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4 files changed, 123 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs
index c2aeabefe6..4dd70b0c99 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | CoreSyn holds all the main data types for use by for the Glasgow Haskell Compiler midsection
module CoreSyn (
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ module CoreSyn (
bindersOf, bindersOfBinds, rhssOfBind, rhssOfAlts,
collectBinders, collectTyBinders, collectTyAndValBinders,
- collectArgs, collectArgsTicks, flattenBinds,
+ collectArgs, stripNArgs, collectArgsTicks, flattenBinds,
exprToType, exprToCoercion_maybe,
@@ -2044,6 +2045,15 @@ collectArgs expr
go (App f a) as = go f (a:as)
go e as = (e, as)
+-- | Attempt to remove the last N arguments of a function call.
+-- Strip off any ticks encountered along the way and any ticks
+-- at the end.
+stripNArgs :: Word -> Expr a -> Maybe (Expr a)
+stripNArgs !n (Tick _ e) = stripNArgs n e
+stripNArgs 0 e = Just e
+stripNArgs n (App f _) = stripNArgs (n - 1) f
+stripNArgs _ _ = Nothing
-- | Like @collectArgs@, but also collects looks through floatable
-- ticks if it means that we can find more arguments.
collectArgsTicks :: (Tickish Id -> Bool) -> Expr b
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
index 6d1b434b8f..89e7df2495 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ import Name ( mkSystemVarName, isExternalName, getOccFS )
import Coercion hiding ( substCo, substCoVar )
import OptCoercion ( optCoercion )
import FamInstEnv ( topNormaliseType_maybe )
-import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConRepStrictness, dataConRepArgTys )
+import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWorkId, dataConRepStrictness
+ , dataConRepArgTys, isUnboxedTupleCon
+ , StrictnessMark (..) )
import CoreMonad ( Tick(..), SimplMode(..) )
import CoreSyn
import Demand ( StrictSig(..), dmdTypeDepth, isStrictDmd )
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ import Pair
import Util
import ErrUtils
import Module ( moduleName, pprModuleName )
+import PrimOp ( PrimOp (SeqOp) )
@@ -2599,11 +2602,8 @@ simplAlt env scrut' _ case_bndr' cont' (LitAlt lit, bndrs, rhs)
; return (LitAlt lit, [], rhs') }
simplAlt env scrut' _ case_bndr' cont' (DataAlt con, vs, rhs)
- = do { -- Deal with the pattern-bound variables
- -- Mark the ones that are in ! positions in the
- -- data constructor as certainly-evaluated.
- -- NB: simplLamBinders preserves this eval info
- ; let vs_with_evals = add_evals (dataConRepStrictness con)
+ = do { -- See Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+ let vs_with_evals = addEvals scrut' con vs
; (env', vs') <- simplLamBndrs env vs_with_evals
-- Bind the case-binder to (con args)
@@ -2614,37 +2614,73 @@ simplAlt env scrut' _ case_bndr' cont' (DataAlt con, vs, rhs)
; env'' <- addAltUnfoldings env' scrut' case_bndr' con_app
; rhs' <- simplExprC env'' rhs cont'
; return (DataAlt con, vs', rhs') }
- where
- -- add_evals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of
- -- a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider
- -- data T = T !Int !Int
- --
- -- case x of { T a b -> T (a+1) b }
- --
- -- We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
- -- go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
- -- See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.hs
- add_evals the_strs
- = go vs the_strs
+-- Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- add_evals records the evaluated-ness of the bound variables of
+-- a case pattern. This is *important*. Consider
+-- data T = T !Int !Int
+-- case x of { T a b -> T (a+1) b }
+-- We really must record that b is already evaluated so that we don't
+-- go and re-evaluate it when constructing the result.
+-- See Note [Data-con worker strictness] in MkId.hs
+-- NB: simplLamBinders preserves this eval info
+-- In addition to handling data constructor fields with !s, add_evals
+-- also records the fact that the result of seq# is always in WHNF.
+-- in
+-- case seq# v s of
+-- (# s', v' #) -> E
+-- we want the compiler to be aware that v' is in WHNF in E. See #15226.
+-- We don't record that v itself is in WHNF (and we can't do it here).
+-- I don't know if we should attempt to do so.
+addEvals :: Maybe OutExpr -> DataCon -> [Id] -> [Id]
+-- See Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
+addEvals scrut con vs
+ -- Deal with seq# applications
+ | Just scr <- scrut
+ , isUnboxedTupleCon con
+ , [s,x] <- vs
+ -- Use stripNArgs rather than collectArgsTicks to avoid building
+ -- a list of arguments only to throw it away immediately.
+ , Just (Var f) <- stripNArgs 4 scr
+ , Just SeqOp <- isPrimOpId_maybe f
+ , let x' = zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald MarkedStrict x
+ = [s, x']
+ -- Deal with banged datacon fields
+addEvals _scrut con vs = go vs the_strs
+ where
+ the_strs = dataConRepStrictness con
+ go [] [] = []
+ go (v:vs') strs | isTyVar v = v : go vs' strs
+ go (v:vs') (str:strs) = zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald str v : go vs' strs
+ go _ _ = pprPanic "Simplify.addEvals"
+ (ppr con $$
+ ppr vs $$
+ ppr_with_length (map strdisp the_strs) $$
+ ppr_with_length (dataConRepArgTys con) $$
+ ppr_with_length (dataConRepStrictness con))
- go [] [] = []
- go (v:vs') strs | isTyVar v = v : go vs' strs
- go (v:vs') (str:strs) = zap str v : go vs' strs
- go _ _ = pprPanic "cat_evals"
- (ppr con $$
- ppr vs $$
- ppr_with_length the_strs $$
- ppr_with_length (dataConRepArgTys con) $$
- ppr_with_length (dataConRepStrictness con))
- where
- ppr_with_length list
- = ppr list <+> parens (text "length =" <+> ppr (length list))
- -- NB: If this panic triggers, note that
- -- NoStrictnessMark doesn't print!
- zap str v = setCaseBndrEvald str $ -- Add eval'dness info
- zapIdOccInfo v -- And kill occ info;
- -- see Note [Case alternative occ info]
+ ppr_with_length list
+ = ppr list <+> parens (text "length =" <+> ppr (length list))
+ strdisp MarkedStrict = "MarkedStrict"
+ strdisp NotMarkedStrict = "NotMarkedStrict"
+zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald :: StrictnessMark -> Id -> Id
+zapIdOccInfoAndSetEvald str v =
+ setCaseBndrEvald str $ -- Add eval'dness info
+ zapIdOccInfo v -- And kill occ info;
+ -- see Note [Case alternative occ info]
addAltUnfoldings :: SimplEnv -> Maybe OutExpr -> OutId -> OutExpr -> SimplM SimplEnv
addAltUnfoldings env scrut case_bndr con_app
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/T15226.hs b/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/T15226.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c09114b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/T15226.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- T15226
+import Control.Exception (evaluate)
+-- Just in case Prelude.repeat changes for some reason.
+import Prelude hiding (repeat)
+-- We want to be sure that the compiler *doesn't* know that
+-- all the elements of the list are in WHNF, because if it
+-- does, PrelRules may erase the seq#'s altogether.
+repeat :: a -> [a]
+repeat a = res
+ where res = a : res
+{-# NOINLINE repeat #-} -- Belt *and* suspenders
+silly :: [Int] -> IO ()
+silly = foldr go (pure ())
+ where
+ go x r = do
+ x' <- evaluate x
+ evaluate (x' + 3) -- GHC should know that x' has been evaluated,
+ -- so this calculation will be erased entirely.
+ -- Otherwise, we'll create a thunk to pass to
+ -- evaluate.
+ r
+main :: IO ()
+-- 10,000,000 repetitions take only a twentieth of a second,
+-- but allocations go up dramatically if the result is not
+-- known evaluated.
+main = silly $ take 10000000 $ repeat 1
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/all.T
index 9fd997f633..b248dd56f7 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/should_run/all.T
@@ -574,3 +574,13 @@ test('T14936',
(wordsize(64), 51792, 5) ])],
+ [stats_num_field('bytes allocated',
+ [ (wordsize(64), 41040, 5) ]),
+ # 2018-06-06 41040 Let the simplifier know the result
+ # of seq# is in WHNF
+ # initial 400041040
+ only_ways(['normal'])],
+ compile_and_run,
+ ['-O'])