diff options
7 files changed, 80 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Monad.hs
index b36d440402..d0096e1a7e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/Simplify/Monad.hs
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ traceSmpl herald doc
; liftIO $ Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace "Simpl Trace"
(hang (text herald) 2 doc) }
+{-# INLINE traceSmpl #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs
index 369f3282fd..bcba4b51ca 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Unfold.hs
@@ -1279,7 +1279,10 @@ callSiteInline dflags id active_unfolding lone_variable arg_infos cont_info
-- | Report the inlining of an identifier's RHS to the user, if requested.
traceInline :: DynFlags -> Id -> String -> SDoc -> a -> a
-traceInline dflags inline_id str doc result =
+traceInline dflags inline_id str doc result
+ -- We take care to ensure that doc is used in only one branch, ensuring that
+ -- the simplifier can push its allocation into the branch. See Note [INLINE
+ -- conditional tracing utilities].
| enable = traceAction dflags str doc result
| otherwise = result
@@ -1288,6 +1291,9 @@ traceInline dflags inline_id str doc result =
= True
| Just prefix <- inlineCheck dflags
= prefix `isPrefixOf` occNameString (getOccName inline_id)
+ | otherwise
+ = False
+{-# INLINE traceInline #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
tryUnfolding :: DynFlags -> Id -> Bool -> [ArgSummary] -> CallCtxt
-> CoreExpr -> Bool -> Bool -> UnfoldingGuidance
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
index 3a26dd5a7f..633bfea12d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ tracePm herald doc = do
printer <- mkPrintUnqualifiedDs
liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn_printer printer dflags
Opt_D_dump_ec_trace "" FormatText (text herald $$ (nest 2 doc))
+{-# INLINE tracePm #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-- | Generate a fresh `Id` of a given type
mkPmId :: Type -> DsM Id
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
index 4dff585840..ecfa9afa3a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Flatten.hs
@@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ runFlatten mode loc flav eq_rel thing_inside
traceFlat :: String -> SDoc -> FlatM ()
traceFlat herald doc = liftTcS $ traceTcS herald doc
+{-# INLINE traceFlat #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
getFlatEnvField :: (FlattenEnv -> a) -> FlatM a
getFlatEnvField accessor
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
index f053868bdb..20f4d4ea07 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Solver/Monad.hs
@@ -2733,6 +2733,7 @@ panicTcS doc = pprPanic "GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical" doc
traceTcS :: String -> SDoc -> TcS ()
traceTcS herald doc = wrapTcS (TcM.traceTc herald doc)
+{-# INLINE traceTcS #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
runTcPluginTcS :: TcPluginM a -> TcS a
runTcPluginTcS m = wrapTcS . runTcPluginM m =<< getTcEvBindsVar
@@ -2751,6 +2752,7 @@ bumpStepCountTcS = TcS $ \env -> do { let ref = tcs_count env
csTraceTcS :: SDoc -> TcS ()
csTraceTcS doc
= wrapTcS $ csTraceTcM (return doc)
+{-# INLINE csTraceTcS #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
traceFireTcS :: CtEvidence -> SDoc -> TcS ()
-- Dump a rule-firing trace
@@ -2763,6 +2765,7 @@ traceFireTcS ev doc
text "d:" <> ppr (ctLocDepth (ctEvLoc ev)))
<+> doc <> colon)
4 (ppr ev)) }
+{-# INLINE traceFireTcS #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
csTraceTcM :: TcM SDoc -> TcM ()
-- Constraint-solver tracing, -ddump-cs-trace
@@ -2775,6 +2778,7 @@ csTraceTcM mk_doc
(dumpOptionsFromFlag Opt_D_dump_cs_trace)
"" FormatText
msg }) }
+{-# INLINE csTraceTcM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
runTcS :: TcS a -- What to run
-> TcM (a, EvBindMap)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
index 4f14d7b251..85b3ad2e96 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
@@ -490,22 +490,28 @@ unsetWOptM flag =
whenDOptM :: DumpFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ()
whenDOptM flag thing_inside = do b <- doptM flag
when b thing_inside
+{-# INLINE whenDOptM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
whenGOptM :: GeneralFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ()
whenGOptM flag thing_inside = do b <- goptM flag
when b thing_inside
+{-# INLINE whenGOptM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
whenWOptM :: WarningFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ()
whenWOptM flag thing_inside = do b <- woptM flag
when b thing_inside
+{-# INLINE whenWOptM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
whenXOptM :: LangExt.Extension -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ()
whenXOptM flag thing_inside = do b <- xoptM flag
when b thing_inside
+{-# INLINE whenXOptM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
unlessXOptM :: LangExt.Extension -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl ()
unlessXOptM flag thing_inside = do b <- xoptM flag
unless b thing_inside
+{-# INLINE unlessXOptM #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
getGhcMode :: TcRnIf gbl lcl GhcMode
getGhcMode = do { env <- getTopEnv; return (ghcMode (hsc_dflags env)) }
@@ -662,39 +668,64 @@ updTcRef ref fn = liftIO $ do { old <- readIORef ref
+-- Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- In general we want to optimise for the case where tracing is not enabled.
+-- To ensure this happens, we ensure that traceTc and friends are inlined; this
+-- ensures that the allocation of the document can be pushed into the tracing
+-- path, keeping the non-traced path free of this extraneous work. For
+-- instance, instead of
+-- let thunk = ...
+-- in if doTracing
+-- then emitTraceMsg thunk
+-- else return ()
+-- where the conditional is buried in a non-inlined utility function (e.g.
+-- traceTc), we would rather have:
+-- if doTracing
+-- then let thunk = ...
+-- in emitTraceMsg thunk
+-- else return ()
+-- See #18168.
-- Typechecker trace
traceTc :: String -> SDoc -> TcRn ()
-traceTc =
- labelledTraceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+traceTc herald doc =
+ labelledTraceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_tc_trace herald doc
+{-# INLINE traceTc #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-- Renamer Trace
traceRn :: String -> SDoc -> TcRn ()
-traceRn =
- labelledTraceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_rn_trace
+traceRn herald doc =
+ labelledTraceOptTcRn Opt_D_dump_rn_trace herald doc
+{-# INLINE traceRn #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-- | Trace when a certain flag is enabled. This is like `traceOptTcRn`
-- but accepts a string as a label and formats the trace message uniformly.
labelledTraceOptTcRn :: DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> TcRn ()
-labelledTraceOptTcRn flag herald doc = do
- traceOptTcRn flag (formatTraceMsg herald doc)
+labelledTraceOptTcRn flag herald doc =
+ traceOptTcRn flag (formatTraceMsg herald doc)
+{-# INLINE labelledTraceOptTcRn #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
formatTraceMsg :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc
formatTraceMsg herald doc = hang (text herald) 2 doc
--- | Trace if the given 'DumpFlag' is set.
traceOptTcRn :: DumpFlag -> SDoc -> TcRn ()
traceOptTcRn flag doc = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- when (dopt flag dflags) $
+ whenDOptM flag $
dumpTcRn False (dumpOptionsFromFlag flag) "" FormatText doc
+{-# INLINE traceOptTcRn #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-- | Dump if the given 'DumpFlag' is set.
dumpOptTcRn :: DumpFlag -> String -> DumpFormat -> SDoc -> TcRn ()
dumpOptTcRn flag title fmt doc = do
- dflags <- getDynFlags
- when (dopt flag dflags) $
+ whenDOptM flag $
dumpTcRn False (dumpOptionsFromFlag flag) title fmt doc
+{-# INLINE dumpOptTcRn #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
-- | Unconditionally dump some trace output
@@ -746,13 +777,16 @@ e.g. are unaffected by -dump-to-file.
traceIf, traceHiDiffs :: SDoc -> TcRnIf m n ()
traceIf = traceOptIf Opt_D_dump_if_trace
traceHiDiffs = traceOptIf Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
+{-# INLINE traceIf #-}
+{-# INLINE traceHiDiffs #-}
+ -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
traceOptIf :: DumpFlag -> SDoc -> TcRnIf m n ()
traceOptIf flag doc
= whenDOptM flag $ -- No RdrEnv available, so qualify everything
do { dflags <- getDynFlags
; liftIO (putMsg dflags doc) }
+{-# INLINE traceOptIf #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
index eb775aa4a3..6854846a81 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
@@ -438,20 +438,28 @@ doIfSet_dyn dflags flag action | gopt flag dflags = action
dumpIfSet :: DynFlags -> Bool -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
dumpIfSet dflags flag hdr doc
| not flag = return ()
- | otherwise = putLogMsg dflags
- NoReason
- SevDump
- noSrcSpan
- (withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle
- (mkDumpDoc hdr doc))
--- | a wrapper around 'dumpAction'.
+ | otherwise = doDump dflags hdr doc
+{-# INLINE dumpIfSet #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
+-- | This is a helper for 'dumpIfSet' to ensure that it's not duplicated
+-- despite the fact that 'dumpIfSet' has an @INLINE@.
+doDump :: DynFlags -> String -> SDoc -> IO ()
+doDump dflags hdr doc =
+ putLogMsg dflags
+ NoReason
+ SevDump
+ noSrcSpan
+ (withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle
+ (mkDumpDoc hdr doc))
+-- | A wrapper around 'dumpAction'.
-- First check whether the dump flag is set
-- Do nothing if it is unset
dumpIfSet_dyn :: DynFlags -> DumpFlag -> String -> DumpFormat -> SDoc -> IO ()
dumpIfSet_dyn = dumpIfSet_dyn_printer alwaysQualify
+{-# INLINE dumpIfSet_dyn #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
--- | a wrapper around 'dumpAction'.
+-- | A wrapper around 'dumpAction'.
-- First check whether the dump flag is set
-- Do nothing if it is unset
@@ -462,6 +470,7 @@ dumpIfSet_dyn_printer printer dflags flag hdr fmt doc
= when (dopt flag dflags) $ do
let sty = mkDumpStyle printer
dumpAction dflags sty (dumpOptionsFromFlag flag) hdr fmt doc
+{-# INLINE dumpIfSet_dyn_printer #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
mkDumpDoc :: String -> SDoc -> SDoc
mkDumpDoc hdr doc
@@ -608,6 +617,7 @@ ifVerbose :: DynFlags -> Int -> IO () -> IO ()
ifVerbose dflags val act
| verbosity dflags >= val = act
| otherwise = return ()
+{-# INLINE ifVerbose #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
errorMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
errorMsg dflags msg
@@ -778,6 +788,7 @@ debugTraceMsg :: DynFlags -> Int -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
debugTraceMsg dflags val msg =
ifVerbose dflags val $
logInfo dflags (withPprStyle defaultDumpStyle msg)
+{-# INLINE debugTraceMsg #-} -- see Note [INLINE conditional tracing utilities]
putMsg :: DynFlags -> MsgDoc -> IO ()
putMsg dflags msg = logInfo dflags (withPprStyle defaultUserStyle msg)