diff options
25 files changed, 829 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CLabel.hs b/compiler/cmm/CLabel.hs
index ebc9e53c72..8fe8c3c874 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CLabel.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CLabel.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ module CLabel (
- mkRtsSlowTickyCtrLabel,
+ mkRtsSlowFastTickyCtrLabel,
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ module CLabel (
isCFunctionLabel, isGcPtrLabel, labelDynamic,
-- * Conversions
- toClosureLbl, toSlowEntryLbl, toEntryLbl, toInfoLbl, toRednCountsLbl,
+ toClosureLbl, toSlowEntryLbl, toEntryLbl, toInfoLbl, toRednCountsLbl, hasHaskellName,
) where
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ data RtsLabelInfo
| RtsPrimOp PrimOp
| RtsApFast FastString -- ^ _fast versions of generic apply
- | RtsSlowTickyCtr String
+ | RtsSlowFastTickyCtr String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- NOTE: Eq on LitString compares the pointer only, so this isn't
@@ -356,9 +356,10 @@ mkTopSRTLabel :: Unique -> CLabel
mkTopSRTLabel u = SRTLabel u
mkSRTLabel :: Name -> CafInfo -> CLabel
-mkRednCountsLabel :: Name -> CafInfo -> CLabel
+mkRednCountsLabel :: Name -> CLabel
mkSRTLabel name c = IdLabel name c SRT
-mkRednCountsLabel name c = IdLabel name c RednCounts
+mkRednCountsLabel name =
+ IdLabel name NoCafRefs RednCounts -- Note [ticky for LNE]
-- These have local & (possibly) external variants:
mkLocalClosureLabel :: Name -> CafInfo -> CLabel
@@ -503,8 +504,8 @@ mkCCSLabel ccs = CCS_Label ccs
mkRtsApFastLabel :: FastString -> CLabel
mkRtsApFastLabel str = RtsLabel (RtsApFast str)
-mkRtsSlowTickyCtrLabel :: String -> CLabel
-mkRtsSlowTickyCtrLabel pat = RtsLabel (RtsSlowTickyCtr pat)
+mkRtsSlowFastTickyCtrLabel :: String -> CLabel
+mkRtsSlowFastTickyCtrLabel pat = RtsLabel (RtsSlowFastTickyCtr pat)
-- Constructing Code Coverage Labels
@@ -549,10 +550,6 @@ toSlowEntryLbl :: CLabel -> CLabel
toSlowEntryLbl (IdLabel n c _) = IdLabel n c Slow
toSlowEntryLbl l = pprPanic "toSlowEntryLbl" (ppr l)
-toRednCountsLbl :: CLabel -> CLabel
-toRednCountsLbl (IdLabel n c _) = IdLabel n c RednCounts
-toRednCountsLbl l = pprPanic "toRednCountsLbl" (ppr l)
toEntryLbl :: CLabel -> CLabel
toEntryLbl (IdLabel n c LocalInfoTable) = IdLabel n c LocalEntry
toEntryLbl (IdLabel n c ConInfoTable) = IdLabel n c ConEntry
@@ -574,12 +571,38 @@ toInfoLbl (CmmLabel m str CmmEntry) = CmmLabel m str CmmInfo
toInfoLbl (CmmLabel m str CmmRet) = CmmLabel m str CmmRetInfo
toInfoLbl l = pprPanic "CLabel.toInfoLbl" (ppr l)
+toRednCountsLbl :: CLabel -> Maybe CLabel
+toRednCountsLbl = fmap mkRednCountsLabel . hasHaskellName
+hasHaskellName :: CLabel -> Maybe Name
+hasHaskellName (IdLabel n _ _) = Just n
+hasHaskellName _ = Nothing
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Does a CLabel refer to a CAF?
+-- Does a CLabel's referent itself refer to a CAF?
hasCAF :: CLabel -> Bool
+hasCAF (IdLabel _ _ RednCounts) = False -- Note [ticky for LNE]
hasCAF (IdLabel _ MayHaveCafRefs _) = True
hasCAF _ = False
+-- Note [ticky for LNE]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Until 14 Feb 2013, every ticky counter was associated with a
+-- closure. Thus, ticky labels used IdLabel. It is odd that
+-- CmmBuildInfoTables.cafTransfers would consider such a ticky label
+-- reason to add the name to the CAFEnv (and thus eventually the SRT),
+-- but it was harmless because the ticky was only used if the closure
+-- was also.
+-- Since we now have ticky counters for LNEs, it is no longer the case
+-- that every ticky counter has an actual closure. So I changed the
+-- generation of ticky counters' CLabels to not result in their
+-- associated id ending up in the SRT.
+-- NB IdLabel is still appropriate for ticky ids (as opposed to
+-- CmmLabel) because the LNE's counter is still related to an .hs Id,
+-- that Id just isn't for a proper closure.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Does a CLabel need declaring before use or not?
@@ -1051,8 +1074,8 @@ pprCLbl (CmmLabel _ fs CmmClosure)
pprCLbl (RtsLabel (RtsPrimOp primop))
= ptext (sLit "stg_") <> ppr primop
-pprCLbl (RtsLabel (RtsSlowTickyCtr pat))
- = ptext (sLit "SLOW_CALL_") <> text pat <> ptext (sLit "_ctr")
+pprCLbl (RtsLabel (RtsSlowFastTickyCtr pat))
+ = ptext (sLit "SLOW_CALL_fast_") <> text pat <> ptext (sLit "_ctr")
pprCLbl (ForeignLabel str _ _ _)
= ftext str
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs
index 49a2dc1107..8eac8c9e85 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmType.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module CmmType
, rEP_CostCentreStack_mem_alloc
, rEP_CostCentreStack_scc_count
, rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs
+ , rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd
, ForeignHint(..)
@@ -337,6 +338,11 @@ rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags
= cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocs pc))
where pc = sPlatformConstants (settings dflags)
+rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd :: DynFlags -> CmmType
+rEP_StgEntCounter_allocd dflags
+ = cmmBits (widthFromBytes (pc_REP_StgEntCounter_allocd pc))
+ where pc = sPlatformConstants (settings dflags)
{- Note [Signed vs unsigned]
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmArgRep.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmArgRep.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd228d4617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmArgRep.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+-- Argument representations used in StgCmmLayout.
+-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2013
+module StgCmmArgRep (
+ ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW,
+ argRepString, isNonV, idArgRep,
+ slowCallPattern,
+ ) where
+import StgCmmClosure ( idPrimRep )
+import SMRep ( WordOff )
+import Id ( Id )
+import TyCon ( PrimRep(..), primElemRepSizeB )
+import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
+import Constants ( wORD64_SIZE )
+import DynFlags
+import Outputable
+import FastString
+-- I extricated this code as this new module in order to avoid a
+-- cyclic dependency between StgCmmLayout and StgCmmTicky.
+-- NSF 18 Feb 2013
+-- Classifying arguments: ArgRep
+-- ArgRep is re-exported by StgCmmLayout, but only for use in the
+-- byte-code generator which also needs to know about the
+-- classification of arguments.
+data ArgRep = P -- GC Ptr
+ | N -- Word-sized non-ptr
+ | L -- 64-bit non-ptr (long)
+ | V -- Void
+ | F -- Float
+ | D -- Double
+ | V16 -- 16-byte (128-bit) vectors of Float/Double/Int8/Word32/etc.
+instance Outputable ArgRep where ppr = text . argRepString
+argRepString :: ArgRep -> String
+argRepString P = "P"
+argRepString N = "N"
+argRepString L = "L"
+argRepString V = "V"
+argRepString F = "F"
+argRepString D = "D"
+argRepString V16 = "V16"
+toArgRep :: PrimRep -> ArgRep
+toArgRep VoidRep = V
+toArgRep PtrRep = P
+toArgRep IntRep = N
+toArgRep WordRep = N
+toArgRep AddrRep = N
+toArgRep Int64Rep = L
+toArgRep Word64Rep = L
+toArgRep FloatRep = F
+toArgRep DoubleRep = D
+toArgRep (VecRep len elem)
+ | len*primElemRepSizeB elem == 16 = V16
+ | otherwise = error "toArgRep: bad vector primrep"
+isNonV :: ArgRep -> Bool
+isNonV V = False
+isNonV _ = True
+argRepSizeW :: DynFlags -> ArgRep -> WordOff -- Size in words
+argRepSizeW _ N = 1
+argRepSizeW _ P = 1
+argRepSizeW _ F = 1
+argRepSizeW dflags L = wORD64_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
+argRepSizeW dflags D = dOUBLE_SIZE dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
+argRepSizeW _ V = 0
+argRepSizeW dflags V16 = 16 `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
+idArgRep :: Id -> ArgRep
+idArgRep = toArgRep . idPrimRep
+-- This list of argument patterns should be kept in sync with at least
+-- the following:
+-- * StgCmmLayout.stdPattern maybe to some degree?
+-- * the RTS_RET(stg_ap_*) and RTS_FUN_DECL(stg_ap_*_fast)
+-- declarations in includes/stg/MiscClosures.h
+-- * the SLOW_CALL_*_ctr declarations in includes/stg/Ticky.h,
+-- * the TICK_SLOW_CALL_*() #defines in includes/Cmm.h,
+-- * the PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_*_ctr) calls in rts/Ticky.c,
+-- * and the SymI_HasProto(stg_ap_*_{ret,info,fast}) calls and
+-- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_*_ctr) calls in rts/Linker.c
+-- There may be more places that I haven't found; I merely igrep'd for
+-- pppppp and excluded things that seemed ghci-specific.
+-- Also, it seems at the moment that ticky counters with void
+-- arguments will never be bumped, but I'm still declaring those
+-- counters, defensively.
+-- NSF 6 Mar 2013
+-- These cases were found to cover about 99% of all slow calls:
+slowCallPattern :: [ArgRep] -> (FastString, RepArity)
+-- Returns the generic apply function and arity
+slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppppp", 6)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppppp", 5)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppp", 4)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppv", 4)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppp", 3)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppv", 3)
+slowCallPattern (P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pp", 2)
+slowCallPattern (P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pv", 2)
+slowCallPattern (P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_p", 1)
+slowCallPattern (V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v", 1)
+slowCallPattern (N: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_n", 1)
+slowCallPattern (F: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_f", 1)
+slowCallPattern (D: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_d", 1)
+slowCallPattern (L: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_l", 1)
+slowCallPattern (V16: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v16", 1)
+slowCallPattern [] = (fsLit "stg_ap_0", 0)
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
index 136bb52b07..1e5d6b9f4f 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmBind.hs
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ mkRhsClosure dflags bndr _cc _bi
(StgApp fun_id args)
| args `lengthIs` (arity-1)
- && all (isGcPtrRep . idPrimRep . stripNV) fvs
+ && all (isGcPtrRep . idPrimRep . unsafe_stripNV) fvs
&& isUpdatable upd_flag
&& arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE dflags
&& not (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ mkRhsClosure _ bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag args body
fv_details :: [(NonVoid Id, VirtualHpOffset)]
(tot_wds, ptr_wds, fv_details)
= mkVirtHeapOffsets dflags (isLFThunk lf_info)
- (addIdReps (map stripNV reduced_fvs))
+ (addIdReps (map unsafe_stripNV reduced_fvs))
closure_info = mkClosureInfo dflags False -- Not static
bndr lf_info tot_wds ptr_wds
@@ -369,11 +369,6 @@ mkRhsClosure _ bndr cc _ fvs upd_flag args body
; return (mkRhsInit dflags reg lf_info hp_plus_n) }
--- Use with care; if used inappropriately, it could break invariants.
-stripNV :: NonVoid a -> a
-stripNV (NonVoid a) = a
:: Id
@@ -418,10 +413,10 @@ mkClosureLFInfo :: Id -- The binder
-> [Id] -- Args
-> FCode LambdaFormInfo
mkClosureLFInfo bndr top fvs upd_flag args
- | null args = return (mkLFThunk (idType bndr) top (map stripNV fvs) upd_flag)
+ | null args = return (mkLFThunk (idType bndr) top (map unsafe_stripNV fvs) upd_flag)
| otherwise =
do { arg_descr <- mkArgDescr (idName bndr) args
- ; return (mkLFReEntrant top (map stripNV fvs) args arg_descr) }
+ ; return (mkLFReEntrant top (map unsafe_stripNV fvs) args arg_descr) }
@@ -453,7 +448,8 @@ closureCodeBody :: Bool -- whether this is a top-level binding
closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc _args arity body fv_details
| arity == 0 -- No args i.e. thunk
- = emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr lf_info info_tbl [] $
+ = withNewTickyCounterThunk cl_info $
+ emitClosureProcAndInfoTable top_lvl bndr lf_info info_tbl [] $
\(_, node, _) -> thunkCode cl_info fv_details cc node arity body
lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
@@ -461,12 +457,7 @@ closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc _args arity body fv_details
closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc args arity body fv_details
= -- Note: args may be [], if all args are Void
- do { -- Allocate the global ticky counter,
- -- and establish the ticky-counter
- -- label for this block
- let ticky_ctr_lbl = closureRednCountsLabel cl_info
- ; emitTickyCounter cl_info (map stripNV args)
- ; setTickyCtrLabel ticky_ctr_lbl $ do
+ withNewTickyCounterFun (closureName cl_info) args $ do {
; let
lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
@@ -479,20 +470,20 @@ closureCodeBody top_lvl bndr cl_info cc args arity body fv_details
{ mkSlowEntryCode bndr cl_info arg_regs
; dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
- node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info
+ ; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags lf_info
node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
- ; tickyEnterFun cl_info
- ; enterCostCentreFun cc
- (CmmMachOp (mo_wordSub dflags)
- [ CmmReg nodeReg
- , mkIntExpr dflags (funTag dflags cl_info) ])
; when node_points (ldvEnterClosure cl_info)
; granYield arg_regs node_points
-- Main payload
; entryHeapCheck cl_info node' arity arg_regs $ do
- { fv_bindings <- mapM bind_fv fv_details
+ { -- ticky after heap check to avoid double counting
+ tickyEnterFun cl_info
+ ; enterCostCentreFun cc
+ (CmmMachOp (mo_wordSub dflags)
+ [ CmmReg nodeReg
+ , mkIntExpr dflags (funTag dflags cl_info) ])
+ ; fv_bindings <- mapM bind_fv fv_details
-- Load free vars out of closure *after*
-- heap check, to reduce live vars over check
; when node_points $ load_fvs node lf_info fv_bindings
@@ -545,7 +536,6 @@ thunkCode cl_info fv_details _cc node arity body
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; let node_points = nodeMustPointToIt dflags (closureLFInfo cl_info)
node' = if node_points then Just node else Nothing
- ; tickyEnterThunk cl_info
; ldvEnterClosure cl_info -- NB: Node always points when profiling
; granThunk node_points
@@ -562,7 +552,8 @@ thunkCode cl_info fv_details _cc node arity body
-- that cc of enclosing scope will be recorded
-- in update frame CAF/DICT functions will be
-- subsumed by this enclosing cc
- do { enterCostCentreThunk (CmmReg nodeReg)
+ do { tickyEnterThunk cl_info
+ ; enterCostCentreThunk (CmmReg nodeReg)
; let lf_info = closureLFInfo cl_info
; fv_bindings <- mapM bind_fv fv_details
; load_fvs node lf_info fv_bindings
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
index 7f44f67ff7..a057484d39 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmClosure.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module StgCmmClosure (
-- ** Labels
-- These just need the info table label
closureInfoLabel, staticClosureLabel,
- closureRednCountsLabel, closureSlowEntryLabel, closureLocalEntryLabel,
+ closureSlowEntryLabel, closureLocalEntryLabel,
-- ** Predicates
-- These are really just functions on LambdaFormInfo
@@ -772,9 +772,6 @@ isToplevClosure (ClosureInfo { closureLFInfo = lf_info })
staticClosureLabel :: ClosureInfo -> CLabel
staticClosureLabel = toClosureLbl . closureInfoLabel
-closureRednCountsLabel :: ClosureInfo -> CLabel
-closureRednCountsLabel = toRednCountsLbl . closureInfoLabel
closureSlowEntryLabel :: ClosureInfo -> CLabel
closureSlowEntryLabel = toSlowEntryLbl . closureInfoLabel
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
index 42e4da0e1f..1fdb364b56 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmEnv.hs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module StgCmmEnv (
litIdInfo, lneIdInfo, rhsIdInfo, mkRhsInit,
- NonVoid(..), isVoidId, nonVoidIds,
+ NonVoid(..), unsafe_stripNV, isVoidId, nonVoidIds,
addBindC, addBindsC,
@@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ import Outputable
newtype NonVoid a = NonVoid a
deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- Use with care; if used inappropriately, it could break invariants.
+unsafe_stripNV :: NonVoid a -> a
+unsafe_stripNV (NonVoid a) = a
instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (NonVoid a) where
ppr (NonVoid a) = ppr a
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
index f4186f7b9b..78080218f8 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmExpr.hs
@@ -161,10 +161,11 @@ cgLetNoEscapeClosure bndr cc_slot _unused_cc args body
return ( lneIdInfo dflags bndr args
, code )
- code = forkProc $ do
- { restoreCurrentCostCentre cc_slot
- ; arg_regs <- bindArgsToRegs args
- ; void $ noEscapeHeapCheck arg_regs (cgExpr body) }
+ code = forkProc $ do {
+ ; withNewTickyCounterLNE (idName bndr) args $ do
+ ; restoreCurrentCostCentre cc_slot
+ ; arg_regs <- bindArgsToRegs args
+ ; void $ noEscapeHeapCheck arg_regs (tickyEnterLNE >> cgExpr body) }
@@ -416,6 +417,7 @@ cgCase scrut bndr alt_type alts
| isSingleton alts = False
| up_hp_usg > 0 = False
| otherwise = True
+ -- cf Note [Compiling case expressions]
gc_plan = if do_gc then GcInAlts alt_regs else NoGcInAlts
; mb_cc <- maybeSaveCostCentre simple_scrut
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
index b1cddbe5a4..50fcfdc812 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmHeap.hs
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ allocDynClosureCmm info_tbl lf_info use_cc _blame_cc amodes_w_offsets
; let rep = cit_rep info_tbl
- ; tickyDynAlloc rep lf_info
+ ; tickyDynAlloc (toRednCountsLbl $ cit_lbl info_tbl) rep lf_info
; profDynAlloc rep use_cc
@@ -215,7 +215,6 @@ mkStaticClosure dflags info_lbl ccs payload padding static_link_field saved_info
= staticGranHdr
++ staticParHdr
++ staticProfHdr dflags ccs
- ++ staticTickyHdr
-- JD: Simon had ellided this padding, but without it the C back end asserts
-- failure. Maybe it's a bad assertion, and this padding is indeed unnecessary?
@@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ heapCheck checkStack checkYield do_gc code
stk_hwm | checkStack = Just (CmmLit CmmHighStackMark)
| otherwise = Nothing
; codeOnly $ do_checks stk_hwm checkYield mb_alloc_bytes do_gc
- ; tickyAllocHeap hpHw
+ ; tickyAllocHeap True hpHw
; doGranAllocate hpHw
; setRealHp hpHw
; code }
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
index a3bbefeb44..06a47c151b 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmLayout.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module StgCmmLayout (
mkVirtHeapOffsets, mkVirtConstrOffsets, getHpRelOffset, hpRel,
- ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW
+ ArgRep(..), toArgRep, argRepSizeW -- re-exported from StgCmmArgRep
) where
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ module StgCmmLayout (
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmEnv
+import StgCmmArgRep -- notably: ( slowCallPattern )
import StgCmmTicky
import StgCmmMonad
import StgCmmUtils
@@ -46,12 +47,11 @@ import CLabel
import StgSyn
import Id
import Name
-import TyCon ( PrimRep(..), primElemRepSizeB )
+import TyCon ( PrimRep(..) )
import BasicTypes ( RepArity )
import DynFlags
import Module
-import Constants
import Util
import Data.List
import Outputable
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ adjustHpBackwards
then mkNop
else mkAssign hpReg new_hp) -- Generates nothing when vHp==rHp
- ; tickyAllocHeap adjust_words -- ...ditto
+ ; tickyAllocHeap False adjust_words -- ...ditto
; setRealHp vHp
@@ -298,82 +298,6 @@ slowArgs dflags args -- careful: reps contains voids (V), but args does not
save_cccs = [(N, Just (mkLblExpr save_cccs_lbl)), (N, Just curCCS)]
save_cccs_lbl = mkCmmRetInfoLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "stg_restore_cccs")
--- These cases were found to cover about 99% of all slow calls:
-slowCallPattern :: [ArgRep] -> (FastString, RepArity)
--- Returns the generic apply function and arity
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppppp", 6)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppppp", 5)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppp", 4)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pppv", 4)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppp", 3)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_ppv", 3)
-slowCallPattern (P: P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pp", 2)
-slowCallPattern (P: V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_pv", 2)
-slowCallPattern (P: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_p", 1)
-slowCallPattern (V: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v", 1)
-slowCallPattern (N: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_n", 1)
-slowCallPattern (F: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_f", 1)
-slowCallPattern (D: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_d", 1)
-slowCallPattern (L: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_l", 1)
-slowCallPattern (V16: _) = (fsLit "stg_ap_v16", 1)
-slowCallPattern [] = (fsLit "stg_ap_0", 0)
--- Classifying arguments: ArgRep
--- ArgRep is exported, but only for use in the byte-code generator which
--- also needs to know about the classification of arguments.
-data ArgRep = P -- GC Ptr
- | N -- Word-sized non-ptr
- | L -- 64-bit non-ptr (long)
- | V -- Void
- | F -- Float
- | D -- Double
- | V16 -- 16-byte (128-bit) vectors of Float/Double/Int8/Word32/etc.
-instance Outputable ArgRep where
- ppr P = text "P"
- ppr N = text "N"
- ppr L = text "L"
- ppr V = text "V"
- ppr F = text "F"
- ppr D = text "D"
- ppr V16 = text "V16"
-toArgRep :: PrimRep -> ArgRep
-toArgRep VoidRep = V
-toArgRep PtrRep = P
-toArgRep IntRep = N
-toArgRep WordRep = N
-toArgRep AddrRep = N
-toArgRep Int64Rep = L
-toArgRep Word64Rep = L
-toArgRep FloatRep = F
-toArgRep DoubleRep = D
-toArgRep (VecRep len elem)
- | len*primElemRepSizeB elem == 16 = V16
- | otherwise = error "toArgRep: bad vector primrep"
-isNonV :: ArgRep -> Bool
-isNonV V = False
-isNonV _ = True
-argRepSizeW :: DynFlags -> ArgRep -> WordOff -- Size in words
-argRepSizeW _ N = 1
-argRepSizeW _ P = 1
-argRepSizeW _ F = 1
-argRepSizeW dflags L = wORD64_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-argRepSizeW dflags D = dOUBLE_SIZE dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-argRepSizeW _ V = 0
-argRepSizeW dflags V16 = 16 `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
-idArgRep :: Id -> ArgRep
-idArgRep = toArgRep . idPrimRep
---- Laying out objects on the heap and stack
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
index 2bca544ac8..09938a6704 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmTicky.hs
@@ -6,47 +6,100 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
--- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--- for details
+{- OVERVIEW: ticky ticky profiling
+Please see
+ and also
+edit it and the rest of this comment to keep them up-to-date if you
+change ticky-ticky. Thanks!
+ *** All allocation ticky numbers are in bytes. ***
+Some of the relevant source files:
+ ***not necessarily an exhaustive list***
+ * some codeGen/ modules import this one
+ * this module imports cmm/CLabel.hs to manage labels
+ * cmm/CmmParse.y expands some macros using generators defined in
+ this module
+ * includes/stg/Ticky.h declares all of the global counters
+ * includes/rts/Ticky.h declares the C data type for an
+ STG-declaration's counters
+ * some macros defined in includes/Cmm.h (and used within the RTS's
+ CMM code) update the global ticky counters
+ * at the end of execution rts/Ticky.c generates the final report
+ +RTS -r<report-file> -RTS
+The rts/Ticky.c function that generates the report includes an
+STG-declaration's ticky counters if
+ * that declaration was entered, or
+ * it was allocated (if -ticky-allocd)
+On either of those events, the counter is "registered" by adding it to
+a linked list; cf the CMM generated by registerTickyCtr.
+Ticky-ticky profiling has evolved over many years. Many of the
+counters from its most sophisticated days are no longer
+active/accurate. As the RTS has changed, sometimes the ticky code for
+relevant counters was not accordingly updated. Unfortunately, neither
+were the comments.
+As of March 2013, there still exist deprecated code and comments in
+the code generator as well as the RTS because:
+ * I don't know what is out-of-date versus merely commented out for
+ momentary convenience, and
+ * someone else might know how to repair it!
module StgCmmTicky (
- emitTickyCounter,
+ withNewTickyCounterFun,
+ withNewTickyCounterThunk,
+ withNewTickyCounterLNE,
- tickyDynAlloc,
- tickyAllocHeap,
- tickyAllocPrim,
- tickyAllocThunk,
- tickyAllocPAP,
- tickySlowCall, tickyDirectCall,
+ tickyDynAlloc,
+ tickyAllocHeap,
+ tickyAllocPrim,
+ tickyAllocThunk,
+ tickyAllocPAP,
- tickyPushUpdateFrame,
- tickyUpdateFrameOmitted,
+ tickyUnknownCall, tickyDirectCall,
- tickyEnterDynCon,
- tickyEnterStaticCon,
- tickyEnterViaNode,
+ tickyPushUpdateFrame,
+ tickyUpdateFrameOmitted,
- tickyEnterFun,
- tickyEnterThunk,
+ tickyEnterDynCon,
+ tickyEnterStaticCon,
+ tickyEnterViaNode,
- tickyUpdateBhCaf,
- tickyBlackHole,
- tickyUnboxedTupleReturn, tickyVectoredReturn,
- tickyReturnOldCon, tickyReturnNewCon,
+ tickyEnterFun,
+ tickyEnterThunk,
+ tickyEnterLNE,
- tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs, tickyKnownCallExact, tickyKnownCallExtraArgs,
- tickyUnknownCall, tickySlowCallPat,
+ tickyUpdateBhCaf,
+ tickyBlackHole,
+ tickyUnboxedTupleReturn, tickyVectoredReturn,
+ tickyReturnOldCon, tickyReturnNewCon,
- staticTickyHdr,
+ tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs, tickyKnownCallExact, tickyKnownCallExtraArgs,
+ tickySlowCall, tickySlowCallPat,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
+import StgCmmArgRep ( slowCallPattern , toArgRep , argRepString )
+import StgCmmEnv ( NonVoid, unsafe_stripNV )
import StgCmmClosure
import StgCmmUtils
import StgCmmMonad
@@ -74,52 +127,87 @@ import Type
import TyCon
import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Char
+import Control.Monad ( when )
--- Ticky-ticky profiling
+-- Ticky-ticky profiling
-staticTickyHdr :: [CmmLit]
--- krc: not using this right now --
--- in the new version of ticky-ticky, we
--- don't change the closure layout.
--- leave it defined, though, to avoid breaking
--- other things.
-staticTickyHdr = []
-emitTickyCounter :: ClosureInfo -> [Id] -> FCode ()
-emitTickyCounter cl_info args
- = ifTicky $
- do { dflags <- getDynFlags
+data TickyClosureType = TickyFun | TickyThunk | TickyLNE
+withNewTickyCounterFun, withNewTickyCounterLNE :: Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+withNewTickyCounterFun = withNewTickyCounter TickyFun
+withNewTickyCounterLNE nm args code = do
+ b <- tickyLNEIsOn
+ if not b then code else withNewTickyCounter TickyLNE nm args code
+withNewTickyCounterThunk :: ClosureInfo -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+withNewTickyCounterThunk cl_info code
+ | isStaticClosure cl_info = code -- static thunks are uninteresting
+ | otherwise = do
+ b <- tickyDynThunkIsOn
+ if not b then code else withNewTickyCounter TickyThunk (closureName cl_info) [] code
+-- args does not include the void arguments
+withNewTickyCounter :: TickyClosureType -> Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode () -> FCode ()
+withNewTickyCounter cloType name args m = do
+ lbl <- emitTickyCounter cloType name args
+ setTickyCtrLabel lbl m
+emitTickyCounter :: TickyClosureType -> Name -> [NonVoid Id] -> FCode CLabel
+emitTickyCounter cloType name args
+ = let ctr_lbl = mkRednCountsLabel name in
+ (>> return ctr_lbl) $
+ ifTicky $ do
+ { dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; parent <- getTickyCtrLabel
; mod_name <- getModuleName
- ; let ticky_ctr_label = closureRednCountsLabel cl_info
- arg_descr = map (showTypeCategory . idType) args
- fun_descr mod_name = ppr_for_ticky_name dflags mod_name (closureName cl_info)
- ; fun_descr_lit <- newStringCLit (fun_descr mod_name)
- ; arg_descr_lit <- newStringCLit arg_descr
- ; emitDataLits ticky_ctr_label -- Must match layout of StgEntCounter
--- krc: note that all the fields are I32 now; some were I16 before,
--- but the code generator wasn't handling that properly and it led to chaos,
--- panic and disorder.
- [ mkIntCLit dflags 0,
- mkIntCLit dflags (length args), -- Arity
- mkIntCLit dflags 0, -- XXX: we no longer know this! Words passed on stack
- fun_descr_lit,
- arg_descr_lit,
- zeroCLit dflags, -- Entry count
- zeroCLit dflags, -- Allocs
- zeroCLit dflags -- Link
- ] }
--- When printing the name of a thing in a ticky file, we want to
--- give the module name even for *local* things. We print
--- just "x (M)" rather that "M.x" to distinguish them from the global kind.
-ppr_for_ticky_name :: DynFlags -> Module -> Name -> String
-ppr_for_ticky_name dflags mod_name name
- | isInternalName name = showSDocDebug dflags (ppr name <+> (parens (ppr mod_name)))
- | otherwise = showSDocDebug dflags (ppr name)
+ -- When printing the name of a thing in a ticky file, we
+ -- want to give the module name even for *local* things. We
+ -- print just "x (M)" rather that "M.x" to distinguish them
+ -- from the global kind.
+ ; let ppr_for_ticky_name :: SDoc
+ ppr_for_ticky_name =
+ let n = ppr name
+ p = case hasHaskellName parent of
+ -- NB the default "top" ticky ctr does not
+ -- have a Haskell name
+ Just pname -> text "in" <+> ppr (nameUnique pname)
+ _ -> empty
+ in (<+> p) $ if isInternalName name
+ then let s = n <+> (parens (ppr mod_name))
+ in case cloType of
+ TickyFun -> s
+ TickyThunk -> s <+> parens (text "thk")
+ TickyLNE -> s <+> parens (text "LNE")
+ else case cloType of
+ TickyFun -> n
+ TickyThunk -> n <+> parens (text "thk")
+ TickyLNE -> panic "emitTickyCounter: how is this an external LNE?"
+ ; fun_descr_lit <- newStringCLit $ showSDocDebug dflags ppr_for_ticky_name
+ ; arg_descr_lit <- newStringCLit $ map (showTypeCategory . idType . unsafe_stripNV) args
+ ; emitDataLits ctr_lbl
+ -- Must match layout of includes/rts/Ticky.h's StgEntCounter
+ --
+ -- krc: note that all the fields are I32 now; some were I16
+ -- before, but the code generator wasn't handling that
+ -- properly and it led to chaos, panic and disorder.
+ [ mkIntCLit dflags 0, -- registered?
+ mkIntCLit dflags (length args), -- Arity
+ mkIntCLit dflags 0, -- Heap allocated for this thing
+ fun_descr_lit,
+ arg_descr_lit,
+ zeroCLit dflags, -- Entries into this thing
+ zeroCLit dflags, -- Heap allocated by this thing
+ zeroCLit dflags -- Link to next StgEntCounter
+ ]
+ }
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky stack frames
@@ -131,10 +219,9 @@ tickyUpdateFrameOmitted = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "UPDF_OMITTED_ctr")
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky entries
-tickyEnterDynCon, tickyEnterDynThunk, tickyEnterStaticCon,
+tickyEnterDynCon, tickyEnterStaticCon,
tickyEnterStaticThunk, tickyEnterViaNode :: FCode ()
tickyEnterDynCon = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_CON_ctr")
-tickyEnterDynThunk = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_THK_ctr")
tickyEnterStaticCon = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_CON_ctr")
tickyEnterStaticThunk = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_THK_ctr")
tickyEnterViaNode = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_VIA_NODE_ctr")
@@ -142,41 +229,65 @@ tickyEnterViaNode = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_VIA_NODE_ctr")
tickyEnterThunk :: ClosureInfo -> FCode ()
tickyEnterThunk cl_info
| isStaticClosure cl_info = tickyEnterStaticThunk
- | otherwise = tickyEnterDynThunk
+ | otherwise = ifTicky $ do
+ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_THK_ctr")
+ ifTickyDynThunk $ do
+ ticky_ctr_lbl <- getTickyCtrLabel
+ registerTickyCtrAtEntryDyn ticky_ctr_lbl
+ bumpTickyEntryCount ticky_ctr_lbl
tickyBlackHole :: Bool{-updatable-} -> FCode ()
tickyBlackHole updatable
= ifTicky (bumpTickyCounter ctr)
ctr | updatable = (fsLit "UPD_BH_SINGLE_ENTRY_ctr")
- | otherwise = (fsLit "UPD_BH_UPDATABLE_ctr")
+ | otherwise = (fsLit "UPD_BH_UPDATABLE_ctr")
tickyUpdateBhCaf :: ClosureInfo -> FCode ()
tickyUpdateBhCaf cl_info
= ifTicky (bumpTickyCounter ctr)
ctr | closureUpdReqd cl_info = (fsLit "UPD_CAF_BH_SINGLE_ENTRY_ctr")
- | otherwise = (fsLit "UPD_CAF_BH_UPDATABLE_ctr")
+ | otherwise = (fsLit "UPD_CAF_BH_UPDATABLE_ctr")
tickyEnterFun :: ClosureInfo -> FCode ()
-tickyEnterFun cl_info
- = ifTicky $
- do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; bumpTickyCounter ctr
- ; fun_ctr_lbl <- getTickyCtrLabel
- ; registerTickyCtr fun_ctr_lbl
- ; bumpTickyCounter' (cmmLabelOffB fun_ctr_lbl (oFFSET_StgEntCounter_entry_count dflags))
- }
- where
- ctr | isStaticClosure cl_info = (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_FUN_DIRECT_ctr")
- | otherwise = (fsLit "ENT_DYN_FUN_DIRECT_ctr")
+tickyEnterFun cl_info = ifTicky $ do
+ ctr_lbl <- getTickyCtrLabel
+ if isStaticClosure cl_info
+ then do bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_STATIC_FUN_DIRECT_ctr")
+ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
+ else do bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_DYN_FUN_DIRECT_ctr")
+ registerTickyCtrAtEntryDyn ctr_lbl
+ bumpTickyEntryCount ctr_lbl
+tickyEnterLNE :: FCode ()
+tickyEnterLNE = ifTicky $ do
+ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ENT_LNE_ctr")
+ ifTickyLNE $ do
+ ctr_lbl <- getTickyCtrLabel
+ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
+ bumpTickyEntryCount ctr_lbl
+-- needn't register a counter upon entry if
+-- 1) it's for a dynamic closure, and
+-- 2) -ticky-allocd is on
+-- since the counter was registered already upon being alloc'd
+registerTickyCtrAtEntryDyn :: CLabel -> FCode ()
+registerTickyCtrAtEntryDyn ctr_lbl = do
+ already_registered <- tickyAllocdIsOn
+ when (not already_registered) $ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
registerTickyCtr :: CLabel -> FCode ()
-- Register a ticky counter
-- if ( ! f_ct.registeredp ) {
--- = ticky_entry_ctrs; /* hook this one onto the front of the list */
--- ticky_entry_ctrs = & (f_ct); /* mark it as "registered" */
--- f_ct.registeredp = 1 }
+-- = ticky_entry_ctrs; /* hook this one onto the front of the list */
+-- ticky_entry_ctrs = & (f_ct); /* mark it as "registered" */
+-- f_ct.registeredp = 1 }
registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -196,22 +307,22 @@ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl = do
emit =<< mkCmmIfThen test (catAGraphs register_stmts)
tickyReturnOldCon, tickyReturnNewCon :: RepArity -> FCode ()
-tickyReturnOldCon arity
+tickyReturnOldCon arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_OLD_ctr")
- ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_OLD_hst") arity }
-tickyReturnNewCon arity
+ ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_OLD_hst") arity }
+tickyReturnNewCon arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_NEW_ctr")
- ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_NEW_hst") arity }
+ ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_NEW_hst") arity }
tickyUnboxedTupleReturn :: RepArity -> FCode ()
tickyUnboxedTupleReturn arity
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "RET_UNBOXED_TUP_ctr")
- ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_UNBOXED_TUP_hst") arity }
+ ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_UNBOXED_TUP_hst") arity }
tickyVectoredReturn :: Int -> FCode ()
-tickyVectoredReturn family_size
+tickyVectoredReturn family_size
= ifTicky $ do { bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "VEC_RETURN_ctr")
- ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_VEC_RETURN_hst") family_size }
+ ; bumpHistogram (fsLit "RET_VEC_RETURN_hst") family_size }
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky calls
@@ -221,7 +332,7 @@ tickyDirectCall :: RepArity -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
tickyDirectCall arity args
| arity == length args = tickyKnownCallExact
| otherwise = do tickyKnownCallExtraArgs
- tickySlowCallPat (map argPrimRep (drop arity args))
+ tickySlowCallPat (map argPrimRep (drop arity args))
tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs :: FCode ()
tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "KNOWN_CALL_TOO_FEW_ARGS_ctr")
@@ -238,130 +349,224 @@ tickyUnknownCall = ifTicky $ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "UNKNOWN_CALL_ctr")
-- Tick for the call pattern at slow call site (i.e. in addition to
-- tickyUnknownCall, tickyKnownCallExtraArgs, etc.)
tickySlowCall :: LambdaFormInfo -> [StgArg] -> FCode ()
-tickySlowCall _ []
- = return ()
-tickySlowCall lf_info args
- = do { if (isKnownFun lf_info)
- then tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs
- else tickyUnknownCall
- ; tickySlowCallPat (map argPrimRep args) }
+tickySlowCall _ [] = return ()
+tickySlowCall lf_info args = do
+ -- see Note [Ticky for slow calls]
+ if isKnownFun lf_info
+ then tickyKnownCallTooFewArgs
+ else tickyUnknownCall
+ tickySlowCallPat (map argPrimRep args)
tickySlowCallPat :: [PrimRep] -> FCode ()
-tickySlowCallPat _args = return ()
-{- LATER: (introduces recursive module dependency now).
- case callPattern args of
- (str, True) -> bumpTickyCounter' (mkRtsSlowTickyCtrLabel pat)
- (str, False) -> bumpTickyCounter (sLit "TICK_SLOW_CALL_OTHER")
--- Don't use CgRep; put this function in StgCmmLayout
-callPattern :: [CgRep] -> (String,Bool)
-callPattern reps
- | match == length reps = (chars, True)
- | otherwise = (chars, False)
- where (_,match) = findMatch reps
- chars = map argChar reps
-argChar VoidArg = 'v'
-argChar PtrArg = 'p'
-argChar NonPtrArg = 'n'
-argChar LongArg = 'l'
-argChar FloatArg = 'f'
-argChar DoubleArg = 'd'
+tickySlowCallPat args = ifTicky $
+ let argReps = map toArgRep args
+ (_, n_matched) = slowCallPattern argReps
+ in if n_matched > 0 && n_matched == length args
+ then bumpTickyLbl $ mkRtsSlowFastTickyCtrLabel $ concatMap (map Data.Char.toLower . argRepString) argReps
+ else bumpTickyCounter $ fsLit "VERY_SLOW_CALL_ctr"
--- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Ticky allocation
-tickyDynAlloc :: SMRep -> LambdaFormInfo -> FCode ()
--- Called when doing a dynamic heap allocation
--- LambdaFormInfo only needed to distinguish between updatable/non-updatable thunks
-tickyDynAlloc rep lf
- = ifTicky $
- case () of
- _ | isConRep rep -> tick_alloc_con
- | isThunkRep rep -> tick_alloc_thk
- | isFunRep rep -> tick_alloc_fun
- | otherwise -> return ()
- where
- -- will be needed when we fill in stubs
--- _cl_size = heapClosureSize rep
--- _slop_size = slopSize cl_info
- tick_alloc_thk
- | lfUpdatable lf = tick_alloc_up_thk
- | otherwise = tick_alloc_se_thk
+Note [Ticky for slow calls]
+Terminology is unfortunately a bit mixed up for these calls. codeGen
+uses "slow call" to refer to unknown calls and under-saturated known
- -- krc: changed from panic to return ()
- -- just to get something working
- tick_alloc_con = return ()
- tick_alloc_fun = return ()
- tick_alloc_up_thk = return ()
- tick_alloc_se_thk = return ()
+Nowadays, though (ie as of the eval/apply paper), the significantly
+slower calls are actually just a subset of these: the ones with no
+built-in argument pattern (cf StgCmmArgRep.slowCallPattern)
+So for ticky profiling, we split slow calls into
+"SLOW_CALL_fast_<pattern>_ctr" (those matching a built-in pattern) and
+VERY_SLOW_CALL_ctr (those without a built-in pattern; these are very
+bad for both space and time).
-tickyAllocPrim :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-tickyAllocPrim _hdr _goods _slop = ifTicky $ pprTrace "ToDo: tickyAllocPrim" empty (return ())
-tickyAllocThunk :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-tickyAllocThunk _goods _slop = ifTicky $ pprTrace "ToDo: tickyAllocThunk" empty (return ())
-tickyAllocPAP :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-tickyAllocPAP _goods _slop = ifTicky $ pprTrace "ToDo: tickyAllocPAP" empty (return ())
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Ticky allocation
-tickyAllocHeap :: VirtualHpOffset -> FCode ()
+tickyDynAlloc :: Maybe CLabel -> SMRep -> LambdaFormInfo -> FCode ()
+-- Called when doing a dynamic heap allocation; the LambdaFormInfo
+-- used to distinguish between closure types
+-- TODO what else to count while we're here?
+tickyDynAlloc mb_ctr_lbl rep lf = ifTicky $ getDynFlags >>= \dflags ->
+ let bytes = wORD_SIZE dflags * heapClosureSize dflags rep
+ countGlobal tot ctr = do
+ bumpTickyCounterBy tot bytes
+ bumpTickyCounter ctr
+ countSpecific = ifTickyAllocd $ case mb_ctr_lbl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just ctr_lbl -> do
+ registerTickyCtr ctr_lbl
+ bumpTickyAllocd ctr_lbl bytes
+ -- TODO are we still tracking "good stuff" (_gds) versus
+ -- administrative (_adm) versus slop (_slp)? I'm going with all _gds
+ -- for now, since I don't currently know neither if we do nor how to
+ -- distinguish. NSF Mar 2013
+ in case () of
+ _ | isConRep rep ->
+ countGlobal (fsLit "ALLOC_CON_gds") (fsLit "ALLOC_CON_ctr")
+ | isThunkRep rep ->
+ ifTickyDynThunk countSpecific >>
+ if lfUpdatable lf
+ then countGlobal (fsLit "ALLOC_THK_gds") (fsLit "ALLOC_UP_THK_ctr")
+ else countGlobal (fsLit "ALLOC_THK_gds") (fsLit "ALLOC_SE_THK_ctr")
+ | isFunRep rep ->
+ countSpecific >>
+ countGlobal (fsLit "ALLOC_FUN_gds") (fsLit "ALLOC_FUN_ctr")
+ | otherwise -> panic "How is this heap object not a con, thunk, or fun?"
+tickyAllocHeap ::
+ Bool -> -- is this a genuine allocation? As opposed to
+ -- StgCmmLayout.adjustHpBackwards
+ VirtualHpOffset -> FCode ()
-- Called when doing a heap check [TICK_ALLOC_HEAP]
-- Must be lazy in the amount of allocation!
-tickyAllocHeap hp
+tickyAllocHeap genuine hp
= ifTicky $
do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; ticky_ctr <- getTickyCtrLabel
- ; emit $ catAGraphs $
- if hp == 0 then [] -- Inside the emitMiddle to avoid control
- else [ -- dependency on the argument
- -- Bump the allcoation count in the StgEntCounter
- addToMem (rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags)
- (CmmLit (cmmLabelOffB ticky_ctr
- (oFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags))) hp,
- -- Bump ALLOC_HEAP_ctr
- addToMemLbl (cLong dflags) (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "ALLOC_HEAP_ctr")) 1,
- -- Bump ALLOC_HEAP_tot
- addToMemLbl (cLong dflags) (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "ALLOC_HEAP_tot")) hp] }
+ ; emit $ catAGraphs $
+ -- only test hp from within the emit so that the monadic
+ -- computation itself is not strict in hp (cf knot in
+ -- StgCmmMonad.getHeapUsage)
+ if hp == 0 then []
+ else let !bytes = wORD_SIZE dflags * hp in [
+ -- Bump the allocation total in the closure's StgEntCounter
+ addToMem (rEP_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags)
+ (CmmLit (cmmLabelOffB ticky_ctr (oFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocs dflags)))
+ bytes,
+ -- Bump the global allocation total ALLOC_HEAP_tot
+ addToMemLbl (cLong dflags)
+ (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "ALLOC_HEAP_tot"))
+ bytes,
+ -- Bump the global allocation counter ALLOC_HEAP_ctr
+ if not genuine then mkNop
+ else addToMemLbl (cLong dflags)
+ (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "ALLOC_HEAP_ctr"))
+ 1
+ ]}
+-- these three are only called from CmmParse.y (ie ultimately from the RTS)
+-- the units are bytes
+tickyAllocPrim :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+tickyAllocPrim _hdr _goods _slop = ifTicky $ do
+ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ALLOC_PRIM_ctr")
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_PRIM_adm") _hdr
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_PRIM_gds") _goods
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_PRIM_slp") _slop
+tickyAllocThunk :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+tickyAllocThunk _goods _slop = ifTicky $ do
+ -- TODO is it ever called with a Single-Entry thunk?
+ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ALLOC_UP_THK_ctr")
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_THK_gds") _goods
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_THK_slp") _slop
+tickyAllocPAP :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+tickyAllocPAP _goods _slop = ifTicky $ do
+ bumpTickyCounter (fsLit "ALLOC_PAP_ctr")
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_PAP_gds") _goods
+ bumpTickyCounterByE (fsLit "ALLOC_PAP_slp") _slop
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Ticky utils
ifTicky :: FCode () -> FCode ()
-ifTicky code = do dflags <- getDynFlags
- if gopt Opt_Ticky dflags then code
- else return ()
+ifTicky code =
+ getDynFlags >>= \dflags -> when (gopt Opt_Ticky dflags) code
+tickyAllocdIsOn :: FCode Bool
+tickyAllocdIsOn = gopt Opt_Ticky_Allocd `fmap` getDynFlags
+tickyLNEIsOn :: FCode Bool
+tickyLNEIsOn = gopt Opt_Ticky_LNE `fmap` getDynFlags
+tickyDynThunkIsOn :: FCode Bool
+tickyDynThunkIsOn = gopt Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk `fmap` getDynFlags
+ifTickyAllocd :: FCode () -> FCode ()
+ifTickyAllocd code = tickyAllocdIsOn >>= \b -> when b code
+ifTickyLNE :: FCode () -> FCode ()
+ifTickyLNE code = tickyLNEIsOn >>= \b -> when b code
+ifTickyDynThunk :: FCode () -> FCode ()
+ifTickyDynThunk code = tickyDynThunkIsOn >>= \b -> when b code
--- All the ticky-ticky counters are declared "unsigned long" in C
bumpTickyCounter :: FastString -> FCode ()
-bumpTickyCounter lbl = bumpTickyCounter' (cmmLabelOffB (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId lbl) 0)
+bumpTickyCounter lbl = bumpTickyLbl (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId lbl)
+bumpTickyCounterBy :: FastString -> Int -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyCounterBy lbl = bumpTickyLblBy (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId lbl)
-bumpTickyCounter' :: CmmLit -> FCode ()
--- krc: note that we're incrementing the _entry_count_ field of the ticky counter
-bumpTickyCounter' lhs = do dflags <- getDynFlags
- emit (addToMem (cLong dflags) (CmmLit lhs) 1)
+bumpTickyCounterByE :: FastString -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyCounterByE lbl = bumpTickyLblByE (mkCmmDataLabel rtsPackageId lbl)
+bumpTickyEntryCount :: CLabel -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyEntryCount lbl = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ bumpTickyLit (cmmLabelOffB lbl (oFFSET_StgEntCounter_entry_count dflags))
+bumpTickyAllocd :: CLabel -> Int -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyAllocd lbl bytes = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ bumpTickyLitBy (cmmLabelOffB lbl (oFFSET_StgEntCounter_allocd dflags)) bytes
+bumpTickyLbl :: CLabel -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLbl lhs = bumpTickyLitBy (cmmLabelOffB lhs 0) 1
+bumpTickyLblBy :: CLabel -> Int -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLblBy lhs = bumpTickyLitBy (cmmLabelOffB lhs 0)
+bumpTickyLblByE :: CLabel -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLblByE lhs = bumpTickyLitByE (cmmLabelOffB lhs 0)
+bumpTickyLit :: CmmLit -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLit lhs = bumpTickyLitBy lhs 1
+bumpTickyLitBy :: CmmLit -> Int -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLitBy lhs n = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- All the ticky-ticky counters are declared "unsigned long" in C
+ emit (addToMem (cLong dflags) (CmmLit lhs) n)
+bumpTickyLitByE :: CmmLit -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
+bumpTickyLitByE lhs e = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ -- All the ticky-ticky counters are declared "unsigned long" in C
+ emit (addToMemE (cLong dflags) (CmmLit lhs) e)
bumpHistogram :: FastString -> Int -> FCode ()
bumpHistogram _lbl _n
-- = bumpHistogramE lbl (CmmLit (CmmInt (fromIntegral n) cLongWidth))
- = return () -- TEMP SPJ Apr 07
+ = return () -- TEMP SPJ Apr 07
bumpHistogramE :: LitString -> CmmExpr -> FCode ()
-bumpHistogramE lbl n
+bumpHistogramE lbl n
= do t <- newTemp cLong
emitAssign (CmmLocal t) n
- emit (mkCmmIfThen (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Le cLongWidth) [CmmReg (CmmLocal t), eight])
- (mkAssign (CmmLocal t) eight))
- emit (addToMem cLong
- (cmmIndexExpr cLongWidth
- (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsDataLabel lbl)))
- (CmmReg (CmmLocal t)))
- 1)
- where
+ emit (mkCmmIfThen (CmmMachOp (MO_U_Le cLongWidth) [CmmReg (CmmLocal t), eight])
+ (mkAssign (CmmLocal t) eight))
+ emit (addToMem cLong
+ (cmmIndexExpr cLongWidth
+ (CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkRtsDataLabel lbl)))
+ (CmmReg (CmmLocal t)))
+ 1)
+ where
eight = CmmLit (CmmInt 8 cLongWidth)
@@ -369,47 +574,53 @@ bumpHistogramE lbl n
-- Showing the "type category" for ticky-ticky profiling
showTypeCategory :: Type -> Char
- {- {C,I,F,D} char, int, float, double
- T tuple
- S other single-constructor type
- {c,i,f,d} unboxed ditto
- t *unpacked* tuple
- s *unpacked" single-cons...
- v void#
- a primitive array
- E enumeration type
- + dictionary, unless it's a ...
- L List
- > function
- M other (multi-constructor) data-con type
- . other type
- - reserved for others to mark as "uninteresting"
+ {-
+ + dictionary
+ > function
+ {C,I,F,D,W} char, int, float, double, word
+ {c,i,f,d,w} unboxed ditto
+ T tuple
+ P other primitive type
+ p unboxed ditto
+ L list
+ E enumeration type
+ S other single-constructor type
+ M other multi-constructor data-con type
+ . other type
+ - reserved for others to mark as "uninteresting"
+ Accurate as of Mar 2013, but I eliminated the Array category instead
+ of updating it, for simplicity. It's in P/p, I think --NSF
showTypeCategory ty
- = if isDictTy ty
- then '+'
- else
- case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Nothing -> if isJust (tcSplitFunTy_maybe ty)
- then '>'
- else '.'
- Just (tycon, _) ->
- let utc = getUnique tycon in
- if utc == charDataConKey then 'C'
- else if utc == intDataConKey then 'I'
- else if utc == floatDataConKey then 'F'
- else if utc == doubleDataConKey then 'D'
- else if utc == charPrimTyConKey then 'c'
- else if (utc == intPrimTyConKey || utc == wordPrimTyConKey
- || utc == addrPrimTyConKey) then 'i'
- else if utc == floatPrimTyConKey then 'f'
- else if utc == doublePrimTyConKey then 'd'
- else if isPrimTyCon tycon {- array, we hope -} then 'A' -- Bogus
- else if isEnumerationTyCon tycon then 'E'
- else if isTupleTyCon tycon then 'T'
- else if isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tycon) then 'S'
- else if utc == listTyConKey then 'L'
- else 'M' -- oh, well...
+ | isDictTy ty = '+'
+ | otherwise = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Nothing -> '.'
+ Just (tycon, _) ->
+ (if isUnLiftedTyCon tycon then Data.Char.toLower else \x -> x) $
+ let anyOf us = getUnique tycon `elem` us in
+ case () of
+ _ | anyOf [funTyConKey] -> '>'
+ | anyOf [charPrimTyConKey, charTyConKey] -> 'C'
+ | anyOf [doublePrimTyConKey, doubleTyConKey] -> 'D'
+ | anyOf [floatPrimTyConKey, floatTyConKey] -> 'F'
+ | anyOf [intPrimTyConKey, int32PrimTyConKey, int64PrimTyConKey,
+ intTyConKey, int8TyConKey, int16TyConKey, int32TyConKey, int64TyConKey
+ ] -> 'I'
+ | anyOf [wordPrimTyConKey, word32PrimTyConKey, word64PrimTyConKey, wordTyConKey,
+ word8TyConKey, word16TyConKey, word32TyConKey, word64TyConKey
+ ] -> 'W'
+ | anyOf [listTyConKey] -> 'L'
+ | isTupleTyCon tycon -> 'T'
+ | isPrimTyCon tycon -> 'P'
+ | isEnumerationTyCon tycon -> 'E'
+ | isJust (tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tycon) -> 'S'
+ | otherwise -> 'M' -- oh, well...
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
index af5e9577b6..3df75ceaa2 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmUtils.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module StgCmmUtils (
cmmUntag, cmmIsTagged,
- addToMem, addToMemE, addToMemLbl,
+ addToMem, addToMemE, addToMemLblE, addToMemLbl,
newStringCLit, newByteStringCLit,
@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ mkSimpleLit _ other = pprPanic "mkSimpleLit" (ppr other)
addToMemLbl :: CmmType -> CLabel -> Int -> CmmAGraph
addToMemLbl rep lbl n = addToMem rep (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl)) n
+addToMemLblE :: CmmType -> CLabel -> CmmExpr -> CmmAGraph
+addToMemLblE rep lbl = addToMemE rep (CmmLit (CmmLabel lbl))
addToMem :: CmmType -- rep of the counter
-> CmmExpr -- Address
-> Int -- What to add (a word)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a69e25eb7a..cf105a0405 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Library
+ StgCmmArgRep
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 2f76c359df..ba860622ed 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -341,6 +341,9 @@ data GeneralFlag
| Opt_PIC
| Opt_SccProfilingOn
| Opt_Ticky
+ | Opt_Ticky_Allocd
+ | Opt_Ticky_LNE
+ | Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk
| Opt_Static
| Opt_RPath
| Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths
@@ -2086,6 +2089,9 @@ dynamic_flags = [
, Flag "hpcdir" (SepArg setOptHpcDir)
, Flag "ghci-script" (hasArg addGhciScript)
, Flag "interactive-print" (hasArg setInteractivePrint)
+ , Flag "ticky-allocd" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_Allocd))
+ , Flag "ticky-LNE" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_LNE))
+ , Flag "ticky-dyn-thunk" (NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk))
------- recompilation checker --------------------------------------
, Flag "recomp" (NoArg (do unSetGeneralFlag Opt_ForceRecomp
deprecate "Use -fno-force-recomp instead"))
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/profiling.xml b/docs/users_guide/profiling.xml
index 3937642a06..a776382645 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/profiling.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/profiling.xml
@@ -1769,164 +1769,12 @@ Options:
<title>Using &ldquo;ticky-ticky&rdquo; profiling (for implementors)</title>
<indexterm><primary>ticky-ticky profiling</primary></indexterm>
- <para>(ToDo: document properly.)</para>
- <para>It is possible to compile Haskell programs so that
- they will count lots and lots of interesting things, e.g., number
- of updates, number of data constructors entered, etc., etc. We
- call this &ldquo;ticky-ticky&rdquo;
- profiling,<indexterm><primary>ticky-ticky
- profiling</primary></indexterm> <indexterm><primary>profiling,
- ticky-ticky</primary></indexterm> because that's the sound a CPU
- makes when it is running up all those counters
- (<emphasis>slowly</emphasis>).</para>
- <para>Ticky-ticky profiling is mainly intended for implementors;
- it is quite separate from the main &ldquo;cost-centre&rdquo;
- profiling system, intended for all users everywhere.</para>
- <para>
- You don't need to build GHC, the libraries, or the RTS a special
- way in order to use ticky-ticky profiling. You can decide on a
- module-by-module basis which parts of a program have the
- counters compiled in, using the
- compile-time <option>-ticky</option> option. Those modules that
- were not compiled with <option>-ticky</option> won't contribute
- to the ticky-ticky profiling results, and that will normally
- include all the pre-compiled packages that your program links
- with.
- </para>
- <para>
- To get your compiled program to spit out the ticky-ticky
- numbers:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Link the program with <option>-debug</option>
- (<option>-ticky</option> is a synonym
- for <option>-debug</option> at link-time). This links in
- the debug version of the RTS, which includes the code for
- aggregating and reporting the results of ticky-ticky
- profiling.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Run the program with the <option>-r</option> RTS
- option<indexterm><primary>-r RTS option</primary></indexterm>.
- See <xref linkend="runtime-control"/>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
- Here is a sample ticky-ticky statistics file, generated by
- the invocation
- <command>foo +RTS -rfoo.ticky</command>.
- </para>
- foo +RTS -rfoo.ticky
-ALLOCATIONS: 3964631 (11330900 words total: 3999476 admin, 6098829 goods, 1232595 slop)
- total words: 2 3 4 5 6+
- 69647 ( 1.8%) function values 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-2382937 ( 60.1%) thunks 0.0 83.9 16.1 0.0 0.0
-1477218 ( 37.3%) data values 66.8 33.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0 ( 0.0%) big tuples
- 2 ( 0.0%) black holes 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- 0 ( 0.0%) prim things
- 34825 ( 0.9%) partial applications 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0
- 2 ( 0.0%) thread state objects 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0
-Total storage-manager allocations: 3647137 (11882004 words)
- [551104 words lost to speculative heap-checks]
-ENTERS: 9400092 of which 2005772 (21.3%) direct to the entry code
- [the rest indirected via Node's info ptr]
-1860318 ( 19.8%) thunks
-3733184 ( 39.7%) data values
-3149544 ( 33.5%) function values
- [of which 1999880 (63.5%) bypassed arg-satisfaction chk]
- 348140 ( 3.7%) partial applications
- 308906 ( 3.3%) normal indirections
- 0 ( 0.0%) permanent indirections
-RETURNS: 5870443
-2137257 ( 36.4%) from entering a new constructor
- [the rest from entering an existing constructor]
-2349219 ( 40.0%) vectored [the rest unvectored]
-RET_NEW: 2137257: 32.5% 46.2% 21.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
-RET_OLD: 3733184: 2.8% 67.9% 29.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
-RET_UNBOXED_TUP: 2: 0.0% 0.0%100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
-RET_VEC_RETURN : 2349219: 0.0% 0.0%100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
-UPDATE FRAMES: 2241725 (0 omitted from thunks)
-UPDATES: 2241725
- 0 ( 0.0%) data values
- 34827 ( 1.6%) partial applications
- [2 in place, 34825 allocated new space]
-2206898 ( 98.4%) updates to existing heap objects (46 by squeezing)
-UPD_CON_IN_NEW: 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-UPD_PAP_IN_NEW: 34825: 0 0 0 34825 0 0 0 0 0
-NEW GEN UPDATES: 2274700 ( 99.9%)
-OLD GEN UPDATES: 1852 ( 0.1%)
-Total bytes copied during GC: 190096
-3647137 ALLOC_HEAP_ctr
-11882004 ALLOC_HEAP_tot
- 69647 ALLOC_FUN_ctr
- 69647 ALLOC_FUN_adm
- 69644 ALLOC_FUN_gds
- 34819 ALLOC_FUN_slp
- 34831 ALLOC_FUN_hst_0
- 34816 ALLOC_FUN_hst_1
- 0 ALLOC_FUN_hst_2
- 0 ALLOC_FUN_hst_3
- 0 ALLOC_FUN_hst_4
-2382937 ALLOC_UP_THK_ctr
- 0 ALLOC_SE_THK_ctr
- 308906 ENT_IND_ctr
- 0 E!NT_PERM_IND_ctr requires +RTS -Z
-[... lots more info omitted ...]
- 0 GC_SEL_MINOR_ctr
- 0 GC_SEL_MAJOR_ctr
- 47524 GC_WORDS_COPIED_ctr
- <para>The formatting of the information above the row of asterisks
- is subject to change, but hopefully provides a useful
- human-readable summary. Below the asterisks <emphasis>all
- counters</emphasis> maintained by the ticky-ticky system are
- dumped, in a format intended to be machine-readable: zero or more
- spaces, an integer, a space, the counter name, and a newline.</para>
- <para>In fact, not <emphasis>all</emphasis> counters are
- necessarily dumped; compile- or run-time flags can render certain
- counters invalid. In this case, either the counter will simply
- not appear, or it will appear with a modified counter name,
- possibly along with an explanation for the omission (notice
- <literal>ENT&lowbar;PERM&lowbar;IND&lowbar;ctr</literal> appears
- with an inserted <literal>!</literal> above). Software analysing
- this output should always check that it has the counters it
- expects. Also, beware: some of the counters can have
- <emphasis>large</emphasis> values!</para>
+ <para>Because ticky-ticky profiling requires a certain familiarity
+ with GHC internals, we have moved the documentation to the
+ wiki. Take a look at its <ulink
+ url="">overview
+ of the profiling options</ulink>, which includeds a link to the
+ ticky-ticky profiling page.</para>
diff --git a/includes/Cmm.h b/includes/Cmm.h
index ca8e51af78..7e051c1a30 100644
--- a/includes/Cmm.h
+++ b/includes/Cmm.h
@@ -394,16 +394,18 @@
/* CCS_ALLOC wants the size in words, because ccs->mem_alloc is in words */
#define CCCS_ALLOC(__alloc) CCS_ALLOC(BYTES_TO_WDS(__alloc), CCCS)
-#define HP_CHK_GEN_TICKY(alloc) \
- HP_CHK_GEN(alloc); \
+#define HP_CHK_GEN_TICKY(bytes) \
+ HP_CHK_GEN(bytes); \
#define HP_CHK_P(bytes, fun, arg) \
HEAP_CHECK(bytes, GC_PRIM_P(fun,arg))
-#define ALLOC_P_TICKY(alloc, fun, arg) \
- HP_CHK_P(alloc); \
+// TODO I'm not seeing where ALLOC_P_TICKY is used; can it be removed?
+// -NSF March 2013
+#define ALLOC_P_TICKY(bytes, fun, arg) \
+ HP_CHK_P(bytes); \
#define CHECK_GC() \
(bdescr_link(CurrentNursery) == NULL || \
@@ -610,6 +612,7 @@
@@ -626,14 +629,18 @@
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_pv() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_pv_ctr)
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_pp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_pp_ctr)
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_ppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_ppp_ctr)
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_pppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_pppp_ctr)
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_ppppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_ppppp_ctr)
-#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_pppppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_pppppp_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v16() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_v16_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_v_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_p() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_p_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pv() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_pv_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_pp_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_ppv() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppv_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_ppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppp_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pppv() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppv_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppp_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_ppppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppppp_ctr)
+#define TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pppppp() TICK_BUMP(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppppp_ctr)
currently have no effect.
@@ -672,9 +679,9 @@
+#define TICK_ALLOC_HEAP_NOCTR(bytes) \
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Saving and restoring STG registers
diff --git a/includes/rts/Ticky.h b/includes/rts/Ticky.h
index 7045854cde..304baf7592 100644
--- a/includes/rts/Ticky.h
+++ b/includes/rts/Ticky.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ typedef struct _StgEntCounter {
generators make trouble if you try to pack things tighter */
StgWord registeredp; /* 0 == no, 1 == yes */
StgInt arity; /* arity (static info) */
- StgInt stk_args; /* # of args off stack */
+ StgInt allocd; /* # allocation of this closure */
/* (rest of args are in registers) */
char *str; /* name of the thing */
char *arg_kinds; /* info about the args types */
diff --git a/includes/stg/Ticky.h b/includes/stg/Ticky.h
index a811aec4eb..32a7f2006d 100644
--- a/includes/stg/Ticky.h
+++ b/includes/stg/Ticky.h
@@ -59,24 +59,26 @@ EXTERN StgInt ENT_PAP_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_pv_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_pp_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_ppv_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_ppp_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_pppv_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_pppp_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_ppppp_ctr INIT(0);
-EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_pppppp_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_v16_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_v_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_f_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_d_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_l_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_n_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_p_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_pv_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_pp_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_ppv_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_ppp_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_pppv_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_pppp_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_ppppp_ctr INIT(0);
+EXTERN StgInt SLOW_CALL_fast_pppppp_ctr INIT(0);
EXTERN StgInt ticky_slow_call_unevald;
@@ -107,12 +109,15 @@ EXTERN StgInt UPD_PAP_IN_NEW_ctr INIT(0);
@@ -184,11 +189,14 @@ EXTERN StgInt RET_SEMI_loads_avoided INIT(0);
TICKY_TICKY is defined or not. */
+#define TICK_BUMP_BY(ctr,n) ctr = (StgInt) ctr + n
+#define TICK_BUMP(ctr) TICK_BUMP_BY(ctr,1)
#define TICK_ALLOC_PRIM(x,y,z)
#define TICK_UPD_OLD_IND()
#define TICK_UPD_NEW_IND()
+#define TICK_ALLOC_HEAP_NOCTR(bytes)
#define TICK_ALLOC_TSO()
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 5608dbd9ef..cbe035b4fb 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ WAY_thr_l_HC_OPTS= -static -optc-DTHREADED_RTS -eventlog
# Way 'debug':
-WAY_debug_HC_OPTS= -static -optc-DDEBUG
+WAY_debug_HC_OPTS= -static -optc-DDEBUG -ticky -DTICKY_TICKY
# Way 'debug_p':
WAY_debug_p_NAME=debug profiled
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ WAY_thr_debug_dyn_HC_OPTS=-fPIC -dynamic -optc-DTHREADED_RTS -optc-DDEBUG
# Way 'debug_dyn':
-WAY_debug_dyn_HC_OPTS=-fPIC -dynamic -optc-DDEBUG
+WAY_debug_dyn_HC_OPTS=-fPIC -dynamic -optc-DDEBUG -ticky -DTICKY_TICKY
# Way 'l_dyn':
WAY_l_dyn_NAME=event logging dynamic
diff --git a/rts/AutoApply.h b/rts/AutoApply.h
index c5dbbcd344..c48bdf4701 100644
--- a/rts/AutoApply.h
+++ b/rts/AutoApply.h
@@ -19,8 +19,7 @@
W_ i; \
size = SIZEOF_StgPAP + WDS(n); \
HP_CHK_NP_ASSIGN_SP0(size,f); \
- TICK_ALLOC_PAP(n+1 /* +1 for the FUN */, 0); \
+ TICK_ALLOC_PAP(size, 0); \
pap = Hp + WDS(1) - size; \
SET_HDR(pap, stg_PAP_info, CCCS); \
StgPAP_arity(pap) = HALF_W_(arity - m); \
@@ -49,8 +48,7 @@
pap = R1; \
size = SIZEOF_StgPAP + WDS(TO_W_(StgPAP_n_args(pap))) + WDS(n); \
HP_CHK_NP_ASSIGN_SP0(size,f); \
- TICK_ALLOC_PAP(n+1 /* +1 for the FUN */, 0); \
+ TICK_ALLOC_PAP(size, 0); \
new_pap = Hp + WDS(1) - size; \
SET_HDR(new_pap, stg_PAP_info, CCCS); \
StgPAP_arity(new_pap) = HALF_W_(arity - m); \
diff --git a/rts/Exception.cmm b/rts/Exception.cmm
index 5b656fab5c..25da0d6d80 100644
--- a/rts/Exception.cmm
+++ b/rts/Exception.cmm
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ stg_maskAsyncExceptionszh /* explicit stack */
+ TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v();
jump stg_ap_v_fast [R1];
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ stg_maskUninterruptiblezh /* explicit stack */
+ TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v();
jump stg_ap_v_fast [R1];
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ stg_unmaskAsyncExceptionszh /* explicit stack */
+ TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v();
R1 = io;
jump stg_ap_v_fast [R1];
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ stg_catchzh ( P_ io, /* :: IO a */
/* Apply R1 to the realworld token */
+ TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_v();
jump stg_ap_v_fast
(CATCH_FRAME_FIELDS(,,stg_catch_frame_info, CCCS, 0,
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ retry_pop_stack:
R1 = handler;
+ TICK_SLOW_CALL_fast_pv();
jump RET_LBL(stg_ap_pv) [R1];
diff --git a/rts/Linker.c b/rts/Linker.c
index db27c3f300..3f66313b76 100644
--- a/rts/Linker.c
+++ b/rts/Linker.c
@@ -914,22 +914,24 @@ typedef struct _RtsSymbolVal {
SymI_HasProto(ENT_AP_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ENT_AP_STACK_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ENT_BH_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(ENT_LNE_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(UNKNOWN_CALL_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_v_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_f_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_d_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_l_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_n_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_p_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_pv_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_pp_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_ppv_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_ppp_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_pppv_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_pppp_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_ppppp_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_pppppp_ctr) \
- SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_OTHER_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_v16_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_v_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_f_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_d_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_l_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_n_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_p_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_pv_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_pp_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppv_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppp_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppv_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppp_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppppp_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppppp_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(VERY_SLOW_CALL_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ticky_slow_call_unevald) \
SymI_HasProto(SLOW_CALL_ctr) \
@@ -956,6 +958,8 @@ typedef struct _RtsSymbolVal {
SymI_HasProto(UPD_PAP_IN_PLACE_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_HEAP_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_HEAP_tot) \
+ SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_RTS_ctr) \
+ SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_RTS_tot) \
SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_FUN_ctr) \
SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_FUN_adm) \
SymI_HasProto(ALLOC_FUN_gds) \
diff --git a/rts/RaiseAsync.c b/rts/RaiseAsync.c
index f5669cb8ec..11f518a87d 100644
--- a/rts/RaiseAsync.c
+++ b/rts/RaiseAsync.c
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ raiseAsync(Capability *cap, StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *exception,
((StgClosure *)frame)-> /* ToDo */);
- TICK_ALLOC_UP_THK(words+1,0);
+ TICK_ALLOC_UP_THK(WDS(words+1),0);
// debugBelch("sched: Updating ");
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ raiseAsync(Capability *cap, StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *exception,
((StgClosure *)frame)-> /* ToDo */);
- TICK_ALLOC_SE_THK(words+1,0);
+ TICK_ALLOC_SE_THK(WDS(words+1),0);
stack->sp = sp;
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ raiseAsync(Capability *cap, StgTSO *tso, StgClosure *exception,
// handler in this frame.
raise = (StgThunk *)allocate(cap,sizeofW(StgThunk)+1);
raise->payload[0] = exception;
diff --git a/rts/Ticky.c b/rts/Ticky.c
index af33805d69..243897fbe4 100644
--- a/rts/Ticky.c
+++ b/rts/Ticky.c
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
(PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_##categ##_hst[3], ALLOC_##categ##_ctr))), \
(PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_##categ##_hst[4], ALLOC_##categ##_ctr)))
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) function values",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) function values",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_FUN_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_FUN_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(FUN));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) thunks",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) thunks",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_SE_THK_ctr + ALLOC_UP_THK_ctr, tot_allocs)));
@@ -159,37 +159,37 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(THK));
#undef ALLOC_THK_ctr
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) data values",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) data values",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_CON_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_CON_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(CON));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) big tuples",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) big tuples",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_TUP_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_TUP_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(TUP));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) black holes",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) black holes",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_BH_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_BH_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(BH));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) prim things",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) prim things",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_PRIM_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_PRIM_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(PRIM));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) partial applications",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) partial applications",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_PAP_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_PAP_ctr != 0)
fprintf(tf,"\t\t%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f", ALLOC_HISTO_MAGIC(PAP));
- fprintf(tf,"\n%7ld (%5.1f%%) thread state objects",
+ fprintf(tf,"\n%11ld (%5.1f%%) thread state objects",
PC(INTAVG(ALLOC_TSO_ctr, tot_allocs)));
if (ALLOC_TSO_ctr != 0)
@@ -208,16 +208,16 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) thunks\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) thunks\n",
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) data values\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) data values\n",
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) normal indirections\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) normal indirections\n",
- fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " (%5.1f%%) permanent indirections\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " (%5.1f%%) permanent indirections\n",
@@ -239,22 +239,22 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
fprintf(tf, "\n");
fprintf(tf,"\nRETURNS: %ld\n", tot_returns);
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) from entering a new constructor\n\t\t [the rest from entering an existing constructor]\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) from entering a new constructor\n\t\t [the rest from entering an existing constructor]\n",
/* krc: comment out some of this stuff temporarily */
- fprintf(tf, "\nRET_NEW: %7ld: ", RET_NEW_ctr);
+ fprintf(tf, "\nRET_NEW: %11ld: ", RET_NEW_ctr);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%5.1f%%",
PC(INTAVG(RET_NEW_hst[i],RET_NEW_ctr))); }
fprintf(tf, "\n");
- fprintf(tf, "RET_OLD: %7ld: ", RET_OLD_ctr);
+ fprintf(tf, "RET_OLD: %11ld: ", RET_OLD_ctr);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%5.1f%%",
PC(INTAVG(RET_OLD_hst[i],RET_OLD_ctr))); }
fprintf(tf, "\n");
- fprintf(tf, "RET_UNBOXED_TUP: %7ld: ", RET_UNBOXED_TUP_ctr);
+ fprintf(tf, "RET_UNBOXED_TUP: %11ld: ", RET_UNBOXED_TUP_ctr);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%5.1f%%",
@@ -268,33 +268,33 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
fprintf(tf,"\nCATCH FRAMES: %" FMT_Int "", CATCHF_PUSHED_ctr);
if (UPDF_RCC_PUSHED_ctr != 0)
- fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " restore cost centre frames (%" FMT_Int " omitted)\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " restore cost centre frames (%" FMT_Int " omitted)\n",
fprintf(tf,"\nUPDATES: %ld\n", tot_updates);
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) data values\n\t\t [%" FMT_Int " in place, %" FMT_Int " allocated new space]\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) data values\n\t\t [%" FMT_Int " in place, %" FMT_Int " allocated new space]\n",
- fprintf(tf,"%7ld (%5.1f%%) partial applications\n\t\t [%" FMT_Int " in place, %" FMT_Int " allocated new space]\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11ld (%5.1f%%) partial applications\n\t\t [%" FMT_Int " in place, %" FMT_Int " allocated new space]\n",
- fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " (%5.1f%%) updates by squeezing\n",
+ fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " (%5.1f%%) updates by squeezing\n",
PC(INTAVG(UPD_SQUEEZED_ctr, tot_updates)));
/* krc: also avoid dealing with this for now */
- fprintf(tf, "\nUPD_CON_IN_NEW: %7ld: ", UPD_CON_IN_NEW_ctr);
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%7ld", UPD_CON_IN_NEW_hst[i]); }
+ fprintf(tf, "\nUPD_CON_IN_NEW: %11ld: ", UPD_CON_IN_NEW_ctr);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%11ld", UPD_CON_IN_NEW_hst[i]); }
fprintf(tf, "\n");
- fprintf(tf, "UPD_CON_IN_PLACE: %7ld: ", UPD_CON_IN_PLACE_ctr);
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%7ld", UPD_CON_IN_PLACE_hst[i]); }
+ fprintf(tf, "UPD_CON_IN_PLACE: %11ld: ", UPD_CON_IN_PLACE_ctr);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%11ld", UPD_CON_IN_PLACE_hst[i]); }
fprintf(tf, "\n");
- fprintf(tf, "UPD_PAP_IN_NEW: %7ld: ", UPD_PAP_IN_NEW_ctr);
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%7ld", UPD_PAP_IN_NEW_hst[i]); }
+ fprintf(tf, "UPD_PAP_IN_NEW: %11ld: ", UPD_PAP_IN_NEW_ctr);
+ for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { fprintf(tf, "%11ld", UPD_PAP_IN_NEW_hst[i]); }
fprintf(tf, "\n");
@@ -317,20 +317,39 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
#define PR_CTR(ctr) \
- do { fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " " #ctr "\n", ctr); } while(0)
+ do { fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " " #ctr "\n", ctr); } while(0)
/* COND_PR_CTR takes a boolean; if false then msg is the printname rather than ctr */
#define COND_PR_CTR(ctr,b,msg) \
- if (b) { fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " " #ctr "\n", ctr); } else { fprintf(tf,"%7" FMT_Int " " msg "\n", ctr); }
+ if (b) { fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " " #ctr "\n", ctr); } else { fprintf(tf,"%11" FMT_Int " " msg "\n", ctr); }
#define PR_HST(hst,i) \
- do { fprintf(tf,"%7ld " #hst "_" #i "\n", hst[i]); } while(0)
+ do { fprintf(tf,"%11ld " #hst "_" #i "\n", hst[i]); } while(0)
+ ALLOC_HEAP_ctr = (StgInt)ALLOC_HEAP_ctr + (StgInt)ALLOC_RTS_ctr;
+ ALLOC_HEAP_tot = (StgInt)ALLOC_HEAP_tot + (StgInt)ALLOC_RTS_tot;
/* krc: comment out some of this stuff temporarily
@@ -384,9 +403,6 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
@@ -410,6 +426,7 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
+ PR_CTR(ENT_LNE_ctr);
@@ -435,21 +452,22 @@ PrintTickyInfo(void)
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_v_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_f_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_d_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_l_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_n_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_p_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_pv_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_pp_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_ppv_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_ppp_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_pppv_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_pppp_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_ppppp_ctr);
- PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_pppppp_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_v16_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_v_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_f_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_d_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_l_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_n_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_p_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_pv_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_pp_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppv_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppp_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppv_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppp_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_ppppp_ctr);
+ PR_CTR(SLOW_CALL_fast_pppppp_ctr);
@@ -574,19 +592,20 @@ printRegisteredCounterInfo (FILE *tf)
StgEntCounter *p;
if ( ticky_entry_ctrs != NULL ) {
+ fprintf(tf,"\nThe following table is explained by\nAll allocation numbers are in bytes.\n");
- fprintf(tf, "%11s%11s %6s%6s %-11s%-30s\n",
- "Entries", "Allocs", "Arity", "Stack", "Kinds", "Function");
+ fprintf(tf, "%11s%11s%11s %-23s %s\n",
+ "Entries", "Alloc", "Alloc'd", "Non-void Arguments", "STG Name");
fprintf(tf, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
/* Function name at the end so it doesn't mess up the tabulation */
for (p = ticky_entry_ctrs; p != NULL; p = p->link) {
- fprintf(tf, "%11" FMT_Int "%11" FMT_Int " %6lu%6lu %-11s%-30s",
+ fprintf(tf, "%11" FMT_Int "%11" FMT_Int "%11" FMT_Int " %3lu %-20.20s %s",
+ p->allocd,
(unsigned long)p->arity,
- (unsigned long)p->stk_args,
diff --git a/rts/sm/Storage.c b/rts/sm/Storage.c
index f14b3b0c9d..5c4e54f98d 100644
--- a/rts/sm/Storage.c
+++ b/rts/sm/Storage.c
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ allocate (Capability *cap, W_ n)
bdescr *bd;
StgPtr p;
if (n >= LARGE_OBJECT_THRESHOLD/sizeof(W_)) {
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ allocatePinned (Capability *cap, W_ n)
return p;
bd = cap->pinned_object_block;
diff --git a/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
index 77daf5c790..78233a5b98 100644
--- a/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
+++ b/utils/deriveConstants/DeriveConstants.hs
@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@ wanteds = concat
,closurePayload C "StgClosure" "payload"
,structFieldH Both "StgEntCounter" "allocs"
+ ,structFieldH Both "StgEntCounter" "allocd"
,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "registeredp"
,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "link"
,structField Both "StgEntCounter" "entry_count"