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diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index a75890f70a..3facc1e7e4 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -335,13 +335,17 @@ kickOutRewritable new_flav new_tv
-- constraints that mention type variables whose
-- kinds could contain this variable!
- kick_out_eq inert_ct = kick_out_ct inert_ct &&
- not (ctFlavour inert_ct `canRewrite` new_flav)
- -- If also the inert can rewrite the subst then there is no danger of
- -- occurs check errors sor keep it there. No need to rewrite the inert equality
- -- (as we did in the past) because of point (8) of
- -- See Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants]
- -- and Note [Delicate equality kick-out]
+ kick_out_eq (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = rhs, cc_ev = ev })
+ = (new_flav `canRewrite` inert_flav) -- See Note [Delicate equality kick-out]
+ && (new_tv `elemVarSet` kind_vars || -- (1)
+ (not (inert_flav `canRewrite` new_flav) && -- (2)
+ new_tv `elemVarSet` (extendVarSet (tyVarsOfType rhs) tv)))
+ where
+ inert_flav = ctEvFlavour ev
+ kind_vars = tyVarsOfType (tyVarKind tv) `unionVarSet`
+ tyVarsOfType (typeKind rhs)
+ kick_out_eq other_ct = pprPanic "kick_out_eq" (ppr other_ct)
Note [Kick out insolubles]
@@ -355,27 +359,34 @@ outer type constructors match.
Note [Delicate equality kick-out]
-When kicking out rewritable constraints, it would be safe to simply
-kick out all rewritable equalities, but instead we only kick out those
-that, when rewritten, may result in occur-check errors. Example:
- WorkItem = [G] a ~ b
- Inerts = { [W] b ~ [a] }
-Now at this point the work item cannot be further rewritten by the
-inert (due to the weaker inert flavor). Instead the workitem can
-rewrite the inert leading to potential occur check errors. So we must
-kick the inert out. On the other hand, if the inert flavor was as
-powerful or more powerful than the workitem flavor, the work-item could
-not have reached this stage (because it would have already been
-rewritten by the inert).
-The coclusion is: we kick out the 'dangerous' equalities that may
-require recanonicalization (occurs checks) and the rest we keep
-there in the inerts without further checks.
-In the past we used to rewrite-on-the-spot those equalities that we keep in,
-but this is no longer necessary see Note [Non-idempotent inert substitution].
+When adding an equality (a ~ xi), we kick out an inert type-variable
+equality (b ~ phi) in two cases
+(1) If the new tyvar can rewrite the kind LHS or RHS of the inert
+ equality. Example:
+ Work item: [W] k ~ *
+ Inert: [W] (a:k) ~ ty
+ [W] (b:*) ~ c :: k
+ We must kick out those blocked inerts so that we rewrite them
+ and can subsequently unify.
+(2) If the new tyvar can
+ Work item: [G] a ~ b
+ Inert: [W] b ~ [a]
+ Now at this point the work item cannot be further rewritten by the
+ inert (due to the weaker inert flavor). But we can't add the work item
+ as-is because the inert set would then have a cyclic substitution,
+ when rewriting a wanted type mentioning 'a'. So we must kick the inert out.
+ We have to do this only if the inert *cannot* rewrite the work item;
+ it it can, then the work item will have been fully rewritten by the
+ inert during canonicalisation. So for example:
+ Work item: [W] a ~ Int
+ Inert: [W] b ~ [a]
+ No need to kick out the inert, beause the inert substitution is not
+ necessarily idemopotent. See Note [Non-idempotent inert substitution].
+See also point (8) of Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants]
data SPSolveResult = SPCantSolve