diff options
19 files changed, 1171 insertions, 1414 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
index 78cd6990ba..812f3b2827 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ cLoad platform expr rep =
struct = ptext (sLit "struct") <+> braces (decl)
packed_attr = ptext (sLit "__attribute__((packed))")
cast = parens (struct <+> packed_attr <> char '*')
- in parens (cast <+> pprExpr1 expr) <> ptext (sLit "->x")
+ in parens (cast <+> pprExpr1 platform expr) <> ptext (sLit "->x")
cLoad platform expr rep = char '*' <> parens (cCast platform (machRepPtrCType rep) expr)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index 2f312016c7..bccadb5a5d 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import Util
import BasicTypes
import StaticFlags
import DynFlags
-import Constants
import Outputable
import FastString
@@ -572,27 +571,26 @@ link_caf cl_info _is_upd = do
-- so that the garbage collector can find them
-- This must be done *before* the info table pointer is overwritten,
-- because the old info table ptr is needed for reversion
- ; emitRtsCallWithVols rtsPackageId (fsLit "newCAF")
+ ; ret <- newTemp bWord
+ ; emitRtsCallGen [CmmHinted ret NoHint] rtsPackageId (fsLit "newCAF")
[ CmmHinted (CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg)) AddrHint,
- CmmHinted (CmmReg nodeReg) AddrHint ]
- [node] False
+ CmmHinted (CmmReg nodeReg) AddrHint,
+ CmmHinted hp_rel AddrHint ]
+ (Just [node]) False
-- node is live, so save it.
- -- Overwrite the closure with a (static) indirection
- -- to the newly-allocated black hole
- ; stmtsC [ CmmStore (cmmRegOffW nodeReg off_indirectee) hp_rel
- , CmmStore (CmmReg nodeReg) ind_static_info ]
+ -- see Note [atomic CAF entry] in rts/sm/Storage.c
+ ; emitIf (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [ CmmReg (CmmLocal ret), CmmLit zeroCLit]) $
+ -- re-enter R1. Doing this directly is slightly dodgy; we're
+ -- assuming lots of things, like the stack pointer hasn't
+ -- moved since we entered the CAF.
+ let target = entryCode (closureInfoPtr (CmmReg nodeReg)) in
+ stmtC (CmmJump target [])
; returnFC hp_rel }
bh_cl_info :: ClosureInfo
bh_cl_info = cafBlackHoleClosureInfo cl_info
- ind_static_info :: CmmExpr
- ind_static_info = mkLblExpr mkIndStaticInfoLabel
- off_indirectee :: WordOff
- off_indirectee = fixedHdrSize + oFFSET_StgInd_indirectee*wORD_SIZE
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
index a71702cb4c..5c52eeb2c6 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgUtils.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module CgUtils (
emitRODataLits, mkRODataLits,
emitIf, emitIfThenElse,
emitRtsCall, emitRtsCallWithVols, emitRtsCallWithResult,
+ emitRtsCallGen,
assignTemp, assignTemp_, newTemp,
emitSwitch, emitLitSwitch,
@@ -235,22 +236,23 @@ emitRtsCall
-> Bool -- ^ whether this is a safe call
-> Code -- ^ cmm code
-emitRtsCall pkg fun args safe = emitRtsCall' [] pkg fun args Nothing safe
+emitRtsCall pkg fun args safe = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args Nothing safe
-- The 'Nothing' says "save all global registers"
emitRtsCallWithVols :: PackageId -> FastString -> [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> [GlobalReg] -> Bool -> Code
emitRtsCallWithVols pkg fun args vols safe
- = emitRtsCall' [] pkg fun args (Just vols) safe
+ = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args (Just vols) safe
:: LocalReg -> ForeignHint
-> PackageId -> FastString
-> [CmmHinted CmmExpr] -> Bool -> Code
emitRtsCallWithResult res hint pkg fun args safe
- = emitRtsCall' [CmmHinted res hint] pkg fun args Nothing safe
+ = emitRtsCallGen [CmmHinted res hint] pkg fun args Nothing safe
-- Make a call to an RTS C procedure
:: [CmmHinted LocalReg]
-> PackageId
-> FastString
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ emitRtsCall'
-> Maybe [GlobalReg]
-> Bool -- True <=> CmmSafe call
-> Code
-emitRtsCall' res pkg fun args vols safe = do
+emitRtsCallGen res pkg fun args vols safe = do
safety <- if safe
then getSRTInfo >>= (return . CmmSafe)
else return CmmUnsafe
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
index 1bf9366f50..9f66684603 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
@@ -644,25 +644,24 @@ link_caf _is_upd = do
-- so that the garbage collector can find them
-- This must be done *before* the info table pointer is overwritten,
-- because the old info table ptr is needed for reversion
- ; emitRtsCallWithVols rtsPackageId (fsLit "newCAF")
+ ; ret <- newTemp bWord
+ ; emitRtsCallGen [(ret,NoHint)] rtsPackageId (fsLit "newCAF")
[ (CmmReg (CmmGlobal BaseReg), AddrHint),
- (CmmReg nodeReg, AddrHint) ]
- [node] False
- -- node is live, so save it.
- -- Overwrite the closure with a (static) indirection
- -- to the newly-allocated black hole
- ; emit (mkStore (cmmRegOffW nodeReg off_indirectee) (CmmReg (CmmLocal hp_rel)) <*>
- mkStore (CmmReg nodeReg) ind_static_info)
+ (CmmReg nodeReg, AddrHint),
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal hp_rel), AddrHint) ]
+ (Just [node]) False
+ -- node is live, so save it.
+ -- see Note [atomic CAF entry] in rts/sm/Storage.c
+ ; emit $ mkCmmIfThen
+ (CmmMachOp mo_wordEq [ CmmReg (CmmLocal ret), CmmLit zeroCLit]) $
+ -- re-enter R1. Doing this directly is slightly dodgy; we're
+ -- assuming lots of things, like the stack pointer hasn't
+ -- moved since we entered the CAF.
+ let target = entryCode (closureInfoPtr (CmmReg nodeReg)) in
+ mkJump target [] 0
; return hp_rel }
- where
- ind_static_info :: CmmExpr
- ind_static_info = mkLblExpr mkIndStaticInfoLabel
- off_indirectee :: WordOff
- off_indirectee = fixedHdrSize + oFFSET_StgInd_indirectee*wORD_SIZE
-- Profiling
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
index 509a1ebbb4..ddb87e4ffe 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ module StgCmmUtils (
cgLit, mkSimpleLit,
emitDataLits, mkDataLits,
emitRODataLits, mkRODataLits,
- emitRtsCall, emitRtsCallWithVols, emitRtsCallWithResult,
- assignTemp, newTemp, withTemp,
+ emitRtsCall, emitRtsCallWithVols, emitRtsCallWithResult, emitRtsCallGen,
+ assignTemp, newTemp, withTemp,
@@ -171,20 +171,20 @@ tagToClosure tycon tag
emitRtsCall :: PackageId -> FastString -> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> Bool -> FCode ()
-emitRtsCall pkg fun args safe = emitRtsCall' [] pkg fun args Nothing safe
+emitRtsCall pkg fun args safe = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args Nothing safe
-- The 'Nothing' says "save all global registers"
emitRtsCallWithVols :: PackageId -> FastString -> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> [GlobalReg] -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitRtsCallWithVols pkg fun args vols safe
- = emitRtsCall' [] pkg fun args (Just vols) safe
+ = emitRtsCallGen [] pkg fun args (Just vols) safe
emitRtsCallWithResult :: LocalReg -> ForeignHint -> PackageId -> FastString
-> [(CmmExpr,ForeignHint)] -> Bool -> FCode ()
emitRtsCallWithResult res hint pkg fun args safe
- = emitRtsCall' [(res,hint)] pkg fun args Nothing safe
+ = emitRtsCallGen [(res,hint)] pkg fun args Nothing safe
-- Make a call to an RTS C procedure
:: [(LocalReg,ForeignHint)]
-> PackageId
-> FastString
@@ -192,9 +192,8 @@ emitRtsCall'
-> Maybe [GlobalReg]
-> Bool -- True <=> CmmSafe call
-> FCode ()
-emitRtsCall' res pkg fun args _vols safe
- = --error "emitRtsCall'"
- do { updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
+emitRtsCallGen res pkg fun args _vols safe
+ = do { updfr_off <- getUpdFrameOff
; emit caller_save
; emit $ call updfr_off
; emit caller_load }
diff --git a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
index 02b6042148..c4bfe3abe7 100644
--- a/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/CmdLineParser.hs
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
module CmdLineParser (
processArgs, OptKind(..),
CmdLineP(..), getCmdLineState, putCmdLineState,
- Flag(..), FlagSafety(..), flagA, flagR, flagC, flagN,
- errorsToGhcException, determineSafeLevel,
+ Flag(..),
+ errorsToGhcException,
- EwM, addErr, addWarn, getArg, liftEwM, deprecate
+ EwM, addErr, addWarn, getArg, getCurLoc, liftEwM, deprecate
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -29,43 +29,16 @@ import SrcLoc
import Data.List
--- The Flag and OptKind types
+-- The Flag and OptKind types
data Flag m = Flag
{ flagName :: String, -- Flag, without the leading "-"
- flagSafety :: FlagSafety, -- Flag safety level (Safe Haskell)
flagOptKind :: OptKind m -- What to do if we see it
--- | This determines how a flag should behave when Safe Haskell
--- mode is on.
-data FlagSafety
- = EnablesSafe -- ^ This flag is a little bit of a hack. We give
- -- the safe haskell flags (-XSafe and -XSafeLanguage)
- -- this safety type so we can easily detect when safe
- -- haskell mode has been enable in a module pragma
- -- as this changes how the rest of the parsing should
- -- happen.
- | AlwaysAllowed -- ^ Flag is always allowed
- | RestrictedFunction -- ^ Flag is allowed but functions in a reduced way
- | CmdLineOnly -- ^ Flag is only allowed on command line, not in pragma
- | NeverAllowed -- ^ Flag isn't allowed at all
- deriving ( Eq, Ord )
-determineSafeLevel :: Bool -> FlagSafety
-determineSafeLevel False = RestrictedFunction
-determineSafeLevel True = CmdLineOnly
-flagA, flagR, flagC, flagN :: String -> OptKind m -> Flag m
-flagA n o = Flag n AlwaysAllowed o
-flagR n o = Flag n RestrictedFunction o
-flagC n o = Flag n CmdLineOnly o
-flagN n o = Flag n NeverAllowed o
-data OptKind m -- Suppose the flag is -f
+data OptKind m -- Suppose the flag is -f
= NoArg (EwM m ()) -- -f all by itself
| HasArg (String -> EwM m ()) -- -farg or -f arg
| SepArg (String -> EwM m ()) -- -f arg
@@ -80,7 +53,7 @@ data OptKind m -- Suppose the flag is -f
--- The EwM monad
+-- The EwM monad
type Err = Located String
@@ -90,46 +63,39 @@ type Warns = Bag Warn
-- EwM (short for "errors and warnings monad") is a
-- monad transformer for m that adds an (err, warn) state
-newtype EwM m a = EwM { unEwM :: Located String -- Current arg
- -> FlagSafety -- arg safety level
- -> FlagSafety -- global safety level
+newtype EwM m a = EwM { unEwM :: Located String -- Current arg
-> Errs -> Warns
-> m (Errs, Warns, a) }
instance Monad m => Monad (EwM m) where
- (EwM f) >>= k = EwM (\l s c e w -> do { (e', w', r) <- f l s c e w
- ; unEwM (k r) l s c e' w' })
- return v = EwM (\_ _ _ e w -> return (e, w, v))
-setArg :: Monad m => Located String -> FlagSafety -> EwM m () -> EwM m ()
-setArg l s (EwM f) = EwM (\_ _ c es ws ->
- let check | s <= c = f l s c es ws
- | otherwise = err l es ws
- err (L loc ('-' : arg)) es ws =
- let msg = "Warning: " ++ arg ++ " is not allowed in "
- ++ "Safe Haskell; ignoring " ++ arg
- in return (es, ws `snocBag` L loc msg, ())
- err _ _ _ = error "Bad pattern match in setArg"
- in check)
+ (EwM f) >>= k = EwM (\l e w -> do (e', w', r) <- f l e w
+ unEwM (k r) l e' w')
+ return v = EwM (\_ e w -> return (e, w, v))
+setArg :: Monad m => Located String -> EwM m () -> EwM m ()
+setArg l (EwM f) = EwM (\_ es ws -> f l es ws)
addErr :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
-addErr e = EwM (\(L loc _) _ _ es ws -> return (es `snocBag` L loc e, ws, ()))
+addErr e = EwM (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es `snocBag` L loc e, ws, ()))
addWarn :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
-addWarn msg = EwM (\(L loc _) _ _ es ws -> return (es, ws `snocBag` L loc w, ()))
+addWarn msg = EwM (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es, ws `snocBag` L loc w, ()))
w = "Warning: " ++ msg
deprecate :: Monad m => String -> EwM m ()
-deprecate s
- = do { arg <- getArg
- ; addWarn (arg ++ " is deprecated: " ++ s) }
+deprecate s
+ = do arg <- getArg
+ addWarn (arg ++ " is deprecated: " ++ s)
getArg :: Monad m => EwM m String
-getArg = EwM (\(L _ arg) _ _ es ws -> return (es, ws, arg))
+getArg = EwM (\(L _ arg) es ws -> return (es, ws, arg))
+getCurLoc :: Monad m => EwM m SrcSpan
+getCurLoc = EwM (\(L loc _) es ws -> return (es, ws, loc))
liftEwM :: Monad m => m a -> EwM m a
-liftEwM action = EwM (\_ _ _ es ws -> do { r <- action; return (es, ws, r) })
+liftEwM action = EwM (\_ es ws -> do { r <- action; return (es, ws, r) })
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A state monad for use in the command-line parser
@@ -150,47 +116,42 @@ putCmdLineState s = CmdLineP $ \_ -> ((),s)
--- Processing arguments
+-- Processing arguments
processArgs :: Monad m
=> [Flag m] -- cmdline parser spec
-> [Located String] -- args
- -> FlagSafety -- flag clearance lvl
- -> Bool
-> m (
[Located String], -- spare args
[Located String], -- errors
[Located String] -- warnings
-processArgs spec args clvl0 cmdline
- = let (clvl1, action) = process clvl0 args []
- in do { (errs, warns, spare) <- unEwM action (panic "processArgs: no arg yet")
- AlwaysAllowed clvl1 emptyBag emptyBag
- ; return (spare, bagToList errs, bagToList warns) }
+processArgs spec args
+ = let action = process args []
+ in do (errs, warns, spare) <- unEwM action (panic "processArgs: no arg yet")
+ emptyBag emptyBag
+ return (spare, bagToList errs, bagToList warns)
- -- process :: FlagSafety -> [Located String] -> [Located String] -> (FlagSafety, EwM m [Located String])
+ -- process :: [Located String] -> [Located String] -> EwM m [Located String]
- process clvl [] spare = (clvl, return (reverse spare))
+ process [] spare = return (reverse spare)
- process clvl (locArg@(L _ ('-' : arg)) : args) spare =
+ process (locArg@(L _ ('-' : arg)) : args) spare =
case findArg spec arg of
- Just (rest, opt_kind, fsafe) ->
- let clvl1 = if fsafe == EnablesSafe then determineSafeLevel cmdline else clvl
- in case processOneArg opt_kind rest arg args of
+ Just (rest, opt_kind) ->
+ case processOneArg opt_kind rest arg args of
Left err ->
- let (clvl2,b) = process clvl1 args spare
- clvl3 = min clvl1 clvl2
- in (clvl3, (setArg locArg fsafe $ addErr err) >> b)
+ let b = process args spare
+ in (setArg locArg $ addErr err) >> b
Right (action,rest) ->
- let (clvl2,b) = process clvl1 rest spare
- clvl3 = min clvl1 clvl2
- in (clvl3, (setArg locArg fsafe $ action) >> b)
+ let b = process rest spare
+ in (setArg locArg $ action) >> b
- Nothing -> process clvl args (locArg : spare)
+ Nothing -> process args (locArg : spare)
- process clvl (arg : args) spare = process clvl args (arg : spare)
+ process (arg : args) spare = process args (arg : spare)
processOneArg :: OptKind m -> String -> String -> [Located String]
@@ -231,12 +192,11 @@ processOneArg opt_kind rest arg args
AnySuffixPred _ f -> Right (f dash_arg, args)
-findArg :: [Flag m] -> String -> Maybe (String, OptKind m, FlagSafety)
+findArg :: [Flag m] -> String -> Maybe (String, OptKind m)
findArg spec arg
- = case [ (removeSpaces rest, optKind, flagSafe)
+ = case [ (removeSpaces rest, optKind)
| flag <- spec,
let optKind = flagOptKind flag,
- let flagSafe = flagSafety flag,
Just rest <- [stripPrefix (flagName flag) arg],
arg_ok optKind rest arg ]
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 708060afb1..866301376d 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module DynFlags (
safeHaskellOn, safeLanguageOn,
safeDirectImpsReq, safeImplicitImpsReq,
+ packageTrustOn,
-- ** System tool settings and locations
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ module DynFlags (
-- * Compiler configuration suitable for display to the user
#ifdef GHCI
--- Only in stage 2 can we be sure that the RTS
+-- Only in stage 2 can we be sure that the RTS
-- exposes the appropriate runtime boolean
, rtsIsProfiled
@@ -106,12 +107,12 @@ import SrcLoc
import FastString
import Outputable
#ifdef GHCI
-import Foreign.C ( CInt )
+import Foreign.C ( CInt )
import {-# SOURCE #-} ErrUtils ( Severity(..), Message, mkLocMessage )
#ifdef GHCI
-import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
+import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad ( when )
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_D_dump_rn_stats
| Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm
| Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_cs_trace -- Constraint solver in type checker
+ | Opt_D_dump_cs_trace -- Constraint solver in type checker
| Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
| Opt_D_dump_if_trace
| Opt_D_dump_vt_trace
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_CaseMerge
| Opt_UnboxStrictFields
| Opt_DictsCheap
- | Opt_EnableRewriteRules -- Apply rewrite rules during simplification
+ | Opt_EnableRewriteRules -- Apply rewrite rules during simplification
| Opt_Vectorise
| Opt_RegsGraph -- do graph coloring register allocation
| Opt_RegsIterative -- do iterative coalescing graph coloring register allocation
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_GhciHistory
| Opt_HelpfulErrors
- -- temporary flags
+ -- temporary flags
| Opt_RunCPS
| Opt_RunCPSZ
| Opt_AutoLinkPackages
@@ -296,6 +297,9 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
| Opt_KeepLlvmFiles
+ -- safe haskell flags
+ | Opt_PackageTrust
deriving (Eq, Show)
data WarningFlag =
@@ -357,14 +361,14 @@ data ExtensionFlag
| Opt_MonomorphismRestriction
| Opt_MonoPatBinds
| Opt_MonoLocalBinds
- | Opt_RelaxedPolyRec -- Deprecated
- | Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules -- Use GHC's extended rules for defaulting
+ | Opt_RelaxedPolyRec -- Deprecated
+ | Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules -- Use GHC's extended rules for defaulting
| Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface
| Opt_UnliftedFFITypes
| Opt_InterruptibleFFI
| Opt_GHCForeignImportPrim
- | Opt_ParallelArrays -- Syntactic support for parallel arrays
- | Opt_Arrows -- Arrow-notation syntax
+ | Opt_ParallelArrays -- Syntactic support for parallel arrays
+ | Opt_Arrows -- Arrow-notation syntax
| Opt_TemplateHaskell
| Opt_QuasiQuotes
| Opt_ImplicitParams
@@ -384,7 +388,7 @@ data ExtensionFlag
| Opt_DoAndIfThenElse
| Opt_RebindableSyntax
| Opt_ConstraintKinds
| Opt_StandaloneDeriving
| Opt_DeriveDataTypeable
| Opt_DeriveFunctor
@@ -445,12 +449,12 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
ruleCheck :: Maybe String,
strictnessBefore :: [Int], -- ^ Additional demand analysis
- simplTickFactor :: Int, -- ^ Multiplier for simplifier ticks
+ simplTickFactor :: Int, -- ^ Multiplier for simplifier ticks
specConstrThreshold :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Threshold for SpecConstr
specConstrCount :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Max number of specialisations for any one function
liberateCaseThreshold :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Threshold for LiberateCase
floatLamArgs :: Maybe Int, -- ^ Arg count for lambda floating
- -- See CoreMonad.FloatOutSwitches
+ -- See CoreMonad.FloatOutSwitches
targetPlatform :: Platform.Platform, -- ^ The platform we're compiling for. Used by the NCG.
cmdlineHcIncludes :: [String], -- ^ @\-\#includes@
@@ -547,6 +551,11 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
language :: Maybe Language,
-- | Safe Haskell mode
safeHaskell :: SafeHaskellMode,
+ -- We store the location of where template haskell and newtype deriving were
+ -- turned on so we can produce accurate error messages when Safe Haskell turns
+ -- them off.
+ thOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
+ newDerivOnLoc :: SrcSpan,
-- Don't change this without updating extensionFlags:
extensions :: [OnOff ExtensionFlag],
-- extensionFlags should always be equal to
@@ -802,11 +811,11 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
maxSimplIterations = 4,
shouldDumpSimplPhase = Nothing,
ruleCheck = Nothing,
- simplTickFactor = 100,
+ simplTickFactor = 100,
specConstrThreshold = Just 2000,
specConstrCount = Just 3,
liberateCaseThreshold = Just 2000,
- floatLamArgs = Just 0, -- Default: float only if no fvs
+ floatLamArgs = Just 0, -- Default: float only if no fvs
strictnessBefore = [],
targetPlatform = defaultTargetPlatform,
@@ -869,6 +878,8 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
warningFlags = standardWarnings,
language = Nothing,
safeHaskell = Sf_None,
+ thOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
+ newDerivOnLoc = noSrcSpan,
extensions = [],
extensionFlags = flattenExtensionFlags Nothing [],
log_action = defaultLogAction
@@ -1005,6 +1016,10 @@ setLanguage l = upd f
dynFlagDependencies :: DynFlags -> [ModuleName]
dynFlagDependencies = pluginModNames
+-- | Is the -fpackage-trust mode on
+packageTrustOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
+packageTrustOn = dopt Opt_PackageTrust
-- | Is the Safe Haskell safe language in use
safeLanguageOn :: DynFlags -> Bool
safeLanguageOn dflags = safeHaskell dflags == Sf_Safe
@@ -1202,9 +1217,9 @@ getStgToDo dflags
= todo1
{- **********************************************************************
-%* *
- DynFlags parser
-%* *
+%* *
+ DynFlags parser
+%* *
%********************************************************************* -}
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1251,18 +1266,11 @@ parseDynamicFlags dflags0 args cmdline = do
flag_spec | cmdline = package_flags ++ dynamic_flags
| otherwise = dynamic_flags
- let safeLevel = if safeLanguageOn dflags0
- then determineSafeLevel cmdline else NeverAllowed
let ((leftover, errs, warns), dflags1)
- = runCmdLine (processArgs flag_spec args' safeLevel cmdline) dflags0
+ = runCmdLine (processArgs flag_spec args') dflags0
when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError $ errorsToGhcException errs
-- check for disabled flags in safe haskell
- -- Hack: unfortunately flags that are completely disabled can't be stopped from being
- -- enabled on the command line before a -XSafe or -XSafeLanguage flag is encountered.
- -- the easiest way to fix this is to just check that they aren't enabled now. The down
- -- side is that flags marked as NeverAllowed must also be checked here placing a sync
- -- burden on the ghc hacker.
let (dflags2, sh_warns) = if (safeLanguageOn dflags1)
then shFlagsDisallowed dflags1
else (dflags1, [])
@@ -1274,23 +1282,25 @@ parseDynamicFlags dflags0 args cmdline = do
shFlagsDisallowed :: DynFlags -> (DynFlags, [Located String])
shFlagsDisallowed dflags = foldl check_method (dflags, []) bad_flags
- check_method (df, warns) (test,str,fix)
- | test df = (fix df, warns ++ safeFailure str)
+ check_method (df, warns) (str,loc,test,fix)
+ | test df = (fix df, warns ++ safeFailure loc str)
| otherwise = (df, warns)
- bad_flags = [(xopt Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, "-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving",
- flip xopt_unset Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving),
- (xopt Opt_TemplateHaskell, "-XTemplateHaskell",
- flip xopt_unset Opt_TemplateHaskell)]
+ bad_flags = [("-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving", newDerivOnLoc dflags,
+ xopt Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
+ flip xopt_unset Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving),
+ ("-XTemplateHaskell", thOnLoc dflags,
+ xopt Opt_TemplateHaskell,
+ flip xopt_unset Opt_TemplateHaskell)]
- safeFailure str = [L noSrcSpan $ "Warning: " ++ str ++ " is not allowed in"
+ safeFailure loc str = [L loc $ "Warning: " ++ str ++ " is not allowed in"
++ " Safe Haskell; ignoring " ++ str]
{- **********************************************************************
-%* *
- DynFlags specifications
-%* *
+%* *
+ DynFlags specifications
+%* *
%********************************************************************* -}
allFlags :: [String]
@@ -1302,303 +1312,306 @@ allFlags = map ('-':) $
where ok (PrefixPred _ _) = False
ok _ = True
fflags = fflags0 ++ fflags1 ++ fflags2
- fflags0 = [ name | (name, _, _, _) <- fFlags ]
- fflags1 = [ name | (name, _, _, _) <- fWarningFlags ]
- fflags2 = [ name | (name, _, _, _) <- fLangFlags ]
+ fflags0 = [ name | (name, _, _) <- fFlags ]
+ fflags1 = [ name | (name, _, _) <- fWarningFlags ]
+ fflags2 = [ name | (name, _, _) <- fLangFlags ]
--------------- The main flags themselves ------------------
dynamic_flags :: [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)]
dynamic_flags = [
- flagA "n" (NoArg (addWarn "The -n flag is deprecated and no longer has any effect"))
- , flagA "cpp" (NoArg (setExtensionFlag Opt_Cpp))
- , flagA "F" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Pp))
- , flagA "#include"
- (HasArg (\s -> do { addCmdlineHCInclude s
- ; addWarn "-#include and INCLUDE pragmas are deprecated: They no longer have any effect" }))
- , flagA "v" (OptIntSuffix setVerbosity)
+ Flag "n" (NoArg (addWarn "The -n flag is deprecated and no longer has any effect"))
+ , Flag "cpp" (NoArg (setExtensionFlag Opt_Cpp))
+ , Flag "F" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Pp))
+ , Flag "#include"
+ (HasArg (\s -> do addCmdlineHCInclude s
+ addWarn "-#include and INCLUDE pragmas are deprecated: They no longer have any effect"))
+ , Flag "v" (OptIntSuffix setVerbosity)
------- Specific phases --------------------------------------------
-- need to appear before -pgmL to be parsed as LLVM flags.
- , flagA "pgmlo" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_lo = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgmlc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_lc = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgmL" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_L = f})))
- , flagA "pgmP" (hasArg setPgmP)
- , flagA "pgmF" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_F = f})))
- , flagA "pgmc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_c = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgmm" (HasArg (\_ -> addWarn "The -pgmm flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "pgms" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_s = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgma" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_a = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgml" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_l = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgmdll" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_dll = (f,[])})))
- , flagA "pgmwindres" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_windres = f})))
+ , Flag "pgmlo" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_lo = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgmlc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_lc = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgmL" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_L = f})))
+ , Flag "pgmP" (hasArg setPgmP)
+ , Flag "pgmF" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_F = f})))
+ , Flag "pgmc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_c = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgmm" (HasArg (\_ -> addWarn "The -pgmm flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "pgms" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_s = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgma" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_a = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgml" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_l = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgmdll" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_dll = (f,[])})))
+ , Flag "pgmwindres" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sPgm_windres = f})))
-- need to appear before -optl/-opta to be parsed as LLVM flags.
- , flagA "optlo" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_lo = f : sOpt_lo s})))
- , flagA "optlc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_lc = f : sOpt_lc s})))
- , flagA "optL" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_L = f : sOpt_L s})))
- , flagA "optP" (hasArg addOptP)
- , flagA "optF" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_F = f : sOpt_F s})))
- , flagA "optc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_c = f : sOpt_c s})))
- , flagA "optm" (HasArg (\_ -> addWarn "The -optm flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "opta" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_a = f : sOpt_a s})))
- , flagA "optl" (hasArg addOptl)
- , flagA "optwindres" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_windres = f : sOpt_windres s})))
- , flagA "split-objs"
- (NoArg (if can_split
+ , Flag "optlo" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_lo = f : sOpt_lo s})))
+ , Flag "optlc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_lc = f : sOpt_lc s})))
+ , Flag "optL" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_L = f : sOpt_L s})))
+ , Flag "optP" (hasArg addOptP)
+ , Flag "optF" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_F = f : sOpt_F s})))
+ , Flag "optc" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_c = f : sOpt_c s})))
+ , Flag "optm" (HasArg (\_ -> addWarn "The -optm flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "opta" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_a = f : sOpt_a s})))
+ , Flag "optl" (hasArg addOptl)
+ , Flag "optwindres" (hasArg (\f -> alterSettings (\s -> s { sOpt_windres = f : sOpt_windres s})))
+ , Flag "split-objs"
+ (NoArg (if can_split
then setDynFlag Opt_SplitObjs
else addWarn "ignoring -fsplit-objs"))
-------- ghc -M -----------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "dep-suffix" (hasArg addDepSuffix)
- , flagA "optdep-s" (hasArgDF addDepSuffix "Use -dep-suffix instead")
- , flagA "dep-makefile" (hasArg setDepMakefile)
- , flagA "optdep-f" (hasArgDF setDepMakefile "Use -dep-makefile instead")
- , flagA "optdep-w" (NoArg (deprecate "doesn't do anything"))
- , flagA "include-pkg-deps" (noArg (setDepIncludePkgDeps True))
- , flagA "optdep--include-prelude" (noArgDF (setDepIncludePkgDeps True) "Use -include-pkg-deps instead")
- , flagA "optdep--include-pkg-deps" (noArgDF (setDepIncludePkgDeps True) "Use -include-pkg-deps instead")
- , flagA "exclude-module" (hasArg addDepExcludeMod)
- , flagA "optdep--exclude-module" (hasArgDF addDepExcludeMod "Use -exclude-module instead")
- , flagA "optdep-x" (hasArgDF addDepExcludeMod "Use -exclude-module instead")
+ , Flag "dep-suffix" (hasArg addDepSuffix)
+ , Flag "optdep-s" (hasArgDF addDepSuffix "Use -dep-suffix instead")
+ , Flag "dep-makefile" (hasArg setDepMakefile)
+ , Flag "optdep-f" (hasArgDF setDepMakefile "Use -dep-makefile instead")
+ , Flag "optdep-w" (NoArg (deprecate "doesn't do anything"))
+ , Flag "include-pkg-deps" (noArg (setDepIncludePkgDeps True))
+ , Flag "optdep--include-prelude" (noArgDF (setDepIncludePkgDeps True) "Use -include-pkg-deps instead")
+ , Flag "optdep--include-pkg-deps" (noArgDF (setDepIncludePkgDeps True) "Use -include-pkg-deps instead")
+ , Flag "exclude-module" (hasArg addDepExcludeMod)
+ , Flag "optdep--exclude-module" (hasArgDF addDepExcludeMod "Use -exclude-module instead")
+ , Flag "optdep-x" (hasArgDF addDepExcludeMod "Use -exclude-module instead")
-------- Linking ----------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "no-link" (noArg (\d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink }))
- , flagA "shared" (noArg (\d -> d{ ghcLink=LinkDynLib }))
- , flagA "dynload" (hasArg parseDynLibLoaderMode)
- , flagA "dylib-install-name" (hasArg setDylibInstallName)
+ , Flag "no-link" (noArg (\d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink }))
+ , Flag "shared" (noArg (\d -> d{ ghcLink=LinkDynLib }))
+ , Flag "dynload" (hasArg parseDynLibLoaderMode)
+ , Flag "dylib-install-name" (hasArg setDylibInstallName)
------- Libraries ---------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "L" (Prefix addLibraryPath)
- , flagA "l" (hasArg (addOptl . ("-l" ++)))
+ , Flag "L" (Prefix addLibraryPath)
+ , Flag "l" (hasArg (addOptl . ("-l" ++)))
------- Frameworks --------------------------------------------------
-- -framework-path should really be -F ...
- , flagA "framework-path" (HasArg addFrameworkPath)
- , flagA "framework" (hasArg addCmdlineFramework)
+ , Flag "framework-path" (HasArg addFrameworkPath)
+ , Flag "framework" (hasArg addCmdlineFramework)
------- Output Redirection ------------------------------------------
- , flagA "odir" (hasArg setObjectDir)
- , flagA "o" (sepArg (setOutputFile . Just))
- , flagA "ohi" (hasArg (setOutputHi . Just ))
- , flagA "osuf" (hasArg setObjectSuf)
- , flagA "hcsuf" (hasArg setHcSuf)
- , flagA "hisuf" (hasArg setHiSuf)
- , flagA "hidir" (hasArg setHiDir)
- , flagA "tmpdir" (hasArg setTmpDir)
- , flagA "stubdir" (hasArg setStubDir)
- , flagA "outputdir" (hasArg setOutputDir)
- , flagA "ddump-file-prefix" (hasArg (setDumpPrefixForce . Just))
+ , Flag "odir" (hasArg setObjectDir)
+ , Flag "o" (sepArg (setOutputFile . Just))
+ , Flag "ohi" (hasArg (setOutputHi . Just ))
+ , Flag "osuf" (hasArg setObjectSuf)
+ , Flag "hcsuf" (hasArg setHcSuf)
+ , Flag "hisuf" (hasArg setHiSuf)
+ , Flag "hidir" (hasArg setHiDir)
+ , Flag "tmpdir" (hasArg setTmpDir)
+ , Flag "stubdir" (hasArg setStubDir)
+ , Flag "outputdir" (hasArg setOutputDir)
+ , Flag "ddump-file-prefix" (hasArg (setDumpPrefixForce . Just))
------- Keeping temporary files -------------------------------------
-- These can be singular (think ghc -c) or plural (think ghc --make)
- , flagA "keep-hc-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
- , flagA "keep-hc-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
- , flagA "keep-s-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
- , flagA "keep-s-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
- , flagA "keep-raw-s-file" (NoArg (addWarn "The -keep-raw-s-file flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "keep-raw-s-files" (NoArg (addWarn "The -keep-raw-s-files flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "keep-llvm-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles))
- , flagA "keep-llvm-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-hc-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-hc-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepHcFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-s-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-s-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-raw-s-file" (NoArg (addWarn "The -keep-raw-s-file flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "keep-raw-s-files" (NoArg (addWarn "The -keep-raw-s-files flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "keep-llvm-file" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-llvm-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles))
-- This only makes sense as plural
- , flagA "keep-tmp-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepTmpFiles))
+ , Flag "keep-tmp-files" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_KeepTmpFiles))
------- Miscellaneous ----------------------------------------------
- , flagA "no-auto-link-packages" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoLinkPackages))
- , flagA "no-hs-main" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_NoHsMain))
- , flagA "with-rtsopts" (HasArg setRtsOpts)
- , flagA "rtsopts" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
- , flagA "rtsopts=all" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
- , flagA "rtsopts=some" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsSafeOnly))
- , flagA "rtsopts=none" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
- , flagA "no-rtsopts" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
- , flagA "main-is" (SepArg setMainIs)
- , flagA "haddock" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Haddock))
- , flagA "haddock-opts" (hasArg addHaddockOpts)
- , flagA "hpcdir" (SepArg setOptHpcDir)
+ , Flag "no-auto-link-packages" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoLinkPackages))
+ , Flag "no-hs-main" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_NoHsMain))
+ , Flag "with-rtsopts" (HasArg setRtsOpts)
+ , Flag "rtsopts" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
+ , Flag "rtsopts=all" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsAll))
+ , Flag "rtsopts=some" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsSafeOnly))
+ , Flag "rtsopts=none" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
+ , Flag "no-rtsopts" (NoArg (setRtsOptsEnabled RtsOptsNone))
+ , Flag "main-is" (SepArg setMainIs)
+ , Flag "haddock" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_Haddock))
+ , Flag "haddock-opts" (hasArg addHaddockOpts)
+ , Flag "hpcdir" (SepArg setOptHpcDir)
------- recompilation checker --------------------------------------
- , flagA "recomp" (NoArg (do { unSetDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp
- ; deprecate "Use -fno-force-recomp instead" }))
- , flagA "no-recomp" (NoArg (do { setDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp
- ; deprecate "Use -fforce-recomp instead" }))
+ , Flag "recomp" (NoArg (do unSetDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp
+ deprecate "Use -fno-force-recomp instead"))
+ , Flag "no-recomp" (NoArg (do setDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp
+ deprecate "Use -fforce-recomp instead"))
------ HsCpp opts ---------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "D" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
- , flagA "U" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
+ , Flag "D" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
+ , Flag "U" (AnySuffix (upd . addOptP))
------- Include/Import Paths ----------------------------------------
- , flagA "I" (Prefix addIncludePath)
- , flagA "i" (OptPrefix addImportPath)
+ , Flag "I" (Prefix addIncludePath)
+ , Flag "i" (OptPrefix addImportPath)
------ Debugging ----------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "dstg-stats" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_StgStats))
- , flagA "ddump-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm)
- , flagA "ddump-raw-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_raw_cmm)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-pretty" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_pretty)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-cbe" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_cbe)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-spills" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_spills)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-proc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_proc)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-rewrite" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_rewrite)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-dead" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_dead)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-stub" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_stub)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-sp" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_sp)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-procmap" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_procmap)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-split" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_split)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-lower" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_lower)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-info" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_info)
- , flagA "ddump-cmmz-cafs" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_cafs)
- , flagA "ddump-core-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_core_stats)
- , flagA "ddump-cps-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm)
- , flagA "ddump-cvt-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cvt_cmm)
- , flagA "ddump-asm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-native" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_native)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-liveness" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-coalesce" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_coalesce)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-regalloc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-conflicts" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-regalloc-stages" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_stats)
- , flagA "ddump-asm-expanded" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded)
- , flagA "ddump-llvm" (NoArg (do { setObjTarget HscLlvm
- ; setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_llvm}))
- , flagA "ddump-cpranal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cpranal)
- , flagA "ddump-deriv" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_deriv)
- , flagA "ddump-ds" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ds)
- , flagA "ddump-flatC" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_flatC)
- , flagA "ddump-foreign" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_foreign)
- , flagA "ddump-inlinings" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_inlinings)
- , flagA "ddump-rule-firings" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_firings)
- , flagA "ddump-rule-rewrites" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites)
- , flagA "ddump-occur-anal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_occur_anal)
- , flagA "ddump-parsed" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed)
- , flagA "ddump-rn" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn)
- , flagA "ddump-core-pipeline" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_core_pipeline)
- , flagA "ddump-simpl" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl)
- , flagA "ddump-simpl-iterations" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations)
- , flagA "ddump-simpl-phases" (OptPrefix setDumpSimplPhases)
- , flagA "ddump-spec" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_spec)
- , flagA "ddump-prep" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_prep)
- , flagA "ddump-stg" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg)
- , flagA "ddump-stranal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stranal)
- , flagA "ddump-tc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc)
- , flagA "ddump-types" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_types)
- , flagA "ddump-rules" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rules)
- , flagA "ddump-cse" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cse)
- , flagA "ddump-worker-wrapper" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper)
- , flagA "ddump-rn-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_trace)
- , flagA "ddump-if-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_if_trace)
- , flagA "ddump-cs-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cs_trace)
- , flagA "ddump-tc-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc_trace)
- , flagA "ddump-vt-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vt_trace)
- , flagA "ddump-splices" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_splices)
- , flagA "ddump-rn-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_stats)
- , flagA "ddump-opt-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm)
- , flagA "ddump-simpl-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats)
- , flagA "ddump-bcos" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_BCOs)
- , flagA "dsource-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_source_stats)
- , flagA "dverbose-core2core" (NoArg (do { setVerbosity (Just 2)
- ; setVerboseCore2Core }))
- , flagA "dverbose-stg2stg" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg)
- , flagA "ddump-hi" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi)
- , flagA "ddump-minimal-imports" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports)
- , flagA "ddump-vect" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vect)
- , flagA "ddump-hpc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hpc)
- , flagA "ddump-mod-cycles" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles)
- , flagA "ddump-view-pattern-commoning" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning)
- , flagA "ddump-to-file" (setDumpFlag Opt_DumpToFile)
- , flagA "ddump-hi-diffs" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs)
- , flagA "ddump-rtti" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rtti)
- , flagA "dcore-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCoreLinting))
- , flagA "dstg-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoStgLinting))
- , flagA "dcmm-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCmmLinting))
- , flagA "dasm-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoAsmLinting))
- , flagA "dshow-passes" (NoArg (do forceRecompile
- setVerbosity (Just 2)))
- , flagA "dfaststring-stats" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_faststring_stats))
+ , Flag "dstg-stats" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_StgStats))
+ , Flag "ddump-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmm)
+ , Flag "ddump-raw-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_raw_cmm)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-pretty" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_pretty)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-cbe" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_cbe)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-spills" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_spills)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-proc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_proc)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-rewrite" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_rewrite)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-dead" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_dead)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-stub" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_stub)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-sp" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_sp)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-procmap" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_procmap)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-split" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_split)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-lower" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_lower)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-info" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_info)
+ , Flag "ddump-cmmz-cafs" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cmmz_cafs)
+ , Flag "ddump-core-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_core_stats)
+ , Flag "ddump-cps-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm)
+ , Flag "ddump-cvt-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cvt_cmm)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-native" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_native)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-liveness" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-coalesce" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_coalesce)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-regalloc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-conflicts" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-regalloc-stages" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_stats)
+ , Flag "ddump-asm-expanded" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded)
+ , Flag "ddump-llvm" (NoArg (do setObjTarget HscLlvm
+ setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_llvm))
+ , Flag "ddump-cpranal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cpranal)
+ , Flag "ddump-deriv" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_deriv)
+ , Flag "ddump-ds" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_ds)
+ , Flag "ddump-flatC" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_flatC)
+ , Flag "ddump-foreign" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_foreign)
+ , Flag "ddump-inlinings" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_inlinings)
+ , Flag "ddump-rule-firings" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_firings)
+ , Flag "ddump-rule-rewrites" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites)
+ , Flag "ddump-occur-anal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_occur_anal)
+ , Flag "ddump-parsed" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_parsed)
+ , Flag "ddump-rn" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn)
+ , Flag "ddump-core-pipeline" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_core_pipeline)
+ , Flag "ddump-simpl" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl)
+ , Flag "ddump-simpl-iterations" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations)
+ , Flag "ddump-simpl-phases" (OptPrefix setDumpSimplPhases)
+ , Flag "ddump-spec" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_spec)
+ , Flag "ddump-prep" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_prep)
+ , Flag "ddump-stg" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stg)
+ , Flag "ddump-stranal" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_stranal)
+ , Flag "ddump-tc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc)
+ , Flag "ddump-types" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_types)
+ , Flag "ddump-rules" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rules)
+ , Flag "ddump-cse" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cse)
+ , Flag "ddump-worker-wrapper" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper)
+ , Flag "ddump-rn-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_trace)
+ , Flag "ddump-if-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_if_trace)
+ , Flag "ddump-cs-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_cs_trace)
+ , Flag "ddump-tc-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_tc_trace)
+ , Flag "ddump-vt-trace" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vt_trace)
+ , Flag "ddump-splices" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_splices)
+ , Flag "ddump-rn-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_stats)
+ , Flag "ddump-opt-cmm" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm)
+ , Flag "ddump-simpl-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats)
+ , Flag "ddump-bcos" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_BCOs)
+ , Flag "dsource-stats" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_source_stats)
+ , Flag "dverbose-core2core" (NoArg (do setVerbosity (Just 2)
+ setVerboseCore2Core))
+ , Flag "dverbose-stg2stg" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg)
+ , Flag "ddump-hi" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi)
+ , Flag "ddump-minimal-imports" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports)
+ , Flag "ddump-vect" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_vect)
+ , Flag "ddump-hpc" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hpc)
+ , Flag "ddump-mod-cycles" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles)
+ , Flag "ddump-view-pattern-commoning" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning)
+ , Flag "ddump-to-file" (setDumpFlag Opt_DumpToFile)
+ , Flag "ddump-hi-diffs" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs)
+ , Flag "ddump-rtti" (setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_rtti)
+ , Flag "dcore-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCoreLinting))
+ , Flag "dstg-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoStgLinting))
+ , Flag "dcmm-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoCmmLinting))
+ , Flag "dasm-lint" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DoAsmLinting))
+ , Flag "dshow-passes" (NoArg (do forceRecompile
+ setVerbosity $ Just 2))
+ , Flag "dfaststring-stats" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_faststring_stats))
------ Machine dependant (-m<blah>) stuff ---------------------------
- , flagA "monly-2-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-2-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "monly-3-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-3-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "monly-4-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-4-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "msse2" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_SSE2))
- , flagA "msse4.2" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_SSE4_2))
+ , Flag "monly-2-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-2-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "monly-3-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-3-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "monly-4-regs" (NoArg (addWarn "The -monly-4-regs flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
+ , Flag "msse2" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_SSE2))
+ , Flag "msse4.2" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_SSE4_2))
------ Warning opts -------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "W" (NoArg (mapM_ setWarningFlag minusWOpts))
- , flagA "Werror" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_WarnIsError))
- , flagA "Wwarn" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_WarnIsError))
- , flagA "Wall" (NoArg (mapM_ setWarningFlag minusWallOpts))
- , flagA "Wnot" (NoArg (do upd (\dfs -> dfs {warningFlags = []})
- deprecate "Use -w instead"))
- , flagA "w" (NoArg (upd (\dfs -> dfs {warningFlags = []})))
+ , Flag "W" (NoArg (mapM_ setWarningFlag minusWOpts))
+ , Flag "Werror" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_WarnIsError))
+ , Flag "Wwarn" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_WarnIsError))
+ , Flag "Wall" (NoArg (mapM_ setWarningFlag minusWallOpts))
+ , Flag "Wnot" (NoArg (do upd (\dfs -> dfs {warningFlags = []})
+ deprecate "Use -w instead"))
+ , Flag "w" (NoArg (upd (\dfs -> dfs {warningFlags = []})))
------ Plugin flags ------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "fplugin-opt" (hasArg addPluginModuleNameOption)
- , flagA "fplugin" (hasArg addPluginModuleName)
+ , Flag "fplugin-opt" (hasArg addPluginModuleNameOption)
+ , Flag "fplugin" (hasArg addPluginModuleName)
------ Optimisation flags ------------------------------------------
- , flagA "O" (noArgM (setOptLevel 1))
- , flagA "Onot" (noArgM (\dflags -> do deprecate "Use -O0 instead"
- setOptLevel 0 dflags))
- , flagA "Odph" (noArgM setDPHOpt)
- , flagA "O" (optIntSuffixM (\mb_n -> setOptLevel (mb_n `orElse` 1)))
+ , Flag "O" (noArgM (setOptLevel 1))
+ , Flag "Onot" (noArgM (\dflags -> do deprecate "Use -O0 instead"
+ setOptLevel 0 dflags))
+ , Flag "Odph" (noArgM setDPHOpt)
+ , Flag "O" (optIntSuffixM (\mb_n -> setOptLevel (mb_n `orElse` 1)))
-- If the number is missing, use 1
- , flagA "fsimplifier-phases" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ simplPhases = n }))
- , flagA "fmax-simplifier-iterations" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ maxSimplIterations = n }))
- , flagA "fsimpl-tick-factor" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ simplTickFactor = n }))
- , flagA "fspec-constr-threshold" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ specConstrThreshold = Just n }))
- , flagA "fno-spec-constr-threshold" (noArg (\d -> d{ specConstrThreshold = Nothing }))
- , flagA "fspec-constr-count" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ specConstrCount = Just n }))
- , flagA "fno-spec-constr-count" (noArg (\d -> d{ specConstrCount = Nothing }))
- , flagA "fliberate-case-threshold" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ liberateCaseThreshold = Just n }))
- , flagA "fno-liberate-case-threshold" (noArg (\d -> d{ liberateCaseThreshold = Nothing }))
- , flagA "frule-check" (sepArg (\s d -> d{ ruleCheck = Just s }))
- , flagA "fcontext-stack" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ ctxtStkDepth = n }))
- , flagA "fstrictness-before" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ strictnessBefore = n : strictnessBefore d }))
- , flagA "ffloat-lam-args" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ floatLamArgs = Just n }))
- , flagA "ffloat-all-lams" (noArg (\d -> d{ floatLamArgs = Nothing }))
+ , Flag "fsimplifier-phases" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ simplPhases = n }))
+ , Flag "fmax-simplifier-iterations" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ maxSimplIterations = n }))
+ , Flag "fsimpl-tick-factor" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ simplTickFactor = n }))
+ , Flag "fspec-constr-threshold" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ specConstrThreshold = Just n }))
+ , Flag "fno-spec-constr-threshold" (noArg (\d -> d{ specConstrThreshold = Nothing }))
+ , Flag "fspec-constr-count" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ specConstrCount = Just n }))
+ , Flag "fno-spec-constr-count" (noArg (\d -> d{ specConstrCount = Nothing }))
+ , Flag "fliberate-case-threshold" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ liberateCaseThreshold = Just n }))
+ , Flag "fno-liberate-case-threshold" (noArg (\d -> d{ liberateCaseThreshold = Nothing }))
+ , Flag "frule-check" (sepArg (\s d -> d{ ruleCheck = Just s }))
+ , Flag "fcontext-stack" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ ctxtStkDepth = n }))
+ , Flag "fstrictness-before" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ strictnessBefore = n : strictnessBefore d }))
+ , Flag "ffloat-lam-args" (intSuffix (\n d -> d{ floatLamArgs = Just n }))
+ , Flag "ffloat-all-lams" (noArg (\d -> d{ floatLamArgs = Nothing }))
------ Profiling ----------------------------------------------------
-- XXX Should the -f* flags be deprecated?
-- They don't seem to be documented
- , flagA "fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
- , flagA "auto-all" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
- , flagA "no-auto-all" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
- , flagA "fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
- , flagA "auto" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
- , flagA "no-auto" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
- , flagA "fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
- , flagA "caf-all" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
- , flagA "no-caf-all" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
+ , Flag "fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
+ , Flag "auto-all" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
+ , Flag "no-auto-all" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs))
+ , Flag "fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
+ , Flag "auto" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
+ , Flag "no-auto" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs))
+ , Flag "fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
+ , Flag "caf-all" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
+ , Flag "no-caf-all" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs))
------ DPH flags ----------------------------------------------------
- , flagA "fdph-seq" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHSeq))
- , flagA "fdph-par" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHPar))
- , flagA "fdph-this" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHThis))
- , flagA "fdph-none" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHNone))
+ , Flag "fdph-seq" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHSeq))
+ , Flag "fdph-par" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHPar))
+ , Flag "fdph-this" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHThis))
+ , Flag "fdph-none" (NoArg (setDPHBackend DPHNone))
------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
- , flagA "fasm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscAsm))
- , flagA "fvia-c" (NoArg
+ , Flag "fasm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscAsm))
+ , Flag "fvia-c" (NoArg
(addWarn "The -fvia-c flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "fvia-C" (NoArg
+ , Flag "fvia-C" (NoArg
(addWarn "The -fvia-C flag does nothing; it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , flagA "fllvm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscLlvm))
- , flagA "fno-code" (NoArg (do { upd $ \d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink }
- ; setTarget HscNothing }))
- , flagA "fbyte-code" (NoArg (setTarget HscInterpreted))
- , flagA "fobject-code" (NoArg (setTarget defaultHscTarget))
- , flagA "fglasgow-exts" (NoArg (enableGlasgowExts >> deprecate "Use individual extensions instead"))
- , flagA "fno-glasgow-exts" (NoArg (disableGlasgowExts >> deprecate "Use individual extensions instead"))
+ , Flag "fllvm" (NoArg (setObjTarget HscLlvm))
+ , Flag "fno-code" (NoArg (do upd $ \d -> d{ ghcLink=NoLink }
+ setTarget HscNothing))
+ , Flag "fbyte-code" (NoArg (setTarget HscInterpreted))
+ , Flag "fobject-code" (NoArg (setTarget defaultHscTarget))
+ , Flag "fglasgow-exts" (NoArg (enableGlasgowExts >> deprecate "Use individual extensions instead"))
+ , Flag "fno-glasgow-exts" (NoArg (disableGlasgowExts >> deprecate "Use individual extensions instead"))
+ ------ Safe Haskell flags -------------------------------------------
+ , Flag "fpackage-trust" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_PackageTrust))
++ map (mkFlag turnOn "f" setDynFlag ) fFlags
++ map (mkFlag turnOff "fno-" unSetDynFlag) fFlags
@@ -1610,53 +1623,50 @@ dynamic_flags = [
++ map (mkFlag turnOff "XNo" unSetExtensionFlag) xFlags
++ map (mkFlag turnOn "X" setLanguage) languageFlags
++ map (mkFlag turnOn "X" setSafeHaskell) safeHaskellFlags
- ++ [ flagA "XGenerics" (NoArg (deprecate "it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures and -XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support."))
- , flagA "XNoGenerics" (NoArg (deprecate "it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures and -XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support.")) ]
+ ++ [ Flag "XGenerics" (NoArg (deprecate "it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures and -XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support."))
+ , Flag "XNoGenerics" (NoArg (deprecate "it does nothing; look into -XDefaultSignatures and -XDeriveGeneric for generic programming support.")) ]
package_flags :: [Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)]
package_flags = [
------- Packages ----------------------------------------------------
- -- specifying these to be flagC is redundant since they are actually
- -- static flags, but best to do this anyway.
- flagC "package-conf" (HasArg extraPkgConf_)
- , flagC "no-user-package-conf" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_ReadUserPackageConf))
- , flagC "package-name" (hasArg setPackageName)
- , flagC "package-id" (HasArg exposePackageId)
- , flagC "package" (HasArg exposePackage)
- , flagC "hide-package" (HasArg hidePackage)
- , flagC "hide-all-packages" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_HideAllPackages))
- , flagC "ignore-package" (HasArg ignorePackage)
- , flagC "syslib" (HasArg (\s -> do { exposePackage s
- ; deprecate "Use -package instead" }))
- , flagC "trust" (HasArg trustPackage)
- , flagC "distrust" (HasArg distrustPackage)
- , flagC "distrust-all-packages" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DistrustAllPackages))
+ Flag "package-conf" (HasArg extraPkgConf_)
+ , Flag "no-user-package-conf" (NoArg (unSetDynFlag Opt_ReadUserPackageConf))
+ , Flag "package-name" (hasArg setPackageName)
+ , Flag "package-id" (HasArg exposePackageId)
+ , Flag "package" (HasArg exposePackage)
+ , Flag "hide-package" (HasArg hidePackage)
+ , Flag "hide-all-packages" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_HideAllPackages))
+ , Flag "ignore-package" (HasArg ignorePackage)
+ , Flag "syslib" (HasArg (\s -> do exposePackage s
+ deprecate "Use -package instead"))
+ , Flag "trust" (HasArg trustPackage)
+ , Flag "distrust" (HasArg distrustPackage)
+ , Flag "distrust-all-packages" (NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_DistrustAllPackages))
type TurnOnFlag = Bool -- True <=> we are turning the flag on
- -- False <=> we are turning the flag off
-turnOn :: TurnOnFlag; turnOn = True
+ -- False <=> we are turning the flag off
+turnOn :: TurnOnFlag; turnOn = True
turnOff :: TurnOnFlag; turnOff = False
type FlagSpec flag
- = ( String -- Flag in string form
- , FlagSafety
+ = ( String -- Flag in string form
, flag -- Flag in internal form
, TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()) -- Extra action to run when the flag is found
-- Typically, emit a warning or error
mkFlag :: TurnOnFlag -- ^ True <=> it should be turned on
-> String -- ^ The flag prefix
- -> (flag -> DynP ()) -- ^ What to do when the flag is found
- -> FlagSpec flag -- ^ Specification of this particular flag
+ -> (flag -> DynP ()) -- ^ What to do when the flag is found
+ -> FlagSpec flag -- ^ Specification of this particular flag
-> Flag (CmdLineP DynFlags)
-mkFlag turn_on flagPrefix f (name, fsafe, flag, extra_action)
- = Flag (flagPrefix ++ name) fsafe (NoArg (f flag >> extra_action turn_on))
+mkFlag turn_on flagPrefix f (name, flag, extra_action)
+ = Flag (flagPrefix ++ name) (NoArg (f flag >> extra_action turn_on))
deprecatedForExtension :: String -> TurnOnFlag -> DynP ()
deprecatedForExtension lang turn_on
= deprecate ("use -X" ++ flag ++ " or pragma {-# LANGUAGE " ++ flag ++ " #-} instead")
- where
+ where
flag | turn_on = lang
| otherwise = "No"++lang
@@ -1672,134 +1682,134 @@ nop _ = return ()
-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-fno-\<blah\>@
fWarningFlags :: [FlagSpec WarningFlag]
fWarningFlags = [
- ( "warn-dodgy-foreign-imports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports, nop ),
- ( "warn-dodgy-exports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnDodgyExports, nop ),
- ( "warn-dodgy-imports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnDodgyImports, nop ),
- ( "warn-duplicate-exports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnDuplicateExports, nop ),
- ( "warn-hi-shadowing", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnHiShadows, nop ),
- ( "warn-implicit-prelude", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude, nop ),
- ( "warn-incomplete-patterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns, nop ),
- ( "warn-incomplete-uni-patterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns, nop ),
- ( "warn-incomplete-record-updates", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd, nop ),
- ( "warn-missing-fields", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMissingFields, nop ),
- ( "warn-missing-import-lists", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMissingImportList, nop ),
- ( "warn-missing-methods", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMissingMethods, nop ),
- ( "warn-missing-signatures", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMissingSigs, nop ),
- ( "warn-missing-local-sigs", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMissingLocalSigs, nop ),
- ( "warn-name-shadowing", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnNameShadowing, nop ),
- ( "warn-overlapping-patterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns, nop ),
- ( "warn-type-defaults", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnTypeDefaults, nop ),
- ( "warn-monomorphism-restriction", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnMonomorphism, nop ),
- ( "warn-unused-binds", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnUnusedBinds, nop ),
- ( "warn-unused-imports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnUnusedImports, nop ),
- ( "warn-unused-matches", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnUnusedMatches, nop ),
- ( "warn-warnings-deprecations", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations, nop ),
- ( "warn-deprecations", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations, nop ),
- ( "warn-deprecated-flags", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags, nop ),
- ( "warn-orphans", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnOrphans, nop ),
- ( "warn-identities", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnIdentities, nop ),
- ( "warn-auto-orphans", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnAutoOrphans, nop ),
- ( "warn-tabs", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnTabs, nop ),
- ( "warn-unrecognised-pragmas", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas, nop ),
- ( "warn-lazy-unlifted-bindings", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnLazyUnliftedBindings, nop),
- ( "warn-unused-do-bind", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind, nop ),
- ( "warn-wrong-do-bind", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnWrongDoBind, nop ),
- ( "warn-alternative-layout-rule-transitional", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional, nop )]
+ ( "warn-dodgy-foreign-imports", Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports, nop ),
+ ( "warn-dodgy-exports", Opt_WarnDodgyExports, nop ),
+ ( "warn-dodgy-imports", Opt_WarnDodgyImports, nop ),
+ ( "warn-duplicate-exports", Opt_WarnDuplicateExports, nop ),
+ ( "warn-hi-shadowing", Opt_WarnHiShadows, nop ),
+ ( "warn-implicit-prelude", Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude, nop ),
+ ( "warn-incomplete-patterns", Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns, nop ),
+ ( "warn-incomplete-uni-patterns", Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns, nop ),
+ ( "warn-incomplete-record-updates", Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd, nop ),
+ ( "warn-missing-fields", Opt_WarnMissingFields, nop ),
+ ( "warn-missing-import-lists", Opt_WarnMissingImportList, nop ),
+ ( "warn-missing-methods", Opt_WarnMissingMethods, nop ),
+ ( "warn-missing-signatures", Opt_WarnMissingSigs, nop ),
+ ( "warn-missing-local-sigs", Opt_WarnMissingLocalSigs, nop ),
+ ( "warn-name-shadowing", Opt_WarnNameShadowing, nop ),
+ ( "warn-overlapping-patterns", Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns, nop ),
+ ( "warn-type-defaults", Opt_WarnTypeDefaults, nop ),
+ ( "warn-monomorphism-restriction", Opt_WarnMonomorphism, nop ),
+ ( "warn-unused-binds", Opt_WarnUnusedBinds, nop ),
+ ( "warn-unused-imports", Opt_WarnUnusedImports, nop ),
+ ( "warn-unused-matches", Opt_WarnUnusedMatches, nop ),
+ ( "warn-warnings-deprecations", Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations, nop ),
+ ( "warn-deprecations", Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations, nop ),
+ ( "warn-deprecated-flags", Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags, nop ),
+ ( "warn-orphans", Opt_WarnOrphans, nop ),
+ ( "warn-identities", Opt_WarnIdentities, nop ),
+ ( "warn-auto-orphans", Opt_WarnAutoOrphans, nop ),
+ ( "warn-tabs", Opt_WarnTabs, nop ),
+ ( "warn-unrecognised-pragmas", Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas, nop ),
+ ( "warn-lazy-unlifted-bindings", Opt_WarnLazyUnliftedBindings, nop),
+ ( "warn-unused-do-bind", Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind, nop ),
+ ( "warn-wrong-do-bind", Opt_WarnWrongDoBind, nop ),
+ ( "warn-alternative-layout-rule-transitional", Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional, nop )]
-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-fno-\<blah\>@
fFlags :: [FlagSpec DynFlag]
fFlags = [
- ( "print-explicit-foralls", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PrintExplicitForalls, nop ),
- ( "strictness", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Strictness, nop ),
- ( "specialise", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Specialise, nop ),
- ( "float-in", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_FloatIn, nop ),
- ( "static-argument-transformation", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation, nop ),
- ( "full-laziness", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_FullLaziness, nop ),
- ( "liberate-case", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_LiberateCase, nop ),
- ( "spec-constr", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_SpecConstr, nop ),
- ( "cse", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_CSE, nop ),
- ( "ignore-interface-pragmas", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas, nop ),
- ( "omit-interface-pragmas", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas, nop ),
- ( "expose-all-unfoldings", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings, nop ),
- ( "do-lambda-eta-expansion", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion, nop ),
- ( "ignore-asserts", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_IgnoreAsserts, nop ),
- ( "do-eta-reduction", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DoEtaReduction, nop ),
- ( "case-merge", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_CaseMerge, nop ),
- ( "unbox-strict-fields", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UnboxStrictFields, nop ),
- ( "dicts-cheap", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DictsCheap, nop ),
- ( "excess-precision", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExcessPrecision, nop ),
- ( "eager-blackholing", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EagerBlackHoling, nop ),
- ( "print-bind-result", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PrintBindResult, nop ),
- ( "force-recomp", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ForceRecomp, nop ),
- ( "hpc-no-auto", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Hpc_No_Auto, nop ),
- ( "rewrite-rules", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EnableRewriteRules, useInstead "enable-rewrite-rules" ),
- ( "enable-rewrite-rules", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EnableRewriteRules, nop ),
- ( "break-on-exception", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_BreakOnException, nop ),
- ( "break-on-error", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_BreakOnError, nop ),
- ( "print-evld-with-show", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PrintEvldWithShow, nop ),
- ( "print-bind-contents", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PrintBindContents, nop ),
- ( "run-cps", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RunCPS, nop ),
- ( "run-cpsz", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RunCPSZ, nop ),
- ( "new-codegen", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TryNewCodeGen, nop ),
- ( "vectorise", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Vectorise, nop ),
- ( "regs-graph", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RegsGraph, nop ),
- ( "regs-iterative", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RegsIterative, nop ),
- ( "gen-manifest", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GenManifest, nop ),
- ( "embed-manifest", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EmbedManifest, nop ),
- ( "ext-core", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EmitExternalCore, nop ),
- ( "shared-implib", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_SharedImplib, nop ),
- ( "ghci-sandbox", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GhciSandbox, nop ),
- ( "ghci-history", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GhciHistory, nop ),
- ( "helpful-errors", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_HelpfulErrors, nop ),
- ( "building-cabal-package", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_BuildingCabalPackage, nop ),
- ( "implicit-import-qualified", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImplicitImportQualified, nop )
+ ( "print-explicit-foralls", Opt_PrintExplicitForalls, nop ),
+ ( "strictness", Opt_Strictness, nop ),
+ ( "specialise", Opt_Specialise, nop ),
+ ( "float-in", Opt_FloatIn, nop ),
+ ( "static-argument-transformation", Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation, nop ),
+ ( "full-laziness", Opt_FullLaziness, nop ),
+ ( "liberate-case", Opt_LiberateCase, nop ),
+ ( "spec-constr", Opt_SpecConstr, nop ),
+ ( "cse", Opt_CSE, nop ),
+ ( "ignore-interface-pragmas", Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas, nop ),
+ ( "omit-interface-pragmas", Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas, nop ),
+ ( "expose-all-unfoldings", Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings, nop ),
+ ( "do-lambda-eta-expansion", Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion, nop ),
+ ( "ignore-asserts", Opt_IgnoreAsserts, nop ),
+ ( "do-eta-reduction", Opt_DoEtaReduction, nop ),
+ ( "case-merge", Opt_CaseMerge, nop ),
+ ( "unbox-strict-fields", Opt_UnboxStrictFields, nop ),
+ ( "dicts-cheap", Opt_DictsCheap, nop ),
+ ( "excess-precision", Opt_ExcessPrecision, nop ),
+ ( "eager-blackholing", Opt_EagerBlackHoling, nop ),
+ ( "print-bind-result", Opt_PrintBindResult, nop ),
+ ( "force-recomp", Opt_ForceRecomp, nop ),
+ ( "hpc-no-auto", Opt_Hpc_No_Auto, nop ),
+ ( "rewrite-rules", Opt_EnableRewriteRules, useInstead "enable-rewrite-rules" ),
+ ( "enable-rewrite-rules", Opt_EnableRewriteRules, nop ),
+ ( "break-on-exception", Opt_BreakOnException, nop ),
+ ( "break-on-error", Opt_BreakOnError, nop ),
+ ( "print-evld-with-show", Opt_PrintEvldWithShow, nop ),
+ ( "print-bind-contents", Opt_PrintBindContents, nop ),
+ ( "run-cps", Opt_RunCPS, nop ),
+ ( "run-cpsz", Opt_RunCPSZ, nop ),
+ ( "new-codegen", Opt_TryNewCodeGen, nop ),
+ ( "vectorise", Opt_Vectorise, nop ),
+ ( "regs-graph", Opt_RegsGraph, nop ),
+ ( "regs-iterative", Opt_RegsIterative, nop ),
+ ( "gen-manifest", Opt_GenManifest, nop ),
+ ( "embed-manifest", Opt_EmbedManifest, nop ),
+ ( "ext-core", Opt_EmitExternalCore, nop ),
+ ( "shared-implib", Opt_SharedImplib, nop ),
+ ( "ghci-sandbox", Opt_GhciSandbox, nop ),
+ ( "ghci-history", Opt_GhciHistory, nop ),
+ ( "helpful-errors", Opt_HelpfulErrors, nop ),
+ ( "building-cabal-package", Opt_BuildingCabalPackage, nop ),
+ ( "implicit-import-qualified", Opt_ImplicitImportQualified, nop )
-- | These @-f\<blah\>@ flags can all be reversed with @-fno-\<blah\>@
fLangFlags :: [FlagSpec ExtensionFlag]
fLangFlags = [
- ( "th", NeverAllowed, Opt_TemplateHaskell,
+ ( "th", Opt_TemplateHaskell,
deprecatedForExtension "TemplateHaskell" >> checkTemplateHaskellOk ),
- ( "fi", RestrictedFunction, Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface,
+ ( "fi", Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface,
deprecatedForExtension "ForeignFunctionInterface" ),
- ( "ffi", RestrictedFunction, Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface,
+ ( "ffi", Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface,
deprecatedForExtension "ForeignFunctionInterface" ),
- ( "arrows", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Arrows,
+ ( "arrows", Opt_Arrows,
deprecatedForExtension "Arrows" ),
- ( "implicit-prelude", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImplicitPrelude,
+ ( "implicit-prelude", Opt_ImplicitPrelude,
deprecatedForExtension "ImplicitPrelude" ),
- ( "bang-patterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_BangPatterns,
+ ( "bang-patterns", Opt_BangPatterns,
deprecatedForExtension "BangPatterns" ),
- ( "monomorphism-restriction", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonomorphismRestriction,
+ ( "monomorphism-restriction", Opt_MonomorphismRestriction,
deprecatedForExtension "MonomorphismRestriction" ),
- ( "mono-pat-binds", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonoPatBinds,
+ ( "mono-pat-binds", Opt_MonoPatBinds,
deprecatedForExtension "MonoPatBinds" ),
- ( "extended-default-rules", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules,
+ ( "extended-default-rules", Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules,
deprecatedForExtension "ExtendedDefaultRules" ),
- ( "implicit-params", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImplicitParams,
+ ( "implicit-params", Opt_ImplicitParams,
deprecatedForExtension "ImplicitParams" ),
- ( "scoped-type-variables", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ScopedTypeVariables,
+ ( "scoped-type-variables", Opt_ScopedTypeVariables,
deprecatedForExtension "ScopedTypeVariables" ),
- ( "parr", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ParallelArrays,
+ ( "parr", Opt_ParallelArrays,
deprecatedForExtension "ParallelArrays" ),
- ( "PArr", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ParallelArrays,
+ ( "PArr", Opt_ParallelArrays,
deprecatedForExtension "ParallelArrays" ),
- ( "allow-overlapping-instances", RestrictedFunction, Opt_OverlappingInstances,
+ ( "allow-overlapping-instances", Opt_OverlappingInstances,
deprecatedForExtension "OverlappingInstances" ),
- ( "allow-undecidable-instances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UndecidableInstances,
+ ( "allow-undecidable-instances", Opt_UndecidableInstances,
deprecatedForExtension "UndecidableInstances" ),
- ( "allow-incoherent-instances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_IncoherentInstances,
+ ( "allow-incoherent-instances", Opt_IncoherentInstances,
deprecatedForExtension "IncoherentInstances" )
supportedLanguages :: [String]
-supportedLanguages = [ name | (name, _, _, _) <- languageFlags ]
+supportedLanguages = [ name | (name, _, _) <- languageFlags ]
supportedLanguageOverlays :: [String]
-supportedLanguageOverlays = [ name | (name, _, _, _) <- safeHaskellFlags ]
+supportedLanguageOverlays = [ name | (name, _, _) <- safeHaskellFlags ]
supportedExtensions :: [String]
-supportedExtensions = [ name' | (name, _, _, _) <- xFlags, name' <- [name, "No" ++ name] ]
+supportedExtensions = [ name' | (name, _, _) <- xFlags, name' <- [name, "No" ++ name] ]
supportedLanguagesAndExtensions :: [String]
supportedLanguagesAndExtensions =
@@ -1808,8 +1818,8 @@ supportedLanguagesAndExtensions =
-- | These -X<blah> flags cannot be reversed with -XNo<blah>
languageFlags :: [FlagSpec Language]
languageFlags = [
- ( "Haskell98", AlwaysAllowed, Haskell98, nop ),
- ( "Haskell2010", AlwaysAllowed, Haskell2010, nop )
+ ( "Haskell98", Haskell98, nop ),
+ ( "Haskell2010", Haskell2010, nop )
-- | These -X<blah> flags cannot be reversed with -XNo<blah>
@@ -1817,103 +1827,103 @@ languageFlags = [
-- features can be used.
safeHaskellFlags :: [FlagSpec SafeHaskellMode]
safeHaskellFlags = [mkF Sf_SafeImports, mkF Sf_Trustworthy, mkF' Sf_Safe]
- where mkF flag = (showPpr flag, AlwaysAllowed, flag, nop)
- mkF' flag = (showPpr flag, EnablesSafe, flag, nop)
+ where mkF flag = (showPpr flag, flag, nop)
+ mkF' flag = (showPpr flag, flag, nop)
-- | These -X<blah> flags can all be reversed with -XNo<blah>
xFlags :: [FlagSpec ExtensionFlag]
xFlags = [
- ( "CPP", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Cpp, nop ),
- ( "PostfixOperators", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PostfixOperators, nop ),
- ( "TupleSections", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TupleSections, nop ),
- ( "PatternGuards", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PatternGuards, nop ),
- ( "UnicodeSyntax", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UnicodeSyntax, nop ),
- ( "MagicHash", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MagicHash, nop ),
- ( "PolymorphicComponents", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PolymorphicComponents, nop ),
- ( "ExistentialQuantification", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExistentialQuantification, nop ),
- ( "KindSignatures", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_KindSignatures, nop ),
- ( "EmptyDataDecls", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_EmptyDataDecls, nop ),
- ( "ParallelListComp", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ParallelListComp, nop ),
- ( "TransformListComp", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TransformListComp, nop ),
- ( "MonadComprehensions", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonadComprehensions, nop),
- ( "ForeignFunctionInterface", RestrictedFunction, Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface, nop ),
- ( "UnliftedFFITypes", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UnliftedFFITypes, nop ),
- ( "InterruptibleFFI", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_InterruptibleFFI, nop ),
- ( "GHCForeignImportPrim", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GHCForeignImportPrim, nop ),
- ( "LiberalTypeSynonyms", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_LiberalTypeSynonyms, nop ),
- ( "Rank2Types", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Rank2Types, nop ),
- ( "RankNTypes", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RankNTypes, nop ),
- ( "ImpredicativeTypes", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImpredicativeTypes, nop),
- ( "TypeOperators", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TypeOperators, nop ),
- ( "RecursiveDo", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RecursiveDo, -- Enables 'mdo'
+ ( "CPP", Opt_Cpp, nop ),
+ ( "PostfixOperators", Opt_PostfixOperators, nop ),
+ ( "TupleSections", Opt_TupleSections, nop ),
+ ( "PatternGuards", Opt_PatternGuards, nop ),
+ ( "UnicodeSyntax", Opt_UnicodeSyntax, nop ),
+ ( "MagicHash", Opt_MagicHash, nop ),
+ ( "PolymorphicComponents", Opt_PolymorphicComponents, nop ),
+ ( "ExistentialQuantification", Opt_ExistentialQuantification, nop ),
+ ( "KindSignatures", Opt_KindSignatures, nop ),
+ ( "EmptyDataDecls", Opt_EmptyDataDecls, nop ),
+ ( "ParallelListComp", Opt_ParallelListComp, nop ),
+ ( "TransformListComp", Opt_TransformListComp, nop ),
+ ( "MonadComprehensions", Opt_MonadComprehensions, nop),
+ ( "ForeignFunctionInterface", Opt_ForeignFunctionInterface, nop ),
+ ( "UnliftedFFITypes", Opt_UnliftedFFITypes, nop ),
+ ( "InterruptibleFFI", Opt_InterruptibleFFI, nop ),
+ ( "GHCForeignImportPrim", Opt_GHCForeignImportPrim, nop ),
+ ( "LiberalTypeSynonyms", Opt_LiberalTypeSynonyms, nop ),
+ ( "Rank2Types", Opt_Rank2Types, nop ),
+ ( "RankNTypes", Opt_RankNTypes, nop ),
+ ( "ImpredicativeTypes", Opt_ImpredicativeTypes, nop),
+ ( "TypeOperators", Opt_TypeOperators, nop ),
+ ( "RecursiveDo", Opt_RecursiveDo, -- Enables 'mdo'
deprecatedForExtension "DoRec"),
- ( "DoRec", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DoRec, nop ), -- Enables 'rec' keyword
- ( "Arrows", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_Arrows, nop ),
- ( "ParallelArrays", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ParallelArrays, nop ),
- ( "TemplateHaskell", NeverAllowed, Opt_TemplateHaskell, checkTemplateHaskellOk ),
- ( "QuasiQuotes", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_QuasiQuotes, nop ),
- ( "ImplicitPrelude", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImplicitPrelude, nop ),
- ( "RecordWildCards", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RecordWildCards, nop ),
- ( "NamedFieldPuns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RecordPuns, nop ),
- ( "RecordPuns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RecordPuns,
+ ( "DoRec", Opt_DoRec, nop ), -- Enables 'rec' keyword
+ ( "Arrows", Opt_Arrows, nop ),
+ ( "ParallelArrays", Opt_ParallelArrays, nop ),
+ ( "TemplateHaskell", Opt_TemplateHaskell, checkTemplateHaskellOk ),
+ ( "QuasiQuotes", Opt_QuasiQuotes, nop ),
+ ( "ImplicitPrelude", Opt_ImplicitPrelude, nop ),
+ ( "RecordWildCards", Opt_RecordWildCards, nop ),
+ ( "NamedFieldPuns", Opt_RecordPuns, nop ),
+ ( "RecordPuns", Opt_RecordPuns,
deprecatedForExtension "NamedFieldPuns" ),
- ( "DisambiguateRecordFields", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields, nop ),
- ( "OverloadedStrings", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_OverloadedStrings, nop ),
- ( "GADTs", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GADTs, nop ),
- ( "GADTSyntax", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GADTSyntax, nop ),
- ( "ViewPatterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ViewPatterns, nop ),
- ( "TypeFamilies", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TypeFamilies, nop ),
- ( "BangPatterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_BangPatterns, nop ),
- ( "MonomorphismRestriction", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonomorphismRestriction, nop ),
- ( "NPlusKPatterns", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_NPlusKPatterns, nop ),
- ( "DoAndIfThenElse", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DoAndIfThenElse, nop ),
- ( "RebindableSyntax", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RebindableSyntax, nop ),
- ( "ConstraintKinds", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ConstraintKinds, nop ),
- ( "MonoPatBinds", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonoPatBinds,
+ ( "DisambiguateRecordFields", Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields, nop ),
+ ( "OverloadedStrings", Opt_OverloadedStrings, nop ),
+ ( "GADTs", Opt_GADTs, nop ),
+ ( "GADTSyntax", Opt_GADTSyntax, nop ),
+ ( "ViewPatterns", Opt_ViewPatterns, nop ),
+ ( "TypeFamilies", Opt_TypeFamilies, nop ),
+ ( "BangPatterns", Opt_BangPatterns, nop ),
+ ( "MonomorphismRestriction", Opt_MonomorphismRestriction, nop ),
+ ( "NPlusKPatterns", Opt_NPlusKPatterns, nop ),
+ ( "DoAndIfThenElse", Opt_DoAndIfThenElse, nop ),
+ ( "RebindableSyntax", Opt_RebindableSyntax, nop ),
+ ( "ConstraintKinds", Opt_ConstraintKinds, nop ),
+ ( "MonoPatBinds", Opt_MonoPatBinds,
\ turn_on -> when turn_on $ deprecate "Experimental feature now removed; has no effect" ),
- ( "ExplicitForAll", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExplicitForAll, nop ),
- ( "AlternativeLayoutRule", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_AlternativeLayoutRule, nop ),
- ( "AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional",AlwaysAllowed, Opt_AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional, nop ),
- ( "DatatypeContexts", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DatatypeContexts,
+ ( "ExplicitForAll", Opt_ExplicitForAll, nop ),
+ ( "AlternativeLayoutRule", Opt_AlternativeLayoutRule, nop ),
+ ( "AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional",Opt_AlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional, nop ),
+ ( "DatatypeContexts", Opt_DatatypeContexts,
\ turn_on -> when turn_on $ deprecate "It was widely considered a misfeature, and has been removed from the Haskell language." ),
- ( "NondecreasingIndentation", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_NondecreasingIndentation, nop ),
- ( "RelaxedLayout", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RelaxedLayout, nop ),
- ( "TraditionalRecordSyntax", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TraditionalRecordSyntax, nop ),
- ( "MonoLocalBinds", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MonoLocalBinds, nop ),
- ( "RelaxedPolyRec", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_RelaxedPolyRec,
- \ turn_on -> if not turn_on
+ ( "NondecreasingIndentation", Opt_NondecreasingIndentation, nop ),
+ ( "RelaxedLayout", Opt_RelaxedLayout, nop ),
+ ( "TraditionalRecordSyntax", Opt_TraditionalRecordSyntax, nop ),
+ ( "MonoLocalBinds", Opt_MonoLocalBinds, nop ),
+ ( "RelaxedPolyRec", Opt_RelaxedPolyRec,
+ \ turn_on -> if not turn_on
then deprecate "You can't turn off RelaxedPolyRec any more"
else return () ),
- ( "ExtendedDefaultRules", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules, nop ),
- ( "ImplicitParams", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ImplicitParams, nop ),
- ( "ScopedTypeVariables", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ScopedTypeVariables, nop ),
+ ( "ExtendedDefaultRules", Opt_ExtendedDefaultRules, nop ),
+ ( "ImplicitParams", Opt_ImplicitParams, nop ),
+ ( "ScopedTypeVariables", Opt_ScopedTypeVariables, nop ),
- ( "PatternSignatures", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ScopedTypeVariables,
+ ( "PatternSignatures", Opt_ScopedTypeVariables,
deprecatedForExtension "ScopedTypeVariables" ),
- ( "UnboxedTuples", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UnboxedTuples, nop ),
- ( "StandaloneDeriving", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_StandaloneDeriving, nop ),
- ( "DeriveDataTypeable", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DeriveDataTypeable, nop ),
- ( "DeriveFunctor", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DeriveFunctor, nop ),
- ( "DeriveTraversable", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DeriveTraversable, nop ),
- ( "DeriveFoldable", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DeriveFoldable, nop ),
- ( "DeriveGeneric", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DeriveGeneric, nop ),
- ( "DefaultSignatures", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_DefaultSignatures, nop ),
- ( "TypeSynonymInstances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_TypeSynonymInstances, nop ),
- ( "FlexibleContexts", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_FlexibleContexts, nop ),
- ( "FlexibleInstances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_FlexibleInstances, nop ),
- ( "ConstrainedClassMethods", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_ConstrainedClassMethods, nop ),
- ( "MultiParamTypeClasses", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_MultiParamTypeClasses, nop ),
- ( "FunctionalDependencies", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_FunctionalDependencies, nop ),
- ( "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, nop ),
- ( "OverlappingInstances", RestrictedFunction, Opt_OverlappingInstances, nop ),
- ( "UndecidableInstances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_UndecidableInstances, nop ),
- ( "IncoherentInstances", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_IncoherentInstances, nop ),
- ( "PackageImports", AlwaysAllowed, Opt_PackageImports, nop )
+ ( "UnboxedTuples", Opt_UnboxedTuples, nop ),
+ ( "StandaloneDeriving", Opt_StandaloneDeriving, nop ),
+ ( "DeriveDataTypeable", Opt_DeriveDataTypeable, nop ),
+ ( "DeriveFunctor", Opt_DeriveFunctor, nop ),
+ ( "DeriveTraversable", Opt_DeriveTraversable, nop ),
+ ( "DeriveFoldable", Opt_DeriveFoldable, nop ),
+ ( "DeriveGeneric", Opt_DeriveGeneric, nop ),
+ ( "DefaultSignatures", Opt_DefaultSignatures, nop ),
+ ( "TypeSynonymInstances", Opt_TypeSynonymInstances, nop ),
+ ( "FlexibleContexts", Opt_FlexibleContexts, nop ),
+ ( "FlexibleInstances", Opt_FlexibleInstances, nop ),
+ ( "ConstrainedClassMethods", Opt_ConstrainedClassMethods, nop ),
+ ( "MultiParamTypeClasses", Opt_MultiParamTypeClasses, nop ),
+ ( "FunctionalDependencies", Opt_FunctionalDependencies, nop ),
+ ( "GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving", Opt_GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, setGenDeriving ),
+ ( "OverlappingInstances", Opt_OverlappingInstances, nop ),
+ ( "UndecidableInstances", Opt_UndecidableInstances, nop ),
+ ( "IncoherentInstances", Opt_IncoherentInstances, nop ),
+ ( "PackageImports", Opt_PackageImports, nop )
defaultFlags :: [DynFlag]
= [ Opt_AutoLinkPackages,
@@ -1952,16 +1962,16 @@ impliedFlags
, (Opt_TypeFamilies, turnOn, Opt_MonoLocalBinds)
, (Opt_TypeFamilies, turnOn, Opt_KindSignatures) -- Type families use kind signatures
- -- all over the place
+ -- all over the place
, (Opt_ImpredicativeTypes, turnOn, Opt_RankNTypes)
- -- Record wild-cards implies field disambiguation
- -- Otherwise if you write (C {..}) you may well get
- -- stuff like " 'a' not in scope ", which is a bit silly
- -- if the compiler has just filled in field 'a' of constructor 'C'
+ -- Record wild-cards implies field disambiguation
+ -- Otherwise if you write (C {..}) you may well get
+ -- stuff like " 'a' not in scope ", which is a bit silly
+ -- if the compiler has just filled in field 'a' of constructor 'C'
, (Opt_RecordWildCards, turnOn, Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields)
, (Opt_ParallelArrays, turnOn, Opt_ParallelListComp)
@@ -2095,13 +2105,17 @@ rtsIsProfiled :: Bool
rtsIsProfiled = unsafePerformIO rtsIsProfiledIO /= 0
+setGenDeriving :: Bool -> DynP ()
+setGenDeriving True = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { newDerivOnLoc = l })
+setGenDeriving False = return ()
checkTemplateHaskellOk :: Bool -> DynP ()
#ifdef GHCI
checkTemplateHaskellOk turn_on
| turn_on && rtsIsProfiled
= addErr "You can't use Template Haskell with a profiled compiler"
| otherwise
- = return ()
+ = getCurLoc >>= \l -> upd (\d -> d { thOnLoc = l })
-- In stage 1 we don't know that the RTS has rts_isProfiled,
-- so we simply say "ok". It doesn't matter because TH isn't
@@ -2110,9 +2124,9 @@ checkTemplateHaskellOk _ = return ()
{- **********************************************************************
-%* *
- DynFlags constructors
-%* *
+%* *
+ DynFlags constructors
+%* *
%********************************************************************* -}
type DynP = EwM (CmdLineP DynFlags)
@@ -2140,8 +2154,8 @@ hasArg :: (String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
hasArg fn = HasArg (upd . fn)
hasArgDF :: (String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> String -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
-hasArgDF fn deprec = HasArg (\s -> do { upd (fn s)
- ; deprecate deprec })
+hasArgDF fn deprec = HasArg (\s -> do upd (fn s)
+ deprecate deprec)
sepArg :: (String -> DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> OptKind (CmdLineP DynFlags)
sepArg fn = SepArg (upd . fn)
@@ -2168,8 +2182,8 @@ unSetWarningFlag f = upd (\dfs -> wopt_unset dfs f)
setExtensionFlag, unSetExtensionFlag :: ExtensionFlag -> DynP ()
-setExtensionFlag f = do { upd (\dfs -> xopt_set dfs f)
- ; sequence_ deps }
+setExtensionFlag f = do upd (\dfs -> xopt_set dfs f)
+ sequence_ deps
deps = [ if turn_on then setExtensionFlag d
else unSetExtensionFlag d
@@ -2189,28 +2203,28 @@ alterSettings f dflags = dflags { settings = f (settings dflags) }
setDumpFlag' :: DynFlag -> DynP ()
setDumpFlag' dump_flag
- = do { setDynFlag dump_flag
- ; when want_recomp forceRecompile }
+ = do setDynFlag dump_flag
+ when want_recomp forceRecompile
- -- Certain dumpy-things are really interested in what's going
+ -- Certain dumpy-things are really interested in what's going
-- on during recompilation checking, so in those cases we
-- don't want to turn it off.
want_recomp = dump_flag `notElem` [Opt_D_dump_if_trace,
- Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs]
+ Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs]
forceRecompile :: DynP ()
--- Whenver we -ddump, force recompilation (by switching off the
--- recompilation checker), else you don't see the dump! However,
+-- Whenver we -ddump, force recompilation (by switching off the
+-- recompilation checker), else you don't see the dump! However,
-- don't switch it off in --make mode, else *everything* gets
-- recompiled which probably isn't what you want
-forceRecompile = do { dfs <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
- ; when (force_recomp dfs) (setDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp) }
+forceRecompile = do dfs <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
+ when (force_recomp dfs) (setDynFlag Opt_ForceRecomp)
- force_recomp dfs = isOneShot (ghcMode dfs)
+ force_recomp dfs = isOneShot (ghcMode dfs)
setVerboseCore2Core :: DynP ()
setVerboseCore2Core = do forceRecompile
- setDynFlag Opt_D_verbose_core2core
+ setDynFlag Opt_D_verbose_core2core
upd (\dfs -> dfs { shouldDumpSimplPhase = Nothing })
setDumpSimplPhases :: String -> DynP ()
@@ -2323,7 +2337,7 @@ setDPHBackend backend = upd $ \dflags -> dflags { dphBackend = backend }
-- Query the DPH backend package to be used by the vectoriser and desugaring of DPH syntax.
dphPackageMaybe :: DynFlags -> Maybe PackageId
-dphPackageMaybe dflags
+dphPackageMaybe dflags
= case dphBackend dflags of
DPHPar -> Just dphParPackageId
DPHSeq -> Just dphSeqPackageId
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
index 48cca7bc1f..b8874b1a9f 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ checkSafeImports dflags hsc_env tcg_env
= do
imps <- mapM condense imports'
pkgs <- mapM checkSafe imps
- checkPkgTrust pkg_reqs
+ when (packageTrustOn dflags) $ checkPkgTrust pkg_reqs
-- add in trusted package requirements for this module
let new_trust = emptyImportAvails { imp_trust_pkgs = catMaybes pkgs }
@@ -936,7 +936,9 @@ checkSafeImports dflags hsc_env tcg_env
-- modules in the home package are trusted but otherwise
-- we check the package trust flag.
packageTrusted :: SafeHaskellMode -> Bool -> Module -> Bool
- packageTrusted Sf_Safe False _ = True
+ packageTrusted _ _ _
+ | not (packageTrustOn dflags) = True
+ packageTrusted Sf_Safe False _ = True
packageTrusted _ _ m
| isHomePkg m = True
| otherwise = trusted $ getPackageDetails (pkgState dflags)
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs b/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
index c63f070608..1db5ef63e0 100644
--- a/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ parseStaticFlags args = do
ready <- readIORef v_opt_C_ready
when ready $ ghcError (ProgramError "Too late for parseStaticFlags: call it before newSession")
- (leftover, errs, warns1) <- processArgs static_flags args CmdLineOnly True
+ (leftover, errs, warns1) <- processArgs static_flags args
when (not (null errs)) $ ghcError $ errorsToGhcException errs
-- deal with the way flags: the way (eg. prof) gives rise to
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ parseStaticFlags args = do
-- if we're unregisterised, add some more flags
let unreg_flags | cGhcUnregisterised == "YES" = unregFlags
- | otherwise = []
+ | otherwise = []
(more_leftover, errs, warns2) <-
- processArgs static_flags (unreg_flags ++ way_flags') CmdLineOnly True
+ processArgs static_flags (unreg_flags ++ way_flags')
-- see sanity code in staticOpts
writeIORef v_opt_C_ready True
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ parseStaticFlags args = do
| otherwise = []
-- HACK: -fexcess-precision is both a static and a dynamic flag. If
- -- the static flag parser has slurped it, we must return it as a
+ -- the static flag parser has slurped it, we must return it as a
-- leftover too. ToDo: make -fexcess-precision dynamic only.
let excess_prec
| opt_SimplExcessPrecision = map (mkGeneralLocated "in excess_prec")
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ static_flags :: [Flag IO]
-- The common (PassFlag addOpt) action puts the static flag into the bunch of
-- things that are searched up by the top-level definitions like
--- opt_foo = lookUp (fsLit "-dfoo")
+-- opt_foo = lookUp (fsLit "-dfoo")
-- Note that ordering is important in the following list: any flag which
-- is a prefix flag (i.e. HasArg, Prefix, OptPrefix, AnySuffix) will override
@@ -104,65 +104,65 @@ static_flags :: [Flag IO]
static_flags = [
------- GHCi -------------------------------------------------------
- flagC "ignore-dot-ghci" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "read-dot-ghci" (NoArg (removeOpt "-ignore-dot-ghci"))
+ Flag "ignore-dot-ghci" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "read-dot-ghci" (NoArg (removeOpt "-ignore-dot-ghci"))
------- ways --------------------------------------------------------
- , flagC "prof" (NoArg (addWay WayProf))
- , flagC "eventlog" (NoArg (addWay WayEventLog))
- , flagC "parallel" (NoArg (addWay WayPar))
- , flagC "gransim" (NoArg (addWay WayGran))
- , flagC "smp" (NoArg (addWay WayThreaded >> deprecate "Use -threaded instead"))
- , flagC "debug" (NoArg (addWay WayDebug))
- , flagC "ndp" (NoArg (addWay WayNDP))
- , flagC "threaded" (NoArg (addWay WayThreaded))
- , flagC "ticky" (PassFlag (\f -> do addOpt f; addWay WayDebug))
+ , Flag "prof" (NoArg (addWay WayProf))
+ , Flag "eventlog" (NoArg (addWay WayEventLog))
+ , Flag "parallel" (NoArg (addWay WayPar))
+ , Flag "gransim" (NoArg (addWay WayGran))
+ , Flag "smp" (NoArg (addWay WayThreaded >> deprecate "Use -threaded instead"))
+ , Flag "debug" (NoArg (addWay WayDebug))
+ , Flag "ndp" (NoArg (addWay WayNDP))
+ , Flag "threaded" (NoArg (addWay WayThreaded))
+ , Flag "ticky" (PassFlag (\f -> do addOpt f; addWay WayDebug))
-- -ticky enables ticky-ticky code generation, and also implies -debug which
-- is required to get the RTS ticky support.
------ Debugging ----------------------------------------------------
- , flagC "dppr-debug" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dppr-cols" (AnySuffix addOpt)
- , flagC "dppr-user-length" (AnySuffix addOpt)
- , flagC "dppr-case-as-let" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-all" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-uniques" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-coercions" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-module-prefixes" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-type-applications" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-idinfo" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dsuppress-type-signatures" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dopt-fuel" (AnySuffix addOpt)
- , flagC "dtrace-level" (AnySuffix addOpt)
- , flagC "dno-debug-output" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dstub-dead-values" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dppr-debug" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dppr-cols" (AnySuffix addOpt)
+ , Flag "dppr-user-length" (AnySuffix addOpt)
+ , Flag "dppr-case-as-let" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-all" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-uniques" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-coercions" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-module-prefixes" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-type-applications" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-idinfo" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dsuppress-type-signatures" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dopt-fuel" (AnySuffix addOpt)
+ , Flag "dtrace-level" (AnySuffix addOpt)
+ , Flag "dno-debug-output" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dstub-dead-values" (PassFlag addOpt)
-- rest of the debugging flags are dynamic
----- Linker --------------------------------------------------------
- , flagC "static" (PassFlag addOpt)
- , flagC "dynamic" (NoArg (removeOpt "-static" >> addWay WayDyn))
+ , Flag "static" (PassFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "dynamic" (NoArg (removeOpt "-static" >> addWay WayDyn))
-- ignored for compat w/ gcc:
- , flagC "rdynamic" (NoArg (return ()))
+ , Flag "rdynamic" (NoArg (return ()))
----- RTS opts ------------------------------------------------------
- , flagC "H" (HasArg (\s -> liftEwM (setHeapSize (fromIntegral (decodeSize s)))))
- , flagC "Rghc-timing" (NoArg (liftEwM enableTimingStats))
+ , Flag "H" (HasArg (\s -> liftEwM (setHeapSize (fromIntegral (decodeSize s)))))
+ , Flag "Rghc-timing" (NoArg (liftEwM enableTimingStats))
------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
-- -fPIC requires extra checking: only the NCG supports it.
-- See also DynFlags.parseDynamicFlags.
- , flagC "fPIC" (PassFlag setPIC)
+ , Flag "fPIC" (PassFlag setPIC)
-- All other "-fno-<blah>" options cancel out "-f<blah>" on the hsc cmdline
- , flagC "fno-"
+ , Flag "fno-"
(PrefixPred (\s -> isStaticFlag ("f"++s)) (\s -> removeOpt ("-f"++s)))
-- Pass all remaining "-f<blah>" options to hsc
- , flagC "f" (AnySuffixPred isStaticFlag addOpt)
+ , Flag "f" (AnySuffixPred isStaticFlag addOpt)
setPIC :: String -> StaticP ()
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
index d225e39743..37b500896b 100644
--- a/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module StaticFlags (
opt_PprStyle_Debug, opt_TraceLevel,
- opt_NoDebugOutput,
+ opt_NoDebugOutput,
-- Suppressing boring aspects of core dumps
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module StaticFlags (
-- For the parser
addOpt, removeOpt, addWay, getWayFlags, v_opt_C_ready,
-- Saving/restoring globals
saveStaticFlagGlobals, restoreStaticFlagGlobals
) where
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ addWay = consIORef v_Ways . lkupWay
removeOpt :: String -> IO ()
removeOpt f = do
fs <- readIORef v_opt_C
- writeIORef v_opt_C $! filter (/= f) fs
+ writeIORef v_opt_C $! filter (/= f) fs
lookUp :: FastString -> Bool
lookup_def_int :: String -> Int -> Int
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ packed_static_opts :: [FastString]
packed_static_opts = map mkFastString staticFlags
lookUp sw = sw `elem` packed_static_opts
--- (lookup_str "foo") looks for the flag -foo=X or -fooX,
+-- (lookup_str "foo") looks for the flag -foo=X or -fooX,
-- and returns the string X
-lookup_str sw
+lookup_str sw
= case firstJusts (map (stripPrefix sw) staticFlags) of
Just ('=' : str) -> Just str
Just str -> Just str
- Nothing -> Nothing
+ Nothing -> Nothing
lookup_all_str sw = map f $ catMaybes (map (stripPrefix sw) staticFlags) where
f ('=' : str) = str
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ unpacked_opts =
opt_IgnoreDotGhci :: Bool
opt_IgnoreDotGhci = lookUp (fsLit "-ignore-dot-ghci")
opt_GhciScripts :: [String]
opt_GhciScripts = lookup_all_str "-ghci-script"
@@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ opt_GhciScripts = lookup_all_str "-ghci-script"
-- Except for uniques, as some simplifier phases introduce new varibles that
-- have otherwise identical names.
opt_SuppressAll :: Bool
= lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-all")
-- | Suppress all coercions, them replacing with '...'
opt_SuppressCoercions :: Bool
- = lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-all")
+ = lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-all")
|| lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-coercions")
-- | Suppress module id prefixes on variables.
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ opt_SuppressTypeApplications
-- | Suppress info such as arity and unfoldings on identifiers.
opt_SuppressIdInfo :: Bool
= lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-all")
|| lookUp (fsLit "-dsuppress-idinfo")
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ opt_PprCaseAsLet = lookUp (fsLit "-dppr-case-as-let")
-- | Set the maximum width of the dumps
-- If GHC's command line options are bad then the options parser uses the
-- pretty printer display the error message. In this case the staticFlags
--- won't be initialized yet, so we must check for this case explicitly
+-- won't be initialized yet, so we must check for this case explicitly
-- and return the default value.
opt_PprCols :: Int
= unsafePerformIO
$ do ready <- readIORef v_opt_C_ready
if (not ready)
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ opt_SccProfilingOn = lookUp (fsLit "-fscc-profiling")
-- Hpc opts
opt_Hpc :: Bool
-opt_Hpc = lookUp (fsLit "-fhpc")
+opt_Hpc = lookUp (fsLit "-fhpc")
-- language opts
opt_DictsStrict :: Bool
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ opt_Unregisterised = lookUp (fsLit "-funregisterised")
-- Derived, not a real option. Determines whether we will be compiling
-- info tables that reside just before the entry code, or with an
--- indirection to the entry code. See TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE in
+-- indirection to the entry code. See TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE in
-- includes/rts/storage/InfoTables.h.
tablesNextToCode :: Bool
tablesNextToCode = not opt_Unregisterised
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ data WayName
GLOBAL_VAR(v_Ways, [] ,[Way])
allowed_combination :: [WayName] -> Bool
-allowed_combination way = and [ x `allowedWith` y
+allowed_combination way = and [ x `allowedWith` y
| x <- way, y <- way, x < y ]
-- Note ordering in these tests: the left argument is
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ getWayFlags = do
if not (allowed_combination (map wayName ways))
then ghcError (CmdLineError $
"combination not supported: " ++
- foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ '/':b)
+ foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ '/':b)
(map wayDesc ways))
return (concatMap wayOpts ways)
@@ -457,13 +457,13 @@ mkBuildTag :: [Way] -> String
mkBuildTag ways = concat (intersperse "_" (map wayTag ways))
lkupWay :: WayName -> Way
-lkupWay w =
+lkupWay w =
case listToMaybe (filter ((==) w . wayName) way_details) of
Nothing -> error "findBuildTag"
Just details -> details
isRTSWay :: WayName -> Bool
-isRTSWay = wayRTSOnly . lkupWay
+isRTSWay = wayRTSOnly . lkupWay
data Way = Way {
wayName :: WayName,
@@ -496,10 +496,10 @@ way_details =
Way WayDyn "dyn" False "Dynamic"
- , "-optc-DDYNAMIC"
+ , "-optc-DDYNAMIC"
#if defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
-- On Windows, code that is to be linked into a dynamic library must be compiled
- -- with -fPIC. Labels not in the current package are assumed to be in a DLL
+ -- with -fPIC. Labels not in the current package are assumed to be in a DLL
-- different from the current one.
, "-fPIC"
#elif defined(openbsd_TARGET_OS)
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ way_details =
, "-optc-DTRACING" ],
- Way WayPar "mp" False "Parallel"
+ Way WayPar "mp" False "Parallel"
[ "-fparallel"
, "-optc-DPAR"
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ way_details =
, "-optl-lgpvm3" ],
-- at the moment we only change the RTS and could share compiler and libs!
- Way WayPar "mt" False "Parallel ticky profiling"
+ Way WayPar "mt" False "Parallel ticky profiling"
[ "-fparallel"
, "-optc-DPAR"
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ way_details =
, "-optl-lpvm3"
, "-optl-lgpvm3" ],
- Way WayPar "md" False "Distributed"
+ Way WayPar "md" False "Distributed"
[ "-fparallel"
@@ -580,3 +580,4 @@ restoreStaticFlagGlobals (c_ready, c, ways) = do
writeIORef v_opt_C_ready c_ready
writeIORef v_opt_C c
writeIORef v_Ways ways
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
index 5075075777..d5915dd165 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
@@ -12,70 +12,70 @@ import DynFlags
import CoreSyn
import CoreSubst
import HscTypes
-import CSE ( cseProgram )
-import Rules ( RuleBase, emptyRuleBase, mkRuleBase, unionRuleBase,
- extendRuleBaseList, ruleCheckProgram, addSpecInfo, )
-import PprCore ( pprCoreBindings, pprCoreExpr )
-import OccurAnal ( occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr )
+import CSE ( cseProgram )
+import Rules ( RuleBase, emptyRuleBase, mkRuleBase, unionRuleBase,
+ extendRuleBaseList, ruleCheckProgram, addSpecInfo, )
+import PprCore ( pprCoreBindings, pprCoreExpr )
+import OccurAnal ( occurAnalysePgm, occurAnalyseExpr )
import IdInfo
-import CoreUtils ( coreBindsSize, exprSize )
-import Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr )
-import SimplUtils ( simplEnvForGHCi, activeRule )
+import CoreUtils ( coreBindsSize, exprSize )
+import Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr )
+import SimplUtils ( simplEnvForGHCi, activeRule )
import SimplEnv
import SimplMonad
import CoreMonad
-import qualified ErrUtils as Err
-import FloatIn ( floatInwards )
-import FloatOut ( floatOutwards )
+import qualified ErrUtils as Err
+import FloatIn ( floatInwards )
+import FloatOut ( floatOutwards )
import FamInstEnv
import Id
import BasicTypes ( CompilerPhase(..), isDefaultInlinePragma )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
-import LiberateCase ( liberateCase )
-import SAT ( doStaticArgs )
-import Specialise ( specProgram)
-import SpecConstr ( specConstrProgram)
-import DmdAnal ( dmdAnalPgm )
-import WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds )
+import LiberateCase ( liberateCase )
+import SAT ( doStaticArgs )
+import Specialise ( specProgram)
+import SpecConstr ( specConstrProgram)
+import DmdAnal ( dmdAnalPgm )
+import WorkWrap ( wwTopBinds )
import Vectorise ( vectorise )
import FastString
import Util
-import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, mkSplitUniqSupply, splitUniqSupply )
+import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply, mkSplitUniqSupply, splitUniqSupply )
import Outputable
import Control.Monad
#ifdef GHCI
-import Type ( mkTyConTy )
-import RdrName ( mkRdrQual )
-import OccName ( mkVarOcc )
-import PrelNames ( pluginTyConName )
+import Type ( mkTyConTy )
+import RdrName ( mkRdrQual )
+import OccName ( mkVarOcc )
+import PrelNames ( pluginTyConName )
import DynamicLoading ( forceLoadTyCon, lookupRdrNameInModule, getValueSafely )
-import Module ( ModuleName )
+import Module ( ModuleName )
import Panic
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
-%* *
+%* *
core2core :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO ModGuts
-core2core hsc_env guts
+core2core hsc_env guts
= do { us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
- -- make sure all plugins are loaded
+ -- make sure all plugins are loaded
; let builtin_passes = getCoreToDo dflags
- ;
+ ;
; (guts2, stats) <- runCoreM hsc_env hpt_rule_base us mod $
do { all_passes <- addPluginPasses dflags builtin_passes
; runCorePasses all_passes guts }
; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_core_pipeline
"Plugin information" "" -- TODO FIXME: dump plugin info
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ core2core hsc_env guts
-%* *
+%* *
Generating the main optimisation pipeline
-%* *
+%* *
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ getCoreToDo dflags
phases = simplPhases dflags
max_iter = maxSimplIterations dflags
rule_check = ruleCheck dflags
- strictness = dopt Opt_Strictness dflags
- full_laziness = dopt Opt_FullLaziness dflags
- do_specialise = dopt Opt_Specialise dflags
- do_float_in = dopt Opt_FloatIn dflags
+ strictness = dopt Opt_Strictness dflags
+ full_laziness = dopt Opt_FullLaziness dflags
+ do_specialise = dopt Opt_Specialise dflags
+ do_float_in = dopt Opt_FloatIn dflags
cse = dopt Opt_CSE dflags
spec_constr = dopt Opt_SpecConstr dflags
liberate_case = dopt Opt_LiberateCase dflags
@@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ getCoreToDo dflags
, maybe_rule_check (Phase phase) ]
- -- Vectorisation can introduce a fair few common sub expressions involving
+ -- Vectorisation can introduce a fair few common sub expressions involving
-- DPH primitives. For example, see the Reverse test from dph-examples.
-- We need to eliminate these common sub expressions before their definitions
- -- are inlined in phase 2. The CSE introduces lots of v1 = v2 bindings,
+ -- are inlined in phase 2. The CSE introduces lots of v1 = v2 bindings,
-- so we also run simpl_gently to inline them.
++ (if dopt Opt_Vectorise dflags && phase == 3
- then [CoreCSE, simpl_gently]
- else [])
+ then [CoreCSE, simpl_gently]
+ else [])
= runWhen (dopt Opt_Vectorise dflags) $
@@ -210,16 +210,16 @@ getCoreToDo dflags
floatOutLambdas = Just 0,
floatOutConstants = True,
floatOutPartialApplications = False },
- -- Was: gentleFloatOutSwitches
+ -- Was: gentleFloatOutSwitches
- -- I have no idea why, but not floating constants to
- -- top level is very bad in some cases.
+ -- I have no idea why, but not floating constants to
+ -- top level is very bad in some cases.
- -- Notably: p_ident in spectral/rewrite
- -- Changing from "gentle" to "constantsOnly"
- -- improved rewrite's allocation by 19%, and
- -- made 0.0% difference to any other nofib
- -- benchmark
+ -- Notably: p_ident in spectral/rewrite
+ -- Changing from "gentle" to "constantsOnly"
+ -- improved rewrite's allocation by 19%, and
+ -- made 0.0% difference to any other nofib
+ -- benchmark
-- Not doing floatOutPartialApplications yet, we'll do
-- that later on when we've had a chance to get more
@@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ addPluginPasses :: DynFlags -> [CoreToDo] -> CoreM [CoreToDo]
addPluginPasses _ builtin_passes = return builtin_passes
addPluginPasses dflags builtin_passes
- = do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
+ = do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
; named_plugins <- liftIO (loadPlugins hsc_env)
; foldM query_plug builtin_passes named_plugins }
- query_plug todos (mod_nm, plug)
+ query_plug todos (mod_nm, plug)
= installCoreToDos plug options todos
- where
+ where
options = [ option | (opt_mod_nm, option) <- pluginModNameOpts dflags
, opt_mod_nm == mod_nm ]
@@ -319,17 +319,17 @@ loadPlugin hsc_env mod_name
= do { let plugin_rdr_name = mkRdrQual mod_name (mkVarOcc "plugin")
; mb_name <- lookupRdrNameInModule hsc_env mod_name plugin_rdr_name
; case mb_name of {
- Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError $ showSDoc $ hsep
+ Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError $ showSDoc $ hsep
[ ptext (sLit "The module"), ppr mod_name
, ptext (sLit "did not export the plugin name")
, ppr plugin_rdr_name ]) ;
- Just name ->
+ Just name ->
do { plugin_tycon <- forceLoadTyCon hsc_env pluginTyConName
; mb_plugin <- getValueSafely hsc_env name (mkTyConTy plugin_tycon)
; case mb_plugin of
Nothing -> throwGhcException (CmdLineError $ showSDoc $ hsep
- [ ptext (sLit "The value"), ppr name
+ [ ptext (sLit "The value"), ppr name
, ptext (sLit "did not have the type")
, ppr pluginTyConName, ptext (sLit "as required")])
Just plugin -> return plugin } } }
@@ -337,31 +337,31 @@ loadPlugin hsc_env mod_name
-%* *
+%* *
The CoreToDo interpreter
-%* *
+%* *
runCorePasses :: [CoreToDo] -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
-runCorePasses passes guts
+runCorePasses passes guts
= foldM do_pass guts passes
do_pass guts CoreDoNothing = return guts
do_pass guts (CoreDoPasses ps) = runCorePasses ps guts
- do_pass guts pass
+ do_pass guts pass
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; liftIO $ showPass dflags pass
- ; guts' <- doCorePass pass guts
- ; liftIO $ endPass dflags pass (mg_binds guts') (mg_rules guts')
- ; return guts' }
+ ; liftIO $ showPass dflags pass
+ ; guts' <- doCorePass pass guts
+ ; liftIO $ endPass dflags pass (mg_binds guts') (mg_rules guts')
+ ; return guts' }
doCorePass :: CoreToDo -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
doCorePass pass@(CoreDoSimplify {}) = {-# SCC "Simplify" #-}
simplifyPgm pass
-doCorePass CoreCSE = {-# SCC "CommonSubExpr" #-}
- doPass cseProgram
+doCorePass CoreCSE = {-# SCC "CommonSubExpr" #-}
+ doPass cseProgram
doCorePass CoreLiberateCase = {-# SCC "LiberateCase" #-}
doPassD liberateCase
@@ -403,9 +403,9 @@ doCorePass pass = pprPanic "doCorePass" (ppr pass)
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{Core pass combinators}
-%* *
+%* *
@@ -459,43 +459,43 @@ observe do_pass = doPassM $ \binds -> do
-%* *
- Gentle simplification
-%* *
+%* *
+ Gentle simplification
+%* *
simplifyExpr :: DynFlags -- includes spec of what core-to-core passes to do
- -> CoreExpr
- -> IO CoreExpr
+ -> CoreExpr
+ -> IO CoreExpr
-- simplifyExpr is called by the driver to simplify an
-- expression typed in at the interactive prompt
-- Also used by Template Haskell
simplifyExpr dflags expr
- = do {
- ; Err.showPass dflags "Simplify"
+ = do {
+ ; Err.showPass dflags "Simplify"
- ; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
+ ; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 's'
- ; let sz = exprSize expr
+ ; let sz = exprSize expr
(expr', _counts) = initSmpl dflags emptyRuleBase emptyFamInstEnvs us sz $
- simplExprGently (simplEnvForGHCi dflags) expr
+ simplExprGently (simplEnvForGHCi dflags) expr
- ; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl "Simplified expression"
- (pprCoreExpr expr')
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl "Simplified expression"
+ (pprCoreExpr expr')
- ; return expr'
- }
+ ; return expr'
+ }
simplExprGently :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
--- Simplifies an expression
--- does occurrence analysis, then simplification
--- and repeats (twice currently) because one pass
--- alone leaves tons of crud.
+-- Simplifies an expression
+-- does occurrence analysis, then simplification
+-- and repeats (twice currently) because one pass
+-- alone leaves tons of crud.
-- Used (a) for user expressions typed in at the interactive prompt
--- (b) the LHS and RHS of a RULE
--- (c) Template Haskell splices
+-- (b) the LHS and RHS of a RULE
+-- (c) Template Haskell splices
-- The name 'Gently' suggests that the SimplifierMode is SimplGently,
-- and in fact that is so.... but the 'Gently' in simplExprGently doesn't
@@ -513,9 +513,9 @@ simplExprGently env expr = do
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{The driver for the simplifier}
-%* *
+%* *
@@ -524,31 +524,31 @@ simplifyPgm pass guts
= do { hsc_env <- getHscEnv
; us <- getUniqueSupplyM
; rb <- getRuleBase
- ; liftIOWithCount $
- simplifyPgmIO pass hsc_env us rb guts }
+ ; liftIOWithCount $
+ simplifyPgmIO pass hsc_env us rb guts }
simplifyPgmIO :: CoreToDo
- -> HscEnv
- -> UniqSupply
- -> RuleBase
- -> ModGuts
- -> IO (SimplCount, ModGuts) -- New bindings
+ -> HscEnv
+ -> UniqSupply
+ -> RuleBase
+ -> ModGuts
+ -> IO (SimplCount, ModGuts) -- New bindings
simplifyPgmIO pass@(CoreDoSimplify max_iterations mode)
- hsc_env us hpt_rule_base
+ hsc_env us hpt_rule_base
guts@(ModGuts { mg_module = this_mod
, mg_binds = binds, mg_rules = rules
, mg_fam_inst_env = fam_inst_env })
- = do { (termination_msg, it_count, counts_out, guts')
- <- do_iteration us 1 [] binds rules
+ = do { (termination_msg, it_count, counts_out, guts')
+ <- do_iteration us 1 [] binds rules
- ; Err.dumpIfSet (dump_phase && dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags)
- "Simplifier statistics for following pass"
- (vcat [text termination_msg <+> text "after" <+> ppr it_count <+> text "iterations",
- blankLine,
- pprSimplCount counts_out])
+ ; Err.dumpIfSet (dump_phase && dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags)
+ "Simplifier statistics for following pass"
+ (vcat [text termination_msg <+> text "after" <+> ppr it_count <+> text "iterations",
+ blankLine,
+ pprSimplCount counts_out])
- ; return (counts_out, guts')
+ ; return (counts_out, guts')
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@@ -557,146 +557,146 @@ simplifyPgmIO pass@(CoreDoSimplify max_iterations mode)
active_rule = activeRule simpl_env
do_iteration :: UniqSupply
- -> Int -- Counts iterations
- -> [SimplCount] -- Counts from earlier iterations, reversed
- -> CoreProgram -- Bindings in
- -> [CoreRule] -- and orphan rules
- -> IO (String, Int, SimplCount, ModGuts)
+ -> Int -- Counts iterations
+ -> [SimplCount] -- Counts from earlier iterations, reversed
+ -> CoreProgram -- Bindings in
+ -> [CoreRule] -- and orphan rules
+ -> IO (String, Int, SimplCount, ModGuts)
do_iteration us iteration_no counts_so_far binds rules
- -- iteration_no is the number of the iteration we are
- -- about to begin, with '1' for the first
- | iteration_no > max_iterations -- Stop if we've run out of iterations
+ -- iteration_no is the number of the iteration we are
+ -- about to begin, with '1' for the first
+ | iteration_no > max_iterations -- Stop if we've run out of iterations
= WARN( debugIsOn && (max_iterations > 2)
, ptext (sLit "Simplifier baling out after") <+> int max_iterations
- <+> ptext (sLit "iterations")
- <+> (brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
+ <+> ptext (sLit "iterations")
+ <+> (brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (int . simplCountN) (reverse counts_so_far))
<+> ptext (sLit "Size =") <+> int (coreBindsSize binds) )
- -- Subtract 1 from iteration_no to get the
- -- number of iterations we actually completed
- return ( "Simplifier baled out", iteration_no - 1
+ -- Subtract 1 from iteration_no to get the
+ -- number of iterations we actually completed
+ return ( "Simplifier baled out", iteration_no - 1
, totalise counts_so_far
, guts { mg_binds = binds, mg_rules = rules } )
-- Try and force thunks off the binds; significantly reduces
-- space usage, especially with -O. JRS, 000620.
- | let sz = coreBindsSize binds
+ | let sz = coreBindsSize binds
, sz == sz -- Force it
= do {
-- Occurrence analysis
let { -- During the 'InitialPhase' (i.e., before vectorisation), we need to make sure
- -- that the right-hand sides of vectorisation declarations are taken into
+ -- that the right-hand sides of vectorisation declarations are taken into
-- account during occurence analysis.
maybeVects = case sm_phase mode of
InitialPhase -> mg_vect_decls guts
_ -> []
- ; tagged_binds = {-# SCC "OccAnal" #-}
- occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_rule rules maybeVects binds
+ ; tagged_binds = {-# SCC "OccAnal" #-}
+ occurAnalysePgm this_mod active_rule rules maybeVects binds
} ;
Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_occur_anal "Occurrence analysis"
(pprCoreBindings tagged_binds);
- -- Get any new rules, and extend the rule base
- -- See Note [Overall plumbing for rules] in Rules.lhs
- -- We need to do this regularly, because simplification can
- -- poke on IdInfo thunks, which in turn brings in new rules
- -- behind the scenes. Otherwise there's a danger we'll simply
- -- miss the rules for Ids hidden inside imported inlinings
- eps <- hscEPS hsc_env ;
- let { rule_base1 = unionRuleBase hpt_rule_base (eps_rule_base eps)
- ; rule_base2 = extendRuleBaseList rule_base1 rules
- ; simpl_binds = {-# SCC "SimplTopBinds" #-}
- simplTopBinds simpl_env tagged_binds
- ; fam_envs = (eps_fam_inst_env eps, fam_inst_env) } ;
- -- Simplify the program
- -- We do this with a *case* not a *let* because lazy pattern
- -- matching bit us with bad space leak!
- -- With a let, we ended up with
- -- let
- -- t = initSmpl ...
- -- counts1 = snd t
- -- in
- -- case t of {(_,counts1) -> if counts1=0 then ... }
- -- So the conditional didn't force counts1, because the
- -- selection got duplicated. Sigh!
- case initSmpl dflags rule_base2 fam_envs us1 sz simpl_binds of {
- (env1, counts1) -> do {
- let { binds1 = getFloats env1
+ -- Get any new rules, and extend the rule base
+ -- See Note [Overall plumbing for rules] in Rules.lhs
+ -- We need to do this regularly, because simplification can
+ -- poke on IdInfo thunks, which in turn brings in new rules
+ -- behind the scenes. Otherwise there's a danger we'll simply
+ -- miss the rules for Ids hidden inside imported inlinings
+ eps <- hscEPS hsc_env ;
+ let { rule_base1 = unionRuleBase hpt_rule_base (eps_rule_base eps)
+ ; rule_base2 = extendRuleBaseList rule_base1 rules
+ ; simpl_binds = {-# SCC "SimplTopBinds" #-}
+ simplTopBinds simpl_env tagged_binds
+ ; fam_envs = (eps_fam_inst_env eps, fam_inst_env) } ;
+ -- Simplify the program
+ -- We do this with a *case* not a *let* because lazy pattern
+ -- matching bit us with bad space leak!
+ -- With a let, we ended up with
+ -- let
+ -- t = initSmpl ...
+ -- counts1 = snd t
+ -- in
+ -- case t of {(_,counts1) -> if counts1=0 then ... }
+ -- So the conditional didn't force counts1, because the
+ -- selection got duplicated. Sigh!
+ case initSmpl dflags rule_base2 fam_envs us1 sz simpl_binds of {
+ (env1, counts1) -> do {
+ let { binds1 = getFloats env1
; rules1 = substRulesForImportedIds (mkCoreSubst (text "imp-rules") env1) rules
- } ;
- -- Stop if nothing happened; don't dump output
- if isZeroSimplCount counts1 then
- return ( "Simplifier reached fixed point", iteration_no
- , totalise (counts1 : counts_so_far) -- Include "free" ticks
- , guts { mg_binds = binds1, mg_rules = rules1 } )
- else do {
- -- Short out indirections
- -- We do this *after* at least one run of the simplifier
- -- because indirection-shorting uses the export flag on *occurrences*
- -- and that isn't guaranteed to be ok until after the first run propagates
- -- stuff from the binding site to its occurrences
- --
- -- ToDo: alas, this means that indirection-shorting does not happen at all
- -- if the simplifier does nothing (not common, I know, but unsavoury)
- let { binds2 = {-# SCC "ZapInd" #-} shortOutIndirections binds1 } ;
- -- Dump the result of this iteration
- end_iteration dflags pass iteration_no counts1 binds2 rules1 ;
- -- Loop
- do_iteration us2 (iteration_no + 1) (counts1:counts_so_far) binds2 rules1
+ } ;
+ -- Stop if nothing happened; don't dump output
+ if isZeroSimplCount counts1 then
+ return ( "Simplifier reached fixed point", iteration_no
+ , totalise (counts1 : counts_so_far) -- Include "free" ticks
+ , guts { mg_binds = binds1, mg_rules = rules1 } )
+ else do {
+ -- Short out indirections
+ -- We do this *after* at least one run of the simplifier
+ -- because indirection-shorting uses the export flag on *occurrences*
+ -- and that isn't guaranteed to be ok until after the first run propagates
+ -- stuff from the binding site to its occurrences
+ --
+ -- ToDo: alas, this means that indirection-shorting does not happen at all
+ -- if the simplifier does nothing (not common, I know, but unsavoury)
+ let { binds2 = {-# SCC "ZapInd" #-} shortOutIndirections binds1 } ;
+ -- Dump the result of this iteration
+ end_iteration dflags pass iteration_no counts1 binds2 rules1 ;
+ -- Loop
+ do_iteration us2 (iteration_no + 1) (counts1:counts_so_far) binds2 rules1
} } } }
| otherwise = panic "do_iteration"
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- -- Remember the counts_so_far are reversed
+ -- Remember the counts_so_far are reversed
totalise :: [SimplCount] -> SimplCount
- totalise = foldr (\c acc -> acc `plusSimplCount` c)
- (zeroSimplCount dflags)
+ totalise = foldr (\c acc -> acc `plusSimplCount` c)
+ (zeroSimplCount dflags)
simplifyPgmIO _ _ _ _ _ = panic "simplifyPgmIO"
-end_iteration :: DynFlags -> CoreToDo -> Int
+end_iteration :: DynFlags -> CoreToDo -> Int
-> SimplCount -> CoreProgram -> [CoreRule] -> IO ()
end_iteration dflags pass iteration_no counts binds rules
= do { dumpPassResult dflags mb_flag hdr pp_counts binds rules
; lintPassResult dflags pass binds }
- mb_flag | dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations dflags = Just Opt_D_dump_simpl_phases
- | otherwise = Nothing
- -- Show details if Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations is on
+ mb_flag | dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations dflags = Just Opt_D_dump_simpl_phases
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ -- Show details if Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations is on
hdr = ptext (sLit "Simplifier iteration=") <> int iteration_no
pp_counts = vcat [ ptext (sLit "---- Simplifier counts for") <+> hdr
- , pprSimplCount counts
+ , pprSimplCount counts
, ptext (sLit "---- End of simplifier counts for") <+> hdr ]
-%* *
- Shorting out indirections
-%* *
+%* *
+ Shorting out indirections
+%* *
If we have this:
- x_local = <expression>
- ...bindings...
- x_exported = x_local
+ x_local = <expression>
+ ...bindings...
+ x_exported = x_local
where x_exported is exported, and x_local is not, then we replace it with this:
- x_exported = <expression>
- x_local = x_exported
- ...bindings...
+ x_exported = <expression>
+ x_local = x_exported
+ ...bindings...
Without this we never get rid of the x_exported = x_local thing. This
save a gratuitous jump (from \tr{x_exported} to \tr{x_local}), and
@@ -718,41 +718,41 @@ Note [Messing up the exported Id's RULES]
We must be careful about discarding (obviously) or even merging the
RULES on the exported Id. The example that went bad on me at one stage
was this one:
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
- [Exported]
- iterate = iterateList
+ [Exported]
+ iterate = iterateList
iterateFB c f x = x `c` iterateFB c f (f x)
iterateList f x = x : iterateList f (f x)
- [Not exported]
+ [Not exported]
- "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
- "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterateList
+ "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
+ "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterateList
This got shorted out to:
iterateList :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
iterateList = iterate
iterateFB c f x = x `c` iterateFB c f (f x)
iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x)
- "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
- "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterate
+ "iterate" forall f x. iterate f x = build (\c _n -> iterateFB c f x)
+ "iterateFB" iterateFB (:) = iterate
-And now we get an infinite loop in the rule system
- iterate f x -> build (\cn -> iterateFB c f x)
- -> iterateFB (:) f x
- -> iterate f x
+And now we get an infinite loop in the rule system
+ iterate f x -> build (\cn -> iterateFB c f x)
+ -> iterateFB (:) f x
+ -> iterate f x
-Old "solution":
- use rule switching-off pragmas to get rid
- of iterateList in the first place
+Old "solution":
+ use rule switching-off pragmas to get rid
+ of iterateList in the first place
But in principle the user *might* want rules that only apply to the Id
he says. And inline pragmas are similar
@@ -768,9 +768,9 @@ Note [Rules and indirection-zapping]
Problem: what if x_exported has a RULE that mentions something in ...bindings...?
Then the things mentioned can be out of scope! Solution
- a) Make sure that in this pass the usage-info from x_exported is
- available for ...bindings...
- b) If there are any such RULES, rec-ify the entire top-level.
+ a) Make sure that in this pass the usage-info from x_exported is
+ available for ...bindings...
+ b) If there are any such RULES, rec-ify the entire top-level.
It'll get sorted out next time round
Other remarks
@@ -778,88 +778,88 @@ Other remarks
If more than one exported thing is equal to a local thing (i.e., the
local thing really is shared), then we do one only:
- x_local = ....
- x_exported1 = x_local
- x_exported2 = x_local
+ x_local = ....
+ x_exported1 = x_local
+ x_exported2 = x_local
- x_exported1 = ....
+ x_exported1 = ....
- x_exported2 = x_exported1
+ x_exported2 = x_exported1
We rely on prior eta reduction to simplify things like
- x_exported = /\ tyvars -> x_local tyvars
+ x_exported = /\ tyvars -> x_local tyvars
- x_exported = x_local
+ x_exported = x_local
Hence,there's a possibility of leaving unchanged something like this:
- x_local = ....
- x_exported1 = x_local Int
+ x_local = ....
+ x_exported1 = x_local Int
-By the time we've thrown away the types in STG land this
+By the time we've thrown away the types in STG land this
could be eliminated. But I don't think it's very common
-and it's dangerous to do this fiddling in STG land
+and it's dangerous to do this fiddling in STG land
because we might elminate a binding that's mentioned in the
unfolding for something.
-type IndEnv = IdEnv Id -- Maps local_id -> exported_id
+type IndEnv = IdEnv Id -- Maps local_id -> exported_id
shortOutIndirections :: CoreProgram -> CoreProgram
shortOutIndirections binds
| isEmptyVarEnv ind_env = binds
- | no_need_to_flatten = binds' -- See Note [Rules and indirect-zapping]
- | otherwise = [Rec (flattenBinds binds')] -- for this no_need_to_flatten stuff
+ | no_need_to_flatten = binds' -- See Note [Rules and indirect-zapping]
+ | otherwise = [Rec (flattenBinds binds')] -- for this no_need_to_flatten stuff
- ind_env = makeIndEnv binds
- exp_ids = varSetElems ind_env -- These exported Ids are the subjects
- exp_id_set = mkVarSet exp_ids -- of the indirection-elimination
+ ind_env = makeIndEnv binds
+ exp_ids = varSetElems ind_env -- These exported Ids are the subjects
+ exp_id_set = mkVarSet exp_ids -- of the indirection-elimination
no_need_to_flatten = all (null . specInfoRules . idSpecialisation) exp_ids
- binds' = concatMap zap binds
+ binds' = concatMap zap binds
zap (NonRec bndr rhs) = [NonRec b r | (b,r) <- zapPair (bndr,rhs)]
- zap (Rec pairs) = [Rec (concatMap zapPair pairs)]
+ zap (Rec pairs) = [Rec (concatMap zapPair pairs)]
zapPair (bndr, rhs)
- | bndr `elemVarSet` exp_id_set = []
- | Just exp_id <- lookupVarEnv ind_env bndr = [(transferIdInfo exp_id bndr, rhs),
- (bndr, Var exp_id)]
- | otherwise = [(bndr,rhs)]
+ | bndr `elemVarSet` exp_id_set = []
+ | Just exp_id <- lookupVarEnv ind_env bndr = [(transferIdInfo exp_id bndr, rhs),
+ (bndr, Var exp_id)]
+ | otherwise = [(bndr,rhs)]
makeIndEnv :: [CoreBind] -> IndEnv
makeIndEnv binds
= foldr add_bind emptyVarEnv binds
add_bind :: CoreBind -> IndEnv -> IndEnv
add_bind (NonRec exported_id rhs) env = add_pair (exported_id, rhs) env
- add_bind (Rec pairs) env = foldr add_pair env pairs
+ add_bind (Rec pairs) env = foldr add_pair env pairs
add_pair :: (Id,CoreExpr) -> IndEnv -> IndEnv
add_pair (exported_id, Var local_id) env
- | shortMeOut env exported_id local_id = extendVarEnv env local_id exported_id
+ | shortMeOut env exported_id local_id = extendVarEnv env local_id exported_id
add_pair _ env = env
shortMeOut :: IndEnv -> Id -> Id -> Bool
shortMeOut ind_env exported_id local_id
-- The if-then-else stuff is just so I can get a pprTrace to see
-- how often I don't get shorting out becuase of IdInfo stuff
- = if isExportedId exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
+ = if isExportedId exported_id && -- Only if this is exported
+ isLocalId local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
+ -- module, so that we *can* change its
+ -- binding to be the exported thing!
- isLocalId local_id && -- Only if this one is defined in this
- -- module, so that we *can* change its
- -- binding to be the exported thing!
+ not (isExportedId local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
+ -- since the transformation will nuke it
- not (isExportedId local_id) && -- Only if this one is not itself exported,
- -- since the transformation will nuke it
- not (local_id `elemVarEnv` ind_env) -- Only if not already substituted for
+ not (local_id `elemVarEnv` ind_env) -- Only if not already substituted for
- if hasShortableIdInfo exported_id
- then True -- See Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
- else WARN( True, ptext (sLit "Not shorting out:") <+> ppr exported_id )
+ if hasShortableIdInfo exported_id
+ then True -- See Note [Messing up the exported Id's IdInfo]
+ else WARN( True, ptext (sLit "Not shorting out:") <+> ppr exported_id )
@@ -879,9 +879,9 @@ hasShortableIdInfo id
transferIdInfo :: Id -> Id -> Id
-- See Note [Transferring IdInfo]
-- If we have
--- lcl_id = e; exp_id = lcl_id
+-- lcl_id = e; exp_id = lcl_id
-- and lcl_id has useful IdInfo, we don't want to discard it by going
--- gbl_id = e; lcl_id = gbl_id
+-- gbl_id = e; lcl_id = gbl_id
-- Instead, transfer IdInfo from lcl_id to exp_id
-- Overwriting, rather than merging, seems to work ok.
transferIdInfo exported_id local_id
@@ -889,11 +889,11 @@ transferIdInfo exported_id local_id
local_info = idInfo local_id
transfer exp_info = exp_info `setStrictnessInfo` strictnessInfo local_info
- `setUnfoldingInfo` unfoldingInfo local_info
- `setInlinePragInfo` inlinePragInfo local_info
- `setSpecInfo` addSpecInfo (specInfo exp_info) new_info
- new_info = setSpecInfoHead (idName exported_id)
- (specInfo local_info)
- -- Remember to set the function-name field of the
- -- rules as we transfer them from one function to another
+ `setUnfoldingInfo` unfoldingInfo local_info
+ `setInlinePragInfo` inlinePragInfo local_info
+ `setSpecInfo` addSpecInfo (specInfo exp_info) new_info
+ new_info = setSpecInfoHead (idName exported_id)
+ (specInfo local_info)
+ -- Remember to set the function-name field of the
+ -- rules as we transfer them from one function to another
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index d311647db3..f28d728c1f 100755
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import Control.Monad
Overall plan
-1. Convert the decls (i.e. data/newtype deriving clauses,
+1. Convert the decls (i.e. data/newtype deriving clauses,
plus standalone deriving) to [EarlyDerivSpec]
2. Infer the missing contexts for the Left DerivSpecs
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ Overall plan
-- DerivSpec is purely local to this module
-data DerivSpec = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
- , ds_orig :: CtOrigin
+data DerivSpec = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
+ , ds_orig :: CtOrigin
, ds_name :: Name
- , ds_tvs :: [TyVar]
+ , ds_tvs :: [TyVar]
, ds_theta :: ThetaType
, ds_cls :: Class
, ds_tys :: [Type]
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ data DerivSpec = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
-- df :: forall tvs. theta => C tys
-- The Name is the name for the DFun we'll build
-- The tyvars bind all the variables in the theta
- -- For type families, the tycon in
+ -- For type families, the tycon in
-- in ds_tys is the *family* tycon
-- in ds_tc, ds_tc_args is the *representation* tycon
-- For non-family tycons, both are the same
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ data DerivSpec = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
newtype instance T [a] = MkT (Tree a) deriving( C s )
axiom T [a] = :RTList a
axiom :RTList a = Tree a
@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ type DerivContext = Maybe ThetaType
type EarlyDerivSpec = Either DerivSpec DerivSpec
-- Left ds => the context for the instance should be inferred
- -- In this case ds_theta is the list of all the
+ -- In this case ds_theta is the list of all the
-- constraints needed, such as (Eq [a], Eq a)
- -- The inference process is to reduce this to a
+ -- The inference process is to reduce this to a
-- simpler form (e.g. Eq a)
- --
- -- Right ds => the exact context for the instance is supplied
+ --
+ -- Right ds => the exact context for the instance is supplied
-- by the programmer; it is ds_theta
pprDerivSpec :: DerivSpec -> SDoc
-pprDerivSpec (DS { ds_loc = l, ds_name = n, ds_tvs = tvs,
+pprDerivSpec (DS { ds_loc = l, ds_name = n, ds_tvs = tvs,
ds_cls = c, ds_tys = tys, ds_theta = rhs })
= parens (hsep [ppr l, ppr n, ppr tvs, ppr c, ppr tys]
<+> equals <+> ppr rhs)
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ instance Outputable DerivSpec where
-Inferring missing contexts
+Inferring missing contexts
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Consider
| C3 (T a a)
deriving (Eq)
-[NOTE: See end of these comments for what to do with
+[NOTE: See end of these comments for what to do with
data (C a, D b) => T a b = ...
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ We will need an instance decl like:
The RealFloat in the context is because the read method for Complex is bound
to construct a Complex, and doing that requires that the argument type is
-in RealFloat.
+in RealFloat.
But this ain't true for Show, Eq, Ord, etc, since they don't construct
a Complex; they only take them apart.
@@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ Consider this:
instance C [a] Char
newtype T = T Char deriving( C [a] )
-Notice the free 'a' in the deriving. We have to fill this out to
+Notice the free 'a' in the deriving. We have to fill this out to
newtype T = T Char deriving( forall a. C [a] )
And then translate it to:
instance C [a] Char => C [a] T where ...
Note [Newtype deriving superclasses]
(See also Trac #1220 for an interesting exchange on newtype
@@ -382,14 +382,13 @@ renameDeriv is_boot inst_infos bagBinds
; (aux_binds, aux_sigs) <- mapAndUnzipBagM return bagBinds
; let aux_val_binds = ValBindsIn aux_binds (bagToList aux_sigs)
; rn_aux_lhs <- rnTopBindsLHS emptyFsEnv aux_val_binds
- ; bindLocalNames (collectHsValBinders rn_aux_lhs) $
+ ; bindLocalNames (collectHsValBinders rn_aux_lhs) $
do { (rn_aux, dus_aux) <- rnTopBindsRHS rn_aux_lhs
; (rn_inst_infos, fvs_insts) <- mapAndUnzipM rn_inst_info inst_infos
; return (listToBag rn_inst_infos, rn_aux,
dus_aux `plusDU` usesOnly (plusFVs fvs_insts)) } }
rn_inst_info :: InstInfo RdrName -> TcM (InstInfo Name, FreeVars)
rn_inst_info info@(InstInfo { iBinds = NewTypeDerived coi tc })
= return ( info { iBinds = NewTypeDerived coi tc }
@@ -397,7 +396,7 @@ renameDeriv is_boot inst_infos bagBinds
-- See Note [Newtype deriving and unused constructors]
rn_inst_info inst_info@(InstInfo { iSpec = inst, iBinds = VanillaInst binds sigs standalone_deriv })
- = -- Bring the right type variables into
+ = -- Bring the right type variables into
-- scope (yuk), and rename the method binds
ASSERT( null sigs )
bindLocalNames (map Var.varName tyvars) $
@@ -495,8 +494,8 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl deriv_ty))
deriveTyData :: (LHsType Name, LTyClDecl Name) -> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
-deriveTyData (L loc deriv_pred, L _ decl@(TyData { tcdLName = L _ tycon_name,
- tcdTyVars = tv_names,
+deriveTyData (L loc deriv_pred, L _ decl@(TyData { tcdLName = L _ tycon_name,
+ tcdTyVars = tv_names,
tcdTyPats = ty_pats }))
= setSrcSpan loc $ -- Use the location of the 'deriving' item
tcAddDeclCtxt decl $
@@ -513,7 +512,7 @@ deriveTyData (L loc deriv_pred, L _ decl@(TyData { tcdLName = L _ tycon_name,
; let cls_tyvars = classTyVars cls
kind = tyVarKind (last cls_tyvars)
(arg_kinds, _) = splitKindFunTys kind
- n_args_to_drop = length arg_kinds
+ n_args_to_drop = length arg_kinds
n_args_to_keep = tyConArity tc - n_args_to_drop
args_to_drop = drop n_args_to_keep tc_args
inst_ty = mkTyConApp tc (take n_args_to_keep tc_args)
@@ -521,7 +520,7 @@ deriveTyData (L loc deriv_pred, L _ decl@(TyData { tcdLName = L _ tycon_name,
dropped_tvs = mkVarSet (mapCatMaybes getTyVar_maybe args_to_drop)
univ_tvs = (mkVarSet tvs `extendVarSetList` deriv_tvs)
`minusVarSet` dropped_tvs
-- Check that the result really is well-kinded
; checkTc (n_args_to_keep >= 0 && (inst_ty_kind `eqKind` kind))
(derivingKindErr tc cls cls_tys kind)
@@ -529,11 +528,11 @@ deriveTyData (L loc deriv_pred, L _ decl@(TyData { tcdLName = L _ tycon_name,
; checkTc (sizeVarSet dropped_tvs == n_args_to_drop && -- (a)
tyVarsOfTypes (inst_ty:cls_tys) `subVarSet` univ_tvs) -- (b)
(derivingEtaErr cls cls_tys inst_ty)
- -- Check that
+ -- Check that
-- (a) The data type can be eta-reduced; eg reject:
-- data instance T a a = ... deriving( Monad )
-- (b) The type class args do not mention any of the dropped type
- -- variables
+ -- variables
-- newtype T a s = ... deriving( ST s )
-- Type families can't be partially applied
@@ -571,7 +570,7 @@ When there are no type families, it's quite easy:
-- :CoS :: S ~ [] -- Eta-reduced
instance Eq [a] => Eq (S a) -- by coercion sym (Eq (:CoS a)) : Eq [a] ~ Eq (S a)
- instance Monad [] => Monad S -- by coercion sym (Monad :CoS) : Monad [] ~ Monad S
+ instance Monad [] => Monad S -- by coercion sym (Monad :CoS) : Monad [] ~ Monad S
When type familes are involved it's trickier:
@@ -589,7 +588,7 @@ Henc the current typeFamilyPapErr, even though the instance makes sense.
After all, we can write it out
instance Monad [] => Monad (T Int) -- only if we can eta reduce???
return x = MkT [x]
- ... etc ...
+ ... etc ...
mkEqnHelp :: CtOrigin -> [TyVar] -> Class -> [Type] -> Type
@@ -625,10 +624,10 @@ mkEqnHelp orig tvs cls cls_tys tc_app mtheta
| otherwise
= do { (rep_tc, rep_tc_args) <- tcLookupDataFamInst tycon tc_args
- -- Be careful to test rep_tc here: in the case of families,
+ -- Be careful to test rep_tc here: in the case of families,
-- we want to check the instance tycon, not the family tycon
- -- For standalone deriving (mtheta /= Nothing),
+ -- For standalone deriving (mtheta /= Nothing),
-- check that all the data constructors are in scope.
; rdr_env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; let hidden_data_cons = not (isWiredInName (tyConName rep_tc)) &&
@@ -643,7 +642,7 @@ mkEqnHelp orig tvs cls cls_tys tc_app mtheta
mkDataTypeEqn orig dflags tvs cls cls_tys
tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta
- mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs cls cls_tys
+ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs cls cls_tys
tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta }
@@ -660,7 +659,7 @@ mkDataTypeEqn :: CtOrigin
-> [Var] -- Universally quantified type variables in the instance
-> Class -- Class for which we need to derive an instance
-> [Type] -- Other parameters to the class except the last
- -> TyCon -- Type constructor for which the instance is requested
+ -> TyCon -- Type constructor for which the instance is requested
-- (last parameter to the type class)
-> [Type] -- Parameters to the type constructor
-> TyCon -- rep of the above (for type families)
@@ -679,7 +678,7 @@ mkDataTypeEqn orig dflags tvs cls cls_tys
go_for_it = mk_data_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta
bale_out msg = failWithTc (derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys (mkTyConApp tycon tc_args) msg)
-mk_data_eqn :: CtOrigin -> [TyVar] -> Class
+mk_data_eqn :: CtOrigin -> [TyVar] -> Class
-> TyCon -> [TcType] -> TyCon -> [TcType] -> DerivContext
-> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
mk_data_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta
@@ -688,7 +687,7 @@ mk_data_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta
; let inst_tys = [mkTyConApp tycon tc_args]
inferred_constraints = inferConstraints tvs cls inst_tys rep_tc rep_tc_args
spec = DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_orig = orig
- , ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
+ , ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = tvs
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys
, ds_tc = rep_tc, ds_tc_args = rep_tc_args
, ds_theta = mtheta `orElse` inferred_constraints
@@ -698,7 +697,7 @@ mk_data_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args rep_tc rep_tc_args mtheta
else Left spec) } -- Infer context
-mk_typeable_eqn :: CtOrigin -> [TyVar] -> Class
+mk_typeable_eqn :: CtOrigin -> [TyVar] -> Class
-> TyCon -> [TcType] -> DerivContext
-> TcM EarlyDerivSpec
mk_typeable_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta
@@ -719,7 +718,7 @@ mk_typeable_eqn orig tvs cls tycon tc_args mtheta
| otherwise -- standaone deriving
= do { checkTc (null tc_args)
- (ptext (sLit "Derived typeable instance must be of form (Typeable")
+ (ptext (sLit "Derived typeable instance must be of form (Typeable")
<> int (tyConArity tycon) <+> ppr tycon <> rparen)
; dfun_name <- new_dfun_name cls tycon
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
@@ -746,7 +745,7 @@ inferConstraints _ cls inst_tys rep_tc rep_tc_args
-- Constraints arising from the arguments of each constructor
- = [ mkClassPred cls [arg_ty]
+ = [ mkClassPred cls [arg_ty]
| data_con <- tyConDataCons rep_tc,
arg_ty <- ASSERT( isVanillaDataCon data_con )
get_constrained_tys $
@@ -762,7 +761,7 @@ inferConstraints _ cls inst_tys rep_tc rep_tc_args
is_functor_like = getUnique cls `elem` functorLikeClassKeys
get_constrained_tys :: [Type] -> [Type]
- get_constrained_tys tys
+ get_constrained_tys tys
| is_functor_like = concatMap (deepSubtypesContaining last_tv) tys
| otherwise = tys
@@ -779,20 +778,20 @@ inferConstraints _ cls inst_tys rep_tc rep_tc_args
-- Stupid constraints
stupid_constraints = substTheta subst (tyConStupidTheta rep_tc)
subst = zipTopTvSubst rep_tc_tvs all_rep_tc_args
-- Extra Data constraints
- -- The Data class (only) requires that for
- -- instance (...) => Data (T t1 t2)
+ -- The Data class (only) requires that for
+ -- instance (...) => Data (T t1 t2)
-- IF t1:*, t2:*
-- THEN (Data t1, Data t2) are among the (...) constraints
-- Reason: when the IF holds, we generate a method
-- dataCast2 f = gcast2 f
-- and we need the Data constraints to typecheck the method
- extra_constraints
+ extra_constraints
| cls `hasKey` dataClassKey
- , all (isLiftedTypeKind . typeKind) rep_tc_args
+ , all (isLiftedTypeKind . typeKind) rep_tc_args
= [mkClassPred cls [ty] | ty <- rep_tc_args]
- | otherwise
+ | otherwise
= []
@@ -830,7 +829,7 @@ checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys rep_tc
= case (cond (dflags, rep_tc)) of
Just err -> DerivableClassError err -- Class-specific error
Nothing | null cls_tys -> CanDerive -- All derivable classes are unary, so
- -- cls_tys (the type args other than last)
+ -- cls_tys (the type args other than last)
-- should be null
| otherwise -> DerivableClassError ty_args_why -- e.g. deriving( Eq s )
| otherwise = NonDerivableClass -- Not a standard class
@@ -852,7 +851,7 @@ sideConditions mtheta cls
| cls_key == enumClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_isEnumeration)
| cls_key == ixClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_enumOrProduct cls)
| cls_key == boundedClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_enumOrProduct cls)
- | cls_key == dataClassKey = Just (checkFlag Opt_DeriveDataTypeable `andCond`
+ | cls_key == dataClassKey = Just (checkFlag Opt_DeriveDataTypeable `andCond`
cond_std `andCond` cond_args cls)
| cls_key == functorClassKey = Just (checkFlag Opt_DeriveFunctor `andCond`
cond_functorOK True) -- NB: no cond_std!
@@ -870,12 +869,12 @@ sideConditions mtheta cls
type Condition = (DynFlags, TyCon) -> Maybe SDoc
-- first Bool is whether or not we are allowed to derive Data and Typeable
-- second Bool is whether or not we are allowed to derive Functor
- -- TyCon is the *representation* tycon if the
+ -- TyCon is the *representation* tycon if the
-- data type is an indexed one
-- Nothing => OK
orCond :: Condition -> Condition -> Condition
-orCond c1 c2 tc
+orCond c1 c2 tc
= case c1 tc of
Nothing -> Nothing -- c1 succeeds
Just x -> case c2 tc of -- c1 fails
@@ -903,34 +902,34 @@ cond_stdOK Nothing (_, rep_tc)
con_whys = mapCatMaybes check_con data_cons
check_con :: DataCon -> Maybe SDoc
- check_con con
+ check_con con
| isVanillaDataCon con
, all isTauTy (dataConOrigArgTys con) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (badCon con (ptext (sLit "must have a Haskell-98 type")))
no_cons_why :: TyCon -> SDoc
-no_cons_why rep_tc = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
+no_cons_why rep_tc = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must have at least one data constructor")
cond_RepresentableOk :: Condition
cond_RepresentableOk (_,t) = canDoGenerics t
cond_enumOrProduct :: Class -> Condition
-cond_enumOrProduct cls = cond_isEnumeration `orCond`
+cond_enumOrProduct cls = cond_isEnumeration `orCond`
(cond_isProduct `andCond` cond_args cls)
cond_args :: Class -> Condition
-- For some classes (eg Eq, Ord) we allow unlifted arg types
-- by generating specilaised code. For others (eg Data) we don't.
cond_args cls (_, tc)
- = case bad_args of
+ = case bad_args of
[] -> Nothing
(ty:_) -> Just (hang (ptext (sLit "Don't know how to derive") <+> quotes (ppr cls))
2 (ptext (sLit "for type") <+> quotes (ppr ty)))
bad_args = [ arg_ty | con <- tyConDataCons tc
, arg_ty <- dataConOrigArgTys con
- , isUnLiftedType arg_ty
+ , isUnLiftedType arg_ty
, not (ok_ty arg_ty) ]
cls_key = classKey cls
@@ -949,7 +948,7 @@ cond_isEnumeration (_, rep_tc)
| isEnumerationTyCon rep_tc = Nothing
| otherwise = Just why
- why = sep [ quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
+ why = sep [ quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must be an enumeration type")
, ptext (sLit "(an enumeration consists of one or more nullary, non-GADT constructors)") ]
-- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
@@ -959,7 +958,7 @@ cond_isProduct (_, rep_tc)
| isProductTyCon rep_tc = Nothing
| otherwise = Just why
- why = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
+ why = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must have precisely one constructor")
cond_typeableOK :: Condition
@@ -968,13 +967,13 @@ cond_typeableOK :: Condition
-- (b) 7 or fewer args
cond_typeableOK (_, tc)
| tyConArity tc > 7 = Just too_many
- | not (all (isSubArgTypeKind . tyVarKind) (tyConTyVars tc))
+ | not (all (isSubArgTypeKind . tyVarKind) (tyConTyVars tc))
= Just bad_kind
| otherwise = Nothing
- too_many = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
+ too_many = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must have 7 or fewer arguments")
- bad_kind = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
+ bad_kind = quotes (pprSourceTyCon tc) <+>
ptext (sLit "must only have arguments of kind `*'")
functorLikeClassKeys :: [Unique]
@@ -989,11 +988,11 @@ cond_functorOK :: Bool -> Condition
-- (e) no "stupid context" on data type
cond_functorOK allowFunctions (_, rep_tc)
| null tc_tvs
- = Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
+ = Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
<+> ptext (sLit "must have some type parameters"))
| not (null bad_stupid_theta)
- = Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
+ = Just (ptext (sLit "Data type") <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
<+> ptext (sLit "must not have a class context") <+> pprTheta bad_stupid_theta)
| otherwise
@@ -1014,13 +1013,13 @@ cond_functorOK allowFunctions (_, rep_tc)
ft_check :: DataCon -> FFoldType (Maybe SDoc)
ft_check con = FT { ft_triv = Nothing, ft_var = Nothing
, ft_co_var = Just (badCon con covariant)
- , ft_fun = \x y -> if allowFunctions then x `mplus` y
+ , ft_fun = \x y -> if allowFunctions then x `mplus` y
else Just (badCon con functions)
, ft_tup = \_ xs -> msum xs
, ft_ty_app = \_ x -> x
, ft_bad_app = Just (badCon con wrong_arg)
, ft_forall = \_ x -> x }
existential = ptext (sLit "must not have existential arguments")
covariant = ptext (sLit "must not use the type variable in a function argument")
functions = ptext (sLit "must not contain function types")
@@ -1031,9 +1030,9 @@ checkFlag flag (dflags, _)
| xopt flag dflags = Nothing
| otherwise = Just why
- why = ptext (sLit "You need -X") <> text flag_str
+ why = ptext (sLit "You need -X") <> text flag_str
<+> ptext (sLit "to derive an instance for this class")
- flag_str = case [ s | (s, _, f, _) <- xFlags, f==flag ] of
+ flag_str = case [ s | (s, f, _) <- xFlags, f==flag ] of
[s] -> s
other -> pprPanic "checkFlag" (ppr other)
@@ -1041,7 +1040,7 @@ std_class_via_iso :: Class -> Bool
-- These standard classes can be derived for a newtype
-- using the isomorphism trick *even if no -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-- because giving so gives the same results as generating the boilerplate
-std_class_via_iso clas
+std_class_via_iso clas
= classKey clas `elem` [eqClassKey, ordClassKey, ixClassKey, boundedClassKey]
-- Not Read/Show because they respect the type
-- Not Enum, because newtypes are never in Enum
@@ -1050,7 +1049,7 @@ std_class_via_iso clas
non_iso_class :: Class -> Bool
-- *Never* derive Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic by isomorphism,
-- even with -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-non_iso_class cls
+non_iso_class cls
= classKey cls `elem` ([ readClassKey, showClassKey, dataClassKey
, genClassKey] ++ typeableClassKeys)
@@ -1068,14 +1067,14 @@ badCon :: DataCon -> SDoc -> SDoc
badCon con msg = ptext (sLit "Constructor") <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> msg
-Note [Superclasses of derived instance]
+Note [Superclasses of derived instance]
In general, a derived instance decl needs the superclasses of the derived
class too. So if we have
data T a = ...deriving( Ord )
-then the initial context for Ord (T a) should include Eq (T a). Often this is
+then the initial context for Ord (T a) should include Eq (T a). Often this is
redundant; we'll also generate an Ord constraint for each constructor argument,
-and that will probably generate enough constraints to make the Eq (T a) constraint
+and that will probably generate enough constraints to make the Eq (T a) constraint
be satisfied too. But not always; consider:
data S a = S
@@ -1112,7 +1111,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
; dfun_name <- new_dfun_name cls tycon
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
; let spec = DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_orig = orig
- , ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = varSetElems dfun_tvs
+ , ds_name = dfun_name, ds_tvs = varSetElems dfun_tvs
, ds_cls = cls, ds_tys = inst_tys
, ds_tc = rep_tycon, ds_tc_args = rep_tc_args
, ds_theta = mtheta `orElse` all_preds
@@ -1143,7 +1142,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
-- where t is a type,
-- is a suffix of, and are all tyars
-- do not occur free in t, nor in the
- -- (C s1 ... sm) is a *partial applications* of class C
+ -- (C s1 ... sm) is a *partial applications* of class C
-- with the last parameter missing
-- (T a1 .. ak) matches the kind of C's last argument
-- (and hence so does t)
@@ -1153,7 +1152,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
-- We generate the instance
-- instance forall ({a1..ak} u fvs(
-- C s1 .. sm t => C s1 .. sm (T a1...ak)
- -- where T a1...ap is the partial application of
+ -- where T a1...ap is the partial application of
-- the LHS of the correct kind and p >= k
-- NB: the variables below are:
@@ -1166,7 +1165,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
-- Running example: newtype T s a = MkT (ST s a) deriving( Monad )
-- We generate the instance
- -- instance Monad (ST s) => Monad (T s) where
+ -- instance Monad (ST s) => Monad (T s) where
nt_eta_arity = length (fst (newTyConEtadRhs rep_tycon))
-- For newtype T a b = MkT (S a a b), the TyCon machinery already
@@ -1177,7 +1176,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
-- Note [Newtype representation]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- Need newTyConRhs (*not* a recursive representation finder)
+ -- Need newTyConRhs (*not* a recursive representation finder)
-- to get the representation type. For example
-- newtype B = MkB Int
-- newtype A = MkA B deriving( Num )
@@ -1188,7 +1187,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
rep_pred = mkClassPred cls rep_tys
-- rep_pred is the representation dictionary, from where
-- we are gong to get all the methods for the newtype
- -- dictionary
+ -- dictionary
-- Next we figure out what superclass dictionaries to use
@@ -1233,11 +1232,11 @@ mkNewTypeEqn orig dflags tvs
-- And the [a] must not mention 'b'. That's all handled
-- by nt_eta_rity.
- ats_ok = null (classATs cls)
- -- No associated types for the class, because we don't
+ ats_ok = null (classATs cls)
+ -- No associated types for the class, because we don't
-- currently generate type 'instance' decls; and cannot do
-- so for 'data' instance decls
= vcat [ ppUnless arity_ok arity_msg
, ppUnless eta_ok eta_msg
@@ -1309,7 +1308,7 @@ inferInstanceContexts oflag infer_specs
| n > 20 -- Looks as if we are in an infinite loop
-- This can happen if we have -XUndecidableInstances
-- (See TcSimplify.tcSimplifyDeriv.)
- = pprPanic "solveDerivEqns: probable loop"
+ = pprPanic "solveDerivEqns: probable loop"
(vcat (map pprDerivSpec infer_specs) $$ ppr current_solns)
| otherwise
= do { -- Extend the inst info from the explicit instance decls
@@ -1324,22 +1323,22 @@ inferInstanceContexts oflag infer_specs
eqList f xs ys = length xs == length ys && and (zipWith f xs ys)
; if (eqList (eqList eqType) current_solns new_solns) then
- return [ spec { ds_theta = soln }
+ return [ spec { ds_theta = soln }
| (spec, soln) <- zip infer_specs current_solns ]
iterate_deriv (n+1) new_solns }
gen_soln :: DerivSpec -> TcM [PredType]
- gen_soln (DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_orig = orig, ds_tvs = tyvars
+ gen_soln (DS { ds_loc = loc, ds_orig = orig, ds_tvs = tyvars
, ds_cls = clas, ds_tys = inst_tys, ds_theta = deriv_rhs })
= setSrcSpan loc $
- addErrCtxt (derivInstCtxt the_pred) $
+ addErrCtxt (derivInstCtxt the_pred) $
do { theta <- simplifyDeriv orig the_pred tyvars deriv_rhs
-- checkValidInstance tyvars theta clas inst_tys
-- Not necessary; see Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
-- in TcSimplify
; traceTc "TcDeriv" (ppr deriv_rhs $$ ppr theta)
-- Claim: the result instance declaration is guaranteed valid
-- Hence no need to call:
@@ -1363,7 +1362,7 @@ extendLocalInstEnv :: [Instance] -> TcM a -> TcM a
-- for functional dependency errors -- that'll happen in TcInstDcls
extendLocalInstEnv dfuns thing_inside
= do { env <- getGblEnv
- ; let inst_env' = extendInstEnvList (tcg_inst_env env) dfuns
+ ; let inst_env' = extendInstEnvList (tcg_inst_env env) dfuns
env' = env { tcg_inst_env = inst_env' }
; setGblEnv env' thing_inside }
@@ -1469,7 +1468,7 @@ genInst standalone_deriv oflag
co = co1 `mkTransCo` co2
id_co = mkReflCo (mkTyConApp rep_tycon rep_tc_args)
--- Example: newtype instance N [a] = N1 (Tree a)
+-- Example: newtype instance N [a] = N1 (Tree a)
-- deriving instance Eq b => Eq (N [(b,b)])
-- From the instance, we get an implicit newtype R1:N a = N1 (Tree a)
-- When dealing with the deriving clause
@@ -1529,12 +1528,12 @@ derivingEtaErr cls cls_tys inst_ty
typeFamilyPapErr :: TyCon -> Class -> [Type] -> Type -> Message
typeFamilyPapErr tc cls cls_tys inst_ty
= hang (ptext (sLit "Derived instance") <+> quotes (pprClassPred cls (cls_tys ++ [inst_ty])))
- 2 (ptext (sLit "requires illegal partial application of data type family") <+> ppr tc)
+ 2 (ptext (sLit "requires illegal partial application of data type family") <+> ppr tc)
derivingThingErr :: Bool -> Class -> [Type] -> Type -> Message -> Message
derivingThingErr newtype_deriving clas tys ty why
= sep [(hang (ptext (sLit "Can't make a derived instance of"))
- 2 (quotes (ppr pred))
+ 2 (quotes (ppr pred))
$$ nest 2 extra) <> colon,
nest 2 why]
@@ -1548,7 +1547,7 @@ derivingHiddenErr tc
2 (ptext (sLit "so you cannot derive an instance for it"))
standaloneCtxt :: LHsType Name -> SDoc
-standaloneCtxt ty = hang (ptext (sLit "In the stand-alone deriving instance for"))
+standaloneCtxt ty = hang (ptext (sLit "In the stand-alone deriving instance for"))
2 (quotes (ppr ty))
derivInstCtxt :: PredType -> Message
diff --git a/driver/ordering-passes b/driver/ordering-passes
deleted file mode 100644
index 305f3f06b4..0000000000
--- a/driver/ordering-passes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- Ordering the compiler's passes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Change notes
-1 Nov 94 * NB: if float-out is done after strictness, remember to
- switch off demandedness flags on floated bindings!
-13 Oct 94 * Run Float Inwards once more after strictness-simplify [andre]
- 4 Oct 94 * Do simplification between float-in and strictness [andre]
- * Ignore-inline-pragmas flag for final simplification [andre]
-Aug 94 Original: Simon, Andy, Andre
-This ordering obeys all the constraints except (5)
- full laziness
- simplify with foldr/build
- float-in
- simplify
- strictness
- float-in
-[check FFT2 still gets benefits with this ordering]
- Constraints
-1. float-in before strictness.
-Reason: floating inwards moves definitions inwards to a site at which
-the binding might well be strict.
-Example let x = ... in
- y = x+1
- in
- ...
- let y = let x = ... in x+1
- in ...
-The strictness analyser will do a better job of the latter
-than the former.
-2. Don't simplify between float-in and strictness,
-unless you disable float-let-out-of-let, otherwise
-the simiplifier's local floating might undo some
-useful floating-in.
-Example let f = let y = .. in \x-> x+y
- in ...
- let y = ...
- f = \x -> x+y
- in ...
-This is a bad move, because now y isn't strict.
-In the pre-float case, the binding for y is strict.
-Mind you, this isn't a very common case, and
-it's easy to disable float-let-from-let.
-3. Want full-laziness before foldr/build.
-Reason: Give priority to sharing rather than deforestation.
-Example \z -> let xs = build g
- in foldr k z xs
- let xs = build g
- in \x -> foldr k z xs
-In the post-full-laziness case, xs is shared between all
-applications of the function. If we did foldr/build
-first, we'd have got
- \z -> g k z
-and now we can't share xs.
-4. Want strictness after foldr/build.
-Reason: foldr/build makes new function definitions which
-can benefit from strictness analysis.
-Example: sum [1..10]
-===> (f/b)
- let g x a | x > 10 = a
- | otherwise = g (x+1) (a+x)
-Here we clearly want to get strictness analysis on g.
-5. Want full laziness after strictness
-Reason: absence may allow something to be floated out
-which would not otherwise be.
-Example \z -> let x = f (a,z) in ...
-===> (absence anal + inline wrapper of f)
- \z -> let x = f.wrk a in ...
-===> (full laziness)
- let x= f.wrk a in \z -> ...
-TOO BAD. This doesn't look a common case to me.
-6. Want float-in after foldr/build.
-Reason: Desugaring list comprehensions + foldr/build
-gives rise to new float-in opportunities.
-Example ...some list comp...
-==> (foldr/build)
- let v = h xs in
- case ... of
- [] -> v
- (y:ys) -> ...(t v)...
-==> (simplifier)
- let v = h xs in
- case ... of
- [] -> h xs
- (y:ys) -> ...(t v)...
-Now v could usefully be floated into the second branch.
-7. Want simplify after float-inwards.
-[Occurred in the prelude, compiling ITup2.hs, function dfun.Ord.(*,*)]
-This is due to the following (that happens with dictionaries):
-let a1 = case v of (a,b) -> a
-in let m1 = \ c -> case c of I# c# -> case c# of 1 -> a1 5
- 2 -> 6
-in let m2 = \ c -> case c of I# c# ->
- case c# +# 1# of cc# -> let cc = I# cc#
- in m1 cc
- in (m1,m2)
-floating inwards will push the definition of a1 into m1 (supposing
-it is only used there):
-in let m1 = let a1 = case v of (a,b) -> a
- in \ c -> case c of I# c# -> case c# of 1 -> a1 5
- 2 -> 6
-in let m2 = \ c -> case c of I# c# ->
- case c# +# 1# of cc# -> let cc = I# cc#
- in m1 cc
- in (m1,m2)
-if we do strictness analysis now we will not get a worker-wrapper
-for m1, because of the "let a1 ..." (notice that a1 is not strict in
-its body).
-Not having this worker wrapper might be very bad, because it might
-mean that we will have to rebox arguments to m1 if they are
-already unboxed, generating extra allocations, as occurs with m2 (cc)
-To solve this problem we have decided to run the simplifier after
-float-inwards, so that lets whose body is a HNF are floated out,
-undoing the float-inwards transformation in these cases.
-We are then back to the original code, which would have a worker-wrapper
-for m1 after strictness analysis and would avoid the extra let in m2.
-What we lose in this case are the opportunities for case-floating
-that could be presented if, for example, a1 would indeed be demanded (strict)
-after the floating inwards.
-The only way of having the best of both is if we have the worker/wrapper
-pass explicitly called, and then we could do with
-strictness analysis
-strictness analysis
-worker-wrapper generation
-as we would
-a) be able to detect the strictness of m1 after the
- first call to the strictness analyser, and exploit it with the simplifier
- (in case it was strict).
-b) after the call to the simplifier (if m1 was not demanded)
- it would be floated out just like we currently do, before stricness
- analysis II and worker/wrapperisation.
-The reason to not do worker/wrapperisation twice is to avoid
-generating wrappers for wrappers which could happen.
-8. If full laziness is ever done after strictness, remember to switch off
-demandedness flags on floated bindings! This isn't done at the moment.
-Ignore-inline-pragmas flag for final simplification
-[Occurred in the prelude, compiling ITup2.hs, function dfun.Ord.(*,*)]
-Sometimes (e.g. in dictionary methods) we generate
-worker/wrappers for functions but the wrappers are never
-inlined. In dictionaries we often have
-dict = let f1 = ...
- f2 = ...
- ...
- in (f1,f2,...)
-and if we create worker/wrappers for f1,...,fn the wrappers will not
-be inlined anywhere, and we will have ended up with extra
-closures (one for the worker and one for the wrapper) and extra
-function calls, as when we access the dictionary we will be acessing
-the wrapper, which will call the worker.
-The simplifier never inlines workers into wrappers, as the wrappers
-themselves have INLINE pragmas attached to them (so that they are always
-inlined, and we do not know in advance how many times they will be inlined).
-To solve this problem, in the last call to the simplifier we will
-ignore these inline pragmas and handle the workers and the wrappers
-as normal definitions. This will allow a worker to be inlined into
-the wrapper if it satisfies all the criteria for inlining (e.g. it is
-the only occurrence of the worker etc.).
-Run Float Inwards once more after strictness-simplify
-[Occurred in the prelude, compiling IInt.hs, function const.Int.index.wrk]
-When workers are generated after strictness analysis (worker/wrapper),
-we generate them with "reboxing" lets, that simply reboxes the unboxed
-arguments, as it may be the case that the worker will need the
-original boxed value:
-f x y = case x of
- (a,b) -> case y of
- (c,d) -> case a == c of
- True -> (x,x)
- False -> ((1,1),(2,2))
-==> (worker/wrapper)
-f_wrapper x y = case x of
- (a,b) -> case y of
- (c,d) -> f_worker a b c d
-f_worker a b c d = let x = (a,b)
- y = (c,d)
- in case a == c of
- True -> (x,x)
- False -> ((1,1),(2,2))
-in this case the simplifier will remove the binding for y as it is not
-used (we expected this to happen very often, but we do not know how
-many "reboxers" are eventually removed and how many are kept), and
-will keep the binding for x. But notice that x is only used in *one*
-of the branches in the case, but is always being allocated! The
-floating inwards pass would push its definition into the True branch.
-A similar benefit occurs if it is only used inside a let definition.
-These are basically the advantages of floating inwards, but they are
-only exposed after the S.A./worker-wrapperisation of the code! As we
-also have reasons to float inwards before S.A. we have to run it
diff --git a/driver/test_mangler b/driver/test_mangler
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cf31ca68..0000000000
--- a/driver/test_mangler
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# a simple wrapper to test a .s-file mangler
-# reads stdin, writes stdout
-$TargetPlatform = $ARGV[0]; shift; # nice error checking, Will
-require("ghc-asm.prl") || die "require mangler failed!\n";
-$SpX86Mangling = 1;
-$StolenX86Regs = 4;
-open(INP, "> /tmp/mangle1.$$") || die "Can't open tmp file 1\n";
-while (<>) {
- print INP $_;
-close(INP) || die "Can't close tmp file 1";
-&mangle_asm("/tmp/mangle1.$$", "/tmp/mangle2.$$");
-open(INP, "< /tmp/mangle2.$$") || die "Can't open tmp file 2\n";
-while (<INP>) {
- print STDOUT $_;
-close(INP) || die "Can't close tmp file 2";
-unlink("/tmp/mangle1.$$", "/tmp/mangle2.$$");
diff --git a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
index c635b94d1c..897f3f3d28 100644
--- a/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -1728,17 +1728,17 @@ setCmd ""
nest 2 (vcat (map (warnSetting dflags) DynFlags.fWarningFlags))
- where flagSetting dflags (str, _, f, _)
+ where flagSetting dflags (str, f, _)
| dopt f dflags = fstr str
| otherwise = fnostr str
- warnSetting dflags (str, _, f, _)
+ warnSetting dflags (str, f, _)
| wopt f dflags = fstr str
| otherwise = fnostr str
fstr str = text "-f" <> text str
fnostr str = text "-fno-" <> text str
- (ghciFlags,others) = partition (\(_, _, f, _) -> f `elem` flags)
+ (ghciFlags,others) = partition (\(_, f, _) -> f `elem` flags)
flags = [Opt_PrintExplicitForalls
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ showLanguages = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
liftIO $ putStrLn $ showSDoc $ vcat $
text "active language flags:" :
- [text (" -X" ++ str) | (str, _, f, _) <- DynFlags.xFlags, xopt f dflags]
+ [text (" -X" ++ str) | (str, f, _) <- DynFlags.xFlags, xopt f dflags]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ghc/Main.hs b/ghc/Main.hs
index 0514fd2556..d44ecc58af 100644
--- a/ghc/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/Main.hs
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ main' postLoadMode dflags0 args flagWarnings = do
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
- -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
+ -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
-- away - e.g., for win32 platforms, backslashes are converted
-- into forward slashes.
normal_fileish_paths = map (normalise . unLoc) fileish_args
(srcs, objs) = partition_args normal_fileish_paths [] []
- -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
+ -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
-- the command-line.
liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse objs)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ partition_args ("-x":suff:args) srcs objs
| StopLn <- phase = partition_args args srcs (slurp ++ objs)
| otherwise = partition_args rest (these_srcs ++ srcs) objs
where phase = startPhase suff
- (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
+ (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
these_srcs = zip slurp (repeat (Just phase))
partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
| looks_like_an_input arg = partition_args args ((arg,Nothing):srcs) objs
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
The following things should be considered compilation manager inputs:
- - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
+ - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
haskellish extension),
- module names (not forgetting hierarchical module names),
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
straight through to the linker.
looks_like_an_input :: String -> Bool
-looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
+looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
|| looksLikeModuleName m
|| '.' `notElem` m
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do
-- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination
when (notNull (filter (not . isRTSWay) (wayNames dflags))
&& isInterpretiveMode mode) $
- do ghcError (UsageError
+ do ghcError (UsageError
"--interactive can't be used with -prof or -unreg.")
-- -ohi sanity check
- if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
+ if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
(isCompManagerMode mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
then ghcError (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
else do
@@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do
-- Compiler output options
-- called to verify that the output files & directories
--- point somewhere valid.
+-- point somewhere valid.
-- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output
-- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles'
-- is invoked.
verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
-- not -odir: we create the directory for -odir if it doesn't exist (#2278).
@@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
flg <- doesDirNameExist hi
when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi)
- nonExistentDir flg dir =
- ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
- show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
+ nonExistentDir flg dir =
+ ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
+ show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
show flg ++ " option.)"))
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ parseModeFlags :: [Located String]
[Located String])
parseModeFlags args = do
let ((leftover, errs1, warns), (mModeFlag, errs2, flags')) =
- runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args CmdLineOnly True)
+ runCmdLine (processArgs mode_flags args)
(Nothing, [], [])
mode = case mModeFlag of
Nothing -> doMakeMode
@@ -494,16 +494,16 @@ type ModeM = CmdLineP (Maybe (Mode, String), [String], [Located String])
mode_flags :: [Flag ModeM]
mode_flags =
[ ------- help / version ----------------------------------------------
- flagC "?" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
- , flagC "-help" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
- , flagC "V" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
- , flagC "-version" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
- , flagC "-numeric-version" (PassFlag (setMode showNumVersionMode))
- , flagC "-info" (PassFlag (setMode showInfoMode))
- , flagC "-supported-languages" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
- , flagC "-supported-extensions" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
+ Flag "?" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
+ , Flag "-help" (PassFlag (setMode showGhcUsageMode))
+ , Flag "V" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
+ , Flag "-version" (PassFlag (setMode showVersionMode))
+ , Flag "-numeric-version" (PassFlag (setMode showNumVersionMode))
+ , Flag "-info" (PassFlag (setMode showInfoMode))
+ , Flag "-supported-languages" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
+ , Flag "-supported-extensions" (PassFlag (setMode showSupportedExtensionsMode))
] ++
- [ flagC k' (PassFlag (setMode (printSetting k)))
+ [ Flag k' (PassFlag (setMode (printSetting k)))
| k <- ["Project version",
"Booter version",
@@ -529,21 +529,21 @@ mode_flags =
replaceSpace c = c
] ++
------- interfaces ----------------------------------------------------
- [ flagC "-show-iface" (HasArg (\f -> setMode (showInterfaceMode f)
+ [ Flag "-show-iface" (HasArg (\f -> setMode (showInterfaceMode f)
------- primary modes ------------------------------------------------
- , flagC "c" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode StopLn) f
- addFlag "-no-link" f))
- , flagC "M" (PassFlag (setMode doMkDependHSMode))
- , flagC "E" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode anyHsc)))
- , flagC "C" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode HCc) f
- addFlag "-fvia-C" f))
- , flagC "S" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode As)))
- , flagC "-make" (PassFlag (setMode doMakeMode))
- , flagC "-interactive" (PassFlag (setMode doInteractiveMode))
- , flagC "-abi-hash" (PassFlag (setMode doAbiHashMode))
- , flagC "e" (SepArg (\s -> setMode (doEvalMode s) "-e"))
+ , Flag "c" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode StopLn) f
+ addFlag "-no-link" f))
+ , Flag "M" (PassFlag (setMode doMkDependHSMode))
+ , Flag "E" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode anyHsc)))
+ , Flag "C" (PassFlag (\f -> do setMode (stopBeforeMode HCc) f
+ addFlag "-fvia-C" f))
+ , Flag "S" (PassFlag (setMode (stopBeforeMode As)))
+ , Flag "-make" (PassFlag (setMode doMakeMode))
+ , Flag "-interactive" (PassFlag (setMode doInteractiveMode))
+ , Flag "-abi-hash" (PassFlag (setMode doAbiHashMode))
+ , Flag "e" (SepArg (\s -> setMode (doEvalMode s) "-e"))
setMode :: Mode -> String -> EwM ModeM ()
@@ -603,9 +603,9 @@ doMake :: [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
doMake srcs = do
let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition haskellish srcs
- haskellish (f,Nothing) =
+ haskellish (f,Nothing) =
looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || '.' `notElem` f
- haskellish (_,Just phase) =
+ haskellish (_,Just phase) =
phase `notElem` [As, Cc, Cobjc, Cobjcpp, CmmCpp, Cmm, StopLn]
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ showUsage ghci dflags = do
dump (c:s) = putChar c >> dump s
dumpFinalStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
-dumpFinalStats dflags =
+dumpFinalStats dflags =
when (dopt Opt_D_faststring_stats dflags) $ dumpFastStringStats dflags
dumpFastStringStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ dumpFastStringStats dflags = do
countFS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[FastString]] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
countFS entries longest is_z has_z [] = (entries, longest, is_z, has_z)
-countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
+countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
len = length b
longest' = max len longest
diff --git a/includes/rts/storage/GC.h b/includes/rts/storage/GC.h
index e745b0460b..fef8e00598 100644
--- a/includes/rts/storage/GC.h
+++ b/includes/rts/storage/GC.h
@@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ void performMajorGC(void);
The CAF table - used to let us revert CAFs in GHCi
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void newCAF (StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure *);
-void newDynCAF (StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure *);
+StgWord newCAF (StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure *caf, StgClosure *bh);
+StgWord newDynCAF (StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure *caf, StgClosure *bh);
void revertCAFs (void);
// Request that all CAFs are retained indefinitely.
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 89cce18261..aef093799b 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ PlatformSupportsSharedLibs = $(if $(filter $(TARGETPLATFORM),\
# the compiler you build with is generating registerised binaries), but
# the stage2 compiler will be an unregisterised binary.
-ifneq "$(findstring $(HostArch_CPP), i386 x86_64 powerpc)" ""
+ifneq "$(findstring $(HostArch_CPP), i386 x86_64 powerpc arm)" ""
diff --git a/rts/sm/Storage.c b/rts/sm/Storage.c
index f8a9e559bf..82e89a5470 100644
--- a/rts/sm/Storage.c
+++ b/rts/sm/Storage.c
@@ -229,21 +229,47 @@ freeStorage (rtsBool free_heap)
The entry code for every CAF does the following:
- - builds a BLACKHOLE in the heap
- - pushes an update frame pointing to the BLACKHOLE
- - calls newCaf, below
- - updates the CAF with a static indirection to the BLACKHOLE
+ - builds a CAF_BLACKHOLE in the heap
+ - calls newCaf, which atomically updates the CAF with
+ IND_STATIC pointing to the CAF_BLACKHOLE
+ - if newCaf returns zero, it re-enters the CAF (see Note [atomic
+ CAF entry])
+ - pushes an update frame pointing to the CAF_BLACKHOLE
Why do we build an BLACKHOLE in the heap rather than just updating
the thunk directly? It's so that we only need one kind of update
- frame - otherwise we'd need a static version of the update frame too.
+ frame - otherwise we'd need a static version of the update frame
+ too, and various other parts of the RTS that deal with update
+ frames would also need special cases for static update frames.
newCaf() does the following:
+ - it updates the CAF with an IND_STATIC pointing to the
+ CAF_BLACKHOLE, atomically.
- it puts the CAF on the oldest generation's mutable list.
This is so that we treat the CAF as a root when collecting
younger generations.
+ ------------------
+ Note [atomic CAF entry]
+ With THREADED_RTS, newCaf() is required to be atomic (see
+ #5558). This is because if two threads happened to enter the same
+ CAF simultaneously, they would create two distinct CAF_BLACKHOLEs,
+ and so the normal threadPaused() machinery for detecting duplicate
+ evaluation will not detect this. Hence in lockCAF() below, we
+ atomically lock the CAF with WHITEHOLE before updating it with
+ IND_STATIC, and return zero if another thread locked the CAF first.
+ In the event that we lost the race, CAF entry code will re-enter
+ the CAF and block on the other thread's CAF_BLACKHOLE.
+ ------------------
+ Note [GHCi CAFs]
For GHCI, we have additional requirements when dealing with CAFs:
- we must *retain* all dynamically-loaded CAFs ever entered,
@@ -264,36 +290,76 @@ freeStorage (rtsBool free_heap)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-newCAF(StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure* caf)
+STATIC_INLINE StgWord lockCAF (StgClosure *caf, StgClosure *bh)
- if(keepCAFs)
- {
- // HACK:
- // If we are in GHCi _and_ we are using dynamic libraries,
- // then we can't redirect newCAF calls to newDynCAF (see below),
- // so we make newCAF behave almost like newDynCAF.
- // The dynamic libraries might be used by both the interpreted
- // program and GHCi itself, so they must not be reverted.
- // This also means that in GHCi with dynamic libraries, CAFs are not
- // garbage collected. If this turns out to be a problem, we could
- // do another hack here and do an address range test on caf to figure
- // out whether it is from a dynamic library.
- ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->saved_info = (StgInfoTable *)caf->;
- ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK; // caf_list is global, locked by sm_mutex
- ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->static_link = caf_list;
- caf_list = caf;
- }
- else
- {
- // Put this CAF on the mutable list for the old generation.
- ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->saved_info = NULL;
- if (oldest_gen->no != 0) {
- recordMutableCap(caf, regTableToCapability(reg), oldest_gen->no);
+ const StgInfoTable *orig_info;
+ orig_info = caf->;
+ const StgInfoTable *cur_info;
+ if (orig_info == &stg_IND_STATIC_info ||
+ orig_info == &stg_WHITEHOLE_info) {
+ // already claimed by another thread; re-enter the CAF
+ return 0;
- }
+ cur_info = (const StgInfoTable *)
+ cas((StgVolatilePtr)&caf->,
+ (StgWord)orig_info,
+ (StgWord)&stg_WHITEHOLE_info);
+ if (cur_info != orig_info) {
+ // already claimed by another thread; re-enter the CAF
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // successfully claimed by us; overwrite with IND_STATIC
+ // For the benefit of revertCAFs(), save the original info pointer
+ ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->saved_info = orig_info;
+ ((StgIndStatic*)caf)->indirectee = bh;
+ write_barrier();
+ SET_INFO(caf,&stg_IND_STATIC_info);
+ return 1;
+newCAF(StgRegTable *reg, StgClosure *caf, StgClosure *bh)
+ if (lockCAF(caf,bh) == 0) return 0;
+ if(keepCAFs)
+ {
+ // HACK:
+ // If we are in GHCi _and_ we are using dynamic libraries,
+ // then we can't redirect newCAF calls to newDynCAF (see below),
+ // so we make newCAF behave almost like newDynCAF.
+ // The dynamic libraries might be used by both the interpreted
+ // program and GHCi itself, so they must not be reverted.
+ // This also means that in GHCi with dynamic libraries, CAFs are not
+ // garbage collected. If this turns out to be a problem, we could
+ // do another hack here and do an address range test on caf to figure
+ // out whether it is from a dynamic library.
+ ACQUIRE_SM_LOCK; // caf_list is global, locked by sm_mutex
+ ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->static_link = caf_list;
+ caf_list = caf;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Put this CAF on the mutable list for the old generation.
+ ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->saved_info = NULL;
+ if (oldest_gen->no != 0) {
+ recordMutableCap(caf, regTableToCapability(reg), oldest_gen->no);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
// External API for setting the keepCAFs flag. see #3900.
@@ -312,16 +378,19 @@ setKeepCAFs (void)
// The linker hackily arranges that references to newCaf from dynamic
// code end up pointing to newDynCAF.
-newDynCAF (StgRegTable *reg STG_UNUSED, StgClosure *caf)
+newDynCAF (StgRegTable *reg STG_UNUSED, StgClosure *caf, StgClosure *bh)
+ if (lockCAF(caf,bh) == 0) return 0;
- ((StgIndStatic *)caf)->saved_info = (StgInfoTable *)caf->;
((StgIndStatic *)caf)->static_link = revertible_caf_list;
revertible_caf_list = caf;
+ return 1;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------