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3 files changed, 303 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
index b5688e3ab2..714eff5273 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/InstEnv.hs
@@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ lookupInstEnv check_overlap_safe
(pkg_matches, pkg_unifs) = lookupInstEnv' pkg_ie vis_mods cls tys
all_matches = home_matches ++ pkg_matches
all_unifs = home_unifs ++ pkg_unifs
- final_matches = foldr insert_overlapping [] all_matches
+ final_matches = pruneOverlappedMatches all_matches
-- Even if the unifs is non-empty (an error situation)
-- we still prune the matches, so that the error message isn't
-- misleading (complaining of multiple matches when some should be
@@ -951,47 +951,252 @@ lookupInstEnv check_overlap_safe
(isOrphan (is_orphan inst) || classArity (is_cls inst) > 1)
-insert_overlapping :: InstMatch -> [InstMatch] -> [InstMatch]
--- ^ Add a new solution, knocking out strictly less specific ones
--- See Note [Rules for instance lookup]
-insert_overlapping new_item [] = [new_item]
-insert_overlapping new_item@(new_inst,_) (old_item@(old_inst,_) : old_items)
- | new_beats_old -- New strictly overrides old
- , not old_beats_new
- , new_inst `can_override` old_inst
- = insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- | old_beats_new -- Old strictly overrides new
- , not new_beats_old
- , old_inst `can_override` new_inst
- = old_item : old_items
- -- Discard incoherent instances; see Note [Incoherent instances]
- | isIncoherent old_inst -- Old is incoherent; discard it
- = insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- | isIncoherent new_inst -- New is incoherent; discard it
- = old_item : old_items
- -- Equal or incomparable, and neither is incoherent; keep both
- | otherwise
- = old_item : insert_overlapping new_item old_items
- where
- new_beats_old = new_inst `more_specific_than` old_inst
- old_beats_new = old_inst `more_specific_than` new_inst
- -- `instB` can be instantiated to match `instA`
- -- or the two are equal
- instA `more_specific_than` instB
- = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys instB) (is_tys instA))
+{- Note [Instance overlap and guards]
+The first step is to find all instances that /match/ the constraint
+we are trying to solve. Next, using pruneOverlapped Matches, we eliminate
+from that list of instances any instances that are overlapped. For example:
+(A) instance C [a] where ...
+(B) instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C [[a] where ...
+(C) instance C (Maybe a) where
+Suppose we are trying to solve C [[Bool]]. The lookup will return a list [A,B]
+of the first two instances, since both match. (The Maybe instance doesn't match,
+so the lookup won't return (C).) Then pruneOverlappedMatches removes (A),
+since (B) is more specific. So we end up with just one match, (B).
+However pruneOverlappedMatches is a bit more subtle than you might think (#20946).
+Recall how we go about eliminating redundant instances, as described in
+Note [Rules for instance lookup].
+ - When instance I1 is more specific than instance I2,
+ - and either I1 is overlapping or I2 is overlappable,
+then we can discard I2 in favour of I1. Note however that, as part of the instance
+resolution process, we don't want to immediately discard I2, as it can still be useful.
+For example, suppose we are trying to solve C [[Int]], and have instances:
+ I1: instance C [[Int]]
+ I2: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+Both instances match. I2 is both overlappable and overlapping (that's what `OVERLAPS`
+means). Now I1 is more specific than I2, and I2 is overlappable, so we can discard I2.
+However, we should still keep I2 around when looking up instances, because it is
+overlapping and `I1` isn't: this means it can be used to eliminate other instances
+that I1 can't, such as:
+ I3: instance C [a]
+I3 is more general than both I1 and I2, but it is not overlappable, and I1
+is not overlapping. This means that we must use I2 to discard I3.
+To do this, in 'insert_overlapping', on top of keeping track of matching
+instances, we also keep track of /guards/, which are instances like I2
+which we will discard in the end (because we have a more specific match
+that overrides it) but might still be useful for eliminating other instances
+(like I3 in this example).
+(A) Definition of guarding instances (guards).
+ To add a matching instance G as a guard, it must satisfy the following conditions:
+ A1. G is overlapped by a more specific match, M,
+ A2. M is not overlapping,
+ A3. G is overlapping.
+ This means that we eliminate G from the set of matches (it is overriden by M),
+ but we keep it around until we are done with instance resolution because
+ it might still be useful to eliminate other matches.
+(B) Guards eliminate matches.
+ There are two situations in which guards can eliminate a match:
+ B1. We want to add a new instance, but it is overriden by a guard.
+ We can immediately discard the instance.
+ Example for B1:
- instA `can_override` instB
- = isOverlapping instA || isOverlappable instB
+ Suppose we want to solve C [[Int]], with instances:
+ J1: instance C [[Int]]
+ J2: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+ J3: instance C [a]
+ Processing them in order: we add J1 as a match, then J2 as a guard.
+ Now, when we come across J3, we can immediately discard it because
+ it is overriden by the guard J2.
+ B2. We have found a new guard. We must use it to discard matches
+ we have already found. This is necessary because we must obtain
+ the same result whether we process the instance or the guard first.
+ Example for B2:
+ Suppose we want to solve C [[Int]], with instances:
+ K1: instance C [[Int]]
+ K2: instance C [a]
+ K3: instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C [[a]]
+ We start by considering K1 and K2. Neither has any overlapping flag set,
+ so we end up with two matches, {K1, K2}.
+ Next we look at K3: it is overriden by K1, but as K1 is not
+ overlapping this means K3 should function as a guard.
+ We must then ensure we eliminate K2 from the list of matches,
+ as K3 guards against it.
+(C) Adding guards.
+ When we already have collected some guards, and have come across a new
+ guard, we can simply add it to the existing list of guards.
+ We don't need to keep the set of guards minimal, as they will simply
+ be thrown away at the end: we are only interested in the matches.
+ Not having a minimal set of guards does not harm us, but it makes
+ the code simpler.
+-- | Collect class instance matches, including matches that we know
+-- are overridden but might still be useful to override other instances
+-- (which we call "guards").
+-- See Note [Instance overlap and guards].
+data InstMatches
+ = InstMatches
+ { -- | Minimal matches: we have knocked out all strictly more general
+ -- matches that are overlapped by a match in this list.
+ instMatches :: [InstMatch]
+ -- | Guards: matches that we know we won't pick in the end,
+ -- but might still be useful for ruling out other instances,
+ -- as per #20946. See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ , instGuards :: [ClsInst]
+ }
+instance Outputable InstMatches where
+ ppr (InstMatches { instMatches = matches, instGuards = guards })
+ = text "InstMatches" <+>
+ braces (vcat [ text "instMatches:" <+> ppr matches
+ , text "instGuards:" <+> ppr guards ])
+noMatches :: InstMatches
+noMatches = InstMatches { instMatches = [], instGuards = [] }
+pruneOverlappedMatches :: [InstMatch] -> [InstMatch]
+-- ^ Remove from the argument list any InstMatches for which another
+-- element of the list is more specific, and overlaps it, using the
+-- rules of Nove [Rules for instance lookup]
+pruneOverlappedMatches all_matches =
+ instMatches $ foldr insert_overlapping noMatches all_matches
+-- | Computes whether the first class instance overrides the second,
+-- i.e. the first is more specific and can overlap the second.
+-- More precisely, @instA `overrides` instB@ returns 'True' precisely when:
+-- - @instA@ is more specific than @instB@,
+-- - @instB@ is not more specific than @instA@,
+-- - @instA@ is overlapping OR @instB@ is overlappable.
+overrides :: ClsInst -> ClsInst -> Bool
+new_inst `overrides` old_inst
+ = (new_inst `more_specific_than` old_inst)
+ && (not $ old_inst `more_specific_than` new_inst)
+ && (isOverlapping new_inst || isOverlappable old_inst)
-- Overlap permitted if either the more specific instance
-- is marked as overlapping, or the more general one is
-- marked as overlappable.
-- Latest change described in: #9242.
-- Previous change: #3877, Dec 10.
+ where
+ -- `instB` can be instantiated to match `instA`
+ -- or the two are equal
+ instA `more_specific_than` instB
+ = isJust (tcMatchTys (is_tys instB) (is_tys instA))
+insert_overlapping :: InstMatch -> InstMatches -> InstMatches
+-- ^ Add a new solution, knocking out strictly less specific ones
+-- See Note [Rules for instance lookup] and Note [Instance overlap and guards].
+-- /Property/: the order of insertion doesn't matter, i.e.
+-- @insert_overlapping inst1 (insert_overlapping inst2 matches)@
+-- gives the same result as @insert_overlapping inst2 (insert_overlapping inst1 matches)@.
+ new_item@(new_inst,_)
+ old@(InstMatches { instMatches = old_items, instGuards = guards })
+ -- If any of the "guarding" instances override this item, discard it.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (B1).
+ | any (`overrides` new_inst) guards
+ = old
+ | otherwise
+ = insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ where
+ insert_overlapping_new_item :: [InstMatch] -> InstMatches
+ insert_overlapping_new_item []
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = [new_item], instGuards = guards }
+ insert_overlapping_new_item all_old_items@(old_item@(old_inst,_) : old_items)
+ -- New strictly overrides old: throw out the old from the list of matches,
+ -- but potentially keep it around as a guard if it can still be used
+ -- to eliminate other instances.
+ | new_inst `overrides` old_inst
+ , InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = prev_guards }
+ <- insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ = if isOverlapping new_inst || not (isOverlapping old_inst)
+ -- We're adding "new_inst" as a match.
+ -- If "new_inst" is not overlapping but "old_inst" is, we should
+ -- keep "old_inst" around as a guard.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ then InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = prev_guards }
+ else InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = old_inst : prev_guards }
+ -- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (C).
+ -- Old strictly overrides new: throw it out from the list of matches,
+ -- but potentially keep it around as a guard if it can still be used
+ -- to eliminate other instances.
+ | old_inst `overrides` new_inst
+ = if isOverlapping old_inst || not (isOverlapping new_inst)
+ -- We're discarding "new_inst", as it is overridden by "old_inst".
+ -- However, it might still be useful as a guard if "old_inst" is not overlapping
+ -- but "new_inst" is.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (A).
+ then InstMatches { instMatches = all_old_items
+ , instGuards = guards }
+ else InstMatches
+ -- We're adding "new_inst" as a guard, so we must prune out
+ -- any matches it overrides.
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (B2)
+ { instMatches =
+ filter
+ (\(old_inst,_) -> not (new_inst `overrides` old_inst))
+ all_old_items
+ -- See Note [Instance overlap and guards], (C)
+ , instGuards = new_inst : guards }
+ -- Discard incoherent instances; see Note [Incoherent instances]
+ | isIncoherent old_inst -- Old is incoherent; discard it
+ = insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ | isIncoherent new_inst -- New is incoherent; discard it
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = all_old_items
+ , instGuards = guards }
+ -- Equal or incomparable, and neither is incoherent; keep both
+ | otherwise
+ , InstMatches { instMatches = final_matches
+ , instGuards = final_guards }
+ <- insert_overlapping_new_item old_items
+ = InstMatches { instMatches = old_item : final_matches
+ , instGuards = final_guards }
Note [Incoherent instances]
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e9a83b73e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/T20946.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module T20946 where
+class C123 a where c123 :: a
+instance C123 [[Int]] where c123 = [[1]]
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C123 [[a]] where c123 = [[]]
+instance C123 [a] where c123 = []
+test123 :: [[Int]]
+test123 = c123
+class C132 a where c132 :: a
+instance C132 [[Int]] where c132 = [[1]]
+instance C132 [a] where c132 = []
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C132 [[a]] where c132 = [[]]
+test132 :: [[Int]]
+test132 = c132
+class C213 a where c213 :: a
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C213 [[a]] where c213 = [[]]
+instance C213 [[Int]] where c213 = [[1]]
+instance C213 [a] where c213 = []
+test213 :: [[Int]]
+test213 = c213
+class C231 a where c231 :: a
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C231 [[a]] where c231 = [[]]
+instance C231 [a] where c231 = []
+instance C231 [[Int]] where c231 = [[1]]
+test231 :: [[Int]]
+test231 = c231
+class C312 a where c312 :: a
+instance C312 [a] where c312 = []
+instance C312 [[Int]] where c312 = [[1]]
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C312 [[a]] where c312 = [[]]
+test312 :: [[Int]]
+test312 = c312
+class C321 a where c321 :: a
+instance C321 [a] where c321 = []
+instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} C321 [[a]] where c321 = [[]]
+instance C321 [[Int]] where c321 = [[1]]
+test321 :: [[Int]]
+test321 = c321
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
index 4da7a858cb..f061d86fc4 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_compile/all.T
@@ -807,3 +807,4 @@ test('T20661', [extra_files(['T20661.hs', 'T20661.hs-boot', 'T20661_aux.hs'])],
test('T20873', normal, compile, [''])
test('T20873b', [extra_files(['T20873b_aux.hs'])], multimod_compile, ['T20873b', '-v0'])
test('StaticPtrTypeFamily', normal, compile, [''])
+test('T20946', normal, compile, [''])