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3 files changed, 143 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Monad.hs
index 70c40aab42..032a3c2e18 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Monad.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Opt.Monad (
-- * Counting
SimplCount, doSimplTick, doFreeSimplTick, simplCountN,
- pprSimplCount, plusSimplCount, zeroSimplCount,
+ pprSimplCount, plusSimplCount, zeroSimplCount, zeroSimplCount',
isZeroSimplCount, hasDetailedCounts, Tick(..),
-- * The monad
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ simplCountN :: SimplCount -> Int
simplCountN (VerySimplCount n) = n
simplCountN (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n
zeroSimplCount dflags
-- This is where we decide whether to do
-- the VerySimpl version or the full-stats version
@@ -306,6 +307,11 @@ zeroSimplCount dflags
| otherwise
= VerySimplCount 0
+zeroSimplCount' :: Bool -> SimplCount
+zeroSimplCount' True = SimplCount {ticks = 0, details = Map.empty, n_log = 0, log1 = [], log2 = []}
+zeroSimplCount' False = VerySimplCount 0
isZeroSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) = n==0
isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n==0
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs
index 8462b5a84a..22e802c863 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns -Wno-unused-imports #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns -Wno-unused-imports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr, simplRules ) where
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ import GHC.Core.DataCon
( DataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConRepStrictness
, dataConRepArgTys, isUnboxedTupleDataCon
, StrictnessMark (..) )
-import GHC.Core.Opt.Monad ( Tick(..), SimplMode(..) )
+import GHC.Core.Opt.Monad ( Tick(..), SimplMode(..), zeroSimplCount', hasDetailedCounts )
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim( realWorldStatePrimTy )
import GHC.Builtin.Names( runRWKey )
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ import Control.Applicative
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Collections (UniqueSet)
import System.IO (fixIO)
import Control.Monad.Fix
+import Data.IORef (newIORef)
+import Data.Functor ((<&>))
The guts of the simplifier is in this module, but the driver loop for
@@ -231,64 +234,101 @@ too small to show up in benchmarks.
+-- TODO we need to be threading SimplCount through as well
+type SimplR = (SimplFloats, SimplEnv, SimplCount)
+type ResimplEnv = (Bool, SimplEnv, UniqSet Var)
-- TODO rename
-simplScc :: ResimplEnv -> [SimplR] -> InBind -> SimplM SimplR
+simplScc :: ResimplEnv -> [SimplR] -> InBind -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
simplScc (should_trace, env0, our_binders) deps b = do
- let traceM | should_trace = pprTraceM
+ let traceM | should_trace
+ && False
+ = pprTraceM
| otherwise = \_ _ -> pure ()
- let (_floats0, envs0) = unzip $ deps
+ let (_floats0, envs0, _scs) = unzip3 $ deps
- traceM "simplScc:start:(#deps,binders)" $ ppr (length deps, bindersOf b)
+ -- traceM "simplScc:start:(#deps,binders)" $ ppr (length deps, bindersOf b)
-- when (any (> 1) check) $ pprPanic "simplScc" $ ppr (floats0, b)
!inscope = foldr unionInScope (seInScope env0) (seInScope <$> envs0)
these_binds = bindersOfBinds [b]
inscope_less_ours = foldl' delInScopeSet inscope these_binds
- no_collisions x y = plusUFM_C arrrrrg x y where
- arrrrrg = pprPanic "collision" $ ppr (x,y)
- env1 = env0 { seInScope = inscope, seIdSubst = foldr no_collisions emptyUFM (seIdSubst <$> envs0)
+ no_collisions x y = plusUFM_C f x y where
+ -- f x y = pprPanic "collision" $ ppr (x,y)
+ f x _ = x
+ env1 = env0 { seInScope = inscope
+ , seIdSubst = foldr no_collisions emptyUFM (seIdSubst <$> envs0)
- traceM "simplScc:env1:" $ ppr env1
+ -- traceM "simplScc:env1:" $ ppr env1
(floats1, env2) <- simpl_bind env1 b
- traceM "simplScc:simpl_bind:(floats1,env1)" $ ppr (floats1,env2)
+ -- traceM "simplScc:simpl_bind:(floats1,env1)" $ ppr (floats1,env2)
-- pprTraceM "simplScc2" $ ppr b
-- construct
- (subst, new_binds) <- getUniqueSupplyM >>= \x -> pure . initUs_ x $ mfix $ \ ~(subst0,_) -> let
- go_id s i = do
- u <- getUniqueM
- pure $ case () of
- _ | i `elemVarSet` our_binders -> let
- j = maybeModifyIdInfo (substIdInfo True subst0 i (idInfo i)) i
- in (extendInScope s j, j)
- -- | is_local bndr = subst_id_bndr acc_env bndr (flip setVarUnique u)
- | isLocalId i -> let
- (new_subst, new_bndr) = clone_id_hack True subst0 s (i, u)
- in (extendSubstWithVar new_subst i new_bndr, new_bndr)
- | otherwise -> (extendInScope s i, i)
- go acc_subst bind = case bind of
- NonRec i rhs -> do
- (new_subst, new_id) <- go_id acc_subst i
- pure (new_subst, NonRec new_id $ substExpr subst0 rhs)
- Rec bs -> do
- let f s (i,rhs) = do
- (ns,ni) <- go_id s i
- pure (ns, (ni, substExpr subst0 rhs))
- (new_subst, bs1) <- mapAccumLM f acc_subst bs
- pure (new_subst, Rec bs1)
- in mapAccumLM go (mkEmptySubst inscope_less_ours) $ getTopFloatBinds $ floats1
+ (subst, !new_binds) <- getUniqueSupplyM <&> \us -> initUs_ us . mfix $ \ ~(subst_rec,_) -> let
+ go_id s i = do
+ u <- getUniqueM
+ pure $ case () of
+ _ | i `elemVarSet` our_binders -> let
+ j = maybeModifyIdInfo (substIdInfo True subst_rec i (idInfo i)) i
+ in if notNull $ i `diffIdInfo'` j
+ then pprPanic "simplScdc" $ ppr (i,idInfo i,j,idInfo j, i `diffIdInfo'` j)
+ else (extendInScope s j, j)
+ -- | is_local bndr = subst_id_bndr acc_env bndr (flip setVarUnique u)
+ | isLocalId i -> let
+ (new_subst, new_bndr) = clone_id_hack True subst_rec s (i, u)
+ in if notNull $ i `diffIdInfo'` new_bndr
+ then pprPanic "simplScdc" $ ppr (i,idInfo i,new_bndr,idInfo new_bndr, i `diffIdInfo'` new_bndr)
+ else (new_subst, new_bndr)
+ | otherwise -> panic "dougrulz"
+ -- (extendInScope s i, i)
+ go acc_subst bind = case bind of
+ NonRec i rhs -> do
+ (new_subst, new_id) <- go_id acc_subst i
+ pure (new_subst, NonRec new_id $ substExpr subst_rec rhs)
+ Rec bs -> do
+ let f s (i,rhs) = do
+ (ns,ni) <- go_id s i
+ pure (ns, (ni, substExpr subst_rec rhs))
+ (new_subst, bs1) <- mapAccumLM f acc_subst bs
+ pure (new_subst, Rec bs1)
+ in mapAccumLM go (mkEmptySubst inscope_less_ours) $ getTopFloatBinds $ floats1
let !floats2 = case sfLetFloats floats1 of
LetFloats _ ff -> let
lf = LetFloats (toOL new_binds) ff
in SimplFloats lf (sfJoinFloats floats1) (substInScope subst)
+ !env3 = setInScopeFromF env2 floats2
+ let
+ inscope = seInScope env3
+ subst_IdSubst ids0 = let
+ go i = let
+ new_stale = case lookupInScope_Directly inscope i of
+ Nothing -> Mon.Endo (i:)
+ _ -> mempty
+ (new,xtra_stale) = case lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly ids0 (panic "dougrulz") i of
+ DoneId j -> (DoneId $ substIdOcc subst j, mempty)
+ DoneEx e mba -> (DoneEx (substExpr subst e) mba, mempty)
+ ContEx tvs cvs ids e -> case subst_IdSubst ids of
+ (fm, en) -> (ContEx tvs cvbs fm e, en)
+ in (Mon.Endo $ z -> addToUFM_Directly z i new, new_stale Mon.<> xtra_stale)
+ (e1,e2) = foldMap go $ nonDetKeysUFM ids0
+ in (Mon.appEndo e1 emptyUFM, e2)
+ (new_idsubst, stale_uniques) = subst_IdSubst $ seIdSubst env3
+ env4 = env3 { seIdSubst = new_idsubst }
+ when (notNull stale_uniques) $ traceM "simplScc:stale_uniques:" $ ppr stale_uniques
+ traceM "simplScc:substSimplFloats:(subst_rec,subst1,floats2)" $ ppr (subst,floats2)
- traceM "simplScc:substSimplFloats:(subst0,subst1,floats2)" $ ppr (subst,floats2)
+ -- TODO check (seIdSubst env2) doesn't have any stale ids
- pure (floats2, setInScopeFromF env2 floats2)
+ pure (floats2, env4)
simplTopBinds :: Bool -> SimplEnv -> ([(Int, InBind)], M.Map Int [Int]) -> SimplM (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
@@ -307,34 +347,38 @@ simplTopBinds should_trace env0 (binds0, g)
; env_m_vars <- liftIO $ M.fromList <$> (sequence [(k,) <$> newEmptyMVar | (k,_) <- binds0])
- ; sem <- liftIO $ newQSem 8
- ; SM $ \te sc -> do
- mapM_ (do_one sem (should_trace, env1, my_binds) env_m_vars te sc) binds0
- return ((), sc)
+ ; init_sc <- SM $ \te sc -> do
+ sem <- newQSem 8
+ let zero_sc = zeroSimplCount' $ hasDetailedCounts sc
+ mapM_ (do_one sem (should_trace, env1, my_binds) env_m_vars te zero_sc) binds0
+ return (sc, sc)
; let res_vars = M.elems env_m_vars
- ; (floats, envs) <- unzip <$> liftIO (mapM readMVar res_vars)
+ ; (floats, envs, counts) <- unzip3 <$> liftIO (mapM readMVar res_vars)
-- ; pprTraceM "binds_0" (vcat (map ppr binds0))
-- ; pprTraceM "binds_0" (ppr all_floats)
- ; _old_res <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simpl_binds" #-} simpl_binds env1 (map snd binds0)
+ -- ; _old_res <- {-#SCC "simplTopBinds-simpl_binds" #-} simpl_binds env1 (map snd binds0)
; let
!env = combine_envs env1 envs
- !(final_floats, _) = foldl' go_sfs (emptyFloats env, emptyUniqSet) floats where
- go_sfs acc sf = foldl' go_bind acc $ getTopFloatBinds sf where
- go_bind bind_acc@(floats_acc, seen_set_acc) b = let
- bob = bindersOfBinds [b]
- is_seen = (`elementOfUniqSet` seen_set_acc)
- f = liftA2 (,) Mon.All Mon.Any . is_seen
- (Mon.All all_seen, Mon.Any any_seen) = foldMap f bob
- in case () of
- _ | all_seen -> bind_acc
- | any_seen -> pprPanic "simplTopBinds:seenSome" $ ppr b
- | otherwise -> (floats_acc `extendFloats` b, seen_set_acc `addListToUniqSet` bob)
+ !final_floats = foldl' addFloats (emptyFloats env) floats
+ !final_counts = foldl' plusSimplCount init_sc counts
+ -- , _) =
+ -- foldl' go_sfs (emptyFloats env, emptyUniqSet) floats where
+ -- go_sfs acc sf = foldl' go_bind acc $ getTopFloatBinds sf where
+ -- go_bind bind_acc@(floats_acc, seen_set_acc) b = let
+ -- bob = bindersOfBinds [b]
+ -- is_seen = (`elementOfUniqSet` seen_set_acc)
+ -- f = liftA2 (,) Mon.All Mon.Any . is_seen
+ -- (Mon.All all_seen, Mon.Any any_seen) = foldMap f bob
+ -- in case () of
+ -- _ | all_seen -> bind_acc
+ -- | any_seen -> pprPanic "simplTopBinds:seenSome" $ ppr b
+ -- | otherwise -> (floats_acc `extendFloats` b, seen_set_acc `addListToUniqSet` bob)
+ ; SM $ \_ _ -> pure ((), final_counts)
; freeTick SimplifierDone
; return (final_floats, env ) }
@@ -342,19 +386,33 @@ simplTopBinds should_trace env0 (binds0, g)
env0 { seInScope = foldr unionInScope (seInScope env0) (map seInScope envs)
, seIdSubst = foldr plusUFM (seIdSubst env0) (map seIdSubst envs) }
- do_one sem env1 deps te sc (k, b) = do
+ do_one sem env1 deps te sc0 (k, b) = do
---pprTraceM "forking" (ppr k)
forkIO $ do
rs <- for [x | di <- g M.! k, di /= k, Just x <- [M.lookup di deps]] readMVar
bracket_ (waitQSem sem) (signalQSem sem) $ do
- let my_mv = deps M.! k
- (fst <$> unSM (simplScc env1 rs b) te sc) >>= putMVar my_mv
+ let
+ my_mv = deps M.! k
+ -- zero = zeroSimplCount' $ hasDetailedCounts sc
+ ((f,e),sc) <- unSM (simplScc env1 rs b) te sc0
+ putMVar my_mv (f,e,sc)
+ -- transitive_deps_map = let
+ -- go k ds = foldMap (\x -> if x == k then mempty else transitive_deps_map M.! x) ds
+ -- in M.mapWithKey go g
+ -- init_count k = let
+ -- transitive_deps = let
+ -- go acc [] = acc
+ -- go acc (x : xs)
+ -- | x `elemVarSet` acc = go acc xs
+ -- | otherwise = go (go (x `IntMap.insert` acc) (g M.! x)) xs
+ -- in go (IntSet.singleton k) (g M.! k)
+ -- zero = zeroSimplCount' $ hasDetailedCounts sc
--- TODO we need to be threading SimplCount through as well
-type SimplR = (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
-type ResimplEnv = (Bool, SimplEnv, UniqSet Var)
-- We need to track the zapped top-level binders, because
-- they should have their fragile IdInfo zapped (notably occurrence info)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs
index 59efc10969..dd60cf923b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Utils.hs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ module GHC.Core.Utils (
-- * Dumping stuff
- dumpIdInfoOfProgram
+ dumpIdInfoOfProgram, diffIdInfo'
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -2277,6 +2277,22 @@ diffBinds top env binds1 = go (length binds1) env binds1
-- | Find differences in @IdInfo@. We will especially check whether
-- the unfoldings match, if present (see @diffUnfold@).
+diffIdInfo' :: Var -> Var -> [SDoc]
+diffIdInfo' bndr1 bndr2
+ | arityInfo info1 == arityInfo info2
+ && cafInfo info1 == cafInfo info2
+ && oneShotInfo info1 == oneShotInfo info2
+ && inlinePragInfo info1 == inlinePragInfo info2
+ && occInfo info1 == occInfo info2
+ && demandInfo info1 == demandInfo info2
+ && callArityInfo info1 == callArityInfo info2
+ && levityInfo info1 == levityInfo info2
+ = locBind "in unfolding of" bndr1 bndr2 $ []
+ -- diffUnfold env (unfoldingInfo info1) (unfoldingInfo info2)
+ | otherwise
+ = locBind "in Id info of" bndr1 bndr2
+ [fsep [pprBndr LetBind bndr1, text "/=", pprBndr LetBind bndr2]]
+ where info1 = idInfo bndr1; info2 = idInfo bndr2
diffIdInfo :: RnEnv2 -> Var -> Var -> [SDoc]
diffIdInfo env bndr1 bndr2
| arityInfo info1 == arityInfo info2