
- exp (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young id)) i) =
- CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young (lookup id))) i
- exp e = e
- lookup id = fmap lookup (lookupBlockEnv env id) `orElse` id
-replaceLabelsZ :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-replaceLabelsZ = maybeReplaceLabels (const True)
--- replaceBranchLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
--- replaceBranchLabels env g@(LGraph _ _) = maybeReplaceLabels lpred env g
--- where lpred (LastBranch _) = True
--- lpred _ = False
+ replace_eid g = g {g_entry = lookup (g_entry g)}
+ lookup id = fmap lookup (mapLookup id env) `orElse` id
+ middle = mapExpDeep exp
+ last l = if lpred l then mapExpDeep exp (last' l) else l
+ last' :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
+ last' (CmmBranch bid) = CmmBranch (lookup bid)
+ last' (CmmCondBranch p t f) = CmmCondBranch p (lookup t) (lookup f)
+ last' (CmmSwitch e arms) = CmmSwitch e (map (liftM lookup) arms)
+ last' (CmmCall t k a res r) = CmmCall t (liftM lookup k) a res r
+ last' (CmmForeignCall t r a bid u i) = CmmForeignCall t r a (lookup bid) u i
+ exp (CmmLit (CmmBlock bid)) = CmmLit (CmmBlock (lookup bid))
+ exp (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young id)) i) = CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young (lookup id))) i
+ exp e = e
+replaceLabels :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+replaceLabels = maybeReplaceLabels (const True)
replaceBranches :: BlockEnv BlockId -> CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
-replaceBranches env g = map_nodes id id last g
+replaceBranches env g = mapGraphNodes (id, id, last) g
- last (LastBranch id) = LastBranch (lookup id)
- last (LastCondBranch e ti fi) = LastCondBranch e (lookup ti) (lookup fi)
- last (LastSwitch e tbl) = LastSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
- last l@(LastCall {}) = l
- lookup id = fmap lookup (lookupBlockEnv env id) `orElse` id
+ last :: CmmNode O C -> CmmNode O C
+ last (CmmBranch id) = CmmBranch (lookup id)
+ last (CmmCondBranch e ti fi) = CmmCondBranch e (lookup ti) (lookup fi)
+ last (CmmSwitch e tbl) = CmmSwitch e (map (fmap lookup) tbl)
+ last l@(CmmCall {}) = l
+ last l@(CmmForeignCall {}) = l
+ lookup id = fmap lookup (mapLookup id env) `orElse` id
-- Build a map from a block to its set of predecessors. Very useful.
-predMap :: G.LastNode l => G.LGraph m l -> BlockEnv BlockSet
-predMap g = G.fold_blocks add_preds emptyBlockEnv g -- find the back edges
- where add_preds b env = foldl (add b) env (G.succs b)
- add (G.Block bid _) env b' =
- extendBlockEnv env b' $
- extendBlockSet (lookupBlockEnv env b' `orElse` emptyBlockSet) bid
+predMap :: [CmmBlock] -> BlockEnv BlockSet
+predMap blocks = foldr add_preds mapEmpty blocks -- find the back edges
+ where add_preds block env = foldl (add (entryLabel block)) env (successors block)
+ add bid env b' =
+ mapInsert b' (setInsert bid (mapLookup b' env `orElse` setEmpty)) env
-- If a block B branches to a label L, L is not the entry block,
-- and L has no other predecessors,
-- then we can splice the block starting with L onto the end of B.
--- Because this optimization can be inhibited by unreachable blocks,
--- we first take a pass to drops unreachable blocks.
-- Order matters, so we work bottom up (reverse postorder DFS).
+-- This optimization can be inhibited by unreachable blocks, but
+-- the reverse postorder DFS returns only reachable blocks.
-- To ensure correctness, we have to make sure that the BlockId of the block
-- we are about to eliminate is not named in another instruction.
-- Note: This optimization does _not_ subsume branch chain elimination.
-blockConcatZ :: Tx CmmGraph
-blockConcatZ = removeUnreachableBlocksZ `seqTx` blockConcatZ'
-blockConcatZ' :: Tx CmmGraph
-blockConcatZ' g@(G.LGraph eid blocks) =
- tx $ replaceLabelsZ concatMap $ G.LGraph eid blocks'
- where (changed, blocks', concatMap) =
- foldr maybe_concat (False, blocks, emptyBlockEnv) $ G.postorder_dfs g
- maybe_concat b@(G.Block bid _) (changed, blocks', concatMap) =
- let unchanged = (changed, extendBlockEnv blocks' bid b, concatMap)
- in case G.goto_end $ G.unzip b of
- (h, G.LastOther (LastBranch b')) ->
+blockConcat :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+blockConcat g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=eid}) =
+ replaceLabels concatMap $ ofBlockMap (g_entry g) blocks'
+ where blocks = postorderDfs g
+ (blocks', concatMap) =
+ foldr maybe_concat (toBlockMap g, mapEmpty) $ blocks
+ maybe_concat :: CmmBlock -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label) -> (LabelMap CmmBlock, LabelMap Label)
+ maybe_concat b unchanged@(blocks', concatMap) =
+ let bid = entryLabel b
+ in case blockToNodeList b of
+ (JustC h, m, JustC (CmmBranch b')) ->
if canConcatWith b' then
- (True, extendBlockEnv blocks' bid $ splice blocks' h b',
- extendBlockEnv concatMap b' bid)
+ (mapInsert bid (splice blocks' h m b') blocks',
+ mapInsert b' bid concatMap)
else unchanged
_ -> unchanged
- num_preds bid = liftM sizeBlockSet (lookupBlockEnv backEdges bid) `orElse` 0
+ num_preds bid = liftM setSize (mapLookup bid backEdges) `orElse` 0
canConcatWith b' = b' /= eid && num_preds b' == 1
- backEdges = predMap g
- splice blocks' h bid' =
- case lookupBlockEnv blocks' bid' of
- Just (G.Block _ t) -> $ G.ZBlock h t
+ backEdges = predMap blocks
+ splice :: forall map n e x.
+ IsMap map =>
+ map (Block n e x) -> n C O -> [n O O] -> KeyOf map -> Block n C x
+ splice blocks' h m bid' =
+ case mapLookup bid' blocks' of
Nothing -> panic "unknown successor block"
- tx = if changed then aTx else noTx
+ Just block | (_, m', l') <- blockToNodeList block -> blockOfNodeList (JustC h, (m ++ m'), l')
mkClosureBlockEnv :: [(BlockId, BlockId)] -> BlockEnv BlockId
-mkClosureBlockEnv blocks = mkBlockEnv $ map follow blocks
- where singleEnv = mkBlockEnv blocks
- follow (id, next) = (id, endChain id next)
- endChain orig id = case lookupBlockEnv singleEnv id of
- Just id' | id /= orig -> endChain orig id'
- _ -> id
-mkClosureBlockEnvZ :: [(BlockId, BlockId)] -> BlockEnv BlockId
-mkClosureBlockEnvZ blocks = mkBlockEnv $ map follow blocks
- where singleEnv = mkBlockEnv blocks
+mkClosureBlockEnv blocks = mapFromList $ map follow blocks
+ where singleEnv = mapFromList blocks :: BlockEnv BlockId
follow (id, next) = (id, endChain id next)
- endChain orig id = case lookupBlockEnv singleEnv id of
+ endChain orig id = case mapLookup id singleEnv of
Just id' | id /= orig -> endChain orig id'
_ -> id
-removeUnreachableBlocksZ :: Tx CmmGraph
-removeUnreachableBlocksZ g@(G.LGraph id blocks) =
- if length blocks' < sizeBEnv blocks then aTx $ G.of_block_list id blocks'
- else noTx g
- where blocks' = G.postorder_dfs g
+removeUnreachableBlocks :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
+removeUnreachableBlocks g =
+ if length blocks < mapSize (toBlockMap g) then ofBlockList (g_entry g) blocks
+ else g
+ where blocks = postorderDfs g
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmCvt.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmCvt.hs
index 4d413257be..9382d8d1ed 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmCvt.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmCvt.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+-- ToDo: remove
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module CmmCvt
( cmmToZgraph, cmmOfZgraph )
@@ -6,179 +8,170 @@ where
import BlockId
import Cmm
-import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmGraph)
-import ZipCfgCmmRep -- imported for reverse conversion
-import CmmZipUtil
-import PprCmm()
-import qualified ZipCfg as G
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import MkGraph
+import qualified OldCmm as Old
+import OldPprCmm ()
-import FastString
+import Compiler.Hoopl hiding ((<*>), mkLabel, mkBranch)
import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import Maybes
import Outputable
import UniqSupply
-cmmToZgraph :: GenCmm d h (ListGraph CmmStmt) -> UniqSM (GenCmm d h (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph))
-cmmOfZgraph :: GenCmm d h (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph) -> GenCmm d h (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+cmmToZgraph :: Old.Cmm -> UniqSM Cmm
+cmmOfZgraph :: Cmm -> Old.Cmm
cmmToZgraph (Cmm tops) = liftM Cmm $ mapM mapTop tops
- where mapTop (CmmProc h l args g) =
- toZgraph (showSDoc $ ppr l) args g >>= return . CmmProc h l args
+ where mapTop (CmmProc (Old.CmmInfo _ _ info_tbl) l g) =
+ do (stack_info, g) <- toZgraph (showSDoc $ ppr l) g
+ return $ CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info}) l g
mapTop (CmmData s ds) = return $ CmmData s ds
-cmmOfZgraph = cmmMapGraph (ofZgraph . snd)
+cmmOfZgraph (Cmm tops) = Cmm $ map mapTop tops
+ where mapTop (CmmProc h l g) = CmmProc (Old.CmmInfo Nothing Nothing (info_tbl h)) l (ofZgraph g)
+ mapTop (CmmData s ds) = CmmData s ds
-toZgraph :: String -> CmmFormals -> ListGraph CmmStmt -> UniqSM (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
-toZgraph _ _ (ListGraph []) =
+toZgraph :: String -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt -> UniqSM (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
+toZgraph _ (Old.ListGraph []) =
do g <- lgraphOfAGraph emptyAGraph
- return ((0, Nothing), g)
-toZgraph fun_name args g@(ListGraph (BasicBlock id ss : other_blocks)) =
- let (offset, entry) = mkEntry id NativeNodeCall args in
+ return (StackInfo {arg_space=0, updfr_space=Nothing}, g)
+toZgraph fun_name g@(Old.ListGraph (Old.BasicBlock id ss : other_blocks)) =
+ let (offset, entry) = mkCallEntry NativeNodeCall [] in
do g <- labelAGraph id $
entry <*> mkStmts ss <*> foldr addBlock emptyAGraph other_blocks
- return ((offset, Nothing), g)
- where addBlock (BasicBlock id ss) g =
+ return (StackInfo {arg_space = offset, updfr_space = Nothing}, g)
+ where addBlock (Old.BasicBlock id ss) g =
mkLabel id <*> mkStmts ss <*> g
updfr_sz = 0 -- panic "upd frame size lost in cmm conversion"
- mkStmts (CmmNop : ss) = mkNop <*> mkStmts ss
- mkStmts (CmmComment s : ss) = mkComment s <*> mkStmts ss
- mkStmts (CmmAssign l r : ss) = mkAssign l r <*> mkStmts ss
- mkStmts (CmmStore l r : ss) = mkStore l r <*> mkStmts ss
- mkStmts (CmmCall (CmmCallee f conv) res args (CmmSafe _) CmmMayReturn : ss) =
- mkCall f (conv', conv') (map hintlessCmm res) (map hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
- <*> mkStmts ss
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmNop : ss) = mkNop <*> mkStmts ss
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmComment s : ss) = mkComment s <*> mkStmts ss
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmAssign l r : ss) = mkAssign l r <*> mkStmts ss
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmStore l r : ss) = mkStore l r <*> mkStmts ss
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmCall (Old.CmmCallee f conv) res args (Old.CmmSafe _) Old.CmmMayReturn : ss) =
+ mkCall f (conv', conv') (map Old.hintlessCmm res) (map Old.hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
+ <*> mkStmts ss
where conv' = Foreign (ForeignConvention conv [] []) -- JD: DUBIOUS
- mkStmts (CmmCall (CmmPrim {}) _ _ (CmmSafe _) _ : _) =
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmCall (Old.CmmPrim {}) _ _ (Old.CmmSafe _) _ : _) =
panic "safe call to a primitive CmmPrim CallishMachOp"
- mkStmts (CmmCall f res args CmmUnsafe CmmMayReturn : ss) =
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmCall f res args Old.CmmUnsafe Old.CmmMayReturn : ss) =
mkUnsafeCall (convert_target f res args)
- (strip_hints res) (strip_hints args)
+ (strip_hints res) (strip_hints args)
<*> mkStmts ss
- mkStmts (CmmCondBranch e l : fbranch) =
+ mkStmts (Old.CmmCondBranch e l : fbranch) =
mkCmmIfThenElse e (mkBranch l) (mkStmts fbranch)
mkStmts (last : []) = mkLast last
mkStmts [] = bad "fell off end"
mkStmts (_ : _ : _) = bad "last node not at end"
bad msg = pprPanic (msg ++ " in function " ++ fun_name) (ppr g)
- mkLast (CmmCall (CmmCallee f conv) [] args _ CmmNeverReturns) =
- mkFinalCall f conv (map hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
- mkLast (CmmCall (CmmPrim {}) _ _ _ CmmNeverReturns) =
+ mkLast (Old.CmmCall (Old.CmmCallee f conv) [] args _ Old.CmmNeverReturns) =
+ mkFinalCall f conv (map Old.hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
+ mkLast (Old.CmmCall (Old.CmmPrim {}) _ _ _ Old.CmmNeverReturns) =
panic "Call to CmmPrim never returns?!"
- mkLast (CmmSwitch scrutinee table) = mkSwitch scrutinee table
+ mkLast (Old.CmmSwitch scrutinee table) = mkSwitch scrutinee table
- mkLast (CmmJump tgt args) = mkJump tgt (map hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
- mkLast (CmmReturn ress) =
- mkReturnSimple (map hintlessCmm ress) updfr_sz
- mkLast (CmmBranch tgt) = mkBranch tgt
- mkLast (CmmCall _f (_:_) _args _ CmmNeverReturns) =
+ mkLast (Old.CmmJump tgt args) = mkJump tgt (map Old.hintlessCmm args) updfr_sz
+ mkLast (Old.CmmReturn ress) =
+ mkReturnSimple (map Old.hintlessCmm ress) updfr_sz
+ mkLast (Old.CmmBranch tgt) = mkBranch tgt
+ mkLast (Old.CmmCall _f (_:_) _args _ Old.CmmNeverReturns) =
panic "Call never returns but has results?!"
mkLast _ = panic "fell off end of block"
-strip_hints :: [CmmHinted a] -> [a]
-strip_hints = map hintlessCmm
+strip_hints :: [Old.CmmHinted a] -> [a]
+strip_hints = map Old.hintlessCmm
-convert_target :: CmmCallTarget -> HintedCmmFormals -> HintedCmmActuals -> MidCallTarget
-convert_target (CmmCallee e cc) ress args = ForeignTarget e (ForeignConvention cc (map cmmHint args) (map cmmHint ress))
-convert_target (CmmPrim op) _ress _args = PrimTarget op
+convert_target :: Old.CmmCallTarget -> Old.HintedCmmFormals -> Old.HintedCmmActuals -> ForeignTarget
+convert_target (Old.CmmCallee e cc) ress args = ForeignTarget e (ForeignConvention cc (map Old.cmmHint args) (map Old.cmmHint ress))
+convert_target (Old.CmmPrim op) _ress _args = PrimTarget op
-add_hints :: Convention -> ValueDirection -> [a] -> [CmmHinted a]
-add_hints conv vd args = zipWith CmmHinted args (get_hints conv vd)
+data ValueDirection = Arguments | Results
+add_hints :: Convention -> ValueDirection -> [a] -> [Old.CmmHinted a]
+add_hints conv vd args = zipWith Old.CmmHinted args (get_hints conv vd)
get_hints :: Convention -> ValueDirection -> [ForeignHint]
get_hints (Foreign (ForeignConvention _ hints _)) Arguments = hints
get_hints (Foreign (ForeignConvention _ _ hints)) Results = hints
-get_hints _other_conv _vd = repeat NoHint
+get_hints _other_conv _vd = repeat NoHint
-get_conv :: MidCallTarget -> Convention
+get_conv :: ForeignTarget -> Convention
get_conv (PrimTarget _) = NativeNodeCall -- JD: SUSPICIOUS
get_conv (ForeignTarget _ fc) = Foreign fc
-cmm_target :: MidCallTarget -> CmmCallTarget
-cmm_target (PrimTarget op) = CmmPrim op
-cmm_target (ForeignTarget e (ForeignConvention cc _ _)) = CmmCallee e cc
-ofZgraph :: CmmGraph -> ListGraph CmmStmt
-ofZgraph g = ListGraph $ swallow blocks
- where blocks = G.postorder_dfs g
- -- | the next two functions are hooks on which to hang debugging info
- extend_entry stmts = stmts
- extend_block _id stmts = stmts
- _extend_entry stmts = scomment showblocks : scomment cscomm : stmts
- showblocks = "LGraph has " ++ show (length blocks) ++ " blocks:" ++
- concat (map (\(G.Block id _) -> " " ++ show id) blocks)
- cscomm = "Call successors are" ++
- (concat $ map (\id -> " " ++ show id) $ blockSetToList call_succs)
- swallow [] = []
- swallow (G.Block id t : rest) = tail id [] t rest
- tail id prev' (G.ZTail m t) rest = tail id (mid m : prev') t rest
- tail id prev' (G.ZLast G.LastExit) rest = exit id prev' rest
- tail id prev' (G.ZLast (G.LastOther l)) rest = last id prev' l rest
- mid (MidComment s) = CmmComment s
- mid (MidAssign l r) = CmmAssign l r
- mid (MidStore l r) = CmmStore l r
- mid (MidForeignCall _ (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _) = CmmNop
- mid (MidForeignCall _ target ress args)
- = CmmCall (cmm_target target)
- (add_hints conv Results ress)
- (add_hints conv Arguments args)
- CmmUnsafe CmmMayReturn
- where
- conv = get_conv target
- block' id prev'
- | id == G.lg_entry g = BasicBlock id $ extend_entry (reverse prev')
- | otherwise = BasicBlock id $ extend_block id (reverse prev')
- last id prev' l n =
- let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
- case l of
- LastBranch tgt ->
- case n of
- --G.Block id' _ t : bs
- -- | tgt == id', unique_pred id'
- -- -> tail id prev' t bs -- optimize out redundant labels
- _ -> endblock (CmmBranch tgt)
- LastCondBranch expr tid fid ->
- case n of
- G.Block id' t : bs
- -- It would be better to handle earlier, but we still must
- -- generate correct code here.
- | id' == fid, tid == fid, unique_pred id' ->
- tail id prev' t bs
- | id' == fid, unique_pred id' ->
- tail id (CmmCondBranch expr tid : prev') t bs
- | id' == tid, unique_pred id',
- Just e' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr expr ->
- tail id (CmmCondBranch e' fid : prev') t bs
- _ -> let instrs' = CmmBranch fid : CmmCondBranch expr tid : prev'
- in block' id instrs' : swallow n
- LastSwitch arg ids -> endblock $ CmmSwitch arg $ ids
- LastCall e _ _ _ _ -> endblock $ CmmJump e []
- exit id prev' n = -- highly irregular (assertion violation?)
- let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
- case n of [] -> endblock (scomment "procedure falls off end")
- G.Block id' t : bs ->
- if unique_pred id' then
- tail id (scomment "went thru exit" : prev') t bs
- else
- endblock (CmmBranch id')
- preds = zipPreds g
- single_preds =
- let add b single =
- let id = G.blockId b
- in case lookupBlockEnv preds id of
- Nothing -> single
- Just s -> if sizeBlockSet s == 1 then
- extendBlockSet single id
- else single
- in G.fold_blocks add emptyBlockSet g
- unique_pred id = elemBlockSet id single_preds
- call_succs =
- let add b succs =
- case G.last (G.unzip b) of
- G.LastOther (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) ->
- extendBlockSet succs id
- _ -> succs
- in G.fold_blocks add emptyBlockSet g
- _is_call_succ id = elemBlockSet id call_succs
-scomment :: String -> CmmStmt
-scomment s = CmmComment $ mkFastString s
+cmm_target :: ForeignTarget -> Old.CmmCallTarget
+cmm_target (PrimTarget op) = Old.CmmPrim op
+cmm_target (ForeignTarget e (ForeignConvention cc _ _)) = Old.CmmCallee e cc
+ofZgraph :: CmmGraph -> Old.ListGraph Old.CmmStmt
+ofZgraph g = Old.ListGraph $ mapMaybe convert_block $ postorderDfs g
+ -- We catenated some blocks in the conversion process,
+ -- because of the CmmCondBranch -- the machine code does not have
+ -- 'jump here or there' instruction, but has 'jump if true' instruction.
+ -- As OldCmm has the same instruction, so we use it.
+ -- When we are doing this, we also catenate normal goto-s (it is for free).
+ -- Exactly, we catenate blocks with nonentry labes, that are
+ -- a) mentioned exactly once as a successor
+ -- b) any of 1) are a target of a goto
+ -- 2) are false branch target of a conditional jump
+ -- 3) are true branch target of a conditional jump, and
+ -- the false branch target is a successor of at least 2 blocks
+ -- and the condition can be inverted
+ -- The complicated rule 3) is here because we need to assign at most one
+ -- catenable block to a CmmCondBranch.
+ where preds :: BlockEnv [CmmNode O C]
+ preds = mapFold add mapEmpty $ toBlockMap g
+ where add block env = foldr (add' $ lastNode block) env (successors block)
+ add' :: CmmNode O C -> BlockId -> BlockEnv [CmmNode O C] -> BlockEnv [CmmNode O C]
+ add' node succ env = mapInsert succ (node : (mapLookup succ env `orElse` [])) env
+ to_be_catenated :: BlockId -> Bool
+ to_be_catenated id | id == g_entry g = False
+ | Just [CmmBranch _] <- mapLookup id preds = True
+ | Just [CmmCondBranch _ _ f] <- mapLookup id preds
+ , f == id = True
+ | Just [CmmCondBranch e t f] <- mapLookup id preds
+ , t == id
+ , Just (_:_:_) <- mapLookup f preds
+ , Just _ <- maybeInvertCmmExpr e = True
+ to_be_catenated _ = False
+ convert_block block | to_be_catenated (entryLabel block) = Nothing
+ convert_block block = Just $ foldBlockNodesB3 (first, middle, last) block ()
+ where first :: CmmNode C O -> [Old.CmmStmt] -> Old.CmmBasicBlock
+ first (CmmEntry bid) stmts = Old.BasicBlock bid stmts
+ middle :: CmmNode O O -> [Old.CmmStmt] -> [Old.CmmStmt]
+ middle node stmts = stmt : stmts
+ where stmt :: Old.CmmStmt
+ stmt = case node of
+ CmmComment s -> Old.CmmComment s
+ CmmAssign l r -> Old.CmmAssign l r
+ CmmStore l r -> Old.CmmStore l r
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall (PrimTarget MO_Touch) _ _ -> Old.CmmNop
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target ress args ->
+ Old.CmmCall (cmm_target target)
+ (add_hints (get_conv target) Results ress)
+ (add_hints (get_conv target) Arguments args)
+ Old.CmmUnsafe Old.CmmMayReturn
+ last :: CmmNode O C -> () -> [Old.CmmStmt]
+ last node _ = stmts
+ where stmts :: [Old.CmmStmt]
+ stmts = case node of
+ CmmBranch tgt | to_be_catenated tgt -> tail_of tgt
+ | otherwise -> [Old.CmmBranch tgt]
+ CmmCondBranch expr tid fid
+ | to_be_catenated fid -> Old.CmmCondBranch expr tid : tail_of fid
+ | to_be_catenated tid
+ , Just expr' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr expr -> Old.CmmCondBranch expr' fid : tail_of tid
+ | otherwise -> [Old.CmmCondBranch expr tid, Old.CmmBranch fid]
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> [Old.CmmSwitch arg ids]
+ CmmCall e _ _ _ _ -> [Old.CmmJump e []]
+ CmmForeignCall {} -> panic "ofZgraph: CmmForeignCall"
+ tail_of bid = case foldBlockNodesB3 (first, middle, last) block () of
+ Old.BasicBlock _ stmts -> stmts
+ where Just block = mapLookup bid $ toBlockMap g
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmDecl.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmDecl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2da59beac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmDecl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+-- Cmm data types
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+module CmmDecl (
+ GenCmm(..), GenCmmTop(..),
+ CmmInfoTable(..), HasStaticClosure, ClosureTypeInfo(..), ConstrDescription,
+ ProfilingInfo(..), ClosureTypeTag,
+ CmmActual, CmmActuals, CmmFormal, CmmFormals, ForeignHint(..),
+ CmmStatic(..), Section(..),
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CmmExpr
+import CLabel
+import SMRep
+import ClosureInfo
+import Data.Word
+-- A [[BlockId]] is a local label.
+-- Local labels must be unique within an entire compilation unit, not
+-- just a single top-level item, because local labels map one-to-one
+-- with assembly-language labels.
+-- GenCmm, GenCmmTop
+-- A file is a list of top-level chunks. These may be arbitrarily
+-- re-orderd during code generation.
+-- GenCmm is abstracted over
+-- d, the type of static data elements in CmmData
+-- h, the static info preceding the code of a CmmProc
+-- g, the control-flow graph of a CmmProc
+-- We expect there to be two main instances of this type:
+-- (a) C--, i.e. populated with various C-- constructs
+-- (Cmm and RawCmm in OldCmm.hs)
+-- (b) Native code, populated with data/instructions
+-- A second family of instances based on Hoopl is in Cmm.hs.
+newtype GenCmm d h g = Cmm [GenCmmTop d h g]
+-- | A top-level chunk, abstracted over the type of the contents of
+-- the basic blocks (Cmm or instructions are the likely instantiations).
+data GenCmmTop d h g
+ = CmmProc -- A procedure
+ h -- Extra header such as the info table
+ CLabel -- Used to generate both info & entry labels
+ g -- Control-flow graph for the procedure's code
+ | CmmData -- Static data
+ Section
+ [d]
+-- A basic block containing a single label, at the beginning.
+-- The list of basic blocks in a top-level code block may be re-ordered.
+-- Fall-through is not allowed: there must be an explicit jump at the
+-- end of each basic block, but the code generator might rearrange basic
+-- blocks in order to turn some jumps into fallthroughs.
+-- Info Tables
+-- Info table as a haskell data type
+data CmmInfoTable
+ = CmmInfoTable
+ HasStaticClosure
+ ProfilingInfo
+ ClosureTypeTag -- Int
+ ClosureTypeInfo
+ | CmmNonInfoTable -- Procedure doesn't need an info table
+type HasStaticClosure = Bool
+-- TODO: The GC target shouldn't really be part of CmmInfo
+-- as it doesn't appear in the resulting info table.
+-- It should be factored out.
+data ClosureTypeInfo
+ = ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription
+ | FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry
+ | ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT
+ | ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT
+ | ContInfo
+ [Maybe LocalReg] -- Stack layout: Just x, an item x
+ -- Nothing: a 1-word gap
+ -- Start of list is the *young* end
+-- TODO: These types may need refinement
+data ProfilingInfo = ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit -- closure_type, closure_desc
+type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord
+type ClosureLayout = (StgHalfWord, StgHalfWord) -- ptrs, nptrs
+type ConstrTag = StgHalfWord
+type ConstrDescription = CmmLit
+type FunArity = StgHalfWord
+type SlowEntry = CmmLit
+ -- We would like this to be a CLabel but
+ -- for now the parser sets this to zero on an INFO_TABLE_FUN.
+type SelectorOffset = StgWord
+type CmmActual = CmmExpr
+type CmmFormal = LocalReg
+type CmmActuals = [CmmActual]
+type CmmFormals = [CmmFormal]
+data ForeignHint
+ = NoHint | AddrHint | SignedHint
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- Used to give extra per-argument or per-result
+ -- information needed by foreign calling conventions
+-- Static Data
+data Section
+ = Text
+ | Data
+ | ReadOnlyData
+ | RelocatableReadOnlyData
+ | UninitialisedData
+ | ReadOnlyData16 -- .rodata.cst16 on x86_64, 16-byte aligned
+ | OtherSection String
+data CmmStatic
+ = CmmStaticLit CmmLit
+ -- a literal value, size given by cmmLitRep of the literal.
+ | CmmUninitialised Int
+ -- uninitialised data, N bytes long
+ | CmmAlign Int
+ -- align to next N-byte boundary (N must be a power of 2).
+ | CmmDataLabel CLabel
+ -- label the current position in this section.
+ | CmmString [Word8]
+ -- string of 8-bit values only, not zero terminated.
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
index 8a5bab1f6c..3ae2996213 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmExpr.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
module CmmExpr
- ( CmmType -- Abstract
- , b8, b16, b32, b64, f32, f64, bWord, bHalfWord, gcWord
- , cInt, cLong
- , cmmBits, cmmFloat
- , typeWidth, cmmEqType, cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood
- , isFloatType, isGcPtrType, isWord32, isWord64, isFloat64, isFloat32
- , Width(..)
- , widthInBits, widthInBytes, widthInLog, widthFromBytes
- , wordWidth, halfWordWidth, cIntWidth, cLongWidth
- , narrowU, narrowS
- , CmmExpr(..), cmmExprType, cmmExprWidth, maybeInvertCmmExpr
+ ( CmmExpr(..), cmmExprType, cmmExprWidth, maybeInvertCmmExpr
, CmmReg(..), cmmRegType
, CmmLit(..), cmmLitType
, LocalReg(..), localRegType
@@ -24,37 +12,20 @@ module CmmExpr
, plusRegSet, minusRegSet, timesRegSet
, regUsedIn
, Area(..), AreaId(..), SubArea, SubAreaSet, AreaMap, isStackSlotOf
- -- MachOp
- , MachOp(..)
- , pprMachOp, isCommutableMachOp, isAssociativeMachOp
- , isComparisonMachOp, machOpResultType
- , machOpArgReps, maybeInvertComparison
- -- MachOp builders
- , mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot
- , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem
- , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe
- , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt
- , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot, mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr
- , mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32
- , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord, mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord
- , mo_32To8, mo_32To16, mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32
- )
+ , module CmmMachOp
+ , module CmmType
+ )
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CmmType
+import CmmMachOp
import BlockId
import CLabel
-import Constants
-import FastString
-import Outputable
import Unique
import UniqSet
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Int
import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -319,6 +290,12 @@ instance UserOfSlots a => UserOfSlots [a] where
foldSlotsUsed _ set [] = set
foldSlotsUsed f set (x:xs) = foldSlotsUsed f (foldSlotsUsed f set x) xs
+instance DefinerOfSlots a => DefinerOfSlots [a] where
+ foldSlotsDefd _ set [] = set
+ foldSlotsDefd f set (x:xs) = foldSlotsDefd f (foldSlotsDefd f set x) xs
+instance DefinerOfSlots SubArea where
+ foldSlotsDefd f z a = f z a
-- Global STG registers
@@ -464,695 +441,3 @@ globalRegType (LongReg _) = cmmBits W64
globalRegType Hp = gcWord -- The initialiser for all
-- dynamically allocated closures
globalRegType _ = bWord
--- CmmType
- -- NOTE: CmmType is an abstract type, not exported from this
- -- module so you can easily change its representation
- --
- -- However Width is exported in a concrete way,
- -- and is used extensively in pattern-matching
-data CmmType -- The important one!
- = CmmType CmmCat Width
-data CmmCat -- "Category" (not exported)
- = GcPtrCat -- GC pointer
- | BitsCat -- Non-pointer
- | FloatCat -- Float
- deriving( Eq )
- -- See Note [Signed vs unsigned] at the end
-instance Outputable CmmType where
- ppr (CmmType cat wid) = ppr cat <> ppr (widthInBits wid)
-instance Outputable CmmCat where
- ppr FloatCat = ptext $ sLit("F")
- ppr _ = ptext $ sLit("I")
--- Temp Jan 08
--- ppr FloatCat = ptext $ sLit("float")
--- ppr BitsCat = ptext $ sLit("bits")
--- ppr GcPtrCat = ptext $ sLit("gcptr")
--- Why is CmmType stratified? For native code generation,
--- most of the time you just want to know what sort of register
--- to put the thing in, and for this you need to know how
--- many bits thing has and whether it goes in a floating-point
--- register. By contrast, the distinction between GcPtr and
--- GcNonPtr is of interest to only a few parts of the code generator.
--------- Equality on CmmType --------------
--- CmmType is *not* an instance of Eq; sometimes we care about the
--- Gc/NonGc distinction, and sometimes we don't
--- So we use an explicit function to force you to think about it
-cmmEqType :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool -- Exact equality
-cmmEqType (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2) = c1==c2 && w1==w2
-cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool
- -- This equality is temporary; used in CmmLint
- -- but the RTS files are not yet well-typed wrt pointers
-cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2)
- = c1 `weak_eq` c2 && w1==w2
- where
- FloatCat `weak_eq` FloatCat = True
- FloatCat `weak_eq` _other = False
- _other `weak_eq` FloatCat = False
- _word1 `weak_eq` _word2 = True -- Ignores GcPtr
---- Simple operations on CmmType -----
-typeWidth :: CmmType -> Width
-typeWidth (CmmType _ w) = w
-cmmBits, cmmFloat :: Width -> CmmType
-cmmBits = CmmType BitsCat
-cmmFloat = CmmType FloatCat
--------- Common CmmTypes ------------
--- Floats and words of specific widths
-b8, b16, b32, b64, f32, f64 :: CmmType
-b8 = cmmBits W8
-b16 = cmmBits W16
-b32 = cmmBits W32
-b64 = cmmBits W64
-f32 = cmmFloat W32
-f64 = cmmFloat W64
--- CmmTypes of native word widths
-bWord, bHalfWord, gcWord :: CmmType
-bWord = cmmBits wordWidth
-bHalfWord = cmmBits halfWordWidth
-gcWord = CmmType GcPtrCat wordWidth
-cInt, cLong :: CmmType
-cInt = cmmBits cIntWidth
-cLong = cmmBits cLongWidth
------------- Predicates ----------------
-isFloatType, isGcPtrType :: CmmType -> Bool
-isFloatType (CmmType FloatCat _) = True
-isFloatType _other = False
-isGcPtrType (CmmType GcPtrCat _) = True
-isGcPtrType _other = False
-isWord32, isWord64, isFloat32, isFloat64 :: CmmType -> Bool
--- isWord64 is true of 64-bit non-floats (both gc-ptrs and otherwise)
--- isFloat32 and 64 are obvious
-isWord64 (CmmType BitsCat W64) = True
-isWord64 (CmmType GcPtrCat W64) = True
-isWord64 _other = False
-isWord32 (CmmType BitsCat W32) = True
-isWord32 (CmmType GcPtrCat W32) = True
-isWord32 _other = False
-isFloat32 (CmmType FloatCat W32) = True
-isFloat32 _other = False
-isFloat64 (CmmType FloatCat W64) = True
-isFloat64 _other = False
--- Width
-data Width = W8 | W16 | W32 | W64
- | W80 -- Extended double-precision float,
- -- used in x86 native codegen only.
- -- (we use Ord, so it'd better be in this order)
- | W128
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-instance Outputable Width where
- ppr rep = ptext (mrStr rep)
-mrStr :: Width -> LitString
-mrStr W8 = sLit("W8")
-mrStr W16 = sLit("W16")
-mrStr W32 = sLit("W32")
-mrStr W64 = sLit("W64")
-mrStr W128 = sLit("W128")
-mrStr W80 = sLit("W80")
--------- Common Widths ------------
-wordWidth, halfWordWidth :: Width
-wordWidth | wORD_SIZE == 4 = W32
- | wORD_SIZE == 8 = W64
- | otherwise = panic "MachOp.wordRep: Unknown word size"
-halfWordWidth | wORD_SIZE == 4 = W16
- | wORD_SIZE == 8 = W32
- | otherwise = panic "MachOp.halfWordRep: Unknown word size"
--- cIntRep is the Width for a C-language 'int'
-cIntWidth, cLongWidth :: Width
-#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
-cIntWidth = W32
-#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8
-cIntWidth = W64
-#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4
-cLongWidth = W32
-#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
-cLongWidth = W64
-widthInBits :: Width -> Int
-widthInBits W8 = 8
-widthInBits W16 = 16
-widthInBits W32 = 32
-widthInBits W64 = 64
-widthInBits W128 = 128
-widthInBits W80 = 80
-widthInBytes :: Width -> Int
-widthInBytes W8 = 1
-widthInBytes W16 = 2
-widthInBytes W32 = 4
-widthInBytes W64 = 8
-widthInBytes W128 = 16
-widthInBytes W80 = 10
-widthFromBytes :: Int -> Width
-widthFromBytes 1 = W8
-widthFromBytes 2 = W16
-widthFromBytes 4 = W32
-widthFromBytes 8 = W64
-widthFromBytes 16 = W128
-widthFromBytes 10 = W80
-widthFromBytes n = pprPanic "no width for given number of bytes" (ppr n)
--- log_2 of the width in bytes, useful for generating shifts.
-widthInLog :: Width -> Int
-widthInLog W8 = 0
-widthInLog W16 = 1
-widthInLog W32 = 2
-widthInLog W64 = 3
-widthInLog W128 = 4
-widthInLog W80 = panic "widthInLog: F80"
--- widening / narrowing
-narrowU :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
-narrowU W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
-narrowU W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word16)
-narrowU W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)
-narrowU W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word64)
-narrowU _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
-narrowS :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
-narrowS W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
-narrowS W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
-narrowS W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
-narrowS W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int64)
-narrowS _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
--- MachOp
-Implementation notes:
-It might suffice to keep just a width, without distinguishing between
-floating and integer types. However, keeping the distinction will
-help the native code generator to assign registers more easily.
-{- |
-Machine-level primops; ones which we can reasonably delegate to the
-native code generators to handle. Basically contains C's primops
-and no others.
-Nomenclature: all ops indicate width and signedness, where
-appropriate. Widths: 8\/16\/32\/64 means the given size, obviously.
-Nat means the operation works on STG word sized objects.
-Signedness: S means signed, U means unsigned. For operations where
-signedness is irrelevant or makes no difference (for example
-integer add), the signedness component is omitted.
-An exception: NatP is a ptr-typed native word. From the point of
-view of the native code generators this distinction is irrelevant,
-but the C code generator sometimes needs this info to emit the
-right casts.
-data MachOp
- -- Integer operations (insensitive to signed/unsigned)
- = MO_Add Width
- | MO_Sub Width
- | MO_Eq Width
- | MO_Ne Width
- | MO_Mul Width -- low word of multiply
- -- Signed multiply/divide
- | MO_S_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if signed multiply overflows
- | MO_S_Quot Width -- signed / (same semantics as IntQuotOp)
- | MO_S_Rem Width -- signed % (same semantics as IntRemOp)
- | MO_S_Neg Width -- unary -
- -- Unsigned multiply/divide
- | MO_U_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if unsigned multiply overflows
- | MO_U_Quot Width -- unsigned / (same semantics as WordQuotOp)
- | MO_U_Rem Width -- unsigned % (same semantics as WordRemOp)
- -- Signed comparisons
- | MO_S_Ge Width
- | MO_S_Le Width
- | MO_S_Gt Width
- | MO_S_Lt Width
- -- Unsigned comparisons
- | MO_U_Ge Width
- | MO_U_Le Width
- | MO_U_Gt Width
- | MO_U_Lt Width
- -- Floating point arithmetic
- | MO_F_Add Width
- | MO_F_Sub Width
- | MO_F_Neg Width -- unary -
- | MO_F_Mul Width
- | MO_F_Quot Width
- -- Floating point comparison
- | MO_F_Eq Width
- | MO_F_Ne Width
- | MO_F_Ge Width
- | MO_F_Le Width
- | MO_F_Gt Width
- | MO_F_Lt Width
- -- Bitwise operations. Not all of these may be supported
- -- at all sizes, and only integral Widths are valid.
- | MO_And Width
- | MO_Or Width
- | MO_Xor Width
- | MO_Not Width
- | MO_Shl Width
- | MO_U_Shr Width -- unsigned shift right
- | MO_S_Shr Width -- signed shift right
- -- Conversions. Some of these will be NOPs.
- -- Floating-point conversions use the signed variant.
- | MO_SF_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Float
- | MO_FS_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Signed int
- | MO_SS_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Signed int
- | MO_UU_Conv Width Width -- unsigned int -> unsigned int
- | MO_FF_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Float
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-pprMachOp :: MachOp -> SDoc
-pprMachOp mo = text (show mo)
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Some common MachReps
--- A 'wordRep' is a machine word on the target architecture
--- Specifically, it is the size of an Int#, Word#, Addr#
--- and the unit of allocation on the stack and the heap
--- Any pointer is also guaranteed to be a wordRep.
-mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot
- , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem
- , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe
- , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt
- , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot, mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr
- , mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32
- , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord, mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord
- , mo_32To8, mo_32To16, mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32
- :: MachOp
-mo_wordAdd = MO_Add wordWidth
-mo_wordSub = MO_Sub wordWidth
-mo_wordEq = MO_Eq wordWidth
-mo_wordNe = MO_Ne wordWidth
-mo_wordMul = MO_Mul wordWidth
-mo_wordSQuot = MO_S_Quot wordWidth
-mo_wordSRem = MO_S_Rem wordWidth
-mo_wordSNeg = MO_S_Neg wordWidth
-mo_wordUQuot = MO_U_Quot wordWidth
-mo_wordURem = MO_U_Rem wordWidth
-mo_wordSGe = MO_S_Ge wordWidth
-mo_wordSLe = MO_S_Le wordWidth
-mo_wordSGt = MO_S_Gt wordWidth
-mo_wordSLt = MO_S_Lt wordWidth
-mo_wordUGe = MO_U_Ge wordWidth
-mo_wordULe = MO_U_Le wordWidth
-mo_wordUGt = MO_U_Gt wordWidth
-mo_wordULt = MO_U_Lt wordWidth
-mo_wordAnd = MO_And wordWidth
-mo_wordOr = MO_Or wordWidth
-mo_wordXor = MO_Xor wordWidth
-mo_wordNot = MO_Not wordWidth
-mo_wordShl = MO_Shl wordWidth
-mo_wordSShr = MO_S_Shr wordWidth
-mo_wordUShr = MO_U_Shr wordWidth
-mo_u_8To32 = MO_UU_Conv W8 W32
-mo_s_8To32 = MO_SS_Conv W8 W32
-mo_u_16To32 = MO_UU_Conv W16 W32
-mo_s_16To32 = MO_SS_Conv W16 W32
-mo_u_8ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W8 wordWidth
-mo_s_8ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W8 wordWidth
-mo_u_16ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W16 wordWidth
-mo_s_16ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W16 wordWidth
-mo_s_32ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W32 wordWidth
-mo_u_32ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W32 wordWidth
-mo_WordTo8 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W8
-mo_WordTo16 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W16
-mo_WordTo32 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W32
-mo_32To8 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W8
-mo_32To16 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W16
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- isCommutableMachOp
-{- |
-Returns 'True' if the MachOp has commutable arguments. This is used
-in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations.
-If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the
-native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
-isCommutableMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
-isCommutableMachOp mop =
- case mop of
- MO_Add _ -> True
- MO_Eq _ -> True
- MO_Ne _ -> True
- MO_Mul _ -> True
- MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> True
- MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> True
- MO_And _ -> True
- MO_Or _ -> True
- MO_Xor _ -> True
- _other -> False
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- isAssociativeMachOp
-{- |
-Returns 'True' if the MachOp is associative (i.e. @(x+y)+z == x+(y+z)@)
-This is used in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations.
-If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the
-native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
-isAssociativeMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
-isAssociativeMachOp mop =
- case mop of
- MO_Add {} -> True -- NB: does not include
- MO_Mul {} -> True -- floatint point!
- MO_And {} -> True
- MO_Or {} -> True
- MO_Xor {} -> True
- _other -> False
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- isComparisonMachOp
-{- |
-Returns 'True' if the MachOp is a comparison.
-If in doubt, return False. This generates worse code on the
-native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
-isComparisonMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
-isComparisonMachOp mop =
- case mop of
- MO_Eq _ -> True
- MO_Ne _ -> True
- MO_S_Ge _ -> True
- MO_S_Le _ -> True
- MO_S_Gt _ -> True
- MO_S_Lt _ -> True
- MO_U_Ge _ -> True
- MO_U_Le _ -> True
- MO_U_Gt _ -> True
- MO_U_Lt _ -> True
- MO_F_Eq {} -> True
- MO_F_Ne {} -> True
- MO_F_Ge {} -> True
- MO_F_Le {} -> True
- MO_F_Gt {} -> True
- MO_F_Lt {} -> True
- _other -> False
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Inverting conditions
--- Sometimes it's useful to be able to invert the sense of a
--- condition. Not all conditional tests are invertible: in
--- particular, floating point conditionals cannot be inverted, because
--- there exist floating-point values which return False for both senses
--- of a condition (eg. !(NaN > NaN) && !(NaN /<= NaN)).
-maybeInvertComparison :: MachOp -> Maybe MachOp
-maybeInvertComparison op
- = case op of -- None of these Just cases include floating point
- MO_Eq r -> Just (MO_Ne r)
- MO_Ne r -> Just (MO_Eq r)
- MO_U_Lt r -> Just (MO_U_Ge r)
- MO_U_Gt r -> Just (MO_U_Le r)
- MO_U_Le r -> Just (MO_U_Gt r)
- MO_U_Ge r -> Just (MO_U_Lt r)
- MO_S_Lt r -> Just (MO_S_Ge r)
- MO_S_Gt r -> Just (MO_S_Le r)
- MO_S_Le r -> Just (MO_S_Gt r)
- MO_S_Ge r -> Just (MO_S_Lt r)
- MO_F_Eq r -> Just (MO_F_Ne r)
- MO_F_Ne r -> Just (MO_F_Eq r)
- MO_F_Ge r -> Just (MO_F_Le r)
- MO_F_Le r -> Just (MO_F_Ge r)
- MO_F_Gt r -> Just (MO_F_Lt r)
- MO_F_Lt r -> Just (MO_F_Gt r)
- _other -> Nothing
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- machOpResultType
-{- |
-Returns the MachRep of the result of a MachOp.
-machOpResultType :: MachOp -> [CmmType] -> CmmType
-machOpResultType mop tys =
- case mop of
- MO_Add {} -> ty1 -- Preserve GC-ptr-hood
- MO_Sub {} -> ty1 -- of first arg
- MO_Mul r -> cmmBits r
- MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r
- MO_S_Quot r -> cmmBits r
- MO_S_Rem r -> cmmBits r
- MO_S_Neg r -> cmmBits r
- MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r
- MO_U_Quot r -> cmmBits r
- MO_U_Rem r -> cmmBits r
- MO_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_S_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_S_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_S_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_S_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_U_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_U_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_U_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_U_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Add r -> cmmFloat r
- MO_F_Sub r -> cmmFloat r
- MO_F_Mul r -> cmmFloat r
- MO_F_Quot r -> cmmFloat r
- MO_F_Neg r -> cmmFloat r
- MO_F_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_F_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
- MO_And {} -> ty1 -- Used for pointer masking
- MO_Or {} -> ty1
- MO_Xor {} -> ty1
- MO_Not r -> cmmBits r
- MO_Shl r -> cmmBits r
- MO_U_Shr r -> cmmBits r
- MO_S_Shr r -> cmmBits r
- MO_SS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
- MO_UU_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
- MO_FS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
- MO_SF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to
- MO_FF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to
- where
- (ty1:_) = tys
-comparisonResultRep :: CmmType
-comparisonResultRep = bWord -- is it?
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- machOpArgReps
--- | This function is used for debugging only: we can check whether an
--- application of a MachOp is "type-correct" by checking that the MachReps of
--- its arguments are the same as the MachOp expects. This is used when
--- linting a CmmExpr.
-machOpArgReps :: MachOp -> [Width]
-machOpArgReps op =
- case op of
- MO_Add r -> [r,r]
- MO_Sub r -> [r,r]
- MO_Eq r -> [r,r]
- MO_Ne r -> [r,r]
- MO_Mul r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Quot r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Rem r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Neg r -> [r]
- MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Quot r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Rem r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Ge r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Le r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Gt r -> [r,r]
- MO_S_Lt r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Ge r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Le r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Gt r -> [r,r]
- MO_U_Lt r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Add r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Sub r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Mul r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Quot r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Neg r -> [r]
- MO_F_Eq r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Ne r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Ge r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Le r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Gt r -> [r,r]
- MO_F_Lt r -> [r,r]
- MO_And r -> [r,r]
- MO_Or r -> [r,r]
- MO_Xor r -> [r,r]
- MO_Not r -> [r]
- MO_Shl r -> [r,wordWidth]
- MO_U_Shr r -> [r,wordWidth]
- MO_S_Shr r -> [r,wordWidth]
- MO_SS_Conv from _ -> [from]
- MO_UU_Conv from _ -> [from]
- MO_SF_Conv from _ -> [from]
- MO_FS_Conv from _ -> [from]
- MO_FF_Conv from _ -> [from]
-{- Note [Signed vs unsigned]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Should a CmmType include a signed vs. unsigned distinction?
-This is very much like a "hint" in C-- terminology: it isn't necessary
-in order to generate correct code, but it might be useful in that the
-compiler can generate better code if it has access to higher-level
-hints about data. This is important at call boundaries, because the
-definition of a function is not visible at all of its call sites, so
-the compiler cannot infer the hints.
-Here in Cmm, we're taking a slightly different approach. We include
-the int vs. float hint in the MachRep, because (a) the majority of
-platforms have a strong distinction between float and int registers,
-and (b) we don't want to do any heavyweight hint-inference in the
-native code backend in order to get good code. We're treating the
-hint more like a type: our Cmm is always completely consistent with
-respect to hints. All coercions between float and int are explicit.
-What about the signed vs. unsigned hint? This information might be
-useful if we want to keep sub-word-sized values in word-size
-registers, which we must do if we only have word-sized registers.
-On such a system, there are two straightforward conventions for
-representing sub-word-sized values:
-(a) Leave the upper bits undefined. Comparison operations must
- sign- or zero-extend both operands before comparing them,
- depending on whether the comparison is signed or unsigned.
-(b) Always keep the values sign- or zero-extended as appropriate.
- Arithmetic operations must narrow the result to the appropriate
- size.
-A clever compiler might not use either (a) or (b) exclusively, instead
-it would attempt to minimize the coercions by analysis: the same kind
-of analysis that propagates hints around. In Cmm we don't want to
-have to do this, so we plump for having richer types and keeping the
-type information consistent.
-If signed/unsigned hints are missing from MachRep, then the only
-choice we have is (a), because we don't know whether the result of an
-operation should be sign- or zero-extended.
-Many architectures have extending load operations, which work well
-with (b). To make use of them with (a), you need to know whether the
-value is going to be sign- or zero-extended by an enclosing comparison
-(for example), which involves knowing above the context. This is
-doable but more complex.
-Further complicating the issue is foreign calls: a foreign calling
-convention can specify that signed 8-bit quantities are passed as
-sign-extended 32 bit quantities, for example (this is the case on the
-PowerPC). So we *do* need sign information on foreign call arguments.
-Pros for adding signed vs. unsigned to MachRep:
- - It would let us use convention (b) above, and get easier
- code generation for extending loads.
- - Less information required on foreign calls.
- - MachOp type would be simpler
- - More complexity
- - What is the MachRep for a VanillaReg? Currently it is
- always wordRep, but now we have to decide whether it is
- signed or unsigned. The same VanillaReg can thus have
- different MachReps in different parts of the program.
- - Extra coercions cluttering up expressions.
-Currently for GHC, the foreign call point is moot, because we do our
-own promotion of sub-word-sized values to word-sized values. The Int8
-type is represnted by an Int# which is kept sign-extended at all times
-(this is slightly naughty, because we're making assumptions about the
-C calling convention rather early on in the compiler). However, given
-this, the cons outweigh the pros.
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
index 2549453288..a606da2aec 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmInfo.hs
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ module CmmInfo (
- mkBareInfoTable
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ import CgInfoTbls
import CgCallConv
import CgUtils
import SMRep
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
import Constants
import Panic
@@ -29,10 +27,9 @@ import UniqSupply
import Data.Bits
-- When we split at proc points, we need an empty info table.
-emptyContInfoTable :: CmmInfo
-emptyContInfoTable =
- CmmInfo Nothing Nothing (CmmInfoTable False (ProfilingInfo zero zero) rET_SMALL
- (ContInfo [] NoC_SRT))
+emptyContInfoTable :: CmmInfoTable
+emptyContInfoTable = CmmInfoTable False (ProfilingInfo zero zero) rET_SMALL
+ (ContInfo [] NoC_SRT)
where zero = CmmInt 0 wordWidth
cmmToRawCmm :: [Cmm] -> IO [RawCmm]
@@ -78,10 +75,10 @@ cmmToRawCmm cmm = do
mkInfoTable :: Unique -> CmmTop -> [RawCmmTop]
mkInfoTable _ (CmmData sec dat) = [CmmData sec dat]
-mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
+mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label blocks) =
case info of
-- Code without an info table. Easy.
- CmmNonInfoTable -> [CmmProc [] entry_label arguments blocks]
+ CmmNonInfoTable -> [CmmProc [] entry_label blocks]
CmmInfoTable _ (ProfilingInfo ty_prof cl_prof) type_tag type_info ->
let info_label = entryLblToInfoLbl entry_label
@@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
-- A function entry point.
FunInfo (ptrs, nptrs) srt fun_arity pap_bitmap slow_entry ->
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info fun_extra_bits entry_label
- arguments blocks
+ blocks
fun_type = argDescrType pap_bitmap
fun_extra_bits =
@@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
-- A constructor.
ConstrInfo (ptrs, nptrs) con_tag descr ->
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info [con_name] entry_label
- arguments blocks
+ blocks
std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof' cl_prof' type_tag con_tag layout
con_name = makeRelativeRefTo info_label descr
@@ -118,7 +115,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
-- A thunk.
ThunkInfo (ptrs, nptrs) srt ->
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info srt_label entry_label
- arguments blocks
+ blocks
std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof' cl_prof' type_tag srt_bitmap layout
(srt_label, srt_bitmap) = mkSRTLit info_label srt
@@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
-- A selector thunk.
ThunkSelectorInfo offset _srt ->
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info [{- no SRT -}] entry_label
- arguments blocks
+ blocks
std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof' cl_prof' type_tag 0 (mkWordCLit offset)
@@ -135,7 +132,7 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
ContInfo stack_layout srt ->
liveness_data ++
mkInfoTableAndCode info_label std_info srt_label entry_label
- arguments blocks
+ blocks
std_info = mkStdInfoTable ty_prof' cl_prof' maybe_big_type_tag srt_bitmap
(makeRelativeRefTo info_label liveness_lit)
@@ -146,30 +143,18 @@ mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo _ _ info) entry_label arguments blocks) =
else type_tag
(srt_label, srt_bitmap) = mkSRTLit info_label srt
--- Generate a bare info table, not attached to any procedure.
-mkBareInfoTable :: CLabel -> Unique -> CmmInfoTable -> [CmmTopZ]
-mkBareInfoTable lbl uniq info =
- case mkInfoTable uniq (CmmProc (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing info) lbl [] (ListGraph [])) of
- [CmmProc d _ _ _] ->
- ASSERT (tablesNextToCode)
- [CmmData Data (d ++ [CmmDataLabel (entryLblToInfoLbl lbl)])]
- [CmmData d s] -> [CmmData d s]
- _ -> panic "mkBareInfoTable expected to produce only data"
-- Handle the differences between tables-next-to-code
-- and not tables-next-to-code
mkInfoTableAndCode :: CLabel
-> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit]
-> CLabel
- -> CmmFormals
-> ListGraph CmmStmt
-> [RawCmmTop]
-mkInfoTableAndCode info_lbl std_info extra_bits entry_lbl args blocks
+mkInfoTableAndCode info_lbl std_info extra_bits entry_lbl blocks
| tablesNextToCode -- Reverse the extra_bits; and emit the top-level proc
= [CmmProc (map CmmStaticLit (reverse extra_bits ++ std_info))
- entry_lbl args blocks]
+ entry_lbl blocks]
| ListGraph [] <- blocks -- No code; only the info table is significant
= -- Use a zero place-holder in place of the
@@ -178,7 +163,7 @@ mkInfoTableAndCode info_lbl std_info extra_bits entry_lbl args blocks
| otherwise -- Separately emit info table (with the function entry
= -- point as first entry) and the entry code
- [CmmProc [] entry_lbl args blocks,
+ [CmmProc [] entry_lbl blocks,
mkDataLits info_lbl (CmmLabel entry_lbl : std_info ++ extra_bits)]
mkSRTLit :: CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLex.x b/compiler/cmm/CmmLex.x
index 50e9aea9e8..0a1929056a 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLex.x
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLex.x
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module CmmLex (
CmmToken(..), cmmlex,
) where
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Lexer
import SrcLoc
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
index 2fc4a74daf..95b1eef6a3 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLint.hs
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ module CmmLint (
) where
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Outputable
-import PprCmm
+import OldPprCmm()
import Constants
import FastString
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ runCmmLint l p =
Right _ -> Nothing
lintCmmTop :: (GenCmmTop h i (ListGraph CmmStmt)) -> CmmLint ()
-lintCmmTop (CmmProc _ lbl _ (ListGraph blocks))
+lintCmmTop (CmmProc _ lbl (ListGraph blocks))
= addLintInfo (text "in proc " <> pprCLabel lbl) $
- let labels = foldl (\s b -> extendBlockSet s (blockId b)) emptyBlockSet blocks
+ let labels = foldl (\s b -> setInsert (blockId b) s) setEmpty blocks
in mapM_ (lintCmmBlock labels) blocks
lintCmmTop (CmmData {})
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ lintCmmStmt labels = lint
lint (CmmJump e args) = lintCmmExpr e >> mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . hintlessCmm) args
lint (CmmReturn ress) = mapM_ (lintCmmExpr . hintlessCmm) ress
lint (CmmBranch id) = checkTarget id
- checkTarget id = if elemBlockSet id labels then return ()
+ checkTarget id = if setMember id labels then return ()
else cmmLintErr (text "Branch to nonexistent id" <+> ppr id)
lintTarget :: CmmCallTarget -> CmmLint ()
@@ -180,14 +180,14 @@ addLintInfo info thing = CmmLint $
cmmLintMachOpErr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmType] -> [Width] -> CmmLint a
cmmLintMachOpErr expr argsRep opExpectsRep
= cmmLintErr (text "in MachOp application: " $$
- nest 2 (pprExpr expr) $$
+ nest 2 (ppr expr) $$
(text "op is expecting: " <+> ppr opExpectsRep) $$
(text "arguments provide: " <+> ppr argsRep))
cmmLintAssignErr :: CmmStmt -> CmmType -> CmmType -> CmmLint a
cmmLintAssignErr stmt e_ty r_ty
= cmmLintErr (text "in assignment: " $$
- nest 2 (vcat [pprStmt stmt,
+ nest 2 (vcat [ppr stmt,
text "Reg ty:" <+> ppr r_ty,
text "Rhs ty:" <+> ppr e_ty]))
@@ -196,4 +196,4 @@ cmmLintAssignErr stmt e_ty r_ty
cmmLintDubiousWordOffset :: CmmExpr -> CmmLint a
cmmLintDubiousWordOffset expr
= cmmLintErr (text "offset is not a multiple of words: " $$
- nest 2 (pprExpr expr))
+ nest 2 (ppr expr))
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
index ed659776a8..78867b0ce3 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmLive.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
-module CmmLive (
- CmmLive,
- BlockEntryLiveness,
- cmmLiveness,
- cmmFormalsToLiveLocals,
- ) where
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
+module CmmLive
+ ( CmmLive
+ , cmmLiveness
+ , liveLattice
+ , noLiveOnEntry, xferLive
+ )
import BlockId
import Cmm
-import Dataflow
+import CmmExpr
+import Control.Monad
+import OptimizationFuel
+import PprCmmExpr ()
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Maybes
-import Panic
+import Outputable
import UniqSet
@@ -20,193 +26,50 @@ import UniqSet
-- | The variables live on entry to a block
-type CmmLive = UniqSet LocalReg
+type CmmLive = RegSet
+-- | The dataflow lattice
+liveLattice :: DataflowLattice CmmLive
+liveLattice = DataflowLattice "live LocalReg's" emptyRegSet add
+ where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = case unionUniqSets old new of
+ join -> (changeIf $ sizeUniqSet join > sizeUniqSet old, join)
-- | A mapping from block labels to the variables live on entry
type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive
--- | A mapping from block labels to the blocks that target it
-type BlockSources = BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)
--- | A mapping from block labels to the statements in the block
-type BlockStmts = BlockEnv [CmmStmt]
--- | Calculated liveness info for a list of 'CmmBasicBlock'
-cmmLiveness :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> BlockEntryLiveness
-cmmLiveness blocks =
- fixedpoint (cmmBlockDependants sources)
- (cmmBlockUpdate blocks')
- (map blockId blocks)
- (mkBlockEnv [(blockId b, emptyUniqSet) | b <- blocks])
- where
- sources :: BlockSources
- sources = cmmBlockSources blocks
- blocks' :: BlockStmts
- blocks' = mkBlockEnv $ map block_name blocks
- block_name :: CmmBasicBlock -> (BlockId, [CmmStmt])
- block_name b = (blockId b, blockStmts b)
--- For debugging, annotate each block with a comment indicating
--- the calculated live variables
-cmmLivenessComment ::
- BlockEnv (UniqSet LocalReg) -> CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
-cmmLivenessComment live (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- BasicBlock ident stmts' where
- stmts' = (CmmComment $ mkFastString $ showSDoc $ ppr $ live'):stmts
- live' = map CmmLocal $ uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultUFM live emptyUniqSet ident
--- | Calculates a table of where one can lookup the blocks that might
--- need updating after a given block is updated in the liveness analysis
-cmmBlockSources :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> BlockSources
-cmmBlockSources blocks = foldr aux emptyBlockEnv blocks
- where
- aux :: CmmBasicBlock
- -> BlockSources
- -> BlockSources
- aux block sourcesUFM =
- foldUniqSet (add_source_edges $ blockId block)
- sourcesUFM
- (branch_targets $ blockStmts block)
- add_source_edges :: BlockId -> BlockId
- -> BlockSources
- -> BlockSources
- add_source_edges source target ufm =
- addToBEnv_Acc (flip addOneToUniqSet) unitUniqSet ufm target source
- branch_targets :: [CmmStmt] -> UniqSet BlockId
- branch_targets stmts =
- mkUniqSet $ concatMap target stmts where
- target (CmmBranch ident) = [ident]
- target (CmmCondBranch _ ident) = [ident]
- target (CmmSwitch _ blocks) = mapMaybe id blocks
- target _ = []
--- | Given the table calculated by 'cmmBlockSources', list all blocks
--- that depend on the result of a particular block.
--- Used by the call to 'fixedpoint'.
-cmmBlockDependants :: BlockSources -> BlockId -> [BlockId]
-cmmBlockDependants sources ident =
- uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultBEnv sources emptyUniqSet ident
--- | Given the table of type 'BlockStmts' and a block that was updated,
--- calculate an updated BlockEntryLiveness
-cmmBlockUpdate ::
- BlockStmts
- -> BlockId
- -> Maybe BlockId
- -> BlockEntryLiveness
- -> Maybe BlockEntryLiveness
-cmmBlockUpdate blocks node _ state =
- if (sizeUniqSet old_live) == (sizeUniqSet new_live)
- then Nothing
- else Just $ extendBlockEnv state node new_live
- where
- new_live, old_live :: CmmLive
- new_live = cmmStmtListLive state block_stmts
- old_live = lookupWithDefaultBEnv state missing_live node
- block_stmts :: [CmmStmt]
- block_stmts = lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks missing_block node
- missing_live = panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis"
- missing_block = panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis"
+-- | Calculated liveness info for a CmmGraph
--- Section:
--- CmmBlockLive, cmmStmtListLive and helpers
--- Calculate the live registers for a local block (list of statements)
-cmmStmtListLive :: BlockEntryLiveness -> [CmmStmt] -> CmmLive
-cmmStmtListLive other_live stmts =
- foldr ((.) . (cmmStmtLive other_live)) id stmts emptyUniqSet
--- This code is written in the style of a state monad,
--- but since Control.Monad.State is not in the core
--- we can't use it in GHC, so we'll fake one here.
--- We don't need a return value so well leave it out.
--- Thus 'bind' reduces to function composition.
-type CmmLivenessTransformer = CmmLive -> CmmLive
--- Helpers for the "Monad"
-addLive, addKilled :: CmmLive -> CmmLivenessTransformer
-addLive new_live live = live `unionUniqSets` new_live
-addKilled new_killed live = live `minusUniqSet` new_killed
--- Liveness of a CmmStmt
-cmmFormalsToLiveLocals :: HintedCmmFormals -> [LocalReg]
-cmmFormalsToLiveLocals formals = map hintlessCmm formals
-cmmStmtLive :: BlockEntryLiveness -> CmmStmt -> CmmLivenessTransformer
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmNop) = id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmComment _) = id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmAssign reg expr) =
- cmmExprLive expr . reg_liveness where
- reg_liveness =
- case reg of
- (CmmLocal reg') -> addKilled $ unitUniqSet reg'
- (CmmGlobal _) -> id
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmStore expr1 expr2) =
- cmmExprLive expr2 . cmmExprLive expr1
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmCall target results arguments _ _) =
- target_liveness .
- foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm arguments) .
- addKilled (mkUniqSet $ cmmFormalsToLiveLocals results) where
- target_liveness =
- case target of
- (CmmCallee target _) -> cmmExprLive target
- (CmmPrim _) -> id
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmBranch target) =
- addLive (lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet target)
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmCondBranch expr target) =
- cmmExprLive expr .
- addLive (lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet target)
-cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmSwitch expr targets) =
- cmmExprLive expr .
- (foldr ((.) . (addLive .
- lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet))
- id
- (mapCatMaybes id targets))
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmJump expr params) =
- const (cmmExprLive expr $ foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm params) $ emptyUniqSet)
-cmmStmtLive _ (CmmReturn params) =
- const (foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm params) $ emptyUniqSet)
--- Liveness of a CmmExpr
-cmmExprLive :: CmmExpr -> CmmLivenessTransformer
-cmmExprLive expr = addLive (mkUniqSet $ expr_liveness expr) where
- expr_liveness :: CmmExpr -> [LocalReg]
- expr_liveness (CmmLit _) = []
- expr_liveness (CmmLoad expr _) = expr_liveness expr
- expr_liveness (CmmReg reg) = reg_liveness reg
- expr_liveness (CmmMachOp _ exprs) = concatMap expr_liveness exprs
- expr_liveness (CmmRegOff reg _) = reg_liveness reg
- expr_liveness (CmmStackSlot _ _) = panic "cmmExprLive CmmStackSlot"
- reg_liveness :: CmmReg -> [LocalReg]
- reg_liveness (CmmLocal reg) = [reg]
- reg_liveness (CmmGlobal _) = []
+cmmLiveness :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM BlockEntryLiveness
+cmmLiveness graph =
+ liftM check $ liftM snd $ dataflowPassBwd graph [] $ analBwd liveLattice xferLive
+ where entry = g_entry graph
+ check facts = noLiveOnEntry entry (expectJust "check" $ mapLookup entry facts) facts
+gen_kill :: (DefinerOfLocalRegs a, UserOfLocalRegs a) => a -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
+gen_kill a = gen a . kill a
+-- | On entry to the procedure, there had better not be any LocalReg's live-in.
+noLiveOnEntry :: BlockId -> CmmLive -> a -> a
+noLiveOnEntry bid in_fact x =
+ if isEmptyUniqSet in_fact then x
+ else pprPanic "LocalReg's live-in to graph" (ppr bid <+> ppr in_fact)
+-- | The transfer equations use the traditional 'gen' and 'kill'
+-- notations, which should be familiar from the dragon book.
+gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
+gen a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live a
+kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
+kill a live = foldRegsDefd delOneFromUniqSet live a
+xferLive :: BwdTransfer CmmNode CmmLive
+xferLive = mkBTransfer3 fst mid lst
+ where fst _ f = f
+ mid :: CmmNode O O -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
+ mid n f = gen_kill n $ case n of CmmUnsafeForeignCall {} -> emptyRegSet
+ _ -> f
+ lst :: CmmNode O C -> FactBase CmmLive -> CmmLive
+ lst n f = gen_kill n $ case n of CmmCall {} -> emptyRegSet
+ CmmForeignCall {} -> emptyRegSet
+ _ -> joinOutFacts liveLattice n f
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmLiveZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmLiveZ.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea9b2e5079..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmLiveZ.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-module CmmLiveZ
- ( CmmLive
- , cmmLivenessZ
- , liveLattice
- , middleLiveness, noLiveOnEntry
- )
-import BlockId
-import CmmExpr
-import CmmTx
-import DFMonad
-import Control.Monad
-import PprCmm()
-import PprCmmZ()
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipDataflow
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import Maybes
-import Outputable
-import UniqSet
--- Calculating what variables are live on entry to a basic block
--- | The variables live on entry to a block
-type CmmLive = RegSet
--- | The dataflow lattice
-liveLattice :: DataflowLattice CmmLive
-liveLattice = DataflowLattice "live LocalReg's" emptyUniqSet add False
- where add new old =
- let join = unionUniqSets new old in
- (if sizeUniqSet join > sizeUniqSet old then aTx else noTx) join
--- | A mapping from block labels to the variables live on entry
-type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive
--- | Calculated liveness info for a CmmGraph
-cmmLivenessZ :: CmmGraph -> FuelMonad BlockEntryLiveness
-cmmLivenessZ g@(LGraph entry _) =
- liftM (check . zdfFpFacts) (res :: FuelMonad (CmmBackwardFixedPoint CmmLive))
- where res = zdfSolveFrom emptyBlockEnv "liveness analysis" liveLattice transfers
- emptyUniqSet (graphOfLGraph g)
- transfers = BackwardTransfers (flip const) mid last
- mid m = gen_kill m . midLive m
- last l = gen_kill l . lastLive l
- check facts =
- noLiveOnEntry entry (expectJust "check" $ lookupBlockEnv facts entry) facts
-gen_kill :: (DefinerOfLocalRegs a, UserOfLocalRegs a) => a -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
-gen_kill a = gen a . kill a
-middleLiveness :: Middle -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
-middleLiveness = gen_kill
--- | On entry to the procedure, there had better not be any LocalReg's live-in.
-noLiveOnEntry :: BlockId -> CmmLive -> a -> a
-noLiveOnEntry bid in_fact x =
- if isEmptyUniqSet in_fact then x
- else pprPanic "LocalReg's live-in to graph" (ppr bid <+> ppr in_fact)
--- | The transfer equations use the traditional 'gen' and 'kill'
--- notations, which should be familiar from the dragon book.
-gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
-gen a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live a
-kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
-kill a live = foldRegsDefd delOneFromUniqSet live a
-midLive :: Middle -> CmmLive -> CmmLive
-midLive (MidForeignCall {}) _ = emptyUniqSet
-midLive _ live = live
-lastLive :: Last -> (BlockId -> CmmLive) -> CmmLive
-lastLive l env = last l
- where last (LastBranch id) = env id
- last (LastCall _ _ _ _ _) = emptyUniqSet
- last (LastCondBranch _ t f) = unionUniqSets (env t) (env f)
- last (LastSwitch _ tbl) = unionManyUniqSets $ map env (catMaybes tbl)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmMachOp.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmMachOp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e1ac16f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmMachOp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+module CmmMachOp
+ ( MachOp(..)
+ , pprMachOp, isCommutableMachOp, isAssociativeMachOp
+ , isComparisonMachOp, machOpResultType
+ , machOpArgReps, maybeInvertComparison
+ -- MachOp builders
+ , mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot
+ , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem
+ , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe
+ , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt
+ , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot, mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr
+ , mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32
+ , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord, mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord
+ , mo_32To8, mo_32To16, mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32
+ -- CallishMachOp
+ , CallishMachOp(..)
+ , pprCallishMachOp
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CmmType
+import Outputable
+-- MachOp
+Implementation notes:
+It might suffice to keep just a width, without distinguishing between
+floating and integer types. However, keeping the distinction will
+help the native code generator to assign registers more easily.
+{- |
+Machine-level primops; ones which we can reasonably delegate to the
+native code generators to handle. Basically contains C's primops
+and no others.
+Nomenclature: all ops indicate width and signedness, where
+appropriate. Widths: 8\/16\/32\/64 means the given size, obviously.
+Nat means the operation works on STG word sized objects.
+Signedness: S means signed, U means unsigned. For operations where
+signedness is irrelevant or makes no difference (for example
+integer add), the signedness component is omitted.
+An exception: NatP is a ptr-typed native word. From the point of
+view of the native code generators this distinction is irrelevant,
+but the C code generator sometimes needs this info to emit the
+right casts.
+data MachOp
+ -- Integer operations (insensitive to signed/unsigned)
+ = MO_Add Width
+ | MO_Sub Width
+ | MO_Eq Width
+ | MO_Ne Width
+ | MO_Mul Width -- low word of multiply
+ -- Signed multiply/divide
+ | MO_S_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if signed multiply overflows
+ | MO_S_Quot Width -- signed / (same semantics as IntQuotOp)
+ | MO_S_Rem Width -- signed % (same semantics as IntRemOp)
+ | MO_S_Neg Width -- unary -
+ -- Unsigned multiply/divide
+ | MO_U_MulMayOflo Width -- nonzero if unsigned multiply overflows
+ | MO_U_Quot Width -- unsigned / (same semantics as WordQuotOp)
+ | MO_U_Rem Width -- unsigned % (same semantics as WordRemOp)
+ -- Signed comparisons
+ | MO_S_Ge Width
+ | MO_S_Le Width
+ | MO_S_Gt Width
+ | MO_S_Lt Width
+ -- Unsigned comparisons
+ | MO_U_Ge Width
+ | MO_U_Le Width
+ | MO_U_Gt Width
+ | MO_U_Lt Width
+ -- Floating point arithmetic
+ | MO_F_Add Width
+ | MO_F_Sub Width
+ | MO_F_Neg Width -- unary -
+ | MO_F_Mul Width
+ | MO_F_Quot Width
+ -- Floating point comparison
+ | MO_F_Eq Width
+ | MO_F_Ne Width
+ | MO_F_Ge Width
+ | MO_F_Le Width
+ | MO_F_Gt Width
+ | MO_F_Lt Width
+ -- Bitwise operations. Not all of these may be supported
+ -- at all sizes, and only integral Widths are valid.
+ | MO_And Width
+ | MO_Or Width
+ | MO_Xor Width
+ | MO_Not Width
+ | MO_Shl Width
+ | MO_U_Shr Width -- unsigned shift right
+ | MO_S_Shr Width -- signed shift right
+ -- Conversions. Some of these will be NOPs.
+ -- Floating-point conversions use the signed variant.
+ | MO_SF_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Float
+ | MO_FS_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Signed int
+ | MO_SS_Conv Width Width -- Signed int -> Signed int
+ | MO_UU_Conv Width Width -- unsigned int -> unsigned int
+ | MO_FF_Conv Width Width -- Float -> Float
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+pprMachOp :: MachOp -> SDoc
+pprMachOp mo = text (show mo)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Some common MachReps
+-- A 'wordRep' is a machine word on the target architecture
+-- Specifically, it is the size of an Int#, Word#, Addr#
+-- and the unit of allocation on the stack and the heap
+-- Any pointer is also guaranteed to be a wordRep.
+mo_wordAdd, mo_wordSub, mo_wordEq, mo_wordNe,mo_wordMul, mo_wordSQuot
+ , mo_wordSRem, mo_wordSNeg, mo_wordUQuot, mo_wordURem
+ , mo_wordSGe, mo_wordSLe, mo_wordSGt, mo_wordSLt, mo_wordUGe
+ , mo_wordULe, mo_wordUGt, mo_wordULt
+ , mo_wordAnd, mo_wordOr, mo_wordXor, mo_wordNot, mo_wordShl, mo_wordSShr, mo_wordUShr
+ , mo_u_8To32, mo_s_8To32, mo_u_16To32, mo_s_16To32
+ , mo_u_8ToWord, mo_s_8ToWord, mo_u_16ToWord, mo_s_16ToWord, mo_u_32ToWord, mo_s_32ToWord
+ , mo_32To8, mo_32To16, mo_WordTo8, mo_WordTo16, mo_WordTo32
+ :: MachOp
+mo_wordAdd = MO_Add wordWidth
+mo_wordSub = MO_Sub wordWidth
+mo_wordEq = MO_Eq wordWidth
+mo_wordNe = MO_Ne wordWidth
+mo_wordMul = MO_Mul wordWidth
+mo_wordSQuot = MO_S_Quot wordWidth
+mo_wordSRem = MO_S_Rem wordWidth
+mo_wordSNeg = MO_S_Neg wordWidth
+mo_wordUQuot = MO_U_Quot wordWidth
+mo_wordURem = MO_U_Rem wordWidth
+mo_wordSGe = MO_S_Ge wordWidth
+mo_wordSLe = MO_S_Le wordWidth
+mo_wordSGt = MO_S_Gt wordWidth
+mo_wordSLt = MO_S_Lt wordWidth
+mo_wordUGe = MO_U_Ge wordWidth
+mo_wordULe = MO_U_Le wordWidth
+mo_wordUGt = MO_U_Gt wordWidth
+mo_wordULt = MO_U_Lt wordWidth
+mo_wordAnd = MO_And wordWidth
+mo_wordOr = MO_Or wordWidth
+mo_wordXor = MO_Xor wordWidth
+mo_wordNot = MO_Not wordWidth
+mo_wordShl = MO_Shl wordWidth
+mo_wordSShr = MO_S_Shr wordWidth
+mo_wordUShr = MO_U_Shr wordWidth
+mo_u_8To32 = MO_UU_Conv W8 W32
+mo_s_8To32 = MO_SS_Conv W8 W32
+mo_u_16To32 = MO_UU_Conv W16 W32
+mo_s_16To32 = MO_SS_Conv W16 W32
+mo_u_8ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W8 wordWidth
+mo_s_8ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W8 wordWidth
+mo_u_16ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W16 wordWidth
+mo_s_16ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W16 wordWidth
+mo_s_32ToWord = MO_SS_Conv W32 wordWidth
+mo_u_32ToWord = MO_UU_Conv W32 wordWidth
+mo_WordTo8 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W8
+mo_WordTo16 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W16
+mo_WordTo32 = MO_UU_Conv wordWidth W32
+mo_32To8 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W8
+mo_32To16 = MO_UU_Conv W32 W16
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- isCommutableMachOp
+{- |
+Returns 'True' if the MachOp has commutable arguments. This is used
+in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations.
+If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the
+native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
+isCommutableMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
+isCommutableMachOp mop =
+ case mop of
+ MO_Add _ -> True
+ MO_Eq _ -> True
+ MO_Ne _ -> True
+ MO_Mul _ -> True
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo _ -> True
+ MO_U_MulMayOflo _ -> True
+ MO_And _ -> True
+ MO_Or _ -> True
+ MO_Xor _ -> True
+ _other -> False
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- isAssociativeMachOp
+{- |
+Returns 'True' if the MachOp is associative (i.e. @(x+y)+z == x+(y+z)@)
+This is used in the platform-independent Cmm optimisations.
+If in doubt, return 'False'. This generates worse code on the
+native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
+isAssociativeMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
+isAssociativeMachOp mop =
+ case mop of
+ MO_Add {} -> True -- NB: does not include
+ MO_Mul {} -> True -- floatint point!
+ MO_And {} -> True
+ MO_Or {} -> True
+ MO_Xor {} -> True
+ _other -> False
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- isComparisonMachOp
+{- |
+Returns 'True' if the MachOp is a comparison.
+If in doubt, return False. This generates worse code on the
+native routes, but is otherwise harmless.
+isComparisonMachOp :: MachOp -> Bool
+isComparisonMachOp mop =
+ case mop of
+ MO_Eq _ -> True
+ MO_Ne _ -> True
+ MO_S_Ge _ -> True
+ MO_S_Le _ -> True
+ MO_S_Gt _ -> True
+ MO_S_Lt _ -> True
+ MO_U_Ge _ -> True
+ MO_U_Le _ -> True
+ MO_U_Gt _ -> True
+ MO_U_Lt _ -> True
+ MO_F_Eq {} -> True
+ MO_F_Ne {} -> True
+ MO_F_Ge {} -> True
+ MO_F_Le {} -> True
+ MO_F_Gt {} -> True
+ MO_F_Lt {} -> True
+ _other -> False
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Inverting conditions
+-- Sometimes it's useful to be able to invert the sense of a
+-- condition. Not all conditional tests are invertible: in
+-- particular, floating point conditionals cannot be inverted, because
+-- there exist floating-point values which return False for both senses
+-- of a condition (eg. !(NaN > NaN) && !(NaN /<= NaN)).
+maybeInvertComparison :: MachOp -> Maybe MachOp
+maybeInvertComparison op
+ = case op of -- None of these Just cases include floating point
+ MO_Eq r -> Just (MO_Ne r)
+ MO_Ne r -> Just (MO_Eq r)
+ MO_U_Lt r -> Just (MO_U_Ge r)
+ MO_U_Gt r -> Just (MO_U_Le r)
+ MO_U_Le r -> Just (MO_U_Gt r)
+ MO_U_Ge r -> Just (MO_U_Lt r)
+ MO_S_Lt r -> Just (MO_S_Ge r)
+ MO_S_Gt r -> Just (MO_S_Le r)
+ MO_S_Le r -> Just (MO_S_Gt r)
+ MO_S_Ge r -> Just (MO_S_Lt r)
+ MO_F_Eq r -> Just (MO_F_Ne r)
+ MO_F_Ne r -> Just (MO_F_Eq r)
+ MO_F_Ge r -> Just (MO_F_Le r)
+ MO_F_Le r -> Just (MO_F_Ge r)
+ MO_F_Gt r -> Just (MO_F_Lt r)
+ MO_F_Lt r -> Just (MO_F_Gt r)
+ _other -> Nothing
+-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- machOpResultType
+{- |
+Returns the MachRep of the result of a MachOp.
+machOpResultType :: MachOp -> [CmmType] -> CmmType
+machOpResultType mop tys =
+ case mop of
+ MO_Add {} -> ty1 -- Preserve GC-ptr-hood
+ MO_Sub {} -> ty1 -- of first arg
+ MO_Mul r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_S_Quot r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_S_Rem r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_S_Neg r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_U_Quot r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_U_Rem r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_S_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_S_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_S_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_S_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_U_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_U_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_U_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_U_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Add r -> cmmFloat r
+ MO_F_Sub r -> cmmFloat r
+ MO_F_Mul r -> cmmFloat r
+ MO_F_Quot r -> cmmFloat r
+ MO_F_Neg r -> cmmFloat r
+ MO_F_Eq {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Ne {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Ge {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Le {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Gt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_F_Lt {} -> comparisonResultRep
+ MO_And {} -> ty1 -- Used for pointer masking
+ MO_Or {} -> ty1
+ MO_Xor {} -> ty1
+ MO_Not r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_Shl r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_U_Shr r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_S_Shr r -> cmmBits r
+ MO_SS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
+ MO_UU_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
+ MO_FS_Conv _ to -> cmmBits to
+ MO_SF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to
+ MO_FF_Conv _ to -> cmmFloat to
+ where
+ (ty1:_) = tys
+comparisonResultRep :: CmmType
+comparisonResultRep = bWord -- is it?
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- machOpArgReps
+-- | This function is used for debugging only: we can check whether an
+-- application of a MachOp is "type-correct" by checking that the MachReps of
+-- its arguments are the same as the MachOp expects. This is used when
+-- linting a CmmExpr.
+machOpArgReps :: MachOp -> [Width]
+machOpArgReps op =
+ case op of
+ MO_Add r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Sub r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Eq r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Ne r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Mul r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Quot r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Rem r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Neg r -> [r]
+ MO_U_MulMayOflo r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Quot r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Rem r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Ge r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Le r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Gt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_S_Lt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Ge r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Le r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Gt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_U_Lt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Add r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Sub r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Mul r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Quot r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Neg r -> [r]
+ MO_F_Eq r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Ne r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Ge r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Le r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Gt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_F_Lt r -> [r,r]
+ MO_And r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Or r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Xor r -> [r,r]
+ MO_Not r -> [r]
+ MO_Shl r -> [r,wordWidth]
+ MO_U_Shr r -> [r,wordWidth]
+ MO_S_Shr r -> [r,wordWidth]
+ MO_SS_Conv from _ -> [from]
+ MO_UU_Conv from _ -> [from]
+ MO_SF_Conv from _ -> [from]
+ MO_FS_Conv from _ -> [from]
+ MO_FF_Conv from _ -> [from]
+-- CallishMachOp
+-- CallishMachOps tend to be implemented by foreign calls in some backends,
+-- so we separate them out. In Cmm, these can only occur in a
+-- statement position, in contrast to an ordinary MachOp which can occur
+-- anywhere in an expression.
+data CallishMachOp
+ = MO_F64_Pwr
+ | MO_F64_Sin
+ | MO_F64_Cos
+ | MO_F64_Tan
+ | MO_F64_Sinh
+ | MO_F64_Cosh
+ | MO_F64_Tanh
+ | MO_F64_Asin
+ | MO_F64_Acos
+ | MO_F64_Atan
+ | MO_F64_Log
+ | MO_F64_Exp
+ | MO_F64_Sqrt
+ | MO_F32_Pwr
+ | MO_F32_Sin
+ | MO_F32_Cos
+ | MO_F32_Tan
+ | MO_F32_Sinh
+ | MO_F32_Cosh
+ | MO_F32_Tanh
+ | MO_F32_Asin
+ | MO_F32_Acos
+ | MO_F32_Atan
+ | MO_F32_Log
+ | MO_F32_Exp
+ | MO_F32_Sqrt
+ | MO_WriteBarrier
+ | MO_Touch -- Keep variables live (when using interior pointers)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+pprCallishMachOp :: CallishMachOp -> SDoc
+pprCallishMachOp mo = text (show mo)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12d534ea53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmNode.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+-- CmmNode type for representation using Hoopl graphs.
+module CmmNode
+ ( CmmNode(..)
+ , UpdFrameOffset, Convention(..), ForeignConvention(..), ForeignTarget(..)
+ , mapExp, mapExpDeep, foldExp, foldExpDeep
+ )
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmDecl
+import FastString
+import ForeignCall
+import SMRep
+import Compiler.Hoopl
+import Data.Maybe
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
+-- CmmNode
+data CmmNode e x where
+ CmmEntry :: Label -> CmmNode C O
+ CmmComment :: FastString -> CmmNode O O
+ CmmAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmNode O O -- Assign to register
+ CmmStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmNode O O -- Assign to memory location. Size is
+ -- given by cmmExprType of the rhs.
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall :: -- An unsafe foreign call; see Note [Foreign calls]
+ ForeignTarget -> -- call target
+ CmmFormals -> -- zero or more results
+ CmmActuals -> -- zero or more arguments
+ CmmNode O O
+ CmmBranch :: Label -> CmmNode O C -- Goto another block in the same procedure
+ CmmCondBranch :: { -- conditional branch
+ cml_pred :: CmmExpr,
+ cml_true, cml_false :: Label
+ } -> CmmNode O C
+ CmmSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe Label] -> CmmNode O C -- Table branch
+ -- The scrutinee is zero-based;
+ -- zero -> first block
+ -- one -> second block etc
+ -- Undefined outside range, and when there's a Nothing
+ CmmCall :: { -- A call (native or safe foreign)
+ cml_target :: CmmExpr, -- never a CmmPrim to a CallishMachOp!
+ cml_cont :: Maybe Label,
+ -- Label of continuation (Nothing for return or tail call)
+ cml_args :: ByteOff,
+ -- Byte offset, from the *old* end of the Area associated with
+ -- the Label (if cml_cont = Nothing, then Old area), of
+ -- youngest outgoing arg. Set the stack pointer to this before
+ -- transferring control.
+ -- (NB: an update frame might also have been stored in the Old
+ -- area, but it'll be in an older part than the args.)
+ cml_ret_args :: ByteOff,
+ -- For calls *only*, the byte offset for youngest returned value
+ -- This is really needed at the *return* point rather than here
+ -- at the call, but in practice it's convenient to record it here.
+ cml_ret_off :: ByteOff
+ -- For calls *only*, the byte offset of the base of the frame that
+ -- must be described by the info table for the return point.
+ -- The older words are an update frames, which have their own
+ -- info-table and layout information
+ -- From a liveness point of view, the stack words older than
+ -- cml_ret_off are treated as live, even if the sequel of
+ -- the call goes into a loop.
+ } -> CmmNode O C
+ CmmForeignCall :: { -- A safe foreign call; see Note [Foreign calls]
+ tgt :: ForeignTarget, -- call target and convention
+ res :: CmmFormals, -- zero or more results
+ args :: CmmActuals, -- zero or more arguments
+ succ :: Label, -- Label of continuation
+ updfr :: UpdFrameOffset, -- where the update frame is (for building infotable)
+ intrbl:: Bool -- whether or not the call is interruptible
+ } -> CmmNode O C
+{- Note [Foreign calls]
+A MidForeign call is used for *unsafe* foreign calls;
+a LastForeign call is used for *safe* foreign calls.
+Unsafe ones are easy: think of them as a "fat machine instruction".
+Safe ones are trickier. A safe foreign call
+ r = f(x)
+ultimately expands to
+ push "return address" -- Never used to return to;
+ -- just points an info table
+ save registers into TSO
+ call suspendThread
+ r = f(x) -- Make the call
+ call resumeThread
+ restore registers
+ pop "return address"
+We cannot "lower" a safe foreign call to this sequence of Cmms, because
+after we've saved Sp all the Cmm optimiser's assumptions are broken.
+Furthermore, currently the smart Cmm constructors know the calling
+conventions for Haskell, the garbage collector, etc, and "lower" them
+so that a LastCall passes no parameters or results. But the smart
+constructors do *not* (currently) know the foreign call conventions.
+Note that a safe foreign call needs an info table.
+-- Eq instance of CmmNode
+-- It is a shame GHC cannot infer it by itself :(
+instance Eq (CmmNode e x) where
+ (CmmEntry a) == (CmmEntry a') = a==a'
+ (CmmComment a) == (CmmComment a') = a==a'
+ (CmmAssign a b) == (CmmAssign a' b') = a==a' && b==b'
+ (CmmStore a b) == (CmmStore a' b') = a==a' && b==b'
+ (CmmUnsafeForeignCall a b c) == (CmmUnsafeForeignCall a' b' c') = a==a' && b==b' && c==c'
+ (CmmBranch a) == (CmmBranch a') = a==a'
+ (CmmCondBranch a b c) == (CmmCondBranch a' b' c') = a==a' && b==b' && c==c'
+ (CmmSwitch a b) == (CmmSwitch a' b') = a==a' && b==b'
+ (CmmCall a b c d e) == (CmmCall a' b' c' d' e') = a==a' && b==b' && c==c' && d==d' && e==e'
+ (CmmForeignCall a b c d e f) == (CmmForeignCall a' b' c' d' e' f') = a==a' && b==b' && c==c' && d==d' && e==e' && f==f'
+ _ == _ = False
+-- Hoopl instances of CmmNode
+instance NonLocal CmmNode where
+ entryLabel (CmmEntry l) = l
+ -- entryLabel _ = error "CmmNode.entryLabel"
+ successors (CmmBranch l) = [l]
+ successors (CmmCondBranch {cml_true=t, cml_false=f}) = [f, t] -- meets layout constraint
+ successors (CmmSwitch _ ls) = catMaybes ls
+ successors (CmmCall {cml_cont=l}) = maybeToList l
+ successors (CmmForeignCall {succ=l}) = [l]
+ -- successors _ = error "CmmNode.successors"
+instance HooplNode CmmNode where
+ mkBranchNode label = CmmBranch label
+ mkLabelNode label = CmmEntry label
+-- Various helper types
+type UpdFrameOffset = ByteOff
+data Convention
+ = NativeDirectCall -- Native C-- call skipping the node (closure) argument
+ | NativeNodeCall -- Native C-- call including the node argument
+ | NativeReturn -- Native C-- return
+ | Slow -- Slow entry points: all args pushed on the stack
+ | GC -- Entry to the garbage collector: uses the node reg!
+ | PrimOpCall -- Calling prim ops
+ | PrimOpReturn -- Returning from prim ops
+ | Foreign -- Foreign call/return
+ ForeignConvention
+ | Private
+ -- Used for control transfers within a (pre-CPS) procedure All
+ -- jump sites known, never pushed on the stack (hence no SRT)
+ -- You can choose whatever calling convention you please
+ -- (provided you make sure all the call sites agree)!
+ -- This data type eventually to be extended to record the convention.
+ deriving( Eq )
+data ForeignConvention
+ = ForeignConvention
+ CCallConv -- Which foreign-call convention
+ [ForeignHint] -- Extra info about the args
+ [ForeignHint] -- Extra info about the result
+ deriving Eq
+data ForeignTarget -- The target of a foreign call
+ = ForeignTarget -- A foreign procedure
+ CmmExpr -- Its address
+ ForeignConvention -- Its calling convention
+ | PrimTarget -- A possibly-side-effecting machine operation
+ CallishMachOp -- Which one
+ deriving Eq
+-- Instances of register and slot users / definers
+instance UserOfLocalRegs (CmmNode e x) where
+ foldRegsUsed f z n = case n of
+ CmmAssign _ expr -> fold f z expr
+ CmmStore addr rval -> fold f (fold f z addr) rval
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ args -> fold f (fold f z t) args
+ CmmCondBranch expr _ _ -> fold f z expr
+ CmmSwitch expr _ -> fold f z expr
+ CmmCall {cml_target=tgt} -> fold f z tgt
+ CmmForeignCall {tgt=tgt, args=args} -> fold f (fold f z tgt) args
+ _ -> z
+ where fold :: forall a b.
+ UserOfLocalRegs a =>
+ (b -> LocalReg -> b) -> b -> a -> b
+ fold f z n = foldRegsUsed f z n
+instance UserOfLocalRegs ForeignTarget where
+ foldRegsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
+ foldRegsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
+instance DefinerOfLocalRegs (CmmNode e x) where
+ foldRegsDefd f z n = case n of
+ CmmAssign lhs _ -> fold f z lhs
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall _ fs _ -> fold f z fs
+ CmmForeignCall {res=res} -> fold f z res
+ _ -> z
+ where fold :: forall a b.
+ DefinerOfLocalRegs a =>
+ (b -> LocalReg -> b) -> b -> a -> b
+ fold f z n = foldRegsDefd f z n
+instance UserOfSlots (CmmNode e x) where
+ foldSlotsUsed f z n = case n of
+ CmmAssign _ expr -> fold f z expr
+ CmmStore addr rval -> fold f (fold f z addr) rval
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall _ _ args -> fold f z args
+ CmmCondBranch expr _ _ -> fold f z expr
+ CmmSwitch expr _ -> fold f z expr
+ CmmCall {cml_target=tgt} -> fold f z tgt
+ CmmForeignCall {tgt=tgt, args=args} -> fold f (fold f z tgt) args
+ _ -> z
+ where fold :: forall a b.
+ UserOfSlots a =>
+ (b -> SubArea -> b) -> b -> a -> b
+ fold f z n = foldSlotsUsed f z n
+instance UserOfSlots ForeignTarget where
+ foldSlotsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
+ foldSlotsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
+instance DefinerOfSlots (CmmNode e x) where
+ foldSlotsDefd f z n = case n of
+ CmmStore (CmmStackSlot a i) expr -> f z (a, i, widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType expr)
+ CmmForeignCall {res=res} -> fold f z $ map foreign_call_slot res
+ _ -> z
+ where
+ fold :: forall a b.
+ DefinerOfSlots a =>
+ (b -> SubArea -> b) -> b -> a -> b
+ fold f z n = foldSlotsDefd f z n
+ foreign_call_slot r = case widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType r of w -> (RegSlot r, w, w)
+-- mapping Expr in CmmNode
+mapForeignTarget :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> ForeignTarget -> ForeignTarget
+mapForeignTarget exp (ForeignTarget e c) = ForeignTarget (exp e) c
+mapForeignTarget _ m@(PrimTarget _) = m
+-- Take a transformer on expressions and apply it recursively.
+wrapRecExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+wrapRecExp f (CmmMachOp op es) = f (CmmMachOp op $ map (wrapRecExp f) es)
+wrapRecExp f (CmmLoad addr ty) = f (CmmLoad (wrapRecExp f addr) ty)
+wrapRecExp f e = f e
+mapExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
+mapExp _ f@(CmmEntry _) = f
+mapExp _ m@(CmmComment _) = m
+mapExp f (CmmAssign r e) = CmmAssign r (f e)
+mapExp f (CmmStore addr e) = CmmStore (f addr) (f e)
+mapExp f (CmmUnsafeForeignCall tgt fs as) = CmmUnsafeForeignCall (mapForeignTarget f tgt) fs (map f as)
+mapExp _ l@(CmmBranch _) = l
+mapExp f (CmmCondBranch e ti fi) = CmmCondBranch (f e) ti fi
+mapExp f (CmmSwitch e tbl) = CmmSwitch (f e) tbl
+mapExp f (CmmCall tgt mb_id o i s) = CmmCall (f tgt) mb_id o i s
+mapExp f (CmmForeignCall tgt fs as succ updfr intrbl) = CmmForeignCall (mapForeignTarget f tgt) fs (map f as) succ updfr intrbl
+mapExpDeep :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmNode e x -> CmmNode e x
+mapExpDeep f = mapExp $ wrapRecExp f
+-- folding Expr in CmmNode
+foldExpForeignTarget :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> ForeignTarget -> z -> z
+foldExpForeignTarget exp (ForeignTarget e _) z = exp e z
+foldExpForeignTarget _ (PrimTarget _) z = z
+-- Take a folder on expressions and apply it recursively.
+wrapRecExpf :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmExpr -> z -> z
+wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmMachOp _ es) z = foldr (wrapRecExpf f) (f e z) es
+wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmLoad addr _) z = wrapRecExpf f addr (f e z)
+wrapRecExpf f e z = f e z
+foldExp :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmNode e x -> z -> z
+foldExp _ (CmmEntry {}) z = z
+foldExp _ (CmmComment {}) z = z
+foldExp f (CmmAssign _ e) z = f e z
+foldExp f (CmmStore addr e) z = f addr $ f e z
+foldExp f (CmmUnsafeForeignCall t _ as) z = foldr f (foldExpForeignTarget f t z) as
+foldExp _ (CmmBranch _) z = z
+foldExp f (CmmCondBranch e _ _) z = f e z
+foldExp f (CmmSwitch e _) z = f e z
+foldExp f (CmmCall {cml_target=tgt}) z = f tgt z
+foldExp f (CmmForeignCall {tgt=tgt, args=args}) z = foldr f (foldExpForeignTarget f tgt z) args
+foldExpDeep :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmNode e x -> z -> z
+foldExpDeep f = foldExp $ wrapRecExpf f
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmOpt.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmOpt.hs
index fa25e24c7b..53281b0312 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmOpt.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmOpt.hs
@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ module CmmOpt (
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Cmm
-import CmmExpr
+import OldCmm
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
import StaticFlags
@@ -532,12 +531,12 @@ exactLog2 x_
cmmLoopifyForC :: RawCmmTop -> RawCmmTop
-cmmLoopifyForC p@(CmmProc info entry_lbl []
+cmmLoopifyForC p@(CmmProc info entry_lbl
(ListGraph blocks@(BasicBlock top_id _ : _)))
| null info = p -- only if there's an info table, ignore case alts
| otherwise =
-- pprTrace "jump_lbl" (ppr jump_lbl <+> ppr entry_lbl) $
- CmmProc info entry_lbl [] (ListGraph blocks')
+ CmmProc info entry_lbl (ListGraph blocks')
where blocks' = [ BasicBlock id (map do_stmt stmts)
| BasicBlock id stmts <- blocks ]
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
index 51f29a85e7..8c2498e5f8 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmParse.y
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ import CgClosure
import CostCentre
import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import PprCmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm()
import CmmUtils
import CmmLex
import CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
index de8cfa378b..d0d54d909d 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPoint.hs
@@ -1,119 +1,560 @@
-module CmmProcPoint (
- calculateProcPoints
- ) where
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
+module CmmProcPoint
+ ( ProcPointSet, Status(..)
+ , callProcPoints, minimalProcPointSet
+ , addProcPointProtocols, splitAtProcPoints, procPointAnalysis
+ )
-import BlockId
-import CmmBrokenBlock
-import Dataflow
+import Prelude hiding (last, unzip, succ, zip)
+import BlockId
+import CLabel
+import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmContFlowOpt
+import CmmInfo
+import CmmLive
+import Constants
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+import Maybes
+import MkGraph
+import Control.Monad
+import OptimizationFuel
+import Outputable
import UniqSet
-import Panic
--- Determine the proc points for a set of basic blocks.
--- A proc point is any basic block that must start a new function.
--- The entry block of the original function is a proc point.
--- The continuation of a function call is also a proc point.
--- The third kind of proc point arises when there is a joint point
--- in the control flow. Suppose we have code like the following:
--- if (...) { ...; call foo(); ...}
--- else { ...; call bar(); ...}
--- x = y;
--- That last statement "x = y" must be a proc point because
--- it can be reached by blocks owned by different proc points
--- (the two branches of the conditional).
--- We calculate these proc points by starting with the minimal set
--- and finding blocks that are reachable from more proc points than
--- one of their parents. (This ensures we don't choose a block
--- simply beause it is reachable from another block that is reachable
--- from multiple proc points.) These new blocks are added to the
--- set of proc points and the process is repeated until there
--- are no more proc points to be found.
-calculateProcPoints :: [BrokenBlock] -> UniqSet BlockId
-calculateProcPoints blocks =
- calculateProcPoints' init_proc_points blocks
- where
- init_proc_points = mkUniqSet $
- map brokenBlockId $
- filter always_proc_point blocks
- always_proc_point BrokenBlock {
- brokenBlockEntry = FunctionEntry _ _ _ } = True
- always_proc_point BrokenBlock {
- brokenBlockEntry = ContinuationEntry _ _ _ } = True
- always_proc_point _ = False
-calculateProcPoints' :: UniqSet BlockId -> [BrokenBlock] -> UniqSet BlockId
-calculateProcPoints' old_proc_points blocks =
- if sizeUniqSet old_proc_points == sizeUniqSet new_proc_points
- then old_proc_points
- else calculateProcPoints' new_proc_points blocks
- where
- blocks_ufm :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- blocks_ufm = blocksToBlockEnv blocks
- owners = calculateOwnership blocks_ufm old_proc_points blocks
- new_proc_points =
- unionManyUniqSets
- (old_proc_points:
- map (calculateNewProcPoints owners) blocks)
-calculateNewProcPoints :: BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)
- -> BrokenBlock
- -> UniqSet BlockId
-calculateNewProcPoints owners block =
- unionManyUniqSets (map (maybe_proc_point parent_id) child_ids)
- where
- parent_id = brokenBlockId block
- child_ids = brokenBlockTargets block
- maybe_proc_point parent_id child_id =
- if needs_proc_point
- then unitUniqSet child_id
- else emptyUniqSet
- where
- parent_owners = lookupWithDefaultBEnv owners emptyUniqSet parent_id
- child_owners = lookupWithDefaultBEnv owners emptyUniqSet child_id
- needs_proc_point =
- -- only if parent isn't dead
- (not $ isEmptyUniqSet parent_owners) &&
- -- and only if child has more owners than parent
- (not $ isEmptyUniqSet $
- child_owners `minusUniqSet` parent_owners)
-calculateOwnership :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock
- -> UniqSet BlockId
- -> [BrokenBlock]
- -> BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)
-calculateOwnership blocks_ufm proc_points blocks =
- fixedpoint dependants update (map brokenBlockId blocks) emptyBlockEnv
- where
- dependants :: BlockId -> [BlockId]
- dependants ident =
- brokenBlockTargets $ lookupWithDefaultBEnv
- blocks_ufm unknown_block ident
- update :: BlockId
- -> Maybe BlockId
- -> BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)
- -> Maybe (BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId))
- update ident cause owners =
- case (cause, ident `elementOfUniqSet` proc_points) of
- (Nothing, True) ->
- Just $ extendBlockEnv owners ident (unitUniqSet ident)
- (Nothing, False) -> Nothing
- (Just _, True) -> Nothing
- (Just cause', False) ->
- if (sizeUniqSet old) == (sizeUniqSet new)
- then Nothing
- else Just $ extendBlockEnv owners ident new
- where
- old = lookupWithDefaultBEnv owners emptyUniqSet ident
- new = old `unionUniqSets`
- lookupWithDefaultBEnv owners emptyUniqSet cause'
- unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in calculateOwnership"
+import UniqSupply
+import Compiler.Hoopl
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- Compute a minimal set of proc points for a control-flow graph.
+-- Determine a protocol for each proc point (which live variables will
+-- be passed as arguments and which will be on the stack).
+A proc point is a basic block that, after CPS transformation, will
+start a new function. The entry block of the original function is a
+proc point, as is the continuation of each function call.
+A third kind of proc point arises if we want to avoid copying code.
+Suppose we have code like the following:
+ f() {
+ if (...) { ..1..; call foo(); ..2..}
+ else { ..3..; call bar(); ..4..}
+ x = y + z;
+ return x;
+ }
+The statement 'x = y + z' can be reached from two different proc
+points: the continuations of foo() and bar(). We would prefer not to
+put a copy in each continuation; instead we would like 'x = y + z' to
+be the start of a new procedure to which the continuations can jump:
+ f_cps () {
+ if (...) { ..1..; push k_foo; jump foo_cps(); }
+ else { ..3..; push k_bar; jump bar_cps(); }
+ }
+ k_foo() { ..2..; jump k_join(y, z); }
+ k_bar() { ..4..; jump k_join(y, z); }
+ k_join(y, z) { x = y + z; return x; }
+You might think then that a criterion to make a node a proc point is
+that it is directly reached by two distinct proc points. (Note
+[Direct reachability].) But this criterion is a bit too simple; for
+example, 'return x' is also reached by two proc points, yet there is
+no point in pulling it out of k_join. A good criterion would be to
+say that a node should be made a proc point if it is reached by a set
+of proc points that is different than its immediate dominator. NR
+believes this criterion can be shown to produce a minimum set of proc
+points, and given a dominator tree, the proc points can be chosen in
+time linear in the number of blocks. Lacking a dominator analysis,
+however, we turn instead to an iterative solution, starting with no
+proc points and adding them according to these rules:
+ 1. The entry block is a proc point.
+ 2. The continuation of a call is a proc point.
+ 3. A node is a proc point if it is directly reached by more proc
+ points than one of its predecessors.
+Because we don't understand the problem very well, we apply rule 3 at
+most once per iteration, then recompute the reachability information.
+(See Note [No simple dataflow].) The choice of the new proc point is
+arbitrary, and I don't know if the choice affects the final solution,
+so I don't know if the number of proc points chosen is the
+minimum---but the set will be minimal.
+type ProcPointSet = BlockSet
+data Status
+ = ReachedBy ProcPointSet -- set of proc points that directly reach the block
+ | ProcPoint -- this block is itself a proc point
+instance Outputable Status where
+ ppr (ReachedBy ps)
+ | setNull ps = text "<not-reached>"
+ | otherwise = text "reached by" <+>
+ (hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ppr $ setElems ps)
+ ppr ProcPoint = text "<procpt>"
+lattice :: DataflowLattice Status
+lattice = DataflowLattice "direct proc-point reachability" unreached add_to
+ where unreached = ReachedBy setEmpty
+ add_to _ (OldFact ProcPoint) _ = (NoChange, ProcPoint)
+ add_to _ _ (NewFact ProcPoint) = (SomeChange, ProcPoint) -- because of previous case
+ add_to _ (OldFact (ReachedBy p)) (NewFact (ReachedBy p')) =
+ let union = setUnion p' p
+ in if setSize union > setSize p then (SomeChange, ReachedBy union)
+ else (NoChange, ReachedBy p)
+-- transfer equations
+forward :: FwdTransfer CmmNode Status
+forward = mkFTransfer3 first middle ((mkFactBase lattice . ) . last)
+ where first :: CmmNode C O -> Status -> Status
+ first (CmmEntry id) ProcPoint = ReachedBy $ setSingleton id
+ first _ x = x
+ middle _ x = x
+ last :: CmmNode O C -> Status -> [(Label, Status)]
+ last (CmmCall {cml_cont = Just k}) _ = [(k, ProcPoint)]
+ last (CmmForeignCall {succ = k}) _ = [(k, ProcPoint)]
+ last l x = map (\id -> (id, x)) (successors l)
+-- It is worth distinguishing two sets of proc points:
+-- those that are induced by calls in the original graph
+-- and those that are introduced because they're reachable from multiple proc points.
+callProcPoints :: CmmGraph -> ProcPointSet
+callProcPoints g = foldGraphBlocks add (setSingleton (g_entry g)) g
+ where add :: CmmBlock -> BlockSet -> BlockSet
+ add b set = case lastNode b of
+ CmmCall {cml_cont = Just k} -> setInsert k set
+ CmmForeignCall {succ=k} -> setInsert k set
+ _ -> set
+minimalProcPointSet :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM ProcPointSet
+-- Given the set of successors of calls (which must be proc-points)
+-- figure out the minimal set of necessary proc-points
+minimalProcPointSet callProcPoints g = extendPPSet g (postorderDfs g) callProcPoints
+procPointAnalysis :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv Status)
+-- Once you know what the proc-points are, figure out
+-- what proc-points each block is reachable from
+procPointAnalysis procPoints g =
+ liftM snd $ dataflowPassFwd g initProcPoints $ analFwd lattice forward
+ where initProcPoints = [(id, ProcPoint) | id <- setElems procPoints]
+extendPPSet :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock] -> ProcPointSet -> FuelUniqSM ProcPointSet
+extendPPSet g blocks procPoints =
+ do env <- procPointAnalysis procPoints g
+ let add block pps = let id = entryLabel block
+ in case mapLookup id env of
+ Just ProcPoint -> setInsert id pps
+ _ -> pps
+ procPoints' = foldGraphBlocks add setEmpty g
+ newPoints = mapMaybe ppSuccessor blocks
+ newPoint = listToMaybe newPoints
+ ppSuccessor b =
+ let nreached id = case mapLookup id env `orElse`
+ pprPanic "no ppt" (ppr id <+> ppr b) of
+ ProcPoint -> 1
+ ReachedBy ps -> setSize ps
+ block_procpoints = nreached (entryLabel b)
+ -- | Looking for a successor of b that is reached by
+ -- more proc points than b and is not already a proc
+ -- point. If found, it can become a proc point.
+ newId succ_id = not (setMember succ_id procPoints') &&
+ nreached succ_id > block_procpoints
+ in listToMaybe $ filter newId $ successors b
+ case newPoints of
+ [] -> return procPoints'
+ pps -> extendPPSet g blocks
+ (foldl extendBlockSet procPoints' pps)
+ case newPoint of Just id ->
+ if setMember id procPoints' then panic "added old proc pt"
+ else extendPPSet g blocks (setInsert id procPoints')
+ Nothing -> return procPoints'
+-- Computing Proc-Point Protocols --
+There is one major trick, discovered by Michael Adams, which is that
+we want to choose protocols in a way that enables us to optimize away
+some continuations. The optimization is very much like branch-chain
+elimination, except that it involves passing results as well as
+control. The idea is that if a call's continuation k does nothing but
+CopyIn its results and then goto proc point P, the call's continuation
+may be changed to P, *provided* P's protocol is identical to the
+protocol for the CopyIn. We choose protocols to make this so.
+Here's an explanatory example; we begin with the source code (lines
+separate basic blocks):
+ ..1..;
+ x, y = g();
+ goto P;
+ -------
+ P: ..2..;
+Zipperization converts this code as follows:
+ ..1..;
+ call g() returns to k;
+ -------
+ k: CopyIn(x, y);
+ goto P;
+ -------
+ P: ..2..;
+What we'd like to do is assign P the same CopyIn protocol as k, so we
+can eliminate k:
+ ..1..;
+ call g() returns to P;
+ -------
+ P: CopyIn(x, y); ..2..;
+Of course, P may be the target of more than one continuation, and
+different continuations may have different protocols. Michael Adams
+implemented a voting mechanism, but he thinks a simple greedy
+algorithm would be just as good, so that's what we do.
+data Protocol = Protocol Convention CmmFormals Area
+ deriving Eq
+instance Outputable Protocol where
+ ppr (Protocol c fs a) = text "Protocol" <+> ppr c <+> ppr fs <+> ppr a
+-- | Function 'optimize_calls' chooses protocols only for those proc
+-- points that are relevant to the optimization explained above.
+-- The others are assigned by 'add_unassigned', which is not yet clever.
+addProcPointProtocols :: ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+addProcPointProtocols callPPs procPoints g =
+ do liveness <- cmmLiveness g
+ (protos, g') <- optimize_calls liveness g
+ blocks'' <- add_CopyOuts protos procPoints g'
+ return $ ofBlockMap (g_entry g) blocks''
+ where optimize_calls liveness g = -- see Note [Separate Adams optimization]
+ do let (protos, blocks') =
+ foldGraphBlocks maybe_add_call (mapEmpty, mapEmpty) g
+ protos' = add_unassigned liveness procPoints protos
+ let g' = ofBlockMap (g_entry g) (add_CopyIns callPPs protos' blocks')
+ return (protos', removeUnreachableBlocks g')
+ maybe_add_call :: CmmBlock -> (BlockEnv Protocol, BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+ -> (BlockEnv Protocol, BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+ -- ^ If the block is a call whose continuation goes to a proc point
+ -- whose protocol either matches the continuation's or is not yet set,
+ -- redirect the call (cf 'newblock') and set the protocol if necessary
+ maybe_add_call block (protos, blocks) =
+ case lastNode block of
+ CmmCall tgt (Just k) args res s
+ | Just proto <- mapLookup k protos,
+ Just pee <- branchesToProcPoint k
+ -> let newblock = replaceLastNode block (CmmCall tgt (Just pee)
+ args res s)
+ changed_blocks = insertBlock newblock blocks
+ unchanged_blocks = insertBlock block blocks
+ in case mapLookup pee protos of
+ Nothing -> (mapInsert pee proto protos, changed_blocks)
+ Just proto' ->
+ if proto == proto' then (protos, changed_blocks)
+ else (protos, unchanged_blocks)
+ _ -> (protos, insertBlock block blocks)
+ branchesToProcPoint :: BlockId -> Maybe BlockId
+ -- ^ Tells whether the named block is just a branch to a proc point
+ branchesToProcPoint id =
+ let block = mapLookup id (toBlockMap g) `orElse`
+ panic "branch out of graph"
+ in case blockToNodeList block of
+-- MS: There is an ugly bug in ghc-6.10, which rejects following valid code.
+-- After trying several tricks, the NOINLINE on getItOut worked. Uffff.
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 612
+ (_, [], JustC (CmmBranch pee)) | setMember pee procPoints -> Just pee
+ _ -> Nothing
+ (_, [], exit) | CmmBranch pee <- getItOut exit
+ , setMember pee procPoints -> Just pee
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where {-# NOINLINE getItOut #-}
+ getItOut :: MaybeC C a -> a
+ getItOut (JustC a) = a
+-- | For now, following a suggestion by Ben Lippmeier, we pass all
+-- live variables as arguments, hoping that a clever register
+-- allocator might help.
+add_unassigned :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Protocol ->
+ BlockEnv Protocol
+add_unassigned = pass_live_vars_as_args
+pass_live_vars_as_args :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> ProcPointSet ->
+ BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv Protocol
+pass_live_vars_as_args _liveness procPoints protos = protos'
+ where protos' = setFold addLiveVars protos procPoints
+ addLiveVars :: BlockId -> BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv Protocol
+ addLiveVars id protos =
+ case mapLookup id protos of
+ Just _ -> protos
+ Nothing -> let live = emptyRegSet
+ --lookupBlockEnv _liveness id `orElse`
+ --panic ("no liveness at block " ++ show id)
+ formals = uniqSetToList live
+ prot = Protocol Private formals $ CallArea $ Young id
+ in mapInsert id prot protos
+-- | Add copy-in instructions to each proc point that did not arise from a call
+-- instruction. (Proc-points that arise from calls already have their copy-in instructions.)
+add_CopyIns :: ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv CmmBlock -> BlockEnv CmmBlock
+add_CopyIns callPPs protos blocks = mapFold maybe_insert_CopyIns mapEmpty blocks
+ where maybe_insert_CopyIns block blocks
+ | not $ setMember bid callPPs
+ , Just (Protocol c fs _area) <- mapLookup bid protos
+ = let nodes = copyInSlot c fs
+ (h, m, l) = blockToNodeList block
+ in insertBlock (blockOfNodeList (h, nodes ++ m, l)) blocks
+ | otherwise = insertBlock block blocks
+ where bid = entryLabel block
+-- | Add a CopyOut node before each procpoint.
+-- If the predecessor is a call, then the copy outs should already be done by the callee.
+-- Note: If we need to add copy-out instructions, they may require stack space,
+-- so we accumulate a map from the successors to the necessary stack space,
+-- then update the successors after we have finished inserting the copy-outs.
+add_CopyOuts :: BlockEnv Protocol -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph ->
+ FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+add_CopyOuts protos procPoints g = foldGraphBlocks mb_copy_out (return mapEmpty) g
+ where mb_copy_out :: CmmBlock -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock) ->
+ FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+ mb_copy_out b z | entryLabel b == g_entry g = skip b z
+ mb_copy_out b z =
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmCall {} -> skip b z -- copy out done by callee
+ CmmForeignCall {} -> skip b z -- copy out done by callee
+ _ -> copy_out b z
+ copy_out b z = foldr trySucc init (successors b) >>= finish
+ where init = (\bmap -> (b, bmap)) `liftM` z
+ trySucc succId z =
+ if setMember succId procPoints then
+ case mapLookup succId protos of
+ Nothing -> z
+ Just (Protocol c fs _area) -> insert z succId $ copyOutSlot c fs
+ else z
+ insert z succId m =
+ do (b, bmap) <- z
+ (b, bs) <- insertBetween b m succId
+ -- pprTrace "insert for succ" (ppr succId <> ppr m) $ do
+ return $ (b, foldl (flip insertBlock) bmap bs)
+ finish (b, bmap) = return $ insertBlock b bmap
+ skip b bs = insertBlock b `liftM` bs
+-- At this point, we have found a set of procpoints, each of which should be
+-- the entry point of a procedure.
+-- Now, we create the procedure for each proc point,
+-- which requires that we:
+-- 1. build a map from proc points to the blocks reachable from the proc point
+-- 2. turn each branch to a proc point into a jump
+-- 3. turn calls and returns into jumps
+-- 4. build info tables for the procedures -- and update the info table for
+-- the SRTs in the entry procedure as well.
+-- Input invariant: A block should only be reachable from a single ProcPoint.
+splitAtProcPoints :: CLabel -> ProcPointSet-> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Status ->
+ CmmTop -> FuelUniqSM [CmmTop]
+splitAtProcPoints entry_label callPPs procPoints procMap
+ (CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info})
+ top_l g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=entry})) =
+ do -- Build a map from procpoints to the blocks they reach
+ let addBlock b graphEnv =
+ case mapLookup bid procMap of
+ Just ProcPoint -> add graphEnv bid bid b
+ Just (ReachedBy set) ->
+ case setElems set of
+ [] -> graphEnv
+ [id] -> add graphEnv id bid b
+ _ -> panic "Each block should be reachable from only one ProcPoint"
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "block not reached by a proc point?" (ppr bid)
+ where bid = entryLabel b
+ add graphEnv procId bid b = mapInsert procId graph' graphEnv
+ where graph = mapLookup procId graphEnv `orElse` mapEmpty
+ graph' = mapInsert bid b graph
+ graphEnv <- return $ foldGraphBlocks addBlock emptyBlockMap g
+ -- Build a map from proc point BlockId to labels for their new procedures
+ -- Due to common blockification, we may overestimate the set of procpoints.
+ let add_label map pp = return $ Map.insert pp lbl map
+ where lbl = if pp == entry then entry_label else blockLbl pp
+ procLabels <- foldM add_label Map.empty
+ (filter (flip mapMember (toBlockMap g)) (setElems procPoints))
+ -- For each procpoint, we need to know the SP offset on entry.
+ -- If the procpoint is:
+ -- - continuation of a call, the SP offset is in the call
+ -- - otherwise, 0 (and left out of the spEntryMap)
+ let add_sp_off :: CmmBlock -> BlockEnv CmmStackInfo -> BlockEnv CmmStackInfo
+ add_sp_off b env =
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmCall {cml_cont = Just succ, cml_ret_args = off, cml_ret_off = updfr_off} ->
+ mapInsert succ (StackInfo { arg_space = off, updfr_space = Just updfr_off}) env
+ CmmForeignCall {succ = succ, updfr = updfr_off} ->
+ mapInsert succ (StackInfo { arg_space = wORD_SIZE, updfr_space = Just updfr_off}) env
+ _ -> env
+ spEntryMap = foldGraphBlocks add_sp_off (mapInsert entry stack_info emptyBlockMap) g
+ getStackInfo id = mapLookup id spEntryMap `orElse` StackInfo {arg_space = 0, updfr_space = Nothing}
+ -- In each new graph, add blocks jumping off to the new procedures,
+ -- and replace branches to procpoints with branches to the jump-off blocks
+ let add_jump_block (env, bs) (pp, l) =
+ do bid <- liftM mkBlockId getUniqueM
+ let b = blockOfNodeList (JustC (CmmEntry bid), [], JustC jump)
+ StackInfo {arg_space = argSpace, updfr_space = off} = getStackInfo pp
+ jump = CmmCall (CmmLit (CmmLabel l')) Nothing argSpace 0
+ (off `orElse` 0) -- Jump's shouldn't need the offset...
+ l' = if setMember pp callPPs then entryLblToInfoLbl l else l
+ return (mapInsert pp bid env, b : bs)
+ add_jumps (newGraphEnv) (ppId, blockEnv) =
+ do let needed_jumps = -- find which procpoints we currently branch to
+ mapFold add_if_branch_to_pp [] blockEnv
+ add_if_branch_to_pp :: CmmBlock -> [(BlockId, CLabel)] -> [(BlockId, CLabel)]
+ add_if_branch_to_pp block rst =
+ case lastNode block of
+ CmmBranch id -> add_if_pp id rst
+ CmmCondBranch _ ti fi -> add_if_pp ti (add_if_pp fi rst)
+ CmmSwitch _ tbl -> foldr add_if_pp rst (catMaybes tbl)
+ _ -> rst
+ add_if_pp id rst = case Map.lookup id procLabels of
+ Just x -> (id, x) : rst
+ Nothing -> rst
+ (jumpEnv, jumpBlocks) <-
+ foldM add_jump_block (mapEmpty, []) needed_jumps
+ -- update the entry block
+ let b = expectJust "block in env" $ mapLookup ppId blockEnv
+ off = getStackInfo ppId
+ blockEnv' = mapInsert ppId b blockEnv
+ -- replace branches to procpoints with branches to jumps
+ blockEnv'' = toBlockMap $ replaceBranches jumpEnv $ ofBlockMap ppId blockEnv'
+ -- add the jump blocks to the graph
+ blockEnv''' = foldl (flip insertBlock) blockEnv'' jumpBlocks
+ let g' = (off, ofBlockMap ppId blockEnv''')
+ -- pprTrace "g' pre jumps" (ppr g') $ do
+ return (mapInsert ppId g' newGraphEnv)
+ graphEnv <- foldM add_jumps emptyBlockMap $ mapToList graphEnv
+ let to_proc (bid, (stack_info, g)) | setMember bid callPPs =
+ if bid == entry then
+ CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info})
+ top_l (replacePPIds g)
+ else
+ CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=emptyContInfoTable, stack_info=stack_info})
+ lbl (replacePPIds g)
+ where lbl = expectJust "pp label" $ Map.lookup bid procLabels
+ to_proc (bid, (stack_info, g)) =
+ CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=CmmNonInfoTable, stack_info=stack_info})
+ lbl (replacePPIds g)
+ where lbl = expectJust "pp label" $ Map.lookup bid procLabels
+ -- References to procpoint IDs can now be replaced with the infotable's label
+ replacePPIds g = mapGraphNodes (id, mapExp repl, mapExp repl) g
+ where repl e@(CmmLit (CmmBlock bid)) =
+ case Map.lookup bid procLabels of
+ Just l -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (entryLblToInfoLbl l))
+ Nothing -> e
+ repl e = e
+ -- The C back end expects to see return continuations before the call sites.
+ -- Here, we sort them in reverse order -- it gets reversed later.
+ let (_, block_order) = foldl add_block_num (0::Int, emptyBlockMap) (postorderDfs g)
+ add_block_num (i, map) block = (i+1, mapInsert (entryLabel block) i map)
+ sort_fn (bid, _) (bid', _) =
+ compare (expectJust "block_order" $ mapLookup bid block_order)
+ (expectJust "block_order" $ mapLookup bid' block_order)
+ procs <- return $ map to_proc $ sortBy sort_fn $ mapToList graphEnv
+ return -- pprTrace "procLabels" (ppr procLabels)
+ -- pprTrace "splitting graphs" (ppr procs)
+ procs
+splitAtProcPoints _ _ _ _ t@(CmmData _ _) = return [t]
+Note [Direct reachability]
+Block B is directly reachable from proc point P iff control can flow
+from P to B without passing through an intervening proc point.
+Note [No simple dataflow]
+Sadly, it seems impossible to compute the proc points using a single
+dataflow pass. One might attempt to use this simple lattice:
+ data Location = Unknown
+ | InProc BlockId -- node is in procedure headed by the named proc point
+ | ProcPoint -- node is itself a proc point
+At a join, a node in two different blocks becomes a proc point.
+The difficulty is that the change of information during iterative
+computation may promote a node prematurely. Here's a program that
+illustrates the difficulty:
+ f () {
+ entry:
+ ....
+ L1:
+ if (...) { ... }
+ else { ... }
+ L2: if (...) { g(); goto L1; }
+ return x + y;
+ }
+The only proc-point needed (besides the entry) is L1. But in an
+iterative analysis, consider what happens to L2. On the first pass
+through, it rises from Unknown to 'InProc entry', but when L1 is
+promoted to a proc point (because it's the successor of g()), L1's
+successors will be promoted to 'InProc L1'. The problem hits when the
+new fact 'InProc L1' flows into L2 which is already bound to 'InProc entry'.
+The join operation makes it a proc point when in fact it needn't be,
+because its immediate dominator L1 is already a proc point and there
+are no other proc points that directly reach L2.
+{- Note [Separate Adams optimization]
+It may be worthwhile to attempt the Adams optimization by rewriting
+the graph before the assignment of proc-point protocols. Here are a
+couple of rules:
+ g() returns to k; g() returns to L;
+ k: CopyIn c ress; goto L:
+ ... ==> ...
+ L: // no CopyIn node here L: CopyIn c ress;
+And when c == c' and ress == ress', this also:
+ g() returns to k; g() returns to L;
+ k: CopyIn c ress; goto L:
+ ... ==> ...
+ L: CopyIn c' ress' L: CopyIn c' ress' ;
+In both cases the goal is to eliminate k.
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPointZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPointZ.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c972ad59ab..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmProcPointZ.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-module CmmProcPointZ
- ( ProcPointSet, Status(..)
- , callProcPoints, minimalProcPointSet
- , addProcPointProtocols, splitAtProcPoints, procPointAnalysis
- )
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-import BlockId
-import CLabel
-import Cmm hiding (blockId)
-import CmmContFlowOpt
-import CmmInfo
-import CmmLiveZ
-import CmmTx
-import DFMonad
-import Data.List (sortBy)
-import Maybes
-import MkZipCfg
-import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmBlock, CmmGraph, CmmTopZ)
-import Control.Monad
-import Outputable
-import UniqSet
-import UniqSupply
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import ZipDataflow
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
--- Compute a minimal set of proc points for a control-flow graph.
--- Determine a protocol for each proc point (which live variables will
--- be passed as arguments and which will be on the stack).
-A proc point is a basic block that, after CPS transformation, will
-start a new function. The entry block of the original function is a
-proc point, as is the continuation of each function call.
-A third kind of proc point arises if we want to avoid copying code.
-Suppose we have code like the following:
- f() {
- if (...) { ..1..; call foo(); ..2..}
- else { ..3..; call bar(); ..4..}
- x = y + z;
- return x;
- }
-The statement 'x = y + z' can be reached from two different proc
-points: the continuations of foo() and bar(). We would prefer not to
-put a copy in each continuation; instead we would like 'x = y + z' to
-be the start of a new procedure to which the continuations can jump:
- f_cps () {
- if (...) { ..1..; push k_foo; jump foo_cps(); }
- else { ..3..; push k_bar; jump bar_cps(); }
- }
- k_foo() { ..2..; jump k_join(y, z); }
- k_bar() { ..4..; jump k_join(y, z); }
- k_join(y, z) { x = y + z; return x; }
-You might think then that a criterion to make a node a proc point is
-that it is directly reached by two distinct proc points. (Note
-[Direct reachability].) But this criterion is a bit too simple; for
-example, 'return x' is also reached by two proc points, yet there is
-no point in pulling it out of k_join. A good criterion would be to
-say that a node should be made a proc point if it is reached by a set
-of proc points that is different than its immediate dominator. NR
-believes this criterion can be shown to produce a minimum set of proc
-points, and given a dominator tree, the proc points can be chosen in
-time linear in the number of blocks. Lacking a dominator analysis,
-however, we turn instead to an iterative solution, starting with no
-proc points and adding them according to these rules:
- 1. The entry block is a proc point.
- 2. The continuation of a call is a proc point.
- 3. A node is a proc point if it is directly reached by more proc
- points than one of its predecessors.
-Because we don't understand the problem very well, we apply rule 3 at
-most once per iteration, then recompute the reachability information.
-(See Note [No simple dataflow].) The choice of the new proc point is
-arbitrary, and I don't know if the choice affects the final solution,
-so I don't know if the number of proc points chosen is the
-minimum---but the set will be minimal.
-type ProcPointSet = BlockSet
-data Status
- = ReachedBy ProcPointSet -- set of proc points that directly reach the block
- | ProcPoint -- this block is itself a proc point
-instance Outputable Status where
- ppr (ReachedBy ps)
- | isEmptyBlockSet ps = text "<not-reached>"
- | otherwise = text "reached by" <+>
- (hsep $ punctuate comma $ map ppr $ blockSetToList ps)
- ppr ProcPoint = text "<procpt>"
-lattice :: DataflowLattice Status
-lattice = DataflowLattice "direct proc-point reachability" unreached add_to False
- where unreached = ReachedBy emptyBlockSet
- add_to _ ProcPoint = noTx ProcPoint
- add_to ProcPoint _ = aTx ProcPoint -- aTx because of previous case again
- add_to (ReachedBy p) (ReachedBy p') =
- let union = unionBlockSets p p'
- in if sizeBlockSet union > sizeBlockSet p' then
- aTx (ReachedBy union)
- else
- noTx (ReachedBy p')
--- transfer equations
-forward :: ForwardTransfers Middle Last Status
-forward = ForwardTransfers first middle last exit
- where first id ProcPoint = ReachedBy $ unitBlockSet id
- first _ x = x
- middle _ x = x
- last (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) _ = LastOutFacts [(id, ProcPoint)]
- last l x = LastOutFacts $ map (\id -> (id, x)) (succs l)
- exit x = x
--- It is worth distinguishing two sets of proc points:
--- those that are induced by calls in the original graph
--- and those that are introduced because they're reachable from multiple proc points.
-callProcPoints :: CmmGraph -> ProcPointSet
-callProcPoints g = fold_blocks add (unitBlockSet (lg_entry g)) g
- where add b set = case last $ unzip b of
- LastOther (LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> extendBlockSet set k
- _ -> set
-minimalProcPointSet :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad ProcPointSet
--- Given the set of successors of calls (which must be proc-points)
--- figure ou the minimal set of necessary proc-points
-minimalProcPointSet callProcPoints g = extendPPSet g (postorder_dfs g) callProcPoints
-type PPFix = FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint Middle Last Status ())
-procPointAnalysis :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv Status)
--- Once you know what the proc-points are, figure out
--- what proc-points each block is reachable from
-procPointAnalysis procPoints g =
- let addPP env id = extendBlockEnv env id ProcPoint
- initProcPoints = foldl addPP emptyBlockEnv (blockSetToList procPoints)
- in liftM zdfFpFacts $
- (zdfSolveFrom initProcPoints "proc-point reachability" lattice
- forward (fact_bot lattice) $ graphOfLGraph g :: PPFix)
-extendPPSet :: CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock] -> ProcPointSet -> FuelMonad ProcPointSet
-extendPPSet g blocks procPoints =
- do env <- procPointAnalysis procPoints g
- let add block pps = let id = blockId block
- in case lookupBlockEnv env id of
- Just ProcPoint -> extendBlockSet pps id
- _ -> pps
- procPoints' = fold_blocks add emptyBlockSet g
- newPoints = mapMaybe ppSuccessor blocks
- newPoint = listToMaybe newPoints
- ppSuccessor b@(Block bid _) =
- let nreached id = case lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse`
- pprPanic "no ppt" (ppr id <+> ppr b) of
- ProcPoint -> 1
- ReachedBy ps -> sizeBlockSet ps
- block_procpoints = nreached bid
- -- | Looking for a successor of b that is reached by
- -- more proc points than b and is not already a proc
- -- point. If found, it can become a proc point.
- newId succ_id = not (elemBlockSet succ_id procPoints') &&
- nreached succ_id > block_procpoints
- in listToMaybe $ filter newId $ succs b
- case newPoints of
- [] -> return procPoints'
- pps -> extendPPSet g blocks
- (foldl extendBlockSet procPoints' pps)
- case newPoint of Just id ->
- if elemBlockSet id procPoints' then panic "added old proc pt"
- else extendPPSet g blocks (extendBlockSet procPoints' id)
- Nothing -> return procPoints'
--- Computing Proc-Point Protocols --
-There is one major trick, discovered by Michael Adams, which is that
-we want to choose protocols in a way that enables us to optimize away
-some continuations. The optimization is very much like branch-chain
-elimination, except that it involves passing results as well as
-control. The idea is that if a call's continuation k does nothing but
-CopyIn its results and then goto proc point P, the call's continuation
-may be changed to P, *provided* P's protocol is identical to the
-protocol for the CopyIn. We choose protocols to make this so.
-Here's an explanatory example; we begin with the source code (lines
-separate basic blocks):
- ..1..;
- x, y = g();
- goto P;
- -------
- P: ..2..;
-Zipperization converts this code as follows:
- ..1..;
- call g() returns to k;
- -------
- k: CopyIn(x, y);
- goto P;
- -------
- P: ..2..;
-What we'd like to do is assign P the same CopyIn protocol as k, so we
-can eliminate k:
- ..1..;
- call g() returns to P;
- -------
- P: CopyIn(x, y); ..2..;
-Of course, P may be the target of more than one continuation, and
-different continuations may have different protocols. Michael Adams
-implemented a voting mechanism, but he thinks a simple greedy
-algorithm would be just as good, so that's what we do.
-data Protocol = Protocol Convention CmmFormals Area
- deriving Eq
-instance Outputable Protocol where
- ppr (Protocol c fs a) = text "Protocol" <+> ppr c <+> ppr fs <+> ppr a
--- | Function 'optimize_calls' chooses protocols only for those proc
--- points that are relevant to the optimization explained above.
--- The others are assigned by 'add_unassigned', which is not yet clever.
-addProcPointProtocols :: ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad CmmGraph
-addProcPointProtocols callPPs procPoints g =
- do liveness <- cmmLivenessZ g
- (protos, g') <- optimize_calls liveness g
- blocks'' <- add_CopyOuts protos procPoints g'
- return $ LGraph (lg_entry g) blocks''
- where optimize_calls liveness g = -- see Note [Separate Adams optimization]
- do let (protos, blocks') =
- fold_blocks maybe_add_call (init_protocols, emptyBlockEnv) g
- protos' = add_unassigned liveness procPoints protos
- blocks <- add_CopyIns callPPs protos' blocks'
- let g' = LGraph (lg_entry g) (mkBlockEnv (map withKey (concat blocks)))
- withKey b@(Block bid _) = (bid, b)
- return (protos', runTx removeUnreachableBlocksZ g')
- maybe_add_call :: CmmBlock -> (BlockEnv Protocol, BlockEnv CmmBlock)
- -> (BlockEnv Protocol, BlockEnv CmmBlock)
- -- ^ If the block is a call whose continuation goes to a proc point
- -- whose protocol either matches the continuation's or is not yet set,
- -- redirect the call (cf 'newblock') and set the protocol if necessary
- maybe_add_call block (protos, blocks) =
- case goto_end $ unzip block of
- (h, LastOther (LastCall tgt (Just k) args res s))
- | Just proto <- lookupBlockEnv protos k,
- Just pee <- branchesToProcPoint k
- -> let newblock = zipht h (tailOfLast (LastCall tgt (Just pee)
- args res s))
- changed_blocks = insertBlock newblock blocks
- unchanged_blocks = insertBlock block blocks
- in case lookupBlockEnv protos pee of
- Nothing -> (extendBlockEnv protos pee proto,changed_blocks)
- Just proto' ->
- if proto == proto' then (protos, changed_blocks)
- else (protos, unchanged_blocks)
- _ -> (protos, insertBlock block blocks)
- branchesToProcPoint :: BlockId -> Maybe BlockId
- -- ^ Tells whether the named block is just a branch to a proc point
- branchesToProcPoint id =
- let (Block _ t) = lookupBlockEnv (lg_blocks g) id `orElse`
- panic "branch out of graph"
- in case t of
- ZLast (LastOther (LastBranch pee))
- | elemBlockSet pee procPoints -> Just pee
- _ -> Nothing
- init_protocols = fold_blocks maybe_add_proto emptyBlockEnv g
- maybe_add_proto :: CmmBlock -> BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv Protocol
- --maybe_add_proto (Block id (ZTail (CopyIn c _ fs _srt) _)) env =
- -- extendBlockEnv env id (Protocol c fs $ toArea id fs)
- maybe_add_proto _ env = env
- -- JD: Is this proto stuff even necessary, now that we have
- -- common blockification?
--- | For now, following a suggestion by Ben Lippmeier, we pass all
--- live variables as arguments, hoping that a clever register
--- allocator might help.
-add_unassigned :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Protocol ->
- BlockEnv Protocol
-add_unassigned = pass_live_vars_as_args
-pass_live_vars_as_args :: BlockEnv CmmLive -> ProcPointSet ->
- BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv Protocol
-pass_live_vars_as_args _liveness procPoints protos = protos'
- where protos' = foldBlockSet addLiveVars protos procPoints
- addLiveVars :: BlockId -> BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv Protocol
- addLiveVars id protos =
- case lookupBlockEnv protos id of
- Just _ -> protos
- Nothing -> let live = emptyRegSet
- --lookupBlockEnv _liveness id `orElse`
- --panic ("no liveness at block " ++ show id)
- formals = uniqSetToList live
- prot = Protocol Private formals $ CallArea $ Young id
- in extendBlockEnv protos id prot
--- | Add copy-in instructions to each proc point that did not arise from a call
--- instruction. (Proc-points that arise from calls already have their copy-in instructions.)
-add_CopyIns :: ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Protocol -> BlockEnv CmmBlock ->
- FuelMonad [[CmmBlock]]
-add_CopyIns callPPs protos blocks =
- liftUniq $ mapM maybe_insert_CopyIns (blockEnvToList blocks)
- where maybe_insert_CopyIns (_, b@(Block id t))
- | not $ elemBlockSet id callPPs
- = case lookupBlockEnv protos id of
- Just (Protocol c fs _area) ->
- do LGraph _ blocks <-
- lgraphOfAGraph (mkLabel id <*> copyInSlot c fs <*> mkZTail t)
- return (map snd $ blockEnvToList blocks)
- Nothing -> return [b]
- | otherwise = return [b]
--- | Add a CopyOut node before each procpoint.
--- If the predecessor is a call, then the copy outs should already be done by the callee.
--- Note: If we need to add copy-out instructions, they may require stack space,
--- so we accumulate a map from the successors to the necessary stack space,
--- then update the successors after we have finished inserting the copy-outs.
-add_CopyOuts :: BlockEnv Protocol -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph ->
- FuelMonad (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
-add_CopyOuts protos procPoints g = fold_blocks mb_copy_out (return emptyBlockEnv) g
- where mb_copy_out :: CmmBlock -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv CmmBlock) ->
- FuelMonad (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
- mb_copy_out b@(Block bid _) z | bid == lg_entry g = skip b z
- mb_copy_out b z =
- case last $ unzip b of
- LastOther (LastCall _ _ _ _ _) -> skip b z -- copy out done by callee
- _ -> copy_out b z
- copy_out b z = fold_succs trySucc b init >>= finish
- where init = z >>= (\bmap -> return (b, bmap))
- trySucc succId z =
- if elemBlockSet succId procPoints then
- case lookupBlockEnv protos succId of
- Nothing -> z
- Just (Protocol c fs _area) -> insert z succId $ copyOutSlot c fs
- else z
- insert z succId m =
- do (b, bmap) <- z
- (b, bs) <- insertBetween b m succId
- -- pprTrace "insert for succ" (ppr succId <> ppr m) $ do
- return $ (b, foldl (flip insertBlock) bmap bs)
- finish (b@(Block bid _), bmap) =
- return $ (extendBlockEnv bmap bid b)
- skip b@(Block bid _) bs =
- bs >>= (\bmap -> return (extendBlockEnv bmap bid b))
--- At this point, we have found a set of procpoints, each of which should be
--- the entry point of a procedure.
--- Now, we create the procedure for each proc point,
--- which requires that we:
--- 1. build a map from proc points to the blocks reachable from the proc point
--- 2. turn each branch to a proc point into a jump
--- 3. turn calls and returns into jumps
--- 4. build info tables for the procedures -- and update the info table for
--- the SRTs in the entry procedure as well.
--- Input invariant: A block should only be reachable from a single ProcPoint.
-splitAtProcPoints :: CLabel -> ProcPointSet-> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Status ->
- CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [CmmTopZ]
-splitAtProcPoints entry_label callPPs procPoints procMap
- (CmmProc (CmmInfo gc upd_fr info_tbl) top_l top_args
- (stackInfo, g@(LGraph entry blocks))) =
- do -- Build a map from procpoints to the blocks they reach
- let addBlock b@(Block bid _) graphEnv =
- case lookupBlockEnv procMap bid of
- Just ProcPoint -> add graphEnv bid bid b
- Just (ReachedBy set) ->
- case blockSetToList set of
- [] -> graphEnv
- [id] -> add graphEnv id bid b
- _ -> panic "Each block should be reachable from only one ProcPoint"
- Nothing -> pprPanic "block not reached by a proc point?" (ppr bid)
- add graphEnv procId bid b = extendBlockEnv graphEnv procId graph'
- where graph = lookupBlockEnv graphEnv procId `orElse` emptyBlockEnv
- graph' = extendBlockEnv graph bid b
- graphEnv <- return $ fold_blocks addBlock emptyBlockEnv g
- -- Build a map from proc point BlockId to labels for their new procedures
- -- Due to common blockification, we may overestimate the set of procpoints.
- let add_label map pp = return $ Map.insert pp lbl map
- where lbl = if pp == entry then entry_label else blockLbl pp
- procLabels <- foldM add_label Map.empty
- (filter (elemBlockEnv blocks) (blockSetToList procPoints))
- -- For each procpoint, we need to know the SP offset on entry.
- -- If the procpoint is:
- -- - continuation of a call, the SP offset is in the call
- -- - otherwise, 0 -- no overflow for passing those variables
- let add_sp_off b env =
- case last (unzip b) of
- LastOther (LastCall {cml_cont = Just succ, cml_ret_args = off,
- cml_ret_off = updfr_off}) ->
- extendBlockEnv env succ (off, updfr_off)
- _ -> env
- spEntryMap = fold_blocks add_sp_off (mkBlockEnv [(entry, stackInfo)]) g
- getStackInfo id = lookupBlockEnv spEntryMap id `orElse` (0, Nothing)
- -- In each new graph, add blocks jumping off to the new procedures,
- -- and replace branches to procpoints with branches to the jump-off blocks
- let add_jump_block (env, bs) (pp, l) =
- do bid <- liftM mkBlockId getUniqueM
- let b = Block bid (ZLast (LastOther jump))
- (argSpace, _) = getStackInfo pp
- jump = LastCall (CmmLit (CmmLabel l')) Nothing argSpace 0 Nothing
- l' = if elemBlockSet pp callPPs then entryLblToInfoLbl l else l
- return (extendBlockEnv env pp bid, b : bs)
- add_jumps (newGraphEnv) (ppId, blockEnv) =
- do let needed_jumps = -- find which procpoints we currently branch to
- foldBlockEnv' add_if_branch_to_pp [] blockEnv
- add_if_branch_to_pp block rst =
- case last (unzip block) of
- LastOther (LastBranch id) -> add_if_pp id rst
- LastOther (LastCondBranch _ ti fi) ->
- add_if_pp ti (add_if_pp fi rst)
- LastOther (LastSwitch _ tbl) -> foldr add_if_pp rst (catMaybes tbl)
- _ -> rst
- add_if_pp id rst = case Map.lookup id procLabels of
- Just x -> (id, x) : rst
- Nothing -> rst
- (jumpEnv, jumpBlocks) <-
- foldM add_jump_block (emptyBlockEnv, []) needed_jumps
- -- update the entry block
- let b = expectJust "block in env" $ lookupBlockEnv blockEnv ppId
- off = getStackInfo ppId
- blockEnv' = extendBlockEnv blockEnv ppId b
- -- replace branches to procpoints with branches to jumps
- LGraph _ blockEnv'' = replaceBranches jumpEnv $ LGraph ppId blockEnv'
- -- add the jump blocks to the graph
- blockEnv''' = foldl (flip insertBlock) blockEnv'' jumpBlocks
- let g' = (off, LGraph ppId blockEnv''')
- -- pprTrace "g' pre jumps" (ppr g') $ do
- return (extendBlockEnv newGraphEnv ppId g')
- graphEnv <- foldM add_jumps emptyBlockEnv $ blockEnvToList graphEnv
- let to_proc (bid, g) | elemBlockSet bid callPPs =
- if bid == entry then
- CmmProc (CmmInfo gc upd_fr info_tbl) top_l top_args (replacePPIds g)
- else
- CmmProc emptyContInfoTable lbl [] (replacePPIds g)
- where lbl = expectJust "pp label" $ Map.lookup bid procLabels
- to_proc (bid, g) =
- CmmProc (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable) lbl [] (replacePPIds g)
- where lbl = expectJust "pp label" $ Map.lookup bid procLabels
- -- References to procpoint IDs can now be replaced with the infotable's label
- replacePPIds (x, g) = (x, map_nodes id (mapExpMiddle repl) (mapExpLast repl) g)
- where repl e@(CmmLit (CmmBlock bid)) =
- case Map.lookup bid procLabels of
- Just l -> CmmLit (CmmLabel (entryLblToInfoLbl l))
- Nothing -> e
- repl e = e
- -- The C back end expects to see return continuations before the call sites.
- -- Here, we sort them in reverse order -- it gets reversed later.
- let (_, block_order) = foldl add_block_num (0::Int, emptyBlockEnv) (postorder_dfs g)
- add_block_num (i, map) (Block bid _) = (i+1, extendBlockEnv map bid i)
- sort_fn (bid, _) (bid', _) =
- compare (expectJust "block_order" $ lookupBlockEnv block_order bid)
- (expectJust "block_order" $ lookupBlockEnv block_order bid')
- procs <- return $ map to_proc $ sortBy sort_fn $ blockEnvToList graphEnv
- return -- pprTrace "procLabels" (ppr procLabels)
- -- pprTrace "splitting graphs" (ppr procs)
- procs
-splitAtProcPoints _ _ _ _ t@(CmmData _ _) = return [t]
-Note [Direct reachability]
-Block B is directly reachable from proc point P iff control can flow
-from P to B without passing through an intervening proc point.
-Note [No simple dataflow]
-Sadly, it seems impossible to compute the proc points using a single
-dataflow pass. One might attempt to use this simple lattice:
- data Location = Unknown
- | InProc BlockId -- node is in procedure headed by the named proc point
- | ProcPoint -- node is itself a proc point
-At a join, a node in two different blocks becomes a proc point.
-The difficulty is that the change of information during iterative
-computation may promote a node prematurely. Here's a program that
-illustrates the difficulty:
- f () {
- entry:
- ....
- L1:
- if (...) { ... }
- else { ... }
- L2: if (...) { g(); goto L1; }
- return x + y;
- }
-The only proc-point needed (besides the entry) is L1. But in an
-iterative analysis, consider what happens to L2. On the first pass
-through, it rises from Unknown to 'InProc entry', but when L1 is
-promoted to a proc point (because it's the successor of g()), L1's
-successors will be promoted to 'InProc L1'. The problem hits when the
-new fact 'InProc L1' flows into L2 which is already bound to 'InProc entry'.
-The join operation makes it a proc point when in fact it needn't be,
-because its immediate dominator L1 is already a proc point and there
-are no other proc points that directly reach L2.
-{- Note [Separate Adams optimization]
-It may be worthwhile to attempt the Adams optimization by rewriting
-the graph before the assignment of proc-point protocols. Here are a
-couple of rules:
- g() returns to k; g() returns to L;
- k: CopyIn c ress; goto L:
- ... ==> ...
- L: // no CopyIn node here L: CopyIn c ress;
-And when c == c' and ress == ress', this also:
- g() returns to k; g() returns to L;
- k: CopyIn c ress; goto L:
- ... ==> ...
- L: CopyIn c' ress' L: CopyIn c' ress' ;
-In both cases the goal is to eliminate k.
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
index c457383e6b..0c0099434d 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSpillReload.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XGADTs -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
-- Norman likes local bindings
-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
@@ -16,23 +16,19 @@ module CmmSpillReload
import BlockId
+import Cmm
import CmmExpr
-import CmmTx
-import CmmLiveZ
-import DFMonad
-import MkZipCfg
-import PprCmm()
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import ZipDataflow
+import CmmLive
+import OptimizationFuel
import Control.Monad
import Outputable hiding (empty)
import qualified Outputable as PP
import UniqSet
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.Maybe
-import Prelude hiding (zip)
+import Prelude hiding (succ, zip)
{- Note [Overview of spill/reload]
@@ -69,117 +65,122 @@ changeRegs f live = live { in_regs = f (in_regs live) }
dualLiveLattice :: DataflowLattice DualLive
-dualLiveLattice =
- DataflowLattice "variables live in registers and on stack" empty add False
+dualLiveLattice = DataflowLattice "variables live in registers and on stack" empty add
where empty = DualLive emptyRegSet emptyRegSet
- -- | compute in the Tx monad to track whether anything has changed
- add new old = do stack <- add1 (on_stack new) (on_stack old)
- regs <- add1 (in_regs new) (in_regs old)
- return $ DualLive stack regs
- add1 = fact_add_to liveLattice
-type LiveReloadFix a = FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last DualLive a)
-dualLivenessWithInsertion :: BlockSet -> (LGraph Middle Last) -> FuelMonad (LGraph Middle Last)
-dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints g@(LGraph entry _) =
- liftM zdfFpContents $ (res :: LiveReloadFix (LGraph Middle Last))
- where res = zdfBRewriteFromL RewriteDeep emptyBlockEnv "dual liveness with insertion"
- dualLiveLattice (dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints)
- (insertSpillAndReloadRewrites entry procPoints) empty g
- empty = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
-dualLiveness :: BlockSet -> LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv DualLive)
-dualLiveness procPoints g@(LGraph entry _) =
- liftM zdfFpFacts $ (res :: LiveReloadFix ())
- where res = zdfSolveFromL emptyBlockEnv "dual liveness" dualLiveLattice
- (dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints) empty g
- empty = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
-dualLiveTransfers :: BlockId -> BlockSet -> BackwardTransfers Middle Last DualLive
-dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints = BackwardTransfers first middle last
- where last = lastDualLiveness
- middle = middleDualLiveness
- first id live = check live id $ -- live at procPoint => spill
- if id /= entry && elemBlockSet id procPoints then
- DualLive { on_stack = on_stack live `plusRegSet` in_regs live
- , in_regs = emptyRegSet }
- else live
- check live id x = if id == entry then noLiveOnEntry id (in_regs live) x else x
-middleDualLiveness :: Middle -> DualLive -> DualLive
-middleDualLiveness m live =
- changeStack updSlots $ changeRegs (middleLiveness m) (changeRegs regs_in live)
- where regs_in live = case m of MidForeignCall {} -> emptyRegSet
- _ -> live
- updSlots live = foldSlotsUsed reload (foldSlotsDefd spill live m) m
- spill live s@(RegSlot r, _, _) = check s $ deleteFromRegSet live r
- spill live _ = live
- reload live s@(RegSlot r, _, _) = check s $ extendRegSet live r
- reload live _ = live
- check (RegSlot (LocalReg _ ty), o, w) x
- | o == w && w == widthInBytes (typeWidth ty) = x
- check _ _ = panic "middleDualLiveness unsupported: slices"
-lastDualLiveness :: Last -> (BlockId -> DualLive) -> DualLive
-lastDualLiveness l env = last l
- where last (LastBranch id) = env id
- last l@(LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) = changeRegs (gen l . kill l) empty
- last l@(LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) =
- -- nothing can be live in registers at this point, unless safe foreign call
- let live = env k
- live_in = DualLive (on_stack live) (gen l emptyRegSet)
- in if isEmptyUniqSet (in_regs live) then live_in
- else pprTrace "Offending party:" (ppr k <+> ppr live) $
- panic "live values in registers at call continuation"
- last l@(LastCondBranch _ t f) =
- changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnion (env t) (env f)
- last l@(LastSwitch _ tbl) = changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnionList $
- map env (catMaybes tbl)
- empty = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
+ add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = (changeIf $ change1 || change2, DualLive stack regs)
+ where (change1, stack) = add1 (on_stack old) (on_stack new)
+ (change2, regs) = add1 (in_regs old) (in_regs new)
+ add1 old new = if sizeUniqSet join > sizeUniqSet old then (True, join) else (False, old)
+ where join = unionUniqSets old new
+dualLivenessWithInsertion :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+dualLivenessWithInsertion procPoints g =
+ liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd dualLiveLattice
+ (dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints)
+ (insertSpillAndReloadRewrites g procPoints)
+dualLiveness :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv DualLive)
+dualLiveness procPoints g =
+ liftM snd $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analBwd dualLiveLattice $ dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints
+dualLiveTransfers :: BlockId -> BlockSet -> (BwdTransfer CmmNode DualLive)
+dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints = mkBTransfer3 first middle last
+ where first :: CmmNode C O -> DualLive -> DualLive
+ first (CmmEntry id) live = check live id $ -- live at procPoint => spill
+ if id /= entry && setMember id procPoints
+ then DualLive { on_stack = on_stack live `plusRegSet` in_regs live
+ , in_regs = emptyRegSet }
+ else live
+ where check live id x = if id == entry then noLiveOnEntry id (in_regs live) x else x
+ middle :: CmmNode O O -> DualLive -> DualLive
+ middle m live = changeStack updSlots $ changeRegs (xferLiveMiddle m) (changeRegs regs_in live)
+ where xferLiveMiddle = case getBTransfer3 xferLive of (_, middle, _) -> middle
+ regs_in :: RegSet -> RegSet
+ regs_in live = case m of CmmUnsafeForeignCall {} -> emptyRegSet
+ _ -> live
+ updSlots live = foldSlotsUsed reload (foldSlotsDefd spill live m) m
+ spill live s@(RegSlot r, _, _) = check s $ deleteFromRegSet live r
+ spill live _ = live
+ reload live s@(RegSlot r, _, _) = check s $ extendRegSet live r
+ reload live _ = live
+ check (RegSlot (LocalReg _ ty), o, w) x
+ | o == w && w == widthInBytes (typeWidth ty) = x
+ check _ _ = panic "middleDualLiveness unsupported: slices"
+ last :: CmmNode O C -> FactBase DualLive -> DualLive
+ last l fb = case l of
+ CmmBranch id -> lkp id
+ l@(CmmCall {cml_cont=Nothing}) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) empty
+ l@(CmmCall {cml_cont=Just k}) -> call l k
+ l@(CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) -> call l k
+ l@(CmmCondBranch _ t f) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnion (lkp t) (lkp f)
+ l@(CmmSwitch _ tbl) -> changeRegs (gen l . kill l) $ dualUnionList $ map lkp (catMaybes tbl)
+ where empty = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
+ lkp id = empty `fromMaybe` lookupFact id fb
+ call l k = DualLive (on_stack (lkp k)) (gen l emptyRegSet)
gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
gen a live = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live a
kill :: DefinerOfLocalRegs a => a -> RegSet -> RegSet
kill a live = foldRegsDefd deleteFromRegSet live a
-insertSpillAndReloadRewrites ::
- BlockId -> BlockSet -> BackwardRewrites Middle Last DualLive
-insertSpillAndReloadRewrites entry procPoints =
- BackwardRewrites first middle last exit
- where middle = middleInsertSpillsAndReloads
- last _ _ = Nothing
- exit = Nothing
- first id live =
- if id /= entry && elemBlockSet id procPoints then
- case map reload (uniqSetToList (in_regs live)) of
+insertSpillAndReloadRewrites :: CmmGraph -> BlockSet -> CmmBwdRewrite DualLive
+insertSpillAndReloadRewrites graph procPoints = deepBwdRw3 first middle nothing
+ -- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more reasonable here,
+ -- but GHC miscompiles it, see bug #4044.
+ where first :: CmmNode C O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph C O
+ first e@(CmmEntry id) live = return $
+ if id /= (g_entry graph) && setMember id procPoints then
+ case map reload (uniqSetToList spill_regs) of
[] -> Nothing
- is -> Just (mkMiddles is)
+ is -> Just $ mkFirst e <*> mkMiddles is
else Nothing
+ where
+ -- If we are splitting procedures, we need the LastForeignCall
+ -- to spill its results to the stack because they will only
+ -- be used by a separate procedure (so they can't stay in LocalRegs).
+ splitting = True
+ spill_regs = if splitting then in_regs live
+ else in_regs live `minusRegSet` defs
+ defs = case mapLookup id firstDefs of
+ Just defs -> defs
+ Nothing -> emptyRegSet
+ -- A LastForeignCall may contain some definitions, which take place
+ -- on return from the function call. Therefore, we build a map (firstDefs)
+ -- from BlockId to the set of variables defined on return to the BlockId.
+ firstDefs = mapFold addLive emptyBlockMap (toBlockMap graph)
+ addLive :: CmmBlock -> BlockEnv RegSet -> BlockEnv RegSet
+ addLive b env = case lastNode b of
+ CmmForeignCall {succ=k, res=defs} -> add k (mkRegSet defs) env
+ _ -> env
+ add bid defs env = mapInsert bid defs'' env
+ where defs'' = case mapLookup bid env of
+ Just defs' -> timesRegSet defs defs'
+ Nothing -> defs
+ middle :: CmmNode O O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph O O
+ middle (CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg') _) _)) _ | reg == reg' = return Nothing
+ middle m@(CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) _) live = return $
+ if reg `elemRegSet` on_stack live then -- must spill
+ my_trace "Spilling" (f4sep [text "spill" <+> ppr reg,
+ text "after"{-, ppr m-}]) $
+ Just $ mkMiddles $ [m, spill reg]
+ else Nothing
+ middle m@(CmmUnsafeForeignCall _ fs _) live = return $
+ case map spill (filter (flip elemRegSet (on_stack live)) fs) ++
+ map reload (uniqSetToList (kill fs (in_regs live))) of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ reloads -> Just $ mkMiddles (m : reloads)
+ middle _ _ = return Nothing
+ nothing _ _ = return Nothing
-middleInsertSpillsAndReloads :: Middle -> DualLive -> Maybe (AGraph Middle Last)
-middleInsertSpillsAndReloads m live = middle m
- where middle (MidAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg') _) _))
- | reg == reg' = Nothing
- middle (MidAssign (CmmLocal reg) _) =
- if reg `elemRegSet` on_stack live then -- must spill
- my_trace "Spilling" (f4sep [text "spill" <+> ppr reg,
- text "after", ppr m]) $
- Just $ mkMiddles $ [m, spill reg]
- else Nothing
- middle (MidForeignCall _ _ fs _) =
- case map spill (filter (flip elemRegSet (on_stack live)) fs) ++
- map reload (uniqSetToList (kill fs (in_regs live))) of
- [] -> Nothing
- reloads -> Just (mkMiddles (m : reloads))
- middle _ = Nothing
--- Generating spill and reload code
regSlot :: LocalReg -> CmmExpr
regSlot r = CmmStackSlot (RegSlot r) (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType r)
-spill, reload :: LocalReg -> Middle
-spill r = MidStore (regSlot r) (CmmReg $ CmmLocal r)
-reload r = MidAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (regSlot r) $ localRegType r)
+spill, reload :: LocalReg -> CmmNode O O
+spill r = CmmStore (regSlot r) (CmmReg $ CmmLocal r)
+reload r = CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad (regSlot r) $ localRegType r)
--- sinking reloads
@@ -195,12 +196,12 @@ data AvailRegs = UniverseMinus RegSet
availRegsLattice :: DataflowLattice AvailRegs
-availRegsLattice = DataflowLattice "register gotten from reloads" empty add False
+availRegsLattice = DataflowLattice "register gotten from reloads" empty add
where empty = UniverseMinus emptyRegSet
-- | compute in the Tx monad to track whether anything has changed
- add new old =
- let join = interAvail new old in
- if join `smallerAvail` old then aTx join else noTx join
+ add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) =
+ if join `smallerAvail` old then (SomeChange, join) else (NoChange, old)
+ where join = interAvail new old
interAvail :: AvailRegs -> AvailRegs -> AvailRegs
@@ -227,68 +228,58 @@ elemAvail :: AvailRegs -> LocalReg -> Bool
elemAvail (UniverseMinus s) r = not $ elemRegSet r s
elemAvail (AvailRegs s) r = elemRegSet r s
-type AvailFix = FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint Middle Last AvailRegs ())
+cmmAvailableReloads :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv AvailRegs)
+cmmAvailableReloads g =
+ liftM snd $ dataflowPassFwd g [(g_entry g, fact_bot availRegsLattice)] $
+ analFwd availRegsLattice availReloadsTransfer
-cmmAvailableReloads :: LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv AvailRegs)
-cmmAvailableReloads g = liftM zdfFpFacts $ (res :: AvailFix)
- where res = zdfSolveFromL emptyBlockEnv "available reloads" availRegsLattice
- avail_reloads_transfer empty g
- empty = fact_bot availRegsLattice
+availReloadsTransfer :: FwdTransfer CmmNode AvailRegs
+availReloadsTransfer = mkFTransfer3 (flip const) middleAvail ((mkFactBase availRegsLattice .) . lastAvail)
-avail_reloads_transfer :: ForwardTransfers Middle Last AvailRegs
-avail_reloads_transfer = ForwardTransfers (flip const) middleAvail lastAvail id
-middleAvail :: Middle -> AvailRegs -> AvailRegs
-middleAvail (MidAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad l _)) avail
+middleAvail :: CmmNode O O -> AvailRegs -> AvailRegs
+middleAvail (CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) (CmmLoad l _)) avail
| l `isStackSlotOf` r = extendAvail avail r
-middleAvail (MidAssign lhs _) avail = foldRegsDefd delFromAvail avail lhs
-middleAvail (MidStore l (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))) avail
+middleAvail (CmmAssign lhs _) avail = foldRegsDefd delFromAvail avail lhs
+middleAvail (CmmStore l (CmmReg (CmmLocal r))) avail
| l `isStackSlotOf` r = avail
-middleAvail (MidStore (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot r) _) _) avail = delFromAvail avail r
-middleAvail (MidStore {}) avail = avail
-middleAvail (MidForeignCall {}) _ = AvailRegs emptyRegSet
-middleAvail (MidComment {}) avail = avail
-lastAvail :: Last -> AvailRegs -> LastOutFacts AvailRegs
-lastAvail (LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) _ = LastOutFacts [(k, AvailRegs emptyRegSet)]
-lastAvail l avail = LastOutFacts $ map (\id -> (id, avail)) $ succs l
-type LateReloadFix = FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint Middle Last AvailRegs CmmGraph)
-availRewrites :: ForwardRewrites Middle Last AvailRegs
-availRewrites = ForwardRewrites first middle last exit
- where first _ _ = Nothing
- middle m avail = maybe_reload_before avail m (mkMiddle m)
- last l avail = maybe_reload_before avail l (mkLast l)
- exit _ = Nothing
+middleAvail (CmmStore (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot r) _) _) avail = delFromAvail avail r
+middleAvail (CmmStore {}) avail = avail
+middleAvail (CmmUnsafeForeignCall {}) _ = AvailRegs emptyRegSet
+middleAvail (CmmComment {}) avail = avail
+lastAvail :: CmmNode O C -> AvailRegs -> [(Label, AvailRegs)]
+lastAvail (CmmCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) _ = [(k, AvailRegs emptyRegSet)]
+lastAvail (CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) _ = [(k, AvailRegs emptyRegSet)]
+lastAvail l avail = map (\id -> (id, avail)) $ successors l
+insertLateReloads :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+insertLateReloads g =
+ liftM fst $ dataflowPassFwd g [(g_entry g, fact_bot availRegsLattice)] $
+ analRewFwd availRegsLattice availReloadsTransfer rewrites
+ where rewrites = mkFRewrite3 first middle last
+ first _ _ = return Nothing
+ middle m avail = return $ maybe_reload_before avail m (mkMiddle m)
+ last l avail = return $ maybe_reload_before avail l (mkLast l)
maybe_reload_before avail node tail =
let used = filterRegsUsed (elemAvail avail) node
in if isEmptyUniqSet used then Nothing
- else Just $ reloadTail used tail
+ else Just $ reloadTail used tail
reloadTail regset t = foldl rel t $ uniqSetToList regset
where rel t r = mkMiddle (reload r) <*> t
-insertLateReloads :: (LGraph Middle Last) -> FuelMonad (LGraph Middle Last)
-insertLateReloads g = liftM zdfFpContents $ (res :: LateReloadFix)
- where res = zdfFRewriteFromL RewriteShallow emptyBlockEnv "insert late reloads"
- availRegsLattice avail_reloads_transfer availRewrites bot g
- bot = fact_bot availRegsLattice
-removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads :: BlockSet -> (LGraph Middle Last) -> FuelMonad (LGraph Middle Last)
-removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads procPoints g@(LGraph entry _) =
- liftM zdfFpContents $ (res :: LiveReloadFix (LGraph Middle Last))
- where res = zdfBRewriteFromL RewriteDeep emptyBlockEnv "dead-assignment & -reload elim"
- dualLiveLattice (dualLiveTransfers entry procPoints)
- rewrites (fact_bot dualLiveLattice) g
- rewrites = BackwardRewrites nothing middleRemoveDeads nothing Nothing
- nothing _ _ = Nothing
-middleRemoveDeads :: Middle -> DualLive -> Maybe (AGraph Middle Last)
-middleRemoveDeads (MidAssign (CmmLocal reg') _) live
- | not (reg' `elemRegSet` in_regs live) = Just emptyAGraph
-middleRemoveDeads _ _ = Nothing
+removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads :: BlockSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads procPoints g =
+ liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd dualLiveLattice
+ (dualLiveTransfers (g_entry g) procPoints)
+ rewrites
+ where rewrites = deepBwdRw3 nothing middle nothing
+ -- Beware: deepBwdRw with one polymorphic function seems more reasonable here,
+ -- but GHC panics while compiling, see bug #4045.
+ middle :: CmmNode O O -> Fact O DualLive -> CmmReplGraph O O
+ middle (CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg') _) live | not (reg' `elemRegSet` in_regs live) = return $ Just emptyGraph
+ middle _ _ = return Nothing
+ nothing _ _ = return Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmStackLayout.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmStackLayout.hs
index df1b89c9ba..4756bbd152 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmStackLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmStackLayout.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XGADTs -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
-- Norman likes local bindings
-- If this module lives on I'd like to get rid of this flag in due course
+-- Todo: remove
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
module CmmStackLayout
( SlotEnv, liveSlotAnal, liveSlotTransfers, removeLiveSlotDefs
, layout, manifestSP, igraph, areaBuilder
@@ -9,23 +12,20 @@ module CmmStackLayout
import Constants
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
+import Prelude hiding (succ, zip, unzip, last)
import BlockId
+import Cmm
import CmmExpr
-import CmmProcPointZ
-import CmmTx
-import DFMonad
+import CmmProcPoint
import Maybes
-import MkZipCfg
-import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmBlock, CmmGraph)
+import MkGraph (stackStubExpr)
import Control.Monad
+import OptimizationFuel
import Outputable
import SMRep (ByteOff)
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfg as Z
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import ZipDataflow
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
@@ -64,24 +64,23 @@ import qualified FiniteMap as Map
-- a single slot, on insertion.
slotLattice :: DataflowLattice SubAreaSet
-slotLattice = DataflowLattice "live slots" Map.empty add False
- where add new old = case Map.foldRightWithKey addArea (False, old) new of
- (True, x) -> aTx x
- (False, x) -> noTx x
+slotLattice = DataflowLattice "live slots" Map.empty add
+ where add _ (OldFact old) (NewFact new) = case Map.foldRightWithKey addArea (False, old) new of
+ (change, x) -> (changeIf change, x)
addArea a newSlots z = foldr (addSlot a) z newSlots
addSlot a slot (changed, map) =
let (c, live) = liveGen slot $ Map.findWithDefault [] a map
in (c || changed, Map.insert a live map)
+slotLatticeJoin :: [SubAreaSet] -> SubAreaSet
+slotLatticeJoin facts = foldr extend (fact_bot slotLattice) facts
+ where extend fact res = snd $ fact_join slotLattice undefined (OldFact fact) (NewFact res)
type SlotEnv = BlockEnv SubAreaSet
-- The sub-areas live on entry to the block
-type SlotFix a = FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last SubAreaSet a)
-liveSlotAnal :: LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad SlotEnv
-liveSlotAnal g = liftM zdfFpFacts (res :: SlotFix ())
- where res = zdfSolveFromL emptyBlockEnv "live slot analysis" slotLattice
- liveSlotTransfers (fact_bot slotLattice) g
+liveSlotAnal :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM SlotEnv
+liveSlotAnal g = liftM snd $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analBwd slotLattice liveSlotTransfers
-- Add the subarea s to the subareas in the list-set (possibly coalescing it with
-- adjacent subareas), and also return whether s was a new addition.
@@ -120,10 +119,21 @@ liveKill (a, hi, w) set = -- pprTrace "killing slots in area" (ppr a) $
-- considered live in to the block -- we treat the first node as a definition site.
-- BEWARE?: Am I being a little careless here in failing to check for the
-- entry Id (which would use the CallArea Old).
-liveSlotTransfers :: BackwardTransfers Middle Last SubAreaSet
-liveSlotTransfers =
- BackwardTransfers first liveInSlots liveLastIn
- where first id live = Map.delete (CallArea (Young id)) live
+liveSlotTransfers :: BwdTransfer CmmNode SubAreaSet
+liveSlotTransfers = mkBTransfer3 frt mid lst
+ where frt :: CmmNode C O -> SubAreaSet -> SubAreaSet
+ frt (CmmEntry l) f = Map.delete (CallArea (Young l)) f
+ mid :: CmmNode O O -> SubAreaSet -> SubAreaSet
+ mid n f = foldSlotsUsed addSlot (removeLiveSlotDefs f n) n
+ lst :: CmmNode O C -> FactBase SubAreaSet -> SubAreaSet
+ lst n f = liveInSlots n $ case n of
+ CmmCall {cml_cont=Nothing, cml_args=args} -> add_area (CallArea Old) args out
+ CmmCall {cml_cont=Just k, cml_args=args} -> add_area (CallArea Old) args (add_area (CallArea (Young k)) args out)
+ CmmForeignCall {succ=k, updfr=oldend} -> add_area (CallArea Old) oldend (add_area (CallArea (Young k)) wORD_SIZE out)
+ _ -> out
+ where out = joinOutFacts slotLattice n f
+ add_area _ n live | n == 0 = live
+ add_area a n live = Map.insert a (snd $ liveGen (a, n, n) $ Map.findWithDefault [] a live) live
-- Slot sets: adding slots, removing slots, and checking for membership.
liftToArea :: Area -> ([SubArea] -> [SubArea]) -> SubAreaSet -> SubAreaSet
@@ -141,7 +151,7 @@ removeLiveSlotDefs = foldSlotsDefd removeSlot
liveInSlots :: (DefinerOfSlots s, UserOfSlots s) => s -> SubAreaSet -> SubAreaSet
liveInSlots x live = foldSlotsUsed addSlot (removeLiveSlotDefs live x) x
-liveLastIn :: Last -> (BlockId -> SubAreaSet) -> SubAreaSet
+liveLastIn :: CmmNode O C -> (BlockId -> SubAreaSet) -> SubAreaSet
liveLastIn l env = liveInSlots l (liveLastOut env l)
-- Don't forget to keep the outgoing parameters in the CallArea live,
@@ -151,17 +161,17 @@ liveLastIn l env = liveInSlots l (liveLastOut env l)
-- be a return to keep the update frame live. We'd still better keep the
-- info pointer in the update frame live at any call site;
-- otherwise we could screw up the garbage collector.
-liveLastOut :: (BlockId -> SubAreaSet) -> Last -> SubAreaSet
+liveLastOut :: (BlockId -> SubAreaSet) -> CmmNode O C -> SubAreaSet
liveLastOut env l =
case l of
- LastCall _ Nothing n _ _ ->
+ CmmCall _ Nothing n _ _ ->
add_area (CallArea Old) n out -- add outgoing args (includes upd frame)
- LastCall _ (Just k) n _ (Just _) ->
+ CmmCall _ (Just k) n _ _ ->
add_area (CallArea Old) n (add_area (CallArea (Young k)) n out)
- LastCall _ (Just k) n _ Nothing ->
- add_area (CallArea (Young k)) n out
+ CmmForeignCall { succ = k, updfr = oldend } ->
+ add_area (CallArea Old) oldend (add_area (CallArea (Young k)) wORD_SIZE out)
_ -> out
- where out = joinOuts slotLattice env l
+ where out = slotLatticeJoin $ map env $ successors l
add_area _ n live | n == 0 = live
add_area a n live =
Map.insert a (snd $ liveGen (a, n, n) $ Map.findWithDefault [] a live) live
@@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ areaBuilder = Builder fold words
words areaSize areaMap a =
case Map.lookup a areaMap of
Just addr -> [addr .. addr + (Map.lookup a areaSize `orElse`
- pprPanic "wordsOccupied: unknown area" (ppr a))]
+ pprPanic "wordsOccupied: unknown area" (ppr areaSize <+> ppr a))]
Nothing -> []
--slotBuilder :: IGraphBuilder (Area, Int)
@@ -198,48 +208,49 @@ areaBuilder = Builder fold words
-- definitions.
type IGraph x = Map x (Set x)
type IGPair x = (IGraph x, IGraphBuilder x)
-igraph :: (Ord x) => IGraphBuilder x -> SlotEnv -> LGraph Middle Last -> IGraph x
-igraph builder env g = foldr interfere Map.empty (postorder_dfs g)
+igraph :: (Ord x) => IGraphBuilder x -> SlotEnv -> CmmGraph -> IGraph x
+igraph builder env g = foldr interfere Map.empty (postorderDfs g)
where foldN = foldNodes builder
- interfere block igraph =
- let (h, l) = goto_end (unzip block)
- --heads :: ZHead Middle -> (IGraph x, SubAreaSet) -> IGraph x
- heads (ZFirst _) (igraph, _) = igraph
- heads (ZHead h m) (igraph, liveOut) =
- heads h (addEdges igraph m liveOut, liveInSlots m liveOut)
- -- add edges between a def and the other defs and liveouts
- addEdges igraph i out = fst $ foldSlotsDefd addDef (igraph, out) i
- addDef (igraph, out) def@(a, _, _) =
- (foldN def (addDefN out) igraph,
- Map.insert a (snd $ liveGen def (Map.findWithDefault [] a out)) out)
- addDefN out n igraph =
- let addEdgeNO o igraph = foldN o addEdgeNN igraph
- addEdgeNN n' igraph = addEdgeNN' n n' $ addEdgeNN' n' n igraph
- addEdgeNN' n n' igraph = Map.insert n (Map.insert n' () set) igraph
- where set = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty n igraph
- in Map.foldRightWithKey (\ _ os igraph -> foldr addEdgeNO igraph os) igraph out
- env' bid = lookupBlockEnv env bid `orElse` panic "unknown blockId in igraph"
- in heads h $ case l of LastExit -> (igraph, Map.empty)
- LastOther l -> (addEdges igraph l $ liveLastOut env' l,
- liveLastIn l env')
+ interfere block igraph = foldBlockNodesB3 (first, middle, last) block igraph
+ where first _ (igraph, _) = igraph
+ middle node (igraph, liveOut) =
+ (addEdges igraph node liveOut, liveInSlots node liveOut)
+ last node igraph =
+ (addEdges igraph node $ liveLastOut env' node, liveLastIn node env')
+ -- add edges between a def and the other defs and liveouts
+ addEdges igraph i out = fst $ foldSlotsDefd addDef (igraph, out) i
+ addDef (igraph, out) def@(a, _, _) =
+ (foldN def (addDefN out) igraph,
+ Map.insert a (snd $ liveGen def (Map.findWithDefault [] a out)) out)
+ addDefN out n igraph =
+ let addEdgeNO o igraph = foldN o addEdgeNN igraph
+ addEdgeNN n' igraph = addEdgeNN' n n' $ addEdgeNN' n' n igraph
+ addEdgeNN' n n' igraph = Map.insert n (Map.insert n' () set) igraph
+ where set = Map.findWithDefault Map.empty n igraph
+ in Map.foldRightWithKey (\ _ os igraph -> foldr addEdgeNO igraph os) igraph out
+ env' bid = mapLookup bid env `orElse` panic "unknown blockId in igraph"
-- Before allocating stack slots, we need to collect one more piece of information:
-- what's the highest offset (in bytes) used in each Area?
-- We'll need to allocate that much space for each Area.
-getAreaSize :: ByteOff -> LGraph Middle Last -> AreaMap
+-- JD: WHY CAN'T THIS COME FROM THE slot-liveness info?
+getAreaSize :: ByteOff -> CmmGraph -> AreaMap
-- The domain of the returned mapping consists only of Areas
-- used for (a) variable spill slots, and (b) parameter passing ares for calls
-getAreaSize entry_off g@(LGraph _ _) =
- fold_blocks (fold_fwd_block first add_regslots last)
+getAreaSize entry_off g =
+ foldGraphBlocks (foldBlockNodesF3 (first, add_regslots, last))
(Map.singleton (CallArea Old) entry_off) g
where first _ z = z
- last l@(LastOther (LastCall _ Nothing args res _)) z =
- add_regslots l (add (add z area args) area res)
+ last :: CmmNode O C -> Map Area Int -> Map Area Int
+ last l@(CmmCall _ Nothing args res _) z = add_regslots l (add (add z area args) area res)
where area = CallArea Old
- last l@(LastOther (LastCall _ (Just k) args res _)) z =
- add_regslots l (add (add z area args) area res)
+ last l@(CmmCall _ (Just k) args res _) z = add_regslots l (add (add z area args) area res)
+ where area = CallArea (Young k)
+ last l@(CmmForeignCall {succ = k}) z = add_regslots l (add z area wORD_SIZE)
where area = CallArea (Young k)
- last l z = add_regslots l z
+ last l z = add_regslots l z
add_regslots i z = foldSlotsUsed addSlot (foldSlotsDefd addSlot z i) i
addSlot z (a@(RegSlot (LocalReg _ ty)), _, _) =
add z a $ widthInBytes $ typeWidth ty
@@ -308,19 +319,15 @@ allocSlotFrom ig areaSize from areaMap area =
-- Note: The stack pointer only has to be younger than the youngest live stack slot
-- at proc points. Otherwise, the stack pointer can point anywhere.
-layout :: ProcPointSet -> SlotEnv -> ByteOff -> LGraph Middle Last -> AreaMap
+layout :: ProcPointSet -> SlotEnv -> ByteOff -> CmmGraph -> AreaMap
-- The domain of the returned map includes an Area for EVERY block
-- including each block that is not the successor of a call (ie is not a proc-point)
-- That's how we return the info of what the SP should be at the entry of every block
layout procPoints env entry_off g =
let ig = (igraph areaBuilder env g, areaBuilder)
- env' bid = lookupBlockEnv env bid `orElse` panic "unknown blockId in igraph"
+ env' bid = mapLookup bid env `orElse` panic "unknown blockId in igraph"
areaSize = getAreaSize entry_off g
- -- Find the slots that are live-in to a block tail
- live_in (ZTail m l) = liveInSlots m (live_in l)
- live_in (ZLast (LastOther l)) = liveLastIn l env'
- live_in (ZLast LastExit) = Map.empty
-- Find the youngest live stack slot that has already been allocated
youngest_live :: AreaMap -- Already allocated
@@ -338,10 +345,10 @@ layout procPoints env entry_off g =
-- Update the successor's incoming SP.
setSuccSPs inSp bid areaMap =
- case (Map.lookup area areaMap, lookupBlockEnv (lg_blocks g) bid) of
+ case (Map.lookup area areaMap , mapLookup bid (toBlockMap g)) of
(Just _, _) -> areaMap -- succ already knows incoming SP
- (Nothing, Just (Block _ _)) ->
- if elemBlockSet bid procPoints then
+ (Nothing, Just _) ->
+ if setMember bid procPoints then
let young = youngest_live areaMap $ env' bid
-- start = case returnOff stackInfo of Just b -> max b young
-- Nothing -> young
@@ -352,28 +359,19 @@ layout procPoints env entry_off g =
(_, Nothing) -> panic "Block not found in cfg"
where area = CallArea (Young bid)
- allocLast (Block id _) areaMap l =
- fold_succs (setSuccSPs inSp) l areaMap
- where inSp = expectJust "sp in" $ Map.lookup (CallArea (Young id)) areaMap
- allocMidCall m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid _ _) _ _ _) t areaMap =
- let young = youngest_live areaMap $ removeLiveSlotDefs (live_in t) m
- area = CallArea (Young bid)
- areaSize' = Map.insert area (widthInBytes (typeWidth gcWord)) areaSize
- in allocSlotFrom ig areaSize' young areaMap area
- allocMidCall _ _ areaMap = areaMap
- alloc m t areaMap =
- foldSlotsDefd alloc' (foldSlotsUsed alloc' (allocMidCall m t areaMap) m) m
- where alloc' areaMap (a@(RegSlot _), _, _) = allocVarSlot areaMap a
- alloc' areaMap _ = areaMap
- layoutAreas areaMap b@(Block _ t) = layout areaMap t
- where layout areaMap (ZTail m t) = layout (alloc m t areaMap) t
- layout areaMap (ZLast l) = allocLast b areaMap l
- initMap = Map.insert (CallArea (Young (lg_entry g))) 0
- (Map.insert (CallArea Old) 0 Map.empty)
- areaMap = foldl layoutAreas initMap (postorder_dfs g)
+ layoutAreas areaMap block = foldBlockNodesF3 (flip const, allocMid, allocLast (entryLabel block)) block areaMap
+ allocMid m areaMap = foldSlotsDefd alloc' (foldSlotsUsed alloc' areaMap m) m
+ allocLast bid l areaMap =
+ foldr (setSuccSPs inSp) areaMap' (successors l)
+ where inSp = expectJust "sp in" $ Map.lookup (CallArea (Young bid)) areaMap
+ areaMap' = foldSlotsDefd alloc' (foldSlotsUsed alloc' areaMap l) l
+ alloc' areaMap (a@(RegSlot _), _, _) = allocVarSlot areaMap a
+ alloc' areaMap _ = areaMap
+ initMap = Map.insert (CallArea (Young (g_entry g))) 0 $
+ Map.insert (CallArea Old) 0 Map.empty
+ areaMap = foldl layoutAreas initMap (postorderDfs g)
in -- pprTrace "ProcPoints" (ppr procPoints) $
-- pprTrace "Area SizeMap" (ppr areaSize) $
-- pprTrace "Entry SP" (ppr entrySp) $
@@ -389,9 +387,9 @@ layout procPoints env entry_off g =
-- stack pointer to be younger than the live values on the stack at proc points.
-- 3. Compute the maximum stack offset used in the procedure and replace
-- the stack high-water mark with that offset.
-manifestSP :: AreaMap -> ByteOff -> LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad (LGraph Middle Last)
-manifestSP areaMap entry_off g@(LGraph entry _blocks) =
- liftM (LGraph entry) $ foldl replB (return emptyBlockEnv) (postorder_dfs g)
+manifestSP :: AreaMap -> ByteOff -> CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+manifestSP areaMap entry_off g@(CmmGraph {g_entry=entry}) =
+ ofBlockMap entry `liftM` foldl replB (return mapEmpty) (postorderDfs g)
where slot a = -- pprTrace "slot" (ppr a) $
Map.lookup a areaMap `orElse` panic "unallocated Area"
slot' (Just id) = slot $ CallArea (Young id)
@@ -399,68 +397,64 @@ manifestSP areaMap entry_off g@(LGraph entry _blocks) =
sp_high = maxSlot slot g
proc_entry_sp = slot (CallArea Old) + entry_off
+ add_sp_off :: CmmBlock -> BlockEnv Int -> BlockEnv Int
add_sp_off b env =
- case Z.last (unzip b) of
- LastOther (LastCall {cml_cont = Just succ, cml_ret_args = off}) ->
- extendBlockEnv env succ off
- _ -> env
- spEntryMap = fold_blocks add_sp_off (mkBlockEnv [(entry, entry_off)]) g
- spOffset id = lookupBlockEnv spEntryMap id `orElse` 0
+ case lastNode b of
+ CmmCall {cml_cont=Just succ, cml_ret_args=off} -> mapInsert succ off env
+ CmmForeignCall {succ=succ} -> mapInsert succ wORD_SIZE env
+ _ -> env
+ spEntryMap = foldGraphBlocks add_sp_off (mapInsert entry entry_off emptyBlockMap) g
+ spOffset id = mapLookup id spEntryMap `orElse` 0
sp_on_entry id | id == entry = proc_entry_sp
sp_on_entry id = slot' (Just id) + spOffset id
-- On entry to procpoints, the stack pointer is conventional;
-- otherwise, we check the SP set by predecessors.
- replB :: FuelMonad (BlockEnv CmmBlock) -> CmmBlock -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
- replB blocks (Block id t) =
- do bs <- replTail (Block id) spIn t
- -- pprTrace "spIn" (ppr id <+> ppr spIn) $ do
- liftM (flip (foldr insertBlock) bs) blocks
- where spIn = sp_on_entry id
- replTail :: (ZTail Middle Last -> CmmBlock) -> Int -> (ZTail Middle Last) ->
- FuelMonad ([CmmBlock])
- replTail h spOff (ZTail m@(MidForeignCall (Safe bid _ _) _ _ _) t) =
- replTail (\t' -> h (setSp spOff spOff' (ZTail (middle spOff m) t'))) spOff' t
- where spOff' = slot' (Just bid) + widthInBytes (typeWidth gcWord)
- replTail h spOff (ZTail m t) = replTail (h . ZTail (middle spOff m)) spOff t
- replTail h spOff (ZLast (LastOther l)) = fixSp h spOff l
- replTail h _ l@(ZLast LastExit) = return [h l]
- middle spOff m = mapExpDeepMiddle (replSlot spOff) m
- last spOff l = mapExpDeepLast (replSlot spOff) l
- replSlot spOff (CmmStackSlot a i) = CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) (spOff - (slot a + i))
- replSlot _ (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark) = -- replacing the high water mark
- CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger (max 0 (sp_high - proc_entry_sp))) (typeWidth bWord))
- replSlot _ e = e
- -- The block must establish the SP expected at each successsor.
- fixSp :: (ZTail Middle Last -> CmmBlock) -> Int -> Last -> FuelMonad ([CmmBlock])
- fixSp h spOff l@(LastCall _ k n _ _) = updSp h spOff (slot' k + n) l
- fixSp h spOff l@(LastBranch k) =
- let succSp = sp_on_entry k in
- if succSp /= spOff then
- -- pprTrace "updSp" (ppr k <> ppr spOff <> ppr (sp_on_entry k)) $
- updSp h spOff succSp l
- else return $ [h (ZLast (LastOther (last spOff l)))]
- fixSp h spOff l = liftM (uncurry (:)) $ fold_succs succ l $ return (b, [])
- where b = h (ZLast (LastOther (last spOff l)))
- succ succId z =
- let succSp = sp_on_entry succId in
- if succSp /= spOff then
- do (b, bs) <- z
- (b', bs') <- insertBetween b [setSpMid spOff succSp] succId
- return (b', bs ++ bs')
- else z
- updSp h old new l = return [h $ setSp old new $ ZLast $ LastOther (last new l)]
- setSpMid sp sp' = MidAssign (CmmGlobal Sp) e
- where e = CmmMachOp (MO_Add wordWidth) [CmmReg (CmmGlobal Sp), off]
- off = CmmLit $ CmmInt (toInteger $ sp - sp') wordWidth
- setSp sp sp' t = if sp == sp' then t else ZTail (setSpMid sp sp') t
+ replB :: FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock) -> CmmBlock -> FuelUniqSM (BlockEnv CmmBlock)
+ replB blocks block =
+ do let (head, middles, JustC tail :: MaybeC C (CmmNode O C)) = blockToNodeList block
+ middles' = map (middle spIn) middles
+ bs <- replLast head middles' tail
+ flip (foldr insertBlock) bs `liftM` blocks
+ where spIn = sp_on_entry (entryLabel block)
+ middle spOff m = mapExpDeep (replSlot spOff) m
+ last spOff l = mapExpDeep (replSlot spOff) l
+ replSlot spOff (CmmStackSlot a i) = CmmRegOff (CmmGlobal Sp) (spOff - (slot a + i))
+ replSlot _ (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark) = -- replacing the high water mark
+ CmmLit (CmmInt (toInteger (max 0 (sp_high - proc_entry_sp))) (typeWidth bWord))
+ replSlot _ e = e
+ replLast :: MaybeC C (CmmNode C O) -> [CmmNode O O] -> CmmNode O C -> FuelUniqSM [CmmBlock]
+ replLast h m l@(CmmCall _ k n _ _) = updSp (slot' k + n) h m l
+ -- JD: LastForeignCall probably ought to have an outgoing
+ -- arg size, just like LastCall
+ replLast h m l@(CmmForeignCall {succ=k}) = updSp (slot' (Just k) + wORD_SIZE) h m l
+ replLast h m l@(CmmBranch k) = updSp (sp_on_entry k) h m l
+ replLast h m l = uncurry (:) `liftM` foldr succ (return (b, [])) (successors l)
+ where b :: CmmBlock
+ b = updSp' spIn h m l
+ succ succId z =
+ let succSp = sp_on_entry succId in
+ if succSp /= spIn then
+ do (b, bs) <- z
+ (b', bs') <- insertBetween b (adjustSp succSp) succId
+ return (b', bs' ++ bs)
+ else z
+ updSp sp h m l = return [updSp' sp h m l]
+ updSp' sp h m l | sp == spIn = blockOfNodeList (h, m, JustC $ last sp l)
+ | otherwise = blockOfNodeList (h, m ++ adjustSp sp, JustC $ last sp l)
+ adjustSp sp = [CmmAssign (CmmGlobal Sp) e]
+ where e = CmmMachOp (MO_Add wordWidth) [CmmReg (CmmGlobal Sp), off]
+ off = CmmLit $ CmmInt (toInteger $ spIn - sp) wordWidth
-- To compute the stack high-water mark, we fold over the graph and
-- compute the highest slot offset.
maxSlot :: (Area -> Int) -> CmmGraph -> Int
-maxSlot slotOff g = fold_blocks (fold_fwd_block (\ _ x -> x) highSlot highSlot) 0 g
+maxSlot slotOff g = foldGraphBlocks (foldBlockNodesF3 (flip const, highSlot, highSlot)) 0 g
where highSlot i z = foldSlotsUsed add (foldSlotsDefd add z i) i
add z (a, i, _) = max z (slotOff a + i)
@@ -470,19 +464,17 @@ maxSlot slotOff g = fold_blocks (fold_fwd_block (\ _ x -> x) highSlot highSlot)
-- This will miss stack slots that are last used in a Last node,
-- but it should do pretty well...
-type StubPtrFix = FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last SubAreaSet CmmGraph)
-stubSlotsOnDeath :: (LGraph Middle Last) -> FuelMonad (LGraph Middle Last)
-stubSlotsOnDeath g = liftM zdfFpContents $ (res :: StubPtrFix)
- where res = zdfBRewriteFromL RewriteShallow emptyBlockEnv "stub ptrs" slotLattice
- liveSlotTransfers rewrites (fact_bot slotLattice) g
- rewrites = BackwardRewrites first middle last Nothing
- first _ _ = Nothing
- last _ _ = Nothing
- middle m liveSlots = foldSlotsUsed (stub liveSlots m) Nothing m
+stubSlotsOnDeath :: CmmGraph -> FuelUniqSM CmmGraph
+stubSlotsOnDeath g = liftM fst $ dataflowPassBwd g [] $ analRewBwd slotLattice
+ liveSlotTransfers
+ rewrites
+ where rewrites = mkBRewrite3 frt mid lst
+ frt _ _ = return Nothing
+ mid m liveSlots = return $ foldSlotsUsed (stub liveSlots m) Nothing m
+ lst _ _ = return Nothing
stub liveSlots m rst subarea@(a, off, w) =
if elemSlot liveSlots subarea then rst
- else let store = mkStore (CmmStackSlot a off)
- (stackStubExpr (widthFromBytes w))
+ else let store = mkMiddle $ CmmStore (CmmStackSlot a off)
+ (stackStubExpr (widthFromBytes w))
in case rst of Nothing -> Just (mkMiddle m <*> store)
Just g -> Just (g <*> store)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmTx.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmTx.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index af9b7f1adf..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmTx.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-module CmmTx where
-data ChangeFlag = NoChange | SomeChange
-type Tx a = a -> TxRes a
-data TxRes a = TxRes ChangeFlag a
-seqTx :: Tx a -> Tx a -> Tx a
-iterateTx :: Tx a -> Tx a
-runTx :: Tx a -> a -> a
-noTx, aTx :: a -> TxRes a
-noTx x = TxRes NoChange x
-aTx x = TxRes SomeChange x
-replaceTx :: a -> TxRes b -> TxRes a
-replaceTx a (TxRes change _) = TxRes change a
-txVal :: TxRes a -> a
-txVal (TxRes _ a) = a
-txHasChanged :: TxRes a -> Bool
-txHasChanged (TxRes NoChange _) = False
-txHasChanged (TxRes SomeChange _) = True
-plusTx :: (a -> b -> c) -> TxRes a -> TxRes b -> TxRes c
-plusTx f (TxRes c1 a) (TxRes c2 b) = TxRes (c1 `orChange` c2) (f a b)
-mapTx :: Tx a -> Tx [a]
-mapTx _ [] = noTx []
-mapTx f (x:xs) = plusTx (:) (f x) (mapTx f xs)
-runTx f = txVal . f
-seqTx f1 f2 a =
- let TxRes c1 a1 = f1 a
- TxRes c2 a2 = f2 a1
- in TxRes (c1 `orChange` c2) a2
-iterateTx f a
- = case f a of
- TxRes NoChange a' -> TxRes NoChange a'
- TxRes SomeChange a' -> let TxRes _ a'' = iterateTx f a'
- in TxRes SomeChange a''
-orChange :: ChangeFlag -> ChangeFlag -> ChangeFlag
-orChange NoChange c = c
-orChange SomeChange _ = SomeChange
-instance Functor TxRes where
- fmap f (TxRes ch a) = TxRes ch (f a)
-instance Monad TxRes where
- return = TxRes NoChange
- (TxRes NoChange a) >>= k = k a
- (TxRes SomeChange a) >>= k = let (TxRes _ a') = k a in TxRes SomeChange a'
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6988ae6905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+module CmmType
+ ( CmmType -- Abstract
+ , b8, b16, b32, b64, f32, f64, bWord, bHalfWord, gcWord
+ , cInt, cLong
+ , cmmBits, cmmFloat
+ , typeWidth, cmmEqType, cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood
+ , isFloatType, isGcPtrType, isWord32, isWord64, isFloat64, isFloat32
+ , Width(..)
+ , widthInBits, widthInBytes, widthInLog, widthFromBytes
+ , wordWidth, halfWordWidth, cIntWidth, cLongWidth
+ , narrowU, narrowS
+ )
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Constants
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Int
+-- CmmType
+ -- NOTE: CmmType is an abstract type, not exported from this
+ -- module so you can easily change its representation
+ --
+ -- However Width is exported in a concrete way,
+ -- and is used extensively in pattern-matching
+data CmmType -- The important one!
+ = CmmType CmmCat Width
+data CmmCat -- "Category" (not exported)
+ = GcPtrCat -- GC pointer
+ | BitsCat -- Non-pointer
+ | FloatCat -- Float
+ deriving( Eq )
+ -- See Note [Signed vs unsigned] at the end
+instance Outputable CmmType where
+ ppr (CmmType cat wid) = ppr cat <> ppr (widthInBits wid)
+instance Outputable CmmCat where
+ ppr FloatCat = ptext $ sLit("F")
+ ppr _ = ptext $ sLit("I")
+-- Temp Jan 08
+-- ppr FloatCat = ptext $ sLit("float")
+-- ppr BitsCat = ptext $ sLit("bits")
+-- ppr GcPtrCat = ptext $ sLit("gcptr")
+-- Why is CmmType stratified? For native code generation,
+-- most of the time you just want to know what sort of register
+-- to put the thing in, and for this you need to know how
+-- many bits thing has and whether it goes in a floating-point
+-- register. By contrast, the distinction between GcPtr and
+-- GcNonPtr is of interest to only a few parts of the code generator.
+-------- Equality on CmmType --------------
+-- CmmType is *not* an instance of Eq; sometimes we care about the
+-- Gc/NonGc distinction, and sometimes we don't
+-- So we use an explicit function to force you to think about it
+cmmEqType :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool -- Exact equality
+cmmEqType (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2) = c1==c2 && w1==w2
+cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood :: CmmType -> CmmType -> Bool
+ -- This equality is temporary; used in CmmLint
+ -- but the RTS files are not yet well-typed wrt pointers
+cmmEqType_ignoring_ptrhood (CmmType c1 w1) (CmmType c2 w2)
+ = c1 `weak_eq` c2 && w1==w2
+ where
+ FloatCat `weak_eq` FloatCat = True
+ FloatCat `weak_eq` _other = False
+ _other `weak_eq` FloatCat = False
+ _word1 `weak_eq` _word2 = True -- Ignores GcPtr
+--- Simple operations on CmmType -----
+typeWidth :: CmmType -> Width
+typeWidth (CmmType _ w) = w
+cmmBits, cmmFloat :: Width -> CmmType
+cmmBits = CmmType BitsCat
+cmmFloat = CmmType FloatCat
+-------- Common CmmTypes ------------
+-- Floats and words of specific widths
+b8, b16, b32, b64, f32, f64 :: CmmType
+b8 = cmmBits W8
+b16 = cmmBits W16
+b32 = cmmBits W32
+b64 = cmmBits W64
+f32 = cmmFloat W32
+f64 = cmmFloat W64
+-- CmmTypes of native word widths
+bWord, bHalfWord, gcWord :: CmmType
+bWord = cmmBits wordWidth
+bHalfWord = cmmBits halfWordWidth
+gcWord = CmmType GcPtrCat wordWidth
+cInt, cLong :: CmmType
+cInt = cmmBits cIntWidth
+cLong = cmmBits cLongWidth
+------------ Predicates ----------------
+isFloatType, isGcPtrType :: CmmType -> Bool
+isFloatType (CmmType FloatCat _) = True
+isFloatType _other = False
+isGcPtrType (CmmType GcPtrCat _) = True
+isGcPtrType _other = False
+isWord32, isWord64, isFloat32, isFloat64 :: CmmType -> Bool
+-- isWord64 is true of 64-bit non-floats (both gc-ptrs and otherwise)
+-- isFloat32 and 64 are obvious
+isWord64 (CmmType BitsCat W64) = True
+isWord64 (CmmType GcPtrCat W64) = True
+isWord64 _other = False
+isWord32 (CmmType BitsCat W32) = True
+isWord32 (CmmType GcPtrCat W32) = True
+isWord32 _other = False
+isFloat32 (CmmType FloatCat W32) = True
+isFloat32 _other = False
+isFloat64 (CmmType FloatCat W64) = True
+isFloat64 _other = False
+-- Width
+data Width = W8 | W16 | W32 | W64
+ | W80 -- Extended double-precision float,
+ -- used in x86 native codegen only.
+ -- (we use Ord, so it'd better be in this order)
+ | W128
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance Outputable Width where
+ ppr rep = ptext (mrStr rep)
+mrStr :: Width -> LitString
+mrStr W8 = sLit("W8")
+mrStr W16 = sLit("W16")
+mrStr W32 = sLit("W32")
+mrStr W64 = sLit("W64")
+mrStr W128 = sLit("W128")
+mrStr W80 = sLit("W80")
+-------- Common Widths ------------
+wordWidth, halfWordWidth :: Width
+wordWidth | wORD_SIZE == 4 = W32
+ | wORD_SIZE == 8 = W64
+ | otherwise = panic "MachOp.wordRep: Unknown word size"
+halfWordWidth | wORD_SIZE == 4 = W16
+ | wORD_SIZE == 8 = W32
+ | otherwise = panic "MachOp.halfWordRep: Unknown word size"
+-- cIntRep is the Width for a C-language 'int'
+cIntWidth, cLongWidth :: Width
+#if SIZEOF_INT == 4
+cIntWidth = W32
+#elif SIZEOF_INT == 8
+cIntWidth = W64
+#if SIZEOF_LONG == 4
+cLongWidth = W32
+#elif SIZEOF_LONG == 8
+cLongWidth = W64
+widthInBits :: Width -> Int
+widthInBits W8 = 8
+widthInBits W16 = 16
+widthInBits W32 = 32
+widthInBits W64 = 64
+widthInBits W128 = 128
+widthInBits W80 = 80
+widthInBytes :: Width -> Int
+widthInBytes W8 = 1
+widthInBytes W16 = 2
+widthInBytes W32 = 4
+widthInBytes W64 = 8
+widthInBytes W128 = 16
+widthInBytes W80 = 10
+widthFromBytes :: Int -> Width
+widthFromBytes 1 = W8
+widthFromBytes 2 = W16
+widthFromBytes 4 = W32
+widthFromBytes 8 = W64
+widthFromBytes 16 = W128
+widthFromBytes 10 = W80
+widthFromBytes n = pprPanic "no width for given number of bytes" (ppr n)
+-- log_2 of the width in bytes, useful for generating shifts.
+widthInLog :: Width -> Int
+widthInLog W8 = 0
+widthInLog W16 = 1
+widthInLog W32 = 2
+widthInLog W64 = 3
+widthInLog W128 = 4
+widthInLog W80 = panic "widthInLog: F80"
+-- widening / narrowing
+narrowU :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+narrowU W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word8)
+narrowU W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word16)
+narrowU W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word32)
+narrowU W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Word64)
+narrowU _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
+narrowS :: Width -> Integer -> Integer
+narrowS W8 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int8)
+narrowS W16 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int16)
+narrowS W32 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int32)
+narrowS W64 x = fromIntegral (fromIntegral x :: Int64)
+narrowS _ _ = panic "narrowTo"
+{- Note [Signed vs unsigned]
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+Should a CmmType include a signed vs. unsigned distinction?
+This is very much like a "hint" in C-- terminology: it isn't necessary
+in order to generate correct code, but it might be useful in that the
+compiler can generate better code if it has access to higher-level
+hints about data. This is important at call boundaries, because the
+definition of a function is not visible at all of its call sites, so
+the compiler cannot infer the hints.
+Here in Cmm, we're taking a slightly different approach. We include
+the int vs. float hint in the MachRep, because (a) the majority of
+platforms have a strong distinction between float and int registers,
+and (b) we don't want to do any heavyweight hint-inference in the
+native code backend in order to get good code. We're treating the
+hint more like a type: our Cmm is always completely consistent with
+respect to hints. All coercions between float and int are explicit.
+What about the signed vs. unsigned hint? This information might be
+useful if we want to keep sub-word-sized values in word-size
+registers, which we must do if we only have word-sized registers.
+On such a system, there are two straightforward conventions for
+representing sub-word-sized values:
+(a) Leave the upper bits undefined. Comparison operations must
+ sign- or zero-extend both operands before comparing them,
+ depending on whether the comparison is signed or unsigned.
+(b) Always keep the values sign- or zero-extended as appropriate.
+ Arithmetic operations must narrow the result to the appropriate
+ size.
+A clever compiler might not use either (a) or (b) exclusively, instead
+it would attempt to minimize the coercions by analysis: the same kind
+of analysis that propagates hints around. In Cmm we don't want to
+have to do this, so we plump for having richer types and keeping the
+type information consistent.
+If signed/unsigned hints are missing from MachRep, then the only
+choice we have is (a), because we don't know whether the result of an
+operation should be sign- or zero-extended.
+Many architectures have extending load operations, which work well
+with (b). To make use of them with (a), you need to know whether the
+value is going to be sign- or zero-extended by an enclosing comparison
+(for example), which involves knowing above the context. This is
+doable but more complex.
+Further complicating the issue is foreign calls: a foreign calling
+convention can specify that signed 8-bit quantities are passed as
+sign-extended 32 bit quantities, for example (this is the case on the
+PowerPC). So we *do* need sign information on foreign call arguments.
+Pros for adding signed vs. unsigned to MachRep:
+ - It would let us use convention (b) above, and get easier
+ code generation for extending loads.
+ - Less information required on foreign calls.
+ - MachOp type would be simpler
+ - More complexity
+ - What is the MachRep for a VanillaReg? Currently it is
+ always wordRep, but now we have to decide whether it is
+ signed or unsigned. The same VanillaReg can thus have
+ different MachReps in different parts of the program.
+ - Extra coercions cluttering up expressions.
+Currently for GHC, the foreign call point is moot, because we do our
+own promotion of sub-word-sized values to word-sized values. The Int8
+type is represnted by an Int# which is kept sign-extended at all times
+(this is slightly naughty, because we're making assumptions about the
+C calling convention rather early on in the compiler). However, given
+this, the cons outweigh the pros.
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
index 69320a2f66..35f2471361 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmUtils.hs
@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@
-module CmmUtils(
- CmmStmts, noStmts, oneStmt, mkStmts, plusStmts, stmtList,
- isNopStmt,
+module CmmUtils(
primRepCmmType, primRepForeignHint,
typeCmmType, typeForeignHint,
@@ -21,8 +18,6 @@ module CmmUtils(
mkIntCLit, zeroCLit,
- maybeAssignTemp, loadArgsIntoTemps
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -31,10 +26,9 @@ import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
import Type ( Type, typePrimRep )
import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import OrdList
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import Outputable
-import Unique
@@ -73,55 +67,6 @@ typeForeignHint = primRepForeignHint . typePrimRep
--- CmmStmts
-type CmmStmts = OrdList CmmStmt
-noStmts :: CmmStmts
-noStmts = nilOL
-oneStmt :: CmmStmt -> CmmStmts
-oneStmt = unitOL
-mkStmts :: [CmmStmt] -> CmmStmts
-mkStmts = toOL
-plusStmts :: CmmStmts -> CmmStmts -> CmmStmts
-plusStmts = appOL
-stmtList :: CmmStmts -> [CmmStmt]
-stmtList = fromOL
--- CmmStmt
-isNopStmt :: CmmStmt -> Bool
--- If isNopStmt returns True, the stmt is definitely a no-op;
--- but it might be a no-op even if isNopStmt returns False
-isNopStmt CmmNop = True
-isNopStmt (CmmAssign r e) = cheapEqReg r e
-isNopStmt (CmmStore e1 (CmmLoad e2 _)) = cheapEqExpr e1 e2
-isNopStmt _ = False
-cheapEqExpr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Bool
-cheapEqExpr (CmmReg r) e = cheapEqReg r e
-cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r 0) e = cheapEqReg r e
-cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r n) (CmmRegOff r' n') = r==r' && n==n'
-cheapEqExpr _ _ = False
-cheapEqReg :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> Bool
-cheapEqReg r (CmmReg r') = r==r'
-cheapEqReg r (CmmRegOff r' 0) = r==r'
-cheapEqReg _ _ = False
-- CmmExpr
@@ -225,29 +170,3 @@ zeroCLit = CmmInt 0 wordWidth
mkLblExpr :: CLabel -> CmmExpr
mkLblExpr lbl = CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)
--- Helpers for foreign call arguments
-loadArgsIntoTemps :: [Unique]
- -> HintedCmmActuals
- -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], HintedCmmActuals)
-loadArgsIntoTemps uniques [] = (uniques, [], [])
-loadArgsIntoTemps uniques ((CmmHinted e hint):args) =
- (uniques'',
- new_stmts ++ remaining_stmts,
- (CmmHinted new_e hint) : remaining_e)
- where
- (uniques', new_stmts, new_e) = maybeAssignTemp uniques e
- (uniques'', remaining_stmts, remaining_e) =
- loadArgsIntoTemps uniques' args
-maybeAssignTemp :: [Unique] -> CmmExpr -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], CmmExpr)
-maybeAssignTemp uniques e
- | hasNoGlobalRegs e = (uniques, [], e)
- | otherwise = (tail uniques, [CmmAssign local e], CmmReg local)
- where local = CmmLocal (LocalReg (head uniques) (cmmExprType e))
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmZipUtil.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmZipUtil.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a91d76f31d..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmZipUtil.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module CmmZipUtil
- ( zipPreds
- , givesUniquePredecessorTo
- )
-import BlockId
-import Prelude hiding (last, unzip)
-import ZipCfg
-import Maybes
--- | Compute the predecessors of each /reachable/ block
-zipPreds :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> BlockEnv BlockSet
-zipPreds g = foldl add emptyBlockEnv (postorder_dfs g)
- where add env block@(Block id _) =
- foldl (\env sid ->
- let preds = lookupBlockEnv env sid `orElse` emptyBlockSet
- in extendBlockEnv env sid (extendBlockSet preds id))
- env (succs block)
--- | Tell if a graph gives a block a unique predecessor. For
--- efficiency, this function is designed to be partially applied.
-givesUniquePredecessorTo :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> BlockId -> Bool
-givesUniquePredecessorTo g = \id -> elemBlockSet id singlePreds
- -- accumulates a pair of sets: the set of all blocks containing a single
- -- predecessor, and the set of all blocks containing at least two predecessors
- where (singlePreds, _) = fold_blocks add (emptyBlockSet, emptyBlockSet) g
- add b (single, multi) = foldl add_pred (single, multi) (succs b)
- add_pred pair@(single, multi) id =
- if elemBlockSet id multi then pair
- else if elemBlockSet id single then
- (removeBlockSet single id, extendBlockSet multi id)
- else
- (extendBlockSet single id, multi)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/DFMonad.hs b/compiler/cmm/DFMonad.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c254e68aa..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/DFMonad.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-module DFMonad
- ( DataflowLattice(..) , DataflowAnalysis
- , markFactsUnchanged, factsStatus, getFact, setFact, getExitFact, setExitFact
- , forgetFact, botFact, setAllFacts, getAllFacts, factsEnv
- , addLastOutFact, bareLastOutFacts, forgetLastOutFacts, checkFactMatch
- , subAnalysis
- , DFM, runDFM, liftToDFM
- , markGraphRewritten, graphWasRewritten
- , module OptimizationFuel
- )
-import BlockId
-import CmmTx
-import PprCmm()
-import OptimizationFuel
-import Maybes
-import Outputable
-import UniqSupply
-A dataflow monad maintains a mapping from BlockIds to dataflow facts,
-where a dataflow fact is a value of type [[a]]. Values of type [[a]]
-must form a lattice, as described by type [[Fact a]].
-The dataflow engine uses the lattice structure to compute a least
-solution to a set of dataflow equations. To compute a greatest
-solution, flip the lattice over.
-The engine works by starting at the bottom and iterating to a fixed
-point, so in principle we require the bottom element, a join (least
-upper bound) operation, and a comparison to find out if a value has
-changed (grown). In practice, the comparison is only ever used in
-conjunction with the join, so we have [[fact_add_to]]:
- fact_add_to new old =
- let j = join new old in
- if j <= old then noTx old -- nothing changed
- else aTx j -- the fact changed
-data DataflowLattice a = DataflowLattice {
- fact_name :: String, -- documentation
- fact_bot :: a, -- lattice bottom element
- fact_add_to :: a -> a -> TxRes a, -- lattice join and compare
- -- ^ compute join of two args; something changed iff join is greater than 2nd arg
- fact_do_logging :: Bool -- log changes
--- DFM is the monad of combined analysis and transformation,
--- which needs a UniqSupply and may consume optimization fuel
--- DFM is defined using a monad transformer, DFM', which is the general
--- case of DFM, parameterized over any monad.
--- In practice, we apply DFM' to the FuelMonad, which provides optimization fuel and
--- the unique supply.
-data DFState f = DFState { df_rewritten :: !ChangeFlag
- , df_facts :: !(BlockEnv f)
- , df_exit_fact :: !f
- , df_last_outs :: ![(BlockId, f)]
- , df_facts_change :: !ChangeFlag
- }
-newtype DFM' m fact a = DFM' (DataflowLattice fact -> DFState fact
- -> m (a, DFState fact))
-type DFM fact a = DFM' FuelMonad fact a
-runDFM :: Monad m => DataflowLattice f -> DFM' m f a -> m a
-runDFM lattice (DFM' f) =
- (f lattice $ DFState NoChange emptyBlockEnv (fact_bot lattice) [] NoChange)
- >>= return . fst
-class DataflowAnalysis m where
- markFactsUnchanged :: m f () -- ^ Useful for starting a new iteration
- factsStatus :: m f ChangeFlag
- subAnalysis :: m f a -> m f a -- ^ Do a new analysis and then throw away
- -- /all/ the related state.
- getFact :: BlockId -> m f f
- setFact :: Outputable f => BlockId -> f -> m f ()
- getExitFact :: m f f
- setExitFact :: Outputable f => f -> m f ()
- checkFactMatch :: Outputable f =>
- BlockId -> f -> m f () -- ^ assert fact already at this val
- botFact :: m f f
- forgetFact :: BlockId -> m f ()
- -- | It might be surprising these next two are needed in a pure analysis,
- -- but for some problems we do a 'shallow' rewriting in which a rewritten
- -- graph is not itself considered for further rewriting but merely undergoes
- -- an analysis. In this case the results of a forward analysis might produce
- -- new facts that go on BlockId's that reside outside the graph being analyzed.
- -- Thus these 'lastOutFacts' need to be available even in a pure analysis.
- addLastOutFact :: (BlockId, f) -> m f ()
- bareLastOutFacts :: m f [(BlockId, f)]
- forgetLastOutFacts :: m f ()
- getAllFacts :: m f (BlockEnv f)
- setAllFacts :: BlockEnv f -> m f ()
- factsEnv :: Monad (m f) => m f (BlockId -> f)
- lattice :: m f (DataflowLattice f)
- factsEnv = do { map <- getAllFacts
- ; bot <- botFact
- ; return $ \id -> lookupBlockEnv map id `orElse` bot }
-instance Monad m => DataflowAnalysis (DFM' m) where
- markFactsUnchanged = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s {df_facts_change = NoChange})
- factsStatus = DFM' f'
- where f' _ s = return (df_facts_change s, s)
- subAnalysis (DFM' f) = DFM' f'
- where f' l s = do (a, _) <- f l (subAnalysisState s)
- return (a, s)
- getFact id = DFM' get
- where get lattice s =
- return (lookupBlockEnv (df_facts s) id `orElse` fact_bot lattice, s)
- setFact id a = DFM' set
- where set (DataflowLattice name bot add_fact log) s =
- case add_fact a old of
- TxRes NoChange _ -> if initialized then return ((), s) else update old old
- TxRes SomeChange join -> update join old
- where (old, initialized) =
- case lookupBlockEnv (df_facts s) id of
- Just f -> (f, True)
- Nothing -> (bot, False)
- update join old =
- let facts' = extendBlockEnv (df_facts s) id join
- debug = if log then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
- in debug name (pprSetFact id old a join) $
- return ((), s { df_facts = facts', df_facts_change = SomeChange })
- getExitFact = DFM' get
- where get _ s = return (df_exit_fact s, s)
- setExitFact a =
- do DataflowLattice { fact_name = name, fact_do_logging = log} <- lattice
- DFM' $ \_ s ->
- let debug = if log then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
- in debug name (pprSetFact "exit" a a a) $
- return ((), s { df_exit_fact = a })
- getAllFacts = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return (df_facts s, s)
- setAllFacts env = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s { df_facts = env})
- botFact = DFM' f
- where f lattice s = return (fact_bot lattice, s)
- forgetFact id = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s { df_facts = delFromBlockEnv (df_facts s) id })
- addLastOutFact pair = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s { df_last_outs = pair : df_last_outs s })
- bareLastOutFacts = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return (df_last_outs s, s)
- forgetLastOutFacts = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s { df_last_outs = [] })
- checkFactMatch id a =
- do { fact <- lattice
- ; old_a <- getFact id
- ; case fact_add_to fact a old_a of
- TxRes NoChange _ -> return ()
- TxRes SomeChange new ->
- do { facts <- getAllFacts
- ; pprPanic "checkFactMatch"
- (f4sep [text (fact_name fact), text "at id" <+> ppr id,
- text "changed from", nest 4 (ppr old_a), text "to",
- nest 4 (ppr new),
- text "after supposedly reaching fixed point;",
- text "env is", pprFacts facts]) }
- }
- where pprFacts env = vcat (map pprFact (blockEnvToList env))
- pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a)
- lattice = DFM' f
- where f l s = return (l, s)
-subAnalysisState :: DFState f -> DFState f
-subAnalysisState s = s {df_facts_change = NoChange}
-markGraphRewritten :: Monad m => DFM' m f ()
-markGraphRewritten = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return ((), s {df_rewritten = SomeChange})
-graphWasRewritten :: DFM f ChangeFlag
-graphWasRewritten = DFM' f
- where f _ s = return (df_rewritten s, s)
-instance Monad m => Monad (DFM' m f) where
- DFM' f >>= k = DFM' (\l s -> do (a, s') <- f l s
- s' `seq` case k a of DFM' f' -> f' l s')
- return a = DFM' (\_ s -> return (a, s))
- -- The `seq` is essential to ensure that entire passes of the dataflow engine
- -- aren't postponed in a thunk. By making the sequence strict in the state,
- -- we ensure that each action in the monad is executed immediately, preventing
- -- stack overflows that previously occurred when finally forcing the old state thunks.
-instance FuelUsingMonad (DFM' FuelMonad f) where
- fuelRemaining = liftToDFM' fuelRemaining
- lastFuelPass = liftToDFM' lastFuelPass
- fuelExhausted = liftToDFM' fuelExhausted
- fuelDecrement p f f' = liftToDFM' (fuelDecrement p f f')
- fuelDec1 = liftToDFM' fuelDec1
-instance MonadUnique (DFM' FuelMonad f) where
- getUniqueSupplyM = liftToDFM' getUniqueSupplyM
- getUniqueM = liftToDFM' getUniqueM
- getUniquesM = liftToDFM' getUniquesM
-liftToDFM' :: Monad m => m x -> DFM' m f x
-liftToDFM' m = DFM' (\ _ s -> m >>= (\a -> return (a, s)))
-liftToDFM :: FuelMonad x -> DFM f x
-liftToDFM m = DFM' (\ _ s -> m >>= (\a -> return (a, s)))
-pprSetFact :: (Show a, Outputable f) => a -> f -> f -> f -> SDoc
-pprSetFact id old a join =
- f4sep [text "at" <+> text (show id),
- text "added" <+> ppr a, text "to" <+> ppr old,
- text "yielding" <+> ppr join]
-f4sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-f4sep [] = fsep []
-f4sep (d:ds) = fsep (d : map (nest 4) ds)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/Dataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/Dataflow.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1b5769f6..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/Dataflow.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
-module Dataflow (
- fixedpoint
- ) where
--- | Solve the fixed-point of a dataflow problem.
--- Complexity: O(N+H*E) calls to the update function where:
--- N = number of nodes,
--- E = number of edges,
--- H = maximum height of the lattice for any particular node.
--- Sketch for proof of complexity:
--- Note that the state is threaded through the entire execution.
--- Also note that the height of the latice at any particular node
--- is the number of times 'update' can return non-Nothing for a
--- particular node. Every call (except for the top level one)
--- must be caused by a non-Nothing result and each non-Nothing
--- result causes as many calls as it has out-going edges.
--- Thus any particular node, n, may cause in total at
--- most H*out(n) further calls. When summed over all nodes,
--- that is H*E. The N term of the complexity is from the initial call
--- when 'update' will be passed 'Nothing'.
-fixedpoint ::
- (node -> [node]) -- map from nodes to those who's
- -- value depend on the argument node
- -> (node -> Maybe node -> s -> Maybe s)
- -- Given the node which needs to be
- -- updated, and which node caused that node
- -- to need to be updated, update the state.
- --
- -- The causing node will be 'Nothing' if
- -- this is the initial/bootstrapping update.
- --
- -- Must return 'Nothing' if no change,
- -- otherwise returrn 'Just' of the new state.
- -> [node] -- Nodes that should initially be updated
- -> s -- Initial state
- -- (usually a map from node to
- -- the value for that node)
- -> s -- Final state
-fixedpoint dependants update nodes state =
- foldr (fixedpoint' Nothing) state nodes where
- -- Use a depth first traversal of nodes based on the update graph.
- -- Terminate the traversal when the update doesn't change anything.
- fixedpoint' cause node state =
- case update node cause state of
- Nothing -> state
- Just state' ->
- foldr (fixedpoint' (Just node)) state' (dependants node)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs b/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69b481b501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/MkGraph.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-warnings-deprecations #-}
+-- ToDo: remove
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
+-- Module for building CmmAGraphs.
+-- As the CmmAGraph is a wrapper over Graph CmmNode O x, it is different
+-- from Hoopl's AGraph. The current clients expect functions with the
+-- same names Hoopl uses, so this module cannot be in the same namespace
+-- as Compiler.Hoopl.
+module MkGraph
+ ( CmmAGraph
+ , emptyAGraph, (<*>), catAGraphs, outOfLine
+ , mkLabel, mkMiddle, mkLast
+ , withFreshLabel, withUnique, lgraphOfAGraph, labelAGraph
+ , stackStubExpr
+ , mkNop, mkAssign, mkStore, mkCall, mkCmmCall, mkSafeCall, mkUnsafeCall, mkFinalCall
+ , mkJump, mkDirectJump, mkForeignJump, mkJumpGC, mkCbranch, mkSwitch
+ , mkReturn, mkReturnSimple, mkComment, mkCallEntry
+ , mkBranch, mkCmmIfThenElse, mkCmmIfThen, mkCmmWhileDo
+ , copyInOflow, copyInSlot, copyOutOflow, copyOutSlot
+ -- Reexport of needed Cmm stuff
+ , Convention(..), ForeignConvention(..), ForeignTarget(..)
+ , CmmStackInfo(..), CmmTopInfo(..), CmmGraph(..)
+ , Cmm, CmmTop
+ )
+import BlockId
+import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmCallConv (assignArgumentsPos, ParamLocation(..))
+import Compiler.Hoopl hiding (Unique, (<*>), mkFirst, mkMiddle, mkLast, mkLabel, mkBranch, Shape(..))
+import qualified Compiler.Hoopl as H
+import Compiler.Hoopl.GHC (uniqueToLbl)
+import FastString
+import ForeignCall
+import Outputable
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
+import SMRep (ByteOff)
+import StaticFlags
+import Unique
+import UniqSupply
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+A 'CmmAGraph' is an abstract version of a 'Graph CmmNode O x' from module
+'Cmm'. The difference is that the 'CmmAGraph' can be eigher open of closed at
+exit and it can supply fresh Labels and Uniques.
+It also supports a splicing operation <*>, which is different from the Hoopl's
+<*>, because it splices two CmmAGraphs. Specifically, it can splice Graph
+O C and Graph O x. In this case, the open beginning of the second graph is
+thrown away. In the debug mode this sequence is checked to be empty or
+containing a branch (see note [Branch follows branch]).
+When an CmmAGraph open at exit is being converted to a CmmGraph, the output
+exit sequence is considered unreachable. If the graph consist of one block
+only, if it not the case and we crash. Otherwise we just throw the exit
+sequence away (and in debug mode we test that it really was unreachable).
+Node [Branch follows branch]
+Why do we say it's ok for a Branch to follow a Branch?
+Because the standard constructor mkLabel has fall-through
+semantics. So if you do a mkLabel, you finish the current block,
+giving it a label, and start a new one that branches to that label.
+Emitting a Branch at this point is fine:
+ goto L1; L2: ...stuff...
+data CmmGraphOC = Opened (Graph CmmNode O O)
+ | Closed (Graph CmmNode O C)
+type CmmAGraph = UniqSM CmmGraphOC -- Graph open at entry
+MS: I began with
+ newtype CmmAGraph = forall x. AG (UniqSM (Graph CmmNode O x))
+but that does not work well, because we cannot take the graph
+out of the monad -- we do not know the type of what we would take
+out and pattern matching does not help, as we cannot pattern match
+on a graph inside the monad.
+data Transfer = Call | Jump | Ret deriving Eq
+---------- AGraph manipulation
+emptyAGraph :: CmmAGraph
+(<*>) :: CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
+catAGraphs :: [CmmAGraph] -> CmmAGraph
+mkLabel :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph -- created a sequence "goto id; id:" as an AGraph
+mkMiddle :: CmmNode O O -> CmmAGraph -- creates an open AGraph from a given node
+mkLast :: CmmNode O C -> CmmAGraph -- created a closed AGraph from a given node
+withFreshLabel :: String -> (BlockId -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
+withUnique :: (Unique -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
+lgraphOfAGraph :: CmmAGraph -> UniqSM CmmGraph
+ -- ^ allocate a fresh label for the entry point
+labelAGraph :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph -> UniqSM CmmGraph
+ -- ^ use the given BlockId as the label of the entry point
+---------- No-ops
+mkNop :: CmmAGraph
+mkComment :: FastString -> CmmAGraph
+---------- Assignment and store
+mkAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
+mkStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
+---------- Calls
+mkCall :: CmmExpr -> (Convention, Convention) -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals ->
+ UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkCmmCall :: CmmExpr -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals ->
+ UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+ -- Native C-- calling convention
+mkSafeCall :: ForeignTarget -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> Bool -> CmmAGraph
+mkUnsafeCall :: ForeignTarget -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals -> CmmAGraph
+mkFinalCall :: CmmExpr -> CCallConv -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+ -- Never returns; like exit() or barf()
+---------- Control transfer
+mkJump :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkDirectJump :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkJumpGC :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkForeignJump :: Convention -> CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkCbranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CmmAGraph
+mkSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> CmmAGraph
+mkReturn :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkReturnSimple :: CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
+mkBranch :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph
+mkCmmIfThenElse :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
+mkCmmIfThen :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
+mkCmmWhileDo :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
+outOfLine :: CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
+-- ^ The argument is an CmmAGraph that must have an
+-- empty entry sequence and be closed at the end.
+-- The result is a new CmmAGraph that is open at the
+-- end and goes directly from entry to exit, with the
+-- original graph sitting to the side out-of-line.
+-- Example: mkMiddle (x = 3)
+-- <*> outOfLine (mkLabel L <*> ...stuff...)
+-- <*> mkMiddle (y = x)
+-- Control will flow directly from x=3 to y=x;
+-- the block starting with L is "on the side".
+-- N.B. algebraically forall g g' : g <*> outOfLine g' == outOfLine g' <*> g
+-- ================ IMPLEMENTATION ================--
+-- Raw CmmAGraph handling
+emptyAGraph = return $ Opened emptyGraph
+ag <*> ah = do g <- ag
+ h <- ah
+ return (case (g, h) of
+ (Opened g, Opened h) -> Opened $ g H.<*> h
+ (Opened g, Closed h) -> Closed $ g H.<*> h
+ (Closed g, Opened GNil) -> Closed g
+ (Closed g, Opened (GUnit e)) -> note_unreachable e $ Closed g
+ (Closed g, Opened (GMany (JustO e) b x)) -> note_unreachable e $ Opened $ g H.|*><*| GMany NothingO b x
+ (Closed g, Closed (GMany (JustO e) b x)) -> note_unreachable e $ Closed $ g H.|*><*| GMany NothingO b x
+ :: CmmGraphOC)
+catAGraphs = foldl (<*>) emptyAGraph
+outOfLine ag = withFreshLabel "outOfLine" $ \l ->
+ do g <- ag
+ return (case g of
+ Closed (GMany (JustO e) b _) -> note_unreachable e $ Opened $
+ GMany (JustO $ BLast $ CmmBranch l) b (JustO $ BFirst $ CmmEntry l)
+ _ -> panic "outOfLine"
+ :: CmmGraphOC)
+note_unreachable :: Block CmmNode O x -> a -> a
+note_unreachable block graph =
+ ASSERT (block_is_empty_or_label) -- Note [Branch follows branch]
+ graph
+ where block_is_empty_or_label :: Bool
+ block_is_empty_or_label = case blockToNodeList block of
+ (NothingC, [], NothingC) -> True
+ (NothingC, [], JustC (CmmBranch _)) -> True
+ _ -> False
+mkLabel bid = return $ Opened $ H.mkLast (CmmBranch bid) |*><*| H.mkFirst (CmmEntry bid)
+mkMiddle middle = return $ Opened $ H.mkMiddle middle
+mkLast last = return $ Closed $ H.mkLast last
+withUnique f = getUniqueM >>= f
+withFreshLabel _name f = getUniqueM >>= f . uniqueToLbl . intToUnique . getKey
+lgraphOfAGraph g = do u <- getUniqueM
+ labelAGraph (mkBlockId u) g
+labelAGraph lbl ag = do g <- ag
+ return $ CmmGraph {g_entry=lbl, g_graph=H.mkFirst (CmmEntry lbl) H.<*> closed g}
+ where closed :: CmmGraphOC -> Graph CmmNode O C
+ closed (Closed g) = g
+ closed (Opened g@(GMany entry body (JustO exit))) =
+ ASSERT (entryLabel exit `notElem` map entryLabel (postorder_dfs g))
+ GMany entry body NothingO
+ closed (Opened _) = panic "labelAGraph"
+-- CmmAGraph constructions
+mkNop = emptyAGraph
+mkComment fs = mkMiddle $ CmmComment fs
+mkStore l r = mkMiddle $ CmmStore l r
+-- Sanity check: any value assigned to a pointer must be non-zero.
+-- If it's 0, cause a crash immediately.
+mkAssign l r = if opt_StubDeadValues then assign l r <*> check l else assign l r
+ where assign l r = mkMiddle (CmmAssign l r)
+ check (CmmGlobal _) = mkNop
+ check l@(CmmLocal reg) = -- if a ptr arg is NULL, cause a crash!
+ if isGcPtrType ty then
+ mkCmmIfThen (CmmMachOp (MO_Eq w) [r, stackStubExpr w])
+ (assign l (CmmLoad (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 w)) ty))
+ else mkNop
+ where ty = localRegType reg
+ w = typeWidth ty
+ r = CmmReg l
+-- Why are we inserting extra blocks that simply branch to the successors?
+-- Because in addition to the branch instruction, @mkBranch@ will insert
+-- a necessary adjustment to the stack pointer.
+mkCbranch pred ifso ifnot = mkLast (CmmCondBranch pred ifso ifnot)
+mkSwitch e tbl = mkLast $ CmmSwitch e tbl
+mkSafeCall t fs as upd i = withFreshLabel "safe call" $ body
+ where
+ body k =
+ ( mkStore (CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young k)) (widthInBytes wordWidth))
+ (CmmLit (CmmBlock k))
+ <*> mkLast (CmmForeignCall {tgt=t, res=fs, args=as, succ=k, updfr=upd, intrbl=i})
+ <*> mkLabel k)
+mkUnsafeCall t fs as = mkMiddle $ CmmUnsafeForeignCall t fs as
+mkBranch bid = mkLast (CmmBranch bid)
+mkCmmIfThenElse e tbranch fbranch =
+ withFreshLabel "end of if" $ \endif ->
+ withFreshLabel "start of then" $ \tid ->
+ withFreshLabel "start of else" $ \fid ->
+ mkCbranch e tid fid <*>
+ mkLabel tid <*> tbranch <*> mkBranch endif <*>
+ mkLabel fid <*> fbranch <*> mkLabel endif
+mkCmmIfThen e tbranch
+ = withFreshLabel "end of if" $ \endif ->
+ withFreshLabel "start of then" $ \tid ->
+ mkCbranch e tid endif <*>
+ mkLabel tid <*> tbranch <*> mkLabel endif
+mkCmmWhileDo e body =
+ withFreshLabel "loop test" $ \test ->
+ withFreshLabel "loop head" $ \head ->
+ withFreshLabel "end while" $ \endwhile ->
+ -- Forrest Baskett's while-loop layout
+ mkBranch test <*> mkLabel head <*> body
+ <*> mkLabel test <*> mkCbranch e head endwhile
+ <*> mkLabel endwhile
+-- For debugging purposes, we can stub out dead stack slots:
+stackStubExpr :: Width -> CmmExpr
+stackStubExpr w = CmmLit (CmmInt 0 w)
+-- When we copy in parameters, we usually want to put overflow
+-- parameters on the stack, but sometimes we want to pass
+-- the variables in their spill slots.
+-- Therefore, for copying arguments and results, we provide different
+-- functions to pass the arguments in an overflow area and to pass them in spill slots.
+copyInOflow :: Convention -> Area -> CmmFormals -> (Int, CmmAGraph)
+copyInSlot :: Convention -> CmmFormals -> [CmmNode O O]
+copyOutOflow :: Convention -> Transfer -> Area -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset ->
+ (Int, CmmAGraph)
+copyOutSlot :: Convention -> [LocalReg] -> [CmmNode O O]
+copyInOflow conv area formals = (offset, catAGraphs $ map mkMiddle nodes)
+ where (offset, nodes) = copyIn oneCopyOflowI conv area formals
+copyInSlot c f = snd $ copyIn oneCopySlotI c (panic "no area for copying to slots") f
+type SlotCopier = Area -> (LocalReg, ByteOff) -> (ByteOff, [CmmNode O O]) ->
+ (ByteOff, [CmmNode O O])
+type CopyIn = SlotCopier -> Convention -> Area -> CmmFormals -> (ByteOff, [CmmNode O O])
+-- Return the number of bytes used for copying arguments, as well as the
+-- instructions to copy the arguments.
+copyIn :: CopyIn
+copyIn oflow conv area formals =
+ foldr ci (init_offset, []) args'
+ where ci (reg, RegisterParam r) (n, ms) =
+ (n, CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal r) : ms)
+ ci (r, StackParam off) (n, ms) = oflow area (r, off) (n, ms)
+ init_offset = widthInBytes wordWidth -- infotable
+ args = assignArgumentsPos conv localRegType formals
+ args' = foldl adjust [] args
+ where adjust rst (v, StackParam off) = (v, StackParam (off + init_offset)) : rst
+ adjust rst x@(_, RegisterParam _) = x : rst
+-- Copy-in one arg, using overflow space if needed.
+oneCopyOflowI, oneCopySlotI :: SlotCopier
+oneCopyOflowI area (reg, off) (n, ms) =
+ (max n off, CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot area off) ty) : ms)
+ where ty = localRegType reg
+-- Copy-in one arg, using spill slots if needed -- used for calling conventions at
+-- a procpoint that is not a return point. The offset is irrelevant here...
+oneCopySlotI _ (reg, _) (n, ms) =
+ (n, CmmAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg) w) ty) : ms)
+ where ty = localRegType reg
+ w = widthInBytes (typeWidth ty)
+-- Factoring out the common parts of the copyout functions yielded something
+-- more complicated:
+-- The argument layout function ignores the pointer to the info table, so we slot that
+-- in here. When copying-out to a young area, we set the info table for return
+-- and adjust the offsets of the other parameters.
+-- If this is a call instruction, we adjust the offsets of the other parameters.
+copyOutOflow conv transfer area@(CallArea a) actuals updfr_off =
+ foldr co (init_offset, emptyAGraph) args'
+ where co (v, RegisterParam r) (n, ms) = (n, mkAssign (CmmGlobal r) v <*> ms)
+ co (v, StackParam off) (n, ms) =
+ (max n off, mkStore (CmmStackSlot area off) v <*> ms)
+ (setRA, init_offset) =
+ case a of Young id -> id `seq` -- set RA if making a call
+ if transfer == Call then
+ ([(CmmLit (CmmBlock id), StackParam init_offset)],
+ widthInBytes wordWidth)
+ else ([], 0)
+ Old -> ([], updfr_off)
+ args = assignArgumentsPos conv cmmExprType actuals
+ args' = foldl adjust setRA args
+ where adjust rst (v, StackParam off) = (v, StackParam (off + init_offset)) : rst
+ adjust rst x@(_, RegisterParam _) = x : rst
+copyOutOflow _ _ (RegSlot _) _ _ = panic "cannot copy arguments into a register slot"
+-- Args passed only in registers and stack slots; no overflow space.
+-- No return address may apply!
+copyOutSlot conv actuals = foldr co [] args
+ where co (v, RegisterParam r) ms = CmmAssign (CmmGlobal r) (toExp v) : ms
+ co (v, StackParam off) ms = CmmStore (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot v) off) (toExp v) : ms
+ toExp r = CmmReg (CmmLocal r)
+ args = assignArgumentsPos conv localRegType actuals
+mkCallEntry :: Convention -> CmmFormals -> (Int, CmmAGraph)
+mkCallEntry conv formals = copyInOflow conv (CallArea Old) formals
+lastWithArgs :: Transfer -> Area -> Convention -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset ->
+ (ByteOff -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
+lastWithArgs transfer area conv actuals updfr_off last =
+ let (outArgs, copies) = copyOutOflow conv transfer area actuals updfr_off in
+ copies <*> last outArgs
+-- The area created for the jump and return arguments is the same area as the
+-- procedure entry.
+old :: Area
+old = CallArea Old
+toCall :: CmmExpr -> Maybe BlockId -> UpdFrameOffset -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> CmmAGraph
+toCall e cont updfr_off res_space arg_space =
+ mkLast $ CmmCall e cont arg_space res_space updfr_off
+mkJump e actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Jump old NativeNodeCall actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+mkDirectJump e actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Jump old NativeDirectCall actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+mkJumpGC e actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Jump old GC actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+mkForeignJump conv e actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Jump old conv actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+mkReturn e actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Ret old NativeReturn actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+ -- where e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (CallArea Old) updfr_off) gcWord
+mkReturnSimple actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Ret old NativeReturn actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
+ where e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (CallArea Old) updfr_off) gcWord
+mkFinalCall f _ actuals updfr_off =
+ lastWithArgs Call old NativeDirectCall actuals updfr_off $ toCall f Nothing updfr_off 0
+mkCmmCall f results actuals = mkCall f (NativeDirectCall, NativeReturn) results actuals
+-- I'm dropping the SRT, but that should be okay: we plan to reconstruct it later.
+mkCall f (callConv, retConv) results actuals updfr_off =
+ withFreshLabel "call successor" $ \k ->
+ let area = CallArea $ Young k
+ (off, copyin) = copyInOflow retConv area results
+ copyout = lastWithArgs Call area callConv actuals updfr_off
+ (toCall f (Just k) updfr_off off)
+ in (copyout <*> mkLabel k <*> copyin)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs b/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fa93f7690a..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfg.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-module MkZipCfg
- ( AGraph, (<*>), catAGraphs
- , freshBlockId
- , emptyAGraph, withFreshLabel, withUnique
- , mkMiddle, mkMiddles, mkLast, mkZTail, mkBranch, mkLabel, mkIfThenElse, mkWhileDo
- , outOfLine
- , emptyGraph, graphOfMiddles, graphOfZTail
- , lgraphOfAGraph, graphOfAGraph, labelAGraph, pprAGraph
- )
-import BlockId (BlockId(..), emptyBlockEnv, plusBlockEnv)
-import ZipCfg
-import Outputable
-import Unique
-import UniqSupply
-import Util
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-You can think of an AGraph like this: it is the program built by
-composing in sequence three kinds of nodes:
- * Label nodes (e.g. L2:)
- * Middle nodes (e.g. x = y*3)
- * Last nodes (e.g. if b then goto L1 else goto L2)
-The constructors mkLabel, mkMiddle, and mkLast build single-node
-AGraphs of the indicated type. The composition operator <*> glues
-AGraphs together in sequence (in constant time).
-For example:
- x = 0
- L1:
- x = x+1
- if x<10 then goto L1 else goto L2
- L2:
- y = y*x
- x = 0
-Notice that the AGraph may begin without a label, and may end without
-a control transfer. Control *always* falls through a label and middle
-node, and *never* falls through a Last node.
-A 'AGraph m l' is simply an abstract version of a 'Graph m l' from
-module 'ZipCfg'. The only difference is that the 'AGraph m l'
-supports a constant-time splicing operation, written infix <*>.
-That splicing operation, together with the constructor functions in
-this module (and with 'labelAGraph'), is the recommended way to build
-large graphs. Each construction or splice has constant cost, and to
-turn an AGraph into a Graph requires time linear in the number of
-nodes and N log N in the number of basic blocks.
-The splicing operation warrants careful explanation. Like a Graph, an
-AGraph is a control-flow graph which begins with a distinguished,
-unlabelled sequence of middle nodes called the *entry*. An unlabelled
-graph may also end with a sequence of middle nodes called the *exit*.
-The entry may fall straight through to the exit, or it may fall into
-the rest of the graph, which may include arbitrary control flow.
-Using ASCII art, here are examples of the two kinds of graph. On the
-left, the entry and exit sequences are labelled A and B, where the
-control flow in the middle is labelled X. On the right, there is no
-exit sequence:
- | |
- | A | C
- | |
- / \ / \
- / \ / \
- | X | | Y |
- \ / \ /
- \ / \_/
- |
- | B
- |
-The AGraph has these properties:
- * A AGraph is opaque; nothing about its structure can be observed.
- * A AGraph may be turned into a LGraph in time linear in the number
- of nodes and O(N log N) in the number of basic blocks.
- * Two AGraphs may be spliced in constant time by writing g1 <*> g2
-There are two rules for splicing, depending on whether the left-hand
-graph falls through. If it does, the rule is as follows:
- | | |
- | A | C | A
- | | |
- / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \
- | X | <*> | Y | = | X |
- \ / \ / \ /
- \ / \_/ \ /
- | | |
- | B | D | B
- | | |
- |
- | C
- |
- / \
- / \
- | Y |
- \ /
- \ /
- |
- | D
- |
-And in the case where the left-hand graph does not fall through, the
-rule is
- | | |
- | A | C | A
- | | |
- / \ / \ / \
- / \ / \ / \
- | X | <*> | Y | = | X |
- \ / \ / \ /
- \_/ \_/ \_/
- |
- | D _
- | / \
- / \
- | Y |
- \ /
- \ /
- |
- | D
- |
-In this case C will become unreachable and is lost; when such a graph
-is converted into a data structure, the system will bleat about
-unreachable code. Also it must be assumed that there are branches
-from somewhere in X to labelled blocks in Y; otherwise Y and D are
-unreachable as well. (However, it may be the case that X branches
-into some third AGraph, which in turn branches into D; the
-representation is agnostic on this point.)
-infixr 3 <*>
-(<*>) :: AGraph m l -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l
-catAGraphs :: [AGraph m l] -> AGraph m l
--- | A graph is built up by splicing together graphs each containing a
--- single node (where a label is considered a 'first' node. The empty
--- graph is a left and right unit for splicing. All of the AGraph
--- constructors (even complex ones like 'mkIfThenElse', as well as the
--- splicing operation <*>, are constant-time operations.
-emptyAGraph :: AGraph m l
-mkLabel :: (LastNode l) => BlockId -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the label
-mkMiddle :: m -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the node
-mkLast :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- l -> AGraph m l -- graph contains the node
--- | This function provides access to fresh labels without requiring
--- clients to be programmed monadically.
-withFreshLabel :: String -> (BlockId -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l
-withUnique :: (Unique -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l
-outOfLine :: (LastNode l, Outputable m, Outputable l)
- => AGraph m l -> AGraph m l
--- ^ The argument is an AGraph that has an
--- empty entry sequence and no exit sequence.
--- The result is a new AGraph that has an empty entry sequence
--- connected to an empty exit sequence, with the original graph
--- sitting to the side out-of-line.
--- Example: mkMiddle (x = 3)
--- <*> outOfLine (mkLabel L <*> ...stuff...)
--- <*> mkMiddle (y = x)
--- Control will flow directly from x=3 to y=x;
--- the block starting with L is "on the side".
--- N.B. algebraically forall g g' : g <*> outOfLine g' == outOfLine g' <*> g
--- below for convenience
-mkMiddles :: [m] -> AGraph m l
-mkZTail :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- ZTail m l -> AGraph m l
-mkBranch :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) =>
- BlockId -> AGraph m l
--- | For the structured control-flow constructs, a condition is
--- represented as a function that takes as arguments the labels to
--- goto on truth or falsehood.
--- mkIfThenElse mk_cond then else
--- = (mk_cond L1 L2) <*> L1: then <*> goto J
--- <*> L2: else <*> goto J
--- <*> J:
--- where L1, L2, J are fresh
-mkIfThenElse :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l)
- => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -- branch condition
- -> AGraph m l -- code in the 'then' branch
- -> AGraph m l -- code in the 'else' branch
- -> AGraph m l -- resulting if-then-else construct
-mkWhileDo :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l)
- => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -- loop condition
- -> AGraph m l -- body of the bloop
- -> AGraph m l -- the final while loop
--- | Converting an abstract graph to a concrete form is expensive: the
--- cost is linear in the number of nodes in the answer, plus N log N
--- in the number of basic blocks. The conversion is also monadic
--- because it may require the allocation of fresh, unique labels.
-graphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (Graph m l)
-lgraphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l)
- -- ^ allocate a fresh label for the entry point
-labelAGraph :: BlockId -> AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l)
- -- ^ use the given BlockId as the label of the entry point
--- | The functions below build Graphs directly; for convenience, they
--- are included here with the rest of the constructor functions.
-emptyGraph :: Graph m l
-graphOfMiddles :: [m] -> Graph m l
-graphOfZTail :: ZTail m l -> Graph m l
--- ================================================================
--- ================================================================
-newtype AGraph m l = AGraph (Graph m l -> UniqSM (Graph m l))
- -- an AGraph is a monadic function from a successor Graph to a new Graph
-AGraph f1 <*> AGraph f2 = AGraph f
- where f g = f2 g >>= f1 -- note right associativity
-catAGraphs = foldr (<*>) emptyAGraph
-emptyAGraph = AGraph return
-graphOfAGraph (AGraph f) = f emptyGraph
-emptyGraph = Graph (ZLast LastExit) emptyBlockEnv
-labelAGraph id g =
- do Graph tail blocks <- graphOfAGraph g
- return $ LGraph id $ insertBlock (Block id tail) blocks
-lgraphOfAGraph g = do id <- freshBlockId "graph entry"
- labelAGraph id g
--- constructors
-mkLabel id = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) =
- return $ Graph (ZLast (mkBranchNode id))
- (insertBlock (Block id tail) blocks)
-mkBranch target = mkLast $ mkBranchNode target
-mkMiddle m = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) = return $ Graph (ZTail m tail) blocks
-mkMiddles ms = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) = return $ Graph (foldr ZTail tail ms) blocks
-graphOfMiddles ms = Graph (foldr ZTail (ZLast LastExit) ms) emptyBlockEnv
-graphOfZTail t = Graph t emptyBlockEnv
-mkLast l = AGraph f
- where f (Graph tail blocks) =
- do note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "mkLast" (ppr l <+> ppr blocks) tail
- return $ Graph (ZLast (LastOther l)) blocks
-mkZTail tail = AGraph f
- where f (Graph utail blocks) =
- do note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "mkZTail" (ppr tail) utail
- return $ Graph tail blocks
-withFreshLabel name ofId = AGraph f
- where f g = do id <- freshBlockId name
- let AGraph f' = ofId id
- f' g
-withUnique ofU = AGraph f
- where f g = do u <- getUniqueM
- let AGraph f' = ofU u
- f' g
-outOfLine (AGraph f) = AGraph f'
- where f' (Graph tail' blocks') =
- do Graph emptyEntrance blocks <- f emptyGraph
- note_this_code_becomes_unreachable "outOfLine" (ppr tail') emptyEntrance
- return $ Graph tail' (blocks `plusBlockEnv` blocks')
-mkIfThenElse cbranch tbranch fbranch =
- withFreshLabel "end of if" $ \endif ->
- withFreshLabel "start of then" $ \tid ->
- withFreshLabel "start of else" $ \fid ->
- cbranch tid fid <*>
- mkLabel tid <*> tbranch <*> mkBranch endif <*>
- mkLabel fid <*> fbranch <*>
- mkLabel endif
-mkWhileDo cbranch body =
- withFreshLabel "loop test" $ \test ->
- withFreshLabel "loop head" $ \head ->
- withFreshLabel "end while" $ \endwhile ->
- -- Forrest Baskett's while-loop layout
- mkBranch test <*> mkLabel head <*> body
- <*> mkLabel test <*> cbranch head endwhile
- <*> mkLabel endwhile
--- | Bleat if the insertion of a last node will create unreachable code
-note_this_code_becomes_unreachable ::
- (Monad m, LastNode l, Outputable middle, Outputable l) =>
- String -> SDoc -> ZTail middle l -> m ()
-note_this_code_becomes_unreachable str old = if debugIsOn then u else \_ -> return ()
- where u (ZLast LastExit) = return ()
- u (ZLast (LastOther l)) | isBranchNode l = return ()
- -- Note [Branch follows branch]
- u tail = fail ("unreachable code in " ++ str ++ ": " ++
- (showSDoc ((ppr tail) <+> old)))
--- | The string argument to 'freshBlockId' was originally helpful in debugging
--- the Quick C-- compiler, so I have kept it here even though at present it is
--- thrown away at this spot---there's no reason a BlockId couldn't one day carry
--- a string.
-freshBlockId :: MonadUnique m => String -> m BlockId
-freshBlockId _s = getUniqueM >>= return . BlockId
--- Debugging
-pprAGraph :: (Outputable m, LastNode l, Outputable l) => AGraph m l -> UniqSM SDoc
-pprAGraph g = graphOfAGraph g >>= return . ppr
-Note [Branch follows branch]
-Why do we say it's ok for a Branch to follow a Branch?
-Because the standard constructor mkLabel-- has fall-through
-semantics. So if you do a mkLabel, you finish the current block,
-giving it a label, and start a new one that branches to that label.
-Emitting a Branch at this point is fine:
- goto L1; L2: ...stuff...
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfgCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfgCmm.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f0659e1a..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/MkZipCfgCmm.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
--- This is the module to import to be able to build C-- programs.
--- It should not be necessary to import MkZipCfg or ZipCfgCmmRep.
--- If you find it necessary to import these other modules, please
--- complain to Norman Ramsey.
-module MkZipCfgCmm
- ( mkNop, mkAssign, mkStore, mkCall, mkCmmCall, mkSafeCall, mkUnsafeCall, mkFinalCall
- , mkJump, mkForeignJump, mkJumpGC, mkCbranch, mkSwitch, mkReturn
- , mkReturnSimple, mkComment, copyInOflow, copyInSlot, copyOutOflow, copyOutSlot
- , mkEntry, mkCmmIfThenElse, mkCmmIfThen, mkCmmWhileDo
- , (<*>), catAGraphs, mkLabel, mkBranch
- , emptyAGraph, withFreshLabel, withUnique, outOfLine
- , lgraphOfAGraph, graphOfAGraph, labelAGraph
- , CmmZ, CmmTopZ, CmmGraph, CmmBlock, CmmAGraph, CmmStackInfo
- , Middle, Last, Convention(..), ForeignConvention(..), MidCallTarget(..), Transfer(..)
- , stackStubExpr, pprAGraph
- )
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BlockId
-import CmmExpr
-import Cmm ( GenCmm(..), GenCmmTop(..), CmmStatic, CmmInfo
- , CmmActuals, CmmFormals
- )
-import CmmCallConv (assignArgumentsPos, ParamLocation(..))
-import ZipCfgCmmRep hiding (CmmGraph, CmmAGraph, CmmBlock, CmmZ, CmmTopZ)
- -- to make this module more self-contained, the above definitions are
- -- duplicated below
-import PprCmm()
-import FastString
-import ForeignCall
-import MkZipCfg
-import Panic
-import SMRep (ByteOff)
-import StaticFlags
-import ZipCfg
-type CmmGraph = LGraph Middle Last
-type CmmAGraph = AGraph Middle Last
-type CmmBlock = Block Middle Last
-type CmmStackInfo = (ByteOff, Maybe ByteOff)
- -- probably want a record; (SP offset on entry, update frame space)
-type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
-type CmmTopZ = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
-data Transfer = Call | Jump | Ret deriving Eq
----------- No-ops
-mkNop :: CmmAGraph
-mkComment :: FastString -> CmmAGraph
----------- Assignment and store
-mkAssign :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
-mkStore :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
----------- Calls
-mkCall :: CmmExpr -> (Convention, Convention) -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals ->
- UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkCmmCall :: CmmExpr -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals ->
- UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
- -- Native C-- calling convention
-mkSafeCall :: MidCallTarget -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> Bool -> CmmAGraph
-mkUnsafeCall :: MidCallTarget -> CmmFormals -> CmmActuals -> CmmAGraph
-mkFinalCall :: CmmExpr -> CCallConv -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
- -- Never returns; like exit() or barf()
----------- Control transfer
-mkJump :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkJumpGC :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkForeignJump :: Convention -> CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkCbranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> BlockId -> CmmAGraph
-mkSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> CmmAGraph
-mkReturn :: CmmExpr -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkReturnSimple :: CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset -> CmmAGraph
-mkCmmIfThenElse :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
-mkCmmIfThen :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
-mkCmmWhileDo :: CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
--- Not to be forgotten, but exported by MkZipCfg:
--- mkBranch :: BlockId -> CmmAGraph
--- mkLabel :: BlockId -> Maybe Int -> CmmAGraph
--- outOfLine :: CmmAGraph -> CmmAGraph
--- withUnique :: (Unique -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
--- withFreshLabel :: String -> (BlockId -> CmmAGraph) -> CmmAGraph
-mkCmmWhileDo e = mkWhileDo (mkCbranch e)
-mkCmmIfThenElse e = mkIfThenElse (mkCbranch e)
-mkCmmIfThen e tbranch
- = withFreshLabel "end of if" $ \endif ->
- withFreshLabel "start of then" $ \tid ->
- mkCbranch e tid endif <*>
- mkLabel tid <*> tbranch <*> mkBranch endif <*>
- mkLabel endif
--- ================ IMPLEMENTATION ================--
-mkNop = emptyAGraph
-mkComment fs = mkMiddle $ MidComment fs
-mkStore l r = mkMiddle $ MidStore l r
--- Sanity check: any value assigned to a pointer must be non-zero.
--- If it's 0, cause a crash immediately.
-mkAssign l r = if opt_StubDeadValues then assign l r <*> check l else assign l r
- where assign l r = mkMiddle (MidAssign l r)
- check (CmmGlobal _) = mkNop
- check l@(CmmLocal reg) = -- if a ptr arg is NULL, cause a crash!
- if isGcPtrType ty then
- mkCmmIfThen (CmmMachOp (MO_Eq w) [r, stackStubExpr w])
- (assign l (CmmLoad (CmmLit (CmmInt 0 w)) ty))
- else mkNop
- where ty = localRegType reg
- w = typeWidth ty
- r = CmmReg l
--- Why are we inserting extra blocks that simply branch to the successors?
--- Because in addition to the branch instruction, @mkBranch@ will insert
--- a necessary adjustment to the stack pointer.
-mkCbranch pred ifso ifnot = mkLast (LastCondBranch pred ifso ifnot)
-mkSwitch e tbl = mkLast $ LastSwitch e tbl
-mkSafeCall t fs as upd interruptible =
- withFreshLabel "safe call" $ \k ->
- mkMiddle $ MidForeignCall (Safe k upd interruptible) t fs as
-mkUnsafeCall t fs as = mkMiddle $ MidForeignCall Unsafe t fs as
--- For debugging purposes, we can stub out dead stack slots:
-stackStubExpr :: Width -> CmmExpr
-stackStubExpr w = CmmLit (CmmInt 0 w)
--- When we copy in parameters, we usually want to put overflow
--- parameters on the stack, but sometimes we want to pass
--- the variables in their spill slots.
--- Therefore, for copying arguments and results, we provide different
--- functions to pass the arguments in an overflow area and to pass them in spill slots.
-copyInOflow :: Convention -> Area -> CmmFormals -> (Int, CmmAGraph)
-copyInSlot :: Convention -> CmmFormals -> CmmAGraph
-copyOutOflow :: Convention -> Transfer -> Area -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset ->
- (Int, [Middle])
-copyOutSlot :: Convention -> [LocalReg] -> [Middle]
- -- why a list of middles here instead of an AGraph?
-copyInOflow = copyIn oneCopyOflowI
-copyInSlot c f = snd $ copyIn oneCopySlotI c (panic "no area for copying to slots") f
-type SlotCopier = Area -> (LocalReg, ByteOff) -> (ByteOff, CmmAGraph) ->
- (ByteOff, CmmAGraph)
-type CopyIn = SlotCopier -> Convention -> Area -> CmmFormals -> (ByteOff, CmmAGraph)
--- Return the number of bytes used for copying arguments, as well as the
--- instructions to copy the arguments.
-copyIn :: CopyIn
-copyIn oflow conv area formals =
- foldr ci (init_offset, mkNop) args'
- where ci (reg, RegisterParam r) (n, ms) =
- (n, mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal r) <*> ms)
- ci (r, StackParam off) (n, ms) = oflow area (r, off) (n, ms)
- init_offset = widthInBytes wordWidth -- infotable
- args = assignArgumentsPos conv localRegType formals
- args' = foldl adjust [] args
- where adjust rst (v, StackParam off) = (v, StackParam (off + init_offset)) : rst
- adjust rst x@(_, RegisterParam _) = x : rst
--- Copy-in one arg, using overflow space if needed.
-oneCopyOflowI, oneCopySlotI :: SlotCopier
-oneCopyOflowI area (reg, off) (n, ms) =
- (max n off, mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot area off) ty) <*> ms)
- where ty = localRegType reg
--- Copy-in one arg, using spill slots if needed -- used for calling conventions at
--- a procpoint that is not a return point. The offset is irrelevant here...
-oneCopySlotI _ (reg, _) (n, ms) =
- (n, mkAssign (CmmLocal reg) (CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg) w) ty) <*> ms)
- where ty = localRegType reg
- w = widthInBytes (typeWidth ty)
--- Factoring out the common parts of the copyout functions yielded something
--- more complicated:
--- The argument layout function ignores the pointer to the info table, so we slot that
--- in here. When copying-out to a young area, we set the info table for return
--- and adjust the offsets of the other parameters.
--- If this is a call instruction, we adjust the offsets of the other parameters.
-copyOutOflow conv transfer area@(CallArea a) actuals updfr_off =
- foldr co (init_offset, []) args'
- where co (v, RegisterParam r) (n, ms) = (n, MidAssign (CmmGlobal r) v : ms)
- co (v, StackParam off) (n, ms) =
- (max n off, MidStore (CmmStackSlot area off) v : ms)
- (setRA, init_offset) =
- case a of Young id@(BlockId _) -> -- set RA if making a call
- if transfer == Call then
- ([(CmmLit (CmmBlock id), StackParam init_offset)],
- widthInBytes wordWidth)
- else ([], 0)
- Old -> ([], updfr_off)
- args = assignArgumentsPos conv cmmExprType actuals
- args' = foldl adjust setRA args
- where adjust rst (v, StackParam off) = (v, StackParam (off + init_offset)) : rst
- adjust rst x@(_, RegisterParam _) = x : rst
-copyOutOflow _ _ (RegSlot _) _ _ = panic "cannot copy arguments into a register slot"
--- Args passed only in registers and stack slots; no overflow space.
--- No return address may apply!
-copyOutSlot conv actuals = foldr co [] args
- where co (v, RegisterParam r) ms = MidAssign (CmmGlobal r) (toExp v) : ms
- co (v, StackParam off) ms =
- MidStore (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot v) off) (toExp v) : ms
- toExp r = CmmReg (CmmLocal r)
- args = assignArgumentsPos conv localRegType actuals
--- oneCopySlotO _ (reg, _) (n, ms) =
--- (n, MidStore (CmmStackSlot (RegSlot reg) w) reg : ms)
--- where w = widthInBytes (typeWidth (localRegType reg))
-mkEntry :: BlockId -> Convention -> CmmFormals -> (Int, CmmAGraph)
-mkEntry _ conv formals = copyInOflow conv (CallArea Old) formals
-lastWithArgs :: Transfer -> Area -> Convention -> CmmActuals -> UpdFrameOffset ->
- (ByteOff -> Last) -> CmmAGraph
-lastWithArgs transfer area conv actuals updfr_off last =
- let (outArgs, copies) = copyOutOflow conv transfer area actuals updfr_off in
- mkMiddles copies <*> mkLast (last outArgs)
--- The area created for the jump and return arguments is the same area as the
--- procedure entry.
-old :: Area
-old = CallArea Old
-toCall :: CmmExpr -> Maybe BlockId -> UpdFrameOffset -> ByteOff -> ByteOff -> Last
-toCall e cont updfr_off res_space arg_space =
- LastCall e cont arg_space res_space (Just updfr_off)
-mkJump e actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Jump old NativeNodeCall actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
-mkJumpGC e actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Jump old GC actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
-mkForeignJump conv e actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Jump old conv actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
-mkReturn e actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Ret old NativeReturn actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
- -- where e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (CallArea Old) updfr_off) gcWord
-mkReturnSimple actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Ret old NativeReturn actuals updfr_off $ toCall e Nothing updfr_off 0
- where e = CmmLoad (CmmStackSlot (CallArea Old) updfr_off) gcWord
-mkFinalCall f _ actuals updfr_off =
- lastWithArgs Call old NativeDirectCall actuals updfr_off $ toCall f Nothing updfr_off 0
-mkCmmCall f results actuals = mkCall f (NativeDirectCall, NativeReturn) results actuals
--- I'm dropping the SRT, but that should be okay: we plan to reconstruct it later.
-mkCall f (callConv, retConv) results actuals updfr_off =
- withFreshLabel "call successor" $ \k ->
- let area = CallArea $ Young k
- (off, copyin) = copyInOflow retConv area results
- copyout = lastWithArgs Call area callConv actuals updfr_off
- (toCall f (Just k) updfr_off off)
- in (copyout <*> mkLabel k <*> copyin)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/OldCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/OldCmm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57d458cc95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/OldCmm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+-- Old-style Cmm data types
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+module OldCmm (
+ Cmm, RawCmm, CmmTop, RawCmmTop,
+ ListGraph(..),
+ CmmInfo(..), UpdateFrame(..),
+ cmmMapGraph, cmmTopMapGraph,
+ cmmMapGraphM, cmmTopMapGraphM,
+ GenBasicBlock(..), CmmBasicBlock, blockId, blockStmts, mapBlockStmts,
+ CmmStmt(..), CmmReturnInfo(..), CmmHinted(..),
+ HintedCmmFormal, HintedCmmFormals, HintedCmmActual, HintedCmmActuals,
+ CmmSafety(..), CmmCallTarget(..),
+ module CmmDecl,
+ module CmmExpr,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import BlockId
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import ForeignCall
+import ClosureInfo
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+-- A [[BlockId]] is a local label.
+-- Local labels must be unique within an entire compilation unit, not
+-- just a single top-level item, because local labels map one-to-one
+-- with assembly-language labels.
+-- Info Tables
+data CmmInfo
+ = CmmInfo
+ (Maybe BlockId) -- GC target. Nothing <=> CPS won't do stack check
+ (Maybe UpdateFrame) -- Update frame
+ CmmInfoTable -- Info table
+-- | A frame that is to be pushed before entry to the function.
+-- Used to handle 'update' frames.
+data UpdateFrame =
+ UpdateFrame
+ CmmExpr -- Frame header. Behaves like the target of a 'jump'.
+ [CmmExpr] -- Frame remainder. Behaves like the arguments of a 'jump'.
+-- Cmm, CmmTop, CmmBasicBlock
+-- A file is a list of top-level chunks. These may be arbitrarily
+-- re-orderd during code generation.
+-- | A control-flow graph represented as a list of extended basic blocks.
+newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i]
+ -- ^ Code, may be empty. The first block is the entry point. The
+ -- order is otherwise initially unimportant, but at some point the
+ -- code gen will fix the order.
+ -- BlockIds must be unique across an entire compilation unit, since
+ -- they are translated to assembly-language labels, which scope
+ -- across a whole compilation unit.
+-- | Cmm with the info table as a data type
+type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+-- | Cmm with the info tables converted to a list of 'CmmStatic'
+type RawCmm = GenCmm CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+type RawCmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
+-- A basic block containing a single label, at the beginning.
+-- The list of basic blocks in a top-level code block may be re-ordered.
+-- Fall-through is not allowed: there must be an explicit jump at the
+-- end of each basic block, but the code generator might rearrange basic
+-- blocks in order to turn some jumps into fallthroughs.
+data GenBasicBlock i = BasicBlock BlockId [i]
+type CmmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
+instance UserOfLocalRegs i => UserOfLocalRegs (GenBasicBlock i) where
+ foldRegsUsed f set (BasicBlock _ l) = foldRegsUsed f set l
+blockId :: GenBasicBlock i -> BlockId
+-- The branch block id is that of the first block in
+-- the branch, which is that branch's entry point
+blockId (BasicBlock blk_id _ ) = blk_id
+blockStmts :: GenBasicBlock i -> [i]
+blockStmts (BasicBlock _ stmts) = stmts
+mapBlockStmts :: (i -> i') -> GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i'
+mapBlockStmts f (BasicBlock id bs) = BasicBlock id (map f bs)
+-- graph maps
+cmmMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g'
+cmmTopMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g'
+cmmMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmm d h g -> m (GenCmm d h g')
+cmmTopMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> m (GenCmmTop d h g')
+cmmMapGraph f (Cmm tops) = Cmm $ map (cmmTopMapGraph f) tops
+cmmTopMapGraph f (CmmProc h l g) = CmmProc h l (f g)
+cmmTopMapGraph _ (CmmData s ds) = CmmData s ds
+cmmMapGraphM f (Cmm tops) = mapM (cmmTopMapGraphM f) tops >>= return . Cmm
+cmmTopMapGraphM f (CmmProc h l g) =
+ f (showSDoc $ ppr l) g >>= return . CmmProc h l
+cmmTopMapGraphM _ (CmmData s ds) = return $ CmmData s ds
+data CmmReturnInfo = CmmMayReturn
+ | CmmNeverReturns
+ deriving ( Eq )
+-- CmmStmt
+-- A "statement". Note that all branches are explicit: there are no
+-- control transfers to computed addresses, except when transfering
+-- control to a new function.
+data CmmStmt -- Old-style
+ = CmmNop
+ | CmmComment FastString
+ | CmmAssign CmmReg CmmExpr -- Assign to register
+ | CmmStore CmmExpr CmmExpr -- Assign to memory location. Size is
+ -- given by cmmExprType of the rhs.
+ | CmmCall -- A call (forign, native or primitive), with
+ CmmCallTarget
+ HintedCmmFormals -- zero or more results
+ HintedCmmActuals -- zero or more arguments
+ CmmSafety -- whether to build a continuation
+ CmmReturnInfo
+ | CmmBranch BlockId -- branch to another BB in this fn
+ | CmmCondBranch CmmExpr BlockId -- conditional branch
+ | CmmSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId] -- Table branch
+ -- The scrutinee is zero-based;
+ -- zero -> first block
+ -- one -> second block etc
+ -- Undefined outside range, and when there's a Nothing
+ | CmmJump CmmExpr -- Jump to another C-- function,
+ HintedCmmActuals -- with these parameters. (parameters never used)
+ | CmmReturn -- Return from a native C-- function,
+ HintedCmmActuals -- with these return values. (parameters never used)
+data CmmHinted a = CmmHinted { hintlessCmm :: a, cmmHint :: ForeignHint }
+ deriving( Eq )
+type HintedCmmActuals = [HintedCmmActual]
+type HintedCmmFormals = [HintedCmmFormal]
+type HintedCmmFormal = CmmHinted CmmFormal
+type HintedCmmActual = CmmHinted CmmActual
+data CmmSafety = CmmUnsafe | CmmSafe C_SRT | CmmInterruptible
+-- | enable us to fold used registers over 'CmmActuals' and 'CmmFormals'
+instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmStmt where
+ foldRegsUsed f (set::b) s = stmt s set
+ where
+ stmt :: CmmStmt -> b -> b
+ stmt (CmmNop) = id
+ stmt (CmmComment {}) = id
+ stmt (CmmAssign _ e) = gen e
+ stmt (CmmStore e1 e2) = gen e1 . gen e2
+ stmt (CmmCall target _ es _ _) = gen target . gen es
+ stmt (CmmBranch _) = id
+ stmt (CmmCondBranch e _) = gen e
+ stmt (CmmSwitch e _) = gen e
+ stmt (CmmJump e es) = gen e . gen es
+ stmt (CmmReturn es) = gen es
+ gen :: UserOfLocalRegs a => a -> b -> b
+ gen a set = foldRegsUsed f set a
+instance UserOfLocalRegs CmmCallTarget where
+ foldRegsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldRegsUsed f set e
+ foldRegsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set
+instance UserOfSlots CmmCallTarget where
+ foldSlotsUsed f set (CmmCallee e _) = foldSlotsUsed f set e
+ foldSlotsUsed _ set (CmmPrim {}) = set
+instance UserOfLocalRegs a => UserOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where
+ foldRegsUsed f set a = foldRegsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a)
+instance UserOfSlots a => UserOfSlots (CmmHinted a) where
+ foldSlotsUsed f set a = foldSlotsUsed f set (hintlessCmm a)
+instance DefinerOfLocalRegs a => DefinerOfLocalRegs (CmmHinted a) where
+ foldRegsDefd f set a = foldRegsDefd f set (hintlessCmm a)
+One possible problem with the above type is that the only way to do a
+non-local conditional jump is to encode it as a branch to a block that
+contains a single jump. This leads to inefficient code in the back end.
+[N.B. This problem will go away when we make the transition to the
+'zipper' form of control-flow graph, in which both targets of a
+conditional jump are explicit. ---NR]
+One possible way to fix this would be:
+data CmmStat =
+ ...
+ | CmmJump CmmBranchDest
+ | CmmCondJump CmmExpr CmmBranchDest
+ ...
+data CmmBranchDest
+ = Local BlockId
+ | NonLocal CmmExpr [LocalReg]
+In favour:
++ one fewer constructors in CmmStmt
++ allows both cond branch and switch to jump to non-local destinations
+- not strictly necessary: can already encode as branch+jump
+- not always possible to implement any better in the back end
+- could do the optimisation in the back end (but then plat-specific?)
+- C-- doesn't have it
+- back-end optimisation might be more general (jump shortcutting)
+So we'll stick with the way it is, and add the optimisation to the NCG.
+-- CmmCallTarget
+-- The target of a CmmCall.
+data CmmCallTarget
+ = CmmCallee -- Call a function (foreign or native)
+ CmmExpr -- literal label <=> static call
+ -- other expression <=> dynamic call
+ CCallConv -- The calling convention
+ | CmmPrim -- Call a "primitive" (eg. sin, cos)
+ CallishMachOp -- These might be implemented as inline
+ -- code by the backend.
+ deriving Eq
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/OldCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/cmm/OldCmmUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea9ef8a54a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/OldCmmUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- Old-style Cmm utilities.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+module OldCmmUtils(
+ CmmStmts, noStmts, oneStmt, mkStmts, plusStmts, stmtList,
+ isNopStmt,
+ maybeAssignTemp, loadArgsIntoTemps,
+ module CmmUtils,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import OldCmm
+import CmmUtils
+import OrdList
+import Unique
+-- CmmStmts
+type CmmStmts = OrdList CmmStmt
+noStmts :: CmmStmts
+noStmts = nilOL
+oneStmt :: CmmStmt -> CmmStmts
+oneStmt = unitOL
+mkStmts :: [CmmStmt] -> CmmStmts
+mkStmts = toOL
+plusStmts :: CmmStmts -> CmmStmts -> CmmStmts
+plusStmts = appOL
+stmtList :: CmmStmts -> [CmmStmt]
+stmtList = fromOL
+-- CmmStmt
+isNopStmt :: CmmStmt -> Bool
+-- If isNopStmt returns True, the stmt is definitely a no-op;
+-- but it might be a no-op even if isNopStmt returns False
+isNopStmt CmmNop = True
+isNopStmt (CmmAssign r e) = cheapEqReg r e
+isNopStmt (CmmStore e1 (CmmLoad e2 _)) = cheapEqExpr e1 e2
+isNopStmt _ = False
+cheapEqExpr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Bool
+cheapEqExpr (CmmReg r) e = cheapEqReg r e
+cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r 0) e = cheapEqReg r e
+cheapEqExpr (CmmRegOff r n) (CmmRegOff r' n') = r==r' && n==n'
+cheapEqExpr _ _ = False
+cheapEqReg :: CmmReg -> CmmExpr -> Bool
+cheapEqReg r (CmmReg r') = r==r'
+cheapEqReg r (CmmRegOff r' 0) = r==r'
+cheapEqReg _ _ = False
+-- Helpers for foreign call arguments
+loadArgsIntoTemps :: [Unique]
+ -> HintedCmmActuals
+ -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], HintedCmmActuals)
+loadArgsIntoTemps uniques [] = (uniques, [], [])
+loadArgsIntoTemps uniques ((CmmHinted e hint):args) =
+ (uniques'',
+ new_stmts ++ remaining_stmts,
+ (CmmHinted new_e hint) : remaining_e)
+ where
+ (uniques', new_stmts, new_e) = maybeAssignTemp uniques e
+ (uniques'', remaining_stmts, remaining_e) =
+ loadArgsIntoTemps uniques' args
+maybeAssignTemp :: [Unique] -> CmmExpr -> ([Unique], [CmmStmt], CmmExpr)
+maybeAssignTemp uniques e
+ | hasNoGlobalRegs e = (uniques, [], e)
+ | otherwise = (tail uniques, [CmmAssign local e], CmmReg local)
+ where local = CmmLocal (LocalReg (head uniques) (cmmExprType e))
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/OldPprCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/OldPprCmm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b0db35bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/OldPprCmm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+-- Pretty-printing of old-style Cmm as (a superset of) C--
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+-- This is where we walk over Cmm emitting an external representation,
+-- suitable for parsing, in a syntax strongly reminiscent of C--. This
+-- is the "External Core" for the Cmm layer.
+-- As such, this should be a well-defined syntax: we want it to look nice.
+-- Thus, we try wherever possible to use syntax defined in [1],
+-- "The C-- Reference Manual", We differ
+-- slightly, in some cases. For one, we use I8 .. I64 for types, rather
+-- than C--'s bits8 .. bits64.
+-- We try to ensure that all information available in the abstract
+-- syntax is reproduced, or reproducible, in the concrete syntax.
+-- Data that is not in printed out can be reconstructed according to
+-- conventions used in the pretty printer. There are at least two such
+-- cases:
+-- 1) if a value has wordRep type, the type is not appended in the
+-- output.
+-- 2) MachOps that operate over wordRep type are printed in a
+-- C-style, rather than as their internal MachRep name.
+-- These conventions produce much more readable Cmm output.
+-- A useful example pass over Cmm is in nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
+module OldPprCmm
+ ( pprStmt
+ , module PprCmmDecl
+ , module PprCmmExpr
+ )
+import BlockId
+import CLabel
+import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import PprCmmDecl
+import PprCmmExpr
+import BasicTypes
+import ForeignCall
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Data.List
+instance (Outputable instr) => Outputable (ListGraph instr) where
+ ppr (ListGraph blocks) = vcat (map ppr blocks)
+instance (Outputable instr) => Outputable (GenBasicBlock instr) where
+ ppr b = pprBBlock b
+instance Outputable CmmStmt where
+ ppr s = pprStmt s
+instance Outputable CmmInfo where
+ ppr e = pprInfo e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+instance Outputable CmmSafety where
+ ppr CmmUnsafe = ptext (sLit "_unsafe_call_")
+ ppr CmmInterruptible = ptext (sLit "_interruptible_call_")
+ ppr (CmmSafe srt) = ppr srt
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Info tables. The current pretty printer needs refinement
+-- but will work for now.
+-- For ideas on how to refine it, they used to be printed in the
+-- style of C--'s 'stackdata' declaration, just inside the proc body,
+-- and were labelled with the procedure name ++ "_info".
+pprInfo :: CmmInfo -> SDoc
+pprInfo (CmmInfo _gc_target update_frame CmmNonInfoTable) =
+ vcat [{-ptext (sLit "gc_target: ") <>
+ maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) ppr gc_target,-}
+ ptext (sLit "update_frame: ") <>
+ maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) pprUpdateFrame update_frame]
+pprInfo (CmmInfo _gc_target update_frame info_table@(CmmInfoTable _ _ _ _)) =
+ vcat [{-ptext (sLit "gc_target: ") <>
+ maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) ppr gc_target,-}
+ ptext (sLit "update_frame: ") <>
+ maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) pprUpdateFrame update_frame,
+ ppr info_table]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Basic blocks look like assembly blocks.
+-- lbl: stmt ; stmt ; ..
+pprBBlock :: Outputable stmt => GenBasicBlock stmt -> SDoc
+pprBBlock (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
+ hang (ppr ident <> colon) 4 (vcat (map ppr stmts))
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Statements. C-- usually, exceptions to this should be obvious.
+pprStmt :: CmmStmt -> SDoc
+pprStmt stmt = case stmt of
+ -- ;
+ CmmNop -> semi
+ -- // text
+ CmmComment s -> text "//" <+> ftext s
+ -- reg = expr;
+ CmmAssign reg expr -> ppr reg <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
+ -- rep[lv] = expr;
+ CmmStore lv expr -> rep <> brackets(ppr lv) <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
+ where
+ rep = ppr ( cmmExprType expr )
+ -- call "ccall" foo(x, y)[r1, r2];
+ -- ToDo ppr volatile
+ CmmCall (CmmCallee fn cconv) results args safety ret ->
+ sep [ pp_lhs <+> pp_conv
+ , nest 2 (pprExpr9 fn <>
+ parens (commafy (map ppr_ar args)))
+ <> brackets (ppr safety)
+ , case ret of CmmMayReturn -> empty
+ CmmNeverReturns -> ptext $ sLit (" never returns")
+ ] <> semi
+ where
+ pp_lhs | null results = empty
+ | otherwise = commafy (map ppr_ar results) <+> equals
+ -- Don't print the hints on a native C-- call
+ ppr_ar (CmmHinted ar k) = case cconv of
+ CmmCallConv -> ppr ar
+ _ -> ppr (ar,k)
+ pp_conv = case cconv of
+ CmmCallConv -> empty
+ _ -> ptext (sLit("foreign")) <+> doubleQuotes (ppr cconv)
+ -- Call a CallishMachOp, like sin or cos that might be implemented as a library call.
+ CmmCall (CmmPrim op) results args safety ret ->
+ pprStmt (CmmCall (CmmCallee (CmmLit lbl) CCallConv)
+ results args safety ret)
+ where
+ -- HACK: A CallishMachOp doesn't really correspond to a ForeignLabel, but we
+ -- use one to get the label printed.
+ lbl = CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel
+ (mkFastString (show op))
+ Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction)
+ CmmBranch ident -> genBranch ident
+ CmmCondBranch expr ident -> genCondBranch expr ident
+ CmmJump expr params -> genJump expr params
+ CmmReturn params -> genReturn params
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+-- Just look like a tuple, since it was a tuple before
+-- ... is that a good idea? --Isaac Dupree
+instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (CmmHinted a) where
+ ppr (CmmHinted a k) = ppr (a, k)
+pprUpdateFrame :: UpdateFrame -> SDoc
+pprUpdateFrame (UpdateFrame expr args) =
+ hcat [ ptext (sLit "jump")
+ , space
+ , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
+ then pprExpr expr
+ else case expr of
+ CmmLoad (CmmReg _) _ -> pprExpr expr
+ _ -> parens (pprExpr expr)
+ , space
+ , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args ) ]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- goto local label. [1], section 6.6
+-- goto lbl;
+genBranch :: BlockId -> SDoc
+genBranch ident =
+ ptext (sLit "goto") <+> ppr ident <> semi
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conditional. [1], section 6.4
+-- if (expr) { goto lbl; }
+genCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> SDoc
+genCondBranch expr ident =
+ hsep [ ptext (sLit "if")
+ , parens(ppr expr)
+ , ptext (sLit "goto")
+ , ppr ident <> semi ]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- A tail call. [1], Section 6.9
+-- jump foo(a, b, c);
+genJump :: CmmExpr -> [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> SDoc
+genJump expr args =
+ hcat [ ptext (sLit "jump")
+ , space
+ , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
+ then pprExpr expr
+ else case expr of
+ CmmLoad (CmmReg _) _ -> pprExpr expr
+ _ -> parens (pprExpr expr)
+ , space
+ , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args )
+ , semi ]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Return from a function. [1], Section 6.8.2 of version 1.128
+-- return (a, b, c);
+genReturn :: [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> SDoc
+genReturn args =
+ hcat [ ptext (sLit "return")
+ , space
+ , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args )
+ , semi ]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Tabled jump to local label
+-- The syntax is from [1], section 6.5
+-- switch [0 .. n] (expr) { case ... ; }
+genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> SDoc
+genSwitch expr maybe_ids
+ = let pairs = groupBy snds (zip [0 .. ] maybe_ids )
+ in hang (hcat [ ptext (sLit "switch [0 .. ")
+ , int (length maybe_ids - 1)
+ , ptext (sLit "] ")
+ , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
+ then pprExpr expr
+ else parens (pprExpr expr)
+ , ptext (sLit " {")
+ ])
+ 4 (vcat ( map caseify pairs )) $$ rbrace
+ where
+ snds a b = (snd a) == (snd b)
+ caseify :: [(Int,Maybe BlockId)] -> SDoc
+ caseify ixs@((_,Nothing):_)
+ = ptext (sLit "/* impossible: ") <> hcat (intersperse comma (map (int.fst) ixs))
+ <> ptext (sLit " */")
+ caseify as
+ = let (is,ids) = unzip as
+ in hsep [ ptext (sLit "case")
+ , hcat (punctuate comma (map int is))
+ , ptext (sLit ": goto")
+ , ppr (head [ id | Just id <- ids]) <> semi ]
+commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+commafy xs = fsep $ punctuate comma xs
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/OptimizationFuel.hs b/compiler/cmm/OptimizationFuel.hs
index 175dcd09b1..e1f1e3c39e 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/OptimizationFuel.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/OptimizationFuel.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Optimisation fuel is used to control the amount of work the optimiser does.
-- Every optimisation step consumes a certain amount of fuel and stops when
@@ -5,27 +6,25 @@
-- the optimiser with varying amount of fuel to find out the exact number of
-- steps where a bug is introduced in the output.
module OptimizationFuel
- ( OptimizationFuel, canRewriteWithFuel, maybeRewriteWithFuel, oneLessFuel
- , OptFuelState, initOptFuelState --, setTotalFuel
- , tankFilledTo, diffFuel
- , FuelConsumer
- , FuelUsingMonad, FuelState
- , lastFuelPass, fuelExhausted, fuelRemaining, fuelDecrement, fuelDec1
+ ( OptimizationFuel, amountOfFuel, tankFilledTo, anyFuelLeft, oneLessFuel
+ , OptFuelState, initOptFuelState
+ , FuelConsumer, FuelUsingMonad, FuelState
+ , fuelGet, fuelSet, lastFuelPass, setFuelPass
+ , fuelExhausted, fuelDec1, tryWithFuel
, runFuelIO, fuelConsumingPass
- , FuelMonad
+ , FuelUniqSM
, liftUniq
- , lGraphOfGraph -- needs to be able to create a unique ID...
-import BlockId
-import ZipCfg
---import GHC.Exts (State#)
-import Panic
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import StaticFlags (opt_Fuel)
import UniqSupply
+import Panic ()
+import Compiler.Hoopl
+import Compiler.Hoopl.GHC (getFuel, setFuel)
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -45,45 +44,44 @@ initOptFuelState =
type FuelConsumer a = OptimizationFuel -> (a, OptimizationFuel)
-canRewriteWithFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> Bool
-oneLessFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> OptimizationFuel
-maybeRewriteWithFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
-diffFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> OptimizationFuel -> Int
- -- to measure consumption during compilation
tankFilledTo :: Int -> OptimizationFuel
+amountOfFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> Int
+anyFuelLeft :: OptimizationFuel -> Bool
+oneLessFuel :: OptimizationFuel -> OptimizationFuel
#ifdef DEBUG
newtype OptimizationFuel = OptimizationFuel Int
deriving Show
tankFilledTo = OptimizationFuel
-canRewriteWithFuel (OptimizationFuel f) = f > 0
-maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel ma = if canRewriteWithFuel fuel then ma else Nothing
+amountOfFuel (OptimizationFuel f) = f
+anyFuelLeft (OptimizationFuel f) = f > 0
oneLessFuel (OptimizationFuel f) = ASSERT (f > 0) (OptimizationFuel (f - 1))
-diffFuel (OptimizationFuel f) (OptimizationFuel f') = f - f'
-- type OptimizationFuel = State# () -- would like this, but it won't work
data OptimizationFuel = OptimizationFuel
deriving Show
-tankFilledTo _ = panic "tankFilledTo" -- should be impossible to evaluate
- -- realWorld# might come in handy, too...
-canRewriteWithFuel OptimizationFuel = True
-maybeRewriteWithFuel _ ma = ma
-oneLessFuel f = f
-diffFuel _ _ = 0
+tankFilledTo _ = OptimizationFuel
+amountOfFuel _ = maxBound
+anyFuelLeft _ = True
+oneLessFuel _ = OptimizationFuel
-data FuelState = FuelState { fs_fuellimit :: OptimizationFuel, fs_lastpass :: String }
-newtype FuelMonad a = FuelMonad (FuelState -> UniqSM (a, FuelState))
+data FuelState = FuelState { fs_fuel :: OptimizationFuel, fs_lastpass :: String }
+newtype FuelUniqSM a = FUSM { unFUSM :: FuelState -> UniqSM (a, FuelState) }
-fuelConsumingPass :: String -> FuelConsumer a -> FuelMonad a
-fuelConsumingPass name f = do fuel <- fuelRemaining
+fuelConsumingPass :: String -> FuelConsumer a -> FuelUniqSM a
+fuelConsumingPass name f = do setFuelPass name
+ fuel <- fuelGet
let (a, fuel') = f fuel
- fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
+ fuelSet fuel'
return a
-runFuelIO :: OptFuelState -> FuelMonad a -> IO a
-runFuelIO fs (FuelMonad f) =
+runFuelIO :: OptFuelState -> FuelUniqSM a -> IO a
+runFuelIO fs (FUSM f) =
do pass <- readIORef (pass_ref fs)
fuel <- readIORef (fuel_ref fs)
u <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'u'
@@ -92,49 +90,51 @@ runFuelIO fs (FuelMonad f) =
writeIORef (fuel_ref fs) fuel'
return a
-instance Monad FuelMonad where
- FuelMonad f >>= k = FuelMonad (\s -> do (a, s') <- f s
- let FuelMonad f' = k a in (f' s'))
- return a = FuelMonad (\s -> return (a, s))
+instance Monad FuelUniqSM where
+ FUSM f >>= k = FUSM (\s -> f s >>= \(a, s') -> unFUSM (k a) s')
+ return a = FUSM (\s -> return (a, s))
-instance MonadUnique FuelMonad where
+instance MonadUnique FuelUniqSM where
getUniqueSupplyM = liftUniq getUniqueSupplyM
getUniqueM = liftUniq getUniqueM
getUniquesM = liftUniq getUniquesM
-liftUniq :: UniqSM x -> FuelMonad x
-liftUniq x = FuelMonad (\s -> x >>= (\u -> return (u, s)))
+liftUniq :: UniqSM x -> FuelUniqSM x
+liftUniq x = FUSM (\s -> x >>= (\u -> return (u, s)))
class Monad m => FuelUsingMonad m where
- fuelRemaining :: m OptimizationFuel
- fuelDecrement :: String -> OptimizationFuel -> OptimizationFuel -> m ()
- fuelDec1 :: m ()
- fuelExhausted :: m Bool
- lastFuelPass :: m String
-instance FuelUsingMonad FuelMonad where
- fuelRemaining = extract fs_fuellimit
- lastFuelPass = extract fs_lastpass
- fuelExhausted = extract $ not . canRewriteWithFuel . fs_fuellimit
- fuelDecrement p f f' = FuelMonad (\s -> return ((), fuelDecrementState p f f' s))
- fuelDec1 = FuelMonad f
- where f s = if canRewriteWithFuel (fs_fuellimit s) then
- return ((), s { fs_fuellimit = oneLessFuel (fs_fuellimit s) })
- else panic "Tried to use exhausted fuel supply"
-extract :: (FuelState -> a) -> FuelMonad a
-extract f = FuelMonad (\s -> return (f s, s))
- :: String -> OptimizationFuel -> OptimizationFuel -> FuelState -> FuelState
-fuelDecrementState new_optimizer old new s =
- FuelState { fs_fuellimit = lim, fs_lastpass = optimizer }
- where lim = if diffFuel old (fs_fuellimit s) == 0 then new
- else panic $
- concat ["lost track of ", new_optimizer, "'s transactions"]
- optimizer = if diffFuel old new > 0 then new_optimizer else fs_lastpass s
--- lGraphOfGraph is here because we need uniques to implement it.
-lGraphOfGraph :: Graph m l -> FuelMonad (LGraph m l)
-lGraphOfGraph (Graph tail blocks) =
- do entry <- liftM BlockId $ getUniqueM
- return $ LGraph entry (insertBlock (Block entry tail) blocks)
+ fuelGet :: m OptimizationFuel
+ fuelSet :: OptimizationFuel -> m ()
+ lastFuelPass :: m String
+ setFuelPass :: String -> m ()
+fuelExhausted :: FuelUsingMonad m => m Bool
+fuelExhausted = fuelGet >>= return . anyFuelLeft
+fuelDec1 :: FuelUsingMonad m => m ()
+fuelDec1 = fuelGet >>= fuelSet . oneLessFuel
+tryWithFuel :: FuelUsingMonad m => a -> m (Maybe a)
+tryWithFuel r = do f <- fuelGet
+ if anyFuelLeft f then fuelSet (oneLessFuel f) >> return (Just r)
+ else return Nothing
+instance FuelUsingMonad FuelUniqSM where
+ fuelGet = extract fs_fuel
+ lastFuelPass = extract fs_lastpass
+ fuelSet fuel = FUSM (\s -> return ((), s { fs_fuel = fuel }))
+ setFuelPass pass = FUSM (\s -> return ((), s { fs_lastpass = pass }))
+extract :: (FuelState -> a) -> FuelUniqSM a
+extract f = FUSM (\s -> return (f s, s))
+instance FuelMonad FuelUniqSM where
+ getFuel = liftM amountOfFuel fuelGet
+ setFuel = fuelSet . tankFilledTo
+-- Don't bother to checkpoint the unique supply; it doesn't matter
+instance CheckpointMonad FuelUniqSM where
+ type Checkpoint FuelUniqSM = FuelState
+ checkpoint = FUSM $ \fuel -> return (fuel, fuel)
+ restart fuel = FUSM $ \_ -> return ((), fuel)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
index a36a356d6d..10c9f18310 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module PprC (
-- Cmm stuff
import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import PprCmm () -- Instances only
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm () -- Instances only
import CLabel
import ForeignCall
import ClosureInfo
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ pprC (Cmm tops) = vcat $ intersperse blankLine $ map pprTop tops
-- top level procs
pprTop :: RawCmmTop -> SDoc
-pprTop (CmmProc info clbl _params (ListGraph blocks)) =
+pprTop (CmmProc info clbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
(if not (null info)
then pprDataExterns info $$
pprWordArray (entryLblToInfoLbl clbl) info
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
index f5c5a49b92..cede69e06f 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmm.hs
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
--- This is where we walk over Cmm emitting an external representation,
+-- This is where we walk over CmmNode emitting an external representation,
-- suitable for parsing, in a syntax strongly reminiscent of C--. This
-- is the "External Core" for the Cmm layer.
@@ -30,601 +29,234 @@
-- These conventions produce much more readable Cmm output.
-- A useful example pass over Cmm is in nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
+{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
module PprCmm
- ( writeCmms, pprCmms, pprCmm, pprStmt, pprExpr,
- pprSection, pprStatic, pprLit
- )
+ ( module PprCmmDecl
+ , module PprCmmExpr
+ )
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import BlockId ()
import CLabel
-import BasicTypes
-import ForeignCall
-import Outputable
+import Cmm
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmUtils (isTrivialCmmExpr)
import FastString
+import Outputable
+import PprCmmDecl
+import PprCmmExpr
+import Util
+import BasicTypes
+import Compiler.Hoopl
import Data.List
-import System.IO
-import Data.Maybe
--- Temp Jan08
-import SMRep
-import ClosureInfo
-#include "../includes/rts/storage/FunTypes.h"
-pprCmms :: (Outputable info, Outputable g) => [GenCmm CmmStatic info g] -> SDoc
-pprCmms cmms = pprCode CStyle (vcat (intersperse separator $ map ppr cmms))
- where
- separator = space $$ ptext (sLit "-------------------") $$ space
-writeCmms :: Handle -> [Cmm] -> IO ()
-writeCmms handle cmms = printForC handle (pprCmms cmms)
-instance (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable g)
- => Outputable (GenCmm d info g) where
- ppr c = pprCmm c
-instance (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable i)
- => Outputable (GenCmmTop d info i) where
- ppr t = pprTop t
-instance (Outputable instr) => Outputable (ListGraph instr) where
- ppr (ListGraph blocks) = vcat (map ppr blocks)
-instance (Outputable instr) => Outputable (GenBasicBlock instr) where
- ppr b = pprBBlock b
-instance Outputable CmmStmt where
- ppr s = pprStmt s
-instance Outputable CmmExpr where
- ppr e = pprExpr e
-instance Outputable CmmReg where
- ppr e = pprReg e
-instance Outputable CmmLit where
- ppr l = pprLit l
-instance Outputable LocalReg where
- ppr e = pprLocalReg e
-instance Outputable Area where
- ppr e = pprArea e
-instance Outputable GlobalReg where
- ppr e = pprGlobalReg e
-instance Outputable CmmStatic where
- ppr e = pprStatic e
-instance Outputable CmmInfo where
- ppr e = pprInfo e
-pprCmm :: (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable g) => GenCmm d info g -> SDoc
-pprCmm (Cmm tops) = vcat $ intersperse blankLine $ map pprTop tops
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Top level `procedure' blocks.
-pprTop :: (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable i)
- => GenCmmTop d info i -> SDoc
-pprTop (CmmProc info lbl params graph )
- = vcat [ pprCLabel lbl <> parens (commafy $ map ppr params)
- , nest 8 $ lbrace <+> ppr info $$ rbrace
- , nest 4 $ ppr graph
- , rbrace ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- We follow [1], 4.5
--- section "data" { ... }
-pprTop (CmmData section ds) =
- (hang (pprSection section <+> lbrace) 4 (vcat (map ppr ds)))
- $$ rbrace
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-instance Outputable CmmSafety where
- ppr CmmUnsafe = ptext (sLit "_unsafe_call_")
- ppr (CmmSafe srt) = ppr srt
- ppr CmmInterruptible = ptext (sLit "_interruptible_call_")
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Info tables. The current pretty printer needs refinement
--- but will work for now.
--- For ideas on how to refine it, they used to be printed in the
--- style of C--'s 'stackdata' declaration, just inside the proc body,
--- and were labelled with the procedure name ++ "_info".
-pprInfo :: CmmInfo -> SDoc
-pprInfo (CmmInfo _gc_target update_frame CmmNonInfoTable) =
- vcat [{-ptext (sLit "gc_target: ") <>
- maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) ppr gc_target,-}
- ptext (sLit "update_frame: ") <>
- maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) pprUpdateFrame update_frame]
-pprInfo (CmmInfo _gc_target update_frame
- (CmmInfoTable stat_clos (ProfilingInfo closure_type closure_desc) tag info)) =
- vcat [{-ptext (sLit "gc_target: ") <>
- maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) ppr gc_target,-}
- ptext (sLit "has static closure: ") <> ppr stat_clos <+>
- ptext (sLit "update_frame: ") <>
- maybe (ptext (sLit "<none>")) pprUpdateFrame update_frame,
- ptext (sLit "type: ") <> pprLit closure_type,
- ptext (sLit "desc: ") <> pprLit closure_desc,
- ptext (sLit "tag: ") <> integer (toInteger tag),
- pprTypeInfo info]
-pprTypeInfo :: ClosureTypeInfo -> SDoc
-pprTypeInfo (ConstrInfo layout constr descr) =
- vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
- ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
- ptext (sLit "constructor: ") <> integer (toInteger constr),
- pprLit descr]
-pprTypeInfo (FunInfo layout srt arity _args slow_entry) =
- vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
- ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
- ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt,
--- Temp Jan08
- ptext (sLit ("fun_type: ")) <> integer (toInteger (argDescrType _args)),
- ptext (sLit "arity: ") <> integer (toInteger arity),
- --ptext (sLit "args: ") <> ppr args, -- TODO: needs to be printed
- ptext (sLit "slow: ") <> pprLit slow_entry
- ]
-pprTypeInfo (ThunkInfo layout srt) =
- vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
- ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
- ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
-pprTypeInfo (ThunkSelectorInfo offset srt) =
- vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger offset),
- ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
-pprTypeInfo (ContInfo stack srt) =
- vcat [ptext (sLit "stack: ") <> ppr stack,
- ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
--- Temp Jan08
-argDescrType :: ArgDescr -> StgHalfWord
--- The "argument type" RTS field type
-argDescrType (ArgSpec n) = n
-argDescrType (ArgGen liveness)
- | isBigLiveness liveness = ARG_GEN_BIG
- | otherwise = ARG_GEN
--- Temp Jan08
-isBigLiveness :: Liveness -> Bool
-isBigLiveness (BigLiveness _) = True
-isBigLiveness (SmallLiveness _) = False
-pprUpdateFrame :: UpdateFrame -> SDoc
-pprUpdateFrame (UpdateFrame expr args) =
- hcat [ ptext (sLit "jump")
- , space
- , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
- then pprExpr expr
- else case expr of
- CmmLoad (CmmReg _) _ -> pprExpr expr
- _ -> parens (pprExpr expr)
- , space
- , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args ) ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Basic blocks look like assembly blocks.
--- lbl: stmt ; stmt ; ..
-pprBBlock :: Outputable stmt => GenBasicBlock stmt -> SDoc
-pprBBlock (BasicBlock ident stmts) =
- hang (ppr ident <> colon) 4 (vcat (map ppr stmts))
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Statements. C-- usually, exceptions to this should be obvious.
-pprStmt :: CmmStmt -> SDoc
-pprStmt stmt = case stmt of
- -- ;
- CmmNop -> semi
- -- // text
- CmmComment s -> text "//" <+> ftext s
- -- reg = expr;
- CmmAssign reg expr -> ppr reg <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
- -- rep[lv] = expr;
- CmmStore lv expr -> rep <> brackets(ppr lv) <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
- where
- rep = ppr ( cmmExprType expr )
- -- call "ccall" foo(x, y)[r1, r2];
- -- ToDo ppr volatile
- CmmCall (CmmCallee fn cconv) results args safety ret ->
- sep [ pp_lhs <+> pp_conv
- , nest 2 (pprExpr9 fn <>
- parens (commafy (map ppr_ar args)))
- <> brackets (ppr safety)
- , case ret of CmmMayReturn -> empty
- CmmNeverReturns -> ptext $ sLit (" never returns")
- ] <> semi
- where
- pp_lhs | null results = empty
- | otherwise = commafy (map ppr_ar results) <+> equals
- -- Don't print the hints on a native C-- call
- ppr_ar :: Outputable a => CmmHinted a -> SDoc
- ppr_ar (CmmHinted ar k) = case cconv of
- CmmCallConv -> ppr ar
- _ -> ppr (ar,k)
- pp_conv = case cconv of
- CmmCallConv -> empty
- _ -> ptext (sLit("foreign")) <+> doubleQuotes (ppr cconv)
- -- Call a CallishMachOp, like sin or cos that might be implemented as a library call.
- CmmCall (CmmPrim op) results args safety ret ->
- pprStmt (CmmCall (CmmCallee (CmmLit lbl) CCallConv)
- results args safety ret)
- where
- -- HACK: A CallishMachOp doesn't really correspond to a ForeignLabel, but we
- -- use one to get the label printed.
- lbl = CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel
- (mkFastString (show op))
- Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction)
- CmmBranch ident -> genBranch ident
- CmmCondBranch expr ident -> genCondBranch expr ident
- CmmJump expr params -> genJump expr params
- CmmReturn params -> genReturn params
- CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
-instance Outputable ForeignHint where
- ppr NoHint = empty
- ppr SignedHint = quotes(text "signed")
--- ppr AddrHint = quotes(text "address")
--- Temp Jan08
- ppr AddrHint = (text "PtrHint")
--- Just look like a tuple, since it was a tuple before
--- ... is that a good idea? --Isaac Dupree
-instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (CmmHinted a) where
- ppr (CmmHinted a k) = ppr (a, k)
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- goto local label. [1], section 6.6
--- goto lbl;
-genBranch :: BlockId -> SDoc
-genBranch ident =
- ptext (sLit "goto") <+> ppr ident <> semi
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Conditional. [1], section 6.4
--- if (expr) { goto lbl; }
-genCondBranch :: CmmExpr -> BlockId -> SDoc
-genCondBranch expr ident =
- hsep [ ptext (sLit "if")
- , parens(ppr expr)
- , ptext (sLit "goto")
- , ppr ident <> semi ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- A tail call. [1], Section 6.9
--- jump foo(a, b, c);
-genJump :: CmmExpr -> [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> SDoc
-genJump expr args =
- hcat [ ptext (sLit "jump")
- , space
- , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
- then pprExpr expr
- else case expr of
- CmmLoad (CmmReg _) _ -> pprExpr expr
- _ -> parens (pprExpr expr)
- , space
- , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args )
- , semi ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Return from a function. [1], Section 6.8.2 of version 1.128
--- return (a, b, c);
-genReturn :: [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> SDoc
-genReturn args =
- hcat [ ptext (sLit "return")
- , space
- , parens ( commafy $ map ppr args )
- , semi ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Tabled jump to local label
--- The syntax is from [1], section 6.5
--- switch [0 .. n] (expr) { case ... ; }
-genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> SDoc
-genSwitch expr maybe_ids
- = let pairs = groupBy snds (zip [0 .. ] maybe_ids )
- in hang (hcat [ ptext (sLit "switch [0 .. ")
- , int (length maybe_ids - 1)
- , ptext (sLit "] ")
- , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr
- then pprExpr expr
- else parens (pprExpr expr)
- , ptext (sLit " {")
- ])
- 4 (vcat ( map caseify pairs )) $$ rbrace
- where
- snds a b = (snd a) == (snd b)
- caseify :: [(Int,Maybe BlockId)] -> SDoc
- caseify ixs@((_,Nothing):_)
- = ptext (sLit "/* impossible: ") <> hcat (intersperse comma (map (int.fst) ixs))
- <> ptext (sLit " */")
- caseify as
- = let (is,ids) = unzip as
- in hsep [ ptext (sLit "case")
- , hcat (punctuate comma (map int is))
- , ptext (sLit ": goto")
- , ppr (head [ id | Just id <- ids]) <> semi ]
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Expressions
-pprExpr :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
-pprExpr e
- = case e of
- CmmRegOff reg i ->
- pprExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep)
- [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral i) rep)])
- where rep = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg)
- CmmLit lit -> pprLit lit
- _other -> pprExpr1 e
--- Here's the precedence table from CmmParse.y:
--- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
--- %left '|'
--- %left '^'
--- %left '&'
--- %left '>>' '<<'
--- %left '-' '+'
--- %left '/' '*' '%'
--- %right '~'
--- We just cope with the common operators for now, the rest will get
--- a default conservative behaviour.
--- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
-pprExpr1, pprExpr7, pprExpr8 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
-pprExpr1 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp1 op
- = pprExpr7 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr7 y
-pprExpr1 e = pprExpr7 e
-infixMachOp1, infixMachOp7, infixMachOp8 :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
-infixMachOp1 (MO_Eq _) = Just (ptext (sLit "=="))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_Ne _) = Just (ptext (sLit "!="))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_Shl _) = Just (ptext (sLit "<<"))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Shr _) = Just (ptext (sLit ">>"))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Ge _) = Just (ptext (sLit ">="))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Le _) = Just (ptext (sLit "<="))
-infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Gt _) = Just (char '>')
-infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Lt _) = Just (char '<')
-infixMachOp1 _ = Nothing
--- %left '-' '+'
-pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i rep2)]) | i < 0
- = pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (negate i) rep2)])
-pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp7 op
- = pprExpr7 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr8 y
-pprExpr7 e = pprExpr8 e
-infixMachOp7 (MO_Add _) = Just (char '+')
-infixMachOp7 (MO_Sub _) = Just (char '-')
-infixMachOp7 _ = Nothing
--- %left '/' '*' '%'
-pprExpr8 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp8 op
- = pprExpr8 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 y
-pprExpr8 e = pprExpr9 e
-infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Quot _) = Just (char '/')
-infixMachOp8 (MO_Mul _) = Just (char '*')
-infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Rem _) = Just (char '%')
-infixMachOp8 _ = Nothing
-pprExpr9 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
-pprExpr9 e =
- case e of
- CmmLit lit -> pprLit1 lit
- CmmLoad expr rep -> ppr rep <> brackets( ppr expr )
- CmmReg reg -> ppr reg
- CmmRegOff reg off -> parens (ppr reg <+> char '+' <+> int off)
- CmmStackSlot a off -> parens (ppr a <+> char '+' <+> int off)
- CmmMachOp mop args -> genMachOp mop args
-genMachOp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc
-genMachOp mop args
- | Just doc <- infixMachOp mop = case args of
- -- dyadic
- [x,y] -> pprExpr9 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 y
- -- unary
- [x] -> doc <> pprExpr9 x
- _ -> pprTrace "PprCmm.genMachOp: machop with strange number of args"
- (pprMachOp mop <+>
- parens (hcat $ punctuate comma (map pprExpr args)))
- empty
- | isJust (infixMachOp1 mop)
- || isJust (infixMachOp7 mop)
- || isJust (infixMachOp8 mop) = parens (pprExpr (CmmMachOp mop args))
- | otherwise = char '%' <> ppr_op <> parens (commafy (map pprExpr args))
- where ppr_op = text (map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '_' else c)
- (show mop))
- -- replace spaces in (show mop) with underscores,
--- Unsigned ops on the word size of the machine get nice symbols.
--- All else get dumped in their ugly format.
-infixMachOp :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
-infixMachOp mop
- = case mop of
- MO_And _ -> Just $ char '&'
- MO_Or _ -> Just $ char '|'
- MO_Xor _ -> Just $ char '^'
- MO_Not _ -> Just $ char '~'
- MO_S_Neg _ -> Just $ char '-' -- there is no unsigned neg :)
- _ -> Nothing
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Literals.
--- To minimise line noise we adopt the convention that if the literal
--- has the natural machine word size, we do not append the type
-pprLit :: CmmLit -> SDoc
-pprLit lit = case lit of
- CmmInt i rep ->
- hcat [ (if i < 0 then parens else id)(integer i)
- , ppUnless (rep == wordWidth) $
- space <> dcolon <+> ppr rep ]
- CmmFloat f rep -> hsep [ rational f, dcolon, ppr rep ]
- CmmLabel clbl -> pprCLabel clbl
- CmmLabelOff clbl i -> pprCLabel clbl <> ppr_offset i
- CmmLabelDiffOff clbl1 clbl2 i -> pprCLabel clbl1 <> char '-'
- <> pprCLabel clbl2 <> ppr_offset i
- CmmBlock id -> ppr id
- CmmHighStackMark -> text "<highSp>"
-pprLit1 :: CmmLit -> SDoc
-pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelOff {}) = parens (pprLit lit)
-pprLit1 lit = pprLit lit
-ppr_offset :: Int -> SDoc
-ppr_offset i
- | i==0 = empty
- | i>=0 = char '+' <> int i
- | otherwise = char '-' <> int (-i)
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Static data.
--- Strings are printed as C strings, and we print them as I8[],
--- following C--
-pprStatic :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
-pprStatic s = case s of
- CmmStaticLit lit -> nest 4 $ ptext (sLit "const") <+> pprLit lit <> semi
- CmmUninitialised i -> nest 4 $ text "I8" <> brackets (int i)
- CmmAlign i -> nest 4 $ text "align" <+> int i
- CmmDataLabel clbl -> pprCLabel clbl <> colon
- CmmString s' -> nest 4 $ text "I8[]" <+> text (show s')
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Registers, whether local (temps) or global
-pprReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc
-pprReg r
- = case r of
- CmmLocal local -> pprLocalReg local
- CmmGlobal global -> pprGlobalReg global
--- We only print the type of the local reg if it isn't wordRep
-pprLocalReg :: LocalReg -> SDoc
-pprLocalReg (LocalReg uniq rep)
--- = ppr rep <> char '_' <> ppr uniq
--- Temp Jan08
- = char '_' <> ppr uniq <>
- (if isWord32 rep -- && not (isGcPtrType rep) -- Temp Jan08 -- sigh
- then dcolon <> ptr <> ppr rep
- else dcolon <> ptr <> ppr rep)
- where
- ptr = empty
- --if isGcPtrType rep
- -- then doubleQuotes (text "ptr")
- -- else empty
--- Stack areas
-pprArea :: Area -> SDoc
-pprArea (RegSlot r) = hcat [ text "slot<", ppr r, text ">" ]
-pprArea (CallArea id) = pprAreaId id
-pprAreaId :: AreaId -> SDoc
-pprAreaId Old = text "old"
-pprAreaId (Young id) = hcat [ text "young<", ppr id, text ">" ]
--- needs to be kept in syn with Cmm.hs.GlobalReg
-pprGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> SDoc
-pprGlobalReg gr
- = case gr of
- VanillaReg n _ -> char 'R' <> int n
--- Temp Jan08
--- VanillaReg n VNonGcPtr -> char 'R' <> int n
--- VanillaReg n VGcPtr -> char 'P' <> int n
- FloatReg n -> char 'F' <> int n
- DoubleReg n -> char 'D' <> int n
- LongReg n -> char 'L' <> int n
- Sp -> ptext (sLit "Sp")
- SpLim -> ptext (sLit "SpLim")
- Hp -> ptext (sLit "Hp")
- HpLim -> ptext (sLit "HpLim")
- CurrentTSO -> ptext (sLit "CurrentTSO")
- CurrentNursery -> ptext (sLit "CurrentNursery")
- HpAlloc -> ptext (sLit "HpAlloc")
- EagerBlackholeInfo -> ptext (sLit "stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")
- GCEnter1 -> ptext (sLit "stg_gc_enter_1")
- GCFun -> ptext (sLit "stg_gc_fun")
- BaseReg -> ptext (sLit "BaseReg")
- PicBaseReg -> ptext (sLit "PicBaseReg")
--- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- data sections
-pprSection :: Section -> SDoc
-pprSection s = case s of
- Text -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "text"))
- Data -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "data"))
- ReadOnlyData -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "readonly"))
- ReadOnlyData16 -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "readonly16"))
- RelocatableReadOnlyData
- -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "relreadonly"))
- UninitialisedData -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "uninitialised"))
- OtherSection s' -> section <+> doubleQuotes (text s')
- where
- section = ptext (sLit "section")
-commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-commafy xs = fsep $ punctuate comma xs
+import Prelude hiding (succ)
+-- Outputable instances
+instance Outputable CmmStackInfo where
+ ppr = pprStackInfo
+instance Outputable CmmTopInfo where
+ ppr = pprTopInfo
+instance Outputable (CmmNode e x) where
+ ppr = pprNode
+instance Outputable Convention where
+ ppr = pprConvention
+instance Outputable ForeignConvention where
+ ppr = pprForeignConvention
+instance Outputable ForeignTarget where
+ ppr = pprForeignTarget
+instance Outputable (Block CmmNode C C) where
+ ppr = pprBlock
+instance Outputable (Block CmmNode C O) where
+ ppr = pprBlock
+instance Outputable (Block CmmNode O C) where
+ ppr = pprBlock
+instance Outputable (Block CmmNode O O) where
+ ppr = pprBlock
+instance Outputable (Graph CmmNode e x) where
+ ppr = pprGraph
+instance Outputable CmmGraph where
+ ppr = pprCmmGraph
+-- Outputting types Cmm contains
+pprStackInfo :: CmmStackInfo -> SDoc
+pprStackInfo (StackInfo {arg_space=arg_space, updfr_space=updfr_space}) =
+ ptext (sLit "arg_space: ") <> ppr arg_space <+>
+ ptext (sLit "updfr_space: ") <> ppr updfr_space
+pprTopInfo :: CmmTopInfo -> SDoc
+pprTopInfo (TopInfo {info_tbl=info_tbl, stack_info=stack_info}) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "info_tbl: ") <> ppr info_tbl,
+ ptext (sLit "stack_info: ") <> ppr stack_info]
+-- Outputting blocks and graphs
+pprBlock :: IndexedCO x SDoc SDoc ~ SDoc => Block CmmNode e x -> IndexedCO e SDoc SDoc
+pprBlock block = foldBlockNodesB3 ( ($$) . ppr
+ , ($$) . (nest 4) . ppr
+ , ($$) . (nest 4) . ppr
+ )
+ block
+ empty
+pprGraph :: Graph CmmNode e x -> SDoc
+pprGraph GNil = empty
+pprGraph (GUnit block) = ppr block
+pprGraph (GMany entry body exit)
+ = text "{"
+ $$ nest 2 (pprMaybeO entry $$ (vcat $ map ppr $ bodyToBlockList body) $$ pprMaybeO exit)
+ $$ text "}"
+ where pprMaybeO :: Outputable (Block CmmNode e x) => MaybeO ex (Block CmmNode e x) -> SDoc
+ pprMaybeO NothingO = empty
+ pprMaybeO (JustO block) = ppr block
+pprCmmGraph :: CmmGraph -> SDoc
+pprCmmGraph g
+ = text "{" <> text "offset"
+ $$ nest 2 (vcat $ map ppr blocks)
+ $$ text "}"
+ where blocks = postorderDfs g
+-- Outputting CmmNode and types which it contains
+pprConvention :: Convention -> SDoc
+pprConvention (NativeNodeCall {}) = text "<native-node-call-convention>"
+pprConvention (NativeDirectCall {}) = text "<native-direct-call-convention>"
+pprConvention (NativeReturn {}) = text "<native-ret-convention>"
+pprConvention Slow = text "<slow-convention>"
+pprConvention GC = text "<gc-convention>"
+pprConvention PrimOpCall = text "<primop-call-convention>"
+pprConvention PrimOpReturn = text "<primop-ret-convention>"
+pprConvention (Foreign c) = ppr c
+pprConvention (Private {}) = text "<private-convention>"
+pprForeignConvention :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
+pprForeignConvention (ForeignConvention c as rs) = ppr c <> ppr as <> ppr rs
+pprForeignTarget :: ForeignTarget -> SDoc
+pprForeignTarget (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
+ where ppr_fc :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
+ ppr_fc (ForeignConvention c args res) =
+ doubleQuotes (ppr c) <+> text "arg hints: " <+> ppr args <+> text " result hints: " <+> ppr res
+ ppr_target :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
+ ppr_target t@(CmmLit _) = ppr t
+ ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
+pprForeignTarget (PrimTarget op)
+ -- HACK: We're just using a ForeignLabel to get this printed, the label
+ -- might not really be foreign.
+ = ppr (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel
+ (mkFastString (show op))
+ Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))
+pprNode :: CmmNode e x -> SDoc
+pprNode node = pp_node <+> pp_debug
+ where
+ pp_node :: SDoc
+ pp_node = case node of
+ -- label:
+ CmmEntry id -> ppr id <> colon
+ -- // text
+ CmmComment s -> text "//" <+> ftext s
+ -- reg = expr;
+ CmmAssign reg expr -> ppr reg <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
+ -- rep[lv] = expr;
+ CmmStore lv expr -> rep <> brackets(ppr lv) <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
+ where
+ rep = ppr ( cmmExprType expr )
+ -- call "ccall" foo(x, y)[r1, r2];
+ -- ToDo ppr volatile
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall target results args ->
+ hsep [ ppUnless (null results) $
+ parens (commafy $ map ppr results) <+> equals,
+ ptext $ sLit "call",
+ ppr target <> parens (commafy $ map ppr args) <> semi]
+ -- goto label;
+ CmmBranch ident -> ptext (sLit "goto") <+> ppr ident <> semi
+ -- if (expr) goto t; else goto f;
+ CmmCondBranch expr t f ->
+ hsep [ ptext (sLit "if")
+ , parens(ppr expr)
+ , ptext (sLit "goto")
+ , ppr t <> semi
+ , ptext (sLit "else goto")
+ , ppr f <> semi
+ ]
+ CmmSwitch expr maybe_ids ->
+ hang (hcat [ ptext (sLit "switch [0 .. ")
+ , int (length maybe_ids - 1)
+ , ptext (sLit "] ")
+ , if isTrivialCmmExpr expr then ppr expr else parens (ppr expr)
+ , ptext (sLit " {")
+ ])
+ 4 (vcat ( map caseify pairs )) $$ rbrace
+ where pairs = groupBy snds (zip [0 .. ] maybe_ids )
+ snds a b = (snd a) == (snd b)
+ caseify ixs@((_,Nothing):_) = ptext (sLit "/* impossible: ")
+ <> hcat (intersperse comma (map (int.fst) ixs)) <> ptext (sLit " */")
+ caseify as = let (is,ids) = unzip as
+ in hsep [ ptext (sLit "case")
+ , hcat (punctuate comma (map int is))
+ , ptext (sLit ": goto")
+ , ppr (head [ id | Just id <- ids]) <> semi ]
+ CmmCall tgt k out res updfr_off ->
+ hcat [ ptext (sLit "call"), space
+ , pprFun tgt, ptext (sLit "(...)"), space
+ , ptext (sLit "returns to") <+> ppr k <+> parens (ppr out)
+ <+> parens (ppr res)
+ , ptext (sLit " with update frame") <+> ppr updfr_off
+ , semi ]
+ where pprFun f@(CmmLit _) = ppr f
+ pprFun f = parens (ppr f)
+ CmmForeignCall {tgt=t, res=rs, args=as, succ=s, updfr=u, intrbl=i} ->
+ hcat $ if i then [ptext (sLit "interruptible"), space] else [] ++
+ [ ptext (sLit "foreign call"), space
+ , ppr t, ptext (sLit "(...)"), space
+ , ptext (sLit "returns to") <+> ppr s
+ <+> ptext (sLit "args:") <+> parens (ppr as)
+ <+> ptext (sLit "ress:") <+> parens (ppr rs)
+ , ptext (sLit " with update frame") <+> ppr u
+ , semi ]
+ pp_debug :: SDoc
+ pp_debug =
+ if not debugIsOn then empty
+ else case node of
+ CmmEntry {} -> empty -- Looks terrible with text " // CmmEntry"
+ CmmComment {} -> empty -- Looks also terrible with text " // CmmComment"
+ CmmAssign {} -> text " // CmmAssign"
+ CmmStore {} -> text " // CmmStore"
+ CmmUnsafeForeignCall {} -> text " // CmmUnsafeForeignCall"
+ CmmBranch {} -> text " // CmmBranch"
+ CmmCondBranch {} -> text " // CmmCondBranch"
+ CmmSwitch {} -> text " // CmmSwitch"
+ CmmCall {} -> text " // CmmCall"
+ CmmForeignCall {} -> text " // CmmForeignCall"
+ commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+ commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmDecl.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmDecl.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f520bfc90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmDecl.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+-- Pretty-printing of common Cmm types
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+-- This is where we walk over Cmm emitting an external representation,
+-- suitable for parsing, in a syntax strongly reminiscent of C--. This
+-- is the "External Core" for the Cmm layer.
+-- As such, this should be a well-defined syntax: we want it to look nice.
+-- Thus, we try wherever possible to use syntax defined in [1],
+-- "The C-- Reference Manual", We differ
+-- slightly, in some cases. For one, we use I8 .. I64 for types, rather
+-- than C--'s bits8 .. bits64.
+-- We try to ensure that all information available in the abstract
+-- syntax is reproduced, or reproducible, in the concrete syntax.
+-- Data that is not in printed out can be reconstructed according to
+-- conventions used in the pretty printer. There are at least two such
+-- cases:
+-- 1) if a value has wordRep type, the type is not appended in the
+-- output.
+-- 2) MachOps that operate over wordRep type are printed in a
+-- C-style, rather than as their internal MachRep name.
+-- These conventions produce much more readable Cmm output.
+-- A useful example pass over Cmm is in nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
+module PprCmmDecl
+ ( writeCmms, pprCmms, pprCmm, pprSection, pprStatic
+ )
+import CmmDecl
+import CLabel
+import PprCmmExpr
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Data.List
+import System.IO
+-- Temp Jan08
+import SMRep
+import ClosureInfo
+#include "../includes/rts/storage/FunTypes.h"
+pprCmms :: (Outputable info, Outputable g) => [GenCmm CmmStatic info g] -> SDoc
+pprCmms cmms = pprCode CStyle (vcat (intersperse separator $ map ppr cmms))
+ where
+ separator = space $$ ptext (sLit "-------------------") $$ space
+writeCmms :: (Outputable info, Outputable g) => Handle -> [GenCmm CmmStatic info g] -> IO ()
+writeCmms handle cmms = printForC handle (pprCmms cmms)
+instance (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable g)
+ => Outputable (GenCmm d info g) where
+ ppr c = pprCmm c
+instance (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable i)
+ => Outputable (GenCmmTop d info i) where
+ ppr t = pprTop t
+instance Outputable CmmStatic where
+ ppr e = pprStatic e
+instance Outputable CmmInfoTable where
+ ppr e = pprInfoTable e
+pprCmm :: (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable g) => GenCmm d info g -> SDoc
+pprCmm (Cmm tops) = vcat $ intersperse blankLine $ map pprTop tops
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Top level `procedure' blocks.
+pprTop :: (Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable i)
+ => GenCmmTop d info i -> SDoc
+pprTop (CmmProc info lbl graph)
+ = vcat [ pprCLabel lbl <> lparen <> rparen
+ , nest 8 $ lbrace <+> ppr info $$ rbrace
+ , nest 4 $ ppr graph
+ , rbrace ]
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- We follow [1], 4.5
+-- section "data" { ... }
+pprTop (CmmData section ds) =
+ (hang (pprSection section <+> lbrace) 4 (vcat (map ppr ds)))
+ $$ rbrace
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Info tables.
+pprInfoTable :: CmmInfoTable -> SDoc
+pprInfoTable CmmNonInfoTable = empty
+pprInfoTable (CmmInfoTable stat_clos (ProfilingInfo closure_type closure_desc) tag info) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "has static closure: ") <> ppr stat_clos <+>
+ ptext (sLit "type: ") <> pprLit closure_type,
+ ptext (sLit "desc: ") <> pprLit closure_desc,
+ ptext (sLit "tag: ") <> integer (toInteger tag),
+ pprTypeInfo info]
+pprTypeInfo :: ClosureTypeInfo -> SDoc
+pprTypeInfo (ConstrInfo layout constr descr) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "constructor: ") <> integer (toInteger constr),
+ pprLit descr]
+pprTypeInfo (FunInfo layout srt arity _args slow_entry) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt,
+-- Temp Jan08
+ ptext (sLit ("fun_type: ")) <> integer (toInteger (argDescrType _args)),
+ ptext (sLit "arity: ") <> integer (toInteger arity),
+ --ptext (sLit "args: ") <> ppr args, -- TODO: needs to be printed
+ ptext (sLit "slow: ") <> pprLit slow_entry
+ ]
+pprTypeInfo (ThunkInfo layout srt) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (fst layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "nptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger (snd layout)),
+ ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
+pprTypeInfo (ThunkSelectorInfo offset srt) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "ptrs: ") <> integer (toInteger offset),
+ ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
+pprTypeInfo (ContInfo stack srt) =
+ vcat [ptext (sLit "stack: ") <> ppr stack,
+ ptext (sLit "srt: ") <> ppr srt]
+-- Temp Jan08
+argDescrType :: ArgDescr -> StgHalfWord
+-- The "argument type" RTS field type
+argDescrType (ArgSpec n) = n
+argDescrType (ArgGen liveness)
+ | isBigLiveness liveness = ARG_GEN_BIG
+ | otherwise = ARG_GEN
+-- Temp Jan08
+isBigLiveness :: Liveness -> Bool
+isBigLiveness (BigLiveness _) = True
+isBigLiveness (SmallLiveness _) = False
+instance Outputable ForeignHint where
+ ppr NoHint = empty
+ ppr SignedHint = quotes(text "signed")
+-- ppr AddrHint = quotes(text "address")
+-- Temp Jan08
+ ppr AddrHint = (text "PtrHint")
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Static data.
+-- Strings are printed as C strings, and we print them as I8[],
+-- following C--
+pprStatic :: CmmStatic -> SDoc
+pprStatic s = case s of
+ CmmStaticLit lit -> nest 4 $ ptext (sLit "const") <+> pprLit lit <> semi
+ CmmUninitialised i -> nest 4 $ text "I8" <> brackets (int i)
+ CmmAlign i -> nest 4 $ text "align" <+> int i
+ CmmDataLabel clbl -> pprCLabel clbl <> colon
+ CmmString s' -> nest 4 $ text "I8[]" <+> text (show s')
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- data sections
+pprSection :: Section -> SDoc
+pprSection s = case s of
+ Text -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "text"))
+ Data -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "data"))
+ ReadOnlyData -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "readonly"))
+ ReadOnlyData16 -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "readonly16"))
+ RelocatableReadOnlyData
+ -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "relreadonly"))
+ UninitialisedData -> section <+> doubleQuotes (ptext (sLit "uninitialised"))
+ OtherSection s' -> section <+> doubleQuotes (text s')
+ where
+ section = ptext (sLit "section")
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmExpr.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmExpr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0614e8e0b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmExpr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+-- Pretty-printing of common Cmm types
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2004-2006
+-- This is where we walk over Cmm emitting an external representation,
+-- suitable for parsing, in a syntax strongly reminiscent of C--. This
+-- is the "External Core" for the Cmm layer.
+-- As such, this should be a well-defined syntax: we want it to look nice.
+-- Thus, we try wherever possible to use syntax defined in [1],
+-- "The C-- Reference Manual", We differ
+-- slightly, in some cases. For one, we use I8 .. I64 for types, rather
+-- than C--'s bits8 .. bits64.
+-- We try to ensure that all information available in the abstract
+-- syntax is reproduced, or reproducible, in the concrete syntax.
+-- Data that is not in printed out can be reconstructed according to
+-- conventions used in the pretty printer. There are at least two such
+-- cases:
+-- 1) if a value has wordRep type, the type is not appended in the
+-- output.
+-- 2) MachOps that operate over wordRep type are printed in a
+-- C-style, rather than as their internal MachRep name.
+-- These conventions produce much more readable Cmm output.
+-- A useful example pass over Cmm is in nativeGen/MachCodeGen.hs
+module PprCmmExpr
+ ( pprExpr, pprLit
+ , pprExpr9 {-only to import in OldPprCmm. When it dies, remove the export -}
+ )
+import CmmExpr
+import CLabel
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+import Data.Maybe
+instance Outputable CmmExpr where
+ ppr e = pprExpr e
+instance Outputable CmmReg where
+ ppr e = pprReg e
+instance Outputable CmmLit where
+ ppr l = pprLit l
+instance Outputable LocalReg where
+ ppr e = pprLocalReg e
+instance Outputable Area where
+ ppr e = pprArea e
+instance Outputable GlobalReg where
+ ppr e = pprGlobalReg e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Expressions
+pprExpr :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr e
+ = case e of
+ CmmRegOff reg i ->
+ pprExpr (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep)
+ [CmmReg reg, CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral i) rep)])
+ where rep = typeWidth (cmmRegType reg)
+ CmmLit lit -> pprLit lit
+ _other -> pprExpr1 e
+-- Here's the precedence table from CmmParse.y:
+-- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
+-- %left '|'
+-- %left '^'
+-- %left '&'
+-- %left '>>' '<<'
+-- %left '-' '+'
+-- %left '/' '*' '%'
+-- %right '~'
+-- We just cope with the common operators for now, the rest will get
+-- a default conservative behaviour.
+-- %nonassoc '>=' '>' '<=' '<' '!=' '=='
+pprExpr1, pprExpr7, pprExpr8 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr1 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp1 op
+ = pprExpr7 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr7 y
+pprExpr1 e = pprExpr7 e
+infixMachOp1, infixMachOp7, infixMachOp8 :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Eq _) = Just (ptext (sLit "=="))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Ne _) = Just (ptext (sLit "!="))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_Shl _) = Just (ptext (sLit "<<"))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Shr _) = Just (ptext (sLit ">>"))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Ge _) = Just (ptext (sLit ">="))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Le _) = Just (ptext (sLit "<="))
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Gt _) = Just (char '>')
+infixMachOp1 (MO_U_Lt _) = Just (char '<')
+infixMachOp1 _ = Nothing
+-- %left '-' '+'
+pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp (MO_Add rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt i rep2)]) | i < 0
+ = pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp (MO_Sub rep1) [x, CmmLit (CmmInt (negate i) rep2)])
+pprExpr7 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp7 op
+ = pprExpr7 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr8 y
+pprExpr7 e = pprExpr8 e
+infixMachOp7 (MO_Add _) = Just (char '+')
+infixMachOp7 (MO_Sub _) = Just (char '-')
+infixMachOp7 _ = Nothing
+-- %left '/' '*' '%'
+pprExpr8 (CmmMachOp op [x,y]) | Just doc <- infixMachOp8 op
+ = pprExpr8 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 y
+pprExpr8 e = pprExpr9 e
+infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Quot _) = Just (char '/')
+infixMachOp8 (MO_Mul _) = Just (char '*')
+infixMachOp8 (MO_U_Rem _) = Just (char '%')
+infixMachOp8 _ = Nothing
+pprExpr9 :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
+pprExpr9 e =
+ case e of
+ CmmLit lit -> pprLit1 lit
+ CmmLoad expr rep -> ppr rep <> brackets( ppr expr )
+ CmmReg reg -> ppr reg
+ CmmRegOff reg off -> parens (ppr reg <+> char '+' <+> int off)
+ CmmStackSlot a off -> parens (ppr a <+> char '+' <+> int off)
+ CmmMachOp mop args -> genMachOp mop args
+genMachOp :: MachOp -> [CmmExpr] -> SDoc
+genMachOp mop args
+ | Just doc <- infixMachOp mop = case args of
+ -- dyadic
+ [x,y] -> pprExpr9 x <+> doc <+> pprExpr9 y
+ -- unary
+ [x] -> doc <> pprExpr9 x
+ _ -> pprTrace "PprCmm.genMachOp: machop with strange number of args"
+ (pprMachOp mop <+>
+ parens (hcat $ punctuate comma (map pprExpr args)))
+ empty
+ | isJust (infixMachOp1 mop)
+ || isJust (infixMachOp7 mop)
+ || isJust (infixMachOp8 mop) = parens (pprExpr (CmmMachOp mop args))
+ | otherwise = char '%' <> ppr_op <> parens (commafy (map pprExpr args))
+ where ppr_op = text (map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '_' else c)
+ (show mop))
+ -- replace spaces in (show mop) with underscores,
+-- Unsigned ops on the word size of the machine get nice symbols.
+-- All else get dumped in their ugly format.
+infixMachOp :: MachOp -> Maybe SDoc
+infixMachOp mop
+ = case mop of
+ MO_And _ -> Just $ char '&'
+ MO_Or _ -> Just $ char '|'
+ MO_Xor _ -> Just $ char '^'
+ MO_Not _ -> Just $ char '~'
+ MO_S_Neg _ -> Just $ char '-' -- there is no unsigned neg :)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Literals.
+-- To minimise line noise we adopt the convention that if the literal
+-- has the natural machine word size, we do not append the type
+pprLit :: CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprLit lit = case lit of
+ CmmInt i rep ->
+ hcat [ (if i < 0 then parens else id)(integer i)
+ , ppUnless (rep == wordWidth) $
+ space <> dcolon <+> ppr rep ]
+ CmmFloat f rep -> hsep [ rational f, dcolon, ppr rep ]
+ CmmLabel clbl -> pprCLabel clbl
+ CmmLabelOff clbl i -> pprCLabel clbl <> ppr_offset i
+ CmmLabelDiffOff clbl1 clbl2 i -> pprCLabel clbl1 <> char '-'
+ <> pprCLabel clbl2 <> ppr_offset i
+ CmmBlock id -> ppr id
+ CmmHighStackMark -> text "<highSp>"
+pprLit1 :: CmmLit -> SDoc
+pprLit1 lit@(CmmLabelOff {}) = parens (pprLit lit)
+pprLit1 lit = pprLit lit
+ppr_offset :: Int -> SDoc
+ppr_offset i
+ | i==0 = empty
+ | i>=0 = char '+' <> int i
+ | otherwise = char '-' <> int (-i)
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Registers, whether local (temps) or global
+pprReg :: CmmReg -> SDoc
+pprReg r
+ = case r of
+ CmmLocal local -> pprLocalReg local
+ CmmGlobal global -> pprGlobalReg global
+-- We only print the type of the local reg if it isn't wordRep
+pprLocalReg :: LocalReg -> SDoc
+pprLocalReg (LocalReg uniq rep)
+-- = ppr rep <> char '_' <> ppr uniq
+-- Temp Jan08
+ = char '_' <> ppr uniq <>
+ (if isWord32 rep -- && not (isGcPtrType rep) -- Temp Jan08 -- sigh
+ then dcolon <> ptr <> ppr rep
+ else dcolon <> ptr <> ppr rep)
+ where
+ ptr = empty
+ --if isGcPtrType rep
+ -- then doubleQuotes (text "ptr")
+ -- else empty
+-- Stack areas
+pprArea :: Area -> SDoc
+pprArea (RegSlot r) = hcat [ text "slot<", ppr r, text ">" ]
+pprArea (CallArea id) = pprAreaId id
+pprAreaId :: AreaId -> SDoc
+pprAreaId Old = text "old"
+pprAreaId (Young id) = hcat [ text "young<", ppr id, text ">" ]
+-- needs to be kept in syn with CmmExpr.hs.GlobalReg
+pprGlobalReg :: GlobalReg -> SDoc
+pprGlobalReg gr
+ = case gr of
+ VanillaReg n _ -> char 'R' <> int n
+-- Temp Jan08
+-- VanillaReg n VNonGcPtr -> char 'R' <> int n
+-- VanillaReg n VGcPtr -> char 'P' <> int n
+ FloatReg n -> char 'F' <> int n
+ DoubleReg n -> char 'D' <> int n
+ LongReg n -> char 'L' <> int n
+ Sp -> ptext (sLit "Sp")
+ SpLim -> ptext (sLit "SpLim")
+ Hp -> ptext (sLit "Hp")
+ HpLim -> ptext (sLit "HpLim")
+ CurrentTSO -> ptext (sLit "CurrentTSO")
+ CurrentNursery -> ptext (sLit "CurrentNursery")
+ HpAlloc -> ptext (sLit "HpAlloc")
+ EagerBlackholeInfo -> ptext (sLit "stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")
+ GCEnter1 -> ptext (sLit "stg_gc_enter_1")
+ GCFun -> ptext (sLit "stg_gc_fun")
+ BaseReg -> ptext (sLit "BaseReg")
+ PicBaseReg -> ptext (sLit "PicBaseReg")
+commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
+commafy xs = fsep $ punctuate comma xs
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 075f0e457b..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprCmmZ.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-module PprCmmZ
- ( pprCmmGraphLikeCmm
- )
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import PprCmm
-import Outputable
-import qualified ZipCfgCmmRep as G
-import qualified ZipCfg as Z
-import CmmZipUtil
-import Data.Maybe
-import FastString
--- | The purpose of this function is to print a Cmm zipper graph "as if it were"
--- a Cmm program. The objective is dodgy, so it's unsurprising parts of the
--- code are dodgy as well.
-pprCmmGraphLikeCmm :: G.CmmGraph -> SDoc
-pprCmmGraphLikeCmm g = vcat (swallow blocks)
- where blocks = Z.postorder_dfs g
- swallow :: [G.CmmBlock] -> [SDoc]
- swallow [] = []
- swallow (Z.Block id t : rest) = tail id [] Nothing t rest
- tail id prev' out (Z.ZTail m t) rest = tail id (mid m : prev') out t rest
- tail id prev' out (Z.ZLast (Z.LastOther l)) rest = last id prev' out l rest
- tail id prev' _ (Z.ZLast Z.LastExit) rest = exit id prev' rest
- mid m = ppr m
- block' id prev'
- | id == Z.lg_entry g, entry_has_no_pred =
- vcat (text "<entry>" : reverse prev')
- | otherwise = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (vcat (reverse prev'))
- last id prev' out l n =
- let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
- case l of
- G.LastBranch tgt ->
- case n of
- Z.Block id' t : bs
- | tgt == id', unique_pred id'
- -> tail id prev' out t bs -- optimize out redundant labels
- _ -> endblock (ppr $ CmmBranch tgt)
- l@(G.LastCondBranch expr tid fid) ->
- let ft id = text "// fall through to " <> ppr id in
- case n of
- Z.Block id' t : bs
- | id' == fid, isNothing out ->
- tail id (ft fid : ppr (CmmCondBranch expr tid) : prev') Nothing t bs
- | id' == tid, Just e' <- maybeInvertCmmExpr expr, isNothing out->
- tail id (ft tid : ppr (CmmCondBranch e' fid) : prev') Nothing t bs
- _ -> endblock $ with_out out l
- l@(G.LastSwitch {}) -> endblock $ with_out out l
- l@(G.LastCall _ _ _ _ _) -> endblock $ with_out out l
- exit id prev' n = -- highly irregular (assertion violation?)
- let endblock stmt = block' id (stmt : prev') : swallow n in
- endblock (text "// <exit>")
- preds = zipPreds g
- entry_has_no_pred = case lookupBlockEnv preds (Z.lg_entry g) of
- Nothing -> True
- Just s -> isEmptyBlockSet s
- single_preds =
- let add b single =
- let id = Z.blockId b
- in case lookupBlockEnv preds id of
- Nothing -> single
- Just s -> if sizeBlockSet s == 1 then
- extendBlockSet single id
- else single
- in Z.fold_blocks add emptyBlockSet g
- unique_pred id = elemBlockSet id single_preds
-with_out :: Maybe (G.Convention, CmmActuals) -> G.Last -> SDoc
-with_out Nothing l = ptext (sLit "??no-arguments??") <+> ppr l
-with_out (Just (conv, args)) l = last l
- where last (G.LastCall e k _ _ _) =
- hcat [ptext (sLit "... = foreign "),
- doubleQuotes(ppr conv), space,
- ppr_target e, parens ( commafy $ map ppr args ),
- ptext (sLit " \"safe\""),
- text " returns to " <+> ppr k,
- semi ]
- last l = ppr l
- ppr_target (CmmLit lit) = pprLit lit
- ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
- commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/README b/compiler/cmm/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fd87e88748..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Sketch of the new arrivals:
- MkZipCfg Constructor functions for control-flow graphs.
- Not understandable in its entirety without reference
- to ZipCfg, but nevertheless a worthy starting point,
- as it is a good deal simpler than full ZipCfg.
- MkZipCfg is polymorphic in the types of middle and last
- nodes.
- ZipCfg Describes a zipper-like representation for true basic-block
- control-flow graphs. A block has a single entry point,
- which is a always a label, followed by zero or mode 'middle
- nodes', each of which represents an uninterruptible
- single-entry, single-exit computation, then finally a 'last
- node', which may have zero or more successors. A special
- 'exit node' is used for splicing together graphs.
- In addition to three representations of flow graphs, the
- module provides a surfeit of functions for observing and
- modifying graphs and related data:
- - Block IDs, sets and environments thereof
- - supply of fresh block IDS (as String -> UniqSM BlockId)
- - myriad functions for splicing graphs
- - postorder_dfs layout of blocks
- - folding, mapping, and translation functions
- ZipCFG is polymorphic in the type of middle and last nodes.
- CmmExpr Code for C-- expressions, which is shared among old and new
- representations of flow graphs. Of primary interest is the
- type class UserOfLocalRegs and its method foldRegsUsed,
- which is sufficiently overloaded to be used against
- expressions, statements, formals, hinted formals, and so
- on. This overloading greatly clarifies the computation of
- liveness as well as some other analyses.
- ZipCfgCmm Types to instantiate ZipCfg for C--: middle and last nodes,
- and a bunch of abbreviations of types in ZipCfg and Cmm.
- Also provides suitable constructor functions for building
- graphs from Cmm statements.
- CmmLiveZ A good example of a very simple dataflow analysis. It
- computes the set of live local registers at each point.
- DFMonad Support for dataflow analysis and dataflow-based
- transformation. This module needs work. Includes
- DataflowLattice - for tracking dataflow facts (good)
- DFM - monad for iterative dataflow analysis and rewriting (OK)
- DFTx - monad to track Whalley/Davidson transactions (ugly)
- type class DataflowAnalysis - operations common to DFA, DFM
- Some dodgy bits are
- subAnalysis, which may not be right
- ZipDataflow Iteratively solve forward and backward dataflow problems over
- flow graphs. Polymorphic in the type of graph and in the
- lattice of dataflow facts. Supports the incremental
- rewriting technique described by Lerner, Grove, and Chambers
- in POPL 2002. The code is a mess and is still being
- sorted out.
- CmmTx A simple monad for tracking when a transformation has
- occurred (something has changed).
- CmmCvt Converts between Cmm and ZipCfgCmm representations.
- CmmProcPointZ One module that performs three analyses and
- transformations:
- 1. Using Michael Adams's iterative algorithm, computes a
- minimal set of proc points that enable code to be
- generated without copying any basic blocks.
- 2. Assigns a protocol to each proc point. The assigner
- is rigged to enable the 'Adams optimization' whereby
- we attempt to eliminate return continuations by
- making procedures return directly to join points.
- Arguably this could be done by a separate rewriting
- pass to perform earlier.
- 3. Insert CopyIn and CopyOut nodes where needed
- according to the protocols.
- CmmSpillReload Inserts spills and reloads to establish the invariant that
- at a safe call, there are no live variables in registers.
- CmmCPSZ The CPS transformation so far.
- CmmContFlowOpt Branch-chain elimination and elimination of unreachable code.
- CmmOpt Changed optimization to use 'foldRegsUsed'; eliminated
- significant duplication of code.
- PprCmmZ Prettyprinting functions related to ZipCfg and ZipCfgCmm
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/StackColor.hs b/compiler/cmm/StackColor.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5f9a0fda..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/StackColor.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-module StackColor where
-import BlockId
-import StackPlacements
-import qualified GraphColor as Color
-import CmmExpr
-import CmmSpillReload
-import DFMonad
-import qualified GraphOps
-import ZipCfg
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
-import ZipDataflow
-import Maybes
-import Panic
-import UniqSet
--- import Data.List
-fold_edge_facts_b ::
- LastNode l => (DualLive -> a -> a) -> BackwardTransfers m l DualLive -> LGraph m l
- -> (BlockId -> DualLive) -> a -> a
-fold_edge_facts_b f comp graph env z =
- foldl fold_block_facts z (postorder_dfs graph)
- where
- fold_block_facts z b =
- let (h, l) = goto_end (ZipCfg.unzip b)
- last_in _ LastExit = fact_bot dualLiveLattice
- last_in env (LastOther l) = bt_last_in comp l env
- in head_fold h (last_in env l) z
- head_fold (ZHead h m) out z = head_fold h (bt_middle_in comp m out) (f out z)
- head_fold (ZFirst id) out z = f (bt_first_in comp id out) (f out z)
-foldConflicts :: (RegSet -> a -> a) -> a -> LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad a
-foldConflicts f z g@(LGraph entry _) =
- do env <- dualLiveness emptyBlockSet g
- let lookup id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` fact_bot dualLiveLattice
- f' dual z = f (on_stack dual) z
- return $ fold_edge_facts_b f' (dualLiveTransfers entry emptyBlockSet) g lookup z
- --let env = runDFA dualLiveLattice (run_b_anal dualLiveness g >> getAllFacts)
- -- lookup id = lookupBlockEnv env id `orElse` fact_bot dualLiveLattice
- -- f' dual z = f (on_stack dual) z
- --in fold_edge_facts_b f' dualLiveness g lookup z
-type IGraph = Color.Graph LocalReg SlotClass StackPlacement
-type ClassCount = [(SlotClass, Int)]
-buildIGraphAndCounts :: LGraph Middle Last -> FuelMonad (IGraph, ClassCount)
-buildIGraphAndCounts g = igraph_and_counts
- where igraph_and_counts = foldConflicts add (Color.initGraph, zero) g
- zero = map (\c -> (c, 0)) allSlotClasses
- add live (igraph, counts) = (graphAddConflictSet live igraph,
- addSimulCounts (classCounts live) counts)
- addSimulCounts =
- zipWith (\(c, n) (c', n') -> if c == c' then (c, max n n')
- else panic "slot classes out of order")
- classCounts regs = foldUniqSet addReg zero regs
- addReg reg counts =
- let cls = slotClass reg in
- map (\(c, n) -> (c, if c == cls then n + 1 else n)) counts
--- | Add some conflict edges to the graph.
--- Conflicts between virtual and real regs are recorded as exclusions.
-graphAddConflictSet :: RegSet -> IGraph -> IGraph
-graphAddConflictSet set graph = GraphOps.addConflicts set slotClass graph
-slotClass :: LocalReg -> SlotClass
-slotClass (LocalReg _ ty) =
- case typeWidth ty of -- the horror, the horror
- W8 -> SlotClass32
- W16 -> SlotClass32
- W32 -> SlotClass32
- W64 -> SlotClass64
- W128 -> SlotClass128
- W80 -> SlotClass64
-colorMe :: (IGraph, ClassCount) -> (IGraph, UniqSet LocalReg)
-colorMe (igraph, counts) = Color.colorGraph starter_colors triv spill_max_degree igraph
- where starter_colors = allocate [] counts allStackSlots
- allocate prev [] colors = insert prev colors
- allocate prev ((c, n) : counts) colors =
- let go prev 0 colors = allocate prev counts colors
- go prev n colors = let (p, colors') = getStackSlot c colors in
- go (p:prev) (n-1) colors'
- in go prev n colors
- insert :: [StackPlacement] -> SlotSet -> SlotSet
- insert [] colors = colors
- insert (p:ps) colors = insert ps (extendSlotSet colors p)
- triv :: Color.Triv LocalReg SlotClass StackPlacement
- triv = trivColorable (mkSizeOf counts)
-spill_max_degree :: IGraph -> LocalReg
-spill_max_degree igraph = Color.nodeId node
- where node = maximumBy (\n1 n2 -> compare
- (sizeUniqSet $ Color.nodeConflicts n1)
- (sizeUniqSet $ Color.nodeConflicts n2)) $
- eltsUFM $ Color.graphMap igraph
-type Worst = SlotClass -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Int
-trivColorable :: (SlotClass -> Int) ->
- SlotClass -> UniqSet LocalReg -> UniqSet StackPlacement -> Bool
-trivColorable sizeOf classN conflicts exclusions = squeeze < sizeOf classN
- where squeeze = worst classN counts
- counts = if isEmptyUniqSet exclusions then foldUniqSet acc zero conflicts
- else panic "exclusions in stack slots?!"
- zero = (0, 0, 0)
- acc r (word, dbl, quad) =
- case slotClass r of
- SlotClass32 -> (word+1, dbl, quad)
- SlotClass64 -> (word, dbl+1, quad)
- SlotClass128 -> (word, dbl, quad+1)
- worst SlotClass128 (_, _, q) = q
- worst SlotClass64 (_, d, q) = d + 2 * q
- worst SlotClass32 (w, d, q) = w + 2 * d + 4 * q
--- | number of placements available is from class and all larger classes
-mkSizeOf :: ClassCount -> (SlotClass -> Int)
-mkSizeOf counts = sizeOf
- where sizeOf SlotClass32 = n32
- sizeOf SlotClass64 = n64
- sizeOf SlotClass128 = n128
- n128 = (lookup SlotClass128 counts `orElse` 0)
- n64 = (lookup SlotClass64 counts `orElse` 0) + 2 * n128
- n32 = (lookup SlotClass32 counts `orElse` 0) + 2 * n32
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/StackPlacements.hs b/compiler/cmm/StackPlacements.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cac288573..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/StackPlacements.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-module StackPlacements
- ( SlotSet, allStackSlots -- the infinite set of stack slots
- , SlotClass(..), slotClassBits, stackSlot32, stackSlot64, stackSlot128
- , allSlotClasses
- , getStackSlot, extendSlotSet, deleteFromSlotSet, elemSlotSet, chooseSlot
- , StackPlacement(..)
- )
-import Maybes
-import Outputable
-import Unique
-import Prelude hiding (pi)
-import Data.List
-The goal here is to provide placements on the stack that will allow,
-for example, two 32-bit words to spill to a slot previously used by a
-64-bit floating-point value. I use a simple buddy-system allocator
-that splits large slots in half as needed; this will work fine until
-the day when somebody wants to spill an 80-bit Intel floating-point
-register into the Intel standard 96-bit stack slot.
-data SlotClass = SlotClass32 | SlotClass64 | SlotClass128
- deriving (Eq)
-instance Uniquable SlotClass where
- getUnique = getUnique . slotClassBits
-instance Outputable SlotClass where
- ppr cls = text "class of" <+> int (slotClassBits cls) <> text "-bit stack slots"
-slotClassBits :: SlotClass -> Int
-slotClassBits SlotClass32 = 32
-slotClassBits SlotClass64 = 64
-slotClassBits SlotClass128 = 128
-data StackPlacement = FullSlot SlotClass Int
- | YoungHalf StackPlacement
- | OldHalf StackPlacement
- deriving (Eq)
-data OneSize = OneSize { full_slots :: [StackPlacement], fragments :: [StackPlacement] }
- -- ^ Always used for slots that have been previously used
-data SlotSet = SlotSet { s32, s64, s128 :: OneSize, next_unused :: Int }
-allStackSlots :: SlotSet
-allStackSlots = SlotSet empty empty empty 0
- where empty = OneSize [] []
-psize :: StackPlacement -> Int
-psize (FullSlot cls _) = slotClassBits cls
-psize (YoungHalf p) = psize p `div` 2
-psize (OldHalf p) = psize p `div` 2
--- | Get a slot no matter what
-get32, get64, get128 :: SlotSet -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
--- | Get a previously used slot if one exists
-getu32, getu64, getu128 :: SlotSet -> Maybe (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
--- | Only supported slot classes
-stackSlot32, stackSlot64, stackSlot128 :: SlotClass
-stackSlot32 = SlotClass32
-stackSlot64 = SlotClass64
-stackSlot128 = SlotClass128
-allSlotClasses :: [SlotClass]
-allSlotClasses = [stackSlot32, stackSlot64, stackSlot128]
--- | Get a fresh slot, never before used
-getFull :: SlotClass -> SlotSet -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
-infixr 4 |||
-(|||) :: (SlotSet -> Maybe (StackPlacement, SlotSet)) ->
- (SlotSet -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet)) ->
- (SlotSet -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet))
-f1 ||| f2 = \slots -> f1 slots `orElse` f2 slots
-getFull cls slots = (FullSlot cls n, slots { next_unused = n + 1 })
- where n = next_unused slots
-get32 = getu32 ||| (fmap split64 . getu64) ||| getFull stackSlot32
-get64 = getu64 ||| (fmap split128 . getu128) ||| getFull stackSlot64
-get128 = getu128 ||| getFull stackSlot128
-type SizeGetter = SlotSet -> OneSize
-type SizeSetter = OneSize -> SlotSet -> SlotSet
-upd32, upd64, upd128 :: SizeSetter
-upd32 this_size slots = slots { s32 = this_size }
-upd64 this_size slots = slots { s64 = this_size }
-upd128 this_size slots = slots { s128 = this_size }
-with_size :: Int -> (SizeGetter -> SizeSetter -> a) -> a
-with_size 32 = with_32
-with_size 64 = with_64
-with_size 128 = with_128
-with_size _ = panic "non-standard slot size -- error in size computation?"
-with_32, with_64, with_128 :: (SizeGetter -> SizeSetter -> a) -> a
-with_32 f = f s32 upd32
-with_64 f = f s64 upd64
-with_128 f = f s128 upd128
-getu32 = with_32 getUsed
-getu64 = with_64 getUsed
-getu128 = with_128 getUsed
-getUsed :: SizeGetter -> SizeSetter -> SlotSet -> Maybe (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
-getUsed get set slots =
- let this_size = get slots in
- case full_slots this_size of
- p : ps -> Just (p, set (this_size { full_slots = ps }) slots)
- [] -> case fragments this_size of
- p : ps -> Just (p, set (this_size { fragments = ps }) slots)
- [] -> Nothing
--- | When splitting, allocate the old half first in case it makes the
--- stack smaller at a call site.
-split64, split128 :: (StackPlacement, SlotSet) -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
-split64 (p, slots) = (OldHalf p, slots { s32 = cons_frag (YoungHalf p) (s32 slots) })
-split128 (p, slots) = (OldHalf p, slots { s64 = cons_frag (YoungHalf p) (s64 slots) })
-cons_frag :: StackPlacement -> OneSize -> OneSize
-cons_frag p this_size = this_size { fragments = p : fragments this_size }
-instance Outputable StackPlacement where
- ppr (FullSlot cls n) = int (slotClassBits cls) <> text "-bit slot " <> int n
- ppr (YoungHalf p) = text "young half of" <+> ppr p
- ppr (OldHalf p) = text "old half of" <+> ppr p
-instance Outputable SlotSet where
- ppr slots = fsep $ punctuate comma
- (pprSlots (s32 slots) ++ pprSlots (s64 slots) ++ pprSlots (s128 slots) ++
- [text "and slots numbered" <+> int (next_unused slots)
- <+> text "and up"])
- where pprSlots (OneSize w fs) = map ppr w ++ map ppr fs
-instance ColorSet SlotSet SlotClass StackPlacement where
- emptyColorSet = panic "The set of stack slots is never empty"
- deleteFromColorSet = deleteFromSlotSet
- extendColorSet slots (cls, p@(FullSlot {})) =
- with_size (slotClassBits cls) add_full p (pi slots)
- extendColorSet slots (cls, p) = with_size (slotClassBits cls) add_frag p (pi slots)
- chooseColor = chooseSlot
-deleteFromSlotSet :: StackPlacement -> SlotSet -> SlotSet
-deleteFromSlotSet p@(FullSlot {}) slots = with_size (psize p) remove_full p (pi slots)
-deleteFromSlotSet p slots = with_size (psize p) remove_frag p (pi slots)
-extendSlotSet :: SlotSet -> StackPlacement -> SlotSet
-extendSlotSet slots p@(FullSlot {}) = with_size (psize p) add_full p (pi slots)
-extendSlotSet slots p = with_size (psize p) add_frag p (pi slots)
-elemSlotSet :: StackPlacement -> SlotSet -> Bool
-elemSlotSet p@(FullSlot {}) slots = with_size (psize p) elem_full p slots
-elemSlotSet p slots = with_size (psize p) elem_frag p slots
-remove_full, remove_frag, add_full, add_frag
- :: SizeGetter -> SizeSetter -> StackPlacement -> SlotSet -> SlotSet
-remove_full get set p slots = set p' slots
- where this_size = get slots
- p' = this_size { full_slots = delete p $ full_slots this_size }
-remove_frag get set p slots = set p' slots
- where this_size = get slots
- p' = this_size { full_slots = delete p $ full_slots this_size }
-add_full get set p slots = set p' slots
- where this_size = get slots
- p' = this_size { full_slots = add p $ full_slots this_size }
-add_frag get set p slots = set p' slots
- where this_size = get slots
- p' = this_size { full_slots = add p $ full_slots this_size }
-add :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
-add x xs = if notElem x xs then x : xs else xs
-elem_full, elem_frag :: SizeGetter -> SizeSetter -> StackPlacement -> SlotSet -> Bool
-elem_full get _set p slots = elem p (full_slots $ get slots)
-elem_frag get _set p slots = elem p (fragments $ get slots)
-getStackSlot :: SlotClass -> SlotSet -> (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
-getStackSlot cls slots =
- case cls of
- SlotClass32 -> get32 (pi slots)
- SlotClass64 -> get64 (pi slots)
- SlotClass128 -> get128 (pi slots)
-chooseSlot :: SlotClass -> [StackPlacement] -> SlotSet -> Maybe (StackPlacement, SlotSet)
-chooseSlot cls prefs slots =
- case filter (flip elemSlotSet slots) prefs of
- placement : _ -> Just (placement, deleteFromSlotSet placement (pi slots))
- [] -> Just (getStackSlot cls slots)
-check_invariant :: Bool
-check_invariant = True
-pi :: SlotSet -> SlotSet
-pi = if check_invariant then panic_on_invariant_violation else id
-panic_on_invariant_violation :: SlotSet -> SlotSet
-panic_on_invariant_violation slots =
- check 32 (s32 slots) $ check 64 (s64 slots) $ check 128 (s128 slots) $ slots
- where n = next_unused slots
- check bits this_size = (check_full bits $ full_slots this_size) .
- (check_frag bits $ fragments this_size)
- check_full _ [] = id
- check_full bits (FullSlot cls k : ps) =
- if slotClassBits cls /= bits then panic "slot in bin of wrong size"
- else if k >= n then panic "slot number is unreasonably fresh"
- else check_full bits ps
- check_full _ _ = panic "a fragment is in a bin reserved for full slots"
- check_frag _ [] = id
- check_frag _ (FullSlot {} : _) =
- panic "a full slot is in a bin reserved for fragments"
- check_frag bits (p : ps) =
- if bits /= psize p then panic "slot in bin of wrong size"
- else if pnumber p >= n then panic "slot number is unreasonably fresh"
- else check_frag bits ps
- pnumber (FullSlot _ k) = k
- pnumber (YoungHalf p) = pnumber p
- pnumber (OldHalf p) = pnumber p
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1001f23b77..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-module ZipCfg
- ( -- These data types and names are carefully thought out
- Graph(..), LGraph(..), FGraph(..)
- , Block(..), ZBlock(..), ZHead(..), ZTail(..), ZLast(..)
- , insertBlock
- , HavingSuccessors, succs, fold_succs
- , LastNode, mkBranchNode, isBranchNode, branchNodeTarget
- -- Observers and transformers
- -- (open to renaming suggestions here)
- , blockId, zip, unzip, last, goto_end, zipht, tailOfLast
- , splice_tail, splice_head, splice_head_only', splice_head'
- , of_block_list, to_block_list
- , graphOfLGraph
- , map_blocks, map_one_block, map_nodes, mapM_blocks
- , postorder_dfs, postorder_dfs_from, postorder_dfs_from_except
- , fold_layout
- , fold_blocks, fold_fwd_block
- , translate
- , pprLgraph, pprGraph
- , entry -- exported for the convenience of ZipDataflow0, at least for now
- {-
- -- the following functions might one day be useful and can be found
- -- either below or in ZipCfgExtras:
- , entry, exit, focus, focusp, unfocus
- , ht_to_block, ht_to_last,
- , splice_focus_entry, splice_focus_exit
- , foldM_fwd_block
- -}
- )
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import BlockId ( BlockId, BlockEnv, emptyBlockEnv, lookupBlockEnv, extendBlockEnv
- , BlockSet, emptyBlockSet, unitBlockSet, elemBlockSet, extendBlockSet
- , delFromBlockEnv, foldBlockEnv', mapBlockEnv
- , eltsBlockEnv, isNullBEnv, plusBlockEnv)
-import CmmExpr ( UserOfLocalRegs(..) )
-import PprCmm()
-import Outputable hiding (empty)
-import Data.Maybe
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-This module defines datatypes used to represent control-flow graphs,
-along with some functions for analyzing and splicing graphs.
-Functions for building graphs are found in a separate module 'MkZipCfg'.
-Every graph has a distinguished entry point. A graph has at least one
-exit; most exits are instructions (or statements) like 'jump' or
-'return', which transfer control to other procedures, but a graph may
-have up to one 'fall through' exit. (A graph that represents an
-entire Haskell or C-- procedure does not have a 'fall through' exit.)
-A graph is a collection of basic blocks. A basic block begins with a
-label (unique id; see Note [Unique BlockId]) which is followed by a
-sequence of zero or more 'middle' nodes; the basic block ends with a
-'last' node. Each 'middle' node is a single-entry, single-exit,
-uninterruptible computation. A 'last' node is a single-entry,
-multiple-exit computation. A last node may have zero or more successors,
-which are identified by their unique ids.
-A special case of last node is the ``default exit,'' which represents
-'falling off the end' of the graph. Such a node is always represented by
-the data constructor 'LastExit'. A graph may contain at most one
-'LastExit' node, and a graph representing a full procedure should not
-contain any 'LastExit' nodes. 'LastExit' nodes are used only to splice
-graphs together, either during graph construction (see module 'MkZipCfg')
-or during optimization (see module 'ZipDataflow').
-A graph is parameterized over the types of middle and last nodes. Each of
-these types will typically be instantiated with a subset of C-- statements
-(see module 'ZipCfgCmmRep') or a subset of machine instructions (yet to be
-implemented as of August 2007).
-Note [Kinds of Graphs]
-This module exposes three representations of graphs. In order of
-increasing complexity, they are:
- Graph m l The basic graph with its distinguished entry point
- LGraph m l A graph with a *labelled* entry point
- FGraph m l A labelled graph with the *focus* on a particular edge
-There are three types because each type offers a slightly different
-invariant or cost model.
- * The distinguished entry of a Graph has no label. Because labels must be
- unique, acquiring one requires a supply of Unique labels (BlockId's).
- The primary advantage of the Graph representation is that we can build a
- small Graph purely functionally, without needing a fresh BlockId or
- Unique. For example, during optimization we can easily rewrite a single
- middle node into a Graph containing a sequence of two middle nodes
- followed by LastExit.
- * In an LGraph, every basic block is labelled. The primary advantage of
- this representation is its simplicity: each basic block can be treated
- like any other. This representation is used for mapping, folding, and
- translation, as well as layout.
- Like any graph, an LGraph still has a distinguished entry point,
- which you can discover using 'lg_entry'.
- * An FGraph is an LGraph with the *focus* on one particular edge. The
- primary advantage of this representation is that it provides
- constant-time access to the nodes connected by that edge, and it also
- allows constant-time, functional *replacement* of those nodes---in the
- style of Huet's 'zipper'.
-None of these representations is ideally suited to the incremental
-construction of large graphs. A separate module, 'MkZipCfg', provides a
-fourth representation that is asymptotically optimal for such construction.
---------------- Representation --------------------
--- | A basic block is a 'first' node, followed by zero or more 'middle'
--- nodes, followed by a 'last' node.
--- eventually this module should probably replace the original Cmm, but for
--- now we leave it to dynamic invariants what can be found where
-data ZLast l
- = LastExit -- fall through; used for the block that has no last node
- -- LastExit is a device used only for graphs under
- -- construction, or framgments of graph under optimisation,
- -- so we don't want to pollute the 'l' type parameter with it
- | LastOther l
---So that we don't have orphan instances, this goes here or in CmmExpr.
---At least UserOfLocalRegs (ZLast Last) is needed (Last defined elsewhere),
---but there's no need for non-Haskell98 instances for that.
-instance UserOfLocalRegs a => UserOfLocalRegs (ZLast a) where
- foldRegsUsed f z (LastOther l) = foldRegsUsed f z l
- foldRegsUsed _f z LastExit = z
-data ZHead m = ZFirst BlockId
- | ZHead (ZHead m) m
- -- ZHead is a (reversed) sequence of middle nodes labeled by a BlockId
-data ZTail m l = ZLast (ZLast l) | ZTail m (ZTail m l)
- -- ZTail is a sequence of middle nodes followed by a last node
--- | Blocks and flow graphs; see Note [Kinds of graphs]
-data Block m l = Block { bid :: BlockId
- , tail :: ZTail m l }
-data Graph m l = Graph { g_entry :: (ZTail m l), g_blocks :: (BlockEnv (Block m l)) }
-data LGraph m l = LGraph { lg_entry :: BlockId
- , lg_blocks :: BlockEnv (Block m l)}
- -- Invariant: lg_entry is in domain( lg_blocks )
--- | And now the zipper. The focus is between the head and tail.
--- We cannot ever focus on an inter-block edge.
-data ZBlock m l = ZBlock (ZHead m) (ZTail m l)
-data FGraph m l = FGraph { fg_entry :: BlockId
- , fg_focus :: ZBlock m l
- , fg_others :: BlockEnv (Block m l) }
- -- Invariant: the block represented by 'fg_focus' is *not*
- -- in the map 'fg_others'
----- Utility functions ---
-blockId :: Block m l -> BlockId
-zip :: ZBlock m l -> Block m l
-unzip :: Block m l -> ZBlock m l
-last :: ZBlock m l -> ZLast l
-goto_end :: ZBlock m l -> (ZHead m, ZLast l)
-tailOfLast :: l -> ZTail m l
--- | Take a head and tail and go to beginning or end. The asymmetry
--- in the types and names is a bit unfortunate, but 'Block m l' is
--- effectively '(BlockId, ZTail m l)' and is accepted in many more places.
-ht_to_block, zipht :: ZHead m -> ZTail m l -> Block m l
-ht_to_last :: ZHead m -> ZTail m l -> (ZHead m, ZLast l)
--- | We can splice a single-entry, single-exit LGraph onto a head or a tail.
--- For a head, we have a head 'h' followed by a LGraph 'g'.
--- The entry node of 'g' gets joined to 'h', forming the entry into
--- the new LGraph. The exit of 'g' becomes the new head.
--- For both arguments and results, the order of values is the order of
--- control flow: before splicing, the head flows into the LGraph; after
--- splicing, the LGraph flows into the head.
--- Splicing a tail is the dual operation.
--- (In order to maintain the order-means-control-flow convention, the
--- orders are reversed.)
--- For example, assume
--- head = [L: x:=0]
--- grph = (M, [M: <stuff>,
--- <blocks>,
--- N: y:=x; LastExit])
--- tail = [return (y,x)]
--- Then splice_head head grph
--- = ((L, [L: x:=0; goto M,
--- M: <stuff>,
--- <blocks>])
--- , N: y:=x)
--- Then splice_tail grph tail
--- = ( <stuff>
--- , (???, [<blocks>,
--- N: y:=x; return (y,x)])
-splice_head :: ZHead m -> LGraph m l -> (LGraph m l, ZHead m)
-splice_head' :: ZHead m -> Graph m l -> (BlockEnv (Block m l), ZHead m)
-splice_tail :: Graph m l -> ZTail m l -> Graph m l
--- | We can also splice a single-entry, no-exit Graph into a head.
-splice_head_only :: ZHead m -> LGraph m l -> LGraph m l
-splice_head_only' :: ZHead m -> Graph m l -> LGraph m l
--- | A safe operation
--- | Conversion to and from the environment form is convenient. For
--- layout or dataflow, however, one will want to use 'postorder_dfs'
--- in order to get the blocks in an order that relates to the control
--- flow in the procedure.
-of_block_list :: BlockId -> [Block m l] -> LGraph m l -- N log N
-to_block_list :: LGraph m l -> [Block m l] -- N log N
--- | Conversion from LGraph to Graph
-graphOfLGraph :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> Graph m l
-graphOfLGraph (LGraph eid blocks) = Graph (ZLast $ mkBranchNode eid) blocks
--- | Traversal: 'postorder_dfs' returns a list of blocks reachable
--- from the entry node. This list has the following property:
--- Say a "back reference" exists if one of a block's
--- control-flow successors precedes it in the output list
--- Then there are as few back references as possible
--- The output is suitable for use in
--- a forward dataflow problem. For a backward problem, simply reverse
--- the list. ('postorder_dfs' is sufficiently tricky to implement that
--- one doesn't want to try and maintain both forward and backward
--- versions.)
-postorder_dfs :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> [Block m l]
--- | For layout, we fold over pairs of 'Block m l' and 'Maybe BlockId'
--- in layout order. The 'Maybe BlockId', if present, identifies the
--- block that will be the layout successor of the current block. This
--- may be useful to help an emitter omit the final 'goto' of a block
--- that flows directly to its layout successor.
--- For example: fold_layout f z [ L1:B1, L2:B2, L3:B3 ]
--- = z <$> f (L1:B1) (Just L2)
--- <$> f (L2:B2) (Just L3)
--- <$> f (L3:B3) Nothing
--- where a <$> f = f a
-fold_layout ::
- LastNode l => (Block m l -> Maybe BlockId -> a -> a) -> a -> LGraph m l-> a
--- | We can also fold over blocks in an unspecified order. The
--- 'ZipCfgExtras' module provides a monadic version, which we
--- haven't needed (else it would be here).
-fold_blocks :: (Block m l -> a -> a) -> a -> LGraph m l -> a
--- | Fold from first to last
-fold_fwd_block :: (BlockId -> a -> a) -> (m -> a -> a) ->
- (ZLast l -> a -> a) -> Block m l -> a -> a
-map_one_block :: (BlockId -> BlockId) -> (m -> m') -> (l -> l') -> Block m l -> Block m' l'
-map_nodes :: (BlockId -> BlockId) -> (m -> m') -> (l -> l') -> LGraph m l -> LGraph m' l'
- -- mapping includes the entry id!
-map_blocks :: (Block m l -> Block m' l') -> LGraph m l -> LGraph m' l'
-mapM_blocks :: Monad mm
- => (Block m l -> mm (Block m' l')) -> LGraph m l -> mm (LGraph m' l')
--- | These translation functions are speculative. I hope eventually
--- they will be used in the native-code back ends ---NR
-translate :: Monad tm =>
- (m -> tm (LGraph m' l')) ->
- (l -> tm (LGraph m' l')) ->
- (LGraph m l -> tm (LGraph m' l'))
--- | It's possible that another form of translation would be more suitable:
-translateA :: (m -> Agraph m' l') -> (l -> AGraph m' l') -> LGraph m l -> LGraph m' l'
-------------------- Last nodes
--- | We can't make a graph out of just any old 'last node' type. A last node
--- has to be able to find its successors, and we need to be able to create and
--- identify unconditional branches. We put these capabilities in a type class.
--- Moreover, the property of having successors is also shared by 'Block's and
--- 'ZTails', so it is useful to have that property in a type class of its own.
-class HavingSuccessors b where
- succs :: b -> [BlockId]
- fold_succs :: (BlockId -> a -> a) -> b -> a -> a
- fold_succs add l z = foldr add z $ succs l
-class HavingSuccessors l => LastNode l where
- mkBranchNode :: BlockId -> l
- isBranchNode :: l -> Bool
- branchNodeTarget :: l -> BlockId -- panics if not branch node
- -- ^ N.B. This interface seems to make for more congenial clients than a
- -- single function of type 'l -> Maybe BlockId'
-instance HavingSuccessors l => HavingSuccessors (ZLast l) where
- succs LastExit = []
- succs (LastOther l) = succs l
- fold_succs _ LastExit z = z
- fold_succs f (LastOther l) z = fold_succs f l z
-instance LastNode l => LastNode (ZLast l) where
- mkBranchNode id = LastOther $ mkBranchNode id
- isBranchNode LastExit = False
- isBranchNode (LastOther l) = isBranchNode l
- branchNodeTarget LastExit = panic "branchNodeTarget LastExit"
- branchNodeTarget (LastOther l) = branchNodeTarget l
-instance LastNode l => HavingSuccessors (ZBlock m l) where
- succs b = succs (last b)
-instance LastNode l => HavingSuccessors (Block m l) where
- succs b = succs (unzip b)
-instance LastNode l => HavingSuccessors (ZTail m l) where
- succs b = succs (lastTail b)
--- ================ IMPLEMENTATION ================--
------ block manipulations
-blockId (Block id _) = id
--- | Convert block between forms.
--- These functions are tail-recursive, so we can go as deep as we like
--- without fear of stack overflow.
-ht_to_block head tail = case head of
- ZFirst id -> Block id tail
- ZHead h m -> ht_to_block h (ZTail m tail)
-ht_to_last head (ZLast l) = (head, l)
-ht_to_last head (ZTail m t) = ht_to_last (ZHead head m) t
-zipht h t = ht_to_block h t
-zip (ZBlock h t) = ht_to_block h t
-goto_end (ZBlock h t) = ht_to_last h t
-unzip (Block id t) = ZBlock (ZFirst id) t
-head_id :: ZHead m -> BlockId
-head_id (ZFirst id) = id
-head_id (ZHead h _) = head_id h
-last (ZBlock _ t) = lastTail t
-lastTail :: ZTail m l -> ZLast l
-lastTail (ZLast l) = l
-lastTail (ZTail _ t) = lastTail t
-tailOfLast l = ZLast (LastOther l) -- tedious to write in every client
------------------- simple graph manipulations
-focus :: BlockId -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of node with id
-focus id (LGraph entry blocks) =
- case lookupBlockEnv blocks id of
- Just b -> FGraph entry (unzip b) (delFromBlockEnv blocks id)
- Nothing -> panic "asked for nonexistent block in flow graph"
-entry :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of entry node
-entry g@(LGraph eid _) = focus eid g
--- | pull out a block satisfying the predicate, if any
-splitp_blocks :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> BlockEnv (Block m l) ->
- Maybe (Block m l, BlockEnv (Block m l))
-splitp_blocks p blocks = lift $ foldBlockEnv' scan (Nothing, emptyBlockEnv) blocks
- where scan b (yes, no) =
- case yes of
- Nothing | p b -> (Just b, no)
- | otherwise -> (yes, insertBlock b no)
- Just _ -> (yes, insertBlock b no)
- lift (Nothing, _) = Nothing
- lift (Just b, bs) = Just (b, bs)
--- | 'insertBlock' should not be used to /replace/ an existing block
--- but only to insert a new one
-insertBlock :: Block m l -> BlockEnv (Block m l) -> BlockEnv (Block m l)
-insertBlock b bs =
- ASSERT (isNothing $ lookupBlockEnv bs id)
- extendBlockEnv bs id b
- where id = blockId b
--- | Used in assertions; tells if a graph has exactly one exit
-single_exit :: LGraph l m -> Bool
-single_exit g = foldBlockEnv' check 0 (lg_blocks g) == 1
- where check block count = case last (unzip block) of
- LastExit -> count + (1 :: Int)
- _ -> count
--- | Used in assertions; tells if a graph has exactly one exit
-single_exitg :: Graph l m -> Bool
-single_exitg (Graph tail blocks) = foldBlockEnv' add (exit_count (lastTail tail)) blocks == 1
- where add block count = count + exit_count (last (unzip block))
- exit_count LastExit = 1 :: Int
- exit_count _ = 0
------------------- graph traversals
--- | This is the most important traversal over this data structure. It drops
--- unreachable code and puts blocks in an order that is good for solving forward
--- dataflow problems quickly. The reverse order is good for solving backward
--- dataflow problems quickly. The forward order is also reasonably good for
--- emitting instructions, except that it will not usually exploit Forrest
--- Baskett's trick of eliminating the unconditional branch from a loop. For
--- that you would need a more serious analysis, probably based on dominators, to
--- identify loop headers.
--- The ubiquity of 'postorder_dfs' is one reason for the ubiquity of the 'LGraph'
--- representation, when for most purposes the plain 'Graph' representation is
--- more mathematically elegant (but results in more complicated code).
--- Here's an easy way to go wrong! Consider
--- @
--- A -> [B,C]
--- B -> D
--- C -> D
--- @
--- Then ordinary dfs would give [A,B,D,C] which has a back ref from C to D.
--- Better to get [A,B,C,D]
-postorder_dfs g@(LGraph _ blockenv) =
- let FGraph id eblock _ = entry g in
- zip eblock : postorder_dfs_from_except blockenv eblock (unitBlockSet id)
-postorder_dfs_from_except :: forall m b l. (HavingSuccessors b, LastNode l)
- => BlockEnv (Block m l) -> b -> BlockSet -> [Block m l]
-postorder_dfs_from_except blocks b visited
- = vchildren (get_children b) (\acc _visited -> acc) [] visited
- where
- vnode :: Block m l -> ([Block m l] -> BlockSet -> a)
- -> [Block m l] -> BlockSet -> a
- vnode block@(Block id _) cont acc visited =
- if elemBlockSet id visited then
- cont acc visited
- else
- let cont' acc visited = cont (block:acc) visited in
- vchildren (get_children block) cont' acc (extendBlockSet visited id)
- vchildren :: [Block m l] -> ([Block m l] -> BlockSet -> a)
- -> [Block m l] -> BlockSet -> a
- vchildren bs cont acc visited =
- let next children acc visited =
- case children of [] -> cont acc visited
- (b:bs) -> vnode b (next bs) acc visited
- in next bs acc visited
- get_children :: HavingSuccessors c => c -> [Block m l]
- get_children block = foldl add_id [] (succs block)
- add_id :: [Block m l] -> BlockId -> [Block m l]
- add_id rst id = case lookupBlockEnv blocks id of
- Just b -> b : rst
- Nothing -> rst
- :: (HavingSuccessors b, LastNode l) => BlockEnv (Block m l) -> b -> [Block m l]
-postorder_dfs_from blocks b = postorder_dfs_from_except blocks b emptyBlockSet
--- | Slightly more complicated than the usual fold because we want to tell block
--- 'b1' what its inline successor is going to be, so that if 'b1' ends with
--- 'goto b2', the goto can be omitted.
-fold_layout f z g@(LGraph eid _) = fold (postorder_dfs g) z
- where fold blocks z =
- case blocks of [] -> z
- [b] -> f b Nothing z
- b1 : b2 : bs -> fold (b2 : bs) (f b1 (nextlabel b2) z)
- nextlabel (Block id _) =
- if id == eid then panic "entry as successor"
- else Just id
--- | The rest of the traversals are straightforward
-map_blocks f (LGraph eid blocks) = LGraph eid (mapBlockEnv f blocks)
-map_nodes idm middle last (LGraph eid blocks) =
- LGraph (idm eid) (mapBlockEnv (map_one_block idm middle last) blocks)
-map_one_block idm middle last (Block id t) = Block (idm id) (tail t)
- where tail (ZTail m t) = ZTail (middle m) (tail t)
- tail (ZLast LastExit) = ZLast LastExit
- tail (ZLast (LastOther l)) = ZLast (LastOther (last l))
-mapM_blocks f (LGraph eid blocks) = blocks' >>= return . LGraph eid
- where blocks' =
- foldBlockEnv' (\b mblocks -> do { blocks <- mblocks
- ; b <- f b
- ; return $ insertBlock b blocks })
- (return emptyBlockEnv) blocks
-fold_blocks f z (LGraph _ blocks) = foldBlockEnv' f z blocks
-fold_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = tail t (first id z)
- where tail (ZTail m t) z = tail t (middle m z)
- tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
-of_block_list e blocks = LGraph e $ foldr insertBlock emptyBlockEnv blocks
-to_block_list (LGraph _ blocks) = eltsBlockEnv blocks
--- We want to be able to scrutinize a single-entry, single-exit 'LGraph' for
--- splicing purposes. There are two useful cases: the 'LGraph' is a single block
--- or it isn't. We use continuation-passing style.
-prepare_for_splicing ::
- LGraph m l -> (ZTail m l -> a) -> (ZTail m l -> ZHead m -> BlockEnv (Block m l) -> a)
- -> a
-prepare_for_splicing g single multi =
- let FGraph _ gentry gblocks = entry g
- ZBlock _ etail = gentry
- in if isNullBEnv gblocks then
- case last gentry of
- LastExit -> single etail
- _ -> panic "bad single block"
- else
- case splitp_blocks is_exit gblocks of
- Nothing -> panic "Can't find an exit block"
- Just (gexit, gblocks) ->
- let (gh, gl) = goto_end $ unzip gexit in
- case gl of LastExit -> multi etail gh gblocks
- _ -> panic "exit is not exit?!"
-prepare_for_splicing' ::
- Graph m l -> (ZTail m l -> a) -> (ZTail m l -> ZHead m -> BlockEnv (Block m l) -> a)
- -> a
-prepare_for_splicing' (Graph etail gblocks) single multi =
- if isNullBEnv gblocks then
- case lastTail etail of
- LastExit -> single etail
- _ -> panic "bad single block"
- else
- case splitp_blocks is_exit gblocks of
- Nothing -> panic "Can't find an exit block"
- Just (gexit, gblocks) ->
- let (gh, gl) = goto_end $ unzip gexit in
- case gl of LastExit -> multi etail gh gblocks
- _ -> panic "exit is not exit?!"
-is_exit :: Block m l -> Bool
-is_exit b = case last (unzip b) of { LastExit -> True; _ -> False }
-splice_head head g@(LGraph _ _) =
- ASSERT (single_exit g) prepare_for_splicing g splice_one_block splice_many_blocks
- where eid = head_id head
- splice_one_block tail' =
- case ht_to_last head tail' of
- (head, LastExit) -> (LGraph eid emptyBlockEnv, head)
- _ -> panic "spliced LGraph without exit"
- splice_many_blocks entry exit others =
- (LGraph eid (insertBlock (zipht head entry) others), exit)
-splice_head' head g =
- ASSERT (single_exitg g) prepare_for_splicing' g splice_one_block splice_many_blocks
- where splice_one_block tail' =
- case ht_to_last head tail' of
- (head, LastExit) -> (emptyBlockEnv, head)
- _ -> panic "spliced LGraph without exit"
- splice_many_blocks entry exit others =
- (insertBlock (zipht head entry) others, exit)
--- splice_tail :: Graph m l -> ZTail m l -> Graph m l
-splice_tail g tail =
- ASSERT (single_exitg g) prepare_for_splicing' g splice_one_block splice_many_blocks
- where splice_one_block tail' = Graph (tail' `append_tails` tail) emptyBlockEnv
- append_tails (ZLast LastExit) tail = tail
- append_tails (ZLast _) _ = panic "spliced single block without LastExit"
- append_tails (ZTail m t) tail = ZTail m (append_tails t tail)
- splice_many_blocks entry exit others =
- Graph entry (insertBlock (zipht exit tail) others)
-splice_tail g tail =
- AS SERT (single_exit g) prepare_for_splicing g splice_one_block splice_many_blocks
- where splice_one_block tail' = -- return tail' .. tail
- case ht_to_last (ZFirst (lg_entry g)) tail' of
- (head', LastExit) ->
- case ht_to_block head' tail of
- Block id t | id == lg_entry g -> (t, LGraph id emptyBlockEnv)
- _ -> panic "entry in; garbage out"
- _ -> panic "spliced single block without Exit"
- splice_many_blocks entry exit others =
- (entry, LGraph (lg_entry g) (insertBlock (zipht exit tail) others))
-splice_head_only head g =
- let FGraph eid gentry gblocks = entry g
- in case gentry of
- ZBlock (ZFirst _) tail ->
- LGraph eid (insertBlock (zipht head tail) gblocks)
- _ -> panic "entry not at start of block?!"
-splice_head_only' head (Graph tail gblocks) =
- let eblock = zipht head tail in
- LGraph (blockId eblock) (insertBlock eblock gblocks)
- -- the offset probably should never be used, but well, it's correct for this LGraph
---- Translation
-translate txm txl (LGraph eid blocks) =
- do blocks' <- foldBlockEnv' txblock (return emptyBlockEnv) blocks
- return $ LGraph eid blocks'
- where
- -- txblock ::
- -- Block m l -> tm (BlockEnv (Block m' l')) -> tm (BlockEnv (Block m' l'))
- txblock (Block id t) expanded =
- do blocks' <- expanded
- txtail (ZFirst id) t blocks'
- -- txtail :: ZHead m' -> ZTail m l -> BlockEnv (Block m' l') ->
- -- tm (BlockEnv (Block m' l'))
- txtail h (ZTail m t) blocks' =
- do m' <- txm m
- let (g, h') = splice_head h m'
- txtail h' t (plusBlockEnv (lg_blocks g) blocks')
- txtail h (ZLast (LastOther l)) blocks' =
- do l' <- txl l
- return $ plusBlockEnv (lg_blocks (splice_head_only h l')) blocks'
- txtail h (ZLast LastExit) blocks' =
- return $ insertBlock (zipht h (ZLast LastExit)) blocks'
----- Prettyprinting
--- putting this code in PprCmmZ leads to circular imports :-(
-instance (Outputable m, Outputable l) => Outputable (ZTail m l) where
- ppr = pprTail
-instance (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => Outputable (Graph m l) where
- ppr = pprGraph
-instance (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => Outputable (LGraph m l) where
- ppr = pprLgraph
-instance (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => Outputable (Block m l) where
- ppr = pprBlock
-instance (Outputable l) => Outputable (ZLast l) where
- ppr = pprLast
-pprTail :: (Outputable m, Outputable l) => ZTail m l -> SDoc
-pprTail (ZTail m t) = ppr m $$ ppr t
-pprTail (ZLast l) = ppr l
-pprLast :: (Outputable l) => ZLast l -> SDoc
-pprLast LastExit = text "<exit>"
-pprLast (LastOther l) = ppr l
-pprBlock :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => Block m l -> SDoc
-pprBlock (Block id tail) =
- ppr id <> colon
- $$ (nest 3 (ppr tail))
-pprLgraph :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => LGraph m l -> SDoc
-pprLgraph g = text "{" <> text "offset" $$
- nest 2 (vcat $ map ppr blocks) $$ text "}"
- where blocks = postorder_dfs g
-pprGraph :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => Graph m l -> SDoc
-pprGraph (Graph tail blockenv) =
- text "{" $$ nest 2 (ppr tail $$ (vcat $ map ppr blocks)) $$ text "}"
- where blocks = postorder_dfs_from blockenv tail
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f00641efd..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonoLocalBinds #-}
--- Norman likes local bindings
--- This module is pure representation and should be imported only by
--- clients that need to manipulate representation and know what
--- they're doing. Clients that need to create flow graphs should
--- instead import MkZipCfgCmm.
-module ZipCfgCmmRep
- ( CmmZ, CmmTopZ, CmmGraph, CmmBlock, CmmAGraph
- , Middle(..), Last(..), MidCallTarget(..), UpdFrameOffset
- , Convention(..), ForeignConvention(..), ForeignSafety(..)
- , ValueDirection(..), ForeignHint(..)
- , CmmBackwardFixedPoint, CmmForwardFixedPoint, pprHinted
- , insertBetween, mapExpMiddle, mapExpLast, mapExpDeepMiddle, mapExpDeepLast
- , foldExpMiddle, foldExpLast, foldExpDeepMiddle, foldExpDeepLast, joinOuts
- )
-import BlockId
-import CmmExpr
-import Cmm ( GenCmm(..), GenCmmTop(..), CmmStatic, CmmInfo
- , CallishMachOp(..), ForeignHint(..)
- , CmmActuals, CmmFormals, CmmHinted(..)
- , CmmStmt(..) -- imported in order to call ppr on Switch and to
- -- implement pprCmmGraphLikeCmm
- )
-import DFMonad
-import PprCmm()
-import CmmTx
-import CLabel
-import FastString
-import ForeignCall
-import qualified ZipDataflow as DF
-import ZipCfg
-import MkZipCfg
-import Util
-import BasicTypes
-import Maybes
-import Control.Monad
-import Outputable
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-import SMRep (ByteOff)
-import UniqSupply
------ Type synonyms and definitions
-type CmmGraph = LGraph Middle Last
-type CmmAGraph = AGraph Middle Last
-type CmmBlock = Block Middle Last
-type CmmStackInfo = (ByteOff, Maybe ByteOff)
- -- probably want a record; (SP offset on entry, update frame space)
-type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
-type CmmTopZ = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
-type CmmBackwardFixedPoint a = DF.BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last a ()
-type CmmForwardFixedPoint a = DF.ForwardFixedPoint Middle Last a ()
-type UpdFrameOffset = ByteOff
-data Middle
- = MidComment FastString
- | MidAssign CmmReg CmmExpr -- Assign to register
- | MidStore CmmExpr CmmExpr -- Assign to memory location. Size is
- -- given by cmmExprType of the rhs.
- | MidForeignCall -- A foreign call; see Note [Foreign calls]
- ForeignSafety -- Is it a safe or unsafe call?
- MidCallTarget -- call target and convention
- CmmFormals -- zero or more results
- CmmActuals -- zero or more arguments
- deriving Eq
-data Last
- = LastBranch BlockId -- Goto another block in the same procedure
- | LastCondBranch { -- conditional branch
- cml_pred :: CmmExpr,
- cml_true, cml_false :: BlockId
- }
- | LastSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId] -- Table branch
- -- The scrutinee is zero-based;
- -- zero -> first block
- -- one -> second block etc
- -- Undefined outside range, and when there's a Nothing
- | LastCall { -- A call (native or safe foreign)
- cml_target :: CmmExpr, -- never a CmmPrim to a CallishMachOp!
- cml_cont :: Maybe BlockId,
- -- BlockId of continuation (Nothing for return or tail call)
- cml_args :: ByteOff,
- -- Byte offset, from the *old* end of the Area associated with
- -- the BlockId (if cml_cont = Nothing, then Old area), of
- -- youngest outgoing arg. Set the stack pointer to this before
- -- transferring control.
- -- (NB: an update frame might also have been stored in the Old
- -- area, but it'll be in an older part than the args.)
- cml_ret_args :: ByteOff,
- -- For calls *only*, the byte offset for youngest returned value
- -- This is really needed at the *return* point rather than here
- -- at the call, but in practice it's convenient to record it here.
- cml_ret_off :: Maybe ByteOff
- -- For calls *only*, the byte offset of the base of the frame that
- -- must be described by the info table for the return point.
- -- The older words are an update frames, which have their own
- -- info-table and layout information
- -- From a liveness point of view, the stack words older than
- -- cml_ret_off are treated as live, even if the sequel of
- -- the call goes into a loop.
- }
-data MidCallTarget -- The target of a MidUnsafeCall
- = ForeignTarget -- A foreign procedure
- CmmExpr -- Its address
- ForeignConvention -- Its calling convention
- | PrimTarget -- A possibly-side-effecting machine operation
- CallishMachOp -- Which one
- deriving Eq
-data Convention
- = NativeDirectCall -- Native C-- call skipping the node (closure) argument
- | NativeNodeCall -- Native C-- call including the node argument
- | NativeReturn -- Native C-- return
- | Slow -- Slow entry points: all args pushed on the stack
- | GC -- Entry to the garbage collector: uses the node reg!
- | PrimOpCall -- Calling prim ops
- | PrimOpReturn -- Returning from prim ops
- | Foreign -- Foreign call/return
- ForeignConvention
- | Private
- -- Used for control transfers within a (pre-CPS) procedure All
- -- jump sites known, never pushed on the stack (hence no SRT)
- -- You can choose whatever calling convention you please
- -- (provided you make sure all the call sites agree)!
- -- This data type eventually to be extended to record the convention.
- deriving( Eq )
-data ForeignConvention
- = ForeignConvention
- CCallConv -- Which foreign-call convention
- [ForeignHint] -- Extra info about the args
- [ForeignHint] -- Extra info about the result
- deriving Eq
-data ForeignSafety
- = Unsafe -- unsafe call
- | Safe BlockId -- making infotable requires: 1. label
- UpdFrameOffset -- 2. where the upd frame is
- Bool -- is the call interruptible?
- deriving Eq
-data ValueDirection = Arguments | Results
- -- Arguments go with procedure definitions, jumps, and arguments to calls
- -- Results go with returns and with results of calls.
- deriving Eq
-{- Note [Foreign calls]
-A MidForeign call is used *all* foreign calls, both *unsafe* and *safe*.
-Unsafe ones are easy: think of them as a "fat machine instruction".
-Safe ones are trickier. A safe foreign call
- r = f(x)
-ultimately expands to
- push "return address" -- Never used to return to;
- -- just points an info table
- save registers into TSO
- call suspendThread
- r = f(x) -- Make the call
- call resumeThread
- restore registers
- pop "return address"
-We cannot "lower" a safe foreign call to this sequence of Cmms, because
-after we've saved Sp all the Cmm optimiser's assumptions are broken.
-Furthermore, currently the smart Cmm constructors know the calling
-conventions for Haskell, the garbage collector, etc, and "lower" them
-so that a LastCall passes no parameters or results. But the smart
-constructors do *not* (currently) know the foreign call conventions.
-For these reasons use MidForeignCall for all calls. The only annoying thing
-is that a safe foreign call needs an info table.
------ Splicing between blocks
--- Given a middle node, a block, and a successor BlockId,
--- we can insert the middle node between the block and the successor.
--- We return the updated block and a list of new blocks that must be added
--- to the graph.
--- The semantics is a bit tricky. We consider cases on the last node:
--- o For a branch, we can just insert before the branch,
--- but sometimes the optimizer does better if we actually insert
--- a fresh basic block, enabling some common blockification.
--- o For a conditional branch, switch statement, or call, we must insert
--- a new basic block.
--- o For a jump or return, this operation is impossible.
-insertBetween :: MonadUnique m => CmmBlock -> [Middle] -> BlockId -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
-insertBetween b ms succId = insert $ goto_end $ unzip b
- where insert (h, LastOther (LastBranch bid)) =
- if bid == succId then
- do (bid', bs) <- newBlocks
- return (zipht h (ZLast (LastOther (LastBranch bid'))), bs)
- else panic "tried invalid block insertBetween"
- insert (h, LastOther (LastCondBranch c t f)) =
- do (t', tbs) <- if t == succId then newBlocks else return $ (t, [])
- (f', fbs) <- if f == succId then newBlocks else return $ (f, [])
- return (zipht h $ ZLast $ LastOther (LastCondBranch c t' f'), tbs ++ fbs)
- insert (h, LastOther (LastSwitch e ks)) =
- do (ids, bs) <- mapAndUnzipM mbNewBlocks ks
- return (zipht h $ ZLast $ LastOther (LastSwitch e ids), join bs)
- insert (_, LastOther (LastCall {})) =
- panic "unimp: insertBetween after a call -- probably not a good idea"
- insert (_, LastExit) = panic "cannot insert after exit"
- newBlocks = do id <- liftM BlockId $ getUniqueM
- return $ (id, [Block id $
- foldr ZTail (ZLast (LastOther (LastBranch succId))) ms])
- mbNewBlocks (Just k) = if k == succId then liftM lift newBlocks
- else return (Just k, [])
- mbNewBlocks Nothing = return (Nothing, [])
- lift (id, bs) = (Just id, bs)
------ Instance declarations for control flow
-instance HavingSuccessors Last where
- succs = cmmSuccs
- fold_succs = fold_cmm_succs
-instance LastNode Last where
- mkBranchNode id = LastBranch id
- isBranchNode (LastBranch _) = True
- isBranchNode _ = False
- branchNodeTarget (LastBranch id) = id
- branchNodeTarget _ = panic "asked for target of non-branch"
-cmmSuccs :: Last -> [BlockId]
-cmmSuccs (LastBranch id) = [id]
-cmmSuccs (LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) = []
-cmmSuccs (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) = [id]
-cmmSuccs (LastCondBranch _ t f) = [f, t] -- meets layout constraint
-cmmSuccs (LastSwitch _ edges) = catMaybes edges
-fold_cmm_succs :: (BlockId -> a -> a) -> Last -> a -> a
-fold_cmm_succs f (LastBranch id) z = f id z
-fold_cmm_succs _ (LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) z = z
-fold_cmm_succs f (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) z = f id z
-fold_cmm_succs f (LastCondBranch _ te fe) z = f te (f fe z)
-fold_cmm_succs f (LastSwitch _ edges) z = foldl (flip f) z $ catMaybes edges
------ Instance declarations for register use
-instance UserOfLocalRegs Middle where
- foldRegsUsed f z m = middle m
- where middle (MidComment {}) = z
- middle (MidAssign _lhs expr) = fold f z expr
- middle (MidStore addr rval) = fold f (fold f z addr) rval
- middle (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ args) = fold f (fold f z tgt) args
- fold f z m = foldRegsUsed f z m -- avoid monomorphism restriction
-instance UserOfLocalRegs MidCallTarget where
- foldRegsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
- foldRegsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
-instance UserOfSlots MidCallTarget where
- foldSlotsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
- foldSlotsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
-instance (UserOfLocalRegs a) => UserOfLocalRegs (Maybe a) where
- foldRegsUsed f z (Just x) = foldRegsUsed f z x
- foldRegsUsed _ z Nothing = z
-instance (UserOfSlots a) => UserOfSlots (Maybe a) where
- foldSlotsUsed f z (Just x) = foldSlotsUsed f z x
- foldSlotsUsed _ z Nothing = z
-instance UserOfLocalRegs Last where
- foldRegsUsed f z l = last l
- where last (LastBranch _id) = z
- last (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) = foldRegsUsed f z tgt
- last (LastCondBranch e _ _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
- last (LastSwitch e _tbl) = foldRegsUsed f z e
-instance DefinerOfLocalRegs Middle where
- foldRegsDefd f z m = middle m
- where middle (MidComment {}) = z
- middle (MidAssign lhs _) = fold f z lhs
- middle (MidStore _ _) = z
- middle (MidForeignCall _ _ fs _) = fold f z fs
- fold f z m = foldRegsDefd f z m -- avoid monomorphism restriction
-instance DefinerOfLocalRegs Last where
- foldRegsDefd _ z _ = z
------ Instance declarations for stack slot use
-instance UserOfSlots Middle where
- foldSlotsUsed f z m = middle m
- where middle (MidComment {}) = z
- middle (MidAssign _lhs expr) = fold f z expr
- middle (MidStore addr rval) = fold f (fold f z addr) rval
- middle (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ress args) = fold f (fold f z tgt) args
- fold f z e = foldSlotsUsed f z e -- avoid monomorphism restriction
-instance UserOfSlots Last where
- foldSlotsUsed f z l = last l
- where last (LastBranch _id) = z
- last (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) = foldSlotsUsed f z tgt
- last (LastCondBranch e _ _) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
- last (LastSwitch e _tbl) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
-instance UserOfSlots l => UserOfSlots (ZLast l) where
- foldSlotsUsed f z (LastOther l) = foldSlotsUsed f z l
- foldSlotsUsed _ z LastExit = z
-instance DefinerOfSlots Middle where
- foldSlotsDefd f z m = middle m
- where middle (MidComment {}) = z
- middle (MidAssign _ _) = z
- middle (MidForeignCall {}) = z
- middle (MidStore (CmmStackSlot a i) e) =
- f z (a, i, widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType e)
- middle (MidStore _ _) = z
-instance DefinerOfSlots Last where
- foldSlotsDefd _ z _ = z
-instance DefinerOfSlots l => DefinerOfSlots (ZLast l) where
- foldSlotsDefd f z (LastOther l) = foldSlotsDefd f z l
- foldSlotsDefd _ z LastExit = z
------ Code for manipulating Middle and Last nodes
-mapExpMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Middle -> Middle
-mapExpMiddle _ m@(MidComment _) = m
-mapExpMiddle exp (MidAssign r e) = MidAssign r (exp e)
-mapExpMiddle exp (MidStore addr e) = MidStore (exp addr) (exp e)
-mapExpMiddle exp (MidForeignCall s tgt fs as) =
- MidForeignCall s (mapExpMidcall exp tgt) fs (map exp as)
-foldExpMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Middle -> z -> z
-foldExpMiddle _ (MidComment _) z = z
-foldExpMiddle exp (MidAssign _ e) z = exp e z
-foldExpMiddle exp (MidStore addr e) z = exp addr $ exp e z
-foldExpMiddle exp (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ as) z = foldExpMidcall exp tgt $ foldr exp z as
-mapExpLast :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Last -> Last
-mapExpLast _ l@(LastBranch _) = l
-mapExpLast exp (LastCondBranch e ti fi) = LastCondBranch (exp e) ti fi
-mapExpLast exp (LastSwitch e tbl) = LastSwitch (exp e) tbl
-mapExpLast exp (LastCall tgt mb_id o i s) = LastCall (exp tgt) mb_id o i s
-foldExpLast :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Last -> z -> z
-foldExpLast _ (LastBranch _) z = z
-foldExpLast exp (LastCondBranch e _ _) z = exp e z
-foldExpLast exp (LastSwitch e _) z = exp e z
-foldExpLast exp (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) z = exp tgt z
-mapExpMidcall :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> MidCallTarget -> MidCallTarget
-mapExpMidcall exp (ForeignTarget e c) = ForeignTarget (exp e) c
-mapExpMidcall _ m@(PrimTarget _) = m
-foldExpMidcall :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> MidCallTarget -> z -> z
-foldExpMidcall exp (ForeignTarget e _) z = exp e z
-foldExpMidcall _ (PrimTarget _) z = z
--- Take a transformer on expressions and apply it recursively.
-wrapRecExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-wrapRecExp f (CmmMachOp op es) = f (CmmMachOp op $ map (wrapRecExp f) es)
-wrapRecExp f (CmmLoad addr ty) = f (CmmLoad (wrapRecExp f addr) ty)
-wrapRecExp f e = f e
-mapExpDeepMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Middle -> Middle
-mapExpDeepLast :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Last -> Last
-mapExpDeepMiddle f = mapExpMiddle $ wrapRecExp f
-mapExpDeepLast f = mapExpLast $ wrapRecExp f
--- Take a folder on expressions and apply it recursively.
-wrapRecExpf :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmExpr -> z -> z
-wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmMachOp _ es) z = foldr (wrapRecExpf f) (f e z) es
-wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmLoad addr _) z = wrapRecExpf f addr (f e z)
-wrapRecExpf f e z = f e z
-foldExpDeepMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Middle -> z -> z
-foldExpDeepLast :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Last -> z -> z
-foldExpDeepMiddle f = foldExpMiddle $ wrapRecExpf f
-foldExpDeepLast f = foldExpLast $ wrapRecExpf f
--- Compute the join of facts live out of a Last node. Useful for most backward
--- analyses.
-joinOuts :: DataflowLattice a -> (BlockId -> a) -> Last -> a
-joinOuts lattice env l =
- let bot = fact_bot lattice
- join x y = txVal $ fact_add_to lattice x y
- in case l of
- (LastBranch id) -> env id
- (LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) -> bot
- (LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> env k
- (LastCondBranch _ t f) -> join (env t) (env f)
- (LastSwitch _ tbl) -> foldr join bot (map env $ catMaybes tbl)
------ Instance declarations for prettyprinting (avoids recursive imports)
-instance Outputable Middle where
- ppr s = pprMiddle s
-instance Outputable Last where
- ppr s = pprLast s
-instance Outputable Convention where
- ppr = pprConvention
-instance Outputable ForeignConvention where
- ppr = pprForeignConvention
-instance Outputable ValueDirection where
- ppr Arguments = ptext $ sLit "args"
- ppr Results = ptext $ sLit "results"
-instance DF.DebugNodes Middle Last
-debugPpr :: Bool
-debugPpr = debugIsOn
-pprMiddle :: Middle -> SDoc
-pprMiddle stmt = pp_stmt <+> pp_debug
- where
- pp_stmt = case stmt of
- -- // text
- MidComment s -> text "//" <+> ftext s
- -- reg = expr;
- MidAssign reg expr -> ppr reg <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
- -- rep[lv] = expr;
- MidStore lv expr -> rep <> brackets(ppr lv) <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
- where
- rep = ppr ( cmmExprType expr )
- -- call "ccall" foo(x, y)[r1, r2];
- -- ToDo ppr volatile
- MidForeignCall safety target results args ->
- hsep [ ppUnless (null results) $
- parens (commafy $ map ppr results) <+> equals,
- ppr_safety safety,
- ptext $ sLit "call",
- ppr_call_target target <> parens (commafy $ map ppr args) <> semi]
- pp_debug =
- if not debugPpr then empty
- else text " //" <+>
- case stmt of
- MidComment {} -> text "MidComment"
- MidAssign {} -> text "MidAssign"
- MidStore {} -> text "MidStore"
- MidForeignCall {} -> text "MidForeignCall"
-ppr_fc :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
-ppr_fc (ForeignConvention c args res) =
- doubleQuotes (ppr c) <+> text "args: " <+> ppr args <+> text " results: " <+> ppr res
-ppr_safety :: ForeignSafety -> SDoc
-ppr_safety (Safe bid upd interruptible) =
- text (if interruptible then "interruptible" else "safe") <>
- text "<" <> ppr bid <> text ", " <> ppr upd <> text ">"
-ppr_safety Unsafe = text "unsafe"
-ppr_call_target :: MidCallTarget -> SDoc
-ppr_call_target (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
-ppr_call_target (PrimTarget op)
- -- HACK: We're just using a ForeignLabel to get this printed, the label
- -- might not really be foreign.
- = ppr (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel
- (mkFastString (show op))
- Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))
-ppr_target :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
-ppr_target t@(CmmLit _) = ppr t
-ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
-pprHinted :: Outputable a => CmmHinted a -> SDoc
-pprHinted (CmmHinted a NoHint) = ppr a
-pprHinted (CmmHinted a AddrHint) = doubleQuotes (text "address") <+> ppr a
-pprHinted (CmmHinted a SignedHint) = doubleQuotes (text "signed") <+> ppr a
-pprLast :: Last -> SDoc
-pprLast stmt = pp_stmt <+> pp_debug
- where
- pp_stmt = case stmt of
- LastBranch ident -> ptext (sLit "goto") <+> ppr ident <> semi
- LastCondBranch expr t f -> genFullCondBranch expr t f
- LastSwitch arg ids -> ppr $ CmmSwitch arg ids
- LastCall tgt k out res updfr_off -> genBareCall tgt k out res updfr_off
- pp_debug = text " //" <+> case stmt of
- LastBranch {} -> text "LastBranch"
- LastCondBranch {} -> text "LastCondBranch"
- LastSwitch {} -> text "LastSwitch"
- LastCall {} -> text "LastCall"
-genBareCall :: CmmExpr -> Maybe BlockId -> ByteOff -> ByteOff ->
- Maybe UpdFrameOffset -> SDoc
-genBareCall fn k out res updfr_off =
- hcat [ ptext (sLit "call"), space
- , pprFun fn, ptext (sLit "(...)"), space
- , ptext (sLit "returns to") <+> ppr k <+> parens (ppr out)
- <+> parens (ppr res)
- , ptext (sLit " with update frame") <+> ppr updfr_off
- , semi ]
-pprFun :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
-pprFun f@(CmmLit _) = ppr f
-pprFun f = parens (ppr f)
-genFullCondBranch :: Outputable id => CmmExpr -> id -> id -> SDoc
-genFullCondBranch expr t f =
- hsep [ ptext (sLit "if")
- , parens(ppr expr)
- , ptext (sLit "goto")
- , ppr t <> semi
- , ptext (sLit "else goto")
- , ppr f <> semi
- ]
-pprConvention :: Convention -> SDoc
-pprConvention (NativeNodeCall {}) = text "<native-node-call-convention>"
-pprConvention (NativeDirectCall {}) = text "<native-direct-call-convention>"
-pprConvention (NativeReturn {}) = text "<native-ret-convention>"
-pprConvention Slow = text "<slow-convention>"
-pprConvention GC = text "<gc-convention>"
-pprConvention PrimOpCall = text "<primop-call-convention>"
-pprConvention PrimOpReturn = text "<primop-ret-convention>"
-pprConvention (Foreign c) = ppr c
-pprConvention (Private {}) = text "<private-convention>"
-pprForeignConvention :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
-pprForeignConvention (ForeignConvention c as rs) = ppr c <> ppr as <> ppr rs
-commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f8eeb0d2b..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
--- This module contains code related to the zipcfg representation.
--- The code either has been used or has been thought to be useful
--- within the Quick C-- compiler, but as yet no use has been found for
--- it within GHC. This module should therefore be considered to be
--- full of code that need not be maintained. Should a function in
--- this module prove useful, it should not be exported, but rather
--- should be migrated back into ZipCfg (or possibly ZipCfgUtil), where
--- it can be maintained.
-module ZipCfgExtras
- ()
-import BlockId
-import Maybes
-import Panic
-import ZipCfg
-import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
-exit :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge into default exit node
- -- (fails if there isn't one)
-focusp :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> LGraph m l -> Maybe (FGraph m l)
- -- focus on start of block satisfying predicate
--- unfocus :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -- lose focus
--- | We can insert a single-entry, single-exit subgraph at
--- the current focus.
--- The new focus can be at either the entry edge or the exit edge.
-splice_focus_entry :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
-splice_focus_exit :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
-_unused :: ()
-_unused = all `seq` ()
- where all = ( exit, focusp --, unfocus {- , splice_focus_entry, splice_focus_exit -}
- , foldM_fwd_block (\_ a -> Just a)
- )
---unfocus (FGraph e bz bs) = LGraph e (insertBlock (zip bz) bs)
-focusp p (LGraph entry blocks) =
- fmap (\(b, bs) -> FGraph entry (unzip b) bs) (splitp_blocks p blocks)
-exit g@(LGraph eid _) = FGraph eid (ZBlock h (ZLast l)) others
- where FGraph _ b others = focusp is_exit g `orElse` panic "no exit in flow graph"
- (h, l) = goto_end b
-splice_focus_entry (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
- let (tail', g') = splice_tail g tail in
- FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail') (plusUFM (lg_blocks g') blocks)
-splice_focus_exit (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
- let (g', head') = splice_head head g in
- FGraph eid (ZBlock head' tail) (plusUFM (lg_blocks g') blocks)
--- | iterate from first to last
-foldM_fwd_block ::
- Monad m => (BlockId -> a -> m a) -> (mid -> a -> m a) -> (ZLast l -> a -> m a) ->
- Block mid l -> a -> m a
-foldM_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = do { z <- first id z; tail t z }
- where tail (ZTail m t) z = do { z <- middle m z; tail t z }
- tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
-splitp_blocks :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> BlockEnv (Block m l) ->
- Maybe (Block m l, BlockEnv (Block m l))
-splitp_blocks = panic "splitp_blocks" -- implemented in ZipCfg but not exported
-is_exit :: Block m l -> Bool
-is_exit = panic "is_exit" -- implemented in ZipCfg but not exported
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4355775a29..0000000000
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipDataflow.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1064 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, KindSignatures,
- FlexibleContexts #-}
-module ZipDataflow
- ( DebugNodes(), RewritingDepth(..), LastOutFacts(..)
- , zdfSolveFrom, zdfRewriteFrom
- , zdfSolveFromL
- , ForwardTransfers(..), BackwardTransfers(..)
- , ForwardRewrites(..), BackwardRewrites(..)
- , ForwardFixedPoint, BackwardFixedPoint
- , zdfFpFacts
- , zdfFpOutputFact
- , zdfGraphChanged
- , zdfDecoratedGraph -- not yet implemented
- , zdfFpContents
- , zdfFpLastOuts
- , zdfBRewriteFromL, zdfFRewriteFromL
- )
-import BlockId
-import CmmTx
-import DFMonad
-import OptimizationFuel as F
-import MkZipCfg
-import ZipCfg
-import qualified ZipCfg as G
-import Maybes
-import Outputable
-import Control.Monad
-This module implements two useful tools:
- 1. An iterative solver for dataflow problems
- 2. The combined dataflow-analysis-and-transformation framework
- described by Lerner, Grove, and Chambers in their excellent
- 2002 POPL paper ( or
-Each tool comes in two flavors: one for forward dataflow problems
-and one for backward dataflow problems.
-We quote the paper above:
- Dataflow analyses can have mutually beneficial interactions.
- Previous efforts to exploit these interactions have either
- (1) iteratively performed each individual analysis until no
- further improvements are discovered or (2) developed "super-
- analyses" that manually combine conceptually separate anal-
- yses. We have devised a new approach that allows anal-
- yses to be defined independently while still enabling them
- to be combined automatically and profitably. Our approach
- avoids the loss of precision associated with iterating indi-
- vidual analyses and the implementation difficulties of man-
- ually writing a super-analysis.
-The key idea is to provide at each CFG node not only a dataflow
-transfer function but also a rewriting function that has the option to
-replace the node with a new (possibly empty) graph. The rewriting
-function takes a dataflow fact as input, and the fact is used to
-justify any rewriting. For example, in a backward problem, the fact
-that variable x is dead can be used to justify rewriting node
- x := e
-to the empty graph. In a forward problem, the fact that x == 7 can
-be used to justify rewriting node
- y := x + 1
- y := 8
-which in turn will be analyzed and produce a new fact:
-x == 7 and y == 8.
-In its most general form, this module takes as input graph, transfer
-equations, rewrites, and an initial set of dataflow facts, and
-iteratively computes a new graph and a new set of dataflow facts such
- * The set of facts is a fixed point of the transfer equations
- * The graph has been rewritten as much as is consistent with
- the given facts and requested rewriting depth (see below)
-N.B. 'A set of facts' is shorthand for 'A finite map from CFG label to fact'.
-The types of transfer equations, rewrites, and fixed points are
-different for forward and backward problems. To avoid cluttering the
-name space with two versions of every name, other names such as
-zdfSolveFrom are overloaded to work in both forward or backward
-directions. This design decision is based on experience with the
-predecessor module, which has been mercifully deleted.
-This module is deliberately very abstract. It is a completely general
-framework and well-nigh impossible to understand in isolation. The
-cautious reader will begin with some concrete examples in the form of
-clients. NR recommends
- CmmLiveZ A simple liveness analysis
- CmmSpillReload.removeDeadAssignmentsAndReloads
- A piece of spaghetti to pull on, which leads to
- - a two-part liveness analysis that tracks
- variables live in registers and live on the stack
- - elimination of assignments to dead variables
- - elimination of redundant reloads
-Even hearty souls should avoid the CmmProcPointZ client, at least for
-the time being.
-{- ============ TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND REWRITES =========== -}
--- | For a backward transfer, you're given the fact on a node's
--- outedge and you compute the fact on the inedge. Facts have type 'a'.
--- A last node may have multiple outedges, each pointing to a labelled
--- block, so instead of a fact it is given a mapping from BlockId to fact.
-data BackwardTransfers middle last a = BackwardTransfers
- { bt_first_in :: BlockId -> a -> a
- , bt_middle_in :: middle -> a -> a
- , bt_last_in :: last -> (BlockId -> a) -> a
- }
--- | For a forward transfer, you're given the fact on a node's
--- inedge and you compute the fact on the outedge. Because a last node
--- may have multiple outedges, each pointing to a labelled
--- block, so instead of a fact it produces a list of (BlockId, fact) pairs.
-data ForwardTransfers middle last a = ForwardTransfers
- { ft_first_out :: BlockId -> a -> a
- , ft_middle_out :: middle -> a -> a
- , ft_last_outs :: last -> a -> LastOutFacts a
- , ft_exit_out :: a -> a
- }
-newtype LastOutFacts a = LastOutFacts [(BlockId, a)]
- -- ^ These are facts flowing out of a last node to the node's successors.
- -- They are either to be set (if they pertain to the graph currently
- -- under analysis) or propagated out of a sub-analysis
--- | A backward rewrite takes the same inputs as a backward transfer,
--- but instead of producing a fact, it produces a replacement graph or Nothing.
-data BackwardRewrites middle last a = BackwardRewrites
- { br_first :: BlockId -> a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , br_middle :: middle -> a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , br_last :: last -> (BlockId -> a) -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , br_exit :: Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- }
--- | A forward rewrite takes the same inputs as a forward transfer,
--- but instead of producing a fact, it produces a replacement graph or Nothing.
-data ForwardRewrites middle last a = ForwardRewrites
- { fr_first :: BlockId -> a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , fr_middle :: middle -> a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , fr_last :: last -> a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- , fr_exit :: a -> Maybe (AGraph middle last)
- }
-{- ===================== FIXED POINTS =================== -}
--- | The result of combined analysis and transformation is a
--- solution to the set of dataflow equations together with a 'contained value'.
--- This solution is a member of type class 'FixedPoint', which is parameterized by
--- * middle and last nodes 'm' and 'l'
--- * data flow fact 'fact'
--- * the type 'a' of the contained value
--- In practice, the contained value 'zdfFpContents' is either a
--- rewritten graph, when rewriting, or (), when solving without
--- rewriting. A function 'zdfFpMap' allows a client to change
--- the contents without changing other values.
--- To save space, we provide the solution 'zdfFpFacts' as a mapping
--- from BlockId to fact; if necessary, facts on edges can be
--- reconstructed using the transfer functions; this functionality is
--- intended to be included as the 'zdfDecoratedGraph', but the code
--- has not yet been implemented.
--- The solution may also includes a fact 'zdfFpOuputFact', which is
--- not associated with any label:
--- * for a backward problem, this is the fact at entry
--- * for a forward problem, this is the fact at the distinguished exit node,
--- if such a node is present
--- For a forward problem only, the solution includes 'zdfFpLastOuts',
--- which is the set of facts on edges leaving the graph.
--- The flag 'zdfGraphChanged' tells whether the engine did any rewriting.
-class FixedPoint fp where
- zdfFpContents :: fp m l fact a -> a
- zdfFpFacts :: fp m l fact a -> BlockEnv fact
- zdfFpOutputFact :: fp m l fact a -> fact -- entry for backward; exit for forward
- zdfDecoratedGraph :: fp m l fact a -> Graph (fact, m) (fact, l)
- zdfGraphChanged :: fp m l fact a -> ChangeFlag
- zdfFpMap :: (a -> b) -> (fp m l fact a -> fp m l fact b)
--- | The class 'FixedPoint' has two instances: one for forward problems and
--- one for backward problems. The 'CommonFixedPoint' defines all fields
--- common to both. (The instance declarations are uninteresting and appear below.)
-data CommonFixedPoint m l fact a = FP
- { fp_facts :: BlockEnv fact
- , fp_out :: fact -- entry for backward; exit for forward
- , fp_changed :: ChangeFlag
- , fp_dec_graph :: Graph (fact, m) (fact, l)
- , fp_contents :: a
- }
--- | The common fixed point is sufficient for a backward problem.
-type BackwardFixedPoint = CommonFixedPoint
--- | A forward problem needs the common fields, plus the facts on the outedges.
-data ForwardFixedPoint m l fact a = FFP
- { ffp_common :: CommonFixedPoint m l fact a
- , zdfFpLastOuts :: LastOutFacts fact
- }
-{- ============== SOLVING AND REWRITING ============== -}
-type PassName = String
--- | 'zdfSolveFrom' is an overloaded name that resolves to a pure
--- analysis with no rewriting. It has only two instances: forward and
--- backward. Since it needs no rewrites, the type parameters of the
--- class are transfer functions and the fixed point.
--- An iterative solver normally starts with the bottom fact at every
--- node, but it can be useful in other contexts as well. For this
--- reason the initial set of facts (at labelled blocks only) is a
--- parameter to the solver.
--- The constraints on the type signature exist purely for debugging;
--- they make it possible to prettyprint nodes and facts. The parameter of
--- type 'PassName' is also used just for debugging.
--- Note that the result is a fixed point with no contents, that is,
--- the contents have type ().
--- The intent of the rest of the type signature should be obvious.
--- If not, place a skype call to norman-ramsey or complain bitterly
--- to <>.
-class DataflowSolverDirection transfers fixedpt where
- zdfSolveFrom :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => BlockEnv a -- ^ Initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a -- ^ Lattice
- -> transfers m l a -- ^ Dataflow transfer functions
- -> a -- ^ Fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> Graph m l -- ^ Graph to be analyzed
- -> FuelMonad (fixedpt m l a ()) -- ^ Answers
- zdfSolveFromL :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => BlockEnv a -- Initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a -- Lattice
- -> transfers m l a -- Dataflow transfer functions
- -> a -- Fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> LGraph m l -- Graph to be analyzed
- -> FuelMonad (fixedpt m l a ()) -- Answers
- zdfSolveFromL b p l t a g = zdfSolveFrom b p l t a $ quickGraph g
--- There are exactly two instances: forward and backward
-instance DataflowSolverDirection ForwardTransfers ForwardFixedPoint
- where zdfSolveFrom = solve_f
-instance DataflowSolverDirection BackwardTransfers BackwardFixedPoint
- where zdfSolveFrom = solve_b
--- | zdfRewriteFrom is an overloaded name that resolves to an
--- interleaved analysis and transformation. It too is instantiated in
--- forward and backward directions.
--- The type parameters of the class include not only transfer
--- functions and the fixed point but also rewrites.
--- The type signature of 'zdfRewriteFrom' is that of 'zdfSolveFrom'
--- with the rewrites and a rewriting depth as additional parameters,
--- as well as a different result, which contains a rewritten graph.
-class DataflowSolverDirection transfers fixedpt =>
- DataflowDirection transfers fixedpt rewrites where
- zdfRewriteFrom :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => RewritingDepth -- whether to rewrite a rewritten graph
- -> BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a
- -> transfers m l a
- -> rewrites m l a
- -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> Graph m l
- -> FuelMonad (fixedpt m l a (Graph m l))
--- Temporarily lifting from Graph to LGraph -- an experiment to see how we
--- can eliminate some hysteresis between Graph and LGraph.
--- Perhaps Graph should be confined to dataflow code.
--- Trading space for time
-quickGraph :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> Graph m l
-quickGraph g = Graph (ZLast $ mkBranchNode $ lg_entry g) $ lg_blocks g
-quickLGraph :: LastNode l => Graph m l -> FuelMonad (LGraph m l)
-quickLGraph (Graph (ZLast (LastOther l)) blockenv)
- | isBranchNode l = return $ LGraph (branchNodeTarget l) blockenv
-quickLGraph g = F.lGraphOfGraph g
-fixptWithLGraph :: LastNode l => CommonFixedPoint m l fact (Graph m l) ->
- FuelMonad (CommonFixedPoint m l fact (LGraph m l))
-fixptWithLGraph cfp =
- do fp_c <- quickLGraph $ fp_contents cfp
- return $ cfp {fp_contents = fp_c}
-ffixptWithLGraph :: LastNode l => ForwardFixedPoint m l fact (Graph m l) ->
- FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l fact (LGraph m l))
-ffixptWithLGraph fp =
- do common <- fixptWithLGraph $ ffp_common fp
- return $ fp {ffp_common = common}
-zdfFRewriteFromL :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => RewritingDepth -- whether to rewrite a rewritten graph
- -> BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> LGraph m l
- -> FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (LGraph m l))
-zdfFRewriteFromL d b p l t r a g@(LGraph _ _) =
- do fp <- zdfRewriteFrom d b p l t r a $ quickGraph g
- ffixptWithLGraph fp
-zdfBRewriteFromL :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => RewritingDepth -- whether to rewrite a rewritten graph
- -> BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> LGraph m l
- -> FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (LGraph m l))
-zdfBRewriteFromL d b p l t r a g@(LGraph _ _) =
- do fp <- zdfRewriteFrom d b p l t r a $ quickGraph g
- fixptWithLGraph fp
-data RewritingDepth = RewriteShallow | RewriteDeep
--- When a transformation proposes to rewrite a node,
--- you can either ask the system to
--- * "shallow": accept the new graph, analyse it without further rewriting
--- * "deep": recursively analyse-and-rewrite the new graph
--- There are currently four instances, but there could be more
--- forward, backward (instantiates transfers, fixedpt, rewrites)
--- Graph, AGraph (instantiates graph)
-instance DataflowDirection ForwardTransfers ForwardFixedPoint ForwardRewrites
- where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_f_agraph
-instance DataflowDirection BackwardTransfers BackwardFixedPoint BackwardRewrites
- where zdfRewriteFrom = rewrite_b_agraph
-{- =================== IMPLEMENTATIONS ===================== -}
--- solve_f: forward, pure
-solve_f :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a -- lattice
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a -- dataflow transfer functions
- -> a
- -> Graph m l -- graph to be analyzed
- -> FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l a ()) -- answers
-solve_f env name lattice transfers in_fact g =
- runDFM lattice $ fwd_pure_anal name env transfers in_fact g
-rewrite_f_agraph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a -- fact flowing in (at entry or exit)
- -> Graph m l
- -> FuelMonad (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
-rewrite_f_agraph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites in_fact g =
- runDFM lattice $
- do fuel <- fuelRemaining
- (fp, fuel') <- forward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel depth start_facts name
- transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
- fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
- return fp
-areturn :: AGraph m l -> DFM a (Graph m l)
-areturn g = liftToDFM $ liftUniq $ graphOfAGraph g
--- | Here we prefer not simply to slap on 'goto eid' because this
--- introduces an unnecessary basic block at each rewrite, and we don't
--- want to stress out the finite map more than necessary
-lgraphToGraph :: LastNode l => LGraph m l -> Graph m l
-lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid blocks) =
- if flip any (eltsBlockEnv blocks) $ \block -> any (== eid) (succs block) then
- Graph (ZLast (mkBranchNode eid)) blocks
- else -- common case: entry is not a branch target
- let Block _ entry = lookupBlockEnv blocks eid `orElse` panic "missing entry!"
- in Graph entry (delFromBlockEnv blocks eid)
-class (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l, Outputable (LGraph m l)) => DebugNodes m l
-fwd_pure_anal :: (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => PassName
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> a
- -> Graph m l
- -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a ())
-fwd_pure_anal name env transfers in_fact g =
- do (fp, _) <- anal_f name env transfers panic_rewrites in_fact g panic_fuel
- return fp
- where -- definitely a case of "I love lazy evaluation"
- anal_f = forward_sol (\_ _ -> Nothing) panic_depth
- panic_rewrites = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite function"
- panic_fuel = panic "pure analysis asked for fuel"
- panic_depth = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite depth"
--- Here beginneth the super-general functions
--- Think of them as (typechecked) macros
--- * They are not exported
--- * They are called by the specialised wrappers
--- above, and always inlined into their callers
--- There are four functions, one for each combination of:
--- Forward, Backward
--- Solver, Rewriter
--- A "solver" produces a (DFM f (f, Fuel)),
--- where f is the fact at entry(Bwd)/exit(Fwd)
--- and from the DFM you can extract
--- the BlockId->f
--- the change-flag
--- and more besides
--- A "rewriter" produces a rewritten *Graph* as well
--- Both constrain their rewrites by
--- a) Fuel
--- b) RewritingDepth: shallow/deep
-type Fuel = OptimizationFuel
- :: forall m l a .
- (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
- -- Squashes proposed rewrites if there is
- -- no more fuel; OR if we are doing a pure
- -- analysis, so totally ignore the rewrite
- -- ie. For pure-analysis the fn is (\_ _ -> Nothing)
- -> RewritingDepth -- Shallow/deep
- -> PassName
- -> BlockEnv a -- Initial set of facts
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a -- Entry fact
- -> Graph m l
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
-forward_sol check_maybe = forw
- where
- forw :: RewritingDepth
- -> PassName
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a
- -> Graph m l
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
- forw rewrite name start_facts transfers rewrites =
- let anal_f :: DFM a b -> a -> Graph m l -> DFM a b
- anal_f finish in' g =
- do { _ <- fwd_pure_anal name emptyBlockEnv transfers in' g; finish }
- solve :: DFM a b -> a -> Graph m l -> Fuel -> DFM a (b, Fuel)
- solve finish in_fact (Graph entry blockenv) fuel =
- let blocks = G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
- set_or_save = mk_set_or_save (isJust . lookupBlockEnv blockenv)
- set_successor_facts (Block id tail) fuel =
- do { idfact <- getFact id
- ; (last_outs, fuel) <- rec_rewrite (fr_first rewrites id idfact)
- (ft_first_out transfers id idfact)
- getExitFact (solve_tail tail)
- (solve_tail tail) idfact fuel
- ; set_or_save last_outs
- ; return fuel }
- in do { (last_outs, fuel) <- solve_tail entry in_fact fuel
- -- last_outs contains a mix of internal facts, which
- -- are inputs to 'run', and external facts, which
- -- are going to be forgotten by 'run'
- ; set_or_save last_outs
- ; fuel <- run "forward" name set_successor_facts blocks fuel
- ; set_or_save last_outs
- -- Re-set facts that may have been forgotten by run
- ; b <- finish
- ; return (b, fuel)
- }
- -- The need for both k1 and k2 suggests that maybe there's an opportunity
- -- for improvement here -- in most cases, they're the same...
- rec_rewrite :: forall t bI bW.
- Maybe (AGraph m l) -> t -> DFM a bW
- -> (t -> Fuel -> DFM a bI)
- -> (bW -> Fuel -> DFM a bI)
- -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a bI
- rec_rewrite rewritten analyzed finish k1 k2 in' fuel =
- case check_maybe fuel rewritten of -- fr_first rewrites id idfact of
- Nothing -> k1 analyzed fuel
- Just g -> do g <- areturn g
- (a, fuel) <- subAnalysis' $
- case rewrite of
- RewriteDeep -> solve finish in' g (oneLessFuel fuel)
- RewriteShallow -> do { a <- anal_f finish in' g
- ; return (a, oneLessFuel fuel) }
- k2 a fuel
- solve_tail (G.ZTail m t) in' fuel =
- rec_rewrite (fr_middle rewrites m in') (ft_middle_out transfers m in')
- getExitFact (solve_tail t) (solve_tail t) in' fuel
- solve_tail (G.ZLast (LastOther l)) in' fuel =
- rec_rewrite (fr_last rewrites l in') (ft_last_outs transfers l in')
- lastOutFacts k k in' fuel
- where k a b = return (a, b)
- solve_tail (G.ZLast LastExit) in' fuel =
- rec_rewrite (fr_exit rewrites in') (ft_exit_out transfers in')
- lastOutFacts k (\a b -> return (a, b)) in' fuel
- where k a fuel = do { setExitFact a ; return (LastOutFacts [], fuel) }
- fixed_point in_fact g fuel =
- do { setAllFacts start_facts
- ; (a, fuel) <- solve getExitFact in_fact g fuel
- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; last_outs <- lastOutFacts
- ; let cfp = FP facts a NoChange (panic "no decoration?!") ()
- ; let fp = FFP cfp last_outs
- ; return (fp, fuel)
- }
- in fixed_point
-mk_set_or_save :: (DataflowAnalysis df, Monad (df a), Outputable a) =>
- (BlockId -> Bool) -> LastOutFacts a -> df a ()
-mk_set_or_save is_local (LastOutFacts l) = mapM_ set_or_save_one l
- where set_or_save_one (id, a) =
- if is_local id then setFact id a else addLastOutFact (id, a)
- :: forall m l a .
- (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
- -> RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a
- -> Graph m l
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
-forward_rew check_maybe = forw
- where
- forw :: RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> ForwardTransfers m l a
- -> ForwardRewrites m l a
- -> a
- -> Graph m l
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (ForwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
- forw depth xstart_facts name transfers rewrites in_factx gx fuelx =
- let rewrite :: BlockEnv a -> DFM a b
- -> a -> Graph m l -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (b, Graph m l, Fuel)
- rewrite start finish in_fact g fuel =
- in_fact `seq` g `seq`
- let Graph entry blockenv = g
- blocks = G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
- in do { _ <- forward_sol check_maybe depth name start
- transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
- ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
- ; (rewritten, fuel) <-
- rew_tail (ZFirst eid) in_fact entry emptyBlockEnv fuel
- ; (rewritten, fuel) <- rewrite_blocks blocks rewritten fuel
- ; a <- finish
- ; return (a, lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid rewritten), fuel)
- }
- don't_rewrite :: forall t.
- BlockEnv a -> DFM a t -> a
- -> Graph m l -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (t, Graph m l, Fuel)
- don't_rewrite facts finish in_fact g fuel =
- do { _ <- forward_sol check_maybe depth name facts
- transfers rewrites in_fact g fuel
- ; a <- finish
- ; return (a, g, fuel)
- }
- inner_rew :: DFM a f -> a -> Graph m l -> Fuel -> DFM a (f, Graph m l, Fuel)
- inner_rew f i g fu = getAllFacts >>= \facts -> inner_rew' facts f i g fu
- where inner_rew' = case depth of RewriteShallow -> don't_rewrite
- RewriteDeep -> rewrite
- fixed_pt_and_fuel =
- do { (a, g, fuel) <- rewrite xstart_facts getExitFact in_factx gx fuelx
- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; changed <- graphWasRewritten
- ; last_outs <- lastOutFacts
- ; let cfp = FP facts a changed (panic "no decoration?!") g
- ; let fp = FFP cfp last_outs
- ; return (fp, fuel)
- }
- rewrite_blocks :: [Block m l] -> (BlockEnv (Block m l))
- -> Fuel -> DFM a (BlockEnv (Block m l), Fuel)
- rewrite_blocks [] rewritten fuel = return (rewritten, fuel)
- rewrite_blocks (G.Block id t : bs) rewritten fuel =
- do let h = ZFirst id
- a <- getFact id
- case check_maybe fuel $ fr_first rewrites id a of
- Nothing -> do { (rewritten, fuel) <-
- rew_tail h (ft_first_out transfers id a)
- t rewritten fuel
- ; rewrite_blocks bs rewritten fuel }
- Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; (outfact, g, fuel) <- inner_rew getExitFact a g fuel
- ; let (blocks, h) = splice_head' h g
- ; (rewritten, fuel) <-
- rew_tail h outfact t (blocks `plusBlockEnv` rewritten) fuel
- ; rewrite_blocks bs rewritten fuel }
- rew_tail head in' (G.ZTail m t) rewritten fuel =
- in' `seq` rewritten `seq`
- my_trace "Rewriting middle node" (ppr m) $
- case check_maybe fuel $ fr_middle rewrites m in' of
- Nothing -> rew_tail (G.ZHead head m) (ft_middle_out transfers m in') t
- rewritten fuel
- Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew getExitFact in' g fuel
- ; let (blocks, h) = G.splice_head' head g
- ; rew_tail h a t (blocks `plusBlockEnv` rewritten) fuel
- }
- rew_tail h in' (G.ZLast l) rewritten fuel =
- in' `seq` rewritten `seq`
- my_trace "Rewriting last node" (ppr l) $
- case check_maybe fuel $ either_last rewrites in' l of
- Nothing -> do check_facts in' l
- return (insertBlock (zipht h (G.ZLast l)) rewritten, fuel)
- Just g -> do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; ((), g, fuel) <-
- my_trace "Just" (ppr g) $ inner_rew (return ()) in' g fuel
- ; let g' = G.splice_head_only' h g
- ; return (G.lg_blocks g' `plusBlockEnv` rewritten, fuel)
- }
- either_last rewrites in' (LastExit) = fr_exit rewrites in'
- either_last rewrites in' (LastOther l) = fr_last rewrites l in'
- check_facts in' (LastOther l) =
- let LastOutFacts last_outs = ft_last_outs transfers l in'
- in mapM_ (uncurry checkFactMatch) last_outs
- check_facts _ LastExit = return ()
- in fixed_pt_and_fuel
-lastOutFacts :: DFM f (LastOutFacts f)
-lastOutFacts = bareLastOutFacts >>= return . LastOutFacts
-{- ================================================================ -}
-solve_b :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => BlockEnv a -- initial facts (unbound == bottom)
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a -- lattice
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a -- dataflow transfer functions
- -> a -- exit fact
- -> Graph m l -- graph to be analyzed
- -> FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint m l a ()) -- answers
-solve_b env name lattice transfers exit_fact g =
- runDFM lattice $ bwd_pure_anal name env transfers g exit_fact
-rewrite_b_agraph :: (DebugNodes m l, Outputable a)
- => RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> DataflowLattice a
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> a -- fact flowing in at exit
- -> Graph m l
- -> FuelMonad (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l))
-rewrite_b_agraph depth start_facts name lattice transfers rewrites exit_fact g =
- runDFM lattice $
- do fuel <- fuelRemaining
- (fp, fuel') <- backward_rew maybeRewriteWithFuel depth start_facts name
- transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
- fuelDecrement name fuel fuel'
- return fp
- :: forall m l a .
- (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
- -> RewritingDepth
- -> PassName
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> Graph m l
- -> a
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
-backward_sol check_maybe = back
- where
- back :: RewritingDepth
- -> PassName
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> Graph m l
- -> a
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (), Fuel)
- back rewrite name start_facts transfers rewrites =
- let anal_b :: Graph m l -> a -> DFM a a
- anal_b g out =
- do { fp <- bwd_pure_anal name emptyBlockEnv transfers g out
- ; return $ zdfFpOutputFact fp }
- subsolve :: AGraph m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Fuel)
- subsolve =
- case rewrite of
- RewriteDeep -> \g a fuel ->
- subAnalysis' $ do { g <- areturn g; solve g a (oneLessFuel fuel) }
- RewriteShallow -> \g a fuel ->
- subAnalysis' $ do { g <- areturn g; a <- anal_b g a
- ; return (a, oneLessFuel fuel) }
- solve :: Graph m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Fuel)
- solve (Graph entry blockenv) exit_fact fuel =
- let blocks = reverse $ G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
- last_in _env (LastExit) = exit_fact
- last_in env (LastOther l) = bt_last_in transfers l env
- last_rew _env (LastExit) = br_exit rewrites
- last_rew env (LastOther l) = br_last rewrites l env
- set_block_fact block fuel =
- let (h, l) = G.goto_end (G.unzip block) in
- do { env <- factsEnv
- ; (a, fuel) <-
- case check_maybe fuel $ last_rew env l of
- Nothing -> return (last_in env l, fuel)
- Just g -> do g' <- areturn g
- my_trace "analysis rewrites last node"
- (ppr l <+> pprGraph g') $
- subsolve g exit_fact fuel
- ; _ <- set_head_fact h a fuel
- ; return fuel }
- in do { fuel <- run "backward" name set_block_fact blocks fuel
- ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
- ; fuel <- set_block_fact (Block eid entry) fuel
- ; a <- getFact eid
- ; forgetFact eid
- ; return (a, fuel)
- }
- set_head_fact (G.ZFirst id) a fuel =
- case check_maybe fuel $ br_first rewrites id a of
- Nothing -> do { my_trace "set_head_fact" (ppr id <+> text "=" <+>
- ppr (bt_first_in transfers id a)) $
- setFact id $ bt_first_in transfers id a
- ; return fuel }
- Just g -> do { g' <- areturn g
- ; (a, fuel) <- my_trace "analysis rewrites first node"
- (ppr id <+> pprGraph g') $
- subsolve g a fuel
- ; setFact id $ bt_first_in transfers id a
- ; return fuel
- }
- set_head_fact (G.ZHead h m) a fuel =
- case check_maybe fuel $ br_middle rewrites m a of
- Nothing -> set_head_fact h (bt_middle_in transfers m a) fuel
- Just g -> do { g' <- areturn g
- ; (a, fuel) <- my_trace "analysis rewrites middle node"
- (ppr m <+> pprGraph g') $
- subsolve g a fuel
- ; set_head_fact h a fuel }
- fixed_point g exit_fact fuel =
- do { setAllFacts start_facts
- ; (a, fuel) <- solve g exit_fact fuel
- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; let cfp = FP facts a NoChange (panic "no decoration?!") ()
- ; return (cfp, fuel)
- }
- in fixed_point
-bwd_pure_anal :: (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => PassName
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> Graph m l
- -> a
- -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a ())
-bwd_pure_anal name env transfers g exit_fact =
- do (fp, _) <- anal_b name env transfers panic_rewrites g exit_fact panic_fuel
- return fp
- where -- another case of "I love lazy evaluation"
- anal_b = backward_sol (\_ _ -> Nothing) panic_depth
- panic_rewrites = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite function"
- panic_fuel = panic "pure analysis asked for fuel"
- panic_depth = panic "pure analysis asked for a rewrite depth"
-{- ================================================================ -}
- :: forall m l a .
- (DebugNodes m l, LastNode l, Outputable a)
- => (forall a . Fuel -> Maybe a -> Maybe a)
- -> RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> Graph m l
- -> a
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
-backward_rew check_maybe = back
- where
- solve = backward_sol check_maybe
- back :: RewritingDepth
- -> BlockEnv a
- -> PassName
- -> BackwardTransfers m l a
- -> BackwardRewrites m l a
- -> Graph m l
- -> a
- -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (BackwardFixedPoint m l a (Graph m l), Fuel)
- back depth xstart_facts name transfers rewrites gx exit_fact fuelx =
- let rewrite :: BlockEnv a
- -> Graph m l -> a -> Fuel
- -> DFM a (a, Graph m l, Fuel)
- rewrite start g exit_fact fuel =
- let Graph entry blockenv = g
- blocks = reverse $ G.postorder_dfs_from blockenv entry
- in do { (FP _ in_fact _ _ _, _) <- -- don't drop the entry fact!
- solve depth name start transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
- --; env <- getAllFacts
- -- ; my_trace "facts after solving" (ppr env) $ return ()
- ; eid <- freshBlockId "temporary entry id"
- ; (rewritten, fuel) <- rewrite_blocks True blocks emptyBlockEnv fuel
- -- We can't have the fact check fail on the bogus entry, which _may_ change
- ; (rewritten, fuel) <-
- rewrite_blocks False [Block eid entry] rewritten fuel
- ; my_trace "eid" (ppr eid) $ return ()
- ; my_trace "exit_fact" (ppr exit_fact) $ return ()
- ; my_trace "in_fact" (ppr in_fact) $ return ()
- ; return (in_fact, lgraphToGraph (LGraph eid rewritten), fuel)
- } -- Remember: the entry fact computed by @solve@ accounts for rewriting
- don't_rewrite facts g exit_fact fuel =
- do { (fp, _) <-
- solve depth name facts transfers rewrites g exit_fact fuel
- ; return (zdfFpOutputFact fp, g, fuel) }
- inner_rew :: Graph m l -> a -> Fuel -> DFM a (a, Graph m l, Fuel)
- inner_rew g a f = getAllFacts >>= \facts -> inner_rew' facts g a f
- where inner_rew' = case depth of RewriteShallow -> don't_rewrite
- RewriteDeep -> rewrite
- fixed_pt_and_fuel =
- do { (a, g, fuel) <- rewrite xstart_facts gx exit_fact fuelx
- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; changed <- graphWasRewritten
- ; let fp = FP facts a changed (panic "no decoration?!") g
- ; return (fp, fuel)
- }
- rewrite_blocks :: Bool -> [Block m l] -> (BlockEnv (Block m l))
- -> Fuel -> DFM a (BlockEnv (Block m l), Fuel)
- rewrite_blocks check bs rewritten fuel =
- do { env <- factsEnv
- ; let rew [] r f = return (r, f)
- rew (b : bs) r f =
- do { (r, f) <- rewrite_block check env b r f; rew bs r f }
- ; rew bs rewritten fuel }
- rewrite_block check env b rewritten fuel =
- let (h, l) = G.goto_end (G.unzip b) in
- case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ either_last env l of
- Nothing -> propagate check fuel h (last_in env l) (ZLast l) rewritten
- Just g ->
- do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g exit_fact fuel
- ; let G.Graph t new_blocks = g
- ; let rewritten' = new_blocks `plusBlockEnv` rewritten
- ; propagate check fuel h a t rewritten' -- continue at entry of g
- }
- either_last _env (LastExit) = br_exit rewrites
- either_last env (LastOther l) = br_last rewrites l env
- last_in _env (LastExit) = exit_fact
- last_in env (LastOther l) = bt_last_in transfers l env
- propagate check fuel (ZHead h m) a tail rewritten =
- case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ br_middle rewrites m a of
- Nothing ->
- propagate check fuel h (bt_middle_in transfers m a) (ZTail m tail) rewritten
- Just g ->
- do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; my_trace "With Facts" (ppr a) $ return ()
- ; my_trace " Rewrote middle node"
- (f4sep [ppr m, text "to", pprGraph g]) $
- return ()
- ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g a fuel
- ; let Graph t newblocks = G.splice_tail g tail
- ; my_trace "propagating facts" (ppr a) $
- propagate check fuel h a t (newblocks `plusBlockEnv` rewritten) }
- propagate check fuel (ZFirst id) a tail rewritten =
- case maybeRewriteWithFuel fuel $ br_first rewrites id a of
- Nothing -> do { if check then
- checkFactMatch id $ bt_first_in transfers id a
- else return ()
- ; return (insertBlock (Block id tail) rewritten, fuel) }
- Just g ->
- do { markGraphRewritten
- ; g <- areturn g
- ; my_trace "Rewrote first node"
- (f4sep [ppr id <> colon, text "to", pprGraph g]) $ return ()
- ; (a, g, fuel) <- inner_rew g a fuel
- ; if check then checkFactMatch id (bt_first_in transfers id a)
- else return ()
- ; let Graph t newblocks = G.splice_tail g tail
- ; let r = insertBlock (Block id t) (newblocks `plusBlockEnv` rewritten)
- ; return (r, fuel) }
- in fixed_pt_and_fuel
-{- ================================================================ -}
-instance FixedPoint CommonFixedPoint where
- zdfFpFacts = fp_facts
- zdfFpOutputFact = fp_out
- zdfGraphChanged = fp_changed
- zdfDecoratedGraph = fp_dec_graph
- zdfFpContents = fp_contents
- zdfFpMap f (FP fs out ch dg a) = FP fs out ch dg (f a)
-instance FixedPoint ForwardFixedPoint where
- zdfFpFacts = fp_facts . ffp_common
- zdfFpOutputFact = fp_out . ffp_common
- zdfGraphChanged = fp_changed . ffp_common
- zdfDecoratedGraph = fp_dec_graph . ffp_common
- zdfFpContents = fp_contents . ffp_common
- zdfFpMap f (FFP fp los) = FFP (zdfFpMap f fp) los
-dump_things :: Bool
-dump_things = False
-my_trace :: String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-my_trace = if dump_things then pprTrace else \_ _ a -> a
--- | Here's a function to run an action on blocks until we reach a fixed point.
-run :: (Outputable a, DebugNodes m l) =>
- String -> String -> (Block m l -> b -> DFM a b) -> [Block m l] -> b -> DFM a b
-run dir name do_block blocks b =
- do { show_blocks $ iterate (1::Int) }
- where
- -- N.B. Each iteration starts with the same transaction limit;
- -- only the rewrites in the final iteration actually count
- trace_block (b, cnt) block =
- do b' <- my_trace "about to do" (text name <+> text "on" <+>
- ppr (blockId block) <+> ppr cnt) $
- do_block block b
- return (b', cnt + 1)
- iterate n =
- do { forgetLastOutFacts
- ; markFactsUnchanged
- ; (b, _) <- foldM trace_block (b, 0 :: Int) blocks
- ; changed <- factsStatus
- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; let depth = 0 -- was nesting depth
- ; ppIter depth n $
- case changed of
- NoChange -> unchanged depth $ return b
- SomeChange ->
- pprFacts depth n facts $
- if n < 1000 then iterate (n+1)
- else panic $ msg n
- }
- msg n = concat [name, " didn't converge in ", show n, " " , dir,
- " iterations"]
- my_nest depth sdoc = my_trace "" $ nest (3*depth) sdoc
- ppIter depth n = my_nest depth (empty $$ text "*************** iteration" <+> pp_i n)
- pp_i n = int n <+> text "of" <+> text name <+> text "on" <+> graphId
- unchanged depth =
- my_nest depth (text "facts for" <+> graphId <+> text "are unchanged")
- graphId = case blocks of { Block id _ : _ -> ppr id ; [] -> text "<empty>" }
- show_blocks = my_trace "Blocks:" (vcat (map pprBlock blocks))
- pprBlock (Block id t) = nest 2 (pprFact (id, t))
- pprFacts depth n env =
- my_nest depth (text "facts for iteration" <+> pp_i n <+> text "are:" $$
- (nest 2 $ vcat $ map pprFact $ blockEnvToList env))
-pprFact :: (Outputable a, Outputable b) => (a,b) -> SDoc
-pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a)
-f4sep :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-f4sep [] = fsep []
-f4sep (d:ds) = fsep (d : map (nest 4) ds)
-subAnalysis' :: (Monad (m f), DataflowAnalysis m, Outputable f) =>
- m f a -> m f a
-subAnalysis' m =
- do { a <- subAnalysis $
- do { a <- m; -- facts <- getAllFacts
- ; -- my_trace "after sub-analysis facts are" (pprFacts facts) $
- return a }
- -- ; facts <- getAllFacts
- ; -- my_trace "in parent analysis facts are" (pprFacts facts) $
- return a }
- -- where pprFacts env = nest 2 $ vcat $ map pprFact $ blockEnvToList env
- -- pprFact (id, a) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr a)
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/cmm-notes b/compiler/cmm/cmm-notes
index 084590086c..0852711f96 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/cmm-notes
+++ b/compiler/cmm/cmm-notes
@@ -1,35 +1,89 @@
-Notes on new codegen (Sept 09)
+Notes on new codegen (Aug 10)
Things to do:
+ - We insert spills for variables before the stack check! This is the reason for
+ some fishy code in StgCmmHeap.entryHeapCheck where we are doing some strange
+ things to fix up the stack pointer before GC calls/jumps.
- - SDM (2010-02-26) can we remove the Foreign constructor from Convention?
- Reason: we never generate code for a function with the Foreign
- calling convention, and the code for calling foreign calls is generated
+ The reason spills are inserted before the sp check is that at the entry to a
+ function we always store the parameters passed in registers to local variables.
+ The spill pass simply inserts spills at variable definitions. We instead should
+ sink the spills so that we can avoid spilling them on branches that never
+ reload them.
+ This will fix the spill before stack check problem but only really as a side
+ effect. A 'real fix' probably requires making the spiller know about sp checks.
+ - There is some silly stuff happening with the Sp. We end up with code like:
+ Sp = Sp + 8; R1 = _vwf::I64; Sp = Sp -8
+ Seems to be perhaps caused by the issue above but also maybe a optimisation
+ pass needed?
+ - Proc pass all arguments on the stack, adding more code and slowing down things
+ a lot. We either need to fix this or even better would be to get rid of
+ proc points.
+ - CmmInfo.cmmToRawCmm uses Old.Cmm, so it is called after converting Cmm.Cmm to
+ Old.Cmm. We should abstract it to work on both representations, it needs only to
+ convert a CmmInfoTable to [CmmStatic].
+ - The MkGraph currenty uses a different semantics for <*> than Hoopl. Maybe
+ we could convert codeGen/StgCmm* clients to the Hoopl's semantics?
+ It's all deeply unsatisfactory.
+ - Improve preformance of Hoopl.
+ A nofib comparison of -fasm vs -fnewcodegen nofib compilation parameters
+ (using the same ghc-cmm branch +libraries compiled by the old codegenerator)
+ is at
+ - the code produced is 10.9% slower, the compilation is +118% slower!
- - All dataflow analyses are in the FuelMonad, even though they
- are guarnteed to consume no fuel. This seems silly
+ The same comparison with ghc-head with zip representation is at
+ - the code produced is 11.7% slower, the compilation is +78% slower.
- - CmmContFlowOpt.runCmmContFlowOptZs is not called!
- - Why is runCmmOpts called from HscMain? Seems too "high up".
- In fact HscMain calls (runCmmOpts cmmCfgOptsZ) which is what
- runCmmContFlowOptZs does. Tidy up!
+ When compiling nofib, ghc-cmm + libraries compiled with -fnew-codegen
+ is 23.7% slower (
+ When compiling nofib, ghc-head + libraries compiled with -fnew-codegen
+ is 31.4% slower (
+ So we generate a bit better code, but it takes us longer!
+ - Are all blockToNodeList and blockOfNodeList really needed? Maybe we could
+ splice blocks instead?
+ In the CmmContFlowOpt.blockConcat, using Dataflow seems too clumsy. Still,
+ a block catenation function would be probably nicer than blockToNodeList
+ / blockOfNodeList combo.
+ - loweSafeForeignCall seems too lowlevel. Just use Dataflow. After that
+ delete splitEntrySeq from HooplUtils.
+ - manifestSP seems to touch a lot of the graph representation. It is
+ also slow for CmmSwitch nodes O(block_nodes * switch_statements).
+ Maybe rewrite manifestSP to use Dataflow?
+ - Sort out Label, LabelMap, LabelSet versus BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet
+ dichotomy. Mostly this means global replace, but we also need to make
+ Label an instance of Outputable (probably in the Outputable module).
+ - NB that CmmProcPoint line 283 has a hack that works around a GADT-related
+ bug in 6.10.
+ - SDM (2010-02-26) can we remove the Foreign constructor from Convention?
+ Reason: we never generate code for a function with the Foreign
+ calling convention, and the code for calling foreign calls is generated
- AsmCodeGen has a generic Cmm optimiser; move this into new pipeline
- - AsmCodeGen has post-native-cg branch elimiator (shortCutBranches);
+ - AsmCodeGen has post-native-cg branch eliminator (shortCutBranches);
we ultimately want to share this with the Cmm branch eliminator.
- At the moment, references to global registers like Hp are "lowered"
- late (in AsmCodeGen.fixAssignTop and cmmToCmm). We should do this
- early, in the new native codegen, much in the way that we lower
- calling conventions. Might need to be a bit sophisticated about
- aliasing.
- - Refactor Cmm so that it contains only shared stuff
- Add a module MoribundCmm which contains stuff from
- Cmm for old code gen path
+ late (in CgUtils.fixStgRegisters). We should do this early, in the
+ new native codegen, much in the way that we lower calling conventions.
+ Might need to be a bit sophisticated about aliasing.
- Question: currently we lift procpoints to become separate
CmmProcs. Do we still want to do this?
@@ -58,20 +112,6 @@ Things to do:
- See "CAFs" below; we want to totally refactor the way SRTs are calculated
- - Change
- type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
- to
- type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic (CmmInfo, CmmStackInfo) CmmGraph
- -- And perhaps take opportunity to prune CmmInfo?
- - Clarify which fields of CmmInfo are still used
- - Maybe get rid of CmmFormals arg of CmmProc in all versions?
- - We aren't sure whether cmmToRawCmm is actively used by the new pipeline; check
- And what does CmmBuildInfoTables do?!
- - Nuke CmmZipUtil, move zipPreds into ZipCfg
- Pull out Areas into its own module
Parameterise AreaMap
Add ByteWidth = Int
@@ -83,6 +123,9 @@ Things to do:
-- rET_SMALL etc ==> CmmInfo
Check that there are no other imports from codeGen in cmm/
+ - If you eliminate a label by branch chain elimination,
+ what happens if there's an Area associated with that label?
- Think about a non-flattened representation?
- LastCall:
@@ -105,7 +148,7 @@ Things to do:
- - We believe that all of CmmProcPointZ.addProcPointProtocols is dead. What
+ - We believe that all of CmmProcPoint.addProcPointProtocols is dead. What
goes wrong if we simply never call it?
- Something fishy in CmmStackLayout.hs
@@ -150,75 +193,57 @@ Things to do:
move the whole splitting game into the C back end *only*
(guided by the procpoint set)
Modules in cmm/
--------- Dead stuff ------------
-CmmProcPoint Dead: Michael Adams
-CmmCPS Dead: Michael Adams
-CmmCPSGen.hs Dead: Michael Adams
-CmmBrokenBlock.hs Dead: Michael Adams
-CmmLive.hs Dead: Michael Adams
-CmmProcPoint.hs Dead: Michael Adams
-Dataflow.hs Dead: Michael Adams
-StackColor.hs Norman?
-StackPlacements.hs Norman?
+-------- Testing stuff ------------
-DynFlags: -fconvert-to-zipper-and-back, -frun-cps, -frun-cpsz
+DynFlags: -fconvert-to-zipper-and-back, -frun-cpsz
-------- Moribund stuff ------------
+OldCmm.hs Definition of flowgraph of old representation
+OldCmmUtil.hs Utilites that operates mostly on on CmmStmt
+OldPprCmm.hs Pretty print for CmmStmt, GenBasicBlock and ListGraph
CmmCvt.hs Conversion between old and new Cmm reps
CmmOpt.hs Hopefully-redundant optimiser
-CmmZipUtil.hs Only one function; move elsewhere
-------- Stuff to keep ------------
-CmmCPSZ.hs Driver for new pipeline
+CmmCPS.hs Driver for new pipeline
-CmmLiveZ.hs Liveness analysis, dead code elim
-CmmProcPointZ.hs Identifying and splitting out proc-points
+CmmLive.hs Liveness analysis, dead code elim
+CmmProcPoint.hs Identifying and splitting out proc-points
CmmSpillReload.hs Save and restore across calls
-CmmCommonBlockElimZ.hs Common block elim
+CmmCommonBlockElim.hs Common block elim
CmmContFlowOpt.hs Other optimisations (branch-chain, merging)
CmmBuildInfoTables.hs New info-table
CmmStackLayout.hs and stack layout
-CmmInfo.hs Defn of InfoTables, and conversion to exact layout
+CmmInfo.hs Defn of InfoTables, and conversion to exact byte layout
---------- Cmm data types --------------
-ZipCfgCmmRep.hs Cmm instantiations of dataflow graph framework
-MkZipCfgCmm.hs Cmm instantiations of dataflow graph framework
+Cmm.hs Cmm instantiations of dataflow graph framework
+MkGraph.hs Interface for building Cmm for codeGen/Stg*.hs modules
+CmmDecl.hs Shared Cmm types of both representations
+CmmExpr.hs Type of Cmm expression
+CmmType.hs Type of Cmm types and their widths
+CmmMachOp.hs MachOp type and accompanying utilities
-Cmm.hs Key module; a mix of old and new stuff
- so needs tidying up in due course
PprC.hs Pretty print Cmm in C syntax
-PprCmm.hs Pretty printer for Cmm
-PprCmmZ.hs Additional stuff for zipper rep
-CLabel.hs CLabel
----------- Dataflow modules --------------
- Goal: separate library; for now, separate directory
-CmmTx.hs Transactions
-OptimizationFuel.hs Fuel
-BlockId.hs BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet
+PprCmm.hs Pretty printer for CmmGraph.
+PprCmmDecl.hs Pretty printer for common Cmm types.
+PprCmmExpr.hs Pretty printer for Cmm expressions.
+CLabel.hs CLabel
+BlockId.hs BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet
Top-level structure
@@ -234,7 +259,7 @@ DFMonad.hs
* HscMain.tryNewCodeGen
- STG->Cmm: StgCmm.codeGen (new codegen)
- Optimise: CmmContFlowOpt (simple optimisations, very self contained)
- - Cps convert: CmmCPSZ.protoCmmCPSZ
+ - Cps convert: CmmCPS.protoCmmCPS
- Optimise: CmmContFlowOpt again
- Convert: CmmCvt.cmmOfZgraph (convert to old rep) very self contained
@@ -243,23 +268,23 @@ DFMonad.hs
- CmmCPSZ.protoCmmCPSZ The new pipeline
+ CmmCPS.protoCmmCPS The new pipeline
1. Do cpsTop for each procedures separately
2. Build SRT representation; this spans multiple procedures
(unless split-objs)
- * CmmCommonBlockElimZ.elimCommonBlocks:
+ * CmmCommonBlockElim.elimCommonBlocks:
eliminate common blocks
- * CmmProcPointZ.minimalProcPointSet
+ * CmmProcPoint.minimalProcPointSet
identify proc-points
no change to graph
- * CmmProcPointZ.addProcPointProtocols
+ * CmmProcPoint.addProcPointProtocols
something to do with the MA optimisation
probably entirely unnecessary
@@ -289,11 +314,11 @@ cpsTop:
Manifest the stack pointer
* Split into separate procedures
- - CmmProcPointZ.procPointAnalysis
+ - CmmProcPoint.procPointAnalysis
Given set of proc points, which blocks are reachable from each
Claim: too few proc-points => code duplication, but program still works??
- - CmmProcPointZ.splitAtProcPoints
+ - CmmProcPoint.splitAtProcPoints
Using this info, split into separate procedures
- CmmBuildInfoTables.setInfoTableStackMap
@@ -334,7 +359,7 @@ of calls don't need an info table.
Figuring out proc-points
Proc-points are identified by
-CmmProcPointZ.minimalProcPointSet/extendPPSet Although there isn't
+CmmProcPoint.minimalProcPointSet/extendPPSet Although there isn't
that much code, JD thinks that it could be done much more nicely using
a dominator analysis, using the Dataflow Engine.
@@ -387,7 +412,7 @@ a dominator analysis, using the Dataflow Engine.
f's keep-alive refs to include h1.
* The SRT info is the C_SRT field of Cmm.ClosureTypeInfo in a
- CmmInfoTable attached to each CmmProc. CmmCPSZ.toTops actually does
+ CmmInfoTable attached to each CmmProc. CmmCPS.toTops actually does
the attaching, right at the end of the pipeline. The C_SRT part
gives offsets within a single, shared table of closure pointers.
@@ -398,7 +423,7 @@ a dominator analysis, using the Dataflow Engine.
Foreign calls
-See Note [Foreign calls] in ZipCfgCmmRep! This explains that a safe
+See Note [Foreign calls] in CmmNode! This explains that a safe
foreign call must do this:
save thread state
push info table (on thread stack) to describe frame
@@ -433,7 +458,7 @@ NEW PLAN for foreign calls:
Cmm representations
-* Cmm.hs
+* CmmDecl.hs
The type [GenCmm d h g] represents a whole module,
** one list element per .o file **
Without SplitObjs, the list has exactly one element
@@ -448,7 +473,7 @@ NEW PLAN for foreign calls:
-OLD BACK END representations (Cmm.hs):
+OLD BACK END representations (OldCmm.hs):
type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
-- A whole module
newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i]
@@ -463,49 +488,47 @@ OLD BACK END representations (Cmm.hs):
NEW BACK END representations
-* Not Cmm-specific at all
- ZipCfg.hs defines Graph, LGraph, FGraph,
- ZHead, ZTail, ZBlock ...
+* Uses Hoopl library, a zero-boot package
+* CmmNode defines a node of a flow graph.
+* Cmm defines CmmGraph, CmmTop, Cmm
+ - CmmGraph is a closed/closed graph + an entry node.
- classes LastNode, HavingSuccessors
+ data CmmGraph = CmmGraph { g_entry :: BlockId
+ , g_graph :: Graph CmmNode C C }
- MkZipCfg.hs: AGraph: building graphs
+ - CmmTop is a top level chunk, specialization of GenCmmTop from CmmDecl.hs
+ with CmmGraph as a flow graph.
+ - Cmm is a collection of CmmTops.
-* ZipCfgCmmRep: instantiates ZipCfg for Cmm
- data Middle = ...CmmExpr...
- data Last = ...CmmExpr...
- type CmmGraph = Graph Middle Last
+ type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
+ type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
- type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
- type CmmStackInfo = (ByteOff, Maybe ByteOff)
- -- (SP offset on entry, update frame space = SP offset on exit)
- -- The new codegen produces CmmZ, but once the stack is
- -- manifested we can drop that in favour of
- -- GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo CmmGraph
+ - CmmTop uses CmmTopInfo, which is a CmmInfoTable and CmmStackInfo
- Inside a CmmProc:
- - CLabel: used
- - CmmInfo: partly used by NEW
- - CmmFormals: not used at all PERHAPS NOT EVEN BY OLD PIPELINE!
+ data CmmTopInfo = TopInfo {info_tbl :: CmmInfoTable, stack_info :: CmmStackInfo}
-* MkZipCfgCmm.hs: smart constructors for ZipCfgCmmRep
- Depends on (a) MkZipCfg (Cmm-independent)
- (b) ZipCfgCmmRep (Cmm-specific)
+ - CmmStackInfo
-* SHARED stuff
- CmmExpr.hs defines the Cmm expression types
- - CmmExpr, CmmReg, Width, CmmLit, LocalReg, GlobalReg
- - CmmType, Width etc (saparate module?)
- - MachOp (separate module?)
- - Area, AreaId etc (separate module?)
+ data CmmStackInfo = StackInfo {arg_space :: ByteOff, updfr_space :: Maybe ByteOff}
- BlockId.hs defines BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet
+ * arg_space = SP offset on entry
+ * updfr_space space = SP offset on exit
+ Once the staci is manifested, we could drom CmmStackInfo, ie. get
+ GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfoTable CmmGraph, but we do not do that currently.
+* MkGraph.hs: smart constructors for Cmm.hs
+ Beware, the CmmAGraph defined here does not use AGraph from Hoopl,
+ as CmmAGraph can be opened or closed at exit, See the notes in that module.
-* Transactions indicate whether or not the result changes: CmmTx
- type Tx a = a -> TxRes a
- data TxRes a = TxRes ChangeFlag a
+* SHARED stuff
+ CmmDecl.hs - GenCmm and GenCmmTop types
+ CmmExpr.hs - defines the Cmm expression types
+ - CmmExpr, CmmReg, CmmLit, LocalReg, GlobalReg
+ - Area, AreaId etc (separate module?)
+ CmmType.hs - CmmType, Width etc (saparate module?)
+ CmmMachOp.hs - MachOp and CallishMachOp types
+ BlockId.hs defines BlockId, BlockEnv, BlockSet
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index 9a043f1efd..d8675c53df 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import CLabel
import ClosureInfo
import Constants
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import PprCmm ( {- instance Outputable -} )
import SMRep
import Id
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
index f16a9b5e18..f3013cd5a6 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCallConv.hs
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ import CgUtils
import CgMonad
import SMRep
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Constants
import ClosureInfo
import CgStackery
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmmUtils
import Maybes
import Id
import Name
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index 9f24fba379..1eea96c1b0 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import CgInfoTbls
import ClosureInfo
import SMRep
-import CmmUtils
-import Cmm
+import OldCmmUtils
+import OldCmm
import StgSyn
import StaticFlags
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index 60ba7f8652..da44122a4d 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import CgCallConv
import CgUtils
import ClosureInfo
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import StgSyn
import CostCentre
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index 0981811ee7..8768008776 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ import CgTicky
import CgInfoTbls
import CLabel
import ClosureInfo
-import CmmUtils
-import Cmm
+import OldCmmUtils
+import OldCmm
import SMRep
import CostCentre
import Constants
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index 71087ca7c5..1f11495b60 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import CgPrimOp
import CgHpc
import CgUtils
import ClosureInfo
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import VarSet
import Literal
import PrimOp
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
index 0e0a802445..12efa03da0 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgExtCode.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ where
import CgMonad
import CLabel
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
-- import BasicTypes
import BlockId
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ newLocal ty name = do
newLabel :: FastString -> ExtFCode BlockId
newLabel name = do
u <- code newUnique
- addLabel name (BlockId u)
- return (BlockId u)
+ addLabel name (mkBlockId u)
+ return (mkBlockId u)
-- | Add add a local function to the environment.
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ lookupLabel name = do
return $
case lookupUFM env name of
Just (Label l) -> l
- _other -> BlockId (newTagUnique (getUnique name) 'L')
+ _other -> mkBlockId (newTagUnique (getUnique name) 'L')
-- | Lookup the location of a named variable.
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
index cdaccc98a8..ec16946318 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgForeignCall.hs
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import CgUtils
import Type
import TysPrim
import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import SMRep
import ForeignCall
import ClosureInfo
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
index 174e510cb5..3ff646ca07 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ import CgCallConv
import ClosureInfo
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import Id
import DataCon
import TyCon
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgHpc.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgHpc.hs
index d02c949b5e..8da2715ac2 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgHpc.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgHpc.hs
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
module CgHpc (cgTickBox, initHpc, hpcTable) where
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Module
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmmUtils
import CgUtils
import CgMonad
import CgForeignCall
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
index f704a69c18..e04079d666 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgInfoTbls.hs
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import CgCallConv
import CgUtils
import CgMonad
-import CmmUtils
-import Cmm
+import OldCmmUtils
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Name
import DataCon
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
index 5870cece99..ed21833f8c 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ import CgCon
import CgHeapery
import CgInfoTbls
import CgStackery
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import ClosureInfo
import CostCentre
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
index 44c1cc4416..8a3b664fc1 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} CgBindery ( CgBindings, nukeVolatileBinds )
import DynFlags
import BlockId
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import StgSyn (SRT)
import SMRep
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ labelC id = emitCgStmt (CgLabel id)
newLabelC :: FCode BlockId
newLabelC = do { u <- newUnique
- ; return $ BlockId u }
+ ; return $ mkBlockId u }
checkedAbsC :: CmmStmt -> Code
-- Emit code, eliminating no-ops
@@ -742,10 +742,11 @@ emitData sect lits
data_block = CmmData sect lits
emitProc :: CmmInfo -> CLabel -> CmmFormals -> [CmmBasicBlock] -> Code
-emitProc info lbl args blocks
- = do { let proc_block = CmmProc info lbl args (ListGraph blocks)
+emitProc info lbl [] blocks
+ = do { let proc_block = CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)
; state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` proc_block } }
+emitProc _ _ (_:_) _ = panic "emitProc called with nonempty args"
emitSimpleProc :: CLabel -> Code -> Code
-- Emit a procedure whose body is the specified code; no info table
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgParallel.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgParallel.hs
index cfef25c161..682f28aad4 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgParallel.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgParallel.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module CgParallel(
import CgMonad
import CgCallConv
import Id
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import StaticFlags
import Outputable
import SMRep
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
index d0da575cf6..8ca42250a9 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgPrimOp.hs
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import CgBindery
import CgMonad
import CgInfoTbls
import CgUtils
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmmUtils
import PrimOp
import SMRep
import Module
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
index 7491334c21..0cf209e89c 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgProf.hs
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ import CgUtils
import CgMonad
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import Id
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
index 532127a147..0d45b6eb90 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ import CgMonad
import CgUtils
import CgProf
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import Constants
import Util
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
index 89c050406f..a3dbe6a1a8 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import CgUtils
import CgTicky
import ClosureInfo
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import Type
import Id
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
index 7e8c5ca964..45cede5ca9 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgTicky.hs
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ import CgUtils
import CgMonad
import SMRep
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import Name
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
index 9d111ca9d8..922d330b26 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
@@ -61,10 +61,9 @@ import Id
import IdInfo
import Constants
import SMRep
-import PprCmm ( {- instances -} )
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
-import CmmUtils
import ForeignCall
import ClosureInfo
import StgSyn (SRT(..))
@@ -1081,9 +1080,9 @@ get_Regtable_addr_from_offset rep offset =
fixStgRegisters :: RawCmmTop -> RawCmmTop
fixStgRegisters top@(CmmData _ _) = top
-fixStgRegisters (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks)) =
+fixStgRegisters (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
let blocks' = map fixStgRegBlock blocks
- in CmmProc info lbl params $ ListGraph blocks'
+ in CmmProc info lbl $ ListGraph blocks'
fixStgRegBlock :: CmmBasicBlock -> CmmBasicBlock
fixStgRegBlock (BasicBlock id stmts) =
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index 81267f21f9..6ce8fca55b 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ import CgUtils
import CgHpc
import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import CmmUtils
-import PprCmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldCmmUtils
+import OldPprCmm
import StgSyn
import PrelNames
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
index 1667af8637..f35118d1c9 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module SMRep (
#include "../includes/MachDeps.h"
-import CmmExpr -- CmmType and friends
+import CmmType
import Id
import Type
import TyCon
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
index 52809da502..26ace0780f 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmm.hs
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmHpc
import StgCmmTicky
-import MkZipCfgCmm
-import Cmm
+import MkGraph
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
import PprCmm
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ codeGen :: DynFlags
-> CollectedCCs -- (Local/global) cost-centres needing declaring/registering.
-> [(StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])])] -- Bindings to convert, with SRTs
-> HpcInfo
- -> IO [CmmZ] -- Output
+ -> IO [Cmm] -- Output
codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons imported_mods
cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info
@@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ For charlike and intlike closures there is a fixed array of static
closures predeclared.
-cgTyCon :: TyCon -> FCode [CmmZ] -- All constructors merged together
+cgTyCon :: TyCon -> FCode [Cmm] -- All constructors merged together
cgTyCon tycon
= do { constrs <- mapM (getCmm . cgDataCon) (tyConDataCons tycon)
@@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ cgTyCon tycon
; return (extra ++ constrs)
-cgEnumerationTyCon :: TyCon -> FCode [CmmZ]
+cgEnumerationTyCon :: TyCon -> FCode [Cmm]
cgEnumerationTyCon tycon
| isEnumerationTyCon tycon
= do { tbl <- getCmm $
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
index 6451840f04..bfb749cb69 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-module StgCmmBind (
- cgTopRhsClosure,
+module StgCmmBind (
+ cgTopRhsClosure,
@@ -26,15 +26,17 @@ import StgCmmGran
import StgCmmLayout
import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmClosure
+import StgCmmForeign (emitPrimCall)
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import MkGraph
import CoreSyn ( AltCon(..) )
import SMRep
-import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
import StgSyn
-import CostCentre
+import CostCentre
import Id
import Control.Monad
import Name
@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ cgTopRhsClosure id ccs _ upd_flag srt args body = do
; emitDataLits closure_label closure_rep
; let fv_details :: [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)]
- (_, _, fv_details) = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
+ (_, _, fv_details) = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
(addIdReps [])
-- Don't drop the non-void args until the closure info has been made
; forkClosureBody (closureCodeBody True id closure_info ccs
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ cgBind (StgNonRec name rhs)
; emit (init <*> body) }
cgBind (StgRec pairs)
- = do { ((new_binds, inits), body) <- getCodeR $ fixC (\ new_binds_inits ->
+ = do { ((new_binds, inits), body) <- getCodeR $ fixC (\ new_binds_inits ->
do { addBindsC $ fst new_binds_inits -- avoid premature deconstruction
; liftM unzip $ listFCs [ cgRhs b e | (b,e) <- pairs ] })
; addBindsC new_binds
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ cgBind (StgRec pairs)
m[hp-40] = y_info;
// allocate and initialize z
For each closure, we must generate not only the code to allocate and
initialize the closure itself, but also some Initialization Code that
sets a variable holding the closure pointer.
@@ -239,9 +241,9 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
body@(StgApp fun_id args)
| args `lengthIs` (arity-1)
- && all isFollowableArg (map (idCgRep . stripNV) fvs)
+ && all isFollowableArg (map (idCgRep . stripNV) fvs)
&& isUpdatable upd_flag
- && arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE
+ && arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE
-- Ha! an Ap thunk
= cgStdThunk bndr cc bi body lf_info payload
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag srt args body
reduced_fvs | bndr_is_a_fv = fvs `minusList` [NonVoid bndr]
| otherwise = fvs
; lf_info <- mkClosureLFInfo bndr NotTopLevel fvs upd_flag args
; mod_name <- getModuleName
@@ -276,8 +278,8 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag srt args body
; let name = idName bndr
descr = closureDescription mod_name name
fv_details :: [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)]
- (tot_wds, ptr_wds, fv_details)
- = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
+ (tot_wds, ptr_wds, fv_details)
+ = mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info)
(addIdReps (map stripNV reduced_fvs))
closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
@@ -295,9 +297,9 @@ mkRhsClosure bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag srt args body
; (use_cc, blame_cc) <- chooseDynCostCentres cc args body
; emit (mkComment $ mkFastString "calling allocDynClosure")
; let toVarArg (NonVoid a, off) = (NonVoid (StgVarArg a), off)
- ; (tmp, init) <- allocDynClosure closure_info use_cc blame_cc
+ ; (tmp, init) <- allocDynClosure closure_info use_cc blame_cc
(map toVarArg fv_details)
; return $ (regIdInfo bndr lf_info tmp, init) }
@@ -319,12 +321,12 @@ cgStdThunk bndr cc _bndr_info body lf_info payload
mod_name <- getModuleName
- ; let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, payload_w_offsets)
+ ; let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, payload_w_offsets)
= mkVirtHeapOffsets (isLFThunk lf_info) (addArgReps payload)
descr = closureDescription mod_name (idName bndr)
closure_info = mkClosureInfo False -- Not static
- bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
+ bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
NoC_SRT -- No SRT for a std-form closure
@@ -359,10 +361,10 @@ closureCodeBody :: Bool -- whether this is a top-level binding
-> [NonVoid Id] -- incoming args to the closure
-> Int -- arity, including void args
-> StgExpr
- -> [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)] -- the closure's free variables
+ -> [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)] -- the closure's free vars
-> FCode ()
-{- There are two main cases for the code for closures.
+{- There are two main cases for the code for closures.
* If there are *no arguments*, then the closure is a thunk, and not in
normal form. So it should set up an update frame (if it is
@@ -372,42 +374,46 @@ closureCodeBody :: Bool -- whether this is a top-level binding
normal form, so there is no need to set up an update frame.
The Macros for GrAnSim are produced at the beginning of the
- argSatisfactionCheck (by calling fetchAndReschedule).
+ argSatisfactionCheck (by calling fetchAndReschedule).
There info if Node points to closure is available. -- HWL -}
closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc args arity body fv_details
| length args == 0 -- No args i.e. thunk
= emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr cl_info [] $
- (\ (node, _) -> thunkCode cl_info fv_details cc node arity body)
+ \(_, node, _) -> thunkCode cl_info fv_details cc node arity body
closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc args arity body fv_details
= ASSERT( length args > 0 )
- do { -- Allocate the global ticky counter,
- -- and establish the ticky-counter
- -- label for this block
- let ticky_ctr_lbl = mkRednCountsLabel (closureName cl_info) $ clHasCafRefs cl_info
- ; emitTickyCounter cl_info (map stripNV args)
- ; setTickyCtrLabel ticky_ctr_lbl $ do
- -- Emit the main entry code
- ; emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr cl_info args $ \(node, arg_regs) -> do
- -- Emit the slow-entry code (for entering a closure through a PAP)
+ do { -- Allocate the global ticky counter,
+ -- and establish the ticky-counter
+ -- label for this block
+ let ticky_ctr_lbl = mkRednCountsLabel (closureName cl_info) $
+ clHasCafRefs cl_info
+ ; emitTickyCounter cl_info (map stripNV args)
+ ; setTickyCtrLabel ticky_ctr_lbl $ do
+ -- Emit the main entry code
+ ; emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr cl_info args $
+ \(offset, node, arg_regs) -> do
+ -- Emit slow-entry code (for entering a closure through a PAP)
{ mkSlowEntryCode cl_info arg_regs
; let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
node_points = nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
+ node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
; tickyEnterFun cl_info
; whenC node_points (ldvEnterClosure cl_info)
; granYield arg_regs node_points
- -- Main payload
- ; entryHeapCheck (if node_points then Just node else Nothing) arity arg_regs $ do
+ -- Main payload
+ ; entryHeapCheck cl_info offset node' arity arg_regs $ do
{ enterCostCentre cl_info cc body
; fv_bindings <- mapM bind_fv fv_details
-- Load free vars out of closure *after*
- ; if node_points then load_fvs node lf_info fv_bindings else return ()
- ; cgExpr body }} -- heap check, to reduce live vars over check
+ -- heap check, to reduce live vars over check
+ ; if node_points then load_fvs node lf_info fv_bindings
+ else return ()
+ ; cgExpr body }}
-- A function closure pointer may be tagged, so we
@@ -426,55 +432,56 @@ load_fvs node lf_info = mapCs (\ (reg, off) ->
-- according to the calling convention, and jumps to the function's
-- normal entry point. The function's closure is assumed to be in
-- R1/node.
--- The slow entry point is used for unknown calls: eg. stg_PAP_entry
+-- The slow entry point is used for unknown calls: eg. stg_PAP_entry
mkSlowEntryCode :: ClosureInfo -> [LocalReg] -> FCode ()
-- If this function doesn't have a specialised ArgDescr, we need
-- to generate the function's arg bitmap and slow-entry code.
-- Here, we emit the slow-entry code.
-mkSlowEntryCode cl_info (_ : arg_regs) -- first arg should already be in `Node'
+mkSlowEntryCode _ [] = panic "entering a closure with no arguments?"
+mkSlowEntryCode cl_info arg_regs -- function closure is already in `Node'
| Just (_, ArgGen _) <- closureFunInfo cl_info
- = emitProcWithConvention Slow (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable) slow_lbl
- arg_regs jump
+ = emitProcWithConvention Slow CmmNonInfoTable slow_lbl arg_regs jump
| otherwise = return ()
caf_refs = clHasCafRefs cl_info
name = closureName cl_info
slow_lbl = mkSlowEntryLabel name caf_refs
fast_lbl = enterLocalIdLabel name caf_refs
- jump = mkJump (mkLblExpr fast_lbl) (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) arg_regs)
- initUpdFrameOff
-mkSlowEntryCode _ [] = panic "entering a closure with no arguments?"
+ -- mkDirectJump does not clobber `Node' containing function closure
+ jump = mkDirectJump (mkLblExpr fast_lbl) (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) arg_regs)
+ initUpdFrameOff
-thunkCode :: ClosureInfo -> [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)] -> CostCentreStack ->
- LocalReg -> Int -> StgExpr -> FCode ()
-thunkCode cl_info fv_details cc node arity body
- = do { let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo cl_info)
- ; tickyEnterThunk cl_info
- ; ldvEnterClosure cl_info -- NB: Node always points when profiling
- ; granThunk node_points
+thunkCode :: ClosureInfo -> [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)] -> CostCentreStack
+ -> LocalReg -> Int -> StgExpr -> FCode ()
+thunkCode cl_info fv_details cc node arity body
+ = do { let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt (closureLFInfo cl_info)
+ node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
+ ; tickyEnterThunk cl_info
+ ; ldvEnterClosure cl_info -- NB: Node always points when profiling
+ ; granThunk node_points
-- Heap overflow check
- ; entryHeapCheck (if node_points then Just node else Nothing) arity [] $ do
- { -- Overwrite with black hole if necessary
- -- but *after* the heap-overflow check
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; whenC (blackHoleOnEntry dflags cl_info && node_points)
- (blackHoleIt cl_info)
- -- Push update frame
- ; setupUpdate cl_info node $
- -- We only enter cc after setting up update so
- -- that cc of enclosing scope will be recorded
- -- in update frame CAF/DICT functions will be
- -- subsumed by this enclosing cc
+ ; entryHeapCheck cl_info 0 node' arity [] $ do
+ { -- Overwrite with black hole if necessary
+ -- but *after* the heap-overflow check
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; whenC (blackHoleOnEntry dflags cl_info && node_points)
+ (blackHoleIt cl_info)
+ -- Push update frame
+ ; setupUpdate cl_info node $
+ -- We only enter cc after setting up update so
+ -- that cc of enclosing scope will be recorded
+ -- in update frame CAF/DICT functions will be
+ -- subsumed by this enclosing cc
do { enterCostCentre cl_info cc body
; let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
; fv_bindings <- mapM bind_fv fv_details
; load_fvs node lf_info fv_bindings
- ; cgExpr body }}}
+ ; cgExpr body }}}
@@ -487,11 +494,13 @@ blackHoleIt :: ClosureInfo -> FCode ()
blackHoleIt closure_info = emitBlackHoleCode (closureSingleEntry closure_info)
emitBlackHoleCode :: Bool -> FCode ()
-emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry
- | eager_blackholing = do
+emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry
+ | eager_blackholing = do
tickyBlackHole (not is_single_entry)
+ emit (mkStore (cmmOffsetW (CmmReg nodeReg) fixedHdrSize) (CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)))
+ emitPrimCall [] MO_WriteBarrier []
emit (mkStore (CmmReg nodeReg) (CmmLit (CmmLabel bh_lbl)))
- | otherwise =
+ | otherwise =
bh_lbl | is_single_entry = mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_SE_BLACKHOLE_info")
@@ -507,11 +516,11 @@ emitBlackHoleCode is_single_entry
-- currently eager blackholing doesn't work with profiling.
-- Previously, eager blackholing was enabled when ticky-ticky
- -- was on. But it didn't work, and it wasn't strictly necessary
- -- to bring back minimal ticky-ticky, so now EAGER_BLACKHOLING
+ -- was on. But it didn't work, and it wasn't strictly necessary
+ -- to bring back minimal ticky-ticky, so now EAGER_BLACKHOLING
-- is unconditionally disabled. -- krc 1/2007
- eager_blackholing = False
+ eager_blackholing = False
setupUpdate :: ClosureInfo -> LocalReg -> FCode () -> FCode ()
-- Nota Bene: this function does not change Node (even if it's a CAF),
@@ -522,12 +531,17 @@ setupUpdate closure_info node body
= body
| not (isStaticClosure closure_info)
- = if closureUpdReqd closure_info
- then do { tickyPushUpdateFrame;
- ; pushUpdateFrame [CmmReg (CmmLocal node),
- mkLblExpr mkUpdInfoLabel] body }
- else do { tickyUpdateFrameOmitted; body}
+ = if not (closureUpdReqd closure_info)
+ then do tickyUpdateFrameOmitted; body
+ else do
+ tickyPushUpdateFrame
+ --dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let es = [CmmReg (CmmLocal node), mkLblExpr mkUpdInfoLabel]
+ --if not opt_SccProfilingOn && dopt Opt_EagerBlackHoling dflags
+ -- then pushUpdateFrame es body -- XXX black hole
+ -- else pushUpdateFrame es body
+ pushUpdateFrame es body
| otherwise -- A static closure
= do { tickyUpdateBhCaf closure_info
@@ -535,16 +549,20 @@ setupUpdate closure_info node body
then do -- Blackhole the (updatable) CAF:
{ upd_closure <- link_caf closure_info True
; pushUpdateFrame [CmmReg (CmmLocal upd_closure),
- mkLblExpr mkUpdInfoLabel] body }
+ mkLblExpr mkUpdInfoLabel] body } -- XXX black hole
else do {tickyUpdateFrameOmitted; body}
+-- Setting up update frames
-- Push the update frame on the stack in the Entry area,
-- leaving room for the return address that is already
-- at the old end of the area.
pushUpdateFrame :: [CmmExpr] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
pushUpdateFrame es body
- = do updfr <- getUpdFrameOff
+ = do -- [EZY] I'm not sure if we need to special-case for BH too
+ updfr <- getUpdFrameOff
offset <- foldM push updfr es
withUpdFrameOff offset body
where push off e =
@@ -563,7 +581,7 @@ pushUpdateFrame es body
-- allocated black hole to be empty.
-- Why do we make a black hole in the heap when we enter a CAF?
-- - for a generational garbage collector, which needs a fast
-- test for whether an updatee is in an old generation or not
@@ -581,7 +599,7 @@ pushUpdateFrame es body
-- ToDo [Feb 04] This entire link_caf nonsense could all be moved
-- into the "newCAF" RTS procedure, which we call anyway, including
-- the allocation of the black-hole indirection closure.
--- That way, code size would fall, the CAF-handling code would
+-- That way, code size would fall, the CAF-handling code would
-- be closer together, and the compiler wouldn't need to know
-- about off_indirectee etc.
@@ -598,12 +616,14 @@ link_caf cl_info _is_upd = do
{ -- Alloc black hole specifying CC_HDR(Node) as the cost centre
; let use_cc = costCentreFrom (CmmReg nodeReg)
blame_cc = use_cc
- ; (hp_rel, init) <- allocDynClosure bh_cl_info use_cc blame_cc []
+ tso = CmmReg (CmmGlobal CurrentTSO)
+ -- XXX ezyang: FIXME
+ ; (hp_rel, init) <- allocDynClosureCmm bh_cl_info use_cc blame_cc [(tso,fixedHdrSize)]
; emit init
-- Call the RTS function newCAF to add the CAF to the CafList
-- so that the garbage collector can find them
- -- This must be done *before* the info table pointer is overwritten,
+ -- This must be done *before* the info table pointer is overwritten,
-- because the old info table ptr is needed for reversion
; emitRtsCallWithVols rtsPackageId (fsLit "newCAF")
[ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg), AddrHint),
@@ -611,7 +631,7 @@ link_caf cl_info _is_upd = do
[node] False
-- node is live, so save it.
- -- Overwrite the closure with a (static) indirection
+ -- Overwrite the closure with a (static) indirection
-- to the newly-allocated black hole
; emit (mkStore (cmmRegOffW nodeReg off_indirectee) (CmmReg (CmmLocal hp_rel)) <*>
mkStore (CmmReg nodeReg) ind_static_info)
@@ -629,7 +649,7 @@ link_caf cl_info _is_upd = do
--- Profiling
+-- Profiling
-- For "global" data constructors the description is simply occurrence
@@ -648,4 +668,4 @@ closureDescription mod_name name
else pprModule mod_name <> char '.' <> ppr name) <>
char '>')
-- showSDocDump, because we want to see the unique on the Name.
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
index d66dda5021..fe09f6851b 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
module StgCmmClosure (
DynTag, tagForCon, isSmallFamily,
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ import ClosureInfo (ArgDescr(..), C_SRT(..), Liveness(..))
import StgSyn
import SMRep
-import Cmm ( ClosureTypeInfo(..), ConstrDescription )
+import CmmDecl ( ClosureTypeInfo(..), ConstrDescription )
import CmmExpr
import CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
index cebd743e94..633d577c73 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmProf
-import Cmm
+import CmmExpr
import CLabel
-import MkZipCfgCmm (CmmAGraph, mkNop)
+import MkGraph
import SMRep
import CostCentre
import Module
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
index cd94c58daa..469f58d7df 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
@@ -35,10 +35,9 @@ import StgCmmClosure
import CLabel
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import CmmExpr
import CmmUtils
import FastString
-import PprCmm ( {- instance Outputable -} )
import Id
import VarEnv
import Control.Monad
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
index 94afb80f5b..eee4a08bc7 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import StgCmmClosure
import StgSyn
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import MkGraph
import BlockId
import CmmExpr
import CoreSyn
@@ -455,10 +455,8 @@ cgAltRhss gc_plan bndr alts
; return con }
maybeAltHeapCheck :: GcPlan -> FCode a -> FCode a
-maybeAltHeapCheck NoGcInAlts code
- = code
-maybeAltHeapCheck (GcInAlts regs _) code
- = altHeapCheck regs code
+maybeAltHeapCheck NoGcInAlts code = code
+maybeAltHeapCheck (GcInAlts regs _) code = altHeapCheck regs code
-- Tail calls
@@ -610,3 +608,4 @@ we should still generate the same code:
<default-case code>
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
index 7ddf597f40..9a15cf0d06 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmForeign.hs
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmClosure
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CmmUtils
-import MkZipCfgCmm hiding (CmmAGraph)
+import OldCmm ( CmmReturnInfo(..) )
+import MkGraph
import Type
import TysPrim
import CLabel
@@ -36,7 +38,6 @@ import Constants
import StaticFlags
import Maybes
import Outputable
-import ZipCfgCmmRep
import BasicTypes
import Control.Monad
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ emitPrimCall res op args
:: Safety
-> CmmFormals -- where to put the results
- -> MidCallTarget -- the op
+ -> ForeignTarget -- the op
-> CmmActuals -- arguments
-> C_SRT -- the SRT of the calls continuation
-> CmmReturnInfo -- This can say "never returns"
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ load_args_into_temps = mapM arg_assign_temp
return (tmp,hint)
-load_target_into_temp :: MidCallTarget -> FCode MidCallTarget
+load_target_into_temp :: ForeignTarget -> FCode ForeignTarget
load_target_into_temp (ForeignTarget expr conv) = do
tmp <- maybe_assign_temp expr
return (ForeignTarget tmp conv)
@@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ maybe_assign_temp e
saveThreadState :: CmmAGraph
saveThreadState =
- -- CurrentTSO->sp = Sp;
- mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_SP) stgSp
+ -- CurrentTSO->stackobj->sp = Sp;
+ mkStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_stackobj) bWord) stack_SP) stgSp
<*> closeNursery
-- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
<*> if opt_SccProfilingOn then
@@ -181,8 +182,8 @@ saveThreadState =
emitSaveThreadState :: BlockId -> FCode ()
emitSaveThreadState bid = do
- -- CurrentTSO->sp = Sp;
- emit $ mkStore (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_SP)
+ -- CurrentTSO->stackobj->sp = Sp;
+ emit $ mkStore (cmmOffset (CmmLoad (cmmOffset stgCurrentTSO tso_stackobj) bWord) stack_SP)
(CmmStackSlot (CallArea (Young bid)) (widthInBytes (typeWidth gcWord)))
emit closeNursery
-- and save the current cost centre stack in the TSO when profiling:
@@ -193,17 +194,19 @@ emitSaveThreadState bid = do
closeNursery :: CmmAGraph
closeNursery = mkStore nursery_bdescr_free (cmmOffsetW stgHp 1)
-loadThreadState :: LocalReg -> CmmAGraph
-loadThreadState tso = do
+loadThreadState :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> CmmAGraph
+loadThreadState tso stack = do
-- tso <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
+ -- stack <- newTemp gcWord -- TODO FIXME NOW
catAGraphs [
-- tso = CurrentTSO;
mkAssign (CmmLocal tso) stgCurrentTSO,
- -- Sp = tso->sp;
- mkAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_SP)
- bWord),
- -- SpLim = tso->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
- mkAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_STACK)
+ -- stack = tso->stackobj;
+ mkAssign (CmmLocal stack) (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_stackobj) bWord),
+ -- Sp = stack->sp;
+ mkAssign sp (CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_SP) bWord),
+ -- SpLim = stack->stack + RESERVED_STACK_WORDS;
+ mkAssign spLim (cmmOffsetW (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal stack)) stack_STACK)
-- and load the current cost centre stack from the TSO when profiling:
@@ -211,8 +214,8 @@ loadThreadState tso = do
mkStore curCCSAddr
(CmmLoad (cmmOffset (CmmReg (CmmLocal tso)) tso_CCCS) ccsType)
else mkNop]
-emitLoadThreadState :: LocalReg -> FCode ()
-emitLoadThreadState tso = emit $ loadThreadState tso
+emitLoadThreadState :: LocalReg -> LocalReg -> FCode ()
+emitLoadThreadState tso stack = emit $ loadThreadState tso stack
openNursery :: CmmAGraph
openNursery = catAGraphs [
@@ -242,22 +245,15 @@ nursery_bdescr_free = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_free
nursery_bdescr_start = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_start
nursery_bdescr_blocks = cmmOffset stgCurrentNursery oFFSET_bdescr_blocks
-tso_SP, tso_STACK, tso_CCCS :: ByteOff
-tso_CCCS = tsoProfFieldB oFFSET_StgTSO_CCCS
+tso_stackobj, tso_CCCS, stack_STACK, stack_SP :: ByteOff
+tso_stackobj = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_stackobj
+tso_CCCS = closureField oFFSET_StgTSO_CCCS
+stack_STACK = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_stack
+stack_SP = closureField oFFSET_StgStack_sp
- --ToDo: needs merging with changes to CgForeign
-tso_STACK = tsoFieldB undefined
-tso_SP = tsoFieldB undefined
--- The TSO struct has a variable header, and an optional StgTSOProfInfo in
--- the middle. The fields we're interested in are after the StgTSOProfInfo.
-tsoFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-tsoFieldB off
- | opt_SccProfilingOn = off + sIZEOF_StgTSOProfInfo + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
- | otherwise = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
-tsoProfFieldB :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
-tsoProfFieldB off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
+closureField :: ByteOff -> ByteOff
+closureField off = off + fixedHdrSize * wORD_SIZE
stgSp, stgHp, stgCurrentTSO, stgCurrentNursery :: CmmExpr
stgSp = CmmReg sp
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmGran.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmGran.hs
index 27e6114356..b6a1ae66bb 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmGran.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmGran.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module StgCmmGran (
-- I've left the calls, though, in case anyone wants to resurrect it
import StgCmmMonad
-import Cmm
+import CmmExpr
staticGranHdr :: [CmmLit]
staticGranHdr = []
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
index 4163723947..0015da1cac 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
@@ -7,19 +7,20 @@
module StgCmmHeap (
- getVirtHp, setVirtHp, setRealHp,
- getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
+ getVirtHp, setVirtHp, setRealHp,
+ getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
- entryHeapCheck, altHeapCheck,
+ entryHeapCheck, altHeapCheck,
- layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr,
- mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkStaticClosureFields, mkStaticClosure,
+ layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr,
+ mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkStaticClosureFields, mkStaticClosure,
- allocDynClosure, emitSetDynHdr
+ allocDynClosure, allocDynClosureCmm, emitSetDynHdr
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import CmmType
import StgSyn
import CLabel
import StgCmmLayout
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ import StgCmmGran
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmEnv
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import MkGraph
import SMRep
import CmmExpr
@@ -41,49 +42,53 @@ import TyCon
import CostCentre
import Outputable
import Module
-import FastString( mkFastString, FastString, fsLit )
+import FastString( mkFastString, fsLit )
import Constants
--- Layout of heap objects
+-- Layout of heap objects
layOutDynConstr, layOutStaticConstr
- :: DataCon -> [(PrimRep, a)]
- -> (ClosureInfo, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
--- No Void arguments in result
+ :: DataCon -> [(PrimRep, a)]
+ -> (ClosureInfo, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
+ -- No Void arguments in result
layOutDynConstr = layOutConstr False
layOutStaticConstr = layOutConstr True
layOutConstr :: Bool -> DataCon -> [(PrimRep, a)]
- -> (ClosureInfo, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
+ -> (ClosureInfo, [(NonVoid a, VirtualHpOffset)])
layOutConstr is_static data_con args
= (mkConInfo is_static data_con tot_wds ptr_wds,
- (tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
- ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
+ (tot_wds, -- #ptr_wds + #nonptr_wds
+ ptr_wds, -- #ptr_wds
things_w_offsets) = mkVirtHeapOffsets False{-not a thunk-} args
--- Initialise dynamic heap objects
+-- Initialise dynamic heap objects
- :: ClosureInfo
- -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to stick in the object
- -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to blame for this alloc
- -- (usually the same; sometimes "OVERHEAD")
- -> [(NonVoid StgArg, VirtualHpOffset)] -- Offsets from start of the object
- -- ie Info ptr has offset zero.
- -- No void args in here
- -> FCode (LocalReg, CmmAGraph)
--- allocDynClosure allocates the thing in the heap,
+ :: ClosureInfo
+ -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to stick in the object
+ -> CmmExpr -- Cost Centre to blame for this alloc
+ -- (usually the same; sometimes "OVERHEAD")
+ -> [(NonVoid StgArg, VirtualHpOffset)] -- Offsets from start of object
+ -- ie Info ptr has offset zero.
+ -- No void args in here
+ -> FCode (LocalReg, CmmAGraph)
+ :: ClosureInfo -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
+ -> [(CmmExpr, VirtualHpOffset)]
+ -> FCode (LocalReg, CmmAGraph)
+-- allocDynClosure allocates the thing in the heap,
-- and modifies the virtual Hp to account for this.
-- The second return value is the graph that sets the value of the
-- returned LocalReg, which should point to the closure after executing
@@ -93,84 +98,89 @@ allocDynClosure
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- allocDynClosure returns a LocalReg, not a (Hp+8) CmmExpr.
-- Reason:
--- ...allocate object...
--- obj = Hp + 8
--- y = f(z)
--- obj is still valid,
--- but Hp+8 means something quite different...
+-- ...allocate object...
+-- obj = Hp + 8
+-- y = f(z)
+-- obj is still valid,
+-- but Hp+8 means something quite different...
allocDynClosure cl_info use_cc _blame_cc args_w_offsets
- = do { virt_hp <- getVirtHp
- ; tickyDynAlloc cl_info
- ; profDynAlloc cl_info use_cc
- -- ToDo: This is almost certainly wrong
- -- We're ignoring blame_cc. But until we've
- -- fixed the boxing hack in chooseDynCostCentres etc,
- -- we're worried about making things worse by "fixing"
- -- this part to use blame_cc!
- ; let info_offset = virt_hp + 1
- -- info_offset is the VirtualHpOffset of the first
- -- word of the new object
- -- Remember, virtHp points to last allocated word,
- -- ie 1 *before* the info-ptr word of new object.
- info_ptr = CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info))
- ; base <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
+ = do { let (args, offsets) = unzip args_w_offsets
+ ; cmm_args <- mapM getArgAmode args -- No void args
+ ; allocDynClosureCmm cl_info use_cc _blame_cc (zip cmm_args offsets)
+ }
+allocDynClosureCmm cl_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
+ = do { virt_hp <- getVirtHp
+ ; tickyDynAlloc cl_info
+ ; profDynAlloc cl_info use_cc
+ -- ToDo: This is almost certainly wrong
+ -- We're ignoring blame_cc. But until we've
+ -- fixed the boxing hack in chooseDynCostCentres etc,
+ -- we're worried about making things worse by "fixing"
+ -- this part to use blame_cc!
+ ; let info_offset = virt_hp + 1
+ -- info_offset is the VirtualHpOffset of the first
+ -- word of the new object
+ -- Remember, virtHp points to last allocated word,
+ -- ie 1 *before* the info-ptr word of new object.
+ info_ptr = CmmLit (CmmLabel (infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info))
+ ; base <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
; emit (mkComment $ mkFastString "allocDynClosure")
- ; emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr use_cc
- ; let (args, offsets) = unzip args_w_offsets
- ; cmm_args <- mapM getArgAmode args -- No void args
- ; hpStore base cmm_args offsets
- ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + closureSize cl_info)
- -- Assign to a temporary and return
- -- Note [Return a LocalReg]
- ; hp_rel <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
- ; getCodeR $ assignTemp hp_rel }
+ ; emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr use_cc
+ ; let (cmm_args, offsets) = unzip amodes_w_offsets
+ ; hpStore base cmm_args offsets
+ ; setVirtHp (virt_hp + closureSize cl_info)
+ -- Assign to a temporary and return
+ -- Note [Return a LocalReg]
+ ; hp_rel <- getHpRelOffset info_offset
+ ; getCodeR $ assignTemp hp_rel }
emitSetDynHdr :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
+emitSetDynHdr base info_ptr ccs
= hpStore base header [0..]
header :: [CmmExpr]
header = [info_ptr] ++ dynProfHdr ccs
- -- ToDo: Gransim stuff
- -- ToDo: Parallel stuff
- -- No ticky header
+ -- ToDo: Gransim stuff
+ -- ToDo: Parallel stuff
+ -- No ticky header
hpStore :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr] -> [VirtualHpOffset] -> FCode ()
-- Store the item (expr,off) in base[off]
hpStore base vals offs
= emit (catAGraphs (zipWith mk_store vals offs))
- mk_store val off = mkStore (cmmOffsetW base off) val
+ mk_store val off = mkStore (cmmOffsetW base off) val
--- Layout of static closures
+-- Layout of static closures
-- Make a static closure, adding on any extra padding needed for CAFs,
-- and adding a static link field if necessary.
- :: ClosureInfo
- -> CostCentreStack
- -> Bool -- Has CAF refs
- -> [CmmLit] -- Payload
- -> [CmmLit] -- The full closure
+ :: ClosureInfo
+ -> CostCentreStack
+ -> Bool -- Has CAF refs
+ -> [CmmLit] -- Payload
+ -> [CmmLit] -- The full closure
mkStaticClosureFields cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
- = mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds
- static_link_field saved_info_field
+ = mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding
+ static_link_field saved_info_field
info_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info
@@ -188,44 +198,44 @@ mkStaticClosureFields cl_info ccs caf_refs payload
is_caf = closureNeedsUpdSpace cl_info
- padding_wds
- | not is_caf = []
- | otherwise = ASSERT(null payload) [mkIntCLit 0]
+ padding
+ | not is_caf = []
+ | otherwise = ASSERT(null payload) [mkIntCLit 0]
- | is_caf || staticClosureNeedsLink cl_info = [static_link_value]
- | otherwise = []
+ | is_caf || staticClosureNeedsLink cl_info = [static_link_value]
+ | otherwise = []
- | is_caf = [mkIntCLit 0]
- | otherwise = []
+ | is_caf = [mkIntCLit 0]
+ | otherwise = []
- -- for a static constructor which has NoCafRefs, we set the
- -- static link field to a non-zero value so the garbage
- -- collector will ignore it.
+ -- for a static constructor which has NoCafRefs, we set the
+ -- static link field to a non-zero value so the garbage
+ -- collector will ignore it.
- | caf_refs = mkIntCLit 0
- | otherwise = mkIntCLit 1
+ | caf_refs = mkIntCLit 0
+ | otherwise = mkIntCLit 1
mkStaticClosure :: CLabel -> CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
-> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit] -> [CmmLit]
-mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding_wds static_link_field saved_info_field
+mkStaticClosure info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info_field
= [CmmLabel info_lbl]
++ variable_header_words
++ concatMap padLitToWord payload
- ++ padding_wds
+ ++ padding
++ static_link_field
++ saved_info_field
- = staticGranHdr
- ++ staticParHdr
- ++ staticProfHdr ccs
- ++ staticTickyHdr
+ = staticGranHdr
+ ++ staticParHdr
+ ++ staticProfHdr ccs
+ ++ staticTickyHdr
--- JD: Simon had ellided this padding, but without it the C back end asserts failure.
--- Maybe it's a bad assertion, and this padding is indeed unnecessary?
+-- JD: Simon had ellided this padding, but without it the C back end asserts
+-- failure. Maybe it's a bad assertion, and this padding is indeed unnecessary?
padLitToWord :: CmmLit -> [CmmLit]
padLitToWord lit = lit : padding pad_length
where width = typeWidth (cmmLitType lit)
@@ -238,7 +248,7 @@ padLitToWord lit = lit : padding pad_length
| otherwise = CmmInt 0 W64 : padding (n-8)
--- Heap overflow checking
+-- Heap overflow checking
{- Note [Heap checks]
@@ -251,12 +261,12 @@ convention.
nothing to its caller
* A series of canned entry points like
- r = gc_1p( r )
+ r = gc_1p( r )
where r is a pointer. This performs gc, and
then returns its argument r to its caller.
* A series of canned entry points like
- gcfun_2p( f, x, y )
+ gcfun_2p( f, x, y )
where f is a function closure of arity 2
This performs garbage collection, keeping alive the
three argument ptrs, and then tail-calls f(x,y)
@@ -266,213 +276,251 @@ These are used in the following circumstances
* entryHeapCheck: Function entry
(a) With a canned GC entry sequence
f( f_clo, x:ptr, y:ptr ) {
- Hp = Hp+8
- if Hp > HpLim goto L
- ...
+ Hp = Hp+8
+ if Hp > HpLim goto L
+ ...
L: HpAlloc = 8
jump gcfun_2p( f_clo, x, y ) }
Note the tail call to the garbage collector;
- it should do no register shuffling
+ it should do no register shuffling
(b) No canned sequence
f( f_clo, x:ptr, y:ptr, ...etc... ) {
- T: Hp = Hp+8
- if Hp > HpLim goto L
- ...
+ T: Hp = Hp+8
+ if Hp > HpLim goto L
+ ...
L: HpAlloc = 8
- call gc() -- Needs an info table
- goto T }
+ call gc() -- Needs an info table
+ goto T }
* altHeapCheck: Immediately following an eval
- Started as
- case f x y of r { (p,q) -> rhs }
+ Started as
+ case f x y of r { (p,q) -> rhs }
(a) With a canned sequence for the results of f
(which is the very common case since
all boxed cases return just one pointer
- ...
- r = f( x, y )
- K: -- K needs an info table
- Hp = Hp+8
- if Hp > HpLim goto L
- ...code for rhs...
+ ...
+ r = f( x, y )
+ K: -- K needs an info table
+ Hp = Hp+8
+ if Hp > HpLim goto L
+ ...code for rhs...
- L: r = gc_1p( r )
- goto K }
+ L: r = gc_1p( r )
+ goto K }
- Here, the info table needed by the call
- to gc_1p should be the *same* as the
- one for the call to f; the C-- optimiser
- spots this sharing opportunity)
+ Here, the info table needed by the call
+ to gc_1p should be the *same* as the
+ one for the call to f; the C-- optimiser
+ spots this sharing opportunity)
(b) No canned sequence for results of f
Note second info table
- ...
- (r1,r2,r3) = call f( x, y )
- K:
- Hp = Hp+8
- if Hp > HpLim goto L
- ...code for rhs...
+ ...
+ (r1,r2,r3) = call f( x, y )
+ K:
+ Hp = Hp+8
+ if Hp > HpLim goto L
+ ...code for rhs...
- L: call gc() -- Extra info table here
- goto K
+ L: call gc() -- Extra info table here
+ goto K
* generalHeapCheck: Anywhere else
e.g. entry to thunk
- case branch *not* following eval,
+ case branch *not* following eval,
or let-no-escape
Exactly the same as the previous case:
- K: -- K needs an info table
- Hp = Hp+8
- if Hp > HpLim goto L
- ...
+ K: -- K needs an info table
+ Hp = Hp+8
+ if Hp > HpLim goto L
+ ...
- L: call gc()
- goto K
+ L: call gc()
+ goto K
-- A heap/stack check at a function or thunk entry point.
-entryHeapCheck :: Maybe LocalReg -- Function (closure environment)
- -> Int -- Arity -- not same as length args b/c of voids
- -> [LocalReg] -- Non-void args (empty for thunk)
- -> FCode ()
- -> FCode ()
+entryHeapCheck :: ClosureInfo
+ -> Int -- Arg Offset
+ -> Maybe LocalReg -- Function (closure environment)
+ -> Int -- Arity -- not same as len args b/c of voids
+ -> [LocalReg] -- Non-void args (empty for thunk)
+ -> FCode ()
+ -> FCode ()
-entryHeapCheck fun arity args code
+entryHeapCheck cl_info offset nodeSet arity args code
= do updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
- heapCheck True (gc_call updfr_sz) code -- The 'fun' keeps relevant CAFs alive
+ heapCheck True (gc_call updfr_sz) code
+ is_thunk = arity == 0
+ is_fastf = case closureFunInfo cl_info of
+ Just (_, ArgGen _) -> False
+ _otherwise -> True
+ args' = map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) args
+ setN = case nodeSet of
+ Just n -> mkAssign nodeReg (CmmReg $ CmmLocal n)
+ Nothing -> mkAssign nodeReg $
+ CmmLit (CmmLabel $ closureLabelFromCI cl_info)
+ {- Thunks: Set R1 = node, jump GCEnter1
+ Function (fast): Set R1 = node, jump GCFun
+ Function (slow): Set R1 = node, call generic_gc -}
+ gc_call upd = setN <*> gc_lbl upd
+ gc_lbl upd
+ | is_thunk = mkDirectJump (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal GCEnter1) [] sp
+ | is_fastf = mkDirectJump (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal GCFun) [] sp
+ | otherwise = mkForeignJump Slow (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal GCFun) args' upd
+ where sp = max offset upd
+ {- DT (12/08/10) This is a little fishy, mainly the sp fix up amount.
+ - This is since the ncg inserts spills before the stack/heap check.
+ - This should be fixed up and then we won't need to fix up the Sp on
+ - GC calls, but until then this fishy code works -}
+ -- This code is slightly outdated now and we could easily keep the above
+ -- GC methods. However, there may be some performance gains to be made by
+ -- using more specialised GC entry points. Since the semi generic GCFun
+ -- entry needs to check the node and figure out what registers to save...
+ -- if we provided and used more specialised GC entry points then these
+ -- runtime decisions could be turned into compile time decisions.
args' = case fun of Just f -> f : args
Nothing -> args
arg_exprs = map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) args'
gc_call updfr_sz
| arity == 0 = mkJumpGC (CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)) arg_exprs updfr_sz
- | otherwise = case gc_lbl args' of
- Just _lbl -> panic "StgCmmHeap.entryHeapCheck: gc_lbl not finished"
- -- mkJumpGC (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel lbl)))
- -- arg_exprs updfr_sz
- Nothing -> mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz
+ | otherwise =
+ case gc_lbl args' of
+ Just _lbl -> panic "StgCmmHeap.entryHeapCheck: not finished"
+ -- mkJumpGC (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel lbl)))
+ -- arg_exprs updfr_sz
+ Nothing -> mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz
gc_lbl :: [LocalReg] -> Maybe FastString
gc_lbl [reg]
- | isGcPtrType ty = Just (sLit "stg_gc_unpt_r1") -- "stg_gc_fun_1p"
- | isFloatType ty = case width of
- W32 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_f1") -- "stg_gc_fun_f1"
- W64 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_d1") -- "stg_gc_fun_d1"
- _other -> Nothing
- | otherwise = case width of
- W32 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_unbx_r1") -- "stg_gc_fun_unbx_r1"
- W64 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_l1") -- "stg_gc_fun_unbx_l1"
- _other -> Nothing -- Narrow cases
- where
- ty = localRegType reg
- width = typeWidth ty
+ | isGcPtrType ty = Just (sLit "stg_gc_unpt_r1") -- "stg_gc_fun_1p"
+ | isFloatType ty = case width of
+ W32 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_f1")
+ W64 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_d1")
+ _other -> Nothing
+ | width == wordWidth = Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_unbx_r1")
+ | width == W64 = Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_l1")
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ ty = localRegType reg
+ width = typeWidth ty
gc_lbl regs = gc_lbl_ptrs (map (isGcPtrType . localRegType) regs)
gc_lbl_ptrs :: [Bool] -> Maybe FastString
--gc_lbl_ptrs [True,True] = Just (sLit "stg_gc_fun_2p")
--gc_lbl_ptrs [True,True,True] = Just (sLit "stg_gc_fun_3p")
gc_lbl_ptrs _ = Nothing
+-- A heap/stack check at in a case alternative
altHeapCheck :: [LocalReg] -> FCode a -> FCode a
altHeapCheck regs code
= do updfr_sz <- getUpdFrameOff
heapCheck False (gc_call updfr_sz) code
- where
- gc_call updfr_sz
- | null regs = mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz
- | Just _gc_lbl <- rts_label regs -- Canned call
- = panic "StgCmmHeap.altHeapCheck: rts_label not finished"
- -- mkCall (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel gc_lbl))) (GC, GC)
- -- regs (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) regs) updfr_sz
- | otherwise -- No canned call, and non-empty live vars
- = mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] updfr_sz
- rts_label [reg]
- | isGcPtrType ty = Just (sLit "stg_gc_unpt_r1")
- | isFloatType ty = case width of
- W32 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_f1")
- W64 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_d1")
- _other -> Nothing
- | otherwise = case width of
- W32 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_unbx_r1")
- W64 -> Just (sLit "stg_gc_l1") -- "stg_gc_fun_unbx_l1"
- _other -> Nothing -- Narrow cases
- where
- ty = localRegType reg
- width = typeWidth ty
+ where
+ reg_exprs = map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) regs
+ gc_call sp =
+ case rts_label regs of
+ Just gc -> mkCall (CmmLit gc) (GC, GC) regs reg_exprs sp
+ Nothing -> mkCall generic_gc (GC, GC) [] [] sp
+ rts_label [reg]
+ | isGcPtrType ty = Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_unpt_r1")
+ | isFloatType ty = case width of
+ W32 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_f1")
+ W64 -> Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_d1")
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | width == wordWidth = Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_unbx_r1")
+ | width == W64 = Just (mkGcLabel "stg_gc_l1")
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ ty = localRegType reg
+ width = typeWidth ty
rts_label _ = Nothing
-generic_gc :: CmmExpr -- The generic GC procedure; no params, no resuls
-generic_gc = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_gc_noregs")))
--- generic_gc = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel (sLit "stg_gc_fun")))
+-- | The generic GC procedure; no params, no results
+generic_gc :: CmmExpr
+generic_gc = CmmLit $ mkGcLabel "stg_gc_noregs"
+-- | Create a CLabel for calling a garbage collector entry point
+mkGcLabel :: String -> CmmLit
+mkGcLabel = (CmmLabel . (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId) . fsLit)
heapCheck :: Bool -> CmmAGraph -> FCode a -> FCode a
heapCheck checkStack do_gc code
= getHeapUsage $ \ hpHw ->
- do { emit $ do_checks checkStack hpHw do_gc
- -- Emit heap checks, but be sure to do it lazily so
- -- that the conditionals on hpHw don't cause a black hole
- ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw
- ; doGranAllocate hpHw
- ; setRealHp hpHw
- ; code }
+ -- Emit heap checks, but be sure to do it lazily so
+ -- that the conditionals on hpHw don't cause a black hole
+ do { emit $ do_checks checkStack hpHw do_gc
+ ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw
+ ; doGranAllocate hpHw
+ ; setRealHp hpHw
+ ; code }
do_checks :: Bool -- Should we check the stack?
- -> WordOff -- Heap headroom
- -> CmmAGraph -- What to do on failure
+ -> WordOff -- Heap headroom
+ -> CmmAGraph -- What to do on failure
-> CmmAGraph
do_checks checkStack alloc do_gc
= withFreshLabel "gc" $ \ loop_id ->
withFreshLabel "gc" $ \ gc_id ->
- mkLabel loop_id
+ mkLabel loop_id
<*> (let hpCheck = if alloc == 0 then mkNop
else mkAssign hpReg bump_hp <*>
- mkCmmIfThen hp_oflo (save_alloc <*> mkBranch gc_id)
- in if checkStack then
- mkCmmIfThenElse sp_oflo (mkBranch gc_id) hpCheck
- else hpCheck)
+ mkCmmIfThen hp_oflo (alloc_n <*> mkBranch gc_id)
+ in if checkStack
+ then mkCmmIfThenElse sp_oflo (mkBranch gc_id) hpCheck
+ else hpCheck)
<*> mkComment (mkFastString "outOfLine should follow:")
- <*> outOfLine (mkLabel gc_id
+ <*> outOfLine (mkLabel gc_id
<*> mkComment (mkFastString "outOfLine here")
<*> do_gc
<*> mkBranch loop_id)
- -- Test for stack pointer exhaustion, then
- -- bump heap pointer, and test for heap exhaustion
- -- Note that we don't move the heap pointer unless the
- -- stack check succeeds. Otherwise we might end up
- -- with slop at the end of the current block, which can
- -- confuse the LDV profiler.
+ -- Test for stack pointer exhaustion, then
+ -- bump heap pointer, and test for heap exhaustion
+ -- Note that we don't move the heap pointer unless the
+ -- stack check succeeds. Otherwise we might end up
+ -- with slop at the end of the current block, which can
+ -- confuse the LDV profiler.
- alloc_lit = CmmLit (mkIntCLit (alloc*wORD_SIZE)) -- Bytes
+ alloc_lit = CmmLit (mkIntCLit (alloc*wORD_SIZE)) -- Bytes
bump_hp = cmmOffsetExprB (CmmReg hpReg) alloc_lit
- -- Sp overflow if (Sp - CmmHighStack < SpLim)
- sp_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordULt
- [CmmMachOp (MO_Sub (typeWidth (cmmRegType spReg)))
+ -- Sp overflow if (Sp - CmmHighStack < SpLim)
+ sp_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordULt
+ [CmmMachOp (MO_Sub (typeWidth (cmmRegType spReg)))
[CmmReg spReg, CmmLit CmmHighStackMark],
CmmReg spLimReg]
- -- Hp overflow if (Hp > HpLim)
- -- (Hp has been incremented by now)
- -- HpLim points to the LAST WORD of valid allocation space.
- hp_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordUGt
- [CmmReg hpReg, CmmReg (CmmGlobal HpLim)]
- save_alloc = mkAssign (CmmGlobal HpAlloc) alloc_lit
+ -- Hp overflow if (Hp > HpLim)
+ -- (Hp has been incremented by now)
+ -- HpLim points to the LAST WORD of valid allocation space.
+ hp_oflo = CmmMachOp mo_wordUGt
+ [CmmReg hpReg, CmmReg (CmmGlobal HpLim)]
+ alloc_n = mkAssign (CmmGlobal HpAlloc) alloc_lit
@@ -483,34 +531,34 @@ which will be in registers, and the others will be on the stack. We
always organise the stack-resident fields into pointers &
non-pointers, and pass the number of each to the heap check code. -}
- :: [(Id, GlobalReg)] -- Live registers
- -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing ptrs
- -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing nonptrs
- -> CmmAGraph -- code to insert in the failure path
- -> FCode ()
- -> FCode ()
+ :: [(Id, GlobalReg)] -- Live registers
+ -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing ptrs
+ -> WordOff -- no. of stack slots containing nonptrs
+ -> CmmAGraph -- code to insert in the failure path
+ -> FCode ()
+ -> FCode ()
unbxTupleHeapCheck regs ptrs nptrs fail_code code
- -- We can't manage more than 255 pointers/non-pointers
+ -- We can't manage more than 255 pointers/non-pointers
-- in a generic heap check.
| ptrs > 255 || nptrs > 255 = panic "altHeapCheck"
- | otherwise
+ | otherwise
= initHeapUsage $ \ hpHw -> do
- { codeOnly $ do { do_checks 0 {- no stack check -} hpHw
- full_fail_code rts_label
- ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
- ; setRealHp hpHw
- ; code }
+ { codeOnly $ do { do_checks 0 {- no stack check -} hpHw
+ full_fail_code rts_label
+ ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw }
+ ; setRealHp hpHw
+ ; code }
full_fail_code = fail_code `plusStmts` oneStmt assign_liveness
- assign_liveness = CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) -- Ho ho ho!
- (CmmLit (mkWordCLit liveness))
- liveness = mkRegLiveness regs ptrs nptrs
- rts_label = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel (sLit "stg_gc_ut")))
+ assign_liveness = CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) -- Ho ho ho!
+ (CmmLit (mkWordCLit liveness))
+ liveness = mkRegLiveness regs ptrs nptrs
+ rts_label = CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsCodeLabel (sLit "stg_gc_ut")))
-{- Old Gransim comment -- I have no idea whether it still makes sense (SLPJ Sep07)
+{- Old Gransim com -- I have no idea whether it still makes sense (SLPJ Sep07)
For GrAnSim the code for doing a heap check and doing a context switch
has been separated. Especially, the HEAP_CHK macro only performs a
heap check. THREAD_CONTEXT_SWITCH should be used for doing a context
@@ -530,9 +578,9 @@ again on re-entry because someone else might have stolen the resource
in the meantime.
-%* *
+%* *
Generic Heap/Stack Checks - used in the RTS
-%* *
+%* *
@@ -541,9 +589,9 @@ hpChkGen bytes liveness reentry
= do_checks' bytes True assigns stg_gc_gen
assigns = mkStmts [
- CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) liveness,
- CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 10)) reentry
- ]
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 9)) liveness,
+ CmmAssign (CmmGlobal (VanillaReg 10)) reentry
+ ]
-- a heap check where R1 points to the closure to enter on return, and
-- we want to assign to Sp[0] on failure (used in AutoApply.cmm:BUILD_PAP).
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHpc.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHpc.hs
index e39a1013e3..a93af34961 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHpc.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHpc.hs
@@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmForeign
-import MkZipCfgCmm
-import Cmm
+import MkGraph
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CLabel
import Module
import CmmUtils
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
index 21e55ee074..eddf257e5f 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
@@ -6,13 +6,6 @@
-{-# OPTIONS #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- for details
module StgCmmLayout (
emitCall, emitReturn,
@@ -42,10 +35,11 @@ import StgCmmTicky
import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmMonad
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import MkGraph
import SMRep
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import CmmUtils
-import Cmm
import CLabel
import StgSyn
import DataCon
@@ -462,7 +456,7 @@ emitClosureProcAndInfoTable :: Bool -- top-level?
-> Id -- name of the closure
-> ClosureInfo -- lots of info abt the closure
-> [NonVoid Id] -- incoming arguments
- -> ((LocalReg, [LocalReg]) -> FCode ()) -- function body
+ -> ((Int, LocalReg, [LocalReg]) -> FCode ()) -- function body
-> FCode ()
emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr cl_info args body
= do { let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
@@ -474,9 +468,10 @@ emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr cl_info args body
; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
; arg_regs <- bindArgsToRegs args
; let args' = if node_points then (node : arg_regs) else arg_regs
- conv = if nodeMustPointToIt lf_info
- then NativeNodeCall else NativeDirectCall
- ; emitClosureAndInfoTable cl_info conv args' $ body (node, arg_regs)
+ conv = if nodeMustPointToIt lf_info then NativeNodeCall
+ else NativeDirectCall
+ (offset, _) = mkCallEntry conv args'
+ ; emitClosureAndInfoTable cl_info conv args' $ body (offset, node, arg_regs)
-- Data constructors need closures, but not with all the argument handling
@@ -491,9 +486,9 @@ emitClosureAndInfoTable cl_info conv args body
info_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info
--- Convert from 'ClosureInfo' to 'CmmInfo'.
+-- Convert from 'ClosureInfo' to 'CmmInfoTable'.
-- Not used for return points. (The 'smRepClosureTypeInt' call would panic.)
-mkCmmInfo :: ClosureInfo -> FCode CmmInfo
+mkCmmInfo :: ClosureInfo -> FCode CmmInfoTable
mkCmmInfo cl_info
= do { info <- closureTypeInfo cl_info k_with_con_name return
; prof <- if opt_SccProfilingOn then
@@ -501,25 +496,13 @@ mkCmmInfo cl_info
ad_lit <- mkStringCLit (closureValDescr cl_info)
return $ ProfilingInfo fd_lit ad_lit
else return $ ProfilingInfo (mkIntCLit 0) (mkIntCLit 0)
- ; return (CmmInfo gc_target Nothing
- (CmmInfoTable (isStaticClosure cl_info) prof cl_type info)) }
+ ; return (CmmInfoTable (isStaticClosure cl_info) prof cl_type info) }
k_with_con_name con_info con info_lbl =
do cstr <- mkByteStringCLit $ dataConIdentity con
return $ con_info $ makeRelativeRefTo info_lbl cstr
cl_type = smRepClosureTypeInt (closureSMRep cl_info)
- -- The gc_target is to inform the CPS pass when it inserts a stack check.
- -- Since that pass isn't used yet we'll punt for now.
- -- When the CPS pass is fully integrated, this should
- -- be replaced by the label that any heap check jumped to,
- -- so that branch can be shared by both the heap (from codeGen)
- -- and stack checks (from the CPS pass).
- -- JD: Actually, we've decided to go a different route here:
- -- the code generator is now responsible for producing the
- -- stack limit check explicitly, so this field is now obsolete.
- gc_target = Nothing
-- Info table offsets
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmMonad.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmMonad.hs
index 72f9cec393..919a5d0eee 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmMonad.hs
@@ -51,10 +51,11 @@ module StgCmmMonad (
import StgCmmClosure
import DynFlags
-import MkZipCfgCmm
-import ZipCfgCmmRep (UpdFrameOffset)
+import MkGraph
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmNode (UpdFrameOffset)
import CLabel
import TyCon ( PrimRep )
import SMRep
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ data CgState
= MkCgState {
cgs_stmts :: CmmAGraph, -- Current procedure
- cgs_tops :: OrdList CmmTopZ,
+ cgs_tops :: OrdList CmmTop,
-- Other procedures and data blocks in this compilation unit
-- Both are ordered only so that we can
-- reduce forward references, when it's easy to do so
@@ -599,25 +600,25 @@ emitData sect lits
data_block = CmmData sect lits
-emitProcWithConvention :: Convention -> CmmInfo -> CLabel -> CmmFormals ->
+emitProcWithConvention :: Convention -> CmmInfoTable -> CLabel -> CmmFormals ->
CmmAGraph -> FCode ()
emitProcWithConvention conv info lbl args blocks
= do { us <- newUniqSupply
- ; let (uniq, us') = takeUniqFromSupply us
- (offset, entry) = mkEntry (mkBlockId uniq) conv args
- blks = initUs_ us' $ lgraphOfAGraph $ entry <*> blocks
- ; let proc_block = CmmProc info lbl args ((offset, Just initUpdFrameOff), blks)
+ ; let (offset, entry) = mkCallEntry conv args
+ blks = initUs_ us $ lgraphOfAGraph $ entry <*> blocks
+ ; let sinfo = StackInfo {arg_space = offset, updfr_space = Just initUpdFrameOff}
+ proc_block = CmmProc (TopInfo {info_tbl=info, stack_info=sinfo}) lbl blks
; state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` proc_block } }
-emitProc :: CmmInfo -> CLabel -> CmmFormals -> CmmAGraph -> FCode ()
+emitProc :: CmmInfoTable -> CLabel -> CmmFormals -> CmmAGraph -> FCode ()
emitProc = emitProcWithConvention NativeNodeCall
emitSimpleProc :: CLabel -> CmmAGraph -> FCode ()
emitSimpleProc lbl code =
- emitProc (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable) lbl [] code
+ emitProc CmmNonInfoTable lbl [] code
-getCmm :: FCode () -> FCode CmmZ
+getCmm :: FCode () -> FCode Cmm
-- Get all the CmmTops (there should be no stmts)
-- Return a single Cmm which may be split from other Cmms by
-- object splitting (at a later stage)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
index 1c1fab1ba6..8f688f023c 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ import StgCmmEnv
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmUtils
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import MkGraph
import StgSyn
-import Cmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr
import Type ( Type, tyConAppTyCon )
import TyCon
import CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
index 944729f287..36d05acf90 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmProf.hs
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmMonad
import SMRep
-import MkZipCfgCmm
-import Cmm
+import MkGraph
+import CmmExpr
+import CmmDecl
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
index 3fa579b80c..e8642eb4e6 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ import StgCmmMonad
import SMRep
import StgSyn
-import Cmm
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import CmmExpr
+import MkGraph
import CmmUtils
import CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
index 4b1446a7e2..48416e3f69 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module StgCmmUtils (
tagToClosure, mkTaggedObjectLoad,
- callerSaveVolatileRegs, get_GlobalReg_addr,
+ callerSaves, callerSaveVolatileRegs, get_GlobalReg_addr,
cmmAndWord, cmmOrWord, cmmNegate, cmmEqWord, cmmNeWord,
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ module StgCmmUtils (
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmClosure
import BlockId
-import Cmm hiding (regUsedIn)
-import MkZipCfgCmm
+import CmmDecl
+import CmmExpr hiding (regUsedIn)
+import MkGraph
import CLabel
import CmmUtils
-import PprCmm ( {- instances -} )
import ForeignCall
import IdInfo
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index cc4c562a9d..32d13f839b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ Library
Build-Depends: bin-package-db
+ Build-Depends: hoopl
-- GHC 6.4.2 needs to be able to find WCsubst.c, which needs to be
-- able to find WCsubst.h
@@ -188,45 +189,37 @@ Library
- CmmBrokenBlock
- CmmCPSGen
- CmmCommonBlockElimZ
+ CmmCommonBlockElim
+ CmmDecl
- CmmLiveZ
+ CmmMachOp
+ CmmNode
- CmmProcPointZ
- CmmTx
+ CmmType
- CmmZipUtil
- DFMonad
- Dataflow
- MkZipCfg
- MkZipCfgCmm
+ MkGraph
+ OldCmm
+ OldCmmUtils
+ OldPprCmm
- PprCmmZ
- StackColor
- StackPlacements
- ZipCfg
- ZipCfgCmmRep
- ZipCfgExtras
- ZipDataflow
+ PprCmmDecl
+ PprCmmExpr
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
index b4d407d277..ba5c1ece1d 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen.hs
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ import LlvmCodeGen.Ppr
import LlvmMangler
import CLabel
-import Cmm
import CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
-import PprCmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm
import BufWrite
import DynFlags
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ llvmCodeGen :: DynFlags -> Handle -> UniqSupply -> [RawCmm] -> IO ()
llvmCodeGen dflags h us cmms
= let cmm = concat $ map (\(Cmm top) -> top) cmms
(cdata,env) = foldr split ([],initLlvmEnv) cmm
- split (CmmData s d' ) (d,e) = ((s,d'):d,e)
- split (CmmProc i l _ _) (d,e) =
+ split (CmmData s d' ) (d,e) = ((s,d'):d,e)
+ split (CmmProc i l _) (d,e) =
let lbl = strCLabel_llvm $ if not (null i)
then entryLblToInfoLbl l
else l
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Base.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Base.hs
index 408a553fd2..80d88e6b14 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Base.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Base.hs
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ import LlvmCodeGen.Regs
import CLabel
import CgUtils ( activeStgRegs )
-import Cmm
import Constants
import FastString
+import OldCmm
import qualified Outputable as Outp
import UniqFM
import Unique
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
index cd135de5cb..f5dd3bbf83 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/CodeGen.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import LlvmCodeGen.Regs
import BlockId
import CgUtils ( activeStgRegs, callerSaves )
import CLabel
-import Cmm
-import qualified PprCmm
+import OldCmm
+import qualified OldPprCmm as PprCmm
import OrdList
import BasicTypes
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ genLlvmProc :: LlvmEnv -> RawCmmTop -> UniqSM (LlvmEnv, [LlvmCmmTop])
genLlvmProc env (CmmData _ _)
= return (env, [])
-genLlvmProc env (CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph []))
+genLlvmProc env (CmmProc _ _ (ListGraph []))
= return (env, [])
-genLlvmProc env (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks))
+genLlvmProc env (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks))
= do
(env', lmblocks, lmdata) <- basicBlocksCodeGen env blocks ([], [])
- let proc = CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph lmblocks)
+ let proc = CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph lmblocks)
let tops = lmdata ++ [proc]
return (env', tops)
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Data.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Data.hs
index 0c403e04de..3e486a544f 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Data.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Data.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import LlvmCodeGen.Base
import BlockId
import CLabel
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import FastString
import qualified Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
index 853f1b14c5..911592bc20 100644
--- a/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/llvmGen/LlvmCodeGen/Ppr.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import LlvmCodeGen.Base
import LlvmCodeGen.Data
import CLabel
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import FastString
import qualified Outputable
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pprLlvmCmmTop :: LlvmEnv -> Int -> LlvmCmmTop -> (Doc, [LlvmVar])
pprLlvmCmmTop _ _ (CmmData _ lmdata)
= (vcat $ map pprLlvmData lmdata, [])
-pprLlvmCmmTop env count (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blks))
+pprLlvmCmmTop env count (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blks))
= let static = CmmDataLabel lbl : info
(idoc, ivar) = if not (null info)
then pprInfoTable env count lbl static
diff --git a/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
index 921bbde447..85f34025fc 100644
--- a/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/CodeOutput.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import PprC ( writeCs )
import CmmLint ( cmmLint )
import Packages
import Util
-import Cmm ( RawCmm )
+import OldCmm ( RawCmm )
import HscTypes
import DynFlags
import Config
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
index 01ec74002d..312772eff8 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
@@ -113,17 +113,15 @@ import TyCon ( TyCon, isDataTyCon )
import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..) )
import SimplStg ( stg2stg )
import CodeGen ( codeGen )
-import Cmm ( Cmm )
+import OldCmm ( Cmm )
import PprCmm ( pprCmms )
import CmmParse ( parseCmmFile )
import CmmBuildInfoTables
import CmmCPS
-import CmmCPSZ
import CmmInfo
import OptimizationFuel ( initOptFuelState )
import CmmCvt
-import CmmTx
-import CmmContFlowOpt
+import CmmContFlowOpt ( runCmmContFlowOpts )
import CodeOutput
import NameEnv ( emptyNameEnv )
import NameSet ( emptyNameSet )
@@ -894,7 +892,7 @@ hscGenHardCode cgguts mod_summary
stg_binds hpc_info
--- Optionally run experimental Cmm transformations ---
- -- cmms <- optionallyConvertAndOrCPS hsc_env cmms
+ cmms <- optionallyConvertAndOrCPS hsc_env cmms
-- unless certain dflags are on, the identity function
------------------ Code output -----------------------
rawcmms <- cmmToRawCmm cmms
@@ -974,17 +972,17 @@ tryNewCodeGen hsc_env this_mod data_tycons imported_mods
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz "Cmm produced by new codegen"
(pprCmms prog)
- ; prog <- return $ map (runTx $ runCmmOpts cmmCfgOptsZ) prog
+ ; prog <- return $ map runCmmContFlowOpts prog
-- Control flow optimisation
-- We are building a single SRT for the entire module, so
-- we must thread it through all the procedures as we cps-convert them.
; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'S'
; let topSRT = initUs_ us emptySRT
- ; (topSRT, prog) <- foldM (protoCmmCPSZ hsc_env) (topSRT, []) prog
+ ; (topSRT, prog) <- foldM (protoCmmCPS hsc_env) (topSRT, []) prog
-- The main CPS conversion
- ; prog <- return $ map (runTx $ runCmmOpts cmmCfgOptsZ) (srtToData topSRT : prog)
+ ; prog <- return $ map runCmmContFlowOpts (srtToData topSRT : prog)
-- Control flow optimisation, again
; let prog' = map cmmOfZgraph prog
@@ -999,11 +997,6 @@ optionallyConvertAndOrCPS hsc_env cmms =
cmms <- if dopt Opt_ConvertToZipCfgAndBack dflags
then mapM (testCmmConversion hsc_env) cmms
else return cmms
- --------- Optionally convert to CPS (MDA) -----------
- cmms <- if not (dopt Opt_ConvertToZipCfgAndBack dflags) &&
- dopt Opt_RunCPS dflags
- then cmmCPS dflags cmms
- else return cmms
return cmms
@@ -1014,17 +1007,15 @@ testCmmConversion hsc_env cmm =
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cvt_cmm "C-- pre-conversion" (ppr cmm)
--continuationC <- cmmCPS dflags abstractC >>= cmmToRawCmm
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'C'
- let cfopts = runTx $ runCmmOpts cmmCfgOptsZ
- let cvtm = do g <- cmmToZgraph cmm
- return $ cfopts g
+ let cvtm = runCmmContFlowOpts `liftM` cmmToZgraph cmm
let zgraph = initUs_ us cvtm
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'S'
let topSRT = initUs_ us emptySRT
- (_, [cps_zgraph]) <- protoCmmCPSZ hsc_env (topSRT, []) zgraph
+ (_, [cps_zgraph]) <- protoCmmCPS hsc_env (topSRT, []) zgraph
let chosen_graph = if dopt Opt_RunCPSZ dflags then cps_zgraph else zgraph
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmmz "C-- Zipper Graph" (ppr chosen_graph)
showPass dflags "Convert from Z back to Cmm"
- let cvt = cmmOfZgraph $ cfopts $ chosen_graph
+ let cvt = cmmOfZgraph $ runCmmContFlowOpts $ chosen_graph
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cvt_cmm "C-- post-conversion" (ppr cvt)
return cvt
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index 68d25de699..7a38540baa 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ import NCGMonad
import BlockId
import CgUtils ( fixStgRegisters )
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CmmOpt ( cmmMiniInline, cmmMachOpFold )
-import PprCmm
+import OldPprCmm
import CLabel
import UniqFM
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ nativeCodeGen dflags h us cmms
| dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags = split_marker : tops
| otherwise = tops
- split_marker = CmmProc [] mkSplitMarkerLabel [] (ListGraph [])
+ split_marker = CmmProc [] mkSplitMarkerLabel (ListGraph [])
-- | Do native code generation on all these cmms.
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags us cmm count
#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
x86fp_kludge :: NatCmmTop Instr -> NatCmmTop Instr
x86fp_kludge top@(CmmData _ _) = top
-x86fp_kludge (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph code)) =
- CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph $ i386_insert_ffrees code)
+x86fp_kludge (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph code)) =
+ CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph $ i386_insert_ffrees code)
@@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ sequenceTop
-> NatCmmTop Instr
sequenceTop top@(CmmData _ _) = top
-sequenceTop (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks)) =
- CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph $ makeFarBranches $ sequenceBlocks blocks)
+sequenceTop (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
+ CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph $ makeFarBranches $ sequenceBlocks blocks)
-- The algorithm is very simple (and stupid): we make a graph out of
-- the blocks where there is an edge from one block to another iff the
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ sequenceTop (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks)) =
-- destination of the out edge to the front of the list, and continue.
-- FYI, the classic layout for basic blocks uses postorder DFS; this
--- algorithm is implemented in cmm/ZipCfg.hs (NR 6 Sep 2007).
+-- algorithm is implemented in Hoopl.
:: Instruction instr
@@ -626,10 +626,10 @@ shortcutBranches dflags tops
build_mapping :: GenCmmTop d t (ListGraph Instr)
-> (GenCmmTop d t (ListGraph Instr), UniqFM JumpDest)
build_mapping top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, emptyUFM)
-build_mapping (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph []))
- = (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph []), emptyUFM)
-build_mapping (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph (head:blocks)))
- = (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph (head:others)), mapping)
+build_mapping (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph []))
+ = (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph []), emptyUFM)
+build_mapping (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph (head:blocks)))
+ = (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph (head:others)), mapping)
-- drop the shorted blocks, but don't ever drop the first one,
-- because it is pointed to by a global label.
@@ -639,11 +639,11 @@ build_mapping (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph (head:blocks)))
(_, shortcut_blocks, others) = foldl split (emptyBlockSet, [], []) blocks
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) b@(BasicBlock id [insn])
| Just (DestBlockId dest) <- canShortcut insn,
- (elemBlockSet dest s) || dest == id -- loop checks
+ (setMember dest s) || dest == id -- loop checks
= (s, shortcut_blocks, b : others)
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) (BasicBlock id [insn])
| Just dest <- canShortcut insn
- = (extendBlockSet s id, (id,dest) : shortcut_blocks, others)
+ = (setInsert id s, (id,dest) : shortcut_blocks, others)
split (s, shortcut_blocks, others) other = (s, shortcut_blocks, other : others)
@@ -658,8 +658,8 @@ apply_mapping ufm (CmmData sec statics)
= CmmData sec (map (shortcutStatic (lookupUFM ufm)) statics)
-- we need to get the jump tables, so apply the mapping to the entries
-- of a CmmData too.
-apply_mapping ufm (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks))
- = CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph $ map short_bb blocks)
+apply_mapping ufm (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks))
+ = CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph $ map short_bb blocks)
short_bb (BasicBlock id insns) = BasicBlock id $! map short_insn insns
short_insn i = shortcutJump (lookupUFM ufm) i
@@ -704,7 +704,6 @@ genMachCode dflags cmm_top
else pprPanic "genMachCode: nonzero final delta" (int final_delta)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generic Cmm optimiser
@@ -730,9 +729,9 @@ Ideas for other things we could do (ToDo):
cmmToCmm :: DynFlags -> RawCmmTop -> (RawCmmTop, [CLabel])
cmmToCmm _ top@(CmmData _ _) = (top, [])
-cmmToCmm dflags (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks)) = runCmmOpt dflags $ do
+cmmToCmm dflags (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) = runCmmOpt dflags $ do
blocks' <- mapM cmmBlockConFold (cmmMiniInline blocks)
- return $ CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks')
+ return $ CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks')
newtype CmmOptM a = CmmOptM (([CLabel], DynFlags) -> (# a, [CLabel] #))
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Instruction.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Instruction.hs
index 22c37a5b12..918198cb9c 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Instruction.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Instruction.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ where
import Reg
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
-- | Holds a list of source and destination registers used by a
-- particular instruction.
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/NCGMonad.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/NCGMonad.hs
index 8b9629b1d8..2a7376838a 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/NCGMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/NCGMonad.hs
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ addImportNat imp
getBlockIdNat :: NatM BlockId
= do u <- getUniqueNat
- return (BlockId u)
+ return (mkBlockId u)
getNewLabelNat :: NatM CLabel
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
index fbe51999b5..c375ab4707 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Reg
import NCGMonad
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel ( CLabel, ForeignLabelSource(..), pprCLabel,
mkDynamicLinkerLabel, DynamicLinkerLabelInfo(..),
dynamicLinkerLabelInfo, mkPicBaseLabel,
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ initializePicBase_ppc
-> NatM [NatCmmTop PPC.Instr]
initializePicBase_ppc ArchPPC os picReg
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
+ (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
| osElfTarget os
= do
gotOffLabel <- getNewLabelNat
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@ initializePicBase_ppc ArchPPC os picReg
: PPC.ADD picReg picReg (PPC.RIReg tmp)
: insns)
- return (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph (b' : tail blocks)) : gotOffset : statics)
+ return (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph (b' : tail blocks)) : gotOffset : statics)
initializePicBase_ppc ArchPPC OSDarwin picReg
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
- = return (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
+ (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
+ = return (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
where BasicBlock bID insns = head blocks
b' = BasicBlock bID (PPC.FETCHPC picReg : insns)
@@ -766,15 +766,15 @@ initializePicBase_x86
-> NatM [NatCmmTop X86.Instr]
initializePicBase_x86 ArchX86 os picReg
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
+ (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
| osElfTarget os
- = return (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
+ = return (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
where BasicBlock bID insns = head blocks
b' = BasicBlock bID (X86.FETCHGOT picReg : insns)
initializePicBase_x86 ArchX86 OSDarwin picReg
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
- = return (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
+ (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks) : statics)
+ = return (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph (b':tail blocks)) : statics)
where BasicBlock bID insns = head blocks
b' = BasicBlock bID (X86.FETCHPC picReg : insns)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
index 8a4228b578..29b9a54d49 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Platform
-- Our intermediate code:
import BlockId
import PprCmm ( pprExpr )
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
-- The rest:
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
import OrdList
import qualified Outputable as O
import Outputable
+import Unique
import DynFlags
import Control.Monad ( mapAndUnzipM )
@@ -74,10 +75,10 @@ cmmTopCodeGen
-> RawCmmTop
-> NatM [NatCmmTop Instr]
-cmmTopCodeGen dflags (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks)) = do
+cmmTopCodeGen dflags (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks)) = do
(nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks
picBaseMb <- getPicBaseMaybeNat
- let proc = CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
+ let proc = CmmProc info lab (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
tops = proc : concat statics
os = platformOS $ targetPlatform dflags
case picBaseMb of
@@ -221,8 +222,8 @@ is32BitInteger i = i64 <= 0x7fffffff && i64 >= -0x80000000
-- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data
jumpTableEntry :: Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic
jumpTableEntry Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
-jumpTableEntry (Just (BlockId id)) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
- where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+jumpTableEntry (Just blockid) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
@@ -1130,9 +1131,9 @@ genSwitch expr ids
jumpTableEntryRel Nothing
= CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
- jumpTableEntryRel (Just (BlockId id))
+ jumpTableEntryRel (Just blockid)
= CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff blockLabel lbl 0)
- where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
code = e_code `appOL` t_code `appOL` toOL [
LDATA ReadOnlyData (CmmDataLabel lbl : jumpTable),
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
index d4d809825d..6aeccd3a87 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Instr.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Reg
import Constants (rESERVED_C_STACK_BYTES)
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import FastString
import CLabel
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Ppr.hs
index 2d8f0444fe..9fb86c013e 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Ppr.hs
@@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ import Reg
import RegClass
import TargetReg
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
-import Unique ( pprUnique )
+import Unique ( pprUnique, Uniquable(..) )
import Pretty
import FastString
import qualified Outputable
@@ -56,9 +55,9 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmData section dats) =
pprSectionHeader section $$ vcat (map pprData dats)
-- special case for split markers:
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl _ (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprSectionHeader Text $$
(if null info then -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
pprLabel lbl
@@ -90,8 +89,8 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprBasicBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> Doc
-pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock (BlockId id) instrs) =
- pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel id) $$
+pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock blockid instrs) =
+ pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)) $$
vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
@@ -511,16 +510,16 @@ pprInstr (CMPL sz reg ri) = hcat [
RIReg _ -> empty
RIImm _ -> char 'i'
-pprInstr (BCC cond (BlockId id)) = hcat [
+pprInstr (BCC cond blockid) = hcat [
char '\t',
ptext (sLit "b"),
pprCond cond,
char '\t',
pprCLabel_asm lbl
- where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel id
+ where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
-pprInstr (BCCFAR cond (BlockId id)) = vcat [
+pprInstr (BCCFAR cond blockid) = vcat [
hcat [
ptext (sLit "\tb"),
pprCond (condNegate cond),
@@ -531,7 +530,7 @@ pprInstr (BCCFAR cond (BlockId id)) = vcat [
pprCLabel_asm lbl
- where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel id
+ where lbl = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
pprInstr (JMP lbl) = hcat [ -- an alias for b that takes a CLabel
char '\t',
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
index 2a23bbb269..91c9e15e62 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/RegInfo.hs
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ import PPC.Regs
import PPC.Instr
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Outputable
+import Unique
data JumpDest = DestBlockId BlockId | DestImm Imm
@@ -42,11 +43,11 @@ shortcutStatic :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> CmmStatic -> CmmStatic
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lab))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lab
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)))
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn (mkBlockId uq)))
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff lbl1 lbl2 off))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lbl1
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn (mkBlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
-- slightly dodgy, we're ignoring the second label, but this
-- works with the way we use CmmLabelDiffOff for jump tables now.
@@ -58,10 +59,11 @@ shortBlockId
-> BlockId
-> CLabel
-shortBlockId fn blockid@(BlockId uq) =
+shortBlockId fn blockid =
case fn blockid of
Nothing -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
Just (DestBlockId blockid') -> shortBlockId fn blockid'
Just (DestImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) -> lbl
_other -> panic "shortBlockId"
+ where uq = getUnique blockid
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Regs.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Regs.hs
index e00dd7e496..73e0c2023e 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Regs.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/Regs.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import RegClass
import Size
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel ( CLabel )
import Unique
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Coalesce.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Coalesce.hs
index 556f91c228..1eaf00f3a2 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Coalesce.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Coalesce.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
import Reg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Bag
import Digraph
import UniqFM
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ slurpJoinMovs
slurpJoinMovs live
= slurpCmm emptyBag live
- slurpCmm rs CmmData{} = rs
- slurpCmm rs (CmmProc _ _ _ sccs) = foldl' slurpBlock rs (flattenSCCs sccs)
- slurpBlock rs (BasicBlock _ instrs) = foldl' slurpLI rs instrs
+ slurpCmm rs CmmData{} = rs
+ slurpCmm rs (CmmProc _ _ sccs) = foldl' slurpBlock rs (flattenSCCs sccs)
+ slurpBlock rs (BasicBlock _ instrs) = foldl' slurpLI rs instrs
- slurpLI rs (LiveInstr _ Nothing) = rs
+ slurpLI rs (LiveInstr _ Nothing) = rs
slurpLI rs (LiveInstr instr (Just live))
| Just (r1, r2) <- takeRegRegMoveInstr instr
, elementOfUniqSet r1 $ liveDieRead live
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Spill.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Spill.hs
index 7e744e6337..4eabb3b0b4 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Spill.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Spill.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ where
import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
import Reg
-import Cmm hiding (RegSet)
+import OldCmm hiding (RegSet)
import BlockId
import State
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ regSpill_top regSlotMap cmm
-> return cmm
- CmmProc info label params sccs
+ CmmProc info label sccs
| LiveInfo static firstId mLiveVRegsOnEntry liveSlotsOnEntry <- info
-> do
-- We should only passed Cmms with the liveness maps filled in, but we'll
-- create empty ones if they're not there just in case.
- let liveVRegsOnEntry = fromMaybe emptyBlockEnv mLiveVRegsOnEntry
+ let liveVRegsOnEntry = fromMaybe mapEmpty mLiveVRegsOnEntry
-- The liveVRegsOnEntry contains the set of vregs that are live on entry to
-- each basic block. If we spill one of those vregs we remove it from that
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ regSpill_top regSlotMap cmm
-- reload instructions after we've done a successful allocation.
let liveSlotsOnEntry' :: Map BlockId (Set Int)
- = foldBlockEnv patchLiveSlot liveSlotsOnEntry liveVRegsOnEntry
+ = mapFoldWithKey patchLiveSlot liveSlotsOnEntry liveVRegsOnEntry
let info'
= LiveInfo static firstId
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ regSpill_top regSlotMap cmm
-- Apply the spiller to all the basic blocks in the CmmProc.
sccs' <- mapM (mapSCCM (regSpill_block regSlotMap)) sccs
- return $ CmmProc info' label params sccs'
+ return $ CmmProc info' label sccs'
where -- | Given a BlockId and the set of registers live in it,
-- if registers in this block are being spilled to stack slots,
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillClean.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillClean.hs
index ef4f0887d9..38c33b708a 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillClean.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillClean.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Instruction
import Reg
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import Unique
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Slot = Int
@@ -291,10 +290,10 @@ cleanTopBackward cmm
-> return cmm
- CmmProc info label params sccs
+ CmmProc info label sccs
| LiveInfo _ _ _ liveSlotsOnEntry <- info
-> do sccs' <- mapM (mapSCCM (cleanBlockBackward liveSlotsOnEntry)) sccs
- return $ CmmProc info label params sccs'
+ return $ CmmProc info label sccs'
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
index 0dc25f58d2..330a410312 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/SpillCost.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Reg
import GraphBase
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import UniqFM
import UniqSet
import Digraph (flattenSCCs)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ slurpSpillCostInfo cmm
= execState (countCmm cmm) zeroSpillCostInfo
countCmm CmmData{} = return ()
- countCmm (CmmProc info _ _ sccs)
+ countCmm (CmmProc info _ sccs)
= mapM_ (countBlock info)
$ flattenSCCs sccs
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ slurpSpillCostInfo cmm
-- the info table from the CmmProc
countBlock info (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
| LiveInfo _ _ (Just blockLive) _ <- info
- , Just rsLiveEntry <- lookupBlockEnv blockLive blockId
+ , Just rsLiveEntry <- mapLookup blockId blockLive
, rsLiveEntry_virt <- takeVirtuals rsLiveEntry
= countLIs rsLiveEntry_virt instrs
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Stats.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Stats.hs
index 51554d6953..5ff7bff91a 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Stats.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Graph/Stats.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ import RegClass
import Reg
import TargetReg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm()
import Outputable
import UniqFM
import UniqSet
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
index a9367f9f01..903082fc26 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/JoinToTargets.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Instruction
import Reg
import BlockId
-import Cmm hiding (RegSet)
+import OldCmm hiding (RegSet)
import Digraph
import Outputable
import Unique
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr (dest:dests)
-- adjust the current assignment to remove any vregs that are not live
-- on entry to the destination block.
- let Just live_set = lookupBlockEnv block_live dest
+ let Just live_set = mapLookup dest block_live
let still_live uniq _ = uniq `elemUniqSet_Directly` live_set
let adjusted_assig = filterUFM_Directly still_live assig
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr (dest:dests)
, not (elemUniqSet_Directly reg live_set)
, r <- regsOfLoc loc ]
- case lookupBlockEnv block_assig dest of
+ case mapLookup dest block_assig of
-> joinToTargets_first
block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ joinToTargets_first block_live new_blocks block_id instr dest dests
let freeregs' = foldr releaseReg freeregs to_free
-- remember the current assignment on entry to this block.
- setBlockAssigR (extendBlockEnv block_assig dest
- (freeregs', src_assig))
+ setBlockAssigR (mapInsert dest (freeregs', src_assig) block_assig)
joinToTargets' block_live new_blocks block_id instr dests
@@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ joinToTargets_again
-- A the end of the current block we will jump to the fixup one,
-- then that will jump to our original destination.
fixup_block_id <- getUniqueR
- let block = BasicBlock (BlockId fixup_block_id)
+ let block = BasicBlock (mkBlockId fixup_block_id)
$ fixUpInstrs ++ mkJumpInstr dest
{- pprTrace
@@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ joinToTargets_again
-- fixup block instead.
_ -> let instr' = patchJumpInstr instr
(\bid -> if bid == dest
- then BlockId fixup_block_id
+ then mkBlockId fixup_block_id
else dest)
in joinToTargets' block_live (block : new_blocks) block_id instr' dests
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Main.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Main.hs
index de771523b9..5fab944e09 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Main.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Main.hs
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ import Instruction
import Reg
import BlockId
-import Cmm hiding (RegSet)
+import OldCmm hiding (RegSet)
import Digraph
import Unique
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ regAlloc (CmmData sec d)
( CmmData sec d
, Nothing )
-regAlloc (CmmProc (LiveInfo info _ _ _) lbl params [])
- = return ( CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph [])
+regAlloc (CmmProc (LiveInfo info _ _ _) lbl [])
+ = return ( CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph [])
, Nothing )
-regAlloc (CmmProc static lbl params sccs)
+regAlloc (CmmProc static lbl sccs)
| LiveInfo info (Just first_id) (Just block_live) _ <- static
= do
-- do register allocation on each component.
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ regAlloc (CmmProc static lbl params sccs)
let ((first':_), rest')
= partition ((== first_id) . blockId) final_blocks
- return ( CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph (first' : rest'))
+ return ( CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph (first' : rest'))
, Just stats)
-- bogus. to make non-exhaustive match warning go away.
-regAlloc (CmmProc _ _ _ _)
+regAlloc (CmmProc _ _ _)
= panic "RegAllocLinear.regAlloc: no match"
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ process first_id block_live (b@(BasicBlock id _) : blocks)
= do
block_assig <- getBlockAssigR
- if isJust (lookupBlockEnv block_assig id)
+ if isJust (mapLookup id block_assig)
|| id == first_id
then do
b' <- processBlock block_live b
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ processBlock block_live (BasicBlock id instrs)
initBlock :: BlockId -> RegM ()
initBlock id
= do block_assig <- getBlockAssigR
- case lookupBlockEnv block_assig id of
+ case mapLookup id block_assig of
-- no prior info about this block: assume everything is
-- free and the assignment is empty.
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Stats.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Stats.hs
index 137168e942..c80f77f893 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Stats.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Linear/Stats.hs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import RegAlloc.Linear.Base
import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
-import Cmm (GenBasicBlock(..))
+import OldCmm (GenBasicBlock(..))
import UniqFM
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Liveness.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Liveness.hs
index 903fa4c577..a2030fafa9 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Liveness.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/RegAlloc/Liveness.hs
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import Reg
import Instruction
import BlockId
-import Cmm hiding (RegSet)
-import PprCmm()
+import OldCmm hiding (RegSet)
+import OldPprCmm()
import Digraph
import Outputable
@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ emptyRegMap = emptyUFM
type BlockMap a = BlockEnv a
-emptyBlockMap :: BlockEnv a
-emptyBlockMap = emptyBlockEnv
-- | A top level thing which carries liveness information.
type LiveCmmTop instr
@@ -243,9 +240,9 @@ mapBlockTopM
mapBlockTopM _ cmm@(CmmData{})
= return cmm
-mapBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label params sccs)
+mapBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label sccs)
= do sccs' <- mapM (mapSCCM f) sccs
- return $ CmmProc header label params sccs'
+ return $ CmmProc header label sccs'
mapSCCM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> SCC a -> m (SCC b)
mapSCCM f (AcyclicSCC x)
@@ -275,9 +272,9 @@ mapGenBlockTopM
mapGenBlockTopM _ cmm@(CmmData{})
= return cmm
-mapGenBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label params (ListGraph blocks))
+mapGenBlockTopM f (CmmProc header label (ListGraph blocks))
= do blocks' <- mapM f blocks
- return $ CmmProc header label params (ListGraph blocks')
+ return $ CmmProc header label (ListGraph blocks')
-- | Slurp out the list of register conflicts and reg-reg moves from this top level thing.
@@ -293,7 +290,7 @@ slurpConflicts live
= slurpCmm (emptyBag, emptyBag) live
where slurpCmm rs CmmData{} = rs
- slurpCmm rs (CmmProc info _ _ sccs)
+ slurpCmm rs (CmmProc info _ sccs)
= foldl' (slurpSCC info) rs sccs
slurpSCC info rs (AcyclicSCC b)
@@ -304,7 +301,7 @@ slurpConflicts live
slurpBlock info rs (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
| LiveInfo _ _ (Just blockLive) _ <- info
- , Just rsLiveEntry <- lookupBlockEnv blockLive blockId
+ , Just rsLiveEntry <- mapLookup blockId blockLive
, (conflicts, moves) <- slurpLIs rsLiveEntry rs instrs
= (consBag rsLiveEntry conflicts, moves)
@@ -372,7 +369,7 @@ slurpReloadCoalesce live
-> GenCmmTop t t1 [SCC (LiveBasicBlock instr)]
-> Bag (Reg, Reg)
slurpCmm cs CmmData{} = cs
- slurpCmm cs (CmmProc _ _ _ sccs)
+ slurpCmm cs (CmmProc _ _ sccs)
= slurpComp cs (flattenSCCs sccs)
slurpComp :: Bag (Reg, Reg)
@@ -469,8 +466,7 @@ stripLive live
= stripCmm live
where stripCmm (CmmData sec ds) = CmmData sec ds
- stripCmm (CmmProc (LiveInfo info (Just first_id) _ _) label params sccs)
+ stripCmm (CmmProc (LiveInfo info (Just first_id) _ _) label sccs)
= let final_blocks = flattenSCCs sccs
-- make sure the block that was first in the input list
@@ -479,17 +475,17 @@ stripLive live
((first':_), rest')
= partition ((== first_id) . blockId) final_blocks
- in CmmProc info label params
+ in CmmProc info label
(ListGraph $ map stripLiveBlock $ first' : rest')
-- procs used for stg_split_markers don't contain any blocks, and have no first_id.
- stripCmm (CmmProc (LiveInfo info Nothing _ _) label params [])
- = CmmProc info label params (ListGraph [])
+ stripCmm (CmmProc (LiveInfo info Nothing _ _) label [])
+ = CmmProc info label (ListGraph [])
-- If the proc has blocks but we don't know what the first one was, then we're dead.
stripCmm proc
= pprPanic "RegAlloc.Liveness.stripLive: no first_id on proc" (ppr proc)
-- | Strip away liveness information from a basic block,
-- and make real spill instructions out of SPILL, RELOAD pseudos along the way.
@@ -554,14 +550,14 @@ patchEraseLive patchF cmm
patchCmm cmm@CmmData{} = cmm
- patchCmm (CmmProc info label params sccs)
+ patchCmm (CmmProc info label sccs)
| LiveInfo static id (Just blockMap) mLiveSlots <- info
= let
patchRegSet set = mkUniqSet $ map patchF $ uniqSetToList set
- blockMap' = mapBlockEnv patchRegSet blockMap
+ blockMap' = mapMap patchRegSet blockMap
info' = LiveInfo static id (Just blockMap') mLiveSlots
- in CmmProc info' label params $ map patchSCC sccs
+ in CmmProc info' label $ map patchSCC sccs
| otherwise
= panic "RegAlloc.Liveness.patchEraseLive: no blockMap"
@@ -630,19 +626,17 @@ natCmmTopToLive
natCmmTopToLive (CmmData i d)
= CmmData i d
-natCmmTopToLive (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph []))
- = CmmProc (LiveInfo info Nothing Nothing Map.empty)
- lbl params []
+natCmmTopToLive (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph []))
+ = CmmProc (LiveInfo info Nothing Nothing Map.empty) lbl []
-natCmmTopToLive (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks@(first : _)))
+natCmmTopToLive (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks@(first : _)))
= let first_id = blockId first
sccs = sccBlocks blocks
sccsLive = map (fmap (\(BasicBlock l instrs) ->
BasicBlock l (map (\i -> LiveInstr (Instr i) Nothing) instrs)))
$ sccs
- in CmmProc (LiveInfo info (Just first_id) Nothing Map.empty)
- lbl params sccsLive
+ in CmmProc (LiveInfo info (Just first_id) Nothing Map.empty) lbl sccsLive
@@ -670,18 +664,18 @@ regLiveness
regLiveness (CmmData i d)
= returnUs $ CmmData i d
-regLiveness (CmmProc info lbl params [])
+regLiveness (CmmProc info lbl [])
| LiveInfo static mFirst _ _ <- info
= returnUs $ CmmProc
- (LiveInfo static mFirst (Just emptyBlockEnv) Map.empty)
- lbl params []
+ (LiveInfo static mFirst (Just mapEmpty) Map.empty)
+ lbl []
-regLiveness (CmmProc info lbl params sccs)
+regLiveness (CmmProc info lbl sccs)
| LiveInfo static mFirst _ liveSlotsOnEntry <- info
= let (ann_sccs, block_live) = computeLiveness sccs
in returnUs $ CmmProc (LiveInfo static mFirst (Just block_live) liveSlotsOnEntry)
- lbl params ann_sccs
+ lbl ann_sccs
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -730,7 +724,7 @@ reverseBlocksInTops :: LiveCmmTop instr -> LiveCmmTop instr
reverseBlocksInTops top
= case top of
CmmData{} -> top
- CmmProc info lbl params sccs -> CmmProc info lbl params (reverse sccs)
+ CmmProc info lbl sccs -> CmmProc info lbl (reverse sccs)
-- | Computing liveness
@@ -803,8 +797,8 @@ livenessSCCs blockmap done
-- BlockMaps for equality.
equalBlockMaps a b
= a' == b'
- where a' = map f $ blockEnvToList a
- b' = map f $ blockEnvToList b
+ where a' = map f $ mapToList a
+ b' = map f $ mapToList b
f (key,elt) = (key, uniqSetToList elt)
@@ -821,7 +815,7 @@ livenessBlock blockmap (BasicBlock block_id instrs)
= let
(regsLiveOnEntry, instrs1)
= livenessBack emptyUniqSet blockmap [] (reverse instrs)
- blockmap' = extendBlockEnv blockmap block_id regsLiveOnEntry
+ blockmap' = mapInsert block_id regsLiveOnEntry blockmap
instrs2 = livenessForward regsLiveOnEntry instrs1
@@ -928,7 +922,7 @@ liveness1 liveregs blockmap (LiveInstr instr _)
not_a_branch = null targets
targetLiveRegs target
- = case lookupBlockEnv blockmap target of
+ = case mapLookup target blockmap of
Just ra -> ra
Nothing -> emptyRegMap
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
index c430e18579..d08d10d437 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ import NCGMonad
-- Our intermediate code:
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
-- The rest:
import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
import OrdList
import Outputable
+import Unique
import Control.Monad ( mapAndUnzipM )
import DynFlags
@@ -54,11 +55,11 @@ cmmTopCodeGen
-> NatM [NatCmmTop Instr]
cmmTopCodeGen _
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks))
+ (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks))
= do
(nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks
- let proc = CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
+ let proc = CmmProc info lab (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
let tops = proc : concat statics
return tops
@@ -161,8 +162,8 @@ temporary, then do the other computation, and then use the temporary:
-- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data
jumpTableEntry :: Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic
jumpTableEntry Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
-jumpTableEntry (Just (BlockId id)) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
- where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+jumpTableEntry (Just blockid) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Amode.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Amode.hs
index c3f4a28a31..8f1fad8dd3 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Amode.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Amode.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import SPARC.Base
import NCGMonad
import Size
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import OrdList
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Base.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Base.hs
index c85d8065ad..57fb7c9e90 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Base.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Base.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ import SPARC.RegPlate
import Size
import Reg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm ()
import Outputable
import OrdList
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CCall.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CCall.hs
index 71d318838e..106b6734fa 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CCall.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CCall.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Instruction
import Size
import Reg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import BasicTypes
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CondCode.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CondCode.hs
index 4093c7fe80..0f6b12b627 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CondCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/CondCode.hs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import SPARC.Base
import NCGMonad
import Size
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import OrdList
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Expand.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Expand.hs
index 2becccb30d..d4500e8a8e 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Expand.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Expand.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import SPARC.Ppr ()
import Instruction
import Reg
import Size
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Outputable
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ expandTop :: NatCmmTop Instr -> NatCmmTop Instr
expandTop top@(CmmData{})
= top
-expandTop (CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph blocks))
- = CmmProc info lbl params (ListGraph $ map expandBlock blocks)
+expandTop (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks))
+ = CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph $ map expandBlock blocks)
-- | Expand out synthetic instructions in this block
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs
index 4ae87df33d..9d6aa5e646 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ import NCGMonad
import Size
import Reg
-import Cmm
-import BlockId
+import OldCmm
+import Control.Monad (liftM)
import OrdList
import Outputable
@@ -638,8 +638,8 @@ condIntReg NE x y = do
return (Any II32 code__2)
condIntReg cond x y = do
- bid1@(BlockId _) <- getBlockIdNat
- bid2@(BlockId _) <- getBlockIdNat
+ bid1 <- liftM (\a -> seq a a) getBlockIdNat
+ bid2 <- liftM (\a -> seq a a) getBlockIdNat
CondCode _ cond cond_code <- condIntCode cond x y
code__2 dst
@@ -664,8 +664,8 @@ condIntReg cond x y = do
condFltReg :: Cond -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> NatM Register
condFltReg cond x y = do
- bid1@(BlockId _) <- getBlockIdNat
- bid2@(BlockId _) <- getBlockIdNat
+ bid1 <- liftM (\a -> seq a a) getBlockIdNat
+ bid2 <- liftM (\a -> seq a a) getBlockIdNat
CondCode _ cond cond_code <- condFltCode cond x y
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs-boot b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs-boot
index 35aac56148..4816a1d9a7 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen32.hs-boot
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import SPARC.CodeGen.Base
import NCGMonad
import Reg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
getSomeReg :: CmmExpr -> NatM (Reg, InstrBlock)
getRegister :: CmmExpr -> NatM Register
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen64.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen64.hs
index 8e6271e0a3..180ec315ee 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen64.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Gen64.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Instruction
import Size
import Reg
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import OrdList
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Sanity.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Sanity.hs
index 56f71e44ed..ca4c8e4994 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Sanity.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen/Sanity.hs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import SPARC.Instr
import SPARC.Ppr ()
import Instruction
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Imm.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Imm.hs
index 7ed30fd3bb..bcb35b2ab5 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Imm.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Imm.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module SPARC.Imm (
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import BlockId
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
index 00b57f9b06..79b4629e54 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Instr.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Reg
import Size
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import FastString
import FastBool
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
index cb11d36d65..a63661f145 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Ppr.hs
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ import Reg
import Size
import PprBase
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm()
import CLabel
-import Unique ( pprUnique )
+import Unique ( Uniquable(..), pprUnique )
import qualified Outputable
import Outputable (Outputable, panic)
import Pretty
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmData section dats) =
pprSectionHeader section $$ vcat (map pprData dats)
-- special case for split markers:
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl _ (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprSectionHeader Text $$
(if null info then -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
pprLabel lbl
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprBasicBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> Doc
-pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock (BlockId id) instrs) =
- pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel id) $$
+pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock blockid instrs) =
+ pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)) $$
vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
@@ -526,20 +526,20 @@ pprInstr (FxTOy size1 size2 reg1 reg2)
-pprInstr (BI cond b (BlockId id))
+pprInstr (BI cond b blockid)
= hcat [
ptext (sLit "\tb"), pprCond cond,
if b then pp_comma_a else empty,
char '\t',
- pprCLabel_asm (mkAsmTempLabel id)
+ pprCLabel_asm (mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid))
-pprInstr (BF cond b (BlockId id))
+pprInstr (BF cond b blockid)
= hcat [
ptext (sLit "\tfb"), pprCond cond,
if b then pp_comma_a else empty,
char '\t',
- pprCLabel_asm (mkAsmTempLabel id)
+ pprCLabel_asm (mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid))
pprInstr (JMP addr) = (<>) (ptext (sLit "\tjmp\t")) (pprAddr addr)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
index 98151ecfa5..1fea9d6179 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/Regs.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Reg
import RegClass
import Size
-import PprCmm ()
+-- import PprCmm ()
import Unique
import Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/ShortcutJump.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/ShortcutJump.hs
index f560f82f9a..c0c33432db 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/ShortcutJump.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/ShortcutJump.hs
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@ import SPARC.Imm
import CLabel
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Panic
+import Unique
@@ -37,11 +38,11 @@ shortcutStatic :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> CmmStatic -> CmmStatic
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lab))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lab
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)))
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn (mkBlockId uq)))
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff lbl1 lbl2 off))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lbl1
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn (BlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn (mkBlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
-- slightly dodgy, we're ignoring the second label, but this
-- works with the way we use CmmLabelDiffOff for jump tables now.
@@ -50,9 +51,9 @@ shortcutStatic _ other_static
shortBlockId :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> BlockId -> CLabel
-shortBlockId fn blockid@(BlockId uq) =
+shortBlockId fn blockid =
case fn blockid of
- Nothing -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
+ Nothing -> mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
Just (DestBlockId blockid') -> shortBlockId fn blockid'
Just (DestImm (ImmCLbl lbl)) -> lbl
_other -> panic "shortBlockId"
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/Size.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/Size.hs
index 3be5430e82..6b5b1aff59 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/Size.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/Size.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Size (
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import Outputable
-- It looks very like the old MachRep, but it's now of purely local
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/TargetReg.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/TargetReg.hs
index 1a8d88380d..35b49d1809 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/TargetReg.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/TargetReg.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Reg
import RegClass
import Size
-import CmmExpr (wordWidth)
+import CmmType (wordWidth)
import Outputable
import Unique
import FastTypes
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
index 02abd04642..44311a4186 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ import Platform
import BasicTypes
import BlockId
import PprCmm ( pprExpr )
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
+import OldPprCmm
import CLabel
import ClosureInfo ( C_SRT(..) )
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ import OrdList
import Pretty
import qualified Outputable as O
import Outputable
+import Unique
import FastString
import FastBool ( isFastTrue )
import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
@@ -93,11 +95,10 @@ cmmTopCodeGen
-> RawCmmTop
-> NatM [NatCmmTop Instr]
-cmmTopCodeGen dynflags
- (CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph blocks)) = do
+cmmTopCodeGen dynflags (CmmProc info lab (ListGraph blocks)) = do
(nat_blocks,statics) <- mapAndUnzipM basicBlockCodeGen blocks
picBaseMb <- getPicBaseMaybeNat
- let proc = CmmProc info lab params (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
+ let proc = CmmProc info lab (ListGraph $ concat nat_blocks)
tops = proc : concat statics
os = platformOS $ targetPlatform dynflags
@@ -271,8 +272,8 @@ is32BitInteger i = i64 <= 0x7fffffff && i64 >= -0x80000000
-- | Convert a BlockId to some CmmStatic data
jumpTableEntry :: Maybe BlockId -> CmmStatic
jumpTableEntry Nothing = CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
-jumpTableEntry (Just (BlockId id)) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
- where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+jumpTableEntry (Just blockid) = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel blockLabel)
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1926,9 +1927,9 @@ genSwitch expr ids
jumpTableEntryRel Nothing
= CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
- jumpTableEntryRel (Just (BlockId id))
+ jumpTableEntryRel (Just blockid)
= CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff blockLabel lbl 0)
- where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel id
+ where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
op = OpAddr (AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg tableReg)
(EAIndex reg wORD_SIZE) (ImmInt 0))
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Instr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Instr.hs
index b9cdf7f991..28b7997139 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Instr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Instr.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Reg
import TargetReg
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import FastString
import FastBool
import Outputable
@@ -778,24 +778,24 @@ canShortcut _ = Nothing
-- This helper shortcuts a sequence of branches.
-- The blockset helps avoid following cycles.
shortcutJump :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> Instr -> Instr
-shortcutJump fn insn = shortcutJump' fn emptyBlockSet insn
+shortcutJump fn insn = shortcutJump' fn (setEmpty :: BlockSet) insn
where shortcutJump' fn seen insn@(JXX cc id) =
- if elemBlockSet id seen then insn
+ if setMember id seen then insn
else case fn id of
Nothing -> insn
Just (DestBlockId id') -> shortcutJump' fn seen' (JXX cc id')
Just (DestImm imm) -> shortcutJump' fn seen' (JXX_GBL cc imm)
- where seen' = extendBlockSet seen id
+ where seen' = setInsert id seen
shortcutJump' _ _ other = other
-- Here because it knows about JumpDest
shortcutStatic :: (BlockId -> Maybe JumpDest) -> CmmStatic -> CmmStatic
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel lab))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lab
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn emptyUniqSet (BlockId uq)))
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabel (shortBlockId fn emptyUniqSet (mkBlockId uq)))
shortcutStatic fn (CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff lbl1 lbl2 off))
| Just uq <- maybeAsmTemp lbl1
- = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn emptyUniqSet (BlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
+ = CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff (shortBlockId fn emptyUniqSet (mkBlockId uq)) lbl2 off)
-- slightly dodgy, we're ignoring the second label, but this
-- works with the way we use CmmLabelDiffOff for jump tables now.
@@ -808,10 +808,11 @@ shortBlockId
-> BlockId
-> CLabel
-shortBlockId fn seen blockid@(BlockId uq) =
+shortBlockId fn seen blockid =
case (elementOfUniqSet uq seen, fn blockid) of
(True, _) -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
(_, Nothing) -> mkAsmTempLabel uq
(_, Just (DestBlockId blockid')) -> shortBlockId fn (addOneToUniqSet seen uq) blockid'
(_, Just (DestImm (ImmCLbl lbl))) -> lbl
(_, _other) -> panic "shortBlockId"
+ where uq = getUnique blockid
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
index f26e2e6c08..7944a38ff4 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Ppr.hs
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@ import Reg
import PprBase
-import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel
import Config
-import Unique ( pprUnique )
+import Unique ( pprUnique, Uniquable(..) )
import Pretty
import FastString
import qualified Outputable
@@ -57,9 +56,9 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmData section dats) =
pprSectionHeader section $$ vcat (map pprData dats)
-- special case for split markers:
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl _ (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc [] lbl (ListGraph [])) = pprLabel lbl
-pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
+pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprSectionHeader Text $$
(if null info then -- blocks guaranteed not null, so label needed
pprLabel lbl
@@ -91,8 +90,8 @@ pprNatCmmTop (CmmProc info lbl _ (ListGraph blocks)) =
pprBasicBlock :: NatBasicBlock Instr -> Doc
-pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock (BlockId id) instrs) =
- pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel id) $$
+pprBasicBlock (BasicBlock blockid instrs) =
+ pprLabel (mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)) $$
vcat (map pprInstr instrs)
@@ -619,9 +618,9 @@ pprInstr (CLTD II64) = ptext (sLit "\tcqto")
pprInstr (SETCC cond op) = pprCondInstr (sLit "set") cond (pprOperand II8 op)
-pprInstr (JXX cond (BlockId id))
+pprInstr (JXX cond blockid)
= pprCondInstr (sLit "j") cond (pprCLabel_asm lab)
- where lab = mkAsmTempLabel id
+ where lab = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
pprInstr (JXX_GBL cond imm) = pprCondInstr (sLit "j") cond (pprImm imm)
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Regs.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Regs.hs
index 943a7a3b6d..094b74dc37 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Regs.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/Regs.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Reg
import RegClass
import BlockId
-import Cmm
+import OldCmm
import CLabel ( CLabel )
import Pretty
import Outputable ( panic )
diff --git a/ b/
index 3ad7d45a99..d2e4e3589b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ TH_PACKAGES := $(DPH_PACKAGES)
# We assume that the stage0 compiler has a suitable bytestring package,
# so we don't have to include it below.
-STAGE0_PACKAGES = Cabal hpc extensible-exceptions binary bin-package-db
+STAGE0_PACKAGES = Cabal hpc extensible-exceptions binary bin-package-db hoopl
# These packages are installed, but are installed hidden
# Why install them at all? Because the 'ghc' package depends on them
@@ -391,6 +391,7 @@ $(eval $(call addPackage,template-haskell))
$(eval $(call addPackage,Cabal))
$(eval $(call addPackage,binary))
$(eval $(call addPackage,bin-package-db))
+$(eval $(call addPackage,hoopl))
$(eval $(call addPackage,mtl))
$(eval $(call addPackage,utf8-string))
$(eval $(call addPackage,xhtml))
@@ -675,6 +676,7 @@ $(eval $(call build-package,libraries/extensible-exceptions,dist-boot,0))
$(eval $(call build-package,libraries/Cabal,dist-boot,0))
$(eval $(call build-package,libraries/binary,dist-boot,0))
$(eval $(call build-package,libraries/bin-package-db,dist-boot,0))
+$(eval $(call build-package,libraries/hoopl,dist-boot,0))
# register the boot packages in strict sequence, because running
# multiple ghc-pkgs in parallel doesn't work (registrations may get
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 56acca4e87..c000f852a5 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -62,6 +62,15 @@ libraries/haskeline_dist-install_EXTRA_HC_OPTS += -fno-warn-unused-imports
libraries/binary_dist-boot_EXTRA_HC_OPTS += -fno-warn-unused-imports
libraries/binary_dist-install_EXTRA_HC_OPTS += -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-identities
+# Temporarily turn off -Werror for some Hoopl modules that have
+# non-exhaustive pattern-match warnings
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/Util_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/GraphUtil_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/MkGraph_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/XUtil_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/Pointed_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
+libraries/hoopl/src/Compiler/Hoopl/Passes/Dominator_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
# primitive has a warning about deprecated use of GHC.IOBase
libraries/primitive_dist-install_EXTRA_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
diff --git a/packages b/packages
index 7921531f79..95ecff18da 100644
--- a/packages
+++ b/packages
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ libraries/ghc-prim - packages/ghc-prim darc
libraries/haskeline - packages/haskeline darcs
libraries/haskell98 - packages/haskell98 darcs -
libraries/haskell2010 - packages/haskell2010 darcs -
+libraries/hoopl - packages/hoopl darcs -
libraries/hpc - packages/hpc darcs -
libraries/integer-gmp - packages/integer-gmp darcs -
libraries/integer-simple - packages/integer-simple darcs -
diff --git a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
index a4566f1132..d75696fa2c 100644
--- a/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
+++ b/utils/ghc-cabal/Main.hs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Configure
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.Program.HcPkg
-import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc, writeFileAtomic)
+import Distribution.Simple.Utils (defaultPackageDesc, writeFileAtomic, toUTF8)
import Distribution.Simple.Build (writeAutogenFiles)
import Distribution.Simple.Register
import Distribution.Text
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ generate config_args distdir directory
Installed.haddockHTMLs = ["../" ++ display (packageId pd)]
content = Installed.showInstalledPackageInfo final_ipi ++ "\n"
- writeFileAtomic (distdir </> "inplace-pkg-config") content
+ writeFileAtomic (distdir </> "inplace-pkg-config") (toUTF8 content)
_ -> error "Inconsistent lib components; can't happen?"