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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Info.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Info.hs
index 896d54463c..d1365aa978 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Info.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Id/Info.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Haskell. [WDP 94/11])
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
@@ -105,6 +106,9 @@ import GHC.Types.Demand
import GHC.Types.Cpr
import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import Data.Word
+import Data.Bits
-- infixl so you can say (id `set` a `set` b)
infixl 1 `setRuleInfo`,
@@ -242,19 +246,11 @@ pprIdDetails other = brackets (pp other)
-- too big.
data IdInfo
= IdInfo {
- arityInfo :: !ArityInfo,
- -- ^ 'Id' arity, as computed by 'GHC.Core.Arity'. Specifies how many
- -- arguments this 'Id' has to be applied to before it doesn any
- -- meaningful work.
ruleInfo :: RuleInfo,
-- ^ Specialisations of the 'Id's function which exist.
-- See Note [Specialisations and RULES in IdInfo]
unfoldingInfo :: Unfolding,
-- ^ The 'Id's unfolding
- cafInfo :: CafInfo,
- -- ^ 'Id' CAF info
- oneShotInfo :: OneShotInfo,
- -- ^ Info about a lambda-bound variable, if the 'Id' is one
inlinePragInfo :: InlinePragma,
-- ^ Any inline pragma attached to the 'Id'
occInfo :: OccInfo,
@@ -267,14 +263,103 @@ data IdInfo
-- freshly allocated constructor.
demandInfo :: Demand,
-- ^ ID demand information
- callArityInfo :: !ArityInfo,
- -- ^ How this is called. This is the number of arguments to which a
- -- binding can be eta-expanded without losing any sharing.
- -- n <=> all calls have at least n arguments
- levityInfo :: LevityInfo
- -- ^ when applied, will this Id ever have a levity-polymorphic type?
+ bitfield :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BitField
+ -- ^ Bitfield packs CafInfo, OneShotInfo, arity info, LevityInfo, and
+ -- call arity info in one 64-bit word. Packing these fields reduces size
+ -- of `IdInfo` from 12 words to 7 words and reduces residency by almost
+ -- 4% in some programs.
+ --
+ -- See documentation of the getters for what these packed fields mean.
+-- | Encodes arities, OneShotInfo, CafInfo and LevityInfo.
+-- From least-significant to most-significant bits:
+-- - Bit 0 (1): OneShotInfo
+-- - Bit 1 (1): CafInfo
+-- - Bit 2 (1): LevityInfo
+-- - Bits 3-32(30): Call Arity info
+-- - Bits 33-62(30): Arity info
+newtype BitField = BitField Word64
+emptyBitField :: BitField
+emptyBitField = BitField 0
+bitfieldGetOneShotInfo :: BitField -> OneShotInfo
+bitfieldGetOneShotInfo (BitField bits) =
+ if testBit bits 0 then OneShotLam else NoOneShotInfo
+bitfieldGetCafInfo :: BitField -> CafInfo
+bitfieldGetCafInfo (BitField bits) =
+ if testBit bits 1 then NoCafRefs else MayHaveCafRefs
+bitfieldGetLevityInfo :: BitField -> LevityInfo
+bitfieldGetLevityInfo (BitField bits) =
+ if testBit bits 2 then NeverLevityPolymorphic else NoLevityInfo
+bitfieldGetCallArityInfo :: BitField -> ArityInfo
+bitfieldGetCallArityInfo (BitField bits) =
+ fromIntegral (bits `shiftR` 3) .&. ((1 `shiftL` 30) - 1)
+bitfieldGetArityInfo :: BitField -> ArityInfo
+bitfieldGetArityInfo (BitField bits) =
+ fromIntegral (bits `shiftR` 33)
+bitfieldSetOneShotInfo :: OneShotInfo -> BitField -> BitField
+bitfieldSetOneShotInfo info (BitField bits) =
+ case info of
+ NoOneShotInfo -> BitField (clearBit bits 0)
+ OneShotLam -> BitField (setBit bits 0)
+bitfieldSetCafInfo :: CafInfo -> BitField -> BitField
+bitfieldSetCafInfo info (BitField bits) =
+ case info of
+ MayHaveCafRefs -> BitField (clearBit bits 1)
+ NoCafRefs -> BitField (setBit bits 1)
+bitfieldSetLevityInfo :: LevityInfo -> BitField -> BitField
+bitfieldSetLevityInfo info (BitField bits) =
+ case info of
+ NoLevityInfo -> BitField (clearBit bits 2)
+ NeverLevityPolymorphic -> BitField (setBit bits 2)
+bitfieldSetCallArityInfo :: ArityInfo -> BitField -> BitField
+bitfieldSetCallArityInfo info bf@(BitField bits) =
+ ASSERT(info < 2^(30 :: Int) - 1)
+ bitfieldSetArityInfo (bitfieldGetArityInfo bf) $
+ BitField ((fromIntegral info `shiftL` 3) .|. (bits .&. 0b111))
+bitfieldSetArityInfo :: ArityInfo -> BitField -> BitField
+bitfieldSetArityInfo info (BitField bits) =
+ ASSERT(info < 2^(30 :: Int) - 1)
+ BitField ((fromIntegral info `shiftL` 33) .|. (bits .&. ((1 `shiftL` 33) - 1)))
+-- Getters
+-- | When applied, will this Id ever have a levity-polymorphic type?
+levityInfo :: IdInfo -> LevityInfo
+levityInfo = bitfieldGetLevityInfo . bitfield
+-- | Info about a lambda-bound variable, if the 'Id' is one
+oneShotInfo :: IdInfo -> OneShotInfo
+oneShotInfo = bitfieldGetOneShotInfo . bitfield
+-- | 'Id' arity, as computed by 'GHC.Core.Arity'. Specifies how many arguments
+-- this 'Id' has to be applied to before it doesn any meaningful work.
+arityInfo :: IdInfo -> ArityInfo
+arityInfo = bitfieldGetArityInfo . bitfield
+-- | 'Id' CAF info
+cafInfo :: IdInfo -> CafInfo
+cafInfo = bitfieldGetCafInfo . bitfield
+-- | How this is called. This is the number of arguments to which a binding can
+-- be eta-expanded without losing any sharing. n <=> all calls have at least n
+-- arguments
+callArityInfo :: IdInfo -> ArityInfo
+callArityInfo = bitfieldGetCallArityInfo . bitfield
-- Setters
setRuleInfo :: IdInfo -> RuleInfo -> IdInfo
@@ -294,14 +379,20 @@ setUnfoldingInfo info uf
info { unfoldingInfo = uf }
setArityInfo :: IdInfo -> ArityInfo -> IdInfo
-setArityInfo info ar = info { arityInfo = ar }
+setArityInfo info ar =
+ info { bitfield = bitfieldSetArityInfo ar (bitfield info) }
setCallArityInfo :: IdInfo -> ArityInfo -> IdInfo
-setCallArityInfo info ar = info { callArityInfo = ar }
+setCallArityInfo info ar =
+ info { bitfield = bitfieldSetCallArityInfo ar (bitfield info) }
setCafInfo :: IdInfo -> CafInfo -> IdInfo
-setCafInfo info caf = info { cafInfo = caf }
+setCafInfo info caf =
+ info { bitfield = bitfieldSetCafInfo caf (bitfield info) }
setOneShotInfo :: IdInfo -> OneShotInfo -> IdInfo
-setOneShotInfo info lb = {-lb `seq`-} info { oneShotInfo = lb }
+setOneShotInfo info lb =
+ info { bitfield = bitfieldSetOneShotInfo lb (bitfield info) }
setDemandInfo :: IdInfo -> Demand -> IdInfo
setDemandInfo info dd = dd `seq` info { demandInfo = dd }
@@ -316,18 +407,19 @@ setCprInfo info cpr = cpr `seq` info { cprInfo = cpr }
vanillaIdInfo :: IdInfo
= IdInfo {
- cafInfo = vanillaCafInfo,
- arityInfo = unknownArity,
ruleInfo = emptyRuleInfo,
unfoldingInfo = noUnfolding,
- oneShotInfo = NoOneShotInfo,
inlinePragInfo = defaultInlinePragma,
occInfo = noOccInfo,
demandInfo = topDmd,
strictnessInfo = nopSig,
cprInfo = topCprSig,
- callArityInfo = unknownArity,
- levityInfo = NoLevityInfo
+ bitfield = bitfieldSetCafInfo vanillaCafInfo $
+ bitfieldSetArityInfo unknownArity $
+ bitfieldSetCallArityInfo unknownArity $
+ bitfieldSetOneShotInfo NoOneShotInfo $
+ bitfieldSetLevityInfo NoLevityInfo $
+ emptyBitField
-- | More informative 'IdInfo' we can use when we know the 'Id' has no CAF references
@@ -638,12 +730,12 @@ instance Outputable LevityInfo where
setNeverLevPoly :: HasDebugCallStack => IdInfo -> Type -> IdInfo
setNeverLevPoly info ty
= ASSERT2( not (resultIsLevPoly ty), ppr ty )
- info { levityInfo = NeverLevityPolymorphic }
+ info { bitfield = bitfieldSetLevityInfo NeverLevityPolymorphic (bitfield info) }
setLevityInfoWithType :: IdInfo -> Type -> IdInfo
setLevityInfoWithType info ty
| not (resultIsLevPoly ty)
- = info { levityInfo = NeverLevityPolymorphic }
+ = info { bitfield = bitfieldSetLevityInfo NeverLevityPolymorphic (bitfield info) }
| otherwise
= info