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9 files changed, 136 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
index 24b055fe6c..6b9d4a9223 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Asm.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Data.SizedSeq
import GHC.StgToCmm.Layout ( ArgRep(..) )
+import GHC.Cmm.Expr
+import GHC.Cmm.CallConv ( tupleRegsCover )
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Platform.Profile
@@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ assembleI platform i = case i of
p <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_bco)
p_tup <- ioptr (liftM BCOPtrBCO ul_tuple_bco)
info <- int (fromIntegral $
- mkTupleInfoSig tuple_info)
+ mkTupleInfoSig platform tuple_info)
emit bci_PUSH_ALTS_T
[Op p, Op info, Op p_tup]
PUSH_PAD8 -> emit bci_PUSH_PAD8 []
@@ -551,69 +553,35 @@ maxTupleNativeStackSize :: WordOff
maxTupleNativeStackSize = 62
- Maximum number of supported registers for returning tuples.
- If GHC uses more more than these (because of a change in the calling
- convention or a new platform) mkTupleInfoSig will panic.
- You can raise the limits after modifying stg_ctoi_t and stg_ret_t
- (StgMiscClosures.cmm) to save and restore the additional registers.
- -}
-maxTupleVanillaRegs, maxTupleFloatRegs, maxTupleDoubleRegs,
- maxTupleLongRegs :: Int
-maxTupleVanillaRegs = 6
-maxTupleFloatRegs = 6
-maxTupleDoubleRegs = 6
-maxTupleLongRegs = 1
Construct the tuple_info word that stg_ctoi_t and stg_ret_t use
to convert a tuple between the native calling convention and the
See Note [GHCi tuple layout] for more information.
-mkTupleInfoSig :: TupleInfo -> Word32
-mkTupleInfoSig ti@TupleInfo{..}
- | tupleNativeStackSize > maxTupleNativeStackSize =
- pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: tuple too big for the bytecode compiler"
+mkTupleInfoSig :: Platform -> TupleInfo -> Word32
+mkTupleInfoSig platform TupleInfo{..}
+ | tupleNativeStackSize > maxTupleNativeStackSize
+ = pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: tuple too big for the bytecode compiler"
(ppr tupleNativeStackSize <+> text "stack words." <+>
text "Use -fobject-code to get around this limit"
- | tupleVanillaRegs `shiftR` maxTupleVanillaRegs /= 0 =
- pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: too many vanilla registers" (ppr tupleVanillaRegs)
- | tupleLongRegs `shiftR` maxTupleLongRegs /= 0 =
- pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: too many long registers" (ppr tupleLongRegs)
- | tupleFloatRegs `shiftR` maxTupleFloatRegs /= 0 =
- pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: too many float registers" (ppr tupleFloatRegs)
- | tupleDoubleRegs `shiftR` maxTupleDoubleRegs /= 0 =
- pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: too many double registers" (ppr tupleDoubleRegs)
- {-
- Check that we can pack the register counts/bitmaps and stack size
- in the information word. In particular we check that each component
- fits in the bits we have reserved for it.
- This overlaps with some of the above checks. It's likely that if the
- number of registers changes, the number of bits will also need to be
- updated.
- -}
- | tupleNativeStackSize < 16384 && -- 14 bits stack usage
- tupleDoubleRegs < 64 && -- 6 bit bitmap (these can be shared with float)
- tupleFloatRegs < 64 && -- 6 bit bitmap (these can be shared with double)
- tupleLongRegs < 4 && -- 2 bit bitmap
- tupleVanillaRegs < 65536 && -- 4 bit count (tupleVanillaRegs is still a bitmap)
- -- check that there are no "holes", i.e. that R1..Rn are all in use
- tupleVanillaRegs .&. (tupleVanillaRegs + 1) == 0
- = fromIntegral tupleNativeStackSize .|.
- unRegBitmap (tupleLongRegs `shiftL` 14) .|.
- unRegBitmap (tupleDoubleRegs `shiftL` 16) .|.
- unRegBitmap (tupleFloatRegs `shiftL` 22) .|.
- fromIntegral (countTrailingZeros (1 + tupleVanillaRegs) `shiftL` 28)
- | otherwise = pprPanic "mkTupleInfoSig: unsupported tuple shape" (ppr ti)
+ | otherwise
+ = assert (length regs <= 24) {- 24 bits for bitmap -}
+ assert (tupleNativeStackSize < 255) {- 8 bits for stack size -}
+ assert (all (`elem` regs) (regSetToList tupleRegs)) {- all regs accounted for -}
+ foldl' reg_bit 0 (zip regs [0..]) .|.
+ (fromIntegral tupleNativeStackSize `shiftL` 24)
+ where
+ reg_bit :: Word32 -> (GlobalReg, Int) -> Word32
+ reg_bit x (r, n)
+ | r `elemRegSet` tupleRegs = x .|. 1 `shiftL` n
+ | otherwise = x
+ regs = tupleRegsCover platform
mkTupleInfoLit :: Platform -> TupleInfo -> Literal
mkTupleInfoLit platform tuple_info =
- mkLitWord platform . fromIntegral $ mkTupleInfoSig tuple_info
+ mkLitWord platform . fromIntegral $ mkTupleInfoSig platform tuple_info
-- Make lists of host-sized words for literals, so that when the
-- words are placed in memory at increasing addresses, the
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
index 02c117d716..673838654d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified GHC.Exts.Heap as Heap
import GHC.Stack.CCS
+import GHC.Cmm.Expr ( GlobalRegSet, emptyRegSet, regSetToList )
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Compiled Byte Code
@@ -106,10 +107,7 @@ newtype RegBitmap = RegBitmap { unRegBitmap :: Word32 }
data TupleInfo = TupleInfo
{ tupleSize :: !WordOff -- total size of tuple in words
- , tupleVanillaRegs :: !RegBitmap -- vanilla registers used
- , tupleLongRegs :: !RegBitmap -- long registers used
- , tupleFloatRegs :: !RegBitmap -- float registers used
- , tupleDoubleRegs :: !RegBitmap -- double registers used
+ , tupleRegs :: !GlobalRegSet
, tupleNativeStackSize :: !WordOff {- words spilled on the stack by
GHCs native calling convention -}
} deriving (Show)
@@ -118,14 +116,11 @@ instance Outputable TupleInfo where
ppr TupleInfo{..} = text "<size" <+> ppr tupleSize <+>
text "stack" <+> ppr tupleNativeStackSize <+>
text "regs" <+>
- char 'R' <> ppr tupleVanillaRegs <+>
- char 'L' <> ppr tupleLongRegs <+>
- char 'F' <> ppr tupleFloatRegs <+>
- char 'D' <> ppr tupleDoubleRegs <>
+ ppr (map ( $ regSetToList tupleRegs) <>
char '>'
voidTupleInfo :: TupleInfo
-voidTupleInfo = TupleInfo 0 0 0 0 0 0
+voidTupleInfo = TupleInfo 0 emptyRegSet 0
type ItblEnv = NameEnv (Name, ItblPtr)
-- We need the Name in the range so we know which
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CallConv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CallConv.hs
index f4b46a03f2..f376e598bf 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CallConv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/CallConv.hs
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ module GHC.Cmm.CallConv (
- realArgRegsCover
+ realArgRegsCover,
+ tupleRegsCover
) where
import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.List (nub)
import GHC.Cmm.Expr
import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout
@@ -219,3 +221,13 @@ realArgRegsCover platform
realDoubleRegs platform ++
realLongRegs platform
-- we don't save XMM registers if they are not used for parameter passing
+-- Like realArgRegsCover but always includes the node. This covers the real
+-- and virtual registers used for unboxed tuples.
+-- Note: if anything changes in how registers for unboxed tuples overlap,
+-- make sure to also update GHC.StgToByteCode.layoutTuple.
+tupleRegsCover :: Platform -> [GlobalReg]
+tupleRegsCover platform =
+ nub (VanillaReg 1 VGcPtr : realArgRegsCover platform)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
index d182a6f714..490a3c4976 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Parser.y
@@ -1151,6 +1151,9 @@ stmtMacros = listToUFM [
( fsLit "SAVE_REGS", \[] -> emitSaveRegs ),
( fsLit "RESTORE_REGS", \[] -> emitRestoreRegs ),
+ ( fsLit "PUSH_TUPLE_REGS", \[live_regs] -> emitPushTupleRegs live_regs ),
+ ( fsLit "POP_TUPLE_REGS", \[live_regs] -> emitPopTupleRegs live_regs ),
( fsLit "LDV_ENTER", \[e] -> ldvEnter e ),
( fsLit "LDV_RECORD_CREATE", \[e] -> ldvRecordCreate e ),
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
index e2f48390e5..f7bb270e16 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
@@ -1262,28 +1262,31 @@ layoutTuple profile start_off arg_ty reps =
orig_stk_params = [(x, fromIntegral off) | (x, StackParam off) <- pos]
-- sort the register parameters by register and add them to the stack
+ regs_order :: Map.Map GlobalReg Int
+ regs_order = Map.fromList $ zip (tupleRegsCover platform) [0..]
+ reg_order :: GlobalReg -> (Int, GlobalReg)
+ reg_order reg | Just n <- Map.lookup reg regs_order = (n, reg)
+ -- a VanillaReg goes to the same place regardless of whether it
+ -- contains a pointer
+ reg_order (VanillaReg n VNonGcPtr) = reg_order (VanillaReg n VGcPtr)
+ -- if we don't have a position for a FloatReg then they must be passed
+ -- in the equivalent DoubleReg
+ reg_order (FloatReg n) = reg_order (DoubleReg n)
+ -- one-tuples can be passed in other registers, but then we don't need
+ -- to care about the order
+ reg_order reg = (0, reg)
(regs, reg_params)
= unzip $ sortBy (comparing fst)
- [(reg, x) | (x, RegisterParam reg) <- pos]
+ [(reg_order reg, x) | (x, RegisterParam reg) <- pos]
(new_stk_bytes, new_stk_params) = assignStack platform
- -- make live register bitmaps
- bmp_reg r ~(v, f, d, l)
- = case r of VanillaReg n _ -> (a v n, f, d, l )
- FloatReg n -> (v, a f n, d, l )
- DoubleReg n -> (v, f, a d n, l )
- LongReg n -> (v, f, d, a l n)
- _ ->
- pprPanic "GHC.StgToByteCode.layoutTuple unsupported register type"
- (ppr r)
- where a bmp n = bmp .|. (1 `shiftL` (n-1))
- (vanilla_regs, float_regs, double_regs, long_regs)
- = foldr bmp_reg (0, 0, 0, 0) regs
+ regs_set = mkRegSet (map snd regs)
get_byte_off (x, StackParam y) = (x, fromIntegral y)
get_byte_off _ =
@@ -1291,10 +1294,7 @@ layoutTuple profile start_off arg_ty reps =
in ( TupleInfo
{ tupleSize = bytesToWords platform (ByteOff new_stk_bytes)
- , tupleVanillaRegs = vanilla_regs
- , tupleLongRegs = long_regs
- , tupleFloatRegs = float_regs
- , tupleDoubleRegs = double_regs
+ , tupleRegs = regs_set
, tupleNativeStackSize = bytesToWords platform
(ByteOff orig_stk_bytes)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
index 95fa21d648..39f25a7b86 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm/Foreign.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module GHC.StgToCmm.Foreign (
+ emitPushTupleRegs,
+ emitPopTupleRegs,
@@ -340,6 +342,63 @@ emitRestoreRegs = do
restore = catAGraphs (map (callerRestoreGlobalReg platform) regs)
emit restore
+-- | Push a subset of STG registers onto the stack, specified by the bitmap
+-- Sometimes, a "live" subset of the STG registers needs to be saved on the
+-- stack, for example when storing an unboxed tuple to be used in the GHCi
+-- bytecode interpreter.
+-- The "live registers" bitmap corresponds to the list of registers given by
+-- 'tupleRegsCover', with the least significant bit indicating liveness of
+-- the first register in the list.
+-- Each register is saved to a stack slot of one or more machine words, even
+-- if the register size itself is smaller.
+-- The resulting Cmm code looks like this, with a line for each real or
+-- virtual register used for returning tuples:
+-- ...
+-- if((mask & 2) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R2; }
+-- if((mask & 1) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R1; }
+-- See Note [GHCi tuple layout]
+emitPushTupleRegs :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+emitPushTupleRegs regs_live = do
+ platform <- getPlatform
+ let regs = zip (tupleRegsCover platform) [0..]
+ save_arg (reg, n) =
+ let mask = CmmLit (CmmInt (1 `shiftL` n) (wordWidth platform))
+ live = cmmAndWord platform regs_live mask
+ cond = cmmNeWord platform live (zeroExpr platform)
+ reg_ty = cmmRegType platform (CmmGlobal reg)
+ width = roundUpToWords platform
+ (widthInBytes $ typeWidth reg_ty)
+ adj_sp = mkAssign spReg
+ (cmmOffset platform spExpr (negate width))
+ save_reg = mkStore spExpr (CmmReg $ CmmGlobal reg)
+ in mkCmmIfThen cond $ catAGraphs [adj_sp, save_reg]
+ emit . catAGraphs =<< mapM save_arg (reverse regs)
+-- | Pop a subset of STG registers from the stack (see 'emitPushTupleRegs')
+emitPopTupleRegs :: CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+emitPopTupleRegs regs_live = do
+ platform <- getPlatform
+ let regs = zip (tupleRegsCover platform) [0..]
+ save_arg (reg, n) =
+ let mask = CmmLit (CmmInt (1 `shiftL` n) (wordWidth platform))
+ live = cmmAndWord platform regs_live mask
+ cond = cmmNeWord platform live (zeroExpr platform)
+ reg_ty = cmmRegType platform (CmmGlobal reg)
+ width = roundUpToWords platform
+ (widthInBytes $ typeWidth reg_ty)
+ adj_sp = mkAssign spReg
+ (cmmOffset platform spExpr width)
+ restore_reg = mkAssign (CmmGlobal reg) (CmmLoad spExpr reg_ty)
+ in mkCmmIfThen cond $ catAGraphs [restore_reg, adj_sp]
+ emit . catAGraphs =<< mapM save_arg regs
emitCloseNursery :: FCode ()
emitCloseNursery = do
diff --git a/rts/Interpreter.c b/rts/Interpreter.c
index efbfd091d8..b2aa5e1e6c 100644
--- a/rts/Interpreter.c
+++ b/rts/Interpreter.c
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ run_BCO:
SpW(-2) = tuple_info;
SpW(-3) = BCO_PTR(o_bco);
W_ ctoi_t_offset;
- int tuple_stack_words = tuple_info & 0x3fff;
+ int tuple_stack_words = (tuple_info >> 24) & 0xff;
switch(tuple_stack_words) {
case 0: ctoi_t_offset = (W_)&stg_ctoi_t0_info; break;
case 1: ctoi_t_offset = (W_)&stg_ctoi_t1_info; break;
diff --git a/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm b/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
index b9379ab3e6..244f55d67a 100644
--- a/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
+++ b/rts/StgMiscClosures.cmm
@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ stg_interp_constr7_entry (P_ ret) { return (ret + 7); }
which is just what we want -- the "standard" return layout for the
interpreter. Hurrah!
- Don't ask me how unboxed tuple returns are supposed to work. We
- haven't got a good story about that yet.
INFO_TABLE_RET( stg_ctoi_R1p, RET_BCO)
@@ -221,7 +218,7 @@ INFO_TABLE_RET( stg_ctoi_V, RET_BCO )
spilled_3 <- Sp
When stg_ctoi_t is called, the stack looks like:
@@ -340,26 +337,23 @@ MK_STG_CTOI_T(62)
the tuple_info word describes the register and stack usage of the tuple:
- [ rrrr ffff ffdd dddd llss ssss ssss ssss ]
+ [ ssss ssss rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr ]
- - r: number of vanilla registers R1..Rn
- - f: bitmap of float registers F1..F6
- - d: bitmap of double registers D1..D6
- - l: bitmap of long registers L1..Ln
+ - r: bitmap of live registers, corresponding to the list of registers
+ returned by GHC.Cmm.CallConv.tupleRegsCover (the least significant
+ bit corresponds to the first element in the list)
- s: number of words on stack (in addition to registers)
- The order in which the registers are pushed on the stack is determined by
- the Ord instance of GHC.Cmm.Expr.GlobalReg. If you change the Ord instance,
- the order in stg_ctoi_t and stg_ret_t needs to be adjusted accordingly.
+ The order of the live registers in the bitmap is the same as the list
+ given by GHC.Cmm.CallConv.tupleRegsCover, with the least significant
+ bit corresponding to the first register in the list.
/* explicit stack */
- W_ tuple_info, tuple_stack, tuple_regs_R,
- tuple_regs_F, tuple_regs_D, tuple_regs_L;
+ W_ tuple_info, tuple_stack;
P_ tuple_BCO;
tuple_info = Sp(2); /* tuple information word */
@@ -370,41 +364,12 @@ stg_ctoi_t
CCCS = Sp(4);
- tuple_stack = tuple_info & 0x3fff; /* number of words spilled on stack */
- tuple_regs_R = (tuple_info >> 28) & 0xf; /* number of R1..Rn */
- tuple_regs_F = (tuple_info >> 22) & 0x3f; /* 6 bits bitmap */
- tuple_regs_D = (tuple_info >> 16) & 0x3f; /* 6 bits bitmap */
- tuple_regs_L = (tuple_info >> 14) & 0x3; /* 2 bits bitmap */
+ /* number of words spilled on stack */
+ tuple_stack = (tuple_info >> 24) & 0xff;
Sp = Sp - WDS(tuple_stack);
- /* save long registers */
- /* fixme L2 ? */
- if((tuple_regs_L & 1) != 0) { Sp = Sp - 8; L_[Sp] = L1; }
- /* save double registers */
- if((tuple_regs_D & 32) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D6; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 16) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D5; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 8) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D4; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 4) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D3; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 2) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D2; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 1) != 0) { Sp = Sp - SIZEOF_DOUBLE; D_[Sp] = D1; }
- /* save float registers */
- if((tuple_regs_F & 32) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F6; }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 16) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F5; }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 8) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F4; }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 4) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F3; }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 2) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F2; }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 1) != 0) { Sp_adj(-1); F_[Sp] = F1; }
- /* save vanilla registers */
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 6) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R6; }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 5) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R5; }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 4) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R4; }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 3) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R3; }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 2) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R2; }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 1) { Sp_adj(-1); Sp(0) = R1; }
+ PUSH_TUPLE_REGS(tuple_info);
/* jump to the BCO that will finish the return of the tuple */
@@ -417,46 +382,15 @@ stg_ctoi_t
INFO_TABLE_RET( stg_ret_t, RET_BCO )
- W_ tuple_info, tuple_stack, tuple_regs_R, tuple_regs_F,
- tuple_regs_D, tuple_regs_L;
+ W_ tuple_info, tuple_stack;
tuple_info = Sp(2);
- tuple_stack = tuple_info & 0x3fff; /* number of words spilled on stack */
- tuple_regs_R = (tuple_info >> 28) & 0xf; /* number of R1..Rn */
- tuple_regs_F = (tuple_info >> 22) & 0x3f; /* 6 bits bitmap */
- tuple_regs_D = (tuple_info >> 16) & 0x3f; /* 6 bits bitmap */
- tuple_regs_L = (tuple_info >> 14) & 0x3; /* 2 bits bitmap */
- /* restore everything in the reverse order of stg_ctoi_t */
- /* restore vanilla registers */
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 1) { R1 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 2) { R2 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 3) { R3 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 4) { R4 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 5) { R5 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- if(tuple_regs_R >= 6) { R6 = Sp(0); Sp_adj(1); }
- /* restore float registers */
- if((tuple_regs_F & 1) != 0) { F1 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 2) != 0) { F2 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 4) != 0) { F3 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 8) != 0) { F4 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 16) != 0) { F5 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- if((tuple_regs_F & 32) != 0) { F6 = F_[Sp]; Sp_adj(1); }
- /* restore double registers */
- if((tuple_regs_D & 1) != 0) { D1 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 2) != 0) { D2 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 4) != 0) { D3 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 8) != 0) { D4 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 16) != 0) { D5 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- if((tuple_regs_D & 32) != 0) { D6 = D_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + SIZEOF_DOUBLE; }
- /* restore long registers */
- if((tuple_regs_L & 1) != 0) { L1 = L_[Sp]; Sp = Sp + 8; }
+ /* number of words spilled on stack */
+ tuple_stack = (tuple_info >> 24) & 0xff;
+ POP_TUPLE_REGS(tuple_info);
/* Sp points to the topmost argument now */
jump %ENTRY_CODE(Sp(tuple_stack)) [*]; // NB. all registers live!
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/UnboxedTuples/UnboxedTuples.hs b/testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/UnboxedTuples/UnboxedTuples.hs
index 1daec7f207..1bbaf39837 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/UnboxedTuples/UnboxedTuples.hs
+++ b/testsuite/tests/ghci/should_run/UnboxedTuples/UnboxedTuples.hs
@@ -179,4 +179,4 @@ testX :: (Eq a, Show a)
=> String -> (p -> t) -> (p -> t) -> p -> p -> (t -> a) -> IO ()
testX msg a1 a2 b1 b2 ap =
let (r:rs) = [ap (f g) | f <- [a1,a2], g <- [b1,b2]]
- in putStrLn (msg ++ " " ++ (show $ all (==r) rs) ++ " " ++ show r)
+ in putStrLn (msg ++ " " ++ show (all (==r) rs) ++ " " ++ show r)