diff options
33 files changed, 962 insertions, 649 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs b/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
index b90edd90ad..0bf7c9678f 100644
--- a/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/backpack/RnModIface.hs
@@ -241,6 +241,18 @@ rnIfaceGlobal n = do
let nsubst = mkNameShape (moduleName m) (mi_exports iface)
return (substNameShape nsubst n)
+-- | Rename a DFun name. Here is where we ensure that DFuns have the correct
+-- module as described in Note [Bogus DFun renamings].
+rnIfaceDFun :: Name -> ShIfM Name
+rnIfaceDFun name = do
+ hmap <- getHoleSubst
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ iface_semantic_mod <- fmap sh_if_semantic_module getGblEnv
+ let m = renameHoleModule dflags hmap $ nameModule name
+ -- Doublecheck that this DFun was, indeed, locally defined.
+ MASSERT2( iface_semantic_mod == m, ppr iface_semantic_mod <+> ppr m )
+ setNameModule (Just m) name
-- | Rename an 'IfaceClsInst', with special handling for an associated
@@ -250,9 +262,6 @@ rnIfaceClsInst cls_inst = do
n <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifInstCls cls_inst)
tys <- mapM rnMaybeIfaceTyCon (ifInstTys cls_inst)
- hmap <- getHoleSubst
- dflags <- getDynFlags
-- Note [Bogus DFun renamings]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- Every 'IfaceClsInst' is associated with a DFun; in fact, when
@@ -312,12 +321,7 @@ rnIfaceClsInst cls_inst = do
-- are unique; for instantiation, the final interface never
-- mentions DFuns since they are implicitly exported.) The
-- important thing is that it's consistent everywhere.
- iface_semantic_mod <- fmap sh_if_semantic_module getGblEnv
- let m = renameHoleModule dflags hmap $ nameModule (ifDFun cls_inst)
- -- Doublecheck that this DFun was, indeed, locally defined.
- MASSERT2( iface_semantic_mod == m, ppr iface_semantic_mod <+> ppr m )
- dfun <- setNameModule (Just m) (ifDFun cls_inst)
+ dfun <- rnIfaceDFun (ifDFun cls_inst)
return cls_inst { ifInstCls = n
, ifInstTys = tys
, ifDFun = dfun
@@ -339,56 +343,71 @@ rnIfaceDecl' (fp, decl) = (,) fp <$> rnIfaceDecl decl
rnIfaceDecl :: Rename IfaceDecl
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceId{} = do
+ name <- case ifIdDetails d of
+ IfDFunId -> rnIfaceDFun (ifName d)
+ _ -> rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
ty <- rnIfaceType (ifType d)
details <- rnIfaceIdDetails (ifIdDetails d)
info <- rnIfaceIdInfo (ifIdInfo d)
- return d { ifType = ty
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifType = ty
, ifIdDetails = details
, ifIdInfo = info
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceData{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
binders <- mapM rnIfaceTyConBinder (ifBinders d)
ctxt <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifCtxt d)
cons <- rnIfaceConDecls (ifCons d)
parent <- rnIfaceTyConParent (ifParent d)
- return d { ifBinders = binders
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifBinders = binders
, ifCtxt = ctxt
, ifCons = cons
, ifParent = parent
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceSynonym{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
binders <- mapM rnIfaceTyConBinder (ifBinders d)
syn_kind <- rnIfaceType (ifResKind d)
syn_rhs <- rnIfaceType (ifSynRhs d)
- return d { ifBinders = binders
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifBinders = binders
, ifResKind = syn_kind
, ifSynRhs = syn_rhs
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceFamily{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
binders <- mapM rnIfaceTyConBinder (ifBinders d)
fam_kind <- rnIfaceType (ifResKind d)
fam_flav <- rnIfaceFamTyConFlav (ifFamFlav d)
- return d { ifBinders = binders
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifBinders = binders
, ifResKind = fam_kind
, ifFamFlav = fam_flav
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceClass{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
ctxt <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifCtxt d)
binders <- mapM rnIfaceTyConBinder (ifBinders d)
ats <- mapM rnIfaceAT (ifATs d)
sigs <- mapM rnIfaceClassOp (ifSigs d)
- return d { ifCtxt = ctxt
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifCtxt = ctxt
, ifBinders = binders
, ifATs = ats
, ifSigs = sigs
rnIfaceDecl d@IfaceAxiom{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
tycon <- rnIfaceTyCon (ifTyCon d)
ax_branches <- mapM rnIfaceAxBranch (ifAxBranches d)
- return d { ifTyCon = tycon
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifTyCon = tycon
, ifAxBranches = ax_branches
rnIfaceDecl d@IfacePatSyn{} = do
+ name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifName d)
let rnPat (n, b) = (,) <$> rnIfaceGlobal n <*> pure b
pat_matcher <- rnPat (ifPatMatcher d)
pat_builder <- T.traverse rnPat (ifPatBuilder d)
@@ -398,7 +417,8 @@ rnIfaceDecl d@IfacePatSyn{} = do
pat_req_ctxt <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifPatReqCtxt d)
pat_args <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifPatArgs d)
pat_ty <- rnIfaceType (ifPatTy d)
- return d { ifPatMatcher = pat_matcher
+ return d { ifName = name
+ , ifPatMatcher = pat_matcher
, ifPatBuilder = pat_builder
, ifPatUnivBndrs = pat_univ_bndrs
, ifPatExBndrs = pat_ex_bndrs
@@ -435,23 +455,33 @@ rnIfaceConDecls (IfAbstractTyCon b) = pure (IfAbstractTyCon b)
rnIfaceConDecl :: Rename IfaceConDecl
rnIfaceConDecl d = do
+ con_name <- rnIfaceGlobal (ifConName d)
con_ex_tvs <- mapM rnIfaceForAllBndr (ifConExTvs d)
let rnIfConEqSpec (n,t) = (,) n <$> rnIfaceType t
con_eq_spec <- mapM rnIfConEqSpec (ifConEqSpec d)
con_ctxt <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifConCtxt d)
con_arg_tys <- mapM rnIfaceType (ifConArgTys d)
+ -- TODO: It seems like we really should rename the field labels, but this
+ -- breaks due to tcIfaceDataCons projecting back to the field's OccName and
+ -- then looking up it up in the name cache. See #12699.
+ --con_fields <- mapM rnIfaceGlobal (ifConFields d)
let rnIfaceBang (IfUnpackCo co) = IfUnpackCo <$> rnIfaceCo co
rnIfaceBang bang = pure bang
con_stricts <- mapM rnIfaceBang (ifConStricts d)
- return d { ifConExTvs = con_ex_tvs
+ return d { ifConName = con_name
+ , ifConExTvs = con_ex_tvs
, ifConEqSpec = con_eq_spec
, ifConCtxt = con_ctxt
, ifConArgTys = con_arg_tys
+ --, ifConFields = con_fields -- See TODO above
, ifConStricts = con_stricts
rnIfaceClassOp :: Rename IfaceClassOp
-rnIfaceClassOp (IfaceClassOp n ty dm) = IfaceClassOp n <$> rnIfaceType ty <*> rnMaybeDefMethSpec dm
+rnIfaceClassOp (IfaceClassOp n ty dm) =
+ IfaceClassOp <$> rnIfaceGlobal n
+ <*> rnIfaceType ty
+ <*> rnMaybeDefMethSpec dm
rnMaybeDefMethSpec :: Rename (Maybe (DefMethSpec IfaceType))
rnMaybeDefMethSpec (Just (GenericDM ty)) = Just . GenericDM <$> rnIfaceType ty
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
index bcb4309586..ab44b3e30a 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs
@@ -484,10 +484,13 @@ instance Data Name where
+-- | Assumes that the 'Name' is a non-binding one. See
+-- 'IfaceSyn.putIfaceTopBndr' and 'IfaceSyn.getIfaceTopBndr' for serializing
+-- binding 'Name's. See 'UserData' for the rationale for this distinction.
instance Binary Name where
put_ bh name =
case getUserData bh of
- UserData{ ud_put_name = put_name } -> put_name bh name
+ UserData{ ud_put_nonbinding_name = put_name } -> put_name bh name
get bh =
case getUserData bh of
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs-boot b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs-boot
index 313db26e5c..c4eeca4d68 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hs-boot
@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
module Name where
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Module
data Name
-nameModule :: Name -> Module
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/NameCache.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/NameCache.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..589c7c4e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/NameCache.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+-- | The Name Cache
+module NameCache
+ ( lookupOrigNameCache
+ , extendOrigNameCache
+ , extendNameCache
+ , initNameCache
+ , NameCache(..), OrigNameCache
+ ) where
+import Module
+import Name
+import UniqSupply
+import TysWiredIn
+import Util
+import Outputable
+import PrelNames
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+Note [The Name Cache]
+The Name Cache makes sure that, during any invocation of GHC, each
+External Name "M.x" has one, and only one globally-agreed Unique.
+* The first time we come across M.x we make up a Unique and record that
+ association in the Name Cache.
+* When we come across "M.x" again, we look it up in the Name Cache,
+ and get a hit.
+The functions newGlobalBinder, allocateGlobalBinder do the main work.
+When you make an External name, you should probably be calling one
+of them.
+Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]
+Built-in syntax like tuples and unboxed sums are quite ubiquitous. To lower
+their cost we use two tricks,
+ a. We specially encode tuple and sum Names in interface files' symbol tables
+ to avoid having to look up their names while loading interface files.
+ Namely these names are encoded as by their Uniques. We know how to get from
+ a Unique back to the Name which it represents via the mapping defined in
+ the SumTupleUniques module. See Note [Symbol table representation of names]
+ in BinIface and for details.
+ b. We don't include them in the Orig name cache but instead parse their
+ OccNames (in isBuiltInOcc_maybe) to avoid bloating the name cache with
+ them.
+Why is the second measure necessary? Good question; afterall, 1) the parser
+emits built-in syntax directly as Exact RdrNames, and 2) built-in syntax never
+needs to looked-up during interface loading due to (a). It turns out that there
+are two reasons why we might look up an Orig RdrName for built-in syntax,
+ * If you use setRdrNameSpace on an Exact RdrName it may be
+ turned into an Orig RdrName.
+ * Template Haskell turns a BuiltInSyntax Name into a TH.NameG
+ (DsMeta.globalVar), and parses a NameG into an Orig RdrName
+ (Convert.thRdrName). So, e.g. $(do { reify '(,); ... }) will
+ go this route (Trac #8954).
+-- | Per-module cache of original 'OccName's given 'Name's
+type OrigNameCache = ModuleEnv (OccEnv Name)
+lookupOrigNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Module -> OccName -> Maybe Name
+lookupOrigNameCache nc mod occ
+ | mod == gHC_TYPES || mod == gHC_PRIM || mod == gHC_TUPLE
+ , Just name <- isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ
+ = -- See Note [Known-key names], 3(c) in PrelNames
+ -- Special case for tuples; there are too many
+ -- of them to pre-populate the original-name cache
+ Just name
+ | otherwise
+ = case lookupModuleEnv nc mod of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just occ_env -> lookupOccEnv occ_env occ
+extendOrigNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Name -> OrigNameCache
+extendOrigNameCache nc name
+ = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
+ extendNameCache nc (nameModule name) (nameOccName name) name
+extendNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Module -> OccName -> Name -> OrigNameCache
+extendNameCache nc mod occ name
+ = extendModuleEnvWith combine nc mod (unitOccEnv occ name)
+ where
+ combine _ occ_env = extendOccEnv occ_env occ name
+-- | The NameCache makes sure that there is just one Unique assigned for
+-- each original name; i.e. (module-name, occ-name) pair and provides
+-- something of a lookup mechanism for those names.
+data NameCache
+ = NameCache { nsUniqs :: !UniqSupply,
+ -- ^ Supply of uniques
+ nsNames :: !OrigNameCache
+ -- ^ Ensures that one original name gets one unique
+ }
+-- | Return a function to atomically update the name cache.
+initNameCache :: UniqSupply -> [Name] -> NameCache
+initNameCache us names
+ = NameCache { nsUniqs = us,
+ nsNames = initOrigNames names }
+initOrigNames :: [Name] -> OrigNameCache
+initOrigNames names = foldl extendOrigNameCache emptyModuleEnv names
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.hs
index 6db4d8a97c..e24d56b8c7 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.hs
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ module Unique (
-- [the Oh-So-Wonderful Haskell module system wins again...]
- mkTupleTyConUnique, mkTupleDataConUnique,
- mkSumTyConUnique, mkSumDataConUnique,
- mkCTupleTyConUnique,
mkPreludeMiscIdUnique, mkPreludeDataConUnique,
mkPreludeTyConUnique, mkPreludeClassUnique,
mkPArrDataConUnique, mkCoVarUnique,
@@ -53,13 +50,16 @@ module Unique (
mkRegSingleUnique, mkRegPairUnique, mkRegClassUnique, mkRegSubUnique,
- tyConRepNameUnique,
- dataConWorkerUnique, dataConRepNameUnique,
- mkPseudoUniqueH
+ mkPseudoUniqueH,
+ -- ** Deriving uniques
+ -- *** From TyCon name uniques
+ tyConRepNameUnique,
+ -- *** From DataCon name uniques
+ dataConWorkerUnique, dataConRepNameUnique
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ Fast comparison is everything on @Uniques@:
-- The type of unique identifiers that are used in many places in GHC
-- for fast ordering and equality tests. You should generate these with
-- the functions from the 'UniqSupply' module
+-- These are sometimes also referred to as \"keys\" in comments in GHC.
newtype Unique = MkUnique Int
@@ -319,18 +321,18 @@ Allocation of unique supply characters:
d desugarer
f AbsC flattener
g SimplStg
+ k constraint tuple tycons
+ m constraint tuple datacons
n Native codegen
r Hsc name cache
s simplifier
+ z anonymous sums
mkAlphaTyVarUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeClassUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeTyConUnique :: Int -> Unique
-mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
-mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
mkPreludeDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
-mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
mkPrimOpIdUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeMiscIdUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkPArrDataConUnique :: Int -> Unique
@@ -345,9 +347,6 @@ mkPreludeClassUnique i = mkUnique '2' i
-- * u: the TyCon itself
-- * u+1: the TyConRepName of the TyCon
mkPreludeTyConUnique i = mkUnique '3' (2*i)
-mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '4' (2*a)
-mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '5' (2*a)
-mkCTupleTyConUnique a = mkUnique 'k' (2*a)
tyConRepNameUnique :: Unique -> Unique
tyConRepNameUnique u = incrUnique u
@@ -366,30 +365,6 @@ tyConRepNameUnique u = incrUnique u
-- Prelude data constructors are too simple to need wrappers.
mkPreludeDataConUnique i = mkUnique '6' (3*i) -- Must be alphabetic
-mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '7' (3*a) -- ditto (*may* be used in C labels)
-mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '8' (3*a)
--- Sum arities start from 2. The encoding is a bit funny: we break up the
--- integral part into bitfields for the arity and alternative index (which is
--- taken to be 0xff in the case of the TyCon)
--- TyCon for sum of arity k:
--- 00000000 kkkkkkkk 11111111
--- DataCon for sum of arity k and alternative n:
--- 00000000 kkkkkkkk nnnnnnnn
-mkSumTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
-mkSumTyConUnique arity =
- ASSERT(arity < 0xff)
- mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 .|. 0xff)
-mkSumDataConUnique :: ConTagZ -> Arity -> Unique
-mkSumDataConUnique alt arity
- | alt >= arity
- = panic ("mkSumDataConUnique: " ++ show alt ++ " >= " ++ show arity)
- | otherwise
- = mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 + alt) {- skip the tycon -}
dataConRepNameUnique, dataConWorkerUnique :: Unique -> Unique
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index ec02e1b481..721adff0bd 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ Library
+ NameCache
@@ -308,6 +309,7 @@ Library
+ BinFingerprint
@@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ Library
+ KnownUniques
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 38eae0eee1..91a0277e03 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -434,6 +434,7 @@ compiler_stage2_dll0_MODULES = \
Bag \
BasicTypes \
Binary \
+ BinFingerprint \
BooleanFormula \
BufWrite \
Class \
@@ -487,12 +488,14 @@ compiler_stage2_dll0_MODULES = \
HsUtils \
HscTypes \
IOEnv \
+ NameCache \
Id \
IdInfo \
IfaceSyn \
IfaceType \
InstEnv \
Kind \
+ KnownUniques \
Lexeme \
ListSetOps \
Literal \
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BinFingerprint.hs b/compiler/iface/BinFingerprint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbf45d7d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/iface/BinFingerprint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+-- | Computing fingerprints of values serializeable with GHC's "Binary" module.
+module BinFingerprint
+ ( -- * Computing fingerprints
+ fingerprintBinMem
+ , computeFingerprint
+ , putNameLiterally
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Fingerprint
+import Binary
+import Name
+import Panic
+import Util
+fingerprintBinMem :: BinHandle -> IO Fingerprint
+fingerprintBinMem bh = withBinBuffer bh f
+ where
+ f bs =
+ -- we need to take care that we force the result here
+ -- lest a reference to the ByteString may leak out of
+ -- withBinBuffer.
+ let fp = fingerprintByteString bs
+ in fp `seq` return fp
+computeFingerprint :: (Binary a)
+ => (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+ -> a
+ -> IO Fingerprint
+computeFingerprint put_nonbinding_name a = do
+ bh <- fmap set_user_data $ openBinMem (3*1024) -- just less than a block
+ put_ bh a
+ fp <- fingerprintBinMem bh
+ return fp
+ where
+ set_user_data bh =
+ setUserData bh $ newWriteState put_nonbinding_name putNameLiterally putFS
+-- | Used when we want to fingerprint a structure without depending on the
+-- fingerprints of external Names that it refers to.
+putNameLiterally :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
+putNameLiterally bh name = ASSERT( isExternalName name ) do
+ put_ bh $! nameModule name
+ put_ bh $! nameOccName name
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
index 588909130b..3de647d415 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
@@ -21,14 +21,9 @@ module BinIface (
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcRnMonad
-import TyCon
-import ConLike
-import PrelInfo ( knownKeyNames )
-import Id ( idName, isDataConWorkId_maybe )
-import TysWiredIn
+import PrelInfo ( isKnownKeyName, lookupKnownKeyName )
import IfaceEnv
import HscTypes
-import BasicTypes
import Module
import Name
import DynFlags
@@ -41,11 +36,11 @@ import ErrUtils
import FastMutInt
import Unique
import Outputable
+import NameCache
import Platform
import FastString
import Constants
import Util
-import DataCon
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
@@ -204,10 +199,11 @@ writeBinIface dflags hi_path mod_iface = do
-- Put the main thing,
bh <- return $ setUserData bh $ newWriteState (putName bin_dict bin_symtab)
+ (putName bin_dict bin_symtab)
(putFastString bin_dict)
put_ bh mod_iface
- -- Write the symtab pointer at the fornt of the file
+ -- Write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
symtab_p <- tellBin bh -- This is where the symtab will start
putAt bh symtab_p_p symtab_p -- Fill in the placeholder
seekBin bh symtab_p -- Seek back to the end of the file
@@ -292,65 +288,33 @@ serialiseName bh name _ = do
-- Note [Symbol table representation of names]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- An occurrence of a name in an interface file is serialized as a single 32-bit word.
--- The format of this word is:
+-- An occurrence of a name in an interface file is serialized as a single 32-bit
+-- word. The format of this word is:
-- 00xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
-- A normal name. x is an index into the symbol table
--- 01xxxxxx xxyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
+-- 10xxxxxx xxyyyyyy yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy
-- A known-key name. x is the Unique's Char, y is the int part
--- 100xxyyz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz zzzzzzzz
--- A tuple name:
--- x is the tuple sort (00b ==> boxed, 01b ==> unboxed, 10b ==> constraint)
--- y is the thing (00b ==> tycon, 01b ==> datacon, 10b ==> datacon worker)
--- z is the arity
--- 10100xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
--- A sum tycon name:
--- x is the arity
--- 10101xxx xxxxxxxx xxyyyyyy yyyyyyyy
--- A sum datacon name:
--- x is the arity
--- y is the alternative
--- 10110xxx xxxxxxxx xxyyyyyy yyyyyyyy
--- worker
--- 11xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
--- An implicit parameter TyCon name. x is an index into the FastString *dictionary*
--- Note that we have to have special representation for tuples, sums, and IP
--- TyCons because they form an "infinite" family and hence are not recorded
--- explicitly in wiredInTyThings or basicKnownKeyNames.
+-- During serialization we check for known-key things using isKnownKeyName.
+-- During deserialization we use lookupKnownKeyName to get from the unique back
+-- to its corresponding Name.
-knownKeyNamesMap :: UniqFM Name
-knownKeyNamesMap = listToUFM_Directly [(nameUnique n, n) | n <- knownKeyNames]
-- See Note [Symbol table representation of names]
putName :: BinDictionary -> BinSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
putName _dict BinSymbolTable{
bin_symtab_map = symtab_map_ref,
- bin_symtab_next = symtab_next } bh name
- | name `elemUFM` knownKeyNamesMap
+ bin_symtab_next = symtab_next }
+ bh name
+ | isKnownKeyName name
, let (c, u) = unpkUnique (nameUnique name) -- INVARIANT: (ord c) fits in 8 bits
= -- ASSERT(u < 2^(22 :: Int))
- put_ bh (0x40000000 .|. (fromIntegral (ord c) `shiftL` 22) .|. (fromIntegral u :: Word32))
+ put_ bh (0x80000000
+ .|. (fromIntegral (ord c) `shiftL` 22)
+ .|. (fromIntegral u :: Word32))
| otherwise
- = case wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name of
- Just (ATyCon tc)
- | Just sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc -> putTupleName_ bh tc sort 0
- | isUnboxedSumTyCon tc -> putSumTyConName_ bh tc
- Just (AConLike (RealDataCon dc))
- | let tc = dataConTyCon dc
- , Just sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc -> putTupleName_ bh tc sort 1
- | isUnboxedSumCon dc -> putSumDataConName_ bh dc
- Just (AnId x)
- | Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe x
- , let tc = dataConTyCon dc
- , Just sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc -> putTupleName_ bh tc sort 2
- Just (AnId x)
- | Just dc <- isDataConWorkId_maybe x
- , isUnboxedSumCon dc
- -> putSumWorkerId_ bh dc
- _ -> do
- symtab_map <- readIORef symtab_map_ref
+ = do symtab_map <- readIORef symtab_map_ref
case lookupUFM symtab_map name of
Just (off,_) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
Nothing -> do
@@ -361,41 +325,6 @@ putName _dict BinSymbolTable{
$! addToUFM symtab_map name (off,name)
put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
-putTupleName_ :: BinHandle -> TyCon -> TupleSort -> Word32 -> IO ()
-putTupleName_ bh tc tup_sort thing_tag
- = ASSERT(arity < 2^(25 :: Int))
- put_ bh (0x80000000 .|. (sort_tag `shiftL` 27) .|. (thing_tag `shiftL` 25) .|. arity)
- where
- (sort_tag, arity) = case tup_sort of
- BoxedTuple -> (0, fromIntegral (tyConArity tc))
- UnboxedTuple -> (1, fromIntegral (tyConArity tc `div` 2))
- -- See Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars] in TyCon
- ConstraintTuple -> pprPanic "putTupleName:ConstraintTuple" (ppr tc)
-putSumTyConName_ :: BinHandle -> TyCon -> IO ()
-putSumTyConName_ bh tc
- = ASSERT(arity < 2^(27 :: Int))
- put_ bh (0xA0000000 .|. arity)
- where
- arity = (fromIntegral (tyConArity tc) `div` 2) :: Word32
-putSumDataConName_ :: BinHandle -> DataCon -> IO ()
-putSumDataConName_ bh dc
- = ASSERT(arity < 2^(13 :: Int) && alt < 2^(14 :: Int))
- put_ bh (0xA8000000 .|. (arity `shiftL` 14) .|. alt)
- where
- tc = dataConTyCon dc
- alt = fromIntegral (dataConTag dc)
- arity = (fromIntegral (tyConArity tc) `div` 2) :: Word32
-putSumWorkerId_ :: BinHandle -> DataCon -> IO ()
-putSumWorkerId_ bh dc
- = put_ bh (0xB0000000 .|. (arity `shiftL` 14) .|. alt)
- where
- tc = dataConTyCon dc
- alt = fromIntegral (dataConTag dc)
- arity = (fromIntegral (tyConArity tc) `div` 2) :: Word32
-- See Note [Symbol table representation of names]
getSymtabName :: NameCacheUpdater
-> Dictionary -> SymbolTable
@@ -405,58 +334,17 @@ getSymtabName _ncu _dict symtab bh = do
case i .&. 0xC0000000 of
0x00000000 -> return $! symtab ! fromIntegral i
- 0x40000000 ->
+ 0x80000000 ->
tag = chr (fromIntegral ((i .&. 0x3FC00000) `shiftR` 22))
ix = fromIntegral i .&. 0x003FFFFF
+ u = mkUnique tag ix
- return $! case lookupUFM_Directly knownKeyNamesMap (mkUnique tag ix) of
- Nothing -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown known-key unique" (ppr i)
+ return $! case lookupKnownKeyName u of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown known-key unique"
+ (ppr i $$ ppr (unpkUnique u))
Just n -> n
- 0x80000000 ->
- case i .&. 0x20000000 of
- 0x00000000 ->
- let
- dc = tupleDataCon sort arity
- sort = case (i .&. 0x18000000) `shiftR` 27 of
- 0 -> Boxed
- 1 -> Unboxed
- _ -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown tuple sort" (ppr i)
- arity = fromIntegral (i .&. 0x01FFFFFF)
- in
- return $! case ( (i .&. 0x06FFFFFF) `shiftR` 25 ) of
- 0 -> tyConName (tupleTyCon sort arity)
- 1 -> dataConName dc
- 2 -> idName (dataConWorkId dc)
- _ -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown tuple thing" (ppr i)
- 0x20000000 ->
- return $! case ((i .&. 0x18000000) `shiftR` 27) of
- 0 -> tyConName $ sumTyCon ( fromIntegral (i .&. 0x7ffffff) )
- 1 -> let
- alt =
- -- first (least significant) 14 bits
- fromIntegral (i .&. 0b11111111111111)
- arity =
- -- next 13 bits
- fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 14) .&. 0b1111111111111)
- in
- ASSERT( arity >= alt )
- dataConName (sumDataCon alt arity)
- 2 -> let
- alt =
- -- first (least significant) 14 bits
- fromIntegral (i .&. 0b11111111111111)
- arity =
- -- next 13 bits
- fromIntegral ((i `shiftR` 14) .&. 0b1111111111111)
- in
- ASSERT( arity >= alt )
- idName (dataConWorkId (sumDataCon alt arity))
- _ -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown sum sort" (ppr i)
- _ -> pprPanic "getSyntabName:unknown `tuple or sum` tag" (ppr i)
_ -> pprPanic "getSymtabName:unknown name tag" (ppr i)
data BinSymbolTable = BinSymbolTable {
diff --git a/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs b/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
index b3f3758746..10cfae6eeb 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import HscTypes
import Module
import Name
import Fingerprint
+import BinFingerprint
-- import Outputable
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
@@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ import System.FilePath (normalise)
-- | Produce a fingerprint of a @DynFlags@ value. We only base
-- the finger print on important fields in @DynFlags@ so that
-- the recompilation checker can use this fingerprint.
-fingerprintDynFlags :: DynFlags -> Module -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+fingerprintDynFlags :: DynFlags -> Module
+ -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
-> IO Fingerprint
fingerprintDynFlags dflags@DynFlags{..} this_mod nameio =
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceEnv.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceEnv.hs
index 96bd36ff33..46bc0e9905 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceEnv.hs
@@ -16,15 +16,13 @@ module IfaceEnv (
-- Name-cache stuff
- allocateGlobalBinder,
- initNameCache, updNameCache,
- mkNameCacheUpdater, NameCacheUpdater(..)
+ allocateGlobalBinder, updNameCache,
+ mkNameCacheUpdater, NameCacheUpdater(..),
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcRnMonad
-import TysWiredIn
import HscTypes
import Type
import Var
@@ -34,10 +32,9 @@ import Module
import FastString
import FastStringEnv
import IfaceType
-import PrelNames ( gHC_TYPES, gHC_PRIM, gHC_TUPLE )
+import NameCache
import UniqSupply
import SrcLoc
-import Util
import Outputable
import Data.List ( partition )
@@ -49,20 +46,7 @@ import Data.List ( partition )
* *
-Note [The Name Cache]
-The Name Cache makes sure that, during any invocation of GHC, each
-External Name "M.x" has one, and only one globally-agreed Unique.
-* The first time we come across M.x we make up a Unique and record that
- association in the Name Cache.
-* When we come across "M.x" again, we look it up in the Name Cache,
- and get a hit.
-The functions newGlobalBinder, allocateGlobalBinder do the main work.
-When you make an External name, you should probably be calling one
-of them.
+See Also: Note [The Name Cache] in NameCache
newGlobalBinder :: Module -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> TcRnIf a b Name
@@ -136,6 +120,28 @@ allocateGlobalBinder name_supply mod occ loc
ifaceExportNames :: [IfaceExport] -> TcRnIf gbl lcl [AvailInfo]
ifaceExportNames exports = return exports
+-- | A function that atomically updates the name cache given a modifier
+-- function. The second result of the modifier function will be the result
+-- of the IO action.
+newtype NameCacheUpdater
+ = NCU { updateNameCache :: forall c. (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -> IO c }
+mkNameCacheUpdater :: TcRnIf a b NameCacheUpdater
+mkNameCacheUpdater = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; return (NCU (updNameCacheIO hsc_env)) }
+updNameCache :: (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -> TcRnIf a b c
+updNameCache upd_fn = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
+ ; liftIO $ updNameCacheIO hsc_env upd_fn }
+* *
+ Name cache access
+* *
-- | Look up the 'Name' for a given 'Module' and 'OccName'.
-- Consider alternately using 'lookupIfaceTop' if you're in the 'IfL' monad
-- and 'Module' is simply that of the 'ModIface' you are typechecking.
@@ -148,7 +154,7 @@ lookupOrig mod occ
-- which does some stuff that modifies the name cache
-- This did happen, with tycon_mod in TcIface.tcIfaceAlt (DataAlt..)
mod `seq` occ `seq` return ()
--- ; traceIf (text "lookup_orig" <+> ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
+ ; traceIf (text "lookup_orig" <+> ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
; updNameCache $ \name_cache ->
case lookupOrigNameCache (nsNames name_cache) mod occ of {
@@ -184,92 +190,6 @@ setNameModule (Just m) n =
* *
- Name cache access
-* *
-See Note [The Name Cache] above.
-Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]
-Built-in syntax like tuples and unboxed sums are quite ubiquitous. To lower
-their cost we use two tricks,
- b. We specially encode tuple Names in interface files' symbols tables to avoid
- having to look up their names at all while loading interface files. See
- Note [Symbol table representation of names] in BinIface for details.
- a. We don't include them in the Orig name cache but instead parse their
- OccNames (in isBuiltInOcc_maybe) to avoid bloating the name cache with
- them.
-Why is the second measure necessary? Good question; afterall, 1) the parser
-emits built-in syntax directly as Exact RdrNames, and 2) built-in syntax never
-needs to looked-up during interface loading due to (a). It turns out that there
-are two reasons why we might look up an Orig RdrName for built-in syntax,
- * If you use setRdrNameSpace on an Exact RdrName it may be
- turned into an Orig RdrName.
- * Template Haskell turns a BuiltInSyntax Name into a TH.NameG
- (DsMeta.globalVar), and parses a NameG into an Orig RdrName
- (Convert.thRdrName). So, e.g. $(do { reify '(,); ... }) will
- go this route (Trac #8954).
-lookupOrigNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Module -> OccName -> Maybe Name
-lookupOrigNameCache nc mod occ
- | mod == gHC_TYPES || mod == gHC_PRIM || mod == gHC_TUPLE
- , Just name <- isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ
- = -- See Note [Known-key names], 3(c) in PrelNames
- -- Special case for tuples; there are too many
- -- of them to pre-populate the original-name cache
- Just name
- | otherwise
- = case lookupModuleEnv nc mod of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just occ_env -> lookupOccEnv occ_env occ
-extendOrigNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Name -> OrigNameCache
-extendOrigNameCache nc name
- = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
- extendNameCache nc (nameModule name) (nameOccName name) name
-extendNameCache :: OrigNameCache -> Module -> OccName -> Name -> OrigNameCache
-extendNameCache nc mod occ name
- = extendModuleEnvWith combine nc mod (unitOccEnv occ name)
- where
- combine _ occ_env = extendOccEnv occ_env occ name
-updNameCache :: (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -> TcRnIf a b c
-updNameCache upd_fn = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
- ; liftIO $ updNameCacheIO hsc_env upd_fn }
--- | A function that atomically updates the name cache given a modifier
--- function. The second result of the modifier function will be the result
--- of the IO action.
-newtype NameCacheUpdater
- = NCU { updateNameCache :: forall c. (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -> IO c }
--- | Return a function to atomically update the name cache.
-mkNameCacheUpdater :: TcRnIf a b NameCacheUpdater
-mkNameCacheUpdater = do { hsc_env <- getTopEnv
- ; return (NCU (updNameCacheIO hsc_env)) }
-initNameCache :: UniqSupply -> [Name] -> NameCache
-initNameCache us names
- = NameCache { nsUniqs = us,
- nsNames = initOrigNames names }
-initOrigNames :: [Name] -> OrigNameCache
-initOrigNames names = foldl extendOrigNameCache emptyModuleEnv names
-* *
Type variables and local Ids
* *
@@ -335,27 +255,10 @@ extendIfaceEnvs tcvs thing_inside
+-- | Look up a top-level name from the current Iface module
lookupIfaceTop :: OccName -> IfL Name
--- Look up a top-level name from the current Iface module
-lookupIfaceTop occ = do
- lcl_env <- getLclEnv
- -- NB: this is a semantic module, see
- -- Note [Identity versus semantic module]
- mod <- getIfModule
- case if_nsubst lcl_env of
- -- NOT substNameShape because 'getIfModule' returns the
- -- renamed module (d'oh!)
- Just nsubst ->
- case lookupOccEnv (ns_map nsubst) occ of
- Just n' ->
- -- I thought this would be help but it turns out
- -- n' doesn't have any useful information. Drat!
- -- return (setNameLoc n' (nameSrcSpan n))
- return n'
- -- This case can occur when we encounter a DFun;
- -- see Note [Bogus DFun renamings]
- Nothing -> lookupOrig mod occ
- _ -> lookupOrig mod occ
+lookupIfaceTop occ
+ = do { env <- getLclEnv; lookupOrig (if_mod env) occ }
newIfaceName :: OccName -> IfL Name
newIfaceName occ
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
index 8a45dd55be..81d905de0b 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ module IfaceSyn (
+ -- * Binding names
+ IfaceTopBndr,
+ putIfaceTopBndr, getIfaceTopBndr,
-- Misc
ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs, visibleIfConDecls,
@@ -37,6 +41,7 @@ module IfaceSyn (
#include "HsVersions.h"
import IfaceType
+import BinFingerprint
import CoreSyn( IsOrphan )
import PprCore() -- Printing DFunArgs
import Demand
@@ -78,15 +83,29 @@ infixl 3 &&&
-type IfaceTopBndr = OccName
- -- It's convenient to have an OccName in the IfaceSyn, although in each
+-- | A binding top-level 'Name' in an interface file (e.g. the name of an
+-- 'IfaceDecl').
+type IfaceTopBndr = Name
+ -- It's convenient to have an Name in the IfaceSyn, although in each
-- case the namespace is implied by the context. However, having an
- -- OccNames makes things like ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and ifaceDeclFingerprints
- -- very convenient.
+ -- Name makes things like ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and ifaceDeclFingerprints
+ -- very convenient. Moreover, having the key of the binder means that
+ -- we can encode known-key things cleverly in the symbol table. See Note
+ -- [Symbol table representation of Names]
-- We don't serialise the namespace onto the disk though; rather we
-- drop it when serialising and add it back in when deserialising.
+getIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IO IfaceTopBndr
+getIfaceTopBndr bh = get bh
+putIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IfaceTopBndr -> IO ()
+putIfaceTopBndr bh name =
+ case getUserData bh of
+ UserData{ ud_put_binding_name = put_binding_name } ->
+ --pprTrace "putIfaceTopBndr" (ppr name) $
+ put_binding_name bh name
data IfaceDecl
= IfaceId { ifName :: IfaceTopBndr,
ifType :: IfaceType,
@@ -202,7 +221,7 @@ data IfaceConDecls
data IfaceConDecl
= IfCon {
- ifConOcc :: IfaceTopBndr, -- Constructor name
+ ifConName :: IfaceTopBndr, -- Constructor name
ifConWrapper :: Bool, -- True <=> has a wrapper
ifConInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
@@ -350,7 +369,8 @@ ifaceConDeclFields x = case x of
IfDataTyCon cons is_over labels -> map (help cons is_over) labels
IfNewTyCon con is_over labels -> map (help [con] is_over) labels
- help (dc:_) is_over lbl = mkFieldLabelOccs lbl (ifConOcc dc) is_over
+ help (dc:_) is_over lbl =
+ mkFieldLabelOccs lbl (occName $ ifConName dc) is_over
help [] _ _ = error "ifaceConDeclFields: data type has no constructors!"
ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs :: IfaceDecl -> [OccName]
@@ -365,14 +385,16 @@ ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs :: IfaceDecl -> [OccName]
-- This invariant is used in LoadIface.loadDecl (see note [Tricky iface loop])
-- The order of the list does not matter.
-ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceData {ifName = tc_occ, ifCons = cons })
+ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceData {ifName = tc_name, ifCons = cons })
= case cons of
IfAbstractTyCon {} -> []
- IfNewTyCon cd _ _ -> mkNewTyCoOcc tc_occ : ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs cd
+ IfNewTyCon cd _ _ -> mkNewTyCoOcc (occName tc_name) : ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs cd
IfDataTyCon cds _ _ -> concatMap ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs cds
-ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_tc_occ
- , ifSigs = sigs, ifATs = ats })
+ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifCtxt = sc_ctxt
+ , ifName = cls_tc_name
+ , ifSigs = sigs
+ , ifATs = ats })
= -- (possibly) newtype coercion
co_occs ++
-- data constructor (DataCon namespace)
@@ -380,12 +402,13 @@ ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_tc_occ
-- no wrapper (class dictionaries never have a wrapper)
[dc_occ, dcww_occ] ++
-- associated types
- [ifName at | IfaceAT at _ <- ats ] ++
+ [occName (ifName at) | IfaceAT at _ <- ats ] ++
-- superclass selectors
[mkSuperDictSelOcc n cls_tc_occ | n <- [1..n_ctxt]] ++
-- operation selectors
- [op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
+ [occName op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
+ cls_tc_occ = occName cls_tc_name
n_ctxt = length sc_ctxt
n_sigs = length sigs
co_occs | is_newtype = [mkNewTyCoOcc cls_tc_occ]
@@ -397,9 +420,10 @@ ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_tc_occ
ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs _ = []
ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs :: IfaceConDecl -> [OccName]
-ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs (IfCon { ifConWrapper = has_wrapper, ifConOcc = con_occ })
- = [con_occ, work_occ] ++ wrap_occs
+ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs (IfCon { ifConWrapper = has_wrapper, ifConName = con_name })
+ = [occName con_name, work_occ] ++ wrap_occs
+ con_occ = occName con_name
work_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc con_occ -- Id namespace
wrap_occs | has_wrapper = [mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ] -- Id namespace
| otherwise = []
@@ -413,7 +437,7 @@ ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs (IfCon { ifConWrapper = has_wrapper, ifConOcc = con_oc
-- declaration with the name of the binder. (#5614, #7215)
ifaceDeclFingerprints :: Fingerprint -> IfaceDecl -> [(OccName,Fingerprint)]
ifaceDeclFingerprints hash decl
- = (ifName decl, hash) :
+ = (getOccName decl, hash) :
[ (occ, computeFingerprint' (hash,occ))
| occ <- ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl ]
@@ -527,14 +551,23 @@ pprAxBranch pp_tc (IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = tvs
instance Outputable IfaceAnnotation where
ppr (IfaceAnnotation target value) = ppr target <+> colon <+> ppr value
+instance NamedThing IfaceClassOp where
+ getName (IfaceClassOp n _ _) = n
instance HasOccName IfaceClassOp where
- occName (IfaceClassOp n _ _) = n
+ occName = getOccName
+instance NamedThing IfaceConDecl where
+ getName = ifConName
instance HasOccName IfaceConDecl where
- occName = ifConOcc
+ occName = getOccName
+instance NamedThing IfaceDecl where
+ getName = ifName
instance HasOccName IfaceDecl where
- occName = ifName
+ occName = getOccName
instance Outputable IfaceDecl where
ppr = pprIfaceDecl showAll
@@ -548,6 +581,7 @@ filtering of method signatures. Instead we just check if anything at all is
filtered and hide it in that case.
+-- TODO: Kill this and Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
data ShowSub
= ShowSub
{ ss_ppr_bndr :: OccName -> SDoc -- Pretty-printer for binders in IfaceDecl
@@ -647,7 +681,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
| is_data_instance = empty
| otherwise = pprRoles (== Representational)
- (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss tycon)
+ (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName tycon))
binders roles
-- Don't display roles for data family instances (yet)
-- See discussion on Trac #8672.
@@ -675,7 +709,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifATs = ats, ifSigs = sigs
, ifRoles = roles
, ifFDs = fds, ifMinDef = minDef
, ifBinders = binders })
- = vcat [ pprRoles (== Nominal) (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss clas) binders roles
+ = vcat [ pprRoles (== Nominal) (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName clas)) binders roles
, text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead context ss clas binders Nothing
<+> pprFundeps fds <+> pp_where
, nest 2 (vcat [ vcat asocs, vcat dsigs
@@ -749,7 +783,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceFamily { ifName = tycon
pp_branches (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just (ax, brs)))
= hang (text "where")
- 2 (vcat (map (pprAxBranch (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss tycon)) brs)
+ 2 (vcat (map (pprAxBranch (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName tycon))) brs)
$$ ppShowIface ss (text "axiom" <+> ppr ax))
pp_branches _ = Outputable.empty
@@ -775,7 +809,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl _ (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name,
pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceId { ifName = var, ifType = ty,
ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info })
- = vcat [ hang (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss var <+> dcolon)
+ = vcat [ hang (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName var) <+> dcolon)
2 (pprIfaceSigmaType ty)
, ppShowIface ss (ppr details)
, ppShowIface ss (ppr info) ]
@@ -801,10 +835,10 @@ pprRoles suppress_if tyCon bndrs roles
text "type role" <+> tyCon <+> hsep (map ppr froles)
pprInfixIfDeclBndr, pprPrefixIfDeclBndr :: ShowSub -> OccName -> SDoc
-pprInfixIfDeclBndr (ShowSub { ss_ppr_bndr = ppr_bndr }) occ
- = pprInfixVar (isSymOcc occ) (ppr_bndr occ)
-pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ShowSub { ss_ppr_bndr = ppr_bndr }) occ
- = parenSymOcc occ (ppr_bndr occ)
+pprInfixIfDeclBndr (ShowSub { ss_ppr_bndr = ppr_bndr }) name
+ = pprInfixVar (isSymOcc name) (ppr_bndr name)
+pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ShowSub { ss_ppr_bndr = ppr_bndr }) name
+ = parenSymOcc name (ppr_bndr name)
instance Outputable IfaceClassOp where
ppr = pprIfaceClassOp showAll
@@ -817,7 +851,7 @@ pprIfaceClassOp ss (IfaceClassOp n ty dm)
= text "default" <+> pp_sig n dm_ty
| otherwise
= empty
- pp_sig n ty = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss n <+> dcolon <+> pprIfaceSigmaType ty
+ pp_sig n ty = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName n) <+> dcolon <+> pprIfaceSigmaType ty
instance Outputable IfaceAT where
ppr = pprIfaceAT showAll
@@ -841,14 +875,14 @@ pprIfaceTyConParent (IfDataInstance _ tc tys)
let ftys = stripInvisArgs dflags tys
in pprIfaceTypeApp tc ftys
-pprIfaceDeclHead :: IfaceContext -> ShowSub -> OccName
+pprIfaceDeclHead :: IfaceContext -> ShowSub -> Name
-> [IfaceTyConBinder] -- of the tycon, for invisible-suppression
-> Maybe IfaceKind
-> SDoc
pprIfaceDeclHead context ss tc_occ bndrs m_res_kind
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
sep [ pprIfaceContextArr context
- , pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss tc_occ
+ , pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName tc_occ)
<+> pprIfaceTyConBinders (suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs bndrs)
, maybe empty (\res_kind -> dcolon <+> pprIfaceType res_kind) m_res_kind ]
@@ -865,19 +899,19 @@ pprIfaceConDecl :: ShowSub -> Bool
-> IfaceTyConParent
-> IfaceConDecl -> SDoc
pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style fls tycon tc_binders parent
- (IfCon { ifConOcc = name, ifConInfix = is_infix,
+ (IfCon { ifConName = name, ifConInfix = is_infix,
ifConExTvs = ex_tvs,
ifConEqSpec = eq_spec, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConArgTys = arg_tys,
ifConStricts = stricts, ifConFields = fields })
| gadt_style = pp_prefix_con <+> dcolon <+> ppr_ty
| not (null fields) = pp_prefix_con <+> pp_field_args
| is_infix
- , [ty1, ty2] <- pp_args = sep [ty1, pprInfixIfDeclBndr ss name, ty2]
+ , [ty1, ty2] <- pp_args = sep [ty1, pprInfixIfDeclBndr ss (occName name), ty2]
| otherwise = pp_prefix_con <+> sep pp_args
tys_w_strs :: [(IfaceBang, IfaceType)]
tys_w_strs = zip stricts arg_tys
- pp_prefix_con = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss name
+ pp_prefix_con = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName name)
(univ_tvs, pp_res_ty) = mk_user_con_res_ty eq_spec
ppr_ty = pprIfaceForAllPart (map tv_to_forall_bndr univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs)
@@ -906,16 +940,18 @@ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style fls tycon tc_binders parent
pp_field_args :: SDoc -- Braces form: { x :: !Maybe a, y :: Int }
pp_field_args = braces $ sep $ punctuate comma $ ppr_trim $
- map maybe_show_label (zip fields tys_w_strs)
+ zipWith maybe_show_label fields tys_w_strs
- maybe_show_label (sel,bty)
+ maybe_show_label :: IfaceTopBndr -> (IfaceBang, IfaceType) -> Maybe SDoc
+ maybe_show_label sel bty
| showSub ss sel = Just (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss lbl <+> dcolon <+> pprBangTy bty)
| otherwise = Nothing
-- IfaceConDecl contains the name of the selector function, so
-- we have to look up the field label (in case
-- DuplicateRecordFields was used for the definition)
- lbl = maybe sel (mkVarOccFS . flLabel) $ find (\ fl -> flSelector fl == sel) fls
+ lbl = maybe (occName sel) (mkVarOccFS . flLabel)
+ $ find (\ fl -> flSelector fl == occName sel) fls
mk_user_con_res_ty :: IfaceEqSpec -> ([IfaceTvBndr], SDoc)
-- See Note [Result type of a data family GADT]
@@ -930,7 +966,7 @@ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style fls tycon tc_binders parent
con_univ_tvs = filterOut done_univ_tv (map ifTyConBinderTyVar tc_binders)
ppr_tc_app gadt_subst dflags
- = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss tycon
+ = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr ss (occName tycon)
<+> sep [ pprParendIfaceType (substIfaceTyVar gadt_subst tv)
| (tv,_kind)
<- map ifTyConBinderTyVar $
@@ -1434,19 +1470,26 @@ to take account of the use of the data constructor PS in the pattern match.
Binary instances
* *
+Note that there is a bit of subtlety here when we encode names. While
+IfaceTopBndrs is really just a synonym for Name, we need to take care to
+encode them with {get,put}IfaceTopBndr. The difference becomes important when
+we go to fingerprint an IfaceDecl. See Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls] for
instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh (IfaceId name ty details idinfo) = do
putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (occNameFS name)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh name
put_ bh ty
put_ bh details
put_ bh idinfo
put_ bh (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9) = do
putByte bh 2
- put_ bh (occNameFS a1)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
@@ -1458,7 +1501,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh (IfaceSynonym a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) = do
putByte bh 3
- put_ bh (occNameFS a1)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
@@ -1466,7 +1509,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh (IfaceFamily a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) = do
putByte bh 4
- put_ bh (occNameFS a1)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
@@ -1476,7 +1519,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh (IfaceClass a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8) = do
putByte bh 5
put_ bh a1
- put_ bh (occNameFS a2)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
put_ bh a5
@@ -1486,14 +1529,14 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh (IfaceAxiom a1 a2 a3 a4) = do
putByte bh 6
- put_ bh (occNameFS a1)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
- put_ bh (IfacePatSyn name a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11) = do
+ put_ bh (IfacePatSyn a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11) = do
putByte bh 7
- put_ bh (occNameFS name)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
@@ -1512,10 +1555,9 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
ty <- get bh
details <- get bh
idinfo <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkVarOccFS name
- return (IfaceId occ ty details idinfo)
+ return (IfaceId name ty details idinfo)
1 -> error "Binary.get(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
- 2 -> do a1 <- get bh
+ 2 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
@@ -1524,40 +1566,35 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
a7 <- get bh
a8 <- get bh
a9 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkTcOccFS a1
- return (IfaceData occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)
- 3 -> do a1 <- get bh
+ return (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)
+ 3 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
a5 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkTcOccFS a1
- return (IfaceSynonym occ a2 a3 a4 a5)
- 4 -> do a1 <- get bh
+ return (IfaceSynonym a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
+ 4 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
a5 <- get bh
a6 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkTcOccFS a1
- return (IfaceFamily occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6)
+ return (IfaceFamily a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6)
5 -> do a1 <- get bh
- a2 <- get bh
+ a2 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
a5 <- get bh
a6 <- get bh
a7 <- get bh
a8 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkClsOccFS a2
- return (IfaceClass a1 occ a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
- 6 -> do a1 <- get bh
+ return (IfaceClass a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
+ 6 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkTcOccFS a1
- return (IfaceAxiom occ a2 a3 a4)
- 7 -> do a1 <- get bh
+ return (IfaceAxiom a1 a2 a3 a4)
+ 7 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
@@ -1568,8 +1605,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
a9 <- get bh
a10 <- get bh
a11 <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkDataOccFS a1
- return (IfacePatSyn occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11)
+ return (IfacePatSyn a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11)
_ -> panic (unwords ["Unknown IfaceDecl tag:", show h])
instance Binary IfaceFamTyConFlav where
@@ -1592,15 +1628,14 @@ instance Binary IfaceFamTyConFlav where
instance Binary IfaceClassOp where
put_ bh (IfaceClassOp n ty def) = do
- put_ bh (occNameFS n)
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh n
put_ bh ty
put_ bh def
get bh = do
- n <- get bh
+ n <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
ty <- get bh
def <- get bh
- occ <- return $! mkVarOccFS n
- return (IfaceClassOp occ ty def)
+ return (IfaceClassOp n ty def)
instance Binary IfaceAT where
put_ bh (IfaceAT dec defs) = do
@@ -1642,25 +1677,27 @@ instance Binary IfaceConDecls where
instance Binary IfaceConDecl where
put_ bh (IfCon a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) = do
- put_ bh a1
+ putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
put_ bh a2
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
put_ bh a5
put_ bh a6
put_ bh a7
- put_ bh a8
+ put_ bh (length a8)
+ mapM_ (putIfaceTopBndr bh) a8
put_ bh a9
put_ bh a10
get bh = do
- a1 <- get bh
+ a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
a2 <- get bh
a3 <- get bh
a4 <- get bh
a5 <- get bh
a6 <- get bh
a7 <- get bh
- a8 <- get bh
+ n_fields <- get bh
+ a8 <- replicateM n_fields (getIfaceTopBndr bh)
a9 <- get bh
a10 <- get bh
return (IfCon a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10)
diff --git a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.hs b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.hs
index 97f288f7ba..48bc316d0a 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.hs
@@ -141,8 +141,10 @@ importDecl name
-- Now look it up again; this time we should find it
{ eps <- getEps
; case lookupTypeEnv (eps_PTE eps) name of
- Just thing -> return (Succeeded thing)
- Nothing -> return $ Failed (ifPprDebug (found_things_msg eps) $$ not_found_msg)
+ Just thing -> return $ Succeeded thing
+ Nothing -> let doc = ifPprDebug (found_things_msg eps $$ empty)
+ $$ not_found_msg
+ in return $ Failed doc
nd_doc = text "Need decl for" <+> ppr name
@@ -653,7 +655,7 @@ loadDecl :: Bool -- Don't load pragmas into the decl pool
loadDecl ignore_prags (_version, decl)
= do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all
-- the names associated with the decl
- main_name <- lookupIfaceTop (ifName decl)
+ let main_name = ifName decl
-- Typecheck the thing, lazily
-- NB. Firstly, the laziness is there in case we never need the
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
index 0c2c8a4831..12980e4524 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ Basic idea:
#include "HsVersions.h"
import IfaceSyn
+import BinFingerprint
import LoadIface
import FlagChecker
@@ -390,6 +391,32 @@ mkHashFun hsc_env eps name
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Compute fingerprints for the interface
+Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls]
+The general idea here is that we first examine the 'IfaceDecl's and determine
+the recursive groups of them. We then walk these groups in dependency order,
+serializing each contained 'IfaceDecl' to a "Binary" buffer which we then
+hash using MD5 to produce a fingerprint for the group.
+However, the serialization that we use is a bit funny: we override the @putName@
+operation with our own which serializes the hash of a 'Name' instead of the
+'Name' itself. This ensures that the fingerprint of a decl changes if anything
+in its transitive closure changes. This trick is why we must be careful about
+traversing in dependency order: we need to ensure that we have hashes for
+everything referenced by the decl which we are fingerprinting.
+Moreover, we need to be careful to distinguish between serialization of binding
+Names (e.g. the ifName field of a IfaceDecl) and non-binding (e.g. the ifInstCls
+field of a IfaceClsInst): only in the non-binding case should we include the
+fingerprint; in the binding case we shouldn't since it is merely the name of the
+thing that we are currently fingerprinting.
+-- | Add fingerprints for top-level declarations to a 'ModIface'.
+-- See Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls]
:: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint -- the old fingerprint, if any
@@ -414,14 +441,15 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
non_orph_fis decl
edges :: [(IfaceDeclABI, Unique, [Unique])]
- edges = [ (abi, getUnique (ifName decl), out)
+ edges = [ (abi, getUnique (getOccName decl), out)
| decl <- new_decls
, let abi = declABI decl
, let out = localOccs $ freeNamesDeclABI abi
name_module n = ASSERT2( isExternalName n, ppr n ) nameModule n
- localOccs = map (getUnique . getParent . getOccName)
+ localOccs =
+ map (getUnique . getParent . getOccName)
-- NB: names always use semantic module, so
-- filtering must be on the semantic module!
-- See Note [Identity versus semantic module]
@@ -432,7 +460,8 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
-- stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices is deterministic
-- even with non-deterministic order of edges as
-- explained in Note [Deterministic SCC] in Digraph.
- where getParent occ = lookupOccEnv parent_map occ `orElse` occ
+ where getParent :: OccName -> OccName
+ getParent occ = lookupOccEnv parent_map occ `orElse` occ
-- maps OccNames to their parents in the current module.
-- e.g. a reference to a constructor must be turned into a reference
@@ -441,20 +470,22 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
parent_map = foldr extend emptyOccEnv new_decls
where extend d env =
extendOccEnvList env [ (b,n) | b <- ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs d ]
- where n = ifName d
+ where n = getOccName d
-- strongly-connected groups of declarations, in dependency order
- groups = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq edges
+ groups :: [SCC IfaceDeclABI]
+ groups =
+ stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesUniq edges
global_hash_fn = mkHashFun hsc_env eps
- -- how to output Names when generating the data to fingerprint.
+ -- How to output Names when generating the data to fingerprint.
-- Here we want to output the fingerprint for each top-level
-- Name, whether it comes from the current module or another
-- module. In this way, the fingerprint for a declaration will
-- change if the fingerprint for anything it refers to (transitively)
-- changes.
- mk_put_name :: (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint))
+ mk_put_name :: OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint)
-> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
mk_put_name local_env bh name
| isWiredInName name = putNameLiterally bh name
@@ -552,7 +583,7 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
-- interface into EPS, you will see a duplicate orphan instance.
orphan_hash <- computeFingerprint (mk_put_name local_env)
- (map ifDFun orph_insts, orph_rules, orph_fis)
+ (map ifDFun orph_insts, orph_rules, orph_fis)
-- the export list hash doesn't depend on the fingerprints of
-- the Names it mentions, only the Names themselves, hence putNameLiterally.
@@ -568,7 +599,7 @@ addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
-- put the declarations in a canonical order, sorted by OccName
let sorted_decls = Map.elems $ Map.fromList $
- [(ifName d, e) | e@(_, d) <- decls_w_hashes]
+ [(getOccName d, e) | e@(_, d) <- decls_w_hashes]
-- the flag hash depends on:
-- - (some of) dflags
@@ -741,8 +772,8 @@ abiDecl :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDecl
abiDecl (_, decl, _) = decl
cmp_abiNames :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDeclABI -> Ordering
-cmp_abiNames abi1 abi2 = ifName (abiDecl abi1) `compare`
- ifName (abiDecl abi2)
+cmp_abiNames abi1 abi2 = getOccName (abiDecl abi1) `compare`
+ getOccName (abiDecl abi2)
freeNamesDeclABI :: IfaceDeclABI -> NameSet
freeNamesDeclABI (_mod, decl, extras) =
@@ -819,7 +850,7 @@ declExtras fix_fn ann_fn rule_env inst_env fi_env decl
(map ifFamInstAxiom (lookupOccEnvL fi_env n) ++
map ifDFun (lookupOccEnvL inst_env n))
(ann_fn n)
- (map (id_extras . ifConOcc) (visibleIfConDecls cons))
+ (map (id_extras . occName . ifConName) (visibleIfConDecls cons))
IfaceClass{ifSigs=sigs, ifATs=ats} ->
IfaceClassExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifDFun $ (concatMap at_extras ats)
@@ -827,7 +858,7 @@ declExtras fix_fn ann_fn rule_env inst_env fi_env decl
-- Include instances of the associated types
-- as well as instances of the class (Trac #5147)
(ann_fn n)
- [id_extras op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
+ [id_extras (getOccName op) | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
IfaceSynonym{} -> IfaceSynonymExtras (fix_fn n)
(ann_fn n)
IfaceFamily{} -> IfaceFamilyExtras (fix_fn n)
@@ -835,22 +866,14 @@ declExtras fix_fn ann_fn rule_env inst_env fi_env decl
(ann_fn n)
_other -> IfaceOtherDeclExtras
- n = ifName decl
+ n = getOccName decl
id_extras occ = IdExtras (fix_fn occ) (lookupOccEnvL rule_env occ) (ann_fn occ)
- at_extras (IfaceAT decl _) = lookupOccEnvL inst_env (ifName decl)
+ at_extras (IfaceAT decl _) = lookupOccEnvL inst_env (getOccName decl)
lookupOccEnvL :: OccEnv [v] -> OccName -> [v]
lookupOccEnvL env k = lookupOccEnv env k `orElse` []
--- used when we want to fingerprint a structure without depending on the
--- fingerprints of external Names that it refers to.
-putNameLiterally :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
-putNameLiterally bh name = ASSERT( isExternalName name )
- do
- put_ bh $! nameModule name
- put_ bh $! nameOccName name
-- for testing: use the md5sum command to generate fingerprints and
-- compare the results against our built-in version.
@@ -1341,7 +1364,7 @@ idToIfaceDecl :: Id -> IfaceDecl
-- We can't tidy it here, locally, because it may have
-- free variables in its type or IdInfo
idToIfaceDecl id
- = IfaceId { ifName = getOccName id,
+ = IfaceId { ifName = getName id,
ifType = toIfaceType (idType id),
ifIdDetails = toIfaceIdDetails (idDetails id),
ifIdInfo = toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id) }
@@ -1349,7 +1372,7 @@ idToIfaceDecl id
dataConToIfaceDecl :: DataCon -> IfaceDecl
dataConToIfaceDecl dataCon
- = IfaceId { ifName = getOccName dataCon,
+ = IfaceId { ifName = getName dataCon,
ifType = toIfaceType (dataConUserType dataCon),
ifIdDetails = IfVanillaId,
ifIdInfo = NoInfo }
@@ -1357,7 +1380,7 @@ dataConToIfaceDecl dataCon
patSynToIfaceDecl :: PatSyn -> IfaceDecl
patSynToIfaceDecl ps
- = IfacePatSyn { ifName = getOccName . getName $ ps
+ = IfacePatSyn { ifName = getName $ ps
, ifPatMatcher = to_if_pr (patSynMatcher ps)
, ifPatBuilder = fmap to_if_pr (patSynBuilder ps)
, ifPatIsInfix = patSynIsInfix ps
@@ -1383,7 +1406,7 @@ coAxiomToIfaceDecl :: CoAxiom br -> IfaceDecl
-- conveniently be) built in tidy form
coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tycon, co_ax_branches = branches
, co_ax_role = role })
- = IfaceAxiom { ifName = name
+ = IfaceAxiom { ifName = getName ax
, ifTyCon = toIfaceTyCon tycon
, ifRole = role
, ifAxBranches = map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tycon
@@ -1391,7 +1414,6 @@ coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tycon, co_ax_branches = branches
branch_list }
branch_list = fromBranches branches
- name = getOccName ax
-- 2nd parameter is the list of branch LHSs, for conversion from incompatible branches
-- to incompatible indices
@@ -1433,7 +1455,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
| Just syn_rhs <- synTyConRhs_maybe tycon
= ( tc_env1
- , IfaceSynonym { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ , IfaceSynonym { ifName = getName tycon,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifSynRhs = if_syn_type syn_rhs,
ifBinders = if_binders,
@@ -1442,7 +1464,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
| Just fam_flav <- famTyConFlav_maybe tycon
= ( tc_env1
- , IfaceFamily { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ , IfaceFamily { ifName = getName tycon,
ifResVar = if_res_var,
ifFamFlav = to_if_fam_flav fam_flav,
ifBinders = if_binders,
@@ -1452,7 +1474,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
| isAlgTyCon tycon
= ( tc_env1
- , IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ , IfaceData { ifName = getName tycon,
ifBinders = if_binders,
ifResKind = if_res_kind,
ifCType = tyConCType tycon,
@@ -1467,7 +1489,7 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
-- just about to pretty-print them, not because we are going
-- to put them into interface files
= ( env
- , IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ , IfaceData { ifName = getName tycon,
ifBinders = if_binders,
ifResKind = if_res_kind,
ifCType = Nothing,
@@ -1520,15 +1542,14 @@ tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
-- (Tuple declarations are not serialised into interface files.)
ifaceConDecl data_con
- = IfCon { ifConOcc = getOccName (dataConName data_con),
+ = IfCon { ifConName = dataConName data_con,
ifConInfix = dataConIsInfix data_con,
ifConWrapper = isJust (dataConWrapId_maybe data_con),
ifConExTvs = map toIfaceForAllBndr ex_bndrs',
ifConEqSpec = map (to_eq_spec . eqSpecPair) eq_spec,
ifConCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext con_env2 theta,
ifConArgTys = map (tidyToIfaceType con_env2) arg_tys,
- ifConFields = map (nameOccName . flSelector)
- (dataConFieldLabels data_con),
+ ifConFields = map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels data_con),
ifConStricts = map (toIfaceBang con_env2)
(dataConImplBangs data_con),
ifConSrcStricts = map toIfaceSrcBang
@@ -1569,7 +1590,7 @@ classToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> Class -> (TidyEnv, IfaceDecl)
classToIfaceDecl env clas
= ( env1
, IfaceClass { ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta,
- ifName = getOccName tycon,
+ ifName = getName tycon,
ifRoles = tyConRoles (classTyCon clas),
ifBinders = toIfaceTyVarBinders tc_binders,
ifFDs = map toIfaceFD clas_fds,
@@ -1591,7 +1612,7 @@ classToIfaceDecl env clas
toIfaceClassOp (sel_id, def_meth)
= ASSERT( sel_tyvars == binderVars tc_binders )
- IfaceClassOp (getOccName sel_id)
+ IfaceClassOp (getName sel_id)
(tidyToIfaceType env1 op_ty)
(fmap toDmSpec def_meth)
diff --git a/compiler/iface/TcIface.hs b/compiler/iface/TcIface.hs
index 0794a9ee67..eba52e4890 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/TcIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/TcIface.hs
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ typecheckIfacesForMerging mod ifaces tc_env_var =
-- NB: Don't include dfuns here, because we don't want to
-- serialize them out. See Note [Bogus DFun renamings]
let mk_decl_env decls
- = mkOccEnv [ (ifName decl, decl)
+ = mkOccEnv [ (getOccName decl, decl)
| decl <- decls
, case decl of
IfaceId { ifIdDetails = IfDFunId } -> False -- exclude DFuns
@@ -420,10 +420,10 @@ mkSelfBootInfo iface mds
= do -- NB: This is computed DIRECTLY from the ModIface rather
-- than from the ModDetails, so that we can query 'sb_tcs'
-- WITHOUT forcing the contents of the interface.
- tcs <- mapM (lookupOrig (mi_module iface) . ifName)
- . filter isIfaceTyCon
- . map snd
- $ mi_decls iface
+ let tcs = map ifName
+ . filter isIfaceTyCon
+ . map snd
+ $ mi_decls iface
return $ SelfBoot { sb_mds = mds
, sb_tcs = mkNameSet tcs }
@@ -498,15 +498,14 @@ tc_iface_decl :: Maybe Class -- ^ For associated type/data family declarations
-> Bool -- ^ True <=> discard IdInfo on IfaceId bindings
-> IfaceDecl
-> IfL TyThing
-tc_iface_decl _ ignore_prags (IfaceId {ifName = occ_name, ifType = iface_type,
+tc_iface_decl _ ignore_prags (IfaceId {ifName = name, ifType = iface_type,
ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info})
- = do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type
+ = do { ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type
; details <- tcIdDetails ty details
; info <- tcIdInfo ignore_prags name ty info
; return (AnId (mkGlobalId details name ty info)) }
-tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = occ_name,
+tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = tc_name,
ifCType = cType,
ifBinders = binders,
ifResKind = res_kind,
@@ -515,8 +514,7 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = occ_name,
ifCons = rdr_cons,
ifParent = mb_parent })
= bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do
- { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind
+ { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind
; tycon <- fixM $ \ tycon -> do
{ stupid_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt
@@ -539,14 +537,13 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceData {ifName = occ_name,
; lhs_tys <- tcIfaceTcArgs arg_tys
; return (DataFamInstTyCon ax_unbr fam_tc lhs_tys) }
-tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceSynonym {ifName = occ_name,
+tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceSynonym {ifName = tc_name,
ifRoles = roles,
ifSynRhs = rhs_ty,
ifBinders = binders,
ifResKind = res_kind })
= bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do
- { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
+ { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $
tcIfaceType rhs_ty
; let tycon = mkSynonymTyCon tc_name binders' res_kind' roles rhs
@@ -554,14 +551,13 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceSynonym {ifName = occ_name,
mk_doc n = text "Type synonym" <+> ppr n
-tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceFamily {ifName = occ_name,
+tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceFamily {ifName = tc_name,
ifFamFlav = fam_flav,
ifBinders = binders,
ifResKind = res_kind,
ifResVar = res, ifFamInj = inj })
= bindIfaceTyConBinders_AT binders $ \ binders' -> do
- { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
+ { res_kind' <- tcIfaceType res_kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $
tc_fam_flav tc_name fam_flav
; res_name <- traverse (newIfaceName . mkTyVarOccFS) res
@@ -585,7 +581,7 @@ tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceFamily {ifName = occ_name,
(text "IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon in interface file")
tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
- (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifName = tc_occ,
+ (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifName = tc_name,
ifRoles = roles,
ifBinders = binders,
ifFDs = rdr_fds,
@@ -594,17 +590,16 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
-- ToDo: in hs-boot files we should really treat abstract classes specially,
-- as we do abstract tycons
= bindIfaceTyConBinders binders $ \ binders' -> do
- { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop tc_occ
- ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class1" <+> ppr tc_occ)
+ { traceIf (text "tc-iface-class1" <+> ppr tc_name)
; ctxt <- mapM tc_sc rdr_ctxt
- ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class2" <+> ppr tc_occ)
+ ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class2" <+> ppr tc_name)
; sigs <- mapM tc_sig rdr_sigs
; fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds
- ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class3" <+> ppr tc_occ)
+ ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class3" <+> ppr tc_name)
; mindef <- traverse (lookupIfaceTop . mkVarOccFS) mindef_occ
; cls <- fixM $ \ cls -> do
{ ats <- mapM (tc_at cls) rdr_ats
- ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class4" <+> ppr tc_occ)
+ ; traceIf (text "tc-iface-class4" <+> ppr tc_name)
; buildClass tc_name binders' roles ctxt fds ats sigs mindef }
; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) }
@@ -618,9 +613,8 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
-- so we must not pull on T too eagerly. See Trac #5970
tc_sig :: IfaceClassOp -> IfL TcMethInfo
- tc_sig (IfaceClassOp occ rdr_ty dm)
- = do { op_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
- ; let doc = mk_op_doc op_name rdr_ty
+ tc_sig (IfaceClassOp op_name rdr_ty dm)
+ = do { let doc = mk_op_doc op_name rdr_ty
; op_ty <- forkM (doc <+> text "ty") $ tcIfaceType rdr_ty
-- Must be done lazily for just the same reason as the
-- type of a data con; to avoid sucking in types that
@@ -659,10 +653,9 @@ tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
; tvs2' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs2
; return (tvs1', tvs2') }
-tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = ax_occ, ifTyCon = tc
+tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = tc_name, ifTyCon = tc
, ifAxBranches = branches, ifRole = role })
- = do { tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop ax_occ
- ; tc_tycon <- tcIfaceTyCon tc
+ = do { tc_tycon <- tcIfaceTyCon tc
; tc_branches <- tc_ax_branches branches
; let axiom = CoAxiom { co_ax_unique = nameUnique tc_name
, co_ax_name = tc_name
@@ -672,7 +665,7 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = ax_occ, ifTyCon = tc
, co_ax_implicit = False }
; return (ACoAxiom axiom) }
-tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = occ_name
+tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = name
, ifPatMatcher = if_matcher
, ifPatBuilder = if_builder
, ifPatIsInfix = is_infix
@@ -683,8 +676,7 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = occ_name
, ifPatArgs = args
, ifPatTy = pat_ty
, ifFieldLabels = field_labels })
- = do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; traceIf (text "tc_iface_decl" <+> ppr name)
+ = do { traceIf (text "tc_iface_decl" <+> ppr name)
; matcher <- tc_pr if_matcher
; builder <- fmapMaybeM tc_pr if_builder
; bindIfaceForAllBndrs univ_bndrs $ \univ_tvs -> do
@@ -744,15 +736,15 @@ tcIfaceDataCons tycon_name tycon tc_tybinders if_cons
tc_con_decl field_lbls (IfCon { ifConInfix = is_infix,
ifConExTvs = ex_bndrs,
- ifConOcc = occ, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConEqSpec = spec,
+ ifConName = dc_name,
+ ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConEqSpec = spec,
ifConArgTys = args, ifConFields = my_lbls,
ifConStricts = if_stricts,
ifConSrcStricts = if_src_stricts})
= -- Universally-quantified tyvars are shared with
-- parent TyCon, and are alrady in scope
bindIfaceForAllBndrs ex_bndrs $ \ ex_tv_bndrs -> do
- { traceIf (text "Start interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr occ)
- ; dc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
+ { traceIf (text "Start interface-file tc_con_decl" <+> ppr dc_name)
-- Read the context and argument types, but lazily for two reasons
-- (a) to avoid looking tugging on a recursive use of
@@ -771,9 +763,9 @@ tcIfaceDataCons tycon_name tycon tc_tybinders if_cons
-- Look up the field labels for this constructor; note that
-- they should be in the same order as my_lbls!
; let lbl_names = map find_lbl my_lbls
- find_lbl x = case find (\ fl -> nameOccName (flSelector fl) == x) field_lbls of
+ find_lbl x = case find (\ fl -> flSelector fl == x) field_lbls of
Just fl -> fl
- Nothing -> error $ "find_lbl missing " ++ occNameString x
+ Nothing -> error $ "find_lbl missing " ++ occNameString (occName x)
-- Remember, tycon is the representation tycon
; let orig_res_ty = mkFamilyTyConApp tycon
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index ae6ad7d068..141f59f299 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ import ConLike
import Control.Concurrent
-import THNames ( templateHaskellNames )
import Module
import Packages
import RdrName
@@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import TcRnDriver
import TcIface ( typecheckIface )
import TcRnMonad
-import IfaceEnv ( initNameCache )
+import NameCache ( initNameCache )
import LoadIface ( ifaceStats, initExternalPackageState )
import PrelInfo
import MkIface
@@ -144,7 +143,6 @@ import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import Outputable
-import UniqFM
import NameEnv
import HscStats ( ppSourceStats )
import HscTypes
@@ -178,7 +176,7 @@ newHscEnv :: DynFlags -> IO HscEnv
newHscEnv dflags = do
eps_var <- newIORef initExternalPackageState
us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
- nc_var <- newIORef (initNameCache us allKnownKeyNames)
+ nc_var <- newIORef (initNameCache us knownKeyNames)
fc_var <- newIORef emptyInstalledModuleEnv
#ifdef GHCI
iserv_mvar <- newMVar Nothing
@@ -197,39 +195,6 @@ newHscEnv dflags = do
-allKnownKeyNames :: [Name] -- Put here to avoid loops involving DsMeta,
-allKnownKeyNames -- where templateHaskellNames are defined
- | debugIsOn
- , not (isNullUFM badNamesEnv)
- = panic ("badAllKnownKeyNames:\n" ++ badNamesStr)
- -- NB: We can't use ppr here, because this is sometimes evaluated in a
- -- context where there are no DynFlags available, leading to a cryptic
- -- "<<details unavailable>>" error. (This seems to happen only in the
- -- stage 2 compiler, for reasons I [Richard] have no clue of.)
- | otherwise
- = all_names
- where
- all_names = knownKeyNames
- ++ templateHaskellNames
- namesEnv = foldl (\m n -> extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton m n n)
- emptyUFM all_names
- badNamesEnv = filterNameEnv (\ns -> length ns > 1) namesEnv
- badNamesPairs = nonDetUFMToList badNamesEnv
- -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because the ordering only affects
- -- the message when we get a panic
- badNamesStrs = map pairToStr badNamesPairs
- badNamesStr = unlines badNamesStrs
- pairToStr (uniq, ns) = " " ++
- show uniq ++
- ": [" ++
- intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++
- "]"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
getWarnings :: Hsc WarningMessages
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
index f1c253f414..b5f86db4e6 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module HscTypes (
-- * Information on imports and exports
WhetherHasOrphans, IsBootInterface, Usage(..),
Dependencies(..), noDependencies,
- NameCache(..), OrigNameCache, updNameCacheIO,
+ updNameCacheIO,
-- * Warnings
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ import Avail
import Module
import InstEnv ( InstEnv, ClsInst, identicalClsInstHead )
import FamInstEnv
-import CoreSyn ( CoreProgram, RuleBase )
+import CoreSyn ( CoreProgram, RuleBase, CoreRule, CoreVect )
import Name
import NameEnv
import NameSet
@@ -178,13 +178,11 @@ import DynFlags
import DriverPhases ( Phase, HscSource(..), isHsBootOrSig, hscSourceString )
import BasicTypes
import IfaceSyn
-import CoreSyn ( CoreRule, CoreVect )
import Maybes
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import Unique
import UniqDFM
-import UniqSupply
import FastString
import StringBuffer ( StringBuffer )
import Fingerprint
@@ -192,6 +190,7 @@ import MonadUtils
import Bag
import Binary
import ErrUtils
+import NameCache
import Platform
import Util
import UniqDSet
@@ -2510,25 +2509,12 @@ interface file); so we give it 'noSrcLoc' then. Later, when we find
its binding site, we fix it up.
--- | The NameCache makes sure that there is just one Unique assigned for
--- each original name; i.e. (module-name, occ-name) pair and provides
--- something of a lookup mechanism for those names.
-data NameCache
- = NameCache { nsUniqs :: !UniqSupply,
- -- ^ Supply of uniques
- nsNames :: !OrigNameCache
- -- ^ Ensures that one original name gets one unique
- }
updNameCacheIO :: HscEnv
-> (NameCache -> (NameCache, c)) -- The updating function
-> IO c
updNameCacheIO hsc_env upd_fn
= atomicModifyIORef' (hsc_NC hsc_env) upd_fn
--- | Per-module cache of original 'OccName's given 'Name's
-type OrigNameCache = ModuleEnv (OccEnv Name)
mkSOName :: Platform -> FilePath -> FilePath
mkSOName platform root
= case platformOS platform of
diff --git a/compiler/main/TidyPgm.hs b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.hs
index 5bd94e3cae..e59a3896f3 100644
--- a/compiler/main/TidyPgm.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.hs
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import BasicTypes
import Name hiding (varName)
import NameSet
import NameEnv
+import NameCache
import Avail
import IfaceEnv
import TcEnv
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs b/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc6f8388d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+-- | This is where we define a mapping from Uniques to their associated
+-- known-key Names for things associated with tuples and sums. We use this
+-- mapping while deserializing known-key Names in interface file symbol tables,
+-- which are encoded as their Unique. See Note [Symbol table representation of
+-- names] for details.
+module KnownUniques
+ ( -- * Looking up known-key names
+ knownUniqueName
+ -- * Getting the 'Unique's of 'Name's
+ -- ** Anonymous sums
+ , mkSumTyConUnique
+ , mkSumDataConUnique
+ -- ** Tuples
+ -- *** Vanilla
+ , mkTupleTyConUnique
+ , mkTupleDataConUnique
+ -- *** Constraint
+ , mkCTupleTyConUnique
+ , mkCTupleDataConUnique
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import TysWiredIn
+import TyCon
+import DataCon
+import Id
+import BasicTypes
+import Outputable
+import Unique
+import Name
+import Util
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Maybe
+-- | Get the 'Name' associated with a known-key 'Unique'.
+knownUniqueName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+knownUniqueName u =
+ case tag of
+ 'z' -> Just $ getUnboxedSumName n
+ '4' -> Just $ getTupleTyConName Boxed n
+ '5' -> Just $ getTupleTyConName Unboxed n
+ '7' -> Just $ getTupleDataConName Boxed n
+ '8' -> Just $ getTupleDataConName Unboxed n
+ 'k' -> Just $ getCTupleTyConName n
+ 'm' -> Just $ getCTupleDataConUnique n
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ (tag, n) = unpkUnique u
+-- Anonymous sums
+-- Sum arities start from 2. The encoding is a bit funny: we break up the
+-- integral part into bitfields for the arity and alternative index (which is
+-- taken to be 0xff in the case of the TyCon)
+-- TyCon for sum of arity k:
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk 11111111
+-- DataCon for sum of arity k and alternative n (zero-based):
+-- 00000000 kkkkkkkk nnnnnnnn
+mkSumTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkSumTyConUnique arity =
+ ASSERT(arity < 0xff)
+ mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 .|. 0xff)
+mkSumDataConUnique :: ConTagZ -> Arity -> Unique
+mkSumDataConUnique alt arity
+ | alt >= arity
+ = panic ("mkSumDataConUnique: " ++ show alt ++ " >= " ++ show arity)
+ | otherwise
+ = mkUnique 'z' (arity `shiftL` 8 + alt) {- skip the tycon -}
+getUnboxedSumName :: Int -> Name
+getUnboxedSumName n =
+ case n .&. 0xff of
+ 0xff -> tyConName $ sumTyCon arity
+ alt -> dataConName $ sumDataCon (alt + 1) arity
+ where arity = n `shiftR` 8
+-- Note [Uniques for tuple type and data constructors]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Wired-in type constructor keys occupy *two* slots:
+-- * u: the TyCon itself
+-- * u+1: the TyConRepName of the TyCon
+-- Wired-in tuple data constructor keys occupy *three* slots:
+-- * u: the DataCon itself
+-- * u+1: its worker Id
+-- * u+2: the TyConRepName of the promoted TyCon
+-- Constraint tuples
+mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleTyConUnique a = mkUnique 'k' (2*a)
+mkCTupleDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleDataConUnique a = mkUnique 'm' (3*a)
+getCTupleTyConName :: Int -> Name
+getCTupleTyConName n =
+ case n `divMod` 2 of
+ (arity, 0) -> cTupleTyConName arity
+ (arity, 1) -> mkPrelTyConRepName $ cTupleTyConName arity
+ _ -> panic "getCTupleTyConName: impossible"
+getCTupleDataConUnique :: Int -> Name
+getCTupleDataConUnique n =
+ case n `divMod` 3 of
+ (arity, 0) -> cTupleDataConName arity
+ (_arity, 1) -> panic "getCTupleDataConName: no worker"
+ (arity, 2) -> mkPrelTyConRepName $ cTupleDataConName arity
+ _ -> panic "getCTupleDataConName: impossible"
+-- Normal tuples
+mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '7' (3*a) -- may be used in C labels
+mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '8' (3*a)
+mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed a = mkUnique '4' (2*a)
+mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a = mkUnique '5' (2*a)
+getTupleTyConName :: Boxity -> Int -> Name
+getTupleTyConName boxity n =
+ case n `divMod` 2 of
+ (arity, 0) -> tyConName $ tupleTyCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 1) -> fromMaybe (panic "getTupleTyConName")
+ $ tyConRepName_maybe $ tupleTyCon boxity arity
+ _ -> panic "getTupleTyConName: impossible"
+getTupleDataConName :: Boxity -> Int -> Name
+getTupleDataConName boxity n =
+ case n `divMod` 3 of
+ (arity, 0) -> dataConName $ tupleDataCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 1) -> idName $ dataConWorkId $ tupleDataCon boxity arity
+ (arity, 2) -> fromMaybe (panic "getTupleDataCon")
+ $ tyConRepName_maybe $ promotedTupleDataCon boxity arity
+ _ -> panic "getTupleDataConName: impossible"
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs-boot b/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeb478526d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/prelude/KnownUniques.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module KnownUniques where
+import Unique
+import Name
+import BasicTypes
+-- Needed by TysWiredIn
+knownUniqueName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+mkSumTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkSumDataConUnique :: ConTagZ -> Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleTyConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkCTupleDataConUnique :: Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleTyConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
+mkTupleDataConUnique :: Boxity -> Arity -> Unique
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.hs b/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.hs
index 52493b40f5..59a998093a 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.hs
@@ -1,31 +1,54 @@
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-\section[PrelInfo]{The @PrelInfo@ interface to the compiler's prelude knowledge}
+-- | The @PrelInfo@ interface to the compiler's prelude knowledge.
+-- This module serves as the central gathering point for names which the
+-- compiler knows something about. This includes functions for,
+-- * discerning whether a 'Name' is known-key
+-- * given a 'Unique', looking up its corresponding known-key 'Name'
+-- See Note [Known-key names] and Note [About wired-in things] for information
+-- about the two types of prelude things in GHC.
module PrelInfo (
+ -- * Known-key names
+ isKnownKeyName,
+ lookupKnownKeyName,
+ -- ** Internal use
+ -- | 'knownKeyNames' is exported to seed the original name cache only;
+ -- if you find yourself wanting to look at it you might consider using
+ -- 'lookupKnownKeyName' or 'isKnownKeyName'.
+ knownKeyNames,
+ -- * Miscellaneous
wiredInIds, ghcPrimIds,
primOpRules, builtinRules,
- knownKeyNames,
- -- Random other things
+ -- * Random other things
maybeCharLikeCon, maybeIntLikeCon,
- -- Class categories
+ -- * Class categories
isNumericClass, isStandardClass
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
-import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
+import KnownUniques
import ConLike ( ConLike(..) )
+import THNames ( templateHaskellNames )
import PrelNames
import PrelRules
import Avail
@@ -33,16 +56,22 @@ import PrimOp
import DataCon
import Id
import Name
+import NameEnv
import MkId
import TysPrim
import TysWiredIn
import HscTypes
import Class
import TyCon
+import UniqFM
import Util
+import Panic
import {-# SOURCE #-} TcTypeNats ( typeNatTyCons )
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Data.List ( intercalate )
import Data.Array
+import Data.Maybe
@@ -51,8 +80,8 @@ import Data.Array
* *
-Notes about wired in things
+Note [About wired-in things]
* Wired-in things are Ids\/TyCons that are completely known to the compiler.
They are global values in GHC, (e.g. listTyCon :: TyCon).
@@ -61,6 +90,7 @@ Notes about wired in things
(E.g. listTyConName contains listTyCon.
* The name cache is initialised with (the names of) all wired-in things
+ (except tuples and sums; see Note [Known-])
* The type environment itself contains no wired in things. The type
checker sees if the Name is wired in before looking up the name in
@@ -77,47 +107,91 @@ knownKeyNames :: [Name]
-- you get a Name with the correct known key
-- (See Note [Known-key names] in PrelNames)
- = concat [ tycon_kk_names funTyCon
- , concatMap tycon_kk_names primTyCons
- , concatMap tycon_kk_names wiredInTyCons
- -- Does not include tuples
- , concatMap tycon_kk_names typeNatTyCons
- , concatMap (tycon_kk_names . tupleTyCon Boxed) [2..mAX_TUPLE_SIZE] -- Yuk
- , cTupleTyConNames
- -- Constraint tuples are known-key but not wired-in
- -- They can't show up in source code, but can appear
- -- in interface files
- , map idName wiredInIds
- , map (idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps
- , basicKnownKeyNames ]
+ | debugIsOn
+ , Just badNamesStr <- knownKeyNamesOkay all_names
+ = panic ("badAllKnownKeyNames:\n" ++ badNamesStr)
+ -- NB: We can't use ppr here, because this is sometimes evaluated in a
+ -- context where there are no DynFlags available, leading to a cryptic
+ -- "<<details unavailable>>" error. (This seems to happen only in the
+ -- stage 2 compiler, for reasons I [Richard] have no clue of.)
+ | otherwise
+ = all_names
+ where
+ all_names =
+ concat [ wired_tycon_kk_names funTyCon
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names primTyCons
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names wiredInTyCons
+ -- Does not include tuples
+ , concatMap wired_tycon_kk_names typeNatTyCons
+ , map idName wiredInIds
+ , map (idName . primOpId) allThePrimOps
+ , basicKnownKeyNames
+ , templateHaskellNames
+ ]
+ -- All of the names associated with a wired-in TyCon.
+ -- This includes the TyCon itself, its DataCons and promoted TyCons.
+ wired_tycon_kk_names :: TyCon -> [Name]
+ wired_tycon_kk_names tc =
+ tyConName tc : (rep_names tc ++ implicits)
+ where implicits = concatMap thing_kk_names (implicitTyConThings tc)
+ wired_datacon_kk_names :: DataCon -> [Name]
+ wired_datacon_kk_names dc =
+ dataConName dc : rep_names (promoteDataCon dc)
+ thing_kk_names :: TyThing -> [Name]
+ thing_kk_names (ATyCon tc) = wired_tycon_kk_names tc
+ thing_kk_names (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = wired_datacon_kk_names dc
+ thing_kk_names thing = [getName thing]
+ -- The TyConRepName for a known-key TyCon has a known key,
+ -- but isn't itself an implicit thing. Yurgh.
+ -- NB: if any of the wired-in TyCons had record fields, the record
+ -- field names would be in a similar situation. Ditto class ops.
+ -- But it happens that there aren't any
+ rep_names tc = case tyConRepName_maybe tc of
+ Just n -> [n]
+ Nothing -> []
+-- | Check the known-key names list of consistency.
+knownKeyNamesOkay :: [Name] -> Maybe String
+knownKeyNamesOkay all_names
+ | null badNamesPairs
+ = Nothing
+ | otherwise
+ = Just badNamesStr
- -- All of the names associated with a known-key thing.
- -- This includes TyCons, DataCons and promoted TyCons.
- tycon_kk_names :: TyCon -> [Name]
- tycon_kk_names tc = tyConName tc : (rep_names tc ++ concatMap thing_kk_names (implicitTyConThings tc))
- datacon_kk_names dc
- = dataConName dc : rep_names (promoteDataCon dc)
- thing_kk_names :: TyThing -> [Name]
- thing_kk_names (ATyCon tc) = tycon_kk_names tc
- thing_kk_names (AConLike (RealDataCon dc)) = datacon_kk_names dc
- thing_kk_names thing = [getName thing]
- -- The TyConRepName for a known-key TyCon has a known key,
- -- but isn't itself an implicit thing. Yurgh.
- -- NB: if any of the wired-in TyCons had record fields, the record
- -- field names would be in a similar situation. Ditto class ops.
- -- But it happens that there aren't any
- rep_names tc = case tyConRepName_maybe tc of
- Just n -> [n]
- Nothing -> []
+ namesEnv = foldl (\m n -> extendNameEnv_Acc (:) singleton m n n)
+ emptyUFM all_names
+ badNamesEnv = filterNameEnv (\ns -> length ns > 1) namesEnv
+ badNamesPairs = nonDetUFMToList badNamesEnv
+ -- It's OK to use nonDetUFMToList here because the ordering only affects
+ -- the message when we get a panic
+ badNamesStrs = map pairToStr badNamesPairs
+ badNamesStr = unlines badNamesStrs
+ pairToStr (uniq, ns) = " " ++
+ show uniq ++
+ ": [" ++
+ intercalate ", " (map (occNameString . nameOccName) ns) ++
+ "]"
+-- | Given a 'Unique' lookup its associated 'Name' if it corresponds to a
+-- known-key thing.
+lookupKnownKeyName :: Unique -> Maybe Name
+lookupKnownKeyName u =
+ knownUniqueName u <|> lookupUFM knownKeysMap u
+-- | Is a 'Name' known-key?
+isKnownKeyName :: Name -> Bool
+isKnownKeyName n =
+ isJust (knownUniqueName $ nameUnique n) || elemUFM n knownKeysMap
+knownKeysMap :: UniqFM Name
+knownKeysMap = listToUFM [ (nameUnique n, n) | n <- knownKeyNames ]
We let a lot of "non-standard" values be visible, so that we can make
@@ -142,7 +216,7 @@ primOpId op = primOpIds ! primOpTag op
* *
-\subsection{Export lists for pseudo-modules (GHC.Prim)}
+ Export lists for pseudo-modules (GHC.Prim)
* *
@@ -160,7 +234,7 @@ ghcPrimExports
* *
-\subsection{Built-in keys}
+ Built-in keys
* *
@@ -174,7 +248,7 @@ maybeIntLikeCon con = con `hasKey` intDataConKey
* *
-\subsection{Class predicates}
+ Class predicates
* *
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
index 558619a9db..41c9e36304 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelNames.hs
@@ -73,33 +73,44 @@ This is accomplished through a combination of mechanisms:
stuff gets the right Unique, and is why it is so important to
place your known-key names in the appropriate lists.
- 3. For "infinite families" of known-key names (i.e. tuples), we have
- to be extra careful. Because there are an infinite number of
+ 3. For "infinite families" of known-key names (i.e. tuples and sums), we
+ have to be extra careful. Because there are an infinite number of
these things, we cannot add them to the list of known-key names
used to initialise the OrigNameCache. Instead, we have to
- rely on never having to look them up in that cache.
+ rely on never having to look them up in that cache. See
+ Note [Infinite families of known-key names] for details.
- This is accomplished through a variety of mechanisms:
- a) The parser recognises them specially and generates an
- Exact Name (hence not looked up in the orig-name cache)
+Note [Infinite families of known-key names]
- b) The known infinite families of names are specially
- serialised by BinIface.putName, with that special treatment
- detected when we read back to ensure that we get back to the
- correct uniques.
+Infinite families of known-key things (e.g. tuples and sums) pose a tricky
+problem: we can't add them to the knownKeyNames finite map which we use to
+ensure that, e.g., a reference to (,) gets assigned the right unique (if this
+doesn't sound familiar see Note [Known-key names] above).
- Most of the infinite families cannot occur in source code,
- so mechanisms (a,b) sufficies to ensure that they always have
- the right Unique. In particular, implicit param TyCon names,
- constraint tuples and Any TyCons cannot be mentioned by the
- user.
+We instead handle tuples and sums separately from the "vanilla" known-key
- c) IfaceEnv.lookupOrigNameCache uses isBuiltInOcc_maybe to map
- built-in syntax directly onto the corresponding name, rather
- than trying to find it in the original-name cache.
+ a) The parser recognises them specially and generates an Exact Name (hence not
+ looked up in the orig-name cache)
- See also Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]
+ b) The known infinite families of names are specially serialised by
+ BinIface.putName, with that special treatment detected when we read back to
+ ensure that we get back to the correct uniques. See Note [Symbol table
+ representation of names] in BinIface and Note [How tuples work] in
+ TysWiredIn.
+Most of the infinite families cannot occur in source code, so mechanisms (a) and (b)
+suffice to ensure that they always have the right Unique. In particular,
+implicit param TyCon names, constraint tuples and Any TyCons cannot be mentioned
+by the user. For those things that *can* appear in source programs,
+ c) IfaceEnv.lookupOrigNameCache uses isBuiltInOcc_maybe to map built-in syntax
+ directly onto the corresponding name, rather than trying to find it in the
+ original-name cache.
+ See also Note [Built-in syntax and the OrigNameCache]
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.hs b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.hs
index b334967009..a954f0472f 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.hs
@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ module TysWiredIn (
unitTyCon, unitDataCon, unitDataConId, unitTy, unitTyConKey,
unboxedUnitTyCon, unboxedUnitDataCon,
+ -- ** Constraint tuples
cTupleTyConName, cTupleTyConNames, isCTupleTyConName,
+ cTupleDataConName, cTupleDataConNames,
-- * Any
anyTyCon, anyTy, anyTypeOfKind,
@@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} MkId( mkDataConWorkId, mkDictSelId )
-- friends:
import PrelNames
import TysPrim
+import {-# SOURCE #-} KnownUniques
-- others:
import CoAxiom
@@ -195,12 +198,13 @@ names in PrelNames, so they use wTcQual, wDataQual, etc
-- See also Note [Known-key names]
wiredInTyCons :: [TyCon]
-wiredInTyCons = [ unitTyCon -- Not treated like other tuples, because
- -- it's defined in GHC.Base, and there's only
- -- one of it. We put it in wiredInTyCons so
- -- that it'll pre-populate the name cache, so
- -- the special case in lookupOrigNameCache
- -- doesn't need to look out for it
+wiredInTyCons = [ -- Units are not treated like other tuples, because then
+ -- are defined in GHC.Base, and there's only a few of them. We
+ -- put them in wiredInTyCons so that they will pre-populate
+ -- the name cache, so the parser in isBuiltInOcc_maybe doesn't
+ -- need to look out for them.
+ unitTyCon
+ , unboxedUnitTyCon
, anyTyCon
, boolTyCon
, charTyCon
@@ -523,15 +527,21 @@ pcDataConWithFixity' declared_infix dc_name wrk_key rri tyvars ex_tyvars arg_tys
no_bang = HsSrcBang Nothing NoSrcUnpack NoSrcStrict
- modu = ASSERT( isExternalName dc_name )
- nameModule dc_name
- dc_occ = nameOccName dc_name
- wrk_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ
- wrk_name = mkWiredInName modu wrk_occ wrk_key
- (AnId (dataConWorkId data_con)) UserSyntax
+ wrk_name = mkDataConWorkerName data_con wrk_key
prom_info = mkPrelTyConRepName dc_name
+mkDataConWorkerName :: DataCon -> Unique -> Name
+mkDataConWorkerName data_con wrk_key =
+ mkWiredInName modu wrk_occ wrk_key
+ (AnId (dataConWorkId data_con)) UserSyntax
+ where
+ modu = ASSERT( isExternalName dc_name )
+ nameModule dc_name
+ dc_name = dataConName data_con
+ dc_occ = nameOccName dc_name
+ wrk_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ
-- used for RuntimeRep and friends
pcSpecialDataCon :: Name -> [Type] -> TyCon -> RuntimeRepInfo -> DataCon
pcSpecialDataCon dc_name arg_tys tycon rri
@@ -623,6 +633,11 @@ Note [How tuples work] See also Note [Known-key names] in PrelNames
between BoxedTuple and ConstraintTuple (same OccName!), so tuples
are not serialised into interface files using OccNames at all.
+* Serialization to interface files works via the usual mechanism for known-key
+ things: instead of serializing the OccName we just serialize the key. During
+ deserialization we lookup the Name associated with the unique with the logic
+ in KnownUniques. See Note [Symbol table representation of names] for details.
Note [One-tuples]
GHC supports both boxed and unboxed one-tuples:
@@ -650,27 +665,51 @@ decl in GHC.Classes, so I think this part may not work properly. But
it's unused I think.
--- | Built in syntax isn't "in scope" so these OccNames map to wired-in Names
+-- | Built-in syntax isn't "in scope" so these OccNames map to wired-in Names
-- with BuiltInSyntax. However, this should only be necessary while resolving
-- names produced by Template Haskell splices since we take care to encode
-- built-in syntax names specially in interface files. See
-- Note [Symbol table representation of names].
+-- Moreover, there is no need to include names of things that the user can't
+-- write (e.g. type representation bindings like $tc(,,,)).
isBuiltInOcc_maybe :: OccName -> Maybe Name
isBuiltInOcc_maybe occ =
case name of
"[]" -> Just $ choose_ns listTyConName nilDataConName
":" -> Just consDataConName
"[::]" -> Just parrTyConName
+ -- boxed tuple data/tycon
"()" -> Just $ tup_name Boxed 0
- "(##)" -> Just $ tup_name Unboxed 0
_ | Just rest <- "(" `stripPrefix` name
, (commas, rest') <- BS.span (==',') rest
, ")" <- rest'
-> Just $ tup_name Boxed (1+BS.length commas)
+ -- unboxed tuple data/tycon
+ "(##)" -> Just $ tup_name Unboxed 0
_ | Just rest <- "(#" `stripPrefix` name
, (commas, rest') <- BS.span (==',') rest
, "#)" <- rest'
-> Just $ tup_name Unboxed (1+BS.length commas)
+ -- unboxed sum tycon
+ _ | Just rest <- "(#" `stripPrefix` name
+ , (pipes, rest') <- BS.span (=='|') rest
+ , "#)" <- rest'
+ -> Just $ tyConName $ sumTyCon (1+BS.length pipes)
+ -- unboxed sum datacon
+ _ | Just rest <- "(#" `stripPrefix` name
+ , (pipes1, rest') <- BS.span (=='|') rest
+ , Just rest'' <- "_" `stripPrefix` rest'
+ , (pipes2, rest''') <- BS.span (=='|') rest''
+ , "#)" <- rest'''
+ -> let arity = BS.length pipes1 + BS.length pipes2
+ alt = BS.length pipes1 + 1
+ in Just $ dataConName $ sumDataCon alt arity
_ -> Nothing
-- TODO: Drop when bytestring 0.10.8 can be assumed
@@ -725,7 +764,6 @@ cTupleTyConName :: Arity -> Name
cTupleTyConName arity
= mkExternalName (mkCTupleTyConUnique arity) gHC_CLASSES
(mkCTupleOcc tcName arity) noSrcSpan
- -- The corresponding DataCon does not have a known-key name
cTupleTyConNames :: [Name]
cTupleTyConNames = map cTupleTyConName (0 : [2..mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE])
@@ -740,6 +778,14 @@ isCTupleTyConName n
nameModule n == gHC_CLASSES
&& n `elemNameSet` cTupleTyConNameSet
+cTupleDataConName :: Arity -> Name
+cTupleDataConName arity
+ = mkExternalName (mkCTupleDataConUnique arity) gHC_CLASSES
+ (mkCTupleOcc dataName arity) noSrcSpan
+cTupleDataConNames :: [Name]
+cTupleDataConNames = map cTupleDataConName (0 : [2..mAX_CTUPLE_SIZE])
tupleTyCon :: Boxity -> Arity -> TyCon
tupleTyCon sort i | i > mAX_TUPLE_SIZE = fst (mk_tuple sort i) -- Build one specially
tupleTyCon Boxed i = fst (boxedTupleArr ! i)
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
index 853f5be149..a12607bd84 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/CoreMonad.hs
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ import Maybes
import UniqSupply
import UniqFM ( UniqFM, mapUFM, filterUFM )
import MonadUtils
+import NameCache
import SrcLoc
import ListSetOps ( runs )
import Data.List
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
index 8b95c1b876..7b0d34d871 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnDriver.hs
@@ -816,8 +816,17 @@ checkBootDeclM :: Bool -- ^ True <=> an hs-boot file (could also be a sig)
-> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcM ()
checkBootDeclM is_boot boot_thing real_thing
= whenIsJust (checkBootDecl is_boot boot_thing real_thing) $ \ err ->
- addErrAt (nameSrcSpan (getName boot_thing))
+ addErrAt span
(bootMisMatch is_boot err real_thing boot_thing)
+ where
+ -- Here we use the span of the boot thing or, if it doesn't have a sensible
+ -- span, that of the real thing,
+ span
+ | let span = nameSrcSpan (getName boot_thing)
+ , isGoodSrcSpan span
+ = span
+ | otherwise
+ = nameSrcSpan (getName real_thing)
-- | Compares the two things for equivalence between boot-file and normal
-- code. Returns @Nothing@ on success or @Just "some helpful info for user"@
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
index c3814cd908..61e1ee8cd1 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
@@ -29,25 +29,23 @@ module Binary
+ isEOFBin,
+ withBinBuffer,
- fingerprintBinMem,
- computeFingerprint,
- isEOFBin,
putAt, getAt,
- -- for writing instances:
+ -- * For writing instances
- -- lazy Bin I/O
+ -- * Lazy Binary I/O
+ -- * User data
UserData(..), getUserData, setUserData,
newReadState, newWriteState,
putDictionary, getDictionary, putFS,
@@ -105,6 +103,17 @@ getUserData bh = bh_usr bh
setUserData :: BinHandle -> UserData -> BinHandle
setUserData bh us = bh { bh_usr = us }
+-- | Get access to the underlying buffer.
+-- It is quite important that no references to the 'ByteString' leak out of the
+-- continuation lest terrible things happen.
+withBinBuffer :: BinHandle -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
+withBinBuffer (BinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) action = do
+ arr <- readIORef arr_r
+ ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
+ withForeignPtr arr $ \ptr ->
+ BS.unsafePackCStringLen (castPtr ptr, ix) >>= action
-- Bin
@@ -200,23 +209,6 @@ readBinMem filename = do
writeFastMutInt sz_r filesize
return (BinMem noUserData ix_r sz_r arr_r)
-fingerprintBinMem :: BinHandle -> IO Fingerprint
-fingerprintBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) = do
- arr <- readIORef arr_r
- ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
- withForeignPtr arr $ \p -> fingerprintData p ix
-computeFingerprint :: Binary a
- => (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
- -> a
- -> IO Fingerprint
-computeFingerprint put_name a = do
- bh <- openBinMem (3*1024) -- just less than a block
- bh <- return $ setUserData bh $ newWriteState put_name putFS
- put_ bh a
- fingerprintBinMem bh
-- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset
expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
expandBin (BinMem _ _ sz_r arr_r) off = do
@@ -614,6 +606,25 @@ lazyGet bh = do
-- UserData
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- | Information we keep around during interface file
+-- serialization/deserialization. Namely we keep the functions for serializing
+-- and deserializing 'Name's and 'FastString's. We do this because we actually
+-- use serialization in two distinct settings,
+-- * When serializing interface files themselves
+-- * When computing the fingerprint of an IfaceDecl (which we computing by
+-- hashing its Binary serialization)
+-- These two settings have different needs while serializing Names:
+-- * Names in interface files are serialized via a symbol table (see Note
+-- [Symbol table representation of names] in BinIface).
+-- * During fingerprinting a binding Name is serialized as the OccName and a
+-- non-binding Name is serialized as the fingerprint of the thing they
+-- represent. See Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls] for further discussion.
data UserData =
UserData {
-- for *deserialising* only:
@@ -621,27 +632,36 @@ data UserData =
ud_get_fs :: BinHandle -> IO FastString,
-- for *serialising* only:
- ud_put_name :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO (),
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO (),
+ -- ^ serialize a non-binding 'Name' (e.g. a reference to another
+ -- binding).
+ ud_put_binding_name :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO (),
+ -- ^ serialize a binding 'Name' (e.g. the name of an IfaceDecl)
ud_put_fs :: BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
-newReadState :: (BinHandle -> IO Name)
+newReadState :: (BinHandle -> IO Name) -- ^ how to deserialize 'Name's
-> (BinHandle -> IO FastString)
-> UserData
newReadState get_name get_fs
= UserData { ud_get_name = get_name,
ud_get_fs = get_fs,
- ud_put_name = undef "put_name",
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name = undef "put_nonbinding_name",
+ ud_put_binding_name = undef "put_binding_name",
ud_put_fs = undef "put_fs"
-newWriteState :: (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+newWriteState :: (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+ -- ^ how to serialize non-binding 'Name's
+ -> (BinHandle -> Name -> IO ())
+ -- ^ how to serialize binding 'Name's
-> (BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ())
-> UserData
-newWriteState put_name put_fs
+newWriteState put_nonbinding_name put_binding_name put_fs
= UserData { ud_get_name = undef "get_name",
ud_get_fs = undef "get_fs",
- ud_put_name = put_name,
+ ud_put_nonbinding_name = put_nonbinding_name,
+ ud_put_binding_name = put_binding_name,
ud_put_fs = put_fs
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Fingerprint.hsc b/compiler/utils/Fingerprint.hsc
index ed4cd6fff7..f797654e0c 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Fingerprint.hsc
+++ b/compiler/utils/Fingerprint.hsc
@@ -11,19 +11,25 @@
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module Fingerprint (
- Fingerprint(..), fingerprint0,
+ fingerprintByteString,
+ -- * Re-exported from GHC.Fingerprint
+ Fingerprint(..), fingerprint0,
- -- Re-exported from GHC.Fingerprint
) where
#include "md5.h"
##include "HsVersions.h"
+import Foreign
+import GHC.IO
import Numeric ( readHex )
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import GHC.Fingerprint
-- useful for parsing the output of 'md5sum', should we want to do that.
@@ -32,3 +38,8 @@ readHexFingerprint s = Fingerprint w1 w2
where (s1,s2) = splitAt 16 s
[(w1,"")] = readHex s1
[(w2,"")] = readHex (take 16 s2)
+-- this can move to GHC.Fingerprint in GHC 8.6
+fingerprintByteString :: BS.ByteString -> Fingerprint
+fingerprintByteString bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $
+ BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(ptr, len) -> fingerprintData (castPtr ptr) len
diff --git a/ghc/Main.hs b/ghc/Main.hs
index f8049d668c..79e29b52a6 100644
--- a/ghc/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/Main.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ import LoadIface ( loadUserInterface )
import Module ( mkModuleName )
import Finder ( findImportedModule, cannotFindModule )
import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck )
-import Binary ( openBinMem, put_, fingerprintBinMem )
+import Binary ( openBinMem, put_ )
+import BinFingerprint ( fingerprintBinMem )
-- Standard Haskell libraries
import System.IO
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Fingerprint.hs b/libraries/base/GHC/Fingerprint.hs
index 7b7f5c7115..d01128056e 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Fingerprint.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Fingerprint.hs
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ fingerprintData buf len = do
c_MD5Final pdigest pctxt
peek (castPtr pdigest :: Ptr Fingerprint)
--- This is duplicated in compiler/utils/Fingerprint.hsc
fingerprintString :: String -> Fingerprint
fingerprintString str = unsafeDupablePerformIO $
withArrayLen word8s $ \len p ->
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
index cf08465740..c93fe0295e 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/all.T
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ test('T5837',
# 2014-12-08: 115905208 Constraint solver perf improvements (esp kick-out)
# 2016-04-06: 24199320 (x86/Linux, 64-bit machine) TypeInType
- (wordsize(64), 42445672, 10)])
+ (wordsize(64), 41832056, 10)])
# sample: 3926235424 (amd64/Linux, 15/2/2012)
# 2012-10-02 81879216
# 2012-09-20 87254264 amd64/Linux
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ test('T5837',
# 2016-03-18 48507272 Mac, accept small regression in exchange
# for other optimisations
# 2016-09-15 42445672 Linux; fixing #12422
+ # 2016-09-25 41832056 amd64/Linux, Rework handling of names (D2469)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/all.T b/testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/all.T
index 301029cf58..092bc1bf46 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/perf/space_leaks/all.T
@@ -64,13 +64,14 @@ test('T4029',
# 2016-07-13: 92 (amd64/Linux) Changes to tidyType
# 2016-09-01: 71 (amd64/Linux) Restore w/w limit (#11565)
- [(wordsize(64), 21648488, 5)]),
+ [(wordsize(64), 20325248, 5)]),
# 2016-02-26: 24071720 (amd64/Linux) INITIAL
# 2016-04-21: 25542832 (amd64/Linux)
# 2016-05-23: 25247216 (amd64/Linux) Use -G1
# 2016-07-13: 27575416 (amd64/Linux) Changes to tidyType
# 2016-07-20: 22920616 (amd64/Linux) Fix laziness of instance matching
# 2016-09-01: 21648488 (amd64/Linux) Restore w/w limit (#11565)
+ # 2016-10-13: 20325248 (amd64/Linux) Creep (downwards, yay!)
extra_hc_opts('+RTS -G1 -RTS' ),
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T12035j.stderr b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T12035j.stderr
index c05966ea09..7086785d6d 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T12035j.stderr
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/T12035j.stderr
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-T12035.hs:3:1: error:
+T12035.hs-boot:2:1: error:
Type constructor ‘T’ has conflicting definitions in the module
and its hs-boot file
Main module: type T = Bool
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject d73b286cb39ad9d02bee4b1a104e817783ceb19
+Subproject a5a51f99f42c7ee5e3bb4aeddf601b5f20a8813