diff options
10 files changed, 405 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Env.hs
index 0d52ecc7cc..f6b7f415a0 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Env.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module GHC.Driver.Env
, hsc_all_home_unit_ids
, hscUpdateLoggerFlags
, hscUpdateHUG
+ , hscUpdateHPT_lazy
, hscUpdateHPT
, hscSetActiveHomeUnit
, hscSetActiveUnitId
@@ -133,8 +134,15 @@ hsc_HUG = ue_home_unit_graph . hsc_unit_env
hsc_all_home_unit_ids :: HscEnv -> Set.Set UnitId
hsc_all_home_unit_ids = unitEnv_keys . hsc_HUG
+hscUpdateHPT_lazy :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
+hscUpdateHPT_lazy f hsc_env =
+ let !res = updateHpt_lazy f (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ in hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = res }
hscUpdateHPT :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
-hscUpdateHPT f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = updateHpt f (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) }
+hscUpdateHPT f hsc_env =
+ let !res = updateHpt f (hsc_unit_env hsc_env)
+ in hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = res }
hscUpdateHUG :: (HomeUnitGraph -> HomeUnitGraph) -> HscEnv -> HscEnv
hscUpdateHUG f hsc_env = hsc_env { hsc_unit_env = updateHug f (hsc_unit_env hsc_env) }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
index 739ac5b46a..2f6a3262d0 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ initModDetails hsc_env mod_summary iface =
fixIO $ \details' -> do
let act hpt = addToHpt hpt (ms_mod_name mod_summary)
(HomeModInfo iface details' Nothing)
- let hsc_env' = hscUpdateHPT act hsc_env
+ let !hsc_env' = hscUpdateHPT act hsc_env
-- NB: This result is actually not that useful
-- in one-shot mode, since we're not going to do
-- any further typechecking. It's much more useful
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index dd0c21a990..17a48422af 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad ( initIfaceCheck )
+import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad ( initIfaceCheck, concatMapM )
import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
import qualified GHC.Linker.Loader as Linker
@@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import GHC.Runtime.Loader
import GHC.Rename.Names
import GHC.Utils.Constants
+import GHC.Types.Unique.DFM (udfmRestrictKeysSet)
+import qualified Data.IntSet as I
+import GHC.Types.Unique
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Loading the program
@@ -538,20 +542,29 @@ warnUnusedPackages us dflags mod_graph =
then emptyMessages
else warn
-- | A ModuleGraphNode which also has a hs-boot file, and the list of nodes on any
-- path from module to its boot file.
data ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
- = ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile ModuleGraphNode [ModuleGraphNode]
+ = ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
+ ModuleGraphNode
+ -- ^ The module itself (not the hs-boot module)
+ [NodeKey]
+ -- ^ The modules in between the module and its hs-boot file,
+ -- not including the hs-boot file itself.
instance Outputable ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile where
ppr (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mgn deps) = text "ModeGraphNodeWithBootFile: " <+> ppr mgn $$ ppr deps
-getNode :: ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile -> ModuleGraphNode
-getNode (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mgn _) = mgn
-data BuildPlan = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode -- A simple, single module all alone but *might* have an hs-boot file which isn't part of a cycle
- | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile] -- A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
- | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode] -- An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
+-- | A 'BuildPlan' is the result of attempting to linearise a single strongly-connected
+-- component of the module graph.
+data BuildPlan
+ -- | A simple, single module all alone (which *might* have an hs-boot file, if it isn't part of a cycle)
+ = SingleModule ModuleGraphNode
+ -- | A resolved cycle, linearised by hs-boot files
+ | ResolvedCycle [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile]
+ -- | An actual cycle, which wasn't resolved by hs-boot files
+ | UnresolvedCycle [ModuleGraphNode]
instance Outputable BuildPlan where
ppr (SingleModule mgn) = text "SingleModule" <> parens (ppr mgn)
@@ -614,7 +627,7 @@ createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
select_boot_modules :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> [ModuleGraphNode]
select_boot_modules = mapMaybe (fmap fst . get_boot_module)
- get_boot_module :: (ModuleGraphNode -> Maybe (ModuleGraphNode, [ModuleGraphNode]))
+ get_boot_module :: ModuleGraphNode -> Maybe (ModuleGraphNode, [ModuleGraphNode])
get_boot_module m = case m of ModuleNode _ ms | HsSrcFile <- ms_hsc_src ms -> lookupModuleEnv boot_modules (ms_mod ms); _ -> Nothing
-- Any cycles should be resolved now
@@ -625,13 +638,13 @@ createBuildPlan mod_graph maybe_top_mod =
-- Cyclic
collapseSCC _ = Nothing
- toNodeWithBoot :: (ModuleGraphNode -> Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile)
+ toNodeWithBoot :: ModuleGraphNode -> Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile
toNodeWithBoot mn =
case get_boot_module mn of
-- The node doesn't have a boot file
Nothing -> Left mn
-- The node does have a boot file
- Just path -> Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn (snd path))
+ Just path -> Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn (map mkNodeKey (snd path)))
-- The toposort and accumulation of acyclic modules is solely to pick-up
-- hs-boot files which are **not** part of cycles.
@@ -968,8 +981,20 @@ mkResultVar = ResultVar id
waitResult :: ResultVar a -> MaybeT IO a
waitResult (ResultVar f var) = MaybeT (fmap f <$> readMVar var)
+data BuildResult = BuildResult { _resultOrigin :: ResultOrigin
+ , resultVar :: ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet)
+ }
-data BuildLoopState = BuildLoopState { buildDep :: M.Map NodeKey (SDoc, ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo))
+-- The origin of this result var, useful for debugging
+data ResultOrigin = NoLoop | Loop ResultLoopOrigin deriving (Show)
+data ResultLoopOrigin = Initialise | Rehydrated | Finalised deriving (Show)
+mkBuildResult :: ResultOrigin -> ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo, ModuleNameSet) -> BuildResult
+mkBuildResult = BuildResult
+data BuildLoopState = BuildLoopState { buildDep :: M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
-- The current way to build a specific TNodeKey, without cycles this just points to
-- the appropiate result of compiling a module but with
-- cycles there can be additional indirection and can point to the result of typechecking a loop
@@ -985,14 +1010,20 @@ nodeId = do
modify (\m -> m { nNODE = n + 1 })
return n
-setModulePipeline :: NodeKey -> SDoc -> ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo) -> BuildM ()
-setModulePipeline mgn doc wrapped_pipeline = do
- modify (\m -> m { buildDep = M.insert mgn (doc, wrapped_pipeline) (buildDep m) })
-getBuildMap :: BuildM (M.Map
- NodeKey (SDoc, ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo)))
+setModulePipeline :: NodeKey -> BuildResult -> BuildM ()
+setModulePipeline mgn build_result = do
+ modify (\m -> m { buildDep = M.insert mgn build_result (buildDep m) })
+type BuildMap = M.Map NodeKey BuildResult
+getBuildMap :: BuildM BuildMap
getBuildMap = gets buildDep
+getDependencies :: [NodeKey] -> BuildMap -> [BuildResult]
+getDependencies direct_deps build_map =
+ strictMap (expectJust "dep_map" . flip M.lookup build_map) direct_deps
type BuildM a = StateT BuildLoopState IO a
@@ -1041,7 +1072,7 @@ interpretBuildPlan hug mhmi_cache old_hpt plan = do
-- finish. We do this here rather than when we update the hug_var because we only ever
-- want to add things to the cache which are externally visible
-- (something which is hard to work out in the main loop).
- waits <- mapM (\(_doc, res_var) -> collect_result res_var) (M.elems build_map)
+ waits <- mapM (\(_doc, res_var) -> collect_result (fmap fst <$> res_var)) (M.elems build_map)
-- 2. Block waiting for all to finish
return (sequence waits)
@@ -1074,7 +1105,7 @@ interpretBuildPlan hug mhmi_cache old_hpt plan = do
case plan of
-- If there was no cycle, then typecheckLoop is not necessary
SingleModule m -> do
- (one_plan, _) <- buildSingleModule Nothing m
+ one_plan <- buildSingleModule Nothing NoLoop m
(cycle, all_plans) <- buildLoop plans
return (cycle, one_plan : all_plans)
@@ -1089,71 +1120,122 @@ interpretBuildPlan hug mhmi_cache old_hpt plan = do
-- Can't continue past this point as the cycle is unresolved.
UnresolvedCycle ns -> return (Just ns, [])
- buildSingleModule :: Maybe [ModuleGraphNode] -- Modules we need to rehydrate before compiling this module
+ buildSingleModule :: Maybe [NodeKey] -- Modules we need to rehydrate before compiling this module
+ -> ResultOrigin
-> ModuleGraphNode -- The node we are compiling
- -> BuildM (MakeAction, ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo))
- buildSingleModule rehydrate_nodes mod = do
+ -> BuildM MakeAction
+ buildSingleModule rehydrate_nodes origin mod = do
mod_idx <- nodeId
- home_mod_map <- getBuildMap
+ !build_map <- getBuildMap
hug_var <- gets hug_var
- -- 1. Get the transitive dependencies of this module, by looking up in the dependency map
+ -- 1. Get the direct dependencies of this module
let direct_deps = nodeDependencies False mod
- doc_build_deps = map (expectJust "dep_map" . flip M.lookup home_mod_map) direct_deps
- build_deps = map snd doc_build_deps
- -- 2. Set the default way to build this node, not in a loop here
- let build_action = withCurrentUnit (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) $
+ -- It's really important to force build_deps, or the whole buildMap is retained,
+ -- which would retain all the result variables, preventing us from collecting them
+ -- after they are no longer used.
+ !build_deps = getDependencies direct_deps build_map
+ let build_action =
+ withCurrentUnit (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) $ do
+ (hug, deps) <- wait_deps_hug hug_var build_deps
case mod of
- InstantiationNode uid iu ->
- const Nothing <$> executeInstantiationNode mod_idx n_mods (wait_deps_hug hug_var build_deps) uid iu
+ InstantiationNode uid iu -> do
+ executeInstantiationNode mod_idx n_mods hug uid iu
+ return (Nothing, deps)
ModuleNode _build_deps ms -> do
- let !old_hmi = M.lookup (msKey ms) old_hpt
- rehydrate_mods = mapMaybe moduleGraphNodeModule <$> rehydrate_nodes
- hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods old_hmi (wait_deps_hug hug_var build_deps) rehydrate_mods ms
- -- This global MVar is incrementally modified in order to avoid having to
- -- recreate the HPT before compiling each module which leads to a quadratic amount of work.
- hsc_env <- asks hsc_env
- hmi' <- liftIO $ modifyMVar hug_var (\hug -> do
- let new_hpt = addHomeModInfoToHug hmi hug
- new_hsc = setHUG new_hpt hsc_env
- maybeRehydrateAfter hmi new_hsc rehydrate_mods
- )
- return (Just hmi')
+ let !old_hmi = M.lookup (msKey ms) old_hpt
+ rehydrate_mods = mapMaybe nodeKeyModName <$> rehydrate_nodes
+ hmi <- executeCompileNode mod_idx n_mods old_hmi hug rehydrate_mods ms
+ -- This global MVar is incrementally modified in order to avoid having to
+ -- recreate the HPT before compiling each module which leads to a quadratic amount of work.
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (return . addHomeModInfoToHug hmi)
+ return (Just hmi, addToModuleNameSet (moduleGraphNodeUnitId mod) (ms_mod_name ms) deps )
LinkNode _nks uid -> do
- executeLinkNode (wait_deps_hug hug_var build_deps) (mod_idx, n_mods) uid direct_deps
- return Nothing
+ executeLinkNode hug (mod_idx, n_mods) uid direct_deps
+ return (Nothing, deps)
res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
let result_var = mkResultVar res_var
- setModulePipeline (mkNodeKey mod) (text "N") result_var
- return $ (MakeAction build_action res_var, result_var)
+ setModulePipeline (mkNodeKey mod) (mkBuildResult origin result_var)
+ return $ (MakeAction build_action res_var)
+ buildOneLoopyModule :: ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile -> BuildM [MakeAction]
+ buildOneLoopyModule (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn deps) = do
+ ma <- buildSingleModule (Just deps) (Loop Initialise) mn
+ -- Rehydration (1) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
+ rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Rehydrated ((GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot) : (map (\d -> GWIB d NotBoot) deps))
+ return $ [ma, rehydrate_action]
- buildOneLoopyModule :: ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile -> BuildM (MakeAction, (ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo)))
- buildOneLoopyModule (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn deps) =
- buildSingleModule (Just deps) mn
- buildModuleLoop :: [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile] -> BuildM [MakeAction]
+ buildModuleLoop :: [Either ModuleGraphNode ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile] -> BuildM [MakeAction]
buildModuleLoop ms = do
- (build_modules, wait_modules) <- mapAndUnzipM (either (buildSingleModule Nothing) buildOneLoopyModule) ms
+ build_modules <- concatMapM (either (fmap (:[]) <$> buildSingleModule Nothing (Loop Initialise)) buildOneLoopyModule) ms
+ let extract (Left mn) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) NotBoot
+ extract (Right (ModuleGraphNodeWithBootFile mn _)) = GWIB (mkNodeKey mn) IsBoot
+ let loop_mods = map extract ms
+ -- Rehydration (2) from Note [Hydrating Modules], "Loops with multiple boot files"
+ -- Fixes the space leak described in that note.
+ rehydrate_action <- rehydrateAction Finalised loop_mods
+ return $ build_modules ++ [rehydrate_action]
+ -- An action which rehydrates the given keys
+ rehydrateAction :: ResultLoopOrigin -> [GenWithIsBoot NodeKey] -> BuildM MakeAction
+ rehydrateAction origin deps = do
+ hug_var <- gets hug_var
+ !build_map <- getBuildMap
res_var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
- let loop_action = wait_deps wait_modules
- let fanout i = Just . (!! i) <$> mkResultVar res_var
+ let
+ !build_deps = getDependencies (map gwib_mod deps) build_map
+ let loop_action = do
+ (hug, tdeps) <- wait_deps_hug hug_var build_deps
+ hsc_env <- asks hsc_env
+ let new_hsc = setHUG hug hsc_env
+ mns :: [ModuleName]
+ mns = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
+ hmis' <- liftIO $ rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns
+ checkRehydrationInvariant hmis' deps
+ -- Add hydrated interfaces to global variable
+ liftIO $ modifyMVar_ hug_var (\hug -> return $ foldr addHomeModInfoToHug hug hmis')
+ return (hmis', tdeps)
+ let fanout i = first (Just . (!! i)) <$> mkResultVar res_var
-- From outside the module loop, anyone must wait for the loop to finish and then
-- use the result of the rehydrated iface. This makes sure that things not in the
-- module loop will see the updated interfaces for all the identifiers in the loop.
- let update_module_pipeline (m, i) = setModulePipeline (NodeKey_Module m) (text "T") (fanout i)
+ boot_key :: NodeKey -> NodeKey
+ boot_key (NodeKey_Module m) = NodeKey_Module (m { mnkModuleName = (mnkModuleName m) { gwib_isBoot = IsBoot } } )
+ boot_key k = pprPanic "boot_key" (ppr k)
+ update_module_pipeline (m, i) =
+ case gwib_isBoot m of
+ NotBoot -> setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) (fanout i))
+ IsBoot -> do
+ setModulePipeline (gwib_mod m) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) (fanout i))
+ -- SPECIAL: Anything outside the loop needs to see A rather than A.hs-boot
+ setModulePipeline (boot_key (gwib_mod m)) (mkBuildResult (Loop origin) (fanout i))
- let ms_i = zip (mapMaybe (fmap msKey . moduleGraphNodeModSum . either id getNode) ms) [0..]
- mapM update_module_pipeline ms_i
- return $ build_modules ++ [MakeAction loop_action res_var]
+ let deps_i = zip deps [0..]
+ mapM update_module_pipeline deps_i
+ return $ MakeAction loop_action res_var
+ -- Checks that the interfaces returned from hydration match-up with the names of the
+ -- modules which were fed into the function.
+ checkRehydrationInvariant hmis deps =
+ let hmi_names = map (moduleName . mi_module . hm_iface) hmis
+ start = mapMaybe (nodeKeyModName . gwib_mod) deps
+ in massertPpr (hmi_names == start) $ (ppr hmi_names $$ ppr start)
withCurrentUnit :: UnitId -> RunMakeM a -> RunMakeM a
withCurrentUnit uid = do
local (\env -> env { hsc_env = hscSetActiveUnitId uid (hsc_env env)})
:: Int -- ^ The number of workers we wish to run in parallel
-> HscEnv -- ^ The base HscEnv, which is augmented for each module
@@ -2320,13 +2402,11 @@ withLoggerHsc k MakeEnv{withLogger, hsc_env} cont = do
executeInstantiationNode :: Int
-> Int
- -> RunMakeM HomeUnitGraph
+ -> HomeUnitGraph
-> UnitId
-> InstantiatedUnit
-> RunMakeM ()
-executeInstantiationNode k n wait_deps uid iu = do
- -- Wait for the dependencies of this node
- deps <- wait_deps
+executeInstantiationNode k n deps uid iu = do
env <- ask
-- Output of the logger is mediated by a central worker to
-- avoid output interleaving
@@ -2342,16 +2422,15 @@ executeInstantiationNode k n wait_deps uid iu = do
executeCompileNode :: Int
-> Int
-> Maybe HomeModInfo
- -> RunMakeM HomeUnitGraph
+ -> HomeUnitGraph
-> Maybe [ModuleName] -- List of modules we need to rehydrate before compiling
-> ModSummary
-> RunMakeM HomeModInfo
-executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi wait_deps mrehydrate_mods mod = do
+executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi hug mrehydrate_mods mod = do
me@MakeEnv{..} <- ask
- deps <- wait_deps
-- Rehydrate any dependencies if this module had a boot file or is a signature file.
lift $ MaybeT (withAbstractSem compile_sem $ withLoggerHsc k me $ \hsc_env -> do
- hydrated_hsc_env <- liftIO $ maybeRehydrateBefore (setHUG deps hsc_env) mod fixed_mrehydrate_mods
+ hydrated_hsc_env <- liftIO $ maybeRehydrateBefore (setHUG hug hsc_env) mod fixed_mrehydrate_mods
let -- Use the cached DynFlags which includes OPTIONS_GHC pragmas
lcl_dynflags = ms_hspp_opts mod
let lcl_hsc_env =
@@ -2380,11 +2459,11 @@ rehydrate :: HscEnv -- ^ The HPT in this HscEnv needs rehydrating.
-> [HomeModInfo] -- ^ These are the modules we want to rehydrate.
-> IO HscEnv
rehydrate hsc_env hmis = do
- debugTraceMsg logger 2 $
- text "Re-hydrating loop: "
+ debugTraceMsg logger 2 $ (
+ text "Re-hydrating loop: " <+> (ppr (map (mi_module . hm_iface) hmis)))
new_mods <- fixIO $ \new_mods -> do
let new_hpt = addListToHpt old_hpt new_mods
- let new_hsc_env = hscUpdateHPT (const new_hpt) hsc_env
+ let new_hsc_env = hscUpdateHPT_lazy (const new_hpt) hsc_env
mds <- initIfaceCheck (text "rehydrate") new_hsc_env $
mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
let new_mods = [ (mn,hmi{ hm_details = details })
@@ -2414,17 +2493,14 @@ maybeRehydrateBefore hsc_env mod (Just mns) = do
let mod_name = homeModuleInstantiation (hsc_home_unit_maybe hsc_env) (ms_mod mod)
in mkModuleEnv . (:[]) . (mod_name,) <$> newIORef emptyTypeEnv
-maybeRehydrateAfter :: HomeModInfo
- -> HscEnv
- -> Maybe [ModuleName]
- -> IO (HomeUnitGraph, HomeModInfo)
-maybeRehydrateAfter hmi new_hsc Nothing = return (hsc_HUG new_hsc, hmi)
-maybeRehydrateAfter hmi new_hsc (Just mns) = do
+rehydrateAfter :: HscEnv
+ -> [ModuleName]
+ -> IO [HomeModInfo]
+rehydrateAfter new_hsc mns = do
let new_hpt = hsc_HPT new_hsc
hmis = map (expectJust "mrAfter" . lookupHpt new_hpt) mns
- new_mod_name = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi))
- hsc_env <- rehydrate (new_hsc { hsc_type_env_vars = emptyKnotVars }) (hmi : hmis)
- return (hsc_HUG hsc_env, expectJust "rehydrate" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) new_mod_name)
+ hsc_env <- rehydrate (new_hsc { hsc_type_env_vars = emptyKnotVars }) hmis
+ return $ map (\mn -> expectJust "rehydrate" $ lookupHpt (hsc_HPT hsc_env) mn) mns
Note [Hydrating Modules]
@@ -2525,6 +2601,49 @@ We only need rehydrate modules that are
There might be many unrelated modules (in the home package) that don't need to be
+== Loops with multiple boot files
+It is possible for a module graph to have a loop (SCC, when ignoring boot files)
+which requires multiple boot files to break. In this case, we must perform
+several hydration steps:
+ 1. The hydration steps described above, which are necessary for correctness.
+ 2. An extra hydration step at the end of compiling the entire SCC, in order to
+ remove space leaks, as we explain below.
+Consider the following example:
+ ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐
+ │ A │ │ B │
+ └──┬──┘ └──┬──┘
+ │ │
+ ┌───▼───────────▼───┐
+ │ C │
+ └───┬───────────┬───┘
+ │ │
+ ┌────▼───┐ ┌───▼────┐
+ │ A-boot │ │ B-boot │
+ └────────┘ └────────┘
+A, B and C live together in a SCC. Suppose that we compile the modules in the
+ A-boot, B-boot, C, A, B.
+When we come to compile A, we will perform the necessary hydration steps,
+because A has a boot file. This means that C will be hydrated relative to A,
+and the ModDetails for A will reference C/A. Then, when B is compiled,
+C will be rehydrated again, and so B will reference C/A,B. At this point,
+its interface will be hydrated relative to both A and B.
+This causes a space leak: there are now two different copies of C's ModDetails,
+kept alive by modules A and B. This is especially problematic if C is large.
+The way to avoid this space leak is to rehydrate an entire SCC together at the
+end of compilation, so that all the ModDetails point to interfaces for .hs files.
+In this example, when we hydrate A, B and C together, then both A and B will refer to
+See #21900 for some more discussion.
== Modules "above" the loop
This dark corner is the subject of #14092.
@@ -2552,11 +2671,10 @@ Also closely related are
-executeLinkNode :: RunMakeM HomeUnitGraph -> (Int, Int) -> UnitId -> [NodeKey] -> RunMakeM ()
-executeLinkNode wait_deps kn uid deps = do
+executeLinkNode :: HomeUnitGraph -> (Int, Int) -> UnitId -> [NodeKey] -> RunMakeM ()
+executeLinkNode hug kn uid deps = do
withCurrentUnit uid $ do
MakeEnv{..} <- ask
- hug <- wait_deps
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let hsc_env' = setHUG hug hsc_env
msg' = (\messager -> \recomp -> messager hsc_env kn recomp (LinkNode deps uid)) <$> env_messager
@@ -2575,28 +2693,76 @@ executeLinkNode wait_deps kn uid deps = do
Failed -> fail "Link Failed"
Succeeded -> return ()
+Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+During upsweep, the results of compiling modules are placed into a MVar. When we need
+to compute the right compilation environment for a module, we consult this MVar and
+set the HomeUnitGraph accordingly. This is done to avoid having to precisely track
+module dependencies and recreating the HUG from scratch each time, which is very expensive.
+In serial mode (-j1), this all works out fine: a module can only be compiled
+after its dependencies have finished compiling, and compilation can't be
+interleaved with the compilation of other module loops. This ensures that
+the HUG only ever contains finalised interfaces.
+In parallel mode, we have to be more careful: the HUG variable can contain non-finalised
+interfaces, which have been started by another thread. In order to avoid a space leak
+in which a finalised interface is compiled against a HPT which contains a non-finalised
+interface, we have to restrict the HUG to only contain the visible modules.
+The collection of visible modules explains which transitive modules are visible
+from a certain point. It is recorded in the ModuleNameSet.
+Before a module is compiled, we use this set to restrict the HUG to the visible
+modules only, avoiding this tricky space leak.
+Efficiency of the ModuleNameSet is of utmost importance, because a union occurs for
+each edge in the module graph. To achieve this, the set is represented directly as an IntSet,
+which provides suitable performance – even using a UniqSet (which is backed by an IntMap) is
+too slow. The crucial test of performance here is the time taken to a do a no-op build in --make mode.
+See test "jspace" for an example which used to trigger this problem.
+-- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+type ModuleNameSet = M.Map UnitId I.IntSet
+addToModuleNameSet :: UnitId -> ModuleName -> ModuleNameSet -> ModuleNameSet
+addToModuleNameSet uid mn s =
+ let k = (getKey $ getUnique $ mn)
+ in M.insertWith (I.union) uid (I.singleton k) s
-- | Wait for some dependencies to finish and then read from the given MVar.
-wait_deps_hug :: MVar b -> [ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo)] -> ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) b
+wait_deps_hug :: MVar HomeUnitGraph -> [BuildResult] -> ReaderT MakeEnv (MaybeT IO) (HomeUnitGraph, ModuleNameSet)
wait_deps_hug hug_var deps = do
- _ <- wait_deps deps
- liftIO $ readMVar hug_var
+ (_, module_deps) <- wait_deps deps
+ hug <- liftIO $ readMVar hug_var
+ let pruneHomeUnitEnv uid hme =
+ let -- Restrict to things which are in the transitive closure to avoid retaining
+ -- reference to loop modules which have already been compiled by other threads.
+ -- See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks]
+ !new = udfmRestrictKeysSet (homeUnitEnv_hpt hme) (fromMaybe I.empty $ M.lookup uid module_deps)
+ in hme { homeUnitEnv_hpt = new }
+ return (unitEnv_mapWithKey pruneHomeUnitEnv hug, module_deps)
-- | Wait for dependencies to finish, and then return their results.
-wait_deps :: [ResultVar (Maybe HomeModInfo)] -> RunMakeM [HomeModInfo]
-wait_deps [] = return []
+wait_deps :: [BuildResult] -> RunMakeM ([HomeModInfo], ModuleNameSet)
+wait_deps [] = return ([], M.empty)
wait_deps (x:xs) = do
- res <- lift $ waitResult x
+ (res, deps) <- lift $ waitResult (resultVar x)
+ (hmis, all_deps) <- wait_deps xs
+ let !new_deps = deps `unionModuleNameSet` all_deps
case res of
- Nothing -> wait_deps xs
- Just hmi -> (hmi:) <$> wait_deps xs
+ Nothing -> return (hmis, new_deps)
+ Just hmi -> return (hmi:hmis, new_deps)
+ where
+ unionModuleNameSet = M.unionWith I.union
-- Executing the pipelines
--- | Start a thread which reads from the LogQueueQueue
label_self :: String -> IO ()
label_self thread_name = do
@@ -2756,4 +2922,9 @@ which can be checked easily using ghc-debug.
Where? No one place in the compiler. These leaks can be introduced by not suitable
forcing functions which take a TcLclEnv as an argument.
+5. At the end of a successful upsweep, the number of live ModDetails equals the
+ number of non-boot Modules.
+ Why? Each module has a HomeModInfo which contains a ModDetails from that module.
+ Where? See Note [ModuleNameSet, efficiency and space leaks], a variety of places
+ in the driver are responsible.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DFM.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DFM.hs
index c8e63d333a..95ecc93539 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DFM.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Unique/DFM.hs
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module GHC.Types.Unique.DFM (
udfmMinusUFM, ufmMinusUDFM,
+ udfmRestrictKeysSet,
anyUDFM, allUDFM,
pprUniqDFM, pprUDFM,
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM (UniqFM, nonDetUFMToList, ufmToIntMap, unsafeIntMapToUFM)
import Unsafe.Coerce
+import qualified Data.IntSet as I
-- Note [Deterministic UniqFM]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -314,6 +316,11 @@ filterUDFM_Directly p (UDFM m i) = UDFM (M.filterWithKey p' m) i
udfmRestrictKeys :: UniqDFM key elt -> UniqDFM key elt2 -> UniqDFM key elt
udfmRestrictKeys (UDFM a i) (UDFM b _) = UDFM (M.restrictKeys a (M.keysSet b)) i
+udfmRestrictKeysSet :: UniqDFM key elt -> I.IntSet -> UniqDFM key elt
+udfmRestrictKeysSet (UDFM val_set i) set =
+ let key_set = set
+ in UDFM (M.restrictKeys val_set key_set) i
-- | Converts `UniqDFM` to a list, with elements in deterministic order.
-- It's O(n log n) while the corresponding function on `UniqFM` is O(n).
udfmToList :: UniqDFM key elt -> [(Unique, elt)]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Env.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Env.hs
index fe5a8e04e4..5de8d90013 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Env.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module GHC.Unit.Env
, ueEPS
, unsafeGetHomeUnit
, updateHug
+ , updateHpt_lazy
, updateHpt
-- * Unit Env helper functions
, ue_units
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ module GHC.Unit.Env
, unitEnv_elts
, unitEnv_hpts
, unitEnv_foldWithKey
+ , unitEnv_union
, unitEnv_mapWithKey
-- * Invariants
, assertUnitEnvInvariant
@@ -119,6 +121,9 @@ initUnitEnv cur_unit hug namever platform = do
unsafeGetHomeUnit :: UnitEnv -> HomeUnit
unsafeGetHomeUnit ue = ue_unsafeHomeUnit ue
+updateHpt_lazy :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
+updateHpt_lazy = ue_updateHPT_lazy
updateHpt :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
updateHpt = ue_updateHPT
@@ -266,7 +271,9 @@ addHomeModInfoToHug hmi hug = unitEnv_alter go hmi_unit hug
go (Just hue) = Just (updateHueHpt (addHomeModInfoToHpt hmi) hue)
updateHueHpt :: (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> HomeUnitEnv -> HomeUnitEnv
-updateHueHpt f hue = hue { homeUnitEnv_hpt = f (homeUnitEnv_hpt hue)}
+updateHueHpt f hue =
+ let !hpt = f (homeUnitEnv_hpt hue)
+ in hue { homeUnitEnv_hpt = hpt }
lookupHug :: HomeUnitGraph -> UnitId -> ModuleName -> Maybe HomeModInfo
@@ -342,6 +349,9 @@ unitEnv_hpts env = map homeUnitEnv_hpt (Map.elems (unitEnv_graph env))
unitEnv_foldWithKey :: (b -> UnitEnvGraphKey -> a -> b) -> b -> UnitEnvGraph a -> b
unitEnv_foldWithKey f z (UnitEnvGraph g)= Map.foldlWithKey' f z g
+unitEnv_union :: (a -> a -> a) -> UnitEnvGraph a -> UnitEnvGraph a -> UnitEnvGraph a
+unitEnv_union f (UnitEnvGraph env1) (UnitEnvGraph env2) = UnitEnvGraph (Map.unionWith f env1 env2)
-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- Query and modify UnitState in HomeUnitEnv
-- -------------------------------------------------------
@@ -369,16 +379,26 @@ ue_setUnitDbs unit_dbs ue = ue_updateHomeUnitEnv f (ue_currentUnit ue) ue
ue_hpt :: HasDebugCallStack => UnitEnv -> HomePackageTable
ue_hpt = homeUnitEnv_hpt . ue_currentHomeUnitEnv
+ue_updateHPT_lazy :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
+ue_updateHPT_lazy f e = ue_updateUnitHPT_lazy f (ue_currentUnit e) e
ue_updateHPT :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
ue_updateHPT f e = ue_updateUnitHPT f (ue_currentUnit e) e
ue_updateHUG :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomeUnitGraph -> HomeUnitGraph) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
ue_updateHUG f e = ue_updateUnitHUG f e
+ue_updateUnitHPT_lazy :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitId -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
+ue_updateUnitHPT_lazy f uid ue_env = ue_updateHomeUnitEnv update uid ue_env
+ where
+ update unitEnv = unitEnv { homeUnitEnv_hpt = f $ homeUnitEnv_hpt unitEnv }
ue_updateUnitHPT :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable) -> UnitId -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
ue_updateUnitHPT f uid ue_env = ue_updateHomeUnitEnv update uid ue_env
- update unitEnv = unitEnv { homeUnitEnv_hpt = f $ homeUnitEnv_hpt unitEnv }
+ update unitEnv =
+ let !res = f $ homeUnitEnv_hpt unitEnv
+ in unitEnv { homeUnitEnv_hpt = res }
ue_updateUnitHUG :: HasDebugCallStack => (HomeUnitGraph -> HomeUnitGraph) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
ue_updateUnitHUG f ue_env = ue_env { ue_home_unit_graph = f (ue_home_unit_graph ue_env)}
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
index b445365759..f8b0bcc2c3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
, NodeKey(..)
, nodeKeyUnitId
+ , nodeKeyModName
, ModNodeKey
, mkNodeKey
, msKey
@@ -126,6 +127,10 @@ nodeKeyUnitId (NodeKey_Unit iu) = instUnitInstanceOf iu
nodeKeyUnitId (NodeKey_Module mk) = mnkUnitId mk
nodeKeyUnitId (NodeKey_Link uid) = uid
+nodeKeyModName :: NodeKey -> Maybe ModuleName
+nodeKeyModName (NodeKey_Module mk) = Just (gwib_mod $ mnkModuleName mk)
+nodeKeyModName _ = Nothing
data ModNodeKeyWithUid = ModNodeKeyWithUid { mnkModuleName :: ModuleNameWithIsBoot
, mnkUnitId :: UnitId } deriving (Eq, Ord)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e65cc72a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+ ./genJspace
+ "$(TEST_HC)" $(TEST_HC_OPTS) -Wall -Werror -v0 jspace.hs -rtsopts -package ghc -threaded
+ ./jspace$(exeext) +RTS -N -hT --no-automatic-heap-samples -RTS "`'$(TEST_HC)' --print-libdir | tr -d '\r'`"
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/all.T b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/all.T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7864ebf73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/all.T
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+test('jspace', [extra_files(['genJspace']), req_smp], makefile_test, ['jspace'])
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/genJspace b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/genJspace
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3056883367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/genJspace
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Generates the following module graph:
+# - A module cycle H_d - ... - H_1 - H_0 - H_d-boot.
+# - A w-wide collection of modules W_1 ... W_w all importing a common module W.
+# - A module J importing H_d and all of W_1, ..., W_w.
+# This module graph makes it so that GHC has to compile one of the W_i modules at the same time
+# as it is compiling the loop of H modules.
+echo "module JSpaceTest where" > JSpaceTest.hs
+echo "module W where" > W.hs
+ for j in $(seq -w 1 300); do
+ echo "w$j = 123" >> W.hs;
+ done
+for i in $(seq -w 1 $WIDTH); do
+ echo "module W$i where" > W$i.hs;
+ echo "import W" >> W$i.hs;
+ echo "import W$i" >> JSpaceTest.hs;
+ for j in $(seq -w 1 1000); do
+ echo "w$j = 123" >> W$i.hs;
+ done
+echo "module H0 where" > H0.hs;
+echo "import {-# SOURCE #-} H$DEPTH" >> H0.hs;
+echo "import H$DEPTH" >> JSpaceTest.hs;
+for i in $(seq -w 1 $DEPTH); do
+ echo "module H$i where" > H$i.hs;
+ echo "import H$((i-1))" >> H$i.hs;
+ for j in $(seq -w 1 100); do
+ echo "h$j = 123" >> H$i.hs;
+ done
+echo "module H$DEPTH where" > H$DEPTH.hs-boot;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/jspace.hs b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/jspace.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8a4fc9779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/driver/j-space/jspace.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module Main where
+import GHC
+import GHC.Driver.Monad
+import System.Environment
+import GHC.Driver.Env.Types
+import GHC.Profiling
+import System.Mem
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import Control.Monad
+import System.Exit
+import GHC.Platform
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ [libdir] <- getArgs
+ runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
+ initGhcM ["JSpaceTest.hs", "-O", "-j", "-v0"]
+initGhcM :: [String] -> Ghc ()
+initGhcM xs = do
+ session <- getSession
+ df1 <- getSessionDynFlags
+ let cmdOpts = ["-fforce-recomp"] ++ xs
+ (df2, leftovers, _) <- parseDynamicFlags (hsc_logger session) df1 (map noLoc cmdOpts)
+ setSessionDynFlags df2
+ ts <- mapM (\s -> guessTarget s Nothing Nothing) $ map unLoc leftovers
+ setTargets ts
+ _ <- load LoadAllTargets
+ let plat :: Platform
+ plat = targetPlatform df2
+ word_size = case platformWordSize plat of
+ PW8 -> 8
+ PW4 -> 4
+ liftIO $ do
+ requestHeapCensus
+ performGC
+ [ys] <- filter (isPrefixOf "ghc:GHC.Unit.Module.ModDetails.ModDetails") . lines <$> readFile "jspace.hp"
+ let (n :: Int) = read (last (words ys))
+ -- The output should be 50 * 8 * word_size (i.e. 3200, or 1600 on 32-bit architectures):
+ -- the test contains DEPTH + WIDTH + 2 = 50 modules J, H_0, .., H_DEPTH, W_1, .., W_WIDTH,
+ -- and each ModDetails contains 1 (info table) + 7 word-sized fields.
+ -- If this number changes DO NOT ACCEPT THE TEST, you have introduced a space leak.
+ --
+ -- There is some unexplained behaviour where the result is infrequently 3264.. but
+ -- this resisted investigation using ghc-debug so the test actually checks whether there
+ -- are less than 51 live ModDetails which is still a big improvement over before.
+ when (n >= (51 * word_size * 8)) $ do
+ putStrLn "Space leak detetched by jspace test:"
+ putStrLn $ (show (n `div` (word_size * 8))) ++ " live ModDetails when <= 51 are expected"
+ exitFailure
+ return ()